MADE FOR THE FUTURE - Invest in the West Midlands

Page created by Kathy Hughes
MADE FOR THE FUTURE - Invest in the West Midlands
MADE FOR THE FUTURE - Invest in the West Midlands
The Midlands remains a key driver of                          The opportunities for investors are significant and many
                                                                  of these are already paying dividends. Working with the
    the UK’s future prosperity and presents                       Department for International Trade, we offer bespoke visits
    a compelling offer to those choosing to                       for investors, helping them find the best locations in the
    invest. As a region we have benefited                         Midlands. This is resulting in real success stories such as
    from above national average growth                            the recent announcement of the £1.5 billion regeneration
                                                                  of the 42 acre Birmingham Smithfield site.
    that has been driven by industry,
    innovation and enterprise.                                    Together with Government, we are driving forward our
                                                                  shared ambitious plans to promote the Midlands as an
                                                                  engine for growth in the UK. We can unlock our potential,
    Our £220 billion economy features cutting-edge research       rebuilding our towns, cities and rural economies so that
    facilities and world-renowned brands across a broad           they are all contributing to improving opportunities and
    spectrum of sectors. A strong record of attracting            quality of life.
    investment has seen the Midlands transform into a globally
    significant advanced manufacturing base, accounting for       The Midlands is open for business and we share a
    almost a quarter of the UK’s manufacturing output.            confidence about our future. When the Midlands
                                                                  succeeds, the UK succeeds. We invite you to join and
    At the Midlands Engine, we are working to build on the        share our success.
    many strengths of the region, including our position at the
    heart of the HS2 high speed rail network, which will see
    travel to London and our other core cities reduced to under
    an hour.

    Quite simply, we are building a Midlands that is connected
    and energised.

                                                                  Sir John Peace
                                                                  Chair, Midlands Engine

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MADE FOR THE FUTURE - Invest in the West Midlands
Made for the Future

The Midlands is one of
the fastest growing and
economically important
areas in the UK, with an
economy worth over
£200 billion.
MADE FOR THE FUTURE - Invest in the West Midlands
Made for the Future

Midlands Engine
Made for Investment                        Made for the Future                       Made for Living

                                                                                     The Midlands is home to 15% of the
                                                                                     UK’s population, with 20–24 years olds
                                           The Midlands is served by                 comprising the largest demographic
                                           two of the UK’s fastest growing           group among its
                                           airports – Birmingham Airport
                                           and East Midlands Airport                 10 million                       citizens

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is worth
                                                                                                                                                       Proposed HS2

£4 billion
                                                                                                                                                       maintenance depot

to the Midlands economy

                                           The region is at the centre of HS2, the   Coventry will be the UK’s City
                                           country’s new high speed rail network.    of Culture in 2021, Nottingham
                                           This will increase capacity, and bring    and Birmingham will host the
                                           people and goods to and from London       Cricket World Cup in 2019, and
Key sectors across the Midlands are:       within 45 minutes                         Birmingham will host the 2022
Aerospace, Rail, Automotive, Life                                                    Commonwealth Games
Sciences, Advanced Engineering
and Food & Drink

Made for Partnerships                      Made for Innovation                       Made for Success

90%                                        The Midlands has more
                                           than 20 universities,
                                                                                     The Midlands is one of the
                                                                                     fastest growing and
                                                                                     economically important
of all UK businesses
                                           supported by 54 colleges.                 areas in the UK, with an
are within a 4-hour drive
of the Midlands
                                           500,000                                   economy worth over

                                           students come to the                      £200
                                           region each year

Midlands companies
regularly trade globally,
with £54 billion in goods                  5G                                        There are more than

exported in 2017                           Several projects across
                                           the Midlands are exploring
                                           5G connectivity, including
                                                                                     businesses in the
                                           the UK’s first multi-city
                                                                                     Midlands Engine region
                                           5G test bed

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MADE FOR THE FUTURE - Invest in the West Midlands
West Midlands           Leicester             Worcestershire
Combined Authority

                                              The Marches –

Nottingham              Birmingham

                                              Stoke-on-Trent &

                        UK Central Solihull

City of Wolverhampton                         The Marches –

MADE FOR THE FUTURE - Invest in the West Midlands
Made for the Future

The region is at the centre   Destination
of HS2, the country’s new
high speed rail network,
which will increase           MADE FOR
capacity and bring            PARTNERSHIPS
people and goods to
and from London within
45 minutes.
MADE FOR THE FUTURE - Invest in the West Midlands
Made for the Future

Derby & Derbyshire
The UK Capital for Innovation
Recognised by UNESCO as the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution,
Derby and Derbyshire has innovation in its DNA.

                                                                                                                      Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Economic output in Derbyshire has increased by 36%         Derby is also home to the world’s largest rail cluster,
in the past ten years, compared with 27% nationally,       and Canadian-owned Bombardier’s site remains the
and a recent study has shown Derby as the second           only facility in the UK able to design, manufacture,
fastest growing UK city economy. An impressive 11.8%       assemble and test new trains for domestic and
of the city’s workforce is employed in hi-tech             export markets.
functions: four times the UK average.
                                                           The area’s central location means proximity to the
Business flourish in the county and the city alone has     major motorway networks and easy access to five
recently attracted over £4 billion of investment, with a   international airports, including East Midlands Airport,
further £2 billion in the pipeline.                        the UK’s largest pure cargo hub. Additionally, there
                                                           are 35 fast, direct train services (89 minutes) into
Rolls-Royce came to Derby over 100 years ago.              London St Pancras International every day.
Today, the company employs more than 14,000
people in the city, houses its global civil aerospace,     Both city and county are focused on attracting further
nuclear and corporate headquarters there, and, has         investment. Derbyshire’s business economy,
recently announced plans to invest £150 million in         connectivity, technology, innovation, skilled
further developing its Derby campus.                       workforce and iconic landscapes provide a
                                                           competitive advantage.
The plant in Derbyshire was Toyota’s first major
manufacturing enterprise in Europe, and it has
invested more than £2.75 billion in its operations since
the start of production in 1992. The facility was the
first location in Europe to mass-produce a hybrid
vehicle, and in January 2019 celebrated the start of
production on the all-new Toyota Corolla Hatchback
and Touring Sports wagon, which will be the first
Toyota model in Europe to offer customers the choice
of two hybrid powertrains.



