Page created by Bernard Armstrong
Level 1 - Implementation Overview
Document Title                       LSSIP Year 2020 for Israel
 Info Centre Reference                20/12/22/70
 Date of Edition                      03/03/2021
 LSSIP Focal Point                    Ilan WOLF – Civil Aviation Authority
 LSSIP Contact Person                 Octavian CIOARĂ -
                                      EUROCONTROL / NMD/INF/PAS
 LSSIP Support Team         
 Status                               Released
 Intended for                         EUROCONTROL Stakeholders
 Available in               

 Reference Documents

 LSSIP Documents      
 Master Plan Level 3 – Plan
 Edition 2020                   implementation-plan-level-3
 Master Plan Level 3 – Report
 Year 2020                      implementation-report-level-3
 European ATM Portal  
 STATFOR Forecasts    
 National AIP         

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                                                                        Released Issue
The following authorities have approved all parts of the LSSIP Year 2020 document and the signatures confirm the
correctness of the reported information and reflect the commitment to implement the actions laid down in the
European ATM Master Plan Level 3 (Implementation View) – Edition 2020.

       Stakeholder /
                                       Name                      Position             Signature and date

   Civil Aviation Authority    Joel FELDSCHUH             Director General CAA
   Of Israel

   Israel Airports Authority   Udi BAR-OZ                 Deputy Director
                                                          General, Operations

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                                                                         Released Issue

Executive Summary ............................................................................................ 1
Introduction ..................................................................................................... 11
1.                National ATM Environment .......................................................... 12
                  Geographical Scope .............................................................................................. 12
                  National Stakeholders .......................................................................................... 14
2.                Traffic and Capacity ...................................................................... 21
                  Evolution of traffic in Israel .................................................................................. 21
                  Tel Aviv ACC .......................................................................................................... 22
3.                Implementation Projects .............................................................. 24
                  National projects .................................................................................................. 24
                  Multinational projects .......................................................................................... 26
4.                Cooperation activities................................................................... 28
                  Multinational cooperation initiatives.................................................................. 28
5.                Implementation Objectives Progress ............................................ 29
                  State View: Overall Objective Implementation Progress .................................. 29
                  Objective Progress per SESAR Essential Operational Changes.......................... 30
                  ICAO ASBU Implementation Progress ................................................................. 35
                  Detailed Objectives Implementation progress ................................................... 39
6.                Annexes ........................................................................................ 58
A.                Specialists involved in the ATM implementation reporting for Israel .............. 58
B.                National stakeholders organisation charts ......................................................... 59
C.                Implementation Objectives’ links with other plans ........................................... 62
D.                SESAR Solutions implemented in a voluntary way............................................. 67
E.                Surveillance (SUR)................................................................................................. 68
F.                Glossary of abbreviations .................................................................................... 69

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                                                                                                    Released Issue
Executive Summary

National ATM Context

Member State of:

          1                                           2                       3

Main national stakeholders:
    -          The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) - Civil Aviation Authority of Israel (CAAI)
    -          The Navigation Services Agency - Israel Airports Authority (IAA)
    -          The Air Force – Israeli Air Force (IAF)
    -          The Airports – Israel Airports Authority (IAA)

Main airport covered by LSSIP: Tel Aviv Ben-Gurion (LLBG)

Traffic and Capacity

              Traffic Growth                   Summer En-Route Delay
        Summer 2020 (May-Oct)                             Per ACC

              -67%                               0.000.00
               2020                              2019 2020

Number of national projects: 2
Number of multinational projects: 2

  Comprehensive agreement

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                                    1                                     Released Issue
Summary of 2020 developments:
Due to the COVID19 Pandemic, the traffic in Tel Aviv FIR during 2020 was reduced significantly – a total of 33 percent of the
traffic in 2019. The services provider (The Israeli Airports Authority – IAA) reduced its human resources significantly.
However safety was maintained with no effect on the services level or efficiency. During March 2020 the re-organization of
the airspace was completed, which allows over-flights through Tel Aviv FIR. These new over-flight routes are already in use,
but traffic numbers are relatively low between Cyprus, Israel and Jordan. The main project for the following years is the
New ATM Facility, which is delayed due to the COVID19 crisis (budget difficulties) but is still planned.

Progress per SESAR Phase

The figure below shows the progress made so far in the implementation of the SESAR baseline (Pre-SESAR and SESAR1 non-
PCP) and the PCP elements.
It shows the average implementation progress for all objectives grouped by SESAR Phases, excluding those for which the
State is outside the applicability area as defined on a yearly basis in the European ATM Master Plan (Level 3) 2020, i.e.
disregarding the declared “NOT APPLICABLE” LSSIP progress status.
The SESAR 1 (non-PCP) progress in the graphics below for this State is based on the following objectives: AOP15,
ATC02.9, ATC18, ATC20 and COM 11.2.

 Pre-SESAR Phase                2000                                                                       2030

 SESAR 1 (PCP only)             2011                                                                       2025


 SESAR 1 (non-PCP)              2013                                                                       2030

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                               2                                             Released Issue
Progress per SESAR Essential Operational Changes and Phase

The figure below shows the progress made so far, per SESAR Essential Operational Changes, in the implementation of the
SESAR baseline and the PCP elements. The percentages are calculated as an average, per EOC, of the same objectives as in
the previous paragraph.

 ATM                                                                       55 %
 Network                                      24 %

 Airport and                                                                                   78 %
 TMA                          10 %
 performance                                                                                                                 100 %

 CNS                                                                                    70 %
 Infrastructure                                                                                                              100 %
 and Services                 10 %

 Digital AIM and                                                                                                             100 %
 MET Services

 Fully Dynamic            7%
 and Optimised                                                                                                               100 %
 Airspace               2%

 Mobility and       N/A
 integration of
 all Airspace
 Trajectory                                                    40 %
 Based                                                                     55 %

 of Service         N/A

                   0%        10%        20%          30%       40%     50%        60%    70%          80%     90%      100%

                                   Pre-SESAR Phase               SESAR 1 (non-PCP)         SESAR 1 (PCP only)

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                                     3                                                Released Issue
ICAO ASBUs Progress Implementation

The figure below shows the progress made so far in the implementation of the ICAO ASBUs Blocks. The overall percentage
is calculated as an average of the relevant Objectives contributing to each of the relevant ASBUs; this is a summary of the
table explained in Chapter 5.3 – ICAO ASBU Implementation Progress.

 Block 0                   2000                                                                                    2030

 Block 1                   2011                                                                                    2030

 Block 2                   2013                                                                                    2030

 Block 3                   2018                                                                                    2025

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                              4                                             Released Issue
ATM Deployment Outlook

State Objectives

       Deployed in 2019 - 2020    None

             By 2021              By 2022                  By 2023                  By 2024+

  - New Pan-European                            - Ground-Based Safety     - Implement enhanced
  Network Service                               Nets                      tactical flow management
  (NewPENS)                                     ATC02.8 - 40 % progress   services
  COM12 - 100 % progress                                                  FCM01 - 10 % progress
                                                                          - Traffic Complexity
                                                                          FCM06 - 10 % progress
                                                                          - Voice over Internet
                                                                          Protocol (VoIP) in En-
                                                                          COM11.1 - 10 % progress
                                                                          - Electronic Dialogue as
                                                                          Automated Assistance to
                                                                          Controller during
                                                                          Coordination and Transfer
                                                                          ATC17 - 10 % progress
                                                                          - Common Flight Message
                                                                          Transfer Protocol (FMTP)
                                                                          ITY-FMTP - 10 % progress
                                                                          - Surveillance
                                                                          Performance and
                                                                          ITY-SPI - 72 % progress
                                                                          - Automated Support for
                                                                          Conflict Detection,
                                                                          Resolution Support
                                                                          Information and
                                                                          Conformance Monitoring
                                                                          ATC12.1 - 10 % progress
                                                                          - Collaborative Flight
                                                                          FCM03 - 10 % progress
                                                                          - Enhanced STCA with
                                                                          down-linked parameters
                                                                          via Mode S EHS
                                                                          ATC20 - 10 % progress
                                                                          - Aircraft Identification
                                                                          ITY-ACID - 10 % progress

 LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                     5                                   Released Issue
Airport Objectives - Tel Aviv - Ben-Gurion Airport

      Deployed in 2019 - 2020             None

    Source: LSSIP 2021                    By 2022                     By 2023                    By 2024+

                              - Enhanced traffic            - Airport Collaborative   - Initial Airport Operations
                              situational awareness and     Decision Making (A-CDM)   Plan
                              airport safety nets for the   AOP05 - 06 % progress     AOP11 - 08 % progress
                              vehicle drivers
                              AOP15 - 10 % progress

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                                6                                      Released Issue
Overall situation of Implementation Objectives

                                                                            at the
  Main Objectives                          Topic                                        Status     2020      2021   2022   2023   2024   2025   >2025
                                                                            end of
     AOM13.1         Harmonise Operational Air Traffic (OAT) and General    100%      Completed
                                 Air Traffic (GAT) Handling
     AOM19.1         ASM Support Tools to Support Advanced FUA (AFUA)        0%        Not yet                      *
     AOM19.2             ASM Management of Real-Time Airspace Data           0%        Not yet                      *
     AOM19.3             Full Rolling ASM/ATFCM Process and ASM              0%        Not yet                      *
                                     Information Sharing                               planned
     AOM19.4         Management of Pre-defined Airspace Configurations       0%          Not                        *
     AOM21.1                           Direct Routing                        0%          Not
     AOM21.2                        Free Route Airspace                      0%          Not                        *
  AOP04.1(LLBG)      Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control         100%      Completed              *
                       System A-SMGCS Surveillance (former Level 1)
  AOP04.2(LLBG)      Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control         100%      Completed              *
                     System (A-SMGCS) Runway Monitoring and Conflict
                              Alerting (RMCA) (former Level 2)
   AOP05(LLBG)         Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM)         6%        Ongoing               *
   AOP10(LLBG)                      Time-Based Separation                    0%         Not                                       *
   AOP11(LLBG)                 Initial Airport Operations Plan               8%        Ongoing               *
   AOP12(LLBG)       Improve Runway and Airfield Safety with Conflicting     0%         Not                  *
                     ATC Clearances (CATC) Detection and Conformance                  Applicable
                          Monitoring Alerts for Controllers (CMAC)
   AOP13(LLBG)         Automated Assistance to Controller for Surface        0%          Not                                      *

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                             7                                        Released Issue
                                                                                at the
  Main Objectives                            Topic                                          Status     2020      2021   2022   2023   2024   2025   >2025
                                                                                end of
                                Movement Planning and Routing                             Applicable
      AOP14                        Remote Tower Services                         0%         Not                                                     2030
   AOP15(LLBG)       Enhanced traffic situational awareness and airport          10%       Ongoing                                                  2030
                             safety nets for the vehicle drivers
      AOP16          Guidance assistance through airfield ground lighting        0%         Not                                                     2030
   AOP17(LLBG)             Provision/integration of departure planning           0%         Not                                                     2030
                                      information to NMOC                                 Applicable
      AOP18                        Runway Status Lights (RWSL)                   0%         Not                                                     2030
      ATC02.2         Implement ground based safety nets - Short Term           100%      Completed
                     Conflict Alert (STCA) - level 2 for en-route operations
     ATC02.8                       Ground-Based Safety Nets                      40%       Ongoing                      *
     ATC02.9              Short Term Conflict Alert (STCA) for TMAs             100%      Completed        *
   ATC07.1(LLBG)                  AMAN Tools and Procedures                       0%        Not        *
      ATC12.1             Automated Support for Conflict Detection,              10%       Ongoing                      *
                      Resolution Support Information and Conformance
      ATC15.1         Information Exchange with En-route in Support of           0%         Not
                                           AMAN                                           Applicable
      ATC15.2        Arrival Management Extended to En-route Airspace            0%         Not                                       *
      ATC16          Implement ACAS II compliant with TCAS II change 7.1        100%      Completed
      ATC17            Electronic Dialogue as Automated Assistance to            10%       Ongoing                      *
                         Controller during Coordination and Transfer
      ATC18                 Multi-Sector Planning En-route - 1P2T               100%      Completed                                                 2030
      ATC19                  Enhanced AMAN-DMAN integration                      0%         Not                                                     2030
      ATC20              Enhanced STCA with down-linked parameters via           10%       Ongoing                                                  2030
                                         Mode S EHS

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                               8                                          Released Issue
                                                                              at the
  Main Objectives                             Topic                                       Status     2020      2021   2022   2023   2024   2025   >2025
                                                                              end of
      COM10                         Migrate from AFTN to AMHS                 100%      Completed
     COM11.1               Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) in En-Route     10%       Ongoing                      *
     COM11.2                    Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) in        100%      Completed                               *
     COM12                New Pan-European Network Service (NewPENS)          100%      Completed                                          *
   ENV01(LLBG)                 Continuous Descent Operations (CDO)            100%      Completed                               *
   ENV02(LLBG)           Airport Collaborative Environmental Management       100%      Completed                                                 2030
   ENV03(LLBG)                   Continuous Climb Operations (CCO)            100%      Completed                                                 2030
     FCM01                Implement enhanced tactical flow management          10%       Ongoing
      FCM03                         Collaborative Flight Planning              10%       Ongoing                      *
     FCM04.2               Short Term ATFCM Measures (STAM) - Phase 2           0%         Not                        *
      FCM05                           Interactive Rolling NOP                  0%        Not yet                      *
       FCM06                        Traffic Complexity Assessment              10%       Ongoing                      *
        INF07               Electronic Terrain and Obstacle Data (eTOD)       100%      Completed
      INF08.1            Information Exchanges using the SWIM Yellow TI         0%       Not yet                                           *
                                                 Profile                                 planned
     ITY-ACID                            Aircraft Identification               10%       Ongoing     *
     ITY-ADQ                  Ensure Quality of Aeronautical Data and         100%      Completed
                                       Aeronautical Information
     ITY-AGDL                 Initial ATC Air-Ground Data Link Services        0%         Not        *
    ITY-AGVCS2           8,33 kHz Air-Ground Voice Channel Spacing below       0%         Not            *
                                                FL195                                   Applicable
     ITY-COTR            Implementation of ground-ground automated co-        100%      Completed
                                        ordination processes
     ITY-FMTP            Common Flight Message Transfer Protocol (FMTP)        10%       Ongoing
       ITY-SPI             Surveillance Performance and Interoperability       72%       Ongoing         *
      NAV03.1                        RNAV 1 in TMA Operations                 100%      Completed                                                 2030
      NAV03.2                         RNP 1 in TMA Operations                 100%      Completed                                   *

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                                9                                       Released Issue
                                                                                   at the
  Main Objectives                              Topic                                              Status         2020      2021   2022   2023   2024   2025   >2025
                                                                                   end of
      NAV10              RNP Approach Procedures to instrument RWY                  100%       Completed                                        *
      NAV12                ATS IFR Routes for Rotorcraft Operations                  0%          Not                                                          2030
       SAF11             Improve Runway Safety by Preventing Runway                 100%       Completed

           *             Full Operational Capability (FOC) date
                         The Planned Implementation Date as reported in the LSSIP DB for each objective

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                                 10                                                 Released Issue

The Local Single Sky ImPlementation (LSSIP) documents, as an integral part of the Master Plan (MP) Level 3 (L3)/LSSIP
mechanism, constitute a short/medium term implementation plan containing ECAC States’ actions to achieve the
Implementation Objectives as set out by the MP Level 3 and to improve the performance of their national ATM
System. This LSSIP document describes the situation in the State at the end of December 2020, together with plans
for the next years.

