Leonurine Regulates Hippocampal Nerve Regeneration in Rats with Chronic and Unpredictable Mild Stress by Activating SHH/GLI Signaling Pathway and ...

Leonurine Regulates Hippocampal Nerve Regeneration in Rats with Chronic and Unpredictable Mild Stress by Activating SHH/GLI Signaling Pathway and ...
Neural Plasticity
Volume 2023, Article ID 1455634, 12 pages

Research Article
Leonurine Regulates Hippocampal Nerve Regeneration in
Rats with Chronic and Unpredictable Mild Stress by Activating
SHH/GLI Signaling Pathway and Restoring Gut Microbiota and
Microbial Metabolic Homeostasis

 Pan Meng,1,2 Xi Zhang,1,3 Dandan Li,1 Hui Yang ,2,4 Xiaoyuan Lin,2,4 Hongqing Zhao,1,2
 Ping Li,1 Yuhong Wang,1,2 Xiaoye Wang ,3 and Jinwen Ge 5
 Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, Changsha, Hunan, China
 Hunan Key Laboratory of Traditional Chinese Medicine Prevention & Treatment of Depressive Diseases, Changsha, Hunan, China
 The Second People's Hospital of Hunan Province, Changsha, Hunan, China
 The First Hospital of Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, Changsha, Hunan, China
 Hunan Academy of Chinese Medicine, Changsha, Hunan, China

 Correspondence should be addressed to Xiaoye Wang; 004181@hnucm.edu.cn and Jinwen Ge; 001267@hnucm.edu.cn

 Received 17 September 2022; Revised 17 November 2022; Accepted 13 December 2022; Published 7 January 2023

 Academic Editor: Michele Fornaro

 Copyright © 2023 Pan Meng et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
 which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

 Depression is a highly prevalent and heterogeneous disorder that requires new strategies to overcome depression. In this study, we
 aimed to investigate whether leonurine modulated hippocampal nerve regeneration in chronic and unpredictable mild stress
 (CUMS) rats through the SHH/GLI signaling pathway and restoring gut microbiota and microbial metabolic homeostasis. The
 CUMS rat model was constructed and treated with leonurine. The body weight of rats was recorded, and a series of tests were
 performed. Western blot was utilized to measure the expression of BDNF and 5-HT in the hippocampus. Then the expression
 of SHH, GLI, PTCH, and SMO were measured by qRT-PCR and western blot. The colocalization of BrdU+DCX and BrdU
 +NeuN was evaluated by IF. 16S rDNA high-throughput sequencing was applied to detect the composition and distribution of
 gut microbiota. The differential metabolites were analyzed by untargeted metabolomics. The correlation between gut
 microbiota and microbial metabolites was analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficient. After CUMS modeling, the body weight
 of rats was decreased, and the expression of BDNF and 5-HT were decreased, while the body weight was recovered, and the
 expression of BDNF and 5-HT were increased after leonurine treatment. Leonurine reversed the reduction in the colocalization
 of BrdU+DCX and BrdU+NeuN and the reduction in the levels of SHH, GLI, PTCH, and SMO induced by CUMS modeling.
 Leonurine also restored gut microbiota and microbial metabolites homeostasis in CUMS rats. Furthermore, Prevotellaceae_
 Ga6A1_group was negatively correlated with 3-Oxocholic acid, nutriacholic acid, and cholic acid. Collectively, leonurine
 regulated hippocampal nerve regeneration in CUMS rats by activating the SHH/GLI signaling pathway and restoring gut
 microbiota and microbial metabolic homeostasis.

1. Introduction is a major risk factor for psychiatric disorders, including
 major depressive disorder, and can induce inflammation,
Depression is a highly common and heterogeneous disorder which is known to be dysregulated in depression [4].
[1]. It is a very common psychiatric disorder, often related to Chronic stress induces neuronal death and impairs hippo-
gender, genetic, environmental, and/or psychological causes campal neurogenesis, thus leading to cognitive deficits and
[2], that affects many people worldwide, hinders every aspect depressive-like behaviors [5]. Depression and inflammation
of their lives, and leads to many suicides each year [3]. Stress promote each other. For some patients with depression,
Leonurine Regulates Hippocampal Nerve Regeneration in Rats with Chronic and Unpredictable Mild Stress by Activating SHH/GLI Signaling Pathway and ...
2 Neural Plasticity

