ACTiVATE                             MARCH 2018

From the Chief’s Desk
                          Recently Sport New Zealand released the            positively associated with better cognitive function and academic
                          key findings of research they have been            achievement, and also development of important life skills including
                          carrying out into the ‘value of sport’. The        teamwork, self-confidence, and leadership. It also strengthens social
                          findings are reflective of widespread con-         networks and a sense of belonging, contributing to community iden-
                          sultation with the general public, sport and       tity and curbing anti-social behaviours.
                          recreation sector, representatives of a wide
                          range of organisations operating in the sec-       Sport and physical activity makes our region and our country strong-
                          tor, as well as large corporates and medium        er. It instils a sense of pride which fuels our local and national identi-
     John Brimble         to small enterprises.                              ty, and contributes significantly to our economy, along with develop-
                                                                             ing the skills, knowledge, and experience of local organisations and
Overall the prime message is that “sport and active recreation cre-          the thousands of volunteers that are the backbone of our sport and
ates happier, healthier people, better connected communities, and a          recreation system.
stronger New Zealand.” No surprises here! At Sport Otago, our regu-
lar contact and survey of our communities and stakeholders rein-             Within Otago, our secondary schools’ participation sits at 67% and
forces the above message. We know that sport and active recreation           along with our indicative participation rates for primary schools and
leads to happier, healthier people. Participation in sport and physical      adults, Otago is arguably the most active population in New Zealand.
activity reduces the incidence of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, obe-       Our natural environment, range of activities, and access to open
sity, some forms of cancer, depression, and dementia.                        spaces and facilities provides a unique area where sport and recrea-
                                                                             tion is part of our DNA. The challenge, knowing the benefits and the
Physical activity early in life is positively associated with maintain-      huge range of values that stem from being physically active, is to
ing active and healthy behaviours later in life. That is why we have         maintain, sustain, and grow participation across all sectors of society
a major focus on youth and the development of fundamental skills.            and ensure that our funders, Territorial Authorities, value sport and
This provides for an essential base from which our youth can build on        recreation and continue to focus and invest into the sector for the
as they mature, with involvement in sport and physical activity over         benefit of their communities.
their life span. Research reinforces that sport and physical activity is

 Let’s Keep It Positive!
 Sport Otago have teamed up with McDonald’s to educate players,             and good sportsmanship from everyone involved in sport. This initia-
 coaches, spectators, and officials about how to be a positive partici-     tive reminds us of the core reasons why we all participate in sport; for
 pant in sport. Rugby and football are the first to roll out an initia-     the fun and enjoyment of it while nurturing friendships along the way.
 tive this coming season where referees will start each game with           The Positive Sideline Behaviour project promotes a safe and respectful
 a chat to players and everyone on the sideline to remind them of           sporting environment that should be enjoyed by all involved.”
 key messages of the campaign; that this is a game, they are there
 to have fun, and the referee is going to do their best to be fair and       Video production

 Another educational aspect of the campaign is production of a
 video which will be promoted through sports and social media to
 highlight the impact that both positive and negative sideline be-
 haviour can have. In addition to this, McDonald’s drink bottles with
 positive sporting messages have also been distributed to sports
 codes to reinforce the message.

 McDonald’s Dunedin owners Justin and Eterei Stonelake said,
 “We’re proud to be partners in this initiative that encourages fair play

Incorporating the
regional offices of:                                SPORT

  Creating the Best Events
  A major goal of Sport Otago across your region is: collaborating with    Sport Otago - What Do They Do?
  others to facilitate well organised events, aimed at increasing both
  youth and adult participation.

  Our regional offices are especially strong in delivering this to your
  community, both with the events they deliver, and the support they
  provide their communities to run additional events. Sport Central is
  a significant contributor to events in Central Otago and Queenstown
  Lakes, and Sport Clutha has helped to build up events in the Clutha
  District to record highs of participation.

  Our Dunedin office also runs events in the city, the best known being
  the Impact Roofing and Plumbing Surf to Stadium Fun Run and Walk,
  and the ASB Otago Sports Awards. Did you also know about Stride,
  Ride & Slide, (multisport for 2-6 year olds), or the Dunedin Primary
  Schools Triathlon? Some of our events are very public, while others
  benefit a small, more specific community.

