Longitudinal Associations Between Screen Use and Reading in Preschool-Aged Children

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Longitudinal Associations Between Screen Use and Reading in Preschool-Aged Children
Longitudinal Associations Between
                                      Screen Use and Reading in
                                      Preschool-Aged Children
                                      Brae Anne McArthur, PhD,a,b Dillon Browne, PhD,c Sheila McDonald, PhD,a,d Suzanne Tough, PhD,a,b,* Sheri Madigan, PhDa,b,*

                            home literacy environment has been identified as a key predictor                                                         abstract
of children’s language, school readiness, academic achievement, and behavioral outcomes.
With the increased accessibility and consumption of digital media, it is important to
understand whether screen use impacts off-line enrichment activities such as reading or
whether reading activities offset screen use. Using a prospective birth cohort, we examined
reading and screen use at 24, 36, and 60 months to elucidate the directional association
between screen use and reading over time.
METHODS: Thisstudy included data from 2440 mothers and children in Calgary, Alberta, drawn
from the All Our Families cohort. Children’s screen use and reading activities were assessed
via maternal report at age 24, 36, and 60 months. Sociodemographic covariates were also
RESULTS: Using a random-intercepts cross-lagged panel model, which statistically controls for
individual-level confounds, this study revealed that greater screen use at 24 months was
associated with lower reading at 36 months (b = 2.08; 95% confidence interval: 20.13 to
20.02). In turn, lower reading at 36 months was associated with greater screen use at
60 months (b = 2.11; 95% confidence interval: 20.19 to 20.02). Covariates did not modify
the associations.
CONCLUSIONS: A reciprocal relationship between screen use and reading was identified. Early
screen use was associated with lower reading activities, resulting in greater screen use at later
ages. Findings emphasize the need for practitioners and educators to discuss screen use
guidelines and encourage families to engage in device-free activities to foster early literacy

 University of Calgary, Calgary Alberta, Canada; bAlberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute, Calgary, Alberta,   WHAT’S KNOWN ON THIS SUBJECT: Book reading is a critical
Canada; cUniversity of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada; and dAlberta Health Services, Calgary,                    element of the home environment that promotes school
Alberta, Canada                                                                                                       readiness and academic achievement. With increasing use of
                                                                                                                      media devices, longitudinal research is needed to determine
*Contributed equally as joint senior authors                                                                          if screen use is interfering with off-line activities such as
Drs McArthur and Madigan conceptualized and designed the study, conducted data analyses,
drafted the manuscript, and reviewed and revised the manuscript; Dr Browne assisted with data                         WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS: Findings support a dynamic
analysis and reviewed the manuscript for important intellectual content; Drs McDonald and Tough                       relationship whereby screen use at 24 months leads to lower
conceptualized the cohort study, designed the data collection instruments and study methodology,                      reading at 36 months, which in turn leads to greater screen
secured funding for data collection, and reviewed the manuscript for important intellectual content;                  use at 60 months. Families should be encouraged to engage
and all authors approved the final manuscript as submitted and agree to be accountable for all                         in device-free time.
aspects of the work.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2020-011429                                                                           To cite: McArthur BA, Browne D, McDonald S, et al.
                                                                                                                        Longitudinal Associations Between Screen Use and
Accepted for publication Feb 26, 2021
                                                                                                                        Reading in Preschool-Aged Children. Pediatrics. 2021;

