Longevity-focused Insurance Solutions - Quick, personalized, accurate

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Longevity-focused Insurance Solutions - Quick, personalized, accurate
Insurance Solutions

 Quick, personalized, accurate
Longevity-focused Insurance Solutions - Quick, personalized, accurate
About Us: Company Profile
 Deep Longevity is developing
 Deep Longevity has been acquired by
 Endurance Longevity (SEHK:0575.HK), a explainable artificial intelligence
 publicly-traded company. systems to track the rate of aging at
 the molecular, cellular, tissue, organ,
 Deep Longevity developed Longevity as a
 system, physiological, and
 Service (LaaS)© solution to integrate psychological levels.
 multiple deep biomarkers of aging dubbed
 "deep aging clocks" to provide a universal
 multifactorial measure of human biological
 age. It is also developing systems for the
 emerging field of longevity medicine
 Deep Longevity is the Inventor of Deep enabling physicians to make better
 Aging Clocks, with 2 granted patents, 8
 patent applications and over 20 peer- decisions on the interventions that may
 reviewed publications on biomarkers of slow down or reverse the aging
 aging. processes.

© Deep Longevity Limited, 2021. All rights reserved. 2
Longevity-focused Insurance Solutions - Quick, personalized, accurate
We measure aging in all its modalities

© Deep Longevity Limited, 2021. All rights reserved. 3
Longevity-focused Insurance Solutions - Quick, personalized, accurate
We have been perfecting our technology since 2014
Longevity-focused Insurance Solutions - Quick, personalized, accurate
Market Maturity

 Longevity medicine is
 gaining traction
Longevity-focused Insurance Solutions - Quick, personalized, accurate
Rise of mHealth apps The pandemic has boosted
 the mHealth market up to
 mHealth apps help people monitor their health and 30% CAGR, according to
 offer telemedical or self-help preventive therapies. some reports

 Large companies and
 legislators are working
 together to improve
 telemedical approaches
© Deep Longevity Limited, 2021. All rights reserved. Market Report 1, Market Report 2 6
Longevity-focused Insurance Solutions - Quick, personalized, accurate
Consumers embrace the future of medicine
 The commercial success of wearables, geroprotectors, genetic tests, and mHealth apps
 indicates high demand for preventive, data-driven healthcare solutions

 Apple is the largest watch
 manufacturer since 2017

 Dietary supplements such
 as NMN and NR are as
 popular as ever

© Deep Longevity Limited, 2021. All rights reserved. 7
Longevity-focused Insurance Solutions - Quick, personalized, accurate
Big guns are in the mHealth race
 All tech corporation are developing mHealth and telemedical solutions.
 In future, medical data will be readily available for all potential insurance clients.

© Deep Longevity Limited, 2021. All rights reserved. 8
Longevity-focused Insurance Solutions - Quick, personalized, accurate
Blockchain to power data collection and management
 Longevity medicine requires lots of sensitive, clinical data. Blockchain and federated
 learning technologies allow secure and efficient data sharing procedures.

© Deep Longevity Limited, 2021. All rights reserved. Longenesis 9
Longevity-focused Insurance Solutions - Quick, personalized, accurate
Drug repurposing: the benefits of data sharing

© Deep Longevity Limited, 2021. All rights reserved. Longenesis 10
Federated learning platforms, such as OpenFL by Intel, allow
 collaborative model training without losing control over sensitive data

© Deep Longevity Limited, 2021. All rights reserved. OpenFL 11
The power of shared data
 In 2008-2015 Google ran the Flu Trends web service that analyzed queries to predict influenza
 outbursts two weeks earlier than CDC. An elegant demonstration of big data providing big insights.

© Deep Longevity Limited, 2021. All rights reserved. Google Flu Trends 12
Geroprotective drugs
 Aging is not officially a disease and doesn’t qualify as an endpoint for clinical trials, yet.
 Still, some companies are actively developing anti-aging treatments and measuring their
 efficiency with age-related diseases.

 US military are to start a
 trial of an anti-aging pill
 (NAD+ boosters) in 2022

 Altos Labs, backed by
 Bezzos, has raised
 $270MM to develop a
 rejuvenation therapy

© Deep Longevity Limited, 2021. All rights reserved. Longevity Trial Tracker, Rejuvenation Roadmap 13
Geroprotective drugs
 One geroprotector, metformin, has been evaluated to extend lifespan by 3-4 years when
 the course is started at 75 years.The monetary equivalent of this gain in lifespan is at least
 $700K for an older adult.