Chapter 1 provides an overview of the ATM institutional arrangements within the State, the membership of the
State in various international organisations, the organisational structure of the main ATM players - civil and military
- and their responsibilities under the national legislation. In addition, it gives an overview of the Airspace
Organisation and Classification, the ATC Units and the ATM systems operated by the main ANSP;

Chapter 2 provides a comprehensive picture of the situation of Air Traffic, Capacity and ATFM Delay per each ACC
in the State. It shows the evolution of Air Traffic and Delay in the last five years and the forecast for the next five
years. It also presents the planned projects assumed to offer the required capacity, taking into account the current
aviation situation caused by the COVID19 crisis;

Chapter 3 provides the main Implementation Projects (at national, FAB and multinational level) which contribute
directly to the implementation of the MP Operational Improvements and/or Enablers and Implementation
Objectives. The Level 1 document covers a high-level list of the projects showing the applicable links. All other details
like description, timescale, progress made and expected contribution to the ATM Key Performance Areas provided
by the State per each project are available in the Level 2 document;

Chapter 4 deals with other cooperation activities beyond Implementation Projects. It provides an overview of the
FAB cooperation, as well as all other multinational initiatives, which are out of the FAB scope. The content of this
chapter generally is developed and agreed in close cooperation between the States concerned;

Chapter 5 contains aggregated information at State level covering the overall level of implementation,
implementation per SESAR Essential Operational Change and implementation of ICAO ASBUs. In addition, it provides
the high-level information on progress and plans of each Implementation Objective. The information for each
Implementation Objective is presented in boxes giving a summary of the progress and plans of implementation for
each Stakeholder. The conventions used are presented at the beginning of the section.

The Level 1 document is completed with a separate document called LSSIP Level 2. This document consists of a set of
tables organised in line with the list of Implementation Objectives. Each table contains all the actions planned by the
four national stakeholders (REG, ASP, MIL and APO) to achieve their respective Stakeholder Lines of Action (SLoAs)
as established in the European ATM Master Plan L3 Implementation Plan Edition 2020. In addition, it covers a detailed
description of the Implementation Projects for the State as extracted from the LSSIP DataBase.

The information contained in Chapter 5 – Implementation Objectives Progress is deemed sufficient to satisfy State
reporting requirements towards ICAO in relation to ASBU (Aviation System Block Upgrades) monitoring.

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                                11                                              Released Issue
1. National ATM Environment

     Geographical Scope

International Membership

Israel is a Member of the following international organisations in the field of ATM:

             Organisation                                                  Since
             ECAC                                                         2017 - Observer
             EUROCONTROL                                                  2016 -
                                                                           Comprehensive agreement
             European Union                                            -
             EASA                                                      -
             ICAO                                                         1949
             NATO                                                         2016 - Partner
             ITU                                                          1948

Geographical description of the FIR(s)

The geographical scope of this document addresses the Israeli FIR: Tel-Aviv FIR.
Israel FIR is surrounded by FIRs of 5 States, namely Cyprus – Nicosia FIR, Jordan – Amman FIR, Egypt – Cairo FIR,
Lebanon – Beirut FIR and Syria – Damascus FIR.

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                               12                                          Released Issue
Airspace Classification and Organisation

Reference: AIP Israel, ENR 1.4 -
ATS airspace in Tel-Aviv FIR is classified and designated in accordance with the requirement of ICAO (Annex 11), and
is composed of Class A, C, D & G.
Classes B, E & F are not used in Tel-Aviv FIR.

ATC Units

The ATC units in the Israel airspace, which are of concern to this LSSIP are the following:
       ATC Unit            Number of sectors          Associated FIR(s)                   Remarks
                       En-route         TMA
  Tel Aviv ACC -           3              -        Tel-Aviv FIR (LLLL) -
  North                                            North
  Tel Aviv ACC -           1              -        Tel-Aviv FIR (LLLL) -
  South                                            South
  Ben-Gurion APP           -              2        LLBG TMA

Note: The number of sectors as indicated in this table is the number of technically existing sectors, some of those
sectors are operationally used in combined sector formats.

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                                13                                            Released Issue
National Stakeholders

The main National Stakeholders involved in ATM in Israel are the following:
- Ministry of Transport and Road Safety,
- Civil Aviation Authority of Israel,
- Ministry of Defence: Israeli Air Force,
- Israel Airports Authority
Their activities are detailed in the following subchapters and their relationships are shown in the diagram below.

Civil Regulator(s)

General Information

Civil Aviation in the State of Israel is under the ministerial responsibility of the Ministry of Transport and Road Safety.
The different national entities having regulatory responsibilities in ATM are summarised in the table below:

Rule-making                             Israeli Parliament          Air Navigation Law (ANL), 2011
                                        (Knesset)                   Civil Aviation Authority Law, 2005
                                        Ministry of Transport and
                                        Road Safety
Safety Oversight                        CAAI                        Article 4 to the CAA Law, 2005
                                                                    Chapter F to the ANL
Enforcement actions in case of          CAAI                        Article 38, 79 and chapter J to the ANL
non-compliance with safety              Israel Police               chapter I to the ANL
regulatory requirements
Airspace                                Ministry of Transport and   chapter D and Article 179 to the ANL
                                        Road Safety
                                        The Minister of Defence

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                                       14                                               Released Issue
Economic                           Ministry of Transport and   LASR - Licensing of Aviation Services Law, 1963
                                   Road Safety                 (Charter Flights), 1982
Environment                        Ministry of Transport and   Article 34, 50-54, 64, 73, 82 to ANL
                                   Road Safety                 ANR (Operation of Aircraft and Rules of Flight), 1981 -
                                   CAAI                        Regulation 85A
                                   Ministry of                 ANR (Aircraft Noise), 1977
                                   Environmental               ANR (Procedures for Certification of Aircraft and Air-
                                   Protection                  craft Parts), 1977
Security                           Israeli Security Agency     The Law for Arrangement of Security in Public
                                   Israeli Police              Organizations
                                   Ministry of Transport and   Air Navigation Law (Offences and Jurisdiction), 1971
                                   Road Safety (ASOC)          Air Navigation Law (Security in Civil Aviation), 1977
Accident investigation             Chief Investigator Office   Chapter G to the ANL


Israeli Parliament ("Knesset") is authorized to:
     - promulgate the primary legislation;
     - approve part of the secondary legislation (regulations) not derived from ICAO SARPs.
The Ministry of Transport and Road Safety is authorized to promulgate all secondary legislation (regulations).
CAAI is authorized to:

     -     Prepare proposals for new regulations or amendment of existing regulations;
     -     Promulgate the AIP;
     -     Issue urgent safety orders with limited duration.


CAAI is authorized to:
    - limit , revoke or suspend licenses and certificates;
    - ground aircraft for safety or non-compliance reasons;
    - impose monetary penalty.
The Israeli police is authorized to conduct criminal proceeding (focuses on severe violations).


The Ministry of Transport and Road Safety and ministry of defence are authorized to allocate the Tel Aviv FIR for
civil aviation and for military aviation
CAAI is authorized:
      - to plan and develop the Tel Aviv FIR allocated for civil aviation use (civil airspace);
      - to issue ATS directives concerning the use of civil airspace and
      - in consultation with the Airforce – to issue ATS directives concerning the use of civil aircraft in military
The Ministry of Defence is authorized to issue ATS directives for urgent security purpose.

