LIBRARY Handbook 2021-2022 - Pensacola Christian College

Page created by Milton Hubbard
Rebekah Horton




Patron Access to Library Materials (PALM)
Rebekah Horton
             Library Hours
		     Sun 1–5 p.m.
			7:15–10 p.m.
   M, T, Th 7:30 a.m.–10 p.m.
		       W 7:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
			8:15–10 p.m.
		        F 7:30 a.m.–11 p.m
		      Sat 9 a.m.–11 p.m.

   For hour changes/closures, please check
Welcome to the

The mission of the library is to supplement and enrich
classroom instructional effectiveness and learning at
Pensacola Christian College and Pensacola Theological
Seminary. The needs of the students, faculty, and staff are
met by providing a well-balanced collection of materials
that enhance the academic curriculum, while also meeting
the research and recreational needs of our students, faculty,
and staff.
The goal of the library staff is to supply a variety of services
to patrons, from general help with library use to specific,
individual assistance. If you have a question, please ask a
library worker.
The library staff is conscious of the re­­sponsibility to add
resources, make changes, and improve services as user
needs require.

The PCC library is named in honor of Dr. Rebekah (Beka) Horton,
PCC’s cofounder, who over the years has given direction, not only to the
College Library, but also to the Pensacola Christian Academy libraries.
I.    Study Zones  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
  II.    Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
 III. General Information
   		 Where to Find Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
   		 Basic Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
   		 Fines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
   		 Circulation Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
   		 What to Do if a Book Is
   		      Not on the Shelf  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
 IV. Locating Materials
 		 PALM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
 		 Call Numbers /Locations  . . . . . . . . . . 10
 V. Specialty Labs/Collections
 			   Reserve 2nd floor  . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . .11
       Education Textbooks Collection
          2nd floor  . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . 11
 		 Research Center 2nd floor  . . . . . . . . . 11
 		 Computer Lab 3rd floor . .  . . . . . . . . .11
 		 E-Resources . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . .12
 		 Media Lab and Juvenile Collection
          3rd floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
 		 Special Collections 4th floor . . . . . . . 13
 		 Music Library 5th floor . . . . . . . . . . .13
 		 Foreign Language Lab 6th floor . . . . . . 13
 		 Nursing Section 6th floor  . . . . . . . . . . 13
 VI. Services
 		 Copy Machines and Printing
           1st, 2nd, 3rd floor  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
 		 Interlibrary Loan 2nd floor . . . . . . . . 14
 		 Resource Sharing 2nd floor . . . . . . . . . 14
 		 Laminating Machines 2nd floor  . . . . . 15
 		 Testing Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
 		 Spiral Binding 3rd floor, Comp. Lab . 15
VII.		Special Materials  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
 IX.     Library of Congress
           Classification System . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
Study Zones

In order to provide an atmosphere conducive to study and research, study
zones have been created to meet the students’ needs. For details, please
see the Library website, the following pages showing directories/maps, or
signage posted throughout the library.

                                                 1st fl. Lobby Area
                                                 2nd fl. NW Section
Collaborative       Group work                   2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 6th fl.
    Zone            Conversation permitted           Conference Rooms
                                                 3rd fl. Media Lab
                                                 3rd fl. Computer Lab

                                                 1st fl. Reference
                                                 2nd fl. NE Corner
    Quiet           Limited conversation
                                                 5th fl. Music Lab
    Zone            Low speaking voice
                                                 5th fl. SW Alcove
                                                 6th fl. East Corner

                                                 3rd fl. Stacks
    Silent           Independent study
                                                 5th fl. Stacks
    Zone             No talking
                                                 6th fl. Stacks

                                                           Study Zones 1
1 ST floor
     Professional Collection







             EMERGENCY                                                             EMERGENCY
             STAIRS                                                                STAIRS





                                CIRCULATION                       COPIER

STUDY ZONES                              ENTRANCE
    Collaborative Zone                     EXIT
    Quiet Zone
    Silent Zone                                      GUEST AREA

    2 Directory—First Floor
2 nd floor
     Reserve Books
     Education Textbooks
     Research Center
                                                                                                     COLLECTION                                 R

                                                                                                                                                    ILL, RESERVE
                                             EDUCATION                                                                                                 OFFICE



