LEGAL ISSUES - Charleston Hub

Page created by Cecil Marshall
Section Editors:      Bruce Strauch (The Citadel) 
                      Jack Montgomery (Western Kentucky University) 

 Legally Speaking — Librarians, Publishers, and
 Educators Help out During the Coronavirus Pandemic
by Anthony Paganelli (Western Kentucky University) 

         s a light spring rain falls, I am      Samaritans are contributing to aiding those        es online or as they distributed printed
         currently writing this column          in need and others are helping the best way        copies to students without computers or
         in my home while my wife is            that they possibly can.                            Internet access. Some librarians have
conducting a Zoom meeting with her                                                                 provided information via email, telephone,
colleagues, and the children are doing              It was a very difficult situation. Natu-
                                                                                                   video conferencing, websites, and through
                                                rally, humans want to be helpful, but when
school work on their devices. I joked                                                              blogs. The University of Florida has
                                                you are told that you could do more harm
with them that their new at home school is                                                         even created a Coronavirus Library Guide
called the “School of Constant Sorrow.”         by reaching out and helping, it becomes
                                                                                                   that has provided information for faculty
Of course, I thought it was funny, but they     frustrating and depressing when you can’t.
                                                                                                   regarding copyright as they transitioned
just rolled their eyes. Now it is called, the   However, we are all doing the best we can
                                                                                                   their course assignments online. This is a
“Paganelli Learning Academy.”                   through the knowledge and experiences
                                                                                                   major way librarians are assisting teachers
                                                that each of us possess. For instance,
   While we are practicing “social dis-                                                            and students.
                                                businesses are adapting to continue to pro-
tancing” during this global pandemic, I         vide goods and services, manufactures are                  Librarians’ Statement
realized that we are witnessing an histor-      changing their production lines to produce             A statement was released on March 13,
ical moment. I can honestly say, I have         medical equipment and supplies, and more           2020 by a group of academic librarians,
never witnessed such mass closures and          people are thinking of other ways to con-          public librarians, and library administra-
uncertainty in our communities, nor have        tribute, such as people using their sewing         tors that provided information regarding
I ever heard of “social distancing” until       machines to produce masks.                         fair use and emergency remote teaching
March 2020. We have even encouraged
                                                    It has been good to see people coming          and research. The authors noted that copy-
our children to periodically write in a
                                                together and helping in the best way that          right restrictions do not go away because
journal about their experiences, so they
                                                they can. While librarians may not be able         of “a public health crisis.” The statement
can share them with others in the future.
                                                to physically reach out to our communities         contends that the copyright law was creat-
This time has truly been frightening to
                                                due to the restrictions, we have sprung into       ed to help in this type of emergency based
encounter and endure.
                                                action with our experience and wisdom.             on the constitution’s goal “to promote the
   The coronavirus or COVID-19 pan-                                                                Progress of Science and the useful Arts,”
demic is causing thousands of the deaths        As librarians, we have many roles that
                                                have been helpful to others during the             which is through Fair Use.
across the world, healthcare systems are
stretched far beyond their capacities, it       pandemic. The most notable way librar-                 Librarians were able to provide infor-
is crippling national economies, causing        ians are helping are providing resources           mation for teachers about the relief from
chaos amongst the masses, the sports and        to teachers and students. Millions of              copyright resources, which are provided
entertainment industry                                              students across the world      through the U.S. Code 17 § 108 Limita-
is taking a hiatus,                                                  are studying at home.         tions on Exclusive Rights: Reproduction
and social interac-                                                   In the United States,        by Libraries and Museums and U.S. Code
tions are changing                                                     teachers worked dili-       17 § 107 Limitations on Exclusive Rights:
rapidly. And during                                                     gently and swiftly to      Fair Use. Section 107 is the most import-
this time, the world                                                     adjust their learning     ant section for educators based on “the
is watching and                                                          outcomes and means        purpose and character of use,” which is
praising health care                                                     of instruction to meet    for non-profit educational purposes.
