Long Term Plan Schedule update for the LTP 2021/2031 - October 2020

Page created by Betty Martin
Long Term Plan Schedule update for the LTP 2021/2031 - October 2020
Long Term Plan
     Schedule update for the LTP 2021/2031
Long Term Plan Schedule update for the LTP 2021/2031 - October 2020
Phase three and four
Phase three –Mid 2020                    May                                           Phase four – Late 2020
April                                    •   Maori contribution to decision making    July
•   Prepare engagement strategy         •   Strategic Assets                         •   Activity profiles (Session 2) 
•   Activity review (Session 1)         •   Revenue and Financing Policy             •   Infrastructure projects / AMPs 
•   LoS review/ Performance Measures    •   Growth Assumptions                       •   Financial Strategy 
•   Infrastructure Strategy             •   Engagement concepts – Deferred June       •   Treasury policy  (Seen by ARF – Proposed
                                                                                           adoption at August Meeting)
•   Policy review                       •   Remission Policies – Deferred Aug
    • Ratings                                                                          •   Remissions Policies  (Deferred to September)
                                         •   Financial Strategy - Deferred July
    • Revenue and Financing                                                            •   Significant Forecasting Assumptions  (Deferred
                                         June                                              to October)
    • Significance and Engagement
                                         •   Asset Management Plans (AMPs) including   August
                                                                                       •   Draft Infrastructure strategy
                                         •   S&E Policy 
                                                                                       •   Activity Profiles (Session 3 - additional)
                                         •   Climate Change 
                                         •   Engagement concepts 

Long Term Plan Schedule update for the LTP 2021/2031 - October 2020
Phase three and four
September                                       December                                       March
•   Activity Profiles (Session 4 -additional)   •   Adopt Significance and Engagement policy   •   Formal consultation
•   Infrastructure Strategy tba                 •   CD concepts and draft                      April
•   Financial Strategy - Final                  •   Adopt AMPs                                 •   Submissions and Hearings
•   Revenue and Financial Policy - Final                                                       Phase six –Mid 2021
October                                         Phase five –Early 2021                         May
•   Preparation of CD concepts                  January                                        •   Review budgets and update from consultation
•   Financial forecasts                         •   Audit CD                                   •   Formal audit
•   DC Policy (moved from Sept)                 February                                       June
•   Financial Contributions (moved from July)   •   Council decision making                    •   Final LTP adopted
•   Significant Forecasting Assumptions         •   Adopt all outstanding source documents
November                                        •   Adopt CD for consultation
•   Adopt Ratings policies
•   Adopt Revenue and Financing policies
•   Adopt Infrastructure Strategy
•   Adopt Financial Strategy
•   Review of outstanding source documents

Long Term Plan Schedule update for the LTP 2021/2031 - October 2020

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Long Term Plan Schedule update for the LTP 2021/2031 - October 2020
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Long Term Plan Schedule 2021/2031

Long Term Plan Schedule update for the LTP 2021/2031 - October 2020
Thank You
         Michaela Borich
           +64 94391196
  Kaipara District Council

Long Term Plan Schedule update for the LTP 2021/2031 - October 2020
Financial Strategy
                                                                   Long Term Plan Briefing 08 July 2020

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Long Term Plan Schedule update for the LTP 2021/2031 - October 2020
Auditor-General    Councils are forecasting higher spending to
                    improve levels of service and fund normal
Comments            operations

                   Councils need to better manage and reinvest in
                    their existing assets

                   Councils face a risk of only spending 66% of their
                    capital expenditure

                   Councils funding sources are continuing to
                    increase-rates and debt

Long Term Plan Schedule update for the LTP 2021/2031 - October 2020
 A local authority must ensure that each year’s projected
LGA s100            operating revenues are set at a level sufficient to meet that
Balanced Budget     year’s projected operating expenses
                   Depreciation is an operating expense
                   We use funded depreciation in the first instance to fund
                   In the year 2021/22, Council will increase funded
                    depreciation on water, wastewater and stormwater assets
                    to 100% (currently 67%) with the exception of the MWWS
                    which wont be 100% funded until 2025 (currently 55%)
                   Some councils reduce funding depreciation on libraries and
                   We don’t have many non essential assets
                   1% rates $346,000

Long Term Plan Schedule update for the LTP 2021/2031 - October 2020
Challenges – We can’t have everything
        Costs/Recoveries coming up to think about                       $000
        Depreciation up to 100% on water/wastewater excl.                 150

        One-off harvesting fees                                           200
        Rotu intake slip                                             99 21/22
                                                               188 for 3 years

        Regional economic CCO                                           25-89
        Asset Management increase                                          ??
        Maintenance on new walking/cycling                                 ??
        Dargaville Community Capital works previously funded              250
        by financial contributions

        New Capital Projects                                               ??
        Maintenance/ depreciation on new capital projects                  ??
Key Drivers
Key Drivers                      Drivers 2018 LTP                             Drivers 2021 LTP
Balance Sheet                       Balanced Budget                             Balanced Budget
                                    Financially resilient                       Attention to risk management to be more financially resilient
                                    Equitable and sustainable funding           Strong Balance Sheet
Debt                                Reducing risk and quantum of debt           Manage debt
                                    Meeting debt ratios                         Meeting debt ratios
                                    Prudently use debt
Capital Expenditure                 Just in time policy as regards capital      Delivery of new capital program as specified
                                     expenditure                                 Maximum funding of depreciation on all strategic assets (Do we
                                                                                  need to consideration what not to fund)
Asset Renewals                      Avoid loan funding for operational          Minimal changes to level of service
                                     expenditure by increasing                   Aging Infrastructure - Reinvest in infrastructure to address
                                     depreciation levels                          historical underinvestment - Additional renewals
                                    Base levels of service and no extras        Bridges
                                                                                 Water
                                                                                 Renew/Upgrade public assets??
Rates                               Rates affordable                            LGCI plus allow for improvements
                                    Treat the district equitably                Recognise COVID-19 impacts on affordability
Growth                              Have a sustainable plan                     Recognition of high growth district- Change in population and
                                                                                  land use
                                                                                 Sustainable growth supported by Spatial Plan, additional
                                                                                  infrastructure provided for, and development and financial
                                                                                  contributions for Mangawhai, Kaiwaka, Maungaturoto
Climate Smart / Sustainability                                                   Climate change resilient
                                                                                 Investigate Carbon footprint

Key Challenges
Key Challenges      Key challenges 2018                           Key Challenges 2021
Asset Renewals        Didn’t have full asset information           Reality of Aging Infrastructure and
                      Get preferred approach to renewals            Affordability
                       funding by 2021                              Smooth out the maintenance programme
                      Renewals deferred as long as possible to     Improve the whole network resilience
                       ensure affordability
                      Much of the depreciation on infrastructure
                       is unfunded (MCWWS until 2025)
Rates                  Revaluation moved the incidence of rates      Revaluation (always in an LTP year) could
                                                                       change the incidence again
                                                                      Small population and economic base

Economic               Growth within Kaipara especially              Holiday and visitor population
                        Mangawhai                                     Drought on communities
Development            Holiday and visitor population                Govt money - Consider impact on
                                                                       maintenance and funded depreciation thereby
                                                                       impacting on rates