                                                                                                                                 AND NEWSPAPERS

            EMERGENCY                                                                                                                                              EMERGENCY
            STAIRS                                                                                                                                                 STAIRS





                            CONFERENCE 2B


                             CONFERENCE 2A


    Collaborative Zone
    Quiet Zone
                                                                        ST U DY D

                                                                                                                     ST U DY A
                                                                                         ST U DY C

                                                                                                         ST U DY B

    Silent Zone                                  NOT AN EXIT

                                                                                                     Directory—Second Floor 3
3 rd floor A-B Stacks
    A      General Works
    B      Philosophy
    BF     Psychology
    BJ     Ethics, Etiquette                                                                                                     INFO

    BL-Q   Religions
    BR     Christianity                                                                                                   MEDIA LAB
    BS     Bible

    BT-X   Theology,


Juvenile Collection                                                       COPIER

Computer Lab                                      BV
Media Lab                                                                                                                                 BV


               EMERGENCY                                                                                                                                     EMERGENCY
               STAIRS                              BS                                                                                     BX                 STAIRS

                                                  BS         INFO





                                                                                                                                        COMPUTER LAB




     Collaborative Zone
     Quiet Zone
                                                                                   ST UDY D

                                                                                                                           ST UDY A
                                                                                                ST UDY C

                                                                                                               ST UDY B

     Silent Zone

                                              NOT AN EXIT

    4 Directory—Third Floor
5th floor C-N Stacks
    CB     History of Civilization                     J Political Science
    CT     Biography                                   K Law
    D      History: General, Old World                 L Education
    E      American History                            M Music
    F      U.S. Local, Canada, Latin America           N Fine Arts
    G      Geography, Anthropology, Recreation
    H      Social Sciences
    Law Reference
    Music Library                                                        MUSIC LIBRARY
    Oversized Books






                  EMERGENCY                                                                              EMERGENCY
                  STAIRS                                                                                 STAIRS





                                                                                           OVERSIZED BOOKS
                                                                                         NX  COLLECTION


     Collaborative Zone                                                                       COLLECTION
     Quiet Zone
     Silent Zone

                                                                                 Directory—Fifth Floor 5
6th floor P-Z Stacks
    P      Language, Literature (Fiction)
    Q      Science
    R      Medicine
    S      Agriculture
    T      Technology
    U-V    Military Science

    Foreign Language
    Nursing Collection






                   EMERGENCY                                                          EMERGENCY
                   STAIRS                                                             STAIRS







                                        OFFICE                                LANGUAGE
STUDY ZONES                                                                  COLLECTION
     Collaborative Zone
     Quiet Zone
     Silent Zone

    6 Directory—Sixth Floor
General Information
Where to Find Help
Assistance is available from           are available during library hours.
library personnel. If you cannot       The chat button is located in the
locate a library assistant, please     bottom right corner of the library
see the Circulation Desk.              website. If no one is available
Chat is an easy way for patrons to     to chat, patrons may fill out the
get an answer online to a variety      contact form, and someone will
of questions. Library personnel        respond as soon as possible.

