Leisure, Recreation and Open Space Local Plan - Submission - Local Development Framework

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Leisure, Recreation and Open Space Local Plan - Submission - Local Development Framework

        Leisure, Recreation
        and Open Space
        Local Plan
        Evidence Base Report

  Local Development Framework

Leisure, Recreation
         and Open Space
         Local Plan
         Evidence Base Report

Andrew Wallhead, Corporate Director
Regeneration and Economic Growth
Wakefield Council                     October 2015
Leisure, Recreation and Open Space Local Plan - Evidence Base Report

Part 1: Identifying Relevant Policies, Plans and Programmes

      1. Introduction                                                             5

      2. Background                                                               5

      3. Policy Context                                                           6

      National Policies                                                           6

      National Planning Policy Framework                                          6
      Creating a Sporting Habit for Life: A New Youth Sport Strategy              7
      The Physical Activity Guidelines – Start Active, Stay Active 2011           7
      National Governing Bodies of Sport - Whole Sport Plans/Facility Plans       8

      Regional Policies                                                           8

      The Natural Environment Evidence Base for Yorkshire and Humber 2011         8
      The Yorkshire & Humber Green Infrastructure Mapping Project                 9
      Leeds City Region Green Infrastructure Strategy, August 2010                9
      Fresh Aire Programme                                                        10
      White Rose Forest - Leeds City Region Partnership Strategy 2009–2012        11
      River Basin Management Plans                                                11
      West Yorkshire Historic Landscape Character Assessment                      11

      Wakefield District Strategies                                               11

      Wakefield Local Development Framework Core Strategy 2009                    11
      Wakefield LDF Development Policies Plan 2009                                13
      Wakefield LDF Central Wakefield Area Action Plan 2009                       14
      Wakefield LDF Site Specific Policies Local Plan 2012                        14
      Wakefield District Plan 2012–2016                                           15
      Wakefield District Delivery Plans and Master Plans                          15
      Local Area Plans                                                            15
      Neighbourhood Planning                                                      16
      Wakefield Green Infrastructure Plan 2010                                    16
      Cycle Strategy for Wakefield 2013                                           17
      Wakefield District Rights of Way Improvement Plan 2007                      17
      Wakefield District Greenspace Audit 2010                                    18
      Draft Wakefield District Greenspace Strategy 2013-18                        18
      The Wakefield District Greenspace Strategy 2004–2009                        19
      Wakefield Metropolitan District Greenspace Audit 2004                       20
      Wakefield Metropolitan District Greenspace Evidence Document 2004           20
      Wakefield Playing Pitch Strategy 2010-2030                                  21
      Physical Activity and Sport Plan 2013–2017                                  21
      WMDC PPG17 Indoor Sports Facilities Strategic Plan Final Report 2007        22
      WMDC Local Assessment of Swimming Pools Facilities Planning Model 2012      24
      Wakefield Council Leisure Review Final Report 2014                          25
      Indoor Sports Facilities Review 2014                                        26
      Wakefield Play Strategy 2007–2017                                           26
      Wakefield Sport and Active Lifestyle Strategy 2007                          27

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Leisure, Recreation and Open Space Local Plan - Evidence Base Report

      Wakefield Playing Pitch Strategy 2005–2015                                    28
      Wakefield Flood Risk Management Strategy 2012                                 28
      Wakefield and District Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment, 2011                31
      Calder Valley Strategic Flood Risk Assessment 2008                            32
      Wakefield Infrastructure Study 2010                                           32
      Wakefield Urban Tree & Woodland Strategy 2012                                 32
      A Tree and Woodland Strategy for Wakefield District 2009                      32
      Landscape Character Assessment of Wakefield District 2004                     33
      Wakefield Local Biodiversity Report and Habitat & Species Action Plans 2011   33
      Wakefield District Biodiversity Action Plan 2011                              33
      Wakefield District Cultural Strategy                                          34
      Our Wakefield State of the District Report, April 2014                        34
      Family Services Asset Management Plan 2011-15                                 34
      The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for Wakefield District                   34
      Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Wakefield 2013-2016                         35
      Healthy Wakefield Plan 2015                                                   35
      Sport England Active People Survey 2014-15                                    36
      Wakefield District Jobs and Growth Plan 2012–2017                             36
      Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership Strategic Economic Plan 2014         37
      Wakefield Disused Railways Strategy, November 1994                            37

Part 2: Baseline Information                                                        38

      4. Greenspace, Countryside and Wildlife                                       38

      Greenspace Strategy Catchment Distances                                       39
      Greenspace Strategy Quality Requirements                                      40

      Draft Greenspace Plan 2015                                                    40
             Greenspace Plan Catchment Distances                                    40
             Greenspace Plan Revised Categories                                     41
             Greenspace Plan Developer Contributions                                42

      5. Cultural and Historic Attractions                                          42

      Hotel Futures Study 2010                                                      43

      6. Existing Sport Provision, Facilities and Playing Pitch Supply              44

      Wakefield Indoor Sports Facilities Review – West Yorkshire Sport 2015         45
              Wakefield District Demand for Indoor Facilities                       47
              Access to Indoor Facilities by Public Transport                       48
      Wakefield Leisure Review 2014                                                 50
      Playing Pitch Strategy 2010-2030                                              51
      Action to Meet Identified Needs in LROS Local Plan                            52

      Appendix 1 Growth Delivery Plans and Masterplans                              55

      Appendix 2 Local Areas Plans                                                  57

      Appendix 3 Document List                                                      60

              Wakefield Council Local Development Framework – October 2015
Leisure, Recreation and Open Space Local Plan - Evidence Base Report

Leisure, Recreation and Open Space Local Plan - Evidence Base
Part 1: Identifying Relevant Policies, Plans and Programmes

1. Introduction

1.1.   The Local Development Framework (LDF) consists of a series of documents that will
       guide the use of land and new development throughout the district until 2026. The
       requirement to produce the LDF was introduced under the Planning and Compulsory
       Purchase Act 2004.

