Parallel Evolution of Allometric Trajectories of Trophic Morphology between Sympatric Morphs of Mesoamerican Astyanax (Characidae) - MDPI

Parallel Evolution of Allometric Trajectories of Trophic Morphology between Sympatric Morphs of Mesoamerican Astyanax (Characidae) - MDPI
Parallel Evolution of Allometric Trajectories of Trophic
Morphology between Sympatric Morphs of Mesoamerican
Astyanax (Characidae)
Carlos A. Garita-Alvarado 1,2 and Claudia Patricia Ornelas-García 1, *

                                          1   Departamento de Zoología, Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
                                              Tercer Circuito Exterior S/N, Ciudad de México CP 04510, Mexico;
                                          2   Posgrado en Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Tercer Circuito Exterior S/N,
                                              Ciudad de México CP 04510, Mexico
                                          *   Correspondence:

                                          Abstract: Parallel evolution of the body shape and trophic-related traits has been detected between
                                          sympatric pairs of lake-dwelling characin fishes in Mesoamerica. Here, we evaluated the variation
                                          in and the ontogenetic allometric trajectories of trophic morphology between sympatric Astyanax
                                          morphs (elongate and deep-body) in two geographic systems, Lake Catemaco (Mexico) and San
                                          Juan River basin (Nicaragua and Costa Rica). Using geometric morphometrics, we determined the
                                          shape variation and disparity in the premaxillary bone, and the patterns of allometric trajectories
                                          between morphs in each system. We found a higher differentiation and disparity in the premaxilla
                                shape between morphs from San Juan River basin than between the Lake Catemaco ones. We found
                                          shared (parallel evolution) patterns of divergence between systems, which included allometric
Citation: Garita-Alvarado, C.A.;          trajectories showing a positive correlation between the premaxilla shape and log centroid size,
Ornelas-García, C.P. Parallel
                                          as well as trajectories being extended in the elongated-body morph (truncated in the deep-body
Evolution of Allometric Trajectories
                                          morph). Regarding the unique patterns of divergence, we recovered parallel allometric trajectories
of Trophic Morphology between
                                          between morphs from Lake Catemaco, while the San Juan River basin morphs showed divergent
Sympatric Morphs of Mesoamerican
Astyanax (Characidae). Appl. Sci.
                                          trajectories. Our results are congruent with the hypothesis that divergence in trophic morphology
2021, 11, 8020.          can be considered a triggering factor in the divergence in the genus Astyanax from Mesoamerica.
                                          Keywords: premaxilla shape; late ontogenetic trajectories; ecological divergence; geographical cline;
Academic Editor: Miguel                   geometric morphometrics
Ángel Maté-González

Received: 19 June 2021
Accepted: 13 July 2021                    1. Introduction
Published: 30 August 2021
                                                Body size influences many traits in animals [1–5]. Allometry is defined as the varia-
                                          tion in morphometric variables or other features of organisms associated with size. Thus,
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
                                          ontogenetic, static, and evolutionary allometries are recognized based on whether this
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
                                          relationship is over the development of individuals, across individuals at a similar develop-
published maps and institutional affil-
                                          mental stage, or across species, respectively [2,6]. Ontogenetic allometry could contribute
                                          to evolutionary diversification, as has been described in studies of morphological diversifi-
                                          cation associated with ontogenetic allometric trajectories at intra- and interspecific levels
                                          (e.g., [7–12]). According to the latter idea, changes in ontogenetic trajectories could have an
                                          adaptive basis, being useful to the study of how different selective pressures imposed by
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
                                          ecological factors could affect development [10,12,13].
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
                                                The fish genus Astyanax Baird and Girard, 1854, distributed in North and Central
This article is an open access article
                                          America, shows ideal features for the study of ontogenetic allometric trajectories associated
distributed under the terms and
                                          with trophic adaptation in an ecological divergence context. These fishes are known to
conditions of the Creative Commons
                                          adapt to a very wide range of ecological conditions, the cave-adapted morphs being the
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
                                          most conspicuous example [14–17]. Interestingly, previous works have found evidence
                                          of the parallel evolution of sympatric morphs associated with trophic morphology and

Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8020.                                    
Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 8020                                                                                          2 of 12

                            body shape divergence in different Mesoamerican lakes inhabited by lineages of Astyanax,
                            which evolved independently [18–22]. This has been shown in two distant geographical
                            systems, the San Juan River basin in Central America (which includes the Lakes Man-
                            agua and Nicaragua), and the Lake Catemaco system in Mexico [20,23,24]. The lacustrine
                            morphs, consisting of an elongate-body and a deep-body morph (Figure 1), show major
                            morphological differences, which prompted their original consideration as different genera
                            (i.e., Astyanax and Bramocharax, [25,26]). Some of the morphological differences distinguish-
                            ing these morphs correspond to the body depth and the head length, as well as to their
                            trophic morphology (i.e., number of maxillary teeth and of cuspids on the anterior tooth of
                            premaxilla, see [21,22]), which are associated with alternative trophic habits. Additionally,
                            a geographical cline (i.e., a differentiation gradient between north and south systems) in
                            morphological differentiation between morphs was suggested between the Lake Catemaco
                            and San Juan River systems [22], and, recently, we explored the genetic and ecological
                            differentiation between sympatric morphs of Astyanax in these systems, finding evidence
                            of a geographical cline also in the genetic differentiation [23,24]. The morphs from the San
                            Juan River system show greater genetic differentiation in contrast to the lack of thereof
                            between morphs in Lake Catemaco, suggesting that both systems represent different stages
                            of divergence between sympatric Astyanax morphs pairs [23,24].
                                   Previous studies have shown that size is an important factor determining body shape
                            variation in Astyanax morphs from the Lake Catemaco and San Juan River systems [19,21].
                            Particularly, there are differences in body size between morphs in Lake Catemaco [19],
                            where the elongate-body morph reaches a larger size than the deep-body morph. Despite
                            the possible relevance of size in trophic morphology variation and its potential role on
                            the diversification in the Astyanax genus [21,22] and in Characiforms [27], it remains to be
                            explored how trophic morphology varies throughout ontogeny and if it can be considered
                            as a mechanism promoting morphological diversification. Here, we focused on determining
                            the ontogenetic allometric trajectories of trophic morphology between sympatric morphs of
                            Astyanax in two different geographic systems, by analyzing the shape of a relevant trophic
                            structure, the premaxillary bone.
                                   We have a two-fold objective. First, we aimed to compare the variation in the premax-
                            illa shape and the disparity (i.e., morphological diversity, [28]) between morphs inside each
                            system. Second, we aimed to describe the patterns of ontogenetic allometric trajectories
                            of the premaxillary bone between sympatric morphs of Astyanax in each system and to
                            elucidate shared (parallel evolution) and unique patterns of divergence between morphs
                            for each system.
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      Figure 1. Sampling sites and morphs included in this study. (A) Lake Catemaco system (1–3) and (B) San Juan River system
      (4–11). (C) Landmarks (black) and 50 semilandmarks (grey) in the premaxilla. Examples of (D) elongate-body and (E)
      deep-body morphs from San Juan River system. Scale bar in (D,E) = 2 cm.

                                 2. Methods
                                 2.1. Sampling Collection
                                      We collected Astyanax fish of the two different morphs from two geographical systems:
                                 in México, from Lake Catemaco (belonging to Papaloapan basin); and in Central America,
                                 from San Juan River basin, which includes Lake Managua, Lake Nicaragua, and the
                                 Sarapiquí River, which flows into the San Juan River, the outlet of the two mentioned lakes
                                 (Figure 1). We focused on late ontogenetic stages (i.e., post-embryonic development), as is
                                 usual in allometric trajectories studies (see [29]). We analyzed a total of 218 specimens
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                                   (130 deep-body and 88 elongate-body) collected in 11 sampling sites in both systems
                                   between November 2011 and January 2017 (Table 1, Figure 1). We used cast nets and
                                   gill nets to collect the fish and assigned specimens to morphs based on their external
                                   morphology [25,26]. Fish were euthanized in iced water and voucher specimens were
                                   deposited at the Colección Nacional de Peces, IBUNAM, México.

