Local Anesthesia for Circumcision: Which Technique Is Most Effective?

Page created by Arthur Carpenter
Local Anesthesia for Circumcision:
Which Technique Is Most Effective?
James G. Lenhart, MD, Nancy M. Lenhart, RN, Alfred Reid, MA, and Blane K. Chong, MD

Background and Objectives: Circumcision is the most commonly performed surgical procedure in the
United States, and it is painful. Several investigators have independently documented the reliability and
safety of local anesthesia in eliminating the pain associated with circumcision. Investigations have not,
however, been conducted to determine which technique is most effective in reducing the pain of the
procedure. This study compares the techniques of local anesthesia for circumcision to determine which
technique most safely and reliably reduces pain.
   Methods: Fifty-six infants being circumcised were randomly assigned to one of three groups according
to anesthesia technique: (I) distal branch block, (2) root block, and (3) subpubic block. Change in
heart rate and oxygen saturation, as well as cry response, were recorded. Heart rate and oxygen saturation
differences were analyzed utilizing Student's t test, whereas cry response was analyzed using the
chi-square test.
   Results: We discontinued using the distal branch block technique during the study because we were
concerned about possible untoward outcomes. As a result, only data from the circumcisions of the 42 infants
who were assigned to the root block and subpubic block groups were analyzed. The dorsal penile nerve root
block more reliably reduced the pain of circumcision than did the subpubic technique (P 0.05). There
were no serious complications with any of the techniques in this study.
   Conclusions: Compared with distal branch block and subpubic block techniques, nerve block at the
penile root most reliably and safely eliminated the pain of circumcision (J Am Board Fam Pract

Although opinions regarding the risks and bene-              lending support for recommending the proce-
fits of neonatal circumcision vary, it remains the           dure. Given these publications and the popular-
most commonly performed surgical procedure in                ity of nonritual circumcision in this country, it
the United States. 1,2 After the American Academy            is realistic to believe that neonatal circumcision
of Pediatrics (AAP) recommended against elec-                will continue to be performed frequently in the
tive neonatal circumcision in 1971 and 1975, a               United States.
decline in elective neonatal circumcision oc-                   Circumcision is painful, however, and if physi-
curred. In March 1989, however, the AAP Task                 cians are to continue to perform the procedure, it
Force on Circumcision modified its opinions cit-             should be accomplished in a manner that reliably
ing evidence that circumcision prevents urinary              eliminates the pain associated with the surgery.
tract infections and urosepsis in infancy, as well as        Numerous studies since Kirya and Werthmann's
penile carcinoma and sexually transmitted infec-             original work in 1978 4 have documented the
tion during adulthood. This position paper has               benefit of local anesthesia for circumcision by
been interpreted as endorsement for circumci-                showing marked differences in such physiologic
sion. 1 Independently, Spach et aP published data            factors as heart rate, transcutaneous oxygen satu-
in 1992 showing increased risk of urinary tract in-          ration, and cortisol levels when nonanesthetized
fections in uncircumcised adult men, further                 and anesthetized groups undergoing circumci-
                                                             sion have been compared. I ,4-14 Similar studies
                                                             have found marked alterations in cry response
  Submitted, revised, 29 April 1996.
  From the University of Nevada School of Medicine, Reno     during the procedure in addition to modifica-
OGL, NML, BKC), and the University of North Carolina         tions in behavioral adaptability and attentiveness
Chapel Hill (AR). Address reprint requests to James G.       during the 24 hours immediately following
Lenhart, MD, Department of Family Medicine, University of    surgery. 11,12,15
North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Coastal Area Health Education
Center, 2131 South 17th St, Wilmington, NC 28401.               Although concerns have been raised regarding

                                                                                 Anesthesia for Circumcision   13

          160                                                                                •              Root block
                                                                                        -----11----- Subpubic block
2::>                                                                                P=O .04 ___ ..
 c:       145                                                                        , JI---       "   ,,
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Figure 1. Comparison of mean heart rate at specific points in the procedure by method of anesthesia
(n     = 21 for each group).

