Leighton News - Spring is on its way! Village grapevine Catherine's quiz corner Dogs of Leighton

Page created by Edna Daniel
Leighton News - Spring is on its way! Village grapevine Catherine's quiz corner Dogs of Leighton
Leighton News
January—February 2021 · Number 344

                                     Spring is on its way!
                                                  Village grapevine

                                             Catherine’s quiz corner

                                                   Dogs of Leighton
Leighton News - Spring is on its way! Village grapevine Catherine's quiz corner Dogs of Leighton
It’s all change…                                                         Holy Trinity church
                                                                         Due to the recent guidance on
                                                                                                               Village grapevine
As the days grow longer one of the first flowers to welcome in           COVID The Rector, Bill Rowell,
the new year is the Snowdrop (as you can see from our cover) .           has decided that all services are
With Spring just around the corner and the new COVID vaccines            cancelled until further notice.
rolling out, we can hope that this year will be better than the last –   The church will remain locked
that really shouldn’t be too difficult but who knows what might          and notice of resumption of          Belated Happy 96th Birthday on                                                  Last month we leant that a stalwart
be in store! A small glimmer of hope perhaps is that the Leighton        services will be on the front gate   23 January to Marjorie Cadwallader                                              of the village who was fundamental
News is continuing with me, Dave McCourt as editor. As you can           of the church and in the church      who has throughout this pandemic                                                to the building of Leighton Village
see it looks quite a bit different to previous issues, not least as it   magazine. Thanks to all who have     regularly phoned from her care                                                  Hall had passed away. Dave Lee
is now full-colour. I hope you like it.                                  supported the church in 2020.        home to check that all of us in                                                 had used his many skills to advise
                                                                                                              Leighton are coping and to send her                                             on the plans for the village hall and
There are a couple of new features including Village People
                                                                                                              love to all. Let’s hope Marjorie will                                           was at the time very much at the
featuring headteacher Dewi Owen, and Dogs of Leighton with
                                                                                                              soon be able to visit Leighton as she                                           core of the village with his great
French Bulldogs Bosley and Boo. And there are a few other new
                                                                                                              is so much part of the village.                                                 expertise, wit and style. Our
additions too.
                                                                                                                                                                                              thoughts are with Jan and the
The hope is that we can all get to know each other a little bit                                               Since our last issue Alec & Glennis                                             children at this difficult time.
better. Leighton is quite a spread out village and it can be hard to                                          Williams have celebrated their
meet people or know who is who. One small thing started in this                                               Diamond Wedding Anniversary and                                                 Recently we heard of the death
issue, is to include a photo of each contributor so you can now put                                           we wish to add our congratulations      We have lost several people in the      of Mrs Betty Kearns who passed
a face to a name.                                                                                             to them both.                           village recently and it is with great   away peacefully at home here in
It would be great to hear what you think – and it would be especially                                                                                 sadness we realise how much we          the village. She was a much loved
nice to hear from you if you are able to write something! Feel free to   Village litter pick up               Christine Walton who is celebrating     will all miss them and send our         mother, grandmother and great
email me at editor@leightonnews.com with your thoughts, if you’d         Thanks to Jeannette from             a very special birthday on 6th          support and best wishes to their        grandmother and our thoughts
like to be our next interviewee, or have your lovely dog featured        Poplar Drive for helping to pick     February. We couldn’t possibly          families.                               are with Elisabeth, David, Andrew,
                                                                         litter. Three bin bags were filled   divulge details but there will be                                               James and all of her family.
Thanks to all volunteers and contributors who helped with this issue.
                                                                         just from the turning to Yorton      70 balloons flying high over Oakacre    Sadly we learnt of the death of Tony
                                                                         Farm to the White House. Items       on that morning.                        Bentley. He had been involved in the    We send our condolences to all
             Dave McCourt The Old Cable House
                                                                         included a half-eaten chocolate                                              village for many decades and was        the family of Bernard Oliver on
                                                                         trifle and three metal spoons!       Welcome to Terry & Tracey Norton        always present at our village coffee    his recent passing after a long
                                                                                                              who have moved here from the far        mornings along with Anne, Jon,          illness. Many of us in the village
                                                                                                              off shores of Southend-on-Sea to        Natasha and the grandchildren           spent a great deal of time at Bernard
                                                                                                              Penybryn.                               of whom he was very proud.              and Jean’s farm at Cilcewydd and

