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Volume 28, Number 4, February 2018 Local Victoria McDonald’s owners have love affair with business Their meeting at a restaurant barked on a teaching career. They visors that he knew he belonged in sparked a love story 25 years in married in 1994, and had their first his own restaurant. “At McDon- the making. child in 1998. ald’s they refer to that drive as Robert Wezeman was managing Starting as a crew member in having ‘ketchup in your veins’”, a McDonald’s in 1990 when he 1985, he knew early on that he he states with a chuckle. “The was introduced to Beatriz Proven- eventually wanted to own his own corporate positions offered room cio, newly hired to plan commu- restaurants. “I was on my own for advancement but Beatriz and nity relations for the restaurant. since I was 17. McDonald’s of- I wanted something that we could For Robert, it was love at first fered me a steady paycheck and call our own.” sight, but Beatriz needed a little room for advancement. I reached After 10 years on the McDon- convincing. After three months of a point where I was either going to ald’s corporate side and encour- asking, she finally agreed to a date. join the military or make a go of agement from Beatriz, his dream Sparks flew, and their relationship it at McDonald’s, and I chose Mc- became reality when he was of- grew as Robert continued to ad- Donald’s.” fered two restaurants in the San vance his career at McDonald’s. He accepted leadership posi- Antonio area. As the businesses Beatriz received her degree from tions within the corporation, but grew and prospered he had the the University of Texas and em- made it very clear with his super- See WEZEMAN, pg. 7 Robert and Beatriz Wezeman. Contributed photo. New immigration law offices open IN THIS ISSUE Chances are that if your fam- complicated immigration process. wide, including offices in Cali- Black History............ pg 3 ily has lived in Texas for the past He immediately realized the need fornia, Illinois, Colorado, and of twenty-eight years, you have heard for honest, thorough and efficient course, Texas. The employees are Noticias..................... pg 4 of The Law Offices of Manuel So- legal advice throughout the state excited, and hopeful, that by open- lis and the life-changing service and opened offices in Dallas, El ing a new office here in Victoria, Mas-o-Menos........... pg 5 that this distinguished firm has of- Paso, and Harlingen. Texas, they will be able to share fered for the past several decades. Over the years, the firm has their expertise and help many The Law Offices of Manuel So- strived to help families solidify members of our community. Charlando................. pg 8 lis have been helping immigrants their futures in this country and Being Victoria’s first immigra- in the Houston area since 1990 has won over 50,000 immigration tion firm will provide the city’s La Cocina................ pg 15 when Manuel Solis opened his cases! immigrant community with a new Manuel Solis. Contributed photo. doors to help immigrants with the The firm now has offices nation- See IMMIGRATION, pg. 7
2 — Revista de Victoria, February 2018 www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com Payroll manager Denise Prescott named UHV’s 2017 employee of the year UHV President Vic Morgan, left, stands with Denise Prescott, payroll manager and the university’s 2017 Employee of the Year, after the university’s annual Faculty & Staff Recognition Reception. Contributed photo. Payroll Manager Denise ployee of the Year. Prescott was hired at UHV in Prescott was named the University “This is a well-deserved honor,” 1998. As payroll manager, she is of Houston-Victoria’s 2017 Em- UHV President Vic Morgan said. responsible for ensuring the uni- ployee of the Year on Wednesday “Denise does an outstanding job versity’s employee payroll is accu- at the university’s Faculty & Staff with the complex duties of seeing rate and timely. In her nomination, Recognition Reception. that UHV employees receive their Prescott was applauded for her The reception is held annu- paychecks on a timely and regu- willingness to help UHV employ- ally to recognize faculty and staff lar basis. We are fortunate to have ees over the phone or at her office. members celebrating employment such a dedicated and experienced “UHV is very fortunate to have anniversaries and to name the Em- employee in this role.” See PRESCOTT, pg. 16
