Make the smart choice - invest in high value manufacturing and services in new Zealand

Make the smart choice - invest in high value manufacturing and services in new Zealand
make the smart choice — Invest in High Value Manfacturing and Services in New Zealand

make the
smart choice
invest in high value manufacturing
and services in new zealand

Make the smart choice - invest in high value manufacturing and services in new Zealand
make the smart choice — Invest in High Value Manfacturing and Services in New Zealand

Make the smart choice - invest in high value manufacturing and services in new Zealand
make the smart choice — Invest in High Value Manfacturing and Services in New Zealand

All costs in this document are based on the following three year average exchange rates from 1 APR 2009 to 31 MAR 2012
NZ($)	AU($)	EUR	 GBP                                                                    US($)    JPY
1.0000 0.7822 0.5401 0.4673                                                             0.7396   63.1300
Make the smart choice - invest in high value manufacturing and services in new Zealand
make the smart choice — Invest in High Value Manfacturing and Services in New Zealand

1                 Why smart investors
                  choose new zealand
The world of manufacturing has changed in fundamental ways. The technological revolution has
transformed the way that goods and services are developed, produced, marketed and distributed.
Globalisation has expanded the number and size of markets, and introduced for both consumers
and producers a previously unimaginable level of choice.

Investors looking for a
sustainable global strategic
                                             position of strength that comes
                                             from being based in a politically
                                                                                         Make the smart move —
advantage in high value
manufacturing and services
                                             and economically stable
                                             society, with a positive business
                                                                                         choose New Zealand.
make the smart choice –                      environment that is free from
New Zealand.                                 corruption and supported by
                                             a robust legal system that
Smart investors choose                       protects intellectual property.
New Zealand because of its
talented, well educated and                  Smart investors recognise
competitively priced workforce,              New Zealand’s flair for original
its culture of pragmatic                     thinking and determined
innovation and its position in               application, leading to the
the Asia-Pacific region, the new             development of novel
engine of economic growth.                   products and processes
                                             and unique resolutions for
Smart investors appreciate the               difficult problems.

Make the smart choice - invest in high value manufacturing and services in new Zealand
make the smart choice — Invest in High Value Manfacturing and Services in New Zealand

2                      New Zealand
                       A compelling Proposition
Globalisation has seen the manufacturing sector become very competitive, with mass production tending
to be concentrated in countries of the lowest overall cost. However, for knowledge-rich sectors such as
high value manufacturing, lowest cost does not always mean best value. In the words of Warren Buffett,
“Price is what you pay: value is what you get”.

High value manufacturers based in New Zealand
achieve value through a:

•	well educated, English speaking workforce, competitively priced                       • proximity and access to high-growth economies in the
   by OECD standards, with an aptitude for innovation and a focus                        	Asia-Pacific region, including Australia, China and Singapore
   on excellence and quality
                                                                                         • clean, reliable, renewable energy
•	world class research and development (R&D) capabilities,
   based on a collaborative relationship between research institutes,                    • economic and political stability
   universities and the private sector, and supported by government
   initiatives and investment                                                            • a high level of protection for intellectual property

                                                                                         •	a safe and secure investment environment with the lowest
                                                                                            level of corruption*.

    Source: Corruption Perceptions Index, 2011

Make the smart choice - invest in high value manufacturing and services in new Zealand
make the smart choice — Invest in High Value Manfacturing and Services in New Zealand

New Zealand presents
investors with the opportunity
                                             Key areas of strength and
to achieve attractive returns
through the combination of a
                                             opportunity include the
smart, cost-competitive and                  aviation, clean energy,
innovative workforce, while
securing strategic advantage                 healthcare, marine, security,
and minimising risk through
access to reliable, renewable
                                             industrial equipment, food,
energy, and regional markets                 beverage and bio-processing
that are leading global
economic growth.                             technology sectors.
The ability to bring a meticulous
focus to challenges, identify
issues with precision and
develop elegant yet practical
solutions makes New Zealand
particularly well suited to
high value manufacturing
that focuses on the
development of prototypes,
pre-production and pilot
runs, custom manufacturing,
virtual manufacturing and
niche manufacturing.

Make the smart choice - invest in high value manufacturing and services in new Zealand
make the
     the smart
         smart choice
               choice —
                      — Invest
                        Invest in
                               in High
                                  High Value
                                       Value Manfacturing
                                             Manfacturing and
                                                          and Services
                                                              Services in
                                                                       in New
                                                                          New Zealand

case study: Pratt & Whitney
Air New Zealand Services
Pratt & Whitney is a world-leading designer, manufacturer and servicer of aircraft engines, industrial gas turbines
and space propulsion systems, with an extensive global presence. In 2001, Pratt & Whitney (51 percent) formed
a joint venture with Air New Zealand (49 percent) to operate the Christchurch Engine Centre, a maintenance,
repair and overhaul (MRO) centre that initially serviced Pratt & Whitney JT8D and Rolls-Royce Dart engines.

In 2004 the joint venture                   employees in 2001, the                      characterised by rapid           Exporter of the Year
expanded the facility by                    Centre now employs close to                 turnaround and innovative        award in recognition of its
developing and opening                      400 staff and has an active                 logistics were all key reasons   implementation of best
a state-of-the-art testing                  apprenticeship programme to                 for choosing New Zealand as a    practice technologies
and MRO centre to service                   maintain its skilled workforce              location for Pratt & Whitney’s   and practices.
the new International Aero                  base. The Centre has                        expanding aftermarket service
Engine V2500 engine used                    approximately 125 service visits            business,” says Brendon
to power the popular Airbus                 for clients from global locations           McWilliam, General Manager.
A320 airliner. The computer-                including the United States,
controlled test facility, a                 the Asia-Pacific region, and                The Christchurch Engine
designated V2500 Master Test                the Middle East.                            Centre won the 2010 Supreme
Cell, is used to set the standard                                                       Award in the American
by which others are measured.               “The Southern Hemisphere                    Chamber of Commerce in
                                            location, Air New Zealand’s                 New Zealand-DHL Express
Starting with a staff of 250                engine maintenance expertise,               Success and Innovation
former Air New Zealand                      and the reputation for a high               Awards and the Champion
Engineering Services                        level of customer service                   Canterbury – Large

Make the smart choice - invest in high value manufacturing and services in new Zealand
make the
     the smart
         smart choice
               choice —
                      — Invest
                        Invest in
                               in High
                                  High Value
                                       Value Manfacturing
                                             Manfacturing and
                                                          and Services
                                                              Services in
                                                                       in New
                                                                          New Zealand

                                                                                        “The Southern Hemisphere location,
                                                                                         Air New Zealand’s engine maintenance
                                                                                         expertise, and the reputation for a high
                                                                                         level of customer service characterised
                                                                                         by rapid turnaround and innovative
                                                                                         logistics were all key reasons for
                                                                                         choosing New Zealand...”
                                                                                         Brendon McWilliam, General Manager,
                                                                                         Christchurch Engine Centre

Make the smart choice - invest in high value manufacturing and services in new Zealand
make the smart choice — Invest in High Value Manfacturing and Services in New Zealand

3                         New Zealand
                          smart people
3.1 A well educated, skilled workforce
High value manufacturing is particularly knowledge intensive and depends on a highly skilled and
experienced workforce to transform products and processes, and give manufacturers a competitive edge.

