Managed Care Compliance Conference - IN-PERSON Jan 30 - Feb 1, 2022 Phoenix, AZ VIRTUAL Feb 8-9, 2022 CST

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Managed Care Compliance Conference - IN-PERSON Jan 30 - Feb 1, 2022 Phoenix, AZ VIRTUAL Feb 8-9, 2022 CST

      Managed Care
   Compliance Conference
 IN-PERSON • Jan 30 – Feb 1, 2022 • Phoenix, AZ
        VIRTUAL • Feb 8–9, 2022 CST
        HCCA’s Annual Managed Care Compliance Conference is the perfect
        event for those who manage compliance at health plan providers. Hear
        from experienced compliance leaders and explore topics and issues that
        are pertinent to industry professionals like you.

           • Learn the latest practices and share strategies

           • Connect with peers and mentors facing similar challenges

           • 	Earn live Compliance Certification Board (CCB)® continuing
             education units (CEUs)

Learn more and register
About                Managed Care Compliance Conference IN-PERSON • Jan 30 – Feb 1, 2022 • Phoenix, AZ | VIRTUAL • Feb 8–9, 2022

    Attend the annual education and networking event for those who manage compliance
    for health plan providers. Learn the latest practices, share strategies, and connect with
    peers and mentors who work in the industry.
    This conference offers live Compliance Certification Board (CCB)® continuing education
    units (CEUs) for participation. Please visit the event page for the latest details.

    Who should attend?
                                                                The Certified in Healthcare Compliance
       • Compliance officers
                                                                (CHC)® exam will be offered at the
       • Managers of compliance                                 in-person Managed Care Compliance
       • Internal auditors                                      Conference on Wednesday, February 2,
                                                                2022. CCB also offers the flexibility for
       • Fraud examiners                                        candidates to take their exam remotely,
       • Human resource managers                                at a local testing site, or following certain
                                                                HCCA conferences. To learn more about
       • Privacy offers
                                                                our various testing options, visit HCCA’s
       • Medicare compliance officers                           website,
       • Inside and outside counsel

    What will attendees learn?
    Explore issues that are pertinent to industry professionals like you.
    This year’s agenda includes these trending topics:
       • D
          iversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Compliance Space
       • M
          ental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) Compliance in Action
       • M
          anaged Care: OIG Update on Priorities and Risk Areas in Managed Care
       • T
          he Dos and Don’ts of Medicare Advantage: Lessons from Recent Enforcement
         Activity in Medicare Advantage Programs
       • W
          hy me? Compliance officers personal risks in Managed Care investigations:
         Liaison, Witness, Subject, Defendant, Whistleblower
       • Managed Care Hot Topics Panel Discussion

    Join the healthcare compliance community
    Health Care Compliance Association (HCCA) members receive exclusive educational
    resources and discounts on conferences, publications, and CCB exams to help support
    them in their compliance roles. Join today to build your network and continue the growth
    and success of your compliance program. Learn more at
    Members save on conference registration!

Agenda                                                       Managed Care Compliance Conference IN-PERSON • Jan 30 – Feb 1, 2022 • Phoenix, AZ
                                                                                                        ALL TIMES LISTED ARE IN MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME (MST)

    Sunday, January 30 IN-PERSON
        8:00–9:30 am P1 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Compliance Space
         9:30–9:45 am Networking Break
          9:45–11:15 am P2 Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA): Compliance in Action
     11:15 am–12:45 pm Lunch (on your own)
    11:30 am–12:30 pm SpeedNetworking (Lunch provided only for pre-registered participants)
         12:45–2:15 pm P3 Applying the Seven Elements of an Effective Compliance Program for Best Practices in Regulatory Audits
         2:15–2:30 pm Networking Break
        2:30–4:00 pm P4 Back to the Future: Leveraging Knowledge and Experiences to Accommodate 2022 CMS Program Audit Protocols
         4:00–5:30 pm Welcome Reception

    Monday, January 31               IN-PERSON
                                                               SUBJECT AREA: MEDICARE/MEDICAID
        7:00–8:00 am Breakfast
         8:00–8:15 am Opening Remarks
          8:15–9:15 am GENERAL SESSION: Managed Care: OIG Update on Priorities and Risk Areas in Managed Care
         9:15–9:45 am Networking Break
                      101 Effective and Compliant Hierarchical        102 Surprises in the No Surprises Act:       103 Fraud, Waste and Abuse Updates from the FBI
        9:45–10:45 am Condition Category Capture Auditing             New Requirements for Plans and Providers
                                                                      Regarding Provider Directory Information
       10:45–11:00 am Networking Break
                      201 Best Practices in Establishing a            203 Compliance Organization Design
    11:00 am–12:00 pm Medicare Drug Management Program to
                         Ensure Quality and Compliance

         12:00–1:15 pm Lunch
                       301 Compliance Issues Under the Purview        303 The Lifecycle of a CMS Part D Memo
          1:15–2:15 pm of Payment Integrity and Fraud, Waste,         from Analysis to CMS Audit
                         and Abuse
         2:15–2:30 pm Networking Break
                      402 The Next Big Thing! Maintaining             403 Compliance Considerations in Mergers
         2:30–3:30 pm Compliance  and Managing Risk with
                      Healthcare Startup Vendors and Providers
                                                                      and Acquisitions

         3:30–3:45 pm Networking Break
         3:45–4:45 pm GENERAL SESSION: The Dos and Don’ts of Medicare Advantage and Medicaid Managed Care: Lessons from Recent Enforcement Activity
         4:45–6:00 pm Networking Reception

    Tuesday, February 1               IN-PERSON
                                                               SUBJECT AREA: MEDICARE/MEDICAID
        7:00–7:55 am Breakfast
        7:55–8:00 am Opening Remarks
                    GENERAL SESSION: Why Me? Compliance Officer’s Personal Risks in Managed Care Investigations: Liaison, Witness, Subject, Defendant,
       8:00–9:00 am Whistleblower
       9:00–9:30 am Networking Break
       9:30–10:30 am 501 The Magic of Universes: Beyond the CMS Audit                             502 A Deep Dive: Enforcement Trends and Risk Areas in Managed Care
      10:30–10:45 am Networking Break
        10:45–11:45 am 601 Preparing MCOs for the IDD Carve-In                                    602 HITRUST CSF: Achieving Certification
    11:45 am–12:45 pm Lunch
        12:45–1:45 pm 701 Building an Effective Medicare Compliance Risk Assessment               702 Audit Readiness: To Infinity and Beyond
        1:45–2:00 pm Networking Break
                     801 How to Improve Your Medicare Data Validation Audit Process to
        2:00–3:00 pm Enhance                                                                      802 Automate Your Compliance Process to Impress Regulators
                             Oversight of FDRs and Internal Operations
        3:00–3:15 pm Networking Break
         3:15–4:15 pm GENERAL SESSION: Hot Topics Panel

    Wednesday, February 2                   IN-PERSON
        8:00–8:15 am    Exam Check-in
        8:15–10:15 am Certified in Healthcare Compliance (CHC)® Exam (optional)
                                                                                                                                                Agenda and times subject to change.