1.2.   The Council adopted the Core Strategy and Development Policies documents in April
       2009. The Core Strategy includes strategies, policies and proposals for investment,
       development and use of land in the district to 2026. It is closely linked to Wakefield
       District Partnership’s Community Strategy, addressing issues which relate to land
       use and development, with the overall intention of making the district a more
       attractive and prosperous place to live. The Development Policies document sets out
       more specific policies affecting new development. The Central Wakefield Area Action
       Plan sets out the specific policies and proposals for the central Wakefield area which
       includes the city centre, and the Waste document sets out strategic waste policies
       and waste sites for the district. The Site Specific Policies Local Plan was adopted in
       September 2012. It identifies and describes the Council’s development policies for
       the district and the Policies Map shows all the development sites necessary to meet
       the needs identified in the Core Strategy. The document also sets out designations
       that have been approved by other bodies through separate processes, such as Sites
       of Scientific Interest and archaeological sites.

1.3.   The spatial vision, objectives and policies in the Core Strategy provide the planning
       policy framework to help achieve sustainable development tailored to the distinctive
       characteristics and particular needs of the district. Ensuring that new development
       conforms to the strategy and policies of the Core Strategy and the policies in in the
       Leisure, Recreation and Open Space Local Plan is one of the key ways in which the
       vision and objectives of the LDF and Community Strategy will be delivered.

1.4.   The LDF has a key role in providing the spatial dimension to many strategies and
       policies prepared by the Council and a variety of bodies and agencies, which in turn
       help determine the approach taken in the LDF. As well as seeking to achieve its own
       vision and objectives, the LDF will also help deliver other action plans and

2. Background

3.1    In developing the Leisure, Recreation and Open Space Local Plan it is important to
       establish an evidence base, not only to provide the policy context for the Plan but
       also to assess the existing provision throughout the district and identify future
       requirements. It is also necessary to review strategies, policies, and programmes to
       provide, manage and enhance the district’s leisure, recreation and open space
       assets and facilities.

3.2    This document seeks to:
       x Set out the policy context for the Leisure, Recreation and Open Space Local
          Plan, considering national, regional and local policies;

                Wakefield Council Local Development Framework – October 2015
Leisure, Recreation and Open Space Local Plan - Evidence Base Report

      x   Review the requirement for leisure, recreation and open space over the period of
          the Plan.

3. Policy Context

National Policies

National Planning Policy Framework

3.1   Paragraph 73 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that:
      “Access to high quality open spaces and opportunities for sport and recreation can
      make an important contribution to the health and well-being of communities. Planning
      policies should be based on robust and up-to-date assessments of the needs for
      open space, sports and recreation facilities and opportunities for new provision. The
      assessments should identify specific needs and quantitative or qualitative deficits or
      surpluses of open space, sports and recreational facilities in the local area.
      Information gained from the assessments should be used to determine what open
      space, sports and recreational provision is required”.

3.2   NPPF makes it clear that planning policies and decisions need to plan positively for
      the provision and use of shared space, community facilities, and local services to
      enhance the sustainability of communities. The unnecessary loss of valued services
      and facilities should be avoided, particularly where it would reduce the community’s
      ability to meet its day-to-day needs. Facilities and services should be able to develop
      and modernise sustainably for the benefit of the community. The location of housing,
      economic uses, community facilities and services need to be integrated. Leisure,
      recreation and open space are vital elements of community facilities and services.

3.3   Paragraph 74 of NPPF states that:
      “Existing open space, sports and recreational buildings and land, including playing
      fields should not be built upon unless:
      x An assessment has been undertaken which has clearly shown the open space,
           buildings or land to be surplus to requirements; or
      x The loss resulting from the proposed development would be replaced by
           equivalent or better provision in terms of quantity and quality in a suitable
           location; or
      x The development is for alternative sports and recreational provision, the needs
           for which clearly outweigh the loss”.

3.4   NPPF also states that planning policies should protect and enhance public rights of
      way and access. Councils should seek opportunities to provide better facilities for
      users, for example by adding links to existing rights of way networks including
      National Trails. NPPF also allows for the allocation of Local Green Space within
      areas which are of particular local significance to the community because of its
      beauty, historic significance, recreational value, tranquillity, or ecological value. Local
      Green Space must be close to the community it serves and local in character, policy
      for managing development in it should be consistent with policy for Green Belts.

3.5   Sport England is the organisation which provides the strategic lead for sport in the
      country. It provides facility planning models which map supply and demand of
      swimming pool space and sports hall space, identifying areas of deficiency for future
      investment. The organisation fulfils the function as a statutory consultee for all

               Wakefield Council Local Development Framework – October 2015
Leisure, Recreation and Open Space Local Plan - Evidence Base Report

       planning applications which relate to land currently allocated for sport and physical
       activity, and also provides design guidance for the development of sports facilities.

3.6    Sport England invests money into 46 National Governing Bodies. To qualify for
       funding, each sport develops a Whole Sport Plan which details how it will use this
       public money to increase and improve participation and talent development in their
       sport. Progress against each plan is monitored by Sport England and regular reports
       produced. The plans include actions to increase participation through activity
       schemes and reference to the development of the sports infrastructure through
       capital improvements.

Government Strategy for Sport – Creating a Sporting Habit for Life: A New Youth
Sport Strategy

3.7    Developed by the Department of Culture Media and Sport (DCMS) and with a major
       role for Sport England in coordinating its delivery, this strategy identifies a significant
       drop in participation rates in key sports in the 16-25 age range. The gender
       difference is particularly stark as only 1 in 3 participate girls participate compared
       with 1 in 2 in boys. The focus is therefore to increase consistently the number of
       young people developing sport as a habit for life. Over the next 5 years Sport
       England will invest one billion pounds working with schools, colleges, universities and
       County Sport Partnerships. A key aim is to establish a sustainable network between
       schools and clubs in local communities, and this will be achieved by;
       x Building a legacy of competitive sport in schools: An investment of £150m from
            DCMS, Sport England, Health Education and sponsorship will develop inter and
            intra school competition, and local, regional and national games.
       x Improving links between schools and community sport clubs: Strengthening links
            between clubs, schools, colleges and universities in conjunction with the National
            Governing Bodies of Sport (NGBs) will develop 6000 new school club links by
            2017 and 150 colleges will have full time sport professionals to develop new
            sporting opportunities for their students.
       x Working with NGBs focussing on youth: NGBs will develop new “whole sport
            plans” for the period 2012-2017 with a focus on the 14-25 age range; they will
            also be charged with increasing participation in adults, people with disability and
            establishing development pathways for those with talent to fulfil their potential.
       x Investing in facilities: Building on the “Places People Play” programme, Sport
            England will invest a further £160m of lottery funding in to building or improving
            facilities and local clubs.
       x Investing in local facilities and the voluntary sector: Encouragement will be given
            to local authorities, clubs not associated with NGBs and other voluntary groups to
            provide quality sporting experiences and Sport England will establish a dedicated
            funding stream for local community clubs.

