Low-Carbohydrate Diets Promote a More Favorable Body Composition Than Low-Fat Diets

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Low-Carbohydrate Diets Promote a More Favorable Body Composition Than Low-Fat Diets
Low-Carbohydrate Diets
Promote a More
Favorable Body
Composition Than
Low-Fat Diets
Jeff S. Volek, PhD, RD, Erin E. Quann, PhD, RD, and Cassandra E. Forsythe, PhD, RD
Department of Kinesiology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut

SUMMARY                                   important for enhancing power pro-                no effect independent of total energy).
                                          duction and mechanical efficiency.                In respect to body composition, con-
                                          Lean body mass, specifically muscle               vincing evidence of the importance of
                                          mass, contributes directly to force pro-          macronutrient composition was pre-
 APPROACHES IS THE LOSS OF                duction capacity and physical perfor-             sented in a comprehensive meta-
 LEAN BODY MASS THAT OCCURS               mance as well as insulin sensitivity and          regression of 87 diet trials (10). The
 WHEN FAT MASS IS DECREASED.              general metabolic health. There are               authors concluded that diets lower in
 CONSUMING MODERATE                       also aesthetic and psychological bene-            carbohydrate were associated with
 PROTEIN, WHILE RESTRICTING               fits associated with improvements in              greater fat loss and diets higher in
 CARBOHYDRATE, ALLOWS FOR                 body composition.                                 protein resulted in better preservation
 GREATER PRESERVATION OF                                                                    of lean body mass during weight loss.
                                          Most weight loss approaches that
 LEAN BODY MASS. A                                                                          Furthermore, these effects were in-
                                          decrease fat mass also result in an
                                          undesirable loss of lean body mass. In            dependent of energy intake and par-
 CONJUNCTION WITH PERIODIZED              fact, about one-quarter of the weight             ticipation in exercise.
 RESISTANCE TRAINING                      loss achieved through typical low-fat             We have consistently shown in our
 PROMOTES GREATER FAT LOSS                diet approaches is from lean body mass            work that very low carbohydrate
 WHILE PRESERVING LEAN BODY               (11,9). Weight loss interventions that            ketogenic diets result in greater weight
 MASS AND PROMOTING ROBUST                preserve lean body mass while re-                 loss and fat loss compared with low-fat
 IMPROVEMENTS IN METABOLIC                ducing fat mass are preferred. The                diets. In overweight men and women,
 HEALTH.                                  combination of caloric restriction and            we have repeatedly observed a 2-fold
                                          exercise can have a strong effect on              greater weight loss and fat loss in
                                          improving body composition, but the               subjects restricting dietary carbohy-
INTRODUCTION                              type of diet and training program has             drate versus fat despite similar caloric
       he proportions of fat and lean     a major influence on the magnitude of             restriction between the diets (22,21).

T      body mass determine an indi-
       vidual’s body composition. The
goal of many athletes and nonathletes
                                          change. This brief review will focus on
                                          the effects of macronutrients on body
                                                                                            We have also examined the effects of
                                                                                            very low–carbohydrate diets on body
                                                                                            composition in normal-weight men
is to decrease percentage body fat by                                                       (19). Twelve healthy normal-weight
simultaneously decreasing fat mass and    THE CASE FOR LOW                                  men switched from their habitual diet
increasing lean body mass. Beyond the     CARBOHYDRATE DIETS TO
well-characterized favorable effects on   ENHANCE BODY COMPOSITION
                                                                                             KEY WORDS:
general health, a lower body fat is       A common, albeit inaccurate, axiom in
desirable for athletes to increase mus-   nutrition is that a calorie is a calorie (i.e.,    diet; resistance exercise; carbohydrate;
cular force to body weight ratio and      the distribution of macronutrient has              body composition