   Useful contacts                                                       Leighton Post Office van
                                                                         Monday 10.15 — 11am
                                                                                                              We send our best wishes to Mr           Peter Kenyon sadly passed away
                                                                                                                                                                                              remember them both with love and
                                                                                                                                                                                              a lot of laughter. Our thoughts are
                                                                         Thursday 1.30 — 2.15pm                                                                                               with Janet, John and Anne and all
                                                                                                                                                      recently and he too had always
   Leighton News                                                         At Leighton Church gate              David Williams (pictured) who has
                                                                                                                                                                                              the Oliver family.
                                                                                                              retired after 42 years as Honorary      supported village events along
   If you’ve got a story, an idea for the newsletter, or would like
                                                                         Call in and you will be surprised                                            with Margaret and their daughters.
   to help out we are always happy to hear from you…                                                          Warden of the RFS Ackers Redwood
                                                                         to find that the Post Office van                                             Peter had for many years been
   Email: editor@leightonnews.com                                                                             Grove and Naylor Pinetum. David
                                                                         has EVERYTHING that’s on offer                                               a keen bellringer here in Leighton
   Web: www.leightonnews.com                                                                                  has been not only a wonderful
                                                                         in a town Post Office but with no                                            and had been a much valued
                                                                                                              warden but has also been involved
   Leighton Village Hall                                                 parking problems and no hassle.                                              member of that team.
                                                                                                              in Leighton life over many years and
   Tel: 0785 410 3058                                                                                         a great supporter or all that we are
   Email: leightonvillagehall@gmail.com                                                                       trying to achieve in the village. We    We have all been thinking of
   Web: www.facebook.com/LeightonVillageHallPowys                                                             send him congratulations on a job       the family of Ann Cadwallader
                                                                                                              well done and wish him a long and       who passed away in November,
   Community Council
                                                                                                              happy retirement. We also welcome       especially her children Sian, Ian and
   Web: www.fordenwithleightonandtrelystancc.co.uk
                                                                                                              the very experienced Eve Over who       Russell and her many grandchildren.
   County Councillor                                                                                          is taking over the warden role and      Ann’s laughter would be heard at         Thanks to Haydn Jones and his
   Linda Corfield. Tel: 01938 580725                                                                          we know that the Redwoods are in        every event and we will all miss         team of helpers for the recent
   Email: cllr.linda.corfield@powys.gov.uk                                                                    safe hands.                             her greatly. Obituary on page 13.        churchyard and car park tidy up.

2 Leighton News January–February 2021                                                                                                                                                                January–February 2021 Leighton News 3
Leighton News - Spring is on its way! Village grapevine Catherine's quiz corner Dogs of Leighton
A circumnavigation                                                                                                                                                                    catherine’s
of the British Isles
           Michael Bennett of Overhill tells us about his
           journey around the UK following retirement.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Quiz Corner!
                                                                                                                                                                                  Leighton Links part 1
                                                                                                                                                                                  1   What links Arrigo, Gentlewave, Masterstroke,
Stage 1 – Kent to the Norfolk Broads                        of the universe, took us from our then home in Kent,
                                                                                                                                                                                      Linda’s Lad, Scalo, and Pether’s Moon?
A slightly misleading title, for which no apology is        166 miles into Norfolk. Both having been brought up in
proffered, for although the word circumnavigation has       that renowned playground for the London day tripper,                                                                  2 Put these Leightons/Leytons in order of age
undoubtedly conjured up romantic thoughts of cruising       Southend-on-Sea, the coasts of Kent and Essex were too                                                                  (oldest first):
around our coast in some grand yacht, the following         familiar and too close to home to consider it to be part                                                                A – Leighton Baines
anecdotes relate to hauling a humble caravan behind         of this adventure and so a bee-line was made for the                                                                    B – Leighton Andrews
that ubiquitous of vehicles, the all-conquering Land-       Norfolk Broads. We breathed a perceptible sigh of relief                                                                C – Leyton Orient
Rover. For such is stark reality that having suffered the   once the notoriously troublesome Dartford Crossing                                                                      D – Leighton Buzzard Rugby Club
privations of long sea passages, the prospect in facing     appeared in the rear view mirror, and then on through                                                                   E – Leighton Hall, Shropshire
challenges such as Cape Wrath or the Swellies, the mind     the comparative calm of Suffolk and into Norfolk; in                                                                    F – Leighton Hall, Powys
turns in later life to a more relaxed way of exploring      which counties a small but noticeable reduction in the                                                                  G – Leighton Meester.
our coastline.                                              pace of life is evident compared to the hustle bustle of                                                              3 Which horse with a local connection won the
    And so it was that having sold the yacht, we hitched    the overcrowded south east.                                                                                             Welsh Grand National in 2013 and 2016?
up and embarked on a journey with no planned finality.          A camp site had been booked for seven days at                                                                     4 Which mythical being returned to Leighton
                                                                                                                       on the Broads was irresistible and the passage out of
Retired after 50 years of working to enforced deadlines     Hickling which provided ready access to the coast as                                                                    in August 2020?
                                                                                                                       Wroxham took us past many fine waterside properties
this was to be a relaxing venture with no timescales to     well as to the Broads. In the late 1300s when sea levels
                                                                                                                       that we were reliably informed were mainly holiday or
concern us and no pressures to return home until we         began rising the former medieval peat workings that
                                                                                                                       second homes – now where else in the country have we
felt so inclined.                                           had provided fuel to Great Yarmouth and Norwich
                                                                                                                       heard that tale before? The following day we decided
    The first stage of our itinerary, perhaps executed      were abandoned and the subsequent flooding formed
                                                                                                                       to take a small electric boat out of Potter Higham
unwisely anti-clockwise against the natural rhythm          the network we now know as The Broads. A cruise
                                                                                                                       and explore further. We found a most excellent quiet
                                                                                                                       waterside pub for lunch on Hickling Broad the comfort
                                                                                                                       and fare of which demanded a delayed departure. And
                                                                                                                       when we did eventually leave we found the wind had
                                                                                                                       got up to something approaching a force 6 making
                                                                                                                       the passage back across the Broad uncomfortable
                                                                                                                       with dollops of wet stuff coming inboard. However          5 When was the Poultry House built?
                                                                                                                       once back into the river it became more sheltered and      6 In which century is King Offa said to have
                                                                                                                       we turned the bow towards the grade II listed Horsey         ordered the construction of Offa’s Dyke?
                                                                                                                       Windpump, used for drainage of the Broads before           7 Who gifted the Redwood Grove to the Royal
                                                                                                                       diesel or electric pumps.                                    Forestry Society?
                                                                                                                           The primary objective of the trip was to drive every
                                                                                                                                                                                  8 Which local resident had the honour
                                                                                                                       road that followed the coast and this was achieved
                                                                                                                                                                                    of planting a Redwood at the 50 year
                                                                                                                       over the following days finding time to amble along
                                                                                                                                                                                    commemoration of this event?
                                                                                                                       the promenade at Great Yarmouth unashamedly
                                                                                                                       devouring candy-floss as if back in our childhood.         9 Which long distance route was officially
                                                                                                                       Here were memories of when, as a young boy, my               opened on 10th July 1971?
                                                                                                                       intrepid father called my bluff and took me on the         10 What links Dora, Margaret, Christopher
                                                                                                                       gigantic roller coaster. It made a lasting impression         John, Rowland, Emily, Georgina,
                                                                                                                       on me: never to repeat that experience for the sake           John, Frances, Eva, and Alice Maud?
                                                                                                                       of any of our children.                                    Answers on page 13.
                                                                                                                           Stage II sees us take a short hop to Wells-Next-
                                                                                                                       the-Sea and our private railway station.

