Learning Resources STEM: 2017 2018 - Brault & Bouthillier

Page created by Barbara Walters
Learning Resources STEM: 2017 2018 - Brault & Bouthillier
   21 st Century
Learning Resources
Learning Resources STEM: 2017 2018 - Brault & Bouthillier
Number Sense and Numeration

     B                                                                                            C


    A Cube-A Link 3 Shapes                        C Interlocking Centimath cubes
    Develop colour and pattern recognition,       1,000 interlocking 1 cm3/1 g promotes
    2D and 3D spatial relationships, logical      numerous math activities including
    reasoning, numeracy, graphing, and            counting, comparing, basic operations,
    measuring skills. Set of 500 blocks in        fractions, etc.
    10 colours includes (400) 2-cm square         200 units set            860 2253235
    cubes (linked on all 6 sides), 50 triangles
    and 50 quadrants (linked on 2 sides),
                                                  1000 units set          2995 2252849                           E
    (4) 20 x 20 cm interlocking base boards,
    and (41) 2-sided, laminated activity cards.   D 102 Wooden Cubes
    In a sturdy plastic container on wheels.      Set of (102) 2 cm, solid wood cubes in
                            7995      2263507     6 colours.
                                                                          1595      2253854
    B 1 cm Graph Board
    Use this board with any 1-cm cube (not        E Cube-A-LinkMD – 2 cm Cubes
    included, 2252849) to teach patterning,       Sturdy plastic cubes feature a peg on one
    number sense, graphing, measurement,          side and a hole on each of the 5 remaining
    geometry, and more, and record data on the    sides, to interlock positively. Used to build
    write 'n wipe vertical and horizontal axes.   a great variety of 2D and 3D constructions
    With an activity guide. Plastic.              for hands-on counting, geometry and
    22.8 x 24.7 cm.                               measuring exercises, and much more.
                              745     2206894     Cubes are 2 cm.
                                                  100 units set             1195 2262921
                                                  500 units set             5495 2262947
                                                  1000 units set            8995 2262939

2   Brault & Bouthillier — STEM Catalogue 2017 • 2018                                        3 Easy ways to order • www.bb.ca • Tel : 514 273-9186 / 1 800 668-1108 • Fax : 514 273-8627
Learning Resources STEM: 2017 2018 - Brault & Bouthillier
Number Sense and Numeration



  E                                                                        F                                             G

A Student number line 0 to 100                                    C Magnetic 1-100 Number Line                                    E Magnetic Numbers
Numbered 0 to 100, this number line helps children                Demonstrate counting, operations and equations on               Set of 162 magnetic numbers and math operation symbols.
develop number skills: numeral recognition, counting,             a magnetic white board (3360690) with this engaging             In brightly-coloured plastic. Approx. 3.5 cm tall.
positional terms, estimation, and addition and subtraction        set of (24) 24.1 x 5,7 cm magnetic strips, each printed         In a storage jar with handle.
calculations. 10-unit increments feature a different colour for   with 5 numbers.                                                                                         3995       2254324
easy tracking. Use a dry erase marker on write-on, wipe-off       Just line up the strips to create a single 1–100 number line.
surface. 50 x 10 cm. Pack of 10.                                  Odd numbers appear in red, and even numbers, in blue.           F Numbered bean bags
                                        1295       2262749        Also includes 4 frame magnets to highlight individual
                                                                                                                                  Colourful bean bags feature both the numeral and dots to
                                                                  numbers, and an activity guide.
                                                                                                                                  represent the numbers 1 to 10. 10 x 10 cm. Set of 10.
B Number Line Floor Mats                                                                                  2895       2206316
                                                                                                                                                                          1795       2262830
Durable vinyl walk-on mats feature brightly-coloured
numbers. Children step, hop or leap from number to number         D Number Line Set
                                                                                                                                  G Trace Numbers
(forward to add and backwards to subtract), while physically      Set of (36) 48.2 x 9.5 cm laminated cards, with numbers
reinforcing their number recognition, counting, sequencing,                                                                       These numbers feature raised edges, for finger tracing
                                                                  from -35 to 180. Graphic markings are used to indicate odd
place value, and addition and subtraction skills.                                                                                 activities, with eyes closed for an added challenge, on a table
                                                                  and even numbers, as well as 5s and 10s for skip counting.
Include a teacher guide.                                                                                                          or light table. Each number features a dot, 1-2 arrows and
                                                                  17.35 m total length.
                                                                                                                                  dashes, all raised. Also great for pencil tracing, to create
1-20 Number Line Floor Mat              5995      2253953                                                 1295       2206720      posters, etc. Made from strong, flexible, dishwasher-safe,
1-30 Number Line Floor Mat              5995      2253961                                                                         transparent silicon. 12.2 cm high. Yellow.
                                                                                                                                  Box of numbers 0-9.
                                                                                                                                                                          1695       2206977

Learning Resources STEM: 2017 2018 - Brault & Bouthillier
Number Sense and Numeration

                                                                       D                                                                                E

     F                                              G                                                        H

    A 1–100 Magnet Board                                C Number Lines –                                E Count to 100 Dry Erase Boards                 G Hundreds Pocket Chart
    Support number sense, counting, skip                  Negative Numbers                              Teach a variety of math concepts using these    Heavy-duty vinyl chart with 100 clear
    counting, place value, addition, subtraction,       Classroom set of desktop number                 24 dry-erase boards, printed with 100 large     plastic pockets; holds (100) easy-to-handle
    and multiplication facts, and more, with this       lines includes 15 pcs of -10 to 10, 15 pcs      squares arranged in a square grid on one        5 x 5 cm cards numbered 0 to 100 on both
    double-sided board. Features a numbered             of -20 to 0 and 15 pcs of 1 to 20. Set of       side, and 4 smaller, 100-square grids for a     sides, plus math symbols (4 operations,
    grid on one side and a write 'n wipe blank          (45) 30.5 x 5.5 cm write-on, wipe-off plastic   great range of activities, on the other. With   >,
Learning Resources STEM: 2017 2018 - Brault & Bouthillier
Number Sense and Numeration


                                    C                          D                                                               E

                                                              G                                                         H

A Number Bond Magnet Set                       D Plastic counters
Build a deeper understanding of math           17 mm. Assorted colors. 300 per pack.
facts with these magnetic, dry-erasable                                  450     2253821
pictorial representations of part-part-whole
relationships. Includes 1 large teacher demo
                                               E Jumbo Magnetic                                      I                                              J
bond 39.3 cm W. x 31.2 cm H. and 4 student
                                                 Two Colour Counters
bonds, each bond die cut as a solid piece.
                                               Set of 20 counters, 10 red and 10 yellow,
                        2395       2088839
                                               made of EVA foam with a black magnet
                                               backing. 10 cm in diameter. Includes
B Magnetic Two-Color Counters                  activity notes. In a fabric carry pouch.
Versatile magnetic manipulative is great                               1995      2088847
for teaching counting and cardinality,
operations, base-ten concepts, and with our
                                               F Write 'N Wipe Ten Frame Boards
Number Bond Magnet Set (see 2088839).
Feature flexible magnet material and red/      These large, no-tear, versatile ten frame mats
                                                                                                                                                I Connecting Cuisenaire Rods
yellow colours. Set of (200) 2.5 cm.           feature a convenient write 'n' wipe surface.
                                               Use with dry-erase markers (3299959),                                                            Connecting feature makes manipulation
                        1595       2088821                                                                                                      and demonstration easier. Rods are marked
                                               colour tiles (2261618), or cubes (2253854),
                                               for all ten frame activities. 43 x 28 cm.                                                        in 1-cm increments on one side.
C Two-Colour Counting Chips                    Pack of 10.                                      H Magnetic Cuisenaire Rods                      Set contains 155 rods and 1 activity guide,
Two-colour plastic counters offer students                                                      Use these large magnetic rods on any            in a storage bucket. 4 to 6 students.
                                                                       2495      2206738
a hands-on tool for understanding and                                                           magnetic surface to target number sense                                  3195      2259729
manipulating early abstract mathematical                                                        operations measurements and early algebra.
                                               G Colomath counting rods                         Label easily with a wet- or dry-erase marker.
concepts, including probabilities. Plastic.                                                                                                     J Transparent Chips
Set of 200. Red and yellow.                    Counting rods made of strong, bright-            Set of 64 includes (20) 1 unit (12) 2 units
                                               coloured plastic. Full set includes 241 rods.    and (4) each of 3 units through 10 units        Perfect for counting, sorting, colour
                          9   95
                                   2261170                                                                                                      discrimination, and much more.
                                               Half set includes 138 rods. The white rods       and a teacher's guide. 10-unit rods
                                               (1 unit) are also available in bags of 500 g     are 25 cm long.                                 Pack of 250 transparent counters,
                                               (approximately 500 units). The orange rods                                                       in 6 colours. ø 1.9 cm.
                                                                                                                        2495       2262780
                                               (10 units) are also available in bags of                                                                                   495      2255701
                                               500 g (approximately 50 units).
                                               Half set, 138 rods        2995 2253433
                                               Full set, 241 rods        5295 2253458

