Lights, camera, acting - Pleasanton Weekly

Lights, camera, acting - Pleasanton Weekly
                                                                                                      Page 17

                          7, 2021                                                 WWW.PLEASANTONWEEKLY.COM

          Ha p p y Mo t her’ s D a y

                                    Lookalike contest celebrates
                                    lifelong joys of motherhood
                                               Page 12

                                                         5 NEWS   Council confirms JDEDZ transportation fees

                                                         5 NEWS   Stein keeps commission seat, must do training

                                                         19 SPORTS   Local products drafted in NFL’s 2nd round
Lights, camera, acting - Pleasanton Weekly
             health care in
             the new normal
                                                Stanford Health Care – ValleyCare is ready to care for you, now and always.

                                                  We continue to adapt and adhere to the most up-to-date safety guidelines,

                                                  so you can feel confident getting the care you need.

                   RATED BY THE CENTERS for       To ensure your safety, we are:

                                                  • Screening both staff and patients for COVID-19
               Awarded the highest quality
            ranking by the Centers for Medicare   • Requiring and providing masks for all
                & Medicaid Services (CMS)
                                                  • Staggering visits to allow for physical distancing in common areas
                                                  • Ensuring separate screening areas for symptomatic patients
                                                  • Sanitizing exam rooms after every patient
                                                  • Scheduling urgent care video visits in addition to in-person care
                                                  Don’t delay your care. Appointments are available at our locations across
                                                  the Tri-Valley and remotely by video visit.


Page 2 • May 7, 2021 • Pleasanton Weekly
Lights, camera, acting - Pleasanton Weekly
WHAT A WEEK                                                    BY JEREMY WALSH
                                                                                           OFFER PRICE: $4,295,000                         COMING SOON!

