" La Diversité Florissante " "Flourishing Diversity" The Nature Culture Journey in Marseille

Page created by Christopher Klein
" La Diversité Florissante " "Flourishing Diversity" The Nature Culture Journey in Marseille
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   “Flourishing Diversity”

The Nature Culture Journey in
" La Diversité Florissante " "Flourishing Diversity" The Nature Culture Journey in Marseille
Time      Room          Title                                            Organisers             Lang.

                                      Friday, 3 September 2021

13:00 -    H8 - 10       Global Youth Summit: Looking to the Future       IUCN                   EN
16:00      Alpilles                                                                              FR

17:00 -    H1 Plenary    Congress Opening Ceremony                        IUCN                   EN
19:00      –                                                                                     FR
           Calanques                                                                             ES

                                    Saturday, 4 September 2021

 09:00 -   H9-B          Forum Opening                                    IUCN                   EN
 10.30     Auditorium                                                                            FR
           –                                                                                     ES

 11:00-    H3 -                      Surprising Allies: How partnering AGROECOLOGY               EN
 12:30     Reimagine                 with Agroecology Donors can       FUND
                                     amplify Biodiversity Conservation

 11:00 -   H6 – A Port   Opening Plenary: Demands and Dilemmas at IUCN                           EN
 12:30     Cros          the Landscape Scale (Note there are a series                            FR
                         of Opening Plenaries)                                                   ES

 13:00-    H3 -                      Solutions pour une agriculture       GOVERNMENT OF          EN
 14:00     Reimagine                 durable : cultiver la biodiversité   FRANCE                 FR
                                     pour cultiver la résilience

 14:00 -   H9-B          The Spirituality and Nature Dialogue:            IUCN                   EN
 15:30     Auditorium    responsibility, inspiration and behaviour                               FR
           –             change                                                                  ES

 14:00 -   H8-A          De la diversité des AMP à travers le monde : AGROCAMPUS-                FR
 15:30     Réunion       usages, modèles, enjeux d’appropriation      OUEST / IUCN

 14:00 -   Virtual       Thinking Rangeland as Commons                    CIRAD, UNIVERSITY OF   EN
 15:30     Channel 1                                                      INNSBRUCK, FACULTY
                                                                          OF GEOGRAPHY,
                                                                          AUSTRIA / UNIVERSITY
                                                                          OF PADOVA, ITALY /

 14:30 –   H3 -          A Living Invitation to Respond                   SYNCHRONICITY          EN
 16:00     Reimagine                                                      EARTH
Time      Room        Title                                          Organisers        Lang.

16:00-    H3 -                    Authenticity to Nature: Aligning   FLOURISHING       EN
17:00     Reimagine               Conservation with the principles   DIVERSITY
                                  that sustain life

16:00 -   Virtual     How to influence mining developments to        IUCN, FAUNA AND   EN
18:00     Channel 7   secure better outcomes for nature and          FLORA
                      people                                         INTERNATIONAL

18:00 -   H3 -                    Launch of CEESP''s Policy          CEESP
18:45     Reimagine               Matters Publication on
                                  Environmental Defenders
                                  Volume 1
18:45 –   H3 -                    Opening Reception for the
20:15     Reimagine               Reimagine Pavilion

18:30 -   Virtual     What works in protected areas? Data and        EC JOINT          EN
20:30     Channel 6   information tools for mapping and              RESEARCH
                      understanding PA outcomes                      CENTRE

20:00 -   Virtual     No farm is an island: making agriculture work RAINFOREST         EN
21:30     Channel 3   for landscapes and vice-versa                 ALLIANCE

                                   Sunday, 5 September 2021

08:30 -   Virtual     The IUCN Green List - a standard for           WCPA, IUCN        EN
10:30     Channel 5   conservation of protected and conserved        GLOBAL            FR
                      areas                                          PROTECTED         ES
09:30 –   H3 -                    Dialogue: What are Indigenous      PLANET AMAZONE,   EN
10:30     Reimagine               People essential for viable        FLOURISHING
                                  conservation strategies?           DIVERSITY

08:30 -   H8-D La     Post-2020 global biodiversity framework: a     IUCN              EN
12:30     Brière      recipe for success

08:30 -   Virtual     Scaling, not failing: Building on existing     IUCN, GIZ         EN
10:30     Channel 7   solutions for a healthy planet through                           FR
                      PANORAMA                                                         ES
Time      Room         Title                                            Organisers           Lang.

