Making airports resilient and sustainable - Securing the future of aviation with innovative solutions

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Making airports resilient and sustainable - Securing the future of aviation with innovative solutions
resilient and
Securing the future of aviation with innovative solutions

                   Bright ideas.
                   Sustainable change.
Making airports resilient and sustainable - Securing the future of aviation with innovative solutions


     Doing business during economic recovery                              Executive
     The Aviation Industry is facing various challenges
     within this decade. How does these impact the
     airports of future?

 8   How we deliver holistic design
     An introduction to how we solve the challenges
     through an innovative process, which finally will
     deliver a solution balancing social, economic and
     environmental sustainability.
                                                                          Airports are the backbone of the global village.                    as the emerging challenges in the aviation sector
10   Ramboll aviation                                                     As sustainability is key to the future of our globalised            require an individual holistic adaptation for each
     A mapping of Ramboll Aviations’ projects.                            world, airports need to be at the forefront of                      project. The great driver for innovation is the historic
                                                                          sustainability.                                                     connectivity, as we learn and grow from one project
12   Advisory areas and sustainable components                                                                                                to another.
     The four advisory areas are presented here as                        Most airports have been successively developed
     well as our sustainability components, unfolding                     and expanded during many decades, based on the                      Stakeholder involvement and engagement is key for
     sustainability into tangible measures.                               growing demand for airport capacity. Hence, most                    any airport project to be successful. Whether
                                                                          airports currently consist of many different                        engaging in a small-scale design project or embarking
16   Sustainability strategy and performance                              infrastructure elements, with very different                        on a full-scale airport strategy,
     Description and references on our strategy                           sustainability footprints.
     advisory for airports.                                                                                                                   Ramboll focuses on integrating sustainability
                                                                          For airports to be successful in the future, they need              principles and driving resilient outcomes for all
20   Masterplanning                                                       to have a resilient sustainability strategy in place for            stakeholders. Our approach is about creating a shared
     Description and references on our masterplanning                     both existing and future infrastructure and processes.              vision, taking action, driving performance and
     advisory for airports.                                                                                                                   demonstrating results.
                                                                          Ramboll has the capabilities to help airports optimize
24   Design & construction                                                current and future infrastructure and processes to                  Ramboll’s ambition is to be your one-stop-shop, as
     Description and references on our design                             meet tomorrow’s sustainability demands, while still                 our extensive experience from 600+ airport projects
     & construction advisory for airports                                 ensuring that financial profitability of the airport                around the world provides you with a trusted advisor
                                                                          assets is optimized.                                                for sustainable and resilient airport development now
28   Operation & maintenance                                                                                                                  and in the future.
     Description and references on our operation                          Innovation is an essential part of our advisory areas,
     & maintenance advisory for airports.                                 sustainability strategy & performance, masterplanning,              On behalf of
                                                                          design & construction and operation & maintenance,                  Ramboll Aviation
32   Ramboll services

34   Adaptable airports are needed
     in the decade of action
     The aviation industry is currently experiencing
     major challenges on top of an ongoing transition
     to become carbon neutral in 2050. How do we
     reach the goal?

                                                                          Ramboll has a broad knowledge on the needs for each
                                                                          stakeholder involved in the operation of an airport and
                                                                          tackle the services involving all of them.

                                                                            Internal stakeholders                Airlines & tenants              Local businesses             Industry stakeholders
                                                                          Make decisions and enable             Drive airport revenue           Provide innovative            Promote collaboration
                                                                          successful implementation              and sustainability                 solutions                   and set standards
                                                                                 of strategies                         impacts

Cover: Helsinki Airport, Helsinki, Finland
The expansion of Terminal 2 in Helsinki Airport is part of Finavia’s
billion-euro investment programme aimed at strengthening the                                        Investors                         Passengers               Local governments
airport’s position as a major European hub capable of serving 30                              Demand management                Demand efficient travel          Engage with other
million passengers annually. Ramboll is together with architectural and                       of sustainability risks         and drive non-aeronautical      sectors and drive local
engineering companies responsible for the redevelopment. 2017-2022.                             and opportunities                      revenue                 sustainabilty efforts
Images by Arkkitehtitoimisto ALA Oy / Arkkitehtitoimisto HKP Oy
Making airports resilient and sustainable - Securing the future of aviation with innovative solutions
Perth Airport
Sustainability Strategy

                          Sustainability Strategy                   Masterplanning
                          and performance                           •	How can sustainability and
                          •	Is our strategy aligned with coming       economic growth coexist?
                             sustainability requirements?           •	How can we grow in a sustainable
                          •	Is our airport resilient enough to        manner?
                             handle future crises?                  •	How do we address the local
                          •	How do we make our airport                context in the masterplanning
                             carbon neutral by 2050?                   from infrastructure to people’s
                          •	How can we contribute to                  living condition?
                             United Nations (UN) Sustainable        •	Is our airport resilient enough to
                             Development Goals (SDGs)?                 handle future crisis?

                                                         Holistic design

                          Design and construction                   Operation
                          •	How can we implement                   and maintenance
                             sustainability in our projects?        •	How can we make our operations
                          •	How can we reduce the carbon              and procedures more sustainable?
                             footprint of our projects?             •	How can we optimize our asset
                          •	How can sustainability benefit our        management and maintenance
                             projects?                                 in a sustainable manner?
Making airports resilient and sustainable - Securing the future of aviation with innovative solutions
6   MAKING AIRPORTS RESILIENT AND SUSTAINABLE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     7

    Doing business
                                                                                                                                                         Navigating Headwinds

    during economic
                                                                                                                                                                             Climate impact                                                Access to finance                                          Increasing public scrutiny
                                                                                                                                                                             on operations
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Investors are increasingly requiring                       Airports need to align with IATA’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           new assets to be energy-efficient,                         commitment to reduce net aviation

                                                                                                                                                                             Future risk scenarios involving
                                                                                                                                                                             resource scarcity and price volatility                        smart, safe and resilient.                                 CO2 emissions of 50% by 2050.
                                                                                                                                                                             and stranded assets.

    We find ourselves in a substantially          assets to reduce unnecessary                                                                 Going forward it is the role in meeting                                                 avoiding costly environment-related                         As airports seek funding from
    new world that is driven by                   waste, and aligning with the IATA’s                                                          the challenge of SDG 12 (Responsible                                                    taxes and fees, shoring up against                          public and private institutions,
    uncertainties that will impact                commitment to decarbonize the                                                                Consumption and Production) and                                                         climate impact on operations, and                           the new normal points to a future
    economic recovery. Airports must              aviation sector by 2050.                                                                     SDG 13 (Climate Action), that pose                                                      attracting financial stimulus for                           where that funding will in part be
    adapt to a transformed and far more                                                                                                        the most central opportunities for                                                      infrastructure. Financial challenges                        dependent on demonstrating the
    difficult market: operating in an             SDG Impact of Airports                                                                       airports in attaining an increasingly                                                   undoubtedly pose an immediate threat                        highest sustainability and resilience
    environment with social distancing            The aviation sector, and airports,                                                           direct and positive impact on the                                                       to doing business. Delivering superior                      standards.
    and testing, dealing with reduced             have an essential role to play in the                                                        SDGs.                                                                                   customer experience remains key and
    cash flow and capital constraints and         realization of the 2030 Agenda                                                                                                                                                       will continue to incur significant costs                    Airports with a business model that
    allocating resources to reflect the           and the SDGs.                                                                                Ramboll’s research on emerging and                                                      associated with digitalization and                          is built on sustainability and resilience
    increasing levels of environmental                                                                                                         future trends shows that airports must                                                  implementing new mobility measures                          will be better equipped to navigate
    standards and public scrutiny.                Airports function as drivers of                                                              simultaneously address the multiple                                                     required for social distancing and                          these headwinds and be there for
    Going forward in this new normal, it is       sustainable development by bringing                                                          facets of business continuity: people-                                                  testing.                                                    their customers when needed.
    imperative for airports to think ahead        together people, businesses and                                                              centricity, environmental efficiency,
    with a business continuity agenda.            communities and supporting trade                                                             economic recovery and unlocking                                                         However, sustainability and resilience
                                                  and tourism. Therefore, airports have                                                        new revenue streams.                                                                    need to be at the forefront of decisions.
    This includes protecting operations           a particularly strong impact on SDG 8                                                                                                                                                because - if left ignored - the cost will
    against future risk scenarios,                (Decent Work and Economic Growth)                                                            Sustainability and resilience can                                                       be extensive and irreversible.
    enhancing asset value by building             and SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation                                                              help improve business outcomes by
    resilient infrastructure, managing            and Infrastructure).

