Literaturverzeichnis Englischsprachige Literatur: Peter Lang

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Englischsprachige Literatur:

Aoki, Masahiko, Information, incentives and bargaining in the Japanese economy, Cambridge
Aoki, Masahiko, Patrick, Hugh, The Japanese Main Bank System, Oxford 1994
Aoyama, Mamoru, Is MPT applicable to Japan?, in: The Journal of Portfolio Management,
Herbst 1994, S. 103-111
Argy, Victor, International Financial Liberalisation - The Australian and Japanese
Experiences Compared, BOJ Monetary and Economic Studies, Vol. 5, No. 1, May 1987, S.
Arndt, H.W., Corden, W.M., Fukao, Mitsuhiro, Mikitani, Ryoichi, Nakakita, Toruu, Yen
Appreciation: J-Curve and Valuation Effects - A Symposium, Pacific Economic Papers, No.
156, Canberra 1988, S. 1-29
Asako, Kazumi, Uchino, Yuko, Bank Loan Market of Japan - A New View on the
Disequilibrium Analysis, BOJ Monetary and Economic Studies, Vol. 5, No. !, May 1987, S.
Bayoumi, Tamim, Eichengreen, Barry, One Money or many? Analyzing the prospects for
monetary unification in various parts of the world, Princeton studies in international finance,
No. 76, Princeton September 1994
Beasley, William, The rise ofmodern Japan, London 1990
Becker, Gary S., Investition in Humankapital, in: Bildungsinvestition und
Wirtschaftswachstum, Deutschland 1970
Becker, Kent G., Finnerty, Joseph E., Tucker, Alan L., The Intraday Interdependence
Structure between US and Japanese Equity Markets, in: Tue Journal ofFinancial Research,
Spring 1992, S. 27-37
Benzie, Richard, Tue Development ofthe International Bond Market, BIS Economic Papers,
No. 32, Januar 1992
Bergsten, C. Fred, Noland, Marcus, Pacific Dynamism and the International Economic
System, Washington 1993
Bergsten, C. Fred, Noland, Marcus, Reconcilable Differences? United States-Japan Economic
Conflict, Washington 1993
Black, Stanley W., "The International Use ofCurrencies", in: Suzuki, Yoshio, Miyake, Jun-
ichi, Okabe, Mitsuaki, Tue Evolution ofthe International Monetary System: How can
Efficiency and Stability be attained?, University ofTokyo Press 1990, S. 175-194
Bomhoff, Eduard J., Tue Dollar-Yen Exchange Rate, BOJ Monetary and Economic Studies,
Vol. 5, No. 3, 1991, S. 1-31
Briault, Clive, Haldane, Andrew, King, Mervyn; Central bank independence and
accountability: theory and evidence, in: Bank ofEngland Quarterly Bulletin: February 1996
Cargill, Thomas F., A U.S. Perspective on Japanese Financial Liberalization, BOJ Monetary
and Economic Studies, Vol. 3, No. 1, May 1985, S. 115-157

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Cargill, Thomas F., Financial Reform in the United States and Japan: A Comparative
Overview, in: Financial Policy and Reform in Pacific Basin Countries, S. 39-57, Lexington,
Mass. 1986
Choi, Young Back, On Financial Crisis in Korea, Max-Planck-Institut zur Erforschung von
Wirtschaftssytemen, Juni 1998
Cargill, Thomas F., Hutchison, Michael M., Monetary Policy and Political Economy: the
Federal Reserve and the Bank of Japan, in: Mayer, Thomas, Tue Political Economy of
American Monetary Policy, Cambridge 1990, S. 165-177
Christ, Carl F., Tue Financing ofthe Government Budget in Japan and its Relation to
Macroeconomic Variables, BOJ Monetary and Economic Studies, Vol. 5, No. 1, May 1987, S.