www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com Revista de Victoria, February 2018 — 3 UHV awards scholarships to Black History month contest winners The winners of the Black History Month Poster Contest stand with some of the award-winning posters at the contest reception at UHV. Brennen Gray, front left, a Vickers Elementary School fifth-grade student, won first place, and Lola Rivera, a fifth-grader at Schorlemmer Elementary School, won third. Behind them stand UHV President Vic Morgan, left; James Murphy Jr., president of the Victoria Black History Steering Committee Inc.; and Victoria College President David Hinds. Matthew Trenck, a fifth-grade student at Vickers Elementary School, won second place but was unable to attend. Contributed photo. When choosing a subject for someone who had saved lives,” Anyone can help other people, and his poster, Brennen Gray looked said Brennen, a 10-year-old Vick- their skin color isn’t important.” up a website that features African ers Elementary School student. “I Brennen was awarded first place American Purple Heart recipients. really wanted to show that a per- during the Black History Month “I wanted to do something about son’s race doesn’t have to matter. See SCHOLARSHIP, pg. 11
4 — Revista de Victoria, February 2018 www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com por Gloria Rivera Pope advierte sobre “Fake News.” Las personas tienen la re- VATICANO – El Dia Mundial de sponsabilidad de verificar la fuente las Comunicaciones se celebrará de lo que comparten en las redes el 13 de mayo en el Vaticano y sociales para asegurarse de que no en la mayoría de las diócesis. El sean “noticias falsas” dice para fo- mensaje papel fue lanzado en el mentar los prejuicios o aumentar Vaticano el 24 de enero, la fiesta el miedo,” dijo Papa Francisco. de San Francisco de Sales, patrón El Papa Francisco quiere que to- de los periodistas. dos oren el 23rd de febrero. Sera George HW Bush. Contributed photo. el comenzó de la cuaresma. ARIZONA, USA – Dafne Gutiér- 450,000 residentes aún no tienen ENGLAND – El Príncipe Harry y rez, 31, dice que ahora tiene una electricidad. Meghan Markle han anunciado su visión perfecta después de quedar CHICAGO – Desde 2001, 75 mu- fecha de boda. Sera el 19 de mayo ciega hace más de un año. Ella jeres han sido estrangulados o su- 2018. ¡Muy enamorados! afirma que recibió un milagro focadas. La mayoría de los asesi- GREECE – Un hombre y una mu- después de visitar la iglesia Católi- nos escaparon. jer fueron encontrados congelados ca Maronita St. Joseph en Phoenix Las detenciones se han realiza- hasta la muerte por el servicio de donde un sacerdote oró con ella. do solo en la tercera parte de los bomberos de Grecia en la Cima NORTH KOREA – La última cases. del Monte Kainmaktsalan. prueba nuclear fue muy poderosa WASHINGTON, DC – George RUSSIA – No se encontraron so- que reformó la montaña sobre ella. HW Bush se ha convertido en el brevivientes cuando un avión de PUERTO RICO – Después de presidente con más tiempo en la pasajeros ruso se estrelló cerca de cinco meses, el huracán María, presidencia en la historia de los Moscú. Estados Unidos. Votar por
www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com Revista de Victoria, February 2018 — 5 Mas-o-Menos Pistols, bullets, expanded clips, and the politics that goes with them Rifle Association (NRA) throws on weapons of this nature, then ipating in the democratic process at them, is apparently next to im- the American taxpayer should not or just going to school? Should possible. When I was 20 years have to foot the bill for their pro- the parents of that child have an younger, gun control was a topic tection. Let them take the same expectation that their child would that was discussed before every chances that we all have to take in- be safe? election. Thanks to the power of teracting with individuals that are There’s an old expression noth- the NRA, this topic isn’t even on hell bent on taking innocent lives. ing changes if nothing changes. the table now, with the exception After the tragedy in Park- And since I’m very confident that of the week after another one of land High School mass shoot- nothing changes, I guess I can re- these senseless tragedies rears its ing, Speaker of the House Paul print this article next month, or ugly head. Ryan stated, “now is not the time next year, or ten years from now. Honestly, it sickens me when to wage political battles.” Cool. The only suggestion I can make politicians in Washington or the Let’s start by pulling his security is that if you’re an American, its 50 state capitols refuse to say team, and then let’s see if his opin- time to start having your clothes “enough is enough,” yet innocent ion doesn’t change. and hats made-out of Kevlar. bystanders are shot down on a sun- Elected officials know that by Guns and politics. Contributed art. ny day. Arizona itself has one of being in the public spotlight, they Editor’s note: Reprinted from by Pedro Raya ity of pistols, semi-automatic and the highest rates of permits issued are potential targets, but what Revista de Victoria, February 2011 automatic weapons, the availabil- to individuals who want to carry about the shopper that happens to with an edit that includes a new I could easily refer to the