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                                15                                                  Released Issue

The Ministry of Transport and Road Safety is authorized:
    - to issue commercial license for Israeli air operators engaged in commercial air transport;
    - for the general oversight of IAA (ANSP) budget.
CAAI is authorized to issue operating authorizations for Israeli and foreign air operators engaged in commercial air
transport (in scheduled and charter flights).


The Ministry of Transport and Road Safety is authorized to:
    - promulgate regulations for the implementation of annex 16 to the Chicago convention (aircraft noise/
         aircraft engine emissions);
    - limit the operational hours at a particular airport;
    - set noise level and noise quota for aircraft operations.
CAAI is obliged to consider environmental impact while issuing ANS directives.
The Ministry of environmental protection is to be consulted with, on those issues.


The main "actors" in the ATM regulation domain are the Ministry of Transport and Road Safety, the CAAI and the
The ANL authorizes the Ministry of Transport and Road Safety to issue air navigation regulations in the ATM domain,
based on the CAAI proposal or after consultation with the CAAI.
CAAI is an independent agency, in terms of budget and human resources, within the Ministry of Transport and Road
Safety, established by the Civil Aviation Authority Law, 2005. CAAI employees are civil servants.
According to the ANL the CAAI is the safety regulator of all services providers in the civil aviation of Israel, and the
IAA as the ANSP amongst them:
The Air Navigation Law, 2011 and the Civil Aviation Authority Law, 2005, provide a clear separation of responsibilities
between the CAAI and aeronautical service providers, including Aerodrome Operators and Air Navigation Service
CAAI general roles and responsibilities are described in Article 4 of the Civil Aviation Authority Law, 2005 and
includes, mainly: rule making, certification, surveillance and enforcement.
CAAI authorities regarding safety issues are granted in the ANL as follows:
    •    According to chapter B to the ANL, the CAAI Director General ("DGCAA") is empowered to issue, amongst
         all: Personnel licensing (sub-chapter A), ATM Unit Operating Licenses (sub-chapter E) and approval for Air
         Navigation Aids (sub-chapter G).
    •    According to chapter F of the ANL, the CAAI inspectors have surveillance and investigation powers that
         enable them to investigate effectively each violation of the ANL and the Air Navigation Regulations (ANRs).
    •    Article 38 of the ANL empowers the DGCAA to restrict, suspend, revoke or refuse to renew all licenses and
         certificates for the causes detailed in article 38.
    •    According to Chapter J of the ANL, the DGCAA is empowered to impose civil (financial) penalties for
         violations of the ANL and ANRs.

The CAAI Inspectorate carries out surveillance and inspections. The DGCAA or management personnel empowered
by him execute the enforcement actions.

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                                16                                             Released Issue
In addition, according to article 82 to the ANL, the CAAI Director General is responsible for the development and
design of the Israeli civil airspace. In this framework the DGCAA is authorized to:
    o Issue directives concerning the use of said airspace, for the purpose of ensuring air traffic safety, regularity
         and efficiency and protecting public welfare and the environment.
    o Approve flight procedures designed and proposed by the ANSP.

The IAA – as the ANSP – is a public corporation established by the Airports Authority Law, 1977 (AAL). Its role as the
Israeli ANSP is not defined in the AAL, but formed by a license, to that purpose, issued by the DGCAA in accordance
with the ANL.
The service provider's responsibility is to carry out their privileges in a safely manner, in accordance with the ANL,
the applicable ANRs and the provisions set in their respective licenses.

According to Article 47 of the AAL, the IAA is subject to the general supervision of the Ministry of Transport and Road
Safety. This supervision is focused on IAA budget, charges and financial arrangements, and the nomination and
function of its board and key post holders.

  Annual Report published:     N

  National Civil Aviation      Y          Israel Aviation Infrastructure Masterplan for 2020 and beyond – Status Report
  Master Plan (CAMP):                     (Ref: 4000-3016-2020-0000438 and 4000-0263-2020-0001397)
                                          CAAI Biannual Rulemaking Plan 2021 (Ref: 4000-3013-2020-0002466)
                                          Both documents available in Hebrew version only.

The address of CAAI website is the following
The organisation chart is available in Annex “National stakeholders’ organisation charts”.

Air Navigation Service Provider(s)
ANSP – Israel Airports Authority (IAA)

Service provided

  Governance:                  public corporation established by   Ownership:          public corporation
                               the Airports Authority Law, 1977
  Services provided            Y/N     Comment
  ATC en-route                     Y
  ATC approach                     Y
  ATC Aerodrome(s)                 Y
  AIS                              Y   AIP is maintained and published by CAAI
  CNS                              Y
  MET                              Y   Together with the Israel Meteorological Service (IMS)
  ATCO training                    Y
  Additional information:
  Provision of services in         N
  other State(s):
  Annual Report published:         Y

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                                17                                                Released Issue
The address of ANSP website is the following:
The organisation chart is available in Annex “National stakeholders’ organisation charts”.

ATC Systems in use

    Main ANSP part of any technology alliance4                             N

    Specify the manufacturer of the ATC system currently in use:           Frequentis and Israel
    Upgrade of the ATC system is performed or planned?                     2023 – At "Ben-Gurion APP & TMA"
    Replacement of the ATC system by the new one is planned?               2027 – Complete New ATM system in the ACC
    ATC Unit                                                               "Tel-Aviv ACC", "South ACC", "Ben-Gurion APP",
                                                                           "Ben-Gurion TMA"

    Specify the manufacturer of the ATC system currently in use:           FAA and Israel
    Upgrade 5   of the ATC system is performed or planned?                 2023 – At "Ben-Gurion APP & TMA"
    Replacement of the ATC system by the new one is planned?               2027 – Complete New ATM system in the ACC
    ATC Unit                                                               "Tel-Aviv ACC", "South ACC", "Ben-Gurion APP",
                                                                           "Ben-Gurion TMA"


General information

Israel Airports Authority (IAA), the only Airport operator in Israel, is a public corporation. IAA is operating and
maintaining 5 airports in Israel (International and domestic). The main international airport in Israel is "Tel-Aviv Ben-
Gurion" (LLBG), ATC is also provided by IAA.

Airport(s) covered by the LSSIP

Referring to the List of Airports in the European ATM Master Plan Level 3 Implementation Plan Edition 2020– Annex
2, it is up to the individual State to decide which additional airports will be reported through LSSIP for those

Therefore, only Tel-Aviv Ben Gurion airport (LLBG) is covered in LSSIP Year 2020.

The EUROCONTROL Public Airport Corner also provides information for the following airport(s):

Tel-Aviv Ben Gurion

4 Technology alliance is an alliance with another service provider for joint procurement of technology from a particular supplier
(e.g. COOPANS alliance)
5Upgrade is defined as any modification that changes the operational characteristics of the system (SES Framework Regulation
549/2004, Article 2 (40))

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                                       18                                              Released Issue
Military Authorities

The Military Authority involved in ATM in Israel is the Israeli Air Force (IAF), a part of the Israel Defence Forces (IDF).
They report to the Ministry of Defence. Their regulatory, service provision and user role in ATM are detailed below.
The organisation chart is available in Annex “National stakeholders’ organisation charts”.

