Leelanau Clean Water - Leelanau County

Page created by Esther Johnson
Leelanau Clean Water
                          Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at 9:30 a.m.
                        Community Meeting Room (lower level) of the
                            Leelanau County Government Center
                    8527 E. Government Center Dr., Suttons Bay MI 49682


 Welcome & Introductions (9:30)
 Consideration of Agenda
 Approval of Meeting Minutes from 12-18-19 pgs 2-4
 Public Comment
 Staff Comment
 Organizational Items (9:40)
     1. 2020 Leelanau Clean Water Board & Designees pg 5
      2. Election of Officers
           a.    Chair
           b.    Vice Chair
           c.    Chair Pro Tem

      3. Meeting Schedule pg 6
      4. Review of Rules and Procedures pgs 7-10
      5. Potential Presenters / Presentations for 2020
      6. Committees

 Discussion/Action Items (10:15)
     1. Goals for 2020
     2. Crystal river possible development
     3. Watershed Mailer Distribution
     4. Future of LCW

 Communication Items/Reports (10:35)
      1.        Reports from Leelanau Clean Water Members on Activities

 Public Comment

 Staff Comment

 Member/Chair Comments

 Adjourn (11:00)

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Proceedings of the meeting were recorded and are not the official record of the meeting. The formally
          approved written copy of the minutes will be the official record of the meeting.

CALL TO ORDER:                   Meeting was called to order at 9:37 a.m. by Chairman Karner.

Members Present:                 R. Karner, L. Allgaier, S. U’Ren, Y. Brown, C. Sonderegger,
                                 J. Williams

Members Absent:                  H. Farber, B. Long, S. Christensen

Staff Present:                   G. Myer, Senior Planner

Public Present:                  M. Litch, T. Denton, J. Vandermeulen, N. Campbell, S. Lasky


Motion by Allgaier, seconded by Sonderegger, to accept the agenda as presented. Motion carried 6-0.

Karner made the following changes: Page 2, #2, change “Brown” to “Long”, #7, change “Beth Long” to
“Brown”, page 3, change “commission” to “mission”, page 5 first bullet point, change “Freshwater
Symposium” to “Leelanau Clean Water Symposium” and change “Freshwater Summit 2020” heading to
“Leelanau Clean Water Symposium.”

Motion by Brown, seconded by Allgaier, to accept the November 20, 2019 meeting minutes as
amended. Motion carried 6-0.


Report on Leelanau Conservation District becoming the umbrella for LCW.

Karner stated that following the meeting there would be a short meeting with Buzz Long, Executive
Director of the Leelanau Conservation District (Conservation District) and said that Chet Janik would
probably attend the meeting to help guide them. Karner continued, saying hopefully they would have a
proposal ready for the Board of Commissioners in January, and if approved, they would move forward
as an arm of the Leelanau Conservation District. U’Ren questioned if the Leelanau Conservation
District Board had approved this. Karner said Long proposed the idea to the board and received “push
back” over concerns of getting embroiled in the septic inspection ordinance issue.

Williams mentioned that they had also talked about becoming an external group and questioned if that
option was also being explored. Karner replied that LCW would be external since the Conservation
District is not part of the county. Williams stated that they would not be independent if they are under
the umbrella of another group. Yarrow confirmed that they had talked about becoming their own

                                      LCW Draft Minutes 12-18-19

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external group. Williams said she felt like there was some interest in this option and she doesn’t see that
it was explored.

Brown asked to discuss the septic inspection ordinance topic and how important that is to LCW, in case
the Conservation District is not open to it. Karner stated the “push back” was only the position of one
Conservation District Board member.

Sonderegger mentioned that being under the “umbrella” may afford them some protection or additional
funding. Allgaier stated the dream is that when LCW is under the umbrella of a county department such
as the Conservation District, they could do more collaborative work. LCW experts would be working
with county experts on things that are mutually respected and moving them forward so that they are not
perceived as a threat, but beneficial.

