LIVE LEARN WORK BELONG - Community Living Trust
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OUR PURPOSE INSPIRATIONAL DREAM - HE MOEMOEA WHAKAARATANGA People with intellectual disabilities living their dreams through community connections CONTENTS SPIRIT – WAIRUA FOCUS – AROTAHI Together, making a difference in people’s lives Live the dream, tell the story OUR PURPOSE 2 DIRECTORY 3 BELIEFS – WHAKAPONOTANGA A REFLECTION ON 2017-2018 4 A personalised experience for everyone We embrace the Treaty of Waitangi LIVE 6 Everyone has a place in their community LEARN 7 Sustainability is at the heart of what we do Everyone has a story to share WORK 9 Being advocates for people with disabilities Family / Whānau connections matter BELONG 10 Creating a great working environment STATISTICS 11 SUMMARY STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE REVENUE AND EXPENSES 13 ATTRIBUTES - NGAA PAINGA SUMMARY STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS 13 Leaders | Advocates | Innovators | Inspirational SUMMARY STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION 14 Passionate | Responsive | Collaborative | Ethical SUMMARY CASH FLOW STATEMENT 14 GREATEST IMAGINABLE CHALLENGE ORGANISATIONAL PLAN 2017 - 2020 15 HE MATATAKI MATAKITE NUNUI Secure financial freedom as we build communities where everyone belongs 02
A REFLECTION ON 2017-2018 DIRECTORY WRITTEN BY MARESE MCGEE AND AWHIMAI HUKA He honore, he kororia ki te Atua Honour and glory to the Creator He maungarongo ki runga i te whenua May peace prevail upon the earth and may we He whakaaro pai ki ngā tangata katoa have good intentions for all people Kei te huri ngā mihi ki a Kīngi Tuheitia me Greetings to King Tūheitia and his family tōna whare katoa, paimārire Loved ones, who have passed, go well, rest in peace Koutou kei tua o te ārai, haere, haere oki oki atu Those who have passed to those who have passed Te pito mate ki te pito mate Those who are living to those who are living Te pito ora ki te pito ora Greetings to us all Tēnā huihui tātau REGISTERED OFFICE It is our pleasure to present the Annual Report for As a result of the meeting, Community Living with two Community Living Trust Community Living for 2017-2018. other groups decided to do a joint verbal submission at the hearing. The main points of our submission were 180 Collingwood Street Our inspirational dream is people with an intellectual housing, transport, accessibility, employment and PO Box 292 disability living their dreams through community mobility and it was received very well. HAMILTON 3240 connections. This is the motivation that drives everyone at Community Living to focus on the people we Community Living staff presented at both national and support and to be of service to each and every person. local conferences. Bernadette Stewart continued to Community Living Limited Director The future is still an unknown and the system lead the initiative to enable disabled people to have Board of Directors transformation that we are all heading towards accessible bathroom facilities to use while in public without knowing the outcome is very much on our places. Bernadette and her stalwart supporters were Awhimai Huka - Chairperson Marese McGee radar. We have some sound guidance through given national recognition at the NZDSN Awards night Enabling Good Lives principles and approaches, and and received the NZDSN Community Choice Award Marese McGee – Managing Director the impact of this is yet to be realised. which recognises those NZDSN members who have initiated, assisted or managed a project, programme or Rachel Stephenson We wish to acknowledge the people who use our an event that has promoted the benefits of an inclusive Russell Drake service, local organisations who are always willing to community. Te Pou sponsors this award. collaborate with us, our funders and key thinkers - both Russell Wilkinson national and international who are helping us to shape This year we are on the right side of the ledger in our future. Through our relationships with many financial terms, a strong turnaround from last year. This Paula Baker corporate and commercial companies we have has been a combined effort on behalf of our General developed memorandums of understanding and and Group Managers and all our staff. The key was Philip Grady projects that will add value to the lives of the people we working smarter, being more efficient and meeting David Tamatea (Ceased 30/10/17) support. Our philosophy is that it is never purely for the people’s expectations without compromising our benefit of the people Community Living supports but sustainability and customer needs. However, given the Lynnette Flowers (Ceased 3/10/17) for all people requiring additional support to live a implications of pay equity-relativities, the current good life. It is an honour to work with people and turnover of staff and low unemployment in New companies that value inclusion. Zealand, we expect the next year to be challenging. BANKERS SOLICITORS KAUMATUA The introduction of Pay Equity was a huge win for our We made a number of submissions to the many committed workforce however the implementation ANZ Banking Group Harkness Henry Pakira Watene Ministry of Health Strategic disability reviews and we has proved a challenge for providers and government About Best Practice engaged in both Oranga Tamariki and Accident alike. Corporation consultations. On the local front, the NZ IWI LIAISON AUDITOR Disability Support Network (NZDSN) regional group in PlatformPlus Limited - our social enterprise is growing Hamilton invited councillors to meet with us to give from strength to strength and this year saw it extend Wairahi Taiapa Staples Rodway some feedback about the planned changes. its services into the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia Audit Limited 03 04