      Table 1. Number of specimens of both morphs by sampling sites and geographical system. Site numbers according to
      Figure 1. Size range of specimens (standard length), Lake Catemaco: deep-body 49.4–89.5 mm, elongate body 6.70–135.7 mm,
      San Juan River: deep-body 45.8–102.1 mm, elongate body 42.9–132.5 mm.

        System                Lake/River              Sampling Site           Site Number      Deep-Body        Elongate-Body
    Lake Catemaco           Lake Catemaco                 Market                    1                -                  7
                                                          Coyame                    2               22                 14
                                                          Tebanca                   3               17                 16
    San Juan River          Lake Managua           Puerto Momotombo                 4                1                  1
                                               South of Momotombo volcano           5                7                  7
                                                      Isla Escondida                6                6                  2
                            Lake Nicaragua          Isletas de Granada              7               23                  9
                                                         Ometepe                    8               19                  6
                                                        Solentiname                9                 1                  1
                            Sarapiquí River               Tambor                   10               18                 24
                                                         Tirimbina                 11               16                  1

                                   2.2. Premaxilla Shape Variation
                                        For each specimen, we dissected the premaxillary bone and cleaned it with 1 M of KOH
                                   solution for 15 min. We took a picture of each bone with a stereoscope (Zeiss Stemi305) and
                                   the shape of the premaxilla was quantified using a 2D geometric morphometric approach.
                                   We digitalized two landmarks and 50 semilandmarks (Figure 1C) using TPSDig2, version
                                   2.31 [30]. We performed a Procrustes superimposition and obtained relative warps (RWs)
                                   and the centroid size (measured as the square root of the summed, squared distances of all
                                   landmarks from their geometric center, which is considered a proxy of size in geometric
                                   morphometric studies) using the program TPS Relw, version 1.69 [30]).
                                        To describe the variation in the shape of the premaxilla between morphs in each
                                   system, we plotted RW1 vs. RW2 and compared the disparity in shape (Procrustes variance)
                                   between morphs by system. We used the Geomorph package in R (R Core Team, 2013,
                                   version 4.02:, accessed on 22 June 2020) to perform the disparity
                                   analysis. The Procrustes superimposition was carried out using the gpagen function, and
                                   comparisons of Procrustes variance (morphol.disparity function) were made between
                                   sympatric morphs. Additionally, to graphically represent the differences in the shape of
                                   premaxilla between morphs, we calculated the consensus shape of Procrustes coordinates
                                   of morphs by system (mshape function) and plotted the shape differences using the deep-
                                   body morph for reference (plotRefToTarget function, magnification = 2) for each system.

                                   2.3. Ontogenetic Allometric Trajectories
                                       In order to analyze the late allometric ontogenetic trajectories, we first regressed RW1
                                   and RW2 against the log centroid size for each morph in both systems. We then performed
                                   ANCOVA models for each system to test for differences in the shape of premaxilla (RW1
                                   and RW2 of premaxilla: response variables) related to log centroid size (covariate), morph,
                                   and the interaction morph*log centroid size (to test for differences in slopes between
                                   morphs). We included a biplot of the RW1 and RW2 to represent the overall shape of the
                                   premaxilla. ANCOVA models and regression analyses were performed in R.
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                                3. Results
                                3.1. Premaxilla Shape Variation
                                     We found a shared pattern of divergence in the premaxilla shape (parallel evolution)
                                between morphs in the two systems analyzed (Figure 2). RW1 was related to the width and
                                the angle of the ascending process, with positive values showing a narrower ascending
                                process and a sharper angle corresponding to the elongate-body morph in both systems,
                                with opposite patterns found in the deep-body morph. RW2 showed variation related to
                                the width of the premaxilla and length of the ascending process, with morphs showing no
                                differentiation based on this relative warp. RW1 and RW2 together explained most of the
                                variation (80.2%) of the shape of the premaxilla (Supplementary Material Table S1A for
                                explained variation of all relative warps). In the northern system, Lake Catemaco, morphs
                                showed some overlap in premaxilla shape (Figure 2A), contrasting with the southern
                                morphs from the San Juan River system, which showed a larger divergence, with almost no
                                overlap in premaxilla shape between morphs (Figure 2B), depicting a geographical cline,
                                increasing north to south, in the premaxilla shape differentiation between the morphs.

