Letters in Animal Biology

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Letters in Animal Biology
Letters in Animal Biology 02(2): 29 - 34                                                                                       Review Article

                                                 Letters in Animal Biology
                                                               Journal homepage: www.liabjournal.com

Role of nanotechnology in mastitis treatment for dairy cows: a mini review
Ved Prakash1, Aman Rathaur*2, Dinesh Chandra Rai2, Samar Jeet Singh1
1 Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur - 208002, Uttar
  Pradesh India
2 Department of Dairy Science and Food Technology, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi - 221005, Uttar
  Pradesh India

Article info                                   Abstract
Received: 06 December 2022                     Mastitis is among the most popular ailments in dairy cow that results in the greatest financial
Received in revised form: 28 December 2022     losses for dairy farms. Different strains of bacteria, fungus, and algae are responsible for causing
Accepted: 05 January 2023
                                               mastitis. Mostly this disease is typically caused by bacteria that grow in the udder and lymph
Published online: 07 January 2023
                                               nodes, causing damage to the udder parenchyma. Antibiotics are the primary method of
                                               treatment for mastitis. However, long-term use of antibiotics has caused pathogens that cause
   Mastitis                                    mastitis to become more resistant to antibiotics. As a result, various strategies for eliminating
   Nanoparticles                               pathogenic bacteria that cause mastitis are being researched. Researchers have looked for
   Pathogens                                   alternative therapeutic modalities to antibiotics for the treatment of mastitis. These efforts are
                                               helped by the innovative invention of nanotechnology for mastitis therapy and management. As
* Corresponding author:
                                               a result, nanotechnology may become the primary type of mastitis treatment in the near future.
       Aman Rathaur
Email: amancsa2014@gmail.com                   In vitro-In vivo research of alternative remedy for mastitis have indicated that many
Reviewed by:                                   microorganisms responsible for this disease can be successfully inhibited and destroyed. The
The consent to publish the reviewer name       current review article discusses different nanoparticles for mastitis treatment in dairy cow herds.
could not been obtained

               This is an open access article under the CC Attribution-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

1. Introduction                                                            based on the inflammation degree: clinical, sub-clinical, and
                                                                           chronic. The clinical mastitis in dairy cows is easily diagnosed
Animals with mastitis suffer from an inflammatory reaction to              and is identified by visual abnormalities like red and swollen
the udder tissue in their mammary glands, which can result                 udder and fever. There are flakes and clots that appear in
from physical trauma or infection caused by microorganisms.                watery cow milk (Argaw 2016). On the other hand, mastitis in
This is the most common disease that leads to dairy companies              the subclinical stage is unobservable and characterised by a
money losses because of lower output and poor milk quality                 sudden increase in milk somatic cell counts with no visible
(Cheng and Han 2020). On dairy farms, 60-70% of                            abnormalities in milk or udders. Chronic mastitis occurs in
antimicrobials used treat and prevent mastitis (Stevens et al.             irregular intervals over several months, with an inflammatory
2016). As a result of bovine mastitis, the entire failure cost per         process lasting several months (Pal et al. 2019). Most scientists
cow is estimated at $147 per year, with culling and milk                   consider that subclinical mastitis has a greater economic
production losses representing 11 to 18% of gross margin per               impact when compared to clinical mastitis. Chiefly, the overall
cow (Hogeveen et al. 2019). Around 70% of total losses are                 prevalence for subclinical mastitis was reported to be 59.43%
caused by mammary tissue injury (Sharma et al. 2018).                      (Singh et al. 2016) with its quarter level incidence of 34.78%
Different breeds of cattle are reared in different places, and             (Bhat et al. 2016). The most frequent pathogens responsible for
different lactation stages, parity, ages, geographic locations,            causing mastitis are bacteria including Staphylococcus aureus,
weather conditions, farm management system, and previous                   Escherichia coli, Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus
episodes could contribute to the differences in the prevalence             uberis, Streptococcus dysgalactiae, Enterococcus,
and distribution of mastitis (Krishnamoorthy et al. 2021).                 Staphylococcus epidermidis, and Pseudomonas spp., as well as
     The Bovine mastitis can be categorised in three groups                fungus such as Cryptococcus or Candida spp. (Kalinska et al.

