LAW - oNe IreLAND'S - University College Dublin

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LAW - oNe IreLAND'S - University College Dublin
IreLAND’S                            UCD Sutherland
Number                               School of Law

LAW SchooL



                        University College Dublin

             Undergraduate Programmes 2018/2019
LAW - oNe IreLAND'S - University College Dublin
UCD Sutherland School of Law was ranked Number One Law School in Ireland by the QS
World University Rankings 2017.

  Visit the UCD Sutherland School of Law

 Visiting the School of Law is the best way to find out
 more about studying law and to tour the unique new
 building and check out the facilities on offer. Sign up
 with now to receive notifications
 for the events below.

 OCTOBER: Law Open Evening
 Every year, we host an Open Evening to give students the opportunity to attend
 talks by lecturers and students and ask questions about studying law. It is
 also a great chance to see the facilities on offer with a tour of the Sutherland
 School of Law building.

 UCD Open Day takes place the first Saturday in November every year and it is
 another opportunity to meet with law lecturers in the O’Reilly Hall and also to visit
 the Sutherland School of Law building. You can also attend a series of graduate
 talks to hear about the diverse careers open to you when you have a law degree.

 JUNE: Law Summer School
 In early June, we welcome fifth year students to our Summer School. This is a
 chance to attend sample lectures to get a feel for what it is like to be a law student
 in the UCD Sutherland School of Law. It is also a unique opportunity to immerse
 yourself in the student experience in UCD for a day.

   For further details see:
LAW - oNe IreLAND'S - University College Dublin
The study of law is the primary focus of the UCD            university law school in Ireland with state of the art
Sutherland School of Law for all staff and students –       facilities designed around a principle of community.
from our first year undergraduates arriving in              With its bright, airy classrooms, lecture theatres and
September with little or no experience of law to our        student study areas it provides a focus for all law
PhD students writing up book length theses, to our          students and staff. Undergraduate students join
academics whose research and writing informs their          either as part of the Bachelor of Business and Law
teaching, is published extensively nationally and           (BBL) or the Bachelor of Civil Law (BCL). After first
internationally and who contribute to public debates        year, the BCL students choose from a broad range of
through social and mainstream media. The School             degree programmes discussed in this booklet and
has a vibrant community of scholarship and learning         there are opportunities for students to also study
that informs, inspires and challenges our students in       abroad at one of our partner Law Schools across the
equal measure. We call on our students to be                world. The Law curriculum introduces you to legal
intellectually curious and we help them develop             doctrine and analysis, legal writing, the ability to
rigorous analytical skills equipping them for the next      read case law, statutes and other sources of law and
stage in their careers as UCD alumni. We welcome            to analyse the role of law in society. The first two
new students from Ireland and internationally every         years of study introduce you to the diverse world of
year, celebrating the increasing diversity of our           law with the opportunity in third and fourth year
student body. We take enormous pride in their               to study subjects such as commercial law, human
learning and how as graduates they contribute to            rights law, public law, international law, family law,
society in legal practice, public service, business,        criminology and regulation.
media and in the cultural and not-for-profit sectors.       Law is a challenging, robust and interesting field of
And we take particular pride in those who have gone         study. UCD Sutherland School of Law is committed
on to make a mark either in public life (the fourth         to learning and innovation with graduates who are
president of India, V.V. Giri, was a law student here       leaders in law in Ireland and in business, the arts,
at the time of the 1916 Rising, more recently Peter         media and public service in Ireland and
Sutherland is formerly EU Commissioner, Director of         internationally. We look forward to welcoming
the WTO and Chairman of Goldman Sachs and                   you here.
Judge Síofra O’Leary is a judge in the European
Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg).
Graduation is the goal but the learning journey to
that day when your name is called out and you walk                             Professor Imelda Maher MRIA
up in your robes to get your parchment comes first.                            Dean and Sutherland Full Professor
The Sutherland School is the only purpose built                                  of European Law

Our Learning Environment                               4     Law with Economics                                    15
Your Career Path                                       6     Law with History                                      16
Work Placement Opportunities                            7    Law with Irish                                        17
International Opportunities                            8     Law with Philosophy                                   18
Studying UCD Law                                       10    Law with Politics                                     19
                                                             Law with Social Justice                               20
OUR PROGRAMMES                                               BBL (Business and Law)                                21
 BCL (Hons)                                            11   Student Life at UCD                                    22
 Law with French Law                                   12   Alternative Routes to Study Law                        24
 BCL/Maîtrise                                          13   Clubs and Societies                                    25
 Law with Chinese                                      14   Our Sutherland School of Law Community                 26

3 | UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES 2018/19                            UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES 2018/19 | 3
LAW - oNe IreLAND'S - University College Dublin
Our Learning
In 2013, the School of Law
moved to the purpose-built
UCD Sutherland School of
Law building. The teaching
facilities on offer are
unrivalled and include three
large lecture theatres and the
unique Arthur Cox Clinical
Legal Education Centre. This
Centre houses a Moot Court,
Judge’s Chamber,
Negotiation and Arbitration
Suites, as well as Client
Counselling rooms. The
Sutherland School of Law
building creates a modern
and innovative space for the
learning and practising of
legal skills that did not
previously exist in Ireland,
and will benefit students,
academics and legal

LAW - oNe IreLAND'S - University College Dublin
LAW - oNe IreLAND'S - University College Dublin
Your Career Path
As a law graduate from UCD, you will be very well placed
to pursue various careers in Ireland and abroad.
UCD Sutherland School of Law graduates have a strong
reputation in the legal professional marketplace. Given their
exposure to multidisciplinary studies, it is no surprise that
many have also developed careers outside the law in fields
such as banking, taxation, journalism and broadcasting.