      Figure 2. Premaxilla shape variation for (A) Lake Catemaco system and (B) San Juan River system by morph. Deformation
      grids show shape variation along RW1 (X axis) and RW2 (Y axis).

                                     The analyses of the premaxilla shape revealed no differences in disparity between
                                morphs in the Lake Catemaco system (Procrustes variance in the deep-body morph: 0.008
                                vs. the elongate-body morph: 0.01, p = 0.21), while in the San Juan River system, the
                                elongate-body morph showed a two-fold higher disparity of premaxilla shape than the
                                deep-body morph (Procrustes variance in the elongate-body morph: 0.015 vs. the deep-
                                body morph: 0.009, p < 0.001). We can appreciate these differences in the graphical
                                representation in the vectors’ length toward the elongate-body morph, where the morphs
                                from the San Juan River showed a larger differentiation (Figure 3B,D) than the morphs
                                from the Lake Catemaco system (Figure 3A,C). Thus, we observed a parallel pattern of
                                premaxilla shape evolution in the two systems when plotting the shape differences using
                                the deep-body morph for reference.
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      Figure 3. Differences in the consensus shape of premaxilla between morphs for (A) Lake Catemaco and (B) San Juan River
      systems. Gray dots in the shapes in (A,B) represent the deep-body morph used for reference; change vectors in black show
      the deformations toward the sympatric elongate-body morph. Examples of premaxilla of the elongate-body morph for
      (C) Lake Catemaco and (D) San Juan River systems.

                                 3.2. Ontogenetic Allometric Trajectories
                                      We found a positive correlation between RW1 and log centroid size in the regression
                                 analysis for both morphs in the two systems (Table 2, Figure 4A,B). This indicates that
                                 specimens with a longer premaxilla also had a sharper angle and narrower ascending
                                 processes. For RW2, only the regression analysis for the deep-body morph from the San
                                 Juan River system showed a positive association with log centroid size (Table 2, Figure 4C,D).
                                 In this case, as the log centroid size increases, fish showed narrower premaxilla and longer
                                 ascending processes (Figure 4D).
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                                 Table 2. Regression analysis for RW1 and RW2 on log centroid size for Lake Catemaco and San Juan
                                 River systems. Bold p values indicate statistically significant results.

                                                                                RW1                              RW2
                                                                     Slope       R2          p        Slope        R2         p
                                          Lake Catemaco
                                            Deep-body                 0.19       0.13      0.02        0.03       0.004     0.69
                                          Elongate-body               0.33       0.26      0.001     0.00001
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                            from the San Juan River system showed convergent allometric trajectories for RW2. In the
                            ANCOVA, we found differences in the shape of premaxilla (RW2) between morphs and
                            found differences in slopes (interaction Morpho*log Centroid size was significant, Table 3).
                            As the centroid size increased, the shapes of the premaxilla of both morphs became more
                            similar (Figure 4D).

                            Table 3. ANCOVA models for RW1 and RW2 for Lake Catemaco and San Juan River systems. Bold
                            p values indicate statistically significant effects. All factors have one degree of freedom.