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PEDIATRICS Volume 147, number 6, June 2021:e2020011429                                                                                                                 ARTICLE
Children enter school with varying          considered to be the most robust                 movies, videos, or stories on
literacy skills, and these differences      method for addressing directionality             a videocassette recorder or digital
tend to get larger over time without        in observational studies by                      video disk player; and using
intervention.1,2 The home                   statistically controlling for individual-        a computer, gaming system, or other
environment, including parent-child         level confounds, such as stable                  screen-based device) on a typical
shared print book reading and               family-level stressors.13 The                    weekday and typical weekend day. A
language exposure, has been shown           secondary aim of this study was to               weighted average across week and
to have a large impact on children’s        explore the extent to which the                  weekend days and electronic devices
later academic achievment.3 In              longitudinal associations between                was calculated to yield screen use in
addition, shared book reading               screen use and reading varied on the             hours per week. At each time point,
promotes important parent-child             basis of sociodemographic covariates.            outliers .4 SDs from the mean were
engagement during sensitive periods         Implications of these findings could              winsorized16 (n = 8 at 24 months, n =
of development.4 As a result, there         inform pediatricians, health care                16 at 36 months, and n = 7 at 60
have been long-standing efforts to          practitioners, child care providers,             months).
identify factors that may influence the      educators and policymakers seeking
home literacy environment.5–7               to guide parents on appropriate
                                            recommendations for screen                       Reading Activities
With the increased use and
                                            exposure and off-line activities such            When children were aged 24, 36, and
accessibility of media devices,8 screen
                                            as reading during the sensitive period           60 months, mothers reported the
use is becoming a consistent part of
                                            of early childhood.                              range of time their child spent in
children’s day-to-day lives. According
                                                                                             reading activities using a 4-point
to the displacement hypothesis,9
                                                                                             response scale. At 24 months,
when children are watching screens,         METHODS
                                                                                             mothers were asked, “Do you or
they are less likely to spend time
                                            Study Design and Population                      another adult of the household read
practicing skills important for
                                                                                             to your child or show him/her picture
learning and development.10 As such,        Participants were from All Our
                                                                                             books?” with response options
screen use may be influencing the            Families, a pregnancy cohort of 3388
                                                                                             ranging from (1) never to (4) daily. At
home learning environment,                  mothers and children from Calgary,
                                                                                             36 months, mothers were asked,
specifically engagement in off-line          Canada.14,15 Women were recruited
                                                                                             “How many minutes each day do you
enrichment activities such as reading       between August 2008 and December
                                                                                             spend sharing books with your child?
print books,11 and displacement may         2010 through primary health care
                                                                                             ” with response options ranging from
be one mechanism to explain the             offices, community advertising, and
                                                                                             (1) 0 to 10 minutes to (4)
relation between screen time and            laboratories. Inclusion criteria were
                                                                                             $30 minutes. At 60 months, mothers
delays in developmental skill               (1) age $18 years, (2) fluent in
                                                                                             were asked, “How many hours per
acquisition. Although it is possible        English, (3) gestational age ,25
                                                                                             day does your child spend doing the
that screen use interrupts enriching        weeks, and (4) receiving community-
                                                                                             following activities outside of child
off-line activities such as print book      based prenatal care. Mothers were
                                                                                             care, preschool, or school: Read or
reading,9,12 it is also possible that       followed-up at ,25 weeks’ gestation
                                                                                             look at books?” on a typical weekday
early reading activities may offset         and at 4, 12, 24, 36, and 60 months’
                                                                                             and weekend day. Response options
later screen use. However, to test          postpartum. The 24-, 36-, and 60-
                                                                                             ranged from (1) none or 0 minutes to
this hypothesis, longitudinal data          month time points were the focus of
                                                                                             (4) $3 hours. At 60 months,
with repeated measurement are               this analysis because screen use and
                                                                                             a weighted average across week and
needed to examine directional               reading variables were both collected.
                                                                                             weekend days was calculated to yield
associations between screen use             A detailed description of the study
                                                                                             reading in hours per day, with a range
and reading.                                sample can be found in Table 1. All
                                                                                             from (1) none or 0 minutes to (4) $3
                                            procedures were approved by the
The primary aim of this study was to                                                         hours. The reading items were
                                            institutional ethics board.
explicitly test what comes first:                                                             designed to reflect the natural
higher screen use or lower reading                                                           progression of reading activities
activities? In a sample of 2440                                                              across early childhood. Results from
families, using a 3-wave (24, 36, and       Screen Use                                       this study suggest consistency in this
60 months) random intercept cross-          When children were aged 24, 36, and              measurement method over time
lagged panel model (RI-CLPM),13 we          60 months, mothers reported the                  (24–36 months [b = .23; 95%
predict that higher screen use will         range of time their child spent using            confidence interval (CI): .18 to .29];
relate to lower reading activities at       electronic devices (ie, watching                 36–60 months [b = .24; 95% CI: .18
later time points. The RI-CLPM is           television programs; watching                    to .29]).