Climate Smart/                                                        Decline in markets for Recyclables may mean
                                                                       recognising local NZ demand
Sustainability                                                        Know our carbon emissions
Customer Services      Frontline and back office services            Getting the right balance with digital
                        neglected                                      improvements and staffing
Solutions              Solutions 2018                                           Solutions 2021
Debt                      Seek external advice on debt management                 Access better interest funding rates
                          Borrowing used minimally                                Refinancing large tranche of debt
                          Debt will be used to fund desludging                    Middle of the pack debt per ratepayer
                          Sale of assets to decrease debt
Capital Expenditure                                                                Ensure development contributions maximised
                                                                                   Use financial contributions for capital for east
                                                                                   Maximise external funding-look for partners, identify
                                                                                    alternative funding
Asset renewals            Renewals cleared over a 30-year period                  Renewals cleared over a 30-year period
                          Get preferred approach to renewals funding by           Smooth out the maintenance programme
                           2021                                                    Improve the whole network resilience
Rates                     Mangawhai differential rate to fund capital             Revenue and Financing Policy reviewed
                          Historic separation of Te Kopuru wastewater
                          Implement forestry rate till 2027
                          UAGC fair
                          Capitalise 50% interest on development
                           contributions. Rest funded by general rate
Economic Development                                                            •   Regional CCO

Climate Smart                                                                      Kaipara Adaptation Action Plan
                                                                                   Kaipara Mitigation Action Plan
                                                                                   Kaipara Sustainability Action Plan
                                                                                   Further waste minimisation
Customer Service          Investment in technology and staff as service
                           levels below desired levels, statutory obligations
                           not being addressed, IT failing in support
Thank You
                       Sue Davidson
GM Sustainable Growth & Development
              Kaipara District Council

Activity Profiles
  Review of activity profiles for the Long Term Plan 2021/31
Groups of
Recap of the proposed Groups

Based on your feedback from the previous briefing the below changes have been made. These changes will be
reviewed at the LTP Briefings in August and September.

• Keep the activity Pensioner Housing
                                                      • Economic Development should be it’s own Activity
• Keep the activity Northern Wairoa War Memorial        within DL,F and IS
                                                      • Keep District Leadership, Finance and Internal
• Include the sources of Funding in the activity        Services as the name for the activity
  template (Also in R&F Policy)
                                                      • District Planning sit along with Policy due to
• Include risks and issues as well as Significant       budgets
  Negative effects in the template
• Re look at the name Community Development
• Sub-activity Wharves should fit under Open Spaces
  and not Transportation

Groups of activities
1.    Open Spaces and Facilities                           Open Spaces
                                                           Community Development
                                                           Pensioner Housing
                                                           Northern Wairoa War memorial Hall
      District Leadership, Finance and Internal Services   Governance
2.                                                         Policy and District Planning
                                                           Emergency Management
                                                           Economic Development
                                                           Internal Services:
                                                                • Financial Services
                                                                • P&C
                                                                • Digital Services
                                                                • Communications
                                                                • Customer Services
3.    Flood protection and Land Drainage                   Flood protection and land drainage
      Transportation                                       Roading and footpaths
5.    Waste minimisation                                   Refuse and recycling
6.    Water Supply                                         Water supply
7.    Stormwater                                           Stormwater
8.    Wastewater                                           Wastewater
9.    Building, Resource consents and Compliance           Resource consents

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  General Feedback

Review Building, Resource Consents and Compliance

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Feedback on each activity

We would like feedback on:
1) Performance Measures
2) What we will deliver

Please note that proofing and design is still to be done and
content changes will be amended as budgets are determined
                                                               Each Activity Manager will discuss their
                                                                           activity profile for feedback

Building, Resource
consents and Compliance

• Resource Consents   • Compliance
• Building

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Proposed sections in the Activity Profile for
the LTP 2021/2031

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Resource Consents
Proposed sections in the Activity Profile for
the LTP 2021/2031

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Proposed sections in the Activity Profile for
the LTP 2021/2031

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Thank You
         Michaela Borich
          +64 9 4391196
  Kaipara District Council

Strategic Activity Management Plans

Seeking direction and feedback as
we progress towards a
Consultation Document in
November 2020.

Kaipara District Infrastructure Strategy


Why do we need an                          The purpose
infrastructure strategy?
                                           The purpose o f th is d o cu m e n t is to id e n tify th e sign ifica n t in fra stru ctu re issu e s
The Local Government Act                   fo r Ka ip a ra District Co u n cil (KDC, o r ‘Co u n cil’) o ve r a 30-ye a r p e riod . Th is in clu d e s
(2002) stipulates that a local             id e n tifica tion o f p rin cip a l o p tio n s fo r m a n a gin g th o se issu e s a n d th e im p lica tion s
authority must , as part of its            o f th o se o p tion s.
long-term plan, prepare and
adopt an infrastructure                    In a way that co n trib u te s to th e lo n g-te rm su sta in a b le m a n a ge m e n t o f Co u n cil's
strategy for a period of at least          in fra stru ctu re .
30 consecutive financial years.
                                           So that fin a n cia l a n d im p le m e n ta tio n co n se q u e n ce s o f Co u n cil’s vision ,
                                           co m m u n ity p rioritie s a n d stra te gie s a re a n a lyse d , u n d e rsto o d a n d in te gra te d in to
                                           Co u n cil’s p rim a ry fo rwa rd p la n n in g d o cu m e n t - th e KDC Lo n g Te rm Pla n .

                                           The LTP is a ten year programme and we will need to
                                           prioritise what we do in this period against what we
                                           can afford

Resilio Studio | AR+Associates
Kaipara District Infrastructure Strategy


The strategic framework diagram
shows the interrelationships
between Council’s key strategy
documents as they relate to the
infrastructure area. The highest level
is the vision and community
priorities. The next level is the
Spatial Plans and District Plan that
guide development and signals the
infrastructure required in the future.
To service the infrastructure
requirements from the spatial plans
and to keep maintaining the core
assets, four large programmes are
proposed within this strategy. The
Activity Management Strategy
outlines the individual activity plans
that provide the detail on the
infrastructure activities including
condition, level of service, valuation,
forecast expenditure and issues. The
two bottom levels show the
                                           Infrastructure Strategy   Financial Strategy
significant projects currently
proposed within the programmes
and activity plans. These projects
are not an exhaustive list but show
some of the more significant and
diverse range of projects Council is
proposing over the upcoming two
LTP cycles.

Re silio Stu d io | AR+Asso cia te s
Kaipara District Infrastructure Strategy

1.2        LONG TERM PLAN

The Infrastructure Strategy is
part of a suite of strategy
documents that form part of
the Council Long-Term Plan
(LTP). This LTP process details
KDC’s investment priorities over
the next 10 years.

The current LTP 2018-2028,
was adopted by Council in

The LTP is reviewed every three
years, with the Annual Plan
providing the opportunity to
review the impact of this
process on a yearly basis.

