Layers of possibilities - KGHM Group Investor Presentation - KGHM Polska Miedź

Page created by Willard Peters
Layers of possibilities - KGHM Group Investor Presentation - KGHM Polska Miedź
Layers of possibilities

                          KGHM Group Investor Presentation
                          November 2020
Layers of possibilities - KGHM Group Investor Presentation - KGHM Polska Miedź
Cautionary statement

    This presentation was prepared by KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. (KGHM). The presentation is strictly of an informational nature and should
    not be construed as containing investment advice. The users of this presentation are solely responsible for their own analysis and
    assessment of the market situation and of the potential future results of KGHM based on the information contained in this presentation.
    The presentation is not, and should not be construed to be, an offer to sell, or to submit an offer to purchase, any of the securities of
    KGHM. The presentation is also neither in whole nor in part the basis for concluding any agreement or contract whatsoever or for
    undertaking any liabilities whatsoever. Moreover, this presentation does not represent a recommendation to invest in the securities
    of KGHM.
    Neither KGHM nor any of its subsidiaries shall be held liable for the results of any decisions taken based on or utilizing the information
    contained in this presentation or arising from its contents. The market-related information contained within this presentation was
    partially prepared on the basis of data arising from those third parties mentioned in this presentation. Furthermore, certain declarations
    contained in this presentation may be of a forward-looking nature – in particular, such declarations may be in the nature of projections,
    developed based on actual assumptions, reflecting known and unknown types of risk as well as a certain level of uncertainty. The actual
    results, achievements and events which occur in future may significantly differ from the data directly contained or understood to be
    contained within this presentation.

    In no case whatsoever should the information contained within this presentation be considered as a clear or understood declaration,
    or as any type of assertion whatsoever by KGHM or persons acting in its behalf. Neither KGHM nor any of its subsidiaries are required
    or obligated to update this presentation or to provide its users with any additional information whatsoever. KGHM furthermore hereby
    notifies the users of this presentation, that the sole reliable source of data on its financial results, forecasts, events and company
    indicators are the current and periodic reports published by KGHM in performance of the informational obligations arising from Polish

Layers of possibilities - KGHM Group Investor Presentation - KGHM Polska Miedź

      1. Key information about     2. Sustainable development   3. The KGHM Group
          the KGHM Group               of the KGHM Group            vs the sector

     4. Production and financial       5. Advancement of        6. Additional slides,
     results of the KGHM Group        the Group’s Strategy              Q&A

Layers of possibilities - KGHM Group Investor Presentation - KGHM Polska Miedź
We care,możliwości
        Pokłady we act, we protect
        Effectively fighting the spread of the coronavirus

        Initiatives and              Preventative                  Communication
        procedures                   methods                       and education

        COVID-19 unit at the        Thermal cameras              Numerous communication
         hospital MCZ                NITROSEPT disinfectant        channels
        Help for seniors             liquid                       Continuous announcements
        Home office and             Disinfection and masks        on internal procedures and
         restricted contacts          in common-use areas           sanitary services guidelines
        Protective procedures        and during transport         Billboards, educational films,
                                     Personal safety               handouts, newspapers and
                                      measures when                 company TV
                                      travelling into/out of       Special Infolines for
                                      the mines                     employees
Layers of possibilities - KGHM Group Investor Presentation - KGHM Polska Miedź
Key information about the KGHM Group
Layers of possibilities - KGHM Group Investor Presentation - KGHM Polska Miedź
KGHM Group in brief

           One of the world’s largest
           producers of copper and                                           702 thousand tonnes                                             A diversified portfolio of
         silver with nearly 60 years of                                  of payable copper production                                       assets at various stages of
           experience in mining and                                      by the KGHM Group in 2019,                                       development located in mining-
                   metallurgy                                                   (11% higher y/y)                                               friendly jurisdictions

                                                                            A stable and competitive
       Member of the prestigious                                             position in a key sector                                        An organisation with strong
    indices WIG-ESG1) & FTSE4Good                                            for the global economy                                        values-based roots, focused on
     published by the WSE and LSE                                       - copper mining and processing                                      corporate social responsibility

6   1)    The WIG-ESG Index includes 60 of the largest and most-liquid securities trading on WSE, deriving its constituents from the large-cap WIG20 Index and mid-cap mWIG40
          Index. Constituents are assigned ESG scores using insights from Amsterdam-based ESG analytics firm Sustainalytics.
Layers of possibilities - KGHM Group Investor Presentation - KGHM Polska Miedź
KGHM: a top ten copper producer and a leading Polish exporter
    The Group has a global reach and plays a significant role on the global copper and silver markets

                                                                                                      Sixth             Cu    Second             Ag
                                                                                                      largest                 largest
                                                                                                      copper                  silver
                                                                                                      producer                producer

                                                                                                       Other KGHM Group products:
                                                                                                          Molybdenum    Platinum     Copper
                                                                                                          Lead          Rhenium       sulphate
                                                                                                          Nickel        Sulphuric    Nickel
                                                                                                          Gold           acid          sulphate
                                                                                                          Palladium     Selenium
      Legend:      Mining projects of KGHM   Mines of KGHM   Metallurgical facilities of KGHM

                Geology                                         Mining                                                  Metallurgy

                Exploration and                                                                               Smelting and
                                                Ore extraction                       Ore enrichment                                    Casting
                  evaluation                                                                                    refining
Layers of possibilities - KGHM Group Investor Presentation - KGHM Polska Miedź
KGHM among the biggest copper and silver producers1)

         Mined Copper production 2019 2)                                                    Silver production 2019 3)

                                                                                    1 706                                                1 610
                                                                            1 371                                                     1 417
                                                                         1 258                                                  996
                                                                       1 170                                                  805
                                                                  994                                                     671
                                                          702                                                            633
                                                          702                                                            631
                                                     557                                                                 625
                                                    520                                                                 556
                                                   499                              [kt]                                523                   [kmt]

    1)    KGHM results as reported in its consolidated financial statement 2019
    2)    Mines and Metals, March 2020
8   3)    World Silver Survey 2020
Layers of possibilities - KGHM Group Investor Presentation - KGHM Polska Miedź
A proud history of mining and metallurgy

     Discovery of the copper deposit brought about a fundamental change in the region’s economy thanks
     to the growth of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. As a result of M&A activities, capped by the acquisition of
     Quadra FNX, KGHM became a truly global copper producer aimed at continued growth

      1957       1960–70       1968–78        1969–74         1977–80          1993          1997          2012           2014            2015        2018–19

     Discovery   Founding of      Start of    Completion     Construction     Start of     IPO - KGHM    Acquisition      Start of        Level of    Start-up of
       of the     the Lubin    construction   of the Rudna       of the      precious        joins the      of the      production     commercial         flash
      copper         and        of Głogów         mine       Sieroszowice   metals plant      Warsaw      Canadian     by the Sierra    production      furnace
    deposit by    Polkowice       smelter                        mine       – silver and       Stock       mining      Gorda mine       reached by    technology
        Jan         mines        /refinery                                      gold        Exchange      company                      Sierra Gorda      at the
    Wyżykowski                                                                                           Quadra FNX                                    Głogów I

Layers of possibilities - KGHM Group Investor Presentation - KGHM Polska Miedź
Core production assets in Poland – stable output and earnings
     Underground copper mines, fully integrated production

                                              Polkowice-Sieroszowice Mine                          Legnica Smelter and Refinery
                                              36 years LOM                                         LME grade A-registered cathodes
                                               Copper production in 2019 (payable):               Capacity of ~120 kt electrolytic Cu/year 1)
                                                194.6 kt (-0.6% y/y)                                Other metals produced: Ag, Au, Pb, Re
                                               Associated metals: silver, lead, rock salt, gold    2019 Cu production: 117.5 kt (+2.6% y/y)

                                              Rudna Mine                                           Głogów I Smelter and Refinery
                                              21 years LOM                                         LME grade A-registered cathodes
                                               Copper production in 2019 (payable):               Capacity of ~240 kt electrolytic Cu/year 1)
                                                181.3 kt (-2.6% y/y)                                Other metals produced: Ag, Au, Pb, Re
                                               Associated metals: silver, lead, gold               2019 Cu production: 218.7 kt

                                              Lubin Mine                                           Głogów II Smelter and Refinery
                                              26 years LOM                                         LME grade A-registered cathodes
                                               Copper production in 2019 (payable):               Capacity of ~230 kt electrolytic Cu/year 1)
                                                73.5 kt (+4.9 y/y)                                  Other metals produced: Ag, Au, Pb, Re
                                               Associated metals: silver, lead, gold               2019 Cu production: 229.3 kt

                                              Deep Głogów Project
                                               Extension of Rudna and Polkowice-
                                                                                                   Cedynia Copper Wire Rod Plant
                                                Sieroszowice mines                                 Contirod and Upcast technology
                                               DG production figures are included in Rudna         Production in 2019: 250.7 kt of copper wire
                                                and Polkowice-Sieroszowice mines’                    rod and 15.5 kt of OFE rod (-0.08% y/y)
                                                production stats

