Page created by Harold Avila
                                           CLC provides a wide range of learning
                                           opportunities to meet the various educational
                                           needs of students from diverse educational
                                           backgrounds. The college welcomes all who may
                                           benefit from its courses and programs of study.

                                           An individual will be admitted to the college by
                                           completing the Student Admission Form found
                                           at The college

                                                                                              COLLEGE POLICEIS
                                           serves those who are high school graduates,
                                           others who are 18 years of age or older, and
                                           individuals under 18 years of age who meet

           ADMISSIONS AND                  established criteria.

                                           Admission to the college does not guarantee

A C A D E M I C I N F O R M AT I O N       entrance into all courses or programs of study.
                                           Entrance into specific programs may depend
                                           on other criteria such as age, evidence of
                                           language and mathematics skills and level of
                                           education. Students taking college-level courses
                                           must demonstrate college-level competency in
                                           language and mathematics. In addition, students
                                           are required to complete specified prerequisites
                                           prior to enrollment in certain courses.

                                           The college reserves the right to limit
                                           enrollment because of space or budget
                                           restrictions, to establish selective admission
                                           requirements and to give preference to
                                           residents of Community College District #532.
                                           Please visit for a
                                           Student Admission Form. Specific requirements
                                           can be found on page 10.

                                           Admission to Associate in Arts, Associate
                                           in Science, Associate in Engineering
                                           Science and Associate in Fine Arts
                                           To qualify for unconditional admission to these
                                           programs, students must provide evidence that
                                           they have attained a certain level of knowledge
                                           in the arts and sciences through previous
                                           learning. Evidence may be provided by
                                           observing the following procedures:
                                           1.	Successfully complete the admission
                                               requirements. See pages 10-15 for more
                                           2.	Submit either a high school transcript or a
                                               student profile report from the American
                                               College Testing (ACT) Program showing the
                                               achievement listed below:
                                             A.	High school transcript showing successful
                                                 completion of the following:
                                           		 • F our years of English emphasizing
                                                 written and oral communication and
                                           		 • T hree years of social science
                                                 emphasizing history and government.

                                           Continued on next page.

                                       2021-2022 College of Lake County Catalog          19
                   A C A D E M I C I N F O R M AT I O N

                   		 • Three years of mathematics including          Admission to Limited Enrollment                       Dual Enrollment, Dual Credit,
                         introductory through advanced                 Health Career Programs                                Articulated Credit
                         algebra, geometry, trigonometry               Health career programs are open to a limited          The dual enrollment and dual credit programs
                         or fundamentals of computer                   number of students.                                   at CLC offer high school students opportunities
                         programming.                                                                                        to earn college credit prior to graduating from
                                                                       Computed Tomography, Dental Hygiene,                  high school. Dual enrollment allows high school
                   		 • Three years of science including
                                                                       Health Information Technology, Magnetic               students to enroll in CLC’s regularly scheduled
                         laboratory science.
                                                                       Resonance Imaging, Medical Imaging,                   classes. Dual credit courses are offered under
                   		 • Two years of electives from any               Registered Nursing and Surgical Technology            agreements between CLC and specific local
                         combination of foreign language, music,       students must complete a special screening            high schools. Students who participate in dual

                         vocational education or art.                  procedure. Preference will be given to residents      enrollment or dual credit must meet CLC’s
                   		   Up to three of the 15 required units of       of Community College District 532 and                 academic proficiencies as identified in the
                         course work may be redistributed by           community college districts with which CLC has        college catalog. Students who are concurrently
                         deducting no more than one unit from          a cooperative agreement. Students who live            enrolled in high school (public, private or
                         each of the categories of social science,     outside of CLC’s district, but are eligible for in-   homeschool) are not eligible for federal
                         mathematics, science and electives and        district tuition because they are employed by         Title IV funds.
                         completing those units in one of the          a district employer are NOT considered
                         other categories.                             residents of the district for purposes of             Articulated credit is awarded for high school
                     B.	ACT Student Profile Report showing the        selection into the program. Students may              courses under agreements between CLC
                         completion of the high school course          qualify for in-district tuition under the CAREERS     and area high schools. Articulated credit
                         distribution requirements listed above        agreement. See page 30 for details.                   posts with a grade of T on students’ CLC
                         or standard scores of 21 or higher for                                                              transcripts and is not included in students’
                                                                       Please see the section on Wellness and Health         GPAs. Taking an articulated credit course
                         English, reading, mathematics and
                                                                       Sciences Field of Interest on pages 182-225 of        allows students to complete CLC degrees or
                         science reasoning.
                                                                       this catalog for further information including        certificates more quickly, but the courses will
                     C.	SAT Report showing scores of 500 or           selective admission requirements.                     likely not be accepted for transfer to other
                         higher for verbal and mathematics.                                                                  colleges. Students that earn a B or better in
                                                                       Admission for Students Under the Age                  an articulated credit course have up to three
                   Registration Services will consider exceptions      of 18 or Currently Attending High School              years after completing the course to submit the
                   to these procedures on an individual basis          A student under the age of 18 or currently            Articulated Credit Request form to obtain
                   for students who have completed 30 or more          attending high school must submit a CLC               credit for it.
                   semester hours of course work with grades           Secondary School Reference form signed
                   of C or better from an accredited college or        by a parent and an official of the secondary          High school students should check with their
                   university, those with an associate degree from     school of current or last attendance. To apply,       high school counseling office to see if their high
                   an accredited college or university and those who   submit the following credentials to Registration      school participates in dual credit or articulated
                   present equivalent course work or test scores.      Services.                                             credit and to see what courses are available.
                                                                       1. Completed CLC Student Admission                   For additional information, contact the College
                   Students who are unable to provide any of the                                                             Readiness and Dual Credit department at
                                                                           Form, which can be found at
                   forms of information indicated above will be                                                              (847) 543-2030.
                   conditionally admitted to the degree program and
                   will be required to complete all of the following   2. Completed CLC Secondary School Reference
                                                                                                                             Admission for Students Under
                   prescribed College of Lake County courses:              form signed by a school representative and
                                                                           parent. Home schooled students will have
                                                                                                                             the Age of 16
                   English:      ENG 121 English Composition I                                                               A student under 16 years of age must be
                                                                           the form signed by the parent or home
                   Speech:       CMM 121 Fundamentals                                                                        judged by both the high school and the College
                                                                           school representative.
                                 of Speech                                                                                   of Lake County to possess both exceptionally
                   Mathematics:	Any mathematics course                                                                      high academic ability and maturity to handle
                                                                       Admission for Students Age 16-17
                                 required for the A.A., A.S., A.E.S.                                                         the discipline and personal skills required for
                                 or A.F.A. degree in this catalog
                                                                       Enrolling in Adult Education Classes Only
                                                                                                                             successful completion of college work.
                                                                       Students who are 16-17 years of age and are
                   Science:      Any lab science course from                                                                A student less than 16 years of age is required
                                                                       enrolling in adult education classes only should
                                  the list required for an A.A.,                                                             to submit all of the credentials outlined below
                                                                       submit the following credentials to Registration
                                  A.S., A.E.S. or A.F.A. degree                                                              to Registration Services in order to enroll in
                                  in this catalog                                                                            credit courses:
                                                                       1. Completed CLC Student Admission
                   Sciences:	Any social science course                                                                      1. Official school transcript(s) showing
                                                                           Form, which can be found at
                                  required for an A.A., A.S., A.E.S.                                                             successful completion of the most advanced
                                  or A.F.A. degree in this catalog                                                               course offerings from the high school in the
                   Humanities:	ENG 122 English Composition            2. Completed CLC Secondary School Reference              subject area in which the student wishes to
                                  II or any humanities course              form signed by a school representative and            enroll at CLC
                                  required for an A.A., A.S., A.E.S.       parent. Home schooled students will have              AND
                                  or A.F.A. degree in this catalog         the form signed by the parent or home                 A letter of recommendation from the high
                                                                           school representative.                                school department outlining the student’s
                   See pages 55-225 for courses required for
                   specific degrees.