Our careers support                                           Your careers advisor
UCD has a dynamic Career Development Centre to                                     Brian Hutchinson, an associate
advise you on your future career progression.                                      professor in law, serves as the Law
There are dedicated talks and workshops on topics                                  School’s academic careers advisor.
such as ‘CV Writing’, ‘Completing Application Forms’                               Brian’s experience, coupled with
and ‘Interview Preparation’. During the year, there are                            UCD Career Development Centre
various employer recruitment presentations on                                      support, enables him to mentor
campus, and leading Irish and UK law firms (including         students, from first to final year, to take the next
Arthur Cox, William Fry and Matheson) attend the              appropriate career step: from further studies and
annual Law Careers Fair in O’Reilly Hall.                     scholarships at home or abroad, to law firm
All students are actively encouraged to engage with           recruitment, Irish or European public institution
the career development programme from their first             placements and other public law and private
year in UCD.                                                  law options.
                                                              Brian Hutchinson, Associate Professor,
                                                              Head of Career Development

 THE LEGAL                  BUSINESS                  PUBLIC                 GRADUATE                   OTHER
 PROFESSION                                          SERVICE                  STUDIES                OPPORTUNITIES

  You can go on to       Our graduates work in     We have graduates        UCD Law graduates        Our graduates are also
qualify as a barrister     corporate banking,     in the Human Rights     have been admitted to      successful journalists,
    or a solicitor in     management and tax        Commission, the       study for postgraduate      are employed in the
Ireland, or in the UK,       consultancy in            Law Reform            degrees at many           technology sector
   or as a lawyer in     companies throughout      Commission, in the     prestigious universities    and are on the staffs
Australia, the USA, or         the world.          Diplomatic Service        abroad, including          of international
       in Europe.                                and in the Oireachtas.      Harvard, Oxford,            organisations.
                                                                            Cambridge and the
                                                                           European University

LAW - oNe IreLAND'S - University College Dublin
Work Placement Opportunities
With increased competitiveness in the employment market, UCD Sutherland
School of Law has introduced a suite of modules that focus on clinical legal
education. There is a core emphasis on developing work skills and employability
and, as part of this, every year a group of students is offered the opportunity to be
placed in legal and policy organisations, while also gaining course credit over the
duration of their placement. Legal Placement is one such module where students
undertake a placement with legal firms, public bodies or non-governmental
organisations. This module provides students with the opportunity to work
alongside Ireland’s most highly regarded and influential legal professionals.

                      Ailbhe Marsh McCann FitzGerald
                      I decided to apply for the Legal        sector. McCann FitzGerald run a comprehensive and
                      Placement Module because of             well formulated training programme, incorporating
                      extremely positive feedback on its      seminars on the various operations within the firm. The
                      merit and value to a student of         working week was broken into periods with our
law. The opportunity to combine my legal education            mentors and training sessions on several pertinent
with a clinical experience in a law firm, while also being    topics. This included seminars on research
guided through the process by a series of UCD                 methodology, legal drafting, and interview and
seminars, was invaluable. As a Business and Law               presentation skills. Our timetable was varied and
student, whose legal training has predominantly               challenging but due to the collegiate atmosphere
entailed passive interaction in an academic                   which the firm embraces, an enormous effort was
environment, I was keen to gain some practical                made to integrate the interns and provide us with
experience in a corporate law firm. I was fortunate to        access to staff from trainee to partner level.
be partnered with McCann FitzGerald and assigned to           Overall, my experience with McCann FitzGerald was
their Financial Services Regulation division where I          hugely fulfilling, and instrumental in the development
gained an insight into clients’ requirements regarding        of a positive and confident mindset which I will bring to
compliance with the stringent stipulations within this        my future career.

                     Hannah Tracey KOD Lyons
                     A legal placement with a human           and was charged with a level of responsibility similar to
                     rights and criminal law firm has         that of a trainee. I was afforded the opportunity to
                     proven instrumental in paving the        work with some of Ireland's leading criminal lawyers on
                     path of my legal career. The             a trial, whereby one client was found not guilty of
framework of this module equipped me to overcome              impeding a murder investigation; which was gripping.
any obstacles which arose while on placement, through         The same professionals offered me clarity and direction
student led seminars and a core emphasis on reflective        post-graduation. Witnessing the way in which the
learning. As a ‘Law with Social Justice’ student, a           fabric of the criminal law is tightly woven by the
placement with KOD Lyons gave me total exposure to            threads of human rights - where access to justice for all
a dynamic working environment, while becoming fully           is paramount - has inspired me to pursue a career in
immersed in the law in practice. Spending the majority        human rights and criminal law. I would highly
of my time at the Criminal Courts of Justice was very         recommend the legal placement module to all
exciting as I got to interact with clients on a daily basis   students in their penultimate year of study.

                                                                  UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES 2018/19 | 7
LAW - oNe IreLAND'S - University College Dublin
International Opportunities
At UCD Sutherland School of Law, we actively encourage our
students to travel abroad as part of their education. It is an
opportunity not to be missed in today’s globalised world.

   COLUMBIA, CANADA                OF MINNESOTA         SCHOOL, YORK UNIVERSITY                   SWEDEN

UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA,       UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI,                                                   UNIVERSITY OF
         DAVIS                       FLORIDA                                                           CONNECTICUT

                            Ciaran Sweeney               month of arriving, I felt like I knew the city backwards.
                            Minnesota                    Making friends was very easy, both with the American
                                                         students, and with the other international exchange
                            In August 2015, I set off    students. I got involved with the law school football
                            for my year-long             team and the musical society and found both of these
                            International Exchange to    to be a fantastic way to make friends. Outside of law
                            the University of            school, the chance to travel around America was also an
                            Minnesota. The year was      opportunity not to be missed. As well as travelling to
                            beyond everything I          the states that border Minnesota, I visited Miami and
                            expected it to be. I knew    Chicago and got to see tourist attractions such as the
                            very little about            Sears tower (pictured). Overall, I could not recommend
                            Minneapolis before I         the year-long or semester-long exchange enough, it
                            headed over but within a     really is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

LAW - oNe IreLAND'S - University College Dublin
We offer our students the best range of opportunities of       has extensive links with universities around the globe.
any Irish Law School to study abroad, including numerous       Depending on which particular programme you choose to
partners across Europe, as well as China, Singapore, India,    study, you may have the opportunity to spend a semester
the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.                    or year at one of our partner universities. The widest
Many of our graduates go on to practise law overseas as a      range of destinations is offered to BCL students.
result of their positive experience. UCD participates in the   You can find a full list of our partner institutions at
ERASMUS/Socrates European Exchange Programme and     

                    LOUVAIN, BELGIUM                            PARIS                           BERLIN, GERMANY

                                                                                              UNIVERSITÉ DE FRIBOURG,

                                                                                               UNIVERSITÉ TOULOUSE 1

                                                                                                UNIVERSITAT POMPEU
                                                                                                 FABRA, BARCELONA

                                                                                                CHINA UNIVERSITY OF
                                                                                               POLITICS AND LAW (CUPL)

                                                                                                  THE UNIVERSITY OF
                                                                                                   HONG KONG AND
                                                                                                  CITY UNIVERSITY OF
                                                                                                     HONG KONG

                                                                                                NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
                                                                                                   OF SINGAPORE