42     VOLUME 32 | NUMBER 1 | FEBRUARY 2010                                 Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association
Low-Carbohydrate Diets Promote a More Favorable Body Composition Than Low-Fat Diets
(48% carbohydrate) to a ketogenic diet
(12% carbohydrate) for 6 weeks, and
8 men served as controls consuming
their normal diet. Fat mass, assessed by
dual energy x-ray absorptiometry, was
significantly decreased (23.4 kg) and
lean body mass significantly increased
(1.1 kg) after the ketogenic diet. There
was a significant decrease in serum
insulin (234%), and 70% of the vari-
ability in fat loss on the ketogenic diet
was accounted for by the decrease in
serum insulin concentrations.
In addition to experimental demon-
strations of its efficacy, the importance
of carbohydrate restriction rests on the
fundamental idea that carbohydrate
is more than an energy source. In
distinction to strategies based on re-        Figure 1. Fat breakdown as a function of insulin levels. Small reductions in insulin
duction in dietary fat, the rationale for                within the physiological range are associated with a large increase in
reduction in dietary carbohydrate de-                    lipolysis. Adapted from Jensen et al. (6).
rives from basic mechanisms. Carbo-
hydrate is the major stimulus of insulin
and, beyond its role in providing             lipolysis several-fold, the response           carbohydrate, beyond its role as a
a source of energy, serves as a control       being virtually immediate. Insulin also        source of energy, has an important
element, either directly via glucose or       stimulates lipogenesis by increasing           regulatory function in the control of
fructose or indirectly through the            glucose uptake and activating lipogenic        body fat levels.
effects of insulin and other hormones.        and glycolytic enzymes. Small reduc-           In skeletal muscle, insulin also has
It is difficult to attribute metabolic        tions in insulin levels, such as that          anabolic effects by increasing amino
responses and clinical outcomes to one        easily achieved with dietary carbohy-          acid uptake and protein synthesis and
class of nutrients, but as a principle, one   drate restriction, remove the normal           inhibiting protein breakdown (17). In-
has to consider the inextricable link         inhibition on fat breakdown. Thus,
                                                                                             sulin is generally accepted as a stimula-
between dietary carbohydrate and the          low-carbohydrate diets are associated
                                                                                             tor of protein synthesis only when
appearance of plasma glucose and              with significant changes in lipid me-
                                                                                             adequate amino acids are available (7),
insulin as an important modulator of          tabolism, favoring decreased storage
                                                                                             thus dietary carbohydrates alone are
cellular function.                            and increased breakdown and oxida-
                                                                                             not a potent stimulus for increasing
                                              tion of fat as well as improvement in
                                                                                             protein synthesis (1,18). However,
INSULIN PHYSIOLOGY                            atherogenic dyslipidemia. The ability
                                                                                             many dietary protein supplements in-
The manifold functions of insulin can         of low-carbohydrate intake to inhibit
                                                                                             clude carbohydrate as a way to in-
be summarized as anabolic. Insulin            lipogenesis and to bias lipid metabo-
                                                                                             crease insulin and potentially augment
inhibits breakdown and promotes stor-         lism toward oxidation would allow for
                                                                                             protein synthesis. While some evi-
age of nutrients. In this way, dietary        more effective processing of the in-
                                                                                             dence exists for an additive effect of
carbohydrate–induced increases in cir-        gested fatty acid mix. As an example,
                                                                                             protein and carbohydrate provided
culating glucose and insulin levels serve     we showed a reduction in plasma
                                                                                             after resistance exercise on protein
as an important control element on            saturated fatty acids in the low-carbo-
                                                                                             synthesis (14), other work has shown
metabolism, especially the regulation         hydrate arm of a dietary comparison in
                                                                                             that carbohydrate does not augment
of fuel selection between carbohydrate        which this group consumed 3 times the
                                                                                             the response induced by protein (8).
and fat. Carbohydrate restriction stim-       amount of saturated fat as the low-fat
ulates a unique metabolic state char-         arm (2), supporting the premise that           Prior work clearly shows that pro-
acterized by increased fat oxidation          ingested fat is efficiently used for fuel      viding even small amounts of carbo-
and decreased fat synthesis. In fact,         rather than stored when carbohydrate           hydrate after exercise rapidly decreases
adipose tissue lipolysis is exquisitely       is restricted. In summary, the dominant        nonesterified fatty acids and induces
sensitive to changes in insulin within        hormone regulating metabolic process-          a shift from fat to carbohydrate
the physiological range of concentra-         ing of dietary fat is insulin, which is        oxidation (13). The relatively minor
tions (6) (Figure 1). Small to moderate       primarily stimulated by dietary carbo-         positive effect of carbohydrate and
decreases in insulin can increase             hydrate. It is not surprising that dietary     insulin on protein balance should be

