Latin America Sustainable Bond Market - Corporates - Sustainable Fitch

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Latin America Sustainable Bond Market - Corporates - Sustainable Fitch
                                          Latin America

Latin America Sustainable Bond
A Growing Presence

 Special Report │ July 14, 2021   1
Latin America Sustainable Bond Market - Corporates - Sustainable Fitch
                                                                                                                          Latin America

Latin American Sustainable Bond Market
A Growing Presence

                                                                   Sustainable bonds became a growing presence across Latin
  “Sustainability-linked notes gained traction in                  American cross-border issuers in recent years, and Fitch Ratings
                                                                   expects continued growth as market participants increase their
  the Latin American cross-border issuer market                    awareness of and interest in Environmental, Social and Governance
  since 2020. Fitch expects green, social,                         (ESG) factors.
  sustainability and sustainability-linked                         This report explains the evolution of sustainable bonds issued by
  markets to continue to increase in the region.”                  cross-border LatAm corporates, and analyzes the distribution
                                                                   across ratings, countries and sectors. It also includes the benefits,
                                 Fernanda Rezende, Fitch Ratings
                                                                   challenges and concerns of the growing Green, Social, Sustainability
                                                                   and Sustainability-linked (GSSS) market. The report summarizes 22
                                                                   sustainability and sustainability-linked notes, listing their specific
                                                                   terms and conditions.

                                                                   Sustainable Bonds in Latin America
                                                                   Sustainability-linked notes have been increasingly issued in Latin
                                                                   America since 2020 and the momentum of the GSSS market
                                                                   continues. Sustainable bonds represented 5% of total nonfinancial
                                                                   corporate cross-border bond issuances during 2020, with USD4.1
                                                                   billion of issuance activity. These bonds represented 30% of LatAm
                                                                   issuance YTD through July 2021, totalling USD12.1 billion in total
                                                                   Brazil is the largest sustainable bond-issuing country within Latin
                                                                   America, representing 52% of GSSS issuances in the region. Mexico
                                                                   is the second largest. Other countries, such as Chile, Argentina,
                                                                   Colombia, Guatemala, Panama and Peru, still have low sustainable
                                                                   bond volumes.
                                                                   Diversification across sectors improved since 2019. Pulp & Paper,
                                                                   Food & Beverage and Energy were the only sectors with presences
                                                                   in the sustainable market up to 2018. After 2019, new sectors, such
Related Research                                                   as Auto & Related, Technology, Chemicals, Telecom, Consumer,
ESG Credit Quarterly - 1Q21 (May 2021)                             Real Estate, Transportation, and Sugar & Ethanol, accessed the
Latin American Comparative Statistics Book: 2021 (Five Years of    sustainable market.
Credit Metrics of 220 Corporate Cross-Border Issuers)
(May 2021)
LatAm Sovereign Green, Social, and Sustainable Issuance Is
Growing: March 2021 (March 2021)

            Fernanda Rezende
            +55 21 4503-2619

            Natália Brandão
            +55 21 4503-2631

Special Report │ July 14, 2021                                                                               2
                                                                                                                                                 Latin America

Sustainable Bonds in Latin America                                                 Global Sustainable Bonds Evolution
                                                                                                  Green Bond                       Social Bond
Latin America’s first green bond was issued in 2014 by the Peruvian                               Sustainability Bond              Sustainability-Linked Bond
energy company Energia Eolica, S.A., followed by the Brazilian                     (USD Bil.)
protein company BRF S.A. in 2015. About USD22.5 billion was                         700
issued by LatAm companies in the GSSS bond market since 2014.
LatAm corporates bond issuances totaled USD89 billion in 2020                       400
and USD40 billion YTD July 2021, USD4.1 billion and                                 300
USD12.1 billion of which, respectively, were green, sustainability                  200
and sustainability-linked bonds. Sustainable bonds were only about
5% of total corporate bond issuances in 2020, which significantly                          2011    2012    2013   2014   2015   2016   2017   2018   2019   2020
increased to 30% YTD July 2021.
                                                                                   Source: Fitch Ratings, Environmental Finance Bond Database.
This growth was driven by the surge of the sustainability-linked
bonds in the region, which represented 81% of GSSS bonds issued                    Sustainability-Linked Notes
YTD July 2021 and is expected to continue increasing, supported by                 Sustainability-linked notes gained momentum in Latin America
investor and issuer awareness for improved ESG practices.                          since 4Q20. Suzano S.A. was the first company in the region to issue
Sustainability-linked bonds should remain an important driver in                   its USD1.25 billion sustainability-linked notes in September 2020,
the LatAm market.                                                                  and 16 new issuances were concluded YTD July 2021.
Global GSSS issuances totaled about USD610 billion in 2020, with                   Sustainability-linked notes significantly increased to USD9.8 billion
an increase in social and sustainability bonds. Corporates                         YTD July 2021, from only one issuance of USD1.25 billion in 2020.
represented about 27% of the total market. Social bonds were not                   About USD9 billion of sustainability-linked notes were issued
issued by LatAm nonfinancial corporates, differing from global                     globally in 2020.
trends. Ecuador is the only country in the region that issued a
sovereign social bond.                                                             Sustainability-linked notes are aligned with the issuer’s
                                                                                   performance compared with relevant predetermined sustainability
Chile is the only sovereign in the region to issue green bonds, the                targets. The notes incentivize borrowers to establish
first of which was in June 2019, equivalent to USD7.4 billion in                   predetermined sustainability performance targets (SPTs), including
issuance to date. Mexico issued the world’s first sustainable bond                 key performance indicators (KPIs) and external valuation, among
(EUR750 million), linked to the UN’s Sustainable Development                       others.
Goals. Ecuador issued the first sovereign social bond
(USD400 million), with proceeds used to finance affordable urban                   There is a large variety of SPTs. Categories may include women in
housing. However, GSSS issuance remains a small part of total                      management positions, energy efficiency, renewable energy,
sovereign external bond debt, with a total of 22 governments                       greenhouse gas emissions, circular economy, water and
issuing GSSS bonds globally.                                                       wastewater management, waste management, green buildings,
                                                                                   biodiversity conservation, climate change, pollution prevention and
LatAm Corporate Offshore Sustainable Bonds by Type                                 control, among others.
             Green Bond      Sustainability-Linked Bond      Sustainability Bond
                                                                                   In Latin America, SPTs vary across issues. Examples include reduced
(USD Mil.)                                                                         greenhouse emissions; water consumption, waste reduction, reuse
 14,000                                                                            and recycling; reintroduction and/or reinforcement of wild species
 12,000                                                                            into the ecosystem; reduce industrial water use intensity; and
                                                                                   renewable energy.
  6,000                                                                            Interest rates will step up for the majority of recent sustainability-
  4,000                                                                            linked notes issued by LatAm corporate issuers if the company fails
  2,000                                                                            to meet the SPTs within a specific time frame. Interest step ups
                                                                                   ranges between 6.25bps and 25bps for LatAm issuances. Natura
             2014    2015      2016    2017    2018       2019    2020     2021
                                                                           YTD     Cosmeticos S.A. was the only LatAm company to establish a higher
Source: Fit ch Rat ings, Bloomberg.                                                interest step up of 65bps.
                                                                                   Sustainability-linked notes broaden the scope of eligible issuers, as
                                                                                   the debt instruments provide opportunities to companies with
                                                                                   lower green/sustainable investments and those that are less capital

Special Report │ July 14, 2021                                                                                                           3
                                                                                                                                           Latin America