10   1)   Capacity excluding cyclical planned maintenance shutdowns
Key international assets
     Existing operations and growth potential from projects

                                     Producing assets                                        Potential growth projects

                                             Sierra Gorda (55% stake), Chile                         Sierra Gorda Oxide, Chile
                                             24 years LOM          2019 production stats:            11 years LOM
                                              Open-pit mine         Cu production                   The project aims at processing the oxide ore
                                              Porphyry                (payable): 59.5 kt             The oxide ore is currently stored separately for
                                                                       (+11.7 y/y)                      later heap leaching
                                                                                                      The ore will be transported to a permanent
                                                                                                        heap, where it will be processed via leaching
                                              Robinson Mine, USA
                                              9 years LOM          2019 production stats:
                                               Open-pit mine        Cu production                  Victoria, Canada
                                               Porphyry/              (payable): 48.8 kt
                                                 Skarn orebody         (+1.7 y/y)                    13 years LOM
                                                                                                      The projects assumes building an underground
                                                                                                        copper-nickel mine
                                                                                                      Current development scenario assumes
                                              Sudbury, Canada                                           accessing the deposit via 2 shafts
                                              7 years LOM        2019 production stats:               Forecasted annual production: 19 kt Cu p.a.,
                                               Underground mine  Cu production                        17 kt Ni p.a.
                                               Footwall/            (payable): 4.2 kt
                                                 Contact orebody     (-43.2% y/y) 1)

                                                                                                     Ajax (80% stake), Canada
                                              Franke Mine, Chile                                     19 years LOM
                                                                                                      The project assumes building an open-pit
                                              5 years LOM          2019 production stats:
                                                                                                        copper-gold mine and processing plant with
                                               Open-pit mine        Cu production
                                                                                                        associated infrastructure
                                               IOCG orebody           (cathodes: SX-EW):
                                                                                                      53 kt Cu p.a., 114 koz t Au p.a.
                                                                       19.0 kt (-5.9% y/y)
     1)   Morrison/Levack (Sudbury Basin) mine placed into Care & Maintenance in Q2 2019
Sierra Gorda

                                                                                Sierra Gorda is an open pit copper and molybdenum mine
                                                                                located in Chile’s Antofagasta region in the Atacama desert.
                                                                                Sierra Gorda is a Joint Venture of:
                                                                                       KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. – 55% share
                                                                                       Sumitomo Metal Mining – 31.5% share
                                                                                       Sumitomo Corporation – 13.5% share

                                                                                Schedule of Sierra Gorda development

          2006          2007            2008          2009        2010      2011               2014          2015        2016            2020

            Discovery of mineralization           Scoping Study            Start of       First production    Commercial
            and start of the exploration           completion            construction         of copper       production
                      program                                                               concentrate

              Life of mine based on                      Sierra Gorda end products are           Cu production in 2019           108.2 kt       11.2% y/y
             documented resources                               copper concentrate and
                    is 25 years                             molybdenum concentrate 1)            Mo production in 2019          20.3 mn lbs     24.0% y/y

12   1)   Data on a 100% basis for Sierra Gorda
Sustainable development
Copper production:
     Pokłady możliwości emissions and impact on climate transformation

           Copper – a strategic material for a carbon
                   neutral and circular economy in Europe

                                                 ENERGY TRANSITION
                                                  AND DIGITISATION                                      -75%
           A circular metal: close to 50%
           of copper produced in the EU is
              obtained through recycling                                          While adding 0.4%  GHG, copper
                                                 22 mn tonnes of copper
                                                 required over 2020 – 2050       contributes to reducing ~75% of

      Carrier of valuable metals: copper
                                                 to shift to a climate-neutral
                                                     European economy
                                                                                    emissions in EU society
        metallurgy is needed to handle and
      recover many other valuable materials
       present in electronics, batteries, etc.

14   Source: International Copper Association
     Pokłady     development of the raw materials industry
             możliwości                                                                                                            09
                                                                                                                                   INNOVATION, INDUSTRY,

     – a global challenge of the modern world
                                                                                                                    ECONOMIC GROWTH
                                                                                                                    AND DECENT WORK

     KGHM as a signatory of Agenda 2030 operates on the basis of the                             07
                                                                                                 CLEAN AND

     principles of sustainable development, taking into account in its daily
                                                                                                 AVAILABLE ENERGY

     commitments such areas as Society, Environment, Economics and                      Direct
     Economy, Security and Resource Efficiency
                                                                                                 CLIMATE ACTION

      In 2018 KGHM joined the FTSE4Good Index Series. Being a member of the
      FTSE4Good index series confirms KGHM’s efforts in the field of ESG:                                           15
                                                                                                                    LIFE ON LAND

      environmental protection, social responsibility and corporate governance.
      Moreover, KGHM belongs to the WIG-ESG index (previously RESPECT Index)                                                          06
                                                                                                                                      CLEAN WATER AND
      and The European Technology Platform on Sustainable Mineral Resources                                                           SANITATION

      ETP SMR. In 2020 KGHM for the first time in its history chose to participate in
      the CDP Climate questionnaire, while the metallurgical facilities of KGHM
      announced their intent to undergo review by the Copper Mark program.

     Pokłady     value chain
     Responsible Supply Chain Policy of the KGHM Group

             Extraction                 Logistics                     Commerce                                                   Responsible Supply Chain Policy
                                                                                                                                      of the KGHM Group

             Rational deposits          Reduction of emissions,       Commerce
             management - Intelligent   making logistics structures   based on Fair                             Code of Ethics

             production solutions -     and procedures more           Trade principles
             KGHM 4.0                   efficient

      Raw materials              Production                  Stakeholders                Tailings
      Responsible use of         Reduction of the            Customers, consumers        Product life cycles
      raw materials while        environmental,              and partners as             based on the
      caring for natural         product and                 guideposts for the          Circular Economy
      resources                  organisational              Company’s standards         and adherence to its
                                 footprint                   of responsible actions      principles at every
                                                                                         stage of the value

Ethical Standards
     Pokłady  możliwości
     KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.

                                                                                                            We follow
                                                                              We avoid                   the principle of         We take responsibility
                                                                              conflicts                  “Zero tolerance          for the quality of our
                                                                             of interests                for corruption”.         products and services
                                    We care about the                                                                                                                           We care about
                                  security of information                                                                                                                  our Company’s property
                                    and personal data                                                                                                                       and honestly manage
                                        protection                                                                                                                         the entrusted resources

           We act in compliance                                                                                                                                                                      We take responsibility
             with applicable                                                                                                                                                                          for our impact on
               regulations                                                                                                                                                                             the environment

                                                                                People’s                   Company’s                  Stakeholder’s
                                                                                 good                        good                         good

                We are all                                                                                                                                                                               We enter into
           responsible for both                                                                                                                                                                          partnerships
             our own and our                                                                                                                                                                            with numerous
            Company’s safety                                                                                                                                                                               domestic
                                    At KGHM Polska                                                                                                                                 In relations        and international
                                  Miedź S.A. we do not                                                                                                                         with shareholders,       organisations
                                     tolerate abuse                                                                                                                              we follow Best
                                                                                                                                                                                 Practice of the
                                                           We create high                                                                                We build our            Warsaw Stock
                                                            standards of                                                                                relations with              Exchange
                                                         employer/employee                                                                            external partners
                                                              relations         At KGHM, we create                             We are committed            based on
                                                                                  an environment         We believe that      to global sustainable     transparency,
                                                                                and workplaces free       cooperation is          development         honesty, trust and
                                                                                 of discrimination         fundamental                                 professionalism
17                                                                                                    for achieving success
People and the Environment as a strategic area in the KGHM Group
     Strategy for 2019 – 2023

                                                                                         LTIFR and TRIR ratios1)                                           TRIR ratio in KGHM INTERNATIONAL LTD.
     People and the Environment                                                                                                                            LTIFR ratio in KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.

                                                                                                                                                                                             Decrease over

                                                                                                      15.4                                                                                 the last 10 years
           Main target – growth based on the idea of                                                          12.1    12.9                       12.7
                                                                                                                                10.4     10.2             10.4     10.3     10.3
            sustainable development and safety as well
            as enhancing the Group’s image of social                                                                                                                                          LTIFR –45%

            responsibility                                                                                              0.8      0.8      0.8     0.9      0.8       1       0.8
           Selected effectiveness measures with                                           0                                                                                        0.0
                                                                                                                                                                                               TRIR –74%

            respect to People and the Environment:                                             2010   2011    2012     2013     2014    2015     2016     2017     2018    2019
           - Minimum level of annual improvement of
             LTIFR (Polish assets) and TRIR (international                               In 2019, the Company recorded a slight increase (+0.7%) in the total number of workplace accidents. At the same
             assets)                                                                     time the number of workplace accidents in KGHM Polska Miedź S.A., excl. accidents due to natural causes, was
                                                                                         lower by 11%. Among recorded accidents around 98% were qualified as light injuries, caused mainly by rock falls
           - Level of commitment and satisfaction of the
                                                                                         followed by loss of balance by employees, as well as contact (striking) with or by moveable/immoveable objects.
             KGHM Group’s employees based on measures
             defined during implementation, by 2023                                      TRIR 2019:
                                                                                         2.8 North America            0.31 KGHM Chile SpA                0.36 Sierra Gorda S.C.