recent ity of ammunition, and of course a handgun. I’m sure that many be in a grocery store parking lot? Speaker of the House U.S. Con- tragedy in Tucson, or I could look the term that we have come to of these same individuals say that Should they expect to be shot or gressman Paul Ryan and a quote historically at the assassinations of know oh so well: the extended they carry their sidearm for protec- killed? Or what about the 9-year- after the Parkland shooting and John and Robert Kennedy, Martin clip. Now I know this is a loaded, tion, yet where was all the protec- old child that goes to a political “going to school”. The column is Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X, if you’ll excuse the pun, topic if tion in Tucson? rally for the sole purpose of partic- still apropos from seven years ago. or the attempted assassinations of you live in South Texas because Of course, I have to talk about Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford and from what I’ve personally wit- the extended clip. Why in God’s George Wallace, or countless other nessed, many individuals can’t name would any individual need incidents like Columbine, Waco, live with out their side arms. to carry a semiautomatic weapon or even Fort Hood in Killeen. Let me also say that this has that has 31 bullets in it, unless they What do all these incidents have in nothing to do with law enforce- also carried a badge or a set of dog common? ment officials, because as far as tags? Is there a single legitimate Before I answer this question, I’m concerned, they should have answer to that question? let me say that this has nothing to all the firepower they need. Un- If so, I sure would like to hear do with the Second Amendment, fortunately, it seems like the crimi- it. We all know, or at least I would our right to bear arms, nor, in most nals are the ones with the most ef- hope so, that with the rare excep- cases does this have anything to do ficient weapons available. tion of a hunter being attacked with hunters exercising their right Locating a single politician by 30 renegade deer, a weapon of to hunt animals, all though I did who has the fortitude to stand up this nature is used to kill people. discuss my position on that topic and say “no” to the barrels full of That’s it, bottom line. previously, (see Revista, Novem- cash, more commonly referred to I feel that if politicians in Wash- ber 2010.) as hush money, that the National ington and Austin are so fervent This issue is about the availabil- about not passing any restrictions
6 — Revista de Victoria, February 2018 www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com A message for Victoria ISD district 3 residents from school board candidate I am Michael Kuhn, a 54-year- of district three. Because of the superintendent and president of has steadily got- old, self-employed residential recently rejected school bond is- our school board, I have decided ten worse as dem- contractor and a 24-year resident sue and recent resignations of the to run for district 3, VISD board of onstrated by test trustees. This decision was made results put out by for several reasons I will explain the State of Texas to you now. Board of Education. The data released is in direct conflict with the claims of our school board, which claims steady improvement in per- formance on these tests to the parents and voters of VISD. REASON 4: The VISD school board, as demonstrated Contributed art. by the recent bond election, has failed to provide an ad- Michael Kuhn. Contributed photo. REASON 1: The Victoria County equate maintenance Appraisal District has, in my opin- programs for our failure of the board to provide the ion, become out of control with its schools. The recent bond was full high-quality education that our yearly increases in the appraised of maintenance work that should students deserve and what the vot- values of our homes. As a board have been done on a routine ba- ers expect from our school district. member, I would have some con- sis. The failure to do this and the I am now asking you for your trol over this process. boards proposed use of long term support in my campaign for VISD REASON 2: The recent school debt to do this work shows me district 3 trustee, so I can be your Nicholas Amaya - Funeral Pre-Need Mgr. bond vote has demonstrated the that the board of trustees no longer voice to make the needed changes lack of responsible leadership ex- has the taxpayer’s best interests in to address the failures of the cur- 361-827-5215 pected from the voters and VISD mind when making financial deci- rent school board and district. residents. The extremely expen- sions for our schools. In the coming days, I will be sive and unwise plan for our stu- These four reasons along with releasing an in-depth plan explain- 706 E. Crestwood 827 W. Austin dent’s future educational needs others, I will not list here, has ing the current issues facing VISD Victoria, TX 77901 Pt. Lavaca, TX lacked any semblance of fiscal demonstrated plainly to me that a and my ideas on how to correct 361-575-3212 77979 responsibility to the taxpayers of drastic change in leadership is re- these issues. I am sincerely yours, 361-552-2300 Victoria County. quired to bring our school district Michael Kuhn and a very con- Formerly Artero Funeral Home REASON 3: The quality of edu- back into responsible stewardship cerned taxpayer. angellucysfh@yahoo.com cation provided to our students of our tax dollars and address the