MADE FOR THE FUTURE - Invest in the West Midlands
Made for the Future

Leicester                                                                                                                                         Greater Lincolnshire
Big ideas and even bigger ambitions!                                                                                                              An exceptionally attractive
A place where businesses have                                                                                                                     destination to live, work
space to thrive and grow                                                                                                                          and invest!
Leicestershire’s £23.4 billion vibrant and thriving economy sits at the very                                                                      Greater Lincolnshire is emerging as the intelligent choice for
heart of the country. It boasts a unique proposition that characterises our                                                                       investors looking for a dynamic, thriving and ideal location to base
place in the Midlands Engine and MIPIM 2019 will showcase the area’s                                                                              their business. It has already gained a reputation for delivery with
commercial opportunities and enormous potential.                                                                                                  many schemes and investments taking shape and is well on its
                                                                                                                    Space Park Leicester          way to delivering its £307 million growth plan.                                                                  Lincoln Cathedral

Leicestershire possesses outstanding economic             Leicester is considered one of the best UK cities to                                    Transport links to the area have been given a major      The area excels in food processing and agri-tech and
assets including: a truly vibrant city with a strong      do business in. Unrivalled transport links, a workforce                                 boost recently with Midlands Connect revealing a         has been chosen as one of the Government's new
industrial and cultural heritage; two unique and          of over 1,000,000 within a 45 minute radius and one                                     20-year improvement plan for the A46 which will          Manufacturing Zones. This is welcome news for
inspiring Enterprise Zones; three world class             of Britain’s most attractive and cost-effective places                                  stretch from the M5 all the way to the strategic ports   Greater Lincolnshire and its multi-billion-pound food
universities delivering cutting edge innovation,          to develop, own or lease property. It’s seeing a                                        of Immingham and Grimsby. Millions of pounds are         industry. This latest announcement follows Growth
research, and design; a central location with the         dynamic transformation presenting huge investment                                       being invested in the area's infrastructure, including   Deal grants of £1.8 million for the Europarc Food
largest logistics distribution park in Europe and         opportunities and there are inspiring plans to take                                     the Lincoln Eastern Bypass; the Western Growth           Enterprise Zone (FEZ) site in Grimsby; £2 million for
the UK’s largest pure cargo airport; and two              advantage of these exciting prospects.                                                  Corridor Lincoln; the Grantham Southern Relief Road;     the Hemswell FEZ; £5.1 million for a new roundabout
Manufacturing Zones supporting the strong and                                                                                                     and the £8 million link road at Stallingborough which    junction and utilities at Holbeach FEZ; and
growing manufacturing sector that still forms the         Surrounding the city are distinctive and characterful                                   will open up prime development land west of              £2.4 million for the new university led agri-food
backbone of the economy. Leicestershire is home           market towns with areas ripe for redevelopment.                                         Grimsby. In addition, sites at Stallingborough and       Centre of Excellence anchor development on the
to Caterpillar, Next, Santander, Walkers Snack            These towns act as key hubs for tourism, including                                      Immingham Port benefit from Enterprise Zone status.      Holbeach site.
Foods and IBM Client Innovation Centre UK.                Melton Mowbray, known as the Rural Capital of Food
                                                          and Drink and Loughborough, home to the unique                                          Continued growth of the universities and colleges        One important step Greater Lincolnshire took last
Key strategic developments include Leicester              Great Central Railway boasting the only double track                                    provide a talent pipeline helping to sustain             year was to formalise their ambassador programme,
Waterside, over fifty hectares of large scale             main line historic railway in the UK.                                                   businesses and nurture growth. Greater Lincolnshire      Team Lincolnshire. Now with over 80 members, Team
opportunities for high quality housing, office and high                                                                                           also has ambitious plans to deliver major urban          Lincolnshire is a powerful and influential group of
value light commercial space; Space Park Leicester,                                                                                               extensions with 100,000 new homes planned                business people who are focused on championing
offering high-tech facilities and capabilities building                                                                                           by 2031.                                                 the region to create a thriving economy. Please speak
on the University of Leicester’s space excellence; and                                                                                                                                                     to any member of Team Lincolnshire to find out more.
Loughborough University Science and Enterprise
Park, a dynamic innovation community with serviced
development land opportunities.

                                                                                                                    @LeicsatMIPIM                                                                                                                                  @GreaterLincsLEP
                                                                                                                    @llepnews                                                                                                                                      @TeamLincs

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MADE FOR THE FUTURE - Invest in the West Midlands
Made for the Future

The Marches – Herefordshire                                                                                                                          The Marches – Shropshire
Welcome to Herefordshire –                                                                                                                           Unlocking strategic sites in one
a world-class business                                                                                                                               of the UK’s best places to live
landscape attracting investors                                                                                                                       and invest
and creating jobs                                                                                                                                    Boasting beautiful countryside, vibrant market towns and a
                                                                                                                                                     strategic central base within the UK, Shropshire is unlocking
                                                                                                                                                     key development opportunities through strategic infrastructure
                                                                                                                        Skylon Park North Magazine                                                                                                                       Ironbridge Power Station

Herefordshire is a dynamic, vibrant and growing             The first new UK university in 40 years has taken off                                    Directly connected into the West Midlands, Wales          Working with partners, investors and developers,
county – proud of its history and heritage whilst being     in Hereford. NMiTE (New Model in Technology and                                          and into the North West, Shropshire is home to major      Shropshire is leading the transformation of the county
ambitious for the future.                                   Engineering) plans to deliver up to 5,000 students by                                    strategic growth corridors with investment ready          town of Shrewsbury to create a truly 21st century
                                                            2031. The first cohort of students started in 2018 and                                   sites. Its county town, Shrewsbury, is nationally         location while preserving its historic past.
Herefordshire Council is unashamedly promoting a            numbers will double in 2019. This will necessitate the                                   recognised as one of the best places to live in the UK.
growth agenda and looking for key partners and              construction and/or refurbishment of new teaching                                                                                                  The Big Town Plan sets an ambitious and exciting
investors to achieve this programme. The council is         and administrative facilities, in addition to new                                        The Oswestry growth corridor includes a number of         vision of the future of the town. Part of the plan,
beginning to deliver on ambitious plans for more            student accommodation.                                                                   key sites along the A5/A483 to the south of the           The Big Connection, will open up new mixed-use
than 16,000 houses, a new university, and new                                                                                                        flourishing market town and the A41/A49 corridor will     development sites for office, retail, hotel and leisure
infrastructure including a city bypass.                     Underpinning the region’s growth is advanced                                             provide a swathe of investment opportunities from         uses alongside creating improved public realm and
                                                            proposals for a new city bypass. The first phase of this                                 Whitchurch, in the north, to Ludlow, in the south of      transport infrastructure, cementing Shrewsbury’s
Skylon Park, in Hereford, is a catalyst for growth          £200 million project is due on site in summer 2019,                                      Shropshire.                                               place in the Sunday Times Best Places to Live Guide.
across the county. It is the only Enterprise Zone with a    and future phases are progressing to programme.
dedicated defence and security sector focus thanks          This key infrastructure will free up land to deliver new                                 They join the largest single redevelopment site in        Shropshire is a county of contrasts: rooted in heritage
to its proximity to the SAS base in the city and a          communities around the city as well as providing                                         Shropshire – a 142 hectare mixed use opportunity at       and history yet at the same time its sights are set
cluster of nearly 100 businesses operating in the           capacity to bring forward development land within                                        the former Ironbridge Power Station, which borders        firmly on the future. Boasting major companies,
sector including nearby Quinetiq in Malvern and             the city centre.                                                                         neighbouring Telford with good connectivity into the      burgeoning growth sectors, the right skills and a
Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ)                                                                                                        West Midlands.                                            commitment to embracing 21st century technologies,
in Cheltenham.                                              This is just the start. Herefordshire is aspirational and                                                                                          alongside energy and ambition to build a prosperous
                                                            forward thinking, looking beyond what is currently                                       This brownfield site is available for a comprehensive     and sustainable future.
More than 275,000 sq ft of new development has              planned, and identifying new opportunities. The                                          new garden settlement development and provides
already been built and is anchored by a Centre of           region looks forward to working with you to deliver                                      the opportunity for true place-shaping including
Cyber Security and a 23,000 sq ft business incubator        this economic vision for the county.                                                     a range of housing, employment, leisure and
(both under construction). Sites at Skylon North                                                                                                     associated community facilities.
Magazine and Skylon South are the premier
development locations on the park and are
conducive to larger scale commercial development
opportunities for investors with a particular interest in
defence, security and advanced manufacturing.
                                                                                                                        @marcheslep                                                                                                                                      @marcheslep
                                                                                                                        @hfdsbusiness                                                                                                                                    @InvestinShrops


