Logistics - Time to shine Warehouses take center stage - GARBE Industrial Real Estate

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Logistics - Time to shine Warehouses take center stage - GARBE Industrial Real Estate
February 2021 • perenews.com

             Time to shine
               take center
Logistics - Time to shine Warehouses take center stage - GARBE Industrial Real Estate

 K E Y N O T E                                                 I N T E R V I E W

               Managing logistics
              real estate sustainably

  Jan-Dietrich Hempel, co-managing director at logistics specialist GARBE Industrial
   Real Estate, considers the practical steps managers can take to combine commercial
                         success with environmental performance

 For over 20 years, GARBE Industrial                                                    value-add product, because using
 Real Estate has been a market leader                                                   existing buildings as long as possible
                                           GARBE INDUSTRIAL REAL ESTATE
 in German logistics property and an                                                    is obviously the smartest way to save
 active owner and developer in Austria                                                  resources.
 and the Benelux countries. Managing
 some 4.5 million square meters (48.5
 million square feet) of sheds, the Ham-
                                           Q    What have been the main
                                                drivers of the ESG agenda
                                           for your business?
                                                                                           But regarding developments in the
                                                                                        past, we sometimes did not certify
                                                                                        buildings because the market was so
 burg-headquartered firm has recently      While occupier requirements and              tight and investors were so keen for
 begun to widen its reach into France,     regulation also play a role, it is the       product that buyers did not insist or
 northern Italy and central and eastern    demands of our increasingly pan-Eu-          even wanted to avoid the extra cost.
 Europe.                                   ropean and global investor base that         When we knew that a project would
    The      company’s      co-managing    are the strongest driver for building        not end up in one of our vehicles and
 director Jan-Dietrich Hempel discusses    certification, sustainability and all oth-   sold before completing construction,
 how ESG considerations have begun         er aspects of the ESG agenda. Having         we sometimes skipped the certifica-
 to play a growing role in determining     said that, GARBE opted to act respon-        tion because it would not change the
 its strategies and approach to fund       sibly years ago already by starting ve-      price we got when exiting. That has
 vehicles.                                 hicles explicitly focusing on core-plus/     changed, and now the majority of

82 PERE   •   February 2021
Logistics - Time to shine Warehouses take center stage - GARBE Industrial Real Estate

buyers understand that ESG standards
are a lever for additional value.
    Adopting a new ESG standard in-
volves a major organizational effort,
so we took our time examining the
various systems available to make sure
that we backed the one that will best
meet the overall trend. There is little
value in adopting standards that do not
earn market acceptance. Our analy-
sis showed that GRESB would be the
most value-creating standard because
it is the most intelligent and also most
widely accepted by globally-active in-
vestors.                                      Germany’s new distribution hotspots
    Investors are always concerned
about how they will exit from a fund          The rapid growth of online retailing has put enormous
vehicle. Adopting the GRESB stand-            pressure on the limited supply of logistics land and buildings
ard, which we are quite confident will        in urban locations in Germany and the Netherlands, observes
be the market leader worldwide, is part       GARBE’s Hempel.
of the answer. In 10 years’ time, having
improved the portfolios of properties         The redevelopment of a former Ikea site exemplifies the emergence of new
that we manage using GRESB stand-             distribution hotspots in Germany.
ards, I am sure they will fetch an even           “E-commerce occupiers are taking any sort of plot or building that
more attractive price, particularly com-      is located close to densely populated areas. Their offerings in terms of
pared with a scenario in which they do        delivery times are becoming ever more aggressive, so physical proximity to
not meet that standard.                       customers still counts. Often, they supplant other tenants by offering to pay
                                              a better rent. Contract logistics companies, which can be more flexible in

Q   What are the main
    advantages of the
GRESB benchmark?
                                              how they design supply chains, are being displaced to other areas, so we see
                                              new logistics hotspots springing up beyond the urban fringes.”
                                                  One such location is Werne in the Ruhr area of western Germany,
As well as being a developer and owner,       where two years ago, GARBE, on behalf of its investors, bought a logistics
GARBE is a 360-degree platform for            site consisting of two huge buildings totaling 130,000 square meters (1.4
logistics and light industrial, with all      million square feet) formerly occupied by furniture retailer Ikea. The more
functions down to the property man-           modern of the two was refurbished and has now been let to third-party
agement level being done in-house.            logistics operators. Meanwhile the other has been demolished and replaced
Investors buy a solution and not just a       with 95,000 square meters of new distribution space in two warehouses,
property when they invest with us, so         one now let to consumer goods importer-exporter Euziel International, the
as a manager we need to stick to ESG          other to a contract logistics company, too.
standards continuously and to prove               “Now Werne, in the recent past considered a pretty remote place, has
that from an ethical point of view            become a new, sought-after logistics hotspot. More contract logistics will
things are managed correctly.                 start to locate here. Quite a success!”
(German Sustainable Building Coun-
cil) certification systems focus on the    managing logistics buildings compared        and even if the building specification
design, planning and construction of       with offices, for example.                   is identical, different tenants will have
new buildings. But they do not value           The type of office occupier really       widely-varying energy consumption.
the management process so much.            does not matter. Whether they are a              Standard logistics sheds can be used
    We will still seek DGNB or LEED        law firm, tax advisors or a dentist, their   to distribute anything from build-
certification for new developments.        overall energy consumption is pretty         ing materials and car parts to food
However, that is only one compo-           uniform. However, in logistics to make       and pharmaceuticals. Some products
nent of the whole picture. There is a      efficiency improvements you have             are more temperature sensitive than
different set of considerations when       to work very closely with the tenant,        others, while the number of vehicle