                                                                  RW1                              RW2
                                      Factor             Sum of                           Sum of
                                                                          F        p                      F        p
                                                         Squares                          Squares
                                Lake Catemaco
                               Log Centroid size           0.13         53.41
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                            Victoria, where fishes from the youngest of these lakes (L. Victoria) exhibited the lowest
                            amount of skull shape disparity, while the oldest lake (L. Tanganyika) showed the largest
                            disparity [33].

                            4.2. Patterns of Allometric Ontogenetic Trajectories between Morphs and Systems
                                 Our results showed differences between sympatric morphs in both systems in the late
                            allometric ontogenetic trajectories, although these patterns have not evolved in the same
                            way in both systems. Klingenberg [28] noted that allometric trajectories can potentially
                            change direction, shift sideways through lateral transposition, or be extended or truncated.
                            In addition, Sheets and Zelditch [34] summarized patterns of variation in ontogenetic
                            trajectories based on changes in direction, magnitude (length of trajectory), and outset
                            shape of the trajectory, which could produce parallel, divergent, or convergent patterns of
                            such ontogenetic trajectories. For the RW1 (which accounted for 59.3% of the explained
                            variation and allowed morph discrimination), in Lake Catemaco, we did not find statistical
                            differences in slopes of the allometric trajectories between morphs, suggesting parallel
                            ontogenetic trajectories. However, fitted lines in Figure 4A showed a slightly divergent
                            pattern, with a faster shape change in the elongate-body morph. In the San Juan River
                            System, allometric trajectories for RW1 were clearly divergent [34] between morphs. There
                            was a clear difference in the direction of the ontogenetic trajectories between morphs
                            (as shown by the heterogeneity of slopes); as the size of the premaxilla increased, the
                            elongate-body morph showed a steeper slope, suggesting a faster change in shape than
                            the deep-body morph. In the San Juan River system, the shape of the premaxilla between
                            morphs in the outset of the trajectories is markedly different, arguing also for a larger
                            divergence between San Juan system morphs than between morphs from Lake Catemaco.
                                 A shared pattern for both systems corresponds to the extended allometric trajectory in
                            the elongate-body morphs, corresponding to parallel evolution when compared with their
                            sympatric deep-body morphs. This corresponds to changes in the length of trajectories and,
                            hence, to changes in magnitude [34]; consequently, the elongate-body morph can form a
                            longer premaxilla, while the deep-body morph showed a truncated trajectory. In addition,
                            in agreement with the role of size in Astyanax diversification, Ornelas-García et al. [19]
                            reported in Lake Catemaco a longer body size in the elongate-body morph when compared
                            with the deep-body morph, which also corresponded to an extended trajectory for the
                            elongate-body morph. The patterns of the late ontogenetic allometric trajectories for RW2
                            were contrasting with the patterns for the RW1. As evidenced by the regression analysis,
                            only the deep-body morph from the San Juan system showed a positive correlation between
                            RW2 and log centroid size, resulting in convergent allometric ontogenetic trajectories for
                            morphs in this system. The shape variation described by the RW2 (width of the premaxilla
                            and length of ascending process) is not clearly associated with morph differentiation in
                            both systems, and therefore, we hypothesize that these premaxilla features are probably
                            not associated with the trophic specialization of morphs.
                                 Several studies have shown an association between the ecology and variation in onto-
                            genetic allometric trajectories in invertebrates [8] and vertebrates [9,10,19,35–38], with some
                            cases related to morphological diversification or speciation in fishes [7,11,39,40]. In this
                            study, the differences in allometric trajectories between morphs are consistent with the
                            divergent patterns in trophic ecology associated with trophic level considering ecological
                            data (diets and stable isotopic ratios of nitrogen), with the elongate-body morph occupying
                            a higher trophic level in both systems [20,24]. In addition, the shape of the premaxilla
                            showing a sharper angle in the ascending process in the elongate-body morph resembles
                            the shape of premaxilla in another predator characiform, the genus Oligosarcus [41]. Other
                            lacustrine fish groups, such as Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis) and Arctic charr (Salvelinus
                            alpinus), also present sympatric morphs showing differences in ontogenetic allometric tra-
                            jectories, which are associated with contrasting ecological adaptations of diet (piscivores vs.
                            omnivore) and habitat use (littoral and pelagic zones or littoral and profundal zone) [7,11].
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                                        Differences in premaxilla shape in the outset of the late allometric trajectories in the
                                  range of size analyzed can explain, at least in part, the differentiation between morphs in the
                                  two systems studied; however, information is lacking about early embryonic development
                                  and early allometric trajectories of the morphs. In other Astyanax populations, some
                                  studies have addressed the early development of trophic morphology. For example,
                                  in Astyanax mexicanus, Trapani et al. [42] described the early ontogenetic transition from
                                  unicuspid to multicuspid oral dentition, and Atukorala and Franz-Odendaal [43] studied
                                  the development of pharyngeal dentition. However, the generalization of these patterns
                                  to other species or populations of Astyanax is unknown, and a detailed description of
                                  patterns associated with size is still lacking. Future studies on early ontogenetic allometric
                                  trajectories between Astyanax morphs from San Juan River and Lake Catemaco could shed
                                  light on the first stages of divergence between morphs (i.e., embryonic, or post-hatching