Modern manufacturing is                                             workforces in the world, with a                                       with the OECD average of

                                                                                                                                                                                    No 2
much broader and more                                               high level of graduations from                                        37 percent.
complex than just production.                                       tertiary institutions of all types.
It encompasses the full life-                                       Currently 40 percent of the                                           These numbers are poised to
cycle from research, design                                         adult workforce hold tertiary                                         rise even higher as the rate of
and development through                                             qualifications, compared with                                         enrolment in tertiary education,
production, sales and marketing,                                    the OECD average of                                                   particularly at the Bachelor and         New Zealand
logistics and distribution, and                                     30 percent1.                                                          above levels, has increased since
the provision of services. High                                                                                                           2008 and the onset of the global          was ranked
value manufacturers need a
workforce that has experience
                                                                    The number of people
                                                                    completing either vocational
                                                                                                                                          financial crisis. In 2010 just over
                                                                                                                                          184,000 people were enrolled
                                                                                                                                                                                second in the world
and skills across this range of
                                                                    or degree-programme tertiary
                                                                    qualifications continues to grow,
                                                                                                                                          in programmes at Bachelor
                                                                                                                                          level and above, compared
                                                                                                                                                                                  for Education
                                                                    with a 70 percent increase                                            with 166,420 in 2008 (these            by the Legatum
New Zealand was ranked                                              between 2000 and 2009. This                                           figures exclude international
second in the world for                                             trend is particularly illustrated                                     students)2. Of those 184,000,             Prosperity
education by the Legatum
Prosperity Index 2011 and has
                                                                    in the 25–34 age group, where
                                                                    60 percent hold tertiary
                                                                                                                                          approximately 37,000 were
                                                                                                                                          enrolled in natural and physical
                                                                                                                                                                                    Index 2011.
one of the most educated                                            qualifications, compared                                              sciences, just under 19,000 in
        Education at a Glance, 2011 OECD
        Learners Summary, Education Counts, Sept 2011

Make the smart choice - invest in high value manufacturing and services in new Zealand
make the smart choice — Invest in High Value Manfacturing and Services in New Zealand

information technology, and                                           are currently the two largest
12,550 in engineering and                                             sources of international students
related technologies. In 2008,                                        for New Zealand.
New Zealand produced around
1,500 engineering graduates3.                                         Lifestyle factors such as short
                                                                      commuting times, housing
New Zealand attracts many                                             affordability, work-life balance,
international students across all                                     and access to outdoor recreation
tertiary levels. Nearly 20 percent                                    mean that New Zealand is also
of graduates with Bachelor                                            able to attract skilled labour
degrees are international                                             from other countries, despite
students, and trends in 2009                                          comparatively modest salaries
and 2010 showed an 8-9                                                (up to 30 percent below
percent annual increase in                                            the OECD average). In fact
total international student                                           engineering-related occupations
numbers. At the Doctoral                                              experienced a net inflow during
level, New Zealand’s policy of                                        2003-2008 because the arrival
funding international Doctoral                                        of skilled migrants exceeded the
students in the same way as                                           number of departures5.
domestic students has resulted
in international students                                             The United Kingdom, India,
comprising 35 percent of                                              China, South Africa, the
current Doctoral enrolments4.                                         Philippines and Fiji are the
International students frequently                                     largest sources of skilled
remain in New Zealand for                                             migrants6. Germany and the
employment on graduation                                              United States are also significant
and subsequent permanent                                              sources of temporary skilled
residence. India and China                                            labour.

       National Engineering Education Plan, IPENZ (Institute of Professional Engineers of New Zealand), Oct 2010
       Profile and Trends 2010: New Zealands Tertiary Education Sector, Ministry of Education, Feb 2012
10   5

       Engineers in the New Zealand Labour Market, Department of Labour, 2008
       Migration Trends and Outlook 2010–2011, Department of Labour, Feb 2012
 make the
      the smart
          smart choice
                choice —
                       — Invest
                         Invest in
                                in High
                                   High Value
                                        Value Manfacturing
                                              Manfacturing and
                                                           and Services
                                                               Services in
                                                                        in New
                                                                           New Zealand

case study:
Allied Telesis Labs
Allied Telesis Labs, New Zealand (ATL-NZ) is the largest R&D facility of the global Allied Telesis (AT)
Group, a global leader in IP/Ethernet networking solutions for enterprise, network service provider and
government institutions. Headquartered in Japan, the AT Group has a global staff of more than 2,300
and had annual revenues of approximately US$460 million in 2010.

From a custom-built design                   company, demonstrating                      parking, short commutes,
centre in Christchurch, ATL-NZ               the New Zealand can-do                      and being only a short drive
designs advanced networking                  attitude. The product range                 from beaches and ski fields
products, providing IP-based                 and company talent impressed                also make Christchurch a
voice, video and data delivery               the AT Group so much that                   highly desirable location for
solutions for an impressive                  it purchased the company                    international engineers, while
range of customers. From small               in 1999. It has since invested              the quality of the New Zealand
offices to huge national Internet            heavily in people and plant,                universities ensures that top
Protocol Television providers,               now employing 120 people                    graduates are available locally.
and every size and sector in                 in Christchurch.                            Staff turnover is extremely
between, well over a million                                                             low, especially compared with
customers worldwide have                     New Zealand’s spaciousness                  traditional low-cost locations;
chosen AT technology for                     makes a large custom-                       staff service time currently
their networks.                              built centre feasible, which                averages more than four years.
                                             encourages productivity
The Christchurch R&D centre                  and attracts – and retains
started out as a small local                 – excellent staff. On-site

make the
     the smart
         smart choice
               choice —
                      — Invest
                        Invest in
                               in High
                                  High Value
                                       Value Manfacturing
                                             Manfacturing and
                                                          and Services
                                                              Services in
                                                                       in New
                                                                          New Zealand

“The key benefit for us has been the long-term
  commitment and talent of the New Zealand engineering
  team. That stability has made it possible to develop
  multiple generations of high-end products.”
 Andrew Riddell, Managing Director, Allied Telesis Labs

New Zealanders are known                    convenient, and frequent video
worldwide for their friendliness            conferences are supplemented
and flexibility and are very                with regular face-to-face
effective at international                  meetings. The AT Group
collaboration. This is especially           also finds ATL-NZ a great
important for the AT Group,                 destination for highlighting the
with nearly 40 offices                      company to key customers,
worldwide. The overlap                      offering travel to Christchurch
between the New Zealand                     as promotional prizes.
and Japanese work days is

make the smart choice — Invest in High Value Manfacturing and Services in New Zealand

3.2 Intelligent design founded on the discipline of customer focus
With a culture of creative self-sufficiency and resilience, the New Zealand workforce is known for
original thinking with a fresh perspective that animates R&D processes and leads to the design
of clever, pragmatic innovations.

New Zealand’s labour force
is flexible, adaptive and
responsive, with exceptional
care and attention given to
developing and maintaining
close relationships with clients
and consumers in order to
understand their needs and
requirements. This results
in the design of products
and solutions that are smart,
affordable and effective.