Letters in Animal Biology 02(2): 29 - 34                              29                               https://doi.org/10.62310/liab.v2i2.95
Nanotechnology in mastitis treatment                                                                                   Prakash et al. 2023

     The mainstay of mastitis treatment and prevention is                 alongside some uncommon species such as Mycoplama bovis
antibiotics, but their effectiveness is decreasing as bacteria            (Kibebew 2017). Environmental pathogens, unlike contagious
become more resistant. It is believed that the issue has been             pathogens, live in herd’s housing and bedding rather than that
caused by the excessive use of antibiotics in treating milch              of cow’s skin and udder. Therefore, these are best illustrated as
animals, resulted in the emergence of drug-resistant bacterial            opportunistic pathogens i.e., continuously looking for
strains (Pascu et al. 2022). Many scientists have observed that           opportunity to infect (Nitz et al. 2021). Environmental mastitis
there is increasing antibiotic resistance of primary mastitis             has been associated with a wide variety of bacteria species,
pathogens. Henceforth, in order to treat mastitis, scientists have        including Streptococcus spp. (such as Strep. uberis), coliforms
had to come up with new solutions. Nanomaterial have been                 species (such as E. coli, Klebsiella spp., Enterobacter spp.),
employed in human health for both diagnosis and treatment,                Pseudomonas spp., etc (Williamson et al. 2022). Mastitis
but their usage in animal health is still comparatively new.              susceptibility and resistance are affected by genetic factors and
However, nanotechnology is a rapidly expanding science that               dairy cow breeding. Purebred or crossbred high-yielding cattle,
allows for the creation of new materials at the Nano scale level          particularly Holstein-Friesian cattle, appear to be genetically
(1 to 100 nm). It has the incredible potential to change the agri-        more susceptible to mastitis than medium-yielding breeds
food industry by presenting cutting-edge treatments for                   (Shaheen et al. 2016). The udder's structure also influences
common and expensive diseases like bovine mastitis (Neculai-              susceptibility to infection. Subclinical mastitis is more
Valeanu et al. 2021). In order to limit pathogen resistance to            common in cattle that have large teats or udder with pendulous
drugs, many studies are currently being conducted to                      shapes, as well as in animal that have blind quarters after
investigate alternative options to antibiotics in the treatment as        calving (Persson et al. 2014). Age is another factor that affects
well as prevention of animal diseases. The review paper’s                 infections. Because of the or permanently/ partially-open or
objective is to describe the current state of knowledge                   wider teat canal brought on by frequent milking, older cows
regarding the use of nanotechnology in the treatment and                  are more prone to infections (Kibebew et al. 2017). During
prevention of mastitis in dairy cow.                                      transition period or periparturient period, dairy cows are more
2. Risk factors of mastitis                                               likely to contract mastitis (Drackley et al. 1999). The three
                                                                          weeks after and before parturition is known as the ‘transition
The incidence of bovine mastitis is known to be significantly             period' or ‘peripartum period'.
influenced by a numerous risk factors, as well as pathogen-host
and environmental factors (Fig. 1). The most frequent cause of            3. What is nanotechnology?
bovine mastitis is thought to be bacterial intra-mammary                  Nanotechnology is among the most promising technologies of
infection. Several species of bacteria have been identified,              the future and its inevitable and rapid technological
which potentially causes the bovine mastitis. There are two               advancements have even further increased its applicability and
types of bacterial infections- contagious and environmental               reliability with reduced cost. Nanotechnology is utilised in
based on the source of infection (Lakew et al. 2019). Bovine              numerous industries, including agriculture, food, and
mastitis transmitted from cow to cow, particularly during                 pharmaceutics. It is used to create nanoparticles with
milking, is referred to as contagious mastitis. The udder and             distinctive physical, optical, and mechanical properties from
teat skin of cows harbor infectious pathogens such as                     their bulk counterparts. Nanotechnology is being used in
Streptococcus agalactiae and Staphylococcus aureus,                       medicine for medication delivery, diagnostics, and disease
                                                                          treatment (Beyene and Ghosh 2021). Current area in which
                                                                          nanoparticle technology is being developed as a delivery
                                                                          method for drugs and antimicrobial agents is the application of
                                                                          nanoparticle technology to antibiotics (Gomes and Henriques
                                                                          2016). Mastitis has already been treated with different types of
                                                                          nanoparticles showing positive consequences (Kalinska et al.
                                                                          2019; Orellano et al. 2019). By increasing the uptake of active
                                                                          compounds by phagocytes, nanoparticle formulations will
                                                                          improve their antibacterial activity. These drugs are efficient
                                                                          and effective against numerous multi-drug-resistant bacteria,
                                                                          which possess a plausible threat to the society (Castelani et al.
                                                                          4. Use of nanotechnology in the diagnosis
                                                                          Novel nanoscale material manipulation techniques have
                                                                          revolutionised nearly all medical applications, including the
                 Fig.1 Risk factors of mastitis                           detection, treatment, and development of vaccines. The fast