www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com Revista de Victoria, February 2018 — 7 friends, activities, and regular rou- restaurants. Robert and Beatriz taurants and immersing herself in Family’s’ lives better. I want my WEZEMAN, from pg. 1 tines. I moved around a lot when purchased the restaurants from the giving back to the communities children and the people who work opportunity to purchase additional I was younger and I didn’t want to Poynters in 2015. where they work and live. Their for me to know that there is oppor- restaurants, but passed because he do the same thing to them.” McDonald’s is now a family af- children help out as time permits. tunity at McDonald’s if you work and Beatriz were adamant about Opportunity knocked again fair. Beatriz retired from teaching “We enjoy our time together both hard and never lose sight of your not disrupting the lives of their when Victoria area owners Dar- after 23 years, and joined Robert inside and outside of the restau- goals. I started with nothing and young children. “They had their line and Kevin Poynter were re- in the business, assisting with the rants. My goals are to make my gained success because my family tiring and looking to sell their day to day operations of 6 res- kids’ lives better and my ‘Mc- believed in me and supported me.” millions of dollars’ worth of dam- show Monday to Friday from 12- of Victoria, a city with great char- with almost thirty years of experi- IMMIGRATION, from pg. 1 age to the Victoria area, and in- 2pm where you can ask the at- acter and a rich history, deserve ence can offer. opportunity to solve their immi- surance companies have not been torney himself your immigration and need the expertise that a firm gration matters in their hometown paying the victims fairly. questions for free. This is such a versus having to travel to nearby Manuel Solis has represented wonderful opportunity and easy cities. thousands of people against their way to see what his office can do The Solis offices will be able insurance companies before and for you and your family. All you to handle all types of immigra- would love to help the people of must do is call 713-277-7857 so tion matters including citizenship, Victoria who are experiencing that he can answer your questions. permanent residences, visas, and these problems. After speaking with you on the much more. Furthermore, as an Their knowledge and experi- phone call, he will encourage you introduction to the neighborhood, ence also extend out to personal to go by and meet with his staff The Law Office of Manuel Solis injury cases, or cases for people to explore the options for your will be offering free citizenship that have been injured by another situation. The office is now open classes to the people of Victoria person. on 1501 East Mockingbird Lane for the first three months. They have represented many #100A. This firm is not exclusively an people across the nation against Stop by, get to know the staff, immigration firm. The Law Office companies or individuals who hurt and see what they can do to help of Manuel Solis can handle a vari- them or their families. They are you and your family. The people ety of other cases including Hur- ready to help the people of Victo- ricane Harvey and personal injury ria in these areas as well. cases. Hurricane Harvey caused Manuel Solis hosts a call-in
8 — Revista de Victoria, February 2018 www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com por Gloria Rivera ¡Hola! Un nuevo año otra vez. muy pronto. sufre. Mucho talento tienen los ¡Se llama 2018! Los años se van Este año, José José y José Luis dos. Anqué que ya están divorcia- dos desde hace tiempo, Lucero le canto a su ex esposo Mijares en su cumpleaños recientemente. Recientemente también Lucero canta banda y lo hace muy bien. Otro que tuvo su cumpleaños este mes, fue William Levy, quien ahora tiene 37 años. Celebro con su familia. Elizabeth, la esposa de William Levy, dice que son feliz y que sus dos hijos son todo para ellos. Guy Ecker, un actor muy talen- José Luis Rodríguez. Contributed photo. toso, va a regresar a las telenove- Lucia Méndez. Contributed photo. las. El salió en la telenovela, “La Rodríguez, como va también por Mentira” con Kate del Castillo 10 años de separados. el nombre El Puma. hace tiempo. Los dos se vieron juntos hace en Los dos han sufrido de enferme- Myrka Dállanos anuncio reci- diciembre 2017 en Santa Mónica, dades. entemente que ella y Luis Miguel California. Se ha anunciado que El Puma andan otra vez. Ellos tienen una Adela Noriega y Fernando esta mejor, pero José José todavía hija. Myrka y Luis Miguel hacían See CHARLANDO, pg. 9