The Physical Activity Guidelines – Start Active, Stay Active - July 2011

3.8    A report from the Chief Medical Officer presents guidance on the volume, duration,
       frequency and type of physical activity across the full age ranges to achieve general
       health benefits. It is aimed at all authorities and organisations developing services to
       promote physical activity, and it is aimed at professionals, practitioners and
       policymakers concerned with planning and implementing policies and programmes
       that use the promotion of physical activity, sport, exercise and active travel to achieve
       health gains.

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Leisure, Recreation and Open Space Local Plan - Evidence Base Report

3.9    The report covers early years, children and young people, adults and older adults;
       there are specific recommendations for each sector, with a succinct factsheet setting
       out recommendations for each age group.

National Governing Bodies of Sport - Whole Sport Plans/Facility Plans

3.10   National governing bodies of sport are critical in helping Sport England achieve their
       goal of helping more people develop a sporting habit for life. This is why they are at
       the heart of the youth and community sport strategy. Eligible NGBs submitted whole
       sport plans to Sport England detailing how they plan to use National Lottery and
       Exchequer money to grow the numbers of people playing their sport once a week, as
       well as nurturing talent.

3.11   To be eligible for 2013-17 Whole Sport Plan funding, NGBs had to fulfil at least one
       of two criteria:
       x Received 2009-13 whole sport plan investment. This includes all London 2012
           Olympic or Paralympic sports. This allows Sport England to build on investments
           made in previous cycles.
       x They are governing bodies of sports with more than 75,000 people in England
           taking part once a week (as measured by Active People Survey). These sports
           have the biggest impact on the aim to increase regular and sustained

3.12   Each application will be assessed against six investment principles, which are:
       x Sport England investment in NGB whole sport plans for 2013-17 is a privilege,
          not an entitlement;
       x Funding will be awarded on a competitive basis to those NGBs putting forward
          the strongest plans and which have a good track record of delivery;
       x Whole sport plan investment must deliver one or more of Sport England's talent
          and participation outcomes;
       x Of the total investment available for participation, Sport England expects 60% to
          benefit young people aged 14-25 and 40% to benefit the rest of the adult
       x NGBs whose sport is played in schools must deliver a robust transition
          programme creating links between school sport and club and community sport;
       x NGBs will need to demonstrate how they will connect, work and have an impact
          on participation at a local level.

Regional Policies

The Natural Environment Evidence Base for Yorkshire and Humber 2011

3.13   This report summarises work done by regional organisations such as the
       Environment Agency, Natural England and Yorkshire Futures to develop a natural
       environment evidence base and associated set of environment priorities for the
       Yorkshire and Humber region. The report contains a number of maps showing key
       environmental themes across the region including:
       x National and international environment designations such as National Parks,
          Ancient Woodland, Sites of Special Scientific Interest, National Nature Reserves
          and Flood Zones;
       x Biodiversity Opportunity Areas
       x Biodiversity Priority Landscape Project Areas
       x Public access to green space

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Leisure, Recreation and Open Space Local Plan - Evidence Base Report

       x   Index of Multiple Deprivation
       x   National Landscape Character Areas
       x   Countryside quality
       x   Water capacity
       x   Groundwater quality
       x   Water quality
       x   Air quality
       x   Green infrastructure corridors

The Yorkshire & Humber Green Infrastructure Mapping Project

3.14   The Yorkshire & Humber Green Infrastructure Mapping Project was carried out to
       help local authorities protect and create green infrastructure through their Local
       Plans. Natural England, all local authorities in the region as well as other partners,
       worked to ensure a consistent approach was taken to green infrastructure mapping.
       A network of strategic regional, sub-regional and district green infrastructure corridors
       were identified, characterised and mapped.

3.15   Natural England is keen to see the mapping project evidence used to support
       projects and policy at both strategic and local levels. It has already been used by
       Leeds City Region Partnership and in Wakefield District to inform Green
       Infrastructure Plans and projects, as well as being an evidence base for the LDF.

Leeds City Region Green Infrastructure Strategy, August 2010

3.16   The Leeds City Region local authorities, in partnership with Natural England and a
       wide range of consultees, prepared this Strategy to set out the vision for green
       infrastructure in the city region and to determine how future investment in green
       infrastructure will be secured and where investment should be targeted. The Strategy
       identifies four strategic objectives to address the key drivers of green infrastructure:
       x To promote sustainable growth and economic development;
       x To adapt to and mitigate climate change;
       x To encourage healthy living and wellbeing;
       x To improve biodiversity.

3.17   The Strategy sets out four strategic initiatives of Investment Programmes, Strategic
       Projects, Green Infrastructure Growth Areas and Supporting Projects, and identifies
       ‘interventions’ to achieve them.
       x IP1 Urban Green Adaption: As a result of climate change our urban areas will
            face increasing summer temperatures and higher levels of rainfall. The
            programme will seek to secure investment for urban tree planting, new surface
            water and greening to provide shading and cooling and help reduce flood risk. In
            Wakefield District this can be achieved through town centre master planning,
            urban regeneration projects and new development proposals.
       x IP2 Greening Our Economic Potential: Investment in green infrastructure has
            been proven to lead to more inward investment. The programme focuses on the
            planning of green infrastructure to support the remediation and redevelopment of
            brownfield sites, improvement of business parks/ industrial estates, promotion of
            strategic employment sites, and improving key transport hubs and corridors,
            especially where they coincide with local communities. In Wakefield District this
            can be achieved through various regeneration projects and new development