workers who are battling                                                 the new “Non-Tradi-           As the authors of the statement noted,
the virus on the frontlines.                                             tional Instructional”     “It is evident that making materials avail-
They are risking their lives and                                         initiative. In order      able and accessible to students in this time
sacrificing time away from their loved          to help provide these resources to their           of crisis will almost always be fair use.
ones, as well as witnessing the devastation     students, librarians stepped up to assist.         As long as we are being thoughtful in our
that the virus leaves. Thousands of first           Numerous librarians have reached out           analysis and limiting our activities to the
responders are also placing themselves in       to teachers and faculty to best assist them        specific needs of our patrons during this
harm’s way to help others. Several good         as they transitioned their learning resourc-                              continued on page 46

Against the Grain / April 2020                                                                            45
In an effort to provide research in-         and advocated for the heritage of the
 Legally Speaking
                                               formation for Coronavirus researchers           region’s culture.
 from page 45
                                               and other similar research interests,
                                               Taylor & Francis Group has created the
                                                                                                      Future of Copyright in
time of crisis, copyright law supports our
                                               “COVID-19: Novel Coronavirus Content                      a Public Crisis
uses.” The statement also included a link                                                          The pandemic continues to cause
                                               Free to Access” site.” According to the
to resources for fair use and emergency                                                        thousands of deaths and is devastating
                                               site, “Taylor & Francis is committed
remote teaching and research materials.                                                        national economies. People are changing
                                               to helping public health authorities,
   The statement concluded with infor-         researchers, clinicians and the general         the way we are interacting with each other,
mation for copyright holders. The authors      public contain and manage the spread of         especially as we communicate through
noted that the statement was in support        the COVID-19.” The site “provides links         Zoom and other devices. While most
of copyright laws, but the statement also      and references to all relevant COVID-19         people can’t physically help, librarians,
mentioned the extreme situation and            research articles, book chapters and infor-     educators, publishers, researchers, and
pressure educators endured transitioning       mation that can be freely accessed.” The        even museum security guards are work-
materials and resources to their students      company is also working with editors,           ing diligently to provide resources and
due to the pandemic. Further information       peer-reviewers, and researchers to ensure       materials to students and our community
highlighted other resources for educators      the information is prioritized.                 during this pandemic.
to seek, such as resources that were in                                                            The librarians’ statement regarding fair
public domain and already licensed online               Museums Adapting                       use during a public health crisis brings
content.                                           The American Alliance of Museums            an issue to the foreground. While the
                                               has also provided information for the pub-      statement and the code itself is reassuring
       Publishers Offer Relief
                                               lic and those in the museums profession         that people receive sufficient resources
    As librarians offered assistance, pub-     with resources and information regarding        for educational purpose during times
lishers began to offer some relief for edu-    the coronavirus that included educating         of hardship, the situation does raise the
cators and book sellers. The Association       the public on COVID-19 and preparing            question of how to best handle copyright
of American Publishers released a list of      for closures. The museums quickly               issues during a public health crisis. In
education publishers that were providing       realized the need to provide and engage         other words, should there be an addition or
support for students and educators during      their audiences through digital means as        revision to the U.S. Code § 107 to provide
this pandemic. Many of the publishers          the museums were being closed across            exemptions on copyrighted materials for
issued statements and guidelines for fair      the nation.                                     educational purposes during a crisis.
use and offered benefits for librarians,
educators, and students for the remainder          Same as libraries and publishers, the           Fair use is an important part of U.S.
of the spring term.                            museums have begun to provide resources         copyright law and it does provide some
                                               for the public via online platforms, such as    relief for educational purposes. Yet,
    For example, Cambridge University          websites and social media. The American         fair use is a difficult law to assess. El-
Press has offered free online access to        Alliance of Museums provided muse-              kin-Koren and Fischman-Afori (2017)
their higher educational textbooks. K-12       ums four best options to engage patrons         stated, “Applying the four factors of fair
institutions are also receiving some relief    remotely, which were social media cam-          use involves complex analysis, which
from Cengage’s National Geographic             paigns, virtual streaming, virtual tours,       may lead to unpredictable outcomes, thus
learning platforms and eBooks.                 and through artificial reality. For instance,   failing to offer sufficient guidance to users
    MacMillan Learning are offering            people can take a virtual tour of the USS       on whether a particular use is permissible.