09:00 -   Virtual      Linking Nature and Culture in Asia and the       UNESCO CHAIR ON      EN
10:30     Channel 3    Pacific: Initiatives for Advancing Knowledge     NATURE-CULTURE
                                                                        LINKAGES IN
                       and Scaling-up Capacity Building in              HERITAGE
                       Landscape Conservation                           CONSERVATION,
                                                                        UNIVERSITY OF
                                                                        TSUKUBA, JAPAN,
                                                                        UNESCO CATEGORY 2
                                                                        CENTRE ON NATURAL
                                                                        MANAGEMENT AND
                                                                        TRAINING FOR ASIA
                                                                        AND THE PACIFIC
                                                                        REGION, WILDLIFE
                                                                        INSTITUTE OF INDIA

09:00 -   H9-B         Science & Stories: imagining and designing       IUCN                 EN
10:30     Auditorium   the future of nature                                                  FR
          -                                                                                  ES

09:00 -   Virtual      Celebrating Territories of Life (ICCAs) and      IUCN WCPA        EN
10:30     Channel 2    Implementing Two IUCN Best Practice              SPECIALIST
                       Guidelines: 1) Cultural and Spiritual            GROUP ON
                       Significance of Nature in Protected and          CULTURAL AND
                       Conserved Areas, 2) Recognising ICCAs            SPIRITUAL VALUES
                       Overlapped by Protected Areas                    OF PROTECTED

09:00 -   H6-C         Using Innovative Technologies to Improve         NORTH CAROLINA       EN
10:30     Cevennes     Conservation Outcomes                            ZOO / SMART
11:00 -   H3 -                     RESPOND: Case Studies on             FLOURISHING          EN
12:30     Reimagine                Cultural Practices for Enhancing     DIVERSITY

11:00 -   Virtual      The transition to sustainable agriculture: for   IUCN (EUROPEAN EN
12:30     Channel 1    people, food and nature                          REGIONAL OFFICE)

11:00 -   Virtual      Conducting Impact Assessments for World          ICCROM               EN
13:00     Channel 6    Heritage, for protection and sustainable

11:00 -   H6-C         Fisheries and biodiversity: smooth sailing or    EBCD / IUCN          EN
12:30     Cevennes     stormy seas?                                     FISHERIES
                                                                        EXPERT GROUP ,
Time      Room          Title                                             Organisers       Lang.

13:00 -   H3 -                      Report from the Indigenous            IUCN             EN
14:00     Reimagine                 Peoples Summit                                         ES

14:00 -   H8-C Cap      In the Conflict Zone: Conservation in             AUSTRALIAN       EN
15:30     Corse         Troubled Environment (potentially a virtual       NATIONAL
                        event only)                                       UNIVERSITY

14:30 -   H3 -                      Diagnostic de la santé d’un
15:30     Reimagine                 territoire français : regard croisé
                                    de sages Kogis et de
                                    scientifiques européens

15:45 -   H3 -                      IMAGINE: Film Screenings:             FLOURISHING      EN
16:45     Reimagine                 Exploring Alternate Narratives        DIVERSITY

16.00 -   H3 - Vital    The Ecosystem Services concept and         BFN, IUCN, WCPA         EN
17:00     Sites for a   protected area management – from theory to
          Protected     practice

16:00 -   H8-C Cap      Conservation technology: The next                 IUCN NL, IUCN    EN
17:30     Corse         generation                                        NEDERLANDS

16:00 -   H8-E          Strategic Communication for Behavior              IUCN CEC /       EN
18:00     Verdon        Change - Design of Behavior Change                FROGLEAPS.ORG,
                                                                          IUCN CEC

16:00 -   H6-C          Scaling-up! Using best-practice to create         BIG OCEAN        EN
17:30     Cevennes      networks of large marine PAs toward IUCN’s
                        30% by 2030 target

17:00 -   H3 -                      Discuss: Dangers and Impacts of       PLANETE          EN
17:45     Reimagine                 the Carbon Market on Indigenous       AMAZONES,
                                    Peoples and Traditional               FLOURISHING
                                    Communities                           DIVERSITY

18:00 –   H3 -                      Nature-Based Solutions                CEESP            EN
20:00     Reimagine                 Revisited: Beyond Climate                              ES
                                    Change Mitigation and
                                    Adaptation, Towards Flourishing
Time      Room          Title                                           Organisers         Lang.