4 Leighton News January–February 2021                                                                                                                                                                   January–February 2021 Leighton News 5
Leighton News - Spring is on its way! Village grapevine Catherine's quiz corner Dogs of Leighton
Leighton History The impressive High Bridge spanned the track between the Old Cable House and Hollybush.
 This photo is possibly from the early 1900s. The bridge was demolished in the 1990s as it had become unsafe.
                                                                                                                Leighton youngsters
                                                                                                                                                Congratulations to Rachel Williams who gained an
                                                                                                                                                incredible 11 A* in her GCSE exams. A really fantastic
                                                                                                                                                set of results. She’s now gone on to study Latin,
                                                                                                                                                German, Maths and History for her A-levels.

                                                                                                                You’ve probably seen Mackenzie McCourt
                                                                                                                running around Leighton. Last year she                                             Well done to Ewan Lawson
                                                                                                                was one of just six runners (u13 girls) who                                       who grew his hair for three
                                                                                                                qualified to represent Wales at the London                                      years, putting up with teasing
                                                                                                                mini-marathon (run just before the adult                                              and being mistaken for a
                                                                                                                marathon and finishing on The Mall). Sadly it                                     girl. He has donated his hair
                                                                                                                was cancelled because of COVID but here she is                                     to the Little Princess Trust,
                                                                                                                pictured with her consolation Welsh Athletics                                     who make wigs for children
                                                                                                                kit that finally arrived just before Christmas.                                      having cancer treatment.

                                                                        Thanks to John Markwick for the photo                                        The Pentre Mill academics! Ben Poole is studying
                                                                                                                                                      Politics at York Uni. Tom Owen is at Manchester

    VilLage people
                                                                                                                                                     Uni studying Geography with International Study.
                                                                                                                                                     And his sister Meg is at Manchester Metropolitan
                                                                                                                                                         Uni studying Primary Education with QTS.

                                                                                                                                                                                       Dogs of Leighton
    1 What’s your name and where do you live?              5 What do you
      Dewi Owen. Pentre Mill in Leighton.                     like about living
    2 What brought you to Leighton (and when)?                in Leighton?
      I have lots of ties with Leighton – mum and dad         Peace, quiet,                                                                                                            Bosley and Boo are French Bulldogs
      lived at no. 1 the Pentre in the 1960s. When we         wonderful scenery                                                                                                        who live with owners Matt and Pete
      were planning on moving back to the area from           and the people.                                                                                                          at Park Cottage.
      Manchester we were lucky enough to rent the          6 Who is your role model? Who do you admire?
      Wain House in Pentre Mill and then we managed           My mum, Pam Owen.
      to buy our current house. We love Pentre Mill,       7 Would you rather read a book or watch TV?
      a lovely little community within the village.           I like doing both! I’m currently reading Where
    3 Tell us a bit about what you do for a living?           the Crawdads Sing.
      I’m currently Headteacher of Ysgol Llanfyllin, the   8 What is your favourite drink?
      new all-age school in North Powys. Before that          Cup of tea.
      I was Deputy Head at Newtown High School.            9 Just for fun:
    4 What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?            a) What are your favourite biscuits?
      What are your hobbies?                                     Ginger nuts.
      Running or walking with the dog, and playing           b) Marmite: love it or hate it?
      bass guitar in The Soul Jets (Leighton’s premier           Love it.
      soul band!).                                           c) Who was your childhood famous crush?
                                                                 Toyah Wilcox.