The sustainability-linked notes have no ring-fencing for the use of          resources and land use, biodiversity conservation, clean
proceeds and can be used for general corporate purposes, which is            transportation, water and wastewater management, climate
an advantage compared with green bonds that need to be used                  change, circular economy and green buildings, among others.
toward green projects or activities that promote climate change
mitigation or adaptation, or other environmental sustainability              LatAm Corporate Green Bonds
purposes. Another advantage is the cross-sector appeal, as no                 (USD Mil.)
specific project is required.
Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles aim to promote the
development and preserve the integrity of the sustainability-linked
market. They are based on five core components:
•            Selection of KPIs: Relevant and material to the issuer’s        1,000
             business; quantifiable, verifiable and able to be                 500
             benchmarked.                                                        0
                                                                                         2014    2015      2016    2017     2018   2019     2020      2021
•            Calibration of SPTs: Comparable with a benchmark,                                                                                        YTD
             consistent with the issuer’s ESG strategy and established on    Source: Fit ch Rat ings, Bloomberg.

             a predefined timeline.
                                                                             Sustainability Bonds
•            Bond characteristics: Should include a triggering event that
                                                                             Latin America’s sustainability bond market is still relatively small,
             affects financial and/or structural characteristics, based on
                                                                             totaling about USD3 billion since the first issuance in 2019. Two
             the achievement of SPTs.
                                                                             issuances by first-time issuers MercadoLibre, Inc. and Amaggi
•            Reporting: Publish information on KPIs, verification            Luxembourg International S.a r.l. totaled USD1.15 billion in 2021.
             assurance reports and information that permits investors to
                                                                             Proceeds from sustainability bonds finance projects are dedicated
             monitor the level of ambition of the SPTs.
                                                                             to environmentally sustainable outcomes, including green and
•            Verification: Annual post-issuance verification from a          social activities.
             qualified external reviewer.
                                                                             Sustainability bonds are a form of green bonds and have many
LatAm Corporate Sustainability-Linked Bonds                                  categories eligible for green and social projects. Categories include
                                                                             land conservation and preservation, renewable energy, access to
(USD Mil.)                                                                   finance, clean transportation, circular economy, energy efficiency,
                                                                             green buildings, waste reduction, socioeconomic advancement and
                                                                             empowerment through education, among others.
     8,000                                                                   Sustainability bonds usually follow the guidelines provided by the
     6,000                                                                   Green Bond Principles, Social Bond Principles and the Sustainability
     4,000                                                                   Bond Guidelines.
     2,000                                                                   LatAm Corporate Sustainability Bonds
                          2020                        2021 YTD
                                                                             (USD Mil.)
Source: Fit ch Rat ings, Bloomberg.
Green Bonds                                                                    1,500
LatAm companies issued about USD8.5 billion of green bonds since
2014. Almost USD3 billion was issued in 2020 and USD1.2 billion
YTD July 2021, illustrating a reduction in the pace of green bond                500
issuance as sustainability-linked notes increased.
Green bonds differ from sustainability-linked notes that permit                                  2019                     2020             2021 YTD
proceeds to be used for general corporate purposes, and focus on
                                                                             Source: Fitch Ratings, Bloomberg.
the use of proceeds that are exclusively applied to finance new
and/or existing eligible green projects. Reporting and transparency
are required to track the use of funds into environmental projects.
                                                                             Main Challenges and Concerns
Green Bond Principles established guidelines for disclosure,                 The growth of the GSSS market raises challenges and concerns. The
accuracy and transparency, assisting investors in evaluating the             development of the GSSS bond market is required to maintain
                                                                             consistency across the globe. Increased information transparency,
environmental impact of investments.
                                                                             framework standardization, and taxonomic development and
Many categories are eligible for green projects, including energy            improvement are priorities for the GSSS bond market.
efficiency, renewable energy, pollution prevention and control,
environmentally sustainable management of living natural

Special Report │ July 14, 2021                                                                                                     4
                                                                                                                                                   Latin America

Investors are assessing how companies set ESG targets, which
could ultimately affect financing.
                                                                         Distribution Across Ratings
                                                                         Credit ratings are not affected by whether a bond is GSSS or not.
Framework regulation and standardization will continue to evolve.
Different jurisdictions own their own taxonomies and the Common          Latin American investment-grade companies issued about
Ground Taxonomy effort led by the International Platform on              USD2.1 billion from 2014 to 2018, representing 66% of the GSSS
Sustainable Finance aims to enhance transparency regarding what          bond issuances in that period. Non-investment-grade companies’
is commonly green and to scale up cross-border green investments.        participation in the GSSS market increased since 2019. Investment-
                                                                         grade GSSS issuances stayed on that path with issuances amounting
The core components of the EU’s taxonomy are:                            USD10.4 billion, but went down to 54% of total sustainable
•       Substantially contribute to at least one of the six              issuances from 2019 to YTD July 2021. Non-investment-grade
        environmental objectives: climate change mitigation;             corporates issued USD8 billion in the GSSS market since 2019.
        climate change adaptation; water and marine resources;           The first time non-investment grade issuers successfully debuted in
        circular economy; pollution prevention and control; and          the sustainable bond market was in 2021. MercadoLibre’s
        biodiversity and ecosystems.                                     USD400 million sustainability bond, Natura’s USD1 billion
•       Do no significant harm to any of the environmental               sustainability-linked notes, Amaggi’s USD750 million sustainability
        objectives.                                                      bond, Simpar S.A.’s USD625 million sustainability-linked notes,
                                                                         Movida Participacoes S.A.’s USD500 million sustainability-linked
•       Comply with minimum safeguards.                                  notes, Iochpe-Maxion S.A.’s USD400 million sustainability-linked
Reporting, maintaining a database and standardization of                 notes, Investment Energy Resources Limited’s USD700 million
disclosures are also important challenges. Investor and issuer           green bond and Inversiones Latin America Power Ltda.’s
confidence will improve, supporting more climate and social              USD404 million green bond were all issued this year.
liabilities.                                                             Latam Corporate Offshore Sustainable Bonds by Rating
Benefits                                                                                         Invest ment Grade         High Yield       Not Rated by Fitch

Sustainable bonds established a presence with Latin America’s
cross-border issuers in recent years and Fitch expects continued         2019–2021 YTD
growth as market participants increase their awareness of and
interest in ESG. Recent issuances in Latin America reported very
strong demand, with bonds oversubscribed.
The financial market plays an important role in redirecting capital
toward sustainable activities, including the transition to a low-
                                                                                             0          20            40              60            80         100
carbon economy and more equal society. Investors are placing                                                                  (%)
greater scrutiny on ESG issues from risk, return and impact
                                                                         Source: Fit ch Rat ings, Bloomberg.
perspectives, and will continue to demand actions to mitigate ESG
risk exposure.                                                           LatAm Corporate Offshore Sustainable Bonds by Rating
Issuance of GSSS bonds can improve investor base diversification,                     A   A–      BBB     BBB–        BB+      BB       BB–       Not Rated by Fitch
given differences in the investor base compared with conventional        (USD Mil.)
bonds. Fitch expects sustainable funds to increase in the near term      14,000
in response to higher investor demand. ESG considerations,               12,000
including topics such as climate change, should gain importance in       10,000
financial institutions’ compliance and credit policies, which may         8,000
create barriers for issuers with weak ESG practices.                      6,000
Companies are also implementing remuneration linked to                    2,000
sustainability targets, demonstrating clear strategies toward new             0
practices and policies.                                                               2014       2015    2016        2017      2018        2019      2020     2021
There is still a mixed view of benefits on pricing. Tighter pricing of   Source: Fit ch Rat ings, Bloomberg.
GSSS bonds compared with equivalent conventional bonds (or
greenium) resulted from strong demand in many cases, although            Distribution Across Countries
the subject is in debate given the difficulty of comparing like-for-     Latin America accounts for a small portion of the global sustainable
like bonds. Companies unable to disclose ESG practices or deemed         bond market. Global GSSS issuances totaled about USD610 billion
to have poorly managed ESG issues are increasingly likely to face        in 2020, with Latin America representing only 3% and Latin America
financing challenges in the long term.                                   nonfinancial corporates less than 1%.

