Low dephasing and robust micromagnet designs for silicon spin qubits
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Low dephasing and robust micromagnet designs for silicon spin qubits N. I. Dumoulin Stuyck,1, 2 F. A. Mohiyaddin,2 R. Li,2 M. Heyns,1, 2 B. Govoreanu,2 and I. P. Radu2 1) Department of Materials Engineering (MTM), KU Leuven, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium 2) imec, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium (*Electronic mail: roy.li@imec.be) (Dated: 25 August 2021) Using micromagnets to enable electron spin manipulation in silicon qubits has emerged as a very popular method, enabling single-qubit gate fidelities larger than 99.9%. However, these micromagnets also apply stray magnetic field gradients onto the qubits, making the spin states susceptible to electric field noise and limiting their coherence times. arXiv:2108.10769v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 24 Aug 2021 We describe here a magnet design that minimizes qubit dephasing, while allowing for fast qubit control and address- ability. Specifically, we design and optimize magnet dimensions and position relative to the quantum dots, minimizing dephasing from magnetic field gradients. The micromagnet-induced dephasing rates with this design are up to 3-orders of magnitude lower than state-of-the-art implementations, allowing for long coherence times. This design is robust against fabrication errors, and can be combined with a wide variety of silicon qubit device geometries, thereby allowing exploration of coherence limiting factors and novel upscaling approaches. Silicon quantum dot-based spin qubit systems have demonstrated attractive properties for quantum computation, including long qubit coherence times and high-fidelity single- and two-qubit gates1–5 . The introduction of patterned on-chip micromagnets has allowed high-speed and full electrical spin manipulation using Electric Dipole Spin Resonance (EDSR)6–15 , and enabled > 99.9% single-qubit gate fi- delity so far3 . Furthermore, micromagnets have sparked novel physical mechanisms for spin control, read-out and manipulation16,17 . However, the micromagnet generated gradients are a double-edged sword, as detrimental magnetic field gradients in combination with electric field noise result in substantial dephasing of the qubit. Indeed, successful demon- strations of EDSR with spin qubits have reported charge noise as the limiting factor for longer qubit coherence times and higher spin control fidelities3,12,13 . The open challenge is to minimize the qubit dephasing rate while still allowing fast FIG. 1. a) Design of the micromagnet. The x-y-z coordinate axis manipulation and qubit addressability in larger-scale arrays. denotes the relative position of the micromagnet to the gate defined In this Letter, we present optimized micromagnet designs quantum dots, shown in b). For simplicity, only two quantum dots are that address this challenge and facilitate both low qubit shown but this number can be extended to a larger array. A magne- dephasing and fast control, as well as ensure individual qubit tizing field B0 is applied along the y-direction and splits the confined addressability for large quantum dot array implementations. electron’s spin states. c) Magnetic field difference along the quan- In comparison to previous works, which mainly focused tum dot placements (x-direction) which allows for qubit addressabil- dy on qubit manipulation speed and addressability18–20 , here ity. d) Maximum of dephasing gradients bdeph and bdx deph . e) coupling we use multiphysics based modelling that correlate design field gradient generated by the magnets. Fields are simulated for a parameters to the qubit performance, and co-optimize the 600 nm gap design and taken at dQDM = 120 nm. Dashed circles de- dephasing field gradients. The presented design and insight note typical quantum dot locations, horizontal dashed lines show the micromagnet outline. can be readily and widely implemented in popular Si-MOS and Si/SiGe based spin qubit architectures. By resolving the micromagnet induced dephasing, the design will allow further exploration of coherence-limiting factors, crucial for field gradients that is robust against misplacement errors the development of large-scale spin qubit arrays21,22 . due to fabrication. We show that, at this optimal point, low dephasing can be achieved while maintaining fast qubit The remainder of the paper is organised as follows. We manipulation speeds and qubit addressability. Finally, we start by introducing a popular micromagnet topology along estimate expected micromagnet-induced dephasing rates and with its relevant design parameters, while stressing that coherence times in the presence of charge noise, highlighting the optimization is extendable to other micromagnet device an improvement by over three orders of magnitude in our topologies. We show the typical magnetic fields and their optimized design. gradients that can be expected from the design. Next, we The qubit states are encoded in the spin states of an elec- demonstrate an optimal design point with minimal dephasing tron confined in a gated nanostructure23 , as shown in Fig. 1(b). Spin manipulation via EDSR is performed by displacing the