  We can assist community and sporting groups to help you make your
                                                                             Regional Office Changes
  event successful. The most commonly used service is the free pro-
                                                                             This year has seen changes of personnel for two of our
  motion we can give you, pushing your message out wider at no cost
                                                                             regional offices, Sport Waitaki and Sport Clutha.
  to you. People new to running events may be seeking some general
  advice on how to make a solid plan and the pitfalls to avoid. At Sport
                                                                             Mitch McRae from Sport Clutha took the opportunity to
  Central, a key service is trying to work with organisers to spread the
                                                                             reconnect with his hometown of Oamaru, taking up the
  events across the summer and avoid clashes because there is so
                                                                             Sport Waitaki role in early December.
  much happening!
                                                                             We welcomed Craig Gordon to our team, moving into the
  Otago is unusual in that most of our sport and recreation events
                                                                             Sport Clutha role in January. Craig comes to us following a
  are organised by small community groups and clubs. We know first
                                                                             time with NZ Police in the South Otago region.
  hand how tough it can be to ‘do a lot with a little’, so don’t be shy
  about talking to us to see how we can support you making the com-
                                                                             Our Regional Coordinator roles are critical to the delivery
  munity more active. You’re not alone!
                                                                             of our services to our regional communities, and we are
                                                                             fortunate to have two passionate community-minded peo-
                                                                             ple in these roles.

  Impact Roofing and Plumbing Surf to Stadium Fun Run and Walk

  It’s on again for the 6th year, our iconic Dunedin event, the Impact
  Roofing and Plumbing Surf to Stadium Fun Run and Walk. We are
  gearing up for a great day out on Sunday 22 April, with 10km and
  4km run and walk options, offering something for everyone! If it
  sounds different from other years, that’s because it is! One very im-
  portant point of difference is that this year we are heading in the
  opposite direction, starting near the beach and finishing at Forsyth
  Barr Stadium. The 4km event will start and finish at the Stadium,
  taking in the scenic Ravensbourne-Maia shared pathway.

  We look forward to welcoming runners and walkers and their families
  afterwards under the roof at Forsyth Barr Stadium for food, entertain-
  ment, and a family picnic area.

  Of course, schools, tertiary students, and local businesses can get in
  on the action too, with great group discounts for 20 people or more.
  Dress up, have fun, and get into the spirit of the event! Contact
  Michael Smith at to get your group rate.

  We are thrilled to welcome our new naming sponsor, Impact Roofing
  and Plumbing, and alongside our other partners Athletics Otago and
  the Otago Daily Times, we look forward to bringing you a fun day out
  on 22 April.