Regulatory role

Regulatory framework and rule making

                              OAT                                                              GAT
 OAT and provision of service for OAT governed by          Y       Provision of service for GAT by the Military governed   NA
 national legal provisions?                                        by national legal provisions?
 Level of such legal provision: Ministerial Decree, IDF orders     Level of such legal provision: NA
 and IAF orders
 Authority signing such legal provision: Minister of Defence       Authority signing such legal provision: NA
 IDF Chief of the General Staff , The IAF Commander
 These provisions cover:                                           These provisions cover:
 Rules of the Air for OAT                                      Y
 Organisation of military ATS for OAT                          Y   Organisation of military ATS for GAT                      NA
 OAT/GAT Co-ordination                                         Y   OAT/GAT Co-ordination                                     NA
 ATCO Training                                                 Y   ATCO Training                                             NA
 ATCO Licensing                                                Y   ATCO Licensing                                            NA
 ANSP Certification                                            N   ANSP Certification                                        NA
 ANSP Supervision                                              Y   ANSP Supervision                                          NA
 Aircrew Training                                              Y   ESARR applicability                                       NA
 Aircrew Licensing                                             Y
 Additional Information:                                           Additional Information
 Means used to inform airspace users (other than military)         Means used to inform airspace users (other than military)
 about these provisions:                                           about these provisions:
 National AIP                                                  Y   National AIP                                              NA
 National Military AIP                                         Y   National Military AIP                                     NA
 EUROCONTROL eAIP                                              N   EUROCONTROL eAIP                                          NA
 Other:                                                        -   Other:                                                    NA

                      OAT                                                               GAT
   National oversight body for OAT:           NSA (as per SES reg. 550/2004) for GAT services provided by the military: NA
   Airforce command/ Airforce HQ

   Additional information:                    Additional information:

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                                     19                                                   Released Issue
Service Provision role
                                   OAT                                                                     GAT
  Services Provided:                                                            Services Provided: NA
  En-Route                           provided by MIL                            En-Route                                              NA
  Approach/TMA                       “                                          Approach/TMA                                          NA
  Airfield/TWR/GND                   “                                          Airfield/TWR/GND                                      NA
  AIS                                “                                          AIS                                                   NA
  MET                                “                                          MET                                                   NA
  SAR                                “                                          SAR                                                   Y
  TSA/TRA monitoring                 “                                          FIS                                                   NA
  Other:                                                                        Other:
  Additional Information:                                                       Additional Information:

  Military ANSP providing GAT              N              If YES, since:    -                     Duration of the         -
  services SES certified?                                                                         Certificate:
  Certificate issued by:                                                    If NO, is this fact reported to the EC in                 NA
                                                                            accordance with SES regulations?
  Additional Information:

User role
  IFR inside controlled airspace, Military aircraft can        OAT only               GAT only            Both OAT and GAT            Y

  If Military fly OAT-IFR inside controlled airspace, specify the available options:
                                                            Free Routing    Y                        Within specific corridors only    N
                   Within the regular (GAT) national route network          Y                                  Under radar control        Y
                                  Within a special OAT route system         Y                         Under radar advisory service     NA

  If Military fly GAT-IFR inside controlled airspace, specify existing special arrangements:
                                            No special arrangements         Y                      Exemption from Route Charges           Y
             Exemption from flow and capacity (ATFCM) measures              N                              Provision of ATC in UHF        Y
        CNS exemptions:               RVSM      Y                    8.33   Y                    Mode S    Y                  ACAS        Y

Flexible Use of Airspace (FUA
  Military in Israel applies FUA requirements as specified in the Regulation No 2150/2005:            N (Reg. does not apply)
  FUA Level 1 implemented: Y
  FUA Level 2 implemented: N
  FUA Level 3 implemented: Y

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                                        20                                                    Released Issue
2. Traffic and Capacity

                        Evolution of traffic in Israel

                                                      Israel - Annual IFR Movements
                                                                                                                                                           Israel - Distribution (Ref. year 2019)

                                                                                                                                                                                              Dep/Arr 79%

IFR flights

               100000                                                                                                                        Overflights
                                                                                                       IFR movements - Actuals                 14%
                                                                                                       IFR movements - Scenario 2
                50000                                                                                  IFR movements - Scenario 1
                                                                                                       IFR movements - Scenario 3                     Domestic
                                                                                                                                                      flights 7%
                          2016 A    2017 A   2018 A         2019 A      2020 F        2021 F        2022 F         2023 F           2024 F

                                                                                                                                                   A = Actual
                                                                                                                                                   F = Forecast

                                                          EUROCONTROL Five-Year Forecast 2020-2024

              IFR flights yearly growth      2017 A              2018 A           2019 A               2020 F                 2021 F         2022 F                2023 F          2024 F

                                   Sc1                                                                 -66.9%                    80.6%       28.9%                 13.3%           11.9%
              Israel               Sc2       18.9%                   15.7%            3.8%             -67.1%                    19.5%       55.9%                 20.3%           18.4%
                                   Sc3                                                                 -67.1%                    16.2%       23.0%                 22.3%           17.9%
                                   Sc1                                                                 -55.1%                    61.9%       21.9%                  8.9%            6.8%
              ECAC                 Sc2         4.0%                  3.8%             0.8%             -56.4%                    16.6%       41.9%                 14.1%           12.2%
                                   Sc3                                                                 -56.6%                    14.5%       17.5%                 14.8%           11.6%

              Traffic in Israel decreased by 67% in 2020 compared to 2019.

              LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                                                           21                                                                          Released Issue
Tel Aviv ACC

Traffic and en-route ATFM delays 2016-2024

2020 performance

                                         Traffic evolution (2020 vs 2019)                        En-route Delay (min. per flight)
          Tel Aviv
                                                      Actual Traffic                                       All reasons

            Year                                          -67%                                                0.00

          Summer                                          -82%                                                0.00

Summer 2020 performance assessment
The average delay per flight was zero in Summer 2020.

Operational actions                                                         Achieved   Comments
Upgrade of tactical CIV-MIL coordination procedures                           Yes      New LoA with Israel Air Force
New Airspace Structure within Tel Aviv FIR                                    Yes
New Interface with Nicosia FIR                                                Yes
Opening of the interface with Jordan to overflights                           Yes
Upgrade of ACC operating procedures                                           Yes
Upgrade of ATCO workstations to allow additional sectors                      No       Postponed to mid-2021 due to COVID-19 crisis
New sectorisation and capacities as a result of new airspace structure        Yes

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                                             22                                                    Released Issue
Planning Period – Summer 2021

                                                        2021 Summer Capacity Plan

Free Route Airspace

Airspace Management
Advanced FUA
Airport & TMA Network Integration
Cooperative Traffic Management
Technical                                         Upgrade of ATCO workstations to allow additional sectors


Significant Events
Additional information                            10 ATCOs retired between 2020 and 2021 but no impact on capacity foreseen

  Summer 2021 Outlook
  No capacity issues are foreseen for Tel Aviv ACC in Summer 2021.

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                                         23                                                   Released Issue
3. Implementation Projects
The tables below presents the detailed information about the main projects currently ongoing in Israel.

     National projects

 Organisation(s):          Israel Airports Authority (IL)                        Type of project: National
 Schedule:                 Started in 2017
                           functionality expected for 12/2021
 Progress Description:     On-going
 Description:              Implementation of Airport Collaborative Decision Making
 Link and references
 ATM MP links:                  L3: AOP05
 Other links:                   -
 Project included in RP2        NA       Name/Code in RP2          -
 Performance Plan:                       Performance Plan:
 Project included in RP3        -        Name/Code in RP3          -
 Performance Plan:                       Performance Plan:
 Project included in DP:        NA       Name/Code in DP:          -
 Performance contribution
 Safety:                                 -
 Environment:                   +        -
 Capacity:                      +        -
 Cost-efficiency:                        -
 Operational efficiency:        ++       -
 Security:                               -