Cline, William R., The Baker Plan and Brady Reformulation: an Evaluation, in: Dealing with
the debt crises, Washington D.C. 1989, S. 176-193
Cohen, Benjamin, Phoenix Risen": The Resurrection ofGlobal Finance" in: World Politics,
Vol. 48, No. 2, S. 268-296, S. 280
Corker, Robert, External adjustment and the strong yen: recent Japanese experience, in: Staff
papers/ IMF, Nr. 2 Washington D.C. 1989, S. 464-493
Corker, Robert, Tseng, Wanda, Financial liberaliz.ation, money demand, and monetary policy
in Asian countries, IMF Occasional paper No. 84, Washington D.C. 1991
Cukierman, Alex, Central bank strategy, credibility, and independence: theory and evidence,
MIT 1992
De Grauwe, Paul, The Economics of Monetary Integration, Oxford 1994
Delgado, F., Hysteresis, Menu Costs and Pricing with Random Exchange Rates, in: Journal of
Monetary Economics, Vol. 28, 1991, S. 461 ff.
Dekle, Robert, Summers, Lawrence, Japan's High Saving Rate Reaffirmed, BOJ Monetary
and Economic Studies, Vol. 9, No. 2, September 1991, S. 63-77
Dooley, Michael, Capital mobility and economic policy, in: Edwards, Sebastian, Capital
controls, exchange rates, and monetary policy in the world economy, Cambridge 1995, S.
Eijiffinger, Sylvester C., Rixtel, Adrian van, The Japanese financial system and monetary
policy: a descriptive review, in: Japan and the world economy, 4 (1992), S. 291-309
Eijffinger, Sylvester W.C. and Jakob De Haan, The Political Economy ofCentral Bank
Independence, Special Papers in International Economics, No. 19, International Financial
Section, Princeton University, Princeton May 1996
Emmott, The Limits of Japanese Power, in: International economics and financial markets,
Oxford 1989, S. 4-18
Erb, Claude B.; Campbell, R. Harvey; Tadas E. Viskanta; Political Risk, Economic Risk and
Financial Risk, in: Financial Analysts Journal, (November/Dezember 1996), S. 29-43
Fischer, Stanley, International Capital Flows, the International Agencies, and Financial
Stability, BOJ Monetary and Economic Studies, Vol. 12, No. 1, July 1994, S. 17-27
Franke!, Jeffrey A. International Nominal Targeting (INT): A Proposal for Policy
Coordination in the 1990s, in: The world economy, 13(1990)2, S. 263-273
Franke!, Jeffrey A., "Is a Yen Bloc Forming in Pacific Asia?", in: O'Brien, Richard, Finance
and the International Economy, Tue AMEX Bank Review Prize Essays: In Memory ofRobert
Marjolin (Oxford University Press), Oxford 1991, S. 4-20

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Franke!, Jeffrey A., "The Yen-Dollar Agreement: Liberalizing Japanese Capital Markets",
Washington 1984
Franke!, Jeffrey A., Financial Markets and Monetary Policy, Cambridge, Massachusetts 1994
Franke!, Jeffrey A., Froot, Kenneth A., Short-term and long-term expectations of the Yen,
Dollar rate: evidence from survey data, in: Journal of Japanese and International Economies,
Nr. 3, San Diego 1987, S. 249-274
Franke!, Jeffrey A., International Capital Mobility and Exchange Rate Volatility, in:
International payments imbalances in the 1980s, Boston 1989, S. 163-187

Franke!, Jeffrey A., Is Japan creating a Yen Bloc in East Asia and the Pacific?, Working Paper
No. C93-007, Berkeley 1993
Franke!, Jeffrey A., Japanese Finance in the 1980s: A Survey, in: Krugman, Paul, Trade with
Japan: has the door opened wider?, Chicago 1991, S. 225-270
Franke!, Jeffrey A., Monetary regime choice for a semi-open country, in: Edwards, Sebastian,
Capital controls, exchange rates, and monetary policy in the world economy, Cambridge
1995, s. 35-70
Franke!, Jeffrey A., The Cost of Capital in Japan: Update, Business Economics, April 1991, S.