Special Report │ July 14, 2021                                                                                                             5
                                                                                                                                                                 Latin America

The largest global issuing countries in the International Capital                        LatAm Corporate Offshore Sustainable Bonds by Country
Market Association (ICMA)-aligned green bond market in 2020                              (2014–July 2021)
were the U.S., France and Germany. France, the U.S. and Japan were                                                      Peru
the largest issuing countries in the social bond market, while the                                                       4%
U.S., the Netherlands and France were the largest for the                                                                                             Colombia
sustainability bond market.                                                                                               13%
W orld Sustainable Bonds at a Glance —2020                                                                                                    24%
                       Green Bond                          Social Bond
                       Sustainability Bond                 Sustainability-Linked Bond
                                                                                         Source: Fit ch Rat ings, Bloomberg.
                                                                                         Distribution Across Sectors
                                                                                         Renewable energy is the largest sector in the GSSS global market.
             0         100      200      300    400          500      600      700       Pulp & Paper was the most active sector in the LatAm sustainable
                                          (USD Bil.)                                     market, representing about 33% of cross-border corporate
NFC – Non-financial corporat es.                                                         issuances from 2014 to YTD July 2021. The Food & Beverage sector
Source: Fit ch Rat ings, Bloomberg, Environment al Finance.                              was the second largest, with 22%, followed by Energy at 12% and
                                                                                         Auto & Related at 8%. Renewable energy is very active in the local
Brazil is the largest issuing country for sustainable bonds within
                                                                                         regional markets.
Latin America. Brazilian companies issued USD11.8 billion since
2014, representing 52% of GSSS issuances in the region. Mexico                           Diversification across sectors increased since 2019. Pulp & Paper,
was the second largest, with USD5.4 billion issued in 2020 and YTD                       Food & Beverage and Energy were the only segments with a
July 2021. Other countries still have low volumes of sustainable                         presence in the sustainable market until 2018. New sectors, such as
bonds, with Chile at USD2.9 billion; and Argentina, Colombia,                            Auto & Related, Technology, Chemicals, Telecom, Consumer, Real
Guatemala, Panama and Peru at less than USD1.0 billion each.                             Estate, Transportation, and Sugar & Ethanol accessed the
Fitch expects a green local market to be developed, to diversify                         sustainable market after 2019.
funding sources and increase credit availability. Local corporate                        New issuers entered the GSSS market in 2021, taking advantage of
sustainable issuances in Brazil totaled about USD6.5 billion since                       the characteristics of the sustainability-linked notes.
2016, about 77% of which was issued in 2020 and 2021. Energy was
the largest sector for local issuances, representing about 34% of the                    LatAm Corporate Offshore Sustainable Bonds by Sector —
total.                                                                                   Historical
                                                                                           Aut o & Relat ed        Chemicals               Consumer               Energy
The local sustainable market for nonfinancial corporates in Mexico                         Food & Beverage         Pulp                    Real Est at e          Sugar & Ethanol
is still relatively small, with about USD650 million issued since                          Technology              Telecom                 Transport ation
2017. Chile issued about USD500 million, and Colombia and Peru                           (USD Mil.)
issued about USD100 million each.                                                         15,000

LatAm Corporate Offshore Sustainable Bonds by Country                                     10,000
          Argent ina           Brazil               Chile              Colombia            5,000
          Guatemala            Mexico               Panama             Peru
(USD Mil.)                                                                                     0
                                                                                                      2014       2015     2016      2017        2018      2019     2020     2021
 14,000                                                                                                                                                                     YTD
 12,000                                                                                  Source: Fit ch Rat ings, Bloomberg.
  8,000                                                                                  LatAm Corporate Offshore Sustainable Bonds by Sector
  6,000                                                                                  (2014–July 2021)
  4,000                                                                                                                              Sugar &
  2,000                                                                                            Real Estate     Auto & Related    Et hanol            Technology
                                                                                                       3%               8%              3%                  2%
             2014      2015     2016         2017   2018      2019     2020       2021     Consumer                                                                     1%
                                                                                  YTD         4%                                                       Transportation
Source: Fit ch Rat ings, Bloomberg.                                                                Chemicals                                                7%
                                                                                                                    12%                         Pulp
                                                                                                                       Food &
                                                                                         Source: Fit ch Rat ings, Bloomberg.

Special Report │ July 14, 2021                                                                                                                            6
                                                                                                                                                               Latin America

Appendix A — ESG Relevance Score                                               Relevance to Issuer Portfolio

Fitch’s ESG Relevance Scores provide a comprehensive and credit-                                                            High Impact
focused approach to each sector and issuer. The main focus is to                                        Medium                  4%
assess whether ESG risks are relevant and material to the credit                                         33%
rating decision.
ESG Relevance Scores were built from an issuer-by-issuer scoring
process across our entire public corporate rating portfolio on the
international scale. In Latin America, 206 issuers were analyzed.
                                                                                                                                             Low Impact
ESG risks generally have a low level of direct impact on credit                                                                                 63%
ratings (less than 5%), and the impact is heavily asymmetric on the
                                                                               Source: Fitch Ratings.
On our ‘1’–‘5’ Relevance scale, Relevance Scores of ‘1’–‘2’ indicate           ESG Elements Driving Issuer Credit Impact a
no impact on the credit rating, either due to the topic’s irrelevance                                       Medium Impact         High Impact
to a sector or to the entity within the sector. Relevance Scores of ‘3’        (No.)
indicate a minimal risk impact from the issue or effective                      80                                                                        73
management of the topic by the issuer to ensure no or low credit                70
impact.                                                                         60
Relevance Scores of ‘4’ and ‘5’ indicate the ESG risk is either an              40
emerging risk or contributing factor to the credit decision, and was            20                                     13                                           13
therefore a debate point at committee, or — in the case of a ‘5’ — a            10                      0                                0
risk that drove a rating change by itself.
                                                                                          Environment al                    Social                        Governance
                                                                               aChartcount s t he number of element s scoring '4' or '5' in each cat egory.
 ESG Scoring Definitions
                                                                               Source: Fit ch Rat ings.
         Lowest Relevance           Neutral       Credit-Relevant to Issuer
                                                                               All ESG Elements —Total Overall Scoring Distributiona
         1                2            3             4                5                                           1      2           3         4      5
    Irrelevant       Irrelevant    Minimally     Relevant to     Highly
    to the           to the        relevant to   rating, not     relevant, a
    entity           entity        rating,       a key           key rating      Governance
    rating and       rating but    either very   rating          driver that
    irrelevant       relevant to   low impact    driver but      has a
    to the           the sector.   or actively   has an          significant
    sector.                        managed in    impact on       impact on
                                   a way that    the rating      the rating    Environmental
                                   results in    in combi-       on an
                                   no impact     nation with     individual
                                                                                                 0           20          40         60                    80          100
                                   on the        other           basis.
                                   entity        factors.                                                                     (%)
                                                                               aTable aggregates all 14 underling scores of each issuer rated.
                                                                               Source: Fitch Ratings.
 Source: Fitch Ratings.