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                                24                                         Released Issue
New ATM Facility at LLBG
 Organisation(s):          Israel Airports Authority (IL)                        Type of project: National
 Schedule:                 Started in 2017
                           Expected to end in 2024.
                           Delayed due to COVID19 crisis (budget issues). New due date: 31/12/2023 for Ben
                           Gurion Airport APP/TMA sectors; and 31/12/2027 for the entire project including
                           combination of the ACC units into the project.
 Progress Description:     "RFI" phase ended 2017, "RFP" during 2018, Location chosen, design of the facility in
 Description:              Deployment of a new ATM system which will combine the current 3 separate units into 1
                           unit at a new location at LLBG.
 Link and references
 ATM MP links:                  L3: FCM06, ATC15.1, COM11.1, FCM03, ATC17, ATC12.1, ITY-ACID, ATC07.1, ATC02.8
 Other links:                   -
 Project included in RP2        NA       Name/Code in RP2           -
 Performance Plan:                       Performance Plan:
 Project included in RP3        NA       Name/Code in RP3           -
 Performance Plan:                       Performance Plan:
 Project included in DP:        NA       Name/Code in DP:           -
 Performance contribution
 Safety:                        +++      -
 Environment:                            -
 Capacity:                      ++       -
 Cost-efficiency:               ++       -
 Operational efficiency:        ++       -
 Security:                               -

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                                25                                          Released Issue
Multinational projects

 Air Space Modification North-West sector
 Organisation(s):          Civil Aviation Authority of Israel (IL), DCAC - Air   Type of project: Multinational
                           Navigation Service Provider (CY), Israel Airports
                           Authority (IL)
 Schedule:                 Completed in March 2020
 Progress Description:     Completed
 Description:              Reorganisation of the North-West sector, involving Cyprus, Greece, Egypt and
                           EUROCONTROL (Network Manager Directorate)
 Link and references
 ATM MP links:                  -
 Other links:                   -
 Project included in RP2        NA       Name/Code in RP2              -
 Performance Plan:                       Performance Plan:
 Project included in RP3        NA       Name/Code in RP3              -
 Performance Plan:                       Performance Plan:
 Project included in DP:        NA       Name/Code in DP:              -
 Performance contribution
 Safety:                        ++       -
 Environment:                            -
 Capacity:                      +++      -
 Cost-efficiency:                        -
 Operational efficiency:        ++       -
 Security:                               -
 Cooperation Activities:        -

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                                26                                         Released Issue
Overflight Routes through Tel Aviv FIR
 Organisation(s):          Civil Aviation Authority of Israel (IL), CARC – Jordan   Type of project: Multinational
                           Civil Aviation Regulatory Commission (JO), Israel
                           Airports Authority (IL), Israeli Air-Force (IL)
 Schedule:                 Started in 2020
                           Expected for 12/2022
 Progress Description:     On-Going
 Description:              Overflight routes through Tel Aviv FIR were activated on October 2020, allowing flights
                           eastbound and westbound at FL350 and above, during night hours and weekends. The
                           project is still on-going with plans to add more routes, more Flight Levels and longer hours
                           of activity.
 Link and references
 ATM MP links:                  -
 Other links:                   -
 Project included in RP2        NA       Name/Code in RP2             -
 Performance Plan:                       Performance Plan:
 Project included in RP3        NA       Name/Code in RP3             -
 Performance Plan:                       Performance Plan:
 Project included in DP:        NA       Name/Code in DP:             -
 Performance contribution
 Safety:                        ++       -
 Environment:                            -
 Capacity:                      +++      -
 Cost-efficiency:                        -
 Operational efficiency:        ++       -
 Security:                               -
 Cooperation Activities:        -

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                               27                                             Released Issue
4. Cooperation activities

     Multinational cooperation initiatives

Israel is not part of any Functional Airspace Block (FAB), but is neighboring the BLUE MED FAB which involves four
European Countries: Italy, Greece, Malta and Cyprus. Israel is an Associated Partner in the BLUEMED FAB without
voting rights.

Search & Rescue Agreement with the state of Cyprus is implemented, and exercised. A joint trilateral statement for
cooperation, between Israel, Cyprus and Greece, was declared in May 2018, and has not yet progressed further.

Reorganisation of the North-West sector, involving Cyprus, Greece, Egypt and EUROCONTROL (Network Manager
Directorate) was completed on March 2020.

Overflight routes through Tel Aviv FIR were activated on October 2020, allowing flights eastbound and westbound
at FL350 and above, during night hours and weekends. During the initial weeks of operation the demand is low but
increasing slowly.

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                             28                                           Released Issue
5. Implementation Objectives Progress
      State View: Overall Objective Implementation Progress

The graph below shows progress for all Implementation Objectives (applicable and not applicable to the State).

                     18; [32%]
                                                       20; [35%]                         Completed
                                                                                         Not yet planned
                                                                                         Not Applicable

                       5; [9%]

                                         14; [25%]

Summary of the implementation of the objectives

The trend in the implementation of Objectives has been confirmed during this reporting cycle.

Many objectives are dependent on the ongoing work for the deployment of a new ATM system. The ATM system
was scheduled for 2024, but significantly delayed, due to the COVID19 pandemic, to 2027 (partial implementation
specifically for Ben-Gurion Airport APP/TMA is due to 31/12/2023). It is expected that the new ATM system will
significantly boost the number of implemented objectives in particular in the field of ATC as well as in the field of
supporting infrastructure (communication and surveillance) and better integration with the NM systems (FCM01
and FCM03 objectives). For these FCM objectives, preparatory work with the NM is already taking place, with full
implementation expected with the new system.

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                               29                                            Released Issue
Objective Progress per SESAR Essential Operational Changes


  100% = Objective completed                                = Implementation Objective timeline (to FOC date)
  ## % = Expected completion / % Progress                   = Completion beyond Implementation Objective timeline

 COM10        Migrate from AFTN to AMHS                                         100 %

 COM11.1      Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) in                                                                                10 %

 COM11.2      Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) in                                                              100 %

 ITY-ACID     Aircraft Identification                                                                                               10 %

 ITY-SPI      Surveillance Performance and                                                                                          72 %

 NAV10        RNP Approach Procedures to                                                                              100 %

              instrument RWY

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                                 30                                                        Released Issue
 AOM13.1     Harmonise Operational Air Traffic (OAT)                               100 %

             and General Air Traffic (GAT) Handling
 AOP11       Initial Airport Operations Plan
             LLBG - Tel Aviv - Ben-Gurion Airport                                                                  8%

 COM12       New Pan-European Network Service                                                                       100 %

 FCM03       Collaborative Flight Planning                                                                                     10%

 FCM05       Interactive Rolling NOP                                                            0%

 FCM06       Traffic Complexity Assessment                                                                                     10%

 INF08.1     Information Exchanges using the SWIM                                                                   0%

             Yellow TI Profile

 INF07       Electronic Terrain and Obstacle Data                                  100 %

 ITY-ADQ     Ensure Quality of Aeronautical Data and                   100 %

             Aeronautical Information

This EOC Chart is not applicable for Israel since Objective AOP14 is not applicable.