Lorem ipsum LIVE and the Pacific. The service is operated remotely from to the Board from the community of people we Hamilton and supports organisations who operate support. The Board is committed to this initiative and predominantly in the health and disability industry. We looks forward to further development in the new are grateful to the many relationships that the staff at PlatformPlus have developed that have in turn given financial year. POSITIVE CHANGE FOR A us such opportunities. This year one of our Board member’s, David Tamatea BETTER LIFE passed at the end of October 2017. David was appointed We want all of our staff to be digitally literate and to the Board of Community Living in 2004 and had Often it takes a health scare to prompt lifestyle mobile, especially as they are supporting people in the worked in the Health and Disability sector for 27 years. changes, this is exactly what happened for Mikey, a community. Community Living developed its Mobility David was a strong advocate of disabled people and Strategy and further enabled our staff and systems to demonstrated this tirelessly by his involvement within person supported by Community Living. continue to grow our community digital footprint. the Midland region and nationally. Following recommendations from the doctor, Mikey Together with people we support, whānau/families We have welcomed two new Board members, Paula was faced with a choice to either change his lifestyle and staff we held another one of our “Community Baker and Phil Grady, who offer a wide range of links Connection” events (which we called “Te Whāriki”) in into the community and have experience on various habits or require insulin injections three times per day. October 2017. Te Whāriki is the bringing together of boards over the years. Paula has a deep understanding This provided an opportunity for Mikey’s support staff people, places and things as we emphasise the role we of governance and the opportunities and issues facing to reopen a discussion about a better way of living. have in each other’s lives and our community. The the disability sector and Phil has knowledge of topics for the day were quality, outcomes for people planning and funding along with a particular interest and community networking. Iplanit was also in corporate governance and a growth mind-set. The journey began with introducing healthy showcased (the secure online, person-centred alternatives alongside the food that Mikey normally ate. planning tool, There were good The Community Living Group is led by a Board that is A steady introduction of more vegetables, hummus, outcomes from the day and everyone is involved in willing to take calculated risks for the right reasons to wraps, salad, tuna and rice crackers. Mikey’s Mikey has now lost 25 kilograms, takes a significantly making them a reality. As at June 2018, 245 people are ensure everything that we do has our vision at the now on iplanit. forefront with disabled people at the centre and an reduced dosage of diabetes medication, greets each acceptance of these new foods grew over the coming inclusive society as the aim. Rapid change and digital day with a more balanced mood and supports his new weeks, as more alternative healthier solutions replaced The support Community Living offers is in demand development is a constant, it takes courage and lifestyle choice by refusing cakes and biscuits when and we have noted a good referral rate across all the strategic future thinking and planning to strive old food choices. offered. Mikey and the team know that balance is still services we offer. The need to increase people’s forward. important and for special occasions, like Mikey’s recent knowledge about what is available to them is A huge step in the right direction was reducing Mikey’s constant. Whānau/families are particularly keen to Our spiritual and cultural wellbeing is guided by our birthday, where he enjoys Burger King as a treat. sugar intake. One by one alternatives were introduced understand what the changes to the system will kaumātua Pākira Watene and kuia Wairahi Taiapa, and bring. Likewise we need to keep our staff updated, we acknowledgment them both for their continual, like swapping out fizzy drink for soda water and Mikey is proud of this accomplishment and his health is ensuring learning and development is in line with integral service in providing this knowledge and flavoured water drops. Additionally, Mikey has learnt no longer as fragile. The Community Living team have current thinking while also keeping future practice guidance to our organisation. to identify the “no sugar” label on foods in the done a wonderful job in supporting Mikey to improve within focus. This can be a challenge as the national supermarket and gets excited about finding new his overall wellbeing and the ripple effect of this training on offer can be slow to change for various Kia kaha, kia maia, kia manawanui reasons. We will continue to align our philosophy and healthy alternatives. gradual change has been a milestone for Mikey. practice, being inclusive of people and their supporters Ngaa mihi so our organisation continues to live its vision. Keeping the right food in the house where Mikey lives We provide support for people with very specific has provided benefits for those who live under the requirements through our Children and Youth service same roof. These changes have provided increased (Te Puna Awhina). We were able to commence the vitality, weight loss and improved behaviour from build of a 2 bedroom self-contained dwelling, creating the opportunity for young people to be housed others in the house too. appropriately. We will formally bless this whare in September of our next financial year. This year has seen an initiative from the people we support to develop a more formal relationship with the Marese McGee Awhimai Huka Board. The purpose is to provide meaningful feedback Director Chairperson 05 06