inflammation plays a key role in the pathogenesis of depres- behavior and altered hippocampal neurotransmitter levels,
sion; depression also triggers a greater cytokine response to and there was a significant correlation between metabolites
stressors [6]. Therefore, new strategies are needed to over- and gut microbiota [19]. However, whether leonurine
come depression and inflammation. attenuates depressive symptoms and hippocampal nerve
 Leonurine is an active ingredient of the traditional regeneration in CUMS rats by modulating gut microbiota
Chinese medicine (TCM) Herba Leonuri [7]. Leonurine and microbial metabolic homeostasis needs to be further
has microcirculation-improving, antioxidant, antiapoptotic, explored.
free radical scavenging, and anti-inflammatory effects, and Based on the above background, we reasonably and
effectively treats cardiovascular disease in various ways. boldly speculate that leonurine may regulate hippocampal
Moreover, the biological activity of leonurine is expected to nerve regeneration in CUMS rats by activating the SHH/
enable its clinical application [8]. Leonurine could promote GLI signaling pathway and restoring gut microbiota and
neurite outgrowth and neurotrophic activity in nerve cells microbial metabolic homeostasis. This study enriches the
[9]. Leonurine has been reported to improve cognitive dys- mechanism research of CUMS and provides a new reference
function by antagonizing excitotoxic glutamate and inhibit- for treating CUMS.
ing autophagy [10]. Leonurine also reduced depression-like
behavior in chronic mild stress mice, which may be medi- 2. Materials and Methods
ated at least in part by improving monoamine neurotrans-
mitters and inhibiting neuroinflammation [11]. However, 2.1. Construction of CUMS Rat Model. Male Sprague Dawley
the underlying molecular mechanism of leonurine alleviat- (SD) rats of 6-8 weeks old and weighing 250 ± 20 g were pur-
ing depressive symptoms and hippocampal nerve regenera- chased from Hunan SJA Laboratory Animal Co., Ltd and
tion in chronic and unpredictable mild stress (CUMS) rats raised in the Animal Experiment Center of the Hunan Uni-
is still unclear, and further research is needed. versity of Chinese Medicine, maintaining an ambient room
 Sonic hedgehog (SHH) plays an important role in the temperature of 22 ± 1°C, a humidity of 40-60%, alternates
development of the vertebrate animal central nervous system day and night for 12 h/12 h. The rats were fed with standard
(CNS), and GLI is its downstream signal molecule [12]. food and available tap water.
SHH/GLI signaling pathway has been recognized as a key Thirty SD rats were randomly divided into Control,
mediator of many fundamental processes in embryonic CUMS and Leonurine groups, with 10 rats in each group.
development, including CNS growth, patterning, and mor- CUMS procedure was as follows: Animals were individually
phogenesis [13]. Previous studies have shown that maternal housed in acrylic cages for 5 weeks to induce social isolation,
prenatal chronic unpredictable mild stress led to the upreg- while five cycles of stress regimens were administered
ulation of GSK-3β, which in turn inhibited SHH, β-catenin, weekly, including the following stressors: 45° cage tilt
Notch, and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) (24 h), food deprivation (48 h), cold swimming (5 min at
expression, thereby affecting neonatal hippocampal neuro- 4°C), tail clipping (1 min, 1 cm from distal end of tail), body
development [14]. Tayyab et al. reported the antidepressant restraint (2 h), damp bedding (8 h), and strobe lighting at
and neuroprotective effects of naringenin via SHH/GLI1 sig- night [20]. The rats in the CUMS group were administered
naling pathway in a CUMS rat model [15]. These studies stressors in random order every day for five consecutive
suggest that SHH/GLI signaling pathway may be closely weeks, without the same stressor for two consecutive days.
related to the neural development of CUMS rats, but The rats in the Control group were placed in a separate
whether leonurine alleviates depressive symptoms and room to avoid contact with the stressed rats, fed normally,
hippocampal nerve regeneration in CUMS rats through and unaffected by any of these stressors throughout the
SHH/GLI signaling pathway needs further experiments experiment. The rats in the Leonurine group were given
to determine. 60 mg/kg of leonurine by gavage every day from 7 days
 It is well known that antidepressants can modulate the before the administration of stressors until the end of the
CNS, and the gut microbiota can play a role in depression behavior test [21].
through the microbiota-gut-brain axis [16]. An imbalance Behavioral tests were performed after 4 weeks of CUMS
in the microbiota-gut-brain axis reflects the constant bidi- exposure to assess the induction of depression. The body
rectional communication between the CNS and the gastroin- weight of rats was recorded 1 week before modeling and
testinal tract, which has been used as a hypothesis to explain 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks after modeling. The tumor tissue
the pathogenesis of depression [17]. However, the effects of and stool were obtained and fixed with 4% neutral formal-
antidepressants on gut microbiota function and composition dehyde or stored at -80°C. Rats were sacrificed with
remain poorly understood. Studies have shown that fecal 150 mg/kg sodium pentobarbital. This study was approved
microbiota transplantation (FMT) affected gut microbiota by the Laboratory Animal Ethics Committee of the Hunan
in CUMS rats and induced higher levels of depressive behav- University of Chinese Medicine, and carried out according
ior and neuroinflammation. Gut microbiota exacerbated to the guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals
anxiety and depression-like phenotypes by modulating pro- and the principles of laboratory animal care and protection
inflammatory cytokines in the hippocampus through a dys- (LL2020111001).
functional microbiota-gut-brain axis [18]. In addition,
changes in fecal metabolite and plasma metabolite abun- 2.2. Sucrose Preference Test (SPT). SPT was performed
dances in CUMS rats were associated with antidepressant according to previous reports in the literature [22, 23]. The
Leonurine Regulates Hippocampal Nerve Regeneration in Rats with Chronic and Unpredictable Mild Stress by Activating SHH/GLI Signaling Pathway and ...
Neural Plasticity 3

