L'école des loisirs - BIEF

Page created by Julio Wang
L'école des loisirs - BIEF
Translated by: Anna Howell

                                                                                                  * WORLD BOOK FAIRS 2021 • BEIJING • GUADALAJARA • MOSCOW
                                                                                                     NEW DELHI • PRAGUE • SEOUL • TAIPEI • WARSAW
                                                                 New rights deals are negotiated every day. To keep abreast of these developments, we recommend that you contact the publisher.

                             Bureau International de l’Édition Française
                             115, bd Saint-Germain - 75006 Paris, France
                             t. +33 (0)1 44 41 13 13 - f. +33 (0)1 46 34 63 83
                                                                                                                                                                                  L'école des loisirs
                             info@bief.org - www.bief.org

                            A Little, a Lot                                    Little Vampire (Book 1)                    The Big Book of Teeny-Tiny
                             Wolf Walks into                                   L
                                                                                  ucky Joey                                T
                                                                                                                             he Book of
                            the Night                                                                                       Happy Little Things
                                                                                 ammoth Mission
                            After Midnight (Book 1)                                                                        The Singing Bear
                                                                                 e Want That!
                              lue Dog                                                                                      The Sleeping Fort
                                                                                 ilo The Polar Bear
                             pocalypse                                                                                     T
                                                                                                                             he Space Swing
                                                                                Miranda and Chocolate
                             astle in the Stars (Book 5)                                                                   The Storm Is Coming!
                                                                                 ission: Breakfast!
                              agfrid                                                                                       T
                                                                                                                             he Worst Bad Word
                                                                                 y Babysitter
                             octor Popov                                       and the Tiny People                         T
                            Easy Does It, Palomino                             P
                                                                                 ikkeli Mimou                              V
                              lint                                             S
                                                                                 auveur & Son (Season 6)                   Where Are You From?
                            Have You Read It?                                  Sidonie the Mouse                          Y
                                                                                                                             ou Don't Cut off
                                                                                                                            a Young Girl's Feet
                            Lisette and the Big Lie                            The Age of Possibilities

                                                                                                                                        L'école des loisirs
www.ecoledesloisirs.fr/collection/pastel   FOREIGN RIGHTS   Muriel D'Oultremont : pastel.doultremont@ecoledesloisirs.be | EXPORT Fiona Coyere : fcoyere@ecoledesloisirs.com

 L'école des loisirs

Children's Books                    Un peu beaucoup                                                  Children's Books                   Un loup sort dans la nuit

                                  A LITTLE,                                                                                           A WOLF WALKS
                                  A LOT                                                                                               INTO THE NIGHT
                                  A tree is fragile—you have to take care of it. You need to treat                                    Are you ready to hear an incredible story? Curl up in your
                                  it like a friend. My tree and I take good care of each other.                                       favorite chair and get cozy! Here we go… A wolf walks
                                  Sometimes it gives me one of its pine cones. One of them                                            into the night. But where is he going? Into a giant ogre’s
                                  is not much, but be careful: all of them are a lot. You need                                        castle, out onto the raging ocean, or maybe past a plate
                                  to find the right balance. But even if someday there are no                                         of macaroni? To find out, you’ll need to open the book and
                                  more pine cones on the tree, it will still have its needles,                                        turn the pages…
                                  branches, and roots.
                                                                                                                                      9782211309448 | 2020 | 36 pages
                                  Pastel | 9782211307758 | 2020                                                                       23x19 cm | 13.00 €
       Olivier Tallec             36 pages | 20x28 cm | 12.50 €                                            Rudy Spiessert
                                                                                                         Clémentine Mélois
 A new act of love for
 his tree from Olivier Tallec's                                                                       An interactive double
 squirrel.                                                                                            album that invites the reader
                                                                                                      to help create the story.

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 L'école des loisirs
After Midnight

Children's Books                Après minuit (Tome 1) :                                           Children's Books               Chien Bleu
                                Trop de sel dans les pâtes

                              AFTER                                                                                            BLUE DOG
                                                                                                                               31 years ago, Blue Dog emerged from the brushes of a
                                                                                                                               fledgling artist named Nadja. Strange yet familiar, protec-
                                                                                                                               tive yet wild, this huge blue dog won Charlotte’s trust as
                                                                                                                               soon as she looked into his emerald eyes. But it would take

                              (BOOK 1)                                                                                         more than that to overcome her parents’ misgivings. Thus
                                                                                                                               began a great adventure... To celebrate its 31st birthday,
                                                                                                                               Blue Dog returns along with an exceptional dossier in which
                                                                                                                               Nadja shares secrets about her technique and the creation
                              TOO MUCH SALT IN THE SPAGHETTI                                                                   of the album.

