Lamprell insider dealing and market abuse policy

Page created by Eduardo King
Lamprell insider dealing and market abuse policy
Revision 2 | September 2021

insider dealing
    and market
  abuse policy
               This document is in the custody of the
      Group General Counsel & Company Secretary
Lamprell insider dealing and market abuse policy
LAMPRELL INSIDER DEALING AND MARKET ABUSE POLICY                                   l a m p r e l l . c o m


                                                   Introduction                                       4
                                                   The criminal offence of insider dealing            4
                                                   The civil offence of market abuse                  5
                                                   Misleading statements and conduct                  7
                                                   The criminal offence of fraud                      8
                                                   Theft act 1968                                     9
                                                   Share Dealing Code                                 9
                                                   What should I do to avoid
                                                   committing one of the offences?                    9

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LAMPRELL INSIDER DEALING AND MARKET ABUSE POLICY                                                                                                                             l a m p r e l l . c o m

1.    Introduction                                 indirectly to the Company or such other           3.    The civil offence of market               In all three cases, the behaviour is judged
                                                   company or their respective shares and                  abuse                                     on the basis of what a ‘regular user’ of the
                                                   which would, if generally available, be likely                                                    market would regard as a failure to observe
As a listed company, Lamprell plc (the             to be used by a reasonable investor as part                                                       standards of behaviour which would
Company) and its officers and employees            of his investment decision and to have a          Sections 118 to 137 of the Financial Services   normally be expected in the market.
must comply with the regulations that              significant effect on the price of those shares   and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA) set out the
involve the misuse of Inside Information, the      or related investments and you:                   market abuse regime.                            The ‘prescribed markets’ include the London
creation of a false or misleading impression                                                                                                         Stock Exchange, which the Company’s
or the distortion of the market. There are                                                           The market abuse offence is not a criminal      shares are listed on. ‘Qualifying investments’
several relevant areas of legislation which are    a.    deal (or rely on a professional             one, but a civil one. The regime is aimed       cover transferable securities (such as shares
summarised below.                                        intermediary to deal) on a regulated        at behaviour which undermines market            and debt securities). Investments related to
                                                         market in the shares of the Company         integrity and investor confidence.              qualifying investments are also caught. This
It is important to be aware that a breach of             or such other company whose price                                                           would include the Company’s shares traded
these regulations may be a criminal and/or               would be affected if the information        Directors, employees, agents and advisers
                                                                                                                                                     on the London Stock Exchange.
civil offence. The penalty for certain offences          were made public; or                        of the Company will commit market
is imprisonment for up to a maximum                                                                  abuse if they base any behaviour on Inside      Behaviour includes both action and inaction
of seven years. Therefore, any breach of           b.    encourage another person to deal in         Information (about the Company or another       and need not occur in the United Kingdom:
the regulations described in this Insider                shares whose price would be affected        company) they receive in the course of          behaviour will be caught if, wherever it takes
Dealing and Market Abuse Policy will be                  if the information were made public,        their employment, profession or duties or       place, it occurs in relation to qualifying
taken seriously and may lead to disciplinary             whether or not that other person            improperly disclose it.                         investments (or, as applicable, any related
action being taken against the individual(s)             knows that they are price-affected                                                          investment) which are admitted to trading
concerned.                                               shares, knowing or having reasonable                                                        (or for which a request has been made for
                                                                                                     3.1   What is market abuse?