Re silio Stu d io | AR+Asso cia te s
Kaipara District Infrastructure Strategy


                                           RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN STRATEGIC DOCUMENTS:
This diagram shows the
relationships between Council’s                                                  ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
Spatial Plans, future Economic                                                   STRATEGY
                                           KAIPARA SPATIAL PLANS                                                           DISTRICT PLAN
Development, Structure Plans               (Mangawhai Spatial Plan Key Urban                                               (Whole of Plan Review or Rolling Review
and other key planning                     Areas - Dragavilles, Maungatūroto &                                             through Plan Changes)
                                           Kaiwaka Sub-Regional Spatial Plan)    STRUCTURE PLAN
documents. It also shows how                                                     (For Key Urban Areas, Urban Centres and
the Infrastructure Strategy
will play an important role in
determining future
infrastructure investments for
                                                                                 INFRASTRUCTURE STRATEGY
Kaipara’s Key Urban Areas
(Dargaville, Maungatūroto and
Kaiwaka) by Council to enable              DRAFT LONG TERM PLAN                  FINANCIAL STRATEGY                        LONG TERM PLAN
sustainable development and                                                      (Infrastructure Funding)                  (Reviewed every three years)

renewal of its existing asset
network.                                                                         ACTIVITY MANAGEMENT
The Kaipara Spatial Plans, as
well as the strategy documents
(economic development,
infrastructure and financial)
operate on a 30 year planning
horizon. The LTP and District
Plan operate on a 10 year
horizon, while the Annual Plan
is based on a 3 year horizon.

Re silio Stu d io | AR+Asso cia te s
Ka ip a ra District In fra stru ctu re Stra te gy


                                                    Growing a better Kaipara

                                                    Nurturing our people and place by inspiring a vibrant, healthy and caring community

Re silio Studio
Resilio  Stu d io || AR+Associates
                      AR+Asso cia te s
Kaipara District Infrastructure Strategy


                                           Climate Smart
                                           Climate change and its impacts are reduced through community planning

                                           Celebrating Diversity
                                           Our local heritage and culture are valued and reflected in the community

                                           Vibrant Communities
                                           Kaipara communities offer an attractive place to live and visit

                                           Healthy Environment
                                           Our natural environment is protected and open to the community

                                           Prosperous Economy
                                           Development is encouraged, supported and sustainable

                                           A Trusted Council
                                           An open organisation working for our community

Resilio Studio | AR+Associates
Kaipara District Infrastructure Strategy

                                            Population       Growth
                                            Kaipara’s population growth from 2013 -2019 has made it the fastest growing district in Northland

As part of the requirements for
the Infrastructure Strategy , a             Economic Changes
summary of the trends that                  Agriculture and manufacturing are the main drivers of Kaipara’s economy, and have seen continual
                                            growth over recent years. However, there remains uncertainty in the wake of the COVID
                                                                                                                                -19 pandemic.
could affect Kaipara, and
therefore the future provision
of infrastructure have been
provided under four themes as
shown on the right.                         Climate Change and Sea Level Rise
The provision and maintenance               Climate change will increase the frequency and severity of extreme weather events in Kaipara,
                                            including sea level rise, but also drought, as has been observed in 2019/2020
of infrastructure in Kaipara is a
continuous, long-term effort to
ensure the continuation of
sustainable development and
enabling people to thrive in                Regionally Significant Infrastructure Projects
Kaipara.                                    Numerous significant regional level infrastructure projects will have an influence on future
                                            development patterns in the Kaipara District.
Understanding what the future
holds for Kaipara, both within
and outside district borders, is
crucial to enable Council to
make educated planning
decisions for local

Resilio Studio | AR+Associates
Ka ip a ra District In fra stru ctu re Stra te gy



Th is m a p d e p icts th e fu tu re
in flu e n ce o f so m e o f th e
re gio n a lly sign ifica n t p ro je cts if
o r wh e n th e y a re re a lise d .

Re silio Stu d io | AR+Asso cia te s
Ka ip a ra District In fra stru ctu re Stra te gy

                                                       Aging infrastructure

 Over the past three years,                         Many of Kaipara’s infrastructure assets are approaching or past their useful life, particularly its water
 the Council has engaged                            supply and wastewater assets. Significant expenditure can be expected on renewal work in the future.
 broadly as part of projects
 such as the Spatial
                                                       Meeting customer expectations and legislative requirements
 Planning for Dargaville,
 Maungatūroto, Kaiwaka
 and Mangawhai, Kaipara                             Kaipara’s residents have expectations for infrastructure in the district, which is a challenge for Council’s
 Wharves Feasibility Study,                         financial capacity. Additionally, the planning framework (national, regional and local) significantly
 as well as public meetings                         changes Council’s ability to meet Levels of Service.
 and residents surveys. The
 feedback provided an
 analysis conducted as part
                                                       Recognising the need and providing for resilience
 of the Activity Management
 Plans, which has helped to
                                                     Kaipara’s infrastructural networks must be endowed with the capacity to endure and recover from
 shape the district’s key
                                                     shocks, particularly from natural events (drought, flooding, etc.) brought on by climate change.
 infrastructure challenges
 into five categories.
                                                       Balancing how to fund new infrastructure

                                                     Kaipara will be faced with many competing funding priorities, and a careful balance must be struck to
                                                     meet the expected level of growth in local communities over the short, medium and long-term.

                                                       Uncertainty around waste           minimisation

                                                    Recycling rates in Kaipara are low; meanwhile, uncertainty remains as central government strategies
                                                    for waste minimisation are still being finalised.                                                              10
Re silio Stu d io | AR+Asso cia te s
Ka ip a ra District In fra stru ctu re Stra te gy



 As identified in the Sub-
 Regional Spatial Plan, Kaipara
 will need to plan the provision
 of appropriate infrastructure
 for the various towns and
 villages in the district.
 Infrastructure investment will
 be particularly required in the
 Key Urban Centres, Service
 Towns and Local Villages.

Re silio Stu d io | AR+Asso cia te s

Kaipara District Infrastructure Strategy

2.7 HOW WE PLAN TO                                                                              Nga Pou E Wha - The Four Pillars
                                           Customer -centric                                                                    Te Aranga Design
OPPORTUNITIES                                                                        Circular Economy                                                                           Managing Demand
                                                Design                                                                              Principles