  Register at:
35 Years Serving the Community
In 1983, a one-off edition of ‘The Sports Special’ - not seen since the        The 2000’s have been a period of transformation under current Chief
days of the Evening Star - hit the news stands in Dunedin. Alongside           Executive, John Brimble. When Sport and Recreation New Zealand
a full page reminiscence of Otago sporting glory by the late Alistair          (SPARC) changed to be Sport New Zealand, it marked a seismic shift
McMurran (and prominent adverts for ‘Dominion Bitter’, cheaper                 in sport delivery in the regions. Progressive governments wanted
cheque books, and the new T.L. Beggs fishing shop), was the an-                more emphasis on building the ‘capability and capacity’ of sport, and
nouncement of the ‘Otago University and Community Sports Trust’.               had a great emphasis on participation numbers. As a result, Sport
                                                                               Otago has been working away on projects many people might never
It was a first for New Zealand. A regionally driven project – initially        hear about but which strengthen the sporting sector. The modern
covering Otago and Southland – the Trust would see Dunedin be-                 Regional Sports Trust is about building strong communities by work-
come “the centre of sports science and sports medicine in New Zea-             ing together.
land”. It was an ambitious project, with the encompassing goal that,
“we are interested in sport as recreation for all. The Trust will help local   From humble beginnings sharing space in the Unipol building, and
bodies and sports organisations to cater for the needs of the sporting         then spread around the sprawling Citibus complex, via the central
community”. The names of those backing the project reads like a                city base in High Street, Sport Otago is now located at Logan Park,
‘who’s who’ of the sporting community of the day: Skeggs, Turner,              the centre of much sporting activity in town. Yet it has taken 15 years
Dey, Gerrard, Gallaway, Macknight, Muir, Edgar, McDonald, and                  for Sport Central to move from an office for two people that is not
many, many more.                                                               much bigger than a walk-in closet, to be soon at the Cromwell Aquat-
                                                                               ic Centre. No one could accuse Sport Otago of living extravagantly!
In October 2018, the organisation that grew out of the Trust will cel-
ebrate 35 years of serving the community. Sport Otago may be the               What will Sport Otago look like in 2053 then? Challenges are always
offspring of the Trust, but it has grown up to be something very dif-          there to be met and overcome. Central Government attention and
ferent from its parents.                                                       funding is very focused on Auckland and Christchurch. Govern-
                                                                               ments change and have different priorities for sport and recreation.
Many of the analytical functions of the Trust continue to be fulfilled         Sports House at Logan Park is 50 years old and Logan Park is not in
by the University of Otago and Otago Polytechnic, but Sport Otago is           the Council development plans. One thing the past 35 years have
now far removed from that high performance sport beginning.                    taught us is Sport Otago is adaptable and will find ways to keep on
                                                                               serving the needs of the province.
During the 1990’s, under the leadership of Chief Executive Paul Al-
lison, Sport Otago grew to become an agency delivering a range                 35 years on, most of what the Otago University and Community
of services to the community. SportsForce, CoachForce, Green Pre-              Sports Trust set out to achieve are still goals for the sporting commu-
scription, and Push Play all became programmes well known around               nity in Otago. The days when Dunedin could have been the initially
Dunedin. He also launched the Otago Sportsman of the Year, which               envisioned ‘national centre of excellence’ may have passed to Auck-
would in time grow to become the ASB Otago Sports Awards. A ma-                land’s dominance, but we remain a vibrant, innovative and passion-
jor leap forward during this period was the establishment of the re-           ate community of sportspeople.
gional offices of Sport Central, Sport Waitaki, and Sport Clutha, which
brought the services of Sport Otago to all people of the province.             Sport Otago’s message after all these years still remains fundamen-
                                                                               tally the same: how can we help?

                                                         Citibus Building                           High Street                         Logan Park

                                                   Save the date of Friday 18 May for the 29th
                                               ASB Otago Sports Awards. It’s been a spectacular
                                             year for sport in Otago so don’t miss this showcase of
                                             the best for the year. We welcome guest speaker Eric
                                              Murray, with a special tribute to long-time supreme
                                                  winner Hamish Bond. A night to remember.

                                                     Secure your table now by contacting
                                                  Michael Smith at