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2                                                                                                                      MCARTHUR et al
TABLE 1 Sample Demographics and Study Characteristics                                            Covariates
 Characteristic                                                                    Value         Child sex (1 [female]; 0 [male]),
 Maternal education, n (%)                                                                       household income (reported in
    Less than high school                                                          40 (1.6)      increments of $10 000 Canadian
    Graduated high school                                                         104 (4.3)
                                                                                                 dollars [CAD]: 1 [#$29 999]; 11
    Some college or trade school or university                                    233 (9.6)
    Graduated college or trade school or university                              1265 (51.9)     [$$150 000]), and maternal
    Some graduate school                                                           42 (1.7)      education (1 [less than a high school
    Completed graduate school                                                     307 (12.6)     education]; 6 [completed graduate
    Missing                                                                       449 (18.3)     school]) were maternal self-report. At
 Household income, CAD $, n (%)
                                                                                                 24 months, maternal screen use and
    #29 999                                                                       35 (1.4)
    30 000–39 999                                                                 43 (1.8)       maternal reading were measured
    40 000–49 999                                                                 50 (2.1)       with single self-report items asking
    50 000–59 999                                                                 98 (4.0)       the amount of time mothers spend
    60 000–69 999                                                                 76 (3.1)       watching television or reading,
    70 000–79 999                                                                122 (5.0)
                                                                                                 respectively, on a typical weekday (1
    80 000–89 999                                                                140 (5.7)
    90 000–99 999                                                                147 (6.0)       [none]; 6 [$7 hours per day]).
    100 000–124 999                                                              358 (14.7)      Attending the library (eg, story time,
    125 000–149 999                                                              258 (10.6)      borrowing books or videos, etc) in the
    $150 000                                                                     644 (26.4)      past year (yes [1]; no [0]) was also
    Missing                                                                      469 (19.1)
                                                                                                 measured with a single self-report
 Maternal race and/or ethnicity, n (%)
    White                                                                        1993 (81.7)     item. Mothers completed the Brief
    Black and/or African American                                                  29 (1.2)      Infant‐Toddler Social and Emotional
    Indigenous                                                                     12 (0.5)      Assessment (BITSEA) to identify child
    Asian                                                                         254 (10.4)     behavior problems (eg, aggression,
    Latin American                                                                 37 (1.5)
                                                                                                 defiance, over‐activity, negative
    Multiracial or other                                                          100 (4.1)
    Missing                                                                        15 (0.6)      emotionality, anxiety, and
 Child sex, n (%)                                                                                withdrawal). By using the BITSEA
    Female                                                                        937 (38.4)     standardized scoring cutoffs, children
    Male                                                                         1018 (41.7)     were categorized with possible
    Missing                                                                       485 (19.9)
                                                                                                 behavioral problems if they scored in
 Nonparental child care or day care before 60 mo, n (%)
    Yes                                                                          1433 (58.8)     the $75th percentile on the scale.17
    No                                                                            533 (21.9)     At 60 months, mothers responded to
    Missing                                                                       474 (19.4)     “has your child been in nonparental
 Maternal screen use at 24 mo, n (%)                                                             child care or day care on a regular
    None                                                                         111 (4.6)
                                                                                                 basis before this year?” (0 [no]; 1
    ,1 h                                                                         441 (18.1)
    1–,3 h                                                                       859 (35.3)      [yes]).
    3–,5 h                                                                       149 (6.1)
    5–,7 h                                                                        24 (1.0)       Statistical Analyses
    $7 h                                                                          10 (0.4)       The longitudinal associations
    Missing                                                                      846 (34.6)
                                                                                                 between hours of screen use and
 Maternal reading at 24 mo, n (%)
    None                                                                         199 (8.2)       reading activities were examined by
    ,1 h                                                                         879 (36.1)      using an RI-CLPM.13 The RI-CLPM
    1–,3 h                                                                       440 (18.1)      statistically distinguishes variance at
    3–,5 h                                                                        57 (2.3)       the temporal level (ie, within-person
    5–,7 h                                                                        13 (0.5)
                                                                                                 or time-varying) from variance at the
    $7 h                                                                           6 (0.2)
    Missing                                                                      846 (34.6)      individual level (ie, between-person
 Attended the library at 24 mo, n (%)                                                            or stable) and, therefore, constitutes
    Yes                                                                          961 (39.5)      a multilevel approach accounting for
    No                                                                           635 (26.0)      repeated measurements that are
    Missing                                                                      844 (34.5)
                                                                                                 nested within individuals. An
 Problem behavior (BITSEA) at 24 mo, n (%)
    At risk                                                                       236 (9.7)      important advantage of the RI-CLPM
    Normative                                                                    1344 (55.1)     over the common cross-lagged panel
    Missing                                                                       860 (35.2)     model is that RI-CLPM controls for