6 Leighton News January–February 2021                                                                                                                                                               January–February 2021 Leighton News 7
Leighton News - Spring is on its way! Village grapevine Catherine's quiz corner Dogs of Leighton
Very novel                                                            pat poole’s
                                                                                                                          Katie Moffat of Pentre Mill reviews a couple
                                                                                                                          of books to keep us occupied in lockdown.           did you know?
                                                                                                               For anyone seeking distraction from the current
                                                                                                               unfolding disaster, here are two non-fiction books,               The 1st class dinner menu, 14th April 1912
                                                                                                               released last year, which will stay with you long                     aboard The Titanic was as follows:
                                                                                                               after you’ve finished them.
                                                                                                                                                                                       Hors D’oeuvre Varies - Oysters
                                                                                                               English Pastoral                                                       Consomme Olga - Cream of Barley
                                                                                                                                James Rebanks is a Cumbria sheep                    Salmon, Mousseline Sauce, Cucumber
                                                                                                                                farmer, his hugely successful first book       Filet Mignons Lili - Sauté of Chicken Lyonnaise
                                                                                                                                - The Shepherd’s Life – is a fascinating                 - Vegetable Marrow Farcie
                                                                                                                                autobiography. Preceded by generations                                       —
                                                                                                                                of sheep farmers, Rebanks initially
                                                                                                                                                                                              Lamb, Mint Sauce
                                                                                                                                railed against farming but equally school
                                                                                                                                                                                         Roast Duckling, Apple Sauce
  A look back at                                                                                                                held little interest for him and he left
                                                                                                                                without qualifications. Later he gained
                                                                                                                                                                                      Sirloin of Beef, Chateau Potatoes
                                                                                                                                                                                  Green Peas – Creamed Carrots – Boiled Rice
  Leighton’s Stud                                                                                              A-levels from college and a double first in history from
                                                                                                               Oxford. Fast-forward some years and he’s back on the
                                                                                                                                                                                        – Parmentier & New Potatoes
                                                                                                               family farm, realising it’s indelibly part of who he is. His
                                                                                                               recent follow up, English Pastoral, delves deeper into                              Punch Romaine
2020 was an extremely difficult year for everyone
                                                                                                               his relationship with his father and grandfather – and                   Roast Squab & Cress – Cold Asparagus
and brought its own challenges at Yorton. Working as
                                                                                                               in turn, their relationship with farming. But it is also                Vinaigrette – Pate De Foie Gras – Celery
a team we managed to reorganise stud life to survive
                                                                                                               an eloquent and passionate defence of the countryside.
the most difficult year we’ve experienced.                                                                                                                                                                   —
                                                                                                               Rebanks contrasts the traditional approach to farming
    With the first lockdown, our stud was reaching peak                                                                                                                         Waldorf Pudding – Peaches in Chartreuse Jelly
                                                                                                               of his grandfather’s generation, with that of his
season and we still had all the horses to be fed and cared   TIME FOR A NEW BOILER?                            father’s, which by the 1980s had become increasingly
                                                                                                                                                                                Chocolate & Vanilla Eclairs – French Ice Cream
for. The early spring was a blessing and allowed us to
                                                                                                               mechanized and damaging to the environment. He
get the mares and foals outside far earlier than normal.                                                                                                                              The Titanic, when she sailed was loaded
                                                             We are now able to carry out                      argues with intelligence and logic that we need to find
    The covering season finished by the end of June                                                                                                                                        with the following provisions:
                                                             essential and non-essential                       a middle ground, that enables farming to be a viable
and this allowed a couple of weeks respite before work       work. If you are due your                         occupation without stripping the land and irreparably
started again preparing the yard and young horses            annual service please be                                                                                         Bacon & ham       7,500 lbs         Salt/dried fish   4,000 lbs
                                                                                                               damaging nature in the process.
for our annual sale. The results from our first sale in      assured that we will contact                                                                                     Coffee            2,200 lbs         Sausages          2,500 lbs
                                                                                                                                                                              Flour             200 barrels       Sugar             10,000 lbs
2019 did us proud, already producing two winners and         you shortly, or you are                           Dark, Salt, Clear: Life in a Cornish Fishing Town              Fresh asparagus   800 bundles       Sweetbreads       1,000
a second from three runners. The COVID restrictions          welcome to contact us.                                            Larmorna Ash’s book Dark, Salt, Clear:         Fresh butter      6,000 lbs         Tea               800 lbs
unfortunately meant we were unable to invite overseas                                                                          Life in a Cornish Fishing Town, transports     Fresh cream       1,200 qts         Cigars            8,000
clients to the 2020 sale and this had a detrimental effect                                                                                                                    Fresh eggs        40,000            Crockery          44,000
                                                                    FREE Quotations for Central Heating                        you to the world of Cornish fishermen.
                                                                                                                                                                              Fresh fish        11,000 lbs        Cutlery           44,000
on the success of the sale. Hopefully this year’s sale can     Installations — with up to 10 year Guarantees                   As part of a master’s degree in social         Fresh peas        2,250 lbs         Glasses           29,000
be held in more normal circumstances.                                                                                          anthropology, Ash (22) moved to                Fresh meat        75.000 lbs        Beer/stout        20,000 bottles
                                                                            1 & 2 Jehu Road, Welshpool
    January is when the stud team is preparing for the                                                                         Newlyn, a fishing town near Land’s End,        Fresh milk        1,500 gals        Mineral water     15,000 bottles
                                                                                Tel: 01938 552 976                                                                            Grapefruit        50 boxes          Spirits           850 bottles
upcoming foaling and covering season, officially starting                                                                      and devoted her thesis to how fishing
                                                                            Email: sales@nj-evans.co.uk                                                                       Ice cream         1,750 qts         Wines             1,500 bottles
on Valentine’s Day. It is always an exciting time of the                     Web: www.nj-evans.co.uk                           shapes a community. She sails with the         Jams              1,120 lbs
year bringing the new born foals into the world.                                                               fishermen, immerses herself in their world and learns          Lemons            16,000
    We feel very fortunate to live and work in such             All Work Undertaken by Our Own                 how fishing is completely bound up with their sense            Lettuce           7,000 heads
                                                                                                                                                                              Onions            3,500 lbs
a wonderful part of the world and are very appreciative             Qualified Local Engineers                  of identity. She also considers the significant struggles      Oranges           36.000
of all the support and understanding we receive from                                                           currently faced by the fishing community, all presented        Potatoes          40 tons
our local community. We hope you all feel the same and                                                         with clarity and beautiful prose. For someone so young         Poultry/game      25,000 lbs
enjoy seeing the mares and foals and the young horses                                                                                                                         Rice              10,000 lbs
                                                                                                               Ash is an incredibly accomplished writer and this debut
                                                                 Register         Accredited Installer
out in the fields around Leighton’s stud.                                                                      book marks a rare new talent. Highly recommended.