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MADE FOR THE FUTURE - Invest in the West Midlands
Made for the Future

The Marches – Telford                                                                                                                               Nottingham
Leading a Global Revolution                                                                                                                         A £2 billion development
                                                                                                                                                    programme offering unprecedented
                                                                                                                                                    investment opportunities in
                                                                                                                                                    the heart of the city centre
                                                                                                                                                    Nottingham is embarking upon one of the largest regeneration
                                                                                                                                                    programmes of any UK city, with plenty of opportunities for further
                                                                                                                                                    development available.
                                                                                                                     Ni.Park                                                                                                                                                Nottingham: Southside

One of the greatest challenges facing the world is          Telford is leading the race for growth and investment,                                  The ambitious and inspiring Southside development           The City Council and its partners are investing
food security; how we feed the growing world                making it the fastest growing town in the West                                          programme, representing £2 billion of investment, will      heavily in the development of the City’s Southside.
population while protecting the environment.                Midlands. The town is ranked number one for                                             offer unprecedented prime real estate opportunities         This includes the Broadmarsh regeneration
                                                            housing growth, has attracted more than £240 million                                    within a unique 0.5 sq mile area in the heart of the city   programme – with a transformed intu Broadmarsh,
Telford is at the cutting edge of a revolution in           in investment in just under three years and continues                                   centre, enhancing Nottingham’s reputation as a              state-of-the-art Central Library, new bus station, retail
farming technology that will transform the way food         to punch above its weight in terms of foreign direct                                    world-class destination.                                    units and a new ‘City Hub’ college campus. It also
is produced. Telford and specialist university Harper       investment, with five new investments in 2017/18.                                                                                                   offers significant private investment and occupation
Adams are now being promoted globally by the UK’s           Telford’s Council has created a business friendly                                       The regeneration, which began with £750 million of          opportunities at the surrounding Island Site,
Department for International Trade as world-leading         operating environment, quality of life offer and                                        investment into transport infrastructure, will transform    Waterside, Station Street, Guildhall, Angel Row
in the development of new agri-technology solutions         transport and digital connectivity that are second to                                   the face of the southern city centre, boosting              and Crocus Place developments. The various sites                    INVEST IN NOTTINGHAM
to address one of humankind’s greatest global               none, leading it to be consistently voted one of the                                    Nottingham into the top six UK retail centres,              provide a wealth of exciting mixed-use possibilities
challenges.                                                 top happiest places to live in the UK.                                                  strengthening the local economy, creating thousands         for investors and developers. Office space, residential
                                                                                                                                                    of jobs and attracting more visitors to the city. The       and student accommodation units, creative trade
Together the Council and Harper Adams University                                                                                                    investment from Nottingham City Council has had a           floorspace, hotel and retail space are on offer for
are creating a Cluster of Excellence in agri-tech                                                                                                   catalytic effect on driving further interest and            development partners.
innovation at the heart of which will be a new 25 acre                                                                                              investment into the area.
science and innovation park. Ni.Park will ensure that                                                                                                                                                           Invest in Nottingham provides support for businesses
Telford and Harper Adams University stay at the                                                                                                     Southside is served by a multitude of high frequency        looking to establish in the city, with a team of
forefront of this exciting global sector. It is also just                                                                                           public transport services, most notably                     specialists on hand, backed up by a first-class
one reason for Telford’s growing status as a digital                                                                                                the newly renovated Nottingham Rail Station and an          business network.
Centre of Excellence with the town now a home to                                                                                                    extended tram system, making it an ideal business
global leaders in digital transformation.                                                                                                           hub. A game-changing investment in a new regional
                                                                                                                                                    public sector hub at Unity Square, opposite the
                                                                                                                                                    Station, will support 4,000 jobs in phase one alone.

                                                                                                                     @marcheslep                                                                                                                                            @InvestInNottm
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Made for the Future

Stoke-on-Trent & Staffordshire                                                                                                                              Worcestershire
A place where creativity,                                                                                                                                   Three key game changing
innovation and enterprise drive                                                                                                                             opportunities for investors
business growth                                                                                                                                             The Capital of Connectivity. Home to the UK’s only 5G
                                                                                                                                                            industry 4.0 testbed. The most connected, creative and dynamic
                                                                                                                                                            community. The smart choice and your next investment?

                                                                                                                  Keele University - Smart Innovation Hub                                                                                                                       £120million Worcester Six Business Park development
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                located in the heart of England

Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire is a low risk            Other projects in development include the continued                                               These are exciting times for investors, businesses and   There are exciting plans to enable Worcestershire
investment location with excellent connectivity, a        success of the Ceramic Valley Enterprise Zone and                                                 developers engaging with Worcestershire. There is a      to nurture and develop the start-up businesses of
skilled workforce and access to the UK’s largest          the i54 South Staffordshire Western Extension, which                                              real sense of momentum, partnership and can-do           the future. Applications are set to re-open for
marketplace. With a range of commercial sites and         received planning consent in January 2019. In                                                     attitude within the local community, local government    Worcestershire’s first ever technology accelerator,
development opportunities available, the Make It          Stoke-on-Trent there is the creation of a new                                                     partners and investors. Worcestershire wants you to      BetaDen, in early 2019 and Worcester will also be
Stoke-on-Trent & Staffordshire Investment Team are        interchange linked to vibrant University Quarter                                                  be part of their county’s new brand, growing success     opening ‘The Kiln’ in 2019, as an innovative new co
keen to talk to developers about bringing sites to        developments and major plans for the City Centre.                   Stoke-on-Trent                and story as an exceptional place to live, work, visit   working space for businesses to collaborate, innovate
market.                                                   Exciting proposals at Keele University, including
                                                          Keele Growth Corridor and the New Keele Deal,               Make it & Staffordshire               and invest.                                              and share ideas.

Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire is a place where         Engie’s plans for the Rugeley Power Station site and                                              As a unique selling point for the county,                Their national reputation as a place with strong
innovation, creativity and enterprise drives business     St. Modwen’s 26 hectare Burton Gateway, further                                                   Worcestershire LEP is leading on the development         working partnerships between public and private
growth and attracts international brands. That same       demonstrating the vast array of developments across                                               of 5G technologies in Industry 4.0, helping to boost     sector makes the county stand out as an ideal
entrepreneurial spirit that created world-beaters like    a wide range of sectors.                                                                          productivity worth billions to the Midlands economy.     location for developers. They won’t hold you up; they
Portmeirion, Wedgwood and Bass is alive and well                                                                                                            Worcestershire is also capitalising on its central       will accelerate the opportunity. When you combine
here today. Some of Britain’s greatest success stories,   Make It Stoke-on-Trent & Staffordshire offer free and                                             location in the UK with transport developments like      this with the county’s central location, its skilled and
like JCB and bet365, have all grown from garage           confidential assistance to companies including:                                                   Worcestershire Parkway Station revolutionising the       productive workforce and its high quality business
start-ups into billion-pound success stories.                                                                                                               region's rail connectivity and bringing the county       support, it’s no surprise that international brands like
                                                          • finding the right location                                                                      even closer to all four corners of the country.          Siemens and Kohler Mira have recently invested in
From Michelin in 1926 to Jaguar Land Rover, Amazon,       • identifying suitable sites and premises                                                                                                                  the county. Worcestershire is fast gaining a reputation
Vodafone and Molson Coors, the area continues to                                                                                                            Worcestershire boasts excellent digital and physical     as the next big tech cluster, attracting entrepreneurs,
                                                          • arranging site visits and area tours
attract international businesses who are investing                                                                                                          infrastructure. By investing in gigabit broadband for    investors and families looking for high quality jobs
millions-of-pounds and creating thousands of jobs         • advice on funding and incentives                                                                residents and businesses, Worcestershire is a            and work life balance.
here.                                                     • skills, training and recruitment support                                                        productive location that is able to draw the attention
                                                                                                                                                            of investors and high-profile businesses to its three    With their ever-increasing connectivity,
                                                          • market and industry research
The Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire economy has                                                                                                            key gamechanger sites:                                   Worcestershire is able to uniquely offer an idyllic
seen positive announcements recently regarding                                                                                                                                                                       way of life that also boasts a connected, creative
new investments, such as the Davies Group and HM                                                                                                            • Worcester Six                                          and dynamic community.
Court and Tribunal Service both creating 500 jobs in                                                                                                        • Malvern Hills Science Park
Stoke-on-Trent and the expansion of JCB.
                                                                                                                  @makeitsotstaffs                          • Redditch Gateway                                                                                                  @OneWorcs

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West Midlands        The Marches –   Greater Lincolnshire
Combined Authority   Shropshire                             Made for the Future

                                                            West Midlands
                                                            Combined Authority
                                                            Welcome to the West Midlands,
                                                            the UK’s Growth Capital
                                                            The place to create, innovate and build the future. An entrepre-
                                                            neurial hub, with a pioneering spirit. A region where long-term
                                                            growth is driven by strategic leadership, responsible investment,
                     Coventry &      UK Central Solihull
                     Warwickshire                           world class businesses and passionate entrepreneurs.
                                                                                                                                                                                Birmingham Curzon Street station

                                                            The place to create, innovate and invest in the         The West Midlands has a long history of innovation,
                                                            future. A region where long term growth is driven       design, making, and creativity– and an even more
Derby & Derbyshire
                                                            by connected, passionate entrepreneurs and              exciting future at the cusp of advanced manufacturing,
                                                            communities.                                            urban transformation and the digital economy. It will
                                                                                                                    deliver 215,000 more homes and 500,000 more jobs
                                                            For centuries, the West Midlands has been at the        alongside billions of pounds of investment in transport,
                                                            strategic heart of the United Kingdom, as an            commercial land and skills.
                                                            entrepreneurial hub for transport, logistics,
                                                            manufacturing, trade and innovation. Today, the UK’s    And its city centres are thriving – supported by
                                                            second largest city region, home to a population of     massive investment and the legacy of the 2022
                                                            5.7 million, hosts many of the businesses and           Commonwealth Games and 2021 City of Culture
                                                            industries that through advanced manufacturing,         that is the region’s to build.
                                                            technology, and a highly skilled workforce have
                                                            shaped the way we live in cities around the world.      Their story as a region is built on social connection,
                                                                                                                    on collaboration and on progress. Be part of their story.
                                                            Supported an ambitious industrial strategy, the
                     Dudley                                 business-friendly West Midlands Combined Authority
                                                            (WMCA), led by the city region’s Mayor,
                                                            is overseeing the strategic upgrade of major
                                                            infrastructure, more highly-skilled jobs, new housing
                                                            projects, commercial developments and investment
                                                            in future technologies. Working closely with its
                                                            partners in the main urban centres of Birmingham,
Stoke-on-Trent &                     Birmingham             Coventry, Wolverhampton as well as the wider
Staffordshire                                               network of cities and towns, WMCA is driving an
                                                            ambitious agenda that is transforming the region
                                                            into the UK’s growth capital.



Made for the Future

Birmingham                                                                                                                                                              City of Wolverhampton
A city of growth                                                                                                                                                        There’s never been a better time to
                                                                                                                                                                        invest in the City of Wolverhampton,
                                                                                                                                                                        we are a premier destination with
                                                                                                                                                                        premier ambition...