Basic Procedures
1. Main Library entrance/exits               in the library lobby and in
   are on 1st floor. All other doors         the Atrium.
   are alarmed and will sound if       6.    Orderliness: Please leave the
   opened.                                   library neat and orderly by
2. Closings: Library staff will              pushing in chairs and picking
   begin clearing floors 15 min-             up papers around the area
   utes before closings.                     where you were studying or
3. Do not reshelve any items                 working.
   that you take from the stacks.      7.    Library materials belong to
   Leave library items on the                the College. Do not write,
   book return carts, located                underline, or highlight in
   on each floor. Items that you             library items.
   have checked out must be            8.    Food, candy, gum, and drinks
   returned to the Circulation               except water in sealable bottles
   Desk. Improperly returned                 are not allowed in the library.
   items may result in a fine.         9.    Dress Code: Library users
4. For Library Use Only: Refer-              should abide by campus dress
   ence and reserve items must               standards.
   remain in their locations           10.   Personal property should
   except when overnight check-              not be left unattended in the
   out is allowed.                           library during chapel, meal
5. Quiet atmosphere: The                     times, or any time the owner
   library is for study, research,           is not present. Unattended
   and reading; therefore, a                 items may be taken to Lost
   quiet atmosphere should be                and Found. PCC cards will
   maintained. Patrons should                be taken to the Information
   be careful not to disturb others          Desk. Cubbies are available
   by unnecessary talking and                on 1st floor by the men’s
   moving around. Talk quietly               elevator for your use.
                                                   General Information 7
11. Children third grade and            14. Conference Rooms may be
    under are not permitted to be           reserved for use by student
    in the library unless they are          groups. Reservations are made
    with a tour.                            and details are available at the
12. PCA students in grades 4–12             Circulation Desk. See directo-
    may use the Pensacola Chris-            ries for locations.
    tian College Library. All stu-      15. Study Rooms: Eight small
    dents will sign in and out at the       study rooms, located on the
    Circulation Desk and will be            2nd and 3rd floors, are avail-
    given a badge which must be             able for 1–3 students (not
    visibly worn at all times. Addi-        mixed groups).
    tional guidelines are available     16. The Testing Center is located
    at the Circulation Desk.                in the Lyceum for students
13. Library Supplies: As a cour-            to make up tests. Hours are
    tesy, the library provides tape         posted on Eagle’s Nest.
    and both a regular and large-       17. Cell phones are permitted in
    volume stapler (20–120 pages)           the library only for texting or
    for patron use at the Circula-          for research.
    tion Desk.                          18. Elevators: The north elevator
                                            is for use by men. The south
                                            elevator is for use by women.

Fines (Payable with PCC Card only)
1. Two-Week and Thirty-Day                 cost of the item plus a $20
   Loans: 35¢ per book per day             processing fee.
   (excludes Sundays and days           3. Reserve Items: The fine
   the library is closed).                 for overdue reserve items is
2. Lost Items: the replacement             $1 per hour.

Circulation Procedures
1. Circulation Desk: All library            check out items for another
   materials must be checked                person or to use another per-
   out at and returned to the               son’s PCC Card.
   Circulation Desk. An alarm           3. Number of items allowed:
   will sound at the door if items         Undergraduate students and
   are not properly checked out.           courtesy patrons (including
   If the alarm sounds, patrons            PCA students) may check
   must return immediately to              out six items for a two-week
   the Circulation Desk.                   period. Graduate students,
2. To check out materials or pay           faculty, and staff may check
   for services, students must             out ten items for a thirty-day
   present their current PCC               period.
   Card. No one is permitted to
8 General Information
If you are returning items in         Fines increase daily until the
   order to check out others (to         item is returned, at which time
   keep below your limit), please        the fine freezes.
   give them to a desk assistant.        Lost items must be reported
   Do not place the items in a           immediately. Lost item fees
   book drop.                            will be charged for these items.
4. Due Dates: Patrons can find           Until accounts are cleared,
   due date information online           patrons may not check out
   by viewing their personal             other materials, and students’
   account information on the            exam permits will not be
   library website. Email remind-        released.
   ers are sent as a courtesy after   8. Item Hold Request: If an
   items have been sent out.             item is already checked out,
5. Renewals are allowed on               you may place a hold request
   most items unless a hold has          online or at the Circulation
   been placed against that item.        Desk. You will receive a notice
   Books may be renewed online           when the item is ready to be
   using the PALM system or at           picked up at the Circulation
   the Circulation Desk.                 Desk.
6. Returning library materials:       9. Overnight Loans: Under-
   Patrons are asked to return           graduates may borrow one
   items to a Circulation Desk           Reserve item (2nd floor) one
   assistant. For your conve-            hour before closing, due back
   nience, a book drop is also           the next day 30 minutes after
   located on the outside north          opening. Items borrowed
   wall of the library (facing           Saturday night are due back
   Ballard Hall).                        Monday morning.
7. Overdue/Lost items or fines/          Graduate students may
   fees: When items are checked          borrow three Reference books
   out, an email will be sent with       and three periodicals over-
   loan information, including           night in addition to one
   due dates. Patrons are required       Reserve item, due back the
   to return an item before its          next day 30 minutes after
   due date. Also, patrons should        opening. Items borrowed
   return items even if the fine         Saturday night are due back
   cannot be paid at that time.          Monday morning.