                   20			 2021-2022 College of Lake County Catalog
                                                                                                                     A C A D E M I C I N F O R M AT I O N

  intended course or study at CLC.                   • A TOEFL exam is not required for English                • Illinois driver’s license or ID card issued by
  Home-schooled students should submit the              language training. Students who submit an                  Illinois Secretary of State Office
  following credentials to Registration services:       official minimum score of TOEFL 71 Internet
                                                                                                                • an Illinois voter ID card
  A letter from the home educator listing               based or IELTS 6.0 Academic Format will
  completed curricula                                   qualify for regular academic classes                    OR
  AND                                                                                                           By displaying two of the following, which
                                                     • Completed International Student Transfer
  A letter of recommendation from the home                                                                      must display the student’s name and current
                                                        In Form, if transferring from another
  educator outlining the student’s intended                                                                     address:
                                                        U.S. institution
  course of student at CLC.                                                                                      • lease

                                                                                                                                                                         COLLEGE POLICEIS
2. Completed CLC Student Admission                  For further information about admission                     • mortgage or home purchase contract
    Form, which can be found at                      requirements, for F-1 visa international                    • auto registration                       students, contact the Center for International              • tax bill
                                                     Education at (847) 543-2399.
3. Completed Secondary School Reference form                                                                    • paycheck stub
    for students less than 16 years of age.                                                                      • official mail of current bill statements,
                                                     RESIDENCE STATUS                                               such as cell phone, utility, credit card,
4. Middle school students must provide a letter     Students are classified at the time of
    from their district high school confirming                                                                      auto insurance
                                                     admission to the college for purposes of
    that the high school cannot academically         tuition assessment and enrollment reporting
    accommodate the student’s needs and that         according to resident status as listed below:              CREDIT FOR PRIOR LEARNING
    the educational level needed exceeds the                                                                    Credit for prior learning is a way for students
    high school level.                               In-District Illinois Resident Student:                     to earn college credit for college level learning
5. All students must submit independent                                                                        that occurs outside of the institution. CLC
                                                     1. A student who is 18 years of age or older              provides opportunities to earn credit for
    documentation of exceptional student ability         and who has lived in Community College
    through a standardized test. Acceptable                                                                     prior learning through a variety of methods.
                                                         District #532 in some capacity other than              Students intending to transfer credits to
    standardized tests are listed on the                 as a student at a post-secondary education
    Secondary School Reference form.                                                                            another college are strongly advised to check
                                                         institution or a correctional institution for at       with the transfer school to determine its policy
                                                         least thirty (30) days prior to the first day of       toward credit for prior learning.
In addition to providing items listed above,             the semester of enrollment at CLC.
students must meet all course prerequisites
prior to the CLC division dean’s consideration.      2. An unemancipated student under 18 who                  CLC board policy states that credit for prior
                                                         has at least one parent, step-parent or                learning is:
Admission of International Students                      court-appointed guardian who meets the                 • N
                                                                                                                   ot to exceed a total of 30 semester hours
International students are defined as any                above criteria.                                          required toward completion of an associate
individual admitted into the U.S. on an F-1          3. There are some communities within Lake                   degree
student visa or issued the Form I-20 Certificate         County that CLC only serves a portion of               • N
                                                                                                                   ot to exceed one-half of the semester
of Eligibility approved for study at CLC.                its residents. If you reside on a community              hours required toward completion of a
International students must be at least 17 years         college border, your property tax bill or                certificate
old and have completed the equivalent of an              voter registration card will identify your
American highschool education (12 years of               community college.                                     • N
                                                                                                                   ot to count toward the fulfillment of
formal education).                                                                                                residency requirement for degrees or
                                                     Out-of-District Illinois Resident Student:                   certificates
International students must enroll in a                                                                         There are three broad categories of credit for
minimum of 12 credit hours each semester.            1. A person who resides in Illinois but is not a
                                                         resident of Community College District #532            prior learning available to students enrolled
Application deadlines are: July 1 for Fall                                                                      at CLC: national standardized exams (such as
Semester, November 1 for Spring Semester                 as defined above.
                                                                                                                AP, CLEP, DSST and IB), locally administered
and April 1 for Summer Session (transfer             2. Includes residents of the Barrington, Illinois         challenge exams and credential review. For
students only).                                          public high school district.                           details about fees, specific credit, passing
                                                                                                                scores and examination requirements,
To apply, the following must be submitted:           Out-of-State Student:                                      additional information is available at
• Completed International Student Application       1. A person who is not a resident of the state   Students can also
                                                         of Illinois.                                           discuss credit for prior learning with an
• Official, certified, English translated copy
                                                                                                                Academic Success Advisor.
   of secondary school record, indicating            2. International students and other non-
   completion                                            immigrant aliens.                                      Credit earned from credit for prior learning
• Credit evaluation of college/university                                                                      is intended to be used towards a CLC degree
   transcript for transfer, if applicable            Proof of Illinois Resident Status:                         or certificate. Approved credit will be posted
                                                     Evidence of district residency shall be based on           as transfer credit and may not be accepted at
• Evidence of sufficient financial support,         ownership and/or occupancy of a dwelling in                other colleges or universities.
   including original bank letter and affidavit of   Community College District #532 and may be
   support, as necessary                             verified by displaying one of the following:
• Copy of passport

                                                                                                            2021-2022 College of Lake County Catalog                21
                   A C A D E M I C I N F O R M AT I O N