                                                                                                                      Birmingham Smithfield, illustrative view of the                                                                                                                          City of Wolverhampton i9
                                                                                                                      Cultural Building

A youthful and growing population, an                     Birmingham’s economic renaissance has been                                                                    As one of the top ten growing economies in the UK            In return for your commitment the team will:
entrepreneurial spirit and culture where more             matched by an uptick in activity in the housing market.                                                       the City of Wolverhampton is transforming in to a city
businesses are created than in any other regional city,   Recent commitments from the likes of Berkley Group                                                            of opportunity. With over £4 billion pounds being            • help you obtain funding
unprecedented investment in infrastructure and            and Galliard are not only major boosts for the City's                                                         injected in to regeneration projects citywide,               • give you planning certainty
incredible connectivity to UK and international           ambitious housing growth agenda but will also help                                                            including £1 billion either on site or planned in the city
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     • provide a dedicated account manager to help
markets are all key factors behind Birmingham's           create high quality, attractive environments and                                                              centre alone. Wolverhampton is benefitting from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       you at every step
journey of growth.                                        places that are aligned to the needs of modern living.                                                        records levels of private and public investment, the
                                                                                                                                                                        City is also set to become one of the first UK cities to
The City’s growth strategy, the Birmingham                The recent announcement of Lendlease as Preferred                                                             benefit from 5G and SMART infra-tech technology              There are several opportunities for occupiers of all
Development Plan, is overseeing an ambitious              Development Partner for the ‘once in a generation’                                                            further boosting the city’s connectivity.                    sizes looking to relocate to the City of
programme of regeneration and housing delivery            Birmingham Smithfield scheme is another sign of                                                                                                                            Wolverhampton. A team of advisers will work closely
and the Big City Plan is delivering large-scale           how the City is repositioning itself on the international                                                     As well as its great location and connectivity, the City     with you to understand your needs and provide
infrastructure improvements to help open the centre       stage. The City will see further major milestones over                                                        has several ready-to-go council and partner-owned            support to help make locating here as easy as
to new development and drive occupier interest.           the next few years with the Commonwealth Games                                                                sites available for development and is committed to          possible.
Birmingham is now the UK’s largest financial centre       taking place in 2022, the arrival of High Speed 2                                                             working with investors and developers to bring these
outside of London with HSBC, Deutsche Bank,               in 2026 as well as a series of transformational                                                               exciting propositions to life in a secured and phased        You will benefit from the vibrancy in the heart of the
Barclays and RBS all relocating parts of their            developments coming on stream.                                                                                manner to help protect your investment.                      city centre and you will be joining another partner,
operations to the City.                                                                                                                                                                                                              Urban & Civic who are developing Wolverhampton
                                                                                                                                                                        Wolverhampton has strong opportunities for new               Westside to include new leisure, restaurants, shops
Underpinning the attraction of major occupiers is                                                                                                                       hotel development, high quality urban living                 and homes. Furthermore, the progressive
a high quality of life and a strong supply of talent:                                                                                                                   schemes, new office developments and leisure                 interchange partnership with ION development is
five universities make their home in the City                                                                                                                           related investments.                                         delivering a £150 million integrated regional transport
accounting for over 80,000 undergraduate and                                                                                                                                                                                         hub, which will provide a modern gateway to the city
postgraduate students.                                                                                                                                                  The City of Wolverhampton team are open to your              centre offering various commercial development
                                                                                                                                                                        ideas about how the City can best capitalise on these        opportunities.
                                                                                                                                                                        suggestions and actively encourage innovative,
                                                                                                                                                                        quality schemes which will put Wolverhampton on
                                                                                                                                                                        the map.

                                                                                                                      @BhamCityCouncil                                                                                                                                                         @investwolves


22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           23
Made for the Future

Coventry & Warwickshire
A region at the forefront of
UK growth
The area, which boasts an impressive track record on economic
growth and inward investment, is a leading centre for UK
technology and innovation and has seen a string of new
investments and new announcements in the last 12 months.

                                                                                                                     Godiva Awakes by Imagineer

They combine the engineering expertise and                But the area is about far more than automotive;
pedigree with the cutting-edge research led by the        aerospace engineering firm Meggitt is creating a
area’s two world-renowned universities.                   440,000 sq ft office and manufacturing complex on
                                                          Ansty Park, Rugby, which is home to FANUC and
A new Smart City Mobility Centre will cement              Sainsbury’s Store Support Centre as well as Geely,
Coventry & Warwickshire’s position at the forefront of    producers of the iconic London taxi.
developing the driverless and electric cars of the
future. The multi-million-pound centre – the first in     Coventry & Warwickshire is home to one of the
Europe – will be at the University of Warwick’s           largest digital games development clusters in the UK
Wellesbourne campus, with driverless cars tested          with more than 2,000 people working in the sector in
on its main campus in Coventry.                           or around Leamington Spa – representing around
                                                          10% of games development employment in the UK.
Jaguar Land Rover, which has its headquarters in
Coventry, has announced a major battery assembly          The industry will form a key part of the new
plant at Hams Hall in Warwickshire while work has         Leamington Creative Quarter project which will fuse
started on the £80 million UK Battery Industrialisation   the existing rich architecture with active public
                                                                                                                                                  The projects will make key improvements to the built       National Automotive Innovation Centre,
Centre (UKBIC), which will see the development of         spaces, art and buildings to create a vibrant attraction                                                                                           University of Warwick
                                                                                                                                                  environment, and the region’s reputation has been
the next generation of battery systems through a          for creative and cultural businesses, local people and                                                                                             photo by Nick Dimbleby
                                                                                                                                                  boosted by winning the UK City of Culture 2021
partnership between academia and industry.                visitors.
                                                                                                                                                  crown. Plans are well underway for the 12 months
                                                                                                                                                  which will bring more than £1 billion of benefits to the
The £150 million National Automotive Innovation           To the north, there is the Transforming Nuneaton
                                                                                                                                                  local economy.
Centre (NAIC), which brings together the brightest        project, with £7.5 million of funding from the
minds from industry and academia, to develop future       Government’s Local Growth Fund through the
                                                                                                                                                  Coventry is also 2019 European City of Sport and this
vehicles and mobility solutions is just opening its       Coventry & Warwickshire Local Enterprise
                                                                                                                                                  year, a 25-metre pool in a £36 million water park
doors.                                                    Partnership which is underway, while the £82 million
                                                                                                                                                  – The Wave – and a new £50 million University of
                                                          plan to transform Coventry's railway station quarter
                                                                                                                                                  Warwick Sport and Wellness Hub will open.
The centre, the largest in Europe, is a partnership       will be complete by the end of 2020.
between Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG) at
                                                                                                                                                  It all adds up to the fact that Coventry & Warwickshire
the University of Warwick, Jaguar Land Rover and
                                                                                                                                                  is a great place to invest, work and live.                 @CovWarksMIPIM
Tata Motors UK, and will be home to 1,000 staff
working across design, engineering and research,
as well as future engineers on degree programmes.                                                                                                                                                  

24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    25
Made for the Future

Dudley                                                                                                                                            UK Central Solihull
The historic capital of the Black                                                                                                                 Creating Europe’s best connected
Country, a region located in the                                                                                                                  destination for business, leisure
heart of the West Midlands,                                                                                                                       and living
in the centre of the UK                                                                                                                           One of the most productive economies and fastest growing labour
                                                                                                                                                  markets in the country, UK Central Solihull attracts international
                                                                                                                                                  investment and global names, home to Jaguar Land Rover, Changan
                                                                                                                                                  Automotive and Rolls Royce.
                                                                                                                 The waterfront, part of DY5                                                                                                                            Solihull Town Centre – Homer Road Gateway

