L'endocrinologia della PCOS - Paolo Moghetti Endocrinologia, Diabetologia e Malattie del Metabolismo - Società Italiana di Endocrinologia

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L'endocrinologia della PCOS - Paolo Moghetti Endocrinologia, Diabetologia e Malattie del Metabolismo - Società Italiana di Endocrinologia
L’endocrinologia della PCOS

                       Paolo Moghetti

    Endocrinologia, Diabetologia e Malattie del Metabolismo
Università e Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Integrata di Verona
L'endocrinologia della PCOS - Paolo Moghetti Endocrinologia, Diabetologia e Malattie del Metabolismo - Società Italiana di Endocrinologia
Criteri ESHRE/ASRM per la diagnosi di PCOS
            - Consensus di Rotterdam -

La diagnosi richiede almeno due elementi fra:

- Iperandrogenismo (clinico e/o biochimico)
- Oligo-anovulazione cronica
- Ovaie micropolicistiche
 dopo aver escluso altre cause

                     Hum Reprod & Fertil Steril, 2004
L'endocrinologia della PCOS - Paolo Moghetti Endocrinologia, Diabetologia e Malattie del Metabolismo - Società Italiana di Endocrinologia
Fenotipi clinici della PCOS in
                    base ai criteri di Rotterdam
                           Fenotipo           completo
Oligoanovulazione                            Iperandrogenismo

    Fenotipo                                    Fenotipo
normoandrogenico                               ovulatorio

                Morfologia policistica dell’ovaio
L'endocrinologia della PCOS - Paolo Moghetti Endocrinologia, Diabetologia e Malattie del Metabolismo - Società Italiana di Endocrinologia
The NIH Evidence-based Methodology
        Workshop on PCOS (December 3–5, 2012)
               Panel Recommendations
1. ….
2. We recommend maintaining the broad,
inclusionary diagnostic criteria of Rotterdam while
specifically identifying the phenotype.
3. We recommend …to improve the methods and
criteria used to assess androgen excess, ovulatory
dysfunction, and polycystic ovarian morphology.
4. ….
L'endocrinologia della PCOS - Paolo Moghetti Endocrinologia, Diabetologia e Malattie del Metabolismo - Società Italiana di Endocrinologia
Frequency of PCOS phenotypes in studies
  carried out in unselected populations
          completo   classico ovulatorio normoandrogenico

                      Lizneva D et al, Fertil Steril 2016
L'endocrinologia della PCOS - Paolo Moghetti Endocrinologia, Diabetologia e Malattie del Metabolismo - Società Italiana di Endocrinologia
Frequenza di fenotipi clinici e categorie di BMI
        in 246 donne con PCOS del Verona 3P Study
            Fenotipo clinico             Categoria di BMI

% 70                             % 70
  60       68%                     60
  50                               50
  40                               40    41.0          42%
  30                               30    36%
  20                               20           22%
  10                      15%
                          14.4     10
   0                                0
           classico                     normopeso
           ovulatorio                   sovrappeso
           normoandrogenico             obesità
L'endocrinologia della PCOS - Paolo Moghetti Endocrinologia, Diabetologia e Malattie del Metabolismo - Società Italiana di Endocrinologia
Comparison of PCOS women referred to a tertiary
care clinic vs unselected PCOS and control women identified
             at a pre-employment medical screening

                                 (Ezeh U et al, JCE&M 2013)
L'endocrinologia della PCOS - Paolo Moghetti Endocrinologia, Diabetologia e Malattie del Metabolismo - Società Italiana di Endocrinologia
Bidirectional Mendelian randomization
            indicates a causal relationship between
 increased BMI and PCOS, while the reverse is not the case
(750 individuals of European origin with PCOS and 1567 BMI-matched
         controls, 92-SNP for BMI with PCOS as the outcome,
             16-SNP for PCOS with BMI as the outcome)

                       Brower MA, Hai Y, et al, Hum Reprod 2019
L'endocrinologia della PCOS - Paolo Moghetti Endocrinologia, Diabetologia e Malattie del Metabolismo - Società Italiana di Endocrinologia
Linea guida Endocrine Society sulla PCOS
             - esclusione di altre patologie -
• Dosaggio sistematico di:
   – 17OHP
   – PRL
   – TSH
• Altre ipotesi da considerare, in base alla presentazione
   –   Gravidanza
   –   Amenorrea ipotalamica
   –   Insufficienza ovarica primitiva
   –   Neoplasie androgeno-secernenti
   –   S. di Cushing
   –   Acromegalia                     Legro et al, JCE&M 2013
L'endocrinologia della PCOS - Paolo Moghetti Endocrinologia, Diabetologia e Malattie del Metabolismo - Società Italiana di Endocrinologia
Presenting symptoms in 218 women with
Nonclassic Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

              Moran C et al, Am J Obstet Gynecol 2000
Androgen levels in androgen-secreting tumors
• Virilization of recent onset and rapid progression, a serum total
  testosterone >150 ng/dL (5.2 nmol/L), or a serum DHEAS >700-
  800 mcg/dL (18.9-21.7 micromol/L) suggests a neoplastic
  source of hyperandrogenism.
• Caution must be exercised ... Approximately 20% of ovarian
  androgen-secreting neoplasms result in testosterone levels
  under 150 ng/dL,… and small tumors can cause fluctuating
  androgen levels.
• …there are case reports of adrenal tumors that secrete
  testosterone directly and exclusively, and some adrenal tumors
  may cause only a mild elevation in DHEAS.
                               www.uptodate.com, December 2018
Increased LH    ?

