Page created by Miguel Parks
                                                                           NEWSLINE YEAR IN REVIEW

                                                              L AWRE NC E L IV E RM O RE N AT ION A L L A BORAT ORY

         hile the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic                               completion of a key milestone in a multi-lab effort to          the Federal Laboratory Consortium. In addition, Lab
         continued to be felt, 2021 marked an exceptional                        develop Scorpius, a next-generation particle accelerator for    employees from 10 project teams earned Department of
         year for the Laboratory in science, technology                          X-ray imaging.                                                  Energy Secretary Achievement Awards.
         and operations.
                                                                                 LLNL took part in NASA’s first-ever planetary defense test,     Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm virtually
A historic experiment at the National Ignition Facility put                      which will deliberately collide a spacecraft into an asteroid   visited LLNL, where she met with leading scientists and
researchers on the threshold of fusion ignition, producing                       called Dimorphos. The Double Asteroid Redirection Test          engineers, toured lab facilities and learned about key
a yield more than 8 times greater than before and opening                        (DART) will examine technologies that will prevent an           research efforts.
access to an entirely new experimental regime.                                   impact of Earth by a hazardous asteroid. To assist in the
                                                                                 exploration of space from Earth, LLNL engineers delivered       LLNL was honored with a Glassdoor Employees’ Choice
The W80-4 Life Extension and W87-1 Modification                                  final optical components for world’s newest telescope, the      Award for the third consecutive year, recognizing the
programs continued to make important progress, and                               Vera C. Rubin Observatory.                                      Best Places to Work in 2021 and by the American
LLNL, in partnership with Kansas City National Security                                                                                          Indian Science and Engineering Society Winds
Campus, brought online a new polymer production                                  Combining hybrid polymer materials with microfabrication        of Change magazine as one of the Top 50 STEM
enclave to enable rapid development of design and                                and 3D printing, the Lab developed an ultra-compact,            Workplaces in 2021.
production processes of polymer parts for modernization                          lightweight and minimally invasive optoelectronic neural
programs.                                                                        implant that could be used for long-term studies of brain       Lab employees, along with Lawrence Livermore National
                                                                                 activity.                                                       Security, LLC, donated more than $3.6 million to
The Lab delivered eight prototype pulsed-power modules                                                                                           charitable organizations via the annual employee giving
for testing to Los Alamos National Laboratory, marking                           LLNL joined the international Human Vaccines Project,           program, the Helping Others More Effectively (HOME)
                                                                                 bringing Lab expertise and computing resources to the           Campaign. Donations will benefit more than 1,500
                                                                                 consortium to aid development of a universal coronavirus        community and nonprofit agencies in the Tri-Valley,

         INSIDE YEAR IN REVIEW                                                   vaccine and improve understanding of immune response.           Greater Bay Area, San Joaquin County and beyond, a
                                                                                                                                                 much-needed boost to organizations that have felt the
                   2       INTRODUCTION                                          Leaders from the National Nuclear Security                      effects of the global pandemic.
                                                                                 Administration, Congressional representatives and
     3    JANUARY                         18      JULY                           local elected officials gathered at LLNL to celebrate           Workplace transition also was a hallmark of 2021, as
                                                                                 an expansion to the Livermore Valley Open Campus.               the Laboratory began its “Return to New Normal.” A
     5    FEBRUARY                        19      AUGUST                         Significant progress was made on additional infrastructure      key part of this transition was the move to LLNL’s new
     7    MARCH                           20      SEPTEMBER
                                                                                 projects, including the ECFM project to support the
                                                                                 delivery of El Capitan, the first exascale computer for
                                                                                                                                                 hybrid workplace, affording flexibility to employees
                                                                                                                                                 while continuing to deliver on important mission
    10    APRIL                           22      OCTOBER                        national security applications, and the new Emergency           commitments.
                                                                                 Operations Center.
    13    MAY                             24      NOVEMBER                                                                                       This is just a very small sampling of the Lab’s
                                                                                 LLNL scientists and engineers were awarded three R&D            accomplishments in 2021. For a more comprehensive
    15    JUNE                            27      DECEMBER                       100 awards, often dubbed the “Oscars of invention”              look back at the year, please see the month-by-month
                                                                                 and three national technology transfer awards from              review of 2021.

JANUARY                                ConserV Bioscience Limited (CBL) and LLNL collaborate

                                                                                                                                           on the development of a broad-spectrum or “universal”
                                                                                                                                           coronavirus vaccine. This collaboration brings together
                                                                               SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY                                        CBL’s expertise in identifying antigens and LLNL’s
                                                                                                                                           nanolipoprotein delivery system.
                                                       in                      New research by scientists from Nanjing University,         Read more

                                                                               LLNL and Texas A&M University concludes the
                                                                               planet is committed to global warming in excess of 2        Scientists from Lawrence Livermore, the Scripps Institution
                                                                               degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) just from          of Oceanography and international collaborators show that
                                                                               greenhouse gases that have already been added to            an improved representation of drizzle rates leads to more
                                                                               the atmosphere.                                             pollution in the atmosphere.
                                                                               Read more                                                   Read more
                                                                               LLNL researchers develop an ultra-compact,                  By placing a shock-compressed sample of zirconium
                                                                               lightweight and minimally invasive optoelectronic           under ultrafast time-resolved X-rays, LLNL scientists
                                                                               neural implant that could be used for long-term             and collaborators see an intermediate phase along the
                                                                               studies of brain activity. The new implantable devices      transition between two solid phases. Theory has predicted
                                                                               are built upon a new platform LLNL researchers are          the existence of an intermediate step in this phase
                                                                               calling POEMS (Polymeric Opto-Electro-Mechanical            transition, but it has not been observed until now.
                                                                               Systems).                                                   Read more
                                                                               Read more
                                                                                                                                           NASA selects LLNL and Goddard Space Flight Center to
                                                                               LLNL researchers develop an X-ray source that can           serve as lead institutions for the Pandora scientific mission
                                                                               diagnose temperatures in experiments that probe             that will study 20 stars and their 39 exoplanets.
                                                                               conditions like those at the very center of planets. The    Read more
                                                                               new source will be used to perform extended X-ray
                                                                               absorption fine-structure experiments at the National       Lawrence Livermore scientists conduct the first-ever shot
                                                                               Ignition Facility.                                          to study a high explosive sample at the National Ignition
                                                                               Read more                                                   Facility, the world’s most energetic laser. The results from
LLNL researchers Nick Fischer and Amy Rasley                                                                                               the shot include novel data that will help LLNL researchers
characterize nanolipoprotein particle vaccine                                  Lawrence Livermore scientists discover that carbon          unlock the mysteries of high-explosive chemistry.
formulations using a dynamic light-scattering                                  nanotube membrane pores could enable ultra-                 Read more
instrument. Detailed characterization of the                                   rapid dialysis processes that would greatly reduce
nanoparticles provides an important quality-control                            treatment time for hemodialysis patients.                   Under the Discovery Science program, which allows
metric for vaccine development.                                                Read more                                                   academic scientists access to LLNL’s flagship National
                                                                                                                                           Ignition Facility, an international team of researchers led by
                                                                               Lawrence Livermore scientists reconstruct the original      the Lab and the University of Oxford successfully measure
                                                                               solar system formation locations by studying the isotopic   carbon at pressures reaching 2,000 GPa (five times the
                                                                               compositions of different groups of meteorites that all     pressure in Earth’s core).
                                                                               derived from the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.    Read more
                                                                               Read more

