Page created by Jeffrey Ellis

FI N L AN D   2 0 2 0 -20 2 2

                                  Version 2: June 2019
WHO WE ARE & WHAT WE DO                       FAM TRIPS                                     TEAM GERMANY
NordicMarketing is a tourism marke-           Every year NordicMarketing organizes          Jan Badur
ting agency specialized in Northern Eu-       educational tours to the destinations in      Managing Director
rope. We offer high-quality products from     Northern Europe. Only tour operators we       Marline Geisler
Northern Europe including detailed infor-     met before in person on sales visits/ tours   Marketing Manager
mation about services, net rates for travel   are invited to our fam trips.
                                                                                            Svenja Bedner
trade, direct contact details and diverse
                                              PRODUCTS, NEWS & PROVIDER                     Digital Marketing Manager
visual material for tour operators and in-
centive agencies.                             ONLINE                                        Jens Schoene
                                              NordicMarketing offers numerous prod-         Database Manager
PRODUCT MANUAL                                ucts from Northern Europe for travel trade    Eva Eckinger
NordicMarketing's product manuals are         online. Of course, direct contact informa-    Social Media Assistant
valuable working documents for product        tion of service provider and high-quality     Frederike Hauser
managers and decision makers of the           visual material for catalogue production      Marketing Assistant
tourism industry. We gladly present our       and web presence are available online as
product manuals personally to you as part     well.                                         TEAM FINLAND
of our sales tours.                           nordicmarketing.de/en/travel                  Greta Tanskanen
                                              nordicmarketing.de/en/blog                    Managing Director
SALES VISITS                                  nordicmarketing.de/en/provider                Suvi Ahola
Every year we personally visit numerous                                                     Key Account Manager
tour operators to learn about their current   NEWSLETTER
product requests, news and any custo-         Every month we send a newsletter with
mer feedback and to present our latest        product and tourism industry news from
product manuals.                              Northern Europe to tour operators in Ger-
                                              many, Switzerland and Austria as well as
                                              to Dutch and Belgian travel experts.

    NordicMarketing GmbH                        Anzahl Hotels:                               Anzahl Hotels:
    Alte Bahnhofstr. 56a
    Kontakt                                     Anzahl Ferienhäuser:                         Anzahl Ferienhäuser:
    44892   Bochum GmbH                         Kapazitäten:                                 Kapazitäten:
    Max Mustermann
    Alte Bahnhofstr. 56a
    www.nordicmarketing.de                      Loipen:                                      Loipen:
    D-44892 Bochum
    facebook.com/nordicmarketing                Pisten:                                      Pisten:
    Tel. 0234 12345678
    instagram.com/nordicmarketing               Jan  Badur
                                                Wanderwege:                                  Suvi  Ahola
    Fax 0234 23456789
    twitter.com/NordicMarketing                 Managing Director                            Key Account Manager
    linkedin.com/company/nordicmarke-           Tel. +49 234 54 66 05 55
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    ting-gmbh                                   jan.badur@nordicmarketing.de
                                                Sommeraktivitäten:                           suvi.ahola@nordicmarketing.fi

2                                                         NordicMarketing                                                    LEVI
TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                               PAGE

VISIT LEVI				                    Destination Levi in Finnish Lapland                                              4-5
INSIDER TIPS				Recommendations by locals                                                                            6
LEVI MAP     			Location & arrival                                                                                   7
KITTILÄ					The Municipality of Kittilä                                                                              8
PALLAS-YLLÄSTUNTURI NATIONAL PARK Sights & activities                                                                9

SUMMER ACTIVITIES			                      Summer weekly activity programme                                       10-11
AUTUMN ACTIVITIES			                      Northern Lights season activity programme                              12-13
LUXURIOUS PRODUCTS			                     High-end accommodation and activities                                  14-15

ARCTIC FRONTIER			 Aurora chase™ & Forage, fire & feast                                                             16
ARCTIC HOSPITALITY 			               Year-round experiences for small groups                                        17
HALIPUU & CAMPFIRE BARISTA		         Cocooning in the Halipuu forest & Campfire barista's fireside experience       18
IMMELKARTANO				Finnish sauna experiences 			                                                                       19
KINOS SAFARIS				Activities on and at the water                                                                  20-21
WOLVERINE FELL WILDERNESS AND NATURE Arctic knowledge hunt & Us and Auroras - dinner at Wolf lake                   22
LAPIN LUONTOELÄMYS			                Canoe tour on river Ounasjoki & Hiking for pleasure lovers                     23
LAPLAND SAFARIS LEVI		               Weekly programmes for individual travellers and groups                         24
POLAR LIGHTS TOURS			                Activities with horses and huskies                                             25
SKI RESORT LEVI			 Adventure Park, Gondoli2000 cabin lift, equipment rental & restaurants                        26-27
MUSEUM SÄRESTÖNIEMI		Art museum - the world of artist Reidar Särestöniemi                                           28
GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB LEVI		           Finland's northernmost Golf club                                               29

POLAR STAR TRAVEL                                                                                                  30
SCANDINAVIAN TRAVEL GROUP                                                                                          31

KING CRAB HOUSE			                        Restaurant with red king crab specialty                                  32
K-MARKET LEVIN PORO			                    Grocery store with online order and delivery service                     33

VISIT LEVI - CABINS & APARTMENTS Accommodations in Levi				                                                        34
BREAK SOKOS HOTEL LEVI		 Hotel rooms in central location                                                           35
NORTHERN LIGHTS RANCH		 Sky View Cabins & Restaurant                                                               36
LEVIN IGLUT - GOLDEN CROWN		     Glass Igloos, Northern Lights House & Restaurant Aurora Sky                       37
HULLU PORO				Hotel rooms, apartments, restaurants & spa in the heart of Levi                                      38
ELVES VILLAGE				Tonttula Elves Village, Lodge Hotel Taivaanvalkeat, Country House, Elf Hut                        39
					and new Glass Pyramids
HOTEL LEVI PANORAMA			           Hotel rooms and apartments at Levi fell, Samiland exhibition                      40
LAPLAND HOTELS SIRKANTÄHTI		     Hotel rooms and apartments in central location                                    41
LEVI HOTEL SPA				Hotel rooms, restaurants & spa in central Levi                                                   42
DESIGN HOTEL LEVI			             New design hotel in the heart of Levi                                             43
LEVIKAIRA APARTMENTS 		Traditional Lappish log cabins                                                              44
APARTMENTS LEVIN KULTARINNE		    Alpine style apartments                                                           45
LEVI ALPINE CHALETS			           High-quality chalet apartments                                                    46

LEVI                                                    NordicMarketing                                                  3