8 Leighton News January–February 2021                                                                                                                                                                        January–February 2021 Leighton News 9
Leighton News - Spring is on its way! Village grapevine Catherine's quiz corner Dogs of Leighton
An official walking tour                                                                                          Whereabouts in Leighton…
                                                                                                                        Can you guess where these photos were taken? Answers below.

      of Leighton and Hope

                                                                                                                         1                                          2                                          3

             Catherine Williams of Caeberllan in Hope,      the Offa’s Dyke path and down to Leighton via the
             takes us on a walk around Leighton.            Beacon Ring. That’s a fair walk! There are other
                                                            footpaths that I could use but only up to a point – there
Since March 2020 I’m sure most of us have been out          is a footpath through the wood as far as The Bryn but
and about in the fresh air and explored much more of        then there is a short nonsensical gap in the middle
our local area due to the restrictions requiring exercise   without official public access. If I got to Leighton
from home. This could be seen as one positive outcome       and wanted to walk further, for example, up to the
from the awful pandemic. We are very fortunate to           Redwoods, it’s also become a very circuitous route due
live in a beautiful part of rural Mid Wales with plenty     to the recent imposition of restricted access. I would
of space and lovely surroundings in which it is easy to     need to walk down to the busy narrow road between
go out and exercise. Not for us the packed urban streets    Leighton and Forden and walk along there or take
and parks which we have seen on the news bulletins.         the extremely steep footpaths up through the woods
But is the picture quite as simple or as perfect as that?   making my journey a very arduous one indeed. There
                                                                                                                         4                                          5                                          6
    During the first lockdown the roads were so quiet       are many people who cannot walk routes with this
that I was happy to run or walk on my own, to walk          distance or terrain such as some elderly people or
with my family, even to walk down the Leighton              those with very young children who would welcome
straight into town or over Buttington bridge in order       a safe and more accessible route to move around their       Kids cover competition!                                           100 club winners
to vary and extend my route. However, now I am not          community or take their daily exercise.
                                                                                                                        Calling all children: we need                                     January 2021
comfortable with doing this because there is far too            I’m not suggesting the urbanisation of the country-
                                                                                                                        a lovely new cover for our                                        1st prize £35 – Mr Terry Walton, Number 39
much traffic on the roads and although many people          side with miles of pavement but merely asking for some
                                                                                                                        April issue with an Easter
are courteous and considerate, slowing down and             joined up thinking. Permissive paths or wicket gates                                                                          2nd prize £25 – Mrs Jerman Trewern, Number 17
                                                                                                                        theme. Can you design one?
giving you plenty of safe space, this cannot be relied      and, above all, thoughtfulness, would enable this to
                                                                                                                        The winning design will be                                        February 2021
upon. Sadly, recent events have shown us just how           happen. It would be lovely if a legacy of this pandemic
                                                                                                                        featured on the cover and the                                     1st prize £35 – Mrs Linda Rogers, Number 129
dangerous the roads can be and I no longer feel             could be the creation of an environment where people
                                                                                                                        winner will get a big tub of
confident running or walking on the highway except          could access all parts of their village safely. A family                                                                      2nd prize £25 – Mrs Trish Bennett, Number 103
                                                                                                                        Celebrations chocolates. Not bad eh? Email
sometimes on a Sunday when it is still relatively quiet.    living in Leighton should be able to get to school or to
                                                                                                                        your designs to editor@leightonnews.com or                        Drawn and certified by Mrs Ruth Williams
    The sad fact is that we do not have many safe routes    use the new tennis courts without having to get in their
                                                                                                                        drop off at The Old Cable House.
unless we get in our cars first and drive to the start of   car. Let’s encourage people to carry on with the good
our exercise. In a town we would have pavement to           habits of walking more in order to benefit their health
walk on, here we should have footpaths that connect         and the environment. To do so we need to facilitate         6 Close-up detail of the Leighton Village Hall sign.
up but increasingly this is not the case. I have a route    and maintain a clear network of routes where people         of a stone column at Leighton church gates. 4 Wood panelling at Leighton Centre barn. 5 House number at Pentre Cottages.
on public footpaths to get from my house in Hope to         can walk, run, ride or cycle in safety to ensure a happy,   1 Deep water sign by the lake at Yorton Stud. 2 Bunny ornament on the metal fence at Cilfryn, Leighton bank. 3 Close-up detail
Leighton which goes via Pentre Mill or I can walk up        healthy, and cohesive community.                            Answers Whereabouts in Leighton…