                                                                                                   Further exchange
                                                                                                   opportunities are
                                                                                                   available in these

                                                                 UNIVERSITY OF NEW               AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL
                                                                SOUTH WALES, SYDNEY              UNIVERSITY, CANBERRA

 Kate McCarthy                                                 continuing my studies abroad. I chose to complete my
 Louvain, Belgium                                              five month Erasmus in Louvain-la-Neuve, a small
                                                               university town outside Brussels. It provided the perfect
                                           I am a              environment to make new friends, gain a different
                                           final-year          perspective on my studies and improve my French, all
                                           Business and        while immersing myself in a foreign culture. The
                                           Law student in      travelling opportunities were endless – we were
                                           UCD. When I         constantly exploring new cities and visiting our other
                                           learned there       Erasmus friends. My participation in the Erasmus
                                           was an              programme will undoubtedly be one of my best
 opportunity of a semester-long Erasmus as part of this        memories from my time in UCD and I encourage
 degree, I jumped at the idea. It was a perfect                everyone to seek out these opportunities and grab them
 opportunity to develop practical language skills and          if they can.

                                                                     UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES 2018/19 | 9
LAW - oNe IreLAND'S - University College Dublin
Studying UCD Law
  1&2                         Foundations of legal knowledge and specialist subjects

        DN600 bcL                  DN600 LcS              DN600 LeS               DN600 LFL                    DN600 LhY
        Bachelor of                 Law with             BCL Law with            BCL Law with                 BCL Law with
         Civil Law                   Chinese              Economics               French Law                     History

        DN600 LPY                  DN600 LPS              DN600 LSJ                  DN600 LIh                   DN610
       BCL Law with               BCL Law with           BCL Law with                 BCL Law                  Bachelor of
        Philosophy                  Politics             Social Justice               with Irish            Business and Law

                 All students are offered core law modules and programme-specific subjects

                                  core law modules
                                                                                                      DN600 students also take
                                                                                                   progamme-specific modules as
                                                                                                     appropriate, for example in:
 General Introduction       Constitutional                                Contract
                                                     Tort Law
  to Legal Studies*             Law                                         Law
                                                                                                        Law            History
                                                                                                   Chinese Studies    Philosophy
       General                                                                                       Economics          Politics
   Introduction to           European                Property             Criminal                   French Law      Social Justice
      Legal and              Union Law                Law**                 Law                         Irish
 Professional Skills *

 Years                                Further Specialisation and International Study

                                             bachelor Degree in Law (honours)

*Not offered in DN600 LCS
**Offered as an optional module to DN610 in Year 3

UCD Sutherland
                              School of Law

                                             BCL (Hons)
DN600 BCL                                    Bachelor of Civil Law
By studying national
and international
legal rules, develop
skills and strengths
that appeal to
employers outside
and within the
legal professions.

Why is this course for me?                   What will I study?                         STUDENT PROFILE
The BCL is a degree with a long history      With a wide choice of law modules you
and an established reputation at home        can tailor your BCL, with modules in:
and abroad. The BCL degree allows you        ■ International Human Rights;              My experience
to immerse yourself in the study of law,     ■ Environmental Law;                       of studying law
to engage with a vast range of legal         ■ Intellectual Property Law;               in UCD has
perspectives and to acquire a profound       ■ Commercial Law; and,                     been nothing
understanding of how law works in            ■ Family and Child Law.                    but positive. I
theory and in practice. The BCL degree                                                  have developed
offers students the widest range of          You can also choose ‘clinical’ options     a deep
international opportunities in your          focussing on law in practice, e.g.:        understanding of and appreciation for
third year.                                  ■ Advocacy;                                law. From day one, the incredible
                                             ■ Competition Law in Practice; and,        lecturers and tutors at the law school
Many BCL graduates progress to               ■ Alternative Dispute Resolution.          taught in a way that was engaging and
distinguished careers nationally and                                                    enjoyable. UCD also offer a wide range
internationally, including Judge Síofra      You may also choose some non-law           of choices which meant that I was able
O’Leary, a 1989 BCL graduate, who was        modules, including a language (Spanish,    to tailor my degree to study things I had
appointed a judge to the European            French, Irish or Chinese).                 a real passion for. I also had a chance to
Court of Human Rights in 2015.                                                          get involved in extracurricular activities
                                             The Sutherland School of Law has a         such as debating and moot court
                                             moot court and trial rooms, offering you   competitions. This was not only a good
                                             a virtual courtroom experience.            way to develop some key legal skills
                                                                                        such as independent research and public
                                             NOTE: If you are interested in later       speaking, but a way to meet people who
                                             qualifying as a lawyer in the USA,         share similar interests. I started in UCD
                                             the BCL programme is the                   without a clear direction for what I
 Final year students can apply for US        recommended choice.                        wanted to do with my life, and finished
 externships in the federal courts and                                                  with a drive to pursue a career in law
 the Federal Defender’s Office in Los                                                   and all the necessary skills to make that
 Angeles and Chicago. Internships in                                                    happen. I could not recommend the BCL
 the Supreme Court of Ireland are also                                                  highly enough.
 on offer (pictured is The Hon. Ms Justice
                                                                                        Rory Curtis
 Susan Denham with 2017 intern Melissa

                                                                        UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES 2018/19 | 11
UCD Sutherland
                           School of Law

DN600 LFL                                  Law with French Law
Develop the skills
and strengths that
come from a
thorough grounding
in Irish and
international law and
combine these with a
general education in
French law.

Why is this course for me?                 In second year, you will continue to        STUDENT PROFILE
This degree allows you to undertake a      build your knowledge of the
degree in Irish law, whilst                foundations of Irish law, covering:
simultaneously acquiring a broad           ■ EU Law;                                   Law with
knowledge of French law and a very         ■ Property Law; and,                        French Law
high level of competence in French         ■ Criminal Law.                             offers the best
language and French legal terminology.     You will also advance your French           of both
This degree is one of two French Law       language skills and continue your study     worlds, as not
Programmes offered by the Sutherland       of French public law and French private     only do you
School of Law, the other being the         law.                                        get an in
BCL/Maîtrise on the opposite page. All                                                 depth knowledge of Irish law, you
students interested in the French Law      Third and fourth year                       also get the opportunity to study
Programmes enter the BCL (Law with         You will spend your third year at a         another prominent legal system. The
French Law) in first year.                 partner university in Paris, Toulouse or    small class size meant that I made
                                           Aix-Marseilles and will return to UCD       friends instantly and the teaching
What will I study?                         for the last year of the programme. In      staff got to know us from early on.
First and second year                      final year, you are required to complete    The highlight of my degree was
The first year of the course focuses on    a dissertation on French law and to         spending my Erasmus year in
the core Irish law modules of:             continue your French language training      Toulouse. Although the prospect of
■ Constitutional Law;                      (whilst also taking a wide array of Irish   living and studying in France is a
■ Contract Law; and,                       law modules of your choosing).              daunting one, the French law
■ Tort Law.                                You will particularly benefit from          modules you take in first and second
This is combined with intensive French     studying in a small class and from          year will have you well prepared
language training and an introduction to   studying with both Irish and French         going over. You’ll come home
French public law and French private       students on the BCL/Maîtrise degree.        speaking and writing French to a very
law.                                                                                   high level and with a confidence you
                                                                                       never thought possible.
                                                                                       Elaine Egan
The UCD Sutherland School of Law is                                                    Graduate
ranked in the top 1% of Law Schools
in the world and is the Number One
Law School in Ireland (QS World
University Rankings 2017).

