Make a difference with Australia Awards Tuvalu Intake 2022

Page created by Carolyn Walker
Make a difference with Australia Awards Tuvalu Intake 2022
Make a difference
with Australia Awards

Intake 2022
Make a difference with Australia Awards Tuvalu Intake 2022
Make a difference

Australia Awards
Intake 2022
Do you want to be a leader in your
field and join an inspiring network of
Australia Awards are prestigious
international scholarships offered
by the Australian Government to the next
generation of global leaders for
Australia Awards in Tuvalu is accepting
scholarship applications for study at
Australian and Pacific regional institutions
in 2022.

Desirable Applicant Checklist
                                                                     For AAPS:
• I am a citizen of Tuvalu and I reside in Tuvalu
                                                                     • I am currently completing Year 13 (with a Year 12 certificate)
• I want to study a Technical and Vocational (TVET),
  Undergraduate or Postgraduate course (not PhD)                        OR I have completed Year 13, with a minimum aggregate
                                                                        score of 250 out of 400 (English and three best subjects) or
• I want to study a course related to one of the priority sectors:      its equivalent
  - Economic Growth and Governance
                                                                     • OR I am a mature aged applicant who has completed Year
  - Education                                                          12/13 or a formal qualification and who has at least 3 years
  - Environment and Climate Change                                     relevant work experience in th priority sector.
  - Gender, Disability and Social Inclusion
  - Health                                                           For AAS:
  - Infrastructure Support                                           • I am currently completing Year 13 (with a Year 12 certificate)
• I am committed to working in Tuvalu and contributing to               OR have completed Year 13, with a minimum aggregate
  Tuvalu’s development                                                  score of 300 out of 400 (English and three best subjects) or
• I can meet the institution entry requirements for the courses I       its equivalent
  wish to undertake.                                                 • OR I am a mature aged applicant who has a qualification
• I do not hold an equivalent qualification at the same level as       and has at least 5 years relevant work experience in the
  the course I am applying to study.                                   priority sector, or no qualification and 10 years relevant work
• I am not serving an existing scholarship bond.                       experience in the priority sector.
• I am not applying for a visa to live in Australia or New           • The course I want to study in Australia is NOT available at a
  Zealand, nor am I in a relationship with an Australian or New        regional institution.
  Zealand citizen or permanent resident.

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Make a difference with Australia Awards Tuvalu Intake 2022
Australia Awards Tuvalu

Which scholarship should I apply for?

                    Do you want to study a course related to
                          one of the priority sectors?

               No                                              Yes

            Ineligible                                   Is the topic you want to study offered in a course at a
             to apply                                             Pacific regional institution (e.g. USP)?

                                                                      Yes                         No

                                                         Apply for an AAPS                       Apply for an AAS
                                                           scholarship                             scholarship

                                         Refer to Tuvalu AAPS on page 5                           Refer to Tuvalu AAS on page 4

Through study and research, recipients                                What can I expect after my application is
develop the skills and knowledge to drive                             submitted?
change and help build enduring people-                                 May 2021                 Applications are reviewed and assessed
to-people links.
                                                                                                Shortlisted applicants are notified and
Australia Awards provide citizens of Tuvalu with the opportunity                                invited to attend an interview
                                                                       June 2021
to obtain a qualification from an Australian or Pacific regional
tertiary institution.                                                                           Interviews are held in Funafuti or by phone

Applicants are assessed on their professional and personal             September 2021 Scholarship selections are announced
qualities, academic competence and, most importantly, their
potential to impact on development challenges in Tuvalu.
Applications are strongly encouraged from women, people with          What are the scholarship entitlements?
disability, and marginalised groups.                                  Scholarship awardees receive the following entitlements:
                                                                      9     Return economy airfare
When is the application closing date?
                                                                      9     Initial visa related expenses
Applications open on 1 February 2021 and close on
30 April 2021.                                                        9     Full tuition fees
                                                                      9     Contribution to living expenses (also known as a stipend)
Disability support                                                    9     A one-off establishment allowance
  If you are a person with disability and you are experiencing        9     Introductory Academic Program
   challenges completing the application, please contact the
  Australia Awards team at        9     Basic medical costs for the duration of the scholarship
                                                                      9     Supplementary Academic Support
                                                                      9     For AAS: Field work allowance for postgraduate courses
                                                                            that include a compulsory fieldwork component.