Letters in Animal Biology 02(2): 29 - 34                             30
Nanotechnology in mastitis treatment                                                                                  Prakash et al. 2023

development of nanotechnology allows for the creation of                 resistant Escherichia coli, isolated from a dairy cow suffering
sophisticated diagnostic tests for the early and accurate                with mastitis. Gram negative bacteria are more sensitive to
detection of mastitis. One of these main diagnostic tests                nanoparticles of silver; possessing antimicrobial properties
involves the use of nano-biosensors, a unique class of                   (Dakal et al. 2016). Yuan et al. (2017) also found that the
analytical methods for the detection of mastitis. Biosensor is a         minimum inhibitory concentrations for silver nanoparticles for
device that combines bioreceptors unique to the antigen or               Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus strains
chemical being investigated with a physical nano-transducer              isolated from mastitis-infected goat milk were 1 and 2g/ml,
(Driskell and Tripp 2009). These sensors use electric impulses           respectively. A study by Dehkordi et al. (2011) exhibited that at
to detect the presence of certain biological molecules. There            low doses silver nanoparticles killed Escherichia coli strains,
are numerous types of biosensors based on the nanoparticle               but were less toxic to Staphylococcus aureus. The results of
employed, the kind of transductor, system for signaling/                 this study depicted that mean time of silver nanoparticle
recognition, and the nature of the target molecule (Martins et           antimicrobial action against Staphylococcus aureus is 7 min.
al. 2019).                                                               The gel formulation containing nano-silver effectively
                                                                         inhibited by Streptococcus typhi, Streptococcus epidermidis,
5. Nanotechnology in mastitis treatment
                                                                         Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and
The veterinary, pharmaceutical, and medicine industries are              Candida yeast-like fungi in a study by Jain et al. (2009). The
increasingly utilising nanoparticles because of their properties.        lowest minimum inhibitory concentration observed for
Nanotechnology is one of the world's most quickly advancing              Escherichia coli (1.56 g/ml) caused 50% of strains to die,
scientific area. A unique physical and chemical characteristic           while the highest concentration was observed for Streptococcus
of nanomaterials, as well as their vast surface area in                  aureus (6.25 g/ml). In a previous study, Escherichia coli and
comparison to their volume, make them useful for managing                Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria were found to be most
infections, such as those that cause mastitis in dairy cow               sensitive to silver nanoparticles, while Streptococcus aureus
(Algharib et al. 2020). According to the literature, the most            bacteria were revealed to be least sensitive. The bacterial
commonly used nanoparticles in the eradication of harmful                strains treated with nanoparticles showed decreased glutathione
bacteria are silver, copper, and gold nanoparticles (Wernicki et         expression, lower superoxide dismutase, and catalase
al. 2014; Lange et al. 2021; Neculai-Valeanu et al. 2021).               expression, but increased glutathione S-transferase expression.
     Silver nanoparticles rupture by denaturing proteins of the          5.2 Copper nanoparticles
cell membranes, resulting in creation of microenvironment that
                                                                         According to Kalinska et al. (2019), copper nanoparticle could
is saturated with silver ions, hindering replication of DNA,
                                                                         be used to treat bovine mastitis. The findings indicate that
generating reactive oxygen species and also expressing
                                                                         commercially available nanoparticles were of high quality and
respiratory chain enzymes and proteins which are responsible
                                                                         had no toxic effect on mammary gland tissue. Copper
for their bactericidal and fungicidal effects (Xu et al. 2020).
                                                                         nanoparticles also influenced or reduced pathogen viability. It
Copper nanoparticles can be toxic to pathogens because they
                                                                         has been demonstrated that using copper oxide nanoparticles
produce reactive oxygen compounds and peroxides which
                                                                         can lower levels of harmful microorganisms such methicillin-
destroy the DNA chain, lipids, and proteins (Angele-Martinez
                                                                         resistant Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. The
et al. 2017). Gold nanoparticles act differently from natural
                                                                         combination of copper oxide and silver nanoparticles revealed
gold in that they alter membrane potential and the rate at which
                                                                         the full elimination of harmful germs (Ren et al. 2009).
pathogen cells synthesises adenosine triphosphate, ultimately
                                                                         According to Kruk et al. (2015) studies on monodisperse
inhibiting metabolism in pathogenic bacteria (Mikhailova
                                                                         copper particles revealed that copper nanoparticles had strong
2021). It is mainly the cell wall structure of pathogenic
                                                                         antibacterial and antifungal impacts against the Gram-positive
microorganisms that determines the effectiveness of
                                                                         bacteria, involving Staphylococcus aureus methicillin-resistant
nanoparticle therapy. It has been found that copper
                                                                         strains, comparable to nano-silver, as well as fungicidal
nanoparticles are more toxic to Gram-positive bacteria with
                                                                         activity against Candida spp. An extract from Rheedia
thicker cell walls, while silver and gold nanoparticles are more
                                                                         brasiliensis fruit as well as its new copper metal complex was
toxic to Gram-negative bacteria (Sanchez-Lopez et al. 2020).
                                                                         evaluated for its antibacterial potential against Staphylococcus
5.1 Silver nanoparticles                                                 strains isolated from bovine mastitis (De Barros et al. 2017).
According to Ali et al. (2021), silver nanoparticles improve the         The antibacterial properties of such compounds suggest that
effects of traditional antibiotics against Staphylococcus aureus,        they could be used to treat mastitis. Lange et al. (2021) stated
the causative agent of bovine mastitis. Yu et al. (2018) reported        that copper nanoparticles prevent the proliferation of pathogen
the quercetin nanoparticles a composite material obtained by             and destroy their membranes such as Streptococcus agalactiae
combination of silver nanoparticles and the plant-derived drug           and many more. It is possible to enhance the primary
component namely quercetin, exhibited stronger anti-biofilm              antibacterial effect of copper nanoparticles by surface
and antibacterial properties against strain of multi-drug                functionalizing them with additives to make them very