Learning Resources STEM: 2017 2018 - Brault & Bouthillier
Number Sense and Numeration
        A                                                                                                    B

            C                                              D


    A Giant Magnetic Ten-Frame Set                                  F Ten Frames – Regular
    Demonstrate base-ten number concepts, and develop               Contains 40 two-colour pegs (red and blue).
    other number and operations skills (addition and                                                        1195       2253870
    subtraction), on a magnetic whiteboard (3360690) with
    this set of (4) 31.1 x 12.7 cm magnetic frames, 40 magnetic     G Rekenrek Student Beadstring
    discs in 2 colours, and a teacher's guide.
                                                                    Thick black nylon string with shiny, sturdy plastic beads.
                                           31   95
                                                     2206324        5 red beads alternate with 5 white beads, to the end of the
                                                                    string. Great for counting, just like with the Rekenrek abacus.
    B Ten Frames – Class Set                                        Foldable, for easier storage and portability. Pack of 10.
    This set features (16) 16 x 6.5 cm sturdy plastic frames with   Rekenrek student beadstring 100 – Set of 10
    raised divisions and (160) 25 mm x 2 mm red/blue counters,      Alternating groups of 10 white and 10 red beads on a string,      H
    in a durable plastic container.                                 for a total of 100 beads. 162 cm.
                                           2695      2078715                                      6995     2263333
                                                                    Rekenrek student beadstring 20 – Set of 10
    Counting Frames                                                 Alternating groups of 5 white and 5 red beads on a string,
    Set of (4) 16 x 7 cm dense foam boards, which can be            for a total of 20 beads. 39 cm.
    connected horizontally or vertically, each featuring holes                                              1895       2263341
    into which pegs are placed. Designed to visually introduce
    math concepts such as counting, comparing quantities            H 2 x 10 Student Rekenrek Abacus
    (greater than, less than, as many as), even and odd
                                                                    2-row abacus, each containing 5 red beads and 5 white
    numbers, creating and completing sequences, addition and                                                                              I
                                                                    beads to count to 20. Sturdy plastic frame and beads, metal
    subtraction, equivalent numbers, factors, and much more.
                                                                    rods. Stable triangular structure inclined to optimize visual
    C Five Frames – Linking Set                                     discrimination and manupulation. 25 x 7 x 7 cm high.
    Includes 20 blue/red pegs.                                                                                695      2263358
                                             695     2078962
    D Magnetic Five Frame                                           I 10 x 10 Student Rekenrek Abacus
    Includes 20 blue/red pegs.                                      10-row abacus, each containing 5 red beads and 5 white
                                           1195      2078970        beads to count to 100. Sturdy plastic frame and beads, metal
    E Magnetic Ten Frames                                           rods. Stable triangular structure inclined to optimize visual
    Contains 40 two-colour pegs (red/blue) and 40 blue pegs.        discrimination and manupulation. 20.7 x 9 x 20 cm high.
                                           1995      2253896                                                1795       2263325

6   Brault & Bouthillier — STEM Catalogue 2017 • 2018                                           3 Easy ways to order • www.bb.ca • Tel : 514 273-9186 / 1 800 668-1108 • Fax : 514 273-8627
Learning Resources STEM: 2017 2018 - Brault & Bouthillier
Base 10

                                 E                                                                                                    F




 G                                                             H

     I                                                                                                J

A Base Ten Classroom Set (184)                F Natural wood
Ideal to understand number representation,    100 cubes (1), 10 rods (10), 10 flats (100)
addition and subtraction, decimals,           and 1 block (1 000) in a box.
percentages, decimal fractions, and play      		                         3995      2078889
trading games. 184 components, colour-        G MAB Chips
                                                                                                   H Clearview Base Ten Blocks                    J Base 10 – Activity Worksheets
coded for easier identification, includes:    Base 10 set of (100) 1 x 1 cm red plastic chips.
4 red blocks, 30 blue flats, 50 green rods,   		                           245     2088755         These interlocking cubes (1), rods (10)        Set of 24 plastic, progressive
100 yellow cubes and (1) 25-sheet base ten,                                                        and flats (100) can be used for many           worksheets, in 6 series: number breakdown,
bilingual pad. In a sturdy plastic storage                                                         number, decimal, and place value activities.   additions, subtractions, multiplications,
                                              Base Ten Set (121)
container on wheels.                                                                               The transparent red and blue pieces are also   comparisons, and equivalences.
                                              121 components, colour-coded for easier              excellent for use on an overhead projector.    Use by placing Base 10 manipulatives
                       7995     2263556       identification, include: 1 red block, 10 blue        Contains 100 cubes, 30 rods and 15 flats.      (not included, 2262848 or 2250793)
                                              flats, 10 green rods and 100 yellow cubes.                                                          directly on top of the life-size worksheets.
Base Ten Blocks                               Not shown.
                                                                                                                           2295     2262848
                                                                                                                                                  Includes plastic labels, and 1 teacher's
B 100 units (1)    460          2250462                                  23   95
                                                                                   2263564                                                        guide. 1 to 4 children.
                                                                                                   I Base 10 Magnets – Teacher Set
C 10 rods (10)     390          2250470                                                                                                                                   2595     2206795
                                                                                                   Set of 121 magnetic foam pieces designed
D 10 flats (100) 1395           2250579                                                            to make classroom demonstrations clear and
E 1 decimeter cube                                                                                 easy to understand. Includes 100 units (1),
		                 700          2250454                                                            10 strips (10), 10 boards (100) and 1 cubic
                                                                                                   decimetre (1000). 19 x 19 cm board.
                                                                                                                           5995     2253714

Learning Resources STEM: 2017 2018 - Brault & Bouthillier
Place Value

       C                                                                                                 D

       E                                                                                    F

    A Place Value – Classroom Pack                                   C Jumbo Place Value Dice – Classroom Set                        E Place Value Trains (Decimal)
    Understand the concept of place value with 6 dice sets and       Generate place value numbers with this jumbo set featuring      Colour-coded, plastic place value train cards are printed on
    6 spinners, used to generate numbers, 6 abacuses, used to        6 sets of 10-sided place value dice, in 4 colours. 24 pieces,   durable PP card material. Set contains 27 decimal train cards
    physically represent numbers, and 6 flip charts, used for the    in a sturdy plastic case.                                       0.1-0.9, 0.01-0.09 and 0.001-0.009.
    abstract representation of numbers. All durable plastic and                                              2995       2078830      Student Size
    cardboard components, for years of classroom use.                                                                                For hundredths, student size cards are 13 5 cm W x 3 cm H.
    In a sturdy plastic container on wheels.
                                                                     D Place Value Flip Chart (Thousands)                                                                    650      2078863
                                          10495       2078749
                                                                     Features 4 sets of flips, each with numbers 0-9,                Demo Size
                                                                     ones to thousands.                                              For hundredths, size cards are 31 5 cm W x 7 cm H.
    B Place Value Trains (Thousands)
                                                                     Student Size – Set of 10                                                                               1095      2078871
    Plastic place value train cards are printed on durable PP card   Student size flips are 21 cm W x 9 cm H. Pack of 10.
    material. Set contains 37 train cards 0-9, 10-90, 100-900
    and 1000-9000.
                                                                                                             4995       2078848      F Place Value Abacus
                                                                     Demo Size                                                       Set includes (3) 3-pronged abacus, which can be connected
    Student Size
                                                                     Demo size flip is 31 cm W x 15 cm H. Single.                    to generate six-and nine-digit numbers, 81 single-colour
    For thousands, student size cards are 16 cm W x 3 cm H.
                                                                                                             1495       2078855      abacus beads, and 9 sets of single colour 0-9 number tiles.
                                             895      2078814                                                                        Sturdy plastic.
    Demo Size                                                                                                                                                               2695      2088292
    For thousands, demo size cards are 38 cm W x 7 cm H.
                                            1495      2078822

8   Brault & Bouthillier — STEM Catalogue 2017 • 2018                                           3 Easy ways to order • www.bb.ca • Tel : 514 273-9186 / 1 800 668-1108 • Fax : 514 273-8627
Learning Resources STEM: 2017 2018 - Brault & Bouthillier
Math Operations
 A                                                                                                                               C


                                                           E                                                                               G


       H                                                         I                                   J                                K                               L