                                                                                                                                                                                          Top-line growth                      Cost reductions               Lowered regulatory and            Productivity uplift      Investment and Asset
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               legal interventions                                          Optimisation

                                                                                                                                                                                   • Attract passengers with    • Lower energy                            • Achieve greater           • Boost employee               • Enhanced investment
                                                                                                                                                                                     more sustainable offerings   consumption                               strategic freedom through   motivation                     returns from climate

                                                                                                                                               Sustainability & Resilience
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            deregulation                                               change resilient
                                                                                                                                                                                   • Achieve better access             • Reduce water intake                                          • Attract and retain talent      infrastructure
                                                                                                                                                                                     to resources through                                                 • Earn subsidies and
                                                                                                                                                                                     stronger community and                                                 government support                                       • Invest in technologies
                                       People        Environment           Economy            New business                                                                           government relations                                                                                                              and designs that pay off
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           • Attract investor approval                                 because of long-term
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and funding                                               environmental issues

                                                                                                                                             Costs of doing nothing

                                                                                                                                                                                    • Lose passengers through • Generate unnecessary                      • Suffer restrictions on        • Social stigma which      • Lose future
                                                                                                                                                                                      poor sustainability practices waste and pay higher                    capacity and expansions         restricts talent pool      competitiveness to peers
    Superior customer experience       Elimination of pollution, waste    Higher asset value, lower        New revenue streams,                                                                                     waste disposal costs                                                                               that have invested to be
    with seamless door-to-door         and greenhouse gas emissions.      operating cost, reduced risks.   non-aeronautical and                                                     • Lose access to resources                                            • Incur fines, penalties, and   • High employee turnover     less “energy hungry”
                                                                                                                                                                                      as a result of poor                                                   enforcement actions
    connectivity and a hassle-free     Optimisation of resource use in                                     commercial development
                                                                                                                                                                                      community and labor
    journey through the airport that   building, maintain and operating   Linking sustainability to        opportunities, and new mobility                                            relations
    is healthy and entertaining.       the airport.                       business outcomes.               solutions.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Fall in demand                       Higher costs                    Regulatory and legal         Decreased productivity      Investment and Asset
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  bottlenecks                                               Optimisation
    Attention and retention of         Net positive environmental
    talent.                            impact.                                                                                                                                     *Five ways that ESG creates value. Table based on Five ways that ESG creates value, McKinsey 2019
Making airports resilient and sustainable - Securing the future of aviation with innovative solutions
8   MAKING AIRPORTS RESILIENT AND SUSTAINABLE                                                                                                                                                                             MAKING YOUR AIRPORT RESILIENT AND SUSTAINABLE   9

    How we deliver
    holistic design
                                                                                                                                                                  Life cycle                          Life Cycle Thinking in each
                                                                                                                                                                                                      project ensures both attention

                                                                                                                                                                thinking and                          to the environmental impact of
                                                                                                                                                                                                      emissions and the circularity of
                                                                                                                                                                                                      resources that are used
                                                                                                                                                                management                            permanently or temporarily.

    Airports are complex ecosystems with highly interconnected operations and
    a diverse set of stakeholders. Recent Ramboll research shows how emerging
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Ensuring a healthy planet
    trends in sustainability, such as carbon-neutral airports, are changing the way                                                                                                                                               is equally important as
    airports are designed and built.                                                                                                                                                                                              ensuring a healthy environment

                                                                                                                                                                                               Health and                         for people in and around the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  airport. From respecting the local

    Projects range from simple designs            the solutions in a more sustainable               economics and engineering that                                                             well-being                         environment, to creating safe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  working conditions for staff, to
    that have fewer stakeholders to               direction.                                        provides us with real insights on how                                                                                         establishing a pleasing
    capital-intensive constructions that                                                            sustainability and resilience can be                                                                                          and hospitable environment for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  passengers traveling in and
    require managing multiple-revenue             Our approach is based on a deep                   achieved. Creating and capturing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  out of the airport.
    sources and a large variety of                understanding of airport ecosystems               value remains integral to thinking
    stakeholders.                                 and the unique context of where the               and we place innovative design
                                                  airport is located and the size of its            and processes at the core of our
    When we deliver a sustainable                 operations – from smaller airports                approach.
    solution, it is unique from other             to large hubs. By examining context                                                        The path towards carbon-
    projects, it is bespoke and requires          possibilities and addressing local                Using optimization, innovation and            neutral airports starts
    the involvement of various                    challenges, we customize solutions                integration, we intelligently unfold        from handling waste on
    stakeholders from day one. We                 that reflect the right balance between            sustainability components into              the construction site, to       Increased focus
    need this involvement in order                meeting existing needs while planning             tangible environmental, economic,              including carbon as a
    to challenge and evolve our own               for the future.                                   and social metrics that align with our   steering variable in airport          on carbon
                                                                                                                                                   design, to optimizing
    capabilities, which eventually will lead
    to some innovative projects, where            Our multi-disciplinary expertise is
                                                                                                    clients’ unique business needs and
                                                                                                    goals.                                      airport operations from            neutrality
    our services in correlation can push          built upon a foundation of science,

    Copenhagen International Airports’ use        long-standing relationship, where Ramboll
    of Ramboll as a consultant for as well        continues to provide spearhead expertise
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Adaptability is essential in future
    airside, landside and terminal services has   and state-of-the-art solutions for the airport.
    proven fruitful for the airport and hence     Photo: Dragør Luftfoto
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  airports. The path towards
    the cooperation have developed into a                                                                                                                                                                                         becoming carbon-neutral in
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Multi-                      2050 requires solutions which
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  are adaptable from year to year.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   functioning                    From increased need of
                                                                                                                                                                                                 and adaptability                 passenger capacity and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  optimization of building design
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  to dealing with events that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  change the norm of how we
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  travel in the future.