10 Leighton News January–February 2021                                                                                                                                                                               January–February 2021 Leighton News 11
Leighton News - Spring is on its way! Village grapevine Catherine's quiz corner Dogs of Leighton
Leighton dairy diary                                                                                                                                                                   Leighton village hall
            Fraser Jones of Lower Leighton gives us an
            update about what’s been happening on the farm.
                                                                                                                                                                                                100 CLUB
Happy New Year everyone
No sooner than things were heading back towards                                                                                                                                      Membership to the Leighton 100 Club is
normality, we find ourselves back in lockdown and                                                                                                                                    now due and everyone has an opportunity to
COVID is worse than ever, with there being a lot more                                                                                                                                support this great village cause. Membership is
cases locally. Thankfully, and please may it continue,                                                                                                                               £12 per year with prize draws announced each
myself and all my staff members have so far managed                                                                                                                                  month. It’s run by the Village Hall Committee
to avoid it, and work has continued to run smoothly.                                                                          Ann Cadwallader 1935—2020                              to raise much needed funds for Leighton
     It’s 2021, and lots has happened already. The                                                                                                                                   Village Hall as it is uniquely owned and run by
                                                                                                                              Local resident Mrs Ann Cadwallader, Foxleigh,
COVID vaccine rollout has begun, and let’s hope this                                                                                                                                 the village. This financial support is needed now
                                                                                                                              Leighton passed away peacefully in November
will enable us to move back to life as we once knew                                                                                                                                  more than ever so as to make the village hall
                                                                                                                              with the funeral taking place at Aberystwyth
it. President Trump was suspended from most social                                                                                                                                   able to be used as much as possible in these
                                                                                                                              crematorium on 12 December.
media platforms, Elon Musk became the world’s richest                                                                                                                                very difficult times when other fundraising is
                                                                                                                                  Ann was born in Newport in 1935 and moved to
person, taking the top spot from Amazon founder                                                                                                                                      not possible.
                                                                                                                              Welshpool at the age of 5 when her father Bernard
Jeff Bezos, and the Brexit deal came into effect.                                                                                                                                    Please fill out the form below if you would like
                                                                                                                              Hodge came to work in the forestry industry for
On the farm                                                                                                                   Wynnes in Leighton.                                    to join (or renew your enrolment) starting in
We are in full winter routine, with the days’ work            ready for our first cut of silage, hopefully at the end of          She attended Welshpool Grammar School and later    March. You’ve got to be in it to win it!
being a little more predictable. The dairy is now into        April/early May – they move onto our ‘catch crops’. We          trained as a teacher in Birmingham. She worked in

year two and has run almost faultlessly. The rotary           grow both stubble turnips and rape, which are grown             many local schools and had a particular affinity for   Application to join Leighton 100 Club 2021
parlour has recently had its first service, which myself      so that the ground remains productive all year around,          pupils with special needs.
and Rob have done in order to keep a control of costs,                                                                            She married Ray Cadwallader in 1957 and they       (NB: If you are lucky, then this is the name that your
                                                              filling in the gap between arable crops. It is also a good
                                                                                                                                                                                     winning cheque will be made out to, so please ensure
whilst also giving us the opportunity to understand           way to improve soil structure, and uses any excess              farmed at Glanhafren for many years having three       above corresponds with your bank account name)
more about the mechanics of the parlour.                      fertility, particularly nitrogen that is present in the soil,   children Sian, Ian and Russell.
   Some of you may have seen lots of sheep in our fields.     to prevent the potential run off in bad weather into                Ann had many interests the most notable being
These sheep belong to another local farmer who pays us        water courses. Below is a picture of the sheep grazing          anything equestrian. She was District Commissioner
to graze our fields in the winter months, which helps us      the stubble turnips.                                            of the Tanatside Pony Club and served as president
to manage the grass and is a particularly good method                                                                         of Guilsfield show.
of weed control. As the sheep move off the grass in
                                                                                                                                  Ann was a keen supporter of many community
                                                              We have been hiring again, and after advertising                                                                       Postcode
January – in order to let the grass recover and grow                                                                          events and loved socialising with her many friends.
                                                              through social media, and looking at lots of applicants,
                                                                                                                                  She will be sadly missed by all who knew her.
                                                              we employed Ffion who works full time, Jess who works                                                                  Email
                                                              part-time whilst still attending college, and Carys who is
                                                              still in school but works weekends and school holidays.                                                                £12 enclosed cash / cheque made payable to
                                                                                                                                    of Leighton Hall