This section looks at the
                                           In fra stru ctu re ca n e n a b le        Th e wo rld ’s d o m in a n t          Th e ke y o b je ctive o f th e Te                We a im to m a ke th e b e st u se o f
principles of how we approach
                                           a n d su p p o rt th e wid e r            e co n o m ic m o d e l ca n b e       Ara n ga Prin cip le s is to e n h a n ce         th e in fra stru ctu re we h a ve b y
our work (Nga Pou e Wha) and               o u tco m e s o u r co m m u n ity        ch a ra cte rise d a s ‘ta ke ,        th e p ro te ctio n , re in sta te m e n t,       u sin g te ch n o lo gy a n d d a ta a s
the strategies we engage with to           a re lo o kin g to a ch ie ve . Th is     m a ke a n d wa ste ’. In a            d e ve lo p m e n t a n d a rticu la tio n        th e b a sis fo r o u r re n e wa ls a n d
assist us to achieve our goals.            p rin cip le se e ks to b e               circu la r e co n o m y,               o f m a n a wh e n u a cu ltu ra l                ca p ita l u p gra d e p ro gra m m e .
                                           in clu sive a n d in vo lve th e          re so u rce s a re n e ve r            la n d sca p e s, e n a b lin g a ll o f u s to   Th e p ro ce ss o f d e m a n d
Our response to these trends,              co m m u n ity d u rin g th e             a b a n d o n e d to b e co m e        co n n e ct to a n d d e e p e n o u r            m a n a ge m e n t p ro vid e s Co u n cil
challenges and opportunities is            d e sign p h a se o f p ro je cts, so     wa ste . Ou r 2017 Wa ste              ‘se n se o f p la ce ’. Th e se                   with a h igh le ve l to o l to id e n tify
built around Nga Pou e Wha -               th a t in te gra tio n o f                Min im isa tio n Stra te gy            p rin cip le s we re d e ve lo p e d in           wh e re in fra stru ctu re gro wth is
the four pillars. These four               co m m u n ity, p a rtn e rs a n d        sign a ls a ste p ch a n ge in         Te Ara n ga m a ra e in Ha wke s Ba y             like ly to o ccu r o ve r a p e rio d o f
                                           sta ke h o ld e rs a re                   re d u cin g o u r d isp o sa l to     b y Mā o ri d e sign p ro fe ssio n a ls          tim e . It e n a b le s a n a tu ra l,
pillars have a basis in the four
                                           co n sid e re d a lo n gsid e o th e r    la n d fills in Ka ip a ra . We will   a s a fra m e wo rk fo r p e o p le n o t         stru ctu re d gro wth o f th e p u b lic
wellbeings - social, cultural,
                                           d rive rs in th e d e cisio n -           lo o k fo r o p p o rtu n itie s to    fa m ilia r with th e th e te a ro                syste m to o ccu r. With o u t th is
environmental and economic. In
                                           m a kin g p ro ce ss. We                  wo rk with in d ivid u a ls a n d      Mā o ri - th e Mā o ri wo rld vie w - to          typ e o f a sse ssm e n t, a d h o c
this case, a “Kaipara-focused”             re co gn ise th a t p ro je cts           o rga n isa tio n s wh o               e n ga ge a n d le a rn . We will se e k          d e ve lo p m e n t o f lo ca lise d a sse ts
lens has been applied. The                 sh o u ld n o t h a p p e n in            re co gn ise th is p rin cip le .      to e n ga ge e a rly, e sp e cia lly o n          o ccu rs a n d ca n le a ve a
relevance of these pillars to our          iso la tio n , b u t sh o u ld b e        Th is will h e lp u s to se e th e     p ro je cts th a t a re se n sitive to            b u rd e n so m e , so m e wh a t
work is explained in the adjacent          p a rt o f a wid e r p la ce -b a se d    p o ssib ilitie s a ro u n d o u r     m a n a wh e n u a a n d e sta b lish             re d u n d a n t le ga cy fo r Co u n cil to
table.                                     a p p ro a ch (re fe r to Ka ip a ra      wa ste a n d m a in te n a n ce        h o w b e st we ca n e n su re th a t             o p e ra te a n d m a in ta in . De m a n d
                                           Sp a tia l Pla n s). Th is m o re         o p e ra tio n s so th a t we a re     a d e q u a te tim e a n d re so u rce s          m a n a ge m e n t stra te gie s p ro vid e
The third and fourth pillars (Te           co lla b o ra tive , p a rtn e rsh ip -   re d u cin g th e im p a ct o n        a re se t a sid e fo r m e a n in gfu l,          a lte rn a tive s to th e cre a tio n o f
Aranga Principles and Managing             b a se d typ e o f a p p ro a ch will     o u r e n viro n m e n t a n d         fru itfu l d ia lo gu e a n d fo llo w-u p        n e w a sse ts in o rd e r to m e e t
                                           b e ke y to p ro vid in g a m o re        cre a tin g o u r o wn Ka ip a ra      a ctio n s.                                       d e m a n d a n d lo o k a t wa ys o f
Demand) relate to how we seek
                                           in te gra te d in fra stru ctu re         circu la r e co n o m y.                                                                 m o d ifyin g cu sto m e r d e m a n d s
to fulfil our Treaty partnership
                                           re sp o n se .                                                                                                                     so th a t th e u tilisa tio n o f e xistin g
obligations and the mechanism                                                                                                                                                 a sse ts is m a xim ise d a n d th e
by which we manage demand in                                                                                                                                                  n e e d fo r n e w a sse ts is d e fe rre d
our activity programmes.                                                                                                                                                      o r re d u ce d .

Resilio Studio | AR+Associates
Kaipara District Infrastructure Strategy


In response to the infrastructure challenges and external trends affecting
the Kaipara District, four strategic programmes have been developed to
prioritise and coordinate significant infrastructure improvements. This
approach will also inform who Council will collaborate with to achieve the
programme goals.

                1. Northland to                  2. North Kaipara             3. Ancient
                 Auckland Corridor               Agricultural Delta          Kauri Coast   4. Building Resilience

Ka ip a ra District In fra stru ctu re Stra te gy


Th is m a p d e p icts th e a re a o f
in flu e n ce th a t th is p ro gra m m e co u ld
h a ve o ve r th e p la n n in g a n d
in fra stru ctu re co o rd in a tio n fo r th is
co rrid o r.

  Re silio Stu d io | AR+Asso cia te s
Kaipara District Infrastructure Strategy


                                           1. Maungatūroto Growth (Spatial Plan)

                                           2. Kaiwaka Growth (Spatial Plan)

                                           3. Mangawhai Growth (Spatial Plan)

                                           4. Increase in water storage capacity at Baldrock Dam to support

                                              Maungatūroto and Kaiwaka

                                           5. Water reticulation in Kaiwaka

                                           6. Water Supply for Mangawhai and possible reticulation

                                           7. Wastewater treatment plant upgrades at Mangawhai

                                           8. Tourism Infrastructure Projects for select communities ... Maungatūroto and


                                           9. Waste minimisation (washing, shredding, recycling)

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            ra District
                                         re Stra


Th is m a p d e p icts th e e xte n t o f th e
  ... ltu ra l d e lta , wh e re th e
a gricu
p ro p o se d wa te r sto ra ge p ro je cts a n d
p o te n tia l irriga tio n a re a co u ld
d e ve lo p a n d to wn s it e n ca p tu re s.