                                                                                                                                                                                               Design and delivery of airport
                                                                                                                                                                                                 infrastructure is increasingly
                                                                                                                                                                                          influenced by digital technologies
                                                                                                                                                                                             and ways of working, providing
                                                                                                                                                                                            smart models and cost-effective
                                                                                                                                                                                         IoT solution platforms. These form           Digitalisation
                                                                                                                                                                                              an important asset in selecting
                                                                                                                                                                                            the most environmental-friendly
                                                                                                                                                                                               design, predicting the mainte-
                                                                                                                                                                                            nance capabilities and assessing
                                                                                                                                                                                                   operational optimizations.
                                                                                                                                              Ramboll conducted a sustainable building
                                                                                                                                              market study in 2019. Respondents were
                                                                                                                                              asked to rank the five most important
                                                                                                                                              trends for the construction sector.
Making airports resilient and sustainable - Securing the future of aviation with innovative solutions
10   MAKING AIRPORTS RESILIENT AND SUSTAINABLE                                                                                   MAKING AIRPORTS RESILIENT AND SUSTAINABLE     11

     Ramboll aviation
                                                                                                                       Our global presence enables us to stay in close
                                                                                                                       relation with local communities and to adapt our
                                                                                                                       services and configure our offices to the needs of
                                                                                                                       the particular context. This is key to our innovative
                                                                                                                       working methodology.

     Ramboll considers airports to be a natural gathering point for our unique
     services, covering the many functions and demands that make an airport run.

     Our passion for design and                  Significant aviation expertise
     engineering is driven by our                We have delivered 600+ aviation
     many market services, which in              projects in over 45 countries
     correlation contributes to future-          encompassing 60 million m2 of airside
     ready construction. As a leading            and landside development. This
     sustainable society consultant, we          gives us an in-depth understanding
     ensure our solutions successfully           of airport processes, technology
     serve and connect societies, now            infrastructure, and people. For
     and in the future. Keeping track of         example: New greenfield airport
     contemporary and predicted societal         in India, the Philippines, Gabon
     streams inspires us as we evolve our        and Uganda; Major city airports
     design of airports for the future.          such as Heathrow, Copenhagen
                                                 and Abu Dhabi; Remote regional
     World-wide experience and delivery          airports in Greenland and Norway;
     At airports large and small, we             Environmental consultancy for
     have worked in some of the world’s          Gatwick, New Istanbul Airport and
     most demanding climates and                 Charles de Gaulle Airports; Strategic
     constrained and complex operational         advice for the New London Airport;
     environments. Our work at major             Airspace management studies for
     airports includes UK airports such as       the Single European Sky initiative;
     Heathrow and Gatwick, US airports           and In-house consultancy for all the
     such as Washington DC & Los                 maintenance, refurbishment and
     Angeles, and many others across the         expansion needs of Copenhagen
     world from Russia to India, Africa to       International Airport
     South America.

                                                                                           Ramboll Offices
                                                                                           Ramboll Aviation Projects
        Our team                                 Our clients

        Ramboll employs 16.500 people            We work on behalf of sponsors
        in 300 offices across 35 countries.      (aviation authority/concessions,
        We routinely assemble project            developers, operators) and lenders
        teams across multiple offices to         (financial institutions financing the
        meet our clients’ technical needs        airport), aircraft manufacturers,
        and project schedules.                   as well as architects and contractors.
                                                 A selection of clients includes:
                                                 Aena, Airport de Paris, Boeing, Fraort,
                                                 Gatwick Airport limited, GIP, Grimshaw
                                                 Architects, Heathrow Airport Limited,
                                                 Mace, Pascall+Watson, Sydney Airport,
                                                 Vinci Construction, Virgin Atlantic
Making airports resilient and sustainable - Securing the future of aviation with innovative solutions
12    MAKING AIRPORTS RESILIENT AND SUSTAINABLE                                                                                                                                                                                              MAKING AIRPORTS RESILIENT AND SUSTAINABLE      13

     Advisory areas ...                                                                                                                     and sustainability
     The range of our consultancy is wide, as we strive to influence all                                                                     Ramboll Aviation embrace sustainability and resilience from several components,
     aspects of aviation, from developing strategies for airlines, to designing                                                              thus we strive for a holistic design approach to all of our solutions.
     masterplans for whole airports, to consulting on terminal extension
     and developing cost-effective maintenance procedures for runways.

                                                                                                                                                                                                       • GHG emissions from
                                                                                                                                                                                                         construction and operations
                                                                                                                                                                                                       • Alternative green energy
         Sustainability                     Master-                         Design &                          Operation &                                     Resilience                                                                      Transport and Movement
         strategy and                       planning                        construction                      maintenance                                     •   Extreme weather conditions                                                  • Airport accesses and transport modes
         performance                                                                                                                                          •   License to grow                                                             • Airside and landside capacity
                                                                                                                                                              •   Operational resilience                                                      • Inter-terminal moving systems
                                                                                                                                                              •   Freak occurrences                                                             and signage

                                                                                                                                         Social Inclusion                                                                                                   Waste & Circular Economy
                                                                                                                                         • Approach airport to                                                                                              • Waste sorting and recycling
                                                                                                                                           surrounding communities                                                                                          • Re-use of waste
                                                                                                                                         • Accessibility to people                                                                                          • Life cycle assessment (LCA)
                                                                                                                                           with special needs
                              Aircity             Terminals        Landside           Airside            Airspace

                                                                                                                                         Biodiversity                                                                                                       Economic Prosperity
                                                                                                                                         & Landscape                                  People   Environment       Economy           New                      • Future demand
                                                                                                                                         • Habitat and ecosystems                                                                 business                  • Airport attractiveness
                                                                                                                                         • Water protection                                                                                                 • Supply chains, products
                                                                                                                                         • Blue-Green infrastructure                                                                                          & services
      Our main consultancy services                 Masterplanning                              Operation and Maintenance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            • Technological advancement
      cover Strategy Development,                   Our ability to transform innovative         From designing stand and runway
      Masterplanning, Design &                      ideas into pragmatic, implementable         layouts to refurbish and maintenance
      Construction and Operation                    proposals is borne out of an                of airport terminals, we bring
      & Maintenance.                                extensive record on urban                   innovation to the existing facilities,
                                                    masterplanning projects worldwide.          adapting to the currents trends                          Resource Efficiency                                                                   Human Health & Well-being
      Sustainability Strategy                                                                   and technologies.                                        • Water and power consumption                                                         • Noise impact to neighbors
      and Perfomance                                Design & Construction                                                                                • People's behaviour                                                                  • Staff & passenger safety and security
                                                                                                                                                         • Waste-water treatment & reuse                                                       • Occupational health
      We create the framework for                   We help to realize innovative
      exploring and identifying benefits,           solutions by drawing on our
      needs and long-term focus areas               world-class technical expertise                                                                                                             Stakeholders & Relationships
      through our management                        within areas such as transport                                                                                                              •   Airlines
                                                                                                                                                                                                •   Union, staff, passengers
      competencies in governance,                   infrastructure, water and energy,                                                                                                           •   Commercial partners
      policymaking, socio-economics,                low emission buildings, architecture,                                                                                                       •   City & regional authorities
      and stakeholder management.                   urban landscaping and design etc.                                                                                                           •   Neighbors
Making airports resilient and sustainable - Securing the future of aviation with innovative solutions
Despite all sustainability and resilience components are relevant to some
degree in each project, Ramboll Aviation highlights the most prominent
components that apply to each of areas of an airport.
Photo: CPH Lufthavn/Dragør Luftfoto                                                                                                                   Airspace
                                                                                                                                                      Covers everything that happens as soon
                                                                                                                                                      as the aircraft is airborne.