                                  5. Conclusions
                                        This study provides additional support to the relevance of trophic morphology in the
                                  diversification of Astyanax fish in different Mesoamerican lakes, and suggests evolvability
                                  of the allometric ontogenetic trajectories associated with the ecological divergence. In recent
                                  years, the genus Astyanax has built up as an important model in evolutionary biology [44].
                                  However, to our knowledge, this study is the first analysis of ontogenetic allometric
                                  trajectories in Astyanax, and gaining knowledge on these trajectories will surely prove very
                                  useful to our understanding of morphological evolution in this complex system.

                                  Supplementary Materials: The following are available online at
                                  10.3390/app11178020/s1, Table S1. Percentage of variance explained by the relative warps in the
                                  premaxilla shape variation analysis (A), Procrustes coordinates (B) and relative warps scores (C).
                                  Author Contributions: Conceptualization, C.A.G.-A. and C.P.O.-G.; methodology, C.A.G.-A. and
                                  C.P.O.-G.; software, C.A.G.-A.; validation, C.A.G.-A. and C.P.O.-G.; formal analysis, C.A.G.-A.;
                                  data curation, C.A.G.-A.; writing—original draft preparation, C.A.G.-A.; writing—review and edit-
                                  ing, C.A.G.-A. and C.P.O.-G.; supervision, C.P.O.-G.; project administration, C.P.O.-G.; funding
                                  acquisition, C.P.O.-G. Both authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
                                  Funding: C.A.G.-A. was funded by Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, México (CONACYT).
                                  We thank the support from PAPIIT, UNAM, Project number IN212419, for the field trip and publication.
                                  Institutional Review Board Statement: Field collection permits and protocols were approved by the
                                  Sistema Nacional de Áreas de Conservación and Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía of Costa Rica and
                                  Ministerio del Ambiente y los Recursos Naturales (Nicaragua), collecting permits 007-2013-SINAC
                                  and SINAC-GASP-PI-R-072-2014 (Costa Rica), and 008-112014/DGPN (Nicaragua).
                                  Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available in Supplementary
                                  Materials Table S1B,C.
                                  Acknowledgments: We thank Posgrado en Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Autónoma de México
                                  for the support to CGA during his PhD study. We thank Marta Barluenga and Carlos Pedraza for
                                  useful comments in the final versions of the manuscript. We thank Sistema Nacional de Áreas de
                                  Conservación and Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía of Costa Rica and Ministerio del Ambiente y
                                  los Recursos Naturales (Nicaragua) for collecting permits 007-2013-SINAC and SINAC-GASP-PI-R-
                                  072-2014 (Costa Rica), and 008-112014/DGPN (Nicaragua). We also thank Carlos Pedraza and Marta
                                  Barluenga for help on fieldwork.
                                  Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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