LEARN ESTABLISHING A COACHING CULTURE MATURE EMPLOYEES LEARN ABOUT BUCKET LISTS COMMITMENT TO LEARNING A CELF GRADUATE AMONG US A NEW APPROACH TO Last year we started a journey to develop and embed There is much talk globally about the ageing LEARNING a coaching culture here at Community Living. Coaching population. In New Zealand by 2051 more than 1.1M cultures are supportive environments where working people will be 65 years or older, which represents a Over the past 18 months, we have reviewed the relationships grow and flourish, and where all 166% increase in comparison to 1996 (Statistics NZ). learning activity we do at Community Living. individuals are collectively focused on improving Living longer, better and differently results in individual and organisational performance. In such By “learning” we mean a number of different activities an organisation, employees will welcome and openly employees spending more time working – whether including but not limited to coaching, project work, seek feedback from others at all levels of the that’s through necessity or choice. reading, watching videos, e-learning (i.e. computer organisation. In an established coaching culture, based learning), reviewing Standard Operating coaching is seen as a responsibility for all employees As we mature our lives change and what we want Procedures (SOPs) and attending courses. We reviewed throughout the organisation. changes. What we once wanted in our 20s is probably the learning activity by holding two workshops with a different to what we want now (or perhaps for selection of staff – from Specialist Support Staff through Claire van der Most, one of our Leadership Team to members of the leadership team. “Coaching is the universal language those who are very young at heart, maybe it hasn’t members graduated from the Community Enterprise of CHANGE and LEARNING.” - CNN changed much). At Community Living we wanted to & Leadership Foundation (CELF) Elevate programme The intent behind these two workshops was to hear acknowledge the significant contribution our more in April this year. different views from across the organisation about One of the key qualities of successful leaders is their mature employees make, by providing them with the what learning we’re doing, what we’d like learning at ability to coach effectively. Leaders are not usually opportunity to take stock, consider options for home The CELF foundation was established in 2014 to bring Community Living to be like by the year 2020, and looking to become coaches, however by developing a and work, and plan ahead. to life a mission: what actions we have to take to achieve that. coaching leadership style, they can unleash potential “To build future leaders from all walks of life who can reimagine a in their organisation. stronger Waikato from a social, environmental, cultural and As a result of the workshops we developed a learning economic perspective. These leaders take charge of their lives approach called “Learn2020”. This approach has During the delivery of an eight month training while influencing others positively, resulting in a significant contribution to Waikato communities, society and New Zealand identified four streams of work, which are: programme, participants learnt a variety of tools and as a whole.” techniques to coach others. Over the coming 1. Create clearer descriptions of the knowledge, skills months the continued focus on putting those Together with the University of Waikato, CELF created and attitudes expected for each role techniques and tools into practice with the support the Elevate Leadership Programme with a sponsorship 2. Ensure each person has their own learning of their line managers, colleagues and the Coaching model that offers any Waikato community leader an agreement Culture Project Team, participants will foster their opportunity to grow, alongside other leaders - regardless 3. Provide easily understood resources that are self-leadership, which underpins their development of race, creed, income or organisation. up-to-date and accessible as a coach. 4. Align all learning with Community Living’s The CELF Elevate programme is a part-time, 9 month purpose Ultimately the aim of the development and programme aimed to connect and elevate leaders reinforcement of a coaching culture will be to across all sectors and industries in the Waikato and is What does this mean? Providing a programme we coined “Making Time for based around three core principles: improve the quality of day to day conversations to Over the next two years the way we approach learning, achieve better outcomes for all. YOUR Bucket List” – facilitated by Jenny Magee, we 1. Integrative leadership – understanding of self and others what we learn and how we apply it is likely to change, it offered our valued older employees time to consider 2. Impact through high performing teams – influencing is a process rather than a destination. what