Classroom Math Balance                             D Math Operation Flash Cards                    H Money and Coin Tray                           K Casio scientific calculator FX-260
Using this cleverly designed balance,              Help students master basic math                 Set includes 100 paper bank notes               Scientific calculator. LCD display shows up
children develop a concrete understanding          operations with these self-correcting cards.    ($5 to $100), 110 plastic coins (1¢ to 2$),     to 10 digits plus 2-digit exponent. Fraction
of the concepts of number operations and           Additions, subtractions and multiplications     1 plastic tray 50 x 28 cm and lid with          key allows entry and calculation of fractions.
algebraic equations. For example, when             are printed vertically, while divisions are     12 compartments.                                Backspace key for easy correction. Many
they hang an 8-weight on the right and a           printed horizontally. Each game includes        Age: 4 +                 2395 3170081           built-in mathematic functions. Independent
6-weight plus a 2-weight on the left, the          54 double-sided cards (108 operations) and                                                      memory stores and totals the results of a
balance is level: thus, 8 = 6 + 2. Sturdy          challenging game ideas. 8.5 x 13.5 cm.                                                          series of calculations. Includes slide-on hard
                                                                                                   I B&B Calculator
plastic. Features numbers 1-10 on each             Addition                    385 2252997                                                         case. Official calculator for use on the GED
side and twenty 10 g weights that store                                                            Battery and solar-powered calculator with       Series 2002 Mathematics Test.
in the base.
                                                   Subtraction                 385 2253003         sliding protective cover. Features: 8 digit
                                                                                                                                                   Age: 10 +                  1195 3176765
A Student Size – Group Set
                                                   Multiplication              385 2253011         display, memory, 4 basic math operations,
                                                   Division                    385 2253029         square roots and percentages, automatic
Includes (10) 36.5 cm long x 13 cm balances.                                                                                                       L Casio FX-55 Plus
                                                                                                   shut-off and reclinable easy-view display.
		               5795               2078764                                                                                                          Scientific Calculator
                                                                                                   Includes button battery. 7 x 12 cm.
B Demonstration Size                               E Canadian Coins
                                                                                                   Single Calculator 795 3176351                   Natural display of fractions allowing
Sold individually. 65 x 22 cm.                     Basic mixed set includes 110 plastic coins.                                                     students to learn fractions, division with
		                        1995      2262798                                                        Set of 20 Calculators + Storage Box
                                                   Age: 6 +                 550 3170065                              12995 3176526
                                                                                                                                                   remainder and simple algebra, as well as
                                                                                                                                                   interpret irregular fractions, mixed fractions
C Turn the Tile                                                                                    Set of 30 Calculators + Storage Box             and simplification. Colour-coded keys
                                                   F Paper money
Develops fluency in addition and
                                                                                                                     18995 3176963                 group similar functions and operations.
                                                   Set of 100 assorted bills.
subtraction, and may also be used for                                                                                                              12 characters. Battery operated. Sliding
multiplication and division.
                                                   Age: 6 +                   595    3170032       J Casio Basic Calculator SL-450S                hard case. Approximately 8 x 16 cm.
Includes: 1 classroom set with (30)                                                                8-digit, easy-to-read display. Square root      Age: 6 +                   2195 3173028
11.5 x 17.3 cm cards with numbers 0-12 in          G Calculator cash register                      and percent keys. Function signs (+ – x ÷)
red, 0-12 in blue, and 4 blank cards, and          Solar-powered register that holds life-size     are shown on the display to clearly see,
2 large 8 cm cube foam dice, and 8 student         bills. Includes play bills, plastic coins and   at all times, the function being performed.
sets with (26) 5.8 x 4 cm cards each               pretend credit card. Canadian currency.         Independent memory stores and totals the
(8 x 0-12 in red and 0-12 in blue in all),         26.7 x 14.2 x 24.2 cm.                          results of a series of calculations. Features
and 16 regular plastic dice (8 red and             Age: 3 +                   5995 2258911         floating negative sign. Rounded, hard plastic
8 blue). In a durable plastic storage container.                                                   keys are tamperproof. Super Solar Power,
                          4995      2263499                                                        operates even in low light: never needs
                                                                                                   batteries. Includes slide-on hard case.
                                                                                                   Age: 6 +                    945 3176641

Learning Resources STEM: 2017 2018 - Brault & Bouthillier
         A                                                                        B

        D                                                                                                           E


     A Magnetic pizza fraction                                                                       E Fraction Pie Puzzles                         Once assembled, magnetic pieces adhere
       demonstration set                                                                             Place fraction pieces on the board, to         well to one another. Comes with a
     Mouth-watering introduction of fraction                                                         complete six circles using clues provided on   labeled storage tray.
     values in numerical form, comparisons,                                                          the cards. Perfect for learning how to make                             7195     2259638
     equivalencies, and addition and subtraction                                                     one whole, fractional equivalents, fraction
     of fractions. Pizzas represent 1 whole,        C Plastic fraction dice                          sizes, and common denominators.                G Magnetic Apple
     ½, 1/3, ¼, 1/6 and 1/8 values. Set of                                                           Includes 50 progressive puzzle cards in
                                                    Plastic, 16 mm. Pack of 6. 1/1, 1/2, 1/3,                                                       These 4 realistic-looking apples respectively
     6 pizzas ø 20 cm, photographed on magnetic                                                      7 levels, 65 foam fraction pieces (wholes,
                                                    1/4, 1/5, 1/6.                                                                                  indicate the fraction values of 1, 1/2,
     cardboard, and 1 activity guide.                                                                ½, 1/3, ¼, 1/5, 1/6, 1/8, 1/10, 1/12), and
                                                                              865     2183499                                                       1/3 and 1/4. Ideal to explore the notions
                              3095      2250983                                                      (1) 30.5 x 28.3 cm slanted plastic base
                                                                                                                                                    of fractions, the relationship of parts to a
                                                                                                     with storage drawer.
                                                                                                                                                    whole, equivalencies, and additions and
     B tri-FACTa Multiplication                     D Fraction Formula                               Age: 8 +                  4695 2206811         subtractions with fractions. Set of 10 pieces,
       & Division Game                              Great and exciting game to learn about                                                          including 9 magnetic pieces, in 4 colours.
     Using numbered playing cards and the           fractional values, parts of a whole, and         F Magnetic Rainbow Fraction                    Includes a teacher's guide. Plastic.
     familiar triangle board as a visual cue, use   fraction additions. Draw cards and drop            Cubes and Spheres                            Apples are 7.5 cm high.
     multiplication and division to complete        fraction tiles in your tube to get as close to   Set of 20 interchangeable pieces used                                   3795     2262681
     number families. Set includes (1) 25.4 cm      1 as possible, without going over or drawing     to show relationship to a whole. For both
     board, 100 cards (facts up to 100) and         another card. Includes: (4) 22 cm tall tubes,    the cube and the sphere, this set includes
     4 trays. 2 to 4 players.                       52 fraction cards, 52 fraction tiles,            1 whole, halves, thirds and quarters.
                                                    20 scoring cards, and 1 teacher guide.
                              2895      2207025     2 to 4 players.
                                                                             3895     2253938

10   Brault & Bouthillier — STEM Catalogue 2017 • 2018                                          3 Easy ways to order • www.bb.ca • Tel : 514 273-9186 / 1 800 668-1108 • Fax : 514 273-8627


                                                                              C                                                         D

A Peg Fraction Line                                                       E Magnetic Foam Fraction Tiles – Blank
Great tool to show the relationship between fractions,                    Blank magnetic foam fraction tiles, representing 1, 1/2,
decimals and percentages. Set of 92 dry-erase plastic cards,              1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6, 1/8, 1/10 and 1/12, used to explore the
65 showing fractions to twelfths, decimals or percentages,                concept of equivalent fractions. The colour-coded magnetic
and 27 blank. Also includes one lace (3 meters long) and                  foam pieces, in 9 colours, are 0.5 cm thick.
15 clips in 5 different colours. In a plastic storage box.                Student size
                                              4295        2263481         The tile representing a whole is 20 cm long.
                                                                                                                   465     2079028
B Rainbow Fraction Decimal,                                               Demo size
  Percent and Fraction Tiles                                              The tile representing a whole is 40 cm long.
Manipulating these 51 colour-coded, proportional, magnetic,                                                      1695      2079036
foam tiles is the perfect introduction to the concept of fractions, for
a group of 4-6 students. Demonstrate 1 whole, ½, 1/3, ¼, and so
on, all the way to 1/12. deal with magnetic white boards (see
2190965, 2005296 & 2190940). Includes a teacher's guide.
                                              1795        2259604