UCD Sutherland
                            School of Law

DN600 LFL                                   BCL/Maîtrise
Pursue a unique
opportunity to take
two degrees at the
same time. Acquire the
linguistic and legal
skills and qualifications
to pursue exciting
national and
international career
opportunities. Spend
two years in France.

Why is this course for me?                  What will I study?                          STUDENT PROFILE
This degree is one of two French Law        During your first two years of the
Programmes offered by the Sutherland        dual-degree programme, you will study
School of Law, the other being the          the normal range of legal subjects that     The
BCL(Law with French Law) on the             are taken in the BCL, and which are         BCL/Maîtrise
opposite page. All students interested in   required by the professional legal          programme is a
the French Law Programmes enter the         bodies. These include: Constitutional       fantastic
BCL (Law with French Law) in first year.    Law; Contract Law; Tort; EU Law; and,       opportunity to
In second year, the students who have       Criminal Law. In addition, you will study   study both
achieved the highest grades in Level I of   both French public law and French           common law
the BCL (Law with French Law) will have     private law.                                and civil law and improve your French
the option to apply for interview to                                                    language skills. It's an intensive degree
enter the BCL/Maîtrise. The major           Third and fourth years are spent in one     but at the end, you'll have the
difference between the two                  of our two partner universities:            opportunity to qualify in both Ireland
Programmes is that the BCL/Maîtrise         Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris II) or     and France. During my time in UCD, I
allows you to undertake two degrees: a      Université Toulouse 1 Capitole.             was involved in the French Society, the
degree in Irish law and a degree in                                                     Peer Mentor Programme, the Student
French law, the Maîtrise en Droit, from     The BCL/Maîtrise is an intensive            Legal Service, the Law Review and had
either the Université Panthéon-Assas        programme aimed at highly motivated         the opportunity to visit both London
(Paris II) or the Université Toulouse 1     and ambitious students. Graduates of        and The Hague on study trips. Spending
Capitole. Your final two years (third and   the programme will have acquired an         two years in Toulouse greatly improved
fourth) are spent at either of these        exceptional range of legal and              my French and allowed me to discover a
universities. The Maîtrise en Droit (or     linguistic skills.                          new culture. I also had the opportunity
Master 1) is considered to be a master’s                                                to specialise in International Law for my
level course.                                                                           Master 1 and study topics like Aviation
                                                                                        and Space Law and International
                                                                                        Humanitarian Law. This degree is
DID YOU KNOW?                                                                           extremely rewarding and advantageous
                                                                                        if you want to work at a European or
 From this programme you can                                                            International level. I have immensely
 go on to qualify as an avocat                                                          enjoyed this four year programme!
 and practise law in France.
                                                                                        Jaymee Cronolly

                                                                       UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES 2018/19 | 13
UCD Sutherland
                            School of Law

DN600 LCS                                   Law with Chinese
Develop an
appreciation of law,
culture and
language in modern
China, combined
with a thorough
understanding of
Irish, European and
international law.

Why is this course for me?                  What will I study?                         STUDENT PROFILE
The BCL (Law with Chinese) degree           You will focus on the core Irish Law
allows you to undertake a degree in Irish   modules in first and second year,
law, whilst simultaneously acquiring a      including:                                 Having been
broad knowledge of Chinese law and a        ■ Constitutional Law;                      attracted to
very high level of competence in            ■ Contract Law;                            studying law
Mandarin and Chinese legal                  ■ Tort;                                    in UCD I was
terminology.                                ■ Property Law; and,                       eager to pair it
During this degree, you will gain           ■ Criminal Law.                            with a
comparative insights which inform an        This is combined with intensive Chinese    language and
enhanced critical perspective on Irish      language training and an introduction to   Chinese, as the most spoken
law. As part of the degree you will take    Chinese culture and society.               language in the world, seemed like a
modules in Chinese Studies and also                                                    great option. The variety of the
classes in Mandarin. Your third year is     You will spend your third year at a        degree has proven to be what I value
spent at a leading law school in China.     partner university in China (Renmin        most. Going from a law lecture to a
Law with Chinese is a challenging but       University or the China University of      Chinese culture class keeps my days
extremely valuable degree for students      Politics and Law (CUPL), both of which     interesting. The UCD facilities, in
to gain a competitive career advantage      are in Beijing).                           particular Sutherland School of Law,
in the increasingly globalised world.                                                  are state of the art and the small
                                            On your return to UCD for the last         class sizes in Chinese mixed with the
                                            year of the degree, you will be offered    large lecture halls for Law means I
                                            a number of modules in Chinese Studies     have the opportunity to learn in
                                            and will continue your Chinese             different ways. Having just spent a
                                            language training.                         month in Beijing attending summer
                                                                                       school, I am now hugely looking
                                            You will also choose from a wide range     forward to third year when I will
 Students entering this course do not       of Irish law modules, including clinical   spend the year studying in China. This
 need prior knowledge of Mandarin.          modules from the School’s Clinical Legal   degree offers the opportunity to learn
                                            Education Centre (CLEC).                   about a culture very different to our
                                                                                       own and to also gain a strong law

                                                                                       Tara Sullivan

UCD Sutherland
                           School of Law

DN600 LES                                 Law with Economics
Study law within
the context of
economics and
explore the
between two of the
most critical
disciplines affecting
society today.