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PEDIATRICS Volume 147, number 6, June 2021                                                                                             3
TABLE 1 Continued                                                                                        standardized root mean square
    Characteristic                                                                        Value          residual = 0.002).
    Weekly hours of screen use     at 24 mo, mean (SD)                                 17.07 (11.82)     In the time-variant component of the
    Weekly hours of screen use     at 36 mo, mean (SD)                                 24.90 (12.50)     model, statistically significant
    Weekly hours of screen use     at 60 mo, mean (SD)                                  10.84 (5.29)
    Reading activities at 24 mo,   mean (SD)                                            3.92 (0.29)
                                                                                                         autocorrelations for every estimated
    Reading activities at 36 mo,   mean (SD)                                            2.61 (0.94)      lag indicate substantial within-person
    Reading activities at 60 mo,   mean (SD)                                            2.48 (0.52)      stability in constructs over time. That
                                                                                                         is, on average, children’s screen use
                                                                                                         and reading activities were stable
                                                                                                         across adjacent time points. As
stable individuals’ differences (ie,                     at the between-person level).
                                                                                                         detailed in Fig 1 and Table 2, after
between-person and time-invariant                        Statistical significance was set at the
                                                                                                         accounting for this temporal stability,
effects, such as stable family-level                     P , .05, 2-tailed level; 95% CIs are
                                                                                                         there was a significant and negative
stressors) in reading activities and                     reported. All analyses were
                                                                                                         cross lag linking higher levels of
screen use, allowing for greater                         conducted in Mplus version 8.1.21
                                                                                                         screen use at 24 months of age with
insight into how the two central
                                                                                                         lower levels of reading activities at
constructs in the model (ie, screen
                                                         Missing Data                                    36 months of age (b = 2.08; 95% CI:
use and reading activities) are linked
                                                         From the initial pregnancy cohort               2.13 to 2.02). The obverse direction
at an intraindividual (ie, within-
                                                         (N = 3388), 95% (n = 3223) agreed to            of higher levels of reading activities at
person and time-varying) level. This
                                                         be contacted for follow-up research.            24 months being associated with
approach has been shown to reduce
                                                         Of those who agreed to follow-up and            lower exposure to screens at
bias in directional estimates and
                                                         were eligible at the time of                    36 months was not observed (b =
more closely approximate causal
                                                         questionnaire completion, 76%                   2.05; 95% CI: 2.11 to .01). At
                                                         completed the 24-month                          36 months of age, lower levels of
                                                         questionnaire (n = 1595), 69%                   reading activities predicted higher
First, the standard RI-CLPM was
                                                         completed the 36-month                          exposure to screen use at 60 months
estimated. In the RI-CLPM, between-
                                                         questionnaire (n = 1994), and 71%               (b = 2.11; 95% CI: 2.19 to 2.02).
person (stable) factors were
                                                         completed the 60-month                          The obverse association was not
extracted from the repeated measures
                                                         questionnaire (n = 1992). Attrition             observed (b = .01; 95% CI: 2.04 to
of screen use and reading, and these
                                                         rates observed in the current study             .06). Also, within-time covariances
factors were permitted to covary. The
                                                         are similar to other prospective birth          were significant at 24 and 36 months
within-person component comprises
                                                         cohorts.22–24 Predictors of dropout             but not at 60 months, suggesting that,
3 types of estimates: (1)
                                                         are reported elsewhere (younger                 on average, at the 24- and 36-month
autoregressions (ie, lags) capture the
                                                         mothers and lower income).10                    study waves, children’s screen use
within-person, rank-order stability in
                                                         Consistent with other pediatric RI-             was significantly related to children’s
constructs over time; (2) within-time
                                                         CLPMs,10 participants were included             reading activities (b = 2.10 [95% CI:
covariances capture the strength and
                                                         (n = 2440) if they completed                    2.17 to 2.04] and b = 2.08 [95% CI:
direction of associations between
                                                         questionnaires for at least 1 time              2.13 to 2.03], respectively).
screen use and reading within
persons at each time point; and (3)                      point at either 24, 36, or 60 months.           Taken together, these findings suggest
the cross lags capture the longitudinal                  To adjust for missing data, models              that higher levels of screen use at
and directional associations between                     were run with full-information                  24 months of age, relative to a child’s
screen use and reading within                            maximum likelihood estimation.25,26             average level of screen use (ie, the
persons and are comparable to the                                                                        child’s stable mean), was associated
proportion of unique variance                                                                            with significantly lower levels of
explained in the outcome that is not                     RESULTS                                         reading activities at the next study
shared with any other predictor (ie,                                                                     wave, relative to a child’s average
a squared semipartial                                    Primary Analyses                                level of reading. In addition, lower
correlation19,20; Fig 1). After fitting                   The standard RI-CLPM (Fig 1)                    levels of reading activities at
the standard RI-CLPM, pairwise                           revealed that the model was a good fit           36 months of age, relative to a child’s
comparisons were conducted by                            to the observed data on the basis of            average level of reading, was
using post hoc t tests to identify the                   fit indices (x21 = 0.09; P = .768; root          associated with significantly higher
extent to which the cross-lag                            mean square error of approximation              levels of screen use at 60 months of
estimates varied between different                       = 0.00; 95% CI: 0.00 to 0.04;                   age, relative to a child’s average level
levels of the covariates (measured                       comparative fit index = 1.00;                    of screen use.