college professors that had adapted their      Constitution through the USS Constitu-          Some users, especially risk-averse users
print books to receive free access to their    tion Museum’s Facebook page, as well            such as libraries or schools, may choose
online learning platforms for the remain-      as a virtual tour of the Metropolitan Art       to avoid certain uses which are otherwise
der of the term. In addition, MacMillan        Museum.                                         desirable and could promote copyright
Children’s Publishing Group has created            A wonderful social media campaign           goals simply due to uncertainty regarding
a “database of activities, educator guides,    that went viral recently was the National       the legal consequences.”
discussion guides, and other downloadable      Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum                    Because fair use does not provide an
resources to make them easily accessible       in Oklahoma City. The administrators            exact amount of copyrighted material that
and shareable for booksellers, educators,      gave their head of security Tim Tiller          can be used before it is declared infringed,
librarians, and parents.” McGraw Hill          charge of the museum’s social media             there are various interpretations to the law,
has also provided assistance to educators      accounts. His social media posts while          which hinders some people and organiza-
and students. The list of publishers assist-   touring the museum during its closure           tions from maximizing fair use. Maybe in
ing is extensive.                              went viral, mostly because he had no clue       the future, a revision could be added to 17
    In addition to textbook assistance,        about social media, which was quickly           § 107 that would provide a more detailed
Chronicle Books are allowing librarians        noticeable as he wrote the word “hashtag”       amount of fair use that could be utilized
and teachers to read-aloud their titles for    instead of the actual symbol. In fact his       for educational purposes during a national
free. Librarians and teachers can read         first post to Instagram stated, “I’m new        crisis. The concept would most likely
their books either live or pre-recorded.       to social media but excited to share what       never enter legislation, but it is a thought.
Other read-aloud publishers include Dis-       I am told is called ‘content’ on all of The     Of course during this crisis, it is good that
ney Publishing Worldwide, Scholastic,          Cowboy’s what I am told are ‘platforms’         publishers, authors, researchers, librarians,
Bloomsbury Kids, and Candlewick                including the Twitter, the Facebook, and        and educators are rising to the challenge
have specific guidelines regarding how         the Instagram.” His social media posts          and working within the law to provide af-
the books are read-aloud and presented.        elevated the museum to a national level                                continued on page 48

46 Against the Grain / April 2020
Is Sci-Hub Being Investigated by the FBI?
by Bill Hannay (Partner, Schiff Hardin LLP, Chicago, IL) 

       ast December, the Washington             fully delayed extradition to the U.S. with        about someone perceived by Big Business
       Post ran an article reporting that       court appeals, as recently as 2019.               (or at least Big Publishing) as an Enemy
       the Justice Department is inves-             A prosecution of Ms.                                     of the People. Such a report
tigating Alexandra Elbakyan and her             Elbakyan and Sci-Hub                                           would be more trustworthy if
Sci-Hub website for possible criminal           could be even more prob-                                       the nameless “people familiar
links to Russian intelligence agencies.1        lematic for the Department                                      with the matter” were DOJ or
A hubbub immediately arose on the In-           of Justice than prosecuting                                     FBI officials, but the Post ar-
ternet. Academic and library-oriented           the elusive Dotcom. Most                                        ticle doesn’t say that. When
blogs breathlessly repeated the story, and      importantly, it may be difficult to prove the     the sources are in the DOJ, reporters
publication giant Elsevier issued a news        essential element of a criminal copyright         usually identify them as “Department of
release commending the probe.2 But is           case: that the infringement was done “for         Justice officials.”