                                                General Information 9
What to Do if a Book Is Not on the Shelf
Because many people use the                   (You may place a hold request
library, a particular item may not            on the item online or at the
be in its place when you look for             Circulation Desk.)
it. If you cannot find an item, you        2. Check the study tables in the
should follow these steps:                    ­immediate area.
1. Check the PALM computers.               3. Check the carts on that floor.
      If an item is listed as“not avail-   4. Ask the floor assistant or the
      able,” it is already checked out.        Circulation Desk for help.

                      Locating Materials

PALM (Patron Access to ­Library Materials)
Patrons may search for materi-             PALM remotely by going to
als by using the PALM com-       , where they will
puters located on each floor               be prompted to enter their login
of the library. PALM is also               credentials.
available via the on-campus                Patrons can search in the library
wireless network by going to               holdings, online resources, or all in your browser.          resources at once. They can locate
Current students, faculty,                 items by searching author, title,
and staff may also access the              subject, call number, or keywords.

Call Numbers/Locations
The call number indicated on the           search engine, click on the item’s
item record identifies the subject         information page to find the call
of the item based on the Library           number. To locate the item in the
of Congress classification system.         library, use the library directories
Refer to page 18 for the listing of        located throughout the library,
the classification system. The call        check the online Library Hand-
number identifies the location             book, or ask an assistant. Items are
of an item. If you want to know            shelved from left to right and top
where a particular item is after           to bottom in each section.
searching for it on the PALM

10 General Information/Locating Materials
Specialty Labs / Collections

Reserve 2nd fl.
Items selected by faculty as support      items are due back within 30 min-
material for courses are placed           utes of opening on the following day
on reserve and are for library use        (excluding Sunday). Items checked
only. Reserve items are located on        out on Saturday night will be due
2nd floor, 3rd floor Media Lab,           on Monday morning. Late reserve
5th floor Music Lab. Although             items will accrue fines. Personal
reserve items are for library use only,   copies belonging to faculty may not
most reserve items may be checked         be checked out.
out one hour before closing. These

Education Textbooks Collection 2nd fl.
A collection of relevant Pre-K–12         2nd floor. See the Circulation
textbooks from various publish-           Desk for checkout availability.
ers are available for study on the

Research Center 2nd fl.
The Research Center provides              library services. Staff will also
patrons with virtual and face-            assist in locating and identifying
to-face guidance on the research          relevant materials both physical
process, library materials, and           and digital.

Computer Lab 3rd fl.
Code of Computer Ethics: Stu­             not generally grant permission
dents have use of the computing           to duplicate their products; how-
resources of Pensacola Christian          ever, there are two cate­gories of
College. Copyright laws and               software which do allow copying
licensing agreements govern the           and distribution of the prod-
computer software used on these           uct: public domain software and
resources.                                “shareware.”
Under United States copyright             Pensacola Christian College strin-
laws, no person may duplicate             gently obeys these laws and agree-
or distribute a work without the          ments. Students having access to
express permission of the author(s).      PCC computer resources must
Commercial software vendors do            adhere to general copyright laws
                                             Specialty Labs/Collections 11
and licensing agreements as well          that you leave everything the
as this Code of Computer Ethics:          way you found it.
1. It is unlawful for any student     Pensacola Christian College sub­
    to make copies of computer        scribes to this Code of Computer
    software that is owned by the     Ethics and requires that all stu-
    College.                          dents adhere to it completely.
2. Any program designated by          Computer Lab Guidelines:
    the author(s) as “shareware”       1. Only current PCC students
    may be freely copied and               and PCC faculty have access
    distributed according to the           to the Computer Lab.
    express permission of the          2. The lab is a work/study room
    author(s). If a student con-           and not a social area.
    tinues to use a program, he       Computer Problems: To ensure
    is expected to register that      the earliest possible responses to
    program with the author(s)        a problem with computer hard-
    by paying a fee.                  ware or software in the library,
3. Students continuing to use         go to the Tech Help section of
    unregistered shareware prod-      the Eagle’s Nest website and fill
    ucts may be in violation of       out the Tech Help Request form
    United States copyright law.      completely. If you are unable to
4. It is wrong to tamper with         report a problem through the
    someone else’s computer. If       Tech Help Request form, contact
    you have permission to use        a library floor assistant.
    another machine, make sure