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4                                                                                                                                   MCARTHUR et al
The standard RI-CLPM revealing within-person association between screen use and reading from ages 24 to 60 months, controlling for between-person
differences. Standardized estimates (b) and 95% CIs are presented. Solid lines represent estimates in which 95% CIs do not include 0. The central, blue-
tinted part of the model is the within-person (dynamic) part, and the outer, gray-tinted part of the model is the between-person (stable) component.
  Pathways constrained to 1.00 to extract between-person factor (n = 2440).

Secondary Analyses                                  use is a common household activity                   activities at 36 months is associated
To determine the extent to which the                for young children.8 With this change                with greater screen use at 60 months.
longitudinal associations between                   comes growing concern about the                      The obverse associations (ie, greater
screen use and reading varied on the                role of screen use on the home                       reading at 24 months leading to
basis of covariates, the differences in             learning environment, specifically                    lower screen time at 36 months and,
the cross-lagged associations                       engagement in off-line enrichment                    in turn, greater reading at 60 months)
between levels of each study                        activities such as print book reading.               were not observed.
covariate were examined (Table 3).                  This longitudinal, 3-wave study uses
                                                    repeated measures and a rigorous                     A robust body of literature
Cross-lagged parameters did not
                                                    statistical model that more closely                  underscores the importance of the
significantly differ on the basis of
                                                    approximate causality to clarify                     early home learning environment to
different levels of the study
                                                    whether screen use interferes with                   encourage the development of school
                                                    later print book reading or if early                 readiness and literacy skills.5,23
                                                    reading activities may offset later                  Consistent with the displacement
                                                    screen use. Results suggest that                     hypothesis,9 this study provides
DISCUSSION                                          higher screen use at 24 months is                    support for the notion that screen use
With expanding media options and                    related to lower reading activities at               may be interfering with reading
a dynamic digital landscape, screen                 36 months, and in turn, lower reading                activities. Indeed, at 24 months, it