 100 50
 80 40

 Sucrose preference

 Immobility time (s)
 600 #
 60 30

 Body weight (g)
 400 ⁎
 40 20
 20 10

 0 0 0
 –1 0 1 2 3 4



 Weeks post model
 (a) (b) (c)
 400 20 30

 Number of climbing
 Number of crossing
 300 15
 Immobility time (s)

 # 20
 200 10
 # ⁎
 100 5 ⁎

 0 0 0





 Control CUMS Leonurine 0.5
 BDNF Protein/ -actin 0.4
 5-HT #
 -actin ⁎
 0.2 ⁎



 (e) (f)
 BrdU DCX DAPI Merge

 BrdU+DCX+ colocalization

 600 #

 400 ⁎






 Figure 1: Continued.
Leonurine Regulates Hippocampal Nerve Regeneration in Rats with Chronic and Unpredictable Mild Stress by Activating SHH/GLI Signaling Pathway and ...
4 Neural Plasticity

 BrdU NeuN DAPI Merge


 BrdU+NeuN+ colocalization






Figure 1: The effects of leonurine on behavioral indexes, inflammation, and nerve regeneration in CUMS rats. (a) Rats body weight
assessment. (b) SPT. (c) OFT. (d) FST. (e) HE detection of brain tissue morphology. (f) Western blot detection of BDNF and 5-HT
expressions in the hippocampus. (g, h) IF detection of the colocalization of BrdU+DCX and BrdU+NeuN in the hippocampus. ∗ P < 0:05
vs. Control. #P < 0:05 vs. CUMS.

