Masquerade Ball celebrates spirit in a year of challenges

Page created by Paula Klein
Masquerade Ball celebrates spirit in a year of challenges
Therapy Focus’ Newsletter
Summer 2021

Masquerade Ball celebrates spirit
in a year of challenges
On Friday 4 September, Therapy Focus staff and guests came together at Optus Stadium
to celebrate the unveiling of the new-look Therapy Focus and the light at the end of the
COVID-19 tunnel.
The masquerade themed event opened with a moving operatic performance by Varley Strings and was co-
hosted by Robbie Figg and Therapy Focus customer, Luke Fitzpatrick. Luke also gave the keynote presentation,
sharing his journey from three open-heart surgeries as a child to becoming the self-proclaimed “regular bloke”
he is today. In his speech, which resulted in a standing ovation from the 400-strong audience, Luke said that his
journey to get to where he is today was thanks to the support of his family, friends and therapists.

“To most people, my life might sound pretty ordinary. But to you all, who work with people like me every day,
who have overcome challenges – like being born with half a heart – my life and my journey to get to here today,
is extraordinary.”
Continued on page 3..

Therapy Focus CEO Angelena Fixter and Administration Officer                              Co-Hosts Luke Fitpatrick & Robbie Figg
Suzie Delaporte with performers from O Entertainment.
                                                                                              InFocus Summer 21 | Page 1
Masquerade Ball celebrates spirit in a year of challenges
From our Chair & CEO                                                                                  Masquerade Ball celebrates
As we slowly emerge from the
bubble that has been our life in WA
                                         that is more meaningful. We are
                                         proud to say that it truly came from
                                                                                                      spirit in a year of challenges
for most of this year, we reflect on     within and thank Carmel for her                              Another highlight of the event was the presentation of
how challenging the uncertainty          contribution.
has been in so many areas of our
                                                                                                      the annual staff awards, with a number of Therapy Focus
life. And yet, each day we have        Our staff have rewritten                                       employees acknowledged for their outstanding achievements
soldiered on amidst fear for our       what’s possible when people                                    in a challenging year.                                                                                      2020 Leadership Award winner; Team Leader Kelvin Kong