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PEDIATRICS Volume 147, number 6, June 2021                                                                                                            5
TABLE 2 Standardized and Unstandardized Autoregressive and Cross-Lagged Coefficients From the                             no more than 1 hour of screen time
            Standard RI-CLPM                                                                                             daily.31 Family media plans32 can be
    Paths                                               b (95% CI)a                             B (95% CI)b              devised to help families develop
    Autoregressive parameters                                                                                            healthy media habits. Early
      Screen time, mo                                                                                                    discussions with family may be
         24 → 36                                      .48 (.42 to .53)c                       .51 (.43 to .59)c          critical because research reveals that
         36 → 60                                      .42 (.33 to .51)c                       .12 (.07 to .17)c          once problematic screen use habits
      Reading, mo
                                                                                                                         are developed, they tend to persist
         24 → 36                                      .23 (.18 to .29)c                       .79 (.61 to .97)c
         36 → 60                                      .24 (.18 to .29)c                       .13 (.09 to .16)c          over the early childhood period.33 On
    Cross-lagged parameters                                                                                              the basis of the within-person
      Screen time → reading, mo                                                                                          stability of shared reading and screen
         24 → 36                                   2.08 (2.13 to 2.02)c                   2.01 (2.01 to 2.002)c          media habits starting at 24 months of
         36 → 60                                     .01 (2.04 to .06)                     .00 (2.002 to .003)
                                                                                                                         age, this study also emphasizes the
      Reading → screen time, mo
         24 → 36                                    2.05 (2.11 to .01)                     22.24 (24.80 to .32)          importance of establishing early
         36 → 60                                   2.11 (2.19 to 2.02)c                    2.39 (2.67 to 2.11)c          reading routines known to be
B, unstandardized b coefficient; b, standardized b coefficient; →, predicting.                                             foundational for child development
a Standardized b coefficients represent the SD change in an outcome variable (eg, reading at 36 mo) associated with a 1
                                                                                                                         and learning and reaffirms the need
SD change in the predictor (eg, screen time at 24 mo).
b Unstandardized B coefficients represent the unit change in an outcome variable (eg, 1 level of reading at 36 mo)
                                                                                                                         for early discussion of reading in
associated with a unit change in the predictor (eg,1 hour of screen time at 24 mo).                                      pediatric offices. These discussions
c Estimates in which 95% CIs do not include 0.
                                                                                                                         can focus on the 5 R’s34 of early
                                                                                                                         learning: reading together every day;
was observed that greater screen use                          activities that involve print books for                    rhyme and play; developing
per week relates to a lower level of                          young children may be advised.                             consistent sleep, eating, reading and
reading activities at 36 months. In                                                                                      play routines; reward with praise;
                                                              Although past research supports that
addition, through interpretation of                                                                                      and nurture relationships rich in
                                                              many factors in the home
the unstandardized coefficients, a 10-                                                                                    serve and return interactions. At
                                                              environment influence screen use29
minute decrease in reading per day at                                                                                    a policy level, increased access to
                                                              and reading activities,4,5 results from
36 months of age relates to a ∼25-                                                                                       books, programs designed to help
                                                              the post hoc analysis of covariates
minute increase in screen use per                                                                                        connect at risk-families with literary
                                                              reveal that the sociodemographic
week at 60 months of age. These                                                                                          resources (eg, reach out and read35),
                                                              variables included in this study did
findings highlight a reciprocal process                                                                                   broader dissemination of screen use
                                                              not significantly modify the
between screen use and reading that                                                                                      guidelines for children aged ,5 years,
                                                              magnitude of the associations
unfolds over time, in which screen                                                                                       and a combination of early
                                                              between screen use and reading over
use negatively influences reading                                                                                         interventions targeted at both
                                                              time. This finding suggests that
activities and then lowered reading                                                                                      reading and screen use habits are
                                                              sociodemographic factors may be
activities lead to greater screen use.                                                                                   needed.
                                                              more influential at a between-person
                                                              level (eg, when predicting overall
With the increased use and                                                                                               Using a large cohort and a longitudinal
                                                              screen use or reading activities for
accessibility of media devices,                                                                                          research design, as well as a robust
                                                              different children) but may be less
families may turn to electronics to                                                                                      statistical method, this study sheds
                                                              impactful at a within-person level (eg,
promote reading. Although reading                                                                                        light on the direction of the association
                                                              impacting the associations between
electronic books was not examined                                                                                        between screen use and reading
                                                              reading and screen use over time for
herein, researchers have recently                                                                                        activities across early childhood.
                                                              a specific child).
found that, for preschool-aged                                                                                           However, the findings must be
children, parents and children tend to                        A number of practice and policy                            interpreted with the following
collaborate and verbalize less when                           implications arise from this study.                        limitations in mind. First, this
reading electronic books in                                   Most importantly, this study                               study included a predominantly
comparison with reading print                                 highlights the need for practitioners,                     high-income, highly educated sample
books.27,28 Overall, there appears to                         health care workers, parents,                              of participants, which may limit
be less reciprocity and conversational                        policymakers, and educators to                             generalizability to other populations.
turns (specific elements of the early                          promote adherence to screen use                            Second, the method of measurement
reading environment known to                                  guidelines. This is especially                             used for screen use did not capture
promote language learning and                                 important because up to 95% of                             the content (eg, educational
literacy skills) when using electronic                        preschoolers are exceeding the                             programing) or context (eg, solitary
books,4 and thus encouraging reading                          current screen use guidelines30 of                         versus coviewing) of screen use.