Agenda                                                                          Managed Care Compliance Conference VIRTUAL • Feb 8–9, 2022
                                                                                                 ALL TIMES LISTED ARE IN CENTRAL STANDARD TIME (CST)

    Tuesday, February 8             VIRTUAL
       8:25–8:30 am    Welcome and Opening Remarks

       8:30–9:30 am V1 The Impact of HIPAA Regulatory Changes on Managed Care             V2 Applying Principles of Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) to
                       Organizations                                                      Your Compliance Program Using Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
       9:30–9:45 am Break
                       V3 How to Improve Your Medicare Data Validation Audit Process to   V4 OIG Audits of Diagnosis Codes at High Risk for Being Miscoded: A
       9:45–10:45 am Enhance Oversight of FDRs and Internal Operations                    Discussion of How We Identify Diagnosis Codes to Audit and What You
                                                                                          Can Do to Enhance Your Compliance Procedures
    10:45 am–11:00 pm Break

    11:00 am–12:00 pm V5 The Magic of Universes: Beyond the CMS Audit                     V6 A Deep Dive: Enforcement Trends and Risk Areas in
                                                                                          Managed Care
       12:00–1:00 pm Mid-conference break

        1:00–2:00 pm V7 The Next Big Thing! Maintaining Compliance and Managing Risk      V8 Compliance Organization Design
                       with Healthcare Startup Vendors and Providers
        2:00–2:15 pm Break

        2:15–3:45 pm V9 Back to the Future: Leveraging Knowledge and Experiences to       V10 Creativity in Compliance: A Case Study in Developing Impactful
                       Accommodate 2022 CMS Program Audit Protocols                       and Action-Oriented Compliance Activities and Trainings

    Wednesday, February 9                VIRTUAL
       8:30–9:30 am V11 Compliance Considerations in Mergers and Acquisitions             V12 Looking Around the Corner: How to Navigate the Shifting Drug
                                                                                          Contracting Landscape
       9:30–9:45 am Break

       9:45–10:45 am V13 Compliance Issues Under the Purview of Payment Integrity and     V14 HITRUST CSF: Achieving Certification
                       Fraud, Waste, and Abuse
    10:45 am–11:00 pm Break

    11:00 am–12:00 pm V15 Building an Effective Medicare Compliance Risk Assessment       V16 Best Practices in Establishing a Medicare Drug Management
                                                                                          Program to Ensure Quality and Compliance
       12:00–1:00 pm Mid-conference break

        1:00–2:00 pm V17 Surprises in the No Surprises Act: New Requirements for Plans    V18 Effective and Compliant Hierarchical Condition Category
                       and Providers Regarding Provider Directory Information             Capture Auditing
        2:00–2:15 pm Break

        2:15–3:45 pm V19 CMS Program Audit: What to Do Before and After Your              V20 Applying the Seven Elements of an Effective Compliance
                       Organization Receives an Audit Notice                              Program for Best Practices in Regulatory Audits
                                                                                                                                     Agenda and times subject to change.

Agenda                                              Managed Care Compliance Conference IN-PERSON • Jan 30 – Feb 1, 2022 • Phoenix, AZ
                                                                                        ALL TIMES LISTED ARE IN MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME (MST)

    IN-PERSON                                                              11:30 am – 12:30 pm
                                                                           (Lunch provided only for pre-registered participants)
    Sunday, January 30
    (Pre-Conference)                                                       12:45 – 2:15 pm

    8:00 – 9:30 am
                                                                           P3 Applying the Seven Elements of an
                                                                           Effective Compliance Program for Best
    P1 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the                             Practices in Regulatory Audits
    Compliance Space                                                       Level: Intermediate
    Level: Intermediate                                                    Kenneth Nuñez, Chief Compliance Officer, Provider
    Cheyenne Ross, Arizona VP of Compliance & Regulatory                   Partners Health Plan
    Affairs, Arizona Complete Health                                       Annie Hsu Shieh, Senior Compliance Counsel, Central
    Kimulet Winzer, Director, SunHawk Consulting                           Health Plan of California
    y   Increase compliance program engagement by intentionally            Robert Alfano, U.S. Regulatory Lead, Babylon
        creating an inclusive environment                                  y   Apply the seven elements into regulatory audit planning to
    y   Expand leadership skills by leveraging inclusive language              manage toward successful results
        to foster ethical decisions                                        y   Discuss key regulatory audit prep best practices using
    y   Learn to infuse courageous conversations and ongoing                   the seven elements to guide successful planning, ensure
        training to strengthen your compliance program                         cohesiveness, and organization in audit prep
                                                                           y   This presentation will present best practices from a plan,
                                                                               PBM, and TPA oversight perspective and discuss how
    9:30 – 9:45 am                                                             this effective planning can help better organize your
    Networking Break                                                           regulatory audits

    9:45 – 11:15 am                                                        2:15 – 2:30 pm
                                                                           Networking Break
    P2 Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity
    Act (MHPAEA): Compliance in Action
                                                                           2:30 – 4:00 pm
    Level: Intermediate
    Noreen Vergara, Senior Counsel, Husch Blackwell LLP                    P4 Back to the Future: Leveraging
    Zach Davis, Senior Consulting Actuary, Wakely Consulting
                                                                           Knowledge and Experiences to
    Group, LLC                                                             Accommodate 2022 CMS Program
    Amanda Brown, Vice President, Compliance Solutions,
                                                                           Audit Protocols
    ATTAC Consulting Group LLC                                             Level: Intermediate
    y   Quantitative treatment limitations (QTL) and Non-quantitative      Annie Hsu Shieh, Senior Compliance Counsel, Central
        treatment limitations (NQTL) 101                                   Health Plan of California
        Creating a QTL annual testing process, NQTL comparative
                                                                           Anne Crawford, SVP Compliance Solutions, ATTAC
        analysis, and compliance oversight program
                                                                           Consulting Group LL
    y   The latest MHPAEA-related regulatory updates and their
        impact on compliance and the industry                              y   Hear how recent audit experiences combined with revised CMS
                                                                               program audit protocols can be leveraged
                                                                               Key considerations when determining if 2022 protocols require
    11:15 am – 12:45 pm                                                    y
                                                                               modifications to monitoring activities
    Lunch (on your own)                                                    y   Applying best practices to ensure audit readiness

                                                                           4:00 – 5:30 pm
                                                                           Welcome Reception

Agenda                                              Managed Care Compliance Conference IN-PERSON • Jan 30 – Feb 1, 2022 • Phoenix, AZ
                                                                                        ALL TIMES LISTED ARE IN MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME (MST)

    IN-PERSON                                                              102 Surprises in the No Surprises Act:
                                                                           New Requirements for Plans and Providers
    Monday January 31                                                      Regarding Provider Directory Information
                                                                           Level: Intermediate
    7:00 – 8:00 am                                                         Scott Westover, SVP Network and Regulatory Strategy,
                                                                           Quest Analytics
                                                                           Michael Adelberg, Principal, Faegre Drinker Consulting
                                                                           y   In order to improve the accuracy of provider directories,
    8:00 – 8:15 am                                                             Congress passed the No Surprises Act
    Opening Remarks                                                        y   The No Surprises Act puts new requirements on new health
                                                                               plans and providers
                                                                           y   Health plans and providers have to come into compliance with
    8:15 – 9:15 am                                                             the law and new regulation