In Latin America, a ‘5’ Relevance Score indicating a clear and direct
change to a rating only applied to one or more ESG risks in the case
of 4.4% of issuers, compared with 2.1% globally. However, about
37% of issuers featured at least one Relevance Score of either ‘4’ or
‘5’, meaning ESG risk was a factor having some level of influence on
the rating decision.
The dominance of Governance Risk within the scoring accounted
for more ‘4’ and ‘5’ scores than the other two categories combined.
The most affected LatAm issuer sectors are Retail, Consumer,
Healthcare, Real Estate and Construction, and Natural Resources.

Special Report │ July 14, 2021                                                                                                                    7
                                                                                                                                       Latin America

Appendix B — Latin America GSSS Bond Issuances
Latin America Non-Financial Corporates Offshore Sustainable Bonds
                                                                                t Issued
                                                                                   (USD     Coupon Date of
Issuer Name                              Type              Country     Currency     Mil.)       (%) Issuance   Maturity   Rating Sector
Energia Eolica, S.A.                     Green             Peru        USD           204       6.00 12/18/14 8/30/34      BBB–      Energy
2014                                                                                 204
BRF S.A.                                 Green             Brazil      EUR           563       2.75 6/3/15     6/3/22     BB        Food, Beverage
                                                                                                                                    & Tobacco
2015                                                                                 563
Suzano Austria GmbH                      Green             Brazil      USD           700       5.75 7/14/16    7/14/26    BBB–      Pulp
2016                                                                                 700
Fibria Overseas Finance Ltd.             Green             Brazil      USD           700       5.50 1/17/17    1/17/27    BBB–      Pulp
Inversiones CMPC                         Green             Chile       USD           500       4.38 4/4/17     4/4/27     BBB       Pulp
Klabin Finance S.A.                      Green             Brazil      USD           500       4.88 9/19/17    9/19/27    BB+       Pulp
2017                                                                               1,700
Klabin Austria GmbH                      Green             Brazil      USD           500       7.00 4/3/19     4/3/49     BB+       Pulp
Consorcio Transmantaro S.A.              Green             Peru        USD           400       4.70 4/16/19    4/16/34    BBB       Energy
Millicom International Cellular S.A.     Sustainability    Colombia    SEK           208       2.32 5/15/19    5/15/24    NR        Tele-
NBM US Holdings, Inc.                    Sustainability    Brazil      USD           500       6.63 8/6/19     8/6/29     BB        Food, Beverage
                                                                                                                                    & Tobacco
AES Gener S.A.                           Green             Chile       USD           450       6.35 10/7/19    10/7/79    BB        Energy
Celulosa Arauco y Constitucion S.A.      Sustainability    Chile       USD           500       4.20 10/29/19 1/29/30      BBB       Pulp
Celulosa Arauco y Constitucion S.A.      Sustainability    Chile       USD           500       5.15 10/29/19 1/29/50      BBB       Pulp
2019                                                                               3,058
Klabin Austria GmbH                      Green             Brazil      USD           200       7.00 1/15/20    4/3/49     BB+       Pulp
Rumo Luxembourg S.a.r.l.                 Green             Brazil      USD           500       5.25 7/10/20    1/10/28    BB        Transportation
Coca-Cola FEMSA S.A.B. de C.V.           Green             Mexico      USD           705       1.85 9/1/20     9/1/32     A–        Food, Beverage
                                                                                                                                    & Tobacco
Consorcio Transmantaro S.A.              Green             Peru        USD           200       1.70 9/14/20    4/16/34    BBB       Energy
Suzano Austria GmbH                      Sustainability-   Brazil      USD         1,250       3.75 9/14/20    1/15/31    BBB–      Pulp
Fideicomiso Irrevocable 1721 Banco
Actinver, S.A., Institucion de Banca
Multiple, Grupo Financiero Actinver,
Division Fiduciaria (Fibra Prologis)     Green             Mexico      USD           375       4.12 12/8/20    11/23/32 BBB         Real Estate
FS Luxembourg S.a.r.l.                   Green             Brazil      USD           600     10.00 12/15/20 12/15/25 BB–            Sugar & Ethanol
UEP Penonome II S.A.                     Green             Panama      USD           263       6.50 12/18/20 10/1/38      NR        Energy
2020                                                                               4,093
Klabin Austria GmbH                      Sustainability-   Brazil      USD           500       3.20 1/12/21    1/12/31    BB+       Pulp
MercadoLibre Inc.                        Sustainability    Argentina   USD           400       2.38 1/14/21    1/14/26    BB+       Technology
Simpar Europe S.A.                       Sustainability-   Brazil      USD           625       5.20 1/20/21    1/26/31    BB–       Transportation
                                                                                                                                    Food, Beverage
Amaggi Luxembourg International S.a.r.l. Sustainability    Brazil      USD           750       5.25 1/28/21    1/28/28    BB        & Tobacco
Movida Europe S.A.                       Sustainability-   Brazil      USD           500       5.25 2/8/21     2/8/31     BB–       Transportation
Inversiones CMPC S.A.                    Sustainability-   Chile       USD           500       3.00 4/6/21     4/6/31     BBB       Pulp
Investment Energy Resources Ltd.         Green             Guatemala USD             700       6.25 4/26/21    4/26/29    BB–       Energy

Special Report │ July 14, 2021                                                                                              8
                                                                                                                                    Latin America

Latin America Non-Financial Corporates Offshore Sustainable Bonds
                                                                             t Issued
                                                                                (USD     Coupon Date of
Issuer Name                             Type              Country   Currency     Mil.)       (%) Issuance   Maturity   Rating Sector
Fomento Economico Mexicano              Sustainability-                                                                          Food, Beverage
S.A.B. de C.V.                          Linked            Mexico    EUR           605       1.00 4/28/21    5/28/33    A         & Tobacco
Fomento Economico Mexicano              Sustainability-                                                                          Food, Beverage
S.A.B. de C.V.                          Linked            Mexico    EUR           846       0.50 4/28/21    5/28/28    A         & Tobacco
Natura Cosmeticos S.A.                  Sustainability-   Brazil    USD         1,000       4.13 5/3/21     5/3/28     BB        Consumer
Fideicomiso Irrevocable 1721 Banco
Actinver, S.A., Institucion de Banca
Multiple, Grupo Financiero Actinver,
Division Fiduciaria (Fibra Prologis)    Green             Mexico    USD            70       3.73 5/4/21     4/22/31    BBB       Real Estate
Metalsa S.A. de C.V.                    Sustainability-   Mexico    USD           300       3.75 5/4/21     5/4/31     BBB–      Auto & Related
Iochpe-Maxion Austria GmbH/Maxion       Sustainability-
Wheels de Mexico S de RL de CV          Linked            Brazil    USD           400       5.00 5/7/21     5/7/28     BB–       Auto & Related
Orbia Advance Corp S.A.B. de C.V.       Sustainability-   Mexico    USD           600       1.88 5/11/21    5/11/26    BBB       Chemicals
Orbia Advance Corp S.A.B. de C.V.       Sustainability-   Mexico    USD           500       2.88 5/11/21    5/11/31    BBB       Chemicals
Corporacion Inmobiliaria Vesta          Sustainability-
S.A.B. de C.V.                          Linked            Mexico    USD           350       3.63 5/13/21    5/13/31    NR        Real Estate
Inversiones Latin America Power Ltda.   Green             Chile     USD           404       5.13 6/15/21    6/15/33    BB+       Energy
                                        Sustainability-                                                                          Food, Beverage
JBS Finance Luxembourg S.a.r.l.         Linked            Brazil    USD         1,000       3.63 6/15/21    1/15/32    BBB–      & Tobacco
Nemak, S.A.B. de C.V.                   Linked            Mexico    USD           500       3.63 6/28/21    6/28/31    BBB–      Auto & Related
Suzano Austria GmbH                     Linked            Brazil    USD         1,000       3.13 7/1/21     1/15/32    BBB–      Pulp
Nemak, S.A.B. de C.V.                   Linked            Mexico    EUR           590       2.25 7/20/21    7/20/28    BBB–      Auto & Related
2021 YTD                                                                       12,140
NR – Not rated.
Source: Fitch Ratings, Bloomberg.