www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com Revista de Victoria, February 2018 — 9 Guy Ecker. Contributed photo. José José. Contributed photo. William Levy. Contributed photo. ribles rumores dicen que el volvió y Madonna en un concierto. (¡No CHARLANDO, from pg. 8 a golpear a ella. Ella ya no vive era bonito!) Colunga van a ser una telenovela en Los Pinos, sino se fue a vivir en José José todavía está en un hos- juntos otra vez. Eso anuncio TV Los Ángeles. pital en New York en los Estados Azteca. ¡Esto va a ser un hit! Ojalá no vuelva con él. Ella qui- Unidos. ¡Adela y Fernando trabajan muy ere volver a las telenovelas. Thalía celebro con su familia los bien en las telenovelas y por eso Aracely dice que “Luis Miguel 100 años de su abuela. sus novelas son siempre hits! es un padre responsable.” Ella Que tengan todos un hermoso Todos dicen que Angelica Ri- tiene dos hijos con él. febrero 2018 y tengan un hermoso vera y Enrique De Peña Nieto ya Hubo pleito entre Lucia Méndez tiempo en el día de San Valentín. no quieren estar juntos. Los ter-
10 — Revista de Victoria, February 2018 www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com UHV alumni honorees proudly serve Victoria In the first decade of the University of Houston-Victoria, Tenna Thompson became a UHV alumna and has since then pursued her passion in education and community service. “I enrolled at UHV during a piv- values of his or her alma matter. otal point in my life,” said Thomp- Victoria County Judge Ben Zeller son, who earned a bachelor’s de- will be recognized as the Young gree in education with a specialty Alumnus of the Year. The Young in reading. “Getting an education Alumnus of the Year Award is pre- was always very important to me, sented to a UHV graduate who is and the accessibility plus the af- younger than 40 and is distinctly fordable, quality education offered accomplished professionally or in was such a godsend at the time. service to others. I’m so grateful for the experience The banquet, which is part of and the faculty members I had the UHV Homecoming week, will pleasure of learning from.” begin at 6:30 p.m. in the UHV Thompson will receive the 2018 University North Multi-Purpose Distinguished Alumna Award at Room, 3007 N. Ben Wilson St. the March 2 UHV Alumni Ban- Alumni, their families and friends quet. The Distinguished Alum- are encouraged to attend. nus Award is presented to a UHV Festivities will include a beer graduate whose accomplishments, and wine reception, catered din- character and service are excep- ner with door prizes, a photo booth tional and represent the ideals and and more. President Vic Morgan Victoria County Judge Ben Zeller. Contributed photo. will give an update about the uni- look forward to providing for our A show featuring comedian versity, and Kira Mudd, UHV di- alumni and their guests,” Mudd and magician Robby Bennett will rector of alumni relations and an- said. “We’re excited to reconnect be held right after the banquet in nual giving, will review alumni with and celebrate our alumni at the same room. Bennett describes engagement in 2017 and plans for this festive event. This year, we himself as a master of the magical 2018. are providing a coffee and des- arts with comic wit. “This will be the third year sert bar during an intermission Zeller is a Magna Cum Laude we’ve hosted the Alumni Banquet, between the event program and graduate of UHV. He earned a and it’s a really fun evening we featured entertainment.” bachelor’s degree in business ad- ministration from UHV in 2005 and a Master of Business Admin- istration degree from Texas A&M VICTORIA COUNTY University-San Antonio in 2009. TAX SALE Since graduation, he has worked at Wells Fargo and TDECU, and now is the Victoria County judge, act- ing as the county’s chief executive Tuesday, March 6, 2018 officer and chief budgeter. “One thing that is very special about Ben is that he is part of a At the Front Door of the Victoria County Courthouse family legacy of UHV alumni, which includes his father who helped tremendously with our alumni efforts in the past,” said Jesse Pisors, UHV vice president for advancement and external rela- For Tax Sale Information contact tions. “Ben is a capable leader who has balanced his political, profes- LINEBARGER GOGGAN BLAIR & SAMPSON, LLP at: sional and family leadership roles (361) 573-9666 or well while still giving his time to UHV.” www.LGBS.com Zeller said his UHV undergrad- uate degree helped prepare him to See ALUMNI, pg. 11