That attention to detail
and quality is one of the
foundations for customisation
and improvement through
iteration, and New Zealand
is well suited for niche and
custom manufacturing.

make the
     the smart
         smart choice
               choice —
                      — Invest
                        Invest in
                               in High
                                  High Value
                                       Value Manfacturing
                                             Manfacturing and
                                                          and Services
                                                              Services in
                                                                       in New
                                                                          New Zealand

case study:
philips selecon
Philips Selecon designs and builds high-performance theatrical and architectural lighting fixtures or
luminaires (spotlights, projectors, floodlights) for the entertainment and specialised display lighting
markets, which include museums and galleries. These are top-end, specialised products that are built
to last. Accordingly, volumes tend to be low and products high valued.

Selecon-Reid originally                     Opera House and the L’Opéra                 and improvements in
started in 1969 creating                    Bastille in Paris all use Philips           productivity of more than
lamps for the education                     Selecon lighting.                           50 percent across production
market, but grew to establish                                                           and product design.
itself in the niche market of               Selecon was acquired by Royal
theatrical lighting, gaining                Philips in 2009 and Philips                 Selecon valued the investment
a significant market share                  Selecon was formed, now part                that Philips had made in
in Australia and Europe. An                 of the Philips Entertainment                the development of LED
intense focus on establishing               Global Business Unit. The                   technology and the potential
relationships, meeting the                  Selecon range of products                   access to new markets.
needs of the client and a                   meant that Philips was able to
lot of travel overcame any                  offer a more complete market
perceptions of difficulty                   portfolio and the company
caused by distance that                     was impressed with the
potential clients may have                  engagement of the workforce
had. The American Museum                    in lean manufacturing, which
of Natural History, the Sydney              saw a reduction in inventory

make the
     the smart
         smart choice
               choice —
                      — Invest
                        Invest in
                               in High
                                  High Value
                                       Value Manfacturing
                                             Manfacturing and
                                                          and Services
                                                              Services in
                                                                       in New
                                                                          New Zealand

New Zealand remains the                     The company continues
company’s base of operations                to specialise in its niche,
because of the depth of skills              expanding the product range
and knowledge developed                     into established markets, and
in this niche product,                      innovation remains key to
New Zealand’s supportive                    maintaining and expanding
manufacturing base for                      its market position.
specialised markets that
produce low-volume, high
value products, and the
ease of doing business.

“A company like us, with
short runs of a diverse
range of products, is well
suited to a country like New
Zealand,” explains Graham
Eales, General Manager,
Entertainment Australia/
New Zealand. “We have very
good precision extrusion and
pressure die casting industries
in New Zealand, and the scales
of production that we require;
regular short runs can generally
be easily accommodated.”

make the smart choice — Invest in High Value Manfacturing and Services in New Zealand

3.3	Cost competitive labour
The New Zealand labour force is also highly cost competitive by OECD standards, with lower market
rates for skilled labour. Engineering salaries in New Zealand are lower than they are in other developed
countries7. The average gross salary for mechanical engineers in 2010 was US$52,7708. This is consistent with
trends in other industries, where New Zealand salaries are 20–33 percent lower than the average salaries paid
in Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom and France, creating a significant cost advantage.

A study by Deloitte on high                                         Table 1 – Comparison of Annual Salaries (US$)
value manufacturing in
New Zealand demonstrates                                             Salaries (US$)	NZ	Australia                                                             Germany	                         UK	        US	   Japan
that the labour cost advantage                                       Skilled industrial workers                      32,720                  66,007               40,650                50,036      59,825     55,235
New Zealand enjoys applies
                                                                          with on-costs                               33,397                  71,948                49,414               56,941       68,111   62,968
across the board, whether
at the design, operational                                           Engineers                                        49,621                 75,495                69,490                59,717     80,475     68,104
or management and                                                         with on-costs                              50,648                  82,290                84,472               67,958        91,621   77,639
executive level.                                                     Department Heads                                44,753                   110,011               77,752             62,980       88,400     87,351
                                                                          with on-costs                               45,679                  119,912               94,515                71,671    100,643    99,580

                                                                    Source: Deloitte “Taking a Closer Look – New Zealand High Value Manufacturing & Services Value Proposition Report” June 2011

         Engineers in the New Zealand Labour Market, Department of Labour 2008
         NZ$ 73,130
make the smart choice — Invest in High Value Manfacturing and Services in New Zealand

New Zealand salaries are 20–33 percent
lower than the average salaries paid in
Australia, the United States, the United
Kingdom and France.

Salary on-costs in New                       ACC is a government-owned                   scheme was introduced in         Both of these costs are
Zealand are low because                      provider of comprehensive,                  1974, although the Department    reflected in the on-cost figures
there is no payroll tax                      no-fault personal injury                    of Labour continues to           in Table 1. The salary on-costs
and no social security tax.                  cover for residents of and                  regulate and enforce safety      in New Zealand represent just
The main additional costs                    visitors to New Zealand.                    in the workplace.                2.7 percent of annual salary,
are levies payable to the                    The Corporation’s activities                                                 compared with nine percent
Accident Compensation                        focus on the prevention of                  KiwiSaver is a voluntary,        for Australia, 21.6 percent for
Corporation (ACC) and                        injury, and on treatment and                worker-based retirement          Germany, 13.8 percent for the
employer contributions to                    rehabilitation post-injury. It is           savings scheme, introduced       United Kingdom, 13.9 percent
KiwiSaver, a voluntary national              funded through a number of                  in 2008. Participation in        for the United States and 14
superannuation scheme.                       sources, including compulsory               the scheme is voluntary,         percent for Japan.
                                             levies on earnings and payroll.             but employers must make
                                             Significantly, the ability to               compulsory contributions
                                             sue for personal injury was                 of two percent of any
                                             removed at the time the                     participating employees’ gross
                                                                                         salaries or wages.

make the
     the smart
         smart choice
               choice —
                      — Invest
                        Invest in
                               in High
                                  High Value
                                       Value Manfacturing
                                             Manfacturing and
                                                          and Services
                                                              Services in
                                                                       in New
                                                                          New Zealand

case study:
CTC Aviation Group
The CTC Aviation Group is a global leader in aviation training and management, headquartered in
the United Kingdom. Its clients include British Airways, the Jetstar Group in Australia, New Zealand,
Vietnam and Singapore, easyJet and Air New Zealand.