     1)    LTIFR (Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate); TRIR (Total Recordable Incident Rate) calculated using accepted methodology as the number of accidents at work meeting the
18         conditions of registration as defined in the ICMM (International Council on Mining & Metals) standard, in total for the employees of KGHM INTERNATIONAL LTD., KGHM
           Chile SpA and Sierra Gorda SCM and sub-contractors for these entities, per 200 000 worked hours
Emissions by the divisions of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
     SO2 and dust emissions1)

          SO2 emissions by KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.                                                       Dust emissions by KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
          [tonnes]                                                                                      [tonnes]

            80 000                             –81%             Reduction of SO2 emissions
                                                                over the last 10 years                    12 000                         –83%           Reduction of dust emissions
                                                                                                                                                        over the last 10 years

            70 000               1    Start-up of                                                                            1
                                      sulphuric                                                           10 000
                                      acid plant
            60 000
                                                                                                            8 000
            50 000

            40 000                                  2                                                       6 000                           2   SOLINOX – Start-up of flue
                                                                                                                                                gas treatment installation

            30 000                                        3    Start-up of desulphurisation
                                                               installation at Głogów                       4 000                                3
            20 000                                                                            4                                                                        Start-up of     4
                                                                                                                                                                    flash furnace
                                                                                                            2 000
            10 000
                                                                                       931.8                                                                                    75.1

                  0                                                                                             0
                       1985    1990    1992    1994     1996   2000    2002    2010    2019                         1985   1990   1992   1994   1996   2000    2002    2010     2019

19   1)     Other dust (without metals) from the production of non-ferrous metals, including PM 2.5 and PM 10
Emissions by the divisions of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
     Lead and copper emissions

      Lead emissions by KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.                             Copper emissions by KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
      [tonnes]                                                             [tonnes]

       400                                                                 350

       350                                                                 300

                               –78%          Reduction of lead emissions
                                                                                                     –71%         Reduction of copper emissions
                                             over the last 20 years                                               over the last 20 years


        50                                                                   50
                                                                  3.09                                                              6.13

         0                                                                    0
                 1985   1990   1995   2000       2005    2009     2019                1985   1990   1996   2000    2002     2012    2019

Pro-ecological investments and environmental fees
     KGHM Group

                                                          Over           spent in 2019 by KGHM                                     [incl. the largest expenses of over
                                                                                                                                   PLN 44 million incurred on replacing

                                                                         on investments to
                                                                                                                                   the absorption and drying towers of the
                                                                         protect the natural                                       sulphuric acid plant at the Legnica Copper
                                              million PLN                environment                                               Smelter and Refinery]

          Selected actions to reduce environmental impact and environmental fees in 2019

          PLN 3.3 million                                            PLN 0.3 million                                                BATAs program
          Energetyka sp. z o.o. -13% Y/Y                             NITROERG S.A. -40% Y/Y                                         Selected environmental investments:
           [payments for water intake and waste discharge and          [fees due to the specific nature of the products –              22 projects were advanced (16 in HM Głogów and
           for emissions to the atmosphere]                            explosives,initiation systems, fuel additives]                   6 in HM Legnica), decision made to exclude six
                                                                                                                                        projects from the BATAs Program
              Selected environmental investments1):                       Selected environmental investments:                          HM Głogów: work completed on sealing conveyor
                                                                                                                                        belts and belt pulling stations for carrying copper
                 construction of a gases treatment installation             modernization of the sewage treatment plant
                                                                                                                                        concentrate, construction of gas desulphurisation
                  meeting emission standards compliant with EU               continuation of the construction of a new                 installation for the Kaldo furnace completed
                  Directives                                                  installation for the production of fuel additives,
                 expanding capacity based on gas-fired boilers               which will allow for the re-use of concentrated          HM Legnica: a modernised dedusting unit for
                                                                              acids in the production process                           three filters behind the shaft furnaces brought

21   1)    Reducing the emission of contaminants to the atmosphere
Pro-ecological investments and environmental fees

      Activities carried out by the entities of the KGHM INTERNATIONAL Group in 2019 related to
      environmental protection

      PLN 28 million                                    PLN 1 million
      Robinson Mine (USA)                               Sudbury Basin (Canada)
       including PLN 3 million due to environmental
       permits held                                         In the Sudbury Basin mines
                                                            activities focused on
          Activities were aimed at monitoring air and       environmental monitoring
          water quality, waste management and the                                                IN 2014, KGHM JOINED THE
          restoration of mining areas
                                                                                                 GLOBAL COMPACT –
      PLN 5 million                                     PLN 6 million                              THE WORLD'S LARGEST   UN
      Carlota Mine (USA)                                Franke Mine (Chile)                        INITIATIVE FOR CORPORATE
                                                                                                  SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND
         Activities were mainly related to mine             Activities focused on acquiring        SUPPORT FOR SUSTAINABLE
         decommissioning and environmental                  required permits and environmental
         monitoring                                         monitoring                                        DEVELOPMENT

By 2030 the increase in share of RES will lead to a substantial reduction in CO2

      Share of power source in supplies

                                      2019                                                           2030
                                     3 TWh                                                          3 TWh
                                                Natural                             Own                     Natural
               Market    Own sources                                      Market                                      RES
                                                  gas                              sources                   gas
                82%       and RES                                          50%                                        49%
                                                 100%                              and RES                   51%

      Estimated CO2 emissions from electricity consumption
      [mn tonnes]
                                                              by 900 kt

                                    2019                                                     2030

The KGHM Group vs the sector

Macroeconomic environment
Macroeconomic environment
     Commodities and currencies prices

     The copper price rose substantially in the third quarter,                                                  Price (USD/t)                  Annual av. (USD/t)

     approaching the peaks of 2018, while silver remained                                 8 000                 Price (PLN/t)                  Annual av. (PLN/t)          28 000

     at a high level                                                                      7 500                                                                            26 000

                                                                                          7 000                                                                            24 000

         The average price of copper in the third quarter of 2020 was more than          6 500                                                                            22 000
          12% higher, with molybdenum lower by nearly 35% compared to the
                                                                                          6 000                                                                            20 000
          corresponding prior-year period
         The average price of silver in the third quarter of 2020 was nearly 43%         5 500                                                                            18 000
          higher than a year earlier
                                                                                          5 000                                                                 Q3’20      16 000
         The average price of copper in PLN was 10% higher than in the third
          quarter of 2019, while the impact of the USD-denominated copper                 4 500                                                                            14 000
          price was somewhat offset by the strengthening of the USD/PLN                       Jan 18   Jul 18           Jan 19   Jul 19      Jan 20        Jul 20

          exchange rate
                                                                                                                                      Source: Thomson Reuters, KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.

         Copper price                          Silver price                         Molybdenum price                             Exchange rate
         [USD/t]                               [USD/oz t]                           [USD/lb]                                     [USD/PLN]

                                                                                                                                           3.88                     3.80
                    5 802        6 519                                                         11.82
                                                                       24.26                                     7.69

                   Q3 2019      Q3 2020               Q3 2019         Q3 2020             Q3 2019          Q3 2020                        Q3 2019               Q3 2020

Precious metals
     Pokłady         prices rose sharply from the move back to safe haven investments,
     reaching historic (gold), or multi-year (silver) highs
     Silver and gold rose sharply at the start of Q3, thereafter                             The gold to silver ratio of such importance to markets returned
     staying at high levels                                                                  to its multi-year average
                     Silver (USD/troz)                Annual av. silver (USD/troz)                                                  Gold to silver ratio
                     Gold (USD/troz)                  Annual av. gold (USD/troz)                                                    LT average
       35                                                                                      120
                                                                                     2 000
                                                                                     1 800
                                                                                     1 600
                                                                                     1 400

       15                                                                            1 200     70

       10                                                                            1 000     60
        Nov-19       Jan-20       Mar-20    May-20   Jul-20        Sep-20                       Jan-16   Jul-16   Jan-17   Jul-17   Jan-18    Jul-18       Jan-19   Jul-19   Jan-20   Jul-20

           The price of silver, which at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic was far behind that of gold, made up for these losses in the third quarter, and in
            recent weeks stabilised at below-peak levels, but still at high historic levels
           The gold/silver ratio, after reaching record highs in March and April, returned to its average level from recent years
           Factors supporting precious metals prices in recent months are mainly the following: negative real interest rates in the main global economies, the
            weakening of the USD, and the unconventional monetary policy of the main central banks

26   Source: Bloomberg, KGHM Polska Miedź
2020 a rollercoaster
     Pokłady możliwości for the copper price
     Metal inventories were also quite volatile in recent months