4              NordicMarketing   LEVI
Experience the clean nature, the Northern             Polar Nights in December and January during          the Lappish mountains - and lakes is breath-
Lights and the magical midnight sun. Silence,         which the sun does not rise above the horizon,       taking. Within a one-hour drive You can also
pureness and unique natural environment, un-          but the amazing light paints the sky in a vari-      reach the Pallas-Ylläs Nationalpark with its
paralleled in the world – welcome to Levi and         ety of amazing colours. All year round there is a    wide network of hiking and mountain bike
Finnish Lapland! In Levi, you will enjoy eight        wide range of outdoor activities available which     trails.
seasons, instead of just four.                        combine the pure, wild nature with world-            EXPERIENCES AND ADVENTURES
UNIQUE HOLIDAY DESTINATION                            class services in a modern resort.                   ALL YEAR ROUND
Levi is a unique, all-year round holiday destina-     EASY ACCESS AND A WIDE RANGE OF                      Levi is a year-round destination. In the summer
tion in Lapland with a wide range of accommo-         SERVICES AND ACCOMMODATION                           Levi is blessed by the phenomenon of the magi-
dation and activities. Levi is also an internatio-    In Levi everything is easily available and within    cal midnight sun. Since the sun doesn’t set
nally renowned FIS approved ski location with a       a close proximity. Restaurants, bars, stores,        for 45 days you can -for example -play golf in
World Cup level competition. Finland’s largest        souvenir shops, the spa centre, beauty treat-        the middle of the night or go berry picking in
holiday resort is situated in Northern Finland,       ments, gym and exercise classes, equipment           the woods – natural, pure superfood for free!
170 km north of the Arctic Circle. As part of         rentals and hiking routes are all within a walking   In the beginning of September, the leaves be-
Scandinavia, Finland is a safe destination to trav-   distance from the hotels and accommodations          gin to change their color creating a spectacle
Norway and Russia.                                    in central Levi. There is plenty to choose from      painting the fell scenery with red, orange, yellow
EASY ACCESSIBLE                                       when looking for a place to stay: high-quality       and brown. Breathe in the pure air and go for
Levi is an easy-to-reach destination: only 15 -       hotels, silver pine log cottages, a wide variety     a bike ride or horseback ride, enjoy the hik-
minute drive from Kittilä airport (KTT) and daily     of different holiday apartments and different        ing trails around Levi and go hunt for the spec-
connecting flights from Helsinki, which is just a     kinds of Northern Lights accommodations to           tacular Northern Lights on various guided trips.
little over an hour flight time away.                 enjoy the night sky and the Northern Lights          When the air gets colder and the ground and
                                                      through a glass ceiling.                             trees are covered with a white snowy blanket
                                                      SURROUNDED BY NATURE                                 put on some warm layers of winter clothes and
The greatest feature about Levi is its variety of
                                                      Nature is always around the corner in Levi.          go on a snowshoe trip or snowmobile ride to
nature and activities available during the differ-
                                                      Within a 15-minute drive you can find sublime        see the wintery landscape , say hello to the rein-
ent seasons. Levi offers amazing wintery scen-
                                                      wilderness and along the way you can observe         deers and huskys in Levi and enjoy the pistes
eries in the spring time with Northern Lights un-
                                                      reindeer grazing. You can discover the unspoilt      and ski trails. In the spring time enjoy the sun,
til April, the amazing nightless nights during the
                                                      beautiful nature hiking with a guide, biking or      go ice fishing and explore the winter walking
midsummer, when the sun does not set for 45
                                                      simply by going fishing. Take a panoramic ride       tours and fatbike tours, take part in an exciting
days, Northern Lights from the end of August
                                                      in the Gondola cabin lift to the very top of Levi.   aurora hunt, see the nightly scenery with mil-
until April, a real white winter with guaranteed
                                                      The landscape with the surrounding fells –           lions of stars and on a lucky night the amazing
snow from November to May and the unique
                                                                                                           Northern Lights!

  Number of hotels: 8
  Number of cottages: 2,500                             Activity programme for the Northern
  Capacity: 25,000 beds                                 Lights season (starting in August):                  Contact
  Slopes: 43                                            Aurora chase, day trip to the Arctic Ocean           Visit Levi
  Skiing tracks: 230 km                                 in Norway and visit to Saana Fell in Kilpis-         Maija Palosaari
  Snowmobile tracks: 866 km                             järvi, excursion to National Park, canoeing          Myllyjoentie 2, 99130 Levi
  Hiking trails: 80 km                                  under the Northern Lights, Aurora chase              Tel. +358 (0) 20 7352 630/
  Mountain biking trails: 78 km                         (photography tour), berry picking excur-             +358 (0) 40 560 6316
  Year-round services & activities:                     sion, cooking workshop, horseback rid-               maija.palosaari@levi.fi
  Samiland exhibition center, wellness                  ing, hiking and fishing trips etc.                   levi@levi.fi
  programmes (e.g. spa centre& hot yoga                 Weekly programmes in Levi:                           www.levi.fi
  studio), several art museums and gal-                 Weekly programmes are running all year               facebook.com/levilapland
  leries, restaurants, bars, after ski, nightlife,      round, except in May.                                twitter.com/VisitLevi
  stores, souvenir shops, concerts & artists,           You can find out more about the pro-                 instagram.com/levilapland
  gyms and exercise classes.                            grammes from our website www.levi.fi.                youtube.com/user/VisitLevi

LEVI                                                                NordicMarketing
                                                                      Destination                                                                          5
Insider Tips -
Must-Sees & Dos in Levi
KATE:                                         HANNE:                                        RIITTA:
Picnic on a fell.                             Ice Age Trail starts from the courtyard of    Ruoppaköngäs natural attraction. A
Breathe the fresh air, listen to the sound    Hotel Levi Panorama and travels a 9 km        formation of rocks and river rapids,
of the season and discover why the Lap-       route around the Levi fell. The trail fea-    accessible in the summertime.
land is such an exceptional place whilst      tures nature trail signs about the Ice Age.
you look out over the fells. In any sea-                                           SAIJA:
son, whether a snowy winter wonder-    TARJA:                                      Get the best view over the area by
                                       Peak Trail on top of the fell, Santa's hiking up to fell Kätkä.
land or under the golden light of the mid-
                                       cabin next to ski lift no. 10.
night sun, the experience of enjoying an
adventure in Arctic nature and sharing a                                           INA:
meal around a fire makes unique memo-  HEIDI:                                      Day trip to Pallastunturi. Less than one
ries of your Polar holiday.            Hiking trip to the top of Särkitunturi hour drive from Levi we have the ma-
                                       fell. At the top, one of the most beautiful jestic fells of Pallas. During summer and
PÄIVI:                                 panorama to the fells and lakes opens to autumn months it's a great place for hik-
Hiking in Pallas-Yllästunturi National you. After a refreshing swim in a pure and ing. The landscapes here are wonderful!
Park.                                  crystal clear pond at the top of the fell.