www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com Revista de Victoria, February 2018 — 11 Brennen’s poster featured Lt. “I thought he was really inter- SCHOLARSHIP, from pg. 3 Col. Archie “Joe” Biggers, who esting because he won a Medal of Poster Contest reception at the received the Silver Star and two Honor and carried the flag during a University of Houston-Victoria. Purple Hearts for his heroic ac- battle,” Lola said. “I was excited to He received a $2,000 UHV schol- tions in Vietnam. win, especially because I received arship and a Victoria College sum- “Even though he got shot, he a scholarship.” mer camp voucher. went back to save others, and Honorable mention selections in The theme for this year’s contest he made them get medical help the poster contest were: was African Americans in Times first,” Brennen said. “When I first of War. Fifth-graders across Vic- started researching him, I just got • Carlee Burow, William Wood toria Independent School District this spark in my mind. I wanted to Elementary School submitted 100 posters for the con- learn more.” • Joseph DeLaGarza, Aloe El- test. The posters were judged by Matthew Trenck, a student at ementary School representatives from UHV, Victo- Vickers Elementary School, was • Emma Hilliard, Schorlemmer ria College and the Victoria Black awarded second place for his Elementary School History Steering Committee Inc. poster titled “African Americans • Paige Ludwig, Vickers Elemen- “We love hosting this contest in Times of War: From Slavery to tary School and ceremony because it’s such a the End of Segregation.” He won a great learning opportunity,” UHV $1,000 scholarship and a VC sum- They received gift bags from President Vic Morgan said. “We mer camp waiver. Matthew was UHV and VC. received an impressive number of unable to attend the ceremony. The ceremony included remarks posters that featured some great Third place went to Lola Rivera, from Morgan, VC President Da- work by these students. Every a 10-year-old student at Schor- vid Hinds, and James Murphy Jr., year, we’ve seen students explore lemmer Elementary School, for president of the Victoria Black different aspects of African Ameri- her poster about Civil War soldier History Steering Committee Inc. can history, and their parents and Christian Fleetwood. She received The posters will be on display teachers have learned by exten- a $500 scholarship and a VC sum- through February in the UHV Uni- sion. It’s exciting to see that inter- mer camp waiver. She chose him versity Center, 3007 N. Ben Wil- est grow and be rewarded.” from a list of possible poster sub- son Street. jects her teacher handed out. and energy to community efforts, ALUMNI, from pg. 10 an investment group and a book take on the role of Victoria County club started by former UH System judge. regent, Dorothy Alcorn. “A lot of the courses I took at Thompson said the award means UHV are very relevant to what a lot to her. I do now,” Zeller said. “Classes “I am flattered to receive this like finance, communications, ac- award,” Thompson said. “It is not counting and management are all something I ever imagined receiv- vital parts of my day-to-day job. ing, but it’s a great feeling to know UHV is a tremendous asset to the you are appreciated.” Victoria community.” Zeller said the Alumni Banquet and UHV’s Homecoming week are exciting events. “Homecoming is an effective way to bring alumni back to the university to celebrate their suc- cesses and remember their alma Tenna Thompson. Contributed photo. mater,” he said. “Connecting cur- rent students, faculty and staff Book Review Reading Series re- with alumni is nothing but positive ceptions. for everyone involved.” “We are extremely proud to Both Zeller and Thompson have count Tenna as a UHV alumna,” served on numerous community Pisors said. “She has given back organizations. Thompson has been in ways that are both meaningful an active member and advisor to to her and beneficial to the uni- boards of Junior League, CASA, versity. We are grateful for her Trinity Episcopal School, Victoria and her husband’s support of our Theater and Victoria Symphony, American Book Review Reading and she is a passionate volunteer Series, athletics and the Here, We in other community projects ben- Go fundraising campaign efforts.” eficial to the community like the Thompson taught as a substi- Drug Abuse Resistance Education tute teacher at Trinity Episcopal program. She and her husband School off and on for 20 years. have hosted the UHV/American She is retired and gives her time
12 — Revista de Victoria, February 2018 www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com