PUSD wants to hear from you

O          r at least that’s what I took
           away from the pair of press
           releases district officials is-
sued in recent days.
    On Monday, the Pleasanton Unified
                                             district communications and the pan-
                                             demic (scale: Strongly agree; Agree;
                                             Disagree; Strongly disagree; Don’t
                                                Oh, and of course, “How would
School District publicly launched its        you rate how Pleasanton Unified
annual “School Quality Stakeholder           School District handled the COVID-            3 WINDING OAKS DRIVE                         6955 CORTE ANTONIO
Survey,” an online questionnaire tar-        19 pandemic for the 2020-21 school             4 Bedrooms, 4.5 Bathrooms                   4 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms
geting insights from parents, guard-         year?”                                             5,197 Square Feet                          2,632 Square Feet
ians, staff and secondary students but          That area of results will undoubt-
also open to the community at-large.         edly be the headline. How was the                     1.97 Acre Lot                             8,944 Sq Ft Lot
    That news came one week after            at-home learning experience? Were
PUSD unveiled its new “Let’s Talk!”          course expectations clearly explained?
platform, a centralized tool allowing
people to send a question, comment
or concern to PUSD any time online
                                             What about when kids came back to
                                             campus? And what elements from
                                             hybrid learning should the district
                                                                                                                                       VOTE FOR US!
or via mobile app.                           bring back?                                                                                 Best Realtor &
    The two efforts, both coordinated           I do recommend, on the COVID-
by national education consultant firm        era questions, being thoughtful and                                                      Real Estate Brokerage
K12 Insight under separate contracts         fair in focusing on PUSD specifically
totaling about $56,000 per year, seem        and how it handled decisions, pro-
rooted in information gathering, in-         grams and outcomes under their con-
ternal improvement, stakeholder en-          trol during this pandemic. Consider         7TIME WINNER AS PLEASANTON’S BEST REALTOR & HALL OF FAME MEMBER
gagement and enhanced customer               recognizing what negatives (or posi-
service — areas all governmental en-         tives) were more the result of state
tities, PUSD included, should always
be striving to get better at.
                                             and county mandates or guidelines.
                                             That’s how the district can truly get
                                                                                                       Gina Piper
    So I decided to dig a little deeper.     the types of responses to help them                       925.200.0202 • DRE #01201349
    Interviewing Patrick Gannon,             improve where and how they can in               
PUSD’s coordinator of communica-             the future.                                     
tion and community engagement,                  The survey is open through May
I learned the stakeholder survey is          17. Staff and students in grades 6-12
a mix of questions similar to those          received the survey by email invita-
from the two previous years’ surveys         tion; parents, guardians and commu-
along with new questions targeting
input on the district’s COVID-19 re-
                                             nity members can take it at pusdedu.
                                             info/2021sqsurvey. There are English,
                                                                                            Tri-Valley readers, what is
                                                                                         local journalism worth to you?
sponse and the learning experience           Spanish and Chinese language ver-
in the 2020-21 school year. (Gannon          sions. Responses are anonymous.
noted there was no annual survey for            Also Tuesday night, I visited the
2019-20 due to the impacts of the            App Store, found “Let’s Talk! (school
pandemic in spring 2020.)                    customer experience)” and tried it
    In many ways, the 2021 results           out.
will serve as a post-pandemic bench-            I’ll often download relevant (free)
mark, according to Gannon.                   apps onto my phone as part of my
    Survey data are expected to be           journalistic research — I still have
shared with the school board and             the town’s “Danville Connect” app
leadership at individual school sites        I downloaded soon after it debuted
this summer; the district hopes to           in 2013. It’s instructive in reporting
identify its strengths and where it          to experience what the user would
needs to improve.                            experience.
    I clicked through the stakehold-            Once accessing PUSD specifically
er survey myself on Tuesday night.           (via ID No. PU1922), “Let’s Talk!”
Don’t worry; I didn’t submit it at the       seemed straightforward.
end and selected “Don’t know” or                That’s what I like to see from a digi-
put “N/A” in answer boxes wherever           tal customer service tool; regardless of     Keep strong journalism alive in your community.
possible. I just wanted to get a sense,      whether I like the answers I get, I can
first-hand, of what online respon-           respect an intuitive and efficient pro-     With local retail advertising steadily declining around the nation,
dents will face.                             cess for delivering direct responses to     the future of local journalism is in the hands of our readers. Only
    It’s mainly multiple choice in for-      my questions.
mat. And they’re fair in estimating 10          Of course in PUSD’s case, I expect
                                                                                         with your direct support as a subscribing member can we retain
minutes at most.                             the depth of the query could impact         our professional journalists and continue to provide insightful and
    There are broader questions you’d        timeliness of response, but Gannon          engaging coverage of the community.
expect like “How would you rate the          told me his goal is within 24 to 48
overall quality of the district?” (scale:    hours. Fair standard; we’ll have to see
Excellent; Good; Fair; Poor). And            how it plays out.
                                                                                         For just $10 a month, or 33 cents a day, you can do your part to
there are more targeted queries within          Check it out via the app or at           ensure that a free and responsible press continues to hold institutions
topics like academic support, school Then, let me         accountable.
leadership, family environment,              know what you think. Q
                                                                                            Sign up for membership at
About the Cover
Pareena and Varupi Gupta have won our 2021 Mother’s Day Lookalike                                                                               Danville
Contest. Learn more about the Guptas and look back over all of this year’s
finalists inside on Pages 12-13. Cover design by Paul Llewellyn.
                                                           Vol. XXII, Number 15
                                                                                                                                            Pleasanton Weekly • May 7, 2021 • Page 3
Lights, camera, acting - Pleasanton Weekly
Camp Connection                                                
                                                                                  camp_connection/                             Streetwise                                                ASKED AROUND TOWN
  Fashion Design & Sewing Camp @ KIDZ                            Covid tests and vaccines. In this camp you will get a
  KRAFTZ!                                                        chance to utilize some basic molecular biology tools used
  7690 Quail Creek Cir. | Dublin | (925) 271-0015
                                                                 to observe and measure cells, viruses, proteins and DNA.
                                                                 We will provide a laboratory kit with safe supplies to run
                                                                                                                                           What are your plans
  Focus on sewing stylish, wearable clothing, accessories,
                                                                 experiments in your home and will collaborate over Zoom.
                                                                 Graphic Design & Digital Media for Middle School
                                                                                                                                            for Mother’s Day?
  craft and jewelry projects, while introducing children to      Students
  fashion design concepts, sewing techniques, basic pattern      July 19-23, 2021 | 9am to 2pm | Via Zoom
  manipulation and fashion illustration. Sewing machines
                                                                 $100 per student | Age Group: 12-14
                                                                                                                                                                  Kristina Young
  and notions provided. FREE fabric for first day of the camp.                                                                                                    Wine server
  Pizza party on last day of the camp. Early Bird Registration   Have you ever wanted to create your own character and
                                                                 bring it to life? Throughout the Graphic Design & Digital                                        I’m having brunch with my family, and
  Special, as well as many discount options available.
                                                                 Media summer camp, you will learn how to sketch                                                  then going to work at 3 Steves. My
  Hacienda Campus, HeadsUp! Montessori                           and draw your own character in Photoshop, and then                                               daughter is coming into town specially
  Preschool                                                      model it 3D using Maya. At the end of the camp, you will                                         for the occasion. We are all vaccinated
  Pleasanton | Palo Alto | San Jose                              receive a 3D printed figure of your own design!                                                  now and looking forward to hugging one