    GENERAL SESSION:                                                       103 Fraud, Waste and Abuse Updates from
    Managed Care: OIG Update on Priorities                                 the FBI
    and Risk Areas in Managed Care                                         Level: Intermediate
    Megan Tinker, Assistant Inspector General, U.S. Department             SSA Joseph S. Parker Jr., FBI, Criminal Investigative Division
    of Health and Human Services, Office of the Inspector
                                                                           y   Discussion of the FBI’s Health Care Fraud Program initiatives
    General                                                                    and priorities
    y   Discussion of recent OIG work in managed care                      y   Review of current and emerging health care fraud schemes
    y   Risk areas and enforcement trends                                  y   How the FBI works with other Federal agencies and private
    y   Upcoming OIG work and priorities in managed care                       insurance carriers

    9:15 – 9:45 am                                                         10:45 – 11:00 am
    Networking Break                                                       Networking Break

    9:45 – 10:45 am                                                        11:00 am – 12:00 pm

    101 Effective and Compliant Hierarchical                               201 Best Practices in Establishing a Medicare
    Condition Category Capture Auditing                                    Drug Management Program to Ensure Quality
    Level: Intermediate
                                                                           and Compliance
    Allison Ritchie, Senior Consultant, Protiviti                          Level: Basic
    Kim Pardini-Kiely, Clinical and Operational Excellence Lead,           Dawn Becker-Ellison, Sr Clinical Pharmacist, Blue Shield of
    Protiviti                                                              California
    Bryan Beaudoin, Health Information Management Solution                 Amy Togonon PharmD, Clinical Pharmacist, Blue Shield of
    Lead, Protiviti                                                        California
    y   Receive an overview of hierarchical condition category (HCCs)      y   Review Medicare Part D requirements for a Drug Management
        capture’s importance and use                                           Program
    y   Learn how to use data analytics to effectively audit HCC           y   Describe case review team membership and process
        capture for accuracy and compliance                                y   Describe how the team and processes ensure compliance with
    y   Understand how to oversee a risk-based HCC capture audit as            Medicare DMP requirements
        well as integrating internal controls

Agenda                                                Managed Care Compliance Conference IN-PERSON • Jan 30 – Feb 1, 2022 • Phoenix, AZ
                                                                                          ALL TIMES LISTED ARE IN MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME (MST)

    IN-PERSON                                                                303 The Lifecycle of a CMS Part D Memo
                                                                             from Analysis to CMS Audit
    203 Compliance Organization Design                                       Level: Intermediate
                                                                             Mark Horowitz, Senior Manager, National Special
    Level: Intermediate
                                                                             Investigations Unit, Kaiser Permanente
    James Rose, Managing Director, SunHawk Consulting, LLC
                                                                             Tamara Neiman, Executive Director, Nat’l Special
    y   What is organizational design and how it is important to             Investigations Unit, Kaiser Permanente
        compliance program effectiveness?
                                                                             y   We will describe the process from cradle to grave using an
    y   How does my organization’s other governance groups impact                actual I-MEDIC referral that was initiated from a CMS Quarterly
        the compliance organization design?                                      Drug Trend Analysis Memo
    y   What considerations should be made for organization design of        y   We will present how data visualization identified the issue, how
        the compliance program?                                                  clinical review confirmed the issue, and the role played by the
                                                                                 SIU in referring the matter to the I-MEDIC
    12:00 – 1:15 pm                                                          y   During a recent CMS audit this case was selected as the Tracer.
                                                                                 During the presentation, we will outline our documentation
    Lunch                                                                        process for the Tracer and discuss the outcome

    1:15 – 2:15 pm                                                           2:15 – 2:30 pm
    SUBJECT AREA: MEDICARE/MEDICAID                                          Networking Break

    301 Compliance Issues Under the Purview                                  2:30 – 3:30 pm
    of Payment Integrity and Fraud, Waste,
    and Abuse                                                                SUBJECT AREA: MEDICARE/MEDICAID
    Level: Intermediate
    Karen Weintraub, Executive Vice President, Healthcare
    Fraud Shield
    Lori Peters, Sr. Director Special Investigations Unit, Centene
    y   How to quickly identify providers and beneficiaries improperly
    y   Utilizing analytics to capture providers billing multiple products
        for the same beneficiaries
    y   Using public record data in your PI/FWA program to identify
        exclusions, adverse actions, and more

Agenda                                               Managed Care Compliance Conference IN-PERSON • Jan 30 – Feb 1, 2022 • Phoenix, AZ
                                                                                          ALL TIMES LISTED ARE IN MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME (MST)

    IN-PERSON                                                                3:45 – 4:45 pm
                                                                             GENERAL SESSION:
    402 The Next Big Thing! Maintaining                                      The Dos and Don’ts of Medicare Advantage
    Compliance and Managing Risk with                                        and Medicaid Managed Care: Lessons from
    Healthcare Startup Vendors and Providers                                 Recent Enforcement Activity
    Level: Intermediate                                                      Katherine Armstrong, Assistant United States Attorney,
                                                                             United States Attorney’s Office
    Sandra Durkin, Member Attorney, Strategic Health law
                                                                             Pamela Brecht, Attorney/Partner, Pietragallo Gordon
    Elizabeth Lippincott, Managing Member, Strategic                         Alfano Bosick & Raspanti, LLP
    Health Law
                                                                             Jonathan Ferry, Partner, Government Enforcement &
    y   Legal risks of contracting with startup and private equity-          Investigations, Bradley Arant Boult Cummings
        backed companies, which can help health plans stay
        competitive with their innovation but may also pose risks to         y   Participants will gain understanding of Medicare Programs
        compliance and overtax your plans legal and compliance                   and the Risk Adjustment Process
        resources                                                            y   Participants will gain understanding of Medicaid Managed
    y   Handling vendor negotiations with a company that lacks                   Care Program Risk
        expertise in the healthcare legal and regulatory environment,        y   Participants will gain understanding of the current
        including anti-fraud laws, such as the Anti-Kickback Statute, that       enforcement environment in Medicare Advantage and
        can be violated during the negotiation process                           Medicaid Managed Care
    y   Practical strategies for counseling internal business clients on     y   Participants will get takeaways from recent enforcement
        challenges unique to dealing with healthcare startups, including         activity to help improve compliance programs
        ongoing compliance monitoring of organizations with limited
        internal legal and compliance resources
                                                                             4:45 – 6:00 pm
    403 Compliance Considerations in Mergers                                 Networking Reception
    and Acquisitions
    Level: Intermediate
    Jenny O’Brien, SCCE & HCCA Board Member                                  Tuesday, February 1
    Steve Lokensgard, Partner, Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath
    y   Reviewing pre-delegation and contracting requirements                7:00 – 7:55 am
    y   Role in due diligence reviews                                        Breakfast
    y   Integration strategies
                                                                             7:55 – 8:00 am
    3:30 – 3:45 pm                                                           Opening Remarks
    Networking Break
                                                                             8:00 – 9:00 am
                                                                             GENERAL SESSION:
                                                                             Why Me? Compliance Officer’s Personal Risks
                                                                             in Managed Care Investigations: Liaison,
                                                                             Witness, Subject, Defendant, Whistleblower
                                                                             James Sheehan, Chief, Charities Bureau,
                                                                             NY Attorney General
                                                                             Lisa Estrada, Senior Vice President and Chief Ethics and
                                                                             Compliance Officer, LifePoint Health
                                                                             y   Understand your potential personal involvement as a
                                                                                 compliance officer in government investigations
                                                                             y   Evaluate compliance officer’s rights and risks as witness,
                                                                                 subject, defendant, or whistleblower
                                                                             y   Learn best practices for addressing involvement in
                                                                                 government and whistleblower cases