     In 2020 copper prices recorded their lowest levels in 4 years                                       Copper inventories in official market warehouses rose in
     and their highest since 2018                                                                        recent weeks
      7 250                                                                                              1 000
                                                        China's record monthly                                                                                        SHFE         (139.7)
      7 000                                           import purchases; SRB buys                             900
                                                                                                                   [kt]                                               COMEX        (72.5)
      6 750             Phase 1 trade                  material from the market
                       deal agreement                                                                        800                                                      LME          (169.6)
      6 500              USA-China                                                                           700
      6 250                                  COVID-19                              China has declared
                                          emerges to the                            to become carbon         600
      6 000                              rest of the world                         neutral before 2060
      5 750
                           COVID-19                                                                          400
      5 500
                            in China                              USD weakness                               300
      5 250
                   LME 3M Copper price                                                                       200
      5 000
                         [USD/t]                       China re-opens the economy
      4 750                                                                                                  100
                                                       and follows V-shape recovery
      4 500                                                                                                    0
          Oct-19            Jan-20              Apr-20              Jul-20             Oct-20                   2015       2016        2017        2018        2019             2020
                                                                                                                                                             Source: Bloomberg, KGHM Polska Miedź

         The closure of economies in the 1st and 2nd quarters lead to a collapse                            Inventories in official warehouses are at a relatively low level,
          in the copper price and to a spurt in metal inventories                                             although recently there has been a clear increase
         The opening of the Chinese economy and its rapid return to equilibrium                             The relatively low physical premiums and high long net positions of
          along with subsequent thaws in other parts of the world had a positive                              investors on COMEX and the LME suggest that prices are supported
          impact on the price of the red metal                                                                to a large extent by investment demand
         In the 3Q the higher demand seen in the record import of copper to
          China supported copper prices
In Q3’20 economic activity improved substantially vs the first half of 2020
     Industrial PMI began to improve in June and in most countries continued to grow to the end
     of the third quarter

28   Source: Bloomberg, KGHM Polska Miedź
     Pokłady  growth forecasts by the IMF in October 2020

                      Canada                                                   Eurozone                                                   Poland
                      2019: 1.6%                                               2019: 1.3%                                                 2019: 4.1%
                      2020F: -7.1%  +1.3 pp                                   2020F: -8.3%  +1.9 pp                                     2020F: -3.6%  +1.0 pp
                      2021F: 5.2%  +0.3 pp                                    2021F: 5.2%  -0.8 pp                                      2021F: 4.6%  +0.4 pp

                                                                            2019: 2.8%
                                                                            2020F: -4.4%  +0.8 pp
                                                                            2021F: 5.2%  -0.2 pp

                      2019: 2.2%                                                                                                           China
                      2020F: -4.3%  +3.7 pp                                                                                               2019: 6.1%
                      2021F: 3.1%  -1.4 pp                                     Chile                                                      2020F: 1.9%  +0.9 pp
                                                                                2019: 1.1%                                                 2021F: 8.2%  0.0 pp
                                                                                2020F: -6.0%  -1.5 pp
                                                                                2021F: 4.5%  -0.8 pp

29   Forecasts (F) of actual GDP growth – International Monetary Fund - World Economic Outlook; October 2020 compared to June 2020, and in the case of Poland and Chile
     October 2020 compared to April 2020
The production of miners in Q3 2020, as at the start of the year, was mostly

      Copper production by miners, 9M 2020 vs 9M 2019

                                                   -2%             -3%             -3%            -4%            -7%               -8%            -8%      -12%     -21%
        0%                         0%


                 Codelco      Anglo American     KGHM
                                                KGHM GK            BHP           Freeport    KGHMKGHM
                                                                                                    PM S.A.   Antofagasta         Vale          Glencore   Teck   Rio Tinto
                                                 Group                           McMoran    Polska Miedź S.A.

      Copper production by miners, Q3 2020 vs Q3 2019

                                                  -2%              -2%             -4%            -4%            -5%              -7%            -11%      -14%     -28%
                  4%              2%


             Anglo American     Codelco         Glencore        Freeport         KGHM
                                                                                KGHM GK          BHP        ANTOFAGASTA
                                                                                                            Antofagasta      KGHMKGHM
                                                                                                                                    PM S.A.      Vale
                                                                                                                                                 VALE      Teck    Rio TINTO
                                                                                                                                                                  RIO  Tinto
                                                                McMoran          Group                                      Polska Miedź S.A.

30   Source: Financial reports for Q3 2020, Codelco production report; KGHM Polska Miedź
Production and financial results of the KGHM Group

Part I: 5 years data
Key production data – 5 years
     KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.

      Ore extraction                 Production of copper                 Production of                        Metallic silver production
      [mn t dry weight]              in concentrate                       electrolytic copper                  [t]
                                     [kt]                                 [kt]

                                                                                 574                     566
                                            426   424   419                                  522   502                                           1 400
                                                              401                                                    1 283
          31.6 32.0 31.2 30.3 29.9                                  399
                                                                                                                             1 191 1 218 1 189

         2015 2016 2017 2018 2019       2015 2016 2017 2018 2019                 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019            2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Key production data – 5 years
     Sierra Gorda1)

          Payable copper production                                                         Silver production
          [kt]                                                                              [t]
                                                                                                        7.7     14.1   14.0   14.5    14.6

                                                                                                       2015     2016   2017   20182   2018
                           51.5         53.4        53.3                                    TPM2) production
                 46.3                                                                       [koz t]
                                                                                                                       28.0   23.2    31.2
                                                                                                       12.8     22.9

                                                                                                       2015     2016   2017   2018    2019

                                                                                            Molybdenum production
                                                                                            [mn lbs]
                                                                                                                12.2          14.7    11.2
                 2015      2016         2017        2018         2019
                                                                                                       2015     2016   2017   2018    2019

     1)     Pursuant to interest held (55%); production data – 5 years (since production start)
33   2)     TPM – Total Precious Metals, comprising gold, platinum and palladium
Key production data – 5 years

      Payable copper production                 Silver production
      [kt]                                      [t]

                                                                           1.6           2.4
                                                            1.6     1.7            1.6

                                                           2015     2016   2017   2018   2019

             97.6                               TPM production
                           81.0                 [koz t]
                                  78.8   76.5              95.3     92.1   74.0   67.6   85.2

                                                           2015     2016   2017   2018   2019

                                                Molybdenum production
                                                [mn lbs]
                                                           1.0                           0.9
                                                                    0.8    0.7    0.6

             2015   2016   2017   2018   2019
                                                           2015     2016   2017   2018   2019

Sales revenue and net profit – 5 years
     KGHM Group

         Revenues                                                                                          Net profit
         [mn PLN]                                                                                          [mn PLN]

                                                                                22 723
                20 008                          20 358          20 526
                                19 156

                                                                                                                                                                    1 658
                                                                                                                                                    1 525
                                                                                                                                                                               1 421
                                                                                                                    1 202           1 225 *

                 2015            2016            2017            2018           2019                                2015            2016            2017            2018       2019

     *    Net profit of 2015 and 2016 excluding impact of impairment of non-current assets, loans and impairment recognised in the loss from the valuation of joint ventures
          using the equity method
EBITDA and EBITDA margin – 5 years
     KGHM Group

          EBITDA by segments 1)                                                                           EBITDA margin 2)
          [mn PLN]                                                                                        [%]

                     KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.               KGHM INTERNATIONAL
                     Sierra Gorda (55%)                   Others

                                                5 753
                                                                4 972          5 229                                                                26
                 4 710           4 666                                                                              23              23                             22            21

                  2015           2016            2017           2018            2019                               2015           2016            2017            2018           2019

     1)     Sum of segments; adjusted EBITDA = EBITDA (profit/(loss) on sales + depreciation/amortisation) adjusted by impairment losses on non-current assets
36   2)     Adjusted EBITDA to revenues from sales. For the purposes of calculating the Group’s EBITDA margin, the consolidated revenues from sales were increased by revenues
            from sales of the segment Sierra Gorda S.C.M. e.g. for 2019: [5 229 / (22 723 + 2 002) * 100]
Net debt and net debt/EBITDA ratio – 5 years
     KGHM Group

      Net debt                                      Net debt/adjusted EBITDA
      [mn PLN]                                      [ratio]

                    7 262
                                    7 000   6 891
            6 554           6 577

                                                                     1.6              1.6

            2015    2016    2017    2018    2019              2015   2016      2017   2018   2019

Basic items of the consolidated financial statements
     KGHM Group

          KGHM Group – consolidated data                                                                        2015     2016     2017     2018     2019
          Sales revenue                                                                              [mn PLN]   20 008   19 156   20 358   20 526   22 723
          Profit/(loss) for the period                                                               [mn PLN]   -5 009   -4 449    1 525    1 658    1 421
          Total assets                                                                               [mn PLN]   36 764   33 442   34 122   37 237   39 409
          Liabilities and provisions                                                                 [mn PLN]   16 350   17 531   16 337   18 012   19 207
          Earnings per share (EPS)                                                                   [PLN]      -25.06   -21.86     7.84     8.29     7.11
          Share price of the Company 2)                                                              [PLN]       63.49    92.48   111.20    88.88    95.58
          Net debt/EBITDA                                                                                          1.4      1.6      1.3      1.6      1.5
          Payable copper production 4)                                                               [kt]         718      677      656      634      702
          Payable silver production                                                                  [t]         1 299    1 207    1 234    1 205    1 417
          Concentrate production cost C1 4)                                                          [USD/lb]     1.59     1.41     1.59     1.81     1.70
          Cash expenditures on property, plant and equipment & intangible assets                     [mn PLN]    3 939    3 251    2 796    2 875    3 232