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Logistics - Time to shine Warehouses take center stage - GARBE Industrial Real Estate

 movements and the length of time that        opportunity to make some improve-             Another crucial consideration in de-
 loading bay doors will remain open can       ments. There is a learning curve before   ciding whether to demolish and rede-
 be very different.                           you stand naked in front of the public,   velop is that in densely populated areas
     There is also a different challenge      so to speak. We are confident we can      where you have a strong economy, the
 involved in getting energy consump-          reach that benchmark earlier than the     true value of an older logistics prop-
 tion data from warehouse occupiers,          end of the grace period.                  erty is not necessarily in the building
 because in a single-tenant building                                                    itself, but in the legal situation it rep-
 most of the big logistics companies
 will arrange for their own power sup-
 ply, so their energy consumption is be-
                                              Q    Can brownfield
                                                   development and
                                              refurbishment offer
                                                                                        resents – the permission to generate a
                                                                                        certain level of traffic, noise and other
                                                                                        emissions by operating a logistics busi-
 yond the landlord’s control. You have        sustainability benefits?                  ness on that plot. That is a factor often
 to manage it together with your client       GARBE develops brownfield sites, and      overlooked in the discussion.
 to produce a really holistic solution for    our funds buy a lot of core-plus and          Developers and investors need to
 the property.                                value-add property. If you want to be     be careful they do not change so much
     With GRESB you get credit for            a responsible investor it is unwise to    about the property that they endanger
 providing transparency about data and        focus on only new buildings because       that permission. Existing sites are par-
 processes that is only possible to obtain    new construction produces substantial     ticularly valuable because European
 by working closely with the tenant. You      CO2 emissions. It is worthwhile look-     policy limits the amount of greenfield
 also get points for improving perfor-        ing more closely at older buildings to    land allocated for development, and
 mance in a step-by-step manner, which        see if they can be adapted to today’s     for most municipal zoning authorities
 is really important because logistics is     standards and used for another couple     logistics is at the bottom of the list of
 all about looking at the little things       of decades.                               desirable uses for the small quantity of
 over time and improving them. It is a           It takes a number of years for the     land that is available.
 process, and GRESB recognizes that           potential for lower energy consump-           Brownfield development makes
 management process.                          tion to catch up with the energy you      commercial, as well as environmental,
                                              waste in demolishing existing buildings   sense. That is why at least half our pro-

 Q   How far have you
     progressed in
 implementing GRESB?
                                              on a previously-developed site and then
                                              constructing a new building. Logistics
                                              use is so variable in terms of energy
                                                                                        jects over the past couple of years have
                                                                                        been brownfield or semi-brownfield.
                                                                                        In the coming years newbuild projects
 We are currently implementing                consumption that it is cumbersome to      in Germany are likely to be delayed
 GRESB for a fund with 20 properties          calculate. But it will take much longer   even more frequently than they are at
 and for new vehicles we will implement       than 10 years depending on what you       the moment by environmental cam-
 it from the start. Other existing vehicles   build and what it is used for.            paigners. The pressure of demand will
 will follow, although it will take a lit-                                              continue to grow though, because the
 tle time because solving hardware and                                                  pandemic has speeded up the rate at
 software issues, such as implementing                                                  which e-commerce has taken market
 the smart metering that enables the ac-                                                share from traditional retail.
 tive management of properties, can be                                                      By buying brownfield sites and re-
 quite a workload given the number of
                                                 “If you want to                        using as much space as possible you can
 properties we manage.                                                                  secure better public acceptance. The
     The investors in each fund also have
                                                 be a responsible                       Garbe Logistics Park Westfalenhütte
 to give their approval because they             investor it is unwise                  in Dortmund was built on the site of
 need to be comfortable with releasing                                                  a former steel mill, located close to
 data to comply with the transparency            to focus on only new                   the city center for historical reasons.
 requirements that really set GRESB                                                     People were already used to noise and
 apart from other benchmarks. GRESB              buildings because new                  intense emissions, and unemployment
 starts with a one-year training peri-                                                  was high; logistics offered improve-
 od during which you implement the               construction produces                  ment in all respects so local acceptance
 standard, provide the data, and start                                                  was strong and permitting not an issue.
 actively managing the portfolio.
                                                 substantial CO2                        When developing in environmentally
     But the fund is not openly bench-                                                  sensitive areas we seek agreement with
 marked against others until you
                                                 emissions”                             local stakeholders regarding building
 have had the results and then the                                                      design to avoid delays later on. ■

84 PERE    •   February 2021
Logistics - Time to shine Warehouses take center stage - GARBE Industrial Real Estate
Logistics and commercial properties                                                                                                                        Wildspitze – Germany’s tallest wooden high-rise



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                                                                       More information at
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Logistics - Time to shine Warehouses take center stage - GARBE Industrial Real Estate Logistics - Time to shine Warehouses take center stage - GARBE Industrial Real Estate
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