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PEOPLE                                                        OPERATIONS
                                                                              LLNL employees, participating in 10 project teams,            With a focus on increasing joint research efforts between
                                                                              receive the Department of Energy’s Secretary                  LLNL and universities, the Lab’s Weapon Physics and
                                                                              Achievement Awards.                                           Design Academic Collaboration Team (ACT) University
                                                                              Read more                                                     Program presents the year’s ACT-UP awards.
                                                                                                                                            Read more
                                                                              Charlene Zettel, chair of Lawrence Livermore National
                                                                              Security, LLC, which manages the Laboratory for the           For the third consecutive year, LLNL is honored with a
                                                                              Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security              Glassdoor Employees’ Choice Award, recognizing the
                                                                              Administration, announces the selection of Kim Budil          Best Places to Work in 2021.
                                                                              as LLNL’s new director. Budil is the 13th leader of the       Read more
                                                                              Laboratory since it was established in 1952 and its first
                                                                              woman director.                                               In a continuing effort to explore ways to better track
                                                                              Read more                                                     COVID-19 and strengthen the Lab’s ability to ensure a
                                                                                                                                            safe workplace, LLNL scientists conduct a multi-phase
                                                                              Pat Falcone, LLNL’s deputy director for Science and           environmental sampling research study. The research is
                                                                              Technology, is a featured panelist in “Paving the Way: A      designed to inform discussions about the possible future
                                                                              Virtual Conversation,” a special livestream event sponsored   utility of environmental sampling as an added tool.
                                                                              by the Quest Science Center.                                  Read more
Kim Budil is named director of Lawrence Livermore                             Read more
National Laboratory. Budil began her new role on                                                                                            The state of California approves LLNL’s Health Services
March 2.                                                                      The 2021 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of            Department to serve as a provider of the COVID-19
                                                                              Computer Vision announces that a paper co-authored            vaccine. The Laboratory develops a vaccine dispensing
                                                                              by LLNL computer scientist Rushil Anirudh received the        plan to ensure its approach is consistent with California
                                                                              conference’s Best Paper Honorable Mention award based         and Alameda County guidance on prioritization.
        “Kim Budil’s passion and commitment                                   on its potential impact to the field.                         Read more
         to the Lab’s mission and people and                                  Read more
                                                                                                                                            Due to the overwhelming success of the Brighter
        her ability to strategically manage the                               As an experimentalist at LLNL developing diagnostics          Holidays program, the Livermore Laboratory Employee
          breadth of Livermore’s science and                                  and experimental techniques in the field of dynamic high-     Services Association continues the giving and volunteer
                                                                              pressure physics, Peter Celliers leads a national topical     opportunities all throughout the year through the
       technology capabilities and operations
                                                                              group of the American Physical Society (APS). Celliers        Brighter Days campaign.
         will serve the Lab, its people and the                               is elected to the executive committee as vice-chair           Read more
                                     nation well.”                            of the APS Topical Group on Shock Compression of
                                                                              Condensed Matter.
    – Charlene Zettel, chair of LLNS, on the selection of Kim
                                                                              Read more
                                 Budil as the new Lab director

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FEBRUARY                                   mantle — at the extreme pressures and temperatures that
                                                                                                                                               are likely found in the interiors of these large
                                                                                                                                               rocky planets.
                                                                               SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY                                            Read more