  Re silio Stu d io | AR+Asso cia te s
Kaipara District Infrastructure Strategy

PROGRAMME                                  1. Assessment of stopbanks and level of service and alignment with adaptation
SIGNIFICANT PROJECTS                          decision -making, and ownership
                                           2. North Kaipara Agricultural Delta[MS1]       – Te Kopuru to Dargaville, Dargaville   –
                                              Awakino Point East and Raupo Stopbanks
                                           3. Upgrade and repair key transport structures to meet HPMV requirements eg.
   Demonstrate the projects on the
   map once agreed by Council.                sthe Kaiwaka -Mangawhai bridge

   Pop outs if there is visuals.           4. Work with NZTA to upgrade detour routes alongside the SH1 corridor. [MS2]
                                           5. Water Storage and security of water supply for communities as above. (ties into
                                              below point, Resilience and replacement of old infrastructure too)
                                           6. Contribution towards the cost of investigating new water storage infrastructure
                                              in western Kaipara.
                                           7. Contribution towards development of new water storage infrastructure in
                                              western Kaipara.
                                           8. Sludge System Reuse
                                           9. Dargaville Growth (Spatial Plan Projects)
                                           10. Dargaville TIP,
                                           11. Waste Minimisation (washing shredding recycling)

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Ka ip a ra District In fra stru ctu re Stra te gy


Th is m a p d e p icts th e e xte n t o f th e
An cie n t Ka u ri Co a st p ro gra m m e ,
su p p o rtin g th e e xistin g tra ve l
ro u te fro m e a st co a st to we st
co a st sh o wca sin g th e h isto ric a n d
d istin ctive p la ce s o f in te re st.

   Re silio Stu d io | AR+Asso cia te s
Kaipara District Infrastructure Strategy

PROGRAMME                                  1. North Kaipara
                                              -        De ve lop a n d o p e n th e Ka ih u Va lle y Tra il a lo n gsid e a cco m m o d a tion a n d to u rism in itia tive s
SIGNIFICANT PROJECTS                          -        Pre m ie r Pa rk - Ta h o ro a Do m a in u p gra d e s a ro u n d Ka i Iwi La ke s

                                           2. Central Kaipara
                                              -        Im p le m e n t th e first p h a se o f th e Da rga ville To wn sh ip Im p ro ve m e n t Pla n , in clu d in g
                                                       Ho kia n ga Ro a d , rive rsid e cycle p a th a n d in te rse ctio n im p ro ve m e n ts
                                              -        Pre m ie r Pa rks - Po u tu te Ra n gi/Ha rd in g Pa rk d e ve lop m e n t p la n
                                              -        Pa rks p ro je cts? To ile ts, ROSIF, Fre e d om Ca m p in g p ro je cts? Ne w sp o rts p a rk?
                                              -        Da rga ville to Ma u n ga tū ro to He a rtla n d Tra il
                                              -        Da rga ville Po n to o n

                                           3. Poutō Peninsula
                                               -       Ne w wh a rf a t Po u to Po in t
                                               -       Se a lin g th e Po u to Ro a d

                                           4. Kaipara Harbour
                                                   -    Re n e wa l o f th e Pa h i Wh a rf
                                                   -    Esta b lish m e n t o f a b e a ch la n d in g o p p o rtu n ity a t th e a n ce stra l m a ra e o f Ara p a o a a n d
                                                        Oru a wh a ro

                                             5. East Kaipara
                                                   -    De ve lop (in p a rtn e rsh ip with WDC) th e Bryn d e rwyn s Cycle Tra il a n d a sso cia te d Mo u n ta in
                                                        Bike Pa rks
                                                   -    Co n tin u e to im p le m e n t th e Ma n ga wh a i Co m m u n ity Pla n in clu d in g th e sh a re d p a th n e two rk
                                                        a n d Ma n ga wh a i Co m m u n ity Pa rk

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Kaipara District Infrastructure Strategy


Th is m a p d e p icts th e Ka ip a ra
to wn s, villa ge s a n d se ttle m e n ts
co n n e cte d th ro u gh in fra stru ctu re
th a t fo rm th e e sse n tia l n e two rk
wh ich th e co m m u n ity re lie s u p o n
to live , wo rk a n d p la y.

Kaipara District Infrastructure Strategy


SIGNIFICANT PROJECTS                          Capital Projects

Projects to be denoted on
                                           1. Dargaville Water Storage
map once agreed by Council.

                                           1. Dargaville Water Security

                                           1. Dargaville Growth   – Spatial Plan

                                           1. Water Treatment Upgrades Investigation

                                           1. Maungatūroto Water Security

                                           1. Maungatūroto Growth Projects

                                           1. Kaiwaka Water Supply

                                           1. Mangawhai Water supply

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Kaipara District Infrastructure Strategy


Th is m a p s d e p icts h o w th e
p ro gra m m e s co m e to ge th e r
a n d in te rse ctio n with e a ch
o th e r, a t ke y ju n ctio n p o in ts a n d
th e in te rre la tio n sh ip with
Ka ip a ra ’s n e igh b o u rin g d istricts.

Kaipara District Infrastructure Strategy


The Programme Management Office
(PMO) aims to centralise all KDC
projects by aligning them to the
governance framework and being
responsible for collecting and
coordinating all related information
to measure and define project
delivery. We have focused on the
standardisation of all project
deliverables and the methodology of
how projects should be approached
and delivered using best practice
principles and tools.

The objectives of the PMO are;
  ●  Implement a common
     methodology and governance
  ●  Standardise terminology and
  ●  Introduce effective repeatable
     project management
  ●  Provide common supporting
  ●  Improve levels of project
     success within the
     organisation                          Figure#. The PMO Framework - how we manage projects

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Kaipara District Infrastructure Strategy
                                           Kaipara Procurement Objectives:                             ● Th e Pro cu re m e n t te a m will o ve rse e      ●   We will se e k to cre a te critica l
2.6 HOW WE PLAN TO                                                                                       p re -q u a lifica tio n re q u ire m e n ts,          m a ss a n d th u s a ch ie ve gre a te r
TACKLE OUR CHALLENGES AND                  ●   De live r sa fe ly - a co m m itm e n t to                wh ile a lso fo cu sin g o n re la tio n sh ip s       e fficie n cy. Th is co u ld b e u tilisin g
OPTIMISE OUR OPPORTUNITIES                                                                               with a p p ro ve d su p p lie rs a n d                 re gio n a l b u yin g p o we r to
                                               re d u cin g h a rm to u s a n d th e p e o p le
                                                                                                         ve n d o rs. Th e le ve l o f p re -                   in cre a se wh a t we b u y in a sin gle
                                               in vo lve d in o u r su p p ly ch a in
                                                                                                         q u a lifica tio n re q u ire d will b e               a ctivity, o r p a cka gin g wo rk in
                                           ●   Cre a tin g a n d d e m o n stra tin g p u b lic
PROCUREMENT STRATEGY                           va lu e th ro u gh o u r a ctivitie s with
                                                                                                         re la te d to th e le ve l o f risk o f th e           o n e give n a re a
                                                                                                         give n a ctivity.                                  ●   We will ge n e ra te co lla b o ra tive
                                               p a rticu la r fo cu s o n :
                                                                                                       ● Pro cu re m e n t Pla n s will b e                     o p p o rtu n itie s b y im p ro vin g o u r
Our Procurement Strategy 2019                   ○ Go o d p rice ;
                                                                                                         d e ve lo p e d , a n d will in clu d e                re la tio n sh ip s with o u r Re gio n a l
details how Council seeks to                    ○ Go o d q u a lity a n d
                                                                                                         we igh tin gs to re fle ct Pro cu re m e n t           Co u n cils, su p p lie rs a n d o th e r
                                                ○ Go o d o u tco m e s.
conduct its procurement                                                                                  Ob je ctive s; co n sid e r o p p o rtu n itie s       a ge n cie s.
                                           ●   Im p ro ve th e e fficie n cy o f th e wa y we            fo r p a cka gin g o f wo rk to p ro vid e
activities. Procurement is one of
                                               p ro gre ss p ro je cts th ro u gh th e ir                stro n ge r p ip e lin e s o f wo rk; a n d
the most important aspects of                  life cycle to d e live r th e ca p ita l                  in co rp o ra te sa fe ty e xp e cta tio n s
Council’s role in facilitating                 p ro gra m m e                                            th ro u gh e a ch p ro je ct’s life cycle .
delivery of infrastructure                 ●   In cre a se th e a b ility o f o u r Iwi,
services and activities that                   co m m u n itie s a n d b u sin e sse s’ in
promote community wellbeing                    Ka ip a ra to p a rticip a te in Co u n cil
in Kaipara. Council has sought                 a ctivitie s;                                                 PROCUREMENT STRATEGY- BROADER OUTCOMES
to align its procurement                   ●   In cre a se th e size a n d skill le ve l o f th e
approach with good practice                    su p p ly ch a in d e live rin g wo rk in
                                               Ka ip a ra ;
expectations set out by central
                                           ●   Su p p o rt th e tra n sitio n to a ze ro n e t
                                               e m issio n s a n d p ro m o te e fficie n t u se
                                               o f re so u rce s.
The way which Council
conducts its procurement
activities for infrastructure              How will we implement our
paves the way for broader                  Procurement Objectives?
cultural, economic,
environmental and social                   ●   Th e Pro cu re m e n t te a m (with in
outcomes in Kaipara. This is                   In fra stru ctu re Se rvice s) will b e
encapsulated by our Broader                    re sp o n sib le fo r th e im p le m e n ta tio n o f
Outcomes, shown in the                         th e Pro cu re m e n t Stra te gy a n d will
adjacent figure.                               e n su re stro n g o ve rsigh t, go ve rn a n ce
                                               a n d d ire ctio n .