Williams questioned if LCW members felt like their hands were currently tied and they could not get the
funding they wanted. Since LCW is not currently going after grants, she doesn’t see the overwhelming
evidence that LCW should only be looking at the Conservation District. Allgaier stated that the role of
LCW was to lay a scientific foundation that can be used for policy or for individual lake associations to
take independent action.

Publishing a BMP flyer for watershed residents – use of remaining budget dollars.

Karner said the Glen Lake Association is currently printing 5400 flyers which will be mailed out to
residents in four different townships, Glen Arbor, Empire, Kasson and Cleveland. The flyer contains
helpful tips such as how to protect freshwater resources, Household Hazardous Waste & Electronic
Collection dates, septic tips, native plant information, maintaining the natural shoreline, preventing
erosion, and preventing the spread of tree diseases. Karner would like to use the remaining money in the
LCW budget to print an additional 5300 flyers which would be handed/mailed out in the future. If there
is not enough money to print 5300 flyers, the Glen Lake Association will cover the additional cost.

Motion by Brown, seconded by Sonderegger, to use the remaining budget dollars to print as many
additional flyers as possible. Motion carried 6-0.

Reports from Leelanau Clean Water members on activities.

Karner reported that they invited four township boards and planning commissions to attend a meeting in
Empire Township last week to listen to a presentation being given by their consultant Tony Groves. He
unveiled the overlay district for their watershed and there was a lot of good discussion afterwards.
Karner said the goal is to have the overlay district in place by November of 2020.

Karner continued, saying that Lime Lake has already reported that they will not be relocating Common
Mergansers because worm studies suggest that it is not helping and could possibly be increasing the risk
of swimmers itch at the relocation site. Lake Leelanau and Glen Lake have not made a decision yet.
Karner said Glen Lake Association will be launching a major prevention campaign revolving around the
idea that you don’t have to get swimmer’s itch if you don’t want to, there are ways to protect yourself.

Sonderegger introduced the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians (GTB) new aquatic
biologist, Sean Leask, who previously worked at Little Traverse Bay Band Fisheries Enhancement

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Discussion ensued on qPCR testing.

Karner stated the end goal was for people to have a heightened awareness about their septic system and
get it inspected, if it hasn’t been, in the last five years. Also, to see how many of those failed inspections
get fixed. Karner concluded by saying the five-year goal is to have every septic system on Glen Lake
working properly. U’Ren said they may want to also test for animal bacteria along with human. Also,
when doing the testing before and after a significant rainfall, it may be wise to do another test a few days
later to see how long it takes for the contamination to clear up.

Karner asked for a motion regarding LCW becoming an umbrella under the Leelanau Conservation

Motion by Allgaier, seconded by Sonderegger, to move forward with exploring the option of becoming
an umbrella under the Leelanau Conservation District for 2020. Motion carried 6-0.


Denton mentioned that the League of Woman Voters hosted their annual holiday luncheon the first week
of December and had about 90 people in attendance. The topic this year was “Groundwater, The Sixth
Great Lake”, and the keynote speaker was Liz Kirkwood, from For Love of Water.




Meeting adjourned at 10:43 a.m.

                                        LCW Draft Minutes 12-18-19

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2020        Proposed Leelanau Clean Water (LCW) Board

Rob Karner, Glen Lake Association
Term Expires 12/31/2021 (3 year term)
       Designee: Mike Litch

Len Allgaier, Little Traverse Lake Conservationists
Term Expires 12/31/2021 (3 year term)
       Designee: Tricia Denton

Steve Christensen, Leelanau Cty. Drain Commissioner
Term Expires 12/31/2020 (3 year term)
       Designee: Daniel Airza

Hugh Farber, Lake Leelanau Lake Assn.
Term Expires 12/31/2020 (2 year term)
       Designee: Jeff Sanborn

Buzz Long, Leelanau County Conservation District
Term Expires 12/31/2020 (2 year term)
       Designee: Tom Adams