The library provides access to        visiting
several types of e-resources for      databases.aspx. The website also
patron use. Electronic periodi-       includes some video tutorials
cals, journals, databases, e-books,   under the Help tab.
and other sources can be found by

Media Lab and Juvenile Collection 3rd fl.
The Media Lab contains audio-         A variety of curricula, visual aids,
visual equipment for listening to     and teaching materials is ­available
CDs or viewing videos/DVDs,           for checkout.
and other media in the library.       The Juvenile Collection is lo­­cated
There is also equipment for           adjacent to the Media Lab. The
making visuals, including the         purpose of this collection is to
Cricut, diecut machines, and          provide resources for education
document projectors.                  students.
12 Specialty Labs/Collections
Special Collections 4th fl.
(Access to these areas is by tour     Circulation Desk. They may be
or appointment only. See the          used only on the 1st floor and
Circulation Desk for times.)          may never be copied. White
The Bible Manuscript Room             cotton gloves (provided by the
houses a collection of rare Bibles    library) are required to handle
and manuscripts which are non-        these items. See the Circulation
circulating.                          Desk for check-out procedures.
The One-Room Schoolhouse is           The Rare Book Collection is
a collection of old and rare school   made up of items based on age
materials. Patrons may use these      or rarity. General policies are the
items for research purposes and       same as those for items from the
may request them through the          One-Room Schoolhouse.

Music Library 5th fl.
Music scores, CDs, and equip-         All other materials must remain
ment are located in the Music         in the Music Library. Hours of
Library. Only musical scores          operation vary and will be posted
may be checked out by students.       at the Music Library.

Foreign Language Lab 6th fl.
Foreign language items are            Foreign language audio items are
located in the Foreign Language       located in the Media Lab.
Lab at the west end of 6th floor.

Nursing Section 6th fl.
Nursing materials are grouped         Additional medical materials are
together and are located in the       located in the general stacks and
southeast stacks on 6th floor.        in the reference area.

                                         Specialty Labs/Collections 13
 Note: Patrons must pay for all library services before they leave the library.

Copy Machines and Printing 1st, 2nd, 3rd
Copiers are operated by using             immediately. Do not try to repair
a PCC Card. Cost is 5¢ for a              the machine yourself. Refunds
black-and-white 8½" x 11" copy.           will be given for a maximum of
Double-­sided copies may be done          two unsatisfactory copies caused
on any of the copiers. See the            by copier malfunction. Informa-
instructions by each machine for          tion may also be scanned to a flash
enlarging and other copier settings.      drive using the copiers. Informa-
If the copy machines malfunc-             tion, however, cannot be printed
tion, contact a library assistant         from a flash drive.

Interlibrary Loan 2nd fl.
Interlibrary loan (ILL) is avail-         PCC does not charge patrons
able for all patrons. When the Col-       requesting materials through ILL.
lege Library does not have books          On occasion, the lending library
or articles that a patron needs,          may charge for use of an item;
those items can be requested              however, the ILL staff will autho-
from other libraries nation-              rize the charge with the patron
wide. Patrons may request items           before agreeing to borrow the
through ILL by completing forms           item. The usual checkout period
on Eagle’s Nest under Academics/          is three weeks. The patron will be
Library Links/Library Help and            notified by email when the item is
Resources. Patrons may also stop          ready for pickup at the Circulation
by the ILL office during regular          Desk. Renewals must be requested
hours (M–F, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.).         one week before the due date.

Resource Sharing 2nd fl.
Resource sharing is a service that        ing
makes most library materials              These students are respon-
available to students who do not          sible to pay return shipping and
live in the Pensacola area and            insurance costs when returning
whose library does not support            checked out resources. Based on
Interlibrary Loan (ILL). Students         the student’s location, the usual
may request items through the             loan period is between 4–8 weeks.
Resource Sharing Office by email-

14 Specialty Labs/Collections/Services
Laminating Machines 2nd fl.
See a floor assistant to use lami-   leaving the library. There is a $5
nating machines. The charge for      service fee for unpaid items. More
laminating is 75¢ per linear foot.   information about laminating is
You must pay for laminating          posted in the laminating room.
at the Circulation Desk before

Testing Center
The Testing Center is available      a $10 Testing Center fee per test
Saturdays at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. in   that will be added to your college
the Lyceum, 1st floor AC. Students   account. Lab-based tests must be
must be present and in line when     paid for at the Circulation Desk
the Testing Center opens. There is   before the test is administered.

