March 26th-28th, 2021 - Central West Virginia Writing Project at Marshall University 2021 Virtual Spring Writing Conference

Page created by Debbie Davidson
March 26th-28th, 2021 - Central West Virginia Writing Project at Marshall University 2021 Virtual Spring Writing Conference
Central West Virginia Writing Project
         at Marshall University
2021 Virtual Spring Writing Conference

    March 26th-28th, 2021
         Conference Program

                                          March 26, 2021

Sessions for Marshall Preservice Teachers 2:00pm - 3:00pm

Elementary Preservice Teachers
Presenter: Gregory House

Middle/High School Preservice Teachers
Presenter: Abby Waldorf and Allyson Perry

                                        Keynote Address
                                         Saturday, March 27th, 2021
                                     10:30 AM – 11:30 AM Presentation

                                      “Making Remote Learning Matter: Engaging Our
                                       Students and Building Their Digital Literacies”

                                                          PRESENTED BY
                                                         DR. TROY HICKS
         Professor of Literacy and Technology at
                Central Michigan University and focuses his work on the teaching
                          of writing, literacy and technology, and teacher education and
                                   professional development. ... He blogs at Digital Writing, Digital

As we continue an academic year that will be unlike any other, our goals for remote learning must be
guided by empathy and care, and an intentional focus on engagement, all while building students'
digital literacies. In this interactive session, we will examine both tools and strategies that can help us
create meaningful arcs of instruction across multiple days of “any time” (asynchronous) and “real
time” (synchronous) learning. We will focus on techniques for both video conferencing sessions as
well as learning activities in which students can engage over time, using collaborative tools in Google
Suite and through other openly available apps and websites. Throughout, we will discuss what it is that
we value about learning, and how to translate that into meaningful remote opportunities for our

Bring your favorite device, because in this interactive keynote we will explore a variety of tools and
ideas that can help our students learn how to read, write, and think like disciplinary experts in our own
classrooms and beyond.

                                 March 27, 2021

9:00-10:00 - Concurrent Session 1

   Presentation 1        Launching          In this teacher demonstration, 6th grade language
   Abby Waldorf           Writer's           arts teacher, Abby Waldorf, will show teachers
 Poca Middle School       Workshop              how to launch Writer's Workshop in their
                         The Writing         classrooms. Teachers will brainstorm their own
                        Approach and          writing lists based on Nancy Atwell's Writing
                           Beyond                               Territories.
                                               (Audience: Elementary and Middle School)
   Presentation 2           Using           This session will focus on engaging students with
   Angela Adkins      Entertainment in      music, television, and the arts to promote critical
   Logan Middle                                           thinking and creativity.
                      the Classroom to
                                                   (Audience: Middle and High School)
       School           Foster Critical
                        Thinking and
  Presentation 3          Teaching           This interactive session provides educators with
 MaryBeth Freeman        Elementary          tools necessary to begin using podcasts in their
     Village of                              classrooms. Participants will learn how to assist
                       Student Writing
   Barboursville                              students with writing and producing their own
    Elementary           in a Digital                            podcasts.
                       World Through                     (Audience: Elementary)

   Presentation 4      Online Writing   This interactive session will focus on how to build
   Gregory House      Portfolios: Using an online writing portfolio for your classroom. We
                          Seesaw to       will take a look at how you can use Seesaw to
    Lyles-Crouch      Differentiate and     differentiate and publish student writing in
     Traditional       Publish Student               multiple, yet simple, ways.
      Academy              Writing                     (Audience: Elementary)
   Presentation 5       Using Google    Create a Gmail account before the sessions and be
   Crystal Howell     Tools to Support     prepared to learn how to use a wide range of
  Randolph College      Composition,        digital tools to support writing and leaning.
                       Feedback, and         (Audience: Secondary and Postsecondary
                      Revision During                         Instructors)
                      Research Projects
   Presentation 6          Dare to             Participants write creatively in a raw,
   Whitney Healy      Disconnect: Tear unadulterated manner. Writers will disconnect the
   Cameron High                            “external self” from the “internal self” via a
                       Down the Wall
       School                                  writing activity. Participants will see student
                                                      responses to this same activity.

                                                     (Audience: Middle and High School)
   Presentation 7       From Mimicry to         Dr. Andrea Lemon will lead participants on a
   Andrea Lemon          Mastery: Using        journey through the integrated literacy looking
    West Virginia                            glass where traditional and contemporary texts can
   Department of
                         Model Texts to          be used to support student mastery of all 41
     Education              Teach            standards AND develop not only students' writing
                                               but their interest in a broad range of genres and
                                                                    text types.
                                                     (Audience: Middle and High School)
10:15-11:15 -Concurrent Session 2

   Presentation 8        Making Remote            As we continue an academic year that will be
     Troy Hicks         Learning Matter:        unlike any other, our goals for remote learning
   Keynote Author                                 must be guided by empathy and care, and an
                         Engaging Our
                                                   intentional focus on engagement, all while
                          Students and             building students' digital literacies. In this
                         Building Their      interactive session, we will examine both tools and
                        Digital Literacies     strategies that can help us create meaningful arcs
                                               of instruction across multiple days of “any time”
                                                 (asynchronous) and “real time” (synchronous)
                                                learning. We will focus on techniques for both
                                                video conferencing sessions as well as learning
                                              activities in which students can engage over time,
                                                  using collaborative tools in Google Suite and
                                              through other openly available apps and websites.
                                                 Throughout, we will discuss what it is that we
                                             value about learning, and how to translate that into
                                              meaningful remote opportunities for our students.
                                                                 (Audience: All)