10 FAVOURITE DISHES                         even in the middle of the nightless night.      TOP AUTUMN ACTIVITIES
•   Reindeer ragout with cranberries        More than 93 hectares of beautifully            Photography: Capture the colours of
    and mashed potatoes from Lappish        green golf magic by the Levi fell!              the foliage and fauna of the fells, hunt the
    Puikula potatoes                        By the water: How about a canoe trip            Aurora Borealis. Take a guided tour or go
•   Cloudberries ; fresh from the forest    in the midsummer, when the sun never            explore yourself.
    or with vanilla ice cream               sets? Or a fishing trip with friends amidst     From the water: Go and see Levi from
•   Delicious salmon soup                   beautiful scenery in Lapland? Go stand          the water, experience the Double Auro-
•   Reindeer sausages grilled at the        up paddling or relax on a pontoon ferry         ras when they reflect from the water’s
    open fire                               cruise.                                         surface.
•   Willow grouse and various other         Hike: Explore the nearby trails of the Levi     Go explore: Go forage for your food,
    game during the hunting season in       fell or go up and enjoy the scenery from        have a look what nature has on the
    autumn                                  the summit of the Kätkä fell. 60 km of          menu. Pick berries and mushrooms,
•   Salmon flambéed at the open fire        hiking routes with guided trips make it         gather some herbs. On a guided tour
    with baked potatoes                     possible.                                       you will learn a lot about the edible plants
•   Open fire coffee with Finnish yeast     Activity Park: Levi Adventure Park              available.
    pastry "Korvapuusti"                    charms you with high ropes courses and          Animals: See how sled dogs spend
•   Lapin rieska - Lapin flatbread          flying with zipline marathons. The area         their day, have a look at what the Lapp-
•   A wonderful spruce bud latte "Kuu-      is situated by the Gondola2000 lift 2 km        ish nature looks like from horse back or
    senkerkkälatte"                         from the Levi Centre and has a restau-          visit the many animals at Elves Village.
•   a variety of dishes from local ingre-   rant, playing area for children, mini golf      Take a trip: Participate in one of the
    dients directly from the forest as well course and the Levi Bike Park.                  whole day trips on offer: see the Arctic
    as various mushrooms, herbs and         Culture: Visit a local art museum or            Ocean or visit an Amethyst mine and a
    berries.                                gallery, learn about the Sami culture at        Sami village.
                                            the Samiland Exhibition Centre, go on           Elves Village: An experience village
                                            a guided tour to the fells to learn about       located in Köngäs, 8 km from the Levi
                                            local people and ways.                          centre. The village is open all year round.
TOP SUMMER ACTIVITIES                       Experience: Take part in one of the             Go on a trip with the Elf in the Yellow
Bike: Hop on a bicycle and experience many events Levi has to offer during the              dress, try your luck at gold panning, play
  Levi from a whole different level! At summer.                                             some Mini Golf and enjoy what the café
Activity Park in Levi, you can try down-                                                    has to offer.
hill mountain biking, beginners can take                                                    Northern Lights: Go hunt for these in-
part in a fat bike trip and enjoy nature or                                                 credible lights on a variety of organised
borrow a village bike.                                                                      tours with professional guides to increase
Golf: Finland's northernmost 18-hole                                                        your chances to see these amazing
course at Levi Golf offers varied condi-                                                    lights.
tions for your game and you can play
                                                          NordicMarketing                                                           LEVI
ARRIVAL BY PLANE                                                               Kittilä
       Kittilä Airport (KTT) - 15 drive from Levi                                     Airport
       Finnair flies daily - all year round - from Helsinki airport
       (HEL) to Kittilä airport (KTT). Flight time from Helsinki 1
       hour and 15 min.
       Winter season:
       Direct flights to Helsinki from Europe, Asia and the US,
       depending on the season direct flights available to Kittilä.                             Rovaniemi
       More information from Visit Levi.                                                         Airport
       Transfer options from the airport:
       Public transport: Tunturilinjat airport bus and taxis.
       Private transfers and car rental services also available.
       Contact for airport transfer:
       Tunturilinjat: www.tunturilinjat.fi
       Levi Taxi service: Tel. +358 (0) 200 99200
       Private transfers (mini buses and buses):
       Visit Levi, levi@levi.fi, Tel. +358 (0) 16 639 3300
       Car rental companies: Hertz, Europcar and Sixt

       Train stations: Kolari (80 km) and Rovaniemi (170 km)
       With the Car Train you can take your car on the train
       and continue from Kolari or Rovaniemi to Levi with your
       own car.
       Transfer options from the railway stations:
       Public transportation from Kolari: Tunturilinjat;
       public transportation from Rovaniemi: Eskelisen Lapin
       Linjat and Gold Line; private transfers, rental cars
       Contact for train station transfers:
       Pekkalan Tunturilinjat: tunturilinjat@levi.fi,
       Eskelisen Lapin Linjat: info@eskelisen.fi,
       Tel. +358 (0) 16 342 2160
       Gold Line: Tel. +358 (0) 16 334 5500
       Private transfers (mini buses and buses): Visit Levi,
       levi@levi.fi, Tel. +358 (0) 16 639 3300


LEVI                                                             Location & Arrival                         7
SERVICES IN KITTILÄ                                   EVENTS                                               from the peak of a buzzing, flowery spring to
Several shops and special stores are to be            There are lots of events in Kittilä running          the dazzling hues of autumn. Visitors and local
found in the Kittilä village centre, as well as       throughout the year. One of the main events is       residents alike are captivated by the mag-
local food and culture. Municipal and govern-         the traditional summer market in Kittilä centre,     nificent highland fells and the grand Ounasjoki
ment offices are located here, along with the         organized two weeks after Midsummer. It has          river that runs through the region and shapes
library. The village also features various indoor     been held since the 1600's. Traditionally the        its scenery. The municipality of Kittilä spans
recreational facilities, as well as a modern, well-   market was a place to sell food, tools, make         over a huge area: between its northernmost
equipped sports hall, the Agnico Eagle ice-           trades, dance and meet people. The market            and southernmost villages lie more than 140
hockey arena and high quality soccer field,           has shaped into modern summer event, but in          kilometres of sweeping vistas and breath-
and, in the winter, there are cross-country           Kittilä a certain traditional spirit has been pre-   taking scenery.
skiing tracks in and outside the village. The         served.                                              The municipality of Kittilä includes Levi, one
cross-country skiing track doubles as a run-                                                               of the most popular year-round ski and activ-
                                                      MORE ABOUT KITTILÄ REGION
ning and hiking trail during the snow-free                                                                 ity resorts in Finland, and features Europe's
                                                      The village of Kittilä offers naturally beautiful
months. There is also an international airport                                                             biggest gold mine. Many destinations can be
                                                      surrounding to visit, many different kinds of
just a few kilometres north of the village.                                                                reached from its international airport through
                                                      recreational activities and an outdoors lifestyle.
PLACES OF INTEREST                                    There are lots of ways to spend your free time       its flight connections year round. In the tour-
The wooden church in Kittilä has been de-             – outdoor activities, excursions, tours, cultural    ist season, there are flights arriving daily from
signed by Carl Ludwig Engel and it was built          offerings and sights – and many different kinds      Finland and the rest of Europe. Internationality
between 1829-31. The baroque-style pulpit             of accommodation. The main village Kittilä and       plays a significant role in the economic life of
dates back to 1687. Local history can be view-        its surrounding smaller villages give you the        the Kittilä municipality, which lies above the
ed at the museum of local history and culture         peace and quiet of the countryside combined          Arctic Circle. There is also a high density of
in the Pakatti district, which is open in sum-        with a close-knit village community, together        businesses here: roughly 600 enterprises in
mertime. Swimming is popular in the summer.           with several annual events organized with the        the municipality give it one of the highest com-
Right in the town centre, the Einari Junttila Art     help of active residents. The villages offer a       mercial densities in Finland. The development
Museum and the home of Kalervo Palsa, a               peaceful and safe environment to visit, near         of tourism and mining in Kittilä has created a
local artist are worth a visit. The Karinnokka        the developing international centre that is the      modern and international atmosphere in the
birdwatching tower and, next to it on the bank        activity resort of Levi.                             municipality, yet the traditional way of life still
of the Ounasjoki river, the Karinnokka shelter,       There are not four, but eight seasons of the         exists in many of the region’s villages, also re-
where people can picnic or rest attract bird-         year in Kittilä, each with its own mood, colours     maining present in their culture, art and events.
watchers & trekkers.                                  and scenery: ranging from the dark of the            There are many artists’ homes and other inter-
                                                      polar night to the glorious midnight sun, and        esting sights to see in the area.