role they want work to play. Participants now say beyond individuals to teams 3. Importance of leadership capital – linking leaders across they have a clear vision for their future at work. They By 2020: multiple sectors and communities have gained a realistic, flexible road map that enabled Everyone will be clearer about what the expectations them to think about themselves without feeling selfish. Claire commented, "It was an absolute privilege to be sponsored are for their role by Gallagher to participate in this programme. It provided me Everyone will have an individual learning agreement with a fantastic opportunity to meet and build relationships with identifying what learning they’ll be required to Given the nature of our ageing population, engaging fellow CELFies – some I would never have had the opportunity complete with your ageing workforce is the only option. to meet otherwise; to learn about other organisations in the Waikato – some I didn’t know existed; and to hear from highly All learning activity will be relevant and up-to-date, and . knowledgeable/skilled experts who tested my thinking." Learning will be focused on ensuring we fulfil Community Living’s Purpose. 07 08
WORK BELONG to share my views and the views of others. This support was valuable and gave me the starting point to challenge myself, and go from strength to PREPARING FOR WORK strength. I recently completed the ‘Speaking Up LIVE THE DREAM, TELL THE STORY course’ that Community Living organised through People First. I hope to use the skills I learnt here to As a young man faced with a history of challenges, support others to gain their voice and feel as Peter* had lost his way and needed support to get back empowered as I do. on track. Peter arrived at Community Living to be supported by a team with a strong focus on rehabilitation. While getting to understand Peter, it became clear that he was interested in farming, indicating it had a connection to his family background. Although the study has led to Peter finding a sense of Working with Peter to make a decision about where belonging in an industry of interest, his commitments this interest could lead, the Community Living team in 2018 have opened doors to so much more. As a result supported Peter to enrol in a TrainMe Agriculture of his efforts, Peter now has a sense of belonging across My name is Hayley and I have been supported by course. During the year long course, Peter’s appetite his social interests too. Community Living for three years. I live in my own flat for learning about farming continued to increase and with friends of mine who are also supported by Nicola, a Community Engagement Facilitator at with it came a sense of belonging. Through his love for rugby, the Community Living Community Living. I currently attend a course where I Community Living has watched me grow through team supported Peter to join a local team, where he am gaining a NZ qualification which will set me up for this journey, she says “When I first met Hayley she The course required literacy and numeracy skills was awarded a prize for the most improved player of working in the future. One of my goals is also to obtain was a quiet and shy person. I always knew she outside Peter’s abilities. Community Living staff the season! Taking his interest in sport one step further, a learner’s driver license, which I am currently working could speak up for herself, but it was just a matter accepted the challenge to find a way to ensure positive Peter has now joined the Special Olympics Basketball toward. of supporting her to find her own voice. I saw progress continued for Peter. In explaining the benefit team and enjoys the social interaction that surrounds Hayley stepping out of her comfort zone to take on of gaining skills in these areas, the team supported this activity. One activity I have been involved in over the past year, the new challenges of speaking up not only for Peter to complete additional learning through a which will help me with future work, was presenting herself, but also speaking up on behalf of other literacy programme. As a result of his dedication to This young man now sees himself having a bright at Community Living Staff Introductory training. The people. I feel that Hayley’s journey has been like a studying three hours per day, five days per week, Peter future, living in the community, contributing to the things I have enjoyed about presenting is sharing with caterpillar turning into a butterfly. She has been increased his comprehension of the written word, workforce and being a valued member of society. new staff how people want to be treated and respect. I able to find her wings and has some fantastic adding a complimentary life skill to his toolbox. also had the opportunity to present at Wintec to opportunities ahead of her. It is truly amazing to His passions remain farming and rugby and through support students to gain knowledge of see the potential in people and be able to provide After Peter finished the Agriculture course he was the support of Community Living he has been given experiences of people with disabilities. Even though them with opportunities to further develop”. offered a three-month contract at an animal food and the opportunity to develop skills and use them to build it was scary going through it, I overcame that feeling. grain store. During this contract Peter was able to work what will surely be a successful life. During this year I have advocated for people *For confidentiality reasons, the name Peter has been independently, with the background support of his supported by Community Living to the Board, plus used in place of the person’s name. staff who coached him to develop strong work ethic I was nominated and won an award for Advocacy and liaised regularly with his workplace manager. within Community Living. It has been a big year of change for me and I feel I have overcome barriers and Peter gained an understanding of how hard work and gained confidence for standing in front of people and dedication lead to results. Next on his list was getting speaking. his Learners Driving License, which he is proud to have achieved. So what’s supported me in gaining ‘my voice’? It started from someone from Community Living seeing the potential in me and providing me with opportunities 09 10