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Make a difference

What can I study?                                                    • Environmental science     • Oral health
                                                                     • Environmental risk        • Pharmacy
Australia Awards Intake 2022 has six priority fields of study. The     assessment and
priority fields of study align with the priorities of the              remediation               • Physiotherapy
Government of Australia and Tuvalu and reflect the priorities of     • Food security             • Public health with a focus
the Te Kete: National Strategy for Sustainable Development                                         on non-communicable
                                                                     • Global Environment and
2021 to 2030.                                                          Climate Change Law          diseases
                                                                     • Land and water            • Workplace health and
Priority fields of study           Education                           management                  safety
                                   • Curriculum education            • Marine coastal
Economic Growth and                                                    management                Non-clinical:
Governance (including but          • Disability studies
                                   • Early childhood education       • Marine science            • Contract management
not limited to):
                                   • Education studies               • Renewable energy          • Disaster management
• Accounting                                                         • Science
• Applied finance                  • Leadership and                                              • Financial health planning
                                     management in education         • Waste management
• Banking                                                                                        • Health administration
                                   • Physical education              Gender, Disability and
• Business and law                                                                               • Health information systems
                                   • Special and inclusive           Social Inclusion
• Commerce
                                     education                       • Behavioural studies       • Hospital management
• Communication
                                   • Teaching English as a           • Community development     • Human resources and
• Development economics              Second Language                 • Social change and           asset management
• Development studies              • Teaching (early childhood,        Development               • Logistics and supply chain
• Digital media                      primary, secondary)             • Disability management       management
• Environmental and                • TVET education and
  resource economics                                                 • Disability studies        • Training and development
• Entrepreneurship                                                   • Family studies
                                                                                                 • Warehouse management
• Financial management             Environment and Climate           • Gender studies
                                   Change                            • Psychology                Infrastructure support
• Graphic design
• Governance studies               • Agriculture                     • Social science            (including but not limited to):
                                   • Climate change                  • Social work               • Architecture
• Human resources planning
  and management                   • Disaster risk reduction         • Sociology                 • Civil engineering
• Innovation management            • Disaster preparedness and                                   • Computer science
                                     reconstruction                  Health (including but not
  and commercialisation                                              limited to):                • Construction
                                   • Environment and
• International marketing                                            Clinical:                   • Electrical engineering
                                     occupational health and
• Journalism                         safety                          • Biomedical science        • Information systems
• Labour market analysis           • Environment and public          • Exercise and sports       • Information technology
• Law and development                health                             science                  • Maritime surveying and
• Local governance studies         • Environment and                 • Food science and human       technical
• Management and                     sustainability                     nutrition                • Mechanical engineering
  business administration          • Environmental and               • Health science            • Ports and logistics
• Political studies                  business management             • Medicine                  • Project management
• Project management               • Environmental economics         • Medical science           • Surveying engineering
• Public administration              and climate change                                          • Software engineering
                                                                     • Medical statistics
• Public policy                    • Environmental law                                           • Telecommunication
                                                                     • Mental health nursing
                                   • Environmental                                                  engineering
• Security and strategic                                             • Midwifery
  studies                                                                                        • Terminal management
                                   • Environmental                   • Nursing
• Statistics
                                     management and                  • Nutrition and dietetics
• Tourism and hospitality            sustainability

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Australia Awards Tuvalu

Australia Awards Scholarships (AAS)

What level of course can I study?
• Undergraduate (e.g. bachelor degree courses)                       Next, we recommend you visit the relevant institution website/s
                                                                     and undertake thorough research on the course/s you are
• Postgraduate (e.g. postgraduate diploma, master degree
                                                                     interested in studying. You may like to consider:
                                                                     • The duration of the course
Note: PhD studies are not eligible for scholarships.
                                                                     • The entry requirements stated on the university website
                                                                     • The course structure and any course specialisations
Where can I study
                                                                     • The relevance of the content of the individual subjects to your
For a list of participating AAS Institutions, refer to: https://       future work in Tuvalu
participating-institutions                                           • The impact this course could have on expanding your
                                                                       knowledge and skills
Note: proposed courses must be CRICOS registered.
                                                                     • The reputation of the institution within your sector. (e.g. if you
                                                                       work in agriculture, consider if the university has a strong
Course preferences and CRICOS codes                                    reputation in the agriculture sector)
You need to provide two course preferences in your application;
a first course preference and a second (back-up) option.             How do I submit my application?
We recommend using the Commonwealth Register for                     You should submit your application and supporting
Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) website      documentation online using the OASIS website https://oasis.
( to search for course options.
CRICOS lists all the courses available for international students.   For further information please refer to the OASIS user guide
Each course is given a unique CRICOS course code. You will           -
need the unique CRICOS course code/s to complete your                applicant-user-guide.aspx
application form.
                                                                     If you are unable to access internet, you may submit an offline
                                                                     application. Please contact the Australia Awards team for advice.
Course research tips
Start your course search at the CRICOS website:
• Go to the CRICOS website
• Click on ‘Course Search’
• Adjust the search criteria to explore available courses (e.g.
  type your topic into the ‘Course Name’ field or search for your
  field of study)
• The search will provide a list of courses that meet your search
• The course options will display the Institution Name, Course
  Name and CRICOS Course Code
• Write down the courses you are interested in