 Secondary School Sport – A Whole New World                             Kelly Sports
 Leaving primary school and embarking on your secondary educa-          Kelly Sports is about giving children foundation sporting skills,
 tion opens up a whole new world of sport to try! You will still have   encouraging them to have fun, building confidence, and giving
 the opportunity to get involved with the traditional offerings like    sport a go.
 netball, cricket, rugby, basketball, hockey, touch, and football but
 you will also find some new and exciting sports. Take for instance,    In-School Programme
 curling (in Dunedin this is played on Wednesday after school at the    The Kelly Sports In-School Programme is an initiative set to address
 Dunedin Ice Stadium); all you need are some warm clothes and           the lack of quality physical education in primary schools. Kelly
 coaching is available for novices.                                     Sports Dunedin commenced this programme in 2018 with Caris-
                                                                        brook School. Coach Sophie delivers physical education classes to
 Under the same roof, on the same night you could get your skates       classes at the school, two days a week. Teachers are present at all
 on, suit up, and glide around playing ice hockey. Again, novices       sessions and are there to gain knowledge and learn practical ways
 are welcome and the Otago Secondary Schools Sport Association          to teach physical education.
 (OSSSA) hires out protective gear and sticks. Would you like to run
 with a purpose? How about orienteering? If you like netball or         Over the course of the year, Coach Sophie will deliver eight physi-
 basketball mixed with a bit of touch, then you will love handball.     cal education lessons each term. Additionally, Sophie will assist at
 This is an Olympic sport played in many countries but only in its      a school event each term and provide further sport administra-
 infancy here in New Zealand. Otago Handball and OSSSA run a            tion when required; this might include organising gear, teams and
 competition on Wednesdays after school in Terms 1 and 4. Coach-        uniforms, etc. At Carisbrook, these will include their athletics and
 ing and support is offered through the folks at Otago Handball.        cross country days, coaching a sports team, and running lunchtime
                                                                        fitness sessions with top sports teams. As part of the programme,
 Other sports and activities that you may like to get involved in       four theory professional development sessions will be delivered to
 include climbing, fencing, rowing, petanque, and canoe polo. If        staff at the school. These are set in place to offer further support
 you are wanting to have a go at any of these sports or others not      and knowledge.
 mentioned, take a visit to your friendly Sports Coordinator at your
 school. They will able be to point you in the right direction. You     Benefits
 can also contact Nicki Paterson, Regional Sports Director at OSSSA     The Kelly Sports In-School Programme benefits a large range of
 on 03 474 8445 for more information.                                   people. Teachers have the opportunity to get involved and gain
                                                                        knowledge. Physical education is a difficult subject to teach and
                                                                        deliver, however with the right assistance, teachers can gain confi-
                                                                        dence to do so, with new and fresh ideas, games, and activities to
                                                                        get their class moving, playing sport, and having fun.

                                                                        Students at the school will gain incredible outcomes from this pro-
                                                                        gramme, including gaining confidence, team building, leadership,
                                                                        fundamental movement skills, basic sport skills, and coordination.

                                                                                                                             Coach Sophie

                                                                        A Word from Coach Sophie
                                                                        I grew up being a very active child being surrounded by sport and
                                                                        never missed a chance to get involved. I wish that all children can
                                                                        have the same opportunities and ability to love sport as much as
                                                                        I did and still do. Being a part of a school environment and teach-
                                                                        ing something that I am so passionate about is truly rewarding.
                                                                        Although I understand that all children may not love sport or be-
                                                                        ing active, I believe that it is so very important that they have the
  We are grateful for the generous support from long-time               chance to do so. The Kelly Sports In-School Programme provides
  supporter, Lion Foundation, who help support our regional             a fantastic foundation of sport that all children need and deserve.
  offices of Sport Waitaki (through the Oamaru Licensing Trust),        I aim to deliver this programme in a fun and friendly manner and
  and Sport Central.                                                    have just as much enjoyment doing so as the children get out of it.
  They also play a critical
  role for Sport Otago in                                               How To Get Your School Involved
  keeping our fleet of vehi-                                            If you are interested in introducing this programme at your school
  cles on the road and our IT                                           or wish to hear more about it, please contact Kelly Hamill on 027
  services up to date. They                                             695 8004 or email
  really are ‘here for good’ -
  thanks Lion!
Sport Central
There has been a lot of focus on Central Otago youth with Zoi and
Nico bringing back bronze medals from the Winter Olympics. We’re
really proud of them and it’s a great boost for snow sports in an area
already strong in both facilities and people.

Sport Central works a lot with youth, and I am proud to have played
a leading role in guiding our primary schools into Central Otago pri-
mary schools sport plan pilot project. This is a huge step forward
for Central Otago in working as a united region, and cutting out du-
plication of events and demand on volunteers. We will be trialling
each school running their own sports event, then having coordi-
nated ‘zone’ events for inter-school competition, and then a Central
Otago Championship, where Sport Central will assist with delivery.
This gives our kids more opportunities to try sports with inter-school
competition, and provides pathways for the keen who can compete
at as high a level as their efforts take them. I hope this pilot will prove
to be a successful model for Central Otago that lots of sports want to
work with, and we will give our kids a better sporting experience as
a result. If your sporting group wants to know more about the pilot
project, please give me a call.
                                                                                    42 The Mall, PO Box 133
                                                                                    CROMWELL 9342
        Follow us on Facebook:                      Phone: 03 445 1142                                 SPORT