Special Report │ July 14, 2021                                                                                          9
                                                                                                                                                  Latin America

Appendix C — Latin America Sustainability and Sustainability-Linked Notes
Andre Maggi Participacoes S.A. (Amaggi)ESG Considerations

  Amaggi has an ESG Relevance Score of ‘4’ for Governance Structure and Group Structure due to lack of board independence, as the
  company is privately controlled and related-party transactions exist. The family’s strong influence upon management and the existence
  of related-party transactions could result in decisions being made to the detriment of the company’s creditors, which would have a
  negative impact on the credit profile and is relevant to the rating in conjunction with other factors.
  Amaggi has an ESG Relevance Score of ‘4’ for Waste & Hazardous Material Management due to the ecological impact related to land
  use and as part of the volumes of grains originating from the Amazon and Cerrado Biomes, which has a negative impact on the credit
  profile and is relevant to the ratings in conjunction with other factors.
  Unless otherwise disclosed in this section, the highest level of ESG credit relevance is a score of ‘3’. This means ESG issues are credit-
  neutral or have only a minimal credit impact on the entity, either due to their nature or the way in which they are being managed by the
  entity. For more information on Fitch’s ESG Relevance Scores, visit

Terms and Conditions
Issuer                                  Amaggi Luxembourg International S.a.r.l.
Guarantor                               Andre Maggi Participacoes S.A., Agropecuaria Maggi Ltda. and Amaggi Exportacao e Imporacao Ltda.
Type                                    Sustainability bond
Country                                 Brazil
Rating                                  BB
Amount                                  USD750 million
Issue Date                              1/28/21
Maturity Date                           1/28/28
Interest Rate                           5.250%
Interest Rate Step Up                   N.A.
Use of Proceeds                         Amaggi will allocate the net proceeds from the sustainability notes to finance or refinance, in whole or in part, one or
                                        more new or existing eligible projects.
SPTs                                    N.A.
Principles                              Green Bond Principles, Social Bond Principles, Sustainability Bond Guidelines — International Capital Markets
                                        Association (ICMA).
Reporting                               Amaggi will publish a sustainable bond report on its website annually, until full allocation of the net proceeds from the
                                        sustainability bond.
N.A. – Not applicable. SPT – Sustainability performance target.
Source: Fitch Ratings, Amaggi Luxembourg International S.a.r.l.

Special Report │ July 14, 2021                                                                                                           10
                                                                                                                                                    Latin America

Celulosa Arauco y Constitucion S.A.
ESG Considerations

  Arauco has an ESG Relevance Score of ‘4’ for Exposure to Environmental Impacts (EIM), as Chilean forestry companies are exposed to
  forest fire risk, which has a negative impact on the credit profile, and is relevant to the ratings in conjunction with other factors.
  Arauco has an ESG Relevance Score of ‘4 [+]’ for Environment - Energy Management (EFM), as the company sells excess energy to the
  grid from cogeneration based upon a renewable resource, which has a positive impact on the credit profile, and is relevant to the ratings
  in conjunction with other factors.
  Except for the matters discussed above, the highest level of ESG credit relevance, if present, is a score of ‘3’. This means - ESG issues are
  credit-neutral or have only a minimal credit impact on the entity, either due to their nature or the way in which they are being managed
  by the entity. For more information on Fitch’s ESG Relevance Scores, visit

Terms and Conditions
Issuer                                    Celulosa Arauco y Constitucion S.A.
Guarantor                                 —
Type                                      Sustainability bond
Country                                   Chile
Rating                                    BBB
Amount                                    USD500 million
Issue Date                                10/29/19
Maturity Date                             10/29/30
Interest Rate                             4.200%
Interest Rate Step Up                     N.A.
Use of Proceeds                           Arauco will allocate an amount equal to the net proceeds from the sustainability bonds to finance and refinance, in
                                          whole or in part, eligible green projects and eligible social projects of the company or any of its subsidiaries and/or
SPTs                                      N.A.
Principles                                Green Bond Principles, Social Bond Principles, Sustainability Bond Guidelines — International Capital Markets
                                          Association (ICMA).
Reporting                                 Arauco will publish updates on its website annually, until all the net proceeds have been allocated, which are expected
                                          to include:
                                          • The amount of net proceeds of the sustainability bonds allocated to each eligible project category;
                                          • Expected or estimated key performance indicators (qualitative and quantitative), in each case to the extent
                                               Arauco deems feasible;
                                          • The outstanding amount of net proceeds yet to be allocated to eligible projects at the end of the reporting period.
N.A. – Not applicable. SPT – Sustainability performance target.
Source: Fitch Ratings, Celulosa Arauco y Constitucion S.A.

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                                                                                                                                                    Latin America

Issuer                                    Celulosa Arauco y Constitucion S.A.
Guarantor                                 —
Type                                      Sustainability bond
Country                                   Chile
Rating                                    BBB
Amount                                    USD500 million
Issue Date                                10/29/19
Maturity Date                             10/29/50
Interest Rate                             5.150%
Interest Rate Step Up                     N.A.
Use of Proceeds                           Arauco will allocate an amount equal to the net proceeds from the sustainability bonds to finance and refinance, in
                                          whole or in part, eligible green projects and eligible social projects of the company or any of its subsidiaries and/or
SPTs                                      N.A.
Principles                                Green Bond Principles, Social Bond Principles, Sustainability Bond Guidelines – International Capital Markets
                                          Association (ICMA).
Reporting                                 Arauco will publish updates on its website annually, until all the net proceeds have been allocated, which are expected
                                          to include:
                                          • The amount of net proceeds of the sustainability bonds allocated to each eligible project category;
                                          • Expected or estimated key performance indicators (qualitative and quantitative), in each case to the extent
                                               Arauco deems feasible;
                                          • The outstanding amount of net proceeds yet to be allocated to eligible projects at the end of the reporting period.
N.A. – Not applicable. SPT – Sustainability performance target.
Source: Fitch Ratings, Celulosa Arauco y Constitucion S.A.

Special Report │ July 14, 2021                                                                                                            12
                                                                                                                                                   Latin America

Corp Inmobiliaria Vesta S.A.B. de C.V.
ESG Considerations

  Unless otherwise disclosed in this section, the highest level of ESG credit relevance is a score of ‘3’. This means ESG issues are credit-
  neutral or have only a minimal credit impact on the entity, either due to their nature or the way in which they are being managed by the
  entity. For more information on Fitch’s ESG Relevance Scores, visit

Terms and Conditions
Issuer                                    Corporacion Inmobiliaria Vesta S.A.B. de C.V.
Guarantor                                 N.A.
Type                                      Sustainability-linked bond
Country                                   Mexico
Rating                                    NR
Amount                                    USD350 million
Issue Date                                5/13/21
Maturity Date                             5/13/31
Interest Rate                             3.625%
Interest Rate Step Up                     N.A.
Use of Proceeds                           N.A.
SPTs                                      N.A.
Principles                                Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles – International Capital Markets Association (ICMA).
Reporting                                 Vesta will publish annually and keep readily available and easily accessible on its website a sustainability-linked bond
                                          update included in its annual report, including up-to-date information on the performance of the selected key
                                          performance indicator; a verification assurance report relative to the SPT outlining the performance against the SPT
                                          and the related impact, and timing of such impact; and any relevant information enabling investors to monitor the
                                          progress of the SPT.
N.A. – Not applicable. NR – Not rated. SPT – Sustainability performance target.
Source: Fitch Ratings, Corporacion Inmobiliaria Vesta S.A.B. de C.V.