Why is this course for me?                What will I study?                          STUDENT PROFILE
This course allows you to acquire a       With a wide choice of law and
highly respected degree in Irish law,     economics modules, you can pursue
whilst simultaneously developing a        your own areas of interest. Modules         I came to Law
broad knowledge of the principles of      include:                                    with
economics. Certain areas of law           ■ Employment Law;                           Economics
(competition regulation, intellectual     ■ Competition Law in Practice;              through a love
property) are heavily influenced by       ■ Banking Law;                              of making
economic theory, and as a BCL (Law        ■ Intellectual Property Law;                arguments,
with Economics) graduate, you will be     ■ International Monetary Economics;         policy,
uniquely equipped to understand these         and,                                    business and generally how the world
regulatory frameworks in all of their     ■ Game Theory.                              works. I chose Law in UCD for the
conceptual complexity. While on this                                                  choice of modules, high standards and
degree you will embark on a field of      Why economics?                              an exceptional building. So far, it has
cross-disciplinary study, which is        Economics explores how people –             more than exceeded my expectations.
intellectually very demanding, but also   consumers, business people, public          Having two different subjects is not
tremendously enriching, and of            servants and politicians – make             only really interesting but brings about
immense practical importance.             decisions, and how they choose              two complementary ways of thinking,
                                          between alternative ways of spending        which is useful in every aspect of life.
                                          their money and using their skills,         Outside of lectures and tutorials, I
                                          energy and time in a wide range of          have debated in Warsaw and The
                                          human endeavour. As well as standard        Hague, mooted in front of members of
                                          subjects, economics can throw light on      the Irish judiciary and had lunch with
                                          decision-making in many diverse areas       the former President of the ECB, all
                                          of life, from love and marriage to sports   with the UCD Law Society. I also
                                          and crime.                                  travelled to London with the School of
 Many leading UK and Irish law firms                                                  Law and visited some of the world’s
 (including Arthur Cox, Matheson,                                                     leading firms.
 Mason Hayes & Curran, William Fry                                                    I love my degree and everything UCD
 and Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer                                                   has to offer; each day is different and is
 LLP) host recruitment presentations                                                  always equally exciting, challenging
 on campus in UCD.                                                                    and rewarding.

                                                                                      Conor White

                                                                      UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES 2018/19 | 15
UCD Sutherland
                              School of Law

DN600 LHY                                     Law with History
This law degree
merges the
discipline of law
with a grounding
in its intersection
with history.

Why is this course for me?                    What will I study?                          STUDENT PROFILE
There is a natural affinity between the       With a wide choice of law and history
disciplines of law and history. Each is       modules, you can pursue your own
shaped by the other. Important                areas of interest. Modules include:         Law with
historical events are often interlinked       ■ Jurisprudence;                            History
with contemporary legal structures, and       ■ History of Public Law;                    provides a firm
legal reform is often prompted by the         ■ Criminal Justice History;                 basis in the law,
defining events of the past. As a             ■ Juries;                                   as well as
consequence, many lawyers are also            ■ Fascism; and,                             providing a
keen historians. This course allows you       ■ Russian Revolution.                       wider
to acquire a highly respected degree in                                                   understanding of world events studied
Irish law, whilst also indulging a passion    Why history?                                through the prism of history. I have
for history and acquiring a deeper            Knowing what happened and why is            found that studying law complements
understanding of past events which            essential in life. Studying history         history and visa versa; for example both
have shaped our legal system.                 provides you with the skills necessary to   subjects put an emphasis on developing
                                              understand the world we live in. Explore    ideas, and then supporting those ideas
                                              the past, examining a wide range of         with evidence which you have
                                              periods and topics that cover many          researched. Another strong point of the
                                              parts of the globe. Study controversies     course is the wide variety of choice that
                                              and different ways that the past can be     you are given. For example, I chose
                                              understood. Learn how to research, use      comparative constitutional law and
                                              evidence and think critically.              public international law plus Yugoslavian
                                                                                          and Japanese History. I also took up
                                                                                          debating through the main debating
                                                                                          union, the Literary and Historical Society
                                                                                          and I was involved in writing for the
 UCD Law students are supported and                                                       student newspaper, the University
                                                                                          Observer. The Sutherland School of Law
 advised by a dedicated academic
                                                                                          also helped me to participate in the
 member of the School on their
                                                                                          National and International Negotiation
 prospective career paths. They are also                                                  competitions. After four years of study,
 given access to the School’s legal careers                                               I'm really glad I chose UCD and in
 blog (with information from former                                                       particular Law with History!

 graduates) and are invited to attend                                                     Matthew Hanrahan
 UCD’s Annual Law Careers Fair.                                                           Graduate

UCD Sutherland
                            School of Law

DN600 LIH                                   Law with Irish
Offers a cohesive
set of Irish language
modules which are
relevant to the study
and practice of law.

Why is this course for me?                  Why Irish?
The BCL (Law with Irish) is a new           This degree offers law students with a
programme starting in 2017/18. This         strong interest in the Irish language a
programme offers you the opportunity        unique opportunity to pursue a degree       Soláthraíonn
to acquire a highly respected BCL           that involves interpreting and using
                                                                                        an cúrsa seo
degree whilst additionally deepening        legal information in the context of
                                                                                        nasc idir Dlí
your competence in the Irish language       either the Irish or English language. The
in the context of law.                      high level of competence in law and in      agus Gaeilge le
                                            Irish achieved will ensure that graduates   cur chuige
                                            are well placed to pursue careers in law    nuálaíoch,
What will I study?                          or other related careers such as
                                                                                        ilmheán idir theagasc ranga agus
First and second year                       lawyer/linguist, legal translation, the
                                                                                        mhodúil ar líne.
In first and second years your studies in   diplomatic service, media, legal
law comprise core modules such as:          research and academia.                      Dírítear ar chruinneas teanga agus ar
■ Constitutional Law;                                                                   chúrsaí litríochta ar dtús. Forbraíonn an
■ Contract Law;                                                                         cúrsa ansin le hoiliúint in ardscileanna
■ Tort Law;
                                                                                        teanga i gcomhthéacs dlíthiúil. Ag
■ EU Law;
                                                                                        deireadh na céime beidh mic léinn
■ Property Law; and,
■ Criminal Law.                                                                         eolach ar agus ábalta téacsanna dlíthiúla
                                                                                        i gcomhthéacs náisiúnta/idirnáisiúnta a
Your Irish language modules include                                                     aistriú le fócas ar dhlítheangeolaithe/
■ Forbairt na Gaeilge;
                                                                                        aistritheoirí in institiúidí na hEorpa fosta.
■ Acadúla; and,
                                                                                        Más spéis leat cruinneas teanga i
■ Léamh agus Scríobh na Gaeilge.
                                                                                        gcomhthéacs dlíthiúil mar aon le cultúr
                                                                                        agus litríocht na Gaeilge, soláthróidh an
                                                                                        cúrsa rogha fhairsing de dheiseanna
                                                                                        fostaíochta do mhic léinn Dlí agus

                                                                                        Dr Regina Uí Chollatáin
                                                                                        Ceann na Scoile, UCD Scoil na Gaeilge,
                                                                                        an Léinn Cheiltigh agus an Bhéaloidis.