                   National Exams                                   Challenge Exams                                    There are other types of credit that may be
                   Students who plan to earn CLC course credit      Challenge exams are available for students         considered credit for prior learning. For more
                   through AP, CLEP and/or DSST must request an     who possess prior knowledge of a subject area      information on articulation agreements with
                   official transcript of their exam scores from    in a specific course. Students may not take        area high schools please see the catalog section
                   the appropriate testing agency, and ask the      a challenge exam for a course in which they        on dual enrollment/dual credit (page 20). For
                   agency to send the transcript directly to        were previously enrolled and received any          more information on transcript evaluation,
                   CLC Records Office.                              grade inclusive of I, W or X. Students may only    including international transcripts, please
                                                                    attempt a challenge exam one time for any          see the section on transfer of credit below.
                   • A
                      dvanced Placement (AP): High school
                                                                    particular course and may not take a challenge
                     students can arrange for AP tests,
                                                                    exam after the first week of a course for which    Transfer of Credit

                     administered by the College Board,
                                                                    they are currently enrolled.                       A student who has previously attended
                     through their local high schools. AP test
                     scores determine specific placement and/                                                          another college and who intends to earn a
                                                                    Challenge exams are not available for all          degree or certificate from the College of Lake
                     or college credit. Students may find more
                                                                    courses and are offered at the discretion of       County must have an official transcript from
                     information about AP exams through
                                                                    the discipline/program faculty. Each division      each college sent directly to the Office of
                     the College Board’s website at
                                                                    determines which tests it will offer for credit    Records and submit a “Request for Evaluation
                                                                    and the amount of credit it will award. For        of Transfer Credit” form. Students who have
                   • College Level Examination Program (CLEP):     details about exams offered and specific credit,   earned credit at non-regionally accredited
                      The College Level Examination Program is a    additional information is available at             institutions must complete the “Appeal of
                      national program sponsored by the College Students can also         Evaluation of College Transcript” and follow the
                      Board. Additional information can be found,   discuss their options with an Academic Success     steps on the form. For information on credit for
                      along with study guides on the College        Advisor. Please call the Testing Center of your    prior learning related to exams or credential
                      Board’s website: –       choice for testing schedules, registration         review see page 21.
                      choose links for “Students” and “CLEP.”       procedures, related fees and other information:
                   • DSST (formerly known as DANTES Subject                                                           Transfer evaluations are based on the student’s
                      Standardized Tests): The DSST program is      • Grayslake Campus, Grayslake                     program of study at CLC. Credit will be granted
                      a national credit-by-exam program                (847) 543-2076                                  for acceptable work completed at other
                      offered by Prometric. Students can            • Lakeshore Campus, Waukegan                     approved colleges and universities for courses
                      find more information on DSST at                (847) 543-2120                                   in which a student has earned a grade of C or
                                                                                    better. Credit will also be awarded for courses
                                                                    • S outhlake Campus, Vernon Hills                 in which a D has been earned provided a
                                                                       (847) 543-6544                                  student’s overall average is C or better for the
                   Each division determines which tests it will
                   accept for credit and the amount of credit it    • G
                                                                       reat Lakes Center, Great Lakes                 credits transferred. Transfer credits accepted
                   will award. For details about exams offered        (847) 543-2120                                   from other collegiate institutions will be
                   and specific credit, additional information is                                                      entered on the student’s permanent record
                   available at Students   Credential Review of Certifications,               at the College of Lake County, but the grades
                   can also discuss their options in person by      Licensures and Industry Credentials                earned in these courses will not be used to
                   visiting the Welcome and One Stop Center,        CLC awards college credit for credentials          compute the student’s cumulative grade
                   Room B114, Grayslake Campus, or by meeting       earned outside of a traditional college or         point average.
                   with a specific academic division.               university setting. Credentials may include
                                                                    professional certifications, licenses, and         International transcripts will not be evaluated;
                   The College of Lake County grants credit only    documented educational and training courses.       you must contact a NACES approved evaluator
                   to students enrolled at CLC. Results of these    The evaluation process will examine credentials    for evaluation for foreign coursework and
                   exams may also be sent to another school at      on an individual basis and award college           have the official evaluation sent to Student
                   which a student is enrolled for the purposes     credit when appropriate. Credentials must be       Records. The evaluation must be a Catalog
                   of credit recognition. Please call the Testing   current at the time of evaluation and posting.     Match evaluation in order to be considered for
                   Center of your choice for testing schedules,     Provisional or certificates of attendance will     transfer credit. Contact an Academic Success
                   registration procedures, related fees and        not be eligible for credit.                        Advisor for a list of approved companies that
                   other information:                                                                                  provide Catalog Match services.
                                                                    Credential review is not available for all
                   • G
                      rayslake Campus, Grayslake                   courses and is offered at the discretion of        All documents and transcripts submitted to the
                     (847) 543-2076                                 the discipline/program faculty. Each division      College of Lake County become part of CLC’s
                                                                    determines which credentials it will accept for    permanent record. Copies of documents and
                   • L akeshore Campus, Waukegan                                                                      transcripts will not be released to the student
                      (847) 543-2120                                credit and the amount of credit it will award.
                                                                    For details about fees, currently accepted         or third parties unless required by law.
                   • Southlake Campus, Vernon Hills                credentials, and required documentation,
                      (847) 543-6544                                additional information is available at
                   • Great Lakes Center, Great Lakes      Students can also
                      (847) 543-2120                                discuss credential review with an Academic
                                                                    Success Advisor.

                   22			 2021-2022 College of Lake County Catalog
                                                                                                              A C A D E M I C I N F O R M AT I O N

REGISTRATION                                        Except under emergency circumstances,                 Student may also re-enroll in a course in an
Students are responsible for officially             a student may not be excused from these               attempt to improve their grade or for other
registering in classes they attend. Registration    examinations. If a student is unable to appear,       reasons. When a student re-enrolls in a
for the Fall Semester begins the preceding          it is his or her responsibility to inform the         course, the highest grade earned, or the most
March, registration for the Spring Semester         instructor prior to the scheduled examination.        recent grade if all the grades are the same,
begins the preceding November. Summer                                                                     should be the only grade computed in the
registration begins in March.                                                                             student’s grade point average.
                                                    REPEATING A COURSE/
Registration must be completed on or prior to       RE-ENROLLING IN A COURSE                              Grades that are not computed in a student’s
the first day of class. Registration is available   Students may repeat courses that are                  grade point average based on the repeat rules