Jeanie Williams, community
Term Expires 12/31/2019 (2 year term)    term expires 12/31/2021
        Designee: John Fletcher

Heather Smith, The Watershed Center of GT Bay
Term Expires 12/31/2019 (2 year term) term expires 12/31/2021
       Designee: Sarh U’ren, Watershed Center

Yarrow Brown, Leelanau Conservancy
Term Expires 12/31/2019 (2 year term) term expires 12/31/2021
       Designee: Chase Heise

Carolann Sonderegger, GTB
Term Expires 12/31/2019 (2 year term) term expires 12/31/2021
       Designee: Nathanial Campbell

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2020 PROPOSED Meeting Schedule
              Leelanau Clean Water (LCW)

Meeting Type:            Day of Week:   Meeting Date:      Meeting Time:
Organizational Meeting    Wednesday      January 15     9:30 – 11:00 AM
 Meeting                  Wednesday      February 19    9:30 – 11:00 AM
 Meeting                  Wednesday       March 18      9:30 – 11:00 AM
 Meeting                  Wednesday        April 15     9:30 – 11:00 AM
 Meeting                  Wednesday        May 20       9:30 – 11:00 AM
Workshop/Presentation     Wednesday        June 17      Time?
 Meeting                 Wednesday       July 15        9:30 – 11:00 AM
 Meeting                 Wednesday      August 19       9:30 – 11:00 AM
 Meeting                 Wednesday   September 16       9:30 – 11:00 AM
 Meeting                 Wednesday     October 21       9:30 – 11:00 AM
 Meeting                 Wednesday    November 18       9:30 – 11:00 AM
 Meeting                 Wednesday    December 16       9:30 – 11:00 AM
Organizational Meeting   Wednesday     January 20       9:30 – 11:00 AM

      Contact the Planning Department at 256-9812 for more information.

                Meeting Location: Community Meeting Room
               Lower Level, Leelanau County Government Center
                       8527 E. Government Center Dr.
                            Suttons Bay MI 49682

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PROPOSED 2019 2020
                            LEELANAU CLEAN WATER (LCW)
                                RULES OF PROCEDURE

1.1     The Task Force on Water Quality was recognized under Resolution #2008-028 by the Leelanau County
        Board of Commissioners (BOARD).

1.2     On April 9, 2009, The Task Force on Water Quality discussed and decided on the name Leelanau Clean
        Water (LCW) as its official name.

1.3     In 2008, Leelanau commissioned the formation of a water quality focused task force. The resolution's
        founding rationale has proven to be more relevant with each passing year as new threats to Leelanau's
        water treasures confront us: "A Water Quality Task Force was formed: The Leelanau County Board of
        Commissioners (the Board) recognizes that the quality of our natural resources, especially our bountiful
        water supply, is a primary factor in the County’s continued economic growth and quality of life. Leelanau
        County is distinguished by its abundance of beautiful lakes, rivers and shorelines that attract permanent
        and part-time residents and visitors from throughout the country which has favorably influenced property
        values in the County with resulting tax revenues to support its programs."

        Examples emerging with increasing rapidity include the effects of invasive species, use and accumulation
        of lake threatening substances foreign to this region's natural ecology, e.g. chemical, biological,
        pharmaceutical, pathogenic, many of which accompany increased land development and use well beyond
        local activity. Complicating these multiplying stressors are equally unprecedented extreme weather events
        that disrupt natural cycles and activate sins of the past loaded into land and waterways alike. Sequestered
        into exposed and waterway bottom soils, these substances remained relatively benign until liberated via
        deluges of storm water resulting in unnatural ground and waterway behavior.

        As envisioned, the organization Leelanau Clean Water brings together "agencies, Board members,
        organizations and individual citizens in the County interested and involved in water quality", leveraging the
        wealth of knowledge and volunteerism available from residents drawn to these treasures to compliment
        township and county functions effecting water quality. More than ever, this shared value form of public /
        private collaboration and partnering makes sense for so demanding a challenge and important an aspect of
        Leelanau's special character and economic foundation.

        Mission Statement: To restore, protect and sustain water resources, promote public awareness of
        environmental and economic importance, and provide accurate information to assist public
        participation in water resource decisions.

Section 3.      FUNCTION
3.1    Provide a public forum for discussion of issues relevant to water quality

3.2     To act as a communications linkage to municipalities, agencies and organizations as well as the public
        in Leelanau County, neighboring counties and the region.

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3.3   To consider and propose strategies and programs that will positively impact water quality in the County.

3.4     Aggregate information and knowledge on water quality. Utilize group expertise to seek, synthesize and
        systematize it for the benefit of Leelanau's waterway stewardship and improvement thrusts.

3.5     Identify and prioritize principal threats to Leelanau's waterways. Identify knowledge, strategies and
        resources needed to deal with priority threats.

3.6     Provide water quality insight, protection and improvement best practices and knowledge to stewards,
        organizations, and the general public that facilitates appropriate understanding, valuing, right actions
        and collaborative resourcing of water quality related functions, issues and initiatives.

Section 4.       MEMBERSHIP
4.1     Wherever the masculine or feminine pronouns "man," "men," "he," "she" or related pronouns appear,
        either as words or parts of words, they have been used for literary purposes and are meant in their
        generic sense (i.e. to include humankind - both female and male sexes).

4.2     New Membership in Leelanau Clean Water shall be determined and voted on by the Leelanau Clean
        Water Board. Membership may be extended to individuals and organizations appropriate to the
        Leelanau Clean Water Mission.

4.3     A list of current Leelanau Clean Water Members shall be maintained by staff of the Leelanau County
        Planning and Community Development office.

Section 5.       BOARD
5.1     The initial Board of Leelanau Clean Water shall be appointed by the Chair of Leelanau Clean Water
        and shall consist of nine (9) members.

5.2     When board terms expire or when there is a vacancy on the board, appointment to the Board of
        Leelanau Clean Water shall be made by the current board. Members appointed after the initial term
        will be appointed for two (2) or three (3) year terms.

5.3     The Executive Committee of the Board of Leelanau Clean Water will be comprised of the Chair,
        Vice Chair and Chair Pro-Tem.

5.4     Board Members who are unable to attend a meeting can designate substitutes (designees) who may
        vote in their place. A list of designees will be maintained by staff of the Leelanau County Planning and
        Community Development office. When designees are in attendance and not substituting for their
        designated Board member, they shall be considered a member of the public.

Section 6.      OFFICERS
6.1     A Chairman of LCW shall be elected from the membership of LCW. The Chairman shall preside over
        all meetings of LCW and shall have the power to cast a vote on all issues on the floor, appoint
        subcommittees or joint meeting representatives, and perform other functions as directed by LCW.

6.2     A Vice-Chairman of LCW shall be elected from the membership of LCW. In the absence of the
        Chairman, the Vice-Chairman shall act as Chairman and shall have all the powers and duties of
        Chairman and perform other functions as directed by LCW.

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6.3     The duties typically assigned to a Secretary shall be provided by the Leelanau County Planning and
        Community Development office, as directed by the Leelanau County Board of Commissioners. Notes
        of all LCW meetings, correspondence and notices pertaining to meetings, or any other business of
        LCW shall be prepared and distributed by the Leelanau County Planning and Community
        Development office.

6.4     At the annual organizational meeting, LCW will name a member as Pro-Tem of the Commission, to
        perform the duties of temporary chair in the absence of both the Chair and Vice-Chair. Likewise,
        when the Chair or Vice-Chair are presiding, they shall have the right to turn the duties of the chair over
        to the Pro-Tem, should the situation warrant.

7.1     Regular meetings of LCW shall be held at a time and place set in accordance with the Open Meetings
        Act (Act 267, P.A. 1976). Written notice of regular meetings shall specify, by agenda, business to be
        transacted and shall precede the meeting by at least five (5) days.

7.2     LCW shall post at least 18 hours before a meeting of LCW, a public notice stating the time, date and
        place of the meeting. The notice shall be posted in the Leelanau County Government Center. If LCW
        sets up regularly scheduled meetings, staff shall post a public notice stating the times, dates and places
        of its regular meetings.

7.3     Special meetings of LCW may be called by the Chairman. Written notice shall specify, by agenda,
        business to be transacted and shall precede the special meeting by at least five (5) days.

Section 8.      MEETINGS
8.1     For purposes of discussion and action for each item on the agenda and each motion introduced during
        the LCW meeting, the following procedure shall be followed:

        A motion is introduced.
1.      Support of Motion.
2.      Discussion, questions and answers between members of LCW and staff.
3.      Reading of any correspondence received on the issue.
4.      Discussion and questions from other individuals in attendance. At the Chairman's discretion, audience
        participation can be limited in length to three (3) minutes.
5.      Call the question and vote on the motion.

8.2     Agendas, meeting notes, and other meeting materials and documents may also be posted online at the
        county community center website www.leelanau.cc. Such postings shall be handled by Staff.

8.3    Modifications to a Regular Scheduled Meeting
       Any proposed change to a Regular scheduled meeting date, such as time, day, or location, shall be made
       only upon the written request to staff, from the Chairperson and by two (2) board members. The
       written request will propose a new time, day, and/or location and the reason. Staff shall immediately
       communicate the proposed change to all members. Upon confirmation, staff shall immediately
       communicate the new meeting information to each member within 24 hours in one or more of the
       following ways:
                       Via confirmed facsimile;
                       Via confirmed telephone call;
                       Via confirmed email.

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Staff shall immediately post a public notice of the change, in the Government Center, and on

        In the event of cancellation due to inclement weather, unforeseen emergency or no business activity
        for the meeting, staff shall immediately contact each member to notify of the cancelled meeting, send
        appropriate notice to the media and the mail list through use of email, fax, and/or phone call, and post
        the cancellation at the Government Center.

Section 9.      VOTING/QUORUM
9.1   Only Board members of LCW or their designees, who are in attendance at the meeting shall be able to
       cast a vote.

9.2     A majority of the appointed members of the Leelanau Clean Water Board or their designees, present at
        a regular or special meeting shall constitute a quorum to take action at any meeting.

9.3     In the event there is no quorum present, a scheduled presentation or discussion may take place. No
        official action may be taken by the Leelanau Clean Water Board.

10.1    All meetings will be open to the public and conducted in accordance with the "Open Meetings Act"
        (P.A. 267, 1976 as amended). Any person shall be permitted to address any meeting of LCW during
        the time specifically provided on the agenda.

10.2    Time of discussion by the public may be limited by the Chairman in the interest of brevity, to maintain
        order, or in order to hear all wishing to speak. All speakers shall address the Board and shall not
        conduct discussions with other members of the audience.

10.3    Anyone wishing to address the Board at greater length on a specific area of their work may request, in
        writing, time on the agenda as an item of Business. The requests shall be sent to the Chairman, in care
        of the Leelanau County Planning and Community Development office prior to the mailing of the
        agenda. Any documentation or background material for presentation shall accompany such requests
        so that it may be forwarded to members at least one (1) week prior to the meeting.

10.4    The Board shall discuss and assign a time for each written request during the Consideration of Agenda
        segment of the meeting.

Section 11.     STAFF
11.1    Staff support including professional, technical, managerial, and clerical shall be provided by the
        Leelanau County Planning and Community Development office, as directed by the Leelanau County
        Board of Commissioners.

Section 12.  REPORTS
12.1 The Board shall prepare an annual report showing progress and activities of LCW.

Section 13.     AMENDMENTS
13.1    Alterations, amendments, or additions to these Rules of Procedure shall require a majority vote of
        the Board in order to take effect.

Adopted March 20, 2019 _______________
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