                                                                               LLNL’s Center for Global Security Research publishes            Kirsten Howley doesn’t have an orange jumpsuit at hand,
                                                                               the fourth book in its Strategic Latency series: “Strategic     but her job is serious business. She and her team of
                                                                               Latency Unleashed: The Role of Technology in a                  planetary defenders specialize in how we might deflect an
                                                                               Revisionist Global Order and the Implications for Special       asteroid like Bennu that poses a threat to Earth.
                                                                               Operations Forces.” The recent volume examines the              Read more
                                                                               implications of emerging technologies from the perspective
                                                                               of America’s special operations forces.                         In the wake of the massive Aug. 4, 2020 explosion that
                                                                               Read more                                                       rocked Lebanon’s capital of Beirut, new research by
                                                                                                                                               LLNL and Los Alamos National Laboratory sheds light on
                                                                               LLNL scientists develop a new method for 3D printing living     its unusual ignition process and scientists’ understanding
An artistic rendering of the interior structure of Earth                       microbes in controlled patterns, expanding the potential        of explosives to make them safer for handling, storage
(left) compared to a large rocky exoplanet (right). Image                      for using engineered bacteria to recover rare-earth metals,     and transportation.
by John Jett and Federica Coppari/LLNL.                                        clean wastewater, detect uranium and more.                      Read more
                                                                               Read more
                                                                                                                                               Lab personnel subject notional bomb components handled
                                                                               Researchers from LLNL take important steps to show              by LLNL volunteers to contained-precision explosions
          “It is mind-boggling to think that our                               that thermal conduction is important and measurable at          to determine whether makers of a terrorist bomb can be
                                                                               high pressure and temperature conditions during shock           identified by skin proteins left on bomb components.
        laboratory experiments can peer into                                   compression experiments.                                        Read more
        the interior structure of planets so far                               Read more
     away with unprecedented resolution and                                                                                                    One year after publishing the groundbreaking “Getting to
                                                                               In an effort to better understand how materials deform          Neutral: Options for Negative Carbon Emissions in California,”
      contribute to a deeper understanding of                                  under extreme conditions, researchers at LLNL develop a         LLNL becomes a trusted adviser in the discussion of how
                                  the universe.”                               new experimental method for probing large-strain and high-      to remove carbon dioxide from the air. In the report, LLNL
                                                                               rate material strength.                                         scientists identify a robust suite of technologies to help
                                                                               Read more                                                       California clear the last hurdle and become carbon neutral —
                               – Federica Coppari, LLNL physicist
                                                                                                                                               and ultimately carbon negative — by 2045.
                                                                               Lawrence Livermore computer scientists develop a new            Read more
                                                                               deep-learning approach to design emulators for scientific
                                                                               processes that is more accurate and efficient than              LLNL researchers Babak Sadigh, Luis Zepeda-Ruiz and
                                                                               existing methods.                                               Jon Belof report on a new mechanism of solidification in
                                                                               Read more                                                       copper that provides an atomistic view of Nobel prize-
                                                                                                                                               winning physical chemist Friedrich Wilhelm Ostwald’s step
                                                                               Led by LLNL, a team of researchers aims to unlock some          rule and alters the fundamental understanding of nucleation
                                                                               of the secrets of extrasolar planets by understanding the       at high pressure.
                                                                               properties of iron oxide — one of the constituents of Earth’s   Read more

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LLNL scientists leverage their extensive experience            of the understanding of shock-driven reactions and
                                                                                studying the movement of airborne hazards to better            detonation in condensed phase explosives.”
                                                                                understand the movement of virus-like particles through        Read more
                                                                                the air and to identify effective countermeasures.
                                                                                Read more                                                      Nearly a year into piloting a major scientific institution
                                                                                                                                               through one of the most taxing and disruptive global events
                                                                                In new experiments, a Lawrence Livermore scientist and         in modern history, outgoing Lab Director Bill Goldstein
                                                                                international collaborators find that outflow/magnetic field   is ready for a vacation. As the 12th director in the Lab’s
                                                                                misalignment is a plausible key process regulating jet         history, Goldstein faced myriad challenges in his almost
                                                                                formation in astronomical phenomena.                           seven years at the helm. But nothing could’ve prepared him
                                                                                Read more                                                      for COVID-19.
                                                                                                                                               Read more
                                                                                Researchers from LLNL conduct work to gain a better
                                                                                understanding about why even percent-level deviations
                                                                                from perfect spherical symmetry can lead to significant
                                                                                distortions of the implosion and ultimately degrade fusion
                                                                                                                                               LLNL’s popular lecture series, “Science on Saturday,” goes
                                                                                                                                               virtual in 2021 with the theme “Combating COVID-19.”
                                                                                Read more
                                                                                                                                               Each Saturday features a different lecture presented by
                                                                                                                                               leading LLNL researchers joined by a master high school
                                                                                PEOPLE                                                         science teacher.
                                                                                                                                               Read more
                                                                                Director Bill Goldstein announces the selection of Anup
                                                                                Singh as the new LLNL associate director for Engineering.      LLNL researchers launch a new Space Science
LLNL physicist Matthias Frank measures the movement
                                                                                Read more                                                      Institute (SSI), intended to boost cross-discipline
of DNATrax surrogate particles in a test chamber.
                                                                                                                                               collaboration and discovery. SSI will build on
                                                                                LLNL’s Charles and Debbie Ball receive the Office of the       Livermore strengths in astrophysics, earth science,
                                                                                Secretary of Defense (OSD) Medal for Exceptional Public        nuclear science and engineering.
       “By understanding the airborne disease                                   Service while on assignment with OSD.                          Read more
                                                                                Read more
transmission, we hope to offer science-based                                                                                                   In honor of Black History Month, six members of the African
    information that people can use to protect                                  LLNL’s Nils Carlson receives the Office of the Director of     American Body of Laboratory Employees resource group
                      themselves and others.”                                   National Intelligence (ODNI) award for exceptional service     channel their inner actor and bring characters to life in a
                                                                                while on assignment with ODNI.                                 special virtual live Readers Theatre reading of the graphic
                                                                                Read more                                                      novel trilogy “March” by the late U.S. Rep. John Lewis.
        – Atmospheric scientist Michael Dillon, who works with
                                                                                                                                               Read more
                                LLNL physicist Matthias Frank
                                                                                Craig Tarver, a LLNL retiree and consultant to the
                                                                                Lab’s Energetic Materials Center, is honored with the          A University of California Office of the President grant
                                                                                American Physical Society’s 2021 George Duvall Shock           program brings six graduate students to Livermore this
                                                                                Compression Science Award for “theoretical advancement         year. The UC-National Lab In-Residence Graduate