there really an “investigation”?                purposes of commercial advantage or                  The bottom line is that — for all the
    Numerous blogs have repeated and            private financial gain.” Unlike Megaup-           storm and fury from publishers about Sci-
quoted the Washington Post article in the       load, Sci-Hub is “free” and is expressly          Hub’s massive copyright infringements
past month. Indeed, one of them (The            operated for altruistic purposes, e.g., to ad-    — it is questionable whether there is in
Geyser) stated that “The DOJ’s public           vance scientific research. Ms. Elbakyan           fact any governmental investigation of
announcement of an investigation strongly       is often called a modern “Robin Hood.”6           criminal conduct by Sci-Hub.
suggests the investigators have found           So the smart bet is that the government              By the way, did you hear that the
enough evidence to not only proceed with        is not seriously investigating copyright          Trump administration has launched a
confidence, but to announce to the world        violations by Sci-Hub.                            criminal investigation into Greta Thun-
that they’re proceeding.” In fact, there            The Washington Post article highlights        berg?
was no such announcement.                       instead the government’s “suspicion” that
    There is no press release or other state-   she may be working with Russian intelli-
ment on the U.S. Department of Justice          gence to steal U.S. military secrets from            William M. Hannay is a partner in the
website announcing such an investigation.       defense contractors. The article does not         Chicago-based law firm, Schiff Hardin
Nor have I found any subsequent confir-         cite any proof of this occurring but in-          LLP, and is a frequent contributor to
mation of such an investigation from any        stead notes that “the scale of Elbakyan’s         Against the Grain and a regular speaker
other newspaper. The only source cited          operation has led experts to conclude that        at the Charleston Conference. He can
in the Post article is that the information     she is not operating alone and must have          be reached at .
matter” who spoke “on the condition of              So, is there a government investigation
anonymity.” (For her part, Ms. Elbakyan         or not? The only evidence that there is one                          Endnotes
is quoted as calling the Post article “balo-    is from unnamed “people familiar with the
ney.”) Let us ask whether it is likely that                                                          1.
                                                matter.” Should you trust such unnamed               national-security/justice-depart-
there is an investigation.                      sources? Maybe… maybe not. In order                  ment-investigates-sci-hub-found-
    Of course, it’s possible that the FBI is    to trust the information from unnamed                er-on-suspicion-of-working-for-rus-
investigating Sci-Hub. The company is           sources, you have to start with trusting the         sian-intelligence/2019/12/19/9dbc-
engaged in massive copyright infringe-          reporter(s) who accepted and published               b6e6-2277-11ea-a153-dce4b94e4249_
                                                the information.                                     story.html
ment, as the federal District Court in
New York City found when it entered a               Here, the two Post reporters are expe-           2.
$15 million civil judgment against the          rienced in covering national security sto-           sian-intelligence
website two years ago in a suit brought         ries, so presumably they’ve been around
                                                                                                     3. Elsevier Inc. v. Sci-Hub, No. 15-cv-
by Elsevier.3 And federal law includes          the block enough to know whether to                  4282, 2017 WL 3868800 (S.D.N.Y. June
criminal sanctions to protect copyrighted       trust their sources. The Post is sensitive           21, 2017).
works, providing that “[a]ny person who         to using unnamed sources: anonymous                  4. 17 U.S.C. § 506(a).
infringes a copyright willfully and for pur-    sources can be overused and abused.