                                                                       UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES 2018/19 | 17
UCD Sutherland
                            School of Law

DN600 LPY                                   Law with Philosophy
questions about
society, knowledge
and human
existence and how
they impact and
influence the law.

Why is this course for me?                                                              STUDENT PROFILE
Legal systems express and reflect the       Cicero, a Roman philosopher and
prevailing moral, political, social and     lawyer, tells us “It isn’t enough to
economic philosophy of the State. Law and   possess wisdom; you should be able to       I chose Law
philosophy are therefore complementary      use it too.”                                with
fields of study and any understanding of                                                Philosophy
law is fundamentally enhanced by a          Both disciplines train their graduates to   because I
knowledge of philosophical theory. This     read texts closely, think independently     wanted to
course allows you to combine a highly       and foster an ability to communicate        accompany the
respected degree in law with an enriched    complex ideas with clarity and accuracy.    academic
appreciation of its philosophical           These attributes are essential in many      challenge of law with an area that I
underpinnings.                              professional occupations, not least the     knew really interested me. The range of
                                            world of legal practice.                    choice in UCD is fantastic, and modules
What will I study?                                                                      like ”Anarchy, Law and the State” were
With a wide choice of law and philosophy    Why philosophy?                             absolutely fascinating. Studying
modules, you can pursue your own areas      Are you interested in thinking for          philosophy really helped me to critically
of interest. Modules include:               yourself? Do you like problem solving?      engage with arguments made, to
■ Jurisprudence;                            Do you want to tackle some of the most      identify the analytical links which make
■ Criminology;                              challenging questions that have             up claims, and to coherently respond to
■ Lawyers, Ethics and Legal Practice;       fascinated thinkers for centuries, such     ideas presented. This made grappling
■ Philosophy of Law;                        as: How can we know anything?               with the concepts and arguments at the
■ Critical Theory; and,                     Do we have free will? How should we         core of academic law far less
■ Medieval Philosophy.                      live? Does God exist?                       intimidating, and also added another
                                            The main requirement for studying           dimension to studying law.
                                            philosophy is a capacity for clear          Studying at UCD is far more than the
                                            thinking and methodical argument.           academic course you choose. I really
 In your third year you can avail of                                                    enjoyed debating, and thanks to the
 work placements in law firms, NGOs                                                     coaching and support from UCD I got
 or Government departments.                                                             the chance to travel all around Europe
                                                                                        and as far as Israel! The sheer variety of
                                                                                        societies means that I found there was
                                                                                        an event I really wanted to go to almost
                                                                                        every night.

                                                                                        Aodhán Peelo,

UCD Sutherland
                            School of Law

DN600 LPS                                   Law with Politics
Engage with law
in the context of
international and
Irish politics,
government and
public affairs.

Why is this course for me?                                                               STUDENT PROFILE
Law and politics are inextricably linked    You will also take a special module,
by the legislative process. Many UCD        entitled ‘Contemporary issues in Law
law graduates have progressed to            and Politics’. Each year, this module        Law with
political careers in the Dáil, and others   examines a small number of topics            Politics has
have become high-profile political          which are at the interface of law,           been an eye
commentators. This course allows you        politics and social policy. A key feature    opening study
to obtain a highly respected law degree     of the module is the central role of         into the world
whilst also acquiring a deeper              invited guest speakers, including            around me for
understanding of political theory and       lawyers and former ministers (such as        the past two
the political process.                      Michael McDowell SC), experts on             years. The course content is really
                                            international affairs (such as Dr Paul       interesting, and both subjects deal with
What will I study?                          Gillespie) and leading journalists (such     both past and contemporary legal and
With a wide choice of law and politics      as Dr Carol Coulter and Dearbhail            political issues, with overlap between
modules, you can pursue your own            McDonald).                                   the two, for example, between
areas of interest. Modules include:                                                      Constitutional Rights and Political
■ Industrial Relations Law;                 Why politics?                                Theory. The course also offers a broad
■ Media Law;                                The study of politics examines national      legal base of knowledge while also
■ Administrative Law;                       and international political institutions,    allowing for study of both domestic and
■ Public International Law;                 systems and forces. These include            international politics.
■ Foreign Policy;                           governments, parliaments, parties and        The ability to identify similarities
■ Political Economy; and,                   elections, as well as international          between the two, to vocalise opinions
■ Middle-East Politics.                     alliances and conflicts, human rights,       and to make arguments, through
                                            global poverty, war and political            activities like mooting has also helped
                                            violence. Studying politics will also help   me greatly outside of my studies. I’ve
                                            you to develop your analytical skills,       been able to use these skills in debating,
 Practical experience gained in clinical    formulate an argument and express            representing UCD LawSoc at a European
 law modules may give you a                 yourself clearly in writing.                 level, and also winning the Irish Times
 competitive edge when applying for                                                      Debating Competition. The various
 internships or traineeships.                                                            societies in UCD have been a great way
                                                                                         to meet new people in UCD. Whatever
                                                                                         your interests, there will always be
                                                                                         something for you in UCD.

                                                                                         Dara Keenan

                                                                        UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES 2018/19 | 19
UCD Sutherland
                           School of Law

DN600 LSJ                                  Law with Social Justice
Are you concerned
about injustice in
society and interested
in acquiring the skills
and knowledge that
will enable you to
advocate change and
to tackle social