  Hacienda Campus: (925) 463-2885                                Interior Design                                                                                  another.
  Palo Alto: (650) 424-1221                                      July 19-22, 2021 | 10am to 12:30pm | Via Zoom
  San Jose: (408) 432-1644                                       $100 per student |                         The Interior Design summer camp teaches students
                                                                 about interior design through practical application
  For 35 years, HeadsUp! Montessori in the Hacienda
                                                                 of hands-on creative spaces as well as digital means.                                            Tiffany Phillips
  Business Park has provided children ages 0-6 the highest                                                                                                        IT in the cloud
                                                                 Students will develop an understanding of measuring,
  quality care and learning: full-day programs, year-round
  schedule, on site and online. Call for more information.       designing human centered spaces, while investigating                                             I’m going to see my mom and take her
                                                                 relationships of human behavior and the space they                                               on a miniature golf outing. It is a bit of
                                                                 occupy. Students will engage in design elements and                                              an annual ritual, and she always plans to
  Las Positas College Summer Camps
                                                                 principles including use of color and textures within the                                                                                                                           be our designated driver.
                                                                 design space. Design kits will be available for pick up on
  Welding Technology                                             campus the week before the camp. Students will have
  June 14 – 24, 2021 | 8am to 2pm | On Campus Learning!          access to model home tours, construction site tours, and
  For Credit Tuition and Fees Apply | Age Group: 15-18           showroom tours.
  The Welding Technology summer camp gives high
  school students an opportunity to earn college credit          Stratford School
  while igniting their interest in the field of welding. The
  two week camp introduces the basics of shop safety,                                                                                                             April Murray
  hand tools, and fabrication of simple metal projects.          Rediscover Summer@Stratford                                                                      CFO
  There is an emphasis on practical uses and applications.       Summer@Stratford is back with our academic camp
                                                                 favorites and all NEW day camp programs! This
                                                                                                                                                                  I’ll be on the golf course with my son.
  This is a one unit for credit course that is CSU                                                                                                                He’s playing in the SNEDS Junior Golf
  transferrable. Note: A lab section will be held on campus      summer, children will have a wide range of options
                                                                 to explore new interests, discover a world of wonder,                                            tour in Tennessee. He’s promised to hit a
  for students to gain hands-on experience.
                                                                 make new friends, and expand their horizons. It all                                              hole-in-one for me.
  Automotive Technology                                          starts with our outstanding Summer Team, whose
  July 5-8, 2021 | 8am to 2pm | On Campus Learning!              talent, creativity, and leadership set the tone for an
  Non-Credit Tuition and Fees Apply | Age Group: 16-18           unforgettable experience. Get ready to rediscover
  Have you ever wanted to know more about your car but           the fun of learning and give your child a summer to
  do not have time to take an 18-week course? Have you           remember at Stratford!
  ever wanted to change your own oil? Learn what the
  cryptic code on the tire means? Learn general knowledge        Academic Camps — Stratford’s Academic Camps are
                                                                 the perfect way to enhance your child’s love of learning                                         Holger Hornisch, with Riley
  about cars? If so, then this is the summer camp for you!
                                                                 while focusing on a specific subject. From math and                                              Winery general manager
  Note: A lab section will be held on campus for students to
  gain hands-on experience on your personal vehicle.             robotics to literature and creative writing, we have                                             My mom is flying in from Michigan
                                                                 something for every student. Working independently                                               and we’re planning to do lots of hiking
  Commercial Music                                               and in small groups, students will apply real-life
  July 5-9, 2021 | 9am to 2pm | Via Zoom                                                                                                                          throughout the East Bay. I can’t wait for
                                                                 experiences to lessons learned in the classroom.                                                 all of the great German food she’ll be
  $100 per student | Age Group: 14-18
  Making Music for Film and Games: The Commercial                Day Camps — All NEW Day Camps. Each week,                                                        cooking for us.
  Music summer camp will be action filled with creating          students in Kindergarten through 5th grade will jump
  short pieces for film scenes and game projects. It will        into action as they explore science and nature, discover
  cover the basics of the topics covered in the Scoring for      creative and performing arts, participate in sports and
  Film and Multimedia course including an intro to Logic         games, and so much more. Activity blocks give campers
  Pro X and using MIDI to create music digitally. This camp      a variety of experiences throughout each camp day.
  is for people with at least some musical experience            Specialty Camps — Add even more fun with Specialty                                               Robert Kent
  (familiar with notes, scales, and rhythms), and a              Camps — packed with hands-on experiences.                                                        Architect
  willingness to dedicate time to creating. We will be using     Stratford’s Specialty Camps provide campers with a
  Logic Pro X, a Mac based program, but will be accessible                                                                                                        We’re going to the Cuda Ridge Winery
                                                                 variety of activities including robotics, to explore while
  for PC users, or those who do not have their own license,                                                                                                       for their Roses, Rosé & Runways event. It
                                                                 discovering new STEAM skills and talents!
  through a remote access application.                                                                                                                            is a special Mother’s Day event that will
                                                                 These innovative camps are available for children ready                                          be featuring a distinct tasting flight and
  Graphic Design & Digital Media for High School                 for Preschool, Elementary, and Middle School. Give your
  Students                                                                                                                                                        also some fancy chocolates to pair with
                                                                 child the Summer@Stratford experience they deserve                                               each wine.
  July 12-15, 2021 | 9am to 2pm | Via Zoom                       and secure your space today!
  $100 per student | Age Group: 15-18
  Have you ever wanted to create your own character and          Write Now! Summer Writing Camps
  bring it to life? Throughout the Graphic Design & Digital
  Media summer camp, you will learn how to sketch                Pleasanton | Palo Alto                                                                                             — Compiled by Nancy and Jeff Lewis
  and draw your own character in Photoshop, and then             Hacienda: (925) 485-5750
  model it 3D using Maya. At the end of the camp, you will       Emerson: (650) 424-1267                                        Have a Streetwise question? Email
  receive a 3D printed figure of your own design!      
                                                                                                                               The Pleasanton Weekly is published every Friday by Embarcadero Media, 5506 Sunol Blvd.,
  July 12-15, 2021 | 10am to 3pm | Via Zoom                      Emerson Montessori’s three courses improve students’          Suite 203, Pleasanton, CA 94566; (925) 600-0840. Mailed at Periodicals Postage Rate,
  $100 per student | Age Group: 15-17                            writing and public presentations: Expository Writing          USPS 020407. The Weekly is mailed upon request to homes and apartments in Pleasanton.
  Information:                                                                                    Print subscriptions for businesses or residents of other communities are $60 per year or $100
                                                                 (school prose forms), Creative Writing (stories, plays,       for two years. Go to to sign up and for more information.
  Molecular biologists have been some of the unsung heroes       poems), and Presentation Skills (“debate” this year). Visit   POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Pleasanton Weekly,
  of the current pandemic, working non-stop developing           our website for more information.                             5506 Sunol Blvd., Suite 203, Pleasanton, CA 94566. ©2021 by Embarcadero Media.
                                                                                                                               All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited.