                Wakefield Council Local Development Framework – October 2015
Leisure, Recreation and Open Space Local Plan - Evidence Base Report

       x   IP3 Carbon Capture: The programme will seek to ensure that provision is made
           for retaining and creating carbon sinks such as woodland and peatland. In
           Wakefield District this can be achieved through the planting of new woodland
           such as the Five Towns Forest project and new development proposals.
       x   IP4 Wood fuel: The wood fuel investment programme will encourage the
           sustainable management of woodland assets within the city region. The
           programme will build on and extend current initiatives such as the West Yorkshire
           Working Woodlands Project operated by the Yorwoods Project, which aims to
           achieve the sustainable management of woodlands in the White Rose Forest
           area to produce wood fuel. In Wakefield District this can be achieved through the
           planting of new woodland such as the Five Towns Forest and the Abel project
           (see the Tree and Woodland Strategy).
       x   IP5 Rivers for Life: The programme will establish a coordinated approach to river
           catchment management and enhancement across the city region. Its main focus
           will be on the restoration of river channels to reduce flood risk but will also deliver
           access, recreation and biodiversity benefits. In Wakefield District this can be
           achieved through projects such as the Castleford riverside regeneration project
           and various flood defence works.
       x   SP1 Fresh Aire: There are a number of projects along the River Aire and River
           Calder which will improve green infrastructure, public access and recreation.
           These include the St Aidens and Lower Aire Valley projects in Leeds, which
           adjoin the Wakefield District boundary, and the River Calder project which will
           provide restoration and habitat creation between Brighouse and Wakefield. There
           is potential to link the Castleford riverside regeneration and other new
           developments along the Aire and Calder river corridors providing a vital
           ecological network, access to the countryside and outdoor recreation
       x   Green Infrastructure Growth Areas: These are intended to complement
           investment programmes and strategic projects in the Growth Point areas of
           Barnsley, Calderdale and Wakefield. In Wakefield urban renaissance,
           regeneration and provision for increasing the capacity of green infrastructure
           assets in the district is planned.
       x   Strategic Urban Renewal Areas: The Green Corridor is a joint initiative between
           Barnsley, Doncaster and Wakefield for urban regeneration in the south east
           coalfield area. New housing and environmental improvements including
           investment in green infrastructure are planned.

Fresh Aire Programme

3.18   Fresh Aire is a green infrastructure led regeneration programme of the post-industrial
       landscape along the Rivers Aire and Calder, at the heart of the Leeds City Region.
       The objectives of the programme are:

       x   The programme will promote the economic development of Leeds City Region
           and its status on the international stage through the creation of the Aire-Calder
           Valley Park
       x   The programme will seek to create an international demonstrator of best practice
           measures to improve water quality, mitigate the impacts of flooding and renew
           watercourse infrastructure
       x   The programme will create a bio-diverse green corridor at the heart of the Leeds
           City Region that allows flora and fauna adapt to climate change and provides
           residents of the catchment with easy access to the natural environment

                Wakefield Council Local Development Framework – October 2015
Leisure, Recreation and Open Space Local Plan - Evidence Base Report

       x   The programme will provide a highly accessible, safe, easily navigated and
           attractive environment encouraging people to move along the Aire and Calder
           valleys on foot or by bike.

3.19   Projects linked to the Fresh Aire programme within Wakefield district include major
       regeneration projects and green infrastructure enhancements along Knottingley
       waterfront and canals, Castleford waterfront, and Wakefield waterfront.

White Rose Forest Growing with the Leeds City Region Partnership Strategy 2009–

3.20   The White Rose Forest was established in 2000 with the launch of a West Yorkshire
       wide strategy aimed to realise the full economic, social and environmental value of a
       well wooded landscape. The partnership has secured 100 hectares of community
       woodland through an urban forestry programme, funding for community groups
       through the Woodland Ways project, and has also invested in several regeneration

3.21   The partnership established a Green Infrastructure Programme across West
       Yorkshire in 2008, which includes five projects within Wakefield District:
       x The Five Towns Forest – establishment of woodland on derelict land as a setting
          for homes, businesses and recreation over a 25 year period;
       x Notton Wood – access and forestry management;
       x Calder Drift – woodland planting around the Scout camp and recreation site;
       x Roundwood – gateway to Wakefield, community wood along the M1 corridor;
       x Abel Project, Caldervale – approximately 6 hectares of woodland to be planted
          for short rotation forestry biomass and used for training and amenity, operated by
          a social enterprise.

River Basin Management Plans

3.22   Under the Water Framework Directive, River Bain Management Plans have been
       produced by the Environment Agency, setting out plans for the protection,
       improvement and sustainable use of the water environment. The Humber River Basin
       Management Plan was published in 2009 and Catchment Flood Management Plans
       for the Don, Aire and Calder have also been produced. The Council and Environment
       Agency are in the process of ratifying the catchment strategies and flood models.

West Yorkshire Historic Landscape Character Assessment

3.23   West Yorkshire Archaeological Advisory Service is currently carrying out a Historic
       Landscape Characterisation project for West Yorkshire which will be complete in
       2015. It maps surviving visible features of the historic landscape. It will help guide
       development both in terms of maintaining historic character and in avoiding areas of
       greatest sensitivity. The area covering Wakefield District has been completed.

Wakefield District Strategies

Wakefield Local Development Framework Core Strategy 2009

3.24   Spatial Objective 8 of the Core Strategy is “To provide a range of high quality,
       accessible cultural, recreational, and leisure opportunities across the district to
       improve the quality of life for residents and visitors”.

                Wakefield Council Local Development Framework – October 2015
Leisure, Recreation and Open Space Local Plan - Evidence Base Report

3.25   Policy CS5 Community Facilities and Services states that:
       1. Good quality services and facilities will be provided which meet the needs of local
           communities and are accessible by public transport, cycling or on foot. In
           particular, services and facilities will be provided which will benefit the less mobile
           or more deprived members of the community.
       2. The provision of services and facilities will be of a scale appropriate to the type
           and size of settlement with higher level services located in the urban areas
           identified in the settlement hierarchy to ensure that needs are met in the most
           effective and accessible way. However, there is a need to provide some facilities
           and services in specific settlements including:
               a. The need to increase the level of local community facilities, such as
                    community centres, local sport and public open space facilities in local
                    service centres and villages;
               b. The need to provide increased higher level health care facilities where
                    health deprivation is highest, notably parts of the Wakefield urban area,
                    parts of the Five Towns area, and particularly in the south-east of the
                    district where accessibility to such facilities for this part of the district is
               c. Improve access to secondary education facilities, particularly from local
                    service centres and villages.
       3. Given the important role of facilities and services in all settlements, wherever
           possible proposals for development will not result in the loss of an existing
           service or facility unless satisfactory alternative provision is made.