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Kaipara District Infrastructure Strategy


                                           This Strategy applies to the following activity groups       :
Kaipara’s infrastructure
safeguards our environment                                  TRANSPORT       Safer roads, bridges, footpaths and cycleways
and enables our
communities to be
functional and connected.                                                   The collection, treatment and disposal of quality potable drinking
                                                             WATER SUPPLY   water in a cost-effective, sustainable and environmentally-friendly

                                             THREE WATERS
The Activity Management
Strategy focuses on                                                         manner
renewals programmes and
renewals investment to get
the best long term outcome                                    WASTEWATER    The management, treatment and disposal of sewage
and reduce ongoing
maintenance costs
                                                                            The management of discharges and collecting of contaminants in a
Our Activity Management                                                     manner that protects the environment and public health
Strategy is comprised of
seven activity groups, each                     FLOOD PROTECTION
administered through an                                                     Flood control schemes, river alignment control, and land drainage
                                                  AND CONTROL
Activity Management Plan
(AMP). The Activity
Management Plans are                                                        Reduce waste, increase recycling and resource recovery for the
described in the adjacent                                   SOLID WASTE
                                                                            protection of the environment and human health

Each AMP summarises                                         RESERVES AND
                                                                            Maintain a diverse range of reserves and open spaces assets
Council’s strategic and long-                               OPEN SPACES
term management
approach for provision and
maintenance of the given

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Kaipara District Infrastructure Strategy


Place based spatial plans
discussion needed-
Mangawhai                                   ● Less focus on sealed roads
Maungatūroto                                ● More focus on unsealed roads

Network Operating Framework
                                            ● More focus on providing adequate drainage
Business case implementation:
Township improvement plans
                                            ● More focus on bridge renewals

                                            ● Continued focus on safety including speed management

                                            ● More focus on resilience improvements

                                            ● Continuation of the shared path programme

                                            ● Continuation of intersection improvements

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Ka ip a ra District In fra stru ctu re Stra te gy

                                                    Major Capital Expenditure

                                                                           2021/     2022/     2023/2   2024/2   2025/     2026/     2027/        2028/     2029/             2031/2032    2 to
                                                    Description                                                                                                       0/20
                                                                            22        23         4       025      26        27        28          2029      2030               to 2040    2050/2

                                                    Cycle wa ys -
                                                    To u rism Cycle
                                                    Tra ils (TCT)

                                                    Cycle wa ys -
                                                    Urb a n Active
                                                    Tra n sp o rt
                                                    Ne two rk

                                                    All cycle wa ys

                                                      Un in fla te d
                                                                            2.5       2.3       5.3        1.2       1.2       3.9       3.7       3.7       3.7      3.0        15.0      15.0
                                                      Co st ($m )

                                                    Major Capital Expenditure

                                                                            2021/2    2022/2                2025/2     2026/     2027/         2028/     2029/2              2031/2032     2 to
                                                    Description                                  2023/24                                                            /203
                                                                              2         3                     6         27        28           2029       030                 to 2040     2050/2

                                                    Cycle wa ys -
                                                    To u rism Cycle
                                                    Tra ils (TCT)

                                                    Un in fla te d Co st
                                                           ($m )

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Kaipara District Infrastructure Strategy

3.2 ACTIVITY MANAGEMENT                    Water Supply
                                           It is critica l fo r co n sta n t, a d e q u a te ,     a re p ro vid e d with wa te r so m e tim e s       th e m with su sta in a b le d rin kin g wa te r
                                           su sta in a b le a n d h igh q u a lity wa te r to      re d u cin g th e su p p ly fo r o th e r           su p p ly.
                                           b e su p p lie d to Ka ip a ra d istrict’s              in d u stria l p ro d u ctio n .
                                                                                                                                                       Th e re a re a lso p re -e xistin g ra w wa te r
                                           re ticu la te d a re a s fo r d o m e stic              Five co m m u n ity wa te r su p p ly               su p p lie s fo r a gricu ltu ra l p u rp o se s in
                                           co n su m e rs, gro wth a n d lo ca l                   sch e m e s cu rre n tly ru n fo r Da rga ville     th e Ka ih u (Da rga ville ) a n d
Water Supply Overview                      e co n o m ic d e ve lo p m e n t. Te rrito ria l       (in clu d in g Ba ylys Be a ch ), Glin ks Gu lly,   Ma u n ga tū ro to b u lk wa te r m a in s th a t
                                           a u th o ritie s p la y a m a jo r ro le in th e        Ru a wa i, Ma u n ga tū ro to a n d                 h a ve a h isto rica l o b liga tio n s b y
                                           su p p ly o f wa te r. Wa te r su p p ly                Ma n ga wh a i (se e m a p ), p ro vid in g
The main purpose of this                                                                                                                               Co u n cil fo r th e su p p ly o f n o n -p o ta b le
                                           a ctivitie s e n su re s th a t co m m u n itie s
activity is the planning and                                                                                                                           wa te r.
management of reliable supply
of sufficient and safe drinking

Water supply is critical to our
economic and social well-being,
and with external factors
affecting our communities such
as climate change, measures
are required to be put in place
to safeguard this precious

This activity management
strategy relates to the storage,
treatment and supply of quality
potable drinking water.