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Make a difference

Australia Awards Pacific Scholarships (AAPS)                      All other institution applications – online applications
                                                                  (Applications for University of South Pacific, Divine Word
Where can I study                                                 University, Pacific Adventist University, PNG University of
                                                                  Technology, University of Goroka, and University of PNG)
Australia Awards Pacific Scholarships (AAPS) are offered for
study at regional institutions, including the following:          You should submit your application and supporting
                                                                  documentation online using the OASIS website - https://oasis.
• Divine Word University, Madang Campus
• Fiji National University Colleges, Fiji
                                                                  For further information please refer to the OASIS user guide -
• Pacific Adventist University, Port Moresby Campus     
• Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Lae Campus           Pages/oasis-applicant-user-guide.aspx
• University of Goroka, Goroka Campus
• University of Papua New Guinea, School of Medicine              Offline application instructions
  Taurama Campus                                                  You may submit your offline application in hard copy or
• University of the South Pacific                                 electronic / soft copy. There are three options: by email, in
                                                                  person, or by post. All online and offline applications must be
                                                                  submitted by 30 April 2021.
What level of course can I study?
• Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) courses
(e.g. Trades, Certificate, Diploma)                                Submission method Details
• Undergraduate (e.g. Bachelor degree courses)
                                                                                           Email your application to
• Postgraduate (e.g. Postgraduate Diploma, Master courses)         By email
Note: PhD studies are not eligible for scholarships
                                                                   In person               Deliver your application to:
                                                                                           The Australia Awards Office Ground
How do I submit my application?                                                            floor, Sabrina Building Corner of
The submission process depends on the institution you choose.                              Gordon St and Victoria Suva, Fiji
Fiji National University (FNU) scholarship applications                                    OR
If you are applying to study at the FNU College of Medicine,                               Australian High Commission Tuvalu
Nursing and Health Sciences (except nursing), you may apply                                Level 1, Telecom Tuvalu Building
online and submit your required documents online at https://                               Funafuti, Tuvalu
If you are applying to study at the FNU College of Engineering,    By post                 Post your application to:
Science and Technology, the FNU College of Medicine, Nursing                               The Australia Awards Office
and Health Sciences, the FNU College of Agriculture, Forestry                              GPO BOX 17384, Suva, Fiji
and Fisheries, you must submit your application offline.

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Australia Awards Tuvalu

Tips for Applicants                                                □ Curriculum vitae (no more than 3 pages)
                                                                   □ Two recent referee reports (less than 12 months old)
Before you apply                                                   *Certification is to be conducted by a registered legal counsel.
Before beginning your application, consider the relationship
between your academic and professional goals and Tuvalu’s          Internet browser
development needs. All applicants are expected to have clear
ideas about how they will contribute to development in Tuvalu      Refer to the OASIS user guide to check in your internet browser
on their return from scholarship.                                  is supported. This will ensure that all functions in OASIS work
                                                                   as anticipated for you.
If you are a civil servant, you are strongly encouraged to seek
prior approval from your respective Permanent Secretary before     OASIS User Guide:
applying for the scholarship, in accordance with Government of
Tuvalu guidelines.
                                                                   Email address
What information is needed to complete an                          We strongly recommend using a non-work, personal email for
application?                                                       OASIS registration (e.g. Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail).

Applicants need to answer all sections in the online application   Some workplaces have spam filters that will also block
and attach the required documentary evidence. Applicants           automatically generated emails from the OASIS system.
should prepare information to answer the following sections of
the online application:                                            Documentary evidence file size and type
• Full name, date of birth and contact details                     In the online application, you can attach your documentary
                                                                   evidence in one attachment or several separate attachments.
• Spouse and children’s details (if any)
• Emergency contact details                                        Each attachment file size must not exceed 2 megabytes (MB)

• Previous scholarship information (if any)                        The following file types can be used: .doc, doc.x, .rtf, .pdf, .jpeg,
                                                                   gif, .tiff, .png, .bmp, .txt
• Proposed study program – including the CRICOS code for 2
  course preferences                                               Supporting statement character limits
• Qualifications                                                   Your supporting statement responses in your application will be
• English language details                                         scored and will form part of the assessment.