3.26   Policy CS11 Leisure, Recreation and Open Space states that:

       1. Good quality, well maintained leisure, recreation and open space facilities will be
          secured to address identified deficiencies and meet the needs of local
          communities, particularly deprived groups. Key measures will be:
              a. Increased and improved facilities for health and fitness in central
                   Wakefield and in urban areas in the Five Towns and the South-East,
                   particularly at Wakefield Council facilities, (such as Thornes Park and
                   Lightwaves Leisure Centre in Wakefield, Knottingley Sports Centre and
                   pool, and Minsthorpe Pool);
              b. Provision to address the needs of older people through increased indoor
              c. New stadia development particularly in Wakefield and Castleford;
              d. Sports village concepts with links to new stadia development or existing
                   facilities, such as Thornes Park, particularly in Wakefield, Castleford and
              e. Development of sport and leisure facilities on former colliery sites in
                   Castleford, Pontefract and South Elmsall;
              f. Partnership provision in the South-East of the district, including linking
                   future provision of sport, leisure and physical activity to other community
                   facilities such as play and cultural provision;
              g. The implementation of a hierarchy of playing pitch provision;
              h. Opening up formal pay and play community access to school facilities
                   across the district.
       2. The provision of leisure and recreation facilities and open space will be of a scale
          appropriate to the type and size of settlement. Wherever possible those that
          attract large numbers of people will be located in the larger urban areas and be
          accessible by walking, cycling and public transport.

                Wakefield Council Local Development Framework – October 2015
Leisure, Recreation and Open Space Local Plan - Evidence Base Report

       3. Development proposals will not result in the loss of an existing leisure or
          recreation facility or open space unless satisfactory alternative provision is made
          or there are cumulative community benefits identified as part of regeneration
          schemes or it can be demonstrated that the asset is no longer needed.
       4. Within designated open land areas, development will not be permitted except in
          very special circumstances for purposes other than those which would be
          appropriate in a rural area and which would not substantially affect the character
          of the land or detract from its amenity value.

3.27   Paragraph 6.104 states that: “There is a link between social and community facilities
       and the provision of leisure, recreation and open space facilities through for example,
       co-location. The context for these is set out under policy CS11”.

3.28   Paragraph 9.17 states that: “... A new ‘Wildlife Habitat Network’ designation is being
       created to replace ‘Green Corridors’ in the UDP. This will link ecological sites, the
       landscape and areas of open space and will provide a major element if green
       infrastructure throughout Wakefield District. Access to urban open space, the
       countryside and links between natural, cultural, recreational and historic assets will
       also be reviewed in the proposed Leisure, Recreation and Open Space document”.

3.29   Paragraph 9.33 states that: “Major leisure uses which attract large numbers of people
       should, where possible, be located within city and town centres in accordance with
       national planning policy set out in Planning Policy Statement 6 and the principles for
       this are set out in the spatial development strategy and Policy CS2. The provision of
       high quality, well maintained facilities improves health and wellbeing, promotes social
       inclusion and community cohesion and is essential to the quality of life of district
       residents. To be sustainable, suitable facilities must be provided locally, whilst
       ensuring those which attract larger numbers of visitors are accessible by walking,
       cycling and public transport. On occasion leisure or recreation facilities need to be
       provided where a particular attraction or feature is located. In these cases attention
       has to be paid to possible conflicts with environmental objectives. Open spaces are
       often threatened by competing land uses, and it is important that they are offered
       appropriate protection”.

3.30   Paragraph 9.40 states that: “New housing developments create an additional need
       for both recreational facilities and open space. Where existing local facilities are
       inadequate, new developments must provide new or improved facilities to meet this
       need. The required amount of open space must be provided within the site boundary,
       unless the Council has approved off-site provision or funding in lieu of provision.
       Developers will be expected to make an appropriate contribution towards necessary
       improvements or additional provision arising from their development and the Council
       will negotiate to secure provision via a planning obligation. Local standards will be
       defined in the Leisure, Recreation and Open Space Development Plan Document or
       in a Supplementary Planning Document”.

Wakefield Local Development Framework Development Policies Plan 2009

3.31   The Development Policies document contains a range of policies which relate to
       protecting and enhancing the environment. The most relevant for open space and
       green infrastructure assets are:
       x D4 Sites Designated for Biological or Geological Conservation
       x D5 Ecological Protection of Watercourses and Water Bodies
       x D6 Wildlife Habitat Network

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       x   D7 Protection of Trees and Woodland
       x   D8 Landscape Character
       x   D9 Design of New Development
       x   D11 Waterfront Design
       x   D12 Landscape Design
       x   D13 Protected Areas of Open Land
       x   D17 Development Affecting Archaeological Sites
       x   D18 Development Affecting Historic Locations
       x   D19 Development Affecting Buildings of Local Interest
       x   D20 Pollution Control
       x   D24 Flood Risk
       x   D25 Drainage

3.32   Paragraph 6.50 states that: “New housing development must include sufficient open
       space and recreational facilities to meet the needs of residents. Open spaces should
       be integrated into schemes and be compatible with the nature of the development
       and the surrounding area. Particular attention will be paid to the location of open
       space to avoid loss of amenity to adjoining residents and ensure the provision of
       useable areas of open space. Major new developments will place a greater load on
       general recreational facilities, and developers may be required to include additional
       facilities either within the development or to make a contribution to the extension of
       off-site facilities, in order to meet the needs arising from the development”.