                                                        Number of hotels: 1                                  Winter activities: s​ ports hall, ice-hockey
                                                        Number of cottages: 14                               rink, cross-country skiing tracks
                                                        Capacity: 180 beds                                   Summer activities: r​unning and hiking
                                                        Skiing tracks: 80 km                                 trail, swimming
    Contact                                             Hiking trails: 10 km                                 Other activities & services: several
    Municipality of Kittilä                             Population: approx. 3,000                            shops and special stores, local food and
    Valtatie 15, 99100 Kittilä                          Location: The village of Kittilä is located in       culture, library, indoor recreational facil-
    Tel. +358 (0) 40 035 6500                           the geographic middle of the municipality.           ities, church, museum of local history,
    kirjaamo@kittila.fi                                 From here, it is about 150 km to Rovaniemi           Einari Junttila Art Museum, artist home of
    www.kittila.fi                                      and 960 km to Helsinki. The Swedish                  Kalervo Palsa, Karinnokka birdwatching
    facebook.com/kittilankunta                          border at Kolari is about 76 km away                 tower and shelter
    twitter.com/Kittilankunta                           and the Norwegian border at Enontekiö                Airport: Kittilä (5 km)
    youtube.com/channel/UC2laGFs1PKsLV-                 roughly 190 km away. It is about 86 km to            Railway station: Rovaniemi (150 km),
    To3k1EWJcQ                                          the town of Sodankylä.                               Kolari (70 km)

8                                                                   NordicMarketing
                                                                      Destination                                                                       LEVI
© Juuso Ritari

© Heikki Sulander                                    © Juuso Ritari

PALLAS-YLLÄSTUNTURI NATIONAL PARK                                                                     Established: 1938/ 2005
                                                                                                      Area: 1,020 km²
VISITOR CENTRES                                    ENJOY YEAR-ROUND OUTDOOR LIFE                      Sustainability: A member of the EURO-
The Visitor Centres in Fell Lapland are con-       Magical 8 seasons in Finnish Lapland will make     PARC Federation. Rewarding in best
venient starting points for hikes. They also offer unforgettable outdoor experiences. Enjoy walk-     practice in Sustainable Travel & Tourism.
information about the national park’s nature,      ing, hiking, fatbiking, XC skiing, snowshoeing     World Travel & Tourism Council: Tourism
history, flora and fauna. You can do day trips     and many other activities on a well-maintained     for Tomorrow Destination Award 2017
to the Visitor Centres from Levi with organized    trail network covering more than 500 km. Have      Finalist.
trips with local companies or independently by     a break in wilderness cafes along the trails.      Services: Year-round campfire sites, lean-
car.                                               Our co-operative sustainable companies             tos and cafés by scenic spots. Free
                                                   guide you to the best possible trips in the wil-   nature, culture and art exhibitions in Visitor
NATURAL ATTRACTIONS                                                                                   Centres. Co-operating businesses offers
Admire the 100 km long mountain range from derness. They also rent quality bikes, skis and            guided tours, transport, rentals, catering
several scenic viewpoints along the trails. Most other gear if needed.                                etc.
of the scenic trails in the national park are also SUMMER TRAILS NEAR LEVI                            Events: Marathon skiing, trail running,
easily reached by car.                             Pallastunturi Taivaskero Trail: 3-4 h walk         mountain biking and lots of local events
See the National Park’s fells, ravines, crystal takes you to the highest peak of national park.
clear lakes and rivers and herb rich forests Wonderful views of fell range is an experience
along the nature trails. There is a lot to learn that you won’t forget. From Levi: 55 km.
during those trips. “Pyhä” means holy in Finn- Särkitunturi Trail: 2 h easy climb to fell top
ish. Guess how many holy places like “Pyhä- from where a magnificent view of the fell
järvi” or “Pyhätunturi” you find in National Pallastunturi and lake Särkijärvi – awarded as           Contact
Park?                                              National Landscape in Finland – opens up.          Pallas-Yllästunturi National Park
Most typical animals in the National Park are From Levi: 46 km.                                       Yllästunturi Visitor Centre
reindeer, moose, brown Bear and otter. From Aakenus Haavepalo Trail: 4 h walk where                   Tunturintie 54, 95970 Äkäslompolo
various bird species the Siberian Jay is a com- you hear the wilderness. Scenic trail with view
                                                                                                      Pallastunturi Visitor Centre
mon guest all around the National Park. One of broad mires and Yllästunturi fell. From Levi:          pallastunturi@metsa.fi
tip for you: During long lasting summer days 31 km.                                                   Hetta, Fell Lapland Visitor Centre
and nightless night Pallas is the best place to Ylläs-Levi Mountain Biking Trail: Rent a bike         tunturi-lappi@metsa.fi
take photos of reindeer and blossoming arctic and a guide if you like and challenge yourself          www.nationalparks.fi/pallas-yllastunturi
fell plants in open fell landscape.                on a 5-7 h bike trip! Trail connects the two re-   facebook.com/PallasYllastunturinKansal-
                                                   sorts with each other. From Levi: 0 km.            lispuisto

LEVI                                                           Attraction - National Park                                                              9
Summer Weekly Activty Programme               SUMMER-WEEKLY ACTIVITY PROGRAMME
 The Summer Weekly Activity Programme          SUNRISE.BLINK.SUNSET.                              HOP ON A BICYCLE
 is available from 01.06.-25.08.               In the summer, sunlight paints the top of Levi     At the Levi Activity Park, you can try down-
 Languages                                     fell and wakes you up gently in the morning —      hill mountain biking on the west side of the
 English                                       or even in the middle of the night. The midnight   fell. All the equipment you need is available
 Participants                                  sun never sleeps. It shines around the clock       for rent. Beginners are also welcome to join
 Minimum amount of participants is 2 per-      for 45 days. This is the perfect time for canoe    for the adventure. If you enjoy more peaceful
 sons unless otherwise stated in the pro-      trips, sauna in the early hours of the morning or  activities, you can take part in a fat bike trip.
 gramme description.                           for picking flowers to cast Midsummer spells.      Around Levi, there are many kinds of different
 Booking information                                                                              routes to go biking and explore the nature. The
 Programmes can be booked online on the        The Summer Weekly Activity Programme of- experienced and locally knowledgeable gui-
 Visit Levi web page www.levi.fi or by email   fers entertainment for the whole family! Take des know where to take you and will show you
 levi.info@levi.fi by 4 pm the day before.     advantage of 24 hours of daylight, breathe Levi's best angles.
                                               in the purest air of the inhabited world, relax
                                               yourself and enjoy the stunning unspoilt Lapp-
                                               ish nature. There is something to do for every MEET THE CHARMING ANIMALS
                                               day of the week.                                   Experience the Lappish nature on horseback,
                                                                                                  see how the sled dogs spend their summer
                                               SPLASH OF ARCTIC WATERS                            holidays during a visit to a Husky farm or see
                                               How about a canoe trip during the midnight the cute animals at the Elves Village. There are
                                               sun? Or a fishing trip with friends amidst horseback riding excursions available either on
 Contact                                       beautiful Lappish scenery? There are over 700 Finn horses or Icelandic horses, length rang-
 Visit Levi                                    lakes in and around Levi to choose from. Enjoy ing from one hour to a few days. At the Elves
 Enna Paavola                                  the scenery from the water or go for example village you can enjoy a round of Miniature Golf
 Myllyjoentie 2, 99130 Levi                    on a comfortable pontoon ferry cruise on the or Disc Golf, go on a guided tour with the Elf in
 Tel. +358 (0) 50 511 0107                     lake. For the adventurer there is also a thrilling the Yellow Dress and hear the story about the
 enna.paavola@levi.fi                          ride in a car inner tube down the river rapids. Elves and their lives.
 www.levi.fi                                   After an exciting day out there is nothing bet-
 facebook.com/levilapland                      ter than the relaxing heath of a Finnish sauna,
 twitter.com/VisitLevi                         refreshing swim in the Arctic waters and the
 instagram.com/levilapland                     absolute silence around you.