poses of commercial advantage or private        But the Post does have a reputation for              news/pressrel/press-releases/justice-de-
financial gain” shall be punished up to five    honesty and integrity to uphold — think              partment-charges-leaders-of-megaup-
years in prison.4                               Pentagon Papers and Watergate — and its              load-with-widespread-online-copy-
    The government used this statute in         editors know that sources who are afraid             right-infringement
2012 to indict “Kim Dotcom” for criminal        to identify themselves have in the past              6. Science correspondent John Bohan-
copyright infringement, as well as money        provided key information that exposed                non sums up the creation of the controver-
                                                grave government failings.                           sial Sci-Hub as “an awe-inspiring act of
laundering, racketeering, and wire fraud.5                                                           altruism or a massive criminal enterprise,
(Dotcom aka Kim Schmitz is the founder              On the other hand, this is not a “whis-          depending on whom you ask.” https://
of the now-defunct music and video file         tleblower” situation where unnamed         
hosting service Megaupload.) Schmitz            sources have disclosed government or                 trated-science-student-behind-sci-hub
resides in New Zealand and has success-         corporate misconduct. It’s information

Against the Grain / April 2020                                                                                  47
Questions & Answers — Copyright Column
Column Editor: Will Cross (Director, Copyright & Digital Scholarship Center, NC State University Libraries)
 ORCID: 0000-0003-1287-1156

       here’s a comic that was often seen      of questions about how we understand           situation where neither physical access
       taped on the doors of my law            copyright and implement policy during          nor established licensing models can be
       school copyright professors way         the prolonged period of social distanc-        applied to education and research. In
back in the mid-2000s. It featured a stick     ing that began in my neck of the woods         response, many educators, researchers,
figure person sitting peacefully under a       in early March 2020 (much later than           and librarians have turned to fair use to
tree and looking out at a beautiful blue       many other nations) and is expected to         fill this exigent, time-limited gap. As li-
sky. A thought bubble appears over their       continue throughout the spring and into        brarian-lawyer April Hathcock has noted,
head reading “sometimes, I just can’t get      the summer (and perhaps longer still, de-      “fair use is made for just these kinds of
outraged over copyright law.” (You can         pending on a number of factors). While         contingencies.” The center of gravity for
see it here: and tape     questions about balancing copyright            many practices is articulated in a statement
it to your own door if you like — it’s         law with other legal and human consid-         shared by a group of leading copyright
openly licensed!) That comic has been          erations may be better-answered by an          experts working in libraries called the
going through my head a lot as the global      ethicist or religious official, I think this   “Public Statement of Library Copyright
community has been dealing with the            moment also brings into focus the ways         Specialists: Fair Use & Emergency Re-
COVID-19 outbreak that has closed the          that copyright is flexible by design so that   mote Teaching & Research” and available
doors of my own institution and of most        it can accommodate good practice even          at
non-essential services around the world.       during a moment like this.                         The statement articulates the power
How much does copyright matter when                QUESTION: An instructional librar-         of fair use to support public purposes
people are in mortal danger or locked          ian asks, “How does copyright apply to         such as education and the way that power
away from society for months or longer?                    supporting online instruction      increases in moments of crisis. It walks
How can we understand and respect                          during global pandemic?”           through the four statutory fair use factors,
the values of copyright in a                                                                  grounding analysis in the first factor’s
                                                                ANSWER: In many
way that also recognizes the                                                                  questions about the purpose of the use as
                                                               ways, online instruction
complexity of applications                                                                    well as the importance of checking for and
                                                                  is entering uncharted
in these unprecedented                                                                        relying on licensed alternatives but notes
                                                                  waters right now since
times?                                                                                        that a “lack of time to check for licenses
                                                                  U.S. law has few mod-
    With these issues in                                          els for applying mod-       should not be a barrier to meeting the
mind, I’ve selected a set                                        ern copyright law to a       needs of our communities.”
                                                                                                  The statement offers a set of approach-
                                                                                              es to mitigate risk and suggests caution
                                                                                              around circumvention of technical protec-
                                                                                              tion measures. Finally, it ends by encour-
                                                   Elkin-Koren, N. and Fischman-Afori,        aging use of already-licensed online con-
 Legally Speaking
                                               O. (2017). Rulifying Fair Use. Arizona         tent, openly licensed and public domain
 from page 46
                                               Law Review, 59(1), 161-200.                    alternatives, and of working with content
fordable options for our teachers, students,       Library Statement. (2020). Public          vendors to find mutually agreed-on ways
and our communities. Stay safe!                statement: Fair Use & Emergency Re-            to expand existing access to support social
                                               mote Teaching & Research. Retrieved            distancing for instruction and research.