                                                                                                                                                              COLLEGE POLICEIS
online. Students requiring assistance may           identified in the course description as being         will be noted on the transcript.
contact the Welcome and One Stop Center at          repeatable. Repeatable courses are those that
the Grayslake Campus, the Student Services          teach a skill that may be improved through
Office at the Lakeshore Campus in Waukegan          continued practice or those whose subject
or the Campus and Student Support Center at         matter changes from semester to semester.
the Southlake Campus in Vernon Hills.               The number of times these courses may be
                                                    repeated is identified in the course description.
Late Registration                                   In some cases students may be stopped from
CLC strictly enforces its policy that students      enrolling if they have exceeded the maximum
may not register for a class after it has begun.    allowable attempts at a course (i.e. KIN 121
The policy states that the final day to enroll      for 4 credits).
is midnight of the first day of the specific
class. After that first day, late enrollment
will be allowed only under extraordinary
circumstances approved by the dean of the           WITHDRAWAL POLICY
division for the class.                             Important dates such as withdrawal deadlines are provided to you on your class schedule and
                                                    many faculty list these dates on the course syllabus. These dates may differ from class to class.
Course Load                                         Please consult your class schedule for specific dates for your class. It is your responsibility to
The course load for a full-time student ranges      withdraw from a class that you no longer wish to attend.
from 12 to 18 credit hours during the Fall
and Spring Semesters and from 6 to 10 hours         Your transcript and the grade for the course may vary depending on the time at which you
during the Summer Session. Special permission       withdraw or request to withdraw from a course. The table below briefly outlines the actions you
from an Academic Success Advisor must be            must take and the potential outcomes if you decide to withdraw from a course. If you are unsure
obtained for more than 18 credit hours during       of what to do, please speak with your instructor or contact an Academic Success Advisor.
the Fall and Spring Semesters or for more than
10 credit hours during the Summer Session.
Intersession is part of the Summer Session, and     If you wish to withdraw:             You must:                 What you will see on your transcript:
only one intersession course is recommended,
because intersession courses are very               Prior to the Refund Date             Withdraw from             Transcript will not reflect
accelerated.                                        (see your class schedule for date)   course via                enrollment in the course
                                                    (see page 33 for Refund Policy)      MyStudentCenter
An employed student should vary his or her
course load according to the number of hours
he or she works. A good rule of thumb for           Between the Refund Date and the Withdraw from                  A grade of W will be recorded
16 week courses is to plan for three hours          75% point of the class (see your course via                    on your transcript
per week for each credit hour taken; one            class schedule for date)         MyStudentCenter
hour for the formal class meeting and two
hours for outside study and homework. For
courses that are shorter than 16 weeks, the         Any time after the 75% point of      Request withdrawal        If you are passing the course and
expected amount of time per week increases          the class but before completion      from your instructor      obtain your instructor’s approval:
proportionally.                                     of the final exam or assignment      and follow their.         a grade of W will be recorded
                                                                                         direction                 on your transcript
The number of credit hours that a student
may take is limited for those on academic           		                                                             If you are failing the course: a grade
restriction.                                        		                                                             of FW will be recorded on your
                                                    		                                                             transcript (this has the same impact
Final Examination                                   		                                                             on your GPA as a grade of F)
A final examination is generally required in all
courses. Examinations dates and times will be
available to students in their student portal
after registering for classes.

                                                                                                      2021-2022 College of Lake County Catalog           23
                   A C A D E M I C I N F O R M AT I O N

                   Institutional Withdrawal for                          Options for Students Deployed                       Veterans and military personnel who are
                   Non-Attendance                                        Under Military Orders                               deployed (including training at U.S. or overseas
                   The college may administratively withdraw             A student, or the spouse of a member if             locations) or called to active duty and receive
                   students who have never attended class, who           the member has a dependent child, who is            an "I" Incomplete grade will be given up to one
                   stopped attending class without officially            deployed under military orders as an active         year after the end of the term, or before the
                   dropping or whose attendance is so sporadic           duty military member or by the national guard       date of graduation (whichever comes first) to
                   that they would not be able to complete               or reserve forces of the United States and who      complete the requirements. A final grade will
                   the course requirements. Students who are             is ordered to duty has the following options:       be recorded within 365 calendar days after the
                   withdrawn by the institution on the midterm                                                               end of the term. The final grade shall be A, B,
                   or final grade rosters will be assigned an                                                                C, D, or F. An "I" becomes an "F" on the 366th

                                                                         1.	Withdraw from the student's entire
                   appropriate withdrawal grade and a date of                registration and receive a full refund of       calendar day after the end of the term if no
                   last attendance of the mid-term date of the               tuition and mandatory fees.                     grade change is signed and submitted by the
                   semester. Students who are withdrawn by the                                                               instructor. This procedure also applies to the
                   institution will remain responsible for all tuition   2.	Make arrangements with the student's            spouses of veterans and military personnel.
                   and fees charged for the class. The withdrawal            instructors for course grades, or for           Exceptions may be granted by an instructor
                   grades are defined below:                                 incompletes that shall be completed             under special or extenuating circumstances
                                                                             by the student at a later date. If such         and with the approval of the appropriate dean.
                    WN 	Withdrawal of a student who never                   arrangements are made, the student's            Another option is to receive a withdrawal.
                         attended. The WN grade has no                       registration shall remain intact and tuition
                         impact on GPA.                                      and mandatory fees shall be assessed for        Veterans and military personnel who are
                                                                             the courses in full.                            deployed (including training at U.S. or overseas
                    WS	Withdrawal of a student who stopped                                                                  locations) or called to active duty may withdraw
                        attending. The WS grade has no                   3.	Make arrangements with some of the
                                                                             student's instructors for grades, or for        anytime during the semester in which they are
                        impact on GPA.                                                                                       enrolled and called to active duty. The date
                                                                             incompletes that shall be completed
                                                                             by the student at a later date. If such         of the official notice of orders for deployment
                   FW 	Withdrawal of a student who stopped                                                                  will serve as the date of withdrawal, and
                        attending and instructor deemed as                   arrangements are made, the registration
                                                                             for those courses shall remain intact           the withdrawal request must be submitted
                        failing. The FW grade will be included                                                               to Veteran Student Services at veterans@
                        in the GPA.                                          and tuition and mandatory fees shall be
                                                                             assessed for those courses.            or to the Advisor by the end of
                                                                                                                             the semester in which the withdrawal occurs
                   Financial aid students who drop, withdraw or
                                                                         Any course for which arrangements cannot
                   otherwise fail to complete all of their classes                                                           Procedures for Processing Withdrawal
                                                                         be made for grades or incompletes shall
                   for a term will be subject to Title IV return of
                                                                         be considered dropped and the tuition and           Requests for Students Deployed Under
                   funds calculation. See pages 34-37 for more
                   information on financial aid.
                                                                         mandatory fees for the course refunded.             Military Orders
                                                                                                                             1.	Students will be required to submit a
                   Withdrawal of Veterans                                                                                        letter to the Veteran Student Services at
                                                                         Policy Regarding Tuition and “I” Grades        or their Academic
                   and Military Personnel
                   CLC is in full compliance with the Higher
                                                                         for Students Deployed Under Military                    Success Advisor indicating their intent to
                   Education Relief Opportunities For Students           Orders                                                  withdraw from their program along with
                   (HEROESA) act of 2003 (Public Law 108-76).            An "I" (Incomplete), may be given to a student          orders confirming deployment. This should
                   The HEROES Act of 2003 is intended to ensure          who finds it impossible to complete the work            be done prior to the time of deployment.
                   that service members who are receiving                by the end of the semester because of a
                                                                         justifiable reason such as illness or deployment.   2.	Once the letter of withdrawal and orders
                   Federal student aid are not adversely affected                                                                have been confirmed, the Advisor, will drop
                   because of their military status and to minimize      If an "I" grade is assigned, the instructor shall
                                                                         notify the student and the dean. The specific           the student from the program and remove
                   the administrative burden placed on such                                                                      them from the course in which they
                   individuals.                                          "I," grade procedure will be set forth in the
                                                                         appropriate section of the college catalog. A           are presently registered and any future
                                                                         student receiving an "I" grade has 120 days to          courses.
                   Prior to deployment, students are encouraged
                   to meet with Veteran Student Services (VSS)           complete coursework and receive a final grade.
                                                                         The final grade shall be A. B. C, D or F. An "I"    Process for Reinstatement of Students
                   and their Academic Success Advisor to discuss
                                                                         becomes an "F" on the 121st calendar day            Deployed Under Military Orders
                   their academic and financial standing.
                                                                         after the end of the term if no grade change        In full compliance with the U,S Department of
                                                                         is signed and submitted by the instructor.          Education's Readmission Requirements for
                                                                         Exceptions may be granted by an instructor          Service Members (eCFR 668.18), CLC does not
                                                                         only in unusual or extenuating circumstances        deny readmission to a person who is a member
                                                                         and with the approval of the appropriate dean.      of, applies to be a member of, performs, has
                                                                                                                             performed, applies to perform,

                   24			 2021-2022 College of Lake County Catalog
                                                                                                            A C A D E M I C I N F O R M AT I O N

or has an obligation to perform, service in        Pursuant to the Family Educational Rights            Grades and Grade Points
the uniformed services on the basis of that        and Privacy Act (FERPA), 20 U.S.C.§1232g, the        Final letter grades are earned for each class,
membership, application for membership,            college reserves the right to disclose and release   issued at the end of each semester, and
performance of service, application for service,   student records and personally identifiable          recorded on the student’s permanent academic
or obligation to perform service.                  information without consent to appropriate           record according to the following schedule:
                                                   persons during a period of emergency if the
CLC will promptly readmit an individual as         information released is necessary to protect the                      Grade         Significance
described above with the same academic             health or safety of students or other individuals.
status as the student had when the student         (Board policy 403.1)                                 Calculated A                   Excellent
last attended the college or was last admitted                                                          in Grade			                    4 Grade Points

                                                                                                                                                              COLLEGE POLICEIS
to, but did not begin attendance because of        Medical and Catastrophic Incident                    Point		    B                   Good
that membership, application for membership,       Withdrawal                                           Average:			                    3 Grade Points
performance of service, application for service,   The college, upon request and with appropriate       		         C                   Average
or obligation to perform service.                  documentation, may administratively withdraw         			                            2 Grade Points
                                                   a student due to serious illness or related          		         D                   Below Average
1.	Prior to reinstatement students will be        medical issues that prohibit the student from        			                            1 Grade Point
    required to meet with Veteran Student          completing their classes and withdrawing.            		         F                   Failure
    Services and an Advisor.                       Documentation will be required from                  			                            0 Grade Points
2.	If degree programs change prior to the         a physician or licensed medical professional.        		         FW                  Withdrawn by
    date students are reinstated, additional                                                            			                            Institution, Failing
    coursework may be necessary to meet            The college, upon request and with appropriate       			                            0 Grade Points
    the new requirements of the degree             documentation, may administratively withdraw
    program. If students were in programs          a student due to catastrophic circumstances          Not		      I                   Incomplete*
    that may no longer be offered by the           that prohibit the student from completing their      Calculated N                   Requirements
    college, degree completion options and         classes and withdrawing. Documentation will          in Grade			                    Not Fulfilled
    guidance on a case-by-case basis will be       be required from a government agency, social         Point		    O                   No Grade
    provided. Academic success advisors will       service organization, first responder or similar     Average:			                    Received
    discuss any changes and options during the     entity.                                              		         P                   Satisfactory
    reinstatement process.                                                                              		         R                   Repeated
                                                   The request for withdrawal and relevant              		         W                   Withdrew
3.	Students who have "I" in-progress grades       documentation must be received no later than         		         WN                  Withdrawn by
    will be required to complete all work and      60 days after the end of the semester for which      			                            Institution,
    receive a grade prior to being reinstated      the student is seeking a withdrawal.                 			                            Never Attended
    into the program.
                                                                                                        		         WS                  Withdrawn by
4.	Outstanding tuition must be paid in full       To begin the medical or catastrophic                 			                            Institution,
    before students can be reinstated into         withdrawal process, contact Enrollment               			                            Stopped
    their program                                  Services at (847) 543-2389.                          			                            Attending
                                                                                                        		         X                   Audit
Involuntary Withdrawal                             Reinstatement of Withdrawn Students
Students who pose a direct threat of harm to       Students who withdraw from classes and               * See page 26 for more information on
self or others, or who substantially impede        subsequently request to be re-enrolled must             Incompletes.
the lawful activities of other members of          present compelling reasons for reinstatement
the college community may be involuntarily         and obtain instructor's consent. Students            Note: For the Spring 2020 semester “P”
withdrawn by college administrators, pursuant      should contact instructor if they wish to be         grades were given and accepted as outlined
to this Policy and to the Involuntary Withdrawal   reinstated in a class.                               by the ICCB, IBHE and IAI. In alignment with
Procedures developed and adopted by the                                                                 this guidance, a “P” given in the Spring 2020
college. Students may be responsible for                                                                term satisfies all requirements for prerequisites
tuition and fees.                                                                                       and graduation requirements, except as
                                                                                                        related to specific accreditation guidelines
A student should not be subject to involuntary                                                          with select career programs. Additionally,
withdrawal when disciplinary, academic or                                                               courses completed at other institutions and
other administrative responses are available.                                                           graded with a “P” during the spring 2020 term
The procedures and specifications given in the                                                          will be accepted for transfer credit. These
Involuntary Withdrawal Procedures apply in                                                              courses will be posted to the student record
those situations in which, in the judgment of                                                           with a grade of T.
the appropriate administrators, the response
through the Student Rights and Responsibilities
Policy are insufficient. See Student Rights and
Responsibilities Policy for more details.

                                                                                                    2021-2022 College of Lake County Catalog            25
                   A C A D E M I C I N F O R M AT I O N

                   The college offers a number of developmental           will be set forth in the appropriate section of       Grade Point Average Standard
                   and academic ESL courses that are graded A             the college catalog. A student receiving an I         The grade point average calculation includes
                   through F, but not computed in the student’s           grade has 120 days to complete coursework             only baccalaureate/transfer courses and
                   grade point average. These courses appear on           and receive a final grade. The final grade shall      career courses; developmental courses are not
                   the student’s academic transcript with a grade,        be A, B, C, D or F. An I becomes an F on the          included. Students who have attempted 15 or
                   but no grade points. (Developmental courses            121st calendar day after the end of the term          more semester hours at CLC must maintain the
                   include ENG 108, 109; MTH 101, 102, 104,               if no grade change is signed by the instructor.       minimum grade point average listed below to
                   105 106, 107, 108; academic ESL courses                Exceptions may be granted by an instructor            remain in good standing:
                   such as ELI 103, 104, 108, 109 and 110.)               only in unusual circumstances and with the
                   Grades of P and N are used for non-academic            approval of the appropriate dean.

                   ESL courses such as ESL 30 through 83.                                                                       Hours Attempted        GPA
                                                                          Veterans and military personnel who are               15-44                  2.0 either cumulatively
                   Note: Although CLC does not compute the                deployed (including training at U.S. or overseas                             or for the semester
                   grades of basic skills or academic ESL courses         locations) or called to active duty and receive       45 or more             2.0 cumulative
                   into the grade point average, some colleges            an I Incomplete grade will be given up to one
                   and universities to which a student transfers          year after the end of the term, or before the
                   may include these course grades when                   date of graduation (whichever comes first) to         NOTE: The GPA standard is not applied to
                   recalculating the grade point average to               complete the requirements. A final grade will         students who have cumulative attempted hours
                   meet their standards.                                  be recorded within 365 calendar days                  less than 15.
                                                                          after the end of the term. The final grade shall
                                                                          be A, B, C, D, or F. An I becomes an F on the         Students In Good Standing
                                                                                                                                Students who meet the Grade Point Average
                   ACADEMIC HONORS                                        366th calendar day after the end of the term
                                                                                                                                Standard are designated to be in good standing.
                                                                          if no grade change is signed by the instructor.
                                                                          This procedure also applies to the spouses of
                   Semester Honors                                        veterans and military personnel. Exceptions           Students Not In Good Standing
                   Semester honors are compiled and published             may be granted by an instructor under special         Students are not in good standing if, due to
                   at the end of the fall and spring semesters.           circumstances and with the approval of the            their academic record, they are placed in one
                   Students who have earned a grade point                 appropriate dean. Another option is to receive        of the following categories:
                   average of 3.0 (B) or higher while enrolled in         a withdrawal. See page 24 (Withdrawal of
                   at least 6 semester hours of transfer or career        Veterans and Military Personnel.)                     Academic Caution
                   courses during a semester are recognized by                                                                  Students previously in good standing who do
                   placement on the College Honor List for that           Independent Study                                     not meet the Grade Point Average Standard will
                   semester. Students placed on the Honor List            Students may pursue courses offered by the            be placed on academic caution.
                   are notified by the Educational Affairs Office         college on an independent study basis under
                   approximately one month after the                      the following conditions:                             Students on caution are recommended to limit
                   semester ends.                                                                                               their enrollment to the number of semester
                                                                          1. L ack of enrollment in a course appropriate for   hours successfully completed during the
                   Commencement Honors                                       the student’s program of study precludes its       previous term, or to only one course for credit,
                   Students who have earned at least 30 semester             being offered as a regularly scheduled class.      depending on whichever option yields the most
                   hours at CLC by the end of the Fall Semester           2. Documented, extenuating personal                  credit hours. It is recommended that students
                   immediately preceding the commencement                     circumstances preclude an individual’s            on caution meet with their Academic Success
                   ceremony will be recognized as receiving the               enrollment in a scheduled class appropriate       Advisor.
                   following honors based upon cumulative GPA:                for his or her program of study.
                   Honors		              3.00-3.49                                                                              Academic Restriction
                                                                          Approval is granted upon the concurrence of           Students on academic caution who do not
                   High Honors           3.50-3.74                        a faculty member who agrees to guide the              meet the Grade Point Average Standard will be
                   Highest Honors        3.75-4.00                        independent study and upon the authorization          placed on academic restriction.
                                                                          of the academic dean.
                                                                                                                                Students on academic restriction are required
                   The Records Office compiles the                                                                              to meet with their Academic Success Advisor
                   Commencement Honors list as part of the                                                                      and receive approval to register for courses.
                                                                          ACADEMIC STANDARDS
                   commencement program.                                                                                        In their next semester at the college, students
                                                                          To help guide and measure students’ academic
                                                                          success, the college has developed Academic           placed on academic restriction may only enroll
                   Incompletes                                            Standards.                                            in the number of credit hours successfully
                   An I (Incomplete) may be given to a student                                                                  completed during the previous semester, or
                   who finds it impossible to complete the work           Academic standards are measured by the                enroll in only one course for credit, depending
                   by the end of the semester because of a                Grade Point Average Standard. Students must           on whichever yields the most credit hours.
                   justifiable reason such as illness. If an I grade is   meet this standard to be in good standing.
                   assigned, the instructor shall notify the student
                   and the dean. The specific I grade procedure

                   26			 2021-2022 College of Lake County Catalog
                                                                                                                  A C A D E M I C I N F O R M AT I O N

Academic Suspension                                      from the Advising Center and meet with             • F orgiven grades cannot be used to meet
                                                          their Academic Success Advisor.                       graduation requirements.
1. Students who fail to meet the Grade Point
    Average Standard for three successive              b. Within five (5) working days, the student         • S tudents lose any existing educational
    semesters are prohibited from taking                   must complete an Academic Suspension                 guarantees for the forgiven courses.
    courses the following fall or spring semester,         Appeal Form and return it to the Academic
                                                                                                             • T he college accepts no responsibility for the
    except for Adult Education, Continuing                 Success Advisor.
                                                                                                                ways in which a transfer college or university
    Education and Workforce and Professional           c. The Academic Suspension Appeal Form                  or an employer might interpret a student’s
    Development Institute courses. Students on             will be forwarded by the Academic                    use of the forgiveness option.
    academic suspension are prohibited from                Success Advisor to the Dean of Academic

                                                                                                                                                                  COLLEGE POLICEIS
    taking summer courses during the period                                                                  • In consultation with their Academic Success
                                                           Success. A decision will be made within
    of suspension.                                                                                              Advisor or designated College employee,
                                                           five (5) working days of the receipt of the
                                                                                                                the student has signed a declaration of
2. If a student on academic suspension is                 appeal form. The student may be asked
    enrolled for the following semester their              to meet with the dean if it is deemed
    enrollment will be dropped.                            necessary.                                        Students who would like to use the Forgiveness
3. Students have the right to appeal their            d. The decision of the dean may be appealed          Option should meet with an Academic Success
    suspension to the Dean of Academic Success.            to the Vice President for Student                 Advisor.
                                                           Development within five (5) working days
                                                                                                             * T his calculation includes baccalaureate/
Students Returning From Academic                           of the dean’s decision. The Vice President
                                                                                                                transfer courses, career courses and
Suspension                                                 for Student Development will review
                                                                                                                developmental courses.
Students who have completed the one-                       the request for appeal, meet with the
semester suspension (summer excluded) are                  appropriate parties and render a final
                                                           decision regarding the appeal.                    Declaring or Changing Program of Study
required to meet with their Academic Success                                                                 Students may declare or change their program
Advisor and receive approval to register                                                                     of study by completing the Change of Program
for courses. Students may be limited to the          Reinstatement of Good Standing
                                                                                                             Study Form or by contacting the Welcome
number of semester hours they may take in            Students placed on academic caution,
                                                                                                             and One Stop Center, Room B114, Grayslake
the initial semester following their suspension,     restriction or suspension, who satisfy the
                                                                                                             Campus. Any changes to the program of study
based on the recommendation of the Academic          Grade Point Average Standard during their
                                                                                                             should be planned with their Academic Success
Success Advisor. Appeals to increase the             next semester or summer term at CLC, will be
                                                                                                             Advisor. The deadlines for changing a program
number of permitted semester hours may be            considered to be in good standing.
                                                                                                             of study are: Fall - December 1; Spring - May 1;
made to the Dean of Academic Success.                                                                        Summer - July 15. Any change request received
                                                     Inactive Status                                         after the deadline will take effect beginning
Students Who Were on Academic                        Students who have not enrolled in any course            with the start of the next academic term.
Suspension, Returned to CLC and                      listed in the CLC class schedule for at least two       Changes to the program of study may affect
Again Fail to Meet Academic Standards                years are considered inactive and will be placed        a student’s eligibility for financial aid. See
                                                     in a course-taker, non-degree program.                  page 36 for information on programs that are
1. Students are placed in academic suspension
    again and prohibited from taking courses the                                                             ineligible for financial aid.
                                                     Inactive students who decide to re-enroll for
    following fall or spring semester. Students      courses will be governed by the college catalog
    on academic suspension are prohibited from       covering the semester in which they register
    taking summer courses during the period          for courses.                                            AUDITING
    of suspension.                                                                                           Students are permitted to audit courses. For
                                                     Forgiveness Option                                      audited courses, students receive a grade of
2. Students who have completed the one-
                                                     Under extenuating circumstances, students               X, which carries no grade points or semester
    semester suspension again are required to
                                                     may petition for a one-time forgiveness of              hours of credit. Audited courses do not serve
    meet with an Academic Success Advisor and
                                                     up to 15 hours of prior D, F or FW grades in            as prerequisites for subsequent coursework.
    receive approval to register for courses.
                                                     accordance with the following guidelines:               The fee for auditing is the same as enrolling
                                                                                                             for credit.
Academic Standards Appeal Procedure                  • At least two years have passed since the end
1. Purpose                                             of the term of the grades to be forgiven.            A student who wishes to audit a course is
    Students who have been suspended for             • Fifteen consecutive credit hours have been           expected to attend regularly. The completion
    failing to meet the Grade Point Average             completed at CLC with no grades lower                of assignments, exams and projects is at
    Standard requirement may appeal their               than a C. The P grade/s will be calculated           the discretion of the student. Some types of
    suspension to the Dean of Academic                  towards the fifteen consecutive semester             courses may be deemed inappropriate for
    Success.                                            hour condition. The N grade/s will count             auditing because they require a high level of
                                                        neither towards nor against the fifteen              student involvement.
2. Appeal Procedures                                   consecutive semester hours.*
                                                                                                             Students can request to audit a course by
a. W
    ithin five (5) working days of the receipt of   • Forgiven grades remain on the student’s              submitting the Course Audit Request Form after
   a suspension notification letter, the student        record but are not computed in the                   enrolling in the course. Contact the Welcome
   must obtain a copy of the appeal procedures          student’s grade point average.                       and One Stop Center, Room B114, Grayslake

                                                                                                         2021-2022 College of Lake County Catalog            27
                   A C A D E M I C I N F O R M AT I O N

                   Campus for more information. Changes in a            C.	Except for the International/Multicultural       Philosophy
                   student’s enrollment status (audit to credit or          Education requirement, no course may             The goal of the International/Multicultural
                   credit to audit) must follow the time frames             be used to satisfy more than one general         Education requirement is to help prepare
                   as listed for refunds in the withdrawal/refund           education requirement.                           students to:
                   schedule (Policy 421). See pages 23-25 and 33
                                                                        D.	Specific electives and total hours vary by       1. Foster awareness and mutual respect by
                   for more information.
                                                                            degree and program.                                  seeking to understand our own and other
                                                                        E.	Only a limited number of MUS and KIN                 people’s cultures, characteristics, histories,
                   COLLEGE REQUIREMENTS                                     courses may be used toward a degree.                  conditions, social realities, issues and
                   FOR ASSOCIATE DEGREES                                    Please see course descriptions for courses            contributions;

                   THAT TRANSFER                                            within these areas for more information.         2. Live effectively in an increasingly connected
                   Students must meet the following general             F.	The following courses cannot be used to              global community;
                   requirements for Associate degrees that                  satisfy degree requirements and do not           3. Bring informed multiple perspectives to the
                   transfer:                                                count in the grade point average:                    work force.
                   A.	Satisfactory completion of the maximum               PCS 1.4, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8 and 1.9
                       number of credit hours for the respective                                                             Reflected through this requirement is the
                       degree (A.A.; A.S.; A.E.S.; and A.F.A. in Art                                                         recognition that “diversity is an essential and
                       or Music);                                       College Success Seminar Milestone                    defining characteristic of our nation – of the
                                                                        College of Lake County works to prepare all          world – and the conviction that this diversity
                   B.	Completion of at least 15 credit hours at        students to successfully complete their goals.       can enrich all of us if we respect, value, and
                       CLC. This does not include credit earned         CLC provides a common course, College                cultivate it.”
                       through prior learning such as proficiency       Success Seminar (CLC 120), for all new               ­ — Janice R. Welsch (1999), Preface
                       examinations or credential review.               students to achieve an early milestone in their              Cultural Diversity: Curriculum,
                   C.	Minimum cumulative grade point average           first semester and successfully launch their                 Classroom, and Climate.
                       of 2.00 (C) for all work completed at CLC;       educational journey at CLC. Students must
                                                                        complete College of Lake County’s College            Requirement
                   D.	Completion of College Success Seminar
                                                                        Success Seminar (CLC 120) course with a grade        Students pursuing transfer degrees (A.A./A.S./
                       (CLC 120) with a grade of D or better or
                                                                        of D or better to earn any of the following          A.E.S./A.F.A.) are required to pass an I/M course
                       completion of the course requirement
                                                                        credentials: A.A.; A.S.; A.E.S.; A.G.S.; A.F.A. in   that focuses primarily on the underrepresented
                       through alternative methods (see College
                                                                        Art or Music; and any certificate requiring 16 or    groups within the United States or on the
                       Success Seminar Milestone on this page);
                                                                        more credits.                                        culture of a society outside the United States.
                   E.	A grade of C or better is required for                                                                Courses may fulfill a core General Education
                       ENG 121 and 122;                                 Alternatively, students may fulfill this milestone   requirement or elective requirement while
                                                                        requirement if they have completed a college         at the same time satisfying the international/
                   F.	Satisfactory completion of the General
                                                                        degree or certificate of sixteen or more credits     multicultural emphasis. Students should meet
                       Education Requirements for the
                                                                        or completed a student success course with           with an Academic Success Advisor or consult
                       appropriate degree.
                                                                        a grade of D or better at a higher education         the catalog for appropriate courses.
                                                                        institution prior to beginning an Associate or
                   Special Notations for Associate Degree               certificate program at College of Lake County.       I/M Course Criteria
                   Requirements                                                                                              Courses may be in any discipline and will seek
                   A.	General Education Requirements must              Students should consult with their College and       to promote a more reasoned understanding
                       be filled with courses with a 1.1 (transfer      Career Navigator or Academic Success Advisor         of human diversity within the United States or
                       course) PCS code. An exception of up to          for advising about this milestone requirement.       within a society outside the United States. See
                       twelve hours of courses with a 1.2 (career                                                            the lists below for courses that meet the I/M
                       course) PCS code may be used as general                                                               Education requirement criteria.
                       electives in the degree; however, students       INTERNATIONAL/
                       should select these courses only after                                                                Expected Learning Outcomes
                       they have verified their transferability with    MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION                              Approved I/M courses must demonstrate all
                       an advising professional or their transfer       REQUIREMENT (I/M)                                    of the following learning outcomes. Upon
                       institution. EDU 999 does not count              The International Multicultural Education            successful completion of an I/M
                       toward this twelve-hour limit. The PCS           requirement may be met by a course taken             course, students will be able to:
                       code for each course is listed in the course     in another area. Either include one course
                       descriptions starting on page 231 of this        (indicated by “+”) from the general education        1. Describe the significant conditions
                       catalog.                                         areas of Social/Behavioral Sciences, Humanities          and contributions of (a) traditionally
                                                                        or Fine Arts or select one of the following              underrepresented groups within the United
                   B.	The course taken to fulfill the International/
                                                                        courses and it will be used towards elective             States or (b) of world societies;
                       Multicultural Education requirement is not
                                                                        hours (include course list). A B.A. degree at        2. Develop an informed perspective on (a)
                       an additional course requirement; it will
                                                                        many four-year colleges may require college              traditionally under-represented groups in
                       count toward the Humanities and Fine Arts
                                                                        level foreign language.                                  the United States or (b) world societies;
                       or the Social and Behavioral Science or
                                                                                                                             3. Explore and utilize the information and ideas
                       general electives.
                                                                                                                                 generated in class to compare and contrast
                                                                                                                                 their own background, beliefs, and values
                                                                                                                                 with that of others.
                   28			 2021-2022 College of Lake County Catalog
                                                                                                                 A C A D E M I C I N F O R M AT I O N

International/Multicultural Education              STEPS TO GRADUATE                                        planning to complete any degree or certificate
Courses IAI APPROVED                                                                                        program. Students who received auto-awarded
                                                                                                            degrees and certificates are not eligible to
Humanities and Fine Arts                           Graduation Planning
                                                                                                            participate in the Commencement ceremony.
    ARA      222                                   Academic success advisors and faculty help
    ART      240, 241, 261                         students determine if they are meeting or have
    ASI      121                                   met the graduation requirements to earn a
    CHI      222                                   degree or certificate. Students may contact              TRANSCRIPTS
    DNC      240, 280                              the Advising Center for more information                 You may request an official transcript of
    ENG      129, 228, 244, 246                    at (847) 543-2060, or in Room B118 on the                your CLC academic record online through

                                                                                                                                                                   COLLEGE POLICEIS
    FRN      222                                   Grayslake Campus.                                        myStudentCenter or by going to
    GER      222                                                                                   There is
                                                   1. Meet with an Academic Success Advisor to
    HUM 121, 122, 126, 128, 129, 140                                                                        a $10 fee per CLC Official transcript request.
                                                       make sure you are meeting the requirements
		           141, 221, 226                             for the catalog term you are following.
    ITL      222                                                                                            Electronic Official transcripts will be sent
    JPN      222                                   2. At least one semester before you plan to             almost instantly. Paper Official transcripts
    LAT      121                                       complete your degree or certificate,                 will be mailed within 24 hours. If you have an
    PHI      125, 126, 128, 221                        submit a a Request to Graduate available             outstanding financial obligation to the college,
    SPA      222, 223, 224                             through the Graduation tile in Student               your transcript will not be released until the
    THE      123                                       Center. The deadline for students graduating         obligation has been cleared.
Social Sciences                                        in the fall is October 1, Spring Semester is
    ANT      121, 221, 228                             February 15 and Summer Session is July 1.            A one-time waiver of official transcript fees
    GXS      121, 229                                                                                       is available to eligible students. To be eligible to
                                                   3. You will receive the results of the evaluation
    HST      121, 122, 126, 127, 128, 245, 246                                                              receive this waiver, students must be
                                                       of your petition approximately four to six
    PSC      221, 222                                                                                       currently enrolled or have been enrolled in
                                                       weeks after the petition deadline for the
                                                                                                            the prior academic (fall or spring) term.
    SOC      225, 229                                  term you have designated as completing
                                                                                                            Students must also meet financial need
                                                       your requirements.
                                                                                                            criteria. For more information, visit
International/Multicultural Education              4. Official transcripts cannot be issued if   
Courses NOT IAI APPROVED                               there are any outstanding bills to the
                                                       college. See payment options at                      If you would like to pick up your transcript
                                                                      order instead of having it mailed, you may do
    BUS      270
Humanities and Fine Arts                                                                                    so in the Welcome and One Stop Center, B114,
                                                   Diplomas are mailed out approximately six to             Grayslake Campus during normal business
    CMM 127
                                                   eight weeks after the end of the term you have           hours. You must present a photo ID in order
    DNC      141, 241
                                                   graduated. Diplomas will be sent via USPS to             to have the transcript released. If someone
    ENG      264
                                                   the address on file. Make sure to verify your            is picking up the transcript on your behalf,
    HUS      153
                                                   current address is on file prior to graduation.          you must include that person’s name on your
    PHI      129
                                                   Duplicate diplomas can be purchased for $15              transcript request and that person must also
Personal Development
                                                   per diploma. To order a duplicate diploma,               present a photo ID when picking up your
    PDS      123
                                                   go to and               transcript. It is important to note that since it
Social Sciences
                                                   complete the Duplicate Diploma Request Form.             takes time to process your transcript request,
    EDU      224
                                                   A commencement ceremony is held annually                 you are advised to call the Welcome and One
    GXS      221, 227, 299
                                                   in the month of May for summer/fall graduates            Stop Center to make sure the transcript is
    HST      141, 142, 269
                                                   and spring/summer candidates. To participate             available before arriving to pick it up.
    PSY      229
                                                   in the commencement ceremony, students
    SSI      121
                                                   should submit a Petition to Graduate by                  Unofficial college transcripts are free of charge
                                                   the spring petition deadline of February 15.             and students are encouraged to review and
MULTIPLE TRANSFER DEGREES                          This includes students planning to graduate              use unofficial transcripts as often as needed.
A College of Lake County student may petition      Summer Session. Information about the                    Unofficial college transcripts are available
for multiple transfer degrees when applying        commencement ceremony can be found at                    anytime through myStudentCenter. Ordering
to graduate. The following requirements                          official transcripts should only be done when
must be met:                                                                                                unofficial transcripts will not suffice. Official
1. A
    ll degree requirements for each degree        CLC may identify students who have completed             transcripts are usually only needed at the
   being sought must be met, and                   a program but have not petitioned to graduate,           final step of admissions, transferring credits
                                                   and “auto-award” the degree or certificate.              to a four-year college or university and after
2. T welve additional hours of semester credit    Students must meet specific criteria to be               acceptance of new employment.
    must be earned at the College of Lake          eligible for an auto-award, and the college does
    County outside of credits earned toward        not guarantee all students who have completed
    the first degree. The additional 12 hours of   their program will be selected. Students should
    credit may not be applied toward the first     always submit a Request to Graduate when
    degree earned.
Contact an Academic Success Advisor for more
                                                                                                        2021-2022 College of Lake County Catalog             29
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