     1)    Attributable to shareholders of the Parent Entity
     2)    At the end of the period
     3)    Adjusted EBITDA for the year, excluding EBITDA of the joint venture Sierra Gorda S.C.M.
38   4)    Comprises Sierra Gorda S.C.M. pursuant to interest held (55%)
Production and financial results of the KGHM Group

Part II: 9M 2020
Summation of the first 9 months of 2020 in the KGHM Group
     Main macroeconomic factors and aspects of the Group in the age of the COVID-19 pandemic
     compared to the first 9 months of 2019

     Macroeconomic environment1)                        Production and C1 cost   Financial results

               -3%                                           -1.7%                     -2%
               Copper price                                  Copper production
                                                                                       Change in revenues to
                                                                                       PLN 16 580 mn
               +22%                                          -3%
               Silver price                                  Silver production

               +3%                                           -6%                       Change in EBITDA to
                                                                                       PLN 4 418 mn
               Stronger USD vs the PLN                       C1 cost

40   1)   Macroeconomic data – average for the period
Metals production
     KGHM Group

         Slightly lower production of electrolytic                   Payable copper production                       Silver production
                                                                      [kt]                                            [t]
          copper by KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. due to a                                                                                        -3% 9M/9M
          restricted supply of copper scrap in the first                                                                          1 031                  997
          half of 2020 and due to the maintenance                                          -1.7% 9M/9M
          shutdown at the Głogów I Smelter/Refinery
         Lower copper production by KGHM                                         530                     521
                                                                                                                                 9M 2019               9M 2020
          INTERNATIONAL due to lower production by                                          44                  60
          the Sudbury Basin mainly due to the                                               58                        TPM production1)
          production suspension at Morrison after Q1                                                                  [koz t]
          2019, and by the Robinson and Franke mines                                                                               157     -8% 9M/9M
          due to the processing of lower quality ore (a
          transition zone in Robinson, higher
                                                                                            428                 412
          carbonates content in Franke)
         Higher copper production by the Sierra                                                                                 9M 2019               9M 2020
          Gorda mine due to extracting higher copper
          grade ore and higher extraction                                                                             Molybdenum production
                                                                                                                      [mn lbs]
                                                                                 9M 2019              9M 2020
         Lower molybdenum production both by                                                                                              -17% 9M/9M
          Sierra Gorda (extraction of ore with a lower                                                                              8.8                  7.3
          Mo grade and lower recovery), and by                                       Sierra Gorda (55%)
          Robinson (extraction from a low-quality                                    KGHM INTERNATIONAL
          transitional zone)                                                         KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.                      9M 2019               9M 2020

41   1)   TPM – Total Precious Metals, comprising gold, platinum and palladium
Production results
     KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.

     Ore extraction                                                     Production of copper                                          Electrolytic copper                                               Metallic silver
     [mn t dry weight]                                                  in concentrate [kt]                                           production [kt]                                                   production [t]

                         –1.8%   9M/9M                                                     –2.7%     9M/9M                                                    -3.7%   9M/9M                                              -4.2% 9M/9M

               22.8                      22.4                                                                                                      428                        412
                                                                                    305                      297                                                                                                1 018                  975
                           48.7                       47.9                                                                                                                                From
                                                                                                                                                   115                        125         purchased
                                                         Ag grade                                                                                                                         metal-bearing
                                                         in ore [g/t]                                                                                                                     materials

                           1.507                      1.497                                   22.7                      22.6                                    313                       287
                                                                                                                           Cu content in
                                                         Cu grade                                                          concentrate [%]                                                From own
                                                         in ore [%]                                                                                                                       concentrate

                                                                                                                                               9M 2019                    9M 2020
             9M 2019                9M 2020                                    9M 2019                 9M 2020                                                                                                 9M 2019            9M 2020

             7.7                     7.5        7.6                                                                                          141     138        141      140                                         382           366
                   7.1      7.4                                                                                                                                                     131                       313           329
                                                                              105              99       100        98                                                                                                                        280
                                                                                                                                              35         33      38       37

            Q3'19 Q4'19 Q1'20 Q2'20 Q3'20                                    Q3'19 Q4'19 Q1'20 Q2'20 Q3'20                                   Q3'19 Q4'19 Q1'20 Q2'20 Q3'20                                    Q3'19 Q4'19 Q1'20 Q2'20 Q3'20

          Ore extraction results from areas                                 Mined copper production                                       Lower production due to a restricted                            Lower production due to
           selected for mining                                                                                                               supply of copper scrap in the first                              lower silver content in charge
                                                                                                                                             half of 2020 and to the several-                                 materials
                                                                                                                                             weeks’ maintenance shutdown at
                                                                                                                                             the Głogów I Smelter/Refinery

Change in inventories
     KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.

     Inventories of copper in concentrate at the smelters
     amount of Cu [t]
                                                                                                  +140%   Q3/Q2

                                                                                                               36 323
           An increase in concentrate inventories at the copper smelters
                                                                              14 886    15 153
            due to the maintenance shutdown at the Głogów I smelter
           In subsequent quarters these concentrate inventories will be
            successively consumed
                                                                              Q1 2020   Q2 2020             Q3 2020

     Inventories of copper anodes at the smelters
     amount of Cu [t]                                                                             -66% Q3/Q2

                                                                              34 359    29 069
           The decrease in copper anode inventories results from their
                                                                                                               9 740
            consumption in the third quarter of 2020 during the maintenance
            shutdown at the Głogów I smelter
                                                                              Q1 2020   Q2 2020             Q3 2020

Production results
     Sierra Gorda1)

      Payable copper production                                   Silver production
                                                                                                         +83% 9M/9M
      [kt]                                                        [t]
                                              +35%   9M/9M

                                                                                                               20.0       Higher extraction by the
                                                      59.9                               7.6      10.9
                                                                               3.5                                         Sierra Gorda mine lead
                                          44.4                                                                             to higher production of
                                                                            Q3 2019    Q3 2020   9M 2019     9M 2020       copper, silver and gold
                 15.1                                                                                                      in the first 9M of 2020
                                                                  TPM production                                           versus the corresponding
                                                                                                         +4% 9M/9M
                                                                  [koz t]                                                  period of 2019
               Q3 2019         Q3 2020   9M 2019     9M 2020
                                                                                                                          Lower molybdenum
                                                                                                  22.8         23.8
                                                                              8.3        7.5                               production due
                                                                                                                           to extraction in
      Higher than expected copper production                                Q3 2019    Q3 2020   9M 2019     9M 2020       areas with lower
      after the first 9M of 2020                                                                                           molybdenum
                                                                                                                           content compared
                                                                  Molybdenum production
              Higher payable copper production after the first   [mn lbs]
                                                                                                         -16% 9M/9M        to ore extracted in prior
               9M of 2020 versus the corresponding period of                                       8.2                     periods; this factor was
               2019 due to higher processing of ore                                                                        partially offset by higher
                                                                               2.6       1.9                               ore throughput
              During the first 9 months of 2020 ore with a
               higher copper content was extracted compared
                                                                             Q3 2019   Q3 2020   9M 2019     9M 2020
               to the same period of 2019

44   1)       On a 55% basis
Production results

     Payable copper production                                                 Silver production
                                                                                                                              -29% 9M/9M
     [kt]                                                                      [t]
                                                                                                                                                             Lower silver production
                                                 -14% 9M/9M                                                           1.7                                     in the Sudbury Basin due
                                                    -12% 9M/9M
                                                                                            0.6                                                               to lower extraction and
                                                         excl. Morrison mine                          0.4
                                                                                                                                                              lower silver content in
                                             57.5                                                                                                             ore
                      excl. Morrison mine
                                                             49.2                        Q3 2019    Q3 2020       9M 2019          9M 2020
                                                                                                                                                             Lower gold production by
                                                                                                                              -14% 9M/9M                      the Robinson mine
                                                                               TPM production
             21.6            18.6                                              [koz t]                  excl. Morrison
                                                                                                                                -5% 9M/9M
                                                                                                                                    excl. Morrison mine       (mining from a poor-
                                                                                                        mine           62.9            54.4                   quality transitional zone
                                                                                           24.0                                                               until Q1 2021) and lower
                                                                                                                                                              TPM production in the
            Q3 2019     Q3 2020             9M 2019      9M 2020                                                                                              Sudbury Basin (lower
                                                                                         Q3 2019    Q3 2020      9M 2019           9M 2020                    extraction, lower gold
                                                                                                                                                              and platinum content)
           Lower production in the Sudbury Basin (lower                       Molybdenum production
            extraction mainly due to the production suspension                                                                -33% 9M/9M                     Lower molybdenum
                                                                               [mn lbs]
                                                                                                                                                              production by the
            at Morrison after Q1 2019, and lower copper                                                               0.6
                                                                                                                                        0.4                   Robinson mine due to
            content in ore), in the Robinson mine (extraction
                                                                                            0.1       0.1                                                     mining from a poor-
            from a low-copper-grade transitional zone, lower
                                                                                                                                                              quality transitional zone
            equipment availability) and in the Franke mine
                                                                                          Q3 2019   Q3 2020       9M 2019           9M 2020
            (lower copper content in ore and lower recovery)