CTC established its second                  CTC New Zealand specialises                 market. The growth is the result    In addition to its proximity
aviation training facility in               in developing customised airline            of large orders for aircraft        to the Asia-Pacific region,
Hamilton, New Zealand in                    pilot training programmes and               that need crew to fly them,         Ian Calvert, the Chief Executive
2004 after a process that                   has needed to increase capacity             an ageing pilot population and      Officer of CTC, says that one
also considered Australia, the              due to increased demand for                 increasing passenger numbers.       of the primary things that
United States and South Africa              its New Zealand-trained pilots.             Recent contracts include the        makes New Zealand attractive
as locations. CTC Aviation                  CTC currently trains about                  recruitment and training of         for both the company and its
Training (NZ) Ltd operates a                180 pilots annually, although               up to 20 Vietnamese trainees        clients is the ease of getting
19,000-square-foot purpose-                 growing demand from Asia                    for Jetstar Vietnam, the            business done in New Zealand.
built Crew Training Centre                  means that rate is predicted to             recruitment and training of first
based at Hamilton Airport                   grow to 250-300 pilots a year               officer cadets for Jetstar Asia
that houses state-of-the art                by the end of 2012.                         based in Singapore, advanced
Diamond DA42 simulators,                                                                pilot training contracts with
computer based training                     Its New Zealand location means              Spice Jet from India and a
facilities and a fleet of modern            that the company is well-                   cadet pilot contract with Royal
training aircraft.                          positioned to take advantage                Brunei Airlines.
                                            of forecast growth in the Asian

make the
     the smart
         smart choice
               choice —
                      — Invest
                        Invest in
                               in High
                                  High Value
                                       Value Manfacturing
                                             Manfacturing and
                                                          and Services
                                                              Services in
                                                                       in New
                                                                          New Zealand

                                                                                        The capacity at Hamilton
“Access to airspace and having a well respected regulator                              Airport to handle CTC’s
                                                                                        operations and the willingness
  committed to quality and security all contribute strongly to an                       of the airport management and
  overall confidence in New Zealand as an excellent location for pilot                  local councils to facilitate the
                                                                                        arrival of CTC also illustrate the
  training facilities.”                                                                 ease of doing business and the
 Ian Calvert, Chief Executive Officer, CTC Aviation                                     positive business environment
                                                                                        in New Zealand.

                                                                                        The availability of a skilled
                                                                                        workforce at moderate cost
                                                                                        provides another advantage.
                                                                                        Labour forms a significant
                                                                                        proportion of CTC’s costs,
                                                                                        and CTC can access highly
                                                                                        skilled pilot trainers and
                                                                                        engineers at a cost that is
                                                                                        lower than those in the other
                                                                                        locations evaluated by the
                                                                                        company. CTC New Zealand
                                                                                        employs 73 staff, most of them
                                                                                        engaged locally.

make the smart choice — Invest in High Value Manfacturing and Services in New Zealand

3.4	Collaborative research and development environment
Cross-fertilisation between research institutes, universities and the private sector is a significant
feature of the New Zealand economy, and results in products and processes that are user focused.

There are a range of research-               universities in New Zealand                 The most significant CRI for      of innovative products and
focused organisations in New                 host a variety of research                  high value manufacturing is       technologies is a particular
Zealand of direct relevance                  institutions. Of particular note            Industrial Research Ltd (IRL).    feature of IRL operations,
to high value manufacturing,                 is the MacDiarmid Institute                 IRL is organised into             and several of the case
with the eight universities and              for Advanced Materials and                  three clusters: Advanced          studies in this document
eight Crown Research Institutes              Nanotechnology, a multi-                    Manufacturing Technologies        feature technologies first
(CRIs) forming the core. The                 institutional Centre of Research            (which includes the Advanced      developed at IRL.
tertiary education system in                 Excellence hosted by Victoria               Materials, Intelligent
New Zealand is world class.                  University of Wellington.                   Machines and Devices,             There are also a number of
New Zealand was ranked 17th                                                              MedicalDevice Technology,         independent research-based
for the quality of its scientific            CRI’s are corporate entities                and Superconductivity and         organisations, such as the
research institutions in the                 (limited liability companies)               Energy Groups); Industrial        Heavy Engineering Research
World Economic Forum Global                  owned by the New Zealand                    Biotechnologies; and the          Institute (HERA). HERA is an
Competitiveness Index 2011-                  Government. They receive                    Measurements Standards            industry-owned, non-profit
2012, ranking favourably with                partial Government funding                  Laboratory.                       research organisation serving
Singapore in 12th position and               but also undertake contracted                                                 the metals-based industry,
Australia in 13th place.                     research and commercialise                  The establishment of long-        including metal fabricators,
                                             new technologies and products.              term relationships with clients   designers, suppliers and
As well as carrying out basic                                                            for the development and           manufacturing companies.
and applied research,                                                                    commercial application

make the smart choice — Invest in High Value Manfacturing and Services in New Zealand

3.5 Government support for science and innovation
The New Zealand Government actively supports the development and commercialisation of technology
and innovation and recognises collaborative research as a critical driver for business growth. Figure 1
over the page shows the location and proximity of New Zealand’s research organisations, including CRIs,
universities and other research institutions.

The Ministry of Science                      Development Grants for                      Reflecting both the increasing
and Innovation is the lead                   firms that spend a significant              globalisation of New Zealand
Government agency in the                     proportion of their revenue                 firms and the complexity of
science and innovation sector.               on research (it reimburses                  global value chains, the most
As well as providing advice to               20 percent of eligible R&D                  recent round of Technology
Government, it has a specific                expenditure up to US$1.73                   Development Grants included a
investment function, with                    million per annum), and Project             grant to NextWindow, a wholly
two investment boards that                   Funding to co-fund the cost                 Canadian-owned company
distribute R&D funding.                      of technically challenging                  with its headquarters and
                                             R&D projects (generally at a                R&D staff in New Zealand that
The Innovation Board makes                   rate of 50 percent, available               manufactures digital touch
decisions for business-focused               to companies at all stages of               screens in Asia.
technology funding, while                    growth). Capability funding
the Science Board allocates                  is available for the use of
research organisation science                experts and fellowships,
funding. Specific mechanisms                 and for undergraduate and
include Technology                           postgraduate internships.

make the smart choice — Invest in High Value Manfacturing and Services in New Zealand

Figure 1 – Research Organisations around New Zealand                                                                                                                                                                                     Auckland
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              2 4 5 6 7
Crown research                      Universities                      Research                                                                                                                                                                1 3 4 6
institutes (Main                    (Main campus                      associations
                                                                      and organisations                                                                                                             7                                         6 7 8 13
campus highlighted)                 highlighted)
1   AgResearch                     1   Auckland University            1   BRANZ (Building
    Hamilton, Palmerston               of Technology                      Research)
    North, Wellington,             2   Lincoln University                 Wellington
    Lincoln, Dunedin,                                                 2   Cawthron Institute
    Mosgiel                        3   Massey University
                                       Albany, Palmerston                 (Marine Biology)
2   ESR (Environmental                 North, Wellington                  Nelson
    and Social)                                                       3   Cement and Concrete
    Auckland, Wallaceville,        4   University of Auckland
                                       Whangarei, Auckland                Association of New                                                                          Hamilton                                                   7
    Wellington,                                                           Zealand
    Christchurch                   5   University of                      Wellington                                                                                      1 5 6 7                                                    7