     Aircity                                                                                                                                           Airside
                                                                                                                                                       Covers the restricted area limited by the airside/
     “A new urban form where cities are built around
                                                                                                                                                       landside security fence.
     airports speedily connecting time-sensitive suppliers,
     manufacturers, distributors, and business people to
     distant customers, clients, and marketplaces.”
     (John D. Kasardi)

                                                                                                              Sustainablity & Resilience components
                                                                                                                                    Economic             Resource
                                                                                                                 Climate                                                            Resilience
                                                                                                                                    properity            efficiency

     Landside                                                 Terminal                                           Transport          Human health         Biodiversity
                                                                                                                 and Movement       & well-being         & landscape
     Covers the un-restricted areas outside the landside/
                                                              Covers all areas within the terminal building
     airside fence that have an influence to airport                                                             Waste & circular   Stakeholders
     operations.                                                                                                                                         Social inclusion
                                                                                                                 economy            & relationships
Making airports resilient and sustainable - Securing the future of aviation with innovative solutions
strategy and

Dallas Fort Worth Airport
A team of Ramboll experts
is helping to implement
an integrated approach to
developing a next-generation
and cross-cutting sustainability
strategy that supports the
Dallas Fort Worth’s multiple
strategic objectives to remain
a carbon-neutral airport while
continuing to expand and grow.
Making airports resilient and sustainable - Securing the future of aviation with innovative solutions
18   MAKING AIRPORTS RESILIENT AND SUSTAINABLE                                                                                                                                                                                         MAKING AIRPORTS RESILIENT AND SUSTAINABLE    19

     Advising airports on sustainable
     strategies and performance
     Whether engaging in a small-scale design project or embarking on a full-scale
     airport strategy, Ramboll’s process is focused on integrating sustainability                                                                   Dallas Fort Worth                         Seattle Tacoma                           Orange CountyAirport, CA,
     principles and driving resilient outcomes                                                                                                      International Airport                     International Airport/                   climate action plan
                                                                                                                                                    sustainability strategy                   Airline greenhouse gas
                                                                                                                                                                                              emissions strategy

     Our process always starts by mapping              achievable goals. We also compare                   financial and economic analysis of       Challenge                                 Challenge                                 Challenge
     the stakeholder ecosystem to identify             current performance with peers and                  any proposed solution is clearly         Dallas Fort Worth International           The Port of Seattle which operates        Develop a cross-functional strategy for
     the internal and external parties that            external standards to help clarify levels           understood.                              Airport has made it a strategic           Seattle-Tacoma International Airport      the Orange County Airport to grow
     must be consulted and informed                    of ambition, identify strengths and                                                          priority to disconnect passenger          (Sea-Tac), and fifteen airlines have      without a significant air quality of GHG
     throughout project and strategy                   potential gaps. We conduct detailed                 How solutions are to be implemented      growth and economic performance           established a memorandum of               impact.
     development. Effective stakeholder                benchmarking based upon each                        to achieve the goals set out in the      from carbon impact. Already               understanding to work together to
     engagement is a key ingredient to the             individual organization or company                  sustainability strategy is fundamental   carbon-neutral, the airport recognizes    develop a strategic plan to reduce        Solution
     success of a sustainability strategy              type, and sophisticated data analytics              to our approach. Our understanding       the critical need to concurrently         carbon emissions and air pollutants       Ramboll prepared a Climate Action Plan
     and the achievement of its goals.                 capabilities underly our approach.                  of project management, construction      transform its infrastructure, its         at Sea-Tac, including certain aircraft    (CAP), which identified GHG emission
     Understanding what our clients’                                                                       and installation processes ensures       approach to technological innovation,     emissions.                                reduction goals, reduction measures,
     staff, shareholders, clients or citizens          We assist in communicating internally               that we can guide our clients in all     and its environmental management in                                                 and adaptation considerations. This
     believe, feel or think is essential to            both the necessity to develop goals                 aspects of implementation. We work       order to achieve this objective.          Solution                                  included preparing GHG, air quality
     providing clarity of thought to the               and targets, and the evidence for what              with our clients to ensure that the                                                Through strategic engagement with         and health risk assessments for an
     project and strategy development.                 such goals and targets should be.                   management structures are in place       Solution                                  the airport and its airline partners,     environmental impact study, estimating
                                                       These include long-range, aspirational              including sustainability governance      A team of Ramboll experts is helping      Ramboll led the development of            emissions for future operating scenarios,
     We guide our clients in determining               goals as well as tangible interim                   and change management – both of          to implement an integrated approach       a plan that explores a variety of         and evaluating risks from exposure to
     what matters or what is material                  targets that allow you to demonstrate               which are imperative to the successful   to a next-generation and cross-           mechanisms to achieve carbon              air contaminants. Furthermore, Ramboll
     to both the organization and its                  progress.                                           implementation of sustainability         cutting sustainability strategy that      and air emission reductions,              conducted air dispersion modeling
     stakeholders. Our methodology for                                                                     strategy.                                supports the airport’s multiple           including technology, infrastructure,     using the Emissions and Dispersion
     each assessment is tailored to your               The innovation, development and                                                              objectives to remain a carbon-neutral     operational, and aircraft technology      Modeling System, which incorporates
     needs while aligning with recognized              implementation of solutions to                      We support transparent, credible and     airport while continuing to expand        solutions. The strategy identifies        the AERMOD dispersion model from
     standards such as GRI.                            enable our clients to achieve their                 defensive sustainability reporting       and grow. We are updating Dallas          airside measures that require             USEPA, and evaluated and prepared
                                                       sustainability goals and targets is the             through our assurance services which     Fort Worth International airport’s        direct oversight by airlines as well      construction emissions inventories for
     Developing a common understanding                 spine of sustainability strategy. We                include third party assurance e.g.       existing sustainability management        as landside measures that require         incorporation into the South Coast Air
     of the baseline footprint of a                    work with our clients in designing                  GRI, GHG footprint and life cycle        plan and green building standards,        collaboration among multiple project      Quality Management Plan (AQMP)
     company or organization upon                      solutions that are specific to our                  assessment, providing integrity and      and creating a zero-waste plan that       partners.                                 and the State Implementation Plan to
     society, environment and the                      client’s businesses and operations.                 confidence.                              incorporates the principles of circular                                             address general conformity.
     economy is a critical first step, and is          We are aware that many solutions                                                             economy. We are also developing a         Result
     crucial to developing ambitious but               come at a cost. We ensure that the                                                           communications strategy to inform         The project established a multi-year      Result
                                                                                                                                                    and engage internal and external          roadmap to achieve the Port of            Ramboll provided a complete package
                                                                                                                                                    audiences.                                Seattle’s Century Agenda emission         of EIR advice and technical capabilities.
                                                                                                                                                                                              reduction targets for Scope 3             The knowledge of AQMP development
                                                                                                                                                    Result                                    emissions and evaluated greenhouse        ensured that the airport was properly
                                                                                                                                                    The project is a key contributor to       gas reduction potential and cost for      folded into the 2016 AQMP. Regulations
                                                                                                                                                    Dallas Forth Worth International          each strategy action.                     were evaluated to understand the
                                                                                                                                                    Airport’s remaining as a carbon-                                                    requirements imposed on airports,
                                                                 Stakeholder engagement                                                             neutral airport while still being able                                              enabling the achievement of additional
                                                                                                                                                    to grow.                                                                            emission reductions.