Spiral Binding 3rd fl. Computer Lab
Spiral binding is available for      the Campus Store before seeing
patron use in the 3rd floor com-     the Computer Lab assistant to
puter lab. Purchase materials in     use the spiral binder.

                                                           Services 15
Special Materials

Art Slides Professional Room, 1st fl.        Kit  
                                                Media Lab, 3rd fl.
CD-ROM Various locations                        Nursing, 6th fl.
                                                Music Library, 5th fl.
Chart Media Lab, 3rd fl.
  Educational curriculum charts              Law Reference 5th fl.

Clip Art Media Lab, 3rd fl.                  Map Media Lab, 3rd fl.
  Clip art books
Disc Various locations                        Bible Manuscript Room
  Compact disc                                Bible manuscripts (not available
                                              for circulation)
Dissertation General stacks
  Doctoral dissertations                     Microform 2nd fl.
                                               Microfiche or microfilm
DVD Media Lab, 3rd fl.
  DVDs                                       Oversize 5th fl.
                                               Large books covering a variety
                                               of subjects which do not fit on
Evans Collection 2nd fl.                       regular shelving
  Early American imprints on
                                             Periodicals 2nd fl.
                                               Online databases
Flash Card Media Lab, 3rd fl.
   Visual aids—visualized stories
   and songs                                 Picture Media Lab, 3rd fl.
                                               Enlarged pictures relating to a
                                               variety of subjects
  Foreign Language Lab, 6th fl.
  Items written in foreign languages         Pro. Room
                                               Professional Room, 1st fl.
                                               Professional items for faculty and
Juvenile 3rd fl.                               graduate use only
  Juvenile books for various age levels   

16 Special Materials
Rare Room 4th fl.                         Score Music Library, 5th fl.
  Collection of rare books not              Musical scores
  ­available for circulation
                                          Thesis General stacks
Reference 1st fl.
                                          Video Media Lab, 3rd fl.
Reserve Various locations
  Items selected by faculty for library
  use only.

  One-Room Schoolhouse, 4th fl.
  Collection of old educational books
  not available for circulation

                                                      Special Materials 17
Library of Congress Classification System
The College Library uses the                identified by a letter of the alpha-
Library of Congress Classifica-             bet, subclasses by combinations
tion system. This system divides            of letters, and subtopics within
all knowledge into 21 classes               classes and subclasses by numeri-
as outlined below. Each class is            cal notation.

A General Works (general encyclope-         N    Fine Arts
      dias, reference books, etc.)          P    Language and Literature
B Philosophy: Religion                           PA Classical Languages and
   B–BJ Philosophy, including BF                       ­Literature
               ­Psychology                       PC Romance Languages
   BL–BX Religion                                PE English Language
   BV        Missions                            PQ Romance Literature
   BX        Denominations                       PR English Literature
C Auxiliary Sciences of History                  PS American Literature
   CB		 History of Civilization (General)               (including Fiction)
   CC Archaeology                                PT Germanic Literature
   CS Genealogy                                  PZ Juvenile Belles Letters
   CT Biography (General)                   Q    Science
                                                 QA Mathematics
D History: General and Old World
   D World History including World               QC Physics
      Wars                                       QD Chemistry
   DA      Great Britain                         QH Biology
   DB      Austria                               QK Botany
   DC      France                                QM Human Anatomy
   DD, etc. Other individual countries           QP Physiology
                                                 QR Microbiology
E–F History of America
     E1–143 America (General)               R    Medicine (Nursing)
     E151–857 United States (­ General)     S    Agriculture
     F1–957        United States: 		        T    Technology
                   State and Local               TA General Engineering
     F1001–1140 Canada                           TJ Mechanical Engineering
G    Geography, Anthropology,                    TK Electrical Engineering
        Folklore, ­Recreation                    TR Photography
H    Social Sciences                             TT Handicrafts, Arts and Crafts
J    Political Science                           TX Home Economics
K    Law                                    U    Military Science
L    Education                              V    Naval Science
M    Music                                  Z    Bibliography and Library Science

18 Library of Congress Classification System

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