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Low-Carbohydrate Diets Promote a More Favorable Body Composition Than Low-Fat Diets
Effects of Macronutrients on Body Composition

weighed against the more potent              protein, and the low-carbohydrate diet       greater decreases in insulin. Resistance
effects of carbohydrate ingestion on         group consumed 1.6 g/kg protein.             training, independent of diet, resulted
inhibition of fat breakdown and fat          Both groups significantly decreased          in increased lean body mass without
oxidation, which could be counterpro-        their total caloric intake by approxi-       compromising fat loss in both diet
ductive for decreasing body fat.             mately 600 kcal from baseline, with no       groups. The most dramatic reduction
                                             significant difference between the 2         in percent body fat was in the low-
                                             treatment groups. After 16 weeks, the        carbohydrate diet resistance training
IMPORTANCE OF RESISTANCE                     low-carbohydrate diet group lost ap-         group (25.3%), followed by low-fat resis-
                                             proximately 2.0 kg more body weight          tance training (23.5%), low-carbohydrate
Diet alone can improve body compo-                                                        diet only (23.4%), and low-fat diet
                                             than the low-fat diet group (mean 6
sition, but the effects are augmented                                                     only (22.0%) groups. These data show
                                             SEM: 9.3 6 0.8 kg versus 7.3 6 0.5 kg,
when combined with exercise. Al-                                                          for the first time that resistance training
                                             respectively). The addition of an exer-
though resistance training is not a po-                                                   is a potent stimulus to protect lean
                                             cise program (5 d/wk walking and
tent stimulus for enhancing fat loss,                                                     body mass in men consuming a low-
                                             2 d/wk resistance training) to the
overloading the musculature is neces-                                                     carbohydrate diet, while still allowing
                                             low-carbohydrate diet had synergistic
sary to create the anabolic stimulus for                                                  for significantly greater fat loss.
                                             results. The low-carbohydrate exercise
muscle fiber hypertrophy. In combina-
                                             group had the largest weight reduction       When our work is compared with the
tion with the appropriate nutritional
                                             (11.2%) compared with the low-fat diet       findings of Layman et al. (11), a similar
input, resistance training can enhance
                                             group (8.4%). The most favorable             pattern and magnitude of change in
the proportion of fat loss during weight
                                             responses in fat mass were seen in           body weight are seen across the 4 groups
loss (24). Kraemer et al. (9) showed
that overweight men who consumed             the low-carbohydrate diet groups who         (Figure 2). The low-carbohydrate diet
a low-calorie, high-fiber, low-fat diet      lost an average of 7.3 6 0.8 kg fat mass     groups lost more body fat, independent
lost approximately 9.5 kg in 12 weeks.       (4.3% relative body fat), whereas the        of training, whereas resistance training
Two other groups who consumed the            2 low-fat diet groups lost an average of     had a favorable effect on lean body
same diet but added either endurance         5.3 6 0.3 kg fat mass (2.9% relative         mass independent of diet. The combi-
training or a combination of endu-           body fat). When comparing the 2 exer-        nation of a low-carbohydrate diet and
rance and resistance trainings showed        cise groups, independent of diet treat-      resistance training appears to be addi-
the same weight loss. However, sub-          ment, those participants who received        tive in the sense that it maximizes fat
jects who made only dietary changes          supervised training lost an average of       loss while preserving/increasing lean
had a fat loss of 69% of total weight        1.7 kg or 2.2% more than those who           body mass. In other words, a low-
loss, whereas subjects who added             were less physically active and they         carbohydrate diet combined with resis-
endurance training had a fat loss of         had greater preservation of lean body        tance training produces the greatest
78% of weight loss, and subjects who         mass. The combination of a low-              reductions in percent body fat.
also added resistance training lost          carbohydrate diet and exercise had
almost exclusively fat (97% of weight        the most favorable response for both
                                                                                          HEALTH CONSIDERATIONS
loss). Therefore, the addition of weight     fat mass and lean body mass (Figure 2),
                                                                                          For more than 3 decades, official recom-
lifting decreased the loss of lean body      suggesting this may be a logical effec-
                                                                                          mendations have emphasized reduced
mass to 3%, compared with a 22% loss         tive intervention strategy for weight
                                                                                          total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol
with endurance-only training and             loss in middle-aged women.
                                                                                          intake as the primary method to achieve
a 31% loss in muscle with diet only.         We performed a similar experiment            and maintain a healthy body weight
Although resistance training clearly         in overweight/obese men who were             (12). The best estimates of nutrient
improves body composition when added         placed in a low-fat diet group that          intake in the United States indicate that
to a dietary program, the effects of diets   restricted fat to less than 25% of energy    percent fat intake has declined over the
varying in macronutrients consumed           or a very low–carbohydrate ketogenic         past 3 decades, with a concomitant
with and without exercise training           diet group that reduced carbohydrate         increase in carbohydrate intake (20).
have only been investigated in a few         to less than 15% energy. Both groups         During the same time, obesity and
studies. Layman et al. (11) reported         also participated in a resistance training   diabetes rates have increased and heart
that a moderate low-carbohydrate diet        program (see Practical Applications)         disease remains the leading cause of
(38:30:32; percent of carbohydrate to        (16). Body composition was assessed          death in most industrialized countries
protein to fat) resulted in more favor-      using dual energy x-ray absorptiometry       (15). The recent report of the massive
able body composition changes than           before and after the 12-week program.        trial in the Women’s Health Initiative
a low-fat diet (61:18:26; percent of         The results were compared with non-          can only be described as discouraging
carbohydrate to protein to fat) in           training diet only groups. As expected,      with essentially no long-term effect on
middle-aged overweight women. The            the low-carbohydrate diet group lost         weight loss (4) or cardiovascular disease
low-fat diet group consumed 0.8 g/kg         more fat, which was associated with          (CVD) (5) on a low-fat diet. In the area

