Managing today's natural resources for tomorrow's generations - Our Corporate Plan to 2022 - Summary
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Managing today’s natural resources for tomorrow’s generations Our Corporate Plan to 2022 - Summary CORPORATE PLAN FINAL VERSION ENGLISHXX.indd 1 23/03/2018 12:14
Natural Resources Wales, 0300 065 3000 We would like to thank all of our staff who donated their 29 Newport Road, Cardiff CF24 0TP images and words for use in this Corporate Plan. Printed on Cocoon offset 100% recycled paper Cover: ©VisitWales CORPORATE PLAN FINAL VERSION ENGLISHXX.indd 2 23/03/2018 12:14
The natural environment benefits that contribute to Things need to change of Wales is exceptional everyone’s health and well- – and we can all make and inspiring. It is the being. this happen by living and foundation for our health, working differently. well-being and prosperity. It Yet natural resources can provides the air we breathe, help address many of Natural Resources Wales the water we drink and the the issues we face today (NRW) is proud to be Diane McCrea, food we eat. It provides – tree planting can help leading this change. Chair energy and raw materials. reduce flooding, reduce It is essential – we can’t air pollution and provide The Corporate Plan sets live without it – but all too green spaces for people to out the next stage of our often, we take it for granted. enjoy; well-managed soils journey. It takes us to 2022 can improve water quality, and will evolve over the next Natural resources are under store carbon and continue few years. We hope you pressure from human to grow food. There are find this summary and the activity. Biodiversity is huge opportunities to full Corporate Plan inspiring Clare Pillman, Chief Executive declining. Ecosystems are improve everyone’s lives – and ambitious – and look becoming less resilient but this can only happen if forward to working with you and less able to adapt to the natural environment is towards a more sustainable challenges such as climate managed sustainably and Wales which will provide change. This means they recognised for the benefits prosperity for all. are less able to provide the it provides. Kevin Ingram, Interim Chief Executive 1 CORPORATE PLAN FINAL VERSION ENGLISHXX.indd 1 23/03/2018 12:14
Welcome The Corporate Plan builds on our Well- We developed the Well-being being Statement, published in 2017. Objectives collaboratively with our staff This described our seven Well-being and stakeholders. Objectives and the steps we need to take to achieve them. Our Well-being Objectives are: They demonstrate how we want to 1. Champion the Welsh environment and contribute to the goals set out in the the sustainable management of Wales’ Well-being of Future Generations natural resources Act (Wales) 2015. We will do this by 2. Ensure land and water in Wales is pursuing the sustainable management managed sustainably and in an of natural resources (SMNR) and integrated way applying its principles – our purpose as set out in the Environment (Wales) Act 3. Improve the resilience and quality of our 2016. ecosystems 4. Reduce the risk to people and By SMNR we mean looking after all communities from environmental natural resources (which include air, hazards such as flooding and pollution water, soil, wildlife and geological and climatic processes) in a way 5. Help people live healthier and more that ensures they will be available fulfilled lives now, and for future generations. This 6. Promote successful and responsible requires working in a way that better business, using natural resources without understands and values the natural damaging them environment, is more joined-up and more proactive. How things are 7. Develop NRW into an excellent delivered is just as important as what is organisation, delivering first-class delivered. customer service 2 CORPORATE PLAN FINAL VERSION ENGLISHXX.indd 2 23/03/2018 12:14
The Corporate Plan is our medium-term plan for the organisation: Long term Medium term Short term Plan Shared Vision to 2050 Corporate Plan Business Plan Duration 20 – 25 years 3 – 5 years 1 year Monitoring Indicators showing changes Medium-term 3 – 5 year Annual targets for NRW – our in Wales due to activity by all performance measures for Business Plan Dashboard organisations and individuals NRW – our Corporate Plan in Wales as a whole Dashboard These are our highest level plans. Below these will sit operational plans such as our natural resource plans and medium-term service plans. This summary sets out what we intend to do up to 2022 to work towards achieving our Well-being Objectives and the sustainable management of natural resources in Wales. 3 CORPORATE PLAN FINAL VERSION ENGLISHXX.indd 3 23/03/2018 12:14