Franke!, Jeffrey A., Wei, Shang-Jin, Yen Bloc or Dollar Bloc? Exchange Rate Policies ofthe
East Asian Economies, in: lto, Takatoshi, Krueger, Anne 0., Macroeconomic Linkage,
Chicago and London 1994, S. 295-334
Franke!, Trade Blocs and Currency Blocs, in: The monetary future ofEurope, London 1993,
s. 1-35
Friedman, Milton, "Monetarism in rhetoric andin practice.", in: Ando, A., Monetary Policy
in our times, MIT 1985
Friedmann, Willy, The DM as International Investment and Reserve Currency, Hamburg 1996
Fukai, Shigeko, Prospects for an Asian Trade Bloc: Japan, the Association of South-east
Asian Nations and the Asian Newly Industrializing Economies, in: Mason, David, Turay,
Abdul, Japan, NAFTA, and Europe, London 1994, S. 164-188
Fukao, Mitsuhiro, Exchange Rate Fluctuations, Balance of Payments Imbalances and
Internationalization ofFinancial Markets, BOJ Monetary and Economic Studies Vol. 7,
August 1989
Fukao, Mitsuhiro, Exchange Rate Movements and Capital-Asset Ratio ofBanks: On the
Concept ofStructural Positions, BOJ Monetary and Economic Studies, Vol. 9, No. 2,
September 1991, S. 91-103
Fukao, Mitsuhiro, Liberalization of Japan 's Foreign Exchange Controls and Structural
Changes in the Balance of Payments, BOJ Monetary and Economic Studies, Vol. 8, No. 2,
September 1990, S. 101-165
Fukuda, Shin-ichi, Cong Ji, On the Choice oflnvoice Currency by Japanese Exporters: The
PTM Approach, 7. März 1994
Fukuda, Shin-ichi, Endogenous Exchange Rate Fluctuations under the Flexible Exchange
Rate Regime, in: lto, Takatoshi, Krueger, Anne 0., Macroeconomic Linkage, Chicago and
London 1994, S. 203-226
Fukuda, Shin-ichi, The determinants of capital controls and their effects on trade balance
during the period of capital market liberalization in Japan, in: Edwards, Sebastian, Capital

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controls, exchange rates, and monetary policy in the world economy, Cambridge 1995, S.
 Fukuda, Shin-ichi, The Structural Determinants oflnvoice Currencies in Japan: The Case of
 Foreign Trades with East Asian Countries, Hitsobashi University Discussion Paper Series A
No. 307, Tokyo 1995, new version: in: Ito, Takatoshi, Krueger, Anne, Financial Deregulation
and Integration in East Asia, Chicago and London 1996, S. 147-165
Fukunuga, Hiroshi, Kakinuma, Shigeki, Break up the Ministry ofFinance! !, in: Tokyo
Business, January 1995, S. 6-12
Funabashi, Yoichi, Asia Pacific Fusion/ Japan's role in APEC, Washington D.C. 1995
Funabashi, Yoichi, Managing the Dollar: From the Plaza to the Louvre, Washington D.C.
Garber. Peter M., The use ofthe yen as a reserve currency, in: Monetary and Economic
Studies, Vol. 14, No. 2, December 1996, S. 9 ff.
Gilpin, Robert G., The Implications ofthe Changing Trade Regime for U.S.-Japanese
Relations, in: Inoguchi, Takashi, Okimoto, Daniel, The Political Economy of Japan, Volume
2: The Changing International Context, S. 138-151, Standford 1987
Goodhart, E., Central Bank Independence, in: Journal oflnternational and Comparative
Economics, 3 (1994)
Goto, Junichi Harnada, Koichi, Economic Preconditions for Asian Regional Integration, in:
Ito, Takatoshi, Krueger, Anne 0., Macroeconomic Linkage, Chicago and London 1994, S.