C Number Lines – Fractions Classroom set
This set of desk top fraction number lines with 8 each of 1/16,
1/12, 1/10, 1/8, 1/4, 1/4 to 1-1/2, 0.25 (1/4), 0.125 (1/8), and
0.1(1/10). Set of (72) 30.5 x 5.5 cm write-on, wipe-off plastic
pieces. Some pieces feature blank calibration on the reverse
side and others, decimals. Dry-erase pens not included.
                                              2995        2078806

D Demo Magnetic Foam Fraction Circles – Blank
Blank magnetic foam fraction circle pieces, representing
1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6, 1/8, 1/10 and 1/12, used to teach
the concept of equivalent fractions. The 9 colour-coded foam
circles, in 9 colours, are 20 cm in diameter x 0.5 cm thick.
Set of 51 magnetic pieces in all.
                                              2595        2079010

       A                                                                                                    B

                                                                                                            The following products
                                                                                                            are colour-coordinated:
                                                                                                            2207033 : Double-Sided Magnetic
                                                                                                                        Fraction Circles
                                                                                                            2254746: Overhead Fraction Squares
                                                                                                            2254753: Fraction Tiles
                                                                                                            2254761: Printed Foam Fraction Disks
                                                                                                            2258952 : Fraction Tower®
                                                                                                                        Cubes: Fraction Set

        C                                                                                                                                  D

      E                                                      F                                                          G

     A Double-Sided Magnetic Fraction Circles                         C Fraction Tiles                                                    F Fraction circles
     Use a magnetic board (3360690) to introduce relationships        Set of 51 proportionally-sized plastic pieces representing a        Soft plastic basic sets include shapes representing 1/2, 1/3,
     between concepts of fractions and percentages. Set of (9)        whole, halves, thirds, quarters, fifths, sixths, eighths, tenths,   1/4, 1/6, 1/8, 1/12 and 1/24. Colour-coded. Set of 24.
     ø 19 cm circles includes whole, 1/4, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6,    and twelfths. Whole measures 20.3 x 2.5 cm.                                                                 1395       2258465
     1/8, 1/10, and 1/12, labeled with fractions on one side and                                                 1495       2254753
     percentages on reverse. With an activity guide.
                                                                                                                                          G Fraction Rings
                                             3995       2207033       D Printed Foam Fraction Disks                                       Set of 6 rings illustrating decimals, degrees, percentages,
                                                                      Set of (9) ø 9 cm foam disks representing a whole, halves,          time, fractions and compass points. To be used with an
     B Overhead or Light Table Fractions Set                          thirds, quarters, fifths, sixths, eighths, tenths, and twelfths.    overhead projector. Plastic. ø 14 cm.
     Each fraction has its own colour code. Set with 51 pieces.                                                   560       2254761                                                 670      2261741
     Transluscent plastic in a convenient and sturdy storage box.
     Set includes 9 wholes, divided in 1 whole, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5,
                                                                      E Fraction Tower® Cubes: Fraction Set
     1/6, 1/8, 1/10, and 1/12.
                                                                      Children can build simple, graphic mathematical models
     Fraction Circles Set
                                                                      that clearly demonstrate fraction relationships with this set
     8 7 cm in diameter.                       700      2254712
                                                                      of 51 interlocking fraction cubes. Colourful, durable plastic.
     Fraction Squares Set                                             With a teacher's guide.
     10 x 10 cm squares.                     1095       2254746
                                                                                                                 2895       2258952

12   Brault & Bouthillier — STEM Catalogue 2017 • 2018                                             3 Easy ways to order • www.bb.ca • Tel : 514 273-9186 / 1 800 668-1108 • Fax : 514 273-8627
Spatial Sense and Geometry

          A                                        B



                                                          G                                                                        H

                                                                                                                                               G X-Y Pegboard
                                                                                                                                               Unique pegboard with sliding axes to allow
                                                                                                                                               maximum flexibility for coordinate graphing.
                                                                                                                                               Use the 50 pegs included and 30 rubber
                                                                                                                                               bands, in 6 colours and sizes, to model
                                                                                                                                               points, line segments, functions, and conic
                                                                                                                                               sections. 25 x 25 cm, plastic grid, pierced
A Grouping circles                                                                             E Geoboards – 23 cm                             with 15 x 15 holes, and sliding axis lines
ø 50 cm circles in 3 colours for a variety                                                     Set of 6 double-sided boards with pins.         allowing students to illustrate numbers from
of counting and sorting activities.                                                            Students connect the pins with elastic bands    -14 to +14 on both the x-axis and y-axis.
Collapsible for easy storage. Set of 6.        C Clear geoboard for overhead                   to create various geometrical forms. Features
                                                                                                                                                                          995     2254779
                         1095      2255495                                                     a 1.9 cm isometric arrangement of pins on
                                               Standard 23 x 23 cm pin grid (121 pins).        one side, and a 11 x 11 pin square array on
                                                                                                                                               H Translucent Geometric Shapes
B Attribute blocks                                                       520     2240612       the other. Each board comes with
                                                                                               9 Geobands. Sturdy plastic. Square.             Set of 408 translucent geomeric shapes
Set of blocks designed to develop and                                                                                                          designed to build structures in 2D.
                                                                                               23 x 23 cm (121 pins). In rainbow colours.
practice sorting, perception and logical       D Geoboards – 17 cm                                                                             14 shapes included: 2 different squares,
organization skills, as well as hand-eye                                                                               1795     2262871
                                               Double-sided boards with a 5 x 5 pin                                                            rectangle, 5 different triangles, hexagon,
coordination. 60 blocks in 5 shapes,           grid arrangement on one side, and a                                                             trapeze, rhombus, circle, half-circle,
3 colours, 2 sizes and 2 thicknesses.          24-pin circular pattern on the other. Include   F Geo-Bands                                     quarter-circle. 7 colours. Relational
Hard plastic, the bottom of the storage case   9 Geobands. Sturdy plastic, in rainbow          Bag contains approximately 250 bands of         pieces for endless creative possibilities.
can be used as a stencil.                      colours. Square. 17.7 x 17.7 cm (25 pins).      assorted colours and sizes, enough for the      ideal for our light table (#2073625).
Medium size              1395 2240596          In packs of 6.                                  average classroom of 25 students.               With instructions and storage tub.
Desk Set                 3695 2262863                                   1595     2261576                                 940    2253946                                 4495      2178226

Spatial Sense and Geometry
                                                                                                                     Hint from                B2
                                                                                                                     Fascinating at any age, mirrors are a discovery and exploration toy that can be
                                                                                                                     used in conjunction with a large selection of materials, such as wooden blocks,
                                                                                                                     large beads, sticks, buttons, etc.




       E                                          F


     A Junior Geoland                                   C Pentominoes Classpack                                                                             F Tangrams
     Children set the mirrors at the desired angle      Set of (6) 12-piece pentomino sets.                                                                 Set of 30 tangrams in 6 assorted colours.
     and explore symmetry and reflection with           72 pieces in total. Packed in a clear plastic                                                       In sturdy plastic bucket. 12.5 cm square.
     various shapes. Includes 4 acrylic mirrors         tub for easy storage.                                                                               Classpack tangrams
     (3 vertical and 1 semicircular horizontal),                                 1795      2251395                                                                                    4795      2251320
     1 plastic frame with degree graduations
                                                                                                            E Tangram                                       Replacement Set
     allowing to place mirrors in different angles,
     30 pattern blocks, 50 GeoStix and
                                                        D Tangram                                           Original variation of the classic tangram
                                                                                                                                                            7 pieces set.               265     2252880
     64 double-sided activity cards.                    Classic, logical reasoning and problem-             game, where 2 players compete to see
                                                        solving puzzle is made of high quality              who can recreate the pictured figure first.     G Magnetic Tangram Sets
                               3995      2210839
                                                        rubber wood. Includes 7 tangram blocks              Includes (2) 7-piece, 11.8 x 11.8 cm wooden     Classic Chinese mathematical puzzle.
                                                        and 27 double-sided cards offering                  tangrams, 250 double-sided cards featuring      Includes 8 sets of 7 piece tangrams in
     B Skeletal Geo Set                                 54 pattern challenges, in a wooden storage          a figure, on one side, and the solution, on     4 attractive colours, for a total of 56 pieces.
     Explore geometry concepts such as 2D               box with clear sliding lid. 26.5 x 20 x 2 cm.       the other, and the rules with a single-player
     shapes, 3D models, vertices, faces and
                                                                                                                                                                                      1995      2254415
                                                                                 1495      2077311          variation. Time: 20 minutes. 1 or 2 players.
     edges with 250 sticks in 6 lengths and
                                                                                                                                    24   95
     80 balls in 6 colours, in a sturdy jar with lid.
     Bright plastic.
                               1995      2078699