SPT included four stages of adaptation, baseline determina- hol (95-100%) was applied for dehydration. After removal,
tion, testing and data analysis, which took 8 days. Sugar the slices were placed in xylene for 10 min, twice, sealed with
water preference percentage = sugar water consumption/ neutral gum, and observed under microscope.
ðsugar water consumption + distilled water consumptionÞ.
 2.6. Quantitative Real-Time PCR (qRT-PCR). Briefly, total
2.3. Open Field Test (OFT). Animals were placed in a 60 RNA was extracted by Trizol method, RNA was reverse
cm × 45 cm × 60 cm box with a bottom consisting of 12 transcribed into cDNAs using cDNA reverse transcription
equal 15 cm × 15 cm squares. After the animals were placed kit (#CW2569, Beijing ComWin Biotech, China), and the
in the center grid, the measurement was started, each mea- UltraSYBR Mixture (#CW2601, Beijing ComWin Biotech,
surement was 5 min, and each rat only had one behavior China) was applied in the ABI 7900 system. Using β-actin
measurement. After the measurement was completed, the as an internal reference gene, the relative level of the gene
feces were cleaned, the bottom of the box was wiped with was calculated by the 2-ΔΔCt method. The primer sequences
75% ethanol, and the next measurement was performed. were as follows: SMO-F: ATGCGTGTTTCTTTGTGGGC,
Manual records are used. The measurement indicators were SMO-R: ACACAGGATAGGGTCTCGCT; PTCH-F: CGCC
immobility time, the numbers of climbing (two front paws GGGGTTTTTACACTTTC, PTCH-R: GGTCTCTTTGT
leave the bottom surface), and the number of crossing (the CTGCCCTGTC; SHH-F: ATCCAAAGCTCGCATCCACT,
number of 4 paws passing through the grid) within 5 min. SHH-R: CGCGTCTCGATCACGTAGAA; GLI-F: GGACTT
2.4. Forced Swimming Test (FST). In this experiment, rats ACGG; β-actin-F: ACATCCGTAAAGACCTCTATGCC, β-
were placed in an open cylindrical white plastic container actin-R: TACTCCTGCTTGCTGATCCAC.
(40 cm in diameter, 80 cm in height), 40 cm of water was
injected into the container, the temperature was 22-25°C, 2.7. Western Blot. Western blot was used to detect the
and the total recording time was 3 min. Immobility time expression of BDNF, 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), SHH,
(the time when the rat floated on the water surface with only GLI, patched (PTCH), and smoothened (SMO) in the hip-
slight activity, or when the body was perpendicular to the pocampus. Total protein was extracted from tissues using
water surface and only the nose was out of the water) was RIPA lysis buffer. BCA protein assay kits were used for pro-
manually recorded. tein quantification. SDS-PAGE loading buffer was mixed,
 the protein was adsorbed on PVDF membrane by gel elec-
2.5. Hematoxylin-Eosin (HE) Staining. HE staining was per- trophoresis, sealed with 5% skim milk, and incubated with
formed to detect the morphological changes of brain tissue. primary antibodies BDNF (28205-1-AP, 1: 1000, protein-
The slices were baked at 60°C for 12 h, dewaxed to water, tech), 5-HT (ab85615, 1 μg/mL, Abcam), SHH (20697-1-
hematoxylin stained for 1-10 min, washed with distilled AP, 1: 1500, proteintech), GLI (66905-1-Ig, 1: 3000, protein-
water, and PBS turned blue. The slices were dyed with eosin tech), PTCH (#2468, 1: 1000, proteintech), SMO (66851-1-
for 1-5 min and washed with distilled water. Gradient alco- Ig, 1: 4000, proteintech), and β-actin (66009-1-Ig, 1: 5000,
Leonurine Regulates Hippocampal Nerve Regeneration in Rats with Chronic and Unpredictable Mild Stress by Activating SHH/GLI Signaling Pathway and ...
Neural Plasticity 5

 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5

 PTCH mRNA expression

 SMO mRNA expression
 SHH mRNA expression

 GLI mRNA expression
 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
 # #
 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 #
 ⁎ ⁎
 0.0 Control 0.0 0.0 0.0





 (a) (b) (c) (d)
 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6

 PTCH protein/ -actin

 SMO protein/ -actin
 SHH protein/ -actin

 GLI protein/ -actin
 SHH 0.4 0.4 # 0.4 #
 0.3 #
 PTCH 0.2 ⁎ ⁎ ⁎ ∗
 0.2 0.2 0.2
 SMO 0.1
 -Actin 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0








 (e) (f) (g) (h) (i)

Figure 2: The effects of leonurine on the SHH/GLI signaling pathway. (a–i) SHH, GLI, PTCH, and SMO expressions in the hippocampus
were measured by qRT-PCR and Western blot. ∗ P < 0:05 vs. Control. #P < 0:05 vs. CUMS.