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Fellowships fund the Ph.D. candidates to work with              carbon-capture regulatory framework and offers options
                                                                                mentors at the Lab.                                             for government and project developers to enable robust,
                                                                                Read more                                                       transparent and efficient project permitting in line with the
                                                                                                                                                state’s goal to reach carbon neutrality by 2045 or earlier.
                                                                                Pre-hire employees and LLNL administrators alike offer          Read more
                                                                                rave reviews for the new Employee Onboarding Center that
                                                                                was piloted by select organizations last fall.                  Using targets with micro-structures on the laser interface,
                                                                                Read more                                                       an LLNL team shoots a high-intensity laser through
                                                                                                                                                them and sees a 100 percent increase in the amount of
                                                                                The Foreign Travel Office, in partnership with Livermore        laboratory-created antimatter (also known as positrons).
                                                                                Information Technology, launches a new version of the           Read more
                                                                                Foreign Travel System.
                                                                                Read more                                                       A joint test assembly (JTA) designed by Lawrence
A Lab report outlines updates to state’s regulations for                                                                                        Livermore and Sandia national laboratories is onboard an
carbon capture, storage in effort to achieve neutrality.                                                                                        unarmed Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile,
                                                                                                        MARCH                                   and successfully launched from Vandenberg Air Force
                                                                                                                                                Base in California.
                                                                                                                                                Read more
     “California could obtain faster and larger                                 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
    carbon emission reduction removal while                                                                                                     LLNL researchers show how applying pressure to a specific
                                                                                A new Lab report outlines updates to the state’s                thermoelectric material, TiNiSn, increases its efficiency and
   maintaining the robustness and rigor of its                                  regulations for carbon capture and storage in the effort        leads to a structural phase transition. The research shows
  environmental review and permitting regime                                    to achieve neutrality. To reach economy-wide carbon             that pressure and temperature may enhance the properties
                                                                                neutrality by 2045 or earlier, California will likely have to   and efficiency of thermoelectric materials for better
through some simple interventions to existing
                                                                                capture, transport and geologically store tens of millions      potential use in applications such as waste heat recovery,
                   processes and structures.”                                   of tons of carbon dioxide per year from large sources and       radio-isotope thermoelectric generators (as used by NASA
                                                                                the atmosphere.                                                 on space missions) and cooling in computer circuitry.
                                – LLNL researcher George Peridas                Read more                                                       Read more

                                                                                Computer scientists at LLNL and IBM Research develop            An influential Department of Energy advisory
                                                                                a “self-training” deep-learning approach that addresses         committee recommends that the nation move
                                                                                common challenges in the adoption of artificial intelligence    aggressively toward the deployment of fusion energy,
                                                                                for disease diagnosis. The team wins a Best Paper award         including investments in technology and equipment to
                                                                                for Computer-Aided Diagnosis for the work at the recent         support one of the core missions of LLNL’s National
                                                                                SPIE Medical Imaging Conference.                                Ignition Facility and lay the groundwork for the
                                                                                Read more                                                       development of inertial fusion energy.
                                                                                                                                                Read more
                                                                                George Peridas, LLNL director of carbon management
                                                                                partnerships, and Lab staff scientist Briana Schmidt discuss    Lab scientists, California policymakers and industry
                                                                                results from a new report titled “Permitting Carbon Capture     leaders come together to discuss the reality of getting
                                                                                and Storage in California,” which examines the state’s          to carbon neutral during a forum titled “Carbon Capture

and Sequestration in California: Regional Insights and         focus areas, including helping to advance additive
                                                                               Community Attitudes.”                                          manufacturing and enabling improvements in performance
                                                                               Read more                                                      of hohlraums.
                                                                                                                                              Read more
                                                                               An international group of researchers, including a
                                                                               scientist from LLNL, analyze sediments at the base             For the first time, Lab researchers isolate, in a controlled
                                                                               of the Camp Century ice core (1.4 kilometers deep)             laboratory setting, the effects of the plasma geometry in its
                                                                               collected in 1966 and determine that Greenland wasn’t          X-ray emission spectrum — the energy distribution of the
                                                                               always covered in ice.                                         radiation the plasmas emit.
                                                                               Read more                                                      Read more

                                                                               Research conducted on LLNL’s supercomputer Quartz,             In an effort to improve cloud representations in climate
Elevated carbon dioxide (eCO2) has opposing effects                            through a collaboration between LLNL and Purdue                models, researchers from Lawrence Livermore and
on plant biomass and soil carbon, and these effects                            University reveals a missing aspect of the physics of          Argonne national laboratories compare them to
contrast between forests and grasslands. Image by Victor                       hotspots in TATB and other explosives.                         observations from the Department of Energy Atmospheric
O. Leshyk/Center for Ecosystem Science and Society,                            Read more                                                      Radiation Measurement program. The team combines
Northern Arizona University.                                                                                                                  measurements from three different instruments to
                                                                               LLNL computer scientists develop a new framework and           measure properties of water vapor and drizzle in and
                                                                               an accompanying visualization tool that leverages deep         below the clouds.
                                                                               reinforcement learning for symbolic regression problems,       Read more
                                                                               outperforming baseline methods on benchmark problems.
       “The variations in soil carbon accrual                                  Read more                                                      Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, HPCAT, a Chicago-based
    under elevated atmospheric CO2 remain                                                                                                     research consortium to advance high-pressure science in
    poorly understood and this contributes to                                  New Lab research shows that naturally occurring climate        multidisciplinary fields using synchrotron radiation, takes
                                                                               variations help to explain a long-standing difference          experiments remotely to accommodate as many as 750
         uncertainties in climate projections.”                                between climate models and satellite observations of           experimentalists — including numerous LLNL teams.
                                                                               global warming.                                                Read more
                           – César Terrer, LLNL Lawrence Fellow                Read more
                                                                                                                                              LLNL’s Center for Global Security Research (CGSR)
                                                                               An international team led by LLNL scientists synthesizes       releases “Negotiating with Putin’s Russia: Lessons
                                                                               108 elevated carbon dioxide experiments in various             Learned from a Lost Decade of Bilateral Arms Control,”
                                                                               ecosystems to find out how much carbon is absorbed by          a new CGSR paper on global security that sheds light on
                                                                               plants and soil.                                               understanding U.S.–Russia arms control negotiations from
                                                                               Read more                                                      an American perspective.
                                                                                                                                              Read more
                                                                               LLNL scientists publish the results of a three-week
                                                                               experimental campaign at the Lab’s Jupiter Laser Facility to   LLNL machine learning group researcher Jose Cadena is
                                                                               test the performance of laser-heated additive manufactured     one of several LLNL computer scientists to present work
                                                                               foams. The project helps support two major Laboratory          applying machine learning to electronic health records

at the first session of a multi-institutional Data Science     National Nuclear Security Administration Administrator’s
                                                                               Institute AI in Healthcare workshop.                           Distinguished Service Gold Award.
                                                                               Read more                                                      Read more