Why is this course for me?                 What will I study?                          STUDENT PROFILE
This course (the first of its kind in      With a wide choice of law and social
Ireland) is intended to allow you to       justice modules, you can pursue your
acquire a highly respected law degree,     own areas of interest.                      Studying Law
whilst also gaining a detailed                                                         with Social
understanding of the social justice        Modules include:                            Justice in UCD
issues that are intended to be addressed   ■ Human Rights Education;                   has been an
by the legal system. While on this         ■ Criminology;                              incredibly
degree, you will be uniquely equipped to   ■ Law, Gender and Sexual                    rewarding
offer a critical perspective on the          Orientation;                              experience for
adequacy of our criminal justice system,   ■ International Human Rights;               me. The course itself provides a wealth
our family court structure, our social     ■ Racism and Anti-Racism; and,              of module choices which allowed me
systems and our industrial relations       ■ Childhood Inequalities.                   to tailor my studies and combine the
frameworks.                                                                            two disciplines of law and social
                                           Why Social Justice?                         justice in such a way as to broaden my
                                           The subject areas of equality, diversity    perspective on prominent global issues
                                           and disadvantage are increasingly           and develop my critical thinking and
                                           topical in Irish society and on the wider   social awareness. Social justice and
                                           global stage. This degree is designed for   equality issues are prevalent in Irish
                                           students who wish to combine law with       and global society, and this course has
                                           an in-depth study of the social context     taught me how critical the law can be
                                           in which law operates. Graduates of this    in the effort to bring about social
                                           degree often choose to pursue further       change. In my third year of study, I
                                           study in Human Rights or Criminology        took part in the Legal Placement
                                           with a view to pursuing a career in these   module which was an invaluable
                                           areas.                                      experience, as it provided an insight
 Throughout the four years of the                                                      into the contrasting roles of lawyers in
 programme, you will participate in a                                                  professional workplace environments,
 specially-designed law and                                                            and gave me the opportunity to
 social justice seminar.                                                               develop practical legal skills which
                                                                                       subsequently served me well during a
                                                                                       legal internship with one of Ireland’s
                                                                                       top law firms.

                                                                                       Orlaith Ni Mhadagain

UCD Sutherland
                             School of Law

DN610                                         Bachelor of Business and Law
Combines two
vital components
of the commercial
world – business
and law – to
flexibility in your
future career.

Why is this course for me?                    You will take a range of modules across      STUDENT PROFILE
The BBL combines law and business into        business areas, including:
a single degree, providing you with an        ■ Accountancy;
ideal skill set for the commercial world      ■ Management;                                Business &
and offering tremendous career                ■ Finance and Economics; and,                Law was the
flexibility. As a BBL graduate, you will be   ■ Marketing.                                 perfect choice
uniquely equipped with the analytical                                                      for me as it
and advocacy skills that arise from a         Fourth year                                  allowed me to
legal training, combined with the             You will have the option to take more        explore the
numeracy and financial literacy of a          business or law modules, depending on        key areas of
business degree.                              your preference and career plans.            both disciplines and as such, discover
                                              The intensive nature of the BBL degree       a passion for law I never knew I had.
What will I study?                            means that you will not have time to         The dedicated and passionate
First, second and third year                  take extra modules as part of                lecturers along with the support staff
During your first three years, you will       UCD Horizons.                                at UCD, go above and beyond to
study both business and law equally,                                                       ensure students are provided with
learning how these two disciplines            Why Business                                 everything they need to build the
interrelate.                                  Students with strong numeracy and            foundations of their future careers.
                                              mathematical skills will find that           The Erasmus programme was a
You will focus on core law degree             business is a very complementary             definite highlight of Business & Law
subjects, including:                          subject to study alongside law. The          for me, as not only did I get the
■ Contract Law;                               flexibility of module choices means that     chance to study both disciplines from
■ Tort Law; and,                              during your degree you may choose            an international perspective, I met
■ EU Law.                                     subjects that will enable you to pursue a    interesting people from all over the
                                              future qualification as a solicitor or       world and from various fields of
                                              barrister or alternatively in accountancy,   study, and of course had the
 You can study abroad for one                 finance, banking or tax. This degree is a    opportunity to travel. My experience
 semester in your third year!                 highly regarded by employers in the          at UCD has been exceptional due to
                                              fields of both business and law.             the incomparable teaching quality,
                                                                                           the vast range of societies and
                                                                                           facilities on campus, and of course,
                                                                                           the opportunity to study abroad.

                                                                                           Rachel Coyle

                                                                         UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES 2018/19 | 21
Student Life
at UCD
The UCD campus has unrivalled
facilities for students including an
Olympic-sized swimming pool, a full
gym and a 90 seater cinema. The
university also offers a wide variety
of sports clubs and societies for
students to really enjoy their college
experience. Many law students avail
of their time in UCD to pursue other
interests and hobbies in addition to
their studies. For example, Aly
Coyne and James Ahern have made
their mark in the Musical Society
and UCD Choral Society respectively.
The Sutherland School of Law is
delighted also to have many leading
sports people amongst the student
body. For example, Deirdre Duke,
captain of the UCD Hockey team and
member of the Ireland squad,
graduates this year with a Law with
Social Justice degree. In the field of
rugby, Rory O’Loughlin has
successfully combined his Business
and Law degree with playing for
Leinster, as has his teammate Garry
Ringrose who has also been capped
many times for Ireland whilst at
UCD. Leading amateur golfer, Chloe
Ryan and Shane O’Connell of UCD
Boat Club are other athletes
combining law studies with elite
sporting achievements.

                   of Sp
       Co ur

                                     UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES 2018/19 | 23
Alternative Routes to Study Law
 UCD Sutherland School of Law is committed to ensuring a diverse student body and therefore welcomes
 applications from candidates with a disability, mature students and those who, for socio-economic reasons,
 might find the traditional application process difficult. Second-level students who are considering studying
 law, and who attend a DEIS school, are invited to attend a four-day summer school to learn more about law,
 and how to apply to UCD Sutherland School of Law. Information on alternative routes to study law is
 available by contacting:
(persons over 23 years who do not already hold a degree)
(Higher Education Access Route for School Leavers)     
(Disability Access Route to Education for School Leavers)     
Programmes for mature students                    

                    Neil Coogan Mature student
                    Before returning to UCD, it had         Rome in October this year. I also spent the summer
                    been twelve years since I had           of 2017 in three different law firms getting practical
                    been in an academic                     experience. I am now a final year Law with Politics
                    environment. Returning to               BCL (Hons) student and will be graduating in 2018
                    education as a mature student           with a Law degree from Ireland’s top Law School.
undoubtedly has its challenges; we have different           The social scene for mature students is very active,
needs and responsibilities than those of our younger        both in the Law School and University wide; there is
counterparts. However, these challenges are not             no shortage of events. Academically, the content is
insurmountable, and there is a great support                challenging and requires dedication, but the quality
network in UCD. I managed to work part-time                 and accessibility of the lecturers make all the
throughout my degree and maintain a healthy                 difference.
home life. UCD Law opened doors for me that I               Returning to college as a mature student has been
previously thought impossible. I have been lucky            one of the best decisions I have made, and I would
enough to travel to London with the Law School              encourage anyone who is thinking about enrolling
and will be going to the UNICA Conference in                to do so.