14   Brault & Bouthillier — STEM Catalogue 2017 • 2018                                                  3 Easy ways to order • www.bb.ca • Tel : 514 273-9186 / 1 800 668-1108 • Fax : 514 273-8627
Spatial Sense and Geometry

                                                                                                  2023794 + 2254829                2023794 + 2254019                    2023794 + 1207604

                                                                                                                                   2023794 + 2171205                    2023794 + 2188142




                                                                       G                                                       H

A Mirrors set                                                              B Plastic                               1595       2078988       The breakdown of the hexagon into 2, 3 and 6 pieces can
How fascinating to lay blocks and geometric shapes on these                C Wood                                  2995       2078996       be demonstrated with the use of triangles, lozenges and
mirrors, to see the visual effects created by the reflection! These                                                                         trapezoids. Use them with Mosaics Pattern Cards (2253417).
                                                                           D Magnetic Foam                         1695       2079002
2 mirrors, attached to thick wood panels, can be used separately by                                                                         Plastic pieces                         1295       2251619
2 children, or together, to let children familiarize themselves with                                                                        Wooden pieces                          3795       2254829
                                                                           E Giant Magnetic Pattern Blocks
concepts such as upside down, symmetry, perspective and more.
2 panels 30 x 39 cm each. Suggested materials sold separately.             These 47 proportionately-sized pieces are 3 times the length
                                                                           of standard pattern blocks on each side (9 times greater in      G Mosaics Pattern Cards
                                            6995        2023794
                                                                           total area). Perfect to reinforce shape recognition, symmetry,   Set of 20 double sided colour cards, in 2 difficulty levels.
                                                                           congruency, fractions, area, etc., on a magnetic white board     Ideal addition to the Large foam mosaics pieces
Deci-Blocks                                                                (3360690). Hexagon: 15.2 cm. With an activity guide.             (see 2251619 or 2254829).
Explore a variety of concepts, including fractions, lines of                                                       3295       2206365                                                1495       2253417
symmetry, area, perimeter, patterning, tessellation, basic
algebra, and decimal equivalence. Deci-Blocks expand the                                                                                    H Magnetic Pattern Blocks
                                                                           F Pattern Blocks
power of pattern blocks by adding six additional shapes to
                                                                           Set of 250 pieces, in 7 different shapes and 6 colours.          Set of 200 magnetic foam hexagons, squares, triangles,
create a base ten manipulative. The ten Deci-Blocks shapes
                                                                           Ideal to create patterns on a mirror or for learning geometry,   trapezoids, parallelograms, and rhombi, in 6 different
use the small green triangle as the basis for their design.
                                                                           fractions, angles and symmetry.                                  colours. Includes an activity booklet.
Combining triangles results in a set of ten shapes that
represent each number one through ten. 52-piece sets.                                                                                                                                2595       2254373

Spatial Sense and Geometry

                     to download
                     progression charts
                     for problem-solving



     Architect Series                                 E Chess
     The Architek Series features 4 games             Ideal teaching set for beginners. Soft vinyl
     developed to teach basic geometry                chess board and weighted plastic chessmen.
     principles: Equilibrio, Tangramino,              King is 9 cm high. Chessboard measures
     Architecto and Perspecto. Games build            50 x 50 cm.
     visual discrimination, spatial organization      Age: 8 +                 2295 2259299
     and problem-solving skills, spark the
     imagination, and require dexterity and
                                                      F Self-teaching chess set –
     perseverance. All four use the same pieces,
                                                        The right moves
     namely 18 precision-cut geometrical blocks
     in a variety of shapes, made of sturdy plastic   Learn the right moves and master the classic
     in solid colours, used to build models of        game of kings. A game of strategy and
     progressive difficulty.                          planning where every move counts. Displays
     Each set includes a model booklet with           how each piece moves on the board. Plastic.
     coated, cardboard pages, and a convenient        Age: 8 +                2995 2183085
     spiral binding. 1 to 3 players, in a single
     team. To increase the number of players,         G Foam geometric solids
     add additional blocks (item # 2170108).
                                                      Set of 36 small assorted 3-D geometric
     A Architecto              3495 2181089           foam shapes. Small cube is 4 x 4 cm.
     B Equilibrio              3495 2181113                                   4995     2258499
     C Tangramino              3495 2181600
     D Perspecto               3495 2073633           H Hands-On Soft Geometric Solids                             H
                                                      Set of 12 foam geometric 3-D shapes,
                                                      in 3 colours, ranging in size from
                                                      5 to 7.5 cm. Includes a cone, a sphere, a
                                                      hemisphere, a cube, cylinders, a pyramid,
                                                      prisms and a rectangular solid.
                                                      Comes with a teacher's guide.
                                                                              3195     2259687

16   Brault & Bouthillier — STEM Catalogue 2017 • 2018                                            3 Easy ways to order • www.bb.ca • Tel : 514 273-9186 / 1 800 668-1108 • Fax : 514 273-8627
Spatial Sense and Geometry
   A                                                                                             B

        C                                                       D

   E                                                                                                        F

                                                                                                                            E Reflecting symmetry mirror
                                                                                                                            See-through polished plastic surface with reflective qualities.
A Folding 3-D GeoFigures                                        C Wood Geometric Solids                                     Students gain an intuitive understanding of geometry,
Translucent plastic 3D solids, to fill for volume study. Each   5 cm base.                                                  symmetry and congruence. 15 x 10 cm.
solid includes a removable insert made of flexible plastic,     Set of 12 pieces                     1895       2262897                                                  355       2254845
which unfolds to reveal 2D nets. Their 10-cm common base
helps measure the volume and surface area. The set includes
                                                                Set of 18 pieces                     3295       2262905
                                                                                                                            F Math-Vu Mirror
11 3D solids and 11 folding inserts.
                                                                D Conexion                                                  New 3-in-1 unit offers more features than any other: a
                                       3795       2262707                                                                   geometry instrument with scale, a reflective enhancer card,
                                                                Create 3D polyhedrons and volumetrically-made shapes
                                                                                                                            a ruler/protractor template unit. With built-in bases at each
                                                                with these sets of polygons. Each set includes a detailed
B Large 3-D GeoFigures                                                                                                      end for both horizontal and vertical use. Red plastic.
                                                                teacher's guide.
These large geometric solids, characterized by a common                                                                     15.4 x 9.3 cm. Convenient storage caddy.
size, can be used to explore volume, surface area and nets.
                                                                84 Pieces                               5995      2254308
                                                                                                                                                                     13495         2256758
17-piece set includes small and large cubes, cone, square       236 Pieces                            15195       2254316
prism, sphere, square pyramid and more. Made of durable                                                                     Pattern block unbreakable mirror
plastic with seamless edges. Base is 10 cm.
                                                                                                                            Teach symmetry with this shatterproof 10.8 x 8.4 cm plastic mirror.
                                       49   95
                                                                                                                            Not shown.                                   250       2080323

Spatial Sense and Geometry

        B                                                                         C


     A Relational Geometric Solids                    D Geometric solids to build
     Set of 17 geometric solids, designed to          Set of 32 cardboard geometric solids to
     demonstrate the relationship between             build. Includes 4 of each of the following
     shape, size and volume. Hollow size-related      volumes: cube, cone, square-based prism,
     spheres, cones, cubes, rectangles, cylinders,    rectangular-based prism, hexagonal-based
     pyramids and polyhedrons have removable          prism, triangular prism, square-based
     bases and stoppers (the sphere has a             pyramid and triangular-based pyramid.
     stopper only), allowing students to fill them    Cube is 7 x 7 cm.                                    F
     with solids or liquids. Transparent plastic                              1295     2255685
     with coloured bases featuring the name
     of the solid.
                                                      E 3-D geometry – 13 stamps
     5 cm Height               1995 2254795
                                                      Includes 1 sphere, 1 cone, 2 cylinders,
     10 cm Height              5495 2254803           1 cube, 1 rectangle, 2 pyramids and various
                                                      polyhedrons. Wooden handle illustrating
     B GeoSolids 5 Cm                                 the corresponding volume. Long cylinder
     Set of 17 geometric solids designed to study     measures 7.9 x 3.8 cm.
     the notions of volume, surface area and net.                             4295     2256451
     Sturdy plastic. Approximately 5 cm high.
                              2695      2254787       F Geostix Junior
                                                      Set containing 200 flexible plastic sticks
     C Mini GeoSolids                                 in 10 lengths (2.5 to 15 cm) and various
     Set of 40 geometric solids in 10 shapes,         colours to be assembled with tenons.
     each available in 4 bright colours: triangular   Children will love exploring the 2D building
     prism, cone, cube, cylinder, rectangular         possibilities or use the 30 double-sided
     prism, hexagonal prism, triangular pyramid,      model cards. In a convenient plastic
     square pyramid, sphere and half sphere.          storage box.
     Plastic, 2.5 cm high.                                                    2695     2263465
                              1495      2254811