                                                         cause to believe that shares would                                                          admission to trading) on a prescribed market
Please read this note carefully to ensure that           be bought or sold on a regulated                                                            situated or operating in the UK.
                                                                                                     Market abuse relates to ‘behaviour’ by
you are aware of your responsibilities with              market or in reliance on a professional
                                                                                                     a person (or a group of people working
regard to the treatment of the Company’s                 intermediary; or
                                                                                                     together) which occurs in relation to
information and the sanctions which apply                                                                                                            3.2   Guidance on market abuse
                                                                                                     ‘qualifying investments’ on a ‘prescribed
to its misuse or improper circulation. You         c.    disclose the information, other than as
                                                                                                     market’ which satisfies one or more of the
should also familiarise yourself with the                required by the Disclosure Policy or in                                                     The Code of Market Conduct published
                                                                                                     following three conditions:
related Disclosure Policy and Share Dealing              the proper performance of your job,                                                         by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
Code, and other relevant Company policies                then you will be guilty of the criminal                                                     provides guidance on the types of behaviour
                                                                                                     a.    that the behaviour is based on
on this subject matter.                                  offence of insider dealing.                                                                 which amount to market abuse, and the
                                                                                                           information that is not generally
                                                                                                                                                     factors to be taken into account in the
                                                                                                           available to those using the market
                                                   The offence may be committed merely                                                               determination of whether market abuse has
                                                                                                           and, if it were, would have an impact
2.    The criminal offence of insider              by disclosing the information to another                                                          taken place.
                                                                                                           on the price of the investments
      dealing                                      person. It is not necessary for an acquisition
                                                   or disposal of shares to take place or for any                                                    As part of the Code of Market Conduct
                                                   encouragement to deal to be found.                                                                (amended pursuant to the Market Abuse
2.1   What is insider dealing?                                                                       b.    that the behaviour is likely to give
                                                                                                                                                     Regulation (MAR)), the FCA sets out the
                                                                                                           a false or misleading impression of
                                                                                                                                                     types of behaviour which are caught by the
                                                   2.2   Penalties                                         the supply, demand or value of the
If you are aware of information relating                                                                                                             market abuse regime. There are seven such
                                                                                                           investments concerned; and/or
to the Company or another company                  The penalty for committing the criminal                                                           behaviour types:
(for example, one of the Company’s                 offence of insider dealing is imprisonment        c.    that the behaviour is likely to distort
customers) and such information is precise,        for up to a maximum of seven years and/or               the market in the investments             a.    Insider dealing - where someone
not generally available, relates directly or       a fine.                                                 concerned.                                      deals, or attempts to deal, in financial