                                                                                                                                              LLNL’s Center for Global Security Research (CGSR)
                                                                               PEOPLE                                                         releases “Europe’s Evolving Deterrence Discourse,” a new
                                                                                                                                              CGSR occasional paper that explores the evolving nuclear
                                                                               Outgoing LLNL Director Bill Goldstein receives honors          deterrence dialogue in Europe and identifies ways to inject
                                                                               from the Department of Energy and the National Nuclear         new momentum into that dialogue.
                                                                               Security Administration in recognition of his significant      Read more
                                                                               accomplishments as a scientist, leader in national security
                                                                               and director of LLNL.                                          Energy Secretary Jennifer M. Granholm extends her
                                                                               Read more                                                      appreciation in honor of Employee Appreciation Day, to
                                                                                                                                              the DOE workforce for choosing public service, protecting
                                                                               Col. Joe Tringe, a group leader at LLNL and an Air Force       the nation, advancing science and making America’s clean
Scientists in the National Atmospheric Release Advisory                        reservist, serves as the final decision authority during the   energy future possible, day in and day out.
Center (NARAC) provide atmospheric dispersion                                  recent successful unarmed Minuteman III intercontinental       Read more
analyses during the Fukushima emergency. Pictured are                          ballistic missile launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base.
three of the many current and former NARAC scientists,                         Read more                                                      The Security Organization’s Eagle Eye Award is
left to right: Fernando Aluzzi, Matthew Simpson and                                                                                           presented to Cindy Green and Brianna Centeno of the
Kristen Yu.                                                                    Jeene Villanueva, a computer scientist and group leader at     Materials Engineering Division and Debbie Leal of the
                                                                               LLNL, represents the Laboratory at the 2021 Lab Manager        Engineering Directorate for their attention to detail and
                                                                               Diversity Digital Summit, “Building Better Labs: Diversity,    security awareness.
                                                                               Equity and Inclusion.” Villanueva, one of four expert          Read more
   “The Livermore response was a significant                                   speakers, is featured during the two-day virtual event
                                                                               and offers guidance on topics to help the lab manager
  Labwide effort, with a total of 78 employees                                 community better understand the challenges, obstacles          OPERATIONS
contributing, including atmospheric scientists,                                and successes of diverse lab scientists.
                                                                               Read more                                                      LLNL and the Monterey-based Naval Postgraduate
       health physicists, chemists, physicists,                                                                                               School (NPS) sign a five-year memo of understanding that
    radiation detection specialists, engineers,                                Coinciding with International Women’s Day, Lawrence            provides a framework for NPS faculty and student research
          computer scientists, technicians and                                 Livermore National Laboratory’s 4th Women in Data              collaboration with LLNL and reciprocal involvement of
                                                                               Science regional event brings women together to discuss        LLNL staff in NPS research and academic activities.
                           administrative staff.”                              successes, opportunities and challenges of being female in     Read more
                 – Lee Glascoe, program leader for Livermore’s
                                                                               a mostly male field.
                                                                               Read more                                                      The Lab observes the 10-year anniversary of Fukushima,
                            Nuclear Emergency Support Team
                                                                                                                                              when a 9.0 Richter-scale earthquake and tsunami in
                                                                               Mona Dreicer, who served as the deputy director of             Japan resulted in severe damage to the Fukushima
                                                                               LLNL’s Center for Global Security Research for six years       Dai-ichi nuclear power plant and also led to releases of
                                                                               until her retirement in 2020, is named a recipient of the      radioactivity into the environment.
                                                                                                                                              Read more

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New Lab Director Kim Budil delivers her first message to        fiscal year 2020, available online. The report features some
                                                                                employees: “Time to lace up our track shoes.”                   of LLNL’s most innovative research, including several
                                                                                Read more                                                       LDRD-funded projects that focus on developing medical
                                                                                                                                                countermeasures to mitigate the impact of COVID-19.
                                                                                The Department of Energy directs a COVID-19 “safety             Read more
                                                                                pause” at all its facilities, including those within the NNSA
                                                                                complex. Lab Director Kim Budil kicks off the pause with a      Gov. Newsom signs SB 95 into law, providing up to 80
                                                                                message.                                                        hours of COVID-19 supplemental paid sick leave to
                                                                                Read more                                                       employees working in California.
                                                                                                                                                Read more
                                                                                LLNL receives approval from NNSA to provide paid
                                                                                administrative leave to employees for the time they take        Section 3610 of the CARES Act authorizes agencies to
 A standoff detonation of a nuclear device irradiates an
                                                                                to receive a vaccination for COVID-19. While vaccinations       fund paid leave for employees who are unable to work
                                                                                are voluntary, employees are encouraged to be vaccinated        due to the COVID-19 pandemic and is the mechanism
 asteroid and deposits energy at and beneath the surface.
                                                                                at the earliest opportunity and to do so in accordance with     by which the Laboratory has been approved to make
 In this work, two neutron yields (50 kt and 1 Mt) and two
                                                                                local and state guidelines.                                     Authorized Leave available to employees during the
 neutron energies (14.1 MeV and 1 MeV) were the primary
                                                                                Read more                                                       COVID-19 pandemic.
 case studies compared side-by-side. The black dots
                                                                                                                                                Read more
 represent the location of the standoff nuclear device.                         In celebration of Women’s History Month, the Lawrence
 The colors in the asteroids show the intensities and                           Livermore Laboratory Women’s Association invites all
 distributions of differing neutron energy depositions.                         employees to participate in Women’s Wednesdays, special
 The dark blue color indicates where the asteroid remains
 solid. All other colors are where material is melted and/or
                                                                                noon time presentations on each Wednesday throughout
                                                                                the Month of March.
 vaporized, which allows for blow-off debris to be ejected,                     Read more
 changing the asteroid’s velocity and deflecting it.                                                                                            SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
                                                                                Cynthia Rivera, principal associate director of Operations
                                                                                and Business, discusses a safe and secure environment           A research collaboration between LLNL and the Air Force
                                                                                to enable the Laboratory’s work as part of the senior           Institute of Technology investigates how the neutron energy
                                                                                management team’s recent series of commitments that             output from a nuclear device detonation can affect the
   “It is important that we further research and                                complement the Lab’s values.                                    deflection of an asteroid.
understand all asteroid mitigation technologies                                 Read more                                                       Read more

  in order to maximize the tools in our toolkit.”                               The Laboratory receives a shipment of approximately             Scientists at Lawrence Livermore and Lawrence Berkeley
                                                                                2,000 first doses of the Pfizer vaccine. On-site                national laboratories — in collaboration with the University
                                   – Lansing Horan IV, Lab scientist            vaccinations begin.                                             of Michigan — uncover a surprising, self-improving
                                                                                Read more                                                       property in silicon and gallium nitride that contributes to
                                                                                                                                                the material’s highly efficient and stable performance in
                                                                                LLNL’s Laboratory Directed Research and Development             converting light and water into carbon-free hydrogen.
                                                                                (LDRD) Program publishes its annual program report for          Read more