Goto, Fumihiro, lrie, Kazutomo, Soyama, Akihiko, The current situation and prospects for
regional economic integration, Studies in International Trade and Industrie 3, Tokyo 1990
Grassman, Sven, A Fundamental Symmetry in International Payment Patterns, Journal of
International Economics, Vol. 3, 1973, S. 105-116
Haley, John 0., Consensual Governance: A Study ofLaw, Culture, and the Political Economy
of Postwar Japan, in: Kumon, Shumpei, Rosovsky, Henry, The Political Economy of Japan,
Volume 3: Cultural and Social Dynamics, Standford 1987, S. 32-62
Harnada, Koichi, Behind the U.S./Japan trade conflict, Center Paper No. 504, New Haven
Harnada, Koichi, Patrick, Hugh T., Japan and the International Monetary Regime, in:
Inoguchi, Takashi, Okimoto, Daniel, The Political Economy of Japan, Volume 2: The
changing international context, Standford 1987, S. 108-137
Harnada, Koichi, Japan's prospective role in the international monetary regime, Center Paper
No. 497, New Haven 1995(2)
Harnada, Koichi, The political economy of international monetary interdependence,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1985
Harnada, Koichi, Horiuchi, Akiyoshi, The Political Economy ofthe Financial Market, in:
Yamamura, Kozo, Yasuba, Yasukichi, The Political Economy of Japan, Volume 1: The
Domestic Transformation, Standford 1987, S. 222-260
Harrington, William D., The Developing Legal and Regulatory Status ofForeign Currency
Options: A Comparative Study, BOJ Monetary and Economic Studies, Vol. 6, No.2,
November 1988
Hayashi, Fumio, Explaining Japan's Saving: A Review ofRecent Literature, BOJ Monetary
and Economic Studies, Vol. 10, No. 2, November 1992, S. 63-77

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Heliwell, John F., International Growth Linkages: Evidence from Asia and OECD, in:Ito,
Takatoshi, Krueger, Anne 0., Macroeconomic Linkage, Chicago and London 1994
Henning, C. Randall, Currencies and politics in the United States, Germany, and Japan,
Washington D.C. 1994
Hoffmaister, Alexander W.; Schinasi, Garry J. Asset Prices, Financial Liberaliz.ation, and
Inflation in Japan, in: Baumgartner, Ulrich, Meredith, Guy, Saving Behavior and the Asset
Price "Bubble" in Japan, Occasional Paper 124, IMF 1995, S. 63-77
Holloway, N. (1990), ,,Building a Yen Bloc", Far Eastern Economic Review, Oktober 1990
Holtfrerich, Carl, lwami, Toru, Postwar Central Banking Reform: A German-Japanese
Comparison, University ofTokyo April 1996
Horii, Akinari, Nakao, Masaaki, The process of Decision-Making and Implementation of
Monetary Policy in Japan, Bank of Japan Special Paper 198, März 1991
Horiuchi, Akiyoshi, An Evaluation of Japanese Financial Liberaliz.ation: A Case Study of
Corporate Bond Markets, University ofTokyo 1995
Horiuchi, Akiyoshi, Liberaliz.ation and Stability in the Japanese Financial System: An
Overview, January 1995
Horiye, Yasuhiro, Export Behavior of Japanese Firms, BOJ Monetary and Economic Studies,
Vol. 5, No. 1, May 1987, S. 33-103
Horne, James, Japan's financial markets, Hong Kong 1985
Hoshi, Takeo, Scharfenstein, David, Singleton, Kenneth J., Japanese Corporate Investment
and Bank of Japan Guidance of Commercial Bank Lending, in: Singleton, Kenneth J.,
Japanese Monetary Policy, Chicago and London, Chicago University Press, S. 63-94
Hutchison, Michael M., Asset price fluctuations in Japan: What rote for Monetary Policy?, in:
Monetary and Economic Studies, BOJ Dezember 1994, S. 61-84
Ichikawa, Nobuyuki, Sawamoto, Kuniho, Implementation ofMonetary Policy in Japan; in:
Balino, Tomas, Cottarelli, Carlo, Frameworks for Monetary Stability, IMF seminar on central
banking, Washington D.C. 1994, S. 81-117
Inoue, Ichiro, International Currency in Europe and International Curreny in Asia (Oshu no
Kokusaitsu to Ajia Kokusaitsuka), Tokio 1994
Inoue, Ichiro, International Currency in Asia (English version), Discussion Paper No. 133,
Tohoku University 1996, S. 15 f.