18   Brault & Bouthillier — STEM Catalogue 2017 • 2018                                             3 Easy ways to order • www.bb.ca • Tel : 514 273-9186 / 1 800 668-1108 • Fax : 514 273-8627
Spatial Sense and Geometry


                                                C                                                                                 D

                to download
                progression charts
                for problem-solving

 E                                                  F

A Mental Blox 360°                           B Cubissimo                                       D Primary Shapes Template Set                      Plastiportable
  3D Building Game                           Recreate a perfect cube using (7) 3D,             Each shape template provides examples              ABS vinyl boards stick to magnetic
Build 3-D puzzles from different visual      colour wood polyominos, each made                 of the master shape, in varying sizes and          chalkboards with magnetic strips.
perspectives. With 3 levels of play, to      of 3 or 4 joined cubes, and 30 challenge          orientations. Set of 5 templates made of           Include 1 dry-erase marker, 1 eraser and
enhance problem-solving skills.              cards, in 3 levels of difficulty, showing         durable and flexible plastic, in translucent       1 magnetic strip on each of their 4 sides.
Includes 42 challenge cards, with the        starting positions. 1 player.                     colours to easily let children view their          Come in a carboard tube for easy storage
solutions on the back, 15 colourful blocks                            2895      2078624        tracing lines after repositioning.                 and carrying. 112 x 122 cm.
and 1 activity guide. Largest piece is                                                         Rectangle: 19 x 11.3 cm.                           F Plastiportable Grid with
11.4 cm long x 7.6 cm high.                                                                    With an activity guide.                            x and y Axes
                                             C Katamino
For 1 or more players.                                                                                                  10   95
                                                                                                                                  2206373         Ruled with 3.8 cm squares. Red axes.
                                             Progressive puzzle where pieces are inserted
                        3595     2078921                                                                                                          		               10495 3360963
                                             in a tray to form a perfect rectangle. Includes
                                             1 tray with a movable divider, to offer several   E Geometric Templates                              G Plastiportable with Grid
                                             levels of difficulty, 12 pentaminoes, small       Set of 4 templates respectively cut with           Ruled with 5 cm squares.
                                             red and brown pieces to fill any "gaps" left      circles (red), squares (green), geometric          		                     10495      3360955
                                             (easier levels) and 1 booklet with rules,         shapes (yellow) and funny shapes (blue).
                                             challenges and new 3D models to build.            Outside borders feature metric/imperial
                                             1 or 2 players. All wood.                         rulers. Flexible plastic.
                                                                      4395      2184380        Blue template is 29 x 12.7 cm.
                                                                                                                        1395      2262913

Measurement – Teaching Time
         Hint from               B2
        Time Timer                                                                                                                B                          C
        “How much time is left?” This ingenious
        tool is designed to promote an efficient
        use of time, master the concept of
        time, and encourage autonomy. Just
        move the red disk counter-clockwise
        to the desired time interval: the disk
        diminishes as time elapses, until no
        red is visible on the timer surface. Does
        not require to know how to read time.
        Silent quartz movement. From 1 to
        60 minutes. 1 AA battery needed (not
        included). Beeps when the time is up.

        D                                                                               E


      G                                                      H


     A Time Timer                                                           model, adjustable ring, self-standing case features a volume   contrasting white numerals, with colour-coded hands.
     "How much time is left?" This ingenious tool is designed               control dial on the back and a convenient carry handle.        Sturdy plastic.
     to promote an efficient use of time, master the concept of             Precision quartz movement. Plastic. 14 x 17.8 cm.              Teacher Model
     time, encourage autonomy and independence, achieve better              Black                                   4195       2263184     30-cm diameter.                         1795      2252856
     time management, see elapsed time in a sound-sensitive                                                                                Student Model
     environment, etc. Just move the red disk counterclockwise              D Time Timer Software                                          Set of 6. Diameter 6.5 cm.              2295      2252872
     to the desired time interval: the disk diminishes as time
                                                                            Find all Time Timer benefits right on your computer screen
     elapses, until no red is visible on the timer surface.
                                                                            or interactive whiteboard. With optional audible signal,       G Demonstration clock – write-on/wipe-off
     Silent quartz movement. From 1 to 60 minutes. Requires
                                                                            lock-down feature to prevent timed period from being           Heavy-duty laminated clocks feature movable plastic hands
     1 AA battery (not included). Beeps when the time is up.
                                                                            easily altered by user, auto-repeat to automatically repeat    and a place to write in the digital time.
     Wall Size             30 x 30 cm          4295       2256790           a timed segment, and size-adjustable, full-screen display
     Table Size            20 x 20 cm          3695       2262541           or application window “floating” above other applications
                                                                                                                                           Student model – pack of 10              1295      2335024
                                                                            (Windows only). Can be installed up to 5 times, for up to      Demonstration size
     Individual Time Timer
     7.5 cm side.                                3295        2262558        3 workstations. Includes full documentation. Supports          30 cm square. 1 clock.                   895      2337962
                                                                            5 languages. Windows & Macintosh (OSX) compatible.
                                                                                                                   2795       2263176      H Magnetic Demonstration Clock
     B MOD Time Timer
                                                                                                                                           Very handy large magnetic demonstration clock. Move the
     Features the style and durability of the Time Timer PLUS
                                                                            E Dual Power Timers – Pack of 5                                hands and write the time in the erasable section. Mobile hands
     (2263184), as well as its clear, protective, glare-free lens over
                                                                                                                                           for hours and minutes in contrasting colours, numbers for
     the red disk, and on/off switch for the audible alert, in a portable   Can time up or down to 99 mins and 59 seconds. Feature
                                                                                                                                           hours 1-12 and 13-24, as well as increments of 5, from
     and easy-to-use anywhere size. With a removable, latex-free            handy size, alarm, dual power to always be charged and ready
                                                                                                                                           5-60 minutes. Sturday laminated surface. 30 x 37.7 cm high.
     silicone cover which offers an extra layer of protection and           to go, and easy-to-use push buttons. 6.5 x 6.5 x 1.3 cm.
     keeps the timer in a vertical position for optimum visibility.         Display is 5.3 x 2.5 cm. Pack of 5, one of each colour                                                 2195      2240604
     8.9 x 8.9 cm (including the cover). Standard charcoal cover.           (red, green, blue, yellow, white) for easy identification.
     Three brightly-coloured covers sold separately.                                                               3995       2088482      I Clock stamps – set of 3
                                                 3995        2263390                                                                       Analog. Large rubber stamps with wooden handle. Features a
                                                                            F Geared Clocks                                                12 hour clock face with numerals, a 12 hour blank clock face
     C Time Timer PLUS                                                                                                                     and a 60 minute blank clock face. 5.5. cm side.
                                                                            24-hour clocks with hidden gears which maintain correct
     Lightweight disk protected by a clear and durable lens and             hour and minute relationships. Feature hours 1-12 and                                                  1895      2256436
     set with a center dial. User cannot touch the disk. Sturdy             13-24, and minutes in increments of 5. Red dials with

20   Brault & Bouthillier — STEM Catalogue 2017 • 2018                                                 3 Easy ways to order • www.bb.ca • Tel : 514 273-9186 / 1 800 668-1108 • Fax : 514 273-8627
Measurement – Teaching Time
  A                                                                                B