Special Report │ July 14, 2021                                                                                                         13
                                                                                                                                              Latin America

Fomento Economico Mexicano S.A.B. de C.V. (FEMSA)
ESG Considerations

  Unless otherwise disclosed in this section, the highest level of ESG credit relevance is a score of ‘3’. This means ESG issues are credit-
  neutral or have only a minimal credit impact on the entity, either due to their nature or the way in which they are being managed by the
  entity. For more information on Fitch’s ESG Relevance Scores, visit

Terms and Conditions
Issuer                                  Fomento Económico Mexicano, S.A.B. de C.V. (FEMSA)
Guarantor                               —
Type                                    Sustainability-linked bond
Country                                 Mexico
Rating                                  A
Amount                                  EUR700 million
Issue Date                              4/28/21
Maturity Date                           5/28/28
Interest Rate                           0.500% per annum
Interest Rate Step Up                   25bps per year if FEMSA fails to meet the SPTs.
Use of Proceeds                         The proceeds from the issuance were used to redeem FEMSA’s EUR1 billion 1.75% senior notes due 2023.
SPTs                                    A renewable energy percentage at least equal to 65%, and zero operational waste to landfill percentage at least equal
                                        to 65%, in each case, calculated for the year ended Dec. 31, 2025.
Principles                              Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles — International Capital Markets Association (ICMA).
Reporting                               FEMSA will publish annually on its website a sustainability-linked securities update within its sustainability annual
                                        report, which will include up-to-date information on the performance with respect to the key performance indicators'
                                        zero operational waste to landfill percentage and renewable energy percentage, together with a verification
                                        assurance report issued by the external verifier.
SPT – Sustainability performance target.
Source: Fitch Ratings, Fomento Económico Mexicano, S.A.B. de C.V. (FEMSA).

Issuer                                  Fomento Económico Mexicano, S.A.B. de C.V. (FEMSA)
Guarantor                               —
Type                                    Sustainability-linked bond
Country                                 Mexico
Rating                                  A
Amount                                  EUR500 million
Issue Date                              4/28/21
Maturity Date                           5/28/33
Interest Rate                           1.000% per annum
Interest Rate Step Up                   25bps per year if FEMSA fails to meet the SPTs.
Use of Proceeds                         The proceeds from the issuance were used to redeem FEMSA’s EUR1 billion 1.75% senior notes due 2023.
SPTs                                    A renewable energy percentage at least equal to 85%, and zero operational waste to landfill percentage at least equal
                                        to 100%, in each case, calculated for the year ended Dec. 31, 2030.
Principles                              Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles — International Capital Markets Association (ICMA).
Reporting                               FEMSA will publish annually on its website a sustainability-linked securities update within its sustainability annual
                                        report, which will include up-to-date information on the performance with respect to the key performance indicators'
                                        zero operational waste to landfill percentage and renewable energy percentage, together with a verification
                                        assurance report issued by the external verifier.
SPT – Sustainability performance target.
Source: Fitch Ratings, Fomento Económico Mexicano, S.A.B. de C.V. (FEMSA).

Special Report │ July 14, 2021                                                                                                   14
                                                                                                                                              Latin America

Empresas CMPC S.A.
ESG Considerations

  CMPC has an ESG Relevance Score of ‘4’ for Exposure to Environmental Impacts (EIM), as Chilean forestry companies are exposed to
  forest fire risk, which has a negative impact on the credit profile and is relevant to the ratings in conjunction with other factors.
  CMPC has an ESG Relevance Score of ‘4[+]’ for Environment - Energy Management (EFM), as the company sells excess energy to the
  grid from cogeneration based upon a renewable resource, which has a positive impact on the credit profile and is relevant to the ratings
  in conjunction with other factors.
  Unless otherwise disclosed in this section, the highest level of ESG credit relevance is a score of ‘3’. This means ESG issues are credit-
  neutral or have only a minimal credit impact on the entity, either due to their nature or the way in which they are being managed by the
  entity. For more information on Fitch’s ESG Relevance Scores, visit

Terms and Conditions
Issuer                                  Inversiones CMPC S.A.
Guarantor                               Empresas CMPC S.A.
Type                                    Sustainability-linked bond
Country                                 Chile
Rating                                  BBB
Amount                                  USD500 million
Issue Date                              4/6/21
Maturity Date                           4/6/31
Interest Rate                           3.00%
Interest Rate Step Up                   12.5bps from and including Oct. 6, 2026, if CMPC meets only one of either the greenhouse gas key performance
                                        indicator (GHG KPI) reduction target or the water KPI reduction target, and 25bps from and including Oct. 6, 2026, if
                                        CMPC fails to meet both KPI targets.
Use of Proceeds                         General corporate purposes.
SPTs                                    Reduce greenhouse gas emissions intensity to 1,833,060 tCO2e produced or less by the end of 2025, equivalent to an
                                        estimated 23.5% reduction, as measured against the 2018 baseline year (GHG KPI);
                                        Reduce industrial water use intensity to 23.13 cubic meters/ton produced or less by the end of 2025, equivalent to an
                                        estimated 25% reduction, as measured against the 2018 baseline year (water KPI).
Principles                              Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles — International Capital Markets Association (ICMA).
Reporting                               Pursuant to the Sustainability-Linked Bond Framework, CMPC will publish annually on its website a sustainability-
                                        linked bond update as part of its annual Sustainable Finance Impact Report, which will include up-to-date information
                                        on its performance with respect to the key performance indicators.

SPT – Sustainability performance target. TCO2e – Tons of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions.
Source: Fitch Ratings, Empresas CMPC S.A.

Special Report │ July 14, 2021                                                                                                    15
                                                                                                                                                     Latin America

Iochpe-Maxion S.A.
ESG Considerations

  Unless otherwise disclosed in this section, the highest level of ESG credit relevance is a score of ‘3’. This means ESG issues are credit-
  neutral or have only a minimal credit impact on the entity, either due to their nature or the way in which they are being managed by the
  entity. For more information on Fitch’s ESG Relevance Scores, visit

Terms and Conditions
Issuer                                      Iochpe-Maxion Austria GmbH and Maxion Wheels de Mexico, S. de R.L. de C.V.
Guarantor                                   Iochpe-Maxion S.A.
Type                                        Sustainability-linked bond
Country                                     Brazil
Rating                                      BB–
Amount                                      USD400 million
Issue Date                                  5/7/21
Maturity Date                               5/7/28
Interest Rate                               5.00%
Interest Rate Step Up                       25bps from and including Nov. 7, 2026, if Iochpe fails to meet the sustainability performance target.
Use of Proceeds                             Repay a euro-denominated unsecured syndicated loan agreement entered by the subsidiaries Iochpe-Maxion Austria,
                                            Maxion Wheels Holding GmbH and Maxion Wheels Czech s.r.o.; repay the outstanding indebtedness of the subsidiary
                                            Maxion Wheels de Mexico and a portion of the outstanding indebtedness of the subsidiary Ingeniaria y Maquinaria de
                                            Guadalupe, S.A. de C.V.; and repay a portion of the company's outstanding indebtedness.
SPTs                                        Reduce greenhouse gas emissions intensity by 30% by Dec. 31, 2025, based on linear annual improvements against
                                            the 2019 baseline year, which will result in a 70% reduction by the end of 2030, subject to certain exclusions related
                                            to significant acquisitions and changes in laws and regulations.
Principles                                  Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles — International Capital Markets Association (ICMA).
Reporting                                   Iochpe will report the annual progress of the key performance indicators in its sustainability report, which is
                                            externally verified and available on its website.
SPT – Sustainability performance target.
Source: Fitch Ratings, Iochpe-Maxion S.A.