Agenda                                              Managed Care Compliance Conference IN-PERSON • Jan 30 – Feb 1, 2022 • Phoenix, AZ
                                                                                        ALL TIMES LISTED ARE IN MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME (MST)

    IN-PERSON                                                              10:45 – 11:45 am
                                                                           SUBJECT AREA: MEDICARE/MEDICAID
    9:00 – 9:30 am                                                         601 Preparing MCOs for the IDD Carve-In
    Networking Break
                                                                           Level: Intermediate
                                                                           Antony Fiori, Senior Managing Director, Manatt Health
    9:30 – 10:30 am                                                        Justin Frazer, JD, MBA, Director, Healthcare Consulting,
    SUBJECT AREA: MEDICARE/MEDICAID                                        Mazars USA LLP
                                                                           y   States are increasingly moving individuals with I/DD needs and
    501 The Magic of Universes: Beyond the                                     LTSS services to MCOs
    CMS Audit                                                              y   Some states are creating specialized MCOs, others are relying
                                                                               on existing MCOs
    Level: Intermediate                                                    y   I/DD needs must be met: CM, waiver service management,
    Gabriel Viola, SVP Customer Relationship, Inovaare                         network adequacy, and quality measurement
                                                                           602 HITRUST CSF: Achieving Certification
    Brenda Wade, Chief Compliance Officer, Inovaare
                                                                           Level: Basic
    y   Leverage universes for operational performance analysis, not
        merely for CMS Program Audits                                      Uday Ali Pabrai, CEO, ecfirst
    y   Monitor universes regularly to proactively address and             y   Walk through how HITRUST CSF maps to and addresses
        mitigate issues                                                        CMMC, ISO 27001, HIPAA, and NIST standards
    y   Avoid penalties and delays by sustaining continuous                y   Evaluate establishing a compliance program on HITRUST CSF
        compliance, not reacting to audits
                                                                           y   Examine key steps to successfully achive HITRUST certification
    502 A Deep Dive: Enforcement Trends and
    Risk Areas in Managed Care                                             11:45 am – 12:45 pm
    Level: Advanced                                                        Lunch
    Sheniece Smith, VP General Counsel, Northbay Healthcare
    Kirk Ogrosky, Partner, Arnold & Porter                                 12:45 – 1:45 pm
    John Kelly, Member, Bass, Berry & Sims PLC                             SUBJECT AREA: MEDICARE/MEDICAID
    y   The panel will discuss in detail lessons learned from past and
        current enforcement actions                                        701 Building an Effective Medicare
    y   The panel will identify key risk areas for Medicare managed
        care organizations and providers
                                                                           Compliance Risk Assessment
    y   The panel will discuss compliance program best practices to        Level: Intermediate
        minimize risk in Medicare Advantage                                Melissa Whitley, Vice President Client Services, BluePeak
    10:30 – 10:45 am                                                       y   Develop effective tools to make tracking and scoring your risks
    Networking Break                                                           an easier task
                                                                           y   How to collaborate with internal teams to fully identify Medicare
                                                                           y   Ensuring effective processes are in place for identifying risks
                                                                               with delegates

Agenda                                               Managed Care Compliance Conference IN-PERSON • Jan 30 – Feb 1, 2022 • Phoenix, AZ
                                                                                          ALL TIMES LISTED ARE IN MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME (MST)

     IN-PERSON                                                               802 Automate Your Compliance Process to
                                                                             Impress Regulators
     702 Audit Readiness: To Infinity and Beyond                             Level: Intermediate
                                                                             John Tanner, Chief Compliance Officer, Beacon Healthcare
     Level: Intermediate
     Kim Gray, Manager, Corporate Compliance, Blue Cross Blue
                                                                             y   Learn how automation can improve your ability to distribute and
     Shield of North Carolina                                                    track HPSM memos
     Elenor Haith, Director and Corporate Compliance Official,               y   Understand how automated auditing and monitoring helps you
     Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC                                                see compliance patterns across your plan
     y   Integrate an effective compliance risk assessment to reinforce      y   Apply automation to strengthen compliance oversight and
         your organization’s audit readiness                                     compliance program effectiveness in RADV
     y   Establish compliance mock audits and assessments that align
         with regulatory requirements                                        3:00 – 3:15 pm
     y   Evaluate audit preparedness through readiness checklist             Networking Break

     1:45 – 2:00 pm                                                          3:15 – 4:15 pm
     Networking Break                                                        GENERAL SESSION:
                                                                             Hot Topics Panel
     2:00 – 3:00 pm                                                          Moderator: Carolyn Barton, VP Compliance & Regional
     SUBJECT AREA: MEDICARE/MEDICAID                                         Compliance Officer, Ethics and Compliance Office, Kaiser
                                                                             Foundation Health Plan of Washington
     801 How to Improve Your Medicare Data                                   Panelists:
     Validation Audit Process to Enhance                                     Sheila Nishimoto, Vice President of Compliance,
     Oversight of FDRs and Internal Operations                               Coordinated Care of Washington, Inc.
     Level: Intermediate                                                     Cheyenne Ross, Arizona VP of Compliance & Regulatory
                                                                             Affairs, Arizona Complete Health
     Derek Frye, Audit & Technology Leader, The Burchfield
     Group, an Aon Company                                                   Jeff Ubben, Vice President of Compliance, Regulatory
                                                                             Affairs, & Special Investigations
     y   Use the annual data validation audit to more broadly
         understand organizational risks
                                                                             Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota
     y   Build your oversight tools by learning how to internally validate   y   Recent fraud, waste and abuse and oversight trends
         vendor data and documentation                                       y   Addressing challenges of complying with mental health parity
     y   Use data validation to assess your performance and readiness            requirements
         for other CMS reviews                                               y   Highlights of implementing federal No Surprises Act

                                                                             Wednesday, February 2
                                                                             8:00 – 8:15 am
                                                                             Exam Check-In

                                                                             8:15 – 10:15 am
                                                                             Certified in Healthcare Compliance (CHC)

                                                                             Exam (optional)
                                                                             You must apply in advance to sit for the exam. The cost is not
                                                                             included in the conference registration fee

Agenda                                                            Managed Care Compliance Conference VIRTUAL • Feb 8–9, 2022
                                                                                      ALL TIMES LISTED ARE IN CENTRAL STANDARD TIME (CST)