Dudley is close to the M5 and M6, just eight miles         DY5, Dudley's Business and Innovation Enterprise                                       Combining a highly skilled workforce, unrivalled            Solihull Town Centre, with a strong economic
from Birmingham City Centre and within easy reach          Zone, created in 2017, offers exciting new                                             quality of life, exceptional connectivity and unlimited     background and future vision, also presents a range
of Birmingham Airport. The borough is undergoing           opportunities for residential, office and mixed-                                       opportunity, UK Central Solihull provides a compelling      of commercial and residential development
an exciting transformation with over £1 billion of         use development.                                                                       investment proposition.                                     opportunities, aligned with significant investment in
investment on site or planned for development                                                                                                                                                                 public realm and transport infrastructure.
over the coming years.                                     Covering 70 hectares, DY5 covers six areas and                                         Together with the Urban Growth Company, UK
                                                           includes an attractive waterfront location. It has                                     Central Solihull will be showcasing their plans for the     With a track record of innovative housing delivery
Dudley Council is seeking investors to work in             already attracted millions of pounds of new                                            UK Central Hub, home to Birmingham Airport, the             and ambitions to accelerate development across
partnership with the council to develop a series of        investment and has delivered new speculative                                           National Exhibition Centre, Jaguar Land Rover,              Council owned sites, UK Central Solihull offers a
key commercial, employment and residential sites           industrial development. Further opportunities now                                      Birmingham Business Park, Arden Cross and the new           range of potential sites for innovative schemes in
in Dudley town centre and DY5, the borough’s               exist to deliver commercial and residential                                            HS2 Interchange Station – the first outside London.         strategic locations, linked to our economic growth
enterprise zone. These opportunities provide sound         opportunities.                                                                         The Hub has the potential to support up to 77,500           agenda.
investment into areas which will be even better                                                                                                   jobs (including supply chain) and generate 775,000
connected through the new Midland Metro tram line          Benefits include business rate relief, streamlined                                     sqm of commercial space, 5,000 homes and £4.1               Our ambition is underpinned by a commitment to
and its proximity to Birmingham and the wider region.      local authority planning support and access to land                                    billion GVA per year.                                       sustainable development, adding value to
                                                           remediation funding for new developments.                                                                                                          commercial opportunities and showcasing the
The phased programme of development in Dudley                                                                                                     The Urban Growth Company is leading infrastructure          region’s strength in low carbon expertise as a national
town centre consists of residential, retail, leisure and   Adjacent is the hugely popular INTU Merry Hill                                         investment and development to create a brand new,           exemplar of future placemaking.
employment projects.                                       Shopping Centre, which attracts over 20 million                                        sustainable urban quarter at Arden Cross, with high
                                                           visitors per year and has a £200m investment                                           speed rail and unrivalled connectivity at its heart.
The aims are to take a multi-dimensional                   programme planned.
approach to:                                                                                                                                      Activity is also progressing to create a fully integrated
                                                                                                                                                  multi-modal interchange at Birmingham International
• Develop the visitor economy offer through 		                                                                                                    Station; bringing together future high speed rail,
  investment into the Castle Hill visitor attractions                                                                                             existing rail, air, trams, buses, private vehicles, taxis
• Promote new retail, leisure, commercial and 		                                                                                                  and bicycles through seamless connections to
  housing uses within the town centre                                                                                                             Birmingham Airport and the new HS2 Interchange
                                                                                                                                                  Station by 2025.
• Improve connectivity into and out of the town,
  with direct connections to national and 		                                                                     @dudleybusiness1                                                                                                                                       @UKCentralComms
  international rail and airport hubs                                                                            @dudleymbc
• Bring about improvements to the urban

26                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  27
Worcestershire   Derby & Derbyshire      Coventry &

                 City of Wolverhampton   Greater Lincolnshire

The Marches –

                                         The Marches –


                 The Marches –           Dudley
Made for the Future

Home to 10 million         Commercial
citizens and 800,000
businesses, the Midlands
drives the UK economy.     MADE FOR
Made for the Future

Birmingham Airport
Birmingham Airport is embarking on an ambitious
growth plan that will improve capacity,
connectivity and the customer experience to
become one of Europe’s leading regional airports.

Currently serving almost 400 one-stop and direct             2019 is a significant year for the Airport as it
global destinations with 50 airlines, Birmingham             celebrates its 80th anniversary and embarks on a
Airport is the UK’s third largest airport outside of         development programme that will see passenger
London, with half the UK population living within its        numbers grow by 40% to 18 million by 2033.
two hour catchment.
                                                             The recently launched Master Plan outlines how the
Located in the centre of the country’s road and rail         Midlands hub will invest £500 million over the next
network means that it is one of the most accessible          15 years to redevelop its site, increase capacity and
airports, particularly by rail, thanks to its on-site rail   vastly improve the passenger experience.
station, with trains every few minutes to Birmingham
city centre and several hourly to London, which is
just 70 minutes away. In 2026, this will reduce to 38
minutes as Birmingham becomes the UK’s first and
only high-speed rail connected airport.



Made for the Future

Court Collaboration                                                                                                                            Jaguar Land Rover
Biggest importer of Asian development capital                                                                                                  The UK's largest automotive manufacturer.
into The Midlands and about to deliver some
game changing large developments.