Sales revenue
     KGHM Group

      Revenues from contracts with                                                                        Revenues from contracts with
                                                       -2% 9M/9M
      customers                                                                                           customers
      [mn PLN]                                                                                            [mn PLN]

           16 869                                                 +397                    16 580
                                                +107                                                              16 869                    16 580
                              -254                                            -539                                              1 508                     1 194
                                                                                                                                 2 311                    2 026

       Revenues in first Change in sales Change in prices       Change in     Other   Revenues in first
         9M of 2019      volumes of basic of basic products     USD/PLN                 9M of 2020
                                                                                                                                13 050                    13 360
                             products                         exchange rate

       Lower revenues by PLN 289 mn (-2%) versus the corresponding prior period of 2019,                         9M 2019                  9M 2020
        including due to lower revenues in KGHM INTERNATIONAL LTD. by PLN 285 mn due
        to the suspension of work by DMC on the Woodsmith (formerly Sirius) project,
        partially offset by higher revenues from sales of metals versus the corresponding                    KGHM INTERNATIONAL          Other segments and

        period of 2019                                                                                       KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
                                                                                                                                         consolidation adjustments

Sales revenue
     KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
                                                             Higher revenues from sales by PLN 310 mn (+2%) in the first 9M of 2020
                                                             compared to the first 9M of 2019, due to:
       Sales revenue
       [mn PLN]                                                 a higher adjustment to revenues from hedging by PLN 160 million
                             +2% 9M/9M
                                                                a more favourable USD/PLN exchange rate (+3%) and
                                         13 360
                                                                higher prices of silver (+22%) and gold (+27%)
                   13 050
         Other                1 001                 1 137    alongside less favourable copper prices (-3%) and lower sales volumes of copper
          Silver              2 004                 2 326    (-2%), silver (-4%) and gold (-2%)

                                                              Sales of copper                                  Silver sales
                              10 046                9 897     and copper products                              [t]
     Copper and
                                                              [kt]                    -2% 9M/9M                                     -4% 9M/9M
         copper                                                              415                  405
                                                                                                                             1 029               990

                   9M 2019               9M 2020                 wire rod
                                                              and OFE rod               202              192

                                                                            9M 2019           9M 2020                       9M 2019             9M 2020
                    4 633     4 225       4 672     4 463
          4 219
                                                                      135    142        132       145   128                   364      345       364
                                                                                                                      323                                 281

        Q3 2019    Q4 2019   Q1 2020     Q2 2020   Q3 2020          Q3 2019 Q4 2019 Q1 2020 Q2 2020 Q3 2020          Q3 2019 Q4 2019 Q1 2020 Q2 2020 Q3 2020

The financial situation of the KGHM Group remains stable and safe

     Total unit production cost
     of electrolytic copper from own concentrate
     KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.1)                                                                                                                                                                 19.3
     [k PLN/t]                                                                                                                                                         17.2

                                                                       Capital expenditures                                  1 663                                                            2 250
      KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.2)
      [mn PLN]                                                                                                                                                                                      3)
                                                       Other expenditures, including loans                                              351                                                   365
                                                                                              0%     10%      20%      30%      40%       50%      60%      70%      80%      90%      100%

     Financial leverage of the
     KGHM Group                                                                                                                                                                             ≤ ×2

     [net debt / adjusted EBITDA]   4)


     1)   Sum of costs of extraction, floatation and metallurgical processing per cathode, together with support functions and cathode selling costs, adjusted by the value of inventories of
          half-finished products and work in progress, less the value of anode slimes and divided by the volume of electrolytic copper production from own concentrates
     2)   Capital expenditures – excluding development work – uncompleted; Other expenditures – acquisition of shares and investment certificates of subsidiaries and associates and
          loans granted
     3)   Reflects an adjustment of assumptions pursuant to regulatory filing 9/2020 dated 12 May 2020
48   4)   Adjusted EBITDA for 12 months, to the end of the reporting period, excluding EBITDA of the joint venture Sierra Gorda S.C.M.
     5)   Level of net debt/EBITDA ≤ 2 related to the Financial Liquidity Policy adopted by the Company and is not part of the budget assumptions of KGHM for 2020
C1 unit cost1)
     KGHM Group

                                                                           C1 – KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.                                             The decrease in C1 cost versus the
          C1 – Group                                                       [USD/lb]                                                                 first 9M of 2019 was due to the
          [USD/lb]                                                                                                              incl.the
                                                                                                   -7% 9M/9M                    minerals
                                                                                                                                                    savings program, the weakening of
                                                                                          1.71                    1.60          extraction
                                                                                                     0.49                    0.43
                                                                                                                                                    the PLN vs the USD and to a lower
                            -6% 9M/9M                                                                                                               minerals extraction tax charge
                                                                                                     1.23                    1.16
                                                                                                                                                   The increase in C1 by 5% in KGHM
                                                                                       9M 2019                  9M 2020                             INTERNATIONAL was due to higher
                     1.69                                                                                                                           mine operating costs, which was
                                           1.59                            C1 – KGHM INTERNATIONAL                                                  partially offset by a higher copper
                               0.37                                                                +5% 9M/9M
                                                                                                                                                    sales volume and by higher revenues
                                                                                         1.79                    1.87                               from sales of associated metals
                                                       incl. the
                                                       extraction                                                                                  The decrease in C1 cost in Sierra
                                                                                                                                                    Gorda by 11% was due to a higher
                                                                                       9M 2019                  9M 2020
                                                                                                                                                    copper sales volume, lower fuel and
                                                                           C1 – Sierra Gorda                                                        energy prices and to reduction of
                                                                           [USD/lb]                                                                 certain categories of costs, including
                               1.32                    1.26                                        -11% 9M/9M                                       external services (improvement was
                                                                                         1.39                    1.24                               achieved with lower revenues from
                                                                                                                                                    sales of associated metals), and to
                                                                                                                                                    advancement of the CAPEX and OPEX
                9M 2019                 9M 2020
                                                                                       9M 2019                  9M 2020                             savings program

49   1)     C1 cost - cash cost of concentrate production reflecting the minerals extraction tax, plus administrative expenses and smelter treatment and refining charges (TC/RC), less
            depreciation/amortisation and the value of by-product premiums, calculated for payable copper in concentrate
Expenses by nature
     KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.

      Expenses by nature
      [mn PLN]
                                                                                       Expenses by nature decreased by
                                                              -0.3% 9M/9M
                                                                                       PLN 35 million y/y
                         11 125            11 090
                                                             Minerals extraction tax
                                                             recognised in expenses
                                   1 192             1 120   by nature
                                                                                                                                3 941     extraction
                                                             Purchased metal-            3 692    3 771                                   tax recognised in
                                   2 888             2 874                                                  3 636     3 513
                                                             bearing materials                                                            expenses by
         Other taxes,     7 045             7 096
     charges & costs               375               361      +1% 9M/9M
       /amortisation                 …                 …                                                                                  Purchased metal-
                                                                                                                                          bearing materials
     External services
                                   1 281             1 259   Expenses by nature
                                                             excluding purchased
     Other materials                                                                                                                      Expenses by
         and energy                1 768             1 746   materials and the                                                            nature excl.
                                                             minerals extraction tax     2 466                                  2 354     purchased
        Labour costs
                                                                                                                                          materials and
                                                                                                                                          the minerals
                                   2 658             2 774                                                                                extraction tax

                         9M 2019           9M 2020                                      Q3 2019   Q4 2019   Q1 2020   Q2 2020   Q3 2020

Operating results
     KGHM Group

          Change in adjusted EBITDA1)                                                                                                          Adjusted EBITDA
                                                                                                                                               [mn PLN]
          [mn PLN]

                                                                +7% 9M/9M

                                   +184                                     +257                                     4 418                                                        4 418
              4 112
                                                                                                                                                         4 112
                                                                                                  -15                                                                                               192
                                                       -120                                                                                                            207

                                                                                                                                                                       2 868                        3 052
            9M 2019              KGHM             KGHM                     Sierra                Other              9M 2020
                            Polska Miedź S.A. INTERNATIONAL                Gorda

                                                                                                                                                        9M 2019                  9M 2020

       Record quarterly adjusted Group EBITDA (+PLN 306 mn) due to higher results of
                                                                                                                                                    KGHM INTERNATIONAL         Other segments
        Sierra Gorda (+PLN 257 mn; +49%) and KGHM Polska Miedź (+PLN 184 mn; +6%)
                                                                                                                                                    KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.     Sierra Gorda (55%)

51   1)     Sum of segments; adjusted EBITDA = EBITDA (profit/(loss) on sales + depreciation/amortisation) adjusted by impairment losses on non-current assets
Financial results
     KGHM Group

     Profit for the period         -30% 9M/9M
     [mn PLN]                                                                             consolidated net profit for the first 9 months of 2020
                                                                                           Group profit for the period lower by PLN 494 million (-30%)
                                                                                           mainly due to:
                                                                  [PLN mn]
                                                                                                 a lower result on operating activities
                                                                                                 a lower result on exchange differences
                                                                                                 a lower result on the measurement and realisation of derivatives

                                                                                           alongside a lower tax charge
        1 666                        + 338

                                                      - 66                                                                                                   1 172
                                                                      - 105              -8                                             + 51
                      - 289                                                                            - 218
                                                                                                                                                     - 60
                                                                                                                       - 137

                            A deterioration in the operating result
                                      by PLN 122 million

        Profit for   Change in      Change in        Change in     Other operating Profit/loss on     Exchange     Measurement       Change in CIT   Other   Profit for
        9M 2019      revenues      expenses by   inventories, work      costs      involvement in    differences   and realisation                           9M 2020
                                     nature         in progress                     joint ventures                  of derivatives

EBITDA and profit for the period
     KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.