the safety of local anesthesia for circumcision,          techniques. If circumcisions are to be performed
several investigators have independently docu-            as humanely as possible, it is incumbent that in-
mented the reliability and safety of local anesthe-       vestigations be conducted to determine which
sia for the reduction or elimination of pain              technique is most effective in eliminating the as-
associated with the procedure. 9, 11 ,13, 16,17 These     sociated pain. 19,20
investigations of more than 2000 infants have                The purpose of our study was to evaluate the
been completed without serious complication,              three techniques of local anesthesia for circumci-
thus establishing the procedure's safety. 1,2, 18         sion to find out which metllod most effectively
    After Kirya and Wertllmann published tlleir           and safely eliminated the pain associated with the
work documenting the effectiveness of dorsal pe-          procedure. The hypothesis was that differences in
nile nerve blockade for anesthesia during circum-         heart rate, oxygen saturation, and cry response
cision, three approaches to the anesthetic tech-          would be observed when comparing tlle tech-
nique of dorsal penile nerve block have been              niques. The corollary to this hypothesis was that
developed:                                                these differences would define which technique
1. Dorsal penile nerve block at the penile                was most effective at eliminating the pain. The
      root 1,4,6                                          impact of these fmdings would be considerable
2. Dorsal penile nerve block at the subpubic              given the frequency Witll which circumcision is
      space 5                                             performed.
3. Dorsal penile nerve block at the distal
      branches 7                                          Methods
Masciello 7 conducted a comparative evaluation of         The tlllee techniques of anesthesia studied were
penile root and distal branch block, and Dalens et        compared by randomizing 56 neonates scheduled
al 5 commented at length without supporting data          for circumcision into one of the following three
on the various techniques of anesthesia for cir-          anesthesia technique study groups: (1) blockade of
cumcision. Studies have not, however, been re-            the dorsal penile nerve at the penile root, (2)
ported that compare the efficacy of tlle three            blockade of the dorsal penile nerve in the subpu-

14 ]ABFP Jan.-Feb.1997 Vol.lONo.1
        99                                                                                                              •                        Root block
                                                                                                     ----~-----                                  Subpubic block
                                                                                                                             P= 0.03
                                                                 .........                                                                               , ................ . .
        96                                                                   ........................ -....                                      ....'                            ........
                                                                                                              ...........                  ,,"
        95                                                                                                                  ... :--   ....."

Figure 2. Comparison of mean oxygen saturation at specific points in the procedure by method of anesthesia
(n = 21 for each group).

 bic space, (3) blockade of the dorsal penile nerve       and (4) postpartum neonatal complications.
 at its distal branches.                                    Nutriti.on and water were withheld from all in-
    Because many investigations have repeatedly           fants immediately before the procedure to mini-
 shown the benefit of local anesthesia for circum-        mize the risk of endotracheal aspiration. Before
 cision, a nonanesthetized control group was not          any intervention, the heart rate and oxygen satu-
 subjected to the protocol.                               ration transducer was attached to one of the
    The following inclusion criteria were strictly       neonate's great toes, and baseline values were re-
 observed:                                                corded. Infants were then dressed in warm long-
 1. The infant was tlle product of an uncompli-          sleeved shirts, and their diapers were removed in
       cated pregnancy and uncomplicated vaginal         preparation for transfer to tlle procedure area. All
       or cesarean section delivery.                     procedures were carried out in a quiet, comfort-
 2. Gestational age of the infant was 36 weeks or        able, warm environment. The device used to hold
      longer but not more than 42 weeks.                 the baby for circumcision was padded with cotton
 3. The infant was aged less than 4 days.                batting for comfort before strapping the neonate
4. The infant weighed more tllan 2500 g.                 to the board. Although all infants had their lower
 5. The infant had an Apgar score of 7 or higher         extremities restrained during the procedure, their
      at 5 minutes postpartum.                           upper extremities were free. Neonates were then
6. There were normal findings on newborn ex-             allowed to reach their baseline heart rate and oxy-
      amination including reproductive anatomy.          gen saturation levels before administration of
7. Parents were literate in English.                     anesthesia.
8. Signed, informed parental consent was ob-                All anesthetic procedures and circumcisions
      tained.                                            were performed by the principal investigator and a
Likewise, the following specific criteria were           nurse-research assistant experienced and trained in
adopted for exclusion: (1) intrapartum fetal dis-        neonatal care. Each infant was injected bilaterally
tress, (2) maternal substance abuse, (3) positive        according to one of the three anesthetic techniques
toxicology results in motller's or neonate's urine,      with 0.5 cc of 1 percent lidocaine solution without