     YELLOW LINKS ARE ACCESSIBLE ON THE LAB’S INTERNAL NETWORK ONLY.                                                                                                                          10
Researchers develop a compression scaling model
                                                                                 LLNL releases flowcharts that illustrate the nation’s
                                                                                                                                         that is benchmarked to 1D implosion simulations
                                                                                 consumption and use of energy. Americans used
                                                                                                                                         spanning a variety of relevant implosion designs.
                                                                                 92.9 quads (quadrillion BTU) of energy in 2020,
                                                                                                                                         This model is used to compare compressibility trends
                                                                                 which is approximately 7 percent less energy, due in
                                                                                                                                         across all existing indirect-drive layered implosion
                                                                                 part to the COVID-19 pandemic.
                                                                                                                                         data for three ablators.
                                                                                 Read more
                                                                                                                                         Read more
                                                                                 A team of scientists from LLNL describe a high-
                                                                                                                                         The Data Science Institute’s first-ever virtual event
                                                                                 precision interferometer system, newly developed to
                                                                                                                                         concludes with the third and final workshop on
                                                                                 measure the pressure dependence of the refractive
                                                                                                                                         artificial intelligence in health care, featuring work by
                                                                                 index and its dispersion in diamond anvil cells.
                                                                                                                                         Lawrence Livermore and others in applying machine
                                                                                 Read more
                                                                                                                                         learning to COVID-19 research.
                                                                                                                                         Read more
Under a new memorandum of understanding, researchers                             A team of scientists conduct an analysis of directly
at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), IBM                            driven gold sphere experiments to test heat transport
and Red Hat aim to enable next-generation workloads by                           models used in inertial confinement fusion and high     PEOPLE
                                                                                 energy density modeling.
integrating LLNL’s Flux scheduling framework with Red
                                                                                 Read more                                               Researchers from LLNL and their colleagues who
Hat OpenShift. Pictured, from left, are LLNL postdoctoral
                                                                                                                                         help them commercialize technologies win three
researcher Dan Milroy and computer scientists Stephen
                                                                                 Scientists from LLNL and the Laboratory for Laser       national technology transfer awards from the Federal
Herbein and Dong H. Ahn.
                                                                                 Energetics work to improve polar direct drive neutron   Laboratory Consortium, the most national awards that
                                                                                 sources on NIF, the world’s most energetic laser.       LLNL has ever won in a single year’s competition over
                                                                                 Read more                                               the past 36 years.
                                                                                                                                         Read more
                                                                                 A team of interdisciplinary researchers, led by LLNL
        “Cloud systems are increasingly setting                                  and the Colorado School of Mines, demonstrates the      The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
        the directions of the broader computing                                  power of using nuclear decay in high-rate quantum       (SIAM) selects LLNL computational mathematician Rob
                                                                                 sensors in the search for sterile neutrinos. The        Falgout as an esteemed member of its 2021 Class of
               ecosystem, and economics are a                                    findings are the first measurements of their kind.      SIAM Fellows.
                                 primary driver.”                                Read more                                               Read more

                    – Bronis de Supinski, chief technology officer               Under a new memorandum of understanding,                Bronis R. de Supinski, LLNL’s chief technology officer for
                                of Livermore Computing at LLNL                   researchers at LLNL, IBM and Red Hat aim to enable      Livermore Computing, is one of the top influencers and
                                                                                 next-generation workloads by integrating LLNL’s Flux    “people to watch” in the high-performance computing
                                                                                 scheduling framework with Red Hat OpenShift to allow    industry for 2021, according to HPCwire.
                                                                                 more traditional high performance computing jobs to     Read more
                                                                                 take advantage of cloud and container technologies.
                                                                                 Read more