Page 4 • May 7, 2021 • Pleasanton Weekly
Lights, camera, acting - Pleasanton Weekly
DIGEST                                     Pleasanton council confirms new fees for
Vaccine availability
   Tri-Valley health care nonprofit
Axis Community Health is offer-
                                         Johnson Drive Economic Development Zone
ing COVID-19 vaccination ap-                    Revenue to cover cost of traffic improvements ahead of future projects like Costco
pointments at its clinics in Pleas-
anton and Livermore for those                    BY JULIA BAUM                 anchor the location of Pleasanton’s     years. Originally adopted in 2018,       the city’s General Plan to “spur

ages 16 years old and older.                   evelopers who build on          newest commercial development,          the transportation fee was rescind-      investment” in the 40-acre area
   The service is free, with no                land in Pleasanton’s John-      city staff said revenue collected       ed several months later while the        near Johnson and Stoneridge
insurance card needed. Open as
                                               son Drive Economic De-          from the transportation fees would      city conducted additional envi-          Drive.
long as slots are available. Drive-
thru or walk-up appointments           velopment Zone (JDEDZ) by the           mitigate the impact of new devel-       ronmental review of the project to           “I’ll just reiterate my stance that
are offered for Moderna, Pfizer        I-580/I-680 interchange will also       opment in the JDEDZ by upgrad-          resolve an initial lawsuit.              it’s essential that the Stoneridge
and Johnson & Johnson vaccines.        cover the cost of traffic improve-      ing and adding to the city’s traffic       After completing the review,          Drive work proceed,” Council-
Call 925-462-1755; no computer         ments in its vicinity, after the        infrastructure. Fees would be as-       the JDEDZ was formally ap-               member Jack Balch said before
needed.                                City Council unanimously voted          sessed according to land-use and        proved last year — though that           voting Tuesday evening. “Regard-
   Also this week, officials in        on Tuesday to levy transporta-          the building square footage being       decision was hit with litigation,        less of the outcome or results
neighboring Contra Costa Coun-         tion fees on new development in         proposed.                               too, which is headed to the state        of the lawsuit, I think that is
ty announced that it has enough        the area.                                  The item made its way to the         appellate court. Approval of the         essential.”
COVID-19 supply to offer doses            With a Costco, two hotels            council at their meeting this week      project would also change land-
to anyone, regardless of whether
                                       and other businesses planned to         after being on pause for several        use designations and zoning in                 See COUNCIL on Page 10
they live or work in the county.
The expansion of vaccine eligibil-
ity is not expected to hamper the
county’s ability to continue vac-                                                                                                                                     Lengthy
cinating people who are from the
county. Visit or call
                                                  Livermore keeps Stein on                                                                                            outage
PDA interim exec
                                                 commission, orders training                                                                                           sparks
   The Pleasanton Downtown As-
sociation has elevated Rochelle
Stone internally to serve as interim
                                                   after ‘ghetto’ comments                                                                                            debate
executive director while the PDA                    Public opinion runs the gamut at special council meeting                                                      ‘Disgruntled’ residents
board continues to recruit for a
permanent leader going forward.                  BY CIERRA BAILEY                                                     the discussion back in a special             seek to improve city’s
   Prior executive director Tiffany         John Stein will remain on the                                             meeting where they would de-
Cadrette moved on from the PDA
                                         Livermore Planning Commis-                                                   cide how to move forward.
                                                                                                                                                                  internet infrastructure
last month after 1-1/2 years at the
helm to take a new job as marking        sion, the City Council decided in                                               Before deciding Stein’s fate                       BY JULIA BAUM
and communications manager for           a 4-1 vote during a special meet-                                            Monday night, the council heard              Public interest in building a fiber
the Alameda County Fairgrounds.          ing Monday evening.                                                          from more than a dozen commu-             optic network throughout the city
   The PDA aims to promote down-            The council’s decision was                                                nity members during the public            has increased recently, after a Com-
town Pleasanton and enhancing its        contingent upon the conditions                                               comment portion of the meeting.           cast outage last month left several
viability. The organization is the       that Stein — who is also a former                                               The remarks were reflective            hundred homes in Pleasanton with-
main driver for the “Weekend on          councilmember — attend a series                                              of divisive views, with several           out internet service for much of a day.
Main” program — the closure of           of training webinars for plan-                                               people calling for Stein to resign           With more people working and
Main Street to vehicular traffic to      ning commissioners across the                                                or be removed, others advocat-            studying from home these days, the
allow businesses to expand into the
                                         state and that he meet with city                                             ing for him to remain on the              movement for improving the city’s
street, which returned last week-
end and runs every Friday through        human services staff. The council                                            planning commission with no               network infrastructure is gaining
Sunday until Labor Day.                  will also issue a formal written                                             consequence and a few people              momentum among residents.
                                         warning explaining that this will      Screengrab of Livermore Planning      who condemned his comments                   A new group on NextDoor called
                                         be the only opportunity he has to      Commissioner John Stein at April      but didn’t express support for his        “Improving Pleasanton’s Internet” has
HPMS teacher award                                                              20 meeting.
                                         correct his actions.                                                         dismissal.                                more than 50 members and con-
   Harvest Park Middle School
                                            Councilmember Bob Carling,         April 20 planning commission              After the vote, Stein accepted         tinues to grow while also starting
teacher Greg Dankwardt is one
of 19 teachers statewide recently        who called for Stein’s removal        meeting where he referred to a         the conditions put forward by             conversations about the issue with
awarded a $100 mini-grant from           Monday, was the only dissenter.       proposed affordable housing de-        the council, noting that he be-           city leaders, group leader Evan Miller
the California Resource Recovery            “Everyone makes mistakes.          velopment as a “ghetto.”               lieves these steps will make him a        told the Weekly.
Association (CRAA) K-12 Techni-          Those with integrity want the            “I really don’t want to see the     “better planning commissioner.”              “There’s been a shift towards work-
cal Council.                             chance to fix those mistakes,”        downtown become a ghetto of               “What I’ve seen happen tonight         ing from home that the pandemic
   Dankwardt wrote in the appli-         Vice Mayor Trish Munro said.          affordable housing, and I support      was compassion, really, and an            has massively accelerated, so the im-
cation that “if awarded the grant,       “If you expect that for yourself,     inclusionary housing both on a         understanding that people get a           portance of home internet is far more
we would use the money towards           know that opportunity must be         macro and micro scale. I think it      second chance — and I’ll just say         than it was in 2020,” Miller said.
signage to help advertise and pro-       given to everyone.”                   should be distributed throughout       that is consistent with my own               Internet service providers (ISPs)
mote our recycling program in our
                                            Before the council began its       the city and if we see high-densi-     life experience. However, there           “are one of those areas where every-
lunch area.”
   PUSD spokesman Patrick Gan-           deliberations, Stein offered an-      ty housing downtown, it should         aren’t more chances,” Mayor Bob           one’s generally quite disgruntled,”
non told the Weekly, “Mr. Dank-          other apology. “A number of           be market rate with maybe 20%          Woerner said in closing remarks           according to Miller.
wardt and his students are doing         people were hurt by my offensive      affordable rather than entire af-      before adjourning the meeting.               “Most people aren’t technical
incredible work keeping the Har-         comments during the last Plan-        fordable,” Stein said during the          Stein’s initial comments were          enough to understand what their
vest Park campus ‘green’.”               ning Commission (meeting), to         April 20 meeting.                      in reference to an Eden Hous-             options are and what to ask for,” he
   “New signage and bins will raise      all of them, I say I am truly sorry      He publicly apologized to the       ing residential project proposed          said. “We’re hoping to bring together
awareness in our Harvest Park            and I will do my best to see that     community and the City Council         for downtown Livermore at the             more technical people who can navi-
classrooms and common areas              it never happens again,” he said.     at its April 26 regular meeting,       southeast corner of the Railroad          gate all this stuff and all the residents
to reduce waste by encouraging              Stein — who was appointed          after facing backlash for his com-     Avenue and L Street intersection.         who care about it but don’t know
students to recycle and separate
                                         to the commission in 2019 and         ments. The council could not           The development would provide             what to do next.”
food scraps,” Gannon said. “This
supports the district’s overarch-        previously held a seat on the City    make a decision at that time           130 new affordable homes rang-               Earlier this year, the city’s Economic
ing environmental sustainability         Council from 1982-85 and again        about whether to expel Stein as        ing from one to three bedrooms            Vitality Committee recommendation
efforts and our collective mission       in 1989 to 2000 — became the          it was not on the agenda but the
to empower students to make a            center of controversy after an        councilmembers voted to bring                See STEIN on Page 10                      See INTERNET on Page 6
better world.” Q
                                                                                                                                                           Pleasanton Weekly • May 7, 2021 • Page 5
Lights, camera, acting - Pleasanton Weekly

          Dublin: DA declines to file charges against
              pair arrested in Lil Yase homicide
                             Investigation continues after arrestees released from jail, police say
         BY JEREMY WALSH                   criminal complaint in court against a     Dublin residents — without incident         Continued investigation of phone
   A local couple arrested by police       person within 48 hours of their arrest    April 27 on suspicion of murder after    and social media records, as well
last week in connection with the           in order to keep them in custody in       a five-month investigation led detec-    as processing of DNA evidence, al-
shooting death of rapper Lil Yase          that case.                                tives to identify the couple as their    legedly led to detectives identifying
in Dublin in November has been                The high burden of proof and the       prime suspects in the shooting death     Williams and Butler as the prime
released from custody after Alameda        2019 change to California’s felony        of Lil Yase, according to Schmidt.       suspects in the case.
County prosecutors declined to file        murder law were among the key                Lil Yase — a rising Bay Area rap-        A love triangle could have been at
formal charges against the pair for        factors for the DA’s office decision,     per whose legal name was Mark            play, according to police.                                     PHOTO FROM YASE’S IG
evidentiary reasons.                       according to Schmidt.                     Antonyyo Alexander Jr. — arrived            Butler and Williams live together       Bay Area rapper Lil Yase died on Nov.
   The Alameda County District At-            “Our hopes were pretty high with       at Stanford Health Care-ValleyCare       with their child in an apartment           28 after being shot multiple times in
torney’s Office had not responded for      getting the DNA from that casing,”        hospital in Pleasanton around 1 a.m.     complex close to where the shoot-          Dublin. He was 26.
a request for comment to date, but         Schmidt said. “We had plenty of evi-      Nov. 28 with serious injuries after      ing occurred, according to Schmidt.
Dublin police Capt. Nate Schmidt           dence to arrest them, but the DA has      being shot multiple times, police        Meanwhile, Butler and Lil Yase had a       and he can point at her’ is how it was
confirmed prosecutors’ decision late       to prove beyond a reasonable doubt.”      said. Subsequent investigation re-       prior relationship that appeared to be     explained to us,” the captain said.
Monday morning.                               It is unclear whether the arrestees,   vealed the shooting occurred in the      maybe still ongoing, which is why Lil         Schmidt said he has confidence
   “The DA declined to charge either       Angel Butler and Jovante Williams,        5100 block of Iron Horse Parkway         Yase was visiting Dublin, the captain      Dublin detectives will be success-
of our suspects at this time. Our          are yet represented by an attorney.       near the Dublin-Pleasanton BART          said.                                      ful in continuing to “push forward
detectives will continue to move for-      They were released from the Santa         Station that night.                         A key turning point in the in-          and find that next piece of evidence,
ward with the case in hopes of devel-      Rita Jail after prosecutors declined to      Lil Yase was soon transferred to      vestigation occurred recently when         for the family of the victim.” He
oping additional evidence,” Schmidt        file charges as of April 29.              Eden Medical Center in Castro Val-       DNA found on a shell casing was            also pointed out there is no stat-
told the Weekly.                              Dublin Police Services arrested But-   ley, where he died from his traumatic    determined to be a match for the           ute of limitations for a homicide
   Prosecutors generally have to file a    ler and Williams — both 28-year-old       injuries later that morning. The San     suspects’ toddler child, according to      investigation.
                                                                                     Francisco native was 26 years old.       Schmidt. But prosecutors deemed               In the press release announcing