10                                                     Summer Weekly Activities                                                              LEVI
EXPERIENCE THE ARCTIC OCEAN, LOCAL                  The works of Reidar Särestöniemi are display-
NATIONAL PARK AND ARCTIC SUPER-                     ed in the clothes of the Finnish Clothing Brand
FOOD- LEARN TO PHOTOGRAPH THE                       halo.
Why not combine your visit in Levi with a visit     Kalervo Palsas critical works are shown in the
to beautiful Norway and the Arctic Ocean?           Palsa Museum in the Centre of Kittilä. The
Visit Levi’s weekly programme offers a day trip     artist worked with a variety of techniques and
to the Arctic Ocean in the town of Skibottn         materials. His works have been compared to
in Norway with a stop in Kilpisjärvi to visit the   those of Frida Kahlo.
famous Saana fell.For those wanting to learn
more about the Lappish Nature, there are            Einari Junttila born in Kittilä, was an intern-
guided tours offered where the guide will tell      ationally known and acknowledged lyrical re-
you about the flora and fauna of Lapland,           alist, who was especially known as a water-
show you eadible berries and mushrooms              colour artist. He also worked with oil paint and
depending on the season and how to cook             in pastel. Junttila is the earliest known artist
of the foraged ingredients. The amazing and         from Kittilä and he was true to his calling in
peaceful nature offers many opportunities for       interpreting the Lappish nature. The Einari
photography lovers. Go on a guided tour and         Junttila Art Museum is open on Thursdays.
learn how to capture the best shot for your
Instagram!                                          THE SAMILAND EXHIBITION CENTRE AT
                                                    LEVI SUMMIT
CULTURAL EXPERIENCES                                Samiland is part of the UNESCO Observatory
Kittilä and Levi have a lot to offer for culture    Cultural Village Programme.
lovers. Near Levi there is the chance to get to     The Centre tells the story of the Sami peo-
know the life works of many well-known local        ple’s thousands of years old history, culture
artists like Reidar Särestöniemi, Kalervo Palsa     and mythology. At the indoor exhibit the differ-
and Einari Junttila. The Studio and Art Gallery     ences between the Skolt Sami and the Moun-
of Reidar Särestöniemi is in the village of         tain Sami are explained, the traditional sources
Kaukonen in Kittilä. The exhibitions in the         of livelihood of the Sami people are shown and
unique museum area changed yearly and there         the ancient mythical creatures of Sami culture
are many of his works on display. In addition to    are presented. The exhibit outdoors shows
the Art Gallery many events and concerts take       Sami buildings and tells about reindeer herd-
place at the Museum.                                ing.

LEVI                                                        Summer Weekly Activities                   11
Northern Lights Season Activity               NORTHERN LIGHTS SEASON PROGRAMME
 Season                                        NORTHERN LIGHTS SEASON ACTIVITY                    DOUBLE AURORAS - ONCE IN A LIFETIME
 The Northern Lights Season Activity           PROGRAMME                                          EXPERIENCE
 Programme is available from 26.08.-           What do the Northern Lights sound like? What       Did you know, in Lapland, you can see the
 30.11.                                        does the rich spectrum of autumn colours look      Northern Lights as early as late August? Visit
 Season                                        like on fells and in the forests in the North?     Levi offers a wide selection of excursions, for
 English                                       When winter nears, nature dresses in its most      you to catch this magnificent natural phenom-
 Participants                                  vibrant colours. Autumn colours paint the fells.   enon. How about a cruise on a pontoon ferry
 Minimum amount of participants is 2 per-      As far as the eye can see, the forests turn        under the Auroras? Enjoy the view from the
 sons unless otherwise stated in the pro-      beautiful shades of orange and red. It is time     ferry over the quiet lake, only trees and fells
 gramme description.                           to slow down, meditate, walk in a forest and       around you. If you wish to taste Lappish Food,
 Booking information                           breathe the fresh autumn air.                      enjoy nature’s silence and an impressive view
 Programmes can be booked online on the                                                           over the lake, then take part in an excursion
 Visit Levi web page www.levi.fi or by email   TAKE A PHOTO OF YOUR EXPERIENCE                    to a private lake with dinner served in a tra-
 levi.info@levi.fi by 4 pm the day before.     The autumn colours in Lapland are breath-          ditional hut by the shore. With a bit of luck
                                               takingly beautiful. Make memories of a lifetime    even Northern Lights will dance in the sky. The
                                               and take pictures of the playful colours, the      adventurer can go on a canoe trip in the late
                                               falling leaves and the Northern Lights. On our     evening to go search for the lights or go on a
                                               guided trips, professionals will give you tips     horseback ride and see the Arctic nature and
                                               for nature photography and show the best           Northern Lights from yet another perspective.
                                               angles. Find out more about Levi with various
 Contact                                       guided trips that will take you by foot, on bike
 Visit Levi                                    or in a canoe to the most beautiful places that
 Enna Paavola                                  Lapland has to offer.
 Myllyjoentie 2, 99130 Levi
 Tel. +358 (0) 50 511 0107

12                                                Northern Lights Season Activities                                                        LEVI
HARVEST TIME AND ARCTIC SUPER                        day life on a husky farm, of the history of sled ous ones can borrow a village bike or rent a
FOODS                                                dogs and the history and practices involving fat bike and go explore by themselves or go
When the summer days get shorter and                 mushing – the driving of a sled dog team.           on a guided tour around the beautiful scenery
autumn is on its way, it is time for harvesting.                                                         of Levi. After an eventful day spent outside
This is the best time to explore more remote         During a visit at the Elves Village in Köngäs there’s nothing more relaxing than going to the
ares of Levi and the superfoods there! You can       remember to say hello to the many animals. sauna or spend an afternoon at the Levi Spa in
pick cloudberries and many other delicacies          Some of the inhabitants of the Village are rein- a jacuzzi or in one of the sauna’s comfortable
straight into your mouth. Take part in a guid-       deer, sheep, chicken and horses. During a warmth.
ed trip and see for yourself! Go and explore         guided Walk with the Elf in the Yellow Dress
the Pallas-Yllästunturi National Park with a         you will hear many interesting things of the dif- Learn about the forest, its inhabitants and
knowledgeable guide, learn how to cook your          ferent inhabitants of the nearby forests, river edible plants on a guided tour for the whole
meal from ingredients found in nature, or go on      and barns.                                          family or spend a day on the water paddling or
a guided hike in Levi to find out more about the                                                         fishing. Levi has a lot to offer, come and let Levi
Lappish nature.                                      THINGS TO DO FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY                   Spark Your Soul!
                                                     During the crisp autumn days, the Levi village is
SPEND SOME TIME WITH ANIMALS                         full of things to experience and explore. A ride
During the autumn times nature shows its             up the Levi fell with either the Express Gondola
most beautiful side with its brilliant colours.      lift or the Gondola2000 lift to the top of the fell
Seeing the Lappish scenery from horse back           gives you an amazing view on a clear day over
during a ride is most of the most calming            the whole Centre of Levi and the surrounding
experiences you can have in nature. Experi-          fells and lakes. Go hike around the fell on the
ence the charming fourth gait tölt of Icelandic      marked trails or all the way down, go down
horses and listen to the silence around you.         with a Summer Sled or take the stairs from
Whether you go during the daytime to admire          the Hotel Panorama. Keep your eyes open
fell scenery around you or in the evenings to        and search for the famous Santa’s Cabin from
search for the Northern Lights, a horseback          the Christmas Story Movie. By the foot of the
ride is always exciting.                             fell by the Gondola200o station is the Activity
                                                     Park area with its many possibilities to spend
A visit to a husky farm is something not to miss     the day for both young and old. The Children’s
during visit to Levi! During the autumn times        Traffic Park, Miniature Golf Course, Disc Golf
the dogs are still on their holiday, enjoying the    course and of course the Adventure Park with
down time before the winter season. The guid-        its many Adventure Courses will make sure
ed visit gives a lot of information of the day-to-   there’s not a dull moment. The more adventur-