Sport Waitaki
Now I am well into 2018, I really feel like I have hit the ground running     Things don’t slow down for me as the weather cools down, with
and I’m looking forward to a busy winter. It’s been fantastic to recon-       rugby, netball, basketball and more keeping hundreds of us active
nect with the people of Waitaki; a warm homecoming and I’m glad to            in sport. As sporting bodies such as the North Otago Rugby Football
be back. I really enjoyed my first time running the Network Waitaki           Union get more and more kids involved in sport it keeps me busy
Sports Awards. We have a wide range of talented youngsters we can             training volunteers, working with funders and the Waitaki District
be proud of, and many amazing volunteers who keep sport vibrant in            Council, and in bringing development opportunities to Waitaki for
North Otago. Courtney Duncan is a well-deserved champion and I’m              players, coaches, and officials. If your sport hasn’t caught up with me
sure we’ll see her nominated again in the future.                             yet, please give me a call and we can meet up and talk about your
                                                                              situation and how we might be able to help each other.

  Abacus House
  cnr Thames & Severn Streets
                                                                                      Follow us on Facebook:
  OAMARU 9400
  Phone: 03 434 9379

Sport Clutha
There has been a number of successful local triathlon and duathlon            At this time of year, it can be hard to keep motivated with colder
events recently, including the Blue Mountain Gorge Challenge and              weather and the daylight hours creeping in, but there’s no shortage
Ken Milne Classic.                                                            of events to inspire athletes of all ages in the Clutha District over the
                                                                              next few months. The Jennian Homes Mother’s Day Run/Walk will be
There’s also been plenty to keep the kids active, with successful             taking place again on 13 May and winter sports codes are very close
school events, athletics and swimming leading up to some great                to starting the season. There are a number of events on in the Otago
events with the Primary Schools Triathlon and soccer and Rippa                region through autumn and winter.
Rugby tournaments not far away. Our annual Stride, Ride & Slide saw
some warm weather, with a record turnout for our 2-6 year olds and            If you don’t want to go it alone, being active in a group is a great way
a lot of fun had by all.                                                      to stay motivated. There are a number of walking groups in the Clu-
                                                                              tha area, as well as a range of events at the Cross Recreation Centre
                                                                              in Balclutha. Local gyms and recreational facilities also offer activities
                                                                              over winter.
 Cross Recreation Centre                                                      If you’re not sure what’s on offer in your area, get in touch and we’ll
 18 Glasgow Street                                                            help you to get active.
 Phone: 03 418 3046
                                                                                      Follow us on Facebook:

  Defining Your Own Path to Wellness
  Green Prescription is a support service for those who are contem-
  plating or ready to make healthy lifestyle changes. Originally you
  could only get a referral through your doctor or practice nurse. In
  Otago, you can now take ownership of your own health by referring
  yourself to the programme.

  You can do this via the form on the Sport Otago website at By submitting this
  form, you give consent to our Green Prescription team to contact
  your doctor to request a referral for you to join the programme.
  Once the referral has been received, one of our team will make initial
  contact with you and help you create an individualised plan to help
  you achieve regular physical activity and healthy eating. An update
  of your progress will be sent to your doctor for the duration of your
  time on the programme.                                                              TAKE OWNERSHIP
  Depending on the time it takes for your doctor to respond to our
  request, this will affect how quickly we can get in contact with you to
                                                                                        of your health
  book an initial consultation.

                                                                              Start the ball rolling and define your own path to wellness
                                                                              through Green Prescription.