Ito, Takatoshi, Hirono, Keiko Nosse, Efficiency ofthe Tokyo Housing Market, BOJ Monetary
andEconomicStudies, Vol.11,No. l,July 1993,S. l-31
lto, Takatoshi, lwaisako, Tokuo, Explaining Asset Bubbles in Japan, BOJ Monetary and
Economic Studies, Vol. 14, No. 1, Juli 1996, S. 143-193
Ito, Takatoshi, Maruyama, Masoyoshi, Is the Japanese Distribution System really inefficient?,
in: Krugman, Paul, Trade with Japan: has the door opened wider?, Chicago 1991, S. 149-174
lto, Takatoshi, On recent Movements of Japanese Currents Accounts and Capital Flows, in:
lto, Takatoshi, Krueger, Anne 0., Macroeconomic Linkage, Chicago and London 1994, S. 31-
lto, Takatoshi, On the possibility of a yen bloc, in: Reuven, Glick, Hutchison, Michael,
Exchange rate policy and interdependence - perspectives from the Pacific Basin, Cambridge
Ito, Takatoshi, The Intradaily Exchange Rate Dynamics and Monetary Policies after the
Group of Five Agreement, in: Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 1, 1987, S.
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Ito, Takatoshi, Tue Yen and the International Monetary System, in: Bergsten, C. Fred,
Noland, Marcus, Pacific Dynamism and the International Economic System, Washington DC
1993, S. 299-323
Ito, Takatoshi, The Japanese economy, Massachusetts 1992
Itoh, Motoshige, Hatanaka, Kaori, Access to the Japanese Market by Asian Countries: A
Case Study ofthe Wool Textile Industry, in: Ito, Takatoshi, Krueger, Anne, Trade and
protectionism, Chicago 1993
Itoh, Motoshige, Tue Japanese Distribution System and Access to the Japanese Market, in:
Krugman, Paul, Trade with Japan: has the door opened wider?, Cicago 1991, S. 175-190
Iversen, Ingrid, Japan's Trade Adjustment, in: The Business Economist, Winter 1989, S. 18-
Iwami, Toru, Japan in the International Financial System, New York Dezember 1995
Iwami, Toru, Sato, Kiyotaka, The Internationalization ofthe Yen: with an Emphasis on East
Asia, University ofTokyo 1994 (and revised version from 1996)
Iwami, Toru, Tue Internationalization ofYen and Key Currrency Questions, IMF Working
Paper 1995
lwamura; Mitsuru, Deposit Insurance and Moral Hazard, in: BOJ Monetary and Economic
Studies, Vol. 11, No. 1, Juli 1993, S. 63-79
Kähkönen, Juha; Does Japan Save Too Much?, S. 4-14, Japan's Capital Flows, S. 16-34,
Movements in Asset Prices Since the Mid-1980s, S. 51-62; in: Baumgartner, Ulrich,
Meredith, Guy, Saving Behavior and the Asset Price "Bubble" in Japan, Occasional Paper
124, IMF 1995
Kamada, Koichiro, The Real Value of Postal Savings Certificates, BOJ Monetary and
Economic Studies, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 1993, S. 59-89
Kanegae, Tsuyoshi, On the Reform ofthe Central Banking System in Japan, Discussion Paper
No. 20, Chukyo University 1994
Katsu, Etsuku, Financial Liberalization and the short-tem Money Market in Japan, in: Tokyo
Financial Review, Tokyo Dezember 1989
Kawai, Masahiro, Urata, Shujiro, Are Trade and Investment Substitutes or Compliments?: An