                    Stacey O’Neill Mature Graduate
                    Having never really been in love        the difficulties that may arise whilst caring for a
                    with my previous career in the          family and studying.
                    insurance industry and already          In my experience the most difficult part of returning
                    studying Law on a part time             to education was working up the nerve to actually
                    basis at FETAC level, under             do it. This is a decision I have not regretted once,
employment during the economic downturn in                  the work is challenging and at times difficult but it
2011-2012 came as an opportunity rather than a              is always worthwhile. UCD will give you above all,
setback. I decided to return to education full time         else opportunity to engage in real debate of the
and I began studying BCL Law in UCD in 2012 as a            subject matter with lecturers and peers, rather than
Mature Student. Returning to education as a                 simply committing to a memory exercise. Since
mature student brings with it its own set of                graduating I have been working in a job that I love
challenges, but also its own rewards. Thankfully I          and I intend to return to UCD to complete the LL.M
have always found UCD to be accommodating of                in International Commercial Law in September.

Clubs and Societies
There are over 100 clubs and societies at UCD, including Law
Soc, which runs both debating and social activities. The
Student Legal Service runs clinics offering legal information to
other students across UCD. Other societies include: DramSoc;
UCD Chamber Choir; Photographic Society; St Vincent de Paul
Society; and, UCD Volunteers Overseas, to name but a few.

UCD Law Society

LawSoc is one of UCD's biggest and most active societies!   events the highlight of which being Law Ball as well as
We run weekly house debates and regularly bring in          regular nights out! We also send teams all over the world
guests including Judge Judy, Cristiano Ronaldo, Bill        from Mexico to Cork to competitive debate and moot. To
Clinton and Noam Chomsky.                                   find out more about what we do and how to become a
We run hundred of events every year including social        member visit our Facebook page or our website!

Student Legal Service                                       our weekly legal clinics. Law students from first to final
                                                            year can sign up for these clinics at our Fresher's Week
                                                            stand. The SLS also runs negotiation and other
                                                            competitions throughout the semester and organises
                                                            various social nights for all members. We also release an
                                                            annual publication, which Is exclusively written by UCD
                                                            students. In 2017, the title of our publication was 'The
                                                            Legal Effects of the European Union', which tackled an
                                                            amalgam of issues relating to how one of the world's
                                                            most influential and complex institutions operates. We
                                                            host talks and seminars from interesting and prominent
                                                            people from the world of Law and beyond, and we also
The UCD Student Legal Service (SLS) is one of the           organise one of Ireland's largest student-run events, the
fastest-growing and most vibrant societies in UCD. Our      Student Legal Convention, which invites experts to
primary function is to help students who are in need of     discuss the legal issues of today. We hope to meet you in
legal information whilst also performing a career           September! Please do not hesitate to contact us via
preparation role within the law school. Our volunteers,     email or through our Facebook page if you have any
who are drawn from the UCD law student body, aim to         questions- we're always looking to bring new people on
assist students with any legal queries they might have at   board to help!

                                                                UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES 2018/19 | 25
Our Sutherland School
of Law Community
The Sutherland School of Law community is made up              made up of leading members of the judiciary, the Bar,
of over one thousand students at undergraduate and             and practitioners in local and international law firms,
graduate level plus a highly engaged group of teaching         in addition to politicians, human rights activists and
and support staff. In addition to those who study,             media personalities. We encourage all law graduates
teach and work in the School of Law, we regularly              to keep in touch with us when they leave UCD as we
welcome many of the wider legal community to the               believe it is important to maintain the strong links we
building for guest lectures, conferences, recruitment          create with you during your time studying here. To
fairs, alumni events and receptions. Many are                  learn more about our alumni activities, please visit
members of the UCD law alumni community which is     

TOP: Reunion of BBL class of 2006. RIGHT: Recipients of the Law Alumnus of the Year awards; 2014: Maeve O'Rourke BL
(2014), Miriam O'Callaghan (2015), Oscar-winner Benjamin Cleary (2016).
BOTTOM: Distinguished Alumni at events in the School of Law (clockwise from left) The Hon. Ms Justice Mary Laffoy,
The Hon. Mr Justice Peter Kelly (President of the High Court), The Hon. Mr. Justice Sean Ryan (President of the Court
of Appeal), The Hon. Mr Justice Frank Clarke (Chief Justice), The Hon. Mr Justice Gerard Hogan with the Hon. Mr Justice
Donal O’Donnell, The Hon. Mr Justice Nial Fennelly.

TOP: Award-winning students at the Fortieth Bank of
Ireland Awards. ABOVE: BCL/Maîtrise students at a
reception in the French Ambassador’s Residence. ABOVE
RIGHT: McCann FitzGerald Chair of International Law and
Business, Professor James Devenney (centre) at his
inaugural lecture with Professor Joe McMahon, Professor
Imelda Maher and Barry Devereux, McCann FitzGerald.
RIGHT: Law student, Samantha O’Brien O’Reilly with
former UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon after her
address to the United Nations. BELOW: The class of 2017.

                                                           UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES 2018/19 | 27
How to apply                                                          THERE IS
When choosing which law stream you want to    Please note        ONE MAJOR CODE
study, you must choose as follows:            that you can        FOR “LAW” AND
                                              only apply
                                                                    “LAW WITH”
Bachelor of Civil Law (BCL)    DN600 BCL       for DN600
Law with French Law             DN600 LFL     once.               PROGRAMMES –
BCL Maîtrise
Law with Chinese
                                DN600 LFL
                               DN600 LCS
                                              interested in       DN600
Law with Economics             DN600 LES      studying the
Law with History               DN600 LHY      Dual Degree
Law with Irish                 DN600 LIH      BCL/Maîtrise now apply to study Law with
Law with Philosophy            DN600 LPY      French Law (DN600 LFL) in first year.
Law with Politics              DN600 LPS      Subject to achieving sufficiently high grades
Law with Social Justice         DN600 LSJ     in first year, you may then apply for interview to
                                              enter the BCL/Maîtrise from second
Business and Law (BBL)              DN610
                                               year onwards.
CAO first round entry points for DN600
in 2017 were 522 points. The first round
entry points for DN610 (Business and Law)     The CAO Handbook will provide you with
were 529.                                     further guidelines on the application process.

Further Information
Programme Office
UCD Sutherland School of Law
Dublin 4

Tel: +353 1 716 4110
email: or
You can also read