LEVI                                                     Northern Lights Season Activities                                                              13
Example activities for tailor-made              EXAMPLE: HIGH-END ACCOMMODATION
                                                 SILVER PINE VILLA                                    toilets: four separate toilets: two on each floor,
 Summer: Trekking, canoeing, biking (en-
                                                 This 500 m² luxurious log cabin is located on        saunas: two electric saunas and two showers
 duro, down hill, fat and mountain biking),
                                                 top of the Utsuvaara fell and offers traditional     in both bathrooms.
 husky park visits, tours, cooking courses,
                                                 Lappish comfort in a very modern stylish             All bedrooms and the two saunas have their
 18-whole golf course, Gondola cabin lift
                                                 design. Suitable for 14 people.                      own balcony. The apartment is suitable for
 sightseeing, Finnish sauna experience
                                                 Facilities: 7 bedrooms and 14 single beds. On        disabled. Bar kitchen upstairs.
 and swimming, Pontoon cruise on the
                                                 the first floor (entrance floor) a lobby, separate
                                                                                                LUXURY VILLA
 lake , jet ski safaris.
                                                 toilet and one bedroom with two single beds,   These 236 m² Villas blend subtly into the back-
 Winter: Northern Lights programmes, vis-
                                                 maintenance room, sauna department with fire-  ground. All villas are similar in appearance, yet
 its to ice hotels, ice sculpting, photogra-
                                                 place room, dressing room, spacious sauna,     individual in their interior decoration. Stone,
 phy tours, winter rally driving, ice karting
                                                 bathroom with three showers and a toilet.      wood and glass – the best of nature’s materials
 and snow cat trip, reindeer safaris, kick
                                                 On the second floor there is a living room,    – make up the elements of this modern archi-
 sledging, skiing, visits to Lappish shaman
                                                 dinner table for 18 persons, kitchen, three    tectural design. The exquisite décor is finished
 and Elves Village, helicopter flights, winter
                                                 bedrooms with two single beds/ bedroom.        off with the finest fabrics and furnishings. A spe-
 laser world -games, wilderness skills pro-
                                                 Two of the bedrooms have an en suite with a    cialty of the villas is an atmospheric "kammi",
 gramme, wine tasting, wilderness cook-
                                                 shower and a bathtub. On the third floor there which is a traditional Sami earth lodge, with an
 ing course, Lappish ceremony and kota
                                                 are two bedrooms with two single beds per      open fire. Suitable for ten persons.
                                                 bedroom and an en suite with a shower and a    Facilities: four bedrooms with ensuite bath-
                                                 bathtub and one bedroom with a mini kitchen,   rooms and a loft bedroom with twin or double
                                                 sauna, en suite and two single beds.           beds. A large living room with a fire place, din-
 Visit Levi                                      LUXURY ALPINE CHALET APARTMENT                 ing room, open kitchen, two balconies and on
 Enna Paavola                                    A magnificent high quality 250 m² alpine style the 1st floor there is also a unique, large non-
 Myllyjoentie 2, 99130 Levi                      chalet apartment with balconies facing the heated room kammi with an open fire place,
 Tel. +358 (0) 50 511 0107                       skiing slopes. This high-class accommoda- a bar where simple meals can be served.
 enna.paavola@levi.fi                            tion offers top level equipment and finest DESIGN LOG CABIN
 www.levi.fi                                     décor with high quality modern textiles and This 300 m² design log cabin is located near all
 facebook.com/levilapland                        furniture. Suitable for ten people.            the services of Levi. It is made of high-quality
 twitter.com/VisitLevi                           Facilities: five bedrooms and ten single beds. materials and is a combination of good design
 instagram.com/levilapland                       Apartment in an alpine style house on two and beauty. This log cabin is filled with Finnish
 youtube.com/user/VisitLevi                      floors. Downstairs two bedrooms, upstairs design. Suitable for 12 people.
                                                 three bedrooms (two single beds/ bedroom),

14                                               High-End Accommodation & Activities                                                              LEVI
Facilities: six bedrooms and 12 single beds.        PRIVATE MEETING WITH FATHER                        DISCOVER LAPPISH NATURE PRIVATELY
Four bedrooms with an en suite, two bed-            CHRISTMAS                                          ON A SNOWMOBILE
rooms on every floor and two separate toilets       In Finland Christmas means peace and tran-         Snowmobiling is one of the best ways to ex-
downstairs, a big electric sauna, a steam sauna,    quility, cozy white surroundings and the magi-     perience the beautiful arctic nature and ex-
a bathroom with three showers, dressing room        cal excitement of meeting Father Christmas!        plore the more remote areas of Levi. The
and a spacious room with a fireplace.               Option 1: This is your once-in-a-lifetime chance   snowmobile routes may lead you to the top of
Ski maintenance room, terraces towards the          to invite Father Christmas to your own accom-      a charming fell, where a whole new landscape
south and north. A roomy yard.                      modation! Spend a joyful time with him,            opens up in front of your eyes. You are on the
PRIVATE HUSKY SAFARI                                listen to his fascinating stories about Christ-    top of the world!
Find the real nature of Lapland and experience      mas times and the elves and take memorable         Besides the thrilling drive and breath-taking
a snowy adventure with the racing sled dogs.        pictures with him.                                 nature around you, imagine enjoying a cup of
A sled dog team will take you on an about 15        Option 2: You may otherwise prefer to dis-         hot coffee in the middle of nowhere. Take a
to 20 km ride through the snowy land of the         cover Santa’s secret nest, meet Him privately      break and delight in pure Lappish nature by
Pallas-Yllästunturi National Park (two persons      and see his elves at their workshop. Playing       an open fire. Coffee is prepared the traditional
in the sled, self-driven). On the way, we will      with the elves, baking ginger biscuits and a       way and served in a kuksa, a wooden cup.
have a break in a forest teepee “kota”. During      short reindeer ride with Santa are some of the     This drive will take you as close to the wild
the lunch of creamy salmon soup and while           magical delights awaiting you! An experience       arctic nature as you can get.
drinking hot juice you will find out more about     not to miss!                                       Season: end of November until mid April, de-
a sled dog’s life. During the trip, you can spend   Season: beginning of November-end of March         pending on the weather.
time with the dogs and take photos.                 Duration: depending on the programme, 30           Duration: several different options from a one-
Season: 1st of December until middle of April.      min. to 2 hours.                                   hour safari up to several days
Weather dependent.                                  Languages: English                                 Languages: English
Duration: approx. 3 h                               Participants: depending on the programme           Participants: min. 2 pax
Languages: English                                  min. 2 pax - max. up to 500 pax                    Services included: guided tour, equipment
Participants: 2-10 pax                              Services included: depending on the pro-           (thermal overalls, winter boots, gloves and
Services included: guided husky tour (2             gramme                                             mittens). Meals, transfer, accommodation and
pers./ sled; both steering in turns), creamy sal-   Optional services: depending on the pro-           other services included vary depending on the
mon soup, warm cheese bread, warm juice/            gramme                                             programme.
coffee/tea and Finnish bun
Optional services: transfers, private cook,
Santa Claus, clothing