                                                                                                     Anesthesia for Circumcision                                                             15
                                                                                                                                            ---- ----- ..                         Root block
                                                                                                                                                                                  Subpubic block

        70                                                                                                                                                   p= 0.01
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Figure 3. Comparison of percentage of infants crying at specific points in the procedure by method of anesthesia
(n = 21 for each group).

 epinephrine through a 25-gauge needle of appro-                                              6. Dorsal hemostatic clamping and cutting of
 priate length. A 5-minute interval was strictly ob-                                             foreskin
 served between injecting tlle anesthetic agent and                                           7. Dissecting foreskin
 performing the circumcision. All circumcisions                                               8. Place circumcision clamp
were performed using an appropriate-sized cir-                                                9. Engage circumcision clamp
cumcision clamp (GOMCO Circumcision Clamp,                                                  10. Remove circumcision clamp
Division of Allied Health Care Products, St. Louis,                                         11. Five minutes after the procedure
Mo) and surgical instruments. Surgical procedures                                              For each step in the procedure, heart rate was
and techniques were not varied during the study.                                            recorded as the peak rate sustained during that
    Heart rate, oxygen saturation, and cry response                                         step. Oxygen saturation was recorded as the nadir
(pain relief variables) are consistently measured in                                        sustained during each interval. Crying was re-
similar studies. Accordingly, these variables were                                          corded as absent (0), minimal (1), moderate (2), or
chosen as the outcome measures, and their values                                            vigorous (3). All infants were observed for 30
were monitored and recorded at specific times                                               minutes after the procedure. The surgical out-
throughout each procedure by a research assistant                                           come of each circumcision was also observed dur-
stationed in a remote area and blinded to the anes-                                         ing this interval, and complications, if they oc-
thetic technique and events of circumcision. A dig-                                         curred, were so noted. Parents were telephoned 2
ital electronic monitor was used to measure heart                                           to 3 days after the procedure for follow-up care.
rate and oxygen saturation. Values were recorded                                            Problems, if observed, were assessed by the prin-
throughout the study in tlle following sequence:                                            cipal investigator.
  1. Preintervention baseline
  2. Infant placed in the holding device                                                    Site
  3. Anesthesia                                                                             This study was conducted at the University Med-
  4. Postanesthesia baseline at 5 minutes                                                   ical Center (UMC) Las Vegas, the primary teach-
  5. Lateral hemostatic clamping and dissection                                             ing hospital for the University of Nevada School
     of foreskin                                                                            of Medicine. This facility is a county-managed