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LAMPRELL INSIDER DEALING AND MARKET ABUSE POLICY                                                                                                                                 l a m p r e l l . c o m

         instruments or related investments               of the market a false or misleading           which would amount to market abuse if the        Section 397(3) of FSMA also provides that a
         (such as options or other derivatives)           impression as to the supply, demand,          requirer/encourager had carried out the          person will be guilty of a criminal offence if
         on the basis of price- sensitive                 price or value of the shares or financial     behaviour. This secondary offence applies to     he does any act or engages in any course of
         confidential information relating to the         instrument (or an investment which            all of the market abuse offences set out in      conduct which creates a false or misleading
         investment in question;                          relates to the shares or financial            paragraph 2.4.2 above.                           impression as to the market in, or the
                                                          instrument) and fall below the                                                                 price or value of, any shares or financial
b.       Improper disclosure - where an insider           standard expected by that regular                                                              instruments if it is done for the purpose
         discloses price-sensitive confidential                                                         3.4   Penalties
                                                          user; and                                                                                      of creating that impression and of thereby
         information to another person                                                                                                                   inducing the acquisition or disposal of
         otherwise than in the proper course        h.    Distortion – behaviour which would                                                             such shares or financial instruments or the
                                                                                                        If the FCA finds that market abuse has taken
         of the exercise of his employment,               be, or would be likely to be, regarded                                                         exercise of any rights relating to such shares
                                                                                                        place, it can impose a fine, or issue a public
         profession or duties;                            by a regular user of the market as likely                                                      or financial instruments.
                                                                                                        censure, or it can seek an injunction or a
                                                          to distort the market in the shares or
                                                                                                        restitution order. Penalties can be imposed
c.       Misuse of information - which involves           financial instrument (or an investment                                                         An offence under section 397 of FSMA
                                                                                                        on companies and other legal entities as well
         the misuse of information relevant to            which relates to the shares or financial                                                       could be committed if directors of a listed
                                                                                                        as individuals.
         the shares or financial instrument (or           instrument) and fall below the                                                                 company deliberately avoid disclosing Inside
         an investment which relates to the               standard expected by that regular user.                                                        Information to the market pursuant to the
         shares or financial instrument) and                                                            4.    Misleading statements and                  Disclosure Rules, without any justification for
         which is not generally available to              Whether or not behaviour does in fact               conduct                                    delay, or if directors of an issuer deliberately
         the market and which falls below the             amount to market abuse will depend                                                             release false information to the market via a
         standard expected by a ‘regular user’            on how a ‘regular user’, a hypothetical                                                        Regulatory Information Service.
                                                                                                        4.1   What are misleading statements and
         of the market;                                   person who acts reasonably and is
                                                          familiar with the market in question,                                                          Companies can commit the offence under
d.       Manipulating transactions - where
                                                          would view the behaviour. If such a                                                            section 397 of FSMA. In addition, if the
         transactions are effected which give or                                                        Under Sections 397(1) and (2) of FSMA, it is a
                                                          person feels that the behaviour falls                                                          offence is shown to be committed with
         are likely to give a false or misleading                                                       criminal offence for a person to:
                                                          below the standards expected in the                                                            the consent or connivance of an officer of
         impression as to the supply, demand
                                                          market in question, then the behaviour                                                         the company, or to be attributable to any
         or price of one or more financial                                                              a.    make a statement, promise or forecast
                                                          will be deemed to be market abuse.                                                             neglect on his part, that officer may also be
         instruments;                                                                                         which he knows to be misleading,           liable in relation to the criminal offence.
                                                                                                              false or deceptive in a material
e.       Manipulating devices - where                     The market abuse offences set out in                particular;
         transactions or orders are effected              paragraphs (A), (B), (C) and (F) are likely                                                    4.2   Penalties
         which employ fictional devices or                to be the most relevant for officers          b.    conceal dishonestly any material
         other forms of deception;                        and employees of the Company.                       facts (whether in connection with a
                                                                                                                                                         The penalty for making a misleading
                                                                                                              statement, promise or forecast made
f.       Dissemination - where information is                                                                                                            statement or creating a false impression
                                                                                                              by him or otherwise); or
         disseminated which is likely to give a     3.3   Requiring or encouraging market                                                                under section 397 of FSMA is imprisonment
         false or misleading impression as to             abuse                                         c.    make recklessly (dishonestly or            for up to a maximum of seven years and/or
         a financial instrument, where such                                                                   otherwise) a statement, promise or         a fine.
         behaviour is carried on by a person                                                                  forecast which is misleading, false
                                                    There is also a secondary offence of
         who knew, or could reasonably be                                                                     or deceptive in a material particular,
                                                    requiring or encouraging market abuse
         expected to have known, that the                                                                     for the purpose of inducing (or being
                                                    under which the FCA may take action against
         information was false or misleading;                                                                 reckless as to whether it may induce)
                                                    a person who has required or encouraged
g.       Misleading behaviour – behaviour           another person to engage in behaviour                     another person to buy or sell shares or
         which is likely to give regular user                                                                 exercises any rights relating to shares.

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LAMPRELL INSIDER DEALING AND MARKET ABUSE POLICY                                                                                                                             l a m p r e l l . c o m

5.    The criminal offence of fraud                criminal fraud charge if accompanied by the       6.    Theft act 1968                                   responsibilities when ‘dealing’ in the
                                                   appropriate guilty intent.                                                                               Company’s shares;