2 electron wavefunction through gate generated electric fields in between neighbouring qubits and allows for qubit addressabil- magnetic field gradients, locally generated by micromagnets. ity, where we assume an experimentally achievable and com- The micromagnet design is shown in Fig. 1(a), as well as its monly used quantum dot pitch of 100 nm1,3,5,10 . For optimal relevant dimensions, design parameters and chosen axis ori- operation, bdeph should be low to minimize dephasing, bcoup gin. For typical EDSR experiments, qubits are placed in the should be high for fast spin operations, and γe ∆By /h should center of the gap along the x-direction to achieve high manipu- be at least 10× larger than the qubit EDSR linewidth for ad- lation speed and addressability18 . We study the magnetization dressability, where h is Planck’s constant. 2D-linecuts for an of the magnet and the resulting 3D magnetic fields by solving optimized design are shown in Fig. 1, taken at a quantum dot- the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation numerically24,25 , and we to-micromagnet separation (dQDM ) of 120 nm. refer to the supplementary material for all spatial compo- dy The variation of bdeph as a function of dQDM , shown in nents and gradients of the magnetic field. We chose a nu- dy merical approach to be able to accurately determine the mag- Fig. 2(a), reveals an optimal dQDM where bdeph is minimized. dy netic fields for non-regular micromagnets, which might not be The origin of the minimal bdeph is illustrated in Fig. 2(b). fully magnetized at smaller magnetic fields. Here, we chose The micromagnet components on each side of the gap gen- Cobalt as the micromagnet material because of its strong dy erate two bdeph that have opposite signs over the central re- ferromagnetism and widespread use in spin-based quantum gion and hence cancel out. For an optimal dQDM , the to- computation7–10,12,16–18,26 . Furthermore, we focus on a mag- dy net thicknesses of 200 nm as it is a commonly used value, and tal bdeph is almost zero over an extended area, in both x- has a relatively weak influence on the magnetic fields. For and y-directions. Although bdx deph has no minimum as func- the external applied magnetic field, typical values are in the tion of dQDM , Fig. 2(c) shows that there exists a sweetspot range of a few 100 mT to ∼1 T7–10,12,18 . We studied the ef- along the x-direction where bdx deph can be minimized. Even- fect of this external field on the magnetization and found the tually, the qubit dephasing rate is determined by the direc- micromagnet optimization depends only weakly on magneti- tion of the wavefunction displacement due to charge noise zation fields changing between 100 mT and 10 T (see supple- which depends on the details of the device confinement po- mentary material for details). We use a B0 of 0.7 T along the tential and electrical environment. Fig. 2(d) shows that the y-direction in the following results and discussions, and refer dephasing gradient is minimized for displacements along the the reader to the supplementary material for the full system dy-direction. As shown in Fig. 1(c) and Fig. 2(a) the low- Hamiltonian. In this architecture, the qubit’s coherent two- dephasing area extends up to a few 100 nm in the qubit plane level system is formed by the electron spin up and down state, and ∼ 30 nm in the z-direction. At this optimized depth, qubits which are split in energy by the external applied magnetic field placed within this area will be highly robust against dephasing B0 and micromagnet field By along the y-direction. This en- arising from charge noise. ergy splitting is given by the Zeeman energy EZ = γe B0 , where So far, we have considered the case where the micromagnet γe ≈ 116 µeV/T is the electron gyromagnetic ratio. To identify gap size is 600 nm. We find for all gap sizes between 300 nm optimal magnet dimensions, we define the following parame- dy and 1 µm there exists an optimal dQDM , where bdeph is mini- ters: mal as shown in Fig. 3(a). Furthermore, Fig. 3(b) shows that dx,dy dBy for each gap size, sufficiently high spin manipulation speed bdeph (x, y) = max (X,Y ) and qubit addressability can be achieved at their respective X,Y ∈A(x,y) dx, dy s optimal dQDM . Using the middle point as an example,when 2 2 the gap is 600 nm, bcoup ∼ 0.5 mT/nm and ∆By > 5 mT. Ap- dB x dB z bcoup (x, y) = min (X,Y ) + (X,Y ) plying an electron displacement amplitude δ rd ≈ 1 nm during X,Y ∈A(x,y) dy dy EDSR10 , we can derive a Rabi frequency of γe bcoup δ rd /2h ≈ ∆By (x, y) = By (x − 50 nm, y) − By (x + 50 nm, y) , 7 MHz. The EDSR resonance frequency difference between qubits is given by ∆ f0 = γe ∆By /h ≈ 140 MHz, which allows high frequency addressability with little crosstalk. with A(x, y) defined as the quantum dot footprint of 50 × Previous experimental EDSR demonstrations3,9,10,18 made 50 nm2 , centred around (x, y). Taking the maximum of bdeph use of a micromagnet design with a gap of ∼ 300 nm and a and minimum of bcoup over A(x, y) ensures the worst-case sce- sub-optimal dQDM ∼ 250 nm, and indeed reported dephasing nario in electron wavefunction distribution, taking into ac- times limited by the detrimental micromagnet gradients and count the quantum dot position uncertainty due to fabrica- presence of charge noise3,12,13 . To quantify the importance of tion tolerances and stray electric fields. Here, the gradients a low dephasing field we can relate bdeph to the qubit coher- dx,dy bdeph are directed parallel to the external applied magnetic ence time T2∗ : field B0 and, in the presence of charge noise, causes dephas- √ ing of the qubit7 . dBy /dz is negligible since the electron h ln 2 T2∗ = wavefunction is strongly confined at the interface, and it is πγe bdeph δ rn unlikely that the electron position will be shifted in the z- direction due to electric field noise. The field gradient bcoup , where δ rn is the r.m.s electron micromotion induced by the oriented perpendicular to the external field, enables the spin charge noise27 . We make use of a Monte-Carlo simulation control through EDSR7 . Finally, ∆By is the field difference to calculate δ rn based on the electron wave-function distribu-
3 FIG. 4. Calculated coherence times and dephasing rates due to dy the presence of bdeph , as a function of the electric field noise am- FIG. 2. a) Dephasing gradient bdeph as a function of the placement plitude and charge noise PSD at 1 Hz. For a 600 nm gap design, of the quantum dots (along the x-direction) and vertical separation three different dQDM are considered: above, at and below the opti- dy mal dQDM (170, 120 and 70 nm respectively). Bold lines denote the dQDM between the magnets and dots. At an optimal dQDM , bdeph has a minimum where micromagnet induced dephasing effects are coherence time upper bound assuming displacement along the dy- dy strongly reduced. The region where bdeph is minimized stretches out direction, shaded areas extend to the lower bound for displacements along dx (see also Figure 2d)). An improvement of up to three orders in both x and z dimension. b) This minimum can be explained by the of magnitude can be expected compared to state-of-the-art10,18 , de- cancellation of the fields generated by the two micromagnet com- pending on the displacement direction. Inset shows the histogram of ponents (blue and red, sum in purple) at a specific dQDM . c) Same dx,dy the qubit resonance frequency variation due to the presence of bdeph as a) but for dephasing gradient bdx deph . d) Weighted sum of bdeph at and charge noise. Dephasing rates are calculated based on the reso- x = 0 µm and dQDM = 120 nm following an angle θ , with θ = 0(π/2) nance line broadening (Gaussian distribution fit in black). along dx (dy). The dephasing gradient is minimal for θ = π/2. fidelity of quantum gate operations in a quantum computer. Q dependents on several factors including the magnitude of charge noise, qubit driving field and is also proportional to the ratio R = bcoup /bdeph . High values of R > 100 are achievable at the optimal dQDM (see supplementary material). Finally, to investigate the robustness of the design with respect to the micromagnet topology, we also performed a similar analysis on two other commonly used micro- magnet designs (see supplementary material for details). FIG. 3. a) The optimal depth dQDM as a function of the gap be- For a design used in single spin quantum electrodynamic tween the magnets. b) bcoup and ∆By for different gap sizes taken at demonstrations16,17 , no gradient is present along dx such that their respective optimal dQDM , indicating that high speed manipula- low dephasing is ensured regardless of the displacement di- tion and addressability are possible with a minimized dephasing field rection. Optimal gap and depth combinations for qubit op- gradient. erations can be found, and are similar to the design shown in Fig. 1. The optimization robustness against micromagnet topology means it’s likely to be useful for other, unexplored tion in a symmetrical potential well, in the presence of elec- micromagnet designs as well. tric field noise. In Figure 4, we compare the dephasing time In summary, we have investigated a widely used micro- T2∗ and dephasing rates (1/T2∗ ) due to an electric field noise or magnet design for EDSR on semiconductor spin qubits. We charge noise Power Spectral Density (PSD) at 1 Hz, for 3 dif- demonstrate an optimal and robust quantum dot to magnet ferent dQDM . We also add the reported bdeph for Ref. 3 and 10. separation, where the dephasing field gradient generated by In comparison to these references, an improvement between the micromagnet goes to almost zero. Furthermore, we in- one and three orders of magnitude in the dephasing rates and vestigated the relation between the micromagnet design pa- dephasing time can be achieved at the optimal dQDM , for dis- rameters and this optimal separation. We show that an opti- placements along dx or dy, respectively. The ratio Q of qubit mized micromagnet is achievable for a wide range of fabrica- dephasing time (T2∗ ) and qubit operation time quantifies the tion parameters. The designs can be readily extended to one-
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