                                                                                        The circumstances of the killing,     more evidence is needed to secure          the arrests last week, Schmidt said
                                                                                     including who pulled the trigger,        a conviction, in part because of the       Lil Yase’s family “have expressed
                                                                                     remained very unclear as the inves-      change in California law 2-1/2 years       their extreme gratitude to the Dublin

  A Retirement Strategy
                                                                                     tigation unfolded that first weekend,    ago for felony murder and the need         Police for their unwavering com-
                                                                                     although Lil Yase did provide some       for proof of intent to kill for those      mitment in identifying and holding

                                                                                     information in what was ultimately a     responsible for a homicide.                those responsible for the death of
                                                                                     dying declaration, Schmidt said.            “Basically, ‘she can point at him       their loved one.” Q

                                                                                            INTERNET                          from what we understand.”                  potentially fund’. But I don’t think it
                                                                                             Continued from Page 5               “I think we need to think of it         requires the effort that a fiber master
                                                                                                                              in a different paradigm, which is          plan calls for.”
                                                                                     to prioritize creating a fiber network   the challenge of understanding our            Miller told the council that “this
                                                                                     and combine it with large-scale proj-    public right-of-way so that we can         isn’t about any particular outage.
                                                                                     ects like the Stoneridge Mall Frame-     continue to provide opportunity for        Developing a more robust backbone
                                                                                     work was scrapped.                       high-speed internet throughout our         for the city has all sorts of benefits
                                                                                         According to the committee’s Feb.    community,” Balch said on April 28.        in terms of stability and diversity of
                                                                                     18 meeting minutes, staff said “fiber       City Manager Nelson Fialho said         choice, and making events like this
                                                                                     planning is dependent on service         Balch’s comment “about proprietary         possible, where we’re all talking with
                                                                                     providers and that city staff in engi-   information not being shared with          each other.”
                                                                                     neering and other departments was        the city is spot-on,” and explained           Former council member Becky
                                                                                     already coordinating applications for    the city has “tried to get that informa-   Dennis — also a member of Improv-
                                                                                     infrastructure upgrades, such that       tion and we just can’t.”                   ing Pleasanton’s Internet — said the
                                                                                     it would be appropriate to consid-          State and federal laws “don’t give      recent outage “uncovered an extraor-
                                                                                     er removing this priority from the       us the ability to have that infor-         dinary amount of interest in having a
                                                                                     recommendations.”                        mation, even though they’re using          robust broadband service for the city.”
                                                                                         Miller said anything built “would    our public right-of-way,” and even            “A lot of people depend on that
                                                                                     certainly be piecemeal, anything we      though the city has about 10 active        service and I think probably every
  Retirement is a time to create the life you have dreamed                           do is going to be incremental im-        permits for installing fiber over the      resident in the city has the inter-
                                                                                     provements,” but that ultimately the     past year, Fialho said ISPs are “fairly    est,” Dennis said. “A master plan is
  of living – free of the commute, deadlines, and pressures                          group is interested in “discovering if   tightlipped about what they’re put-        not just figuring out how to serve
  of professional life. The challenge is finding a way to                             it’s feasible to build and operate our   ting in.”                                  the Stoneridge Drive Specific Plan.
  finance that dream. Reaching retirement doesn’t matter                              own municipal fiber network.”               However, “there’s a lot of fiber        It shouldn’t just be driven by Com-
  if you can’t live comfortably for the duration of your                                 “The vast majority of (ISPs) are     being installed currently,” he added,      cast or broadband providers, in my
  post-career years. Inflation, market shocks, emergency                              not actually providing direct internet   though “it may not solve the alterna-      opinion.”
                                                                                     connectivity to the home,” Miller        tive to Comcast.”                             To that end, Dennis has been help-
  spending, and long-term care needs can derail your plans.
                                                                                     said. “That could be part of the pic-       In one instance, Verizon put in         ing the group navigate some of their
  Are you as prepared as you could be?                                               ture, the city could develop parts of    23 miles of fiber line and man-            interactions with the city and said
                           Join us for this educational and                          core infrastructure and maybe entice     aged right-of-way to ensure the city       she’s “going to urge people not to
                                                                                     other ISPs to come in and work with      knows where the infrastructure is          give up their platform, because when
                           interactive workshop that will arm you
                                                                                     the last-mile bits.”                     located and recorded in the Dig            the City Council has identified some-
                           with the strategies you need to live well
                                                                                         “Apartment buildings and other       Alert system, while another nine           thing as a priority, that gives the pub-
                           throughout retirement.                                    more dense living situations are good    miles of empty conduit mostly laid         lic more access and gives staff more
                                                                                     targets because you only need to         in a business park is available for        time to spend on it.”
                           Tuesdays, May 18 & 25; 6:30 - 7:30 PM                     dig a single line to get to dozens of    private utilities to use to expand            “We have master plans for every-
                           or Thursdays, May 20 & 27; 12 - 1 PM                      homes,” he added.                        fiber throughout the park.                 thing ... I don’t understand why we
                                                                                         During a special meeting and            The city is looking to “engage          should not have a fiber master plan,”
  REGISTER HERE:                                      workshop for the city’s draft work       in some ideas and explore some             Dennis added.
                                                                                     plan last week, City Councilmem-         possibilities,” Fialho said. “We don’t        Comcast did not immediately re-
  Securities and investment advisory services offered through Securian Financial     ber Jack Balch said, “There’s frustra-   know that it’s a fiber master plan;        spond to a request for comment
  Services, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Summit Financial Group, LLC is independently
  owned and operated. 2000 Crow Canyon Place, Suite 450, San Ramon, CA 94583.        tion that providers have a propri-       we think it’s more of a ‘what are the      about the lengthy April 16 outage as
  (925) 866-7800. 3573125 DOFU 5/2021                                                etary network and they don’t want        options that we can really get behind      well as the larger issues raised by the
                                                                                     to make it public with the cities        and support, and maybe someday             resident group. Q
Page 6 • May 7, 2021 • Pleasanton Weekly
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            PUSD breaks ground on Hart science building project
                                                New parking lot and drop-off loop will be added during first phase
           BY JULIA BAUM                 learned this last year in teaching is     that “students, families and the com-
   One of many projects putting          that so much of a student’s educa-        munity are all aware of the impact
Measure I1 bond money to use in          tion is based on creative teaching,       of deliberately tailored and secure
Pleasanton schools, Hart Middle          responsive teaching and innovative        learning (that) space can create.”
School marked the start of work          teaching,” Wigand said. “It’s not            “I happen to speak from experi-
for its new science building with        completely based on a flashy build-       ence on that matter after having left a
a groundbreaking ceremony at the         ing, brand new lab tables and the lat-    position when classroom conditions
future site last week.                   est technology, but it sure ain’t gonna   sent me to the emergency room,”
   Board President Joan Laursen in-      hurt.”                                    Orsi-Davis said. “The investment
troduced the socially distanced out-        Last week’s kickoff on the first       that the Pleasanton community has
door event, which was livestreamed       phase of work will see a new park-        made to drive the future meshing
on social media and also attended        ing lot and secondary drop-off lane       of science, technology, engineering,
by the Pleasanton Unified School         added, then the science building          arts and math — ‘STEAM’ — to the
District Board of Trustees, cabinet      courtyard during the second phase,        forefront of this district’s agenda is
members and staff, and Hart student      and the science building’s construc-      astonishing.”                                                                                                             PUSD
body president on April 27.              tion during the third phase. The ex-         Orsi-Davis added, “Pleasanton’s        School and district officials ceremonially break ground on the first phase of the
   Hart science department chair         isting science labs will be renovated     next generation is now given an op-       Hart Middle School science building project.
Brian Wigand told the crowd that         into general education classrooms,        portunity to become those emergent
“we were beyond ourselves but it also    and four portable buildings will be       scientists equipped for well beyond        several days earlier at their April 22         science building are estimated at
seemed impossibly far away” when         removed from the site in the fourth       the 21st century. “                        meeting. Construction costs were               $11.4 million, and will be funded by
teachers at Hart first heard about the   and final stage of work.                     The trustees unanimously ap-            originally estimated around $2.25              Measure I1 bond revenue. Work is
new building, “and yet here we are          Overall, the project won’t add         proved a $1,941,747 contract with          million, but the latest bid reduced            expected to finish on the first phase
now at the groundbreaking.”              much capacity, but Hart eighth-grade      Silicon Valley Paving Inc. for work        that by about $300,000.                        of construction by August, according
   “One of the things we definitely      science teacher Ali Orsi-Davis said       on the project’s first phase just             Total costs for the new Hart                to PUSD. Q