 Metformin has been used
 as a type-II diabetes
 medication since 1994

© Deep Longevity Limited, 2021. All rights reserved. The economic value of targeting aging 14
Healthcare revolution
 Key changes taking place in all healthcare-related industries:

 1. Integration of data-driven approaches:
 a) Robust and secure data sharing platforms;
 b) AI-models of human health;
 2. Increased attention to population aging:
 a) Race for geroprotectors;
 b) Consumers growing aware of novel therapies;
 3. Emphasis on disease prevention:
 a) mHealth widespread;
 Global healthcare is trending
 b) Raising public awareness;
 towards personalized,
 c) Growth of the dieatary supplements market. preventive, high-precision
 approaches (3P)
© Deep Longevity Limited, 2021. All rights reserved. 15
Risk Assessment

 Assign premiums based on
 the pace of aging
Aging clocks

 Aging clocks allow to
 quantify aging and guide
 the development of

© Deep Longevity Limited, 2021. All rights reserved. 17
Aging clocks In certain cases,
 accelerated aging can
 According to GrimAge, a DNAm clock, fast agers have a HR=2.05 for
 indicate hidden conditions
 all-cause mortality. Other studies identify various diseases as age-
 accelerating conditions

 Targets identified with
 aging clocks inform us on
 what actions offer a sure
 path to healthy longevity
© Deep Longevity Limited, 2021. All rights reserved. GrimAge, DeepMAge 18
Aging clocks

 DNA methylation clocks are the industry standard for
 research projects, but they have a number of dis-
 advantages in the consumer market

 DNA methylation clock Blood test clock

 High cost ($300-700) Low cost ($160)

 Long TAT (4+ weeks) Short TAT (days)

 Few lab service provider Labs in every clinic
 BloodAge is the perfect
 Decades on research of
 Not immediately
 effects on blood balance of affordability and
 parameters biological relevance

© Deep Longevity Limited, 2021. All rights reserved. 19
 Novel biomarker of health and mortality Fast agers make up 24% of
 the global population.

Middle-aged client:
P(alive next year) = 0.99
 = × = 0.01 × $10′ 000 = $100
Fast ager: Each undetected fast ager
P(event) = 0.01 * 1.66 = 0.0166 costs an insurance
 = 0.0166 × $10′ 000 = $166 company $66 in this
 simplified case.
© Deep Longevity Limited, 2021. All rights reserved. BloodAge validation (2018) 20
 Novel biomarker of health and mortality

 In a more complicated survival model, the
 impact of BloodAge may be lower yet still

 In our study of COVID-19 patients, BloodAge
 had a HR of 1.026 per year, which is
 equivalent to HR=1.14 for fast agers.

 Given the previously set assumptions, each
 Including BloodAge into
 undetected fast ager in this case will cost $14
 actuarial models enables
 in benefits.
 more efficient premium
© Deep Longevity Limited, 2021. All rights reserved. BloodAge in COVID (2021) 21
Client Engagement

 Attract new clients,
 retain old ones
AgeMetric: graphic overview of your aging rate

AgeMetric: graphic overview of your aging rate

Longevity Coach: an online client-management system


 Through the Young.AI
 dashboard, the doctor can
 review the analysis
 performed by our artificial

© Deep Longevity Limited, 2021. All rights reserved. 25
Insurance Life Value Creation Framework
 Accurate premium groups
 Build a longevity-focused ecosystem
 Engage Give clients the means to
 Increase retention by providing lower their risks
 extra value to users

 Onboard Wellness,
 Be the gateway to executive-
 Increase Onboarding success Health level longevity products for
 with instant benefits affluent users and create
 disruptive longevity insurance
 Claims products
 Better pricing for insurance products, extra
 Regular check-ups, offer
 features from partners.
 discounts, review claims

 Provide the tools and the technology for Insurance Companies to put their data to work and innovate to build new services to
 surprise and delight clients and make better data driven decisions
© Deep Longevity Limited, 2021. All rights reserved. 26
Live Beyond Limits!

 WeChat (fgalkin): Product inquiries:

 Contact information:
 Fёdor Galkin
 Director of scientific BD

 Twitter: @Deep_Longevity
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