3.33   Paragraph 6.6 states that: “Within some settlements in the district there are areas of
       open land which need to be safeguarded from urban encroachment to preserve the
       identities of settlements and amenity of their communities. These may consist of
       parks and public recreational space or open areas of green space of amenity value.
       Proposals for development that would detract from the open character or amenity
       value of the landscape will not be supported unless exceptional circumstances of
       community benefit can be demonstrated. Proposals for recreational and amenity
       uses may be acceptable providing that the open character of the land remains
       substantially unaffected. Currently one Protected Area of Open Land has been
       identified in Wrenthorpe in the Sites Specific Proposals document and Proposals

Wakefield Local Development Framework Central Wakefield Area Action Plan 2009
and Site Specific Policies Local Plan 2012

3.34   The Central Wakefield Area Action Plan and Site Specific Policies Local Plan set out
       policies and allocations for new development in the city of Wakefield (including the
       city centre) and the remainder of Wakefield District respectively. The site allocations
       boxes set out the requirements for open space and green infrastructure resulting
       from new development. Allocations and designations to protect the Wildlife Habitat
       Network, ecological and geological sites, Historic Parks and Gardens, archaeology,
       and Conservation Areas and Ancient Woodland give significant protection for assets
       which are important elements of the district’s leisure, recreation and open space
       opportunities. These are shown on the Policies Maps which accompany the

3.35   Paragraph 14.10 of the Site Specific Policies Local Plan states that: “Within some
       settlements in the district there are areas of open land which need to be safeguarded
       from urban encroachment, to preserve the identities of settlements and amenity of
       their communities. These may consist of parks and public recreational space or open

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       areas of green space of amenity value. Proposals for development that would detract
       from the open character or amenity value of the landscape will not be supported,
       unless exceptional circumstances of community benefit can be demonstrated.
       Proposals for recreational and amenity uses may be acceptable, providing that the
       open character of the land remains substantially unaffected”.

Wakefield District Plan 2012-2016

3.36   The Wakefield District Plan was formerly The Community Strategy. It is produced by
       the Wakefield Together Partnership, formed by Wakefield Council, Wakefield NHS,
       West Yorkshire Police, Wakefield and District Housing, Jobcentre Plus and Wakefield
       College. The plan sets out 5 pledges setting out the ambitions and priorities for the
       Partnership. Those which relate to leisure, recreation and open space are set out
       Pledge 3: To strive to reduce health inequalities between different parts of the district
       x Build on the Olympic legacy to improve the physical fitness and mental health of
           people of all ages and abilities through more varied sport and leisure
       x Make the most of our leisure and countryside facilities to promote health,
           wellbeing and better, more enjoyable lives for all;
       Pledge 5: To strive to create a better quality environment
       x Ensure high quality urban centres and open space that meets the needs of our
           citizens and complements our cultural and tourism offer.

Wakefield District Delivery Plans and Master Plans

3.37   The Council has a prepared a set of Delivery Plans and Master Plans which build on
       the Local Development Framework, Jobs and Growth Plan, Five Towns Strategic
       Development Framework and Community Area Action Plans. The Plans provide
       strategies to bring forward economic growth and development proposals to attract
       investment, promote the towns, improve the environment and benefit the community.
       Summaries are set out in Appendix 1. They identify opportunities to encourage
       investment to support and sustain regeneration, covering issues such as new
       housing developments, retail, employment and economic regeneration, improving
       public transport connections and highways networks, and securing environmental
       improvements such as providing green infrastructure. These Plans consist of:
       x Castleford Growth Delivery Plan
       x Featherstone Delivery Plan
       x Knottingley Delivery Plan
       x Normanton Delivery Plan
       x Pontefract Central Area Master Plan
       x South Elmsall Westfield Lane Improvement Area Master Plan
       x Wakefield Kirkgate Master Plan
       x Wakefield Civic Quarter Master Plan

Local Area Plans

3.38   Local Area Plans are detailed action plans for the seven geographical areas of the
       district developed by the Council and its partners including Wakefield Together,
       elected members, community groups and citizens within the district. The Area Plans
       cover Castleford, Normanton and Featherstone, Pontefract and Knottingley,
       Wakefield Central, Wakefield North West, Wakefield South East, and Wakefield
       Rural. The Plans set out the current challenges and achievements to date and

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       planned actions for partner agencies over the next three years for each local area.
       Summaries are set out in Appendix 2. Actions identified by the plans relating to sport
       and recreation are to:
       x Provide sporting activities, particularly for young people;
       x Improve health through increasing physical activity;
       x Develop new sports facilities in Altofts;
       x Develop new community and recreational facilities at the Prince of Wales Colliery
       x Enhance the districts built environment and green assets to ensure sustainable
           business growth.

Neighbourhood Planning

3.39   Neighbourhood planning was introduced in the Localism Act 2011 to provide a new
       tier to the local planning system. Currently the Council has designated just one
       neighbourhood area – Walton Neighbourhood Area. The Walton neighbourhood plan
       is in preparation and is due to go out for consultation in 2015. It contains policies and
       allocations to safeguard Local Green Space, Wildlife Habitat Network and a heritage

Wakefield Green Infrastructure Plan 2010

3.40   The Green Infrastructure Plan was commissioned to complement the Leeds City
       Region Green Infrastructure Strategy to deliver green infrastructure at district level. It
       sets out the vision and four strategic objectives to deliver it:
       “Wakefield’s green infrastructure will create places that are attractive to live, learn,
       work and invest in and where our diverse towns and villages work together to
       promote the wellbeing of the whole district”.

3.41   OBJ1 - To promote the renaissance of the City of Wakefield, the Five Towns and the
       South east by:
       x Increasing the attractiveness of new housing and employment land for
       x Promoting high quality design in all new development;
       x Ensuring open spaces are protected, maintained and enhanced;
       x Enhancing the appearance of the public transport hubs and services to promote
          walking and cycling for journeys to work.

3.42   OBJ2 – To adapt to and mitigate climate change by:
       x Enabling the district to be more resilient to flooding and higher urban
       x Reducing the district’s greenhouse gas emissions.

3.43   OBJ3 – To improve overall health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities by:
       x Increasing the quality and accessibility of natural greenspaces, walkways and
         cycleways in both new and existing developments;
       x Increasing the use of natural greenspaces, walkways and cycleways by local
       x Promote sustainable transport by increasing the opportunities for and the uptake
         of active travel, such as walking and cycling, in both new and existing

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       x   Targeting green infrastructure according to local needs and priorities so that we
           deliver the right green infrastructure in the right places.

3.44   OBJ4 – To improve biodiversity by:
       x Increasing the area of high biodiversity value;
       x Protecting and conserving important natural environmental assets.