                                     Adjusted EBITDA                                      Profit for the period
     Higher EBITDA with              [mn PLN]                                             [mn PLN]

     lower net standalone                                  +6% 9M/9M                                           -30% 9M/9M
     profit                                     2 868
                                                                         3 052

      EBITDA higher by 6% vs the
                                                                                                    1 663
       corresponding period of                                                                                             1 156
      Lower net profit of PLN 494
       mn (-30%) than in the first            9M 2019                  9M 2020                     9M 2019                9M 2020

       9M of 2019 mainly due to a
       change in the measurement        949
                                                  751        900       1 031     1 121                           399      348       409

       of financial assets                                                                             -399

                                      Q3 2019    Q4 2019    Q1 2020   Q2 2020   Q3 2020    Q3 2019   Q4 2019   Q1 2020   Q2 2020   Q3 2020

Cash flow
     KGHM Group

      [mn PLN]
                                                                               + 519
                                         +1 300

                                                              - 444
                       +1 879

                                                                                                -2 487                                                                       1 119
        1 016                                                                                                      - 207
                                                                                                                                     - 248
                                                                                                                                                       - 149        - 60

       Cash as at   Profit/loss before    Exclusion of    Income tax paid Change in working    Acquisition of   Acquisition of         Proceeds     Interest paid   Other    Cash as at
      31 Dec 2019      income tax      income and costs                        capital        property, plant   shares in joint   from/repayments                           30 Sept 2020
                                                                                              and equipment       ventures          of borrowings
                                                                                              and intangible

Net debt of the KGHM Group
     As at the end of Q3 2020

     Net debt / adjusted EBITDA                                                                                                     Main factors affecting interest-bearing debt in the first
                                                                                                                                    9 months of 2020
                      1.8                                                                                                           (Increases in debt)
                                                             1.5                                    1.4
                                                                                                                                        Cash expenditures on property, plant and equipment (PLN 2 487 mn)
                                                                                                                                        The minerals extraction tax (PLN 1 120 mn)
                  30-09-2019                           31-12-2019                            30-09-2020                                 Equity increase in Sierra Gorda (PLN 216 mn)
                                                                                                                                        Borrowing costs recognised in cash flow (PLN 149 mn)
                                                                                                                                        An increase in inventories (higher by PLN 76 mn)
     KGHM Group net debt
                                                                                                                                        An increase in trade and other receivables (higher by PLN 16 mn)
     [mn USD]                                                  [mn PLN]
                                                                                                                                    (Decreases in debt)

       2 102      1 815     1 796      1 752                        8 407      6 891      7 449           6 976                         Positive cash flow from operating activities, excluding the change
                                                   1 659                                                          6 413
                                                                                                                                         in working capital and the minerals extraction tax (PLN 3 795 mn)
                                                                                                                                        An increase in trade and other payables, incl. trade liabilities transferred to the
      30-09-19   31-12-19   31-03-20   30-06-20   30-09-20         30-09-19   31-12-19   31-03-20    30-06-20     30-09-20               factor (higher by PLN 671 mn)
                                                                                                                                        Positive exchange differences (a decrease in PLN-denominated debt by PLN 73 mn)

     Change in net debt
     [mn PLN]
                                                                                                                                                   +230                       +36

                   6 891                           -102                            -569                               -73                                                                                 6 413

                 31-12-2019            Impact of change in cash                 Cash flows                   Exchange differences           Accrued interest                 Other                     30-09-2020
                                             on net debt

Advancement of the KGHM Group’s strategy
4 strategic
     Pokłady     directions for KGHM’s development
     The review of the Strategy of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. for 2019-2023

            #        4E
                                                          ELASTICITY,          EFFICIENCY

                                                      SAFETY AND SUSTAINABLE   E-INDUSTRY

     Pokłady  priorities

      #1 Higher         #2   Energy          #3   International
                                                  assets 2.0
                                                                  #4   Long-term
         production          independence                              financial

      #5   Ecosystem    #6   Technologies    #7   New quality
           innovation        of the future        Safety and
           for KGHM                               development

Strategy możliwości
     Pokłady  in practice
     Selected key operating initiatives (1)

                AREA         MAIN TARGET                                       SELECTED EFFECTIVENESS MEASURES

                              Maintenance of
                            domestic and foreign
                                production             Level of production in Poland of            Average yearly               Yearly average of daily ore
                                                      mined Cu in ore with an annual C1      metallurgical production in        processing in Sierra Gorda
                                                      cost not higher than 3,800 USD/t in      the years 2019-2023                      from 2020
                                                             the years 2019-2023

                             Increased efficiency
                             and flexibility of the
                               KGHM Group in
                             managing its Polish             Level of metallurgical          An increase in the share of       Amount by which the needs of
                              and international                production from                 highly processed copper             KGHM Polska Miedź for
                                    assets                        purchased                    products in the Group’s              electricity from its own
                                                          copper-bearing materials,         total sales by the end of 2030      sources of energy generation
                                                           including scrap, to 2030                                           and renewable energy sources
                                                                                                                             will be satisfied by the end of 2030

Strategy możliwości
     Pokłady  in practice
     Selected key operating initiatives (2)

                AREA         MAIN TARGET                                  SELECTED EFFECTIVENESS MEASURES

                            Increase the efficiency
                             of the KGHM Group
                              through innovation        Increase expenditures on        Ensure that all of the innovation     Level of funds for R&D and
                                                        innovation and R&D work      projects are realised, pursuant to the     innovation in the years
                                                       to the level of 1% of KGHM        rules of a coherent model of           2019-2023 to meet the
                                                           Polska Miedź S.A.’s      innovation management and research        challenges faced by KGHM
                                                            revenues by 2023          and development work (R&D) in the        Polska Miedź S.A. in the
                                                                                     KGHM Group, in the years 2019-2023              Core Business

                               Ensure long-term
                             financial stability and
                              the development of
                                 mechanisms              Basing of the Group’s                  Shorter cash                      Efficient management
                                  supporting            financing on long-term                conversion cycle                     of market and credit
                                                             instruments                                                        risk by the KGHM Group
                             further development

Strategy możliwości
     Pokłady  in practice
     Selected key operating initiatives (3)

                AREA         MAIN TARGET                                    SELECTED EFFECTIVENESS MEASURES

                             of systemic solutions
                              aimed at increasing     Ensure financial stability of     Increase in the efficiency of   Minimum level of achievement
                              the KGHM Group’s         the Polish-based Group          support functions as a result    of key strategic targets and of
                                     value            companies, on the basis of           of centralisation and         the yearly goals assigned to
                                                         their own activities               digitalisation of key       them, in each of the years the
                                                                                       back-office processes by 2023          strategy is in force

                             Growth based on the
                              idea of sustainable
                               development and
                                safety as well as
                                 enhancing the          Minimum level of annual           Maintain a participation        Level of commitment and
                               Group’s image of      improvement of LTIFR (Polish       budget at the level of 20% of      satisfaction of the KGHM
                             social responsibility   assets) and TRiR (International   the amount of deductions for      Group’s employees based on
                                                                 assets)                donations from the minerals       measures defined during
                                                                                           extraction tax by 2020          implementation, by 2023

Consistent advancement of the strategy
     Key areas – 4E

                                                               Rational management of the Company’s resources
                         Adaptation of the operating           Optimisation of metallurgical production
                         model for the KGHM Group              Exploration projects in Poland
                         to market conditions                  Optimisation of the international assets portfolio
                                                               Higher financial security

                              Improved efficiency                    Programs to reduce energy consumption
           Efficiency                                                Replacement and availability of mining machinery
                              in the use of resources                Innovative solutions to optimise production processes; CuBR program
                              and production processes               Work on increasing the use of factoring