18:30 -   Virtual       Mercado de saberes intergeneracionales    PRONATURA                ES
20:30     Channel 6     para la implementación del programa de la MÉXICO A.C.,
                        UICN 2021-2024                            PRESIDENTA DE
                                                                  LA COMISIÓN DE
                                                                  PARA LA REGIÓN
                                                                  DE MÉXICO,
                                                                  AMÉRICA CENTRAL
20:00 -   Virtual       Territorios Indígenas en la Cuenca        COORDINADORA
                                                                  Y CARIBE                 EN
21:30     Channel 3     Amazónica : Soluciones Basadas en Gente y DE LAS
                                                                  HISPANOHABLANT           ES
                        Naturaleza.                               ORGANIZACIONES
                                                                  INDIGENAS DE LA
                                     Monday, 6 September 2021     WORLD WILDLIFE
                                                                  FUND INC WWF
08:30 -   Virtual       Stories For Impact                        CONCIENCIA               EN
10:30     Channel 6                                               FILMS, DIGITAL

09:00 -   H8-A          The Outlook for World Heritage at 50 - crisis   IUCN WHP           EN
10:30     Réunion       or crossroads?

11:00-    H8-B Mer      A Cultural Heartbeat for the Future of Nature: IUCN                EN
12:30     de Corail     putting culture in the centre of the post-2020

11:00 -   H8-A          Legacy Landscapes Fund (LLF): New               GERMAN MINISTRY    EN
12:30     Réunion       approaches for safeguarding high                FOR ECONOMIC
                                                                        COOPERATION AND
                        biodiversity areas                              DEVELOPMENT, KFW
                                                                        DEVELOPMENT BANK

11:30 -   H3 - Vital    Contribution of ICCAs to the CBD 2020           UNDP - GEF SMALL EN
12:30     Sites for a   framework and beyond: presentation of two       GRANTS
          Protected     global reports on Territories of Life and       PROGRAMME
          Planet        IPLCs

11:30 -   H3 -                      Aires protégées françaises
12:30     Reimagine

13:00 -   H3 -                      Dialogue: Indigenous Peoples        NIA TERO
15.00     Reimagine                 and the Post 2020 GBF: Sharing
                                    Perspectives, Gearing up for

13:30 -   H8-E          Protected Area Finance from essentials to       WILDLIFE           EN
17:30     Verdon        leading edge                                    CONSERVATION
Time      Room          Title                                         Organisers           Lang.

14:00 -   H1 Plenary    Human rights, conservation and the post-  RAINFOREST               EN
15:30     -             2020 framework: where do we go from here? FOUNDATION UK,           FR
                                                                      UNITED NATIONS
          Calanques                                                   SPECIAL RAPPORTEUR
                                                                      ON HUMAN RIGHTS
                                                                      AND THE

15:30 -   H3 -                     Under the Pole III                 GOVERNMENT OF
16:30     Reimagine                                                   FRANCE

16:00 -   H9-B          Agriculture and Land Health: the common     IUCN                   EN
17:30     Auditorium    ground between agriculture and conservation                        FR
          -                                                                                ES

16:00 -   Virtual       No Go in World Heritage sites and other       IUCN, WORLD          EN
17:30     Channel 2     protected areas: success stories in           HERITAGE
                        leveraging the private sector and remaining   CENTRE/UNESCO

17:00 -   H3 - Vital    The World Heritage Convention: A Uniquely     IUCN                 EN
18:00     Sites for a   Important Mechanism to Protect Natural and
          Protected     Cultural Heritage and Fight Climate Change

17:00 -   H3 -                     EPOP Award
18:00     Reimagine

18:00 -   Virtual       Gamification, technology & storytelling:     ZOOTERRA              EN
19:30     Channel 3     Engaging the next generation of conservation

18:00 -   H3 - Vital    NaturAfrica: a people-centred approach of     DIRECTORATE-         EN
19:00     Sites for a   conservation                                  GENERAL FOR
          Protected                                                   PARTNERSHIPS -
          Planet                                                      EUROPEAN

18:30 -   Virtual       Inclusive Conservation Academy: Learning      ICCA CONSORTIUM EN
20:30     Channel 5     from indigenous peoples & communities for                     FR
                        just conservation                                             ES

19:00 -   H3 -                     Culture-Nature Collaborations:     IUCN                 EN
20:00     Reimagine                Dialogue with ICOMOS,
                                   ICCROM and UNESCO
Time      Room         Title                                           Organisers            Lang.