               Discovery                  Vision & Goals                 Strategy                       Action                Reporting

                                                                                                                                                      AT A GLANCE                               AT A GLANCE                               AT A GLANCE
                                                                                                                                                      Client: Dallas Fort Worth                 Client: SoundEarth                        Client: John Wayne Airport
                                                                                                                                                      International Airport                     Strategies, Inc.                          Location: California
           • Stakeholder mapping      • Future state visioning     • Action planning           • Sustainability        • Data management              Location: Texas – Dallas                  Location: Washington - Seattle            – Los Angeles
           • Materiality assessment   • Target setting             • Implementation strategy     management            • Disclosures & reporting      Capacity: 20 million passengers           Capacity: 51.8 million                    Capacity: 10.6 million
           • Benchmarking
                                                                                                                                                      Year: 2019 – 2020                         passengers                                passengers
                                                                                                                                                                                                Year: 2019 - 2020                         Year: 2017 - 2020

                                                                 Continous improvement

New Manila Airport and Seaport
Ramboll has performed a
feasibility study for a combined
new Sangley Airport and Seaport
Project in Manila, Philippines,
envisaged as the new gateway
to Manila and the Philippines.

The project includes a new
airport for up to 90 million
passengers per year. The new
seaport will secure space for
the annual handling of 2 million
containers (TEU), oil storage
facilities away from the city
center, dry bulk and Ro-Ro
22   MAKING AIRPORTS RESILIENT AND SUSTAINABLE                                                                                                                                                                               MAKING AIRPORTS RESILIENT AND SUSTAINABLE   23

     Our take on masterplanning
     The traditional objective of the Masterplanning process has been to safeguard
     a medium- and long-term flexible airport development with an inherent flexibility
     to meet future demand structures and volumes.                                                                                       Subang Airport –                          New Manila                                Copenhagen Airport –
                                                                                                                                         Masterplanning                            low cost airport,                         Energy master planning

     While following the ICAO and                  the client and the actual physical          responsibility and wish in this process   Challenge                                 Challenge                                  Challenge
     similar guidelines for the airport            planning process, where we develop          to ensure that sustainability aspects     Subang Airport, once the main airport     Ninoy Aquino International Airport,        With increasing passenger traffic in
     masterplanning process, we seek               potential solutions and layouts to          are considered and included as best       for the Malaysian capital of Kuala        the main airport in Manila, Philippines    Copenhagen Airport, terminals and
     to incorporate sustainable thinking           address capacity gaps, to increase          possible.                                 Lumpur, now caters to a reduced           is struggling severely with traffic        service buildings needed to adapt the
     at all levels throughout the entire           operational flexibility etc., starts, our                                             amount of scheduled traffic, but has      congestion. This has called for            existing heating and cooling system
     process. As the masterplan exercise           environmental, social and financial         Oftentimes the masterplans that we        developed a strong profile for other      several studies to consider a new          to future demands.
     starts we therefore engage with one           experts are involved on equal terms         do are followed by concept designs        types of traffic such as cargo traffic,   international airport in Manila.
     or more of our many environmental,            as our engineers and planners. All          for parts of the facilities suggested     business aviation, general aviation       But before such an airport can be          Solution
     social and financial experts, who from        scenarios proposed as potential             in the masterplan, and eventually         and helicopter operations. However,       decided upon, constructed and begin        Our long-term collaboration with
     the beginning become an integral              solutions are typically evaluated           detailed designs and implementation       the airport was constrained in terms      operations, Manila will need an interim    Copenhagen International Airport
     part of the project team. These staff         against each other based on several         activities. When we move from the         of runway capacity and developable        solution.                                  began in 1992 when Ramboll was
     members are involved in stakeholder           different weighted parameters,              masterplanning phase to these             space, and a masterplan was                                                          appointed to serve as in-house
     and project meetings from the very            these typically being, safety,              phases, we bring our obtained             needed to ensure a focused future         Solution                                   consultant for all the airport’s
     outset of the project for them to             operations, environmental impact,           knowledge and as best as possible         development of the site.                  Ramboll, in cooperation with               maintenance, refurbishment and
     gain a holistic understanding of the          social impact, financial aspects. The       the staff who are already familiar                                                  Copenhagen Airports International,         expansion needs. Since then we have
     airport in question and the many              evaluation matrix and weighting of          with the project, as they will have the   Solution                                  was engaged by ARRC to prepare             worked on more than 100 unique
     stakeholders involved, both public            the different parameters is done in         best background to perform EIA/           Ramboll was engaged to undertake          a conceptual layout and operational        projects covering every aspect of
     and private.                                  close cooperation with the client           SIA services as well as environmental     strategic planning to confirm or          plan for a new general aviation (GA)       planning and design. For example,
                                                   to ensure that the priorities given         management and mitigation plans.          adjust the existing strategy. This was    and low-cost carrier airport in the        Ramboll has assisted Copenhagen
     Once the strategic direction of               by the client are incorporated into                                                   followed by master planning of the        former Danilo Atienza Airbase on           Airport with energy masterplanning
     the given airport is agreed with              the decision-making. It is Ramboll’s                                                  airside, landside and terminal areas.     the Sangley peninsula in Manila Bay.       for the large capacity expansion
                                                                                                                                         Due to the physical constraints of        Based on stakeholder interviews,           that will increase the number of
                                                                                                                                         the airport, Ramboll suggested to         local knowledge and experience             passengers from 30 to 40 million per
                                                                                                                                         focus in MRO and GA/BA and move           within airport planning, Ramboll has       year. Copenhagen Airport has both
                                                                                                                                         schedule operations to KLIA (main         provided conceptual layouts for three      a heating and cooling network that
                                                                                                                                         airport owned by the same client) to      different scenarios, each developing       supplies all the terminals and service
                                                                                                                                         strengthen its hub power. Moreover,       over three phases. Ramboll provided        buildings as well as the nearby
                                                                                                                                         Ramboll optimized the land use to         a capex estimate and undertook             companies working in the airport.
                                                                                                                                         be able to cater for the forecasted       an assessment of the current
                                                                                                                                         demand.                                   infrastructure on site and determined      Result
                                                                                                                                                                                   the need for future infrastructure         This network new includes large
                                                                                                                                         Result                                    to make the forecasted traffic             heat pumps for production of heating
                                                                                                                                         Subsequent to Ramboll services            materialize.                               and cooling as well as ATES for
                                                                                                                                         the airport had a more streamlined                                                   cooling and energy storage.
                                                                                                                                         strategy with fewer focus points,         Result
                                                                                                                                         making the airport able to serve the      The developer ARRC received a
                                                                                                                                         chosen business segments better           masterplan and business case for
                                                                                                                                         within the available space and runway     the airport, which could be used
     Forecasting improvements of                                                                                                         capacity.                                 as part of an unsolicited proposal
     energy efficiency in the industry                                                                                                                                             to the Philippine government for
     was performed.                                                                                                                                                                privatization of the airbase.