LLNL salutes air force reservists as a vital part of the     to mobilize supercomputing access for future crises.
                                                                                 Lab’s workforce.                                             Read more
                                                                                 Read more
                                                                                                                                              LLNL, Sandia National Laboratories, Lawrence
                                                                                 Three LLNL postdoctoral appointees are selected to           Berkeley National Laboratory and SLAC National
                                                                                 attend the 70th annual Lindau Nobel Laureate meeting in      Accelerator Laboratory, as part of the Bay Area Lab
                                                                                 Germany thanks to the University of California President’s   Innovation Networking Center, showcase partnership
                                                                                 2021 Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings Fellows Program.         mechanisms at a three-day event specifically designed
                                                                                 Read more                                                    for businesses. The series, dubbed “Open the Door to
                                                                                                                                              Partnerships,” features fast-paced 45-minute programs,
                                                                                 Chris Cross, deputy associate program leader                 alongside opportunities to ask specific questions directly
                                                                                 for Weapons and Complex Integration’s Strategic              to lab officials.
                                                                                 Partnership Programs, receives the Meritorious Civilian      Read more
  The Krell Institute honored Lawrence Livermore                                 Service Award from the Department of the Army for his
  National computational scientist Jeff Hittinger with its                       time on the Army Science Board.                              LLESA launches “Family Fun Month” to engage
  2021 James Corones Award in Leadership, Community                              Read more                                                    employees, contractors and their families virtually.
  Building and Communication for his work with the                                                                                            Read more
  Department of Energy’s Computational Science                                   The Krell Institute, a nonprofit organization serving
  Graduate Fellowship and applied math programs and                              the scientific and educational communities, awards           James “Hondo” Geurts, undersecretary of the U.S. Navy,
  his mentorship and research activities.                                        LLNL computational scientist Jeff Hittinger with its         sends a letter of thanks to lead editor Zachary Davis,
                                                                                 2021 James Corones Award in Leadership, Community            congratulating the team for its work on “Strategic Latency
                                                                                 Building and Communication.                                  Unleashed: The Role of Technology in a Revisionist
                                                                                 Read more                                                    Global Order and the Implications for Special Operations
       “Jim (Corones) helped shape the field of                                                                                               Forces.” The book is a collection of essays on disruptive
                                                                                 The Lab welcomes retired Maj. Gen. Julie. Bentz for          effects of the technology revolution written by scholars
 computational science as it grew over the last                                  a series of briefings and tours. Bentz, who serves on        from the Center for Global Security Research.
    three decades, and I am both honored and                                     WCI’s External Review Committee, meets with Director         Read more
     a bit overwhelmed to be recognized in his                                   Kim Budil before touring the National Security Vault
                                                                                 and the National Ignition Facility. She also participates    LLNL calls attention to Autism Awareness Month,
memory. I had the opportunity to work with and                                   in briefings and a roundtable discussion on countering       providing an opportunity to appreciate and recognize
  learn from him, and it’s with pleasure — and                                   nuclear, chemical and biological threats.                    autism awareness and neurodiversity as a component of
                                                                                 Read more                                                    LLNL’s diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives.
  a sense of responsibility — that I am able to
                                                                                                                                              Read more
continue and to build on his vision for the DOE
    CSGF program and computational science
                                                                                 OPERATIONS                                                   LLNL Director Kim Budil gives her first all-hands talk
                                                                                                                                              since assuming the role, presenting her goals for the
                                  more broadly.”                                 COVID-19 HPC Consortium scientists and stakeholders          coming months as the Lab readies for a phased return
                                                                                 meet virtually to mark the consortium’s one-year             to on-site work.
                                                                                 anniversary, discussing the progress of research             Read more
                       – Computational scientist Jeff Hittinger                  projects and the need to pursue a broader organization

The Laboratory releases the annual report for fiscal           The Advanced Data Analytics for Proliferation Detection
                                                                                year 2020 to provide stakeholders, sponsors and                program brings together researchers from LLNL and other
                                                                                employees with a summary of LLNL’s national security           national laboratories to enable earlier detection of low-
                                                                                mission milestones, programmatic and operational               profile nuclear proliferation.
                                                                                accomplishments and contributions to the community.            Read more
                                                                                Read more
                                                                                                                                               Using thin-film multi-electrode arrays developed at LLNL,

                                                                                                          MAY                                  UCSF researchers generate never-before-seen recordings
                                                                                                                                               of brain activity in the hippocampus, a region responsible
                                                                                                                                               for memory and other cognitive functions.
                                                                                                                                               Read more
                                                                                SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
                                                                                                                                               A new LLNL analysis of satellite cloud observations finds
                                                                                LLNL and UC Merced scientists and collaborators from           that global warming causes low-level clouds over the
                                                                                the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics in Germany find         oceans to decrease, leading to further warming.
In a study at the University of California, San Francisco,                      use for carbon nanotubes to enable direct drug delivery        Read more
neurologists place thin-film multi-electrode arrays                             from liposomes through the plasma membrane into the cell
developed at Lawrence Livermore on the exposed                                  interior by facilitating fusion of the carrier membrane with   LLNL scientists use three-dimensional radiation
hippocampus of patients undergoing epilepsy-related                             the cell.                                                      hydrodynamics simulations to quantify how high-
surgeries. Pictured are LLNL researchers Michael Triplett
                                                                                Read more                                                      energy-density (HED) mixing is similar to or different
(left) and Jenny Zhou.                                                                                                                         from non-HED mixing. The work is the culmination of
                                                                                Predatory bacteria – bacteria that eat other bacteria          nearly five years of research by a multidisciplinary team
                                                                                – grow faster and consume more resources than non-             of 16 LLNL scientists.
                                                                                predators in the same soil, according to a new study by        Read more
                                                                                LLNL and Northern Arizona University.
“The combination of precision data from these                                   Read more                                                      A Lab researcher and collaborators analyze the diversity
   devices with next-generation data analytics                                                                                                 protist communities associated with the rhizosphere
                                                                                LLNL scientists find that bacteria present in soils and        and surrounding soil of switchgrass plants in different
promises to not only further our understanding                                  sediments can facilitate the precipitation of uranium-         developmental stages.
            of the inner workings of the brain,                                 phosphate minerals that do not precipitate abiotically.        Read more
                                                                                Read more
           but lead to transformative cures for
                                                                                                                                               LLNL scientists and international collaborators outline key
                       neurological disorders.”                                 Ten LLNL scientists take part in the 7th IAA Planetary         challenges and future directions in using machine learning
                                                                                Defense Conference, hosted by the United Nations               and other data-driven techniques to better understand
                                   – Shankar Sundaram, director of              Office for Outer Space Affairs in cooperation with the         extreme conditions that potentially pave the pathway to
                                   LLNL’s Center for Bioengineering             European Space Agency. Team members also present               nuclear fusion as an industrial power source.
                                                                                on the effects of modeling the NASA Double Asteroid            Read more
                                                                                Redirection Test spacecraft’s detailed geometry in its
                                                                                high-speed impact with asteroid Dimorphos, planned             New research by LLNL climate scientists and
                                                                                for fall 2022.                                                 collaborators shows that satellite measurements of the
                                                                                Read more