                              It all started after my dad put too much salt in the spaghetti.                                  RIGHTS SOLD
                              My little sister, Rosalie, and I had woken up thirsty in the                                     Published in 9 languages: Arabic, Chinese (simplified),
                              middle of the night when we suddenly heard a noise. Even                                         German, Italian, Korean, Polish, Spanish…
    Clémentine Mellois        though Rosalie is only little, we crept outside to take a look.
      Rudy Spiessert          And that’s how we discovered that our next-door neighbor                                         FIND OUT MORE
                              (who is also our teacher) is a werewolf! And believe me, a           Happy birthday, Blue Dog!   > 500,000 copies sold in France

 A fresh look at the some     werewolf wearing a flowery dress and lavender perfume is             A previously unpublished
                              strange to say the least! But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.                                9782211014175 | 1989 | 52 pages
 familiar faces from the                                                                           dossier with sketches       26x31 cm | 19.00 €
                              Let me tell you what happened next...                                and preparatory work
 fantasy genre: werewolves,
 gnomes, mermaids, ogres,                                                                          by Nadja.
                              9782211303712 | 2020 | 72 pages
 vampires, mummies,           12,5x19 cm | 8.00 €
 and many more.

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 L'école des loisirs

Children's Books                 Bpocalypse                                                   Comic Books & Graphic Novels     Le château des étoiles (Tome 5) :
                                                                                                                               De Mars à Paris
                               BPOCALYPSE                                                                                    CASTLE
                                                                                                                             IN THE STARS
                               8 years ago, Samsara survived the Apocalypse and all of the
                               upheavals that followed. Now she faces a new challenge:
                               the city of Concordia has just lifted the quarantine for the
                               old public park and is preparing to welcome its inhabitants,
                               who are said to have mutated. The twins in Sam’s class
                               appear to be a perfect example. Before long, anyone
                               who ever made fun of them or pushed them around falls
                               victim to unexplained incidents. All signs point toward the
                                                                                                                             (BOOK 5)
                               newcomers’ guilt. But in a city like Concordia, can you ever                                  FROM MARS TO PARIS
                               really trust appearances? There’s only one way to find out:
                               brave the dangers of the forbidden zones... and risk losing                                   Hans, Seraphin, Sophie, Loic, and the princess take re-
                               your life.                                                                                    fuge in the Castle in the Stars to escape Bismarck, who is
                                                                                                                             invading Mars. There they find the seemingly insane King
         Ariel Holzl           9782211310161 | 2020 | 416 pages
                                                                                                       Alex Alice            Ludwig and decide to return to Earth to seek Napoleon
                               14,8x21,8 cm | 17.00 €                                                                        III’s help to free Mars from the Prussians. Seraphin will
 A heroine with scathing                                                                       Mars, 1873: Seraphin          discover that Napoleon and Bismarck have signed an
 comebacks—bucking                                                                             and his friends escort        accord—France will stay out of the fight for Mars in
 the trend of typical female                                                                   the Princess and her people   exchange for Seraphin’s father’s expertise. Seraphin will
 stereotypes.                                                                                  through the planets.          be reunited with his father, who strongly advises his son
                                                                                                                             not to get involved in the political situation. As things heat
                                                                                                                             up, Seraphin realizes that he alone is responsible for his
                                                                                                                             decisions and actions.

                                                                                                                             Rue de Sèvres | 9782810204700 | 2020
                                                                                                                             72 pages | 24x32 cm | 14.00 €

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 L'école des loisirs

Children's Books               Dagfrid : A Thor et à travers                                   Children's Books            Docteur Popov

                             DAGFRID                                                                                     DOCTOR POPOV
                             THOR-OUGHLY UNFAIR                                                                          Today Popov has decided to be the doggies’ personal doctor.
                                                                                                                         But nobody wants a check-up or any medicine. Popov starts
                             Dagfrid has no desire to help prepare the chiefs’ banquet. It                               to cry... If that’s the case, he’ll be the one to drink all of the
                             may be an honor, but it’s also unfair. Because in the Viking                                cough syrup.
                             world, the girls have to cook stinky fish while the boys train
                             to become warriors or seafarers. As for Dagfrid’s brother,                                  9782211310871 | 2020 | 32 pages
                             it looks like he’s preparing for a future just lazing about. In                             21x26 cm | 11.00 €
                             the meantime, the banquet won’t cook itself...

                             9782211307567 | 2020 | 48 pages
                             12,5x19 cm | 6.50 €

   Agnès Mathieu-Daudé                                                                            Dorothée de Monfreid
      Olivier Tallec
                                                                                                A new adventure with
 “By Thor, if I have kids                                                                       the doggies!
 some day, they’ll be free
 to do as they please!”

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 L'école des loisirs

Children's Books              Doucement, Palomino                                              Children's Books                Silex

                            EASY DOES IT,                                                                                    FLINT
                            PALOMINO                                                                                         On the planet Homo-Dino, the smallest in the food chain
                                                                                                                             are eaten by the largest. But how do you become a hunter
                                                                                                                             when you’re knee-high to a grasshopper? To put a stop to
                                                                                                                             everyone’s teasing, Flint makes a dangerous bet: in less
                            Palomino has been unstoppable ever since he met Scarlett,
                            the little girl of his dreams. As soon as it’s the weekend, he’s                                 than 7 moons, he’ll defeat… the terrible Eatasaurus!
                            off like a flash off to meet up with her. Whenever he sees his                                   A message about hunting to explore the subject of animal
                            friends Roxy and Arizona, he just has to race them. Near                                         rights.
                            the old canyon where they all meet to play, he runs like the
                                                                                                                             Kaléidoscope | 9782378880224 | 2020
                            wind! So when Scarlett disappears, Palomino gallops off                                          48 pages | 20x30 cm | 13.50 €
                            to save her without a second though, and nobody will be
                            able to slow him down.
                            The codes of the Western genre revisited by Michaël
     Matthieu Maudet        Escoffier and Matthieu Maudet.                                          Stéphane Sénégas
     Michaël Escoffier      9782211309264 | 2020 | 32 pages
                            20x24,5 cm | 12.20 €                                                Meet the greatest dinosaur
 Run, Palomino, run!                                                                            hunter of all time!
 The second adventure
 of our favorite pony and
 his beloved little girl.

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 L'école des loisirs

Comic Books & Graphic Novels          Avez-vous lu les classiques                                 Children's Books              Lisette et le gros mensonge
                                      de la littérature ?

                                    HAVE YOU                                                                                  LISETTE
                                    READ IT?                                                                                  AND THE BIG LIE
                                                                                                                              Lying? For real? Telling a big lie? Lisette and her friend Bobi
                                    With their characteristic humor, Soledad Bravi and Pas-                                   have never done that before. But it’s supposed to be fun, so
                                    cale Frey bring together 20 classics of French and foreign                                why don’t they give it a try? It’s at this moment that Popof
                                    literature for our reading pleasure. Plunge 20,000 Leagues                                the elephant shows up. When he asks a simple question,
                                    Under the Sea with Jules Verne, relive 24 Hours in the Life                               Lisette and Bobi seize the opportunity to make up a silly
                                    of a Woman with Stefan Zweig, succumb to the madness of                                   lie. But the problem with lies is that they often take on a
                                    Stevenson’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and much more... One                                 life of their own...
                                    Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez, Martin
                                    Eden by Jack London, The Grapes of Wrath by John Stein-                                   9782211310697 | 2020 | 32 pages
       Soledad Bravi                beck, The Emperor’s New Clothes by Andersen, Antigone              Catharina Valckx       21x23 cm | 12.20 €

       Pascale Frey                 by Jean Anouilh, Crime and Punishment by Dostoïevski...
                                    the list goes on!
                                                                                                   A new adventure with
 How do you encourage people        Rue de Sèvres | 9782810217540 | 2020                           the mischievous Lisette!
 to read? By giving them great      168 pages | 15,2x21,5 cm | 14.00 €
 classics with a hilarious, zany,
 and off-the-wall twist.

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 L'école des loisirs
Little Vampire

Children's Books                 Petit Vampire (Tome 1) : Le film d'horreur                       Children's Books                  Lucky Joey

                               LITTLE VAMPIRE                                                                                     LUCKY JOEY
                               (BOOK 1)                                                                                           Joey the squirrel lives with his family in a big park in
                                                                                                                                  New York City. Quick and agile, he loves his job in spite
                                                                                                                                  of the risks. Joey is a window cleaner! From the top of
                               THE HORROR MOVIE                                                                                   buildings, Joey dreams of traveling and marrying Lena,
                                                                                                                                  his sweetheart. They both work hard to try to make their
                               It all started with a horror movie. “You’re too little, Michel,”                                   dreams a reality. Will they let themselves be caught up by
                               Little Vampire had warned me. But we went to see The                                               the ups and downs of life, or will Lucky Joey’s luck finally
                               Commando of the Living Dead anyway... The Nazi zombies                                             improve?
                               were super scary, but since it was just a movie, it didn’t
                                                                                                                                  Pastel | 9782211301695 | 2020
                               bother me that much. The problem is that they came back                                            36 pages | 24x34 cm | 15.00 €
                               that night, in my dreams! So I created a door and they left.
                               Whew! Except that I didn’t know where that door led. Then
         Joann Sfar            Marguerite came and told me to hurry: terrifying zombies                 Stéphane Poulin
                               had just shown up on Little Vampire’s doorstep...                          Carl Norac
 Little Vampire is the hero    9782211311021 | 2020 | 96 pages
 of a novel! We’d dreamed of   13,5x20,5 cm | 9.50 €                                               An invitation to believe
 this moment and Joann Sfar                                                                        in ourselves and our dreams.
 made it happen!

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 L'école des loisirs
Natural Histories                                                                          Simon

Children's Books              Mission Mammouth : Histoires naturelles                      Children's Books                   Moi veux ça !

                            MAMMOTH                                                                                         ME WANT THAT!
                            MISSION                                                                                         Simon and his little brother, Gaspard, are going to buy
                                                                                                                            groceries with their mother at the supermarket. Mom
                                                                                                                            was very clear: they’re only buying the essentials. But the
                                                                                                                            2 young bunnies are tempted by candies, Kikojun cards,
                            Amouksan is the oldest living person in the world. She lives
                            in Siberia, on the edge of the world near the spirit realm.                                     and Bloubiga stuffed animals. “Me want that!” Mom won’t
                            Nowadays, all she has left are memories and 3 precious                                          be swayed and continues filling their cart with vegetables.
                            objects that were given to her: a leather talisman, photo-                                      Then suddenly she starts yelling at the top of her lungs...
                            graphs, and a magnificent dress she has worn but once, a
                                                                                                                            9782211307444 | 2020 | 32 pages
                            very long time ago. Her trapper father wished to have a son,                                    22x27,5 cm | 12.70 €
                            so that he could teach him how to hunt deer in the winter
                            and to fish salmon in the summer. That is how he came to
                            raise Amouksan as a boy. But this year they will discover a
   Xavier-Laurent Petit     giant all the way from the Ice Age: a mammoth. It will take          Stephanie Blake
                            them on the most incredible journey of their lives.

 Amouksan travels through   9782211305204 | 2020 | 208 pages                                Tantrums all around.
 Russia and the ages,       13,5x20,5 cm | 12.00 €                                          A new Simon and Gaspard
 from the Siberian planes                                                                   story that is very applicable
 to the Tsar’s court.                                                                       to daily life.

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 L'école des loisirs

Children's Books                 Milo l'ours polaire                                           Children's Books                       Miranda Chocolat

                               MILO THE                                                                                             MIRANDA
                               POLAR BEAR                                                                                           AND CHOCOLATE
                               Polar bears love one thing in life: fighting. But Milo is                                            Super chic parents, a housekeeper, a never-ending list
                               different. He likes to count shooting stars and take care                                            of things she isn’t allowed to do and an equally long list
                               of his protégés, the little whitecoats. But due to a terrible                                        of obligations... Miranda’s upbringing is perfect in every
                               misunderstanding, he has been chosen to fight in the ring.                                           way. And her life is perfectly boring. Her only reprieve is
                               Milo the pacifist will have to leave the Arctic and head to                                          the joyful Pétrus family... and their legendary pastries. As
                               New York to take part in the fight of the century…                                                   it turns out, Miranda isn’t their only fan. Wonderfood, the
                               Amazing watercolors by Juliette Lagrange depict New York                                             industrial giant, also has its sights on the Pétrus family, but
                               in a mind-blowing way.                                                                               for other reasons...

     Juliette Lagrange         RIGHTS SOLD                                                          Astrid Desbordes                9782211309660 | 2020 | 144 pages
                               Published in Korean                                                                                  13,5x20,5 cm | 11.00 €
      Laurent Souillé
                               Kaléidoscope | 9782378880156 | 2020                              Sweet treats as a form
                               36 pages | 21,5x29 cm | 13.50 €                                  of resistance to uninspiring
 A pacifist antihero
 who stands up to brutality.                                                                    daily life and insipid junk food.

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 L'école des loisirs

Children's Books             Mission p’tit déj !                                          Children's Books                  Ma baby-sitteuse
                                                                                                                            et les petites personnes
                           MISSION:                                                                                       MY BABYSITTER
                           BREAKFAST!                                                                                     AND THE TINY
                           Arthur is a very lucky little boy. His mom would do anything
                           to make him happy... even if that means giving in to his
                           craziest whims. So every morning, Arthur sits down at the
                           breakfast table with a new wacky idea. How far will his mom
                           go to make him happy?
                                                                                                                          A pet shop has just opened next to the school and is selling
                            A zany story about whims from the talented Barroux.
                                                                                                                          the latest nutty fad: Tiny People, super cute mini-humans
                           Kaléidoscope | 9782378880415 | 2020                                                            no taller than a pencil. The young hen Jacquotte is dragged
                           32 pages | 22,5x30 cm | 13.00 €                                                                to the store by Sheila the filly, her favorite babysitter. Sheila
                                                                                                                          wants a TP at any cost, just like her friend Pain-in-the-
          Barroux                                                                                 Alice Bunel             Neck. But Jacquotte isn’t so sure… Will TP really be happy
                                                                                                                          in captivity, eating tasteless kibble?
 Mom, fetch me the Moon!                                                                   Fads, fads, fads.
                                                                                           A zany and surprising world.   9782211307079 | 2020 | 88 pages
                                                                                                                          20x27 cm | 13.50 €
                                                                                           An original graphic style
                                                                                           with pop influences.

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 L'école des loisirs
                                                                                          Sauveur & Son

Children's Books          Pikkeli Mimou                                                   Children's Books                Sauveur & Fils (Saison 6)

                        PIKKELI MIMOU                                                                                   SAUVEUR & SON
                        The first snow of winter comes on the birthday of Pikkeli Mi-
                        mou, one of Killiok’s friends. He decides to visit him. Killiok
                        brings his sleeping bag, some food, and a homemade cake.
                        He must cross the forest, which is very scary after dark...
                                                                                                                        (SEASON 6)
                                                                                                                        Who is this man who wants an appointment at 12 Murlins
                        “I don’t really know where I am but I’m glad that there is                                      Street at 7 a.m. and appears to know the Sauveur family’s
                        snow here,” says Killiok. “It glistens in the night.”                                           house like the back of his hand? Who is this Gilbert the
                        He finally reaches his destination. “Happy birthday, Pikkeli                                    Demon, constantly harassing young Sarah by yelling gib-
                        Mimou!”                                                                                         berish into her ear, and where did he come from? Why did
                                                                                                                        Ghazil Naciri steal a key from her biology teacher’s purse?
                        Pastel | 9782211306584 | 2020
                                                                                                                        What will Kimi do with the revolver that’s fallen into her
                        36 pages | 20x26 cm | 12.50 €
                                                                                                                        hands? And is Jovo a compulsive liar or a psychopath? Will
                                                                                                                        we finally discover the truth about his past?
      Anne Brouillard                                                                         Marie-Aude Murail         RIGHTS SOLD
                                                                                                                        Published in 4 languages:
 Happy birthday,                                                                           Psychotherapy has never      Hungarian, Italian, Russian, Slovenian
 Pikkeli Mimou!                                                                            felt so much like a police
                                                                                           investigation before!        9782211309097 | 2020 | 352 pages
                                                                                                                        14,8x21,8 cm | 17.00 €

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 L'école des loisirs

Children's Books                  Sidonie Souris                                                Children's Books                  L'âge des possibles

                                SIDONIE                                                                                         THE AGE OF
                                THE MOUSE                                                                                       POSSIBILITIES
                                Sidonie the Mouse loves to write. More than anything, she                                       Saul and Rachel’s future is all planned out. For the Amish,
                                likes to tell adventure stories. But one day she runs into                                      life has few surprises. But their rumspringa, a period of
                                writer’s block: she’s completely out of ideas... Fortunately,                                   time spent outside of their community, will enable them to
                                her mother has a few tricks up her sleeve!                                                      discover the modern world and reject it without regrets. As
                                                                                                                                for Temple, she must leave behind her comfortable home-
                                9782211308502 | 2020 | 48 pages                                                                 body life to join her sister in Chicago, but she is paralyzed by
                                12,5x19 cm | 6.00 €                                                                             fear. She has too many doubts and they shouldn’t be having
                                                                                                                                any doubts at all, but in this huge city they will all lose and
                                                                                                                                find themselves once more. And they will also find some
    Clothilde Delacroix                                                                               Marie Chartres            answers they would rather not have known. Sometimes
                                                                                                                                ignorance is bliss.
                                                                                                                                Marie Chartres’ writing style perfectly captures the turmoil
 Ready for adventure?                                                                            The world is so big!           and doubt of adolescence.
 An eco-friendly, minimalist,                                                                    How incredibly lucky we are!
 and adventurous heroine.                                                                                                       9782211309714 | 2020 | 240 pages
                                                                                                                                14,8x21,8 cm | 15.00 €

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 L'école des loisirs

Children's Books           Le grand livre de Minusculette                            Children's Books                   Le livre des petits bonheurs

                         THE BIG BOOK                                                                                 THE BOOK
                         OF TEENY-TINY                                                                                OF HAPPY
                         This big book about Teeny-Tiny contains everything you’ve
                         ever wanted to know about her. For example, her house
                         weighs 17 grams, the same as 1 chickadee or 2 chestnuts.
                         We meet her friends and her sisters, we find out what she
                                                                                                                      LITTLE THINGS
                                                                                                                      When you’re sad, give Mom a hug and think about happy
                         does on each day of the week and during each season, and                                     little things, like a ladybug landing on your hand, or seeing
                         we see what she eats. This book has so much to teach us                                      a shooting star. These simple little things make the world
                         about our favorite little fairy!                                                             a much happier place!
                         9782211305228 | 2020 | 32 pages                                                              9782211309288 | 2020 | 74 pages
    Christine Davenier   23,5x30 cm | 12.50 €                                               Soledad Bravi             14x14 cm | 11.50 €
                                                                                      The simple pleasures in life
 All about Teeny-Tiny!                                                                throughout the seasons:
                                                                                      a book that will be enjoyed
                                                                                      by children and their parents

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 L'école des loisirs

Children's Books                L'ours qui chante                                              Children's Books         La cabane à dodo

                              THE SINGING                                                                             THE
                              BEAR                                                                                    SLEEPING FORT
                              As soon as the moon rises over the forest, Bear starts to                               It’s naptime at the daycare center, but Léon the owl isn’t
                              sing! Bear sings softly to serenade Rabbit, Chicken and her                             asleep. He’s built a sleeping fort. Oscar takes a peek. “Wait,
                              chicks, and his friend Blackbird to sleep. It was Blackbird                             that’s not how you build a fort!” Now Jules is awake too.
                              who had taught him his songs. Blackbird used to sing for                                “Can I come?” Piou Piou and Gladys join them. The nap
                              the whole forest, but he’s getting old. Bear is his voice now.                          room is a total mess. They don’t need a sleeping fort... they
                                                                                                                      need a giant sleeping fort!
                              Pastel | 9782211306881 | 2020
                              32 pages | 20x26 cm | 12.50 €                                                           Pastel | 9782211307321 | 2020
                                                                                                                      22 pages | 21x21 cm | 9.80 €
        Emile Jadoul                                                                                 Frédéric Stehr

 A story of moon and stars.                                                                     Time for a nap!

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 L'école des loisirs

Children's Books                    La balançoire de l'espace                                   Children's Books                  La tempête arrive !

                                  THE SPACE                                                                                     THE STORM
                                  SWING                                                                                         IS COMING!
                                  Mim and Crocus have built a swing with Dad. And it’s not                                      The animals in the forest are panicking. Quick! They need to
                                  just any swing. It’s a space swing! They invite Mom to try                                    leave their homes. While the elements are raging outside,
                                  it out. When Dad rings the little bell for takeoff, Mim and                                   they all take shelter at their neighbor’s house. But soon
                                  Crocus give the swing a push. Di-ling di-ling! The journey                                    nowhere will be safe. Where will they go now?
                                  has come to an end.
                                                                                                                                Kaléidoscope | 9782378880330 | 2020
                                  9782211307789 | 2020 | 30 pages                                                               32 pages | 24x22,5 cm | 13.00 €
                                  17x20 cm | 10.00 €

        Ella Charbon                                                                                Christine Davenier
         Jean Leroy                                                                                    Magdalena

 Heads in the stars...                                                                           Take cover, everyone!
 A charming moment as                                                                            The perfect book to reassure
 the parents join in with their                                                                  your little ones on
 children's game.                                                                                a stormy night.

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 L'école des loisirs

Children's Books             Le mot le plus gros                                         Children's Books                   Tiguidanké

                           THE WORST                                                                                      TIGUIDANKE
                           BAD WORD                                                                                       Tiguidanké doesn’t want to finish the food on her plate. No
                                                                                                                          way, José! Dad threatens to call the wolf, but when the wolf
                                                                                                                          arrives, things don’t go quite as planned…
                           “We’re coming to you live from Badville village square for
                                                                                                                          Kaléidoscope | 9782378880255 | 2020
                           this new edition of the worst bad word!” Fifi and Lulu are                                     40 pages | 22x31 cm | 13.50 €
                           the top-notch presenters of a televised competition about
                           bad words. A story full of twists on an irreverent subject:
                           bad words!

                           Kaléidoscope | 9782378880231 | 2020
                           40 pages | 20x28,7 cm | 13.50 €

      Kris Di Giacomo                                                                         François Soutif
     Michaël Escoffier                                                                     Vanessa Simon-Catelin

 May the worst word win!                                                                  Not hungry! A heroine
                                                                                          with a big personality
                                                                                          who isn’t scared of anything.

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 L'école des loisirs

Comic Books & Graphic Novels     La Venin                                                    Children's Books                  Tu étais où avant ?

                               VENOM                                                                                         WHERE
                               1900, Oil Town, Ohio. In these grimy lands rich with oil,
                               everyone is working for the black gold in some way,
                               shape, or form. Emily has just arrived in town, along with
                               little Claire and Susan, a woman she rescued along the
                                                                                                                             ARE YOU FROM?
                                                                                                                             Everyone knows that stones don’t move. Although they chat
                               way. From now on, she’ll go by Mary McCartney, the new                                        among themselves, they sometimes get a bit bored. Beau-
                               schoolteacher. Under this alias, she hopes to get close                                       tiful and smooth pebbles on the other hand are picked up,
                               to Drake, the tyrant running the city’s oil operations. But                                   collected, and change hands. They travel. But this pebble is
                               she has no idea that he’s expecting her! Her cover blown,                                     tired of moving around and decides to settle down amid the
                               Emily will discover an important piece of information                                         stones. Where is he from? Has he always been a pebble?
                               about her mother that will threaten her sanity. Utterly                                       What was he before that? It’s a long and surprising story...
                               unsettled and being tracked by bounty hunters, she’ll                                         The stones won’t be bored for long.
                               have no choice but to flee to New York.
      Laurent Astier           Rue de Sèvres | 9782369815884 | 2020
                                                                                                    Yvan Pommaux             9782211309424 | 2020 | 44 pages
                                                                                                                             17x19 cm | 12.50 €
                               64 pages | 24x32 cm | 15.00 €
 A must for western fans!                                                                     A mineral saga that
                                                                                              you won’t forget anytime
                                                                                              soon! A journey through time
                                                                                              told by an unusual narrator:
                                                                                              a pebble.

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 L'école des loisirs

Children's Books              On ne coupe pas les pieds d'une jeune fille

                            YOU DON'T CUT
                            OFF A YOUNG
                            GIRL'S FEET
                            What gives life meaning? An air bubble. A musical note.
                            Friends and companions in misery. Imagination. An eve-
                            ryday battle. Nola is also fighting that battle. Ever since
                            the operation at the hospital, her legs have a mind of their
                            own. But she’s not alone. In her head, there’s a clown, a
                            plane with a pilot, and a soldier. And together, they launch
     Taï-Marc Le Thanh      an attack on life!

                            9782211310857 | 2020 | 320 pages
 What gives life meaning?   14,8x21,8 cm | 15.50 €

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