Logistics and Supply Chain Management - Logistics and distribution skills training to begin and advance your career - University of North ...

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Logistics and Supply Chain Management - Logistics and distribution skills training to begin and advance your career - University of North ...
University of North Florida

Logistics and Supply
Chain Management

Logistics and distribution skills
training to begin and advance your career
Logistics and Supply Chain Management - Logistics and distribution skills training to begin and advance your career - University of North ...
Logistics and Supply                                           Certification in Transportation
                                                               and Logistics Cohort Program
Chain Management                                               The UNF Certification in Transportation and Logistics

The smart career choice.
                                                               (CTL) Cohort Program is a jointly sponsored program by
                                                               the American Society of Transportation and Logistics, the
                                                               University of North Florida Coggin College of Business,
The supply chain industry, including logistics, distribution   Transportation and Logistics Flagship Program and the
                                                               Division of Continuing Education.
and transportation, is one of the fastest-growing industries
in Florida, needed by virtually every company and              CTL certification is known as the premier credential in the
government. Benefits of pursuing a career in this field        transportation/logistics industry. The CTL certification
include:                                                       recognizes professionals who demonstrate a deeper
                                                               understanding of the fundamentals of the profession
  Employment expected to grow 22 percent from                  through successful completion of the program.

  2012 to 2022.
                                                               Modules include:
  Workers in Florida transportation, trade and logistics       •   Understanding Business
  industries earn 30 percent higher wages than the             •   Transportation
                                                               •   Supply Chain Management
  state average.
                                                               •   International Logistics
  Trade, transportation and logistics industries are facing    •   Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  worker shortages as current workforce retires.
                                                               Who should attend:
  The skills needed to fill the upcoming vacant positions      This program is designed for leaders and supervisors in the
                                                               logistics and supply chain industry or individuals wanting
  are outpacing the education of the current workforce.
                                                               to pursue or advance their career in transportation and
  Jobs require advanced training, most often in a              logistics. A special focus is on first through mid-level
  certificate program.                                         leaders in an organization.

  Employment opportunities available locally, nationally       Certification eligibility requirements
  and around the world.                                        To be eligible, you must possess a B.S. or B.A. degree
                                                               from any accredited college or have three years of
The Global Logistics Training Resource Network at the          professional experience and successfully complete all
University of North Florida Division of Continuing             modules. Individuals with a college degree or appropriate
Education is dedicated to providing the highest level of       experience in a related field and are unemployed or
quality education for each student by delivering essential     underemployed are also eligible.
training for today’s industry needs. The Network works
beside globally recognized entities, including: American
                                                               The tuition includes all course handouts and registration
Society of Transportation and Logistics, UNF Coggin            fees for American Society for Transportation and Logistics
College of Business and the Transportation and Logistics       (ASTL). Discounts are available for UNF alumni and ASTL
Flagship Program.                                              members. Please contact (904) 620-4200 or unfce@unf.edu
                                                               for more information.