     The Danish Energy Agency uses a model
     for forecasting the energy consumption
     of different sectors in the whole of                                                                                                  AT A GLANCE                               AT A GLANCE                                AT A GLANCE
     Denmark. Ramboll was chosen to provide                                                                                                Client: Malaysia                          Client: All-Asia Resources and             Client: Copenhagen Airport
     a model. This assignment included an air                                                                                              Airports Sdn Bhd                          Reclamation Corporation                    Location: Copenhagen
     traffic demand forecast for domestic and
     international air traffic in and out of all
                                                                                                                                           Location: Kuala Lumpur                    Location: Manila                           Capacity: 30 million passengers
     of Denmark. Furthermore, the future use                                                                                               Capacity: 2 million passengers            Capacity: 50 million passengers            Year: 1992 -
     of bio-fuel for aircraft was studied and                                                                                              Year: 2019-                               Year: 2014-2015
     recommendation given to the Agency
     Danish Energy Agency
Design &

 Our long-term collaboration
 began in 1992 when Ramboll
 was appointed to serve as
 in-house consultant for all
 the airport’s maintenance,
 refurbishment and expansion
 needs. Since then we have
 worked on more than
 100 unique projects covering
 every aspect of Copenhagen
 airport’s planning and design.
 Image courtesy of CPH.
26   MAKING AIRPORTS RESILIENT AND SUSTAINABLE                                                                                                                                                                            MAKING AIRPORTS RESILIENT AND SUSTAINABLE   27

     Our take on design
     & construction
     Designing is not only about delivering a structure, fulfilling defined static requirements.
     With the rising awareness on mitigating environmental impact and securing economic
                                                                                                                                     Auckland Airport –                        Dublin Aiport –                            Stockholm Arlanda –
     resilience, airports need to be designed to accommodate future restrictions and                                                 Second runway                             Design & Construction                      Terminal Pier G
     developments.                                                                                                                   feasibility study                         of North Apron 5H

     From Heathrow to Copenhagen,                Airport design is comprehensive as it     managed throughout the design             Challenge                                 Challenge                                  Challenge
     Auckland to St. Petersburg or               involves many units such as landside,     and construction stages. This will        Due to increasing traffic numbers,        Due to increasing traffic and increasing   With increasing passenger traffic,
     Hyderabad to Stockholm, we have             airside, terminals and aircity. Various   ensure the clients will get a facility    Auckland International Airport in New     need for flexibility of aircraft stands,   future demands and flexibility in terms
     engineered numerous new builds,             stakeholders are involved in these        that covers all the aspects required to   Zealand is planning for construction      Dublin Airport has initiated a long-       of aircraft size and models Swedavia
     expansion and refurbishments                units, representing functions that        provide the most value for money and      of a second runway to the north           term capital development plan.             decided to invest in a new pier at
     projects, often within constrained          individually keep the airport running.    therefore also a sustainable design,      of the existing runway and apron                                                     Stockholm Arlanda Airport Terminal 5.
     live airport environments that              Rambolls innovative design approach       resilient for the next generations.       facilities. Ramboll was assigned          Solution
     require an innovative approach. Our         brings all the different Ramboll                                                    to assess the constructability of the     Ramboll was appointed by Dublin            Solution
     passionate teams excel at delivering        market services into play, from the       We supply all the associated              new runway in various stages, as well     Airport Authority (DAA) as their lead      Ramboll is engaged to deliver
     optimized terminal buildings, airport       initiating first talk on airport design   disciplines necessary including           to carry out a feasibility design for     consultant for the design, tendering       engineering services on a number
     city buildings, airfield facilities and     over identification on suitability        acoustics, lighting, facades, fire        the preferred construction stage.         and construction of the new Apron          of areas within Arlanda airport Pier
     infrastructure from the layout and          measures that shall be implemented        services, vertical & horizontal                                                     5H in Dublin airport which is part of      G which include New Terminal,
     design of the building components           to monitoring the performance of the      transportation, security planning,        Solution                                  the long-term capital development          Connection building to Pier F,
     to the use of materials and phasing         delivered airport to constructability     supply functions, airfield ground         The project included assessment of        plan. The purpose of the new Apron         baggage culvert and the new Pier G
     of construction. We always consider         advice and management.                    lighting Clear communication       geotechnical conditions, pavement,        5H is to provide 12 new code C aircraft    terminal building, which is 350m long
     the need to provide the best technical                                                both within the design team and           drainage, electrical installations, and   stands with the built-in possibility       by 42m wide. It comprises an 8m
     solutions with necessary emphasis           The initial stages of the design          amongst diverse stakeholder               geometric layout of the new runway,       of parking 3 code E aircrafts. The         deep basement baggage hotel, BHS at
     on climate, society, health & safety        process is essential, in order to         groups underpins our approach,            with required taxiways to allow for       project comprised the construction         ground level together with three levels
     and financial impact – most evident         create a process where sustainable        ensuring effective integration across     code F operations. The current site       and rehabilitation of approx. 140,000      of terminal for both Schengen and
     sustainable markers within design.          initiatives will be identified with       disciplines.                              is a greenfield site meaning that         m2 of new pavement in a mix of             Non-Schengen passengers. Passengers
                                                 goals that can be monitored and                                                     only limited relocation of utilities is   rigid and flexible pavements. A key        board planes via connecting stands.
                                                                                                                                     required. Ramboll’s services include      aspect of the project was to plan          The super-structure is predominantly
                                                                                                                                     all the mentioned technical tasks         the construction phases to ensure          bespoke concrete circular columns
                                                                                                                                     as well as project management             early completion of the 12 stands and      with precast floors. The roof is
                                                                                                                                     and management of other external          make these available to the airport.       a diagrid glue-laminated timber
                                                                                                                                     consulting companies involved in the      All tender documents were prepared         structure that has been developed
                                                                                                                                     project to prepare a fully coordinated    based on FIDIC red book and FIDIC          with our in-house specialists.
                                                                                                                                     feasibility design and cost estimate.     yellow book.
                                                                                                                                     Result                                    Result                                     Pier G is rewarded with BREEAM and
                                                                                                                                     Through Ramboll’s value engineering       During the construction of the new         CEEQUAL Excellent certifications
                                                                                                                                     and optimization of the design, the       Apron 5H, the operation of stands          and will be one of Europe’s most
                                                                                                                                     envisioned capital expenditure for the    and neighboring maintenance hangar         modern, flexible and efficient terminals.
                                                                                                                                     runway project was reduced by 20%.        facilities throughout the project, as a    The work with the certifications
                                                                                                                                                                               result of close coordination between       has provided sustainable solutions
                                                                                                                                                                               Ramboll and the airport during the         within i.e. structural engineering, MEP,
                                                                                                                                                                               design, tendering and implementation       environment etc.

     Maintain 100% runway
     availability during
      reconstruction                                                                                                                  AT A GLANCE                               AT A GLANCE                                 AT A GLANCE
                                                                                                                                       Client: Auckland International            Client: DAA - Dublin                        Client: Swedavia
     Ramboll planned the construction                                                                                                  Airport Limited                           Airport Authority                           Location: Stockholm
     activities, which ensured that Dubrovnik                                                                                          Location: Auckland                        Location: Dublin                            Capacity: 27 million passengers
     Airport’s runway was available for use                                                                                            Capacity: 21 million passengers           Capacity: 33 million passengers             Year: 2018 - ongoing
     throughout the construction period 
                                                                                                                                       Year: 2018 - ongoing                      Year: 2017 - ongoing
     of a major reconstruction.
     Dubrovnik Airport
& maintenance

 Winston Churchill Avenue is the
 only road linking Gibraltar to
 mainland Spain, and the
 Gibraltar Airport runway was
 built across it in 1941. Ramboll
 has worked on several projects
 including the passenger air
 terminal development and
 runway refurbishment. We
 are currently working on a new
 scheme to carry road traffic
 under the airport runway.
 Photo: RAF Command
30   MAKING AIRPORTS RESILIENT AND SUSTAINABLE                                                                                                                                                                            MAKING AIRPORTS RESILIENT AND SUSTAINABLE   31

     Our take on operation
     and maintenance
     Operation and maintenance of airports can be an economic burden, if measures
     to mitigate risks and promote enhancements, are not presented early or managed
     with an integrated approach to the                                                                                           Airpave – Ramboll’s                       Dubrovnik                                     Copenhagen airport -
                                                                                                                                  Pavement Management                       international Airport                         Cooperation Agreement