proteintech). Afterward, HRP secondary antibody was incu- libraries. Then, the composition and distribution of gut
bated. ECL chemiluminescence solution (K-12045-D50, microbiota were detected.
Advansta, USA) was used for chromogenic exposure with
β-actin as an internal reference to detect expression levels. 2.10. Metabolomics Analysis. Fecal samples were collected
 from each group, and differential metabolites were analyzed
2.8. Immunofluorescence (If). The colocalization of BrdU by nontargeted metabolomics based on the ultrahigh-
+DCX and BrdU+NeuN in hippocampus was detected by performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass
IF. The slices were baked at 60°C for 12 h, dewaxed to water, spectrometry (UPLC-MS). UPLC system (Agilent Technolo-
and the antigen was repaired by heat. The slices were placed gies, China) and Q Exactive Orbitrap (Thermo Fisher Scien-
in sodium borohydride solution at room temperature for tific, USA) were used for analysis. Substance identification
30 min, and rinsed with water for 5 min. The slices were was carried out using Compound Discover (version 2.0,
placed in Sudan black dye solution at room temperature Thermo, USA) and OSI-SMMS software (version 1.0, Dalian
for 5 min, rinsed with water for 3 min, and sealed with 5% ChemDataSolution Information Technology Co. Ltd) in con-
BSA for 60 min. The slices were incubated with BrdU junction with the McCloud database and self-built database.
(ab8152, 1 : 50, Abcam), DCX (ab18723, 1 : 50, Abcam), Finally, the normalized data matrix was used for multivariate
and NeuN (26975-1-AP, 1 : 50, PTG) primary antibodies statistical analysis and screening of differential metabolites.
overnight at 4°C. Fluorescence secondary antibody was
added and incubated at 37°C for 90 min, and DAPI was 2.11. Statistical Analysis. Graphpad Prism8.0 software was
stained at 37°C for 10 min. The tablets were sealed and used for statistical analysis. The measurements were
observed under the fluorescence microscope. expressed as mean ± standard deviation. Normality and
 homogeneity of variance tests were performed first for con-
2.9. 16S rDNA High-Throughput Sequencing. Fecal samples formity to normal distribution and homogeneity of variance.
were collected from each group, and fecal DNA was One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used for com-
extracted. The extracted total DNA was quantified using parison between multiple groups, followed by Tukey’s post
Nanodrop (ND-1000, USA), and 1-1.5% agarose gel was hoc test. Pearson correlation coefficient was applied to ana-
used for quality control, such as DNA integrity. Subsequent lyze the correlation between gut microbiota and microbial
PCR amplification was performed to obtain variable regions metabolites. P < 0:05 indicated that the difference was statis-
of prokaryotic 16S rDNA to construct high-throughput tically significant.
Leonurine Regulates Hippocampal Nerve Regeneration in Rats with Chronic and Unpredictable Mild Stress by Activating SHH/GLI Signaling Pathway and ...
6 Neural Plasticity

 Control 305 CUMS
 412 199


 155 77



 Observe Chao1 ACE Shannon Simpson J
 1000 1.05
 0.52 0.58 1000 0.53 0.58 0.39 0.39

 0.029 0.029 0.029 0.53 0.48 0.043

 0.054 0.052 0.052 0.74 1.00 0.97 0.53

 5 0.8
 800 800



 600 600 600



 400 400 400 0.80













 Figure 3: Continued.
Leonurine Regulates Hippocampal Nerve Regeneration in Rats with Chronic and Unpredictable Mild Stress by Activating SHH/GLI Signaling Pathway and ...
Neural Plasticity 7

 PCo2 (13.9%)



 –0.2 0.0 0.2
 PCo1 (20.3%)

Figure 3: The effects of leonurine on gut microbiota in CUMS rats. (a) Veen diagram: microbiota comparison of Control, CUMS, and
Leonurine groups. (b) Alpha diversity analysis. (c) PCoA analysis.