personal health and wellbeing, and     come together for a cause.                We believe in
often conflicting emotions about
the continued delivery of essential
                                       That cause is Therapy Focus.              all things unique.
services such as those we provide at   We’ve worked through a
Therapy Focus. How resilient is the    pandemic with a very low
                                                                                 Like you, like us.
human spirit!                          staff turnover rate of 4.5%,
It can be difficult to look forward    and attraction to our roles has
when you are in the midst of such      steadily increased over the
turmoil, and so it was with great
excitement that we launched our
                                       past few months - meaning
new Ideology at the Masquerade         that we can increase access
Ball in September. This was the        to our services. We are
culmination of almost 12 months’       focused on reducing our
work to redefine the organisation –
who we are, why we exist and what
                                       waitlist and feel confident
sets us apart from other service       that changes to our systems
providers. We collaborated with        and scheduling processes will                                     2020 People’s Choice Award winner; Advanced Occupational
                                                                                                         Therapist Melissa Athannassiou with her customer, Kayla Barker
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  2020 Innovation Award winner; Advanced Occupational
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Therapist Nicky Montgomery
our staff, customers, partners and     soon result in shorter wait
stakeholders to develop our Ideology
with a core belief at its centre: That
                                       times for customers.                                           Advanced Occupational Therapist                                     Cockburn Team Leader Kelvin Kong      necessity of teletherapy, Nicky
every person’s journey should be                                                                      Melissa Athanassiou was awarded                                     was awarded the 2020 Leadership       recognised the need to reimagine
                                         And so, we prepare to farewell 2020.                         the 2020 People’s Choice Award,                                     Award in recongition of the           service delivery in relation to a
extraordinary. This core belief guides
                                         A year that has indeed been an                               which acknowledges employees                                        exceptional leadership he showed      sensory program called the Alert
us in all that we do.
                                         extraordinary journey for us all. We                         who have gone ‘above and                                            during the COVID-19 outbreak.         Program. Nicky worked tirelessly
Armed with our Ideology and a            also farewell two Directors from our                         beyond’ to support Therapy Focus                                                                          to make the program accessible
                                                                                 Angelena Fixter                                                                          In his nomination, colleague Jordan
clear understanding of who we            Board; Michael Banton and Amanda                             customers, their families and                                                                             online, with a vision of making the
                                                                                 CEO                                                                                      Hitch wrote:
are and how we are evolving, we          Reed. Michael has served on the                              carers.                                                                                                   program accessible to both existing
looked to refresh the Therapy Focus      Board for an incredible 11 years and                                                                                             “During a very difficult time for     customers and those in rural and
logo to reflect our new direction.                                                                    This year a record-equalling 85
                                         made a valuable contribution based                                                                                               our team, Kelvin was calm and         remote communities. Nicky is a
We took a unique approach to our                                                                      nominations were submitted for 61
                                         on his extensive experience in the                                                                                               reassuring, personally calling each   forward thinker who continually
rebranding by inviting our staff to                                                                   Therapy Focus employees.
                                         commercial sector during a time                                                                                                  team member to inform us of a         strives to adapt and find solutions
create the concept for our new logo      of great disruption for his industry.                        Melissa was nominated by Dawn                                       developing situation and answer       by re-imagining current work
and were delighted to receive 20         Amanda served on the Board for                               Barker in recognition of the                                        our questions. He repeatedly          practices and service delivery
submissions. All were creative and       four years and provided important                            outstanding services and support                                    demonstrated his willingness to go    models.”
thought provoking, but a submission      insights as a customer and member                            Melissa provided to Dawn’s                                          above and beyond his professional
                                                                                                                                                                                                                To see more photos from the event,
from Advanced Occupational               of our Customer Reference Group.                             daughter, Kayla. In nominating                                      responsibility to ensure the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                visit the Therapy Focus Facebook
Therapist Carmel McDougall truly                                                                      Melissa, Dawn said “there was a                                     emotional wellbeing of his team.”
                                         On behalf of Therapy Focus, we                                                                                                                                         page. To learn more about the new-
reflected our Ideology and carefully                                                                  time when I didn’t think I would see
                                         wish you all the best for the festive                                                                                            Advanced Occupational Therapist       look Therapy Focus brand, visit
considered our past and future.                                                                       Kayla’s 21st. [Melissa] gave Kayla
                                                                                                                                                                          Nicky Montgomery was the recipient
Carmel’s concept was developed           season. Enjoy spending time with                             all the skills and the tools to move
                                                                                                                                                                          of the 2020 Innovation Award, in
into what is now the Therapy Focus       your favourite people, doing some                            forward, to enjoy life and love who
                                                                                                                                                                          recognition of the creativity and
logo and you can learn more about        of your favourite things. Summer is                          she is”.
                                                                                                                                                                          ingenuity she demonstrated in
our rebrand on page 11. One of           here with new promises of sunshine,
                                                                                                      You can watch an interview with                                     developing a sensory program.
our guiding principles is Stronger       adventures and, hopefully, open                              Dawn and Kayla regarding Melissa’s
Together, and by tapping into the        borders. We are putting the majority                                                                                             In her nomination, Team Leader
                                                                                                      nomination on the Therapy Focus
collective wisdom of our staff we        of 2020 behind us and looking to the    Fiona Payne                                                                              Siobhan Clery wrote:
                                                                                                      website at
believe we have created a logo           future.                                 Chair                                                 “Prior to COVID-19 and the
InFocus Summer 21 | Page 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        InFocus Summer 21 | Page 3
Masquerade Ball celebrates spirit in a year of challenges
“She is unable to crawl, stand on        “Everyone has different                                    needed to invest and have access
                                                                                                                     her own or walk yet”.                    needs and abilities. Our                                   to powered mobility devices such
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         as the Explorer Mini for clients like
                                                                                                                     She is restricted to laying on the       priority is to increase                                    Olivia.
                                                                                                                     floor, sitting in a supportive chair     function and independence”.
                                                                                                                     or having someone position or                                                                       “Having easy access to this device
                                                                                                                     move her to help reach for things        According to Advanced                                      within our pool of resources means
                                                                                                                     and play. This means Olivia is at        Physiotherapist at Therapy                                 our therapists can simultaneously
                                                                                                                     the risk of passively experiencing       Focus Sinead Creedon, research                             work on gross motor skills such as

                                                                                                                     her world, rather than actively          has shown that early paediatric                            crawling and walking, whilst also
                                                                                                                     engaging                                 mobility should start at a young age                       developing driving skills and an
                                                                                                                     with it.                                 because it is linked to development.                       understanding of ‘cause and effect’,”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         she said.