1 Champion the Welsh environment and the sustainable management of Wales’ natural resources Where are we differently in future – to live and work more now? sustainably. Wales’ ecological footprint has been calculated at five times What will NRW the actual area of the do? country and its natural We in NRW will resources are being champion the natural depleted faster than they environment and help can be replenished. people make the most of the benefits it offers, as Managed sustainably, well as valuing it people and businesses for its own sake – “ would derive even more now and for future benefits from natural generations. People always say; resources than they do why do you enjoy already – food, jobs, that sort of job? It’s about having that recreation, raw materials, long-term data that I energy, clean air and can look at and point water. This is so long and say we did that... as everyone in Wales Phil Newman grasps the opportunities Senior Marine Conservation and understands the Officer need to do some things 4 CORPORATE PLAN FINAL VERSION ENGLISHXX.indd 4 23/03/2018 12:14
We will: • Develop a shared vision for the • Develop and share evidence with natural environment in Wales for other organisations and make the 2050 best use of their information • Co-produce seven Area Statements • Lead the ambition for Wales’ public which gather evidence and identify sector to be carbon neutral through opportunities to make ecosystems our Carbon Positive Project more resilient and provide more • Exemplify SMNR – in all our work, benefits for people across our whole organisation • Help develop and deliver Well-being • Inspire others to adopt SMNR, helping Plans as statutory members of all match needs to what is sustainable Public Services Boards (PSBs) across and learning from SMNR good Wales practice across the world 5 CORPORATE PLAN FINAL VERSION ENGLISHXX.indd 5 23/03/2018 12:14
2 Ensure land and water in Wales is managed sustainably and in an integrated way Where are we We will put this approach into practice now? “ on the land and water Land and water (including we manage ourselves. I am passionate about our the marine area) in Wales trees and woodland. They form part are not currently managed of our landscape and heritage, and in an integrated way, and our work is providing benefits both although water and air now and for future generations with quality has improved in places to work, play and relax as some cases over recent well as providing valuable habitat to support many species years, there is still a long Rachel Chamberlain way to go before we are Team Leader, Forest Planning managing all Welsh land and water sustainably. What will NRW do? NRW will be seen as an advocate for the economic, social and cultural benefits that integrated land and water management can provide, as well as the environmental benefits. 6 CORPORATE PLAN FINAL VERSION ENGLISHXX.indd 6 23/03/2018 12:14
We will: • Demonstrate SMNR in practice on the • Develop a climate change risk 7% of Wales’ land and water management strategy for NRW we manage ourselves and try out new managed land approaches making use of our experimental powers • Develop green infrastructure, including woodland planting • Encourage an SMNR approach in particularly in urban areas with local partnership with land owners and authorities and other partners industry, agriculture and forestry • Work with Welsh Government on • Work towards bringing water bodies the post-Brexit rural development into good ecological status by 2027, plan and support it in developing develop a reformed and sustainable its Marine Plan, Marine Transition abstraction licencing system, and help Programme and the National water companies develop their long- Development Framework term plans • Complete the review of the Welsh Government Woodland Estate and begin to implement the findings 7 CORPORATE PLAN FINAL VERSION ENGLISHXX.indd 7 23/03/2018 12:14
3 Improve the resilience and quality of our ecosystems Where are we What will NRW now? do? Our State of Natural NRW will play a key Resources Report role in delivering the (published 2016) has Nature Recovery identified that currently Action Plan, working no ecosystem in Wales with other public has good resilience bodies and the private and many will not be and voluntary sectors. adaptable enough to Our own land and deal with climate change water management will and other pressures. exemplify ecosystem resilience and “ Overall, biodiversity connectivity. in Wales is declining. Having the opportunity to The extent of some look after habitats and work with habitats has declined landowners to try to improve their significantly, and condition so that they are of the highest possible standard is incredible connectivity between Rhodri Dafydd habitats has also Senior Reserve Manager reduced. The condition of our ecosystems is mixed depending on the particular habitat. 8 CORPORATE PLAN FINAL VERSION ENGLISHXX.indd 8 23/03/2018 12:15
We will: • Ensure we consider biodiversity Woodland Sites) towards restoration and ecosystem resilience in all our on the land and water we manage functions, activities and decision • Review protected sites to ensure we making and help other public bodies have the right network in place and do the same collaborate with land owners and • Work with other public bodies and managers, valuing those sites as part the private and voluntary sectors to of a larger network and essential deliver the Nature Recovery Action component of the natural environment Plan • Improve the resilience of marine • Help prevent, detect and control ecosystems as part of the Marine invasive non-native species, pests and Protected Area network diseases • Work with key partners to improve • Restore protected sites towards river habitats through river restoration favourable condition and manage plans establishing salmon as an iconic PAWS (Plantations on Ancient species indicative of habitat quality across Wales 9 CORPORATE PLAN FINAL VERSION ENGLISHXX.indd 9 23/03/2018 12:15