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                               31                                                   Released Issue
AOP04.1     Advanced Surface Movement Guidance
            and Control System A-SMGCS
            Surveillance (former Level 1)
            LLBG - Tel Aviv - Ben-Gurion Airport                                              100 %

AOP04.2     Advanced Surface Movement Guidance
            and Control System (A-SMGCS) Runway
            Monitoring and Conflict Alerting
            (RMCA) (former Level 2)
            LLBG - Tel Aviv - Ben-Gurion Airport               100 %

AOP05       Airport Collaborative Decision Making
            LLBG - Tel Aviv - Ben-Gurion Airport                                                                6%

AOP15       Enhanced traffic situational awareness
            and airport safety nets for the vehicle
            LLBG - Tel Aviv - Ben-Gurion Airport                                                                           10 %
ATC07.1     AMAN Tools and Procedures
            LLBG - Tel Aviv - Ben-Gurion Airport                                      0%

ENV01       Continuous Descent Operations (CDO)
            LLBG - Tel Aviv - Ben-Gurion Airport                                                                100 %

ENV02       Airport Collaborative Environmental
            LLBG - Tel Aviv - Ben-Gurion Airport                                                                           100 %
ENV03       Continuous Climb Operations (CCO)
            LLBG - Tel Aviv - Ben-Gurion Airport                                                                           100 %
NAV03.1     RNAV 1 in TMA Operations                                                                                                 100

NAV03.2     RNP 1 in TMA Operations                                                                              100 %

SAF11       Improve Runway Safety by Preventing                                       100 %

            Runway Excursions

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                                32                                                    Released Issue
AOM19.1     ASM Support Tools to Support                                                      0%

            Advanced FUA (AFUA)
AOM19.2     ASM Management of Real-Time                                                       0%

            Airspace Data
AOM19.3     Full Rolling ASM/ATFCM Process and                                                0%

            ASM Information Sharing
AOM19.4     Management of Pre-defined Airspace                                                0%

ATC12.1     Automated Support for Conflict                                                                                   10%

            Detection, Resolution Support
            Information and Conformance
ATC15.1     Information Exchange with En-route in                               0%

            Support of AMAN
ATC15.2     Arrival Management Extended to En-                                                               0%

            route Airspace
ATC17       Electronic Dialogue as Automated                                                                                 10%

            Assistance to Controller during
            Coordination and Transfer
ATC18       Multi-Sector Planning En-route - 1P2T                                                                           100%

ITY-FMTP    Common Flight Message Transfer                                                                                   10%

            Protocol (FMTP)

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                              33                                                  Released Issue
 ATC02.8     Ground-Based Safety Nets                                                                    40 %

 ATC02.9     Short Term Conflict Alert (STCA) for                                      100 %

 ATC20       Enhanced STCA with down-linked                                                                            10%

             parameters via Mode S EHS

This EOC Chart is not applicable for Israel since Objective NAV12 is not applicable.

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                               34                                              Released Issue
ICAO ASBU Implementation Progress

The following tables show, for each of the ASBU Elements belonging to a particular ASBU Thread and Block, the
overall status, the final date foreseen for completion and the percentage of progress achieved in the current cycle.

These results were determined using the LSSIP Year 2020 declared statuses and progress of the relevant
implementation objectives in accordance with the initial mapping between ATM Master Plan Level 3 and new ICAO
GANP 6th Edition (2019), as reflected in the Implementation Plan 2020. A comprehensive analysis performed as
part of the ongoing ICAO EURGANT Project Team activity may result in updating the mapping following EASPG


          = Completed (during 2020 or before)                               = Missing planning date
          = Progress achieved in 2020                                       = Not applicable

 ACAS-B1/1 ACAS Improvements                                                             100 %

 ACDM-          Integration with ATM Network function                                                            100 %

 B0/2                                                                           6.0 %

 AMET-          Meteorological information service in                                   No Plan

 B2/4           SWIM

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                                  35                                                  Released Issue
APTA-B0/1 PBN Approaches (with basic                                                     100 %

APTA-B0/2 PBN SID and STAR procedures (with                                              100 %

          basic capabilities)
APTA-B0/4 CDO (Basic)                                                                    100 %

APTA-B0/5 CCO (Basic)                                                                    100 %

APTA-B1/1 PBN Approaches (with advanced                                                  100 %

APTA-B1/2 PBN SID and STAR procedures (with                                              100 %

          advanced capabilities)


ASUR-       Automatic Dependent Surveillance                                                                                    100
B0/1        Broadcast (ADS-B)                                                 72.0 %

ASUR-       Cooperative Surveillance Radar                                                                                    100
B0/3        Downlink of Aircraft Parameters (SSR-                             72.0 %

COMI-       ATS Message Handling System (AMHS)                                           100 %

COMI-       Ground-Ground Aeronautical                                                   100 %

B1/1        Telecommunication Network/Internet
            Protocol Suite (ATN/IPS)
COMI-       Air-Ground ATN/IPS                                                                                                  100%

B2/1                                                                          55.0 %

DAIM-       Provision of digital terrain data sets                                      100 %

DAIM-       Provision of digital obstacle data sets                                     100 %

DAIM-       Dissemination of aeronautical                                              No Plan

B2/1        information in a SWIM environment

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                                36                                                   Released Issue
FICE-B0/1 Automated basic inter facility data                                          100 %

          exchange (AIDC)

FRTO-B0/2 Airspace planning and Flexible Use of                                       No Plan

          Airspace (FUA)
FRTO-B1/3 Advanced Flexible Use of Airspace (FUA)                                     No Plan

          and management of real time airspace
FRTO-B1/5 Enhanced Conflict Detection Tools and                                                                                  100
          Conformance Monitoring                                             10.0 %

FRTO-B1/6 Multi-Sector Planning                                                        100 %

NAVS-       Satellite Based Augmentation Systems                                       100 %

B0/2        (SBAS)

NOPS-       Collaborative Network Flight Updates                                                                                 100
B0/2                                                                         10.0 %

NOPS-       Initial Airport/ATFM slots and A-CDM                                                               100 %

B0/4        Network Interface                                                6.0 %

NOPS-       Enhanced Network Operations Planning                                      No Plan

NOPS-       Enhanced integration of Airport operations                                                                 100 %

B1/3        planning with network operations planning                        8.0 %

NOPS-       Dynamic Traffic Complexity                                                                                           100

B1/4        Management                                                       10.0 %

NOPS-       Full integration of airspace                                              No Plan

B1/5        management with air traffic flow

RSEQ-B0/2 Departure Management                                                                                 100 %

                                                                             6.0 %

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                               37                                                   Released Issue
SNET-B0/1 Short Term Conflict Alert (STCA)                                                                  100 %

                                                                          70.0 %

SNET-B0/2 Minimum Safe Altitude Warning                                                                     100 %

          (MSAW)                                                          40.0 %

SNET-B0/3 Area Proximity Warning (APW)                                                                      100 %

                                                                          40.0 %

SNET-B0/4 Approach Path Monitoring (APM)                                                                    100 %

                                                                          40.0 %

SNET-B1/1 Enhanced STCA with aircraft parameters                                     100 %

                                                                          10.0 %

SNET-B1/2 Enhanced STCA in complex TMAs                                             100 %


SURF-B0/2 Comprehensive situational awareness                                       100 %

          of surface operations

SURF-B0/3 Initial ATCO alerting service for surface                                 100 %


SURF-B2/2 Comprehensive vehicle driver                                               100 %

          situational awareness on the airport
                                                                          10.0 %

SWIM-       Air/Ground SWIM for safety critical                                    No Plan

B3/1        information

LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                            38                                                   Released Issue
Detailed Objectives Implementation progress

    Objective/Stakeholder Progress Code:
                  Completed                Not yet planned
                     Ongoing                Not Applicable
                     Planned                  Missing Data

  Main Objectives

               Harmonise Operational Air Traffic (OAT) and General Air Traffic (GAT)
  AOM13.1      Timescales:                                                             100%     Completed
               Initial operational capability: 01/01/2012
               Full operational capability: 31/12/2018
Objective is implemented                                                                        31/12/2019
REG (By:12/2018)
Civil                                                                                           Completed
Aviation                                                                               100%
               -                                                               -
Authority of                                                                                    31/12/2019
ASP (By:12/2018)
Israel                                                                                          Completed
Airports       -                                                               -       100%
MIL (By:12/2018)
Israeli Air                                                                                     Completed
               -                                                               -       100%
Force                                                                                           31/12/2019

                 ASM Support Tools to Support Advanced FUA (AFUA)
                 Timescales:                                                                     Not yet
  AOM19.1                                                                              0%
                 Initial operational capability: 01/01/2011                                      planned
                 Full operational capability: 01/01/2022
No plan (the objective has been reviewed but no implementation decision has been taken yet).
At tactical level there is a local tool supporting ASM.
ASP (By:01/2022)
Israel                                                                                           Not yet
Airports         -                                                          -          0%        planned
Authority                                                                                           -

  LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                             39                                        Released Issue
ASM Management of Real-Time Airspace Data
               Timescales:                                                                   Not yet
  AOM19.2                                                                             0%
               Initial operational capability: 01/01/2017                                    planned
               Full operational capability: 01/01/2022
No plan defined yet                                                                              -
ASP (By:01/2022)
Israel                                                                                       Not yet
Airports      -                                                                   -   0%     planned
Authority                                                                                       -

               Full Rolling ASM/ATFCM Process and ASM Information Sharing
               Timescales:                                                                   Not yet
  AOM19.3                                                                             0%
               Initial operational capability: 01/01/2014                                    planned
               Full operational capability: 01/01/2022
No plan defined yet                                                                              -
ASP (By:01/2022)
Israel                                                                                       Not yet
Airports      -                                                           -           0%     planned
Authority                                                                                       -

               Management of Pre-defined Airspace Configurations
               Timescales:                                                                    Not
  AOM19.4                                                                             0%
               Initial operational capability: 01/01/2018                                   Applicable
               Full operational capability: 01/01/2022
Not applicable due to the airspace structure of the Israeli FIR.                                 -
ASP (By:01/2022)
Israel                                                                                        Not
Airports       -                                                                  -   0%    Applicable
Authority                                                                                       -

                Free Route Airspace
  AOM21.2        (Outside Applicability Area)                                         0%
                - not applicable -
Currently, overflights are direct route from the entry point to the exit point.                  -
ASP (By:01/2022)
Israel                                                                                        Not
Airports       -                                                                  -   0%    Applicable
Authority                                                                                       -

  LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                               40                                  Released Issue
Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System A-SMGCS
               Surveillance (former Level 1)
  AOP04.1      Timescales:                                                                 100%    Completed
               Initial operational capability: 01/01/2007
               Full operational capability: 01/01/2021
                                        LLBG - Tel Aviv - Ben-Gurion Airport
A-SMGCS level 1 is implemented by IAA (Israel Airports Authority - the only ANSP in Israel) at
Ben-Gurion international airport which is the main international airport in Israel (more than           -
99% of international traffic in Israel)
REG (By:12/2010)
Civil                                                                                              Completed
Aviation                                                                                   100%
               -                                                                 -
Authority of                                                                                            -
ASP (By:01/2021)
Israel                                                                                             Completed
Airports       -                                                                 -         100%
APO (By:01/2021)
Israel                                                                                             Completed
Airports       -                                                                 -         100%

              Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (A-
              SMGCS) Runway Monitoring and Conflict Alerting (RMCA) (former
              Level 2)
  AOP04.2                                                                                100%      Completed
              Initial operational capability: 01/01/2007
              Full operational capability: 01/01/2021
                                      LLBG - Tel Aviv - Ben-Gurion Airport
The IAA implements A-SMGCS level 2 since Q1/2015                                                   31/03/2015
ASP (By:01/2021)
Israel                                                                                             Completed
Airports      -                                                            -             100%
APO (By:01/2021)
Israel                                                                                             Completed
Airports      -                                                            -             100%

               Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM)
   AOP05                                                                                  6%        Ongoing
               Initial operational capability: 01/01/2004
               Full operational capability: 01/01/2021
                                       LLBG - Tel Aviv - Ben-Gurion Airport
IAA decided to implement A-CDM at Ben-Gurion airport.
Project delayed due to COVID19 (budget related).
ASP (By:01/2021)
Israel                                                                                              Ongoing
                                                                            A-CDM at      6%
Airports       -
                                                                              LLBG                 31/12/2023
APO (By:01/2021)
Israel                                                                                              Ongoing
                                                                            A-CDM at
Airports       -                                                                          6%
                                                                              LLBG                 31/12/2023

  LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                             41                                           Released Issue
Time-Based Separation
   AOP10       Timescales:                                                                   0%
               - not applicable -
                                        LLBG - Tel Aviv - Ben-Gurion Airport
                                            (Outside Applicability Area)
LLBG is not within the applicability area of the objective and for the time being there are no
operational needs for implementation
REG (By:01/2024)
Civil                                                                                                Not
Aviation                                                                                     0%    Applicable
               -                                                                  -
Authority of
ASP (By:01/2024)
Israel                                                                                               Not
Airports       -                                                                  -          0%    Applicable
Authority                                                                                              -

               Initial Airport Operations Plan
   AOP11                                                                                   8%       Ongoing
               Initial Operational Capability: 01/01/2015
               Full Operational Capability: 01/01/2021
                                       LLBG - Tel Aviv - Ben-Gurion Airport
Planned to be implemented by 2024.                                                                 31/12/2024
ASP (By:01/2021)
Israel                                                                                              Ongoing
Airports       -                                                                -          10%
APO (By:01/2021)
Israel                                                                                              Ongoing
Airports       -                                                                -          7%

               Improve Runway and Airfield Safety with Conflicting ATC Clearances
               (CATC) Detection and Conformance Monitoring Alerts for Controllers
   AOP12       (CMAC)                                                                      0%
               - not applicable -
                                      LLBG - Tel Aviv - Ben-Gurion Airport
                                           (Outside Applicability Area)
There is no operational need for the functionality                                                      -
ASP (By:01/2021)
Israel                                                                                               Not
Airports       -                                                             -             0%      Applicable
Authority                                                                                              -
APO (By:01/2021)
Israel                                                                                               Not
Airports       -                                                             -             0%      Applicable
Authority                                                                                              -

  LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                              42                                          Released Issue
Automated Assistance to Controller for Surface Movement Planning
               and Routing                                                                           Not
   AOP13                                                                                  0%
               Timescales:                                                                         Applicable
               - not applicable -
                                       LLBG - Tel Aviv - Ben-Gurion Airport
                                           (Outside Applicability Area)
The airport configuration does not require or justify the implementation of the objective               -
REG (By:01/2024)
Civil                                                                                                Not
Aviation       The airport configuration does not require or justify the                  0%       Applicable
Authority of implementation of the objective
ASP (By:01/2024)
Israel                                                                                               Not
               The airport configuration does not require or justify the
Airports                                                                        -         0%       Applicable
               implementation of the objective
Authority                                                                                              -

               Ground-Based Safety Nets
  ATC02.8                                                                                 40%       Ongoing
               Initial operational capability: 01/01/2009
               Full operational capability: 01/01/2022
Implementation of APW function:
Implemented for ACCs.
In Ben-Gurion Airport - functionality is planned to be included in the new ATM system in LLBG
Tower and LLBG Approach which is expected in 31/12/2023 (while the deployment of the new
ATM system for the ACC unit is planned later - 31/12/2027).
Project delayed due to COVID19 (budget related).
Implementation of MSAW function:
MSAW functions are implemented at Ben-Gurion airport and ACC's,

Implementation of APM functionality is planned to be included in the new ATM system in LLBG
Tower and LLBG Approach which is expected in 31/12/2023 (while the deployment of the new
ATM system for the ACC unit is planned later - 31/12/2027).
Project delayed due to COVID19 (budget related).
ASP (By:01/2022)
Israel                                                                   New ATM                    Ongoing
Airports       -                                                         Facility at   40%
Authority                                                                  LLBG

              Short Term Conflict Alert (STCA) for TMAs
   ATC02.9                                                                                 100%    Completed
              Initial operational capability: 01/01/2018
              Full operational capability: 31/12/2020
The STCA functionality is available in the TMA. The algorithm is the same as for en-route.
The multi-hypothesis algorithm is not used
ASP (By:12/2020)
Israel                                                                                             Completed
Airports      -                                                                 -          100%

  LSSIP Year 2020 Israel                              43                                          Released Issue
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