                                                                                                                     Recently, Olivia’s Physiotherapist       “Early powered mobility not only
                                                                                                                     at Therapy Focus, Laura Cruz,            allows independent movement, but                           Janelle said having access to the
                                                                                                                     arranged for Olivia to trial the         has been linked with improvements                          Explorer Mini meant her daughter
                                                                                                                     Explorer Mini. The paediatric power      in cognition, communication and                            could partake in simple activities

   Olivia                                                                                                            wheelchair is designed to provide        early visual skills, as children learn                     such as playing with other kids
                                                                                                                     early movement experiences to            how their world works when they                            and generally becoming more
                                                                                                                     very young children with mobility        explore and interact with it,” Sinead                      independent.
                                                                                                                     challenges. It is targeted at children   said.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         “Anything that helps Olivia do
                                                                                                                     aged 12-36 months and allows a           Last year Sinead visited Melbourne                         something independently is a win,”
                                                                                                                     safe and supported position from         to attend the International Seating                        she said.
                                                                                                                     which to explore their environment.      Symposium— a conference with
                                                                                                                                                              presentations from leading experts                         For more information about
                                                                                                                     When we asked how she went
                                                                                                                                                              in the field of early powered                              Therapy Focus’ early childhood
                                                                                                                     Laura said Olivia worked out how to
                                                                                                                                                              mobility.                                                  intervention services visit
                                                                                                                     use the Explorer Mini in no time.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                or call
                                                                                                                     “Olivia was amazing! She is such a       It became clear to her after the trip                      1300 135 373.
                                                                                                                     clever little girl”.                     that her team at Therapy Focus
                                                                                                                     Because she has not yet
                                                                                                                     experienced independent crawling
                                                                                                                     or walking, assistive technology like      Olivia trials the Explorer Mini under the watchful eye
                                                                                                                                                                of Physiotherapist, Laura Cruz.
                                                                                                                     the Explorer Mini gives Olivia the
                                                                                                                     chance to move around at home
                                                                                                                     and the park on her own.
                                                                                                                     “It was so good to see her approach
                                                                                                                     toys and people of her own accord,
                                                                                                                     rather than have to ask to be
                                                                                                                     carried to them,” Laura said.