                                                               Upon the successful completion of the program,
                                                               participants will earn their professional designation of CTL.
                                                               Graduates of this ASTL-sponsored program will not have to
                                                               sit for certification exam for the designation.
Logistics and Supply Chain Management - Logistics and distribution skills training to begin and advance your career - University of North ...
Freight Agent                                         Information Technology
A freight agent is someone who coordinates
                                                      for the Supply Chain                             Customized learning
shipments of freight. When asked to handle a
                                                      This course is intended for the non-IT
                                                                                                       solutions for logistics
load, the agent gets information about the load
and makes a decision about which shipping
                                                      logistics professional. The course will review   and supply chain
method would be most effective.
                                                      the supply chain data and technology
                                                      that can manage inbound material moves
A freight broker is a person who sells                through outbound distribution and final
transportation, without actually providing it. They   delivery to the end consumer. The course will    Our staff and faculty will work
typically act as an intermediary between those        also review reverse logistics technology and     with your company to develop
who have freight to be transported and freight        services. Focus areas will include discussions   a specialized training program.
transportation providers.                             on RFID technology, EDI messaging and            Courses can be offered at
The Freight Agent/Broker Training program is          how the Cloud can be used in supply chain
                                                                                                       your facility or in one of our
a great option for you to start your own home-        services.
                                                                                                       professional classrooms. Benefit
based business. This course is designed to give
you an overview of the transportation industry        Learning objectives include                      from our resources including,
and supply chain management. Get what it takes        • Composition of supply chain information        curriculum, instructors and
to be a successful freight agent or freight broker.     flows                                          technology. We offer extensive
                                                      • Composition of execution systems               selections of up-to-date,
Course topics include                                   in the supply chain                            industry-specific training and
• The how-to’s of building a freight                  • Warehouse systems and automation               educational programs.
  brokerage or agency
                                                      • Transportation, load planning, dispatching
• Operations process                                    and carrier management systems                 COURSE TOPICS INCLUDE ,
• Broker laws                                         • Freight management systems, track              BUT NOT LIMITED TO:
• Marketing, prospecting, sales and establishing        and trace technologies
  rates                                                                                                • The Three C’s: communication,
                                                      • E-commerce solutions and emerging
• Negotiating shipper, carrier and                      trends                                           coaching and counseling
  consignee challenges                                • Event and disruption management                • Supervisory training
• Transportation terminology                          • Business intelligence and the supply chain     • Strategic planning
                                                      • Technology tools — RFID, the cloud, open       • Succession planning
Who Should Attend                                       systems, geo-fencing, mobile devices and
• Ambitious and disciplined individuals seeking                                                        • Managing supply chain
                                                        other web-based technologies
  to start their own home-based business                                                                 conflict
                                                      • Latest supply chain tools, challenges and
• Individuals wishing to start a career in a                                                           • Supply chain analysis
  high-demand field
Schedule                                              Who should attend                                • Import/export certificate
The course consists of 40 classroom hours of          This course is intended for logistics students   • Lean Six Sigma for
instruction and 100 hours of self-learning            or professionals, IT students or professionals     warehousing
                                                      interested in logistics. This course is not
                                                                                                       • Customer service
Tuition                                               recommended for experienced IT logistics
Tuition includes course materials.                    professionals.                                   • Leadership programs

For complete course descriptions and registration,
visit the Global Logistics Training Resource Network
online at www.unf.edu/ce/logistics, or call (904) 620-4200.
Logistics and Supply Chain Management - Logistics and distribution skills training to begin and advance your career - University of North ...
Start here.
1. Visit www.unf.edu/ce/logistics for           Featured Instructors
   more information and view the
   informative video about the future                            Brett Harper, CTL
                                                                 has nearly 30 years of
   of logistics.
                                                                 business experience
2. Attend a free information session.                            in logistics, finance,
                                                                 operations and
   Check the website for upcoming                                sales. He worked at
   dates and times.                                              APL/GATX Logistics,
                                                Smith Barney and Frito-Lay. In 2007,
3. Call (904) 620-4200 and our                  Brett formed R&B Business Services
   customer care team will help you             with Ron Shamlaty, a company that
                                                helps develop and expand the UNF
   with the enrollment process, or
                                                Continuing Education logistics training
   simply enroll online.                        program.

                                                                   Ron Shamlaty, CTL
                                                                   has more than 40
                                                                   years of logistics,
                                                                   sales, marketing and
                                                                   training experience.
                                                                   He spent 21 years
                                                                   with Xerox and six
                                                years as president and COO of Jim
                                                Walters Papers. Prior to co-founding
     Global Logistics Training                  R&B, he spent the last 17 years with
        Resource Network                        APL/GATX Logistics, first as vice
                                                president of public warehousing
    UNF Adam W. Herbert University Center       operations and later as vice president of
   12000 Alumni Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32224   worldwide marketing.

                                                      Get started today:
                                                        Call: (904) 620-4200
                                                 Online: www.unf.edu/ce/logistics
Logistics and Supply Chain Management - Logistics and distribution skills training to begin and advance your career - University of North ...
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