                                                              The girls work alongside Sarah looking after our calves                                                                LEIGHTON VILLAGE HALL
                                                                                                                                    All children of John and Georgiana Naylor   10

                                                              and youngstock. A big thanks must go to Sarah who has
                                                                                                                                    Offa’s Dyke Footpath                        9

                                                              had a busy couple of months training them.
                                                                                                                                    Jean Bennett from Goppas                    8
                                                                  In December, I was delighted to be able to help out
                                                                                                                                    Charles Ackers                              7

                                                              a business associate who wanted to participate in a                                                                    Please cut out this form and send with
                                                                                                                                    8th Century                                 6

                                                              charity tractor run in North Wales in support of the                                                                   payment to: Christine Walton, Oakacre,
                                                                                                                                    1861                                        5

                                                              DPJ Foundation, and I was able to lend him a new tractor                                                               Leighton, Welshpool SY21 8HJ (Tel: 01938
                                                                                                                                    Icarus statue after at least a 25 year absence

                                                              (pictured above) which allowed him to take part and                                                                    552 833) by March 1st 2021 at the latest.
                                                                                                                                    Mountainous                                 3

                                                              raise money for a great charity.                                                                                       If you would like more than one application
                                                                                                                                    a6 1984, g7 1986.

                                                                  We have also started a Facebook page called Calcourt                                                               then please list them and attach to this
                                                                                                                                  2 E1 1778, f2 1850–6, c3 1881, d4 1934, b5 1957,

                                                              Farms – for anyone who is interested in seeing more of                                                                 form. Thank you.
                                                                                                                                  1 They are all stallions at Yorton Stud

                                                              what is happening on the farm please search and hit the                   Answers Catherine’s Quiz Corner
                                                              follow button. Keep safe.

12 Leighton News January–February 2021                                                                                                                                                                      January–February 2021 Leighton News 13
Leighton News - Spring is on its way! Village grapevine Catherine's quiz corner Dogs of Leighton
Leighton directory                                                                                                                     Leighton directory
                       THE LEIGHTON DIRECTORY 1.                                                                                                      THE LEIGHTON DIRECTORY 2.
          MID-WALES & BORDERS PEST CONTROL                             COOKSON TRAVEL LTD                                               Sunday Roast Dinner                                              ALOE VERA PRODUCTS
                                                                                                                                        £8.50 served all day 12:00 - 7:00 pm
         Wasps, Flies, Moles, Rats and Mice - whatever                 Group Travel for all occasions
         your pest, we can help. Call Simon on:
                                                                                                                                        Afternoon Cream Teas 3:00 - 6:00 pm weekends             for adults, children and animals
                                                                       16 to 57 seat Coaches                                             Tel: 01938 553076
                  01938 556807 or 07811 637896
                                                                       Personal and friendly service                                                                                             Superb skincare, nutritional supplements,
                                                                       Tel: 01938 553465                                                                                                         drinks and weight management programmes.
                                                                       cooksongrouptravel@yahoo.co.uk                                                                                            60-day money-back guarantee on all products -
                                                                       Hope Lane : Welshpool : SY21 8HF                                           www.greendragonbuttingtonwelshpool.co.uk       if you don’t like what you’ve bought, you get
                                                                                                                                                                                                 your money back, even if you’ve used it all!
                           F J R OBERTS                                 KINGSWOOD FRAMES & MIRRORS
                                                                                                                                                           DI STEVENS                            Come and have a cup of tea and
                           DECORATING                                                                                                                       MCSP HPC Reg
                                                                                                                                                                                                 a chat, try some samples and
                                                                        Framers, Carvers, Gilders, Restorers                                  Chartered Human and Animal Physiotherapist
                                                                                                                                                                                                 find out more. And if you’d like
                                                                                             Tim Haysell                                                       07808 529925
                 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR DECORATING                                                                                                                                                to earn some extra money
                                                                                                                                              Helping you and your loved ones reduce pain
                   WALLPAPERING PAINT SPRAYING                              Unit 2, Offa’s Dyke Business Park                                                                                    with us, that’s possible too.
                                                                                                                                                           and restore movement
                       WALL AND FLOOR TILING                                           Tel: 01938 554985                                                                                         Carol Harris: 01938 553 430
                                                                                                                                                           Home Visits Available
              TEL FRAZER ROBERTS ON 07969 130 011

                                         For property advice or a              Paddock Electrical Ltd                                   SPLASH PLUMBING & HEATING
                                         FREE, no obligation                           Established 22 Years                             GAS SAFE & OFTEC Registered. Fully Trained and              Space now available
                                          market appraisal please                     Testing and Inspection                            Enhanced DBS checked staff. Free Quotation and Advice.
                                       call 01938 531 000
         Alternatively for an instant online valuation please visit:
                                                                                 Fire Alarms/Emergency Lighting
                                                                                      Installations & Rewires
                                                                                                                                        All types of plumbing and heating works undertaken.
                                                                                                                                        24-hour Emergency Call Out available to our customers.
                                                                                   Electrical Condition Reports
                                                                                      Solar Panel Installation
                                                                                                                                        Fully Insured. Showroom 5 & 6 Church Street Welshpool
                                                                                                                                                  Call your local plumbers on:                       ADVERTISE HERE
                     Email: welshpool@mccartneys.co.uk                             www.paddockelectrical.co.uk                           01938 555566 or 07800 552026 or 07581 033549
                     Main site: www.mccartneys.co.uk                   Tel 01938 555521 Email info@paddockelectrical.co.uk