  Here are snippets of articles
recently featured on Pleasanton-
                                         the citizen working group — com-
                                         posed of residents, working under                          HIKE
                                         the council subcommittee — has Read the full stories        held planning meetings to organize
on our website today.                    their culminating projects. As the
                                         group phases out, the council will

Remembering Kalthoff                     receive a final update on June 21.
  Stephen Kalthoff, a former                                  —Cierra Bailey
four-term director for the Zone
7 Water Agency and a third-gen-          Acquired for $435M
eration vintner in the Livermore            Pleasanton-based Unchained
Valley, died on March 31 at the          Labs broke major news last week                & JAMBOREE AFTER-PARTY
age of 80.                               when it announced it had been
  A longtime Livermore resident          acquired by The Carlyle Group
who grew up in San Leandro,              for $435 million.
Kalthoff served in the U.S. Air             Carlyle partnered with Un-
Force and worked a long career           chained management in the deal.                                                                             Hike for a good cause.
in the train industry while also         It’s headquartered in the Ber-
developing his grandfather’s Es-         nal Corporate Park. Founder and                                                                      Enjoy the beautiful outdoors.
condido Vineyard. He was elected         CEO Tim Harkness and his lead-
to the Zone 7 board from 1994            ership will continue in their cur-
to 2010 as part of a long com-           rent roles.                                                              NEW: HIKE WHERE YOU CHOOSE!
munity service record that also             In a press release, he said, “This
included time as president of the        is a great day in the history of
Livermore Valley Winegrowers             Unchained Labs. The Unchained                                                $39 EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION FEE
Association.                                                                                                        F O R R E G I S T R AT I O N S R E C E I V E D B Y A P R I L 3 0
                                         team has solved a ton of prob-
  Kalthoff’s family also detailed        lems for researchers over the past
his life and achievements in an                                                                                         $45 REGULAR REGISTRATION FEE
                                         few years, but we are just begin-                                         F O R R E G I S T R AT I O N S R E C E I V E D M AY 1 – J U N E 4
obituary with the Weekly. A cause        ning to scratch the surface of
of death was not confirmed.              the biologics and gene therapy                                              FREE FOR YOUTH AGE 12 AND UNDER
                   —Jeremy Walsh         opportunity.”
                                                                   —Tim Talk               This year’s format is a little different, but the goal is the same:
E&I work continues
   Livermore’s Equity and Inclu-         Keep remote access                                to raise $100,000 for patient care and community programs,
sion Subcommittee is currently
in its final stage with working
                                            One of the silver linings of the                    including grief support services, dementia education,
                                         pandemic was that more pub-
group members focusing on vari-          lic meetings of local jurisdictions                          and caregiver resources for local families.
ous projects related to policing,        were streamed online, allowing
culture, economic equality and           more residents to tune in and
engaging with youth, according           participate without having to                                                              Single-Day Hike
to a staff update presented to the       make time to go in-person.                                      YOUR                       Saturday, June 5
City Council last week.
   The second phase of the city
                                            So, some state legislators are
                                         trying to preserve remote access
                                                                                                         CHOICE                     Week-long Challenge
initiative kicked off in February        to public meetings post-pandem-                                                            Saturday, May 29, through Saturday, June 5
after Mayor Bob Woerner ap-              ic through the passing of As-
pointed Councilmember Bob Car-           sembly Bill 339. The bill passed
ling to take his place as co-chair       through the Assembly Committee
on the subcommittee upon his             on Local Government but nota-
ascension to mayor and the city’s        ble opposition forced significant                                
decision to accept new working           compromises. Q
group applicants.
   Since then, each subgroup of
                                              —Jana Kadah, BCN Foundation                                              (925) 829-8770
                                                                                                                                                                       Pleasanton Weekly • May 7, 2021 • Page 7
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Page 8 • May 7, 2021 • Pleasanton Weekly
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Pleasanton Weekly • May 7, 2021 • Page 9
Lights, camera, acting - Pleasanton Weekly