    GNS Science                        Canterbury                                                                                                                                                                                    8
                                                                      4   CRL Energy (Coal                                                                                7
    (Geological and                6   University of Otago                Research)                                                                                                                                          3
                                                                                                                                                                          4 5                                                                        5
    Nuclear Science)                   Auckland, Wellington,              Hamilton, Wellington,
    Wairakei, Wellington,              Christchurch, Dunedin              Greymouth,
    Lower Hutt, Dunedin            7   University of Waikato              Christchurch
4   IRL (Industrial                    Tauranga, Hamilton                                                                                                                                                                                5    7
                                                                      5   Dairy NZ
    Research)                      8   Victoria University                Hamilton, Wellington,
    Auckland, Wellington,              of Wellington                      Lincoln                                                                                                                                   1   5    7
                                                                      6   Fert Research                                                                                                                          11     3
5   Landcare Research                                                     Auckland
    Auckland, Hamilton,
    Gisborne,Havelock                                                 7   Harmonic
    North, Palmerston                                                     Auckland, Wellington                                                                                      5   6       7                                    Wellington
                                                                                                                                                                                            2           7
    North, Wellington,                                                8   Heavy Engineering                                                                                                                                                  1 2 3 4 5 6 8
    Nelson, Alexandra,                                                    Research Association
    Lincoln, Dunedin                                                      Auckland                                                                                                                                                           3 6 8
6   NIWA (Water and                                                   9   Malaghan Institute                                                                                                                                                 1 3 4 5 7 9 10
    Atmosphere)                                                           Wellington
    Auckland, Hamilton,                                                   Meat and Wool
    Wellington, Nelson,                                                   New Zealand
    Christchurch, Lauder                                                  Wellington
7   Plant and Food
                                                                     11   New Zealand Leather
    Kerikeri, Pukekohe,                                                   and Shoe Research                                                                                                                 1 2 4 5 6 7 8
    Auckland, Hamilton,                                                   Palmerston North
    Te Puke, Hastings,                                                                                                                                                                                      2 5 6
                                                                     12   New Zealand Plant
    Havelock North,
                                                                          Breeding and
                                                                                                                                                                                                            4 5 12
    Palmerston North,
    Nelson, Blenheim,                                                     Research Association                                                        7
    Lincoln, Clyde,                                                       Christchurch                                                                    5   6
    Dunedin,                                                         13   Transport Engineering
    Invermay, Gore                                                        Research New Zealand
                                                                          Auckland                                                                        1   3   5   7
8   Scion (Forest Research)
    Rotorua, Wellington,                                                                                                                          7           6

* Not all institutions have research capacity. Please check with your local institution or regional Ministry of Science and Innovation partner.                                                                             Figures in bold indicate a main campus.

Source: Ministry of Science and Innvovation

make the
     the smart
         smart choice
               choice —
                      — Invest
                        Invest in
                               in High
                                  High Value
                                       Value Manfacturing
                                             Manfacturing and
                                                          and Services
                                                              Services in
                                                                       in New
                                                                          New Zealand

case study:
HTS-110 and American
High-temperature superconductors (HTS) are materials that carry electrical
currents with effectively zero resistance when cooled to sufficiently low
temperatures, for example -196°C, the temperature at which liquid nitrogen boils.

HTS technology enables large                analytical instruments. The                 and long-term relationship
currents to be transmitted                  international market for                    with American Superconductor
without loss of energy through              superconductor technology is                Corporation (AMSC), then
thinner wire than conventional              predicted to grow to US$20                  the world’s leading company
copper wire and so permits the              billion annually by 2020.                   developing HTS wire.
development of products that
are smaller, lighter, stronger              New Zealand scientists at                   Founded in 1987, AMSC is
and more energy efficient.                  Industrial Research Limited                 headquartered near Boston,
                                            (IRL) have developed HTS                    Massachusetts, with operations
Applications for HTS include                technologies in a 25-year                   in Asia, Australia, Europe and
power cables, motors,                       research and development                    North America. It remains the
generators, medical imaging                 programme. An early, and key,               world’s largest vendor of
devices such as MRI scanners,               IRL patent was for the material             (HTS) wire but has broader
chemical analysis tools such as             used in the first generation                activities ranging from wind
nuclear magnetic resonance                  of HTS wires; this led to an                turbine technologies to
systems, and other scientific               exclusive licence agreement                 advanced grid systems that

make the
     the smart
         smart choice
               choice —
                      — Invest
                        Invest in
                               in High
                                  High Value
                                       Value Manfacturing
                                             Manfacturing and
                                                          and Services
                                                              Services in
                                                                       in New
                                                                          New Zealand

                                            optimise network reliability,               semiconductor equipment           Scott Technology, a
                                            efficiency and performance, all             manufacturers.                    New Zealand company
                                            focused on the generation of                                                  acquired a controlling share in
                                            solutions to meet the world’s               AMSC’s shareholding provided      HTS-110 in March 2011. Scott
                                            demand for smarter, cleaner,                HTS-110 with access to wire       Technology’s global presence
                                            better energy.                              supply, technology and some       and high value manufacturing
                                                                                        products and markets. Donald      expertise will be invaluable for
                                            Building on the deep                        Pooke, Chief Executive of         HTS-110, particularly as HTS
                                            understanding of HTS                        HTS-110, says:                    products increasingly move
                                            materials and properties that                                                 into industrial applications.
                                            was developed, IRL spun                     “AMSC’s investment in HTS-
                                            out HTS-110 Ltd in 2004 to                   110 Ltd provided access
                                            commercialise HTS technology                 to an established product
                                            employing the new HTS wires,                 range and key technology
                                            with AMSC as a founding                      transfer while leveraging
                                            shareholder. HTS-110 now                     the R&D relationship with
                                            designs and manufactures                     IRL, as well as drawing in
                                            magnet systems for major                     New Zealand’s high-tech
                                            research institutes such as                  manufacturing base. AMSC
                                            the Brookhaven National                      has provided early access to
                                            Lab in New York and the                      new wire architectures, and
                                            Australian Nuclear Science                   has also been able to connect
                                            and Technology Organisation.                 HTS-110 with US-based
                                                                                         opportunities, employing HTS-
                                            Industrial customers include                 110’s magnet manufacturing
                                            computer component                           capabilities in new technology
                                            manufacturers and                            developments.”

make the smart choice — Invest in High Value Manfacturing and Services in New Zealand

4                New Zealand
                 A Competitive Location
The Deloitte report on high value manufacturing in New Zealand, prepared for New Zealand
Trade and Enterprise (NZTE), included a comparison of the costs of manufacturing and supplying
a manufactured item to China from a variety of manufacturing locations, including Australia, the
United Kingdom, Germany, the United States and Japan.

A scenario considered in the                with an annual volume of                    overall manufactured goods
report looked at the cost of                25,000 units shipped in                     produced in New Zealand had
supplying a market in China                 containers holding 100 items                the lowest total landed cost by
with a high value, relatively               per container. The material                 a significant margin, in large
low-volume item produced                    costs were assumed to be                    part due to the lower cost of
by a skilled workforce of                   a constant 20 percent for                   skilled labour and low salary
100 (75 skilled workers, 20                 all locations.                              on-costs.
engineers, five department
heads). The assessment of                   Table 2 on the next page
costs included salaries and                 demonstrates that although
on-costs, rent, electricity,                some costs such as rent,
telecommunications, materials,              electricity and shipping
shipping and insurance. Other               were comparatively higher
parameters were that the                    in New Zealand than in
market price was US$3,000,                  some of the other locations,

make the smart choice — Invest in High Value Manfacturing and Services in New Zealand

Table 2 – Comparative Costs of Production and Supply of Manufactured Goods to China