3. Results 3.2. The Effects of Leonurine on SHH/GLI Signaling Pathway.
 Previous studies have shown that SHH/GLI signaling path-
3.1. The Effects of Leonurine on Behavioral Indexes, way may be closely related to neural development in CUMS
Inflammation, and Nerve Regeneration in CUMS Rats. To rats [14, 15]. Therefore, we wanted to further explore the
explore the role of leonurine, we first constructed CUMS rats effect of leonurine on the SHH/GLI signaling pathway. We
model and conducted a series of tests. As shown in found that the mRNA and protein levels of SHH, GLI,
Figure 1(a), compared with the Control group, the body PTCH, and SMO were decreased after CUMS modeling
weight of rats was decreased after CUMS modeling, while compared to the Control group. After leonurine treatment,
the body weight was increased after leonurine treatment. the mRNA and protein levels of SHH, GLI, PTCH, and
Sucrose preference was reduced in the CUMS group com- SMO were increased (Figures 2(a)–2(i)). These results sug-
pared to the Control group. However, sucrose preference gested that leonurine attenuated depressive symptoms and
was increased after leonurine treatment (Figure 1(b)). OFT hippocampal nerve regeneration in CUMS rats via SHH/
and FST results showed that the immobility time of rats GLI signaling pathway.
was increased after CUMS modeling, and the numbers of
crossing and climbing were decreased compared with the 3.3. The Effects of Leonurine on Gut Microbiota in CUMS
Control group. The immobility time was decreased and the Rats. It was reported that gut microbiota could play a role
numbers of crossing and climbing were increased after leo- in depression through microbiota-gut-brain axis [16].
nurine treatment (Figures 1(c) and 1(d)). HE staining results Therefore, we wanted to explore the effect of leonurine on
showed that hippocampal neurons in the Control group had the gut microbiota of CUMS rats, and detected the composi-
complete structure, regular cell morphology, normal inter- tion and distribution of gut microbiota by 16S rDNA high-
cellular space, neat arrangement, and clear nucleoli. In the throughput sequencing technology. Venn plots showed the
CUMS group, neurons were atrophic and loosely arranged, common and unique amplicon sequence variants (ASVs)
intercellular space was enlarged, some cells were vacuolated, among the groups. Among them, there were 412 unique
and the nuclei were pyknotic. The number of hippocampal ASVs in the Control group, 199 unique ASVs in the CUMS
neurons in the Leonurine group was increased, the intercel- group, 300 unique ASVs in the Leonurine group, and 636
lular space was narrowed, the arrangement was more common ASVs in all three groups (Figure 3(a)). Alpha
orderly, and the histopathological changes were improved diversity was the analysis of species diversity within a single
(Figure 1(e)). In addition, the expressions of BDNF and 5- sample. Compared with the Control group, the Observe,
HT were decreased after CUMS modeling, and the expres- Chao1, ACE, and Shannon indexes of the CUMS group were
sions of BDNF and 5-HT were increased after leonurine decreased and further decreased in the leonurine group.
treatment (Figure 1(f)). Afterwards, we used IF to detect There was no significant difference between the three groups
the colocalization of BrdU+DCX and BrdU+NeuN in the in Simpson index. However, J index was increased in CUMS
hippocampus. The colocalization of BrdU+DCX and BrdU group compared to the Control group, and J index was
+NeuN were decreased after CUMS modeling, and the colo- decreased after leonurine treatment (Figure 3(b)). The β-
calization of BrdU+DCX and BrdU+NeuN were increased diversity was calculated and visualized by PCoA, and as
after leonurine treatment (Figures 1(g) and 1(h)). These shown in Figure 3(c), there were differences in species abun-
results revealed that leonurine alleviated depressive symp- dance among the three groups of samples. The relative abun-
toms and hippocampal nerve regeneration in CUMS rats. dance histogram of top 20 ASVs at the genus level further
Leonurine Regulates Hippocampal Nerve Regeneration in Rats with Chronic and Unpredictable Mild Stress by Activating SHH/GLI Signaling Pathway and ...
8 Neural Plasticity

 100 Control CUMS Leonurine Bacteroidota; Muribaculaceae
 Bacteroidota; Prevotella
 Firmicutes; Lactobacillus
 g_g_Prevotella Firmicutes;Lachnospiraceae_NK4A136_group
 g_un_f_f_Lachnospiraceae Firmicutes; Ruminococcus
 75 g_g_Lachnospiraceae_NK4A136_group Firmicutes; Clostridia_UCG-014
 g_g_Ruminococcus Bacteroidota; Prevotellaceae_Ga6A1_group
 Relative abundance (%)

 g_g_Clostridia_UCG-D14 Firmicutes; c_Bacilli_ASV_5
 g_g_Prevotellaceae_Ga6A1_group Firmicutes; Quinella
 g_un_f_f_Prevotellaceae Firmicutes; Roseburia
 50 g_g_Roseburia Firmicutes; f_Oscillospiraceae_ASV_20
 g_g_Prevotellaceae_UCG-001 Campilobaterota; Helicobacter
 g_g_Quinella Firmicutes; uncultured
 g_g_Blautia Bacteroidota; Alloprevotella
 Others Firmicutes; [Eubacterium]_coprostanoligenes_group
 Firmicutes; Monoglobus
 Desulfobacterota; uncultured
 Firmicutes; Oscillibacter
 Bacteroidota; Prevotellaceae_UCG–001
 Cyanobacteria; Gastranaerophilales

 0 10 20 30 40 50
 Read abundance (%)


 (a) (b)

 Abundance of Prevotellaceae_Ga6A1_group
 15 15 5 8
 Abundance of Clostridia_UCG-014
 Abundance of Lactobacillus

 Abundance of

 10 3
 5 5

 0 0 0 0










 (c) (d) (e) (f)