3.45   Three types of strategic initiatives are proposed with the aim of maximising the
       impact of green infrastructure within the district:
       x Investment programmes for green places, green working and growing food
       x Strategic projects including Fresh Aire and Wakefield Forest (Five Towns Forest,
          Nine Lakes, South West Wakefield Woodlands, Green Corridor Forest and Balne
          Lane Fields);
       x Opportunity areas in Wakefield East, Newmarket, Westgate – Wrenthorpe Valley
          corridor, Westfield Lane South Elmsall, Castleford, Knottingley – Pontefract –
          Ferrybridge, Normanton & Altofts, and Featherstone.

3.46   These initiatives include improving, creating and maintaining areas such as
       greenspace, playing fields, woodland, footpaths/ cycleways/ bridleways and blue
       infrastructure (watercourses, canals, lakes, ponds, wetlands and reservoirs) for
       recreation, biodiversity, flood management and access.

Cycle Strategy for Wakefield 2013

3.47   The Cycling Strategy provides the basis for considering all highway, maintenance
       and cycling schemes as well as the allocation of resources to ensure that the
       objectives and targets set out are achieved. The key aims of the Strategy are:
       x To encourage more people to cycle more often for both utility and leisure
           journeys and so help reduce the dependency on private cars and improve health;
       x Develop a safe, convenient, efficient and attractive transport infrastructure that
           encourages and facilitates cycling;
       x Reduce the casualty rate for cyclists;
       x To ensure that policies to increase cycling and meet the needs of cyclists are
           integrated into all appropriate policies, plans, strategies and resource bids.

3.48   The Strategy sets out the objectives, targets and actions for:
       x Creating a network of cycle routes;
       x Design principles and standards;
       x Construction of cycle routes;
       x Maintenance of cycle routes;
       x Guidelines for cycle parking;
       x Travel Plans implemented as part of the planning process to secure measures to
          promote cycling in the workplace and in residential developments;
       x Safe routes to school and school travel plan initiatives;
       x Land use planning policies and planning decisions to allow for and encourage
       x Communication and promotion of cycling.

Wakefield District Rights of Way Improvement Plan 2007

3.49   The Plan contains an assessment of the extent to which local rights of way meet the
       needs of the public; the opportunities provided for exercise and outdoor recreation

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       and the enjoyment of the district; and accessibility for blind and partially sighted
       people and others with mobility problems. The plan considers links with other
       strategies and plans to develop opportunities to walk, cycle and ride, particularly to
       improve health and the environment, increase accessibility and reduce congestion.

3.50   The plan objectives are to:
       x Protect, improve and extend the rights of way network as an important means of
          access to the countryside for recreation and for health;
       x Enhance opportunities for safe and sustainable travel, both for recreation and
          access to work, school and services;
       x Improve accessibility of rights of way for all members of our communities and
          provide appropriate publicity;
       x Ensure the condition of the rights of way network enhances the appearance and
          amenity of the natural and built environment and our local heritage; and
       x Ensure that the rights of way network contributes to the enhancement of
          economic opportunities.

3.51   The Plan considers present opportunities for access provided by permissive paths,
       disused railway lines, canal towpaths, cycle tracks and access to areas of
       greenspace and parks in the district. How the rights of way network is used,
       maintenance, and the needs of users, landowners and visitors is assessed. The
       adequacy of the network, existing gaps, possible links and future opportunities are
       also examined. An action plan sets out how the Council will carry out maintenance
       and improvements to the district’s rights of way over the next ten years (to 2017).
       The action plan contains 51 separate actions including providing additional
       information in a variety of formats, providing information on wider access routes such
       as those on greenspaces, providing missing links in the network including those for
       specific users such as horse riders, developing access for all to increase
       opportunities for people with limited mobility or do not currently use paths; improving
       maintenance, signage and enhancing paths to encourage use network, reducing anti-
       social behaviour and updating the network to take account of current needs and use.

Wakefield District Greenspace Audit 2010

3.52   The Greenspace Audit contains the baseline data for the Greenspace Strategy. The
       2010 Greenspace Audit updates the 2004 Greenspace Audit. The Audit deals with
       the use of land by Wakefield District’s residents for recreation with associated health
       and social benefits. It covers allotments, church grounds & cemeteries, parks, natural
       areas (woods and nature reserves), green corridors (footpaths, canal towpaths,
       cycleways), sports fields, amenity areas (informal open greenspace), equipped
       playgrounds and paved pedestrian areas (town squares). An updated set of
       greenspace maps and their catchment distances has been produced on GIS. A draft
       research report is currently being prepared.

Draft Wakefield District Greenspace Strategy 2013-18

3.53   The Greenspace Strategy is based on an audit of sites which establishes standards
       for the provision of different types of greenspace. It includes a procedure for
       assessing the value of open space to be used in identifying potential new sites in
       areas of deficiency, including guiding decision making on planning applications.
       Greenspace is defined as publicly accessible land in any ownership, such as:
       x Country parks, nature reserves and other natural areas;

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       x   Woodlands;
       x   Green corridors such as disused railway lines;
       x   Public parks in urban settings such as Thornes Park;
       x   Children's equipped play areas and skateboard parks;
       x   Church grounds, cemeteries and crematoria;
       x   Allotments (though these are only accessible to plot holders);
       x   Sports fields and sports pitches that are not fenced off to the public;
       x   Recreation areas for casual ball games, walking and relaxing;
       x   Amenity areas such as mown grass and planted areas to enhance the landscape.

3.54   The Greenspace Strategy is being prepared. It is a development of the Greenspace
       Strategy 2004 - 2009, but differs in the following ways:
       x It is focussed towards delivery by the community and voluntary sector;
       x It addresses greenspace quality as well as distribution;
       x It includes guidelines on amounts of greenspace;
       x It responds to budget reductions;
       x It relates to the Street Scene approach of area working.