Special Report │ July 14, 2021                                                                                                         16
                                                                                                                                                   Latin America

ESG Considerations

  JBS has an ESG Relevance score ‘5’ for Governance Structure for ownership concentration and due to the Comissão de Valores
  Mobiliários’ ongoing investigation and criminal proceedings into JBS’s ultimate controlling shareholders for alleged violations of
  Brazilian securities and corporate law, which has a negative rating impact on the credit profile and is highly relevant to the ratings in
  conjunction with other factors.
  Unless otherwise disclosed in this section, the highest level of ESG credit relevance is a score of ‘3’. This means ESG issues are credit-
  neutral or have only a minimal credit impact on the entity, either due to their nature or the way in which they are being managed by the
  entity. For more information on Fitch’s ESG Relevance Scores, visit

Terms and Conditions
Issuer                                     JBS Finance Luxembourg S.a.r.l.
Guarantor                                  JBS S.A.
Type                                       Sustainability-linked bond
Country                                    Brazil
Rating                                     BBB–
Amount                                     USD1 billion
Issue Date                                 6/15/21
Maturity Date                              1/15/32
Interest Rate                              3.625%
Interest Rate Step Up                      25bps per year if JBS fails to meet the SPTs.
Use of Proceeds                            General corporate purposes, which may include the refinancing of shorter maturity indebtedness.
SPTs                                       Reduce greenhouse gas emissions intensity by 16.364% by Dec. 31, 2025, based on linear annual improvements
                                           against the 2019 baseline year, which will result in a 30% reduction by the end of 2030, subject to certain exclusions
                                           related to significant acquisitions and changes in laws and regulations.
Principles                                 Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles — International Capital Markets Association (ICMA).
Reporting                                  JBS will publish annually on its website a sustainability-linked bond update within its Sustainability Annual Report,
                                           which will include up-to-date information on the performance with respect to the key performance indicator
                                           greenhouse gas emissions intensity, together with a verification assurance report issued by the external verifier.
SPT – Sustainability performance target.
Source: Fitch Ratings, JBS S.A.

Special Report │ July 14, 2021                                                                                                            17
                                                                                                                                                   Latin America

Klabin S.A.
ESG Considerations

  Unless otherwise disclosed in this section, the highest level of ESG credit relevance is a score of ‘3’. This means ESG issues are credit-
  neutral or have only a minimal credit impact on the entity, either due to their nature or the way in which they are being managed by the
  entity. For more information on Fitch’s ESG Relevance Scores, visit

Terms and Conditions
Issuer                                     Klabin Austria GmbH
Guarantor                                  Klabin S.A.
Type                                       Sustainability-linked bond
Country                                    Brazil
Rating                                     BB+
Amount                                     USD500 million
Issue Date                                 1/12/21
Maturity Date                              1/12/31
Interest Rate                              3.20%
Interest Rate Step Up                      If the water consumption intensity target is not met, by 12.5bps;
                                           If the waste reuse and recycling target is not met, by 6.25bps; and/or
                                           If the reintroduction and/or reinforcement of wild species into the ecosystem target is not met, by 6.25bps.
Use of Proceeds                            Proceeds from the senior notes will be used for the tender offer for any and all of its outstanding 2024 notes and for
                                           general corporate purposes.
SPTs                                       -Water consumption intensity target equal to or less than 3.68 cubic meters/ton on Dec. 31, 2025;
                                           -Waste reuse and recycling target as a percentage equal to or greater than 97.5% on Dec. 31, 2025;
                                           -Reintroduction and/or reinforcement of wild species into the ecosystem of at least two extinct or threatened species,
                                           calculated through rewilding initiatives concluded by 2025.
Principles                                 Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles — International Capital Markets Association (ICMA).
Reporting                                  According to the Sustainability-Linked Framework, Klabin will include updates on SPT performance in its Annual
                                           Sustainability Report.
SPT – Sustainability performance target.
Source: Fitch Ratings, Klabin S.A.

Special Report │ July 14, 2021                                                                                                            18
                                                                                                                                                  Latin America

Marfrig Global Foods S.A.
ESG Considerations

  Marfrig has an ESG Relevance Score of ‘4’ for Governance Structure due to ownership concentration, which has a negative impact on
  the credit profile and is relevant to the ratings in conjunction with other factors.
  Unless otherwise disclosed in this section, the highest level of ESG credit relevance is a score of ‘3’. This means ESG issues are credit-
  neutral or have only a minimal credit impact on the entity, either due to their nature or the way in which they are being managed by the
  entity. For more information on Fitch’s ESG Relevance Scores, visit

Terms and Conditions
Issuer                                    NBM US Holdings, Inc.
Guarantor                                 Marfrig Global Foods S.A., MARB BondCo PLC, Marfrig Holdings (Europe) B.V. and Marfrig Overseas Limited
Type                                      Sustainability bond
Country                                   Brazil
Rating                                    BB
Amount                                    USD500 million
Issue Date                                8/6/19
Maturity Date                             8/6/29
Interest Rate                             6.625%
Interest Rate Step Up                     N.A.
Use of Proceeds                           Marfrig will use the net proceeds from the sustainability bond to fund the purchase of cattle in the Amazon Biome
                                          region in Brazil, with a view toward contributing to the preservation of the environment and a more sustainable world.
SPTs                                      N.A.
Principles                                Green Bond Principles, Social Bond Principles, Sustainability Bond Guidelines — International Capital Markets
                                          Association (ICMA).
Reporting                                 Marfrig will publish an annual sustainable report within one year of the issuance of the sustainable transition bond
                                          and annually thereafter.
N.A. – Not applicable. SPT – Sustainability performance target.
Source: Fitch Ratings, Marfrig Global Foods S.A.

Special Report │ July 14, 2021                                                                                                         19
                                                                                                                                                   Latin America

MercadoLibre, Inc.
ESG Considerations

  Unless otherwise disclosed in this section, the highest level of ESG credit relevance is a score of ‘3’. This means ESG issues are credit-
  neutral or have only a minimal credit impact on the entity, either due to their nature or the way in which they are being managed by the
  entity. For more information on Fitch’s ESG Relevance Scores, visit

Terms and Conditions
Issuer                                    MercadoLibre, Inc.
Guarantor                                 Certain subsidiaries
Type                                      Sustainability bond
Country                                   Argentina
Rating                                    BB+
Amount                                    USD400 million
Issue Date                                1/14/21
Maturity Date                             1/14/26
Interest Rate                             2.375%
Interest Rate Step Up                     N.A.
Use of Proceeds                           MercadoLibre will allocate the net proceeds from the sustainability notes to finance or refinance, in whole or in part,
                                          one or more new and/or existing eligible green projects and/or eligible social projects.
SPTs                                      N.A.
Principles                                Green Bond Principles, Social Bond Principles, Sustainability Bond Guidelines — International Capital Markets
                                          Association (ICMA).
Reporting                                 MercadoLibre will publish a sustainable bond report on its website within one year of the date of the issuance and
                                          annually thereafter, until full allocation of the net proceeds from the sustainability bond.
N.A. – Not applicable. SPT – Sustainability performance target.
Source: Fitch Ratings, MercadoLibre, Inc.

Special Report │ July 14, 2021                                                                                                        20
                                                                                                                                                 Latin America

Metalsa S.A. de C.V.
ESG Considerations

  Unless otherwise disclosed in this section, the highest level of ESG credit relevance is a score of ‘3’. This means ESG issues are credit-
  neutral or have only a minimal credit impact on the entity, either due to their nature or the way in which they are being managed by the
  entity. For more information on Fitch’s ESG Relevance Scores, visit

Terms and Conditions
Issuer                                  Metalsa, S.A. de C.V.
Guarantor                               Metalsa Roanoke, Inc. and Metalsa Structural Products, Inc.
Type                                    Sustainability-linked bond
Country                                 Mexico
Rating                                  BBB–
Amount                                  USD300 million
Issue Date                              5/4/21
Maturity Date                           5/4/31
Interest Rate                           3.75%
Interest Rate Step Up                   25pbs from and including Nov. 4, 2027, if Metalsa fails to meet the sustainability performance target.
Use of Proceeds                         Pay, in whole or in part, the consideration for the tender offer and accrued and unpaid interest and additional amounts
                                        on the 2023 international notes validly tendered and accepted by the company; pay fees and expenses incurred in
                                        connection with the tender offer; and the remainder, if any, for debt repayment and general corporate purposes.
SPTs                                    Reduce greenhouse gas emission intensity to 70 tCO2e/USD million produced or less by the end of 2026, equivalent
                                        to at least an estimated 10% reduction as measured against the 2019 baseline year, subject to certain exclusions
                                        related to significant acquisitions and changes in laws and regulations.
Principles                              Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles — International Capital Markets Association (ICMA).
Reporting                               Metalsa will publish annually on its website a sustainability-linked instrument report within its Annual Sustainability
                                        Report, which will include up-to-date information on the performance with respect to the greenhouse gas emissions
                                        intensity key performance indicator, together with a verification assurance report issued by the external verifier.
SPT – Sustainability performance target. TCO2e – Tons of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions.
Source: Fitch Ratings, Metalsa, S.A. de C.V.

Special Report │ July 14, 2021                                                                                                      21
                                                                                                                                             Latin America

Movida Participacoes S.A.
ESG Considerations

  Unless otherwise disclosed in this section, the highest level of ESG Credit Relevance is a Score of ‘3’. This means ESG issues are credit-
  neutral or have only a minimal credit impact on the entity, either due to their nature or the way in which they are being managed by
  the entity. For more information on Fitch’s ESG Relevance Scores, visit

Terms and Conditions
Issuer                                  Movida Europe S.A.
Guarantor                               Movida Participações S.A., Movida Locação de Veículos S.A. and Movida Locação de Veículos Premium Ltda.
Type                                    Sustainability-linked bond
Country                                 Brazil
Rating                                  BB–
Amount                                  USD500 million
Issue Date                              2/8/21
Maturity Date                           2/8/31
Interest Rate                           5.25%
Interest Rate Step Up                   25bps per year if Movida fails to meet the SPTs.
Use of Proceeds                         General corporate purposes, including capex.
SPTs                                    Achieve a ratio equal to or less than 45.37 of produced tCO2e and net revenue in reals (tCO2e/BRL million net
                                        revenue), in the year ended 2025. This is a reduction of 15% from 2019 baseline of GHG emissions.
Principles                              Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles — International Capital Markets Association (ICMA).
Reporting                               Movida will publish a sustainability-linked securities update on its website annually.
SPT – Sustainability performance target. TCO2e – Tons of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions.
Source: Fitch Ratings, Movida Participacoes S.A.

Special Report │ July 14, 2021                                                                                                22
                                                                                                                                                Latin America

Natura Cosmeticos S.A.
ESG Considerations

  Unless otherwise disclosed in this section, the highest level of ESG credit relevance is a score of ‘3’. This means ESG issues are credit-
  neutral or have only a minimal credit impact on the entity, either due to their nature or the way in which they are being managed by the
  entity. For more information on Fitch’s ESG Relevance Scores, visit

Terms and Conditions
Issuer                                   Natura Cosmeticos S.A
Guarantor                                Natura &Co Holding S.A.
Type                                     Sustainability-linked bond
Country                                  Brazil
Rating                                   BB
Amount                                   USD1 billion
Issue Date                               5/3/21
Maturity Date                            5/3/28
Interest Rate                            4.13%
Interest Rate Step Up                    The interest rate payable on the notes shall be increased by 65bps per annum, unless each of the sustainability
                                         performance targets has been satisfied.
Use of Proceeds                          Proceeds will be used to refinance debt, including the existing 2024 notes.
SPTs                                     Greenhouse gas emissions intensity target by 13% by 2026 against the 2019 baseline;
                                         Reach at least 25% of post-consumer recycled plastic usage in plastic product packaging by 2026.
Principles                               Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles — International Capital Markets Association (ICMA).
Reporting                                Natura will publish an annual report on its investor relations website after each calendar year end to provide updates
                                         on each SPT.
SPT – Sustainability performance target.
Source: Fitch Ratings, Natura Cosmeticos S.A.

Special Report │ July 14, 2021                                                                                                     23
                                                                                                                                               Latin America

Nemak, S.A.B. de C.V.
ESG Considerations

  Unless otherwise disclosed in this section, the highest level of ESG Credit Relevance is a Score of ‘3’. This means ESG issues are credit-
  neutral or have only a minimal credit impact on the entity, either due to their nature or the way in which they are being managed by the
  entity. For more information on Fitch’s ESG Relevance Scores, visit

Terms and Conditions
Issuer                                    Nemak, S.A.B. de C.V.
Guarantor                                 —
Type                                      Sustainability-linked bond
Country                                   Mexico
Rating                                    BBB–
Amount                                    USD500 million
Issue Date                                6/28/21
Maturity Date                             6/28/31
Interest Rate                             3.625%
Interest Rate Step Up                     25bps per year if Nemak fails to meet the SPTs.
Use of Proceeds                           General corporate purposes, which may include repayment or retirement of indebtedness, including the redemption
                                          in whole or in part of the USD500 million 4.75% senior notes due 2025.
SPTs                                      Reduce GHG emissions by 18% by the end of 2026, as measured against the 2019 baseline year.
Principles                                Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles — International Capital Markets Association (ICMA).
Reporting                                 Pursuant to the Sustainability-Linked Bond Framework, Nemak will publish annually on its website a sustainability-
                                          linked instrument report within its Annual Sustainability Report, which will include up-to-date information on its
                                          performance with respect to the key performance indicator.
SPT – Sustainability performance target.
Source: Fitch Ratings, Nemak, S.A.B. de C.V.

Issuer                                    Nemak, S.A.B. de C.V.
Guarantor                                 —
Type                                      Sustainability-linked bond
Country                                   Mexico
Rating                                    BBB–
Amount                                    EUR500 million
Issue Date                                7/20/21
Maturity Date                             7/20/28
Interest Rate                             2.250%
Interest Rate Step Up                     25bps per year if Nemak fails to meet the SPTs.
Use of Proceeds                           Fund a cash tender offer of Nemak’s EUR500 million 2024 notes and for general corporate purposes.
SPTs                                      Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 18% by the end of 2026, as measured against the 2019 baseline year.
Principles                                Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles — International Capital Markets Association (ICMA).
Reporting                                 Pursuant to the Sustainability-Linked Bond Framework, Nemak will publish annually on its website a sustainability-
                                          linked instrument report within its Annual Sustainability Report, which will include up-to-date information on its
                                          performance with respect to the key performance indicator.
SPT – Sustainability performance target.
Source: Fitch Ratings, Nemak, S.A.B. de C.V.

Special Report │ July 14, 2021                                                                                                       24
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