     VIRTUAL                                                           9:45 – 10:45 am
                                                                       SUBJECT AREA: MEDICARE/MEDICAID
     Tuesday, February 8                                               V3 How to Improve Your Medicare Data
                                                                       Validation Audit Process to Enhance
     8:25 – 8:30 am                                                    Oversight of FDRs and Internal Operations
     Welcome and Opening Remarks                                       Level: Intermediate
                                                                       Derek Frye, Audit & Technology Leader, The Burchfield
                                                                       Group, an Aon Company
     8:30 – 9:30 am
                                                                       Kathryn Patterson, Audit Manager, Commonwealth
     V1 The Impact of HIPAA Regulatory Changes                         Care Alliance
     on Managed Care Organizations                                     Jason Hoyme, Audit and Compliance Manager, The
     Level: Intermediate                                               Burchfield Group, an Aon Company

     Elizabeth Kastner, Attorney At Law, Epstein, Becker & Green       y   Use the annual data validation audit to more broadly
                                                                           understand organizational risks
     Chris Bennington, Member of the Firm, Epstein Becker &            y   Build your oversight tools by learning how to internally validate
     Green PC                                                              vendor data and documentation
     y   Define the aspects of the HIPAA regulatory changes that are   y   Use data validation to assess your performance and readiness
         applicable to managed care organizations                          for other CMS reviews
         Understand the policy and procedure changes that may be
         required to remain fully compliant                            V4 OIG Audits of Diagnosis Codes at High
     y   Identify the regulatory changes that will require workforce   Risk for Being Miscoded: A Discussion of
         re-training                                                   How We Identify Diagnosis Codes to Audit
     V2 Applying Principles of Continuous Quality                      and What You Can Do to Enhance Your
     Improvement (CQI) to Your Compliance                              Compliance Procedures
     Program Using Root Cause Analysis (RCA)                           Level: Intermediate
     Level: Basic                                                      Chris Bresette – Director, Medicare Part C Audits, U.S.
                                                                       Department of Health and Human Services, Office of
     Maggie Perritt, Compliance Officer                                Audit Services
         Continuous quality improvement (CQI) is consistent with
                                                                       Nicole Hackenmiller, Senior Auditor, U.S. Department of
         maintaining a culture of compliance
                                                                       Health and Human Services, Office of Audit Services
     y   CQI and RCA are not about individuals and blame, they’re
         about processes and cause and effect                          y   The panel will talk about how the OIG combines data-mining
                                                                           techniques and discussions with medical professionals to
     y   CQI and RCA can help demonstrate an effective
                                                                           identify diagnosis codes to audit
         compliance program
                                                                       y   The panel will discuss how the OIG’s audits have evolved
                                                                           The panel will discuss how MA organizations can increase
     9:30 – 9:45 am                                                    y
                                                                           their compliance program’s effectiveness when detecting and
     Break                                                                 correcting inaccurate diagnosis codes

                                                                       10:45 – 11:00 am

Agenda                                                               Managed Care Compliance Conference VIRTUAL • Feb 8–9, 2022
                                                                                         ALL TIMES LISTED ARE IN CENTRAL STANDARD TIME (CST)

     VIRTUAL                                                              1:00 – 2:00 pm
                                                                          SUBJECT AREA: MEDICARE/MEDICAID

     11:00 am – 12:00 pm                                                  V7 The Next Big Thing! Maintaining
                                                                          Compliance and Managing Risk with
                                                                          Healthcare Startup Vendors and Providers
     V5 The Magic of Universes: Beyond the                                Level: Intermediate
     CMS Audit                                                            Sandra Durkin, Member Attorney, Strategic Health law
     Level: Intermediate                                                  Elizabeth Lippincott, Managing Member, Strategic
     Gabriel Viola, SVP Customer Relationship, Inovaare                   Health Law
     Corporation                                                          y   Legal risks of contracting with startup and private equity-
                                                                              backed companies, which can help health plans stay
     Brenda Wade, Chief Compliance Officer, Inovaare                          competitive with their innovation but may also pose risks to
     Julie Mason, President, Integritas Medicare                              compliance and overtax your plans legal and compliance
     y   Leverage universes for operational performance analysis, not
         merely for CMS Program Audits                                    y   Handling vendor negotiations with a company that lacks
                                                                              expertise in the healthcare legal and regulatory environment,
     y   Monitor universes regularly to proactively address and               including anti-fraud laws, such as the Anti-Kickback Statute, that
         mitigate issues                                                      can be violated during the negotiation process
     y   Avoid penalties and delays by sustaining continuous              y   Practical strategies for counseling internal business clients on
         compliance, not reacting to audits                                   challenges unique to dealing with healthcare startups, including
                                                                              ongoing compliance monitoring of organizations with limited
     V6 A Deep Dive: Enforcement Trends and                                   internal legal and compliance resources
     Risk Areas in Managed Care
                                                                          V8 Compliance Organization Design
     Level: Advanced
                                                                          Level: Intermediate
     Megan Tinker, Assistant Inspector General, HHS-OIG
                                                                          Veronica Moore, Director, Corporate and Medicare
     Benjamin Singer, Partner, O’Melveny & Myers LLP                      Compliance, BCBS of AZ
     John Kelly, Member, Bass, Berry & Sims PLC                           James Rose, Managing Director, SunHawk Consulting, LLC
     y   The panel will discuss in detail lessons learned from past and   y   What is organizational design and how it is important to
         current enforcement actions                                          compliance program effectiveness?
     y   The panel will identify key risk areas for Medicare managed      y   How does my organization’s other governance groups impact
         care organizations and providers                                     the compliance organization design?
     y   The panel will discuss compliance program best practices to      y   What considerations should be made for organization design of
         minimize risk in Medicare Advantage                                  the compliance program?

     12:00 – 1:00 pm                                                      2:00 – 2:15 pm
     Mid-conference break                                                 Break

Agenda                                                              Managed Care Compliance Conference VIRTUAL • Feb 8–9, 2022
                                                                                        ALL TIMES LISTED ARE IN CENTRAL STANDARD TIME (CST)