               References                      from                 Individual lawyer-librarians such as
    AAP. (2020). COVID-19 Response.            ment/d/10baTITJbFRh7D6dHVVvfgiG-               the University of Minnesota’s Nancy
Association of American Publishers.            P2zqaMvm0EHHZYf2cBRk/mobilebasic.              Sims, University of Illinois’ Sara Ben-
Retrieved from             Taylor and Francis. (2020).                son, and Harvard’s Copyright Advisor
aap-news/covid-19-response/.                   COVID-19: Novel coronavirus content            Kyle Courtney have blogged, podcasted,
    American Alliance of Museums.              to free access. Retrieved from https://        and offered webinars about the way that
(2020). Using digital platforms to remain             copyright law supports public service.
connected to audiences during closures.            Yorio, K. (2020). A crisis: as in          Courtney calls these copyright exceptions
Retrieved from         school closures due to coronavirus-jus-        “library superpowers” that allow librari-
programs/about-museums/using-digi-             tifies fair use, says librarians. School       ans to respond to this crisis in ways that
tal-platforms-to-remain-connected-to-au-       Library Journal. Retrieved from https://       support their statutorily supported role as
diences-during-quarantines/.                       stewards of access for the communities
    Collins, P. (2020). Getting your course    ans-address-copyright-concerns-ar-             they serve. Individually and collectively,
online during COVID-19. University of          gue-fair-use-applies-amid-academic-clo-        libraries have embraced this role and
Florida Libraries Guides: Copyright on         sures-coronavirus-covid19.                     worked to scan materials even after physi-
Campus. Retrieved from https://guides.                                                        cal buildings were closed and to build sys-                                                                      tems for interlibrary loan and scanning at
                                                                                                                     continued on page 49

48 Against the Grain / April 2020
QUESTION: An academic publisher               expressed concerns about the terms of use
 Questions & Answers                            asks, “How can publishers, libraries,            for some of these materials, particularly
 from page 48                                   and other institutions make materials            where an account must be created so that
                                                they control or hold available to users          personal or institutional data is harvested
a distance. One example of this approach        during this crisis while still respecting        from each user and in cases where a “free
can be found in a recent webinar from the       copyright’s scope and boundaries?”               trial” is accompanied by an automatic
Association of Southeastern Research                                                             renewal with immediate billing at unfa-
Libraries (ASERL) called “Yes You                  ANSWER: To meet the needs of
                                                                                                 vorable terms. As everyone works to find
Can Scan That Textbook,” that offered           educators, scholars, and others who need
                                                                                                 the right balance of access and mission, a
copyright guidance and practical tips for       access to materials they can’t physically
                                                                                                 simple way to share is the Open COVID
libraries. It is available on their archive     obtain, many institutions that either hold
                                                                                                 pledge available at https://opencovid-
at:              physical resources or control copyright are
                                                                                        The pledge is a commitment
                                                looking for ways to facilitate access and
    The through line for all of these ap-                                                        to make copyright and related intellectual
                                                use. Unsurprisingly, different stakeholders
proaches is the exigency and immediacy                                                           property openly available for a limited
                                                are exploring a variety of distinct approach-
of the crisis and the inability of libraries,                                                    time. It can be implemented in a variety
                                                es. A tremendous number of publishers
educators, and scholars to rely on the tradi-                                                    of ways including the suggested “Open
                                                have opened up access to some or all of
tional mechanisms built into copyright and                                                       COVID License” that makes all IP avail-
                                                their materials, many of which have been
licensing such as physical access enabled                                                        able “until one year after WHO declares
                                                collected at sites like Vendor Love in the
by first sale or negotiated permission. The                                                      the COVID-19 Pandemic to have ended.”
                                                Time of COVID-19 (
Public Statement discussed above explicit-      vendorsupportedaccess). Initially, this              Digital libraries such as the Hathi
ly notes that “we also encourage campuses       access was granted for the duration of the       Trust and Internet Archive have also
to begin contemplating the longer-term          current spring semester, but as more and         worked to facilitate lawful access in ways
needs this situation presents. While fair       more institutions announce that social dis-      that align with their individual missions.