www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com Revista de Victoria, February 2018 — 13 Port of Corpus Christi included in the President’s proposed FY 19 Budget Corpus Christi Harbor Bridge. Contributed photo. For the first time, the Port of expansion project is an investment Corpus Christi’s CIP in the U.S. Corpus Christi’s Ship Channel in the U.S. economy and the lead- Army Corps of Engineers in its Improvement Project (CIP) was ership of American energy. Our civil works budget. Completion of included in the FY 19 Presiden- challenge now is to ensure that the CIP will allow the Port to in- tial Budget for U.S. Army Corps we have an appropriate level of crease export volumes of U.S. oil of Engineers (USACE) Coastal funds to complete this project in a and natural gas, supporting the na- Navigation Construction that was time frame that ensures the com- tion’s allies abroad and bolstering released by the White House Mon- petitiveness of American energy. domestic energy production. Ac- day. We look forward to working with cording to Energy Analysts Inter- “This is a historic day for the our partners at USACE in the days national, the Port of Corpus Chris- Port and we are honored to have and weeks ahead and commencing ti exported more than $6 billion of the CIP included in President next steps of this project as soon crude oil to U.S. trading partners Trump’s budget,” said Sean Straw- as possible.” in 2017 contributing to offset the bridge, Port Corpus Christi CEO. The President’s budget includes United States trade deficit. “Investing in this infrastructure $13 million in funding for port of
14 — Revista de Victoria, February 2018 www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com UHV sees increase in spring enrollment, student retention The University of Houston-Vic- retention from toria’s preliminary spring enroll- the previous ment has increased nearly 3 per- year’s prelimi- cent from this time last year. nary numbers. The university has 4,107 stu- This year, UHV dents enrolled as of Wednesday, has 3,601 return- the 12th class day, a 2.9 percent ing students, 4.5 increase from spring enrollment a percent more year ago. That growth was reflect- than a year ago. ed in several areas throughout the There was a 25 university. percent increase “It is exciting to see UHV mak- in the number of ing progress in its goals toward freshmen who growth and student retention,” returned to UHV UHV President Vic Morgan said. after an earlier “The university continues to focus semester com- UHV jaX, the jaguar. Contributed photo. on offering an affordable, acces- pared with the sible education, and it is rewarding previous spring. There also was a especially when so many people to know students are taking advan- 15.2 percent increase in returning are dealing with the effects of tage of UHV’s programs to earn a juniors and a 14.1 percent increase Hurricane Harvey,” said Denee degree.” in returning sophomores. Thomas, UHV assistant vice presi- All three of UHV’s academic The university also saw growth dent for enrollment management. schools saw an increase in the in the number of new graduate “Retaining our current students is number of undergraduate student students enrolled. A group of 175 a win for UHV, hopefully leading enrollment when compared to the students, 8.7 percent more than to more graduates and stretching previous spring. The School of Ed- the previous year, joined UHV this recruitment dollars. Additionally, ucation, Health Professions & Hu- spring to pursue graduate degrees. more undergraduates are carrying man Development grew by 13.1 With the increases in prelimi- larger semester credit hour loads, percent, while the School of Arts nary spring enrollment and student which should lead to shorter grad- & Sciences saw an 8.1 percent in- retention, UHV also has seen a uation times and a savings of time crease and the School of Business rise in the number of credit hours and money for students.” Administration had a 1.3 percent taken by students. As of the 12th Final spring enrollment figures increase. In addition, the educa- class day, UHV students are taking and a breakdown of student demo- tion school also saw a 2.9 percent 38,055 credit hours, a 3.2 percent graphics will be available later in increase in preliminary graduate increase from preliminary num- the spring semester after certifica- student enrollment. bers a year ago. tion from the Texas Higher Educa- In addition to more students, the “We are happy to see increased tion Coordinating Board. university has seen an increase in enrollment in the spring semester,