LEVI                                                High-End Accommodation & Activities                                                            15
Arctic Frontier
 Arctic Frontier specialises in creating inter-
 esting experiences for interesting people
 in our own backyard of Lapland. We share
 our passion for light, photography and
 wild food with your guests on our tours.
 Capture the wonders of the aurora and
 experience the best of local Arctic wild
 foods. Our local knowledge of the area,
 wheather watching skills and our ability in
 finding the Northern Lights make us one
 of the most successful Aurora experi-
 ences in the Arctic. Join us and disco-
 ver the unique colours and favours of the
 Founded: 2016
 Sustainability: Local company, local
 guides, professionally trained guides, be-
 longing to local business and social net-
                                                  ARCTIC FRONTIER
 works, strong connection to the environ-         AURORA CHASE™                                     FORAGE, FIRE & FEAST
 ment, low waste, minimal use of plastic,         Arctic Frontier can help make your guests'        Discover what you can eat in the forests in Lap-
 minimal use of single use products, use          Aurora dreams come true. Last season, 85%         land! Taste the wild foods growing in the pure
 of recycled products where possible,             of our guests captured their own moments un-      environment of the Arctic's sun filled months.
 use of reusable products, locally sourced        der the Northern Lights.                          Join us on a guided foraging tour and share
 food from ethical and environmentally re-        All photography equipment is provided and         the ultimate fireside picnic, made with rare and
 sponsible companies, use of sustainably          no prior photography experience is needed.        unique Arctic ingredients.
 sourced local wild food, use of organic          We will show you how the rhythms of the           We take you to our special places where we
 products where possible, use of locally          Aurora are enhanced with a few simple cam-        can collect wild food. We share our knowledge
 sourced products where possible, low im-         era techniques. The photographs and memory        on how to identify edible foods and collect your
 pact on environment with activities, guide-      card are yours to keep.                           own super forest foods. During the season we
 lines of National Parks both environmental       We 'chase' the aurora in comfort and take         can find lingonberries, cranberries, juniper ber-
 and cultural are followed and shared with        you to our secret places, and go where others     ries, herbs and some varieties of mushrooms.
 our guests.                                      can't! The chase includes warm clothing, our      Wake up your taste buds with a chagga mush-
 Season: year-round                               famous home made cloudberry brownies and          room coffee! Try our home made berry drink,
 Languages: English
                                                  warm berry drinks made with local wild foods      made with 4 different berries that we've picked
 Offered activities: Northern Light photo-
                                                  we have collected during the growing season.      for you. Our wild food based lunch is cooked
 graphy tours, cooking workshops,
                                                  We share our love of light and the Arctic with    by the fire using locally sourced and foraged
 wild food and foraging activities, winter
                                                  you and your guests.                              ingredients. Including local breads, wild mush-
 picnics, photography tours and 'how to
                                                  Season: September until mid-April                 rooms and nettles. Followed by our famous
 photograph' lectures.
                                                  Duration: 4-5 h                                   warm dark chocolate brownies with Arctic
                                                  Languages: English                                berries.
 Contact                                          Participants: max. 8 pax/ group                   Season: June until November
 Arctic Frontier                                  Minimum age: 12 years                             Duration: 4-5 h
 Kate de Bruin & Juha Tolonen                     Starting point/ time: Zero Point, Sept. 21h,      Languages: English
 Levi                                             Oct.-March 20h                                    Participants: max. 8 pax
 Tel. +358 (0) 46 659 6443                        Services included: Transfer, all photography      Minimum age: suitable for all ages
 mail@arcticfrontier.fi                           equipment, arctic winter suits and winter wool    Starting point/ time: Zero Point, 10h
 www.arcticfrontier.fi                            lined boots, famous warm dark chocolate           Services included: Berry and mushroom
 facebook.com/arcticfrontier                      brownies with wild Arctic berries and hot home-   picking equipment, baskets and rubber boots
 instagram.com/arcticfrontier                     made berry juice, professional guides             if required, fireside picnic lunch, guide

16                                                            Activities & Safaris                                                             LEVI
ARCTIC HOSPITALITY                                                                                     Founded
Arctic Hospitality provides whole day experi-      Our target groups vary. Some of our whole
                                                                                                       Our company takes sustainability very se-
ence packages in Levi for small groups with        day experiences are made for families such
                                                                                                       riously as we are surrounded by national
a maximum of 8 people. Our goal is to offer        as meeting Santa or reindeer rides. Others are
                                                                                                       parks and pure nature. We recycle every-
our clients individual service, unforgettable      for the explorers such as Sami museum visits,
                                                                                                       thing, do not use plastic or paper cups
wow-experiences and authentic adventures in        visiting the local Sami family, etc. Others focus
                                                                                                       or plates, etc. We are always looking for
Finnish Lapland.                                   on sport- and extreme seekers such as white
                                                                                                       ways to improve a sustainable way to pro-
                                                   river rafting or snowshoeing/ skiing on fells.
                                                                                                       vide services to our customers and only
                                                                                                       work together with companies that are
We in Arctic Hospitality provide all types of
                                                                                                       same minded as Arctic Hospitality.
summer, autumn and winter experiences such
as meeting Santa, husky rides, reindeer rides,
traditional sauna experiences, making food in
wilderness, hunting for Northern Lights, con-
                                                                                                       English, Estonian, Russian, German (ba-
quering the fells, etc.
We focus on whole day packages instead of
one activity experiences. We also focus on in-
dividual guiding and group hosting in Levi area.

                                                                                                       Arctic Hospitality
                                                                                                       Mait Kivisaari
                                                                                                       Sompiontie 37
                                                                                                       99130 Sirkka
                                                                                                       Tel. +358 (0) 40 501 5229

LEVI                                                            Safaris & Activities                                                           17
Halipuu & Campfire Barista
 HaliPuu is an award-winning, family-run,
 sustainable activity company, dedicated
 to sharing our beautiful, peaceful forest
 with our visitors. We operate with small
 groups to give our guests personal atten-
 tion and life changing nature experiences
 with the highest standards. Welcome -
 our forest is your forest.
 Founded: 2015
 HaliPuu was established to save a forest
 from felling. Carbon-negative, creating
 new ways of bringing sustainable income
 from a forest. All our guides are locals,
 we use self-foraged berries and home-
 made, local foods. Our ctivities do not
 harm the eco-system, using renewable
 energy sources and reusable ecological      HALIPUU & CAMPFIRE BARISTA
 picnic-ware etc.                            COCOONING IN THE HALIPUU-FOREST                     CAMPFIRE BARISTA'S FIRESIDE
 Season: year-round                          Welcome to the peaceful world of HaliPuu.           EXPERIENCE
 Languages: English, German, Dutch,          Forget your worries and experience the forest       HaliPuu’s Campfire Barista brings you the
 Swedish, Spanish on request                 from a new perspective - snuggled in a cozy         flavours of Lapland with a modern twist. The
 Offered activities:                         hammock, breathing the purest air on the plan-      intriguing tales of coffee, the artisan beans
 Hammocking & forest experiences, cof-       et and listening to the sounds of the Arctic.       from a local roastery, crystal clear well water
 fee and campfire experiences, art experi-   This is what Lapland is about!                      and the smoky heat of a campfire combine to
 ences and artist visits.                    Award winning peaceful forest trip to the Hali-     make the best lattes north of the Arctic Circle.
                                             Puu-family's forest, including guided walk filled   Campfire Barista's coffee drinks and other
                                             with stories and interesting information, ham-      beverages are served with home-made sweet
                                             mock cocooning experience and a campfire            treats. Additional foods and drinks can be or-
                                             moment with a home-made snack.                      dered as an extra.
                                             Season: year-round. Duration: approx. 2 h           The Campfire Barista brings his coffee magic
                                             Languages: English, German, Dutch, Swe-             to any campfire place (guest's cottage, public
                                             dish, Spanish on request                            campfire hut etc.).
                                             Participants: 2-20 pax                              Season: year-round. Duration: approx. 1 h
                                             Starting point/ time: Muoniontie 952, Veitser-      Languages: English, German, Dutch, Swedish
                                             vasa, Kittilä (10km from Levi); week program-       Participants: max. 20 pax. (bigger groups per
 Contact                                     me Thu./Fri. at 11 h, private groups as agreed      arrangement)
 Halipuu                                     Services included: A guided walk to the for-        Starting point/ time: as agreed
 Riitta Raekallio-Wunderink                  est and back with calming exercises. Ham-           Services included: Guide, specialty cof-
 Ounasjoentie 17                             mock cocooning. Campfire experience. Small          fees, teas, Chaga-Chai-Lattes and other
 99130 Sirkka                                groups with personal attention. Hammocks            hot drinks prepared on a campfire, home-
 Tel. +358 (0) 44 236 3745                   and blankets, warm black currant juice and a        made lingonberry marshmallows and cookies.
 riitta@halipuu.com                          snack.                                              Optional services: Savoury snacks, camp-
 info@halipuu.com                            Optional services: Campfire barista's Arctic        fire pancakes, bun-on-a-stick & other options
 www.halipuu.com                             latte with home-made lingonberry marshmal-          available as pre-bookable extras.
 facebook.com/halipuu                        lows & cookies                                      Note: A campfire place and the firewood can
 instagram.com/halipuu                       Note: During snowless seasons, please bring         be provided by the customer or brought on-
 youtube.com/channel/UCgVcuOYgq3tb-          your own insect protection and wear sturdy          site by Campfire Barista for an extra charge.
 re_xI7znvTw                                 walking shoes/ rubber boots.