Figure 4: The effects of leonurine on gut microbiota in CUMS rats. (a) Top 20 dominant gut microbiota with relative abundance at the
genus level. (b) Relative abundance of microbiota at the genus level. (c–f) Relative abundance comparison of Lactobacillus,
Lachnospiraceae_NK4A136_group, Clostridia_UCG-014, and Prevotellaceae_Ga6A1_group in the Control, CUMS, and Leonurine groups.

showed that the abundance and composition of the micro- of this technique and identify relevant biomarkers. Among
bial community in each group were different. (Figure 4(a)). them, the index of the differential factor variable was
Figure 4(b) further showed the relative abundance of the 27.4%, which indicated that the three groups of samples
top 20 dominant gut microbiota at the genus level. We were basically separated (Figure 5(a)). Heat map showed
found that the abundance of Lactobacillus was decreased that the top 25 potential metabolites in the Control,
but the abundances of Lachnospiraceae_NK4A136_group, CUMS, and Leonurine groups. These potential metabolites
Clostridia_UCG-014, and Prevotellaceae_Ga6A1_group were included 3-Oxocholic acid, nutriacholic acid, and cholic
increased after CUMS modeling compared to the Control acid (Figure 5(b)). Collectively, leonurine restored micro-
group. Leonurine treatment reversed the abundances of bial metabolite changes in CUMS rats.
these gut microbiotas (Figures 4(c) and 4(f)). These results
indicated that leonurine restored gut microbiota homeosta-
sis in CUMS rats. 3.5. Correlation Analysis of Key Gut Microbiota and
 Microbial Metabolites. In order to investigate whether key
 gut microbiota and microbial metabolites were correlated,
3.4. The Effects of Leonurine on Microbial Metabolites in we performed Pearson correlation analysis. Figure 6 showed
CUMS Rats. At the same time, we performed untargeted that Prevotellaceae_Ga6A1_group was negatively correlated
metabolomics to analyze the differential metabolites. Partial with 3-Oxocholic acid (R = −0:38, P < 0:05), nutriacholic
least sums discriminate analysis (PLS-DA) was applied to acid (R = −0:45, P < 0:05), and cholic acid (R = −0:44, P <
analyze metabolomic profile changes in the Control, CUMS, 0:05). While Lactobacillus, Lachnospiraceae_NK4A136_
and Leonurine groups to eliminate any non-specific effects group and Clostridia_UCG-014 were not correlated with 3-
Leonurine Regulates Hippocampal Nerve Regeneration in Rats with Chronic and Unpredictable Mild Stress by Activating SHH/GLI Signaling Pathway and ...
Neural Plasticity 9

 Scores Plot



 Component 2 (11.3 %)





 –20 –10 0 10 20
 Component 1 (27.4 %)

 class 3
 3–Oxocholic acid
 Nutriacholic acid
 Cholic acid
 Octadecanedioic ac 2
 Pentadecanoic acid
 Tridecanoic acid
 Pregnenolone sulfa
 3–Hydroxybenzoic a
 Methyl Nicotinate
 Nonadecanoic acid


Figure 5: The effects of leonurine on microbial metabolites in CUMS rats. (a) PLS-DA analysis of metabolic profile changes. (b) Heat map
showed the metabolic profiles of rats in Control, CUMS, and Leonurine groups.
Leonurine Regulates Hippocampal Nerve Regeneration in Rats with Chronic and Unpredictable Mild Stress by Activating SHH/GLI Signaling Pathway and ...
10 Neural Plasticity

 leonurine alleviated depressive symptoms and hippocampal
 3–Oxocholic acid ∗ 0.2 nerve regeneration in CUMS rats.
 SHH signaling pathway plays a vital role in the develop-
 0 ment of many tissues and organs [29]. SHH signaling path-
 Nutriacholic acid ∗ way consists of three main components: PTCH, SMO, and
 –0.2 GLI [30]. Abnormal signaling pathways of SHH lead to
 Cholic acid ∗
 many neurological diseases, including depression [12].
 –0.4 SHH may be involved in the pathophysiology of depression
 [31]. However, the mechanism of SHH signaling pathway is