                                                                                                                  The Axium, Birmingham

The developer which has spear-headed Far Eastern        Court has attracted more than £225 million worth                                       The company is built around two iconic British car brands:      To support this future Jaguar Land Rover has announced
property investment in the Midlands is excited to       of investment to the region from China, Saudi Arabia,                                  Land Rover, the world’s leading manufacturer of premium         further investment into electrification with Electric Drive
spread the word of the region’s prospects.              Hong Kong and US.                                                                      all-wheel-drive vehicles; and Jaguar, one of the world’s        Units (EDU) being produced at Wolverhampton Engine
Birmingham firm Court Collaboration brought in                                                                                                 premier luxury sports saloon and sports car marques.            Manufacturing Centre later this year. These EDUs will be
investment from six countries in its first four years   That has gone into transformational schemes like:                                                                                                      powered by batteries assembled at a new Jaguar Land
in business.                                                                                                                                   Jaguar Land Rover is driven by a desire to deliver              Rover Battery Assembly Centre in North Warwickshire,
                                                        •   One Eastside, up to 700 BTR units by the Curzon                                    class-leading vehicles, which will provide experiences its      one of the largest of its kind in the UK, reinforcing the
Court, which was last year named Business Insider’s         Street HS2 station in the Eastside of Birmingham                                   customers will love, for life. Its products are in demand       company’s commitment to the West Midlands and the UK.
Midlands City developer of the Year, is behind plans        which at 46 stories, will be one of Birmingham’s		                                 around the globe. In 2018 Jaguar Land Rover sold 592,708
for more than 4,000 aspirational new homes in and           tallest residential structures.                                                    vehicles in 128 countries.                                      Jaguar Land Rover remain committed to building its UK
around the region.                                      •   The Axium, 304 spacious apartments at the heart                                                                                                    footprint and is currently investing £400 million at its design
                                                            of Birmingham city Centre (fully funded from		                                     Its innovation is continuous: Jaguar Land Rover will spend      and engineering centre at Gaydon marking the first major
But founder Anthony McCourt thinks there is more            Hong Kong).                                                                        in the region of £4 billion this year on new product creation   construction project at one of its non-manufacturing sites in
scope for growth with the world sitting up and                                                                                                 and capital expenditure.                                        over a decade.
                                                        •   Holloway Head – more than 450 homes unlocking
taking notice of a region on the up.
                                                            the potential of a prized city Centre location
                                                                                                                                               From 2020 all new Jaguar Land Rover vehicles will offer the     Jaguar Land Rover have four manufacturing plants in the
                                                            (forward funded from a BTR fund).
 Anthony said:                                                                                                                                 option of electrification, giving its customers even more       Midlands and Merseyside. The Solihull manufacturing site
“Court has had some brilliant meetings and              •   Arden Gate – 225 beautiful residential apartments                                  choice. It will introduce a portfolio of electrified products   has seen £2 billion worth of investment in the last five years
 established some great opportunities the past 12           within the heart of the retail quarter (Macau China                                across its model range, embracing fully electric, plug-in       and over £600 million has been invested at Castle Bromwich
 months and the team are really excited to be able          funded).                                                                           hybrid and mild hybrid vehicles as well as continuing to        to support the introduction of the all-new XF – the biggest
 to start launching an array of new developments in                                                                                            offer the latest diesel and petrol engines.                     investment to date.
 the forthcoming months.”

Court Collaboration specialises in residential real
estate developments supplementing the growth of
Birmingham city centre, and building homes across
the West Midlands.



34                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         35
Made for the Future

Lendlease                                                                                                                         St Joseph
Lendlease expands UK pipeline with                                                                                                St Joseph – Working in true partnership and
major wins in Birmingham.                                                                                                         collaboration to deliver vibrant successful places
                                                                                                                                  where people can live, work and socialise.

Lendlease is a leading international property and        In June 2018, Lendlease announced plans for                              St Joseph is the Berkeley Group’s newest brand,       Time and again we succeed in transforming
infrastructure group with operations in Australia,       the acquisition with Starwood Capital, subject                           based in the Midlands.                                underused or derelict land into much needed
Asia, Europe and the Americas. Its vision is to create   to pre-completion conditions, of The Silvertown                                                                                new homes. Often, we regenerate whole areas,
the best places, places that inspire and enrich the      Partnership, which holds development rights                              The business believes that inspiring public realm     delivering new infrastructure such as schools,
lives of the communities where Lendlease works.          for a major urban renewal project in London’s                            is the cornerstone of a happy, thriving community     parks and train stations.
                                                         Royal Docks.                                                             and it is committed to delivering the very best
In 2018 Lendlease was chosen as Birmingham                                                                                        developments for local people.                        In London we are currently delivering four of the
City Council’s preferred bidder for Birmingham’s         The company’s core capabilities are reflected                                                                                  largest residentially-led regeneration schemes in
4,000-home Perry Barr development, due for               in its operating segments of Development,                                The Berkeley Group is made up of six autonomous       the country, at Royal Arsenal Riverside, Kidbrooke
completion in 2020 and in January was selected           Construction and Investment. Lendlease                                   companies; Berkeley, St Edward, St George,            Village, Southall Waterside and Woodberry Down.
as its partner for the city’s £1.5 billion Smithfield    was recognised as the UK’s Most Sustainable                              St James, St Joseph and St William. All are devoted
development. Lendlease is also responsible for           Residential Developer by the NextGeneration                              to the same ideals; creating new homes, mixed-use     Together these schemes involve a thirty-year
the Over Station Development at Euston, working          Sustainability Benchmark for setting new standards                       and commercial developments of unrivalled quality,    commitment to deliver four new London villages,
closely with HS2, Network Rail, the Department for       of sustainability and customer engagement for                            in London, Birmingham and the South of England’s      meticulously planned to promote happiness,
Transport and the London Borough of Camden               the last three years, scoring more than double                           most desirable locations, always underpinned          wellbeing and community cohesion in areas
and wider stakeholders to deliver a transformational     the industry average.                                                    by concepts of sustainability, community and          previously blighted by crime and social exclusion.
outcome for the community of Camden, London                                                                                       regeneration.
and the wider UK.                                                                                                                                                                       Placemaking, not just housebuilding.
                                                                                                                                  Tackling the housing crisis is one of the most
Lendlease is also behind some of London’s                                                                                         pressing issues facing Britain today. As part of
largest and most exciting mixed-use regeneration                                                                                  the Berkeley Group, St Joseph has the financial
projects such as Elephant Park and International                                                                                  strength and the expertise to bring forward even
Quarter London.                                                                                                                   the most complex and challenging schemes
                                                                                                                                  for development.





36                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     37
Made for the Future

Bruntwood                                                        Countryside Properties                                             EBC Group                                                        your

A business led by one purpose:                                   Creating places people love.                                       Your workplace technology partner. They enable                                Effecting positive change in everything
Creating Thriving Cities.                                                                                                           you to run your business smoothly and securely,                               they do – the place shaping partner for                              ENGIE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   RÉFÉRENCES COULEUR

                                                                                                                                    whilst they plan, implement and support your IT                               the public and private sector across
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        24, rue Salomon de Rothschild - 92288 Suresnes - FRANCE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Tél. : +33 (0)1 57 32 87 00 / Fax : +33 (0)1 57 32 87 87                             Zone
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Web :
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    R0 G170 B255             Zone


                                                                                                                                    and technology.                                                               the Midlands.