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6                                                                                                                                                   MCARTHUR et al
TABLE 3 Differences in the Cross-Lagged Associations Linking Screen Use and Reading, by                                      measurement of the home reading
          Covariates                                                                                                         environment, including parent literacy
 Paths                                                                   Difference (95% CI)a                                skills and objective measures of
                                                           Income  b
                                                                                                    Educationc               parent-child shared reading
                                                                                                                             experiences (eg, conversational turns,
 Screen time → reading, mo
   24 → 36                                          0.00 (20.01 to 0.01)                      0.01 (20.004 to 0.02)          parent engagement, etc).
   36 → 60                                          0.00 (20.01 to 0.01)                      0.00 (20.004 to 0.01)
 Reading → screen time, mo
   24 → 36                                         20.55 (27.39 to 6.28)                     2.33 (23.32 to 7.97)
   36 → 60                                         20.66 (21.64 to 0.32)                     20.11 (20.83 to 0.62)           With the increased exposure to digital
                                                    Maternal readingd                        Maternal screen usee            media, screen use is now a regular
 Screen time → reading, mo
                                                                                                                             part of children’s day-to-day lives. In
   24 → 36                                         0.00 (20.01 to 0.01)                       0.00 (20.01 to 0.01)
   36 → 60                                         20.01 (20.01 to 0.00)                      0.01 (20.001 to 0.01)          response to this increase in exposure,
 Reading → screen time, mo                                                                                                   there is a critical need to understand
   24 → 36                                         23.93 (29.50 to 1.65)                     4.44 (21.39 to 10.27)           how screen use may be influencing
   36 → 60                                         0.14 (20.55 to 0.83)                      20.20 (21.46 to 1.05)           the home learning environment,
                                                    Problem behaviorf                              Child sexg
                                                                                                                             specifically engagement in off-line
 Screen time → reading, mo
   24 → 36                                          0.01 (20.01 to 0.02)                     20.01 (20.02 to 0.004)          enrichment activities such as
   36 → 60                                          0.00 (20.01 to 0.01)                     0.00 (20.001 to 0.005)          reading. This study provides
 Reading → screen time, mo                                                                                                   support for a reciprocal relationship
   24 → 36                                         1.41 (25.28 to 8.10)                      0.89 (24.78 to 6.53)            between screen use and reading
   36 → 60                                         20.31 (21.21 to 0.59)                     20.33 (20.88 to 0.22)
                                                                                                                             activities. Higher screen use at
                                                        Child careh                           Access to libraryi
 Screen time → reading, mo                                                                                                   24 months of age related to lower
   24 → 36                                          0.00 (20.01 to 0.01)                      0.01 (20.003 to 0.02)          reading activities at 36 months of
   36 → 60                                         0.01 (20.001 to 0.01)                      0.01 (20.001 to 0.01)          age, and in turn, lower levels of
 Reading → screen time, mo                                                                                                   reading at 36 months of age related
   24 → 36                                         1.13 (24.58 to 6.84)                      0.17 (25.00 to 5.33)
                                                                                                                             to higher levels of screen use at
   36 → 60                                         20.26 (20.94 to 0.42)                     20.17 (20.87 to 0.52)
                                                                                                                             the next time point. The findings
→, predicting.
a Difference in the cross-lagged associations by covariate group.                                                            from this study support the need
b Defined as low income (CAD$ ,60 000; 1) and high income (CAD$ $60 000; 0).                                                  for practitioners, child care
c Defined as lower education (some high school, graduated high school, and some postsecondary; 1) and higher
                                                                                                                             professionals, and educators to
education (graduated postsecondary, some graduate school, and completed graduate school; 0).
d Defined as low maternal reading (below median; 1) and high maternal reading (at or above median; 0).                        encourage families to engage in
e Defined as low maternal screen use (below median; 1) and high maternal screen use (at or above median; 0).                  healthy use of screen devices (ie,
f Defined as at risk (at or above the cutoff score on the BITSEA problem behavior scale; 1) and normative (below the cutoff
                                                                                                                             limited duration) and to encourage
score on the BITSEA problem behavior scale; 0).
g Defined as male (1) and female (0).                                                                                         device-free time to establish early
h Defined as nonparental child care or day care (1) and other (0).                                                            reading habits.
i Defined as attending the library (1) and not attending the library (0).