    Foothill, Amador Valley named 2021 Distinguished Schools
           BY JULIA BAUM                   programs and practices.”                  from middle and high schools.               behavior intervention.                       “especially remarkable” given the
   Foothill and Amador Valley high            Both schools were awarded about a         Honorees hold the title for two             Performance and progress indica-          “uncertainty and hardship facing all
schools are the most recent Tri-           month after Harvest Park and Pleasan-     years in a row, which is given by           tors on the California School Dash-          California schools this past year.”
Valley schools to join this year’s crop    ton middle schools were announced         the California Department of Edu-           board, including test scores, sus-              Among the other high schools on
of California Distinguished Schools        winners, along with Fallon Middle         cation and based on excellence in           pension rates and conditions and             the 2021 California Distinguished
awardees, a designation given to           in Dublin and Mendenhall Middle           instruction and learning, as well as        climate, are used to determine the           Schools list are Dougherty Valley and
schools throughout the state for           in Livermore. Elementary schools          data-driven action including pro-           winners each year.                           California high schools in San Ramon
their “outstanding education               are recognized during alternate years     fessional development and positive             State officials called the recognitions   and Monte Vista High in Danville. Q

                              DUSD to fill board vacancy by appointment
                                                                           Applications due by 4 p.m. Tuesday
         BY JEREMY WALSH                   public hearing one week later, will       and make the final appointment for             Preferred qualifications, according       Kuo’s shocking death on March 24.
   The Dublin Unified School District      last through DUSD’s next regularly        the 20-month assignment.                    to DUSD, include “experience in com-         The second-year trustee and married
Board of Trustees has opted for a          scheduled election in November               To be eligible, an applicant must        munity leadership; knowledge of the          mother of two was fatally struck by
direct appointment, rather than call-      2022 — as opposed to the full dura-       live within Trustee Area 3, which is        Dublin Unified School District; and          an SUV while volunteering to dis-
ing for a special election, to fill the    tion of Kuo’s term, which was due to      generally the southern half of Dublin       knowledge and/or practical experience        tribute food at Fallon Middle School
vacancy on its dais created by the         run out in 2024.                          between Dougherty Road and Tassa-           needed to understand publicly funded         in what police and school officials
sudden death of Trustee Area 3 rep-           The four sitting trustees decided      jara Road, with a little bit also extend-   school district issues — finances, bud-      described as a “tragic accident.”
resentative Catherine Kuo in March.        against a special election and set the    ing over to Fallon Road. A full map is      get, personnel and policies.”                   Dublin Police Services has com-
   Area 3 residents interested in ap-      application and appointment sched-        available on the district website.             To obtain an application, visit dub-      pleted its investigation into the col-
plying must complete the packet by         ule during their meeting on April 29.        Candidates must also be at least or call 925-828-2551.             lision and forwarded the case to the
4 p.m. Tuesday (May 11).                      There will be a special board meet-    18 years old, a California citizen, a          The board has been faced with             Alameda County District Attorney’s
   The provisional appointment,            ing on May 18 for the trustees to pub-    registered voter and not disqualified       the prospect of addressing the va-           Office for review, according to Capt.
which is expected to be made at a          licly interview qualified candidates      by law from holding a civil office.         cancy as part of the aftermath of            Nate Schmidt. Q

         COUNCIL                           (Dublin San Ramon Services District)         If applied to all future non-Cost-       total project costs, “and therefore          expenses, and half of any project
        Continued from Page 5              frontage, so that westbound lane          co development, staff said the fee          the $8.6 million allocation to future        costs exceeding estimates from
                                           continues through the intersection        would raise $8.6 million — enough           development,” staff said.                    2017.
   An estimated $27.6 million in           and that brand new lane would then        to reduce the city’s mandatory re-             The council also approved al-                The master fee schedule was also
transportation improvements are            go immediately on to I-680 north.”        imbursement to Costco. Any fee              locating a $5.2 million grant from           amended on Tuesday to reflect fees
needed to accommodate traffic when            “That I-680 north currently has        revenues received after the city has        the Alameda County Transportation            of $38.16 per square foot to develop
the JDEDZ is fully built out, accord-      just one lane, so we need a second        fully reimbursed Costco would be            Commission to reduce the city’s cost         retail for currently vacant parcels in
ing to staff. Traffic engineer Mike        lane, which requires the construc-        used to reimburse the general fund.         between traffic impact fee and cost          the JDEDZ, and $14.12 per square
Tassano told the council that one of       tion of a bridge widening, which             The $8.6 million includes approx-        contributions toward the Stoneridge          foot for hotels. A second reading of
the projects has been planned since        is just essentially a second bridge       imately $1 million of right-of-way          Drive and I-680 on-ramp project,             the ordinance is scheduled to take
1998 and will be paid by traffic im-       attached to the current bridge,” Tas-     (ROW) costs; staff said most of the         as well as paying $1.8 million from          place at the May 18 council meeting;
pact fees already collected by the city.   sano said, adding that the project        needed ROW is located in the par-           the Dublin Freeway Reimbursement             if approved, the fee would go into
   “That’s the only project that’s with-   costs are “all anticipated in the Traf-   cels that would be charged. A credit        Reserve to fund their half of ROW            effect 60 days later. Q
in these five projects that can be         fic Impact Fund.”                         against the fee to property own-
funded through our traffic impact             Since the overall project’s original   ers equal to the contributed ROW
fee because it’s in there and so we’ve
separated that one out,” Tassano
                                           budget was set four years ago, costs
                                           have grown by $6.1 million — from
                                                                                     value was recommended, as well
                                                                                     as extending credit for previously            TAKE US ALONG
said. Work on the project includes         $21.5 million. A sales tax-sharing        completed JDEDZ work, including
widening on westbound Stoneridge           agreement at a 1.5% interest rate         California Environmental Quality
Drive, heading toward Hacienda             with Costco lasting 25 years will pay     Act and preliminary transportation
Drive, from three lanes to four lanes.     for about $6.8 million of the nec-        design work.
   Tassano explained, “Essentially the     essary transportation improvement            There is also $440,000 expended
widening length is along the entire        costs.                                    to cover preliminary costs in the