                                                                                                                                        LEIGHTON GARDENING SERVICES
                                                                            VINYL REVIVAL!                                                                                                                                     Contact Your Local
                                                                                               Old and new vinyl needs
                                                                                                                                        For lawn-mowing, verge                                                                 Property Professionals for
                                                                                                                                        clearing, paddock cutting,                                                             Marketing Advice &
                                                                                         HI-Fi Sound from Inheritance Tracks            cultivating, long-reach hedge                                                          Valuation Requirements
                                                                                        HEAR the difference — no more                   clipping, patio cleaning,
                                                                                                                                        fencing, and any other
                                                                                                                               £8.99    gardening needs.
                                                                           1,000s of sales worldwide since 1985
                                                                                                                                                                                                 FREE online valuation service at: www.morrismarshall.co.uk
                                                                                                                                        Contact: 01938 570241 or 07813 720080
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Newtown 01686 626 160 - Welshpool 01938 554 818

                                                                                   BEAUTY BY AMANDA                                                                                                                      Range Cookers
                    ANDREW THOMAS                                            Ultimate Non-Surgical Face-Lift * Massages*
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Fires & Fire Places
                                                                            Tanning * Shellac manicures * Hair Removal *
                     Agricultural Contracting and                                         Hot Stone Massage                                                                                                                Flue Pipes
                                                                                                                                                  Give your property a new look                                           CCTV Surveys
                           Septic Tank Emptying                          For an appointment or consultation contact Amanda
                                                                                                                                                          Call us on 07775 751 826                                        Installations
                                                                                on 01938 580002 or 07950 385215                                               or 01938 554 764
                              01938 553219                                 “Beauty By Amanda Welshpool” for special offers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Dragon Works, Henfaes Lane, Welshpool
                                                                                                                                        Please see the web site for examples of our work                            t: 01938 552246 e: kaye@derwas.co.uk
                                                                                  or e-mail amandaspencer@sky.com
                             07860 152 612                             Also available Spray Tan Parties; Consultant for “Arbonne”
                                                                                                                                                 www.decorator-welshpool.co.uk                                              www.derwas.co.uk

14 Leighton News January–February 2021                                                                                                                                                                                          January–February 2021 Leighton News 15
Leighton News - Spring is on its way! Village grapevine Catherine's quiz corner Dogs of Leighton
Leighton directory
                         THE LEIGHTON DIRECTORY 3.

                              Carpentry — Joinery —Furniture
                              General maintenance
                              Property renovations & repairs
                              Sheds, outbuildings & more…

       All parts for each project are custom-made
                     quipped workshop.
       in our well equipped
       Call us for a free quote.
       No job is tooo
       small (or
       too big!)

                 And finally……..a word from our sponsors
    National Garden Scheme:
                Many thanks to our sponsors of the Leighton News this month
    Powys gardens open for charity
    February & March 2021

    Happy New Year & Blwyddyn Newydd Dda CHRISTMAS TREES for SALE
    from all at North Powys NGSNorway
                                   team.     , Noble & Nordmann Spruce
       At the time of writing, we are of course in
    Wales, in strict lockdown again, so  having aORDER
                                      PLEASE      garden EARLY TO AVOID
    to escape to is a real bonus. We are hoping that by
    the time our first gardens in Powys are ready to
    open, that circumstances allow us to visit them in        to bursting with cuttings I took in the autumn,
    a safe and responsible way. There will be regular         that by April will be ready to pot on for sale at
    updates on the NGS website https://ngs.org.uk to          our plant stall. Let’s hope that by the spring,
    keep you informed of when and where our gardens           life will feel a bit more normal and that we can
                                   are open. The system       have a coffee with a friend and visit some of
                                        Firewood - hardwood and softwood
                                   of pre-booking             the beautiful gardens we are lucky to have in our
                                                  logs also available
                                   online worked well         area. If gardens are allowed to open in the spring,
                                   last year and  will
                            Please contact: WILL JONES        currently
                                                                     onthe     first to922
                                                                           07889        open342
                                                                                             in our area will be
                                   continue this year.        Oak Cottage in Welshpool on 28 March.
                                   Garden owners are
                            There are       planning
                                       no dates               Sue McKillop
                                                 for further issues  of the Leighton News:
                                   for this year, my          Assistant County Organiser
            Hopefully there will be a new group volunteering in 2021 to restart the publication.
                                   greenhouse is full         sue.mckillop@ngs.org.uk
                       I’ll be pleased to help in any way with information, archived resources, etc.
                        Contact David Holloway: 01938 570675 or news@long-mountain.co.uk
16 Leighton News January–February 2021
Leighton News - Spring is on its way! Village grapevine Catherine's quiz corner Dogs of Leighton
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