     Ramboll has a proven track record             We are known for our numerous          integrated approach to safety,          Challenge                                 Challenge                                     Challenge
     providing holistic and sustainable            innovations in airside pavement        performance and impact to the           Airports around the world have            Dubrovnik Airport is essential as             CPH has an asset of 2.5 million square
     operational and maintenance support           engineering with emphasis on           greater society, one that supports      millions of m2 of pavement assets,        gateway to the southern part of               meters of airside pavement with a
     to the aviation sector. We provide            reducing climate impact to optimize    clear asset management and long-        representing a value in the billions.     Croatia both for holiday, business            value of 600 MEUR. It is paramount for
     consultancy in change management              the ever-advancing industry practise   term financial planning as well as      The challenge for airports is to make     and domestic traffic between                  the airport that over time this asset is
     and planning, environmental reporting         in the use of more elegant, less       sustainable goals the airport has.      sure that these assets are maintained     Zagreb and Dubrovnik. The airport             optimized in terms of maintenance and
     and air traffic control and provide           energy intensive solutions without     Our approach will be to prepare         in a feasible manner to optimize the      has become even more important for            rehabilitation.
     support to the short- and long-term           compromising safety.                   Whole-of-Life analysis where input is   airport’s OPEX and REPEX.                 economic and social growth after
     maintenance of key infrastructure.                                                   performance, finance, climate impact                                              Croatia joined the European Union.            Solution
     Airport infrastructure will need to           Our research in this area has          and impact to society. Based on         Solution                                  The airport infrastructure was                The airport, a contractor and Ramboll
     undergo a transition to accommodate           developed hand-in-hand with our        the analyses, Ramboll will together     AirPave is a pavement management          insufficient to meet future demands           have agreed on an innovative airside
     the current challenges in world, from         work to develop Airpave, a cost        with our Client determine the best      system for airport pavements, which       and a major upgrading plan has been           approach to achieve synergies between
     health & safety-related circumstances         saving pavement management             maintenance process and procedure       integrates management of pavements        decided upon. Ramboll was engaged             the parties for mutual benefit. A target
     to increasing competitiveness,                system that also can provide           that shall be implemented when all      with a geographical information           to act as Project Manager and Contract        price contract (the long-term partnering
     resulting in increasing passenger             background for climate impact          issues are considered.                  system (GIS) interface. The system        Manager on the upgrading project.             agreement) with pain/ gain share has
     flows and stricter measures on                assessment on different maintenance                                            comprises inventories, conditions,                                                      been signed and has proved during
     operational and embodied emissions.           strategies. The result is a fully                                              traffic loads, maintenance works, M&R     Solution                                      the last many years to be the optimal
                                                                                                                                  catalogue strategies and deterioration    The project includes the following            process to reduce the long-term costs.
                                                                                                                                  models estimating future pavement         main features:                                Through openness among the parties,
                                                                                                                                  conditions. Airpave provides cost         •	Land purchase and preparatory             the process and the interfaces between
                                                                                                                                  savings on maintenance works due              works                                     the parties have been optimized during
                                                                                                                                  to having better decision basis for       •	New Terminal Building C, incl.             the first years that this long-term
                                                                                                                                  planning the work. Additionally, the          Baggage Handling System and               partnering agreement has been in
                                                                                                                                  maintenance of airside pavements will         Security Equipment                        place, and this is reflected in the
                                                                                                                                  be systematized and easy to follow-up     •	Upgrading of airside infrastructure        contractual setup.
                                                                                                                                  on, as all pavement-related information       (runway, taxiways and stands)
                                                                                                                                  will be stored in the system.             •	Airside facilities (Ground Handling,       Result
                                                                                                                                                                                General Aviation and Rescue and Fire      The agreement reduces the amount
                                                                                                                                  Result                                        Fighting)                                 of time used for preparing project
                                                                                                                                  By implementing the Pavement              •	Airport facilities (Fuel farm, AGL, ILS,   RFPs on the airport-side and
                                                                                                                                  Management System Airpave,                    Water, Electricity and Drainage)          tendering for these projects on the
                                                                                                                                  which was developed by Ramboll            • Landside infrastructure                     consultant and contractor side.
                                                                                                                                  in collaboration with Copenhagen          • New administration building                 Additionally, we have experienced
                                                                                                                                  Airport, airports around the world are                                                  that the benefit compared to more
                                                                                                                                  achieving up to 30% cost savings on       Result                                        ordinary approaches to reconstruction
                                                                                                                                  pavement maintenance.                     Through Ramboll’s careful planning            and maintenance includes cost
                                                                                                                                                                            of construction activities, it was made       savings of up to approximately 10%.
                                                                                                                                                                            possible to maintain 100% runway
                                                                                                                                                                            availability throughout a major
                                                                                                                                                                            reconstruction project.

     Achieve 30% cost savings
     on pavement maintenance
                                                                                                                                    AT A GLANCE                               AT A GLANCE                                    AT A GLANCE
     By implementing the Pavement
                                                                                                                                    Client: Various airports                  Client: Dubrovnik                              Client: Copenhagen Airport
     Management System Airpave which was
     developed by Ramboll in collaboration                                                                                         Location: Europe,                         International Airport                          Location: Copenhagen
     with Copenhagen Airport, airports around                                                                                       Africa and Asia                           Location: Dubrovnik                            Capacity: 30 million passengers
     the world are achieving significant savings                                                                                    Capacity: -                               Capacity: 3 million passengers                 Year: 2018
     on maintenance.                                                                                                                Year: 1997 - ongoing                      Year: 2018
     Numerous Airports around the world
            YOUR AIRPORT
                               AND SUSTAINABLE
                                    AND SUSTAINABLE                                                                                                                                                                       MAKING AIRPORTS RESILIENT AND SUSTAINABLE       33

     Ramboll services
                                                                                                                                       Sustainability is a holistic concept that involve many different disciplines. We believe
                                                                                                                                       that the best results are the consequence of the sum of smaller actions. At Ramboll
                                                                                                                                       we strive to involve different markets and services to contribute with their input to the
                                                                                                                                       overall solution. The boxes below outline the Ramboll services which secure a holistic
                                                                                                                                       approach. This approach is key to our airport consultancy efforts.