A Teacher & Student Stellar Clock Set                               E Teaching Clock
Dynamic, sturdy and fully magnetic set includes large size          Feature hours 1-12 and 13-24, minutes in increments of 5,
(1) Ø 56 cm clock, 1 large “nighttime” set (eyes, mouth             12 small faces without numbers, with hands indicating full
and hands), and (24) Ø 13 cm small clocks. Clocks feature           hours, and 4 small, fragmented circles indicating quarter
removable hands, hours numbered 1-12 and 13-24, and                 hours. All natural and painted green and white wood.
minutes numbered 5-60, in increments of 5. Enhances                 On 2 removable pegs (stand). ø 25.6 cm.
time-telling skills, while reinforcing the distinction                                                     1795       2206829
between day and night.
                                        16995        2088904        F Giant Hourglasses
                                                                    Sturdy, large-size hourglasses, with thick side-wall and
B Time Tracker Visual Timer & Clock                                 moulded, hexagonal caps to prevent rolling off the play area.
Unique electronic timer features lighted green, yellow and          Colour-coded for easy indentification. Use in a variety of
red sections, a large, easy-to-read LCD display and 6 sound         games, to time experiments, time allowed at the computer,
effects to indicate that time is running out, set limits to teach   etc. 7.4 x 16 cm high.
time management, allocate time for a variety of activities,         Red               30 seconds            1795      2262665
and facilitate transitions. Easy programming, 180° viewing
and volume control. Use with an AC adaptor or
                                                                    Green             1 minute              1795      2332633
4 AA batteries (not included). 23.5 cm high.                        Pink              2 minutes             1795      2330116
                                          4895       2250066        Yellow            3 minutes             1795      2335032
                                                                    Blue              5 minutes             1795      2335222
C Magnetic Time Activity Set                                        Orange            10 minutes            1795      2330066
Durable plastic clock with magnets to adhere to any withe           Purple            15 minutes            1795      2330082
board. Hands are geared to move in accurate increments.             Black             30 minutes            1795      2330108
Allows for hands-on reinforcement for learning about time.
Supports differentiation and assessment as you or your
                                                                    G Sand Timers – Set of 3
children remove and replace magnetic foam numbers.
Minute hand: 6.3 x 27.9 cm long.                                    Set of 3 plastic, colour-coded sand timers, which are
Numbers: approx. 10 cm tall.                                        1-minute, 2-minute and 3-minute respectively.
                                                                    Plastic, with reinforced middle section. 9.7 cm tall.
                                          3995       2253979                                                                             G
                                                                                                           1295       2261394
D Calendar Pocket Chart
Blue nylon chart features 7 rows of see-through pockets
for strips and cards, for months and days of the week
(in English and in French), and dates (1-31) (included).
Durable construction and sturdy grommets for easy hanging.
66 x 63.5 cm.
                                          3995       2193993




                                          Hint from             B2
                                          Extend the possibilities of this scale with a set
                                          of additional Bear weights (see 2263523). This
                                          96 piece set allows for more experimentation. The
                                          colour coding also enables better differentiation.

      F                                                            G


     A Combined Scale                                  C Primary Pan Balance Scale                       E Liquid Volume Measurement Set               H Westcott teacher's dry erase/
     Scale ideal to weight liquids and solids.         Features 2 translucent plastic pans marked        Includes 5 nesting measuring jars with          chalk boards geometry set
     Includes 1 sturdy plastic base with a             at 200 mL increments, which hold up to 1 L        coloured lids, which measure liquids from     5-piece set for chalkboards or dry-erase
     mobile central cursor, (2) 1 L graduated,         of liquid or solids, and compensator clips for    50 ml to 3,000 ml, 3 measuring cups,          boards. Includes 1 compass, 2 L-squares
     see-through, removable containers,                level and accurate measuring. Includes 5 x 1 g,   5 dry measure cups, and 6 measuring           (30°-60°-90° & 45°-45°-90°), 1 protractor
     2 container cover-trays, 11 metal weights         5 x 5 g and 5 x 10 g stackable weights which      spoons. See-through or solid colour, high     and 1 – 60 cm ruler. Compass features an
     ranging from 1 g to 50 g and (14) 5 g,            store easily in the bottom of the base. Made of   impact plastic.                               adjustable grip which fits most dry-erase
     10 g or 20 g stackable weights in easily          durable, washable plastic.                                                3195        2079085   markers and chalks. White plastic,
     accessible compartments, and                      Assembled dimensions: 73.7 x 32.5 cm.                                                           with magnets and handles.
     1 instruction booklet.                                                     1995      2251536                                                                               8895       3010329
                                                                                                         F Graduated measuring cylinders
                              4595      2253920
                                                                                                         Graduated cylinders with embossed
                                                       D Junior Scale                                    calibration for easy measuring. Wide,         I Teacher's dry erase/chalkboard
     B Beam scale                                      A starter scale for young children.               stable bases. Chemical and acid resistant.      compass
     All-purpose heavy-duty scale with 2 deep,         Simple device made of bright, colourful           Autoclavable and microwavable. Made of        Compass features an adjustable grip,
     removable dishes of 10.8 x 10.8 cm.               plastic. Designed to introduce the concepts       tough transparent polypropylene plastic.      which fits most markers and chalk.
     Accurate weight from 1 g to 2 kg with             of measuring, weight and quantity                 Includes: 10 mL, 25 mL, 50 mL, 100 mL,        Draws circles up to 150 cm diameter.
     possible zero position adjustment.                comparison, and using a scale.                    250 mL, 500 mL, and 1000 mL.                                           2295       3010352
     Includes: 10 brass weights from 1 g to                                     2795      2263549                                2995        2336733
     50 g, stored on either side of the base, 1 set
                                                                                                                                                       J Magnetic meter stick
     of plastic tweezers and 1 activity booklet.
                                                                                                         G Indoor thermometer                          Sturdy plastic, with handle.
                              31   95
                                                                                                         195 x 60 mm. Reading: -35 °C to 55 °C.                                 2795       3010568
                                                                                                                                   435       2262343

22   Brault & Bouthillier — STEM Catalogue 2017 • 2018                                               3 Easy ways to order • www.bb.ca • Tel : 514 273-9186 / 1 800 668-1108 • Fax : 514 273-8627
Data Management – Probability
     A                                     ≥
                                           5 cm                           B
                                           ≤                                                                 ≥
                                                                                                            7.5 cm



                                                                                                  H                                                I



                                                       J                                          K

A Magnetic Write-On &                             Dice with Pockets                               G Large Symbol Playing Cards                     J 0-9 Spinners
  Wipe-Off Dice                                   Create your own games with these dice           Standard playing cards deck with large           Set of 5 dials divided into (10) 0-9 numbered
Wonderful manipulatives to create your own        featuring a large, sewn, see-through            numbers and symbols. Ideal for visually or       sections. Ideal complement of multiple
fractions, operations and other specialty         pocket on each side. Insert photographs,        cognitive impaired players                       initiation to math activities.
dice. Dry-erase markers leave no ghost            illustraded cards with shapes, colours,                                   170     2114270                                   870      2254696
images. A set of 4 Small Dice in assorted         letters, numbers, pictograms, or any other
colours, 5 cm side.                               daily theme. A fabulous way to enhance
                                                                                                  H A Plus Playing Cards                           K Colour Spinners
                        3395      2262822         language and social skills. And with two dice
                                                  (sold separately), just imagine the fantastic   Giant, 11.5 x 17.3 cm, laminated, thick          Set of 5 dials divided into 6 different
                                                  matching games you can play!                    playing cards and rounded corners.               coloured sections. Perfect to extend
B Foam Dice Set                                                                                                                                    activities of logic and series, as well
                                                  D Small Size                                                              795     2078723
Set of 6 foam standard dice coated with                                                                                                            as multiple games.
                                                  16 cm side. Pockets measure 11.5 cm wide.
polyurethane in 6 different colours.                                                                                                                                          980      2254704
                                                  		                3595 5042973                  I Mammoth Playing Cards
7.5 cm each side. 6-sided.
                                                  E Small Size Economical                         Deck of ultra-large playing cards. Ideal
                        36   95
                                                  11.5 cm side. Pockets measure 10.5 cm wide.     to teach classic card games et introduce
                                                                                                  the concepts of series and probabilities.
C Foam dice                                       		                        995    2179315
                                                                                                  Cardboard cards with traditional figures.
High density foam die. Yellow with black                                                          Measure a full 25 x 28 cm.
dots. 14.5 cm square.                             F Playing Cards
                                                                                                                          3695      2110286
                        1595      5002977         Standard playing cards deck.
                                                                            110    2114262

Data Management – Probability

        C                                                                 D

      F                                          G                            H                                                                I