     VIRTUAL                                                             Wednesday, February 9
                                                                         8:30 – 9:30 am
     2:15 – 3:45 pm
                                                                         SUBJECT AREA: MEDICARE/MEDICAID
     V9 Back to the Future: Leveraging
     Knowledge and Experiences to                                        V11 Compliance Considerations in Mergers
     Accommodate 2022 CMS Program Audit                                  and Acquisitions
     Protocols                                                           Level: Intermediate
     Level: Intermediate                                                 Jenny O’Brien, SCCE & HCCA Board Member
     Philip Masser, Medicare Compliance Officer, Geisinger               Steve Lokensgard, Partner, Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath
     Health Plan                                                         y   Reviewing pre-delegation and contracting requirements
     Annie Hsu Shieh, Compliance Counsel, Central Health Plan            y   Role in due diligence reviews
     of California                                                       y   Integration strategies
     Anne Crawford, SVP Compliance Solutions, ATTAC
     Consulting Group LL
                                                                         V12 Looking Around the Corner: How to
                                                                         Navigate the Shifting Drug Contracting
         Hear how recent audit experiences combined with revised CMS
         program audit protocols can be leveraged                        Landscape
     y   Key considerations when determining if 2022 protocols require   Level: Advanced
         modifications to monitoring activities
                                                                         Rachel Alexander, Partner, Wiley Rein
     y   Applying best practices to ensure audit readiness
                                                                         Dorthula Powell-Woodson, Partner, Wiley Rein
     V10 Creativity in Compliance: A Case Study                          y   Prepare for the changing legal landscape of drug contracting
     in Developing Impactful and Action-Oriented                             from a regulatory and compliance standpoint
     Compliance Activities and Trainings                                 y   Understand the unique risks of purchasing drugs for Medicare
                                                                             Advantage/PDP programs
     Level: Basic                                                        y   Analyze trends in federal and state regulation of PBMs, drug
     Jessica VanderZanden, VP, Compliance & Audit,                           pricing, and reimbursement
     Network Health
     Angela M. Keenan, Director, Compliance & Privacy,                   9:30 – 9:45 am
     Network Health                                                      Break
     y   Learn effective methods to develop trainings and activities
         utilizing internal partnerships and resources, leading to
         greater success of your compliance program without adding
         significant budget
     y   Acquire techniques for getting your organization excited
         about compliance trainings and collaboration
     y   Spend time discussing successful training metrics and
         collaborative efforts

Agenda                                                                   Managed Care Compliance Conference VIRTUAL • Feb 8–9, 2022
                                                                                             ALL TIMES LISTED ARE IN CENTRAL STANDARD TIME (CST)

     VIRTUAL                                                                  V16 Best Practices in Establishing a
                                                                              Medicare Drug Management Program to
                                                                              Ensure Quality and Compliance
     9:45 – 10:45 am
                                                                              Level: Basic
                                                                              Dawn Becker-Ellison, Sr Clinical Pharmacist, Blue Shield of
     V13 Compliance Issues Under the Purview
     of Payment Integrity and Fraud, Waste, and                               Amy Togonon PharmD, Clinical Pharmacist, Blue Shield of
                                                                              y   Review Medicare Part D requirements for a Drug Management
     Level: Intermediate                                                          Program
     Karen Weintraub, Executive Vice President, Healthcare                    y   Describe case review team membership and process
     Fraud Shield                                                             y   Describe how the team and processes ensure compliance with
     Lori Peters, Sr. Director Special Investigations Unit, Centene               Medicare DMP requirements
     y   How to quickly identify providers and beneficiaries improperly       12:00 – 1:00 pm
         enrolled                                                             Mid-conference break
     y   Utilizing analytics to capture providers billing multiple products
         for the same beneficiaries
     y   Using public record data in your PI/FWA program to identify          1:00 – 2:00 pm
         exclusions, adverse actions, and more
                                                                              V17 Surprises in the No Surprises Act:
     V14 HITRUST CSF: Achieving Certification                                 New Requirements for Plans and Providers
     Level: Basic                                                             Regarding Provider Directory Information
     Uday Ali Pabrai, CEO, ecfirst                                            Level: Intermediate
     y   Walk through how HITRUST CSF maps to and addresses                   Scott Westover, SVP Network and Regulatory Strategy,
         CMMC, ISO 27001, HIPAA, and NIST standards                           Quest Analytics
     y   Evaluate establishing a compliance program on HITRUST CSF            Michael Adelberg, Principal, Faegre Drinker Consulting
     y   Examine key steps to successfully achive HITRUST certification
                                                                              y   In order to improve the accuracy of provider directories,
                                                                                  Congress passed the No Surprises Act
     10:45 – 11:00 am                                                         y   The No Surprises Act puts new requirements on new health
     Break                                                                        plans and providers
                                                                              y   Health plans and providers have to come into compliance with
                                                                                  the law and new regulation
     11:00 am – 12:00 pm
                                                                              V18 Effective and Compliant Hierarchical
     V15 Building an Effective Medicare                                       Condition Category Capture Auditing
     Compliance Risk Assessment
                                                                              Level: Intermediate
     Level: Intermediate
                                                                              Allison Ritchie, Senior Consultant, Protiviti
     Michelle Turano, Vice President Medicare Compliance,
                                                                              Kim Pardini-Kiely, Clinical and Operational Excellence Lead,
     Melissa Whitley, Vice President Client Services, BluePeak
                                                                              Bryan Beaudoin, Health Information Management Solution
                                                                              Lead, Protiviti
     y   Develop effective tools to make tracking and scoring your risks
         an easier task                                                       y   Receive an overview of hierarchical condition category (HCCs)
                                                                                  capture’s importance and use
     y   How to collaborate with internal teams to fully identify
         Medicare risks                                                       y   Learn how to use data analytics to effectively audit HCC
                                                                                  capture for accuracy and compliance
     y   Ensuring effective processes are in place for identifying risks
         with delegates                                                       y   Understand how to oversee a risk-based HCC capture audit as
                                                                                  well as integrating internal controls

Agenda                                                         Managed Care Compliance Conference VIRTUAL • Feb 8–9, 2022
                                                                                  ALL TIMES LISTED ARE IN CENTRAL STANDARD TIME (CST)

     VIRTUAL                                                        V20 Applying the Seven Elements of an
                                                                    Effective Compliance Program for Best
                                                                    Practices in Regulatory Audits
     2:00 – 2:15 pm
                                                                    Level: Intermediate
                                                                    Kenneth Nuñez, Chief Compliance Officer, Provider Partners
                                                                    Health Plan
     2:15 – 3:45pm                                                  Annie Hsu Shieh, Compliance Counsel, Central Health Plan
                                                                    of California
     V19 CMS Program Audit: What to Do Before                       Robert Alfano, U.S. Regulatory Lead, Babylon
     and After Your Organization Receives an                            Apply the seven elements into regulatory audit planning to
     Audit Notice
                                                                        manage toward successful results
     Level: Intermediate                                            y   Discuss key regulatory audit prep best practices using
                                                                        the seven elements to guide successful planning, ensure
     Laurena Lockner, Director, Monitoring and Compliance,              cohesiveness, and organization in audit prep
     HealthPartners                                                 y   This presentation will present best practices from a plan, PBM,
     Stephanie Moscetti, Senior Manager, HealthPartners                 and TPA oversight perspective and discuss how this effective
                                                                        planning can help better organize your regulatory audits
     Steve Bunde, VP Integrity & Compliance & Internal Audit,
     y   Learn about steps to take before you get the
         announcement letter
     y   Understand how to prepare CPE questionnaires, universes,
         and tracers
     y   Identify ways to be successful in CDAG, ODAG, and FAs

Managed Care Compliance Conference
IN-PERSON • Jan 30 – Feb 1, 2022 • Phoenix, AZ | VIRTUAL • Feb 8–9, 2022

 SECTION 1             Attendee Information
   Mr      Mrs       Ms       Dr      Other                  Member/ Account ID (if known/applicable) 

First Name                                                                  MI                            Last Name 

Credentials (CHC, CCEP, etc.)                                                Job Title 

Organization (name of employer) 

Street Address                                                                                                                       City/Town 