                                                                                                                       The Mini Explorer

   When we asked Olivia’s               sucker for an 80s/90s pop tune—       severe scoliosis and had torticollis
   mum, Janelle, about who              her favourites are a-ha ‘Take On      and hip dysplasia.
                                        Me’ and Tiffany ‘I Think We’re
   Olivia was, she said she was                                               Her conditions only affect her
                                        Alone Now’.
   a very happy, bright and                                                   physicality. She has only been
   content 21-month-old.                “She is very social - she smiles,     able to sit without support for
                                        waves and blows kisses to             short periods of time in the last
   She loves to read books, build       everyone she meets,” Janelle said.    few months, which means, she
   block towers and stir ‘coffee’ for                                         needs supervision because she
   her family, friends and teddies.     Olivia also lives her life with
                                                                              can lose her balance easily.
   She loves Minnie Mouse and her       collagen VI related myopathy, a
   absolute favourite thing to do       condition that affects her skeletal   “She isn’t strong enough to brace
   is dance and wave her arms to        muscles and for which there is        herself with her hands to break
   music. Like many of us she is a      currently no cure. She also has       her fall,” Janelle said.
InFocus Summer 21 | Page 4
Masquerade Ball celebrates spirit in a year of challenges
Delivering services to                                                                                After a short tour of the town, Kelsie
                                                                                                      completed a functional assessment        Finding the right switch
remote Western Australia                                                                              for a resident who is deaf and has
                                                                                                      mobility challenges.
                                                                                                                                               By Robotics & Emerging Technologies Project Manager,
                                                                                                                                               Kelvin Kong.
                                                                                                      The group then visited the home                                                                                                                                                           PILLOW SWITCH
                                                                                                      of another resident who uses a                                                                                                                     Pictured above is a pillow switch. It has a soft surface
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         and can be used by pressing your head or cheek on it.
                                                                                                      wheelchair to complete a home
                                                                                                      modifications assessment.                At Therapy Focus we have a                                     are large button switches that are        These switches and mounts are
                                                                                                                                               range of adaptive switches and                                 suitable for people who can’t use         available as part of kits that our
                                                                                                      Ngaanyatjarra’s Project Manager
                                                                                                                                               accompanying mounts that our                                   small buttons and controls, whilst        customers can trial to see what
                                                                                                      Stewart assisted Kelsie, helping to
                                                                                                                                               customers can trial. But what are                              pillow switches usually have a soft       works best for them.
                                                                                                      create a plan that considered all
                                                                                                                                               switches and mounts, and how can                               foam surface that can be activated
                                                                                                      aspects of the house, including the                                                                                                               Prior to the expansion of our
                                                                                                                                               they increase independence for                                 by the head, shoulders, arms or
                                                                                                      bathroom, kitchen, bedroom and                                                                                                                    switch kits, trialling switches was a
                                                                                                                                               people living with disability?                                 hands.
                                                                                                      access points.                                                                                                                                    complicated and drawn-out process.
                                                                                                      Kelsie said that it was imporant
                                                                                                                                               What is a switch?                                              The primary goal of switching is to       Customers would have to travel to
                                                                                                      to consider cultural factors whilst                                                                     increase independence, allowing           various suppliers to trial devices
                                                                                                                                               A switch is an adaptive device
                                                                                                      ensuring the resident’s home met         that allows people with limited                                the user to exercise more control         and limited access to devices meant
  Therapy Focus Team Leader Kelsie Davis (R) and Brand Engagement Manager                             access standards.                        movement to engage with and                                    over the things they need and want        lengthy wait times. Now we can
  Tessa Leschen (L) enjoy a photo opportunity in Warburton.
                                                                                                                                               use electronic devices and other                               to do in their daily lives. It can help   bring a range of switches to our
                                                                                                      It was also important to consider                                                                       uncover people’s potential when           customers, allowing them to trial
                                                                                                      the practicality of the building         technology. Switches offer solutions
One of the biggest challenges                                 home modifications and functional                                                for movements that may be difficult                            they are given the right technology       the devices in their homes and
about living in Western Australia                             assessments for residents.              adjustments. As Warburton is so                                                                         and the devices to access the             everyday environments. This makes
                                                                                                                                               for people with disabilities, such as
is receiving therapy and health                                                                       far from Perth, accessing building                                                                      technology.                               the trial experience more enjoyable
                                                              Kelsie and Tessa were accompanied                                                turning a knob. The switch offers an
services in remote locations. In                                                                      supplies and tradespeople can be                                                                                                                  and comfortable, and ensures our
                                                              by Jane Clark-Munn who is the                                                    easier movement, such as pressing                              What is a mount?
October, Therapy Focus looked to                                                                      difficult. It was up to Kelsie and                                                                                                                customers can access the devices
                                                              Disability Services Manager for                                                  a button for example.
address this challenge by providing                                                                   Stewart to ensure the build was                                                                         Mounts are often used with                they need in a more timely manner.
                                                              Ngaanyatjarra Health Services
assessment services in the remote                                                                     achievable.                              Switches can help people with                                  switches, attaching the switch to
                                                              and coordinates service delivery in                                                                                                                                                       The switch kits also allow
Aboriginal community of Warburton.                                                                    For more information about               disability and limited movement                                the user’s wheelchair or an item
                                                              this region. Jane has forged strong                                                                                                                                                       our therapists to complete
                                                                                                      Therapy Focus’ assessment and            participate in a range of daily tasks                          of furniture. The mount holds the
Therapy Focus Team Leader Kelsie                              relationships in the community                                                                                                                                                            comprehensive assessments that
                                                                                                                                               such as using a computer, activating                           switch in the correct position for use
Davis and Brand Manager Tessa                                 and reached out to Therapy              home modifications services, or to
                                                                                                                                               toys, turning devices on/off and                                                                         help identify which switch and
Leschen made the 1500km journey                               Focus to provide services to NDIS       request services in regional areas,                                                                     and allows for easy access.
                                                                                                                                               using household appliances. They                                                                         mount setups are best suited to
to the town, which is just south                              participants, who have limited          visit or call
                                                                                                                                               can also operate other assistive                               How do I choose the right                 people’s needs, and observe how
of the Gibson desert, to complete                             access to supports.                     1300 135 373
                                                                                                                                               technologies, such as voice output                             switch?                                   the devices will be used in their
                                                                                                                                               devices and powered wheelchairs.                                                                         everyday environments.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              At Therapy Focus, we have an