11:15-12:30- Lunch Break
12:45-1:45 - Concurrent Session 3

  Presentation 9          Roundtable            Evaluation of what is working, what is not
 12:30pm-1:45pm          Discussions on      working, and what is needed in writing instruction.
 Barbara O’Byrne,           Writing                 (Pre-registered Participants Only)
Marshall University
Name the facilitators
  Presentation 10            Teaching          Spend time looking at children’s literature and
   Deanna Racer          Empathy with a              writing strategies and the role they
 Alban Elementary                            play in children’s role-playing, group retelling and
                        stick and a stone!
School and Marshall                              the teaching of empathy in the classroom.
    University                                             (Audience: Elementary)

  Presentation 11        The Writing
   Kayla Yocum          Approach and                          CANCELLED
  Union Elementary        Beyond!                                 TBA
       School                                                  (Audience:)

  Presentation 12     Put a cap on it!         Fall in love with writing all over again in this
   Katie Nestor       Writing Without       interactive session for teachers of all content areas
 Parkersburg South                            and grade levels. This fun-filled presentation is
    High School
                      Red & Engaging          sure to make unpacking and implementing the
                      Writers with the          writing process entertaining, engaging, and
                      Writing Process                            enjoyable.
                                                               (Audience: All)
  Presentation 13

  Presentation 14     Converting Texts:    Through defining living books, addressing a
    Mark Botts         Living Books,        philosophy of penmanship, and composing
                                         original digital phenomena, this workshop offers
 Concord University   Penmanship, and participants   a way "to engage students in the craft
                       Digital Media    of writing in traditional and digital environments."
                                                  (Audience: High School & University)
  Presentation 15       Now I See It!     As we work to create models for blended and
    Troy Hicks         Video Tools for online learning, video is coming to the forefront as
  Keynote Author                        a primary tool for teachers. Teachers are utilizing
                                       video for instruction, remediation, and assessment.
                       Assessment and   They are creating their own videos, using others’
                      Media Production videos to provide content for students, and having
                                             students create their own video artifacts. Thinking
                                            about how to assess student learning of the content
                                            they watch – as well as content that they create – is
                                              critical, and teachers must be aware of tools that
                                                 can support both formative and summative
                                              assessment. During this workshop, we will learn
                                               how to use a wide range of resources to create
                                                videos through screencasting and animation,
                                            provide feedback quickly and easily on videos, use
                                                video for assessment, and use video to create
                                                     community and support discussions.

2:00-3:00 - Concurrent Session 4

 Presentation 16      Mentor Sentences         This is a comprehensive approach to teach
  Angela Adkins         Approach to          grammar that allows students to understand the
  Logan Middle           Grammar              sentence as a whole while understanding the
     School             Instruction                          intricate parts.
                                                             (Audience: All)
 Presentation 17      Teaching (with         How do we encourage students to write longer,
  Isaac Larison        Technology)           more complex, multimodal stories? 30 Hands
Marshall University                          Learning, an app for the iPad worked best with
                       Matters- Story
  Demonstration                             young children here in the USA and in Denmark.
                      Writing with 30                       (Audience: All)
                      Hands Learning        *Please Bring an iPad or iPhone to this session.

  Presentation 18      Interpreting a         Learn to leverage the visual medium of online
Sarah Redd & Linda         Visual            learning with non-print texts such as photos and
       Long           Representation:       videos. Teach students to look closely for concrete
George Washington     Critical Analysis     details, cite text evidence, use precise word choice,
 High School and       Photo Writing         make connections, draw inferences, and identify
  Hurricane High                            themes. Students improve decoding skills with the
      School                                aid of guiding questions and the use of visual texts
                                                       in this made for online activity.
                                                     (Audience Middle and High School)

  Presentation 19      Using Emerging   This interactive workshop will allow participants
 LeAnn Johnson &        Technology to   hands-on   experiences using emergent technology
  Terresa Kepner
                      Foster Emergent that will help all early learners develop emergent
Shepherd University                     writing skills and that encourages problem solving
                         Writing and           in developmentally appropriate ways.
                      Critical Thinking             (Audience: PreK- 3rd Grade)
                           in Early
 Presentation 20      Digital Expansion   Join in the presentation of two creative digital
 Panel Discussion       of Writing and       applications of technology to writing and
    Facilitator                             Learning. See how technology can expand
  Allyson Perry                              horizons, promote critical thinking, and connect
                                                    learners with their communities.
     Speakers:        1. Writing Students        (Audience: Middle School, High School,
 Yildiz Nuredinosk    as Game Designers                       University)
Shepherd University
  Emily Brammer          2. Clio in the
Marshall University       Classroom
  Presentation 21     Not the Chicken             Explore resources and best practices for
 Denise Davenport      or the Egg, but       integrating reading and writing in the elementary
 Kanawha County                               classroom. Learn how to scaffold instruction to
                      the Chicken and
      Schools                                    build foundation skills needed by writers.
                           the Egg:                       (Audience: Elementary)

                      Reading and
 Presentation 22      Art Inspired         This session utilizes artistic masterpieces as
 Tammy Donahue          Writing              inspiration for writing. Students explore
  Raleigh County                         masterpieces and create their own artistic pieces
     Schools                            and writings. See how famous artworks can inspire
                                                         student creativity.
                                                          (Audience: All)

                            Author Read Alouds
                          Sunday, March 28th, 2021

                   Cat Pleska, Kathy Manley & Laura Bentley
                             West Virginia Authors

Join West Virginia authors as they read from their works. Explore with them
ways to engage learners with virtual classroom visits and exciting instructional
You can also read