4 Reduce the risk to people and communities from environmental hazards such as flooding and pollution Where are we Climate change is likely to the best approach to help result in more frequent and reduce the risks both to now? extreme weather events, people and to habitats Pollution and flooding with people located on and biodiversity. As a have wide-ranging flood plains or near to firm but fair regulator, damaging effects in coasts increasingly at risk. we will investigate Wales, with poor air Drought is also an issue incidents and use our quality identified as one with water availability full range of powers to of the greatest immediate likely to be reduced in tackle environmental environmental threats to some areas. crime when it becomes people and the natural necessary. environment. Agricultural pollution incidents What will NRW continue to be an issue do? with significant impacts NRW will work in on water courses. Water partnership – providing pollution in Wales caused guidance and advice, by abandoned metal monitoring and evidence, mines is the worst in the modelling and forecasting UK. Although recycling the likelihood of events rates are increasing, and providing an effective hazardous waste and fly- response to incidents tipping continue to be a that do occur. We will be serious issue. trusted to recommend 10 CORPORATE PLAN FINAL VERSION ENGLISHXX.indd 10 23/03/2018 12:15
We will: • Use our Area Statements to assess • Support initiatives such as Flood the risk of environmental hazards, and Awareness Wales and Fly-tipping develop nature-based solutions as a Action Wales first option to reduce their frequency/ severity • Ensure these are integrated into Well- being Plans and provide multiple benefits where possible, such as habitat creation and recreation opportunities • Work with partners on preventative measures and to prepare for environmental incidents if they do occur • Collaborate with organisations such as Public Health Wales and local authorities to trial innovative approaches to improving local air “ quality, diffuse and/or agricultural pollution, metal mine remediation and We were working on a site in Llanelli and two ladies came down who were dealing with slurry living on the street. They were so • Maintain our existing flood assets and grateful we were there, they were overjoyed which made me happy build flood defences to reduce the risk that we’re doing a good job to further properties Allyn Hawkes Operations Supervisor • Reduce pollution risks by effective use of our regulatory powers 11 CORPORATE PLAN FINAL VERSION ENGLISHXX.indd 11 23/03/2018 12:15
5 Help people live healthier and more fulfilled lives Where are we in and making use of What will NRW a good-quality natural now? environment could help do? There are significant NRW will encourage address some of these as health issues and access and provide a wide part of a healthy lifestyle considerable differences range of opportunities and improved physical and in healthy life expectancy for recreation and mental health. between different volunteering. We will have areas in Wales. Living Although many people joint initiatives with Public already enjoy the natural Health Wales, Sport Wales world, not everyone and other experts using understands the benefits the natural environment to the natural environment improve health and well- “ provides for their day being. The thing that The that I to day lives. There are enjoy is helping We will help the natural considerable challenges to the communities’ environment be seen as ideas come to reconnect some people to integral to local Well- fruition, and to see the natural environment, being Plans, with Welsh people appreciate learning in and about the the environment. landscapes and seascapes outdoors and the benefits Geminie Drinkwater inspiring lifelong learning they provide. Project Officer, and participation in sports Llynfi Valley and the arts. Woodland 12 CORPORATE PLAN FINAL VERSION ENGLISHXX.indd 12 23/03/2018 12:15
We will: • Develop and manage walking, running, • Work with partners, communities mountain bike and horse riding trails and educators to promote the value and access points, focusing on places of the local natural environment and where this can provide the most the opportunities they can provide benefits to improve health, develop skills and support Wales’ cultural heritage • Support community projects and social enterprise on land and water that we manage • Deliver Cyfle - our scheme for the support of apprenticeships, research and work placements and volunteering • Help every child in Wales experience and value the natural environment, working in partnership to ensure outdoor learning is included within the statutory curriculum for all age groups • Work with Public Health Wales and Sport Wales to develop joint actions that improve health and well-being and ensure this is embedded in Well- being Plans • Work with partners to deliver the benefits of the Wales Coast Path and Welsh National Trails for visitors and locals alike 13 CORPORATE PLAN FINAL VERSION ENGLISHXX.indd 13 23/03/2018 12:15