Creative casts                                                “The team really took great care
                                                              of Jack - we’ve had a fantastic
                                                                                                      makes it difficult for people to walk
                                                                                                      with their heel down on the ground.
                                                                                                                                               There a many different types
                                                                                                                                               of switches and they are often
                                                                                                                                                                                                              extensive range of up to 15 different
                                                                                                                                                                                                              switches and accompanying
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        For more information about our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        switch kits, or to arrange an

for Jack!
                                                              experience since being referred to                                               categorized by their unique features                           positioning mounts, which allow for       assessment, speak with your
                                                                                                      For more information about
                                                              Therapy Focus in Margaret River”,                                                and the type of assistance they                                completely customisable setups            Therapy Focus Key Worker or
                                                                                                      Therapy Focus’ physiotherapy
                                                              Bron said.                                                                       provide. For example, plate switches                           that accommodate individual needs.        contact us on 1300 135 373.
                                                                                                      or serial casting services, visit
For young West Coast Eagles fan
                                                              In his most recent round of casting, or call
Jack, living with cerebral palsy
                                                              Jack’s therapy team got creative        1300 135 373.
has many challenges. But with
                                                              and made a set of blue and yellow
the support of his mum, Bron and
                                                              leg casts, complete with hand-
his therapy team, Jack has been
                                                              drawn Eagles emblems for the
receiving serial casting procedures
                                                              young footy fan.
to help improve his calf and leg
muscles.                                                      “He handled the actual casting
                                                              process quite well. He is out of
Serial casting has helped Jack
                                                              the cast now, and is doing very
with his range of motion as well as
                                                              well, with the help of lots of
helping to stretch and lengthen his
                                                              physiotherapy,” Bron said.
leg and calf muscles.
                                                              The most common type of cast is
The serial casting process can be
                                                              a below the knee cast (pictured),
done in isolation, or to complement
                                                              which is used to stretch the calf
other interventions such as Botox,                                                                                                             SMOOTHIE SWITCH
                                                              muscle. When this muscle is tight, it
surgery or exercise.                                                                                                                           Pictured here is a smoothie 125 switch. It has a low profile
                                                                                                                                               and is easy to press. It comes in a variety of colours.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    InFocus Summer 21 | Page 7
InFocus Summer 21 | Page 6
Masquerade Ball celebrates spirit in a year of challenges
What do clothing protectors, window art and all-natural
                                                                                                   dog treats have in common? They are all products being
                                                                                                   made and sold by Therapy Focus customers operating
                                                                                                   microenterprises with support from their families,
                                                                                                   friends and therapists.