44      VOLUME 32 | NUMBER 1 | FEBRUARY 2010
Low-Carbohydrate Diets Promote a More Favorable Body Composition Than Low-Fat Diets
Figure 2. Effects of diet composition with and without resistance training on change in lean body mass and fat mass after 16 weeks
           in untrained women (11) and 12 weeks in untrained men (16). RE = resistance exercise.

of weight loss, experiments continue to          with the idea that an intolerance to             contributing to these favorable results
show that carbohydrate restriction is at         carbohydrate (insulin resistance) is an          independent of the effects of weight loss.
least as effective as low-fat diets, usually     underlying feature of the metabolic
more effective. In addition to weight            syndrome, research has shown that a              PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS
loss, emerging research is showing that          reduction in dietary carbohydrate results        Athletes who want to decrease body
carbohydrate-restricted diets are an             in global improvement in traditional and         fat and improve body composition
effective strategy to improve the meta-          emerging markers associated with this            should pay particular attention to di-
bolic syndrome (insulin resistance syn-          syndrome, particularly the cardiometa-           etary carbohydrate intake. In practice,
drome), which represents a group of              bolic profile (22,23). Notably, these same       there are many ways to restrict carbo-
seemingly disparate physiologic signs            results are found even when body                 hydrate. In our research studies, dietetic
that indicate a predisposition to obesity,       weight does not change, demonstrating            counseling was focused on lowering
diabetes, and CVD (22). Consistent               that there are underlying mechanisms             carbohydrate intake to approximately

                                                                   Table 1
               Sample resistance training program for subjects consuming a low-fat and low-carbohydrate diet
 Day 1 (mon) (8–10 reps) (120 s rest)                Day 2 (wed) (6–7 reps) (180 s rest)              Day 3 (fri) (8–10 reps) (120 s rest)

 Squat                                               Barbell lunge                                    Squat
 Dumbbell lunge                                      Leg curl/leg extension                           Pull-down
 Bench                                               Incline bench                                    One-leg lunge
 Pull-down                                           Seated row                                       Upright row
 Upright row                                         Shoulder press                                   Bench
 Calf exercise                                       Calf exercise                                    Calf exercise
 Ab exercise                                         Ab exercise                                      Ab exercise
   Ab exercise = abdominal exercise; Reps = repetitions.

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Low-Carbohydrate Diets Promote a More Favorable Body Composition Than Low-Fat Diets
Effects of Macronutrients on Body Composition

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