?   Insulin resistance
                         Androgen excess       ?

T and A4 by LC-MS/MS
                                        DHEAS by CLIA

                     (≤50yr)                       (>50yr)     Final diagnosis in
                                                                  1205 women
                                                                investigated for
                                                              at a single tertiary
                                                                 referral center
                                                                 in Birmingham
                                                             between 2012-2016

                                                             Elhassan YS et al, JCEM 2018

CAH: congenital adrenal hyperplasia; ACC: adrenocortical carcinoma; CD: Cushing dis.;
ACA: adrenocortical adenoma; OHT: ovarian hyperthecosis; OvTu: ovarian tumors
Provenienza degli androgeni circolanti
                nella donna normale


            25%                  50%            90%      100%

(DHT)   Testosterone         Androstenedione   (DHEA)   DHEAS

            25%                  50%            10%

Frequenza di alterazioni degli androgeni circolanti
      (misurati con LC-MS/MS e dialisi all’equilibrio)
in 254 donne con PCOS della coorte del Verona 3P Study

                            Considerando insieme
                         iperandrogenismo clinico e
                      biochimico, la frazione di soggetti
                      PCOS iperandrogenici sale a 88%
PCOS women recognized as hyperandrogenemic by gold
standard methods, either without or with FT measurement


                   Tosi F et al, J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2016
Come stimare il testosterone libero
(se non è possibile misurarlo in modo accurato)?

         Free androgen index (FAI)
     Testosterone totale / SHBG x 100

              oppure (meglio)

    Calcolo con la formula di Vermeulen
         - ISSAM online calculator -
Impact of inaccuracy in routine androgen assays
         in the classification of 204 women with PCOS

 Deming regression of gold            Misclassification of androgen excess
standard vs routine fT assay         by routine methods in ~30% of patients

                               Tosi F et al, J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2016
Relationship between serum free testosterone and hirsutism
 score in 254 PCOS women of the Verona 3P Study cohort
         Free Testosterone (ng/dL)

                                     Ferriman-Gallwey score
Pathways of adrenal steroidogenesis
          (11-oxygenated androgens are highlighted in black)

Dashed arrow denotes minor conversion to product
11KA: 11-ketoandrostenedione; 11OHA: 11b-hydroxyandrostenedione
11KT: 11-ketotestosterone; 11OHT: 11b-hydroxytestosterone
                              Rege J et al, J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2018
Classic and 11-oxygenated serum androgens
        in PCOS women and controls

               O’Reilly MW et al, JCEM 2017
Serum concentrations of steroids
in girls with premature adrenarche
  vs age-matched girls (4-7 years)

   Rege J et al, J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2018
Androgen-dependent gene regulation
                      in response to C19 steroids in CV1-ARLuc cells
 (Selective adrogen-responsive model derived from cells engineered to
  express androgen receptor and an AR-driven bioluminescence signal)
                                                        Most highly upregulated
                                                      genes in cells after treatment
                                                      with 100 nM of T or 11KT, as
                                                         identified by RNA-Seq.
                                 3/4 vs T

                           1/20 vs T

* P < 0.05 vs basal
                                            Rege J et al, J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2018
Hormonal changes during
                  an ovulatory menstrual cycle

Marshall JC and Eagleson CA, Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am 1999
GnRH pulsatility and PCOS

• The GnRH pulse generator shows an intrinsic firing
frequency of approximately one pulse per hour, which is seen
in isolated hypothalamus, and in vivo after menopause, in
premature ovarian failure, in the physiological late follicular
phase, but also, persistently, in many PCOS women.
• Rapid GnRH pulsatility favours pituitary synthesis of LH
over that of FSH and contributes to the increased LH
concentrations and LH : FSH ratios typical of PCOS.
• Inadequate FSH levels contribute to impaired follicular
development, whereas elevated LH levels augment ovarian
androgen production.
    Blank SK, McCartney CR and Marshall JC, Hum Reprod Update 2006
Typical plasma gonadotropin pattern
                       in an amenorrheic PCOS woman

                                                        LH pulses

Blank SK, McCartney CR and Marshall JC, Hum Reprod Update 2006
Absolute change in LH pulses/12 hours
   following 7 days of estradiol and progesterone,
    with or without flutamide co-administration,
as a function of mean plasma progesterone on day 7

                                        Shaded areas: range of
                                        responses after E2 and
                                        progesterone for 7 days.
                                        Closed circles: findings
                                        when flutamide was
                                        also administered,
                                        before and during E2
                                        and progesterone

           Eagleson CA et al, J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2000
Schema for the potential action of excess
        androgens in modifying GnRH secretion during
      pubertal maturation in susceptible adolescent girls

Blank SK, McCartney CR and Marshall JC, Hum Reprod Update 2006
Model of AMH secretion and action
                in the ovary

Dewailly D, La Marca A et al Hum Reprod Update 2014
 between follicle
count and serum
Serum AMH is increased
                in pregnant women with PCOS

(16-19 weeks)

                        Tata B et al, Nat Med 2018
Peripherally administered AMH in pregnancy
                reprograms the fetus and induces PCOS in
In the mother:        adulthood in female progeny
• Neuroendocrine changes (increased serum LH)
• Androgen excess
• Impaired fertility (increase in aborted embryos/litter)
In the offspring:
• Masculinization of the exposed female fetus (longer ano-genital
   distance, neonatal LH and T surge, masculinization of dimorphic
   brain areas)
• PCOS-like neuroendocrine (persistently hyperactivated GnRH
   neurons with increased LH and testosterone levels) and
   reproductive phenotype (disrupted estrous cyclicity and impaired
   fertility) in adulthood
• No changes in weight
AMH detectable in the maternal brain areas where GnRH terminals
   are located. However, AMH cannot cross the placental barrier.
AMH effects prevented by co-administration of a GnRH antagonist.
                                       Tata B et al, Nat Med 2018
Frequency of insulin resistance and metabolic
          syndrome in 137 consecutive PCOS women
              (mean age 23 yr, BMI 28.5 kg/m2)


%   70
         Insulin resistance      Metabolic syndrome
         (clamp, WHO criteria)     (IDF 2009 criteria)

                           from Moghetti P et al, JCE&M 2013
        SHBG                                     LH (?)

   Insulina         Ovaio
                                                androgeni
                     modificato da Dunaif A, Endocr Rev 1997
Obesity induced infertility and hyperandrogenism
                 are corrected by selective deletion of the insulin
                               receptor in theca cell
    Wild type - lean        KO - lean       Wild type - obese           KO - obese

           Fertility rate                              Serum testosterone
    100                                         16
%                                       pg/dl

       0                                         0
                                                     Wu S et al, Diabetes 2014
 Glucose uptake (µmol/kg FFM · min)


Frequency of insulin resistance in PCOS women
               according to BMI categories
          (n= 375, glucose clamp methodology)


40                                                  obese



            Tosi F, Bonora E & Moghetti P, Hum Reprod 2017
Performance dell’indice HOMA nell’identificare
                   i soggetti insulinoresistenti, definiti dal clamp,
                           fra le donne con PCOS (n=375)
     (mg/KgFFM x min-1)

20                                  R=0.622 p
Performance of several surrogate indexes in
identifying insulin resistant subjects, as defined
  by the hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp,
          in women with PCOS (n=375)

        Tosi F, Bonora E & Moghetti P, Hum Reprod 2017
Fraction of subjects, subdivided according to BMI categories
or presence/absence of metabolic syndrome, recognized as
 insulin resistant by the hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp
and by several surrogate indexes, among women with PCOS

                   Tosi F, Bonora E & Moghetti P, Hum Reprod 2017
Divergences in insulin resistance
              between the PCOS phenotypes derived from
                    Rotterdam diagnostic criteria
M-clamp values in PCOS phenotypes
      and healthy controls
Changes in mestruation rate
                                            in individual PCOS women
                                                  given metformin


                   0.8                                        (55%)
cycles per month






                              1.5              2.5                     3.5

                                    Baseline         After metformin
                                                             Moghetti P et al, JCE&M 2000

• La PCOS è una sindrome eterogenea e molto complessa dal punto di
  vista endocrino.
• L’eccesso di androgeni è l’aspetto più caratterizzante della PCOS,
  ma nell’accezione attuale non è obbligatorio. L’iperandrogenismo
  clinico e quello biochimico sono considerati equivalenti ai fini
  diagnostici, ma sottendono differenze cliniche.
• Le alterazioni neuroendocrine partecipano alla fisiopatologia
  dell’iperandrogenismo e forse delle alterazioni metaboliche, anche se
  le influenze reciproche fra questi aspetti rendono difficile stabilire la
  causa iniziale. L’AMH sembra essere un anello importante in questa
  catena fisiopatologica.
• L’insulinoresistenza è un altro elemento centrale della sindrome, in
  termini fisiopatologici e clinici, ma la sua valutazione nella pratica
  clinica resta problematica.
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