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Nanotechnology in mastitis treatment                                                                                       Prakash et al. 2023

effective as antimicrobials. Copper nanoparticles have a                  from dairy animals treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics must be
significant surface-to-volume ratio, making them ideal as                 controlled excessively in order to ensure the safety and quality
antimicrobials (Ingle et al. 2014).                                       of milk (Shamila-Syuhada et al. 2016).
5.3 Gold nanoparticles                                                    7. Conclusions and future prospective
Umadevi et al. (2011) found that gold nanoparticles were more             Animal welfare and economic losses are caused by mastitis,
useful against Gram-negative bacteria, while Gram-positive                which deteriorates milk quality, reduces production
bacteria required much larger particles in order to achieve their         performance, increases culling rates, and treatment costs. Both
bactericidal effect. Furthermore, gold nanoparticles inhibited            clinical and subclinical forms of the disease can be caused by a
the growth of mastitis causing fungal pathogens (Wani and                 variety of microbial organisms. Currently, mastitis control
Ahmad 2013). According to Shamaila et al. (2016), the                     programs still use antibiotics as part of their treatment plan.
minimum inhibitory concentration for E. coli and                          The effectiveness of antibiotics is not always satisfactory when
Staphylococcus aureus were 2.93 g/ml and 3.92 g/ml,                       combined with other therapies. As a result, looking for new
respectively, for gold nanoparticles with a size range of 7 to 34         therapeutic options is essential. As an alternative to existing
nm. Omara (2017) examined in-vitro the effects of gold                    therapy products, nanomaterials have great potential for
nanoparticles and honey on vancomycin-resistant                           development of new drug formulas. In addition to the diversity
Staphylococcus aureus (VRSA) and methicillin-resistant                    of excipients, these new types of formulas are characterised by
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) that were isolated from cow                  their particular characteristics, including relative abundance,
milk of mastitis udder. He found that at a concentration of 2.56          biocompatibility, biodegradability, non-irritability, innocuity,
g/ml, gold nanoparticles with a 30 nm diameter inhibited                  and low cost. Nanoparticles may serve as treatment agents in
MRSA and VRSA growth, whereas a combination of nano-                      bovine mastitis due to their potential uptake by phagocytes. In
gold with honey from citrus fruit had a minimum inhibitory                the future, advanced treatment solutions, such as nanoparticle
concentration that was approximately 50% lower.                           technology, may provide a solution to the current problem.
     In addition, nanoparticles exhibit their greatest reactivity         Declarations
in a new environment that does not contain other structure or
                                                                          Funding: None
substances, like proteins, bacteria or lipids. In several papers,
nanoparticle synthesis and properties have been studied (Wang             Conflict of interest: None
et al. 2011; Pramanik et al. 2012; Zain et al. 2014;                      Ethics approval: Not applicable
Santhoshkumar et al. 2019). The properties of metal
nanoparticles still require further investigation if metal                Acknowledgements: None
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