Landed Cost (US$)	NZ                                                                                                   UK           Germany       Japan        US 	Australia
Total salaries                                                                              149                       215               199        243        262               286
Total salary on cost                                                                            3                      30                43         34         36                26
Total rent cost                                                                               14                         7               18         49          3                20
Total electricity cost                                                                        10                         6                6           3         4                 2
Total telecoms cost                                                                             7                        6                7          14        28                 9
Materials costs                                                                            600                       600                600        600        600               600
Total shipping cost                                                                            18                       12               13           5        18                15
Total insurance cost                                                                          26                       26                26         26         26                26
Total Cost                                                                                  828                      902                913        974        977               984

total cost in US Dollars

       New Zealand                        United Kingdom                              Germany                                   Japan         United States         Australia

        828 902 913 974 977 984         $                                       $                                    $                        $               $

Source: Deloitte “Taking a Closer Look” – New Zealand High Value Manufacturing & Services Value Proposition Report, June 2011

make the smart choice — Invest in High Value Manfacturing and Services in New Zealand

Figure 2 – Landed Unit Cost - Comparison between five Countries

                                              Salaries $215
                                              Overheads $48
                                              Materials $600
                                              Shipping $38
                                              Total: $902                                                      Japan                             USA
                                                                                                               Salaries $243                     Salaries $262
                                              Germany                                                          Overheads $99                     Overheads $71
                                              Salaries $199                                                    Materials $600                    Materials $600
                                              Overheads $74                                                    Shipping $32                      Shipping $44
                                              Materials $600                                                   Total: $974                       Total: $977
                                              Shipping $39
                                              Total: $913

                                              Salaries $286
                                              Overheads $56
                                              Materials $600                                                                    New Zealand
*Figures in US$
                                              Shipping $41                                                                      Salaries $149
                                              Total: $984                                                                       Overheads $34
     USA                                                                                                                        Materials $600
     Australia                                                                                                                  Shipping $44
     Germany                                                                                                                    Total: $828
     New Zealand

Source: Deloitte “Taking a Closer Look” – New Zealand High Value Manufacturing & Services Value Proposition Report, June 2011

make the smart choice — Invest in High Value Manfacturing and Services in New Zealand

5                New Zealand
                 A Strategic Position
5.1	An Asia-Pacific partner
The New Zealand economy is export oriented with a focus on building international partnerships and
identifying market opportunities, and its strategic location in the Asia-Pacific region offers investors
short term gains and long-term advantages.

New Zealand is an English-                  including Australia, China, the             most respects. There is free       to negotiate a Free Trade
speaking country with strong                United States, Japan and the                trade in goods and services,       Agreement (FTA) with China.
trade and immigration ties                  Republic of Korea, account                  citizens can travel, work and      Since the FTA came into effect
to its Asia-Pacific partners.               for over 70 percent of New                  reside without restriction in      in 2008, New Zealand exports
It provides an economically                 Zealand’s total goods trade.                each country, and an ongoing       to China have almost doubled
and politically stable base                                                             process of coordination, mutual    in value to US$3.25 billion.
for companies seeking to                    Australia is New Zealand’s                  recognition and harmonisation
establish business relationships            principal trading partner,                  of many laws, standards, and       The United States is New
in some of the highest growth               accounting for around 20                    regulatory regimes enables         Zealand’s third-largest trading
economies in the world.                     percent of both exports and                 businesses to manufacture to       partner for both exports and
                                            imports. Australia is also                  only one standard for the trans-   imports, and second-largest
New Zealand’s main trade                    the largest investor in New                 Tasman market.                     investment partner. Exports to
and investment relationships                Zealand. The Closer Economic                                                   the United States in the year to
are positioned firmly in the                Relationship (CER) agreement                China is New Zealand’s             December 2010 were valued
high-growth Asia-Pacific                    negotiated with Australia in                second largest trading partner     at NZ$3.75 billion (US$2.71
region. Asia-Pacific Economic               1983 makes New Zealand and                  and New Zealand was the            billion), just under nine percent
Cooperation economies,                      Australia a single market in                first developed country            of total exports.

make the smart choice — Invest in High Value Manfacturing and Services in New Zealand

Figure 3 – NEW ZEALAND Exports – Top 20 countries                                       Figure 4 – foreign direct investment
                                                                                        stock in New Zealand


     Saudi Arabia                                                                                        50000

                                                                                                                 Australia 51,775
         Malaysia                                                Australia

                                                                                        NZ $ (million)
Hong Kong (SAR)

                                                                                                                                    United States of America 11,216

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                China including Hong Kong (SAR) 895
Republic of Korea

 United Kingdom
                                                                 People’s Republic
                                                                 of China

                                                                                                                                                                                                        United Kingdom 2,390
                                                                                                                                                                      Netherlands 3,092
                                                                 United States

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Singapore 1,994
                                                                 of America                              20000

                                                                                                                                                                                          Japan 2,623

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Canada 1,018

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Germany 765

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Belgium 273

Source: Statistics New Zealand 								Source: Statistics New Zealand

make the smart choice — Invest in High Value Manfacturing and Services in New Zealand

Foreign Direct Investment                    Figure 5 – Free Trade Agreements to which New Zealand is a party
(FDI) from the United States
is valued at NZ$10.62 billion
(US$7.66 billion), around
                                                                                         China 2008
11 percent of total FDI in                    Kazakhstan
                                                                                         Hong Kong 2011
New Zealand.                                                                             Korea
                                              Belarus                                    Japan
FTAs facilitate access to
other significant markets
including Singapore, Brunei,
Thailand, Malaysia and Chile.
Negotiations are currently
underway with India,                          Bahrain, Kuwait,
Korea, Russia, Belarus and                    Oman, Qatar,
                                              Saudi Arabia                                                         United States
Kazakhstan. Negotiations have                 & United Arab
                                                                                                                   of America
also recently commenced                       Emirates 2011                              Vietnam 2010
to extend the Trans-Pacific                                                              Philippines 2010
Partnership agreement                                                                    Cambodia 2010
                                                                                         Brunei 2005
between New Zealand,
                                                                                         Indonesia 2010            Peru
Singapore, Malaysia and Chile
to include the United States.
                                                                      India                       Australia 1983
                                                            Myanmar 2010                          New Zealand      Chile 2005
                                                            Thailand 2005
                                                             Malaysia 2010
                                                                Laos 2010
                                                           Singapore 2001
   Countries with Free Trade Agreements

   Countries with Pending Status

   Future possibility

Source: Statistics New Zealand

make the
     the smart
         smart choice
               choice —
                      — Invest
                        Invest in
                               in High
                                  High Value
                                       Value Manfacturing
                                             Manfacturing and
                                                          and Services
                                                              Services in
                                                                       in New
                                                                          New Zealand

case study:
Preformed Line Products
Preformed Line Products (PLP) is a United States company that designs and manufactures products and
systems used in the construction and maintenance of underground and overhead networks for energy
and communications firms. Those products include high-quality cable anchoring and control hardware
and systems, fibre-optic and copper splice closures, and high-speed cross-connect devices. PLP’s annual
revenue in 2010 was US$338 million.