6 Promote successful and responsible business, using natural resources without damaging them Where are we What will NRW now? do? “ Over 90% of the land NRW will have strong I like to think I’m area in Wales is used for links with industry and helping to leave agriculture and forestry. agriculture through advice a legacy for my Wales also has significant and regulation. While daughter so she can freshwater and marine some businesses already continue to enjoy fisheries: ensuring the these things operate sustainably, there sustainability of fish Charlie Lewis are more opportunities for Project Support stocks is a significant green growth, benefiting Officer issue. industry itself, the natural environment and the Local authority recycling people of Wales. rates have risen and are now the highest in the We will support the UK, second highest in development of alternative Europe and third highest markets as well as in the world. Electricity Payment for Ecosystem generated from Services and use our renewables has more buying power to influence than tripled since 2007. our suppliers and the wider public sector to encourage working towards a circular economy. 14 CORPORATE PLAN FINAL VERSION ENGLISHXX.indd 14 23/03/2018 12:15
We will: • Deliver our Enterprise Plan, including timber, renewable energy and tourism • Promote the compelling reasons for businesses to adopt an SMNR approach, helping understand the benefits to industry, people and the natural environment • Use our experimental powers to work with emerging technologies to help businesses operate sustainably • Help provide good-quality jobs throughout Wales and support apprenticeships, work placements and Welsh Government employment programmes • Work with the private, public and voluntary sectors, neighbours and communities to support appropriate use of the land and water we manage to deliver multiple benefits • Support the Welsh Government to develop their approach to new tax powers • Put steps in place to work towards a circular economy and zero waste in Wales 15 CORPORATE PLAN FINAL VERSION ENGLISHXX.indd 15 23/03/2018 12:15
7 Develop NRW into an excellent organisation, delivering first-class customer service Where are we sustainably. And we will know we are working in now? the best way we can Since 2013, we have because our staff and established our customers will have told standalone capability, “ us so. developing our own We respect the identity systems appropriate for We care for our staff: our of our customers and the Wales. staff are, and recognise partners we work with, and that they are, valued for aim to provide those services We are poised to their professionalism and in their language of choice, reorganise our structure Welsh or English as they so expertise, listened to and to deliver our local, wish their diversity area-based approach, Lyn Williams celebrated. We care for following on from work Welsh Language our customers, Officer over several years and will be seen as leading up to this point. a valuable partner because we listen, What will NRW respond and are keen to do? work collaboratively. We NRW will be leading the care for the natural way to a better future for environment: that is why Wales by managing the we are here. It is usually environment and natural why people work for resources of Wales NRW. 16 CORPORATE PLAN FINAL VERSION ENGLISHXX.indd 16 23/03/2018 12:15
We will: • Inspire, motivate and empower our • Support wider sharing and efficient staff to live our values, and be our use of our assets such as offices ambassadors and fleet, to help move towards an • Ensure we listen to staff, understand efficient and integrated public service their views and improve NRW as a for Wales place to work • Pilot new approaches to our grant- • Reduce our own environmental giving work impact and carbon footprint showing • Trial and share our new approach to leadership in decarbonisation in the procurement across the public sector public sector • Enable our customers to do business with us online – because it’s the simplest, cheapest and quickest way to do so 17 CORPORATE PLAN FINAL VERSION ENGLISHXX.indd 17 23/03/2018 12:15
To deliver the Corporate Plan we will need We will measure performance, through to manage our resources carefully – both indicators aligned to the long-term vision staff and money - ensuring we provide for the natural environment in Wales, good value for money. measures for our Corporate Plan and annual targets for our Business Plan. Over the next two to three years we will be changing – to a more integrated, This will ensure we are ambitious and locally based organisation, only using a rigorous in monitoring both the natural national approach where it makes more environment in Wales and the benefits it sense to do so. provides, and our own performance and how we contribute to well-being in Wales We will be moving towards a more now and for future generations. enabling organisation, where we help partners to work with us to help deliver joint outcomes. For more information please read our full Corporate Plan 18 CORPORATE PLAN FINAL VERSION ENGLISHXX.indd 18 23/03/2018 12:15
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