3.55   The following draft objectives may consequently change:
       x To secure the commitment, resources and skills necessary to fund, staff and
          manage the greenspace network to a good standard;
       x To improve the appeal of the network to attract more visitors more frequently in
          order to benefit health and wellbeing, community cohesion and the local
       x To develop green infrastructure to achieve environmental benefits such as flood
          protection, sustainable transport links and wildlife protection;
       x To install new site management arrangements involving new organisations and
          partnerships, and new arrangements with volunteer groups, residents and
       x To implement innovative funding solutions through measures such as
          diversification, optimising incomes, and promoting business, enterprise and
       x Develop a network of good quality and attractive greenspaces that meet the
          recreational and landscape needs of residents;
       x Use the strategy to secure contributions from developers - and also to guide
          where and how these contributions should be spent;
       x Use the strategy to help assess proposals to transfer greenspace assets into
          community management (and leases of pitches to sports clubs);
       x Reduce costs by addressing overprovision of greenspace - and embrace lower
          maintenance and lower risk designs for greenspace and features.

The Wakefield District Greenspace Strategy 2004–2009

3.56   The Strategy defines types of greenspace by function, namely accessible
       greenspace, natural areas, major urban and country parks, playgrounds, kickabout
       areas and allotments. It also sets out catchment distance which is how far residents
       can reasonably be expected to travel to the site. The greenspace and its catchment
       distance have been plotted on maps, and by using census data the Council has
       calculated the numbers of residents living inside the catchment distances for each
       category of greenspace. Consequently any shortfalls or over provision can be

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       identified, which enables better planning, development and management of
       greenspace. The Greenspace Strategy sets out the following objectives:

       Improved greenspace provision
       x To balance greenspace provision to meet the recreational and social
          requirements of a wide cross section of the community;
       x To provide a diverse range of high quality, sustainable greenspaces;
       x To ensure provision is equitably distributed and located appropriately;
       x To engender a sustainable approach to greenspace management.

       Strengthening our communities
       x To promote the value of greenspace as a major contributor to the health and
           social wellbeing of local communities;
       x To ensure that greenspaces are a valued and well used community asset;
       x To develop civic pride and a feeling of ownership in local greenspace sites;
       x To encourage community involvement in the design, management and care of
           their local greenspace.

       Enhancing the natural environment
       x To protect and enhance the natural environment for the benefit of people and
       x To contribute to the landscape, biodiversity and cultural value of the district;
       x To promote connectivity and ensure greenspace sites complement and enhance
          the surrounding environment.

       Regeneration and renewal
       x To provide a framework for capital and revenue investment towards the
          development and management of greenspace;
       x To demonstrate a strategic approach that will support funding bids and attract
       x To contribute to the wider regeneration of the district.

Wakefield Metropolitan District Greenspace Audit 2004

3.57   The findings and analysis of the Greenspace Audit are a major component of the
       Greenspace Strategy. Maps and tables set out the key findings of the survey which
       consisted of a public consultation exercise and a physical survey of greenspace. The
       consultation investigated what local people thought of greenspace and how they
       used it, including resident’s recreational needs, the most highly valued types of
       greenspace, the frequency and manner of use, the profiles of users and their
       concerns and priorities. The physical survey included visiting over 2200 sites and
       recording size, type, use and any special features or ecological value. This was then
       mapped to show the distribution of sites in relation to population.

Wakefield Metropolitan District Greenspace Evidence Document 2004

3.58   The Greenspace Evidence Document takes the research analysis a step further and
       develops the recommendations of the Greenspace Audit Report. The Council’s
       objectives and core values are introduced and the Strategy is set within the context
       of other important local and regional policies and plans. In essence the Evidence
       Document is a more technical and detailed version of the Greenspace Strategy. The
       aim of the Strategy is to ensure that the greenspace sites throughout the district are
       distributed equitably, are well-used and are of high quality. It sets out a framework to

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       balance provision with community need and aspirations, matching outdoor recreation
       provision with local requirements.

Wakefield Playing Pitch Strategy 2010-2030

3.59   The Playing Pitch Strategy sets out a strategic approach to the provision of high
       quality, accessible sport facilities in Wakefield District. It contains an audit,
       assessment and analysis of sports facilities, and sets out policy options and
       recommendations. It contains an audit, assessment and analysis of sports facilities,
       and sets out policy options and recommendations. The Plan shows that the district
       has 321 hectares of natural grass used for football, cricket and rugby and identifies a
       need for an additional 84 hectares, which can be met from increased use of school
       playing fields and existing unused or partially used playing fields. Many pitches also
       need to be improved with better changing facilities. The Strategy provides a
       framework for:
       x Making informed planning decisions;
       x Targeting financial support and investment in facilities;
       x Planning the delivery of sports development programmes.

3.60   The Playing Pitch Strategy is based on a review of the previous Playing Pitch Plan ‘A
       Playing Pitch Plan for the Wakefield District 2005 - 2015’, and supersedes earlier
       plans and strategies. It is an assessment of supply and demand for key pitch sports
       across the district, specifically football, cricket, rugby league, rugby union and
       hockey. The assessment follows the methodology and framework detailed in Sport
       England’s ‘Towards a Level Playing Field’ (2003). The assessment of outdoor
       bowling greens and tennis courts falls outside of the scope of the Sport England
       assessment methodology. However the Playing Pitch Plan included these and the
       Playing Pitch Strategy also includes summary data and findings to assist in the
       development and management of these resources.

3.61   The Playing Pitch Strategy is currently under review and the Council is working with
       Sport England, West Yorkshire Sport, Sport Governing Bodies and local sports clubs
       to develop plans for sport facilities in Wakefield District.

Physical Activity and Sport Plan 2013–2017

3.62   The Strategy sets out to address the issues that have led to relatively low physical
       activity rates within Wakefield District. Using the recently published Physical Activity
       guidelines it strives to steer the work of a range of agencies that will provide
       opportunities for all age groups. It also looks to put in place pathways that will enable
       people to reach their own personal success in sport. Setting a clear strategic
       framework that provides the opportunities for individuals to participate in sport and
       lead more physically active lives has never been more important. The Strategy sets
       out the vision, themes and key aims of:
       “A vibrant and healthy district where physical activity and sport is part of everyday life
       and where sporting aspirations can be achieved”.

3.63   “This means in Wakefield:
       x More people will improve and protect their health through being more physically
           active in their everyday lives;
       x Everyone will be aware of the opportunities available to them through effective

                Wakefield Council Local Development Framework – October 2015
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