Empirical Analysis of Japanese Manufacturing Industries, Discussion Paper Series No. F-50,
University ofTokyo 1996
Kawai, Masahiro, "Comments," In: Suzuki, Yoshio, Miyake, Junichi, Okabe, Mitsuake, Tue
Evolution ofthe International Monetary System: How can Efficiency and Stability be
attained?, University ofTokyo Press 1990, S. 229-234
Kawai, Masahiro, Interactions of Japan' s trade and investment: A special review on East Asia,
Discussion Paper Series No. F-39, University ofTokyo 1994
Kawai, Masahiro, Japanese Firms in Financial Distress and Main Banks: Analysis oflnterest
Rate Premia, Discussion Paper Series No. F-51, University of Tokyo 1996
Kawai, Masahiro, The Japanese Yen as an International Currency: Performance and
Prospects, Discussion Paper Series No. F-40, University ofTokyo Press 1994
Kawai, Masahiro, Urata, Shujiro, Trade Imbalances and Japanese Foreign Direct Investment:
Bilateral and Triangular Issues, Discussion Papers Series No. F-52, University ofTokyo 1996
Kawai, Masahiro, Yen Rate Volatility and the International Monetary System, in: Social
Science Japan 6, February 1996, S. 11-19
Kikuchi, Yuji, The Internationalization ofthe Yen -A decade since the Yen-Dollar-
Committee- in: Tokyo Financial Review, Vol. 21, No. 6, Juni 1995, S. 1-11

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Knetter, Michael M., International Comparisons of Pricing-to-Market Behavior, NBER
 Working Paper No. 4098, June 1992
Koike, Kazuo, Understanding Industrial Relations in Modem Japan, Tokio 1988
Komiya, Ryutaro, Wakasugi, Ryuhei, Japan's Foreign Direct Investment, MITI Discussion
Paper 90, DFl 1, Tokyo 1990
Krugman, Paul, Currencies and crises, MIT 1992
Krugman, Paul; Obstfeld, Maurice, International Economics, USA 1997
Krugman, Paul, Tue International Role ofthe Dollar: Theory and Prospect, in: Bilson, John,
Marston, Richard, Exchange Rate Theory and Practice, Chicago 1984
Krugman, Paul, Rethinking International trade, MIT 1990
Krugman, Paul, The Myth of Asia's Miracle, in: Foreign Affairs November/Dezember 1994,
S. 62-78
Kuroda, Akio, Kotani, Masataka, Ogawa, Marie, Features and Problems ofBank Accounting
System in Japan, BOJ Monetary and Economic Studies, Vol. 12, No. 1, July 1994, S. 35-75
Kwan, C.H., Economic Interdependence in the Asia-Pacific Region: Toward a Yen Bloc,
London and New York 1993
Kwan, C.H., A Yen Bloc in Asia - An integrative Approach-, Nomura Research Institute,
December 1995; in: Journal ofthe Asia Pacific Economy, Vol. 1, No. 1 (überarbeitete
Fassung), S. 1-21
Kwan, C.H., Tue Theory ofOptimum Currency Areas and the Possibility ofForming a Yen
Bloc in Asia, Nomura Research Institute, Tokio 1997
Lawrence, Robert, How open is Japan?, in: Krugman, Paul, Trade with Japan : has the door
opened wider?, Chicago 1991, S. 9-50
Lizondo, J. Saul, ,,Foreign Direct Investment", in: IMF, Determinants and Systemic
Consequences oflntemational Capital Flows, Occasional Paper 77, Washington D .C. 1991, S.