 complex and still not fully understood. Studies have shown
 that SHH could regulate adult hippocampal neurogenesis
 [32]. Mahino et al. reported that SHH expression downreg-
 ulated in the CUMS induced prenatal stress in the hippo-
 campus [14]. In this study, we treated CUMS rats with
 leonurine and found that leonurine reversed the reduction
 of SHH, GLI, PTCH, and SMO levels caused by CUMS.
 Our study confirmed that the reduction of depressive
 symptoms and hippocampal nerve regeneration in CUMS
 rats by leonurine was mediated through SHH/GLI signal-
Figure 6: Correlation analysis of key gut microbiota and microbial
 ing pathway.
metabolites. Pearson correlation coefficient analyzed the correlation TCM may regulate gut microbiota and microbial meta-
between gut microbiota and microbial metabolites. ∗ P < 0:05. bolic homeostasis. Chi et al. demonstrated that oral admin-
 istration of inulin-type fructooligosaccharides extracted
 from Morinda officinalis alleviated intestinal epithelial dam-
Oxocholic acid, nutriacholic acid, and cholic acid. These age, restores fecal microbial homeostasis, and relieves
results suggested that Prevotellaceae_Ga6A1_group might depressive symptoms in CUMS rats [33]. Total glycosides
play an important role in CUMS rats. isolated from the dried succulent stems of Cistanche deserti-
 cola alleviated low-grade inflammation of colonic and intes-
4. Discussion tinal barrier disruption, restored disturbed gut microbiota,
 and then depression-like behavior was reduced [34]. In addi-
Depression and related mood disorders pose a huge burden tion, TCM restored gut microbiota and brain metabolic
on health, quality of life, and the global economy [24]. microbial homeostasis, alleviating depressive behaviors
Stress-induced failure of the brain’s ability to restore plastic- induced by CUMS, and there were strong correlation
ity may contribute to the onset and relapse of depression between brain metabolites and disturbed gut microbiota
[25]. CUMS is currently the most commonly used, reliable, [35]. In the present study, we also found that leonurine
and valid rodent model of depression [26]. In this study, attenuated depressive symptoms and hippocampal nerve
we performed CUMS rats model to explore the effect and regeneration in CUMS rats by regulating gut microbiota
mechanism of leonurine. Our study revealed that leonurine and microbial metabolic homeostasis; that was, leonurine
regulated hippocampal nerve regeneration in CUMS rats restored gut microbiota and microbial metabolite homeo-
by activating SHH/GLI signaling pathway and restoring stasis in CUMS rats. Moreover, Zhang et al. found the
gut microbiota and microbial metabolic homeostasis. This enrichment of Prevotellaceae-Ga6A1-group in the gastric
is the first time we report the effect of leonurine on CUMS microbiota of patients with gastric intraepithelial neoplasia
rats through the SHH/GLI signaling pathway. [36]. We also found that Prevotellaceae_Ga6A1_group was
 Leonurine, the main bioactive component of Herba increased after CUMS modeling and decreased after leonur-
Leonuri, has shown therapeutic potential in depression ine treatment. Furthermore, the enrichment of 3-Oxocholic
[27]. Meng et al. reported that leonurine promotd neurite acid in noncachectic patients was correlated with gut
outgrowth and neurotrophic activity in cultured PC12 cells, microbiota Lactobacillus gasseri [37]. Alam et al. identified
and the mechanism may involve GR/SGK1 signaling path- nutriacholic acid, a novel triterpenoid, in DIBEt for the first
way [9]. Studies have shown that depression-like behavior time. DIBEt has the potential to defend against oxidative
could be effectively reversed by increasing the expression stress stimulation [38]. In addition, cholic acid was
level of neurotrophic factors in the rat brain [28]. Jia et al. increased markedly in plasma of the depression rats [39].
revealed that administration of leonurine for 4 weeks signif- Through correlation analysis, we found that Prevotella-
icantly reduced depressive-like behaviors in chronic mildly ceae_Ga6A1_group was associated with 3-Oxocholic acid,
stressed mice, including increased sucrose preference and nutriacholic acid and cholic acid, which suggested that Pre-
decreased immobility time in FST. At the same time, leonur- votellaceae_Ga6A1_group might play acrucial role in CUMS
ine could effectively restore the level of 5-HT in the hippo- rats. Although the current study was conducted in rats,
campus and prefrontal cortex of chronic mildly stressed CUMS model we used was widely accepted as an ideal
mice, and improve the damage of hippocampal neurons model for studying the antidepressant effects of various poten-
[11]. Consistent with their results, our study confirmed that tial therapeutic agents. However, the effect of leonurine on
Neural Plasticity 11

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