                                                                           Compliance with BAT conclusions
                                    Integration of the KGHM Group          Program to Improve Occupational Health and Safety
                                    around the idea of sustainable         Circular Economy Program
                                    development                            Development of the Żelazny Most Tailings Storage Facility
                                                                           Electromobility and RES investments development program

                                       Transformation of                       Work on projects comprising the KGHM 4.0 Program
                                       technology under the                    Advancement of projects related to automation of the production line in
                                                                                  the mining and metallurgical divisions
                                       KGHM 4.0 Program

A consistent and responsible investment program
     Capital expenditures by KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. for the first 9 months of 2020

                                                        CAPEX execution in 9M 2020

                                                           by area                                                   by category

                                                                    Mining (66%)                                          Replacement (33%)
                                                                    Metallurgy (30%)                                      Maintaining mine production (34%)
                                                                    Other activities (1%)                                 Mine development (33%)
                                                                    Leasing IFRS 16 (3%)
                                                                    Development - uncompleted

                                                                                    1 099

                                                               56 1       1 663*                                                   1 608
                                             mn PLN            14         PLN mn                                                   PLN mn       34%

                   CAPEX execution in 9M 2020

                                                                                            *incl. Leasing IFRS 16

                   2 250            mn PLN
                                                        CAPEX and budget after the first 9 months of 2019

                   CAPEX target for 2020                                  1 611             mn PLN                   2 516          mn PLN
                                                                          CAPEX execution in 9M 2019                 CAPEX budget target for 2019

Selected development projects
     CAPEX execution for the first 9 months of 2020

      PLN 328 mn                                              PLN 8.6 mn                                                             PLN 14.2 mn
      Deposit Access Program                                  KGHM 4.0 Program                                                       Exploration projects
            30.1 km of tunneling were excavated                    CRM system implemented – system handed over for                   – in the following concessions:
            The GG-1 shaft reached a depth of 1 210.1 m             use
                                                                                                                                          „RETKÓW-ŚCINAWA”: geological documentation being
            GG-2 „Odra” shaft – changes made to                    Phase II of implementation of the CMMS system                         developed for a section separated from the Retków-Ścinawa
                                                                     commenced                                                             and Głogów concession
             planning documentation, talks carried out
             with property owner                                    For projects related to the National Cyber Security                  „GŁOGÓW”: terrain restoration underway after final drillings
                                                                     System and enhancing IT security in the KGHM
            Gaworzyce shaft – the spatial plan was                                                                                       „PUCK”: work carried out to prepare for sinking of another
                                                                     Group, the scope of integration of the SIEM system
             handed over; actions continue regarding                                                                                       drillhole
                                                                     with the IT systems of the industrial infrastructure in
             siting of the shaft
                                                                     all of the divisions of KGHM was increased

      PLN 242 mn                                              PLN 76 mn                                                                       New Development Programs
      Development of Żelazny Most Tailings                    Program to adapt the technological installations
                                                                                                                                       Work carried out on Investment Phase of new
      Storage Facility – Southern Quarter                     to BAT Conclusions
                                                                                                                                       development projects under Strategic Programs:
            Southern Quarter – work advancing on                   Głogów Smelter/Refinery: construction and start-up of the            Construction of a Solar Power Plant – Energy Development
             schedule, 85% of the planned work has been              de-leaded slag transport installation completed, enabling its         Program – two projects begun – a terrain use concept developed
             completed                                               processing by the flash furnace and of bypass gases in the
                                                                                                                                          Construction of a CuOFE+alloy production line - Program to
            Tailings Segregation and Thickening                     piping system of the flash furnace; in other projects,
                                                                                                                                           Extend the Value Chain,
             Station – work continues on building internal           construction/assembly work is underway
                                                                                                                                           under the program to Intensify Production of Oxygen-Free
             installations for the hall, 73% of the planned         Legnica Smelter/Refinery: design work performed, pre-                 Copper at Cedynia – project documentation prepared for the
             work has been completed                                 fabricated parts received, executory documentation, work              installation
                                                                     underway to obtain administrative decisions

Energy Development Program, including RES
     Activities in 9M 2020

     Development of renewable Energy sources                                                          Optimisation and development of
                                                                                                           conventional sources
            A contractor was selected for the project „Design for a PV power plant together with
             obtaining a construction permit” for the Obora Sandpit and HM Głogów I-III sites1)             The simultaneous pilot start-up of two gas-
            The terrain use concept adopted foresees an increase in installed capacity to:                  fired turbines at the gas-steam block in
                – 8 MWp from 5 MWp for the Obora Sandpit                                                     Głogów by 19 July 2020
                – 6.5 MWp from 4 MWp for the HM Głogów I-III site                                           This increase in electricity production by
            Applications were submitted to alter the urban planning documentation to enable                 approx. 16 GWh, resulted in:
             the siting of a PV installation with a capacity of over 100 kW on terrain belonging to           –   A lower cost to obtain power by
             KGHM in:                                                                                             approx. PLN 1.8 mn
                – The Lubin municipality with a potential installed capacity of approx. 20 MWp                –   Avoiding CO2 emissions by more than
                – The Warta Bolesławiecka municipality for a site with a potential of over 50                     4 kt

65   The numerical designation HM Głogów I-III refers to the plot numbers
     The first możliwości
               photovoltaic power plants

     PVPP Piaskownia Obora
     Installed power        8 MW      Projected avoided emissions
     Estimated production   8.5 GWh   over 25 years:
                                          CO2   more than 80 kt
                                          SOx   more than 70 tonnes
                                          NOx   more than 70 tonnes
                                          CO    more than 30 tonnes
                                          PM    more than 4 tonnes

     PVPP HMG I-III complex
     Installed power        6.5 MW    Projected avoided emissions
     Estimated production   6.9 GWh   over 25 years:
                                          CO2   more than 70 kt
                                          SOx   more than 60 tonnes
                                          NOx   nearly 60 tonnes
                                          CO    more than 25 tonnes
                                          PM    more than 3 tonnes    KGHM ZANAM has begun construction of
                                                                       the only solar power plant in Poland based
66                                                                     on Industry 4.0 technology in Legnica
Supporting slides
Reasons to invest in KGHM

       A leading player on the copper                                                  A reliable producer,
     and silver market in terms of mine   A diversified portfolio of assets at     a trusted business partner
      output and size of documented       various stages of development to        and a company committed to
        resources, in mining-friendly     guarantee continued operations            sustainable development

                                                                                    A rational leveraging policy
         Experienced management                      A solid outlook                 with a safe level of the net
         with a proven track record              for the copper market           debt/EBITDA ratio and long-term
                 of success                  in the medium-to-long term           financing ensured through the
                                                                                        Bond Issue Program

Transparent Group structure

                                                                General Shareholders Meeting

                 Supervisory Board
                                                                       Management Board
                                                                     KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
                                                                             (Lubin, Poland)
                                                                 (Listed on Warsaw Stock Exchange since 1997)

               KGHM International Ltd.
                                                            Production                         Development             Group of subsidiaries
                (Vancouver, Canada)
                                                             divisions                           projects
            Operations                                                                                                    Role in KGHM Group

         Robinson Mine       Victoria (Ontario)      Lubin Mine                         Deep Głogów               Core-Services
          (Nevada)            Ajax (BC)               Polkowice-Sieroszowice Mine        Exploration Projects      Multi Utilities
         Carlota Mine        Exploration             Rudna Mine                                                    Knowledge (R&D)
          (Arizona)            Projects                                                                               CSR
                                                       Concentrators Division
         McCreedy West       Sierra Gorda                                                                           Non-core
          (Ontario)            Oxide                   Głogów I Smelter/Refinery
         Sierra Gorda                                 Głogów II Smelter/Refinery
          (Chile)                                      Legnica Smelter
         Franke (Chile)                               Cedynia Wire-Rod Plant

Committed to solid corporate governance

          Independent directors on the board                                                 KGHM’s Corporate Governance is guided by
                                                                                             international standards and follows best practices:
                                                                                                All members of KGHM’s Supervisory Board are appointed by
                  2                                Independent Directors
                                                                                                 the General Shareholders Meeting
                                                   Other Directors
                                                                                                All of KGHM’s shares have equal voting rights (no preferred stock)
                                                   Employee Elected
              1                    5                                                            5 independent members of the Supervisory Board 1)
                                                                                                Committees of the Supervisory Board:
                                                                                                              – Strategy Committee
                                                                                                              – Audit Committee
                                                                                                              – Remuneration Committee
     KGHM meets the top quality Corporate Governance                                            Internal audit structure implemented across the KGHM Group -
     standards of the Warsaw Stock Exchange                                                      consistent with the best international practices
     (compliant with EU/OECD guidance)                                                          Code of Ethics – implemented in 2015

     In 2018 KGHM joined the FTSE4Good index. Being a member of the FTSE4Good index series confirms
     KGHM’s efforts in the field of environmental protection, social responsibility and corporate governance. KGHM perceives joining
     the FTSE4Good index as an award for its solid performance in complying with demanding ESG standards.

70   1)    According to criteria for independence set forth in point II.Z.4. of the Code of Best Practice for 11 WSE Listed Companies 2016
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