                                   Tuesday, 7 September 2021

08:30 -   Virtual      The ABCs of Transboundary Conservation          IUCN REGIONAL         EN
10:30     Channel 6                                                    OFFICE FOR EASTERN
                                                                       EUROPE AND CENTRAL
                                                                       ASIA (ECARO), IUCN
                                                                       ENVIRONMENTAL LAW
                                                                       CENTRE (ELC)

09:00-    H6-C         The Yellow Sea - A Global Heritage:             IUCN                  EN
10:30     Cevennes     Towards Transboundary Governance and

09:00 -   H9-B         Restoring the fabric of nature and humanity – IUCN                    EN
10:30     Auditorium   peace, conflict, migration and environment                            FR
          –                                                                                  ES

11:00 -   Virtual      Custodians of Life: defending sacred natural    THE GAIA              EN
12:30     Channel 1    sites and territories                           FOUNDATION            FR

11:00 -   H8-A         The contribution of Anthropology to the         MUSEUM NATIONAL       EN
12:30     Réunion      nature/culture debate and biodiversity          D’HISTOIRE            FR
                                                                       NATURELLE, CENTRE
                       conservation                                    NATIONAL DE LA

11:00 -   Virtual      Do protected areas actually work? How and       UN ENVIRONMENT        EN
13:00     Channel 6    why we measure site-level performance           WORLD
11:30 -   H3 -                     DIALOGUE: Fish Tales:               SYNCHRONICITY         EN
13:00     Reimagine                Narratives for Freshwater           EARTH

14:00 -   H8-A         Agroecology as a nature-based solution for      MINISTERE DE          EN
15:30     Réunion      climate mitigation / adaptation, biodiversity   L’AGRICULTURE ET DE   FR
                       conservation and food security                  FRANCE,
                                                                       AGROECOLOGY FUND

14:00 -   H9-B         Building Support and Commitment for a           IUCN                  EN
15:30     Auditorium   Nature-Positive World                                                 FR
          –                                                                                  ES
Time      Room        Title                                        Organisers       Lang.

14:30 -   H3 -                  Respond: Programme VIGILIFE ( GOVERNMENT OF         FR
15:30     Reimagine             Monitoring of Aquatic Species & FRANCE
                                Terrestrial biodiversity using
                                environmental DNA)

16:00 -   H8-C Cap    Closing Plenary: Conservation Knowledge for IUCN              EN
17:30     Corse       Conservation Impact (Note there are a series                  FR
                      of Closing Plenaries)                                         ES

17:00 -   H3 -                  Redefining protected areas:
18:00     Reimagine             Addressing human rights
                                violations against Indigenous
                                Peoples and recognizing
                                Indigenous-led governance in

18:30 -   H3 -                  DISCUSS: Reimagining               BIODIVERSITY     EN
20:00     Reimagine             Philanthropy: Inclusive and        FUNDERS GROUP;
                                Innovative Approaches to Grant-    SYNCHRONICITY
                                making for Community-led           EARTH

                               Wednesday, 8 September 2021

11:00 -   H3 –                  DISCUSS: Flourishing Diversity     ARCUS
12:00     Reimagine             & The Importance of Nonhuman       FOUNDATION;
                                Cultures in Conservation:          SYNCHRONICITY
                                Indigenous and Scientific          EARTH

13:00 -   H3 –                  Space Climate Observatory ( par GOVERNMENT OF       EN
14:00     Reimagine             le NCES)                        FRANCE              FR

14:30 -   H3 –                  RESPOND: Case Studies on           FLOURISHING      EN
17:30     Reimagine             Cultural Practices for Enhancing   DIVERSITY

14:30 -   H3 –        #NatureForAll Youth Oasis - Connecting with IUCN              EN
15:15     Central     Nature in Urban Environments
          Stage A
Time      Room        Title                                    Organisers      Lang.