            STEIN                          complex in the nearby L Street               Supporters of the plan argue that
        Continued from Page 5              public garage.                            more affordable housing is needed
                                              The new project has been at the        in the city — especially as housing
for low-income families and the            center of a community debate with         insecurity has been exacerbated by
local workforce.                           some residents objecting to the           the pandemic — and shouldn’t be
   The proposal consists of two            size and location of the estimated        delayed for fears that further post-
four-story buildings with units that       2.5 gross acre development. Oppo-         ponement could result in the loss
range in size from 500 to approxi-         nents argued at the April 20 com-         of state funding for the project.
mately 1,000 square feet, according        mission meeting that a vacant par-           Eden Housing currently has
to a staff report presented to the         cel across Railroad Avenue would          three properties in Livermore: Owl’s
Planning Commission.                       be a more suitable location for a         Landing Apartments on Herman
   Both buildings would occupy             project of this size and scope.           Avenue, Stoney Creek Apartments
a combined footprint of about                 Challengers of the project have        on East Avenue and Arroyo Del
38,000 square feet and would in-           also expressed concern that the           Valle Commons on Mocho Street.
clude various amenities like lob-          proposal has changed since the               The Planning Commission ulti-            Jump in the Jeep: Two Pleasanton moms who have waited decades for their
bies, recreation rooms and laundry         initial conceptual design that was        mately approved the project in a            dream cars finally got them. Janeen Rubino-Brumm and Lien-Thi de la Pena
facilities. About 31,000 square feet       approved by City Council in 2018          4-1 vote, with Stein being the lone         are having a blast driving their new 2021 Jeep Wranglers around Pleasanton,
of land between and to the south-          that featured four separate build-        dissenter. Despite his controver-           after waiting 30+ and 25 years, respectively. Once they were done with years
                                                                                                                                 of mom-vehicles, they both built their perfect Jeep online, ordered them, and
east of the two buildings would be         ings and a larger park. City staff        sial comments in reference to the
                                                                                                                                 waited about three months for their arrivals. And they didn’t do this together,
allocated to Veterans Park, which          said that state affordable housing        development itself, Stein said the          as they recently learned that the other had the same dream car and same
would be open to the public.               grant funding requirements called         reason for his vote was based solely        experience.
   Two private underground park-           for changes in the mix of units, unit     on his view that the parking plan is
ing garages are also a part of the         sizes and common areas compared           inadequate.                                 To submit your “Take Us Along” entry, email your photograph to editor@
proposal, with additional park-            to what was initially considered for         The project is set to return to the Be sure to identify who is in the photo (names listed
                                                                                                                                 from left to right), the location, the date and any relevant details about where
ing reserved for residents of the          the project.                              City Council on May 24. Q
                                                                                                                                 you took your Weekly.
Page 10 • May 7, 2021 • Pleasanton Weekly
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                                                                                                                                                                  CONTRIBUTED PHOTOS
                                                                                                  Above left: The win
                                                                                                                   winners of the Pleasanton Weekly’s 2021 Mother’s Day Lookalike
                                                                                                  Contest are Varupi Gupta (right) and her daughter Pareena. Above right: Runners-
                                                                                                                    Lookalike Contest are Monica (left) and Ava Chinn.
                                                                                                  up in this year’s Loo

                           Lookalike contest celebrates lifelong joys of motherhood
              BY DOLORES FOX CIARDELLI              University School of Medicine, and dad        that,” Varupi said. “That was our refuge.”    wine-tasting last month.

                                                    Nitin Gupta works at Oracle in finance.          She said she’s read the Weekly since she      “My mom has been wanting to enter
               arupi Gupta says her daughter        But when it was time to buy a house in        moved here.                                   this contest for a long time, and she was
               Pareena, now 12, did not always      2014, they returned to Pleasanton.               “Pleasanton Weekly is not only a great     looking through her photos and found
               look like her. But the older she        “We really like downtown Pleasanton, it    source of reliable information but also       this one,” said Monica, 28, who teaches
       gets, the more the resemblance shows.        has an old-world charm to it,” Varupi said.   helps us connect with the vibrant Pleasan-    kindergarten in Dublin but lives nearby in
          “I’m really happy my daughter looks       “We are really blessed and lucky to have      ton community and has helped in making        Pleasanton.
       like me, and I am glad people compliment     such a community.”                            Pleasanton our home,” Varupi said.               “From the get-go people said we looked
       us,” Varupi said.                               “We really like the diversity in Pleas-       She always followed the Mother’s Day       like each other,” Ava said. “Our whole
          And many of our readers agree they        anton in terms of all the ethnicities that    contest, but only the last year or two, as    lives, people would say, ‘Oh, my gosh, you
       look alike — they were voted No. 1 in this   are reflected in the shops and restaurants    their resemblance grew, did she consider      look so much alike.’ Someone even com-
       year’s Mother’s Day Lookalike Contest.       downtown,” she added.                         entering.                                     mented that our teeth are the same.”
          The resemblance is more pronounced           People compliment her when she wears          “This year we decided we had to do it,        People often tell them they look like sis-
       when Pareena performs in classical Indian    Indian dress, she noted.                      to do something fun,” Varupi said. “Since     ters, which makes Ava happy but Monica
       dance, the mother and daughter agreed.          “People appreciate the diversity. They     Pareena is at an age where she is changing    less so, they agreed with a chuckle.
       She has been performing in such shows        say, ‘That’s so pretty.’”                     every few months, we had to take a fresh         “We get our hair cut from the same lady,
       for years and also performs Bollywood           Pareena went to Mohr Elementary, and       picture.”                                     and she says we have the same manner-
       dance.                                       now she attends Harvest Park Middle              Dad Nitin stepped up to do that.           isms, too,” Ava added.
          “People say I look like her when I have   School.                                          “He’s not at all a keen photographer but      Ava’s family moved to Pleasanton from
       makeup on for dance performances,” Pa-          During the pandemic, while working         often gives in to the demands of our mom-     Berkeley when she was in the first grade,
       reena said.                                  and attending school at home, mother          daughter team,” Varupi commented with a       and she went to Alisal Elementary (be-
          The Guptas lived in Pleasanton, then      and daughter enjoyed getting out together     laugh.                                        cause nearby Fairlands Elementary was
       moved to Foster City to be nearer their      to their plot in the Pleasanton community        The runners-up in the 2021 Looka-          not yet opened), then Harvest Park Mid-
       jobs on the Peninsula, where Varupi is       garden.                                       like Contest are Ava and Monica Chinn.        dle School and Foothill High. After col-
       in communications/marketing at Stanford         “We grow our food and really enjoy         They submitted a photo they took while        lege at Cal Poly she returned to work at

Page 12 • May 7, 2021 • Pleasanton Weekly
You can also read