        Climate                                                       Resource efficiency,                                              Transport and movement                                          Human health and well-being
                                                                      waste management
        Certification schemes for buildings and civil works           and circular economy                                              Airport operational performance                                 Occupational health and well-being
        • Evaluation and recommendation of different 			                                                                                • Airport access strategic planning in coordination             • Health and well-being risk assessments
           sustainability schemes aimed at early stages, design       Waste management and circular economy                                with local and regional strategies with focus on public 		   • Health and safety auditing
           & construction, and operation & maintenance.               • Strategic waste management planning of user                        transport.                                                   • Indoor and outdoor air quality assessments
        • Implementation of sustainability schemes:                     waste (consumer waste), industrial waste (workshops             • Capacity assessment, planning and optimization of
           - DGNB (German sustainable building council)                 and hangars), gardening waste, operational waste                   airside and landside.                                        Noise
           - LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)       (airlines and handling operations), medical waste, and 		       • Feasibility studies, design and implementation                • Mapping and monitoring of noise in the vicinities
           - BREEAM (Building Research Establishment                    demolition and construction waste.                                 of Inter-terminal passenger moving systems (PMS)                of the airport.
        		 Environmental Assessment Method)                           • Design and implementation of facilities required according         alternatives.                                                • Strategic planning, design and implementation of actions
           - CEEQUAL (Civil Engineering Environmental Quality 		        to waste management strategies.                                 • Design of signage and SMART passenger information 		             aimed at reducing noise.
        		Assessment)                                                 • Life Cycle Assessments of materials.                               systems.
           - ACA (Airport Carbon Accreditation)                                                                                                                                                         Security and safety
                                                                      Resource efficiency                                                                                                               • Strategic planning, design and implementation of security
        Transition to green energies                                  • Analysis and definition of strategies for reduction of water                                                                       and safety enhancements, including emergency actions
        •	Feasibility studies of green energy transition                consumption, wastewater treatment and reuse, and                                                                                  plans and reporting procedures.
           in an airport context:                                        reduction of energy consumption (including strategies                                                                          • Security and safety risk assessments.
                                                                                                                                        Biodiversity and Landscape
           - Solar energy production                                     aimed at changing people’s behaviours)                                                                                         • Conducting onsite security screenings for construction sites.
           - Wind energy production                                   • Design and implementation of infrastructure required                                                                            • Implementation of HSEQ management systems, complying
           - Geothermal energy solutions                                 according to resource efficiency strategies.                                                                                      with ISO 9001 (Quality management), ISO 14001
                                                                                                                                        • Research and understanding of ecosystems to assess
           - Wave power energy harvesting                             • Optimization of existing procedures, systems and facilities.                                                                       (Environmental management), ISO 45001 (OSHAS 18001)
                                                                                                                                           potential hazards (e.g. insect ecosystems, vegetation,
           - Hydraulic power energy production                                                                                                                                                             (Occupational health and safety management).
                                                                                                                                           water, birds nesting or migration routes, etc.).
           - Bioenergy (biomass and biofuels)
                                                                                                                                        • Definition, design and implementation of measures to
           - Green hydrogen production and storage
                                                                                                                                           protect ecosystems.
           - Power to X (alternative fuels)
                                                                                                                                        • Environmental due diligence, permitting, assessment
        • Design and implementation of green energy                   Resilience
                                                                                                                                           and auditing.
           transition systems and facilities.
                                                                      Climate adaptation
        Emissions                                                     • Climate adaptation strategic planning for storm surge
                                                                                                                                        • Monitoring and analysis of water quality.
        •	Mapping and monitoring of GHG emissions and air quality.      and cloudburst protection, flood risk assessments,
        • Strategic planning, design and implementation                  coastal protection, strong winds assessments,
                                                                                                                                        • Water Sensitive Urban Design (Integration of urban water      Stakeholder Relationships
           of GHG emissions reduction programs.                          earthquakes
                                                                                                                                          cycles, including stormwater, groundwater, wastewater         & Social Inclusion
                                                                                                                                          and water supply to minimize environmental impacts).
        • Strategic planning, design and implementation of 		            protection and drought assessments.
                                                                                                                                        • Design and implementation of water resource protection        Stakeholder relationships
           infrastructure to support transition to green fleet,       • Design and implementation of infrastructure aimed at
                                                                                                                                          measures.                                                     • Mapping of stakeholders and user-friendly reporting
           including:                                                    climate adaptation protection measures.
           - E-aircrafts                                                                                                                                                                                   of their needs and requirements.
           - E-vehicles                                               Growth                                                                                                                            • Strategies to enhance internal and external communication.
           - Hydrogen-based vehicles                                  • Strategic planning and design of utility networks
           - HVO based vehicles                                          to accommodate integrated growth with surrounding 		                                                                           Social inclusion
           - LPG based vehicles                                          developments, including power, communications, 		              Economic Prosperity                                             • Conversion and/or modification of buildings and public
        • Embedded carbon analysis.                                      drinking water, stormwater and wastewater.                                                                                        spaces to enable better interaction between users.
                                                                                                                                        Airport economic performance                                    • Strategies focused in enhancing social engagement
                                                                      Market uncertainty                                                • Socio-economic and financial analysis                            of communities with the airport activities.
                                                                      • Flexible airport planning and design to cater for different        (comparison studies of different solutions (IRR and NPV)
                                                                        future scenarios.                                               • Economic development planning
                                                                      • Epidemic resilience strategic planning                          • Review and qualification of construction cost estimates
                                                                        (e.g. SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, etc.)                                 • Business-case monitoring and evaluation of progress

Adaptable airports
are needed in the
decade of action
At the core of the 2020-2030 decade is the need for action within all industries.
The aviation industry is currently experiencing major challenges on top of an ongoing
transition to become carbon neutral in 2050. The corona crisis is challenging the
financial models of airports, leaving the industry with the uncertainty on how to
manage a new transition. Though as human beings and as companies, the corona
crisis represents an unwelcome, but magnificent, opportunity for new knowledge.
Aviation is fundamental to the support and growth of local and global economies
and an essential part of our connected world. So, what changes could the aviation
industry make to support recovery, and how do these fit in with long term goals?

RESTORING                                                        MAXIMIZING PREDICTIVE
TRAVELER CONFIDENCE                                              MAINTENANCE

Passengers will undoubtedly be nervous, so airports will         In a time where managing cash flow is critical, focus must
need to reassure anxious travelers that every precaution         be placed on ensuring long-term performance, safety, and
is taken to safeguard their health and safety. The industry      importantly OPEX savings. Avoiding reactive maintenance
will also need to provide health screening, disinfection and     to protect cash flow for most airports is critical. Being
extra cleaning facilities – all of which will require at least   able to accurately predict maintenance requirements will
temporary modification to existing airport facilities - an       help support long-term financial planning and ultimately
ability to retrofit new technology to existing hardware.         capture and quantify savings. Tailored predictive
The potential for further complications or a second virus        maintenance can deliver savings above 30% on annual
wave means that airports need flexibility and space              maintenance costs, which will support and safeguard the
to accommodate these facilities for a longer period.             airports’ challenged budgets when needed most.
Technology will need to be quick to respond to the
challenges, and suppliers are already looking at touchless       SPEEDING THE WAY
triage at self check-in facilities.                              TO NET-ZERO

ENSURING SEAMLESS                                                The current hiatus in aviation activity offers an
PASSENGER FLOW                                                   opportunity to consider how the COVID-19 crisis could
                                                                 expedite a zero-carbon airport. Initiatives must be
As passengers move through security and border control,          integrated across the terminal, airfield, and broader
processes that prevent physical contact and bottleneck           infrastructure of an airport. Issues to be considered
queues can improve passenger experience and reduce the           include how airports can encourage the use of low carbon
potential of transmitting disease. Equally, replacing travel     planes such as by offering lower landing fees to these
documentation with facial recognition would simplify the         aircraft. Other considerations are reduced taxiway times,
normal procedures of check-in, bag drop, border control,         access to low carbon or zero-carbon energy sources
security clearance and boarding. While technology is             for on-stand power, and low carbon fuels for heating/
developing to make this a reality, significant investment        cooling of terminals. These initiatives need to be framed
and trials are required before we will see widespread            within an overarching strategy and linked to data-driven
uptake. Third-party investment will often be essential to        solutions and roadmaps that cover airport activities from
support cash-strapped airports that in the short-term            surface transportation as well the operation and ongoing
would struggle to justify cost-benefit returns.                  development of the asset.

                                                                                          Photo: CPH Lufthavn/Dragør Luftfoto
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