Resilio Studio | AR+Associates                              Figure #. Lo ca tio n s o f Ka ip a ra ’s five co m m u n ity wa te r sch e m e s
Kaipara District Infrastructure Strategy

STRATEGY- WATER SUPPLY                     Condition of Water Supply                                d e m o n stra te d in re ce n t              n e two rk, u p gra d e s n e e d to b e
                                           Assets                                                   d ro u gh t co n d itio n s).                 m a d e b a se d o n a
                                                                                                                                                  n e e d s/co n d ition -b a se d crite ria
                                           Th e Co u n cil fa ce s h isto ric                       Da ta a ro u n d a sse t co n d itio n s is
                                                                                                                                                  first, ra th e r th a n o n th e b a sis o f
                                           issu e s a ro u n d a gin g a n d p o o r                sp a rse in ce rta in a re a s, a n d
                                                                                                                                                  a sse t d e sign life .
                                           co n d ition o f in fra stru ctu re .                    fu rth e r in ve stiga tio n is
Condition of Water Supply                                                                           re q u ire d to o p tim ise a sse t
Assets                                     Th is re su lts in a n in cre a se d risk
                                                                                                    m a n a ge m e n t p ra ctice s.
                                           o f fa ilu re a n d sign ifica n t re p a ir
                                           co sts. Wa te r su p p ly is                             A p ra gm a tic a p p ro a ch is
Kaipara’s water supply                     b e co m in g m o re a n d m o re                        re q u ire d , with p a rticu la r fo cu s
infrastructure is aged and in              critica l with clim a te fo re ca stin g                 o n p o o r q u a lity a sse ts. Du e to
largely poor condition. More               b e in g in cre a sin gly e xtre m e (a s                th e sh e e r vo lu m e o f th e a gin g
accurate data is required to
fully understand the true extent
of all the water assets’

                                                               Figure #. Co n d itio n o f Wa te r Su p p ly Asse ts
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Kaipara District Infrastructure Strategy

3.3 ACTIVITY MANAGEMENT                    Co u n cil o p e ra te s six co m m u n ity   Th e p u rp o se o f th e se sch e m e s is
STRATEGY- WASTEWATER                       wa ste wa te r sch e m e s (se e Figure       to p ro te ct p u b lic h e a lth b y
                                           #) in Da rga ville , Glin ks Gu lly,          p ro vid in g re lia b le wa ste wa te r
                                           Ka iwa ka , Ma u n ga tū ro to ,              se rvice th a t m in im ise s a d ve rse
                                           Te Ko p u ru a n d Ma n ga wh a i.            e ffe cts o n th e e n viro n m e n t.

Wastewater Overview

The wastewater activity focuses
on protecting public and
environmental health by
collecting and treating
wastewater prior to its
discharge into receiving
environments. Continued
growth, as well as the need to
provide for visitors in peak
periods (particularly in coastal
communities), have resulted in
Council’s ongoing commitment
to significant wastewater
infrastructure development.

The Council undertakes asset
management, planning,
operation and maintenance of
these wastewater schemes,
including capital and
refurbishment programmes,
consent monitoring and
continuous maintenance
through its network
                                             Figure # -Kaipara District Council’s Six Wastewater Schemes
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Kaipara District Infrastructure Strategy

3.4 ACTIVITY MANAGEMENT                    Locations of Council’s                           syste m s p re d o m in a n tly                 re gu la r a n d e xtre m e ra in fa ll
STRATEGY- STORMWATER                       Stormwater Schemes                               in co rp ora te d in to th e ro a d             e ve n ts, wh ilst co lle ctin g
                                                                                            n e two rk a re p ro vid e d in Glin ks         co n ta m in a n ts to p ro te ct th e
                                           Th e Ka ip a ra District Co u n cil              Gu lly, Ke lly’s Ba y, Pa h i,                  e n viro n m e n t.
                                           o p e ra te s five co m m u n ity                Wh a ka p ira u , Ma u n ga tū ro to ,
                                           sto rm wa te r d ra in a ge sch e m e s                                                          Th e d ra in a ge sch e m e s a re a
                                                                                            Tin o p a i, Pa p a ro a a n d Ma ta ko h e .
                                           fo r Da rga ville , Ba ylys Be a ch , Te                                                         m ixtu re o f o p e n d ra in s, p ip e s,
Activity Overview
                                           Ko p u ru , Ka iwa ka a n d                      Th e se a ct to re m o ve a n d                 m a n h o le s a n d su m p s. In fo rm a tio n
                                           Ma n ga wh a i. Sto rm wa te r                   d isch a rge sto rm wa te r in                  su rro u n d in g th e se a sse ts is
The purpose of the stormwater                                                                                                               va ria b le .
activity is to plan and manage
for drainage of normal and
extreme water storm events.

The provision of sustainable
stormwater systems is about
finding a balance between
maintaining and enhancing
natural watercourses and
providing piping to enable
urbanisation to occur while
collecting and treating
stormwater runoff rom the
effects of urbanisation prior to
it entering the receiving
environment water such that
they are not detrimentally

                                                          Figure # - Lo ca tio n o f Sto rm wa te r Sch e m e s                                                                               33
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Kaipara District Infrastructure Strategy

3.6 ACTIVITY MANAGEMENT                    Solid Waste Overview                     a t Ha ka ru a n d Da rga ville ;                 a ctivitie s co m p ly with th e
STRATEGY- SOLID WASTE                                                               re cyclin g d rop o ffs a t o u r two             le gisla tio n . We a lso cle a r ille ga lly
                                           Th e Co u n cil p ro vid e s
                                                                                    tra n sfe r sta tio n s a n d litte r b in s in   d u m p e d ru b b ish a n d re m o ve
                                           two tra n sfe r sta tio n s fo r
                                                                                    ke y a re a s th ro u gh o u t th e               a b a n d o n e d ve h icle s.
                                           ge n e ra l wa ste a n d re cyclin g
                                                                                    Ka ip a ra District. Le a ch a te
                                           d isp osa l; we e kly ke rb sid e
                                                                                    p o llu tio n is m a n a ge d fro m
                                           re cyclin g in ke y u rb a n a re a s
Activity Overview                                                                   h isto ric la n d fills to p ro te ct
                                           fro m Ma n ga wh a i to
                                                                                    e n viro n m e n ta l q u a lity;
                                           Da rga ville ; tra n sfe r sta tio n s
                                                                                    a n d clo se d la n d fill
Kaipara District aims to reduce
waste and promote a circular
economy. The solid waste
activity purpose is to collect
and distribute the communities
disposal and recycling products
to meet our statutory
obligations and community

Thedecisions we make on
managing solid waste directly
affect our communities and our

We need to ensure that this
service is affordable, hygienic
and environmentally
sustainable, which contributes
to our well-being, by protecting
and enhancing our natural
assets and open spaces.