State/Province                                       Zip /Postal Code                                          Country 

Work Phone                                                             Email (required) 

 SECTION 2             Registration

In-person Options: Jan 30 – Feb 1, 2022                                                                         Virtual Options: Feb 8–9, 2022
        Member (Monday & Tuesday)                                                              $820                     Member                                                                                 $475
        Member Pre-conference (Sunday)                                                         $220                     Non-Member                                                                             $595
        Non-Member (Monday & Tuesday)                                                         $1095                     Registration + First-Time Membership Offer *                                           $695
        Non-Member Pre-conference (Sunday)                                                     $295             *Save by joining today (first-time members only). Dues renew at $325. See “Acknowledgements”
                                                                                                                  below for details.
        Registration + First-Time Membership Offer *                                          $1040
        Member add Virtual Conference Special Offer                                            $125             Group Discount
        Non-Member add Virtual Conference Special Offer                                            $175                 Group Discount for 3 or More**                                                          ($50)
*Save by joining today (first-time members only). Dues renew at $325. See “Acknowledgements”                           Group Discount for 10 or More**                                                        ($100)
  below for details.
                                                                                                                **See “Group Discount Policy” under “Acknowledgments” below for details.

Group Discount                                                                                                                                                              TOTAL $ 
        Group Discount for 3 or More**                                                         ($50)
                                                                                                                HCCA Membership: By selecting the Registration + First-Time Membership Offer, you agree to
        Group Discount for 10 or More**                                                       ($100)            the full membership Terms and Conditions, including the use of your information, viewable at
**See “Group Discount Policy” under “Acknowledgments” below for details.                               To see the full use of your information or if you wish to opt-out,
                                                            TOTAL $ 
                                                                                                                Opt-Out: Select if you would like to opt-out of the following:

Dietary Needs Request (for in person attendees only)                                                                ember Magazine Listing: HCCA lists all new members (first and last name, organization,
                                                                                                                    and state or country) in our monthly magazine, Compliance Today.
  Dairy Free   Gluten Free     Kosher     Vegetarian        Vegan      Other 
                                                                                                                   Online Member Directory: HCCA’s member directory lists first and last name, organization,
Onsite Cell Phone - for emergency onsite use only                                                                  title, address, and phone number.

 SECTION 3             Payment

Online registration at
Mail to HCCA, 6462 City West Parkway, Eden Prairie, MN 55344 USA                                          Fax to 952.988.0146
Email to — Due to PCI compliance, do not provide credit card information via email. Email this form without credit card
information, then call HCCA at 888.580.8373 or 952.988.0141 with your payment.
    Invoice me      Check enclosed (payable to HCCA)                                Wire transfer requested
    I authorize HCCA to charge my credit card:  Visa                               MasterCard      Discover                     American Express

Credit Card Account Number                                                                                                                                       Expiration Date 

Cardholder Name                                                                                               Cardholder Signature 

 SECTION 4             Acknowledgements
By submitting this registration, you agree to the full event Terms and Conditions, viewable                    Group Discount Policy: Registration forms must be sent together to ensure that the discount is
at, including the use of your information that may be shared                    applied. The group discount is not available through online registration. Note that discounts will
with conference exhibitors, attendees, speakers, affiliates, and partners for promotional and/                 not be applied retroactively if more registrants are added at a later date, but new registrants will
or networking purposes. To see the full use of your information or if you wish to opt-out, visit               receive the group discount.
                                                                                                               Photo/Video Release: By registering for this event, you grant HCCA, or anyone authorized by
By registering for this event, you also agree that you have read and agree to the Personal                     HCCA, the right to use or publish in print or electronic format, any photographs or video containing
Accountability Commitment, the Assumption of Risk, and the Liability Waiver and Release                        your image or likeness for educational, news, or promotional purposes, without compensation.
viewable at
                                                                                                               New Members: By selecting the Registration + First-Time Membership Offer, you agree to
Registering for the virtual event allows only the registered attendee to stream, participate, and              the full membership Terms and Conditions, including the use of your information, viewable at
earn CEUs for the event. If a second person would like to participate, they must register themselves 
and have their own unique login to participate. No audio or video recording by attendees is allowed.

   Questions? Call 888.580.8373 or 952.988.0141 or email
Managed Care Compliance Conference
IN-PERSON • Jan 30 – Feb 1, 2022 • Phoenix, AZ | VIRTUAL • Feb 8–9, 2022

Frequently Asked Questions                                                                    What do I get with “Registration + First Time Membership?”
                                                                                              If you’ve never been an HCCA member, you can register as a First-Time Member. This
I’m attending in-person: Where will the conference take place?                                gives you HCCA membership at a discounted rate for your first year. You also receive
                                                                                              the member rate for the conference. As a member you receive all HCCA member
Conference sessions & activities will take place at:
                                                                                              benefits (discounts, Compliance Today® magazine, Ethikos® digital quarterly newsletter,
Sheraton Grand at Wild Horse Pass,                                                            member-exclusive webinars, and more). A full list of benefits can be viewed at
5594 West Wild Horse Pass Blvd.,                                                     Your membership will begin once payment is received.
Phoenix, AZ 85226
                                                                                              How do I use the credit on my account for this event?
Online Reservations:
                                                                                              You can complete the registration online and select the “Invoice Me” payment option
A reduced rate of $255 for Standard room with single/double occupancy per night, plus         at check out. Once you receive your confirmation, email or
a $15 daily resort fee and applicable taxes (currently 13%, subject to change) have been      call at +1 952.988.0141 or 888.580.8373 to request your credit be applied toward the
arranged for this program.                                                                    registration fee.
Make reservations online or call 602.225.0100 and ask for the HCCA Managed Care
Compliance Conference group rate or HCCA. All reservations must be guaranteed                 Can I get the member rate if I am an SCCE member instead of HCCA or
and accompanied by a first night room deposit or guaranteed with a major credit card.         vice versa?
The cutoff date to receive this event rate is 5:00 pm MST on Monday, January 3, 2022.         Yes. As a member of SCCE or HCCA, you can receive the membership discount for
                                                                                              both organizations’ conferences, but this cannot be done online. Please send your
PLEASE NOTE: Neither HCCA nor any hotel it is affiliated with will ever contact you to        registration form via email to to complete your registration.
make a hotel reservation. If you receive a call soliciting reservations on behalf of HCCA
or the event, it may be fraudulent. We recommend you make reservations directly with          How can I cancel my registration?
the hotel using the phone number or web link in this brochure. If you have concerns or        If you need to cancel your participation (or send a substitute), your request must be
questions, please contact HCCA at 952.988.0141 or 888.580.8373.                               submitted by email to A conference credit will be issued for
                                                                                              all registration fees paid (minus any cancellation fee) and will expire 12 months from
I’m attending in-person: What COVID-19 safety precautions will be                             the date of the original canceled event. Conference credits will not be issued if you do
implemented?                                                                                  not attend the event and have not requested cancellation prior to the event start date.
HCCA considers the health and safety of all those at in-person programs a top priority.       If sending a substitute, an additional fee may apply depending upon the membership
Although participants should recognize that there is risk involved in attending, HCCA         status of the substitute.
will follow the safety recommendations/guidelines provided by the CDC and other state
and local government agencies in place at the time of the event. Additionally, HCCA will      Who can I notify of special needs or concerns prior to the conference?
follow the venue requirements and work with the venue to provide a safe and enjoyable         Please call HCCA at +1 952.988.0141 or 888.580.8373 or email
environment for all participants.                                                             if you have a special need and/or require an accommodation to participate.
I’m attending virtually: What software is required to attend this event?
We use a variety of platforms based on the needs of each conference, but they are all
web-based platforms and require a strong and stable internet connection. We highly
recommend testing the platform once the access email is received to confirm you can
access the platform, view the video player, and utilize the chat feature. Occasionally,
those who access these digital platforms over a VPN can experience technical difficulties.
Zoom will be utilized for small group discussions at applicable events, but downloading
Zoom is not necessary, as they have a web-based version as well.