In 2010 PLP purchased                       and leads the expansion                     nicely with ours. We are very
Electropar, a New Zealand-                  of its presence in the                      pleased that our strategic
based company that designs                  Asia-Pacific region.                        focus on geographic diversity
and manufactures pole line                                                              has resulted in this strong
and substation hardware for                 PLP’s Chief Executive                       addition of talent, energy and
the global electricity utility              Officer and President,                      expertise to the Preformed
industry. Electropar also has               Rob Ruhlman says:                           family.”
an Australian subsidiary.
                                            “We are very excited about
The acquisition of Electropar                joining forces with Electropar
strengthens PLP’s position                   whose culture, including
in the power distribution,                   a deep respect for
transmission and substation                  engineering expertise
hardware markets in                          and high-quality products,
New Zealand and Australia                    and customer service meshes

 make the
      the smart
          smart choice
                choice —
                       — Invest
                         Invest in
                                in High
                                   High Value
                                        Value Manfacturing
                                              Manfacturing and
                                                           and Services
                                                               Services in
                                                                        in New
                                                                           New Zealand


Bielsko-Biala, Poland
Employees: 253
Established: 1947/1997
PLP-Great Britain
Andover, UK
Employees: 94
Established: 1959
                                                                                                                                     Cambridge, Ontario
PLP-Spain                                                                                                                            Employees: 54
Seville                                                                                                                              Established: 1985
Employees: 54                                                                                                                        PLP-USA
Established: 1960                                                                                                                    Global HQ, Cleveland,
                                                                                         Bejing, China
                                                                                         Employees: 174                              Ohio (166)
                                                                                         Established: 1996                           Albemarle, North Carolina
                                                                                         PLP-Indonesia                               Employees: 195
                                                                                         Jakarta                                     FT2: 260,000
                                                                                         Employees: 153                              Rogers, Arkansas
                                                                                         Established: 1995/2009                      Employees: 332
                                                                                         PLP-Australia                               FT2: 310,000
                                                                                         Sydney                                      DPW Solar, Albuqueque,
                                                                                         Employees: 185                              New Mexico
PLP-South Africa                                   PLP-Thailand                          Established: 1962                           Employees: 162
Pietermaritzburg                                   Bangkok                                                                           FT2: 27,000
Employees: 132                                     Employees: 240                                Electropar-PLP                      PLP-Brazil
Established: 1965                                  Established: 2002                             Auckland, New Zealand               Sao Paulo
                                                                                                 Employees: 116                      Headcount: 332
                                                   PLP-Malaysia                                  Established: 1950/2010
                                                   Kuala Lumpur                                                                      Established: 1967
                                                   Employees: 21                                                                     PLP-Mexico
                                                   Established: 1997/2009                                                            Queretaro
                                                                                                                                     Employees: 114
                                                                                                                                     Established: 1968
                                  EMEA                                          Asia-Pac                                  Americas

Source: From PLP Corporate Presentation 2011 PPT

make the smart choice — Invest in High Value Manfacturing and Services in New Zealand

5.2	Clean, reliable, renewable energy and water
New Zealand offers high value manufacturers and service companies with a strong brand commitment
to the environment access to low carbon, renewable energy - a scarce global resource. As increasing
consumption places demands on energy and water resources, New Zealand’s development of renewable
energy and sustainable management of natural resources mean it is better positioned than many other
developed and developing nations to maintain long-term economic growth.

Carbon pricing is inevitable                and wind. The New Zealand                   that with careful management
in a world of diminishing                   Government has made a                       will continue to support
natural resources and                       commitment to the goal of                   economic development.
amenities. Leading the                      sourcing more than 90 percent
way to a sustainable future,                of electricity from renewable
New Zealand’s Emissions                     sources by 2025.
Trading Scheme is the first
national greenhouse gas                     Many economies such as
trading programme in the                    Australia, China and India have
world to include all gases                  to confront the prospect of
and all sectors.                            diminishing or constrained
                                            clean water resources in the
About 75 percent of the                     face of increasing demand.
electricity generated in New                With a temperate island
Zealand already comes from                  climate, New Zealand is
renewable sources such as                   fortunate to have abundant
hydro generation, geothermal                renewable water resources

make the
     the smart
         smart choice
               choice —
                      — Invest
                        Invest in
                               in High
                                  High Value
                                       Value Manfacturing
                                             Manfacturing and
                                                          and Services
                                                              Services in
                                                                       in New
                                                                          New Zealand

case study:
Quest Integrity group
Quest Integrity Group is a United States-based multinational company specialising in the life cycle
management of critical energy infrastructure such as the equipment used in the refining and chemical,
pipeline, syngas and power industries. These industries tend to operate in extreme environments with
complex equipment and dangerous processes. This challenges the management of asset integrity and
reliability and places particular emphasis on materials, measurements, and assessments.

In 2006, Quest Integrity Group              Executive Officer of Quest                  with Industrial Research          service our customers in
acquired Materials Performance              Integrity Group, said:                      Limited (IRL) for the research    Australia, South East Asia
Technology Solutions (MPT)                  “Many interesting and relevant              and development of additional     and South America.”
in Wellington for its deep                  technologies are developed                  products and technologies
materials engineering and                   in New Zealand. We saw the                  for the global market.            In November 2010, 95 percent
R&D and merged it with a                    country as an ideal research                                                  of the company was purchased
Colorado-based company to                   base for both developing                    “Quest Integrity provides         by Team Industrial Services
form wholly owned subsidiary                knowledge and converting                    high-quality services using       Inc, a leading provider of
Quest Reliability, a company                technology into services                    high-value technology-based       mechanical and inspection
focused on materials and                    and products for global                     solutions. New Zealand is a       services for high-temperature
engineering assessment.                     commercialisation”.                         competitive location for this     and high-pressure piping
Today this subsidiary is called                                                         and has good connections          systems and vessels used in
Quest Integrity NZL Ltd. At the             The acquisition of MPT also                 within the Asia-Pacific region,   the refining, petrochemical,
time of the acquisition, Milton             marked the beginning of a                   which makes it an effective       power, pipeline and other
Altenberg, Chairman and Chief               long-term strategic relationship            base from which to also           heavy industries.

make the
     the smart
         smart choice
               choice —
                      — Invest
                        Invest in
                               in High
                                  High Value
                                       Value Manfacturing
                                             Manfacturing and
                                                          and Services
                                                              Services in
                                                                       in New
                                                                          New Zealand

Quest Integrity Group
continues to operate as a
separate entity and had
revenues of about US$32
million in the calendar
year 2010. The materials
engineering base remains
in Wellington, while Seattle,
Denver and Houston are the
other hubs for the company.

A significant proportion of
the technology developed
by Quest Integrity originated
from its strategic affiliate,
Quest Integrated (Qi2). In
2011, Qi2 invested in Im-Able,
a Wellington firm that
uses a game console and
applications to assist
rehabilitation following
brain injury.

make the smart choice — Invest in High Value Manfacturing and Services in New Zealand

6                New Zealand
                 A Business-Friendly
6.1	An easy place to do business
New Zealand is the easiest place in the world to start a business, with the shortest time to register
a company, and it ranks first in the OECD and third globally for overall ease of doing business
(Doing Business 2011, World Bank).