Maehara, Yasuhiro, The Intemationalization ofthe Yen and its Role as a Key Currency, in:
Journal of Asian economics, Vol. 4, Nr. 1, 1993, S. 153-170
Magee, Stephen P., U.S. Import Prices in the Currency-Contract Period, Brooking Papers on
Economic Activities, 1:1974, S. 117-168
Meerschwam, David M., Tue Japanese Financial System and the Cost ofCapital, in:
Krugman, Paul, Trade with Japan: has the door opened wider?, Chicago 1991, S. 191-224
Marston, Richard C., Determinants of Short-Term Real Interest Differentials between Japan
and the United States, BOJ Monetary and Economic Studies, Vol. 11, No. 1, July 1993, S. 33-
Marston, Richard C., Price Behavior in Japanese and U.S. Manufacturing, in: Krugman, Paul,
Trade with Japan: has the door opened wider?, Chicago 1991, S. 121-148
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 Matsushita, Yasuo, The Role ofthe Central Bank, Rede vom 14.6.1996
 Matsushita, Yasuo, The Role ofMonetary Policy, in: Bank of Japan Quarterly Bulletin, Tokio
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 Meltzer, Allan, On Making Monetary Policy More Effective Domestically and Internationally,
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BOJ Monetary and Economic Studies, Vol. 12, No. 1, July 1994, S. 1-15
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Exchange rate policy and interdependence: perspectives from the Pacific Basin, Cambridge
Meredith, Guy, Demographie Change and Household Saving in Japan, S. 36-44, Alternative
Long-Run Scenarios, S. 46-50, in: Baumgartner, Ulrich, Meredith, Guy, Saving Behavior and
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Political Economy of Japan, Volume 3: Cultural and Social Dynamics, S. 63-83, Standford
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Nakamura, Yoshiaki, Shibuya, Minoru, The hollowing out phenomenon in the Japanese
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Nakao, Shigeo, The Political Economy of Japan Money, University ofTokyo Press 1995
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Neumann, Manfred, A comparative study ofseigniorage: Japan and Germany, BOJ Monetary
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Ng, Kui Beoy, Bank Liquidity Management and the Implementations ofExchange Rate
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                            Herausgegeben von Rolf Hasse, Wolf Schäfer,
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Band       Lars Bünning: Die Konvergenzkriterien des Maastricht-Vertrages unter besonderer Berück-
           sichtigung ihrer Konsistenz. 1997.
Band 2     Andreas Henning: Beveridge-Kurve, Lohnsetzung und Langzettarbettslosigkeit. Eine theoreti-
           sche Untersuchung unter Berücksichtigung des Insider-Outsider-Ansatzes und der Entwertung
           des Humankapttals. 1997.
Band   3   Iris Henning: Die Reputation einer Zentralbank. Eine theoretische Untersuchung unter beson-
           derer Berücksichtigung der Europäischen Zentralbank. 1997.
Band   4   Rüdiger Hermann: Ein gemeinsamer Markt für Elektrizttät in Europa. Optionen einer Wettbe-
           werbsordnung zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit. 1997.
Band   5   Alexander Tiedtke: Japan und der Vorwurf des Trittbrettfahrerverhaltens in der US-amerika-
           nisch-japanischen Allianz. 1997.
Band   6   Wolfgang Grimme: Ordnungspolitisches Konzept der Regionalpolitik. Darstellung der Defizite
           und des Reformbedarfs der Regionalpolitik am Beispiel Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns. 1997.
Band   7   Christian Ricken: Determinanten der Effektivttät der Umweltpolitik. Der nationale Politikstil im
           Spannungsfeld von Ökonomie, Politik und Kultur. 1997.
Band   8   Christian Schmidt: Real Convergence in the European Union. An Empiricaf Analysis. 1997.
Band   9   Silvia Marengo: Exchange Rate Policy for MERCOSUR: Lessons from the European Union.
Band 10    Jens Kleinemeyer: Standardisierung zwischen Kooperation und Wettbewerb. Eine spieltheore-
           tische Betrachtung. 1998.
Band 11    Stefan M. Golder: Migration und Arbettsmarkt. Eine empirische Analyse der Performance von
           Ausländern in der Schweiz. 1999.
Band 12    Stefan Kramer: Die Wirkung einer Internationalisierung des Yen auf die japanischen Finanz-
           märkte, die japanische Geldpolitik und die Usancen der Fakturierung. 1999.

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