18                                                        Safaris & Activities                                                             LEVI
                                                                                                 Immelkartano by the lake Immel offers ac-
                                                                                                 tivities for groups of 4-60 people around
                                                                                                 the year. Finnish sauna and swimming in
                                                                                                 the fresh lake water is a true Arctic ex-
                                                                                                 Geothermal heating is used. Only reus-
                                                                                                 able goods are used.
                                                                                                 Restaurant uses local ingredients. Recy-
                                                                                                 cling for glass, metal, cardboard and elec-
                                                                                                 tronic waste.
                                                                                                 Partnerships with local entrepreneurs, pri-
                                                                                                 ority use of local and fair trade suppliers.
IMMELKARTANO                                                                                     English
FLOATING SAUNA BOAT                            ACCOMMODATION                                     01.01.2020-31.12.2022, around the year
Enjoy a memorable sauna safari on the wa-      Two story log house Kartano Chalet with 280 m²    on request.
ters of Lake Immeljärvi on our floating sauna  can accommodate up to twenty people. There        Accommodation
boat. Gaze over the land while bathing under   are three double rooms on the first floor and     Log house (280 m²) with eight double
the midnight sun or during the autumn while    five double rooms (four of them with an extra     rooms
the forests are covered with the vivid Arctic fall
                                               bed) on the second floor.                         Offered activities
colors.                                        The log house is surrounded by Kätkä fell and     Floating sauna, traditional smoke sau-
TRADITIONAL SMOKE SAUNA                        is on the shores of lake Immeljärvi. The scen-    na with hot bath, sauna with hot tub,
Traditional smoke sauna on the lakeshore of ery is impressive and ever changing.                 Restaurant Riihi, conference room, Kartano
Immelkartano provides a mystical “löyly” – a RESTAURANT RIIHI                                    Chalet, snowmobile safaris, snowmobile
combination of heat, steam and atmosphere, The handsome Riihi is a rustic restaurant             rental
which is highly prized by sauna aficionados lodge that provides an authentic Lapland at-
because of the deep relaxation it delivers. mosphere for its guests. The menu at restau-
Complete the sauna experience by cooling off rant Riihi is based on traditional Lappish speci-
in the lake Immeljärvi and admire the Northern alties. The lodge restaurant is open around the
Lights or the midnight sun in the outdoor hot year on request.
Saunas are suitable for 30 persons at the time
(=1.5 h), so 60 persons will take 2x 1.5 h = 3 h.
The price includes towels, shampoo & soap.                                                       Contact
Beverages available as agreed. Refreshments                                                      Immelkaratno
are served also at the restaurant Riihi before                                                   Saija Rantakokko
and after the sauna.                                                                             Tuomikuruntie 136
Optional: Arctic ceremony where mind and                                                         99130 Levi
body pures in a Sami lake and participant gets                                                   Tel. +358 40 741 0071
a wooden Lappish cup, schnaps – kuksa, as                                                        info@immelkartano.fi
a souvenir.                                                                                      www.immelkartano.fi
Dinner at handsome restaurant Riihi with                                                         facebook.com/immelkartano
Lappish delicacies according to your choice.                                                     instagram.com/immelkartano

LEVI                                                    Sauna
                                                              & Accommodation                                                               19
Kinos Safaris
 Kinos Safaris offers a wide selection of
 unforgettable all-year-around excursions,
 including snowmobile safaris, ferry crui-
 ses, ATV safaris and canoeing, fishing and
 SUP-boarding trips. We also have a wide
 rental services for different kinds of equip-
 ment, such as snowmobiles, snowshoes,
 e-bikes, canoes, rowboats, SUP boards,
 and fishing gear. We have a weekly pro-
 gramme that consists of shorter trips from
 2 to 3 hours, but we also arrange tailored
 trips up to several days of length.
 We are located in the central Finnish Lap-
 land near the Kittilä airport.
 Founded: 2003
 We offer local food and use local compa-        KINOS SAFARIS
 nies as our safari visits, we try to protect
 our environment as well as we can, we           FERRY CRUISE                                           CANOEING TRIP
 always take care that we never leave any        During this trip we will enjoy the beautiful scen-     Canoeing is a perfect way to enjoy the clean
 trash into the nature, and we try not to        eries while cruising around the lake Sirkkajärvi       waters and the beautiful sceneries of Lapland.
 disturb wild animals. We also advice our        and Levijärvi. We will also bake sweet crepes          In Levi area we have several types of wilder-
 customers to behave the same way when           and drink some hot coffee by the fire. It is also      ness rivers that offer canoeing experiences of
 they go out into the nature.                    possible to go for a swim in the lake and af-          different length and level of difficulty. Shorter
 Season                                          ter that warm up in the sauna. During autumn           canoeing trips can also be arranged at the
 year-round                                      time we might also get to admire the Northern          beautiful and calm lakes of Levi area where it
 Languages: English, German                      Lights in the sky, and enjoy the cozy and dark         is possible to just relax and enjoy the day with
 Offered activities: Snowmobile safaris          fall atmosphere by the fire. This trip is offered in   the whole family.
 and snowmobile rental, canoeing safaris         our weekly programme, but by request we can
 and canoe rental, fishing trips, ferry trips,   also arrange tailored trips for private groups.        Season: 01.06.-30.09. every year
 SUP-boarding trips, ATV safaris and rent-       Food can also be arranged by request.                  Duration: From 2-3 hours to several days de-
 al, e-bike rental, jet ski rental depending                                                            pending on the trip of choice.
 on the water situation                          Season: 01.06.-10.10. every year                       Languages: English
                                                 Duration: 2-3 h                                        Participants: 4-40 pax
                                                 Languages: English                                     Minimum age: No minimum age is required,
                                                 Participants: 4-40 pax                                 depending on the chosen location/ river.
                                                 Starting point: The meeting point is at the            Starting point: Several different rivers and
                                                 Kinos Safaris office in Myllyjoentie 4, 99130          lakes, depending on the possibilities and the
                                                 Sirkka. Customers will be transported to the           customer's request.
 Contact                                         lake Sirkkajärvi where the trip starts.                Services included: Transfer to the starting
 Oy Kinos Safaris Ltd                            Services included: Transfer from Kinos Safa-           point of the chosen trip, guide
 Mika Kuusela                                    ris'office to the lake Sirkkajärvi.                    Note: Included meals and overnight stays are
 Myllyjoentie 4                                  Optional services: Sweet crepes + coffee or            depending on the length of the trip
 99130 Sirkka                                    juice, sausage or other meals.
 Tel. +358 (0) 50 403 2000                       Note: No meals are included in our weekly
 info@kinossafaris.com                           programme cruises. In tailored packages the
 www.kinossafaris.com                            meals can also be included, and the price of
 facebook.com/kinossafaris                       the trip will depend on this.

20                                                            Activities & Safaris                                                                 LEVI
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