16 JABFP Jan.-Feb. 1997 Vol. 10 No. 1
hospital providing care to the underserved popu-        These marginal cosmetic outcomes, coupled with
lation in southern Nevada. Approximately 350            concerns for safety, mandated discontinuation of
women a month give birth at this hospital.              this arm of the protocol in the judgment of the
  Although no external funding was available to         principal investigator.
support this research, UMC provided central                The study continued with the other two arms.
supplies (surgical instruments, syringes, and lido-     A total of 56 infants were circumcised (including
caine), the heart rate and oxygen saturation mon-       all study groups). We excluded 14 infants from
itor and transducer, and space in the newborn           data analysis: 11 infants in the distal branch block
nursery. All procedures were performed without          arm, 2 infants whose m.others had urine screening
charge.                                                 test results that were positive for cocaine metabo-
                                                        lites, and 1 infant who had a positive blood cul-
Sample Size                                             ture after the circumcision. In all, data from 42
The study population was male neonates born at          infants were analyzed (21 from the penile root
UMC, with participants randomly selected from           arm, 21 from the subpubic arm). Data are illus-
this convenience sample.21 Estimation of the sam-       trated in Figures 1,2, and 3.
ple size for each group in the study was based on          Statistically significant differences were not ob-
heart rate. Assuming a standard deviation in heart      served between the two groups before the inter-
rate of 10 beats per minute, a sample of 21 subjects    vention. Placement of the infant in the restrain-
per group is sufficient to detect a difference of 10    ing device caused considerable change in heart
beats per minute (two-tailed ex. = 0.05, ~ = 0.20).     rate, oxygen saturation, and severity of crying, as
                                                        did administration of the anesthetic agent. All in-
Analysis                                                fants returned to preintervention baseline levels 5
Heart rate, oxygen saturation, and crying were          minutes after anesthesia administration, at which
measured and recorded at the intervals defined by       time there were no differences between the two
the study protocol. Because this convenience            groups. The events during the surgical procedure
sample was randomly selected, data should have         after anesthesia caused significantly less change in
been normally distributed. Post hoc power analy-       the measured parameters than did either place-
sis, based on a sample standard deviation in heart     ment in the restraining device or administration
rate of 17.8 beats per minute, indicated the sam-      of the anesthetic agent, a finding that was consis-
ple of 21 subjects per group was sufficient to de-     tent for both groups.
tect a difference of 16 beats per minute (two-             Statistically significant differences between pe-
tailed ex. = 0.05, ~ = 0.20), a difference of 2.25     nile root block and subpubic block groups at P =
percent in oxygen saturation, and a difference of      0.05 (or less) were observed for the following pain
35 percent in level of crying. Confidence intervals    relief variables:
were calculated for the variables of interest. Data     1. Cry response during the lateral clamp
analysis was facilitated utilizing Epi-Info, Version   2. Heart rate and cry response when placing the
5.01b.                                                       circumcision clamp
                                                       3 Oxygen saturation and cry response when
Results                                                     clamping the circumcision device
Midway through the study we decided to drop               These data support the hypothesis that differ-
the distal branch block arm of the study. Our de-      ent techniques of local anesthesia for circumci-
cision was based on concern for safety and cos-        sion provide different quality of pain relief. In
metic outcome. Although the technique is not           this study, penile root block was superior to sub-
difficult to perform, injecting the anesthetic agent   pubic block.
distally along the dorsal shaft of the penis created
considerable foreskin edema and made it difficult      Discussion
to visualize anatomic landmarks and to place the       Circumcision, which is painful, is the most fre-
circumcision clamp. While no adverse outcomes          quently performed surgical procedure in the
were encountered in any of the 11 circumcisions,       United States. It must, therefore, be performed as
using this technique resulted in markedly redun-       humanely as possible. We report findings that
dant ventral foreskin remnants in 2 neonates.          provide evidence indicating which technique of

                                                                            Anesthesia for Circumcision   17
local anesthesia is most effective in relieving the       Conclusions
pain associated with circumcision. A brief discus-        Given recent reports of thc medical bcnefits of
sion of the efficacy of each technique follows.           neonatal circumcision, it will continue to be COlTl-
                                                          lTlonly perfcmncd. It is therefore incumbent upon
Distal Branch Block                                       medical researchers to dcvelop mcthods that will
This technique is easy to perform, but given our          make the procedure as humane as possible. Mea-
concerns about safety and the cosmetic outcomes           sures in this study that provided greater comfort
reported in this study, general acceptance of this        were (I) administering local anesthesia with
method must be withheld until further results of          blockade at the penile root, (2) doing the proce-
research can be reported.                                 dure in a quiet, warm environment, (3) leaving
                                                          the uppcr extrcmities unrestrained, and (4) allow-
Penile Root Block                                         ing sufficient time for anesthetic agent to take
This technique was used in the original research          effect (5 or more minutes, timed). Inasmuch as
on local anesthesia for circumcision. Penile root         hyperextension of the lower extremities while
block has stood the scrutiny of several investiga-        preparing for the procedurc caused as much ob-
tive shldies and has been found to be safe and ef-        jective evidence for distress as injection of the
fective. Root block is technically easy to perform        anesthetic agent, modifications in the design of
and delivery of the anesthetic agent is precise. Al-      restraining boards should be researched.
though some edema at the base of the penis is
created by extravasation of the anesthetic fluid          References
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18 JABFP Jan.-Feb. 1997        Vol. 10 No. I
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                                                                                    Anesthesia for Circumcision     19
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