         Turning hobbies into business:                                                            Creative sisters Lisa and Lizzie recently launched
                                                                                                   their micro-enterprise, LandE Designs, at Perth
                                                                                                   Makers Market, selling clothing protectors. Lisa, who

         A spotlight on customer                                                                   is living with cerebral palsy, has been a customer of
                                                                                                   Therapy Focus for more than two years, and in that
                                                                                                   time has been receiving a range of services including

                                                                                                   occupational therapy, speech and dietetics. The
                                                                                                   business idea was a family affair, with Lisa and Lizzie
                                                                                                   noting that a lot of the clothing protectors available
                                                                                                   were designed for a younger market and not entirely
                                                                                                   age-appropriate for 20-year old Lisa.
                                                                                                   “Lisa gets a source of income via LandE Designs, and
                                                                                                   we get to work together. Not only is it fun, but we get to
                                                                                                   make executive decisions on everything in our business
                                                                                                   - we’re the bosses now!” Lizzie said of the micro-
                                                                                                   It’s a similar story for Therapy Focus customer Kim,
                                                                                                   who is in her final year of high school. With the support
                                                                                                   of her family, Kim started her micro-enterprise, Kim’s        Kim at her stall with Occupational Therapist, Chloe Hampel.
                                                                                                   Window Art, creating faux stained-glass decals that can
                                                                                                   be attached to windows, mirrors and glass.
                                                                                                                                                                “Initiatives such as microenterprises help the people,
                                                                                                   Kim’s Therapy Focus Occupational Therapist, Chloe
                                                                                                                                                                we work with apply what they have been working on in
                                                                                                   Hampel, said that Kim’s therapy team have been
                                                                                                                                                                therapy sessions to a real-world situation. It also allows
                                                                                                   working to improve Kim’s core strength and shoulder
                                                                                                                                                                them to form community connections and generate an
                                                                                                   stability so she can create her works of art with greater
                                                                                                                                                                income doing something they enjoy and are passionate
                                                                                                   control and minimise fatigue. As Kim is non-verbal, she
                                                                                                   uses her communication device to communicate with
                                                                                                   her customers.                                               You can support these microenterprises by purchasing
                                                                                                                                                                their products and following them on social media:
                                                                                                   “Kim has come such a long way since the start of the
                                                                                                   year, and her mum has been amazing at incorporating          LandE Designs
                                                                                                   small therapy strategies into everyday activities,” Chloe      @LandEDesignsAustralia
                                                                                                   “During our sessions with Kim, we’ve created                      Designs-641939876432451/
                                                                                                   business cards, labels, laminated tags and                   Kim’s Window Art
                                                                                                   packaged her items and painted some of her                     @kimsworldart
                                                                                                   artwork.”                                                       Kim’s Window Art
                                                                                                   For Michael, who has autism, it was an affinity to his            fauxstainedglass2020
                                                                                                   four-legged friends that inspired his microenterprise,       Mikey’s Dog Treats
                                                                                                   ‘Mikey’s Dog Treats’. The dog treats are all-natural,           @mikeysdogtreats
                                                                                                   homemade with no preservatives or additives, and
                                                                                                   made with love by Michael.                                      Mikey’s Dog Treats
                                                                                                   “Michael’s Occupational Therapist and I have been
                                                                                                   supporting Michael to increase his confidence and social
                                                                                                   communication so that he can engage more actively in
                                                                                                   his micro-business”, Michael’s Therapy Focus Speech
                                                                                                   Pathologist, Jordan Cable said.