use is absolutely appropriate to support        tancing will continue into the summer, the       In April the Hathi Trust offered their
the heightened demands presented by this        duration of this limited access may change.      Emergency Temporary Access Service
emergency, if time periods extend further,                                                       (ETAS), “which will allow students,
campuses will need to investigate and              While this access has been critical for       faculty, and staff from eligible member
adopt solutions tailored for the long-term.”    research and teaching, some users have                                 continued on page 50

Against the Grain / April 2020                                                                         49
unlimited access to in-copyright works,        reading aloud online. To clarify the ways
 Questions & Answers                            which does not follow the one-in-one-out       in which fair use supports this practice,
 from page 49                                   limitations of even emerging systems like      a group of copyright experts and educa-
                                                Controlled Digital Lending (controlled-        tors have developed and shared a guide
libraries to have online reading access to                           to translating classroom practices and
materials that are currently unavailable to
                                                    While both Hathi’s ETAS and the In-        taking advantages of new technologies
them in their library collections.” In their
                                                ternet Archive’s NEL offer digital access      to improve teaching and learning, reach,
full statement, Hathi emphasizes that this
                                                in a time-limited fashion as a response        and equity. (
access would be limited to libraries that
                                                to an unprecedented crisis, the differing      aloud-online)
were experiencing “unexpected or invol-
untary, temporary disruption to normal          approaches reflect the culture of the re-          The guide lays out the many trans-
operations” and stressed that they were         spective institutions. Popular responses       formative purposes of reading aloud and
offering what they called a “careful and        may also suggest the central importance        walks through specific practices that are
measured approach to this service, con-         of a library as a “steward of access” to a     likely to fit within the ambit of fair use
forming to fair use under U.S. copyright        particular community and the values of         such as “reading students in to” the virtual
law, in order to help students, teachers,       librarianship more broadly.                    classroom or students reading aloud to
and researchers continue to do their vital          QUESTION: A school librarian               develop and demonstrate mastery. It also
work.” The full statement and details           asks, “Many of my teachers and fellow          offers several examples of practices that
about the program is available at: https://     librarians use reading aloud as a central      are not clearly enabled including reading           component of our educational work.             a textbook aloud as a way to replace
                                                Does copyright permit us to continue           purchase of commercial course materials
    In contrast to this relatively mod-                                                        or running a public site unconnected to a
erate approach, the Internet Archive            this practice digitally during this global
                                                pandemic?”                                     particular course that profits from adver-
announced their National Emergency                                                             tising revenue.
Library (NEL) at in                 ANSWER: While the earlier discus-
mid-March. The NEL suspends the                 sion in this column about openly-available         While the statement was released in the
waitlist for books available from the In-       resources and educators’ reliance on fair      wake of the transition to online learning
ternet Archive “through June 30, 2020,          use offers part of an answer, this question    to facilitate health during a time of crisis,
or the end of the U.S. national emergency,      about reading aloud provides an excellent      it is not presented as time-limited or even
whichever is later.” The NEL also offers        example of these issues in practice, as well   primarily as a response to COVID-19.
individual authors the ability to opt out       as a model for a path forward. Reading         For many students with disabilities, facing
by sending an email to  with “National Emergency Library           many authors and publishers have explic-       digital divide, or otherwise marginalized
Removal Request” as the subject line.           itly stated their support for reading aloud    in our society, it is always an emergency.
                                                digitally during COVID-19.                     In a moment of global crisis, aggressive
    Some libraries such as MIT enthusi-                                                        fair use and generous licensing can save
astically endorsed this approach while              Regardless of any formal statements        the day, but publishers, librarians, and
many publishers and authors decried it as       from a rightsholder, reading aloud is also     educators can and should be working to-
“outright piracy.” Dialogue around NEL          a practice that fits comfortably within the    gether every day to be sure that we are all
became so heated that threats of violence       scope of fair use when done as a transfor-     meeting our mission to teach, learn, and
and intimidation forced IA to make their        mative, noncommercial practice. Despite        grow as a society.
list of endorsers private. Criticism often      that fact, many school librarians have
centered around the fact that NEL is not        expressed uncertainty or even outright
affiliated with a physical library and offers   disagreement with a fair use rationale for

50 Against the Grain / April 2020
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