The World Economic Forum                    an environment that supports                comply, such as registration,     regional parks; significant
described the New Zealand                   enterprise by removing                      licensing where applicable        business assets of more
business environment in                     unnecessary regulation,                     and meeting the planning          than US$73.96 million
its Global Competitiveness                  providing strong protection                 requirements of the Resource      (NZ$100 million); and fishing
Report 2010-2011 as                         for intellectual property, and              Management Act 1991.              quota. Assessments are
“extremely conducive to                     having a straightforward,                                                     made against predefined
business, supported by                      low-rate corporate tax system.              The Overseas Investment Act       criteria, with approximately
efficient goods and labour                  With one of the most open                   2005 regulates an acquisition     98 percent of investment
markets and by one of the                   economies in the world,                     by an overseas entity when it     applications approved.
soundest banking systems                    the barriers to imports are                 involves acquiring an interest
in the world”. New Zealand                  extremely low, reducing                     in any of three classes of        There are no restrictions on
ranked 25th in the overall                  manufacturing input costs.                  asset categorised as sensitive.   debt or portfolio investments,
Global Competitiveness                                                                  Approval is required to           and there are no restrictions
Index for 2011-2012.                        Most investments do not need                purchase an interest of 25        on currency transfers,
                                            approval beyond the normal                  percent or more in sensitive      repatriation of profits and,
An ongoing process of                       processes with which New                    land, such as farm land,          access to foreign exchange.
economic reform has created                 Zealand businesses must                     historic landmarks and

make the smart choice — Invest in High Value Manfacturing and Services in New Zealand

6.2	A simple tax system
The corporate tax rate is 28 percent
and R&D costs are tax deductible.

There is no social security
tax and no payroll tax, and
the goods and services tax of
15 percent is recoverable for

There is no capital gains tax in
New Zealand and there are no
capital controls or restrictions
on the repatriation of funds.

New Zealand also has double
taxation agreements with 37
countries, granting credits for
foreign tax paid on income that
is also subject to New Zealand
tax and reducing other tax
impediments to cross-border
trade and investment.

make the smart choice — Invest in High Value Manfacturing and Services in New Zealand

6.3	Modern infrastructure
New Zealand has a well developed, modern infrastructure that facilitates the transfer of goods, energy and
information, and supports connections to domestic and international markets. This infrastructure includes
a stable and reliable supply of energy from gas and electricity, extensive domestic and international freight
and logistics systems using road, rail, sea and air, mobile networks, and international submarine fibre-optic
telecommunications cable systems.

                                                                                        An extensive rail, road, sea     There are international
                                                                                        and airport infrastructure       airports in seven urban
                                                                                        allows for cost-effective        centres, providing time-
                                                                                        and reliable transport to        sensitive delivery.
                                                                                        global destinations. New
                                                                                        Zealand’s commercial ports       Government and the
                                                                                        are among the most efficient     private sector are investing
                                                                                        and productive in the world,     in an ongoing program
                                                                                        with rapid turnaround times      of capital upgrades in
                                                                                        facilitated by round-the-clock   the national electricity
                                                                                        operations. More than 30         grid, roading network
                                                                                        global and regional shipping     and ultra-fast broadband
                                                                                        lines serve New Zealand’s        networks in order to support
                                                                                        deep water ports and over 99     growth in New Zealand’s
                                                                                        percent of exports by volume     economic performance.
                                                                                        (85 percent by value) are
                                                                                        carried by sea.

make the smart choice — Invest in High Value Manfacturing and Services in New Zealand

                                                                                                                                                             Northland region

Rail AND Main                                                                                     Airports, Ports                                            158,300
Highways                                                                                          and Population                                                                 Bay of Plenty region
                                                            Whangarei                                                                    Port of Marsden Point

                                                                                                                                           Auckland                                                 Gisborne
KEY                                                                                               KEY                                      1,486,000                                                46,600
	Rail Network – freight only                                                                      	International airports
	Rail Network – passenger and freight                                                                 Ports                                                                     Hamilton
                                                                                                                                              Waikato region
	State Highway 1                                                                                      Population                              413,000
                                                                                                   Source: Statistics New Zealand 2011
	State Highways                                                                                       (based on 2011 provisional data)
                                              New Plymouth                             Gisborne                                                                                                     Eastland
                                                                                                                                              Taranaki region                                       Port
                                                                                                                                              109,700                                          Napier
                                                                                                            Manawatu-Wanganui region
                                                                                                            232,400                                           Nelson
                                                                                                                                                              46,200                       Hawke’s Bay region
                                                      Picton                                                                                                                                    Wellington
                                                                                                            Tasman region
                                                                                                            48,100               West Port
                                                                                                                                                                         Marlborough region
                                                                                                            West Coast region                                            45,600
                                                Christchurch                                                                              Christchurch                        Canterbury region

                                                                                                                                                Prime Port
                                                                                                                                                                         Otago region
                                                                                                                                             Port Chalmers               209,900
                                                                                                                                                  Southland region

                                                                                                                             South Port

make the smart choice — Invest in High Value Manfacturing and Services in New Zealand

7                New Zealand
                 Safe and Secure
7.1	Strong social cohesion
New Zealand is a peaceful, democratic society with a high level of social cohesion and civic
participation. It ranked third in the Social Capital Sub-Index of the 2010 Legatum Prosperity Index.

Political, economic, social                                                             have been engaged in the            Iwi have successfully sought to
and individual freedoms have                New Zealand was the                         process of settling claims          grow their positions by making
strongly shaped contemporary                first country in the                        and establishing productive         investments in New Zealand
New Zealand. The World                                                                  relationships at an institutional   businesses, either in their
Democracy Audit ranks                       world to allow women                        level with iwi (Maori tribes).      own right or jointly with
New Zealand first for political             the right to vote.                          Those iwi that have secured         other domestic and
rights, civil liberties and lack                                                        settlements have established        international investors.
of corruption, and fourth                                                               significant economic bases.
overall, immediately behind                 held by women, including the                Some settlements have
Finland, Sweden and Denmark,                Governor-General, the Prime                 included key positions in
which all came first equal.                 Minister, the Speaker of the                strategic industries such as
                                            House of Representatives,                   fisheries and forestry.
At one point early in the                   the Attorney-General and
21st century, all of the key                the Chief Justice.
constitutional positions were               Successive governments

make the smart choice — Invest in High Value Manfacturing and Services in New Zealand

7.2	Free of corruption                                                                   7.3	Institutional strength
New Zealanders pride themselves on their                                                 There is a strong adherence to the rule of law and
honesty, openness, reliability and integrity.                                            strong protection of property rights. The Heritage
                                                                                         Foundation ranked New Zealand first in the OECD
                                                                                         for Intellectual Property protection in the Index of
                                                                                         Economic Freedom 2010.

New Zealand has had the                                                                  Similarly, the Economic
lowest levels of corruption                                                              Freedom of the World Index
in the world since 2006, as                                                              2010, prepared by the Fraser
measured by Transparency                                                                 Institute, ranked New Zealand
International’s Corruption                                                               first for legal system and
Perceptions Index. It ranked                                                             property rights, and credit
second for control of                                                                    market regulation.
corruption in the World Bank’s
Worldwide Governance
Indicators 2009 and second
in the Global Peace Index
2010 of the Institute of
Economics and Peace. It
was ranked first in that Index
in 2009. It holds first place
in the Asia-Pacific region.

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