Resilio Studio | AR+Associates

Ka ip a ra District In fra stru ctu re Stra te gy

                                                    DISCUSSION POINTS - Initial Significant Decisions

The following are a series of key
                                                    We will protect Raupo, Dargaville and Te Kopuru
decisions that are deemed
significant and which underpin                       ●   Climate change data indicates that we will see higher sea levels (see trends section ( Part 1.7 ),
the strategic direction where                            coupled with more intense storm events; this requires conscious decisions to be made around
Council is heading.                                      which areas need to be protected and which areas will need to be a retreat. For the purpose of this
                                                         Infrastructure Strategy, it has been agreed that:
                                                           ○ Raupo to Ruawai, and Dargaville to Te Kopuru will be protected with the introduction of water
                                                               storage/retention and raising of stopbanks (over time).
                                                           ○ The first three years of the LTP will consider Adaptive Pathways planning and work with
                                                               communities where adaptation and retreat options could be seriously considered.

                                                    The strongest growth activity is likely to be in the east
                                                     ●   Future economic and growth data scenarios point towards the towns of Mangawhai, Maungatūroto
                                                         a n d Ka iwa ka a s a n ticip a te d m a in gro wth a re a s, with la n d id e n tifie d fo r re zo n in g a s p a rt o f re ce n t
                                                         sp a tia l p la n s.
                                                     ●   To su p p o rt th is a n ticip a te d d e m a n d , th e re will b e a fo cu s o n in ve stiga tin g, d e sign in g a n d
                                                         co n se n tin g th e in fra stru ctu re n e e d e d to e n a b le su sta in a b le d e ve lo p m e n t, wh ile fu lfillin g cle a r
                                                         e n viro n m e n ta l sta n d a rd s, with in th e first 3-6 ye a rs o f th e LTP.

                                                    We will look to form partnerships to assist us deliver our infrastructure
                                                     ●   We h a ve a lre a d y fo rm e d a stro n g wo rkin g re la tio n sh ip with th e Min istry o f Bu sin e ss, In n o va tio n
                                                         a n d Em p lo ym e n t in d e live rin g th e Ka ip a ra Kicksta rt p ro gra m m e a n d will co n tin u e to fo ste r th is
                                                         p a rtn e rsh ip in th e p ro gra m m e ’s im p le m e n ta tio n .
                                                     ●   We h a ve fo rm e d a co lla b o ra tio n o f No rth la n d co u n cils to sh a re kn o wle d ge a n d h e lp e a ch o th e r in
                                                         th e clim a te ch a n ge ch a lle n ge a n d d e ve lo p in g th e te ch n ica l skills n e e d e d to co m b a t it.
                                                     ●   We will se e k to fo rm a lise fu rth e r p a rtn e rsh ip s in th e d e ve lo p m e n t o f th e No rth la n d to Au ckla n d
                                                         Co rrid o r p ro gra m m e , Ka ip a ra Ha rb o u r p ro je ct d e ve lo p m e n t, iwi le d p ro je cts a n d la rge
                                                         d e ve lo p m e n t p ro p o sa ls.

Re silio Stu d io | AR+Asso cia te s
Kaipara District Infrastructure Strategy

4.0       SIGNIFICANT DECISIONS            DISCUSSION POINTS - Revised Significant Decisions
                                           Th e Ma n ga wh a i Co m m u n ity Wa ste wa te r Sch e m e wa s co n stru cte d in 2009, a n d wa s o rigin a lly
                                           size d fo r 20 ye a rs o f gro wth . In su b se q u e n t ye a rs, th e sch e m e h a s h a d se ve ra l sm a ll u p gra d e s
                                           a n d a d d ition a l la n d p u rch a se d fo r tre a te d e fflu e n t la n d d isp osa l (25h a to 65h a ).
                                           Th e d ra ft Ma n ga wh a i Sp a tia l Pla n p rop o se d la n d u se ch a n ge s to in cre a se th e ca p a city fo r se rvice d
The Mangawhai Community
                                           wa ste wa te r fro m th e cu rre n t p o p u la tion o f 5,000 to 15,000-17,000 b y 2043 (u n d e r a m e d iu m
Wastewater Scheme (MCWS) is
                                           gro wth sce n a rio ). Th e cu rre n t sch e m e is e xp e cte d to re a ch its irriga tion fie ld ca p a city b y 2032
reaching the end of is
                                           (a ve ra gin g 70 co n n e ctio n s p e r ye a r). Te ch n ica l re p o rts a lso p re d ict th a t Co u n cil co u ld e xce e d th e ir
consentable limits, and is in
                                           co n se n tin g lim its fo r n itro ge n re m o va l a s e a rly a s th e su m m e r o f 2026. Th e re is th e re fo re a n e e d
need of additional treated
                                           to in ve stiga te fu tu re d isp osa l so lu tio n o p tion s fo r a cco m m o d a tin g a n ticip a te d gro wth .
effluent disposal solution to
continue to receive future                 Th e th re e sh o rtlist o p tio n s fo r d isp osa l a re :
connections post 2032. This
significant decision relates to             1. Disch a rge to d isp osa l fie ld (va rie ty o f p o te n tia l o p tio n s)
which option Council should                 2. Se a Ou tfa ll - p ip e d to a d e e p ch a n n e l X km s o ff Ma n ga wh a i He a d s b e a ch
continue to investigate. The                3. Disch a rge to Estu a ry - filte re d th ro u gh a ve ge ta te d b e d b e fo re re le a se d in to th e e stu a ry
pros and cons, cost estimates
and prefered option are
included in this section.

Resilio Studio | AR+Associates
Kaipara District Infrastructure Strategy

          NGA MAHI A WAI Māori -

The Northland Regional Council
and MBIE have partnered with
Kaipara District Council to
explore the potential for
converting our high quality
soils for higher value
horticulture production. This
water storage and use project
seeks to hold water for
irrigation purposes to enable a
transition to growing crops like
kumara and avocado.
Additional employment
opportunities could be created
both on farms and in
processing plants in the towns
of Dargaville and Ruawai.
Council would like to utilise this
project to ensure water security
for the towns of Dargaville and
Te Kopuru, whose potable
water supplies almost depleted
due to the drought conditions
in 2019. This is considered a
significant decision as it is
signals significant investment
for both economic development
and town water supply

Resilio Studio | AR+Associates
Kaipara District Infrastructure Strategy


Consistent with the Local
Government Act 2002 (LGA), the             Placeholder Table                - to be filled in once funding situation is confirmed.
Council budgeting process is
iterative. Initial budgets are set         Major Capital Expenditure
with consultation between                                                                                                                                       Uninflated
senior management and                      Description                                 2020/25   2025/30   2030/35   2035/40   2040/45   2045/50   Key Driver
                                                                                                                                                                Cost ($m)
managers which then
                                           Tra n sp o rt
workshoped with Council
elected members. At the end of             Wa te r Su p p ly
the LTP workshops, the Council
agrees the draft budget it feels           Wa ste wa te r
is in line with community
                                           Sto rm wa te r
expectations and is prepared to
send out for public                        Flo o d Pro te ctio n a n d Co n tro l
consultation. Based on
                                           So lid Wa ste
submissions received from
members of the community,                  Re se rve s a n d Op e n Sp a ce s
feedback is sent back to the
Council for final ratification             Co m m u n ity Fa cilitie s
before being formally adopted .

Resilio Studio | AR+Associates
Kaipara District Infrastructure Strategy   Placeholder

Resilio Studio | AR+Associates
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