18:30 -   H3 –                Reimagining Public Funding       CONSERVATION    EN
20:00     Reimagine                                            INTERNATIONAL

                              Thursday, 9 September 2021

11:00 -   H3 –                Respond: FINANCE: UN             GOVERNMENT OF
12:00     Reimagine           PROJECT-LOCAL PHARE              FRANCE

13:00 -   H3 –                Ecocide and Rights of Nature -   FLOURISHING     EN
14:00     Reimagine           Laws to Protect the Earth        DIVERSITY

14:30 -   H3 –                IMAGINE: SELVAGEM (WILD          FLOURISHING     EN
16:00     Reimagine           ARROWS) Film Screening &         DIVERSITY       FR
                              Hosted Discussion

16:00 -   H3 –                Charte WWF-Ministère des         GOVERNMENT OF   FR
17:00     Reimagine           Sports                           FRANCE
Speaker Pitches

When does a protected area truly become international?         INTERNATIONAL CRANE
Exploring shared natural heritage                              FOUNDATION

World Heritage Leadership: connecting people, nature and ICCROM, IUCN
culture in a new capacity building approach

Alliances of communities, funders and practitioners to         MAVA FONDATION POUR LA            EN,
integrate culture and nature in conservation                   NATURE                            FR, ES

Assessing climate vulnerability for the world's natural and    JAMES COOK UNIVERSITY,   EN
culture heritage                                               ARC CENTRE OF
                                                               EXCELLENCE FOR CORAL
                                                               REEF STUDIES, JAMES COOK
                                                               UNIVERSITY & IUCN-WCPA-
                                                               CCSG MEMBER

Connecting Biosecurity Capabilities to Conserve Pacific        UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF       EN
Island Forests                                                 AGRICULTURE, FOREST SERVICE,
                                                               UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF

Engaging Families as a Path to Equitable Access to             FAMILIES IN NATURE                EN
Nature for All

Etre femmes et Directeurs de Parcs : les défis et les          MADAGASCAR NATIONAL               FR
enjeux du genre dans la conservation                           PARKS

L'agriculture urbaine, un outil essentiel pour la résilience   LA CITE DE L’AGRICULTURE          EN,
de nos territoires                                                                               FR, ES

La déforestation face à l'expansion de l'agriculture           SERVICE D’APPUI AUX INITIATIVES   FR
familiale: Quel apport de l'agro écologie?                     LOCALES DE DEVELOPPEMENT,
                                                               SERVICE D’APPUI AUX INITIATIVES
                                                               LOCALES DE DEVELOPPEMENT

N/a'an ku sê Forest Revegetation Conservation Project,         N/A’AN KU SÊ FOUNDATION           EN
as part of the Queen's Commonwealth Canopy
Pourquoi l'Océan doit être le bien commun de l'Humanité    INSTITUT FRANÇAIS DE LA                 FR
                                                           MER, INNOVATIONS BLEUES

Towards the reinforcement, the valorization and the   GESELLSCHAFT FÜR                             FR
Recognition of the Indigenous and Community Conserved INTERNATIONALE
Areas (ICCA) in DR Congo                              ZUSAMMENARBEIT

#OneLess bottle in the ocean – tackling ocean plastic at   Zoological Society of London            EN
source by changing the way we drink water

Biocultural branding for indigenous landscapes: Towards    International Institute for             EN
a global labelling system                                  Environment and Development

Expanding conservation narratives and narrators: Stories   Resource Africa UK, United Nations      EN
from youth on the conservation frontline                   Environment Programme, Director
                                                           Biodiversity and Ecosystems Services

Indigenous traditional knowledge for conservation and      IUCN Commission on Environmental,       EN
natural resources management                               Economic and Social Policy (CEESP),
                                                           Chair for the Special Group of
                                                           Indigenous Peoples’ Customary,
                                                           Environmental laws and Human Rights
                                                           (SPICEH) & Center for Indigenous,
                                                           IUCN Commission on Environmental,
                                                           Economic and Social Policy (CEESP),
                                                           Chair for the Special Group of
                                                           Indigenous Peoples’ s Customary,
                                                           Environmental laws and Human Rights
                                                           (SPICEH) & Indigenous Peoples African
                                                           Coordination Committee (IPACC),

Large-scale cultural and ecological restoration lead by    The Nature Conservancy                  EN
Traditional Custodians

Making Space: A by-youth-for-youth approach to engaging The Poison and The Apple                   EN
young people                                                                                       FR

Remembering How to Live as Native People on Island         USDA Forest Service, Ocean              EN
Earth                                                      Wise
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