5.1   What is the offence?                                                                           Section 19 of the Theft Act 1968 makes it an      b.   not disclose information, which
                                                   5.3   Failure to disclose information             offence for an officer of a corporate body             is not generally available, to other
                                                                                                     to publish or concur in publishing a written           employees unless the information is
The offence of fraud can be committed in
                                                                                                     statement which he knows is or may be                  necessary for the proper performance
three different ways under the Fraud Act           Section 3 of the Fraud Act 2006 makes it
                                                                                                     misleading, false or deceptive in a material           of their functions and only then with
2006. In each case the relevant behaviour          an offence to fail to disclose information
                                                                                                     particular if it is with intent to deceive the         the consent of your manager; and
must: be dishonest and intended to secure          where there is a legal duty to do so (e.g.
                                                                                                     shareholders or creditors of a company
either a gain for the defendant or a loss or       statutory, contractual, custom from a trade
                                                                                                     about its affairs. The offence is punishable by   c.   not disclose information which is
risk of loss to another of money or any other      or market, or a fiduciary relationship). Those
                                                                                                     up to seven years’ imprisonment.                       not generally available to persons
property, however no gain or loss need             who fail to make full disclosure pursuant to
                                                                                                                                                            outside the Company unless you
actually be suffered for the offence to be         legal obligations will therefore be at risk of
                                                                                                                                                            have a legitimate purpose and the
committed.                                         prosecution. This could include a deliberate      7.    Share Dealing Code                               disclosure is in confidence (e.g. they
                                                   failure to make an announcement in breach
                                                                                                                                                            are advisers or counter-parties to a
In addition the Fraud Act 2006 explicitly          of the Disclosure Rules requirements.
                                                                                                                                                            transaction), and you have the consent
recognises that a corporate body may                                                                 The Company’s Share Dealing Code seeks
                                                                                                                                                            of your manager or a member of the
commit the offences and also provides                                                                to adopt policies that will protect the
                                                   5.4   Abuse of privileged position                                                                       Disclosure Committee.
that any director, manager, secretary or                                                             Company’s officers against allegations of
other similar officer of the company (or any                                                         insider dealing and market abuse. However,
person purporting to act in such a capacity)                                                         permission to deal in shares in accordance
                                                   Where a position that a person holds means
will also commit the relevant offence if the                                                         with the Share Dealing Code will not, in
                                                   that he would be expected to safeguard the
company’s offence is proved to have been                                                             itself, provide a defence to a claim of insider
                                                   victim’s financial interests, Section 4 of the
committed with the consent or connivance                                                             dealing under the relevant legislation if, for
                                                   Fraud Act makes it an offence for him to
of that individual. This is of importance for                                                        example, an individual is in possession of
                                                   abuse that privileged position. Such an abuse
directors as it leads to the risk of prosecution                                                     any information of which the Disclosure
                                                   is capable of being committed by omission.
for those who merely acquiesce in, as                                                                Committee is unaware.
                                                   The types of relationships which might lead
opposed to positively promote, dishonest           to the expectation include that of a director
conduct (of the type outlined above) by their                                                        The Share Dealing Code is supplemented
                                                   with a company. A director who covertly           by other relevant Company policies and
company.                                           fails to act in the best financial interests of   procedures including the Group-wide
                                                   his company, its staff or its clients (e.g. by    Dealing Policy and the Disclosure Policy.
5.2   False representation                         failing to take up the opportunity of a crucial
                                                   contract) could therefore fall foul of this
                                                   proposed provision, if the other requisite        8.    What should I do to avoid
Section 2 of the Fraud Act 2006 makes it           elements are present.                                   committing one of the
an offence to make a false representation                                                                  offences?
(by words or conduct as to any fact, law
or state of mind of any person) whether            5.5   Penalties
express or implied either: knowing that                                                              You should:
the representation is false or misleading,         The offence is punishable with up to ten
or being aware that it might be. The victim        years’ imprisonment and/or an unlimited           a.    comply with the Company’s Share
of the representation need not actually            fine.                                                   Dealing Code, particularly if you are
rely upon it. A false representation in an                                                                 a person discharging managerial
announcement could therefore lead to a

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Group General Counsel & Company

Copyright © Lamprell Energy Ltd. 2021

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