temperature of the troposphere (the lowest region of the      Director Kim Budil and Deputy Director for Science
                                                                                  atmosphere) may have underestimated global warming            and Technology Pat Falcone welcome University of
                                                                                  over the last 40 years.                                       California Regent and LLNS Board of Governors Chair
                                                                                  Read more                                                     Jonathan “Jay” Sures to the Lab.
                                                                                                                                                Read more
                                                                                  Research conducted at LLNL is the first to apply neural
                                                                                  networks to the study of high-intensity short-pulse laser-    In honor of Military Appreciation month, LLNL begins
                                                                                  plasma acceleration, specifically for ion acceleration        a monthly showcase of those who have served in the
                                                                                  from solid targets.                                           armed forces or are currently serving to exemplify the
                                                                                  Read more                                                     Laboratory’s commitment to veterans and armed forces
                                                                                                                                                service members.
                                                                                  LLNL scientists and collaborators reveal experimental         Read more
                                                                                  evidence to support the prediction of helium rain on
                                                                                  planets such as Jupiter and Saturn, showing that              Linda Bauer, deputy director of the Laboratory,
  An international research team, including scientists from                       helium rain is possible over a range of pressure and          discusses the Lab’s committment serving the best
  Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, validate a                              temperature conditions that mirror those expected to          interests of our nation.
  nearly 40-year-old prediction and experimentally show                           occur inside these planets.                                   Read more
  that helium rain is possible inside planets such as                             Read more
  Jupiter and Saturn. Image by NASA/JPL/Space Science                                                                                           Two Lawrence Livermore postdoctoral researchers are
                                                                                  Scientists examine the performance of pure boron, boron       among a select group of 200 scientists invited to attend
                                                                                  carbide, high-density carbon and boron nitride ablators —     the 8th Heidelberg Laureate Forum, an international
                                                                                  the material that surrounds a fusion fuel and couples with    conference that connects young researchers with
                                                                                  the laser or hohlraum radiation in an experiment — in the     laureates of the major prizes in mathematics and
                                                                                  polar direct drive exploding pusher platform, which is used   computer science.
                                                                                  at the National Ignition Facility.                            Read more
   “Jupiter is especially interesting because it’s
                                                                                  Read more
thought to have helped protect the inner-planet                                                                                                 The 2021 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern
  region where Earth formed. We may be here                                       PEOPLE                                                        Recognition, the premier conference of its kind, features
                                                                                                                                                two papers co-authored by a LLNL researcher targeted
                              because of Jupiter.”                                                                                              at improving the understanding of robust machine
                                                                                  Materials scientist Bill Pitz is selected as a 2021
                                                                                                                                                learning models.
                     – Raymond Jeanloz, co-author and professor                   SAE fellow. SAE International is a global association
                                                                                                                                                Read more
                                                                                  committed to advancing mobility knowledge and
                                                                                  solutions for the benefit of humanity.
                                                                                                                                                The summer student program is back in full swing. The
                                                                                  Read more
                                                                                                                                                2021 program continues virtually this year, welcoming
                                                                                                                                                approximately 600 students to the Laboratory.
                                                                                  Local high school students learn what it’s like to be
                                                                                                                                                Read more
                                                                                  one of the more than 150 machinists who work at
                                                                                  LLNL during the Materials Engineering Division’s
                                                                                                                                                Penn State graduate student Joseph Mattocks is
                                                                                  Manufacturing Workshop.
                                                                                                                                                selected to serve at Lawrence Livermore as part of the
                                                                                  Read more

Department of Energy’s Office of Science Graduate                 tuned to produce large and measurable changes in the
                                                                               Student Research Program.                                         group velocity of light.
                                                                               Read more                                                         Read more

                                                                                                                                                 Using a new approach, dubbed shockless or ramp
                                                                               OPERATIONS                                                        compression, a team from LLNL, Sandia National
                                                                                                                                                 Laboratories and the University of Hyogo determine how
                                                                               The Laboratory is honored by the American Indian
                                                                                                                                                 gold and platinum compress when they are squeezed to 1
                                                                               Science and Engineering Society Winds of Change
                                                                                                                                                 terapascals (TPa) with extremely high precision. Then, they
                                                                               magazine as one of the Top 50 STEM Workplaces
                                                                                                                                                 used their data to derive new pressure scales to 1 TPa.
                                                                               in 2021, as an organization setting the standard for
                                                                                                                                                 Read more
                                                                               indigenous STEM professionals.
Engineers at Lawrence Livermore National                                       Read more
                                                                                                                                                 A LLNL team highlights how nuclear weapon blasts close to
Laboratory and their collaborators develop a light-                                                                                              the Earth’s surface create complications in their effects and
                                                                               GetActive, the six-week health challenge where employees
activated switch that, if fully deployed on the                                                                                                  apparent yields.
                                                                               can engage in some fun competition with others at the Lab
electrical grid, could reduce carbon emissions by                                                                                                Read more
                                                                               to be as active as you can, kicks off.
more than 10 percent.
                                                                               Read more
                                                                                                                                                 A team of LLNL materials and computer scientists create
                                                                                                                                                 machine learning models that can predict molecules’
                                                                               The East Gate located off Greenville Road reopens,
                                                                                                                                                 crystalline properties from their chemical structures alone,
                                                                               marking another milestone on the Return to New Normal.
                                                                                                                                                 such as molecular density. This offers an efficient method
         “Without discovering the physics and                                  Read more
                                                                                                                                                 to infer a material’s properties, thus expediting materials
     parameters behind a phenomenon, any                                       The Timekeeping and Integrated Management of Effort
                                                                                                                                                 design and discovery.
                                                                                                                                                 Read more
material is simply a black box. Once we knew                                   application becomes available for all Lab employees,
                                                                               replacing LITE.
   how much vanadium we needed to put in,                                                                                                        Thousands of images of Earth and space are taken by
                                                                               Read more
         it opened up a whole new avenue for                                                                                                     a compact space imaging payload developed by LLNL
                                                                                                                                                 researchers and its collaborator Tyvak Nano-Satellite
                       looking at the problem.”
                                                                                                         JUNE                                    Systems. Known as GEOStare2, the Tyvak nanosatellite
                                                                                                                                                 weighs 25 pounds and flies into orbit aboard a SpaceX Falcon
                – Paulius Grivickas, physicist and staff scientist,                                                                              9 rocket launched from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center.
                           remarking on a light-activated switch               SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY                                            Read more

                                                                               Engineers at the Laboratory and their collaborators               LLNL engineers design a new kind of laser-driven
                                                                               develop a light-activated switch that, if fully deployed on the   semiconductor switch that can theoretically achieve higher
                                                                               electrical grid, could reduce carbon emissions by more than       speeds at higher voltages than existing photoconductive
                                                                               10 percent.                                                       devices. The development of such a device could enable
                                                                               Read more                                                         next-generation satellite communication systems capable
                                                                                                                                                 of transferring more data at a faster rate and over longer
                                                                               Scientