Leeds Heritage Open Days 2021 - A Free City-Wide Festival of Heritage 10th-19th September

Page created by Perry Parsons
Leeds Heritage Open Days 2021 - A Free City-Wide Festival of Heritage 10th-19th September
Leeds Heritage
Open Days 2021
A Free City-Wide Festival of Heritage
10th–19th September

Leeds Heritage Open Days 2021 - A Free City-Wide Festival of Heritage 10th-19th September
2        www.heritageopendays.org.uk                                                                                   www.heritageopendays.org.uk                               3

A ‘Deliciously Different’ Festival                                                         Ready, Steady...Explore!
Hippocrates lived between 460 and            As Deputy Leader of Leeds City Council        Indoors, outdoors, live, and online – all on the menu for Heritage Open Days
370BC and was reputed to have said ‘Let      and Executive Member for Economy,             2021.
food be thy medicine and medicine be         Culture & Education, it gives me huge
thy food’. Had he been a physician during    pleasure to introduce this booklet            Two years have passed since we             recomend that you search for events
the last 18 months I suspect he would        showcasing the fantastically diverse          encouraged HODs visitors to ‘explore       happening on the same day in nearby
have been on Sage as these are wise          range of events on offer as part of this      every corner’ of our great city. Since     venues. Look out for ‘doubles’ in Kippax
words.                                       year’s Heritage Open Days.                    then, we have been confined to walks       and at The Holbeck, Castleton Mill in
He would most definitely have                I am passionate about the city’s culture      from home, discovering, and often being    Armley and the Rivers Meet Cafe in
championed the theme for this year’s         and am delighted to see such an               surprised by, what was on our doorstep.    Methley, as well as a feast of events in
Heritage Open Days, ‘Edible England’,        incredible array of events available both     Now we can venture further afield again    Calverley and Otley.
and would have encouraged us all to          in person and online, allowing a more         so why not take advantage of some of       Returning to this year’s theme of ‘Edible
‘empty the larder, preheat the oven and      inclusive festival than ever before.          the many walks in the programme this       England’ and quoting our friends Trio
set the table’.                              You can join a walk around the                year. What better way to discover an       Literati (who will be appearing at two
As in all the previous 27 years, Leeds       Headingley Hill, Hyde Park and                area of the city you don’t know so well    venues this year) ‘there is something
Civic Trust is delighted to invite you       Woodhouse Moor Conservation areas             than in the company of a knowledgeable     to suit every palate’ in this year’s
to what will be a veritable feast of our     in the company of local historian Tony        and enthusiastic local guide?              programme including the best coffee,
culinary heritage and culture here in        Ray or you can settle back at home and        As this year’s theme is ‘Edible England’   the best ice cream, and the best beer
Leeds. There will be a mix of in-person      enjoy a dance workshop with Minoti            we sometimes included details of places    that Leeds has to offer – if you know
and digital events making it bigger and      Parikh exploring the emotions that you        to enjoy delicious local refreshments      where to look!
better than ever before!                     feel when you eat, cook, and think about      before and/or after your walk.             This booklet gives a great ‘flavour’ of
I should like to take this opportunity       the food and culture whilst engaging in       Other outdoor events will include live     the festival, but you should head to:
to thank all the volunteers who will be      movement-based activities inspired by         performances from the Rock Choir,          www.heritageopendays.org.uk for
giving up time and expertise for what I      Indian classical dance.                       Briggate Morris and the Leeds Silver       comprehensive and up to date listings.
hope will be a welcome break from the        All of these activities are completely free   Steel Sparrows band.                       We wouldn’t want you to miss out! If you
last eighteen months. If you’d like to get   of charge so do have a look through this                                                 don’t have internet access, your local
                                                                                           Leeds Heritage Open Days 2020 was          library will be happy to help you access
involved in planning next year’s events,     booklet or head to the Heritage Open          nearly all online. The Trust was pleased
then please get in touch with us at the      Days website for late additions and plan                                                 the HODs website and book events.
                                                                                           and encouraged by the enthusiasm and
Trust - .                                    your week. Many events are bookable           number tuning-in. You can still enjoy      This year venues will be working hard to
This year the festival runs from the 10th    so do book early as they tend to fill up      online events this year so look out for    make your visit safe so please carefully
to the 19th of September. The launch         quickly.                                      talks on a variety of local topics many    for more details as both online and in
event will be a blue plaque unveiling                                                      of which have the advantage of being       person events may require pre-booking.
commemorating the Revd Percy ‘Don’           Thank you and Happy HODs 2021!                available to watch throughout the          Have a great festival!
Robins, the founder of St George’s Crypt.                                                  festival.
                                                                                           To help you enjoy more events this year
                                             Jonathan Pryor
Jane Taylor                                                                                without too much travelling we highly
                                             Deputy Leader of Leeds City Council
Leeds Civic Trust Chair

                                                                                           N.B. Leeds Civic Trust publishes this booklet with care. We have
                                                                                           tried to ensure details are correct at the time of printing and
                                                                                           therefore cannot be held responsible for subsequent changes.

leedscivictrust.org.uk                                                                                                                                              @leedscivictrust
Leeds Heritage Open Days 2021 - A Free City-Wide Festival of Heritage 10th-19th September
4        Online & In-Person Events                                                                                  Online - Check for booking details                               5

Greed, guilt and gruel at Otley                Sunny Bank Mills & Archive - “Stories        Back-to-back houses and their                Blue Plaques of Leeds
Courthouse!                                    from the Mill canteen, tea breaks            communities in Harehills, Leeds              Hear about the Blue Plaques featured in
Discover shady stories and vicious villains
                                               and fuddles”                                 A 50 minute pre-recorded talk about          the new book “Blue Plaques of Leeds:
from the past. There are court cases           An opportunity to see a unique               back-to-back houses in Leeds with a          The Next Collection”. A fascinating
about theft and poaching as well as            collection. Sharing the stories of the       special focus on Harehills. A journey from   insight into the people, buildings and
details of prisoners’ food, police officers’   Mill and the workers who made our            the 18th century origins of the house type   events celebrated in the Civic Trust’s Blue
canteen refreshments and magistrates’          textile heritage. Sunny Bank Mills are       to the Victorian / Edwardian houses that     Plaques scheme. Co-author Dr. Kevin
teatime, all available live and on-line.       organsising multiple events both in-         still stand in Harehills today.              Grady is our speaker.
                                               person and online so it’s really worth
See Heritage Open Days website for             searching for more details.                  Anytime - no booking required                Anytime - no booking required
more details
                                               See Heritage Open Days website for
                                               more details

War and Peace in Medieval Times–                                                            Delightful discussions about food            Friars’ tuck
a display at Methley St Oswald’s                                                            through Indian dance with Minoti             Experienced and knowledgeable Kirkstall
Church                                                                                      Parikh                                       Abbey Visitor Guide’s Jane Abramson
On Saturday 18th September The Frei                                                         Minoti’s workshops are filled with           and Lorraine Harding tells the story of
Compagnie present displays in the                                                           laughter and creativity and include          medieval monks’ diets. Hear about the
churchyard which recreate life - both on                                                    engaging movement-based activities that      strict early dietary rules, what the monks
the battlefield and in the home - from the                                                  are inspired by Indian classical dance.      ate, where it came from and how it was
time of the War of the Roses. The Grade                                                                                                  cooked
                                                                                            See page 7 for more details.
I listed church is open for both weekends.
                                                                                            Anytime - book online                        Anytime - book online
See Heritage Open Days website for
more details

                                               Take A Seat!
                                               If you need a rest, why not stop off at
                                                                                            Heritage & Nature Along the Aire &           High Royds (now Chevin Park): the
                                               one of the benches on the Leeds Civic        Calder Navigation - A Virtual Walk           Lost World of a Victorian Asylum
                                               Trust ‘Take A Seat’ Bench trail? This one    Roderic Parker guides us along this          Join local historian Clive Woods for an
                                               is located at Guiseley Wells and features    historic waterway which provided a           online talk outlining the history of the
                                               artwork by Lucy Phillips inspired by         vital trading link to the North Sea and      former High Royds Hospital. Proviously
                                               stories told by local residents describing   beyond. Observing interesting historical     delivered in-person - but always
                                               how they used the natural environment        and contemporary landmarks and the           oversubscribed and hugely popular, this
                                               to cope with the negative impact on their    abundance of nature (often in artistic       is a great opportunity to not miss out...
                                               mental health during the first lock-down.    form) that can be found along the way.       and not even having to leave the house!
                                               Benches are located all over Leeds. To       Anytime - no booking required                Anytime - book online
                                               find out more visit leedcivictrust.org.uk

leedscivictrust.org.uk                                                                                                                                                @leedscivictrust
Leeds Heritage Open Days 2021 - A Free City-Wide Festival of Heritage 10th-19th September
6        www.heritageopendays.org.uk                                                                                  www.heritageopendays.org.uk                            7

Greed, Guilt & Gruel!                                                                   Spice Up Your Life!
Find out why there is a flying chicken in Otley Courthouse, hear about
vicious villains, tales of poaching, and follow the food trail around the               A workshop filled with laughter and creativity.
                                                                                        Minoti Parikh is an Indian classical dancer
Head to Otley Courthouse for a look            story telling and children’s workshops   with over 16 years experience in creating
behind the scenes of this former               with local storyteller Vickie Orton.     workshops which aim to introduce you to
Victorian police house and cell block.                                                  dance as a medium which improves both
                                               Finally why not join the ‘Beat Walk’     physical and mental well-being
You will discover shady stories and            following the route of a 1950’s police
vicious villains from the past. Hear court     officer round the streets of Otley.      Her workshops are filled with laughter
cases about theft and poaching as well as                                               and creativity and include engaging
details of prisoners’ food, police officers’                                            movement-based activities that are
canteen refreshments and magistrates’          Event Times                              inspired by Indian classical dance.
tea time, all available live and on-line.      Saturday 11 September: 1000 to 1600      Through dance exercises, mindfulness,
                                                                                        poetry, and storytelling you will be
You can follow the ‘Food Trail’ round the      Booking Details                          uplifted and filled with joy!
Courthouse, discovering the part that          Pre-booking: Required
food played in the police station, cells                                                In this workshop you will explore the
                                               Booking Contact: Courthouse Reception    emotions that you feel when you eat
and court cases in Otley for over 100
years and most importantly find out why        Call: 01943 467466                       food, cook food, and think about the
there are flying chickens!                                                              food and its relationship to our culture.
                                               Email: admin@otleycourthouse.org.uk
                                                                                        How can these actions and emotions
And if that isn’t enough you can also          Go to: www.otleycourthouse.org.uk        positively impact our mental well-being?
watch the crime and food related drama
created by local community theatre                                                      As we journey through the history
group ‘Otley Players’ or take part in the                                               of Indian classical dance, Minoti will
                                                                                        introduce movements based on some of
                                                                                        the spices used to flavour Indian dishes -
                                                                                        The workshop will be a fun, engaging,
                                                                                        culturally diverse and uplifting
                                                                                        experience for all!
                                                                                        Event Times
                                                                                                                                      Don’t forget you can head to the
                                                                                        Sunday 19 September: 1030-1230
                                                                                                                                      Heritage Open Days website and
                                                                                        Pre-Book by searching for ‘Indian dance’      search for events in your area! Scan
                                                                                        on the Heritage Open Days website
                                                                                                                                      here to be taken straight there!

leedscivictrust.org.uk                                                                                                                                          @leedscivictrust
Leeds Heritage Open Days 2021 - A Free City-Wide Festival of Heritage 10th-19th September
8         Online - Check booking details                                                                                Online - Check booking details                             9

                                                                                           The Leeds Library – Sunday Live              The Oldest Churches In Leeds
                                                                                           Streamed Tour Broadcasts                     Prof. Joyce Hill brings to life the early
                                                                                           The Leeds Library will present a series      history of Leeds through the history of its
                                                                                           of live streamed broadcasts to online        churches. A fascinating online talk. Joyce
                                                                                           audiences that will give a behind the        will also be hosting a special ‘in person’
                                                                                           scenes look at the stunning Library          event for Heritage Open Days at Leeds
                                                                                           building and present some of the cultural    Minster.
                                                                                           gems of the Library collection.
                                                                                                                                        Anytime - no booking required
                                                                                           Sun 12 & 19 / 1200-1600
                Leeds Kirkgate Market

Leeds Echoes - Walking Through                Medieval Leeds - A Virtual Walk
                                              Professor Joyce Hill takes us on a virtual
A four part series of audio walks taking a    tour of the city centre of Leeds and tells
closer look at selected areas of Leeds.       the story of the development of medieval     Top Ten Leeds with writer, Kim Revill        Trading Stories: The John Evan
Find a quiet spot, and join ‘guide’ Shaun     Leeds and how traces of these early
                                                                                           Join writer Kim Revill in conversation
                                                                                                                                        Bedford Library of Furniture History
Page on this relaxing and immersive           beginnings of our city can still be found
                                                                                           as she whittles down her 111 unmissable      University of Leeds
journey through our imagined streets and      to this day.
                                                                                           places in Leeds to her ultimate top 10.      Join our team for an insight into work
city.                                                                                      Kim’s recently published ‘111 Places in
                                              Anytime - no booking required                                                             on the John Evan Bedford Library of
                                                                                           Leeds that you shouldn’t miss’ is a travel   Furniture History. Find out about this
Anytime - no booking required
                                                                                           guide with a difference - offering quirky    remarkable collection, hear about the
                                                                                           and often missed gems that Leeds has to      cataloguing project and see some
Shopping at Leeds Kirkgate Market             Statues Sculpture & Ornamentation            offer                                        selected highlights of the rare books,
“What do you fancy for tea tonight?”.
                                              in Leeds                                                                                  archives and ephemera.
                                                                                           Anytime - no booking required
Join Rob Kilner as he takes us on a virtual   Leeds Civic Trust Director Martin
tour of Europe’s largest indoor market,       Hamilton takes you on a virtual tour of                                                   Thu 16 / 1300-1400
the historic Leeds Kirkgate Market.           the city of Leeds through its sculpture,
                                              statues and ornamentation: the city’s
Anytime - no booking required                 representation in physical form.
                                                                                                                                        Yorkshire Pudding Festival
                                              Anytime - no booking required
                                                                                                                                        Straight outta Yorkshire, and with a
                                                                                                                                        multicultural twist: The Yorkshire Pudding
                                                                                                                                        Festival, as experienced in Leeds’
Telebars and Tinned Jam: The                  The Changing Face of Cinema in                                                            splendid Victorian Kirkgate Market.
History of Food at M&S                        Leeds
                                                                                                                                        Anytime - No booking required
Did you know M&S had in-store ice-            Join us for a virtual walk round Leeds
cream counters in the 1920s? Join us          City Centre, showcasing the fascinating
to explore the delicious history of M&S       history of cinema in Leeds with guide        Did You know... ?
Food. (M&S Co Archive)                        Garance Rawinsky.                            You can eat a Yorkshire Pudding burger
                                                                                           on Leeds’ oldest street, at Wapentake,
Anytime - book online                         Anytime - no booking required                92 Kirkgate, Leeds, LS2 7DJ

leedscivictrust.org.uk                                                                                                                                                 @leedscivictrust
Leeds Heritage Open Days 2021 - A Free City-Wide Festival of Heritage 10th-19th September
10 www.heritageopendays.org.uk                                                                                          www.heritageopendays.org.uk                               11

A Blue Plaque For Percy ‘Don’                                                                St George’s Church was sited in an          to women, children, and families.

Robins - Founder of St George’s
                                                                                             area of Leeds hit hardest and his           War widows and their families were
                                                                                             challenge was to transform the huge,        supplied with food and clothing and
                                                                                             damp decaying space into a beacon of        church members were rallied to provide
Crypt                                                                                        friendship and support.
                                                                                             A team of volunteers, led by Revd. Don
                                                                                                                                         support for immigrants who had been
                                                                                                                                         brought to the UK to work in the mills;
                                                                                             Robins transformed St George’s Crypt        many of whom had been prisoners of
To mark the launch of this year’s Heritage Open Days, Leeds Civic Trust will                 from a cold, dark, rubbish filled space     war.
be unveiling a Blue Plaque for Revd. Percy ‘Don’ Robins, celebrating the life                into a day shelter for the homeless,
and work of the man that founded St George’s Crypt as a place of refuge for                  offering food, companionship, and
the city’s homeless.                                                                         support.

                                                                                                                                         Don worked tirelessly until his death
                                                                                                                                         in 1948. Thousands turned out for his
                                                                                                                                         His work formed the foundation of what
                                                                                                                                         has continued to this day.
                                                                                                                                         Its core values remain: ‘to support
                                                                                                                                         homeless and vulnerable people in Leeds
                                                                                                                                         to achieve stable and positive lives.
                                                                                                                                         The charity works with an attitude of
                                                                                                                                         acceptance and engagement’.
Born in Aldershot in 1900 Don, one of            He studied with the Anglican Church
seven children, experienced a happy and          in Cambridge and was ordained in                                                        With thanks to The Thoresby Society and
secure childhood. When war broke out in          1927. Three years later he applied for a                                                St George’s Crypt for this illuminating
1914, he was still at school but as soon as      vacancy in Leeds. The Trustees for St                                                   biography.
he turned 16, he enlisted.                       George’s Church, despite his young age      By the end of the year the Crypt had also
Between 1915 and 1919 he became an               and inexperience, could see his potential   become a night shelter providing beds
                                                 and he was appointed Vicar.                 for around 40 men. The support also         Event Times
officer in the Royal Flying Corps. At
only 19 years of age, he was awarded an          In 1930, Leeds was in the grip of The       grew to include clothing and medical        Friday 10th September: 14.00
Air Force Cross. On leaving the RFC he           Great Depression. The streets were filled   care.                                       For more information head to:
joined a civilian airline. Despite the life of   with men seeking work, with no money        Don was a warm, inspiring, and              www.heritageopendays.org.uk
a pilot being well paid and adventurous it       for food, many homeless and without         persuasive character, his talks and radio
was not enough for Don, and he felt the          hope.                                       show appearances secured donations          Pre-booking: Not Required
calling for a more spiritual vocation.                                                       that helped to employ full-time staff so
                                                                                             that the Crypt could extend its support

leedscivictrust.org.uk                                                                                                                                                @leedscivictrust
Leeds Heritage Open Days 2021 - A Free City-Wide Festival of Heritage 10th-19th September
12 In-Person Events - No Booking Required                                             12   13                           www.heritageopendays.org.uk                               13

Adel Quaker Meeting House,                    Aireborough Historical Society -             Bridge United Reformed Church,               Briggate Morris Comes Home
LS16 6BA                                      Edible Aireborough, Yeadon Town              Otley, LS21 1RW                              - adjacent to Turks Head Yard
Quaker meeting house and burial ground
                                              Hall, LS19 7PP                               Otley Bridge Church is a listed building
                                                                                                                                        entrance, LS1 6HB
dating from the 19th century. Learn more      Join Aireborough Historical Society for;     dating from the late 19th Century. Open      Come along to Briggate and enjoy the
about the Quaker denomination. Visitors       exhibition of artefacts, ephemera and        for self-guided tours, viewing of the East   enthusiastic dancing of Briggate Morris.
are free to see the inside of the meeting     photographs of growing food, recipes         Window commemorating those who               Morris will perform dances from Leeds
house and wander around the burial            and utensils throughout the years in         served in the First World War, treasure      and further afield in the industrial North
ground and garden.                            Aireborough. Tours of the iconic Yeadon      hunt, and displays. Light refreshments       West tradition. You will be tapping your
                                              Town Hall renovations.                       will be available.                           feet before you know it!
Sun 12 / 1230-1600
                                              Sat 11 Sun 12 / 1000-1400 Town Hall          Sat 11 / 10.00-14.00                         Mon 13 / 1930-2000 & 2030-2100
                                              Tours 1100 1300                                                                           approx

All Saints’ Church, Barwick-in-Elmet          All Souls Church, Blackman Lane              Calverley Village Heritage Walk &            Calverley Methodist Chapel,
LS15 4EA                                      LS7 1LW                                      Quiz - a walk round Calverley in the         LS28 5PS
Visit our historic Norman church with its     A magnificent and imposing chucrh and
                                                                                           1920s, LS28 5QQ                              Calverley Methodist Chapel opened in
Anglo-Saxon stones and we will tell you       the last designed by Gilbert Scott. Grade    A self-guided circular walk around           1872 and is Grade II listed. Imagine the
about its history. The late 15/early 16th     II* and includes a memorial to Dr Hook,      the historic village of Calverley. Learn     church as it was in Victorian times and
century porch where penitents received        Vicar of Leeds.                              about Calverley in the past and have fun     maybe sample a Victorian Sunday School
absolution before entering the church.                                                     answering the quiz.                          picnic or solve a murder mystery.
                                              Fri 10 / 1100-1500 Sat 11 / 1000-1500        See other events happening in Calverely.     See other events happening in Calverely.
Sat 11 / 1100- 1500 Wed 15 / 1400-1600        Sun 12 1200-1500
                                                                                           Sat 11 / 1000-1500 Sun 12 / 1100-1500        Sat 11 Sat 18 / 1000-1600 Sun 12 Sun 19 /
                                                                                           Sat 18 / 1100-1500 Sun 19 / 1130-1500        1200-1600
Beckett Street Cemetery LS9 7BH               Bramhope Methodist Church,
Gain an insight into the lives of Victorian
                                              LS16 9AA
Leeds - where 180,000 citizens are            Bramhope Methodist Church is 125
buried. There will be opportunities to find   years old this September! Methodists
relatives graves, so bring some details       have worshipped in the village since the                                                  Church of The Epiphany, Gipton,
with you.                                     1770s. Come and find out why this grade                                                   LS9 6SW
                                              II listed building is known locally as the
Fri 10 / Wed 15 Fri 17 / 1100                 ‘Cathedral of the Dales’.                                                                 Visitors can view the ‘Jazzy’ style stained
                                                                                                                                        glass windows by Christopher Webb in
                                              Sat 18 / 1000-1400                                                                        this grade I listed 20th century Bishop
                                                                                                                                        Burrough’s Memorial Church by N.F.

                                                                                                                                        Sat 18 / 1100-1300 Sun 19 / 1130-1300
                                                                                           Did You know, fizzy pops from Leeds... ?
                                                                                           Joseph Priestley invented carbonated
                                                                                           water in Leeds in 1767
                    Briggate Morris

leedscivictrust.org.uk                                                                                                                                                 @leedscivictrust
Leeds Heritage Open Days 2021 - A Free City-Wide Festival of Heritage 10th-19th September
14 In-Person Events - No Booking Required                                         14     15                          www.heritageopendays.org.uk                             15

Edible England Open Morning and              Explore and Discover! A Self-               Guided Town Walk Wetherby, LS22            Hollybush Conservation Centre,
Church Tours, St Edmund’s Parish             guided Walking History Trail at New         Start your walk along the banks of the
                                                                                                                                    LS5 3BB
Church, LS8 1JN                              Briggate, LS1                               River Wharfe. See our Leaping Salmon,      Join us for Hollybush Conservation
A great Yorkshire welcome awaits with        A fun and family friendly downloadable      visit the Georgian Bath House and          Centre’s Open Day on Sunday 19th
food stalls, refreshments and tours round    walking trail, exploring New Briggate and   Gardens and the Council Offices. Hear      September! Come and enjoy a stroll in
our church. Dating from 1907 this turn       the surrounding area. Answer the quiz       interesting facts about Wetherby’s past    the nature gardens and a coffee and cake
of the century church was built to befit     questions for the chance to win exciting    and present.                               in the cafe.
its location - come and see what they        prizes!
                                                                                         Sun 19 / 1400-1530                         Sun 19 / 1100-1500
                                             Anytime - no booking required
Sat 11 / 1000-1400

Famous Leeds Folk We May Have                                                            Horsforth Village Museum, LS18 5JB         Kirkstall Forge Exhibition, LS5 3BF
Forgotten, LS12 5HY                                                                      Discover the history of the first known    An exhibition that will share photographs
The Lancasterian School Room welcomes                                                    church (from around 1587) on Horsforth’s   from the past, items from the Kirkstall
Michael Meadowcroft for a talk about                                                     village green. Uncover the secrets of      Forge Archive and artefacts found during
Leeds personalities. The city has had its                                                the Bell Chapel which sat opposite         the excavation.
fair share of great men and women and                                                    the museum. You can choose a short         Many other fantastci Forge events are
a few real villains. Who will be included?                                               circular walk around the area with a map   happening - see the Heritage Open Days
Now that is the question!                    Did You know... ?                           revealing historical sites and facts you   webiste for full details.
                                                                                         may walk pass and never notice.
                                             That ‘Dripping Riots’ took place in Leeds                                              Mon 13 Sat 18 / 0900-1700
Fri 17 / 1400
                                             in 1865? Eliza Stafford was unjustly        Sat 11 Sun 12 / 1000-1600
                                             accused of stealing dripping from
                                             her employer & 1500 people rioted in
                                             support of her.

Friends of St John’s, Farsley History        Gledhow Valley Bath House, LS8              Leeds Minster, LS2 7DJ
Day, LS28 5DJ                                Come and find out about the well            Church open for general visiting with
Photographic display of the area as it       preserved and unique bath house, set in     volunteer guides available. Explore
used to be and also the people. See old      the amazing urban woodland area of the      the historic interior and memorials of
items that used to be in everyday use.       Gledhow Valley Woods.                       this major church and enjoy the organ
as well as a great display of Auxiliary                                                  recitals.
Fire Service items from WW2 by a local       Bring the dog, and take a lovely
collector.                                   woodland walk!                              Fri 10 & Thu 16 Fri 17 / 1100-1300
                                                                                         Organ recital 1300 Wed 15 / 1100-1400
Sat 11 / 1000-1600                           Sun 19 / 1330-1630

                                                                                                                                                  Leeds Minster

leedscivictrust.org.uk                                                                                                                                            @leedscivictrust
Leeds Heritage Open Days 2021 - A Free City-Wide Festival of Heritage 10th-19th September
16 In-Person Events - No Booking Required                                                                              www.heritageopendays.org.uk 17

                                                                                        Oulton Institute, LS26 8SX                     Pop-up New Briggate Exhibition, St
                                                                                        The Oulton Institute was built in three
                                                                                                                                       Johns Church, LS2 8JD
                                                                                        stages, on land given to the village by        An exciting pop-up exhibition of the
                                                                                        Edmund Calverley of Oulton Hall.               history of New Briggate including
                                                                                                                                       photographs, maps and stories.
                                                                                        Now fully renovated and restored, join
                                                                                        our guides and come and have a look for        Come and visit us at St Johns Church,
                                                                                        yourself!                                      and share your own stories of life on New
                                                                                        Sat 11 Sat 18 / 1300-1700
                                                                                                                                       Sat 11 / 1100-1500

                   Middleton Railway

Local history through local churches:        Methley Hall - its history and             Pudsey Masonic Hall Open Day,                  Roundhay Park - The Hidden History
an invitation to explore, Leeds              reminiscences. rivers MEET cafe and        LS28 7RF                                       Meet: Lakeside Car Park, LS8 2JL
Minster, LS2 7DJ                             crafts, LS26 9EP                           Guided tours of Pudsey Masonic Hall.           An opportunity to visit some of the
From the imposing backdrop of Leeds          Members of Methley Archive group invite    Learn about its history and the part           lesser-known areas of the 700 acre
Minster, join Professor Joyce Hill’s         you to an exhibition about Methley Hall    Masons have played in the life of Pudsey.      Roundhay Park and learn more about its
illustrated lecture as she presents local    featuring photographs, documents and       The lodge room is very impressive              history. Remember to dress according to
history through Leeds churches and           the recollections of local people.         and contains banners from the various          the weather...and bring flat shoes!
issues an invitation to explore further.                                                lodges using the room. There are many
                                             There will also be a mock-up of the Hall   interesting artefacts in the building,         Sat 18 Sun 19 / 1100 1400
Thu 16 / 1300                                to give an idea of its size.               including a display of photographs of old
                                                                                        Pudsey in the bar area.
                                             Sun 12 Mon 13 / 1000-1500
                                                                                        Sat 11 Sat 18 /1030–1600

Middleton Railway, LS10 2JQ                  Otley Parish Church, LS21 3HW              Singing for your Supper with the               Don’t forget you can head to the
Middleton Railway is the oldest working      A Grade I listed medieval church, now
                                                                                        Rock Choir, LS1                                Heritage Open Days website and
railway in the world. Now run by a           featuring a new display of Anglian cross   A special outdoor pop-up performance
                                                                                                                                       search for events in your area!
volunteer organisation and open to the       pieces dating from the 8th, 9th and 10th   as the sublime Rock Choir bring their          Scan here to be taken straight
public.                                      centuries.                                 musical magic to Leeds City Centre.            there!

Come to see where the world’s very first     Display of historical documents, rolling   From Beyonce to The Greatest Showman
successful, load-hauling steam engines       presentations, tours for adults and        - it will be impossible not to get your feet
ran!                                         children. Light refreshments available.    tapping!

Sat 11 Sun 12 Sat 18 Sun 19 / hourly 1000-   Sat 11 / 1000-1630                         Wed 15 /1400-1430

leedscivictrust.org.uk                                                                                                                                              @leedscivictrust
Leeds Heritage Open Days 2021 - A Free City-Wide Festival of Heritage 10th-19th September
18 In-Person Events - No Booking Required                                          18     19                          www.heritageopendays.org.uk                                 19

Don’t forget you can head to the             St. Bartholomew’s Church, Armley,           St Marys Stainburn, LS21 2LJ                 Saint Saviours Church, Richmond
Heritage Open Days website and               LS12 1SR                                                                                 Hill, LS9 8LD
                                                                                         This enchanting Norman church, with a
search for events in your area!              If you’ve ever been anywhere near           stone roof and grey sandstone walls, has     Visit this beautiful and inner city church.
Scan here to be taken straight               Armley, you will have spotted the           fine views over Wharfedale. There will       St Saviour’s Church, built in 1845, is
there!                                       magnificent (and tall!) spire of the this   be a display featuring the edible delights   thought to be the first Anglo Catholic
                                             fine example of a Victorian Church. Why     that surround the church.                    church built outside London.
                                             not pop along and take a closer look?
                                                                                         Anytime – Check opening hours of             Sat 11 Sat 18 / 1000-1600 Sun 12 1030-
                                             Sat 11 Sat 18 / 1000-1600 Sun 12 Sun 19 /   venue.                                       1600 Fri 17 1000-1200 Sun 19 1200-1600

St Chads Church, Far Headingley,             St Edmund’s Roundhay: ‘Brushed              Skelton Grange Environment Centre            Sunny Bank Mills & Archive - Stories
LS16 5JT                                     with Light’, LS8 1JN                        Open Day LS10 1RS                            from the Mill canteen, tea breaks
                                                                                         Join us for Skelton Grange Environment       and fuddles, LS28 5UJ
Fascinating Grade II church in Gothic        ‘Brushed with Light’ is a talk and
revival style, featuring an organ, stained   exhibition about the making and             Centre’s Open Day on Saturday 11th           An opportunity to see a unique
glass windows and beautiful grounds.         restoration of stained-glass windows with   September! Come and enjoy nature             collection. Sharing the stories of the Mill
Take time to relax and restore in this       particular reference to the windows in St   walks, activities and refreshments at our    and the workers who made our textile
perfect respite from the busy Otley Road.    Edmund’s.                                   award winning eco building and nature        heritage.
                                                                                         area.                                        Many more events are happenign at
Sat 11 Sun 12 Sat 18 Sun 19 / 1400-1600      Fri 10 / Tours 1800 Talk 1930                                                            Sunny Bnak Mills.
                                                                                         Sat 11 / 1100-1500
                                                                                                                                      Fri 10 Sat 11 / 1000-1600 Tours 1000
                                                                                                                                      1200 1400 Sun 12 / 1000-1600 Tours
                                                                                                                                      1000 1200 1400

St Hilda’s Church, Cross Green,              St. Luke’s Lutheran Church,                 Thackray Museum of Medicine -
LS9 0DG                                      Headingley, LS6 2AH                         Gruel and Graft, LS9 7LN
Built by Yorkshire architect J.T.            What a gem! Visit the unusual and tiny      Experience the life of a Leeds Union
Micklethwaite in the Anglo-Catholic          Lutheran chapel that was once a garage.     Workhouse inmate on this exciting new
tradition, opened on 18th September          The chapel is probably the smallest         walking tour. Follow Matron through
1882. It is a landmark building close to a   cathedral in Western Europe.                the former workhouse and discover
major gateway into the city. Plain on the                                                what inmates ate, where they slept, and
outside but full of surprises inside!        Mon 13 Tue 14 / 1000-1600 Wed 15 /          more about the lives of the people who
                                             1000 – 1400                                 inhabited our building.
Sat 11 Sat 18 / 1000 - 1700 Sun 12 / 1100-
1700 Fri 17 / 1000-1200 Sat 18 / 1000-                                                   Fri 10 / 1100-1500 Tours 1130 1400
                                                                                                                                                    Sunny Bank Mills

leedscivictrust.org.uk                                                                                                                                                 @leedscivictrust
20 In-Person Events - No Booking Required                                        20    21                            www.heritageopendays.org.uk                               21

The Brandling Family in Middleton,          Tea and Fancies - a very English
Middleton Park Visitor Centre,              pastime, rivers MEET cafe and crafts,
LS10 3SH                                    LS26 9EP
Join this fascinating guided walk round     To celebrate ‘Edible England’, join Trio
Middleton Park highlighting aspects         Literati for a food and drink themed
of the Brandling Family’s influence as      performance in the delightful setting of
Coal Mining magnates and owners of          the rivers MEET Craft Cafe in Methley.
the Middleton Estate. Refreshements         Many more events are happening in
available to purchase too.                  Methley - see the Heritage Open Days
                                            website for full details.
Sun 19 / 1400
                                            Sat 11 / 1600
                                                                                                     The Leeds Library

The Church of St Mary Whitkirk,             The Leeds Library - Edible England         The Leeds Silver Sparrows Steel                The Spice Man: George Ratcliffe,
LS15 0AA                                    Book Exhibition, LS1 6AL                   Band, LS1                                      Confectioner and Lord Mayor, The
                                                                                                                                      Holbeck, LS11 9QX
Explore this medieval church, a place of    The Leeds Library presents a specially     Why not finish your Heritage Open Days
continuous worship for over a thousand      curated exhibition of cookery, culinary    festival with the infectious sounds of         Michael Meadowcroft’s talk takes place in
years. There will be exhibits of church     and food themed books that will be open    the steel pan and let the Silver Sparrows      The Holbeck, reputedly the oldest social
history and a collection of church          to the public throughout the Heritage      musicians sing us out. Feet tapping            club in Britain and a building that his
embroideries. New this year: a history      Open Day Festival. The Library has more    optional, but definitely encouraged!           subject George Ratcliffe will have known
talk ‘The Country House and the Parish      than 140,000 items in its collection.                                                     well. Enjoy a drink before the talk.
Church’.                                                                               Sun 19 / 1400-1500
                                            Each day - check for opening times                                                        Thu 16 / 1400
Fri 10 / 1800-2000 Sat 11 / 1000-1600
Sun 12 / 1400-1600

The Leeds Library – Edible England                                                     Victory Garden Allotments, Park                “War and Peace in Medieval Times”
Sunday Open Days, LS1 6AL                                                              Avenue, LS19 6ER                               – a display at Methley St Oswald’s
The Leeds Library will open its doors on                                               Visit the allotments for a conducted tour.     Church, LS26 9BJ
both Sundays of the Heritage Open Day                                                  The tour will discuss the history of the       With so many events happening in
Festival providing visitors the chance to                                              site from 1919, gardening features and         Methley, we highly recommend adding
see the Edible England book exhibition,                                                site facilities. Tea/coffee and cake will be   this beautiful church to your itinerary.
undertake self-guided tours of the                                                     served in the communal area.                   Dating back to the fourteenth century,
Library, sample 18th century food and                                                                                                 the building has links with the Tudors,
much much more.                             Did You know... ?                          Sat 11 Sun 19 / 1300-1700                      The Wars of the Roses and the Battle of
Sun 12 Sun 19 / 1200-1600                   M&S were the first shop to sell the pre-
                                            packed sandwich in 1980, it was salmon                                                    Sat 11 Sun 12 Wed 15 Sat 18 Sun 19
                                            & tomato!
                                                                                                                                      Check for times & tours

leedscivictrust.org.uk                                                                                                                                              @leedscivictrust
22 www.heritageopendays.org.uk                                                                                         www.heritageopendays.org.uk                               23

Making A Great City Better Together                                                       Everything we do is through discussion,
                                                                                          debate, events, reports, lobbying and
                                                                                                                                        in the future direction of the Trust. New
                                                                                                                                        members also receive an exclusive Leeds
                                                                                          campaigning. We are a membership-led          Civic Trust pin badge.
Q&A with Leeds Civic Trust Director Martin Hamilton                                       charity and most of our work is carried       Many members choose to get more
                                                                                          out by volunteers.                            involved with the work of the Trust
Many readers will know about Leeds Civic Trust through our coordination of                                                              by volunteering to join one of its
Heritage Open Days but may be less familiar with the rest of our work. We                                                               committees, groups, or activities. From
thought we would sit down with Trust Director Martin Hamilton and ask him                                                               visiting development sites and reviewing
a few questions about the Trust’s work and how you can get involved.                                                                    planning applications to researching an
                                              of our city. The Leeds Civic Trust                                                        aspect of the history of the city for a new
                                              historic blue plaques scheme highlights                                                   blue plaque, there are lots of ways of
                                              important people, places and events that                                                  getting involved in our work.
                                              have shaped our city over the centuries –                                                 Can I volunteer and not be a ‘member’?
                                              we have erected some 180 blue plaques
                                              over the last 30 years. Our latest blue                                                   Yes! We welcome your support in any
                                              plaque for the founder of St George’s                                                     form. Please get in touch letting us
                                              Crypt is being unveiled for Heritage                                                      know your area of interest and we can
                                              Open Days this year.                                                                      help you to find role within our family of
                                              We are also concerned about the city’s
                                              historic built environment. Our Heritage
                                              Watch Group lobbies to ensure that the                                                    To join Leeds Civic Trust, please
                                              city’s listed buildings are maintained
                                                                                          How does the Trust fund its work?             head to leedscivictrust.org.uk and
                                              – some of which feature during the                                                        head to our membership page.
                                              Heritage Open Days week.                    The Trust is independent and non-
                                              Above all, we want to see the city
                                                                                          political and we rely on funding from         You can also email us (office@
                                              develop and thrive in the future. We
                                                                                          membership, grants and donations.             leedscivictrust.org.uk) if you
                                                                                          Individual membership costs £30 per           would like to join or to learn more
                                              engage with landowners and developers
                                                                                          year (£40 for household membership).          about volunteering opportunities.
                                              to promote the best designs for new
                                                                                          We also have a corporate membership
                                              buildings, whilst also considering what                                                   Our website contains much more
                                                                                          scheme which starts at £300 per year.
                                              would make Leeds a better place – for
                                              example we campaigned for a purpose-        I would like to become an individual          information about our activities
What is Leeds Civic Trust?                    built entertainment venue for Leeds         member, what do I get for my                  www.leedscivictrust.org.uk or why
We were established as a charity in 1965      (now the First Direct Arena), and against   membership fee?                               not follow our Twitter, Instagram
with the objective of ‘encouraging a          the demolition of the International Pool.   As well as directly supporting our            or Facebook accounts for our our
public interest in and care for the beauty,   We are currently running a project          work to make Leeds a better place, all        latest news.
history and character of the city and to      called Imagine an Excellent Bus Service     members of Leeds Civic Trust receive
encourage high standards of design,           for Leeds – (fill in our survey at www.     our monthly “Outlook” newsletter. This
architecture and town planning.’ We           excellentbusesleeds.org.uk).                is packed with articles, reports and
cover the whole of the metropolitan           We work to enhance the city’s               reviews covering planning, architecture,
district of Leeds Since the 1990s we have     environment and amenities – you             environmental issues, and the city’s
been based in a quirky pair of shops on       may spot our painted benches from           history. We also offer our members
Wharf Street in the centre of Leeds.          our current “Take A Seat” initiative        priority booking for all events, a discount
Give some examples of the work                throughout the city) and we have been       on those events where we charge a fee,
undertaken by the Trust                       involved in the competition for the         and a discount on Leeds Civic Trust
                                              redesign of City Square.                    publications. As a member you have a
We take an interest in telling the story
                                                                                          vote at the Trust’s AGM and have a say

leedscivictrust.org.uk                                                                                                                                                 @leedscivictrust
24 Did You Know?                                                                                                         www.heritageopendays.org.uk                              25

Pottage, Gingerbread and Marzipan!                                                            boils and then the breadcrumb and spice
                                                                                              mixture is mixed into the honey. The
                                                                                                                                          touch. To make marzipan is very labour
                                                                                                                                          intensive – a simple household couldn’t
                                                                                              resulting doughy mixture is rolled out on   either afford the ingredients (almonds,
Frei Compagnie give us a ‘pottage history’ of medieval food.                                  a surface, left to cool and then cut into   sugar, rose water – all imported at great
                                                                                              pieces and arranged on plates (the above    expense) nor the time to make marzipan.
                                                                                              was for a Christmas party!). It can be
                                                                                              sprinkled with sugar if desired.
                                                                                              Spices were imported and expensive so
                                                                                              to make, serve and eat gingerbread was
                                                                                              something only the wealthy could do.

                                                                                                                                          Thanks to Alex Harrison from Frei
At Frei Compagnie living history events,       Pottage                                                                                    Compagnie for sharing these fascinating
we always present a medieval food table                                                                                                   food facts!
                                               Pottage or potage basically means
as part of our display. Not only is this of    ‘something cooked in a pot’. Pottage is
interest to the public who visit us, it also   a thick soup or stew mainly made from                                                      Frei Compagnie is a re-enactment
serves as our lunch (breakfast, second         vegetables and grains and was a staple                                                     group, interpreting aspects of 15th
breakfast, elevenses, luncheon, afternoon      of the diet of the ‘ordinary’ medieval         Hippocras served alongside dates with       century English martial and civil society,
tea, dinner and supper…!). However, not        person in the 15th Century.                    marzipan.                                   with particular focus on the Wars of the
all we serve would have been the usual                                                                                                    Roses period and the Battle of Towton.
                                               It could be kept on a fire over a few          Hippocras (or hypocras or hipocras) is
diet of the majority of medieval people.
                                               days, some of it eaten and then more           a wine based drink. Red wine is gently      They are appearing as part of events
The ’basics’ for the everyday person           ingredients added – anything that could        heated and sugar added. Once the            held at Calverley Old Hall. You can
would consist of pottage, bread and            be grown or caught! If able (i.e. if you       sugar has dissolved then the mixture        see them in action on Saturday 11th &
cheese (supplemented with things they          lived near a river) or if wealthy, then fish   is removed from the heat and a spice        Sunday 12th September.
could grow or catch) whilst for those          or fresh meat would be added to it too.        mixture is added, left for a period of
of wealth the diet was far more varied                                                        time and then the liquid is strained and
and included fresh vegetables, fruit and       Gingerbread                                                                                Festival tip: Check out all the events
                                                                                              served at the end of meals along with
meat / fish. Expensive, imported sugar,        Gingerbread was unlike the gingerbread         sweetmeats or wafers. As spices were        happening in Calverley
dried fruits and spices would be used          we know and enjoy today. The medieval          very expensive they were an indication      Pre-booking: Please check with venue
to enhance flavours and also to indicate       recipe calls for ‘stale bread’ which is        of high status. Serving hippocras after     Head to: www.heritageopendays.org.
wealth and status.                             then made into breadcrumbs. Spices are         a meal to guests could be generous          uk/visiting/event/calverley-old-hall
                                               then added to the breadcrumbs – ginger,        – or a way to show off one’s wealth!
                                               cinnamon, white pepper and cloves go                                                       To find out about their events in general
                                                                                              To our medieval table, we add dates
                                               into this version. Honey is heated until it                                                please head to: www.facebook.com/
                                                                                              with marzipan for that extra, finishing

leedscivictrust.org.uk                                                                                                                                                  @leedscivictrust
26 In-Person - Please book in advance                                             26      27                               www.heritageopendays.org.uk 27

1930s Inter-war Architecture in Adel        A Little Bit of What You Fancy: diets,        Bramley - the village that                    Calverley Old Hall
Join knowledgable host, Janet
                                            remedies and recipes from the past,           disappeared                                   The Landmark Trust has owned Calverley
Douglas as she introduces some of the       Castleton Mill                                An absolutley fascinating area of             Old Hall since 1981, when it was for sale
architectural aspects of middle-class       Dr Emma Storr’s talk will consider            Leeds, with a wealth of history and fine      in three separate lots. It had long been
residential development in the inter-war    hospital and workhouse diets in the           buildings.                                    divided into cottages, but under a single
years using Adel Lane and St Helen’s        nineteenth century and the remedies                                                         landlord, the Thornhill Estate.
Lane as a case study.                       made at home - and from a fascinating         Bramley History Society invite you to         You can pick up a copy of ‘Calverley
                                            builidng, does this count as two Heritage     rediscover the lost village of Bramley.       Village Heritage Walk & Quiz - a walk
Sun 19 / 1400                               Open Days events in one?!                                                                   round Calverley in the 1920s’ here!
                                                                                          Fri 17 / 1000
                                            Fri 10 / 1800                                                                               Sat 11 Sun 12 / 1000-1600

A walk by the river with food in mind       Adel St John’s Conservation Area              Don Robins, St George’s Crypt - Blue          Edible Leeds Highlights Talk
                                            Walk                                          Plaque Unveiling                              Join our Local Studies Librarians as they
Join Hazel Lunn to discover how food
arrived for the people of Leeds before      Join local historian Val Crompton             Join Leeds Civic Trust as we prepare          take you through the highlights of their
the M1 was constructed. The walk will       for a guided walk around the Adel             to unveil a very special Blue Plaque to       Edible Leeds tour. Find out about the
take you from Centenary Bridge to           Conservation Area. The walk will end          commemorate the founder of St George’s        early espresso bars of Leeds, a Victorian
Brewery Wharf, Dock Street, Tetley’s        at Adel Church, at approximately 15:45,       Crypt, Percy ‘Don’ Robins. St George’s        Vegetarian establishment and all about
Adelphi, Royal Armouries, Leeds Dock        which will be open for those who wish to      Crypt offers care, food and shelter to        that time Leeds built an arch out of
and Canary Wharf. Why not return for        visit                                         those experiencing homelessness.              bread.
lunch to one of the many restaurants and
cafes along the route?                      Sun 12 / 1400                                 Fri 10 / 1400                                 Fri 10 / 1300

Sun 19 / 1030

                                            Aire and Calder Navigation Heritage           Edible Leeds Libraries - Our Culinary         Farsley Rehoboth Burial Ground
                                            Walk                                          Collections                                   Heritage Day Tour
                                            Roderic Parker is your host as you are        Join us for our delectable local history      You are invited to tour a 200 year
                                            invited to explore our waterways on this      talk all about the culinary classics in       old burial ground that for years was
                                            walk from the City Centre to Thwaite Mills    out library collections. The Town Hall        neglected and untended. It is now being
                                            discovering the rich history and heritage     Catering ledger that reveals secrets of       reclaimed as a community asset to share
                                            of the area, returning by public transport.   banquets for the A-listers of Victoria        its heritage, nature and ecology.
                                                                                          Leeds, hear all about Britain’s first craft
                                            Mon 13 / 1400 Thu 16 / 1015                   beer house originating right here in this     Sun 19 / 1100-1600
Did You know... ?                                                                         city. And discover the secrets of the
                                                                                          Henderson Relish patents.
Jelly Tots were invented accidentally by
Horsforth born scientist Dr Brian Boffey!                                                 Wed 15 / 1300

leedscivictrust.org.uk                                                                                                                                                @leedscivictrust
28 In-Person - Please book in advance                                                28     29                             www.heritageopendays.org.uk 29

                                                                                            Gotts Park and the Yorkshire Red             Headingley Hill walkabout
                                                                                            Books of Humphry Repton                      A walk around the Headingley Hill, Hyde
                                                                                            Discover the history of this well known      Park and Woodhouse Moor Conservation
                                                                                            Leeds mansion, its stunning parkland         Area in the company of local historian
                                                                                            setting and its original owner Benjamin      Tony Ray. Discover some of the influential
                                                                                            Gott.                                        local personalities who lived in the area.
                                                                                            After the talk, take your time and explore
                                                                                            the grounds of Gotts Park.                   Sat 11 / 1430

                                                                                            Sat 11 / 1400

             Kirkstall Forge Heritage Day

Forge Through History - Kirkstall             From crops to commuters - an                  Heritage Pub Walk                            Holbeck Heritage Walk with Ian and
Forge Heritage Day                            afternoon walk round Thorner                                                               Dennis
                                                                                            “Mine’s a pint”. Join heritage pub
Kirkstall Forge was the longest
                                              village                                       enthusiast Jim Brettell for a guided         There is lots to discover about Holbeck
continually used industrial site in the UK.   Thorner is an attractive and popular          walk round some of the city centre’s         so take a leisurely tour with local
In homage to its history, Kirkstall Forge     village approximately 8 miles north east      most popular examples. There will be         historians and all round super stars,
and partners will be hosting a day packed     of the city. Discover how the impact of       opportunities for refreshments along the     Ian and Dennis. The walk include The
with activities celebrating its past, its     the railway changed the character of this     way...it would be a shame not to really!     Holbeck, reputedly the oldest social club
people and its future.                        once largely agricultural community.                                                       in Britain - the Conservation Area and
                                                                                            Wed 15 / 1400                                Urban Village developments.
Sat 18 / 1000-1630                            Sat 11 / 1400
                                                                                                                                         Thu 16 / 1000

From Mining village to Millenium              Funky Fulneck Food Facts
village: the industrial heritage of           Step back in time and experience the
Allerton Bywater                              charm of this unique Fulneck village. Visit
Join local historian Clive Cowell and         and enjoy our new exhibition centred
along your journey around Allerton            around food, and explore our heritage
Bywater you’ll discover four mines, a         museum. Discover more about the
pottery, a nature reserve and a railway!      history of the settlement on a guided
Tue 14 Thu 16 / 1300
                                              Sat 18 / 1030-1600

                                                                                                      Fulneck Heritage Museum

leedscivictrust.org.uk                                                                                                                                                 @leedscivictrust
30 In-Person - Please book in advance                                              30      31                             www.heritageopendays.org.uk 31

Hyde Park Picture House Project              Hyde Park Picture House: Hiding               Make an ‘Edible England’ foraging            New Briggate/ Grand Quarter
Talk: Looking back as well as                in Plain Sight (Leeds City Centre             bag!                                         Walking Tour - The History and
forwards                                     Cinema Tour)                                  A special workshop just for Heritage
                                                                                                                                        Regeneration of a City Centre High
Join us at our at our local neighbourhood    With so many beloved cinemas now              Open Days at rivers MEET in Methley,         Street
friends venue, The Left Bank in              resigned to history, join our Hiding in       a delightful traditional cafe and craft      Learn about the fascinating history and
Headingley for a special, one-off heritage   Plain Sight Leeds City Centre Cinema          centre housed in the former Royal Oak        planned regeneration of a city centre
talk looking into our current renovation     Tour to rediscover these gems, presented      coaching inn, on the old Rothwell to         high street on this lunchtime guided tour
project.                                     by the Hyde Park Picture House.               Pontefract turnpike road.                    of the Grand Quarter / New Briggate
                                                                                                                                        area of Leeds, plus a visit to St Johns
Tue 14 / 1830                                Sat 12 Sat 18 / 1000                          Sat 11 / 1300 1500                           Church.

                                                                                                                                        Tue 14 / 1200-1300

                                             Kirkstall Heritage Walk                       Northern Bloc: the exceptional ice           Northern Monk Brewery Tour
                                                                                           cream alchemists, Castleton Mill             To celebrate ‘Edible England’ Northern
                                             join the Canal and Rivers Trust for a walk
                                             of the canals around Kirkstall Forge.         Definitely an Edible England event!          Monk are offering two tours of the
                                             Discover the relationship between the         Founder Dirk Mischendahl will tell us how    original brewery. Listen to a detailed talk
                                             waterways and industry and how they           the Northern Bloc journey started with ‘a    about our brewing methods and then
                                             shaped our communities, culture and           van and a passion’ in the historic setting   pop up to the bar above to enjoy some
                                             heritage.                                     of Castleton Mill, a beautifully restored    beer and food.
                                             Part of the irkstall Forge events series -    Grade 2 listed former textile mill on the
                                             see website for further details.              banks of the Leeds Liverpool Canal.          Sun 19 / 1700 1900

                                             Fri 17 / 1000                                 Fri 10 / 1630

      Hyde Park - Hiding In Plain Sight

Lawnswood Cemetery guided walk               Leeds Central Library - Heritage              St Aidan’s C of E Church, Harehills          Tea and Fancies - a very English
                                             Tour                                                                                       pastime
A guided walk round this historic                                                          The home of the largest Mosaic in
Victorian cemetery looking specifically at   Take a guided tour of this Grade II* listed   Northern Europe, which in itself is well     Join Trio Literati for a food and drink
“Medical Men in the Cemetery”. The walk      Victorian masterpiece in the historic         worth the visit. The rest of this grand      themed performance in the historic
visits the graves and tells the stories of   heart of Leeds. From antique Potts clocks     church has lots of very interesting          Shadwell Independent Library followed
medical men prominent in their time, and     to grinning stone guard dogs, explore the     features but don’t take my word for it,      by afternoon tea.
buried in the cemetery.                      secrets behind the scenes of one of the       come and see for yourself!
                                             city’s most amazing public buildings.                                                      Wed 15 / 1530
Sun 12 / 1400-1530                                                                         Fri 10 Sat 11 / 1000-1600
                                             Fri 10 Sat 10 Tue 14 Thu 16 Sat 18 / 1000     Sun 12 1200-1400
                                             Mon 13 Wed 15 Fri 17 / 1400

leedscivictrust.org.uk                                                                                                                                                 @leedscivictrust
32        In-Person - Please book in advance                                              32   33                             www.heritageopendays.org.uk 33

The historic village of Kippax                     The Story of Avro - Yeadon’s Secret
You will see the remains of a Motte and
                                                   Wartime Factory
Bailey Castle, a 12th century Church,              Aircraft historian Ken Cothliff will tell
traces of later structures and much more           the amazing story of one of the largest
in this historic east Leeds village under          aircraft factories in the UK. The Avro
the guidance of local and knowledgable             factory was assembled in just over
historian Edgar Pickles.                           12 months and managed to keep its
                                                   presence secret from the enemy.
Fri 17 / 1800
                                                   Wed 15 / 1400

                                                                                                          The Growing Zone

                                                                                               The Story of Meanwood                         Welcome to the Growing Zone!
                                                                                               An introduction to the rich and varied        Since 2008 the Growing Zone has been
                                                                                               history of Meanwood with local historian      uniting people of all ages and abilities in
                                                                                               Peter Smithson. There’s so much to            a safe environment where they can learn
                                                                                               discover about the past life of this          new skills, make new friends and have
                                                                                               popular Leeds suburb - tales of mills,        fun.
                                                                                               quarries, landed gentry, explorers and
                                                                                               quite a few scandals.                         Fri 17 / 1530

                                                                                               Wed 15 / 1100

                         The Story Of Avro - Yeadon’s Secret Wartime Factory

The Story of Mabgate                                                                           Welcome to the Sikh Temple                    Why does Rothwell have Jaw Bones?
Robert Dyson’s walk will chart the                                                                                                           Have you ever wondered why Rothwell
history and development of this tiny                                                           Enjoy a warm welcome and introduction         has a set of jaw bones? Join Simon
yet dynamic inner city suburb. Discover                                                        to the Sikh faith and culture at this north   Bulmer of Rothwell and District Historical
the fascinating history of Mabgate, as                                                         Leeds Gurdwara. This is the largest Sikh      Society to find out.
manorial wastelands gave way to various                                                        Temple in Leeds and its stunning interiors
industries which in turn gave way to a                                                         include beautiful lattice work and ornate     Sat 11 /1100-1200
thriving clothing trade and subsequently                                                       domes.
to today’s eclectic mix of creative
activities.                                                                                    Wed 15/ 1000 1100

Mon 13 /1400

leedscivictrust.org.uk                                                                                                                                                      @leedscivictrust
34 www.heritageopendays.org.uk                                                                                www.heritageopendays.org.uk 35

                                                                                    Enjoyed HODs? Then Join Us...
                                                       Morley Town Centre           Leeds Civic Trust is delighted to support Heritage Open Days here in Leeds
                                                                                    each September. We’re fortunate to have a small group of dedicated
                                                           Free To All!             volunteers who encourage new activities each year, are on hand to support
                                                                                    every opener and help the public to hear about all the great events.

                                                                                    We hope you have enjoyed this year’s Heritage Open Days, but did you
                                                                                    know that Leeds Civic Trust hosts events throughout the year?

                                                                                    By becoming a member you will be the first to hear about events such as
                                                                     for more
 WEEKENDER                                                        me
                                                                                    Heritage Open Days, as well as our popular lectures talks, walks, activities
                                                                                    and visits. Joining costs from £30 a year and members receive the following


                                                                                    •   Priority Booking for all events
 24-26 SEPTEMBER 2021                                                               •   An enamel pin badge
                                                                                    •   Discount on events

  "Beryl's Bloomin' Bikes"                                                          •   Exclusive, Members only events
      Morley Arts Festival is relaunching with a                                    •   AGM invitation and voting rights
   weekend packed with live performances and
                                                                                    •   Become a member of groups & committees
   community art this September. We are excited
 to incorporate a new art commission celebrating                                    •   Discount on LCC publications
         local champion cyclist Beryl Burton.
 Dominating women’s cycle racing in the UK, Beryl                                   •   Annual Review
    won more than 90 domestic championships,                                        Find out more about becoming a member on our website leedscivictrust.
 seven world titles, and setting numerous national                                  org.uk or drop us a line at office@leedscivictrust.org.uk
 records. She set a women's record for the 12-hour
  time-trial which exceeded the men's record for
                       two years.
  Using an array of bike parts, artist, Imilia Makes
    will create a movable structure that folk can
   interactive with. Incorporating fabric rags and
     painting techniques, visitors to the Festival
  Weekender will be able to get involved and help
    create this exciting new installation, that will
  take residence within Morley Indoor Market Hall
                throughout September.
    Pop in to Morley over the weekend - we look
            forward to seeing you in there!

leedscivictrust.org.uk                                                                                                                               @leedscivictrust
Leeds Civic Trust                            Heritage Open Days
Making A Great City Better Together.         Heritage Open Days is England’s largest
                                             festival of history and culture, bringing
Leeds Civic Trust is proud of our city and   together over 2,000 organisations,
takes inspiration from its acheivements.     5,000 events and 40,000 volunteers.
We celebrate and promote the best of         Every year in September, places across
Leeds and its people.                        the country throw open their doors to
                                             celebrate their heritage, community
Want to find out more? please get in         and history.
                                             Find us online:
Leeds Civic Trust is a Charitable            heritageopendays.org.uk
Incorporated Organisation.                   facebook.com/heritageopendays
Charity number 1014362                       @heritageopenday

 You can contact us at:
 Leeds Civic Trust
 17-19 Wharf Street
 Leeds LS2 7EQ
 0113 243 9594
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