     A Dice domes                                      C 72 Dice with Dots Set
     Rolling dice has never have been so quiet         Set of 72 dice measuring 16 mm with 6 dots,
     and colourful! To create countless math           in 4 colours. Perfect for various addition and
     equations, simply remove the base on one          subtraction activities, and inventing games.                                                    I Jumbo Dice in Dice
      of the domes, place 2 number dice and            In a sturdy clear pastic case.                                                                  Set of (12) 3 cm dice in 6 colours, with a
     1 addition and subtraction symbol die,                                      1895    2240588        F Plastic 6-sided dice                         white inner die. Reinforce number concepts,
     pop the base back on and shake the dome,                                                                                                          counting, operations and probability with
     without lifting it. Or place 3 dice and find                                                       16 mm. White. 1 to 6 black dots. Pack of 10.
                                                       D Dice Classpack                                                                                these popular double dice. Offered in a
     the 6 numbers which can be formed                                                                                           395     2183630
                                                       This complete math activity aid includes                                                        larger size perfect for little hands.
     with the 3 numbers rolled.                                                                                                                        Plastic. In a storage tub.
     Set includes (4) 10.3 x 5 cm tall, plastic        classic dice with dots, 56 dice iwth             G Polyhedron dice with 10 sides
     domes, (12) 1.5 cm dense foam dice                mathematical symbols: numbers 1-6 and                                                                                    1895      2206381
                                                       0-9, fractions, percentages, decimals,           Pack of 5 Polyhedron dice, with 10 sides
     (8 number dice and 4 symbol dice) and                                                              (numbered 0 to 9). Ideal to animate math
     1 teacher's guide.                                multiples of 10, 100 and 1000, as well as                                                       J Math Operator 4 Function Dice
                                                       multi-face dice in 2 sizes and 7 colours.        activities in class. 18 mm, 5 colours.
                               2595          2254266                                                                             685     2181840
                                                                                                                                                       Sets of 6 dice. Addition, subtraction,
                                                       In a sturdy clear plastic case.                                                                 multiplication, division, greater than, greater
     B Basic Dice Set
                                                                                 2895    2240570                                                       than or equal to.
                                                                                                        H Polyhedron dice with 12 sides
     Ideal to teach number concepts, probability,                                                                                                                               1095      2251791
                                                       E Blank dice                                     Pack of 5 Polyhedron dice, with 12 sides
     counting and basic addition and subtraction,                                                       (numbered 1 to 12). Ideal to animate math
     this classroom set includes (48) 16 mm dot        Pack of 10. 16 mm side.
                                                                                                        activities in class. 18 mm, 5 colours.
     dice in 4 colours and (24) 10-sided dice in                                  655    2183473
     2 colours. 72 pieces, in a sturdy plastic case.                                                                             685     2183044
                               19   95

24   Brault & Bouthillier — STEM Catalogue 2017 • 2018                                             3 Easy ways to order • www.bb.ca • Tel : 514 273-9186 / 1 800 668-1108 • Fax : 514 273-8627
Bee-Bot® – Coding Solution
                                                                                                                              Hint from            B2
                                                                                                                              Manipulation makes learning easier!
                                                                                                                              BeeBot® encourages children to develop spatial coordination and
                                                                                                                              logical sequences linked to programming. BeeBot is a popular tool
                                                                                                                              to integrate notions of numeration, language, shapes and much
                                                                                                                              more. This sturdy device is a source of creativity and a host of
                                                                                                                              educational applications.

    B                                                                                                     C

A Bee-Bot®                                                          B Bee-Bot® – 6 Robots Bundle                                        Bee-Bot® – Group Set
Great tool to develop intuitive programming through logical steps   Includes 6 rechargeable Bee-Bots and                                Set includes 1 Class Bundle (6 rechargeable Bee-Bots and
sequence. Program this pretty little bee robot’s route by using     1 docking station acting as both a charger and safe storage.        1 docking station), 3 activity mats (1 Alphabet, 1 Treasure
the simple instructional buttons on its back. Bee-bot moves in      Can be wall-mounted with 6 Bee-Bots in situ. Charges Bee-Bots       Island, 1 see-through grid), 1 set of 49 sequence cards,
15-cm steps and emits sounds (can be deactivated) to confirm        within half a day, approximately 4 hours of normal use.             and 1 teacher guide. Not shown.
each step. Features a memory of up to 40 steps. Supplied with       		                                      75295         2207702       		                                      88395        2209963
a USB lead, Bee-Bot can either be recharged via your computer
or a wall socket with a USB mains adapter (not supplied).
                                                                    C Bee-Bot® – Starter pack                                           Bee-Bot® – Interactive White Board Set
Automatically goes to sleep after 2 minutes of non-use. Approx.
4 hours of running time. Robust design with smooth-rolling,         Includes 1 rechargeable Bee-Bot with USB charging lead,             The perfect solution to combine manipulation with digital
rubber wheels. Sturdy plastic. 13 x 10 x 7 cm high.                 4 activity mats (Treasure Island, Busy Street, Transparent Grid,    learning. This set uses IWB technology to bring the Bee Bot
                                                                    and Long Transparent Grid), 1 set of 49 sequence cards,             exercices to life. The set includes 1 interactive activities Bee
		                                      13695        2207694
                                                                    and 10 white clip-on shells to give Bee-Bot a makeover.             Bot software license (1 user) compatible with smartboarding
                                                                    		                                      33795         2208031       technology, 1 Bee Bot robot, 1 farm-theme playmat and
                                                                                                                                        1 teaching guide. Not shown.
                                                                                                                                        		                                      23595        2209732

Blue-Bot® – Coding Solution
        A                                                                                        B




     A Blue-Bot®                                       B Blue-Bot® Mat Pack                           Blue-Bot® Tactile standard tile pack             Blue-Bot® – Interactive
     Just like Bee-Bot, this little bee robot allows   Perfect for getting students to replicate      Code with Blue-bot! Place your individual        White Board Set
     your students to develop programming,             the mats they see on screen to the ones        tiles in a row on the reader to build up a       The perfect solution to combine
     logic and spatial orientation skills while        on the floor. Pack includes 6 Blue-Bots,       sequence of instructions, press go and           manipulation with digital learning!
     having fun. 2 ways to program: using the          1 rechargeable docking station, 1 Farm mat,    see Blue-Bot complete the program. Up to         This set uses interactive white board
     buttons on the robot's clear shell (moves         1 Treasure Island mat, and 1 Fairy Tale mat.   3 readers can be connected together, so          technology to bring Blue-Bot exercises to
     in 15-cm steps and rotates in 45-degree           Can students code Blue-Bot to make its         children can build a program of up to thirty     life. Includes: 1 interactive activities Bee-Bot
     increments) or remotely, using Blue-Tooth         way from the forbidden swamp to the cove?      steps. Unit is rechargeable and includes         software license (1 user) compatible with
     technology (download a free app for iOS,                                92995      2088060       25 TacTiles.                                     IWB technology, 1 Blue-Bot robot,
     Androïd, Windows and MacOS – in English                                                          D Reader                                         1 transparent grid mat and 1 teaching guide.
     only). Rechargeable battery. Use on the                                                          		               20295 2088045                   Blue-Bot can be programmed 2 ways using
                                                       C Blue-Bot® – Class Bundle
     same challenge mats as Bee-Bot.                                                                                                                   the buttons on the robot's clear shell (moves
                                                       Includes 6 rechargeable Bee-Bots and           E 25-Tile Extension Pack
                             18495       2209948                                                                                                       in 15-cm steps and rotates in 45-degree
                                                       1 docking station acting as both a charger     Introduce extra functionality to the standard
                                                                                                                                                       increments) and remotely, using Blue-Tooth
                                                       and safe storage. Can be wall-mounted with     pack including 45° turns and repeats
                                                                                                                                                       technology (download a free app for iOS,
                                                       6 Blue-Bots in situ. Charges within half a     (x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x8). Children can explore
                                                                                                                                                       Android, Windows and MacOS – in English
                                                       day, approximately 4 hours of normal use.      geometry and create efficient algorithms.
                                                                                                                                                       only). Not shown.
                                                                             89995      2234771       		                       7695     2088052
                                                                                                                                                                               28495       2209955

26   Brault & Bouthillier — STEM Catalogue 2017 • 2018                                            3 Easy ways to order • www.bb.ca • Tel : 514 273-9186 / 1 800 668-1108 • Fax : 514 273-8627
Bee-Bot® and Blue-Bot® – Coding Solution
 A                                                                 B


Bee-Bot® and Blue-Bot® Mats                                        E               F
The indexed grid pattern of this great, soft surface features

squares matching Bee-Bot's or Blue-Bot's steps, for easier
programming and navigating. A great variety of designs
provides opportunities to enhance skills in numerous
subjects. Easy-clean, durable vinyl. Simply roll up to store.
A Farm Yard
Introduce children to different animals, culture and crops, etc.
75 x 75 cm.                               5495       2207843
B Treasure Island
Explore the island and seek out the treasure, while
developing story-telling and map-reading skills.
74 x 75 cm.                             5495       2207868
C Clear Grid
Place this versatile, clear mat on top of existing carpets or
maps, to introduce or extend grid location and mapping
skills. Or ask children to design their own mats: the
possibilities are simply endless.
60 x 60 cm.                               3995       2207918
D Fairytale
Visit characters and scenery from familiar fairytales
(Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Jack and the Beanstalk,
The Three Little Pigs). With a teacher's guide.
120 x 45 cm.                             5495       2207850
E Shapes, Colours and Size
Features 1 shape per square, so each shape is 1 Bee-Bot
step away from the next. Also great for numeracy activities.
60 x 60 cm.                             5495      2207884
F Alphabet
Features 4 plain squares and 26 squares showing a large
lower-case letter and a small upper-case letter, for a variety
of Lacy games.
75 x 90 cm.                            5495         2207876

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