Leading regional property company Bruntwood has been             Countryside is a leading UK developer with over 60 years’          EBC Group is a Midlands based managed service provider                        ENGIE is focused on energy, services and regeneration.
committed to creating thriving cities for more than 40 years.    experience in building thriving communities, not just houses.      of ICT services and solutions. As a Total Solutions Provider                  Its 17,000 employees combine these capabilities for the
                                                                 It specialises in placemaking and the delivery of both new         a project can be managed from initial plans through to                        benefit of individuals, businesses and communities
In that time Bruntwood has become a company with more            homes and major regeneration schemes across the country.           build with ongoing support. Its services include IT Solutions,                throughout the UK & Ireland.
than £1 billion in assets under ownership across more than 100                                                                      Telephony and Connectivity, Information Management and
properties with a development pipeline of £1.4 billion.          Countryside are committed to creating places people love           Managed Print Services.                                                       ENGIE work alongside local authorities and housing
                                                                 that inspires a true sense of belonging. They understand                                                                                         associations as a strategic partner for developing more
Bruntwood offers outstanding workspaces across Manchester,       the positive impact high quality new homes, amenities and          EBC Group offer private cloud solutions from its privately                    sustainable, efficient and vibrant communities. Combining
Liverpool, Leeds and Birmingham, ranging from co-working         well-curated communities can have on people’s lives.               owned UK twin data centres. They are accrediated to the                       its expertise in regeneration, services and urban energy,
spaces and meeting rooms through to fully serviced offices       Countryside is not just about bricks and mortar. This, along       highest levels and partner with global brands such as                         they are focused on improving the environment we live in.
and corporate headquarters.                                      with people, are at the very heart of their business, which is     Dell and Xerox to ensure the delivery of the ideal solution                   From providing the people, services and products that effect
                                                                 why they invest in their team at all levels, embracing diversity   for each project.                                                             positive change in a community, to building, heating and
In 2018, the company expanded, creating Bruntwood SciTech,       and inclusion. Countryside recognise the value of strong                                                                                         powering the spaces that they can thrive in.
a joint venture with Legal and General, the UK’s largest         relationships and the importance of collaboration, so their        Its award winning services are about more than just
property portfolio dedicated to driving the growth of the        purchasers, suppliers and partners are treated as part of their    outsourcing, creating strong partnerships with clients and                    ENGIE are market leaders in urban regeneration and
science and technology sector and includes the region’s          team. Countryside is passionate about everything they do           offering trusted advice for 30 years. EBC Group works with                    district energy. A significant provider of place-based services
leading digital and technology campus – Innovation               and proud about the legacy they leave behind. Caring deeply        clients to explore the best options for transforming their                    and energy efficiency, able to develop smart digital solutions
Birmingham.                                                      about creating places people love.                                 business, before delivering cost-effective, flexible solutions                and the connected home. With strong partnerships across
                                                                                                                                    that make implementing or upgrading new IT and technology                     the Midlands – including Birmingham City Council,
Bruntwood currently has five locations in Birmingham,                                                                               financially viable.                                                           Wolverhampton City Council and Queen Elizabeth Hospital –
including Innovation Birmingham, Cornerblock, the Grade II                                                                                                                                                        ENGIE help local communities to realise their full potential,
listed Cornwall Buildings, the 20-storey Centre City building                                                                                                                                                     while considering every aspect of the process needed to
above Birmingham New Street Station and the McLaren                                                                                                                                                               successfully improve and maintain local areas.
building. Combined they offer 560,000 sq ft of workspace.

@Bruntwood_UK                                                    @CountrysideProp                                                   @EBC_Group                                                                    @engie_places_uk                                                                                                                  

38                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      39
Made for the Future

Extra MSA Group                                                    Gleeds                                                            Godwin Developments                                              Harworth Group
Extra MSA Group is the largest investment                          An international property and construction                        Invest. Develop. Progress.                                       A leading land and property
owner of Motorway Service Area (MSA)                               consultancy with an unrivalled track record of                                                                                     regeneration company.
property assets in the UK.                                         delivering ambitious, award winning projects.

Extra plans to invest more than £350 million during the next       With over 130 years of experience, Gleeds’ independent            Godwin Developments, as part of Godwin Group, operate with       Listed on the main market of the London Stock Exchange,
five years in the delivery of five new MSAs, including Extra’s     thinking and its lasting relationships are key to realising       a core leadership team that has the capability to execute        Harworth Group plc (LSE: HWG) is a leading regenerator of
planning application under consideration by Solihull MBC for       innovative projects on time, on budget and to an exceptional      projects successfully. Alongside the main Godwin delivery        land and property for development and investment which
a new £80 million MSA on the M42 between Junctions 5 and 6.        quality.                                                          team, is an experienced Advisory Board made up of                owns, develops and manages a portfolio of approximately
                                                                                                                                     outstanding industry professionals with experience of building   21,500 acres of land on around 140 sites located throughout
This will fully meet a Road Safety related ‘need’ on the           Niche, local market knowledge is the foundation of Gleeds’        successful businesses within the property and investment         the Midlands and the North of England. The Group specialises
Midlands’ Motorway Network, supporting the welfare and             extensive, global reach.                                          industries. With offices located in Birmingham, London and       in the regeneration of former coalfield sites and other
safety of users in accordance with Highways England and                                                                              Nottingham they have a strong presence across the UK.            brownfield land into new residential developments and
National Planning Policy. The Midlands’ economy is heavily         From its offices in Birmingham, Milton Keynes and Nottingham,                                                                      employment areas; creating places where people want to be.
dependent on the safe and efficient free flow of traffic and the   Gleeds has been a highly regarded business in the Midlands        Godwin’s strategy is to develop a diversified portfolio of
services will play a vital role in reducing accidents caused by    since 1935. Gleeds is proud to have provided project and cost     residential, commercial and mixed-use property assets,           Sites in the Midlands include Coalville, Chatterley Valley,
driver fatigue, with benefits extending beyond those directly      management consultancy to seamlessly deliver a variety of         spread across multiple geographies in the UK, focusing on        Thoresby and the 350-acre former Ironbridge Power Station
involved.                                                          dynamic, prestigious developments which define the skyline        both private and public sector customers.                        which was purchased in June 2018 and is master planned for a
                                                                   of the region.                                                                                                                     residential-led scheme with several hundred new homes
Solihull Services will create around 300 new full time                                                                               Godwin has projects in excess of £600 million GDV across 2.5     alongside commercial development, leisure uses and
equivalent jobs, plus other economic benefits. These include       Gleeds supports a diverse range of international investors and    million sq ft of investment and development in the UK.           significant open space.
delivery of the north facing slip roads for the new M42            developers through the complete lifecycle of a building, from
southern junction and associated airport link road in              concept to ongoing maintenance, across multiple sectors,          Godwin take pride in helping customers through integrity,
conjunction with Highways England’s proposed Road                  including public sector, hospitality, sport & leisure,            accountability, diligence, perseverance and rigour. These core
Improvement Scheme.                                                manufacturing and retail.                                         values are the key reasons why leading UK brands and local
                                                                                                                                     councils are continuing to work with them.

                                                                   Snowhill, Birmingham. Gleeds provided cost management services.                                            @GleedsGlobal                                                     @GodwinDev                                                       @HarworthGroup

40                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   41
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