                                Michael at his stall with Speech Pathologist, Jordan Cable and
                                                                 Physiotherapist, Roisin Gillen.
InFocus Summer 21 | Page 8                                                                                                                                                                                                     InFocus Summer 21 | Page 9
Masquerade Ball celebrates spirit in a year of challenges
Supporting the transition to adulthood                                                                                             Our Rebrand: Your Questions Answered
Transitioning from adolescence to           Raeden’s mother, Rochelle, said that      Curtin University Research Associate,
adulthood is hard for everyone. It          she saw many changes in Raeden            Julia Tang, said that the program
can be particularly challenging for         throughout the program.                   has been life-changing for many
people with neurodevelopmental                                                        participants.
                                                                                                                               Why are you changing?                                         • Staff uniforms and ID cards
                                            “He became committed to things and                                                 As our organisation grows and evolves, we need our            •	Emails from us and your therapy team
conditions such as Autism Spectrum
                                            saw them through from start to end,”      “It is wonderful to hear from            brand to reflect all that we offer. It needs to reflect the
Disorder. Often, a massive milestone                                                                                                                                                         •	Our service agreement, forms and reports
                                            Rochelle said.                            participants who have gained more        highly individualised therapy services that we provide to
of moving into adulthood is securing                                                                                                                                                         • Office signage and fleet cars
                                                                                      confidence in their ability to try       a broader community.
employment. In 2014-15 the National          “His confidence to participate           new things, such as managing their
Disability Insurance Agency reported                                                                                                                                                         •	Stationery, brochures and newsletters
                                            increased, and he thought                 finances, using public transport, and    We know that Sunny the Sunflower is much-loved and
that 42% of NDIS participants with                                                                                             an important part of our history, but as we grow our          • Our website and social media
autism aged 15 and over were not in
                                            deeply about his future.”                 cooking,” she said.
                                                                                                                               services for adults with disability, people with brain
the labour force, and only 1 in 4 were      “He set goals, and routine daily          “Consultation with participants, their   injury, and people aged 65+, we need our brand to             How long will the changes take?
employed.                                   habits were set and stuck to. He took     families and health professionals        resonate with a broader audience.                             We are taking a phased approach to the roll-out of our
                                            an interest in physical activity and      such as the Therapy Focus clinicians
To combat this statistic, the ‘Transition                                                                                                                                                    new brand to reduce costs and minimise waste.
                                            attempted to leave the house more on      supporting the program has enabled       What is the meaning behind the new logo?
Project’ has been created. The project
                                            outings.”                                 us to gather perspectives on what                                                                      •	Existing stationery will be used until stocks run out.
aims to improve opportunities for                                                                                              If you look closely, the letters ‘t’ and ‘f’ can be seen to
                                                                                      a successful transition to adulthood
adolescents and adults with autism          “Parents were also made welcome as                                                 form an abstract face. This reflects our focus on people,     • Signage will be installed in stages.
                                                                                      might look like for adolescents living
through two critical programs that          part of the program. We could attend                                               building relationships and our core belief.
                                                                                      with autism.”                                                                                          •	Remaining merchandise and resources, including
support the transition to adulthood.        the group sessions if required by the                                              Support graphics form part of our broader brand
The project is funded by the                child and always had our questions        Curtin University is currently seeking                                                                    tote bags, pens and other items will continue to be
                                                                                                                               identity and have been created to add a unique and
Department of Communities and run           answered.”                                adults aged 16-30 with Autism                                                                             distributed until stocks run out.
                                                                                                                               memorable element to the brand. The intersecting lines
by the Curtin Autism Research Group                                                   Spectrum Disorder to participate                                                                       By keeping our name and primary brand colour
                                            For Raeden, it was the one-on-one                                                  of the support graphic represent shared pathways and
in collaboration with Therapy Focus.                                                  in their ongoing program. This will
                                            mentoring sessions with his Therapy                                                navigating the journey, together.                             we hope to avoid any confusion for our customers
                                                                                      be free for the first 11 applicants.
Within the Transition Project sits          Focus therapist that he found to be the                                            Purple remains our primary colour, as we believe it is        and their families, but appreciate your patience and
                                                                                      For more information or to register
‘The Transition Program’. Developed         most valuable aspect of the program.                                               synonymous with Therapy Focus and is part of who we           understanding while we work through these changes.
                                                                                      contact Sonya Girdler via email to
in Sweden, it strives to empower                                                                                               are as an organisation.
                                            “The program is structured so that
adolescents and young adults on the
                                            participants take part in group                                                                                                                  Have more questions?
autism spectrum to pursue their goals                                                 Alternatively, Therapy Focus
                                            sessions that provide information
                                                                                      customers with or without an autism
                                                                                                                               What changes will I see?                                      If you have any questions about these changes or would
within life areas such as employment,
                                            on each life domain area, while also                                               You will see our new logo appear in many different            like to know more about our new brand, please speak
education and relationships. The                                                      diagnosis can register their interest
                                            working with a therapist, individually,                                            places. This will include:                                    with your therapist or contact us on 1300 135 373.
program, run in six month periods,                                                    in a program commencing in April
                                            to identify what is important to them,”
consists of group-based workshops in                                                  2021 via teletherapy, which can be
                                            Therapy Focus clinician Zakyria
addition to individual mentoring and                                                  accessed using NDIS funding. For
                                            Anastasi said.
support.                                                                              more information or to register
                                            “They explore what they would like        contact your local Therapy Focus
Before joining the Transition
                                            to achieve or be able to do by the end    office. Visit
Program, participant Raeden found
it challenging to attend school every
                                            of the program, and their therapist
                                            mentor supports them to work
                                                                                      locations for contact details.           Christmas closures
day or stick to a consistent routine.                                                                                          On behalf of the team at Therapy Focus, thank you for your support in 2021
                                            towards that goal.”
                                                                                                                               and all the best for a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
                                                                                                                               Please note that Therapy Focus’ offices will be closed from
                                                                                                                               5:00pm on Wednesday 23 December 2020. Rergular office hours will
                                                                                                                               resume from 8:00am on Monday 4 January 2021.
                                                                                                                               For emergency repairs during this period please contact:
                                                                                                                               Perth Metropolitan Area:
                                                                                                                               • Guy’s Mobile Wheelchair Services: 0410 480 481
                                                                                                                               • Improved Living solutions: 0447 722 831
                                                                                                                               • HospEquip: 9456 1661
                                                                                                                               • Unicare Health: 1800 656 654 /
                                                                                                                               Lower South West Region:
                                                                                                                               •   Cape Abilities: 9751 1446
                                                                                                                               •   Better Life Centre: 9791 3353
InFocus Summer 21 | Page 10                                                                                                                                                                                                       InFocus Summer 21 | Page11
Masquerade Ball celebrates spirit in a year of challenges
What’s on                                                                       Infocus
                                                                                Summer 2020
                       QUIET TUESDAYS AT AGWA                                   Therapy Focus Ltd
                                                                                ABN 67 796 715 775
                       JANUARY 2021
                       For three Tuesdays in the January school holidays,       Phone:    1300 135 373
                       the Art Gallery of Western Australia is running ‘Quiet   Fax:      +61 (08) 9451 5480
                       Tuesdays’. This initiative invites people with sensory   Address:	PO Box 20
                       challenges to visit the art gallery in a desensitised              Bentley 6982
                                                                                          5/1140 Albany Hwy
                                                                                          Bentley 6102
                       For more information visit

                       TELETHON HOLIDAY MAKERS PROGRAM                          Email:
                       JANUARY 2021                                   

                       Facilitated by SpectrumSpace, and operating in           Editor:
                       Fremantle, Marangaroo and Mandurah, children             Tessa Leschen
                       aged 5 -18 are invited to join the Telethon Holiday      Brand Engagement Manager
                       Makers Program. From prison escapes, picnics at
                       the zoo and bush survival outings to some awesome        InFocus is published quarterly.
                       visitors including special effects experts and           Permission to reproduce articles
                       Western Swamp turtles, children on the spectrum          appearing in InFocus may
                       are encouraged to partake.                               be obtained from the Editor.
                                                                                Contributions are welcome.
                       For more information visit
                                                                                InFocus reserves the right to edit

                       CAHOOTS SCHOOL HOLIDAY PROGRAM                    
                       JANUARY 2021
                       Throughout January Cahoots is running a variety of           focus-inc
                       school holiday programs. Children of all ages can
                       join in established camp programs for a day of fun
                       and recreation. Camps operate in a day, overnight or     Contact Therapy Focus to update
                       week stay style.                                         your mailing preferences and to

                       CAHOOTS YOUNG ADULT SOCIAL CLUB
                       FEBRUARY 2021

                       Cahoots offers multiple 18+ social club events
                       throughout February. Participants can expect to
                       catch up socially for a meal, movie, dancing or a
                       similar fun activity. The social club runs from 4-8pm
                       on Saturday evenings through February.
                       For more information visit
InFocus Summer 21 | Page 12
Masquerade Ball celebrates spirit in a year of challenges Masquerade Ball celebrates spirit in a year of challenges Masquerade Ball celebrates spirit in a year of challenges
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