FINANCIALS STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2018 Community Living Limited is a charitable entity registered under the Charities Act 2005. These Financial Statements have not been audited as individual accounts, they were extracted from the full financial statements for the Community Living Group. 2018 2017 $ $ The full financial statements of the Community Living Group, audited by Staples Rodway Audit Limited, Current Assets 3,287,980 3,636,428 were approved by the Board of Trustees of the Community Living Trust on 2 October 2018. That audit Non-Current Assets 317,100 371,639 report was unmodified in the full financial statements. TOTAL ASSETS 3,605,080 4,008,067 Current Liabilities 3,097,136 3,580,695 STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE Non-Current Liabilities - - TOTAL LIABILITIES 3,097,136 3,580,695 REVENUE AND EXPENSES TOTAL NET ASSETS NET ASSETS 507,944 427,372 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2018 Contributed Capital 566,707 566,707 Asset revaluation reserve - 334,341 Retained surplus (58,763) (473,676) 2018 2017 Total net assets attributable to the owners of the controlling entity 507,791 427,372 $ $ TOTAL REVENUE 27,372,887 22,668,490 TOTAL EXPENSES 27,083,420 22,809,695 Total surplus (deficit) for the period 414,760 (141,205) CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2018 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS/ EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2018 2018 2017 $ $ NET CASHFLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES (487,479) 593,597 Accumulated Asset NET CASHFLOWS FROM INVESTING (492,520) 758,768 Contributed Comprehensive Revaluation Total Equity Share Capital Revenue and NET CASHFLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES - - Reserve Expense Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (979,999) 1,352,365 $ $ $ $ Cash and cash equivalents at 1 July 1,930,354 577,989 Opening Balance 1 July 2017 566,707 334,341 (473,676) 427,372 Cash and Cash equivalents at 30 June 950,355 1,930,354 Total Comprehensive Revenue for the year (334,341) 414,760 80,419 Closing equity 30 June 2018 566,707 - (58,916) 507,791 Opening Balance 1 July 2016 66,707 334,341 (332,471) 68,577 Total Comprehensive Revenue for the year (141,205) (141,205) Contributed Capital 500,000 500,000 Closing equity 30 June 2017 566,707 334,341 (473,676) 427,372 13 14
ORGANISATIONAL PLAN 2017 - 2020 ORGANISATIONAL PLAN At Community Living, our plan links directly to our inspirational dream of enabling people with TOP CHALLENGES GOALS 2017 - 2020 INITIATIVES intellectual disabilities to live their dreams through community connections. Quality of Life Outcomes The following organisational plan details the key challenges the Board and the Leadership Team have identified to 1. Be the Organisation of Our person centred Implement Personal Outcomes choice for disabled approach delivers value Implement Basic Assurances guide the organisation to achieving its purpose. people, their whānau/ Implement iplanIT families We believe identifying these challenges and keeping them top of mind, will keep us on track to achieving our purpose and maintaining our focus our people, quality and sustainability. 2. Engage in purposeful Our communication Foster customer, citizenship and communication to enables our community engagement enhance future momentum Proactive and responsive direction communication with whānau / families Our People 2. Our Purpose and Our employees, interns Improve leadership, collaboration, Values are reflected in and volunteers are engagement and skills our partnerships with inspired to shape the STRATEGIC PLAN THEMES people future Support our people to gain qualifications Organisational Quality and Sustainability 4. Our organisational All policies, processes Continuously improve processes systems and practices and practices support and systems are customer our diverse customer Continuously identify, assess and focused base manage risks 5. Develop and promote Our performance is Evidentially deliver on contracts Community Living understood by our Wisely use organisational resources internal and external PEOPLE PARTNERSHIPS POSSIBILITIES stakeholders Obtain new contracts We continue to walk We will work in We are guided in alongside and support partnership with everything we do by 6. Develop innovation and Our innovation leads to Innovative ideas into action people as they plan for people, as together we our Purpose. research frameworks growth and / or improved outcomes and live their dreams, make a difference. day to day. 7. Our organisational Explore preferred Pursue selected alternative revenues relationships ventures and partnerships accelerate our journey towards our Purpose 15 16
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