• Computer literacy or training details (if any)                   Your supporting statement responses will have a character limit.
                                                                   This is a character limit – not a word limit. Characters include
• Current employment details (if any)                              letters, numbers, spaces and punctuation marks.
• Previous employment (if any)
                                                                   Applicants are encouraged to write clearly and concisely to
• Supporting statement (note, the responses to these questions     convey their message within the character limit available.
  will be assessed)
                                                                   Some applicants choose to write their responses in a Word
• Professional memberships (if any)                                document, which allows them to confirm the character count
• Documentary evidence                                             under the Review menu and Word Count function. Once ready,
                                                                   they then copy and paste their answer into OASIS.

What documentary evidence do I need for my
application?                                                       Making changes to your online application before
                                                                   the closing date
Please prepare the following documents to attach to your
application:                                                       All online applications can be edited in draft mode before they
                                                                   are submitted.
□ Certified copy of proof of citizenship (a passport or birth
  certificate)*                                                    If you have already submitted your application and need to edit
                                                                   it (before the closing date), there is an option to un-submit your
□ Certified copy of your Year 12 and/or Year 13 certificate        application. Once you click un-submit, you can edit your
  and transcript*                                                  application. Remember to resubmit it before the closing date.
□ Certified copy of your prior tertiary certificates and           Do NOT leave submitting your application to the last minute.
  transcripts*                                                     There is high-usage of the website at this time and as a result
                                                                   the website can be slow or difficult to load. Late applications will
□ Copy of your school grading system                               NOT be accepted.

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Make a difference

Frequently Asked Questions                                           If I am successful in my scholarship application
                                                                     and I become pregnant, will I lose the scholarship
How will my application be assessed?                                 opportunity?
Selection is made on merit and in competition. Complete              Pregnant applicants are encouraged to share their pregnancy
applications will be assessed by independent shortlisting            information with the Australia Awards at their earliest
specialists using the Australia Awards criteria of academic merit,   opportunity, so planning can be undertaken about the best
leadership skills and future potential to contribute to Tuvalu.      time to travel for interview and study, as required. All applicants
The strongest applicants will be shortlisted and invited to attend   will be assessed equally. Pregnant applicants will not be
an interview.                                                        disadvantaged.
Incomplete applications will not be assessed.

                                                                       More Information
What is the course duration?
                                                                       Australia Awards office
The duration varies depending on the course content.
The maximum duration permitted under the scholarship for
Bachelor level study is 4 years.                                       Email:
The maximum duration permitted under the scholarship for               Phone:        +679 3312 141
Master level study is 2 years.                                         Address:      Australia Awards Information Centre Ground
                                                                                     Floor, Sabrina Building
                                                                                     Corner of Gordon St & Victoria Parade,
Can I delay starting the scholarship and commence
                                                                                     Suva, Fiji
studies the following year?
                                                                       Australian High Commission Tuvalu
If you are successful in being awarded a scholarship, you must
commence study in the 2022 academic year.                              Phone:       +688 20043
                                                                       Address:     Level 1, Telecom Building
                                                                                    Funafuti, Tuvalu
Do I need an offer letter from the institution?
No, you do not need an offer letter for your scholarship
application. Applicants who already have an institution offer        References
letter are not advantaged in any way, as this does not form part
of the assessment.                                                   Australia Awards program information
Australia Awards will help you enrol in the institution if you are
successful in being awarded the scholarship.                         australia-awards/Pages/australia-awards
AAPS applicants must include a copy of their institution             Australia Awards Scholarships Policy Handbook
application form with their scholarship application. For example,
if you are applying to study at FNU, you should include a
completed FNU application form with your scholarship                 publications/Pages/australia-awards-
application.                                                         scholarships-policy-handbook
                                                                     Australia Awards Pacific Scholarships
How do I certify my documents?                                       Policy Handbook
Proof of citizenship and academic documents must be certified
copies. Certification can be undertaken by a Justice of the          australia-awards/Pages/australia-awards-
Peace or a registered legal counsel.                                 pacific-scholarships-aaps
                                                                     OASIS Applications
Can I apply if I have a disability?
Persons with disability who meet the scholarship eligibility
requirements are encouraged to apply for a scholarship. A            OASIS User Guide
person will not be disadvantaged by declaring their disability.
Reasonable adjustments and accommodations will be made to            Pages/oasis-applicant-user-guide.aspx
remove barriers for persons with disability. All applicants must
meet the eligibility requirements for the scholarship and submit
a compliant application.
For more information about support for persons with disability,
please contact the Australia Awards office

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