 Coach Education
 Educating our coaches is incredibly important. The relationship             Participants in the first two sessions in South Otago and Dunedin high-
 between coach and player, or coach and team, is crucial to many out-        lighted the effectiveness of these days in developing their confidence
 comes in sport, not just around success and achieving results, but          and capability in coaching.
 ensuring both parties enjoy and continue to be involved in the sport.
 That’s why Sport Otago is involved in a range of initiatives that support   Coach Developer Course
 coaching and the development of coaches, at all levels.                     In April, we are privileged to welcome a team of presenters from Sport
                                                                             New Zealand who are running a three day Coach Developer course de-
 Coach Education Seminars                                                    signed for those who ‘coach the coaches’. We are looking forward to
 A range of seminars and workshops providing opportunities for               increasing coach capability across a range of codes and we are pleased
 coaches to upskill:                                                         with the fantastic response from sporting organisations to this offer-
 Programming and Planning 			                      Thursday 5 April          ing.

 Knowing your Athlete			                           Thursday 26 April
                                                                             To register or for more information about our coaching initiatives,
 Preparing for Success 			                         Tuesday 1 May             contact Mike Weddell on 03 474 6413 or via email:
 All sessions will be held at the Sargood Centre in Dunedin. Courses
 can be held on request for groups of six or more, so let us know if you
 would like us to come to you!

 Seminars on Sports Nutrition and Mental Skills are also in the planning

 Student Coach Workshops
 Throughout March and April, a series of workshops designed for
 secondary school students who are getting started in coaching were
 organised. These are offered alongside our schools-based Coaches in
 Schools programme and cover topics including planning the season
 and a session, coaching a skill, athlete-centred coaching, ACC, and
 sport-specific coaching.
New Staff
                        Lauren’s background includes working as
                        a recreation advisor for local government,
                        in sport development, and as a recreation
                        and planning consultant. She previously
                        worked for Sport Otago 13 years ago as
                        the Green Prescription Area Manager
                        and returns to Sport Otago to take up
                        the Community Sport Advisor – Insights
                        role, which involves the coordination
                        of insights and evaluation and delivery
   Lauren Jarvie        of community sport outcomes. Lauren
 Community Sports       is passionate about sport as a player,
  Advisor - Insights    spectator, and coach and is enjoying all
                        the action from the sideline as her chil-
                        dren play many different sports includ-
                        ing netball, rugby, touch, volleyball, and

                        Ryan joined Sport Otago in November
                        last year as our Golf Development Officer,
                        taking over from Michael Ormandy. Ryan
                        is a passionate sportsman having played
                        everything under the sun throughout his
                        years, however golf and rugby are his two
                        passions now. Ryan recently graduated
                        from the University of Otago with a first
                        class Honours degree in Physical Educa-
   Ryan Rosevear
                        tion where he researched Talent Identi-
  Golf Development      fication and Development. He hopes to
        Officer         apply his learnings in this role.

 In this edition:
 Photos: Adam Binns, Ryan Curd, Mairoa Pomana, Amanda Dyer
          Chris Sullivan - Seen in Dunedin
 Design and production: Amanda Dyer, Duane Donovan

                    Sport Otago gratefully acknowledges the support of Sport New Zealand
                  and the Otago Community Trust as principal supporters of our programmes.

                                                                     Follow us on Facebook:
  For information on any of our programmes or for advice on
  leading a more active life, visit, or
  contact one of our regional offices (Page 5):                         

                                                                     Follow us on Twitter:

                               Sargood Centre
                               40 Logan Park Drive
                               DUNEDIN 9054
                               Phone: 03 474 6350                      
Come and try
                                                                           8 different sports at
                                                                           The Hits Family Zone
                                                                            at Hancock Park!

             We’ve changed the direction!

S U N DAY 2 2 A P R I L 2 01 8
Runners & walkers of all ages & abilities welcome!

10km FUN RUN & WALK : 10.00am                                                        Join us at Forsyth
                                                                                 Barr Stadium for fantastic
                                                                                    food, entertainment
4km FUN RUN & WALK : 10.30am                                                       & a family picnic area!
Includes school & business house competitions

ENTRY FEE: 10km $25 | 4km: Adult $15 Kids $5 Family $30

                       Proudly brought to you by Impact Roofing and Plumbing, in conjunction
                       with Sport Otago, Athletics Otago and Otago Daily Times.

                  Otago Daily Times
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