www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com Revista de Victoria, February 2018 — 15 Makes 4 servings. about 2 inches between cookies. of fruit). Cool completely. Makes 3. Bake 7 to 9 minutes or until edg- about 30 cookies. DOUBLE THUMBPRINT COOKIES es are lightly browned. Remove 4. To Store: Place filled cookies ½ cup butter, softened from oven, transfer cookies to in a single layer in covered storage ¼ cup granulated sugar wire rack. While warm, fill each containers and store at room tem- ¼ cup packed brown sugar indentation with jam or preserves perature up to 3 days or freeze up 1-teaspoon baking powder (if necessary, snip any large pieces to 3 months. ½ teaspoon salt 1 egg 1-tablespoon milk 1-teaspoon vanilla 2 cups all-purpose flour ¼ to 1/3 cup cherry jam or Beef stroganoff with pasta. Contributed photo. preserves, or seedless raspberry preserves BEEF STROGANOFF WITH PASTA 3 cups dried wide noodles CHICKEN TORTELLINI TOSS 1. Preheat oven to 375ºF. In a large 3 cups broccoli spears (12 ounces) 2 (9-oz.) pkg. refrigerated cheese bowl beat butter with an electric ½ cup light dairy sour cream tortellini mixer on medium to high speed 1½ teaspoons prepared horserad- 4 cups broccoli and/or cauliflower for 30 seconds. Add granulated ish florets sugar, brown sugar, baking pow- ½ teaspoon snipped fresh dill 1 (14.5 oz.) can diced tomatoes der, and salt. Beat until mixture is 1-pound beef rib eye steak with Italian herbs combined, scraping sides of bowl 1 small onion, cut into ½-inch ½ of a 10-ounce jar dried tomato occasionally. Beat in egg, milk, slices pesto (½ cup) and vanilla until combined. Beat ½ teaspoon bottled minced garlic 1 (9-oz.) pkg. frozen roasted in as much of the flour as you can 1 tablespoon cooking oil or grilled chicken breast strips, with the mixer. Stir in any remain- 4 teaspoons all-purpose flour thawed ing flour. ½ teaspoon ground black pepper Shaved Parmesan (optional) 2. Shape dough into ¾-inch balls. 1 (14-ounce) can beef broth For each cookie on an ungreased 3 tablespoons tomato paste 1. In a 4-quart Dutch oven cook or parchment paper-lined cookie 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce tortellini according to package sheet place 2 dough balls side by directions, adding the broccoli side with one side touching. Press 1. Cook noodles according to until the last 3 minutes of cook- thumbs into each ball to form an package directions, adding broc- ing. Return to Dutch oven. Stir in indentation in each. Press in cen- coli until the last 5 minutes of undrained tomatoes, tomato pesto, ter of each with thumb and taper cooking. Drain; return noodles and chicken. Cook, stirring occa- bottom of cookie with fingers to and broccoli to pan. sionally, just until heated through. form a heart shape. Repeat with 2. Meanwhile, stir together the Garnish with Parmesan cheese. remaining dough balls, leaving sour cream, horseradish, and dill in a small serving bowl; cover and chill until serving time. 3. Trim fat from beef. Cut beef into bite-size strips. Cook half of the beef, all the onion, and garlic in hot oil in a large skillet until onion is tender and beef is of desired do- neness. Remove from skillet. Add remaining beef, cook and stir until beef is of desired doneness. Re- turn all meat to a skillet; sprinkle flour and black pepper over meat. Stir to coat. 4. Stir in broth, tomato paste, and Worcestershire sauce. Cook and stir until mixture is thick and bub- bly. Cook and stir 1 minute more. Divide noodle-broccoli mixture in four bowls. Spoon beef mixture on top of noodle mixture. Top with one or two spoonfuls or two of the sour cream mixture. Makes 4 servings.
16 — Revista de Victoria, February 2018 www.RevistaDeVictoriaTx.com day after Hurricane Harvey to re- Employee of the Year by casting everyone at UHV.” • Ida Jimenez, senior administra- PRESCOTT, from pg. 2 trieve payroll records, so she could votes on an email ballot listing In addition to Prescott, others tive secretary such a dedicated employee who is process payroll for UHV employ- each 2017 UHV Employee of the listed on the ballot were: • Amanda Simper, senior adminis- always willing to go above and be- ees – and at the time the campus Month. trative assistant yond what needs to be done as pay- was closed and without electric- “I’m just awed to receive this • Ramona King, former employee • Rhiannon Smith, director of roll manager,” said Laura Smith, ity. She is a star employee who is honor,” Prescott said. “It’s really • Darren Keesee, instructional services UHV human resources director always willing to do whatever it just a complete surprise. It’s an tech specialist • Adrian Rigby, head soccer coach and Prescott’s supervisor. “For ex- takes to get the job done.” amazing feeling, and I appreciate • Donna Lutz, administrative as- • Eliza Fortner, coordinator of ample, Denise came to campus the UHV employees choose the all the support I’ve received from sistant grants and contracts • Mary Field, administrative as- sistant Prescott received a $500 check, • Linda Bagwell, senior payroll a UHV T-shirt and a plaque. Her assistant name also will be engraved on an • Kathy Walton, executive admin- Employee of the Year plaque dis- istrative assistant played in UHV University West.
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