Presumably, families vary on the                                informants of child activities between
                                                                                                                             We acknowledge the contributions of
content and context in which screens                            24 and 60 months, single-informant
                                                                                                                             the All Our Families research team
are used, and these elements of screen                          measurement introduces the potential
                                                                                                                             and thank the participants who took
use may have a different association                            for bias. With regards to reading,
                                                                                                                             part in the study.
with language and literacy.36 Third,                            a single item was used to capture the
although this study reveals an                                  frequency of reading activities at each
association between screen use and                              time point. Although the reading items
reading, further research is needed to                          were designed to reflect the natural                           ABBREVIATIONS
determine the specific threshold at                              progression of reading activities                             BITSEA: Brief Infant‐Toddler So-
which screen use influences reading.                             across early childhood, single-item                                   cial and Emotional
Fourth, because of the rapid                                    measurement at each time point                                        Assessment
progression of technology, exposure                             provides fewer points of                                      CAD: Canadian dollar
and accessibility to screens may have                           discrimination and potentially limits                         CI: confidence interval
changed over the course of this                                 the sensitivity, or variation, in the                         RI-CLPM: random intercept cross-
multiwave study.8 Additionally,                                 measure. This study would be                                           lagged panel model
although parents are arguably the best                          strengthened by more detailed

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PEDIATRICS Volume 147, number 6, June 2021                                                                                                                         7
Address correspondence to Sheri Madigan, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Calgary, 2500 University Ave, Calgary, AB, Canada T2N 1N4.
E-mail: sheri.madigan@ucalgary.ca
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).
Copyright © 2021 by the American Academy of Pediatrics
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.
FUNDING: Supported by Alberta Innovates Health Solutions Interdisciplinary Team grant 200700595, the Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation, and the Max Bell
Foundation. The principal investigator of the All Our Families Study is Dr Tough. Research support was provided to Dr Madigan and Dr. Browne by the Canada
Research Chairs program. Dr McArthur was supported by a fellowship from the Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute.
POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The authors have indicated they have no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.
COMPANION PAPER: A companion to this article can be found online at www.pediatrics.org/cgi/doi/10.1542/peds.2020-047472.

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PEDIATRICS Volume 147, number 6, June 2021                                                                                                   9
Longitudinal Associations Between Screen Use and Reading in Preschool-Aged
Brae Anne McArthur, Dillon Browne, Sheila McDonald, Suzanne Tough and Sheri
                            Pediatrics 2021;147;
   DOI: 10.1542/peds.2020-011429 originally published online May 24, 2021;

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Longitudinal Associations Between Screen Use and Reading in Preschool-Aged
Brae Anne McArthur, Dillon Browne, Sheila McDonald, Suzanne Tough and Sheri
                            Pediatrics 2021;147;
   DOI: 10.1542/peds.2020-011429 originally published online May 24, 2021;

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