Can I see what sessions will be presented before I arrive on-site?
Yes, program information is posted on the conference website.

Will I receive a recording of this conference?
In-Person Conference: Registered paid in-person attendees will not receive
complimentary access to session recordings. The virtual conference sessions will
be recorded and available for purchase at a discounted rate. Virtual conference:
Registered paid virtual attendees will receive complimentary access for 60 days to
session recordings approximately two weeks after the conference. No audio or video
recording by attendees is allowed.

Is there a group discount—if so, what is it?
Yes, we offer discounts for groups of three or more from the same organization for
all our live in-person and virtual events (excluding webinars). Please send all group
registration forms together to for processing. A separate
registration form is required for each registrant. The group discount is NOT available
through online registration. Note that discounts will not be applied retroactively if more
registrants are added at a later date, but new registrants will receive the group discount.
For groups of 10 or more, please call +1 952.988.0141 or 888.580.8373 or email

  Questions? Call 888.580.8373 or 952.988.0141 or email
Managed Care Compliance Conference
IN-PERSON • Jan 30 – Feb 1, 2022 • Phoenix, AZ | VIRTUAL • Feb 8–9, 2022

Continuing Education                                                                          Event Terms and Conditions
Can I earn continuing education units (CEUs) for attending this                               for In-person Attendees
Yes. This conference offers live Compliance Certification Board (CCB)® continuing             Personal Accountability Commitment: Any public space where other people are
education units (CEUs) for participation as well as other external credit types.              present holds an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 and other communicable
                                                                                              diseases. I will take necessary precautions while at the event, including but not limited
For virtual attendees seeking external credit types, you must participate in the              to, personal hygiene and hand sanitization, adherence to pathway signage, and self-
conference using the online virtual conference format (not just using the dial-in) for
                                                                                              monitoring and self-reporting.
attendance monitoring purposes.
To see the most up-to-date CEU approval information, go to hcca-info.                         You are asked to contact HCCA at if you experience
org/2022managedcare and choose the Continuing Education option on the                         symptoms of COVID-19 within 10 days after participating in the HCCA event. Any private
left-hand menu.                                                                               health or personal data that may be received by HCCA in connection with such
                                                                                              measures and precautions will be treated as confidentially as possible. You should not
How many CEUs will I earn from attending?                                                     attend an HCCA event if you are experiencing, or within the 10 days prior to the program
CEUs are assessed based on actual attendance and credit type requested. Should the            have experienced, symptoms associated with the flu or COVID-19. You also should not
overall number of education hours you attend or that the conference offers decrease or        attend if you believe that you may have been exposed to a confirmed or suspected case
increase, the maximum number of CEUs available will be changed accordingly.
                                                                                              of COVID-19 or have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and are not yet cleared as non-
How do I request CEUs following this conference?                                              contagious by state or local public health authorities or the healthcare team responsible
Following this conference, you will be provided the Application for Continuing                for your treatment.
Education Units (CEUs). To receive CEUs, you must submit this completed application
following the conference to Only registered                  Assumption of Risk: By submitting this registration, I acknowledge the contagious
attendees are eligible to request CEUs for participation.                                     nature of COVID-19 and other communicable diseases, and voluntarily assume the risk
                                                                                              that I may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 or other communicable disease by
When will I receive my CEU certificate for participation?                                     attending this HCCA event and the consequences of such exposure. It is my choice
Once your completed Application for Continuing Education Units (CEUs) has been
received by our staff, your CEU account will be updated within 2–4 weeks. To view             to participate in this event, knowing that attending this event may increase the risk
your CCB CEUs and access your certificate, you can login to your online         of becoming exposed to and infected by COVID-19 or other communicable disease. I
account, go to your Account Dashboard, and scroll down to View My CEUs.                       voluntarily agree to assume the risk of contracting COVID-19 or other communicable
                                                                                              disease, and I accept sole responsibility for any injury or illness to myself or others.
I would like to sit for one of the Compliance Certification Board (CCB)®
exams following this conference; will I qualify?                                              Liability Waiver and Release: In consideration of being permitted to participate in
In order to qualify for a CCB certification exam, you must review the applicable              the SCCE event, I hereby waive, release from liability, assume all risks, and covenant
Candidate Handbook found at to ensure you meet              not to sue SCCE & HCCA or its officers, board members, employees, agents, and
the CEU requirement as well as the work experience requirement.                               representatives (the “SCCE & HCCA Parties”) for any expense, loss, damage, personal
                                                                                              injury (including loss of life, disability, or serious harm), property damage or theft,
I have reviewed the Candidate Handbook and want to sit for the exam                           negligence, or actions (each, a “Loss”) resulting from or arising in connection with my
as soon as the conference concludes; what’s next?                                             travel to, attendance at, or participation in the HCCA event and any related activities
In order to qualify for a CCB certification exam, you must review the applicable              unless said Loss is caused by the sole, gross negligence of HCCA. I further hereby
Candidate Handbook found at to ensure you meet              release, agree not to sue, discharge, and hold harmless SCCE & HCCA, its officers,
the CEU requirement as well as the work experience requirement.
                                                                                              board members, employees, agents, and representatives, from all Losses relating to
Can I take my exam remotely?                                                                  COVID-19 or other communicable diseases. I understand and agree that this release
Yes, CCB offers the flexibility for candidates to take their exam remotely, at a local        includes any and all claims based on the actions, omissions, or negligence of SCCE &
testing site, or following certain HCCA conferences. To learn more about our various          HCCA, its officers, employees, agents, or representatives.
testing options, visit HCCA’s website,
exam-information.                                                                             This assumption of risk and waiver applies even if the undersigned asserts that SCCE &
                                                                                              HCCA was at fault for not taking greater precautions to manage exposure or infection
I have more questions about exams and seeking certification;                                  from COVID-19 and other communicable diseases. I agree that this waiver and release
who can help me?                                                                              shall bind me and my personal representatives, shall be enforceable to the fullest and
For more questions about CCB certifications, call to speak to a Certification Specialist at   broadest extent of the law, and, if any portion is held invalid, the remainder should
+1 952.988.0141 or 888.580.8373 or email                     continue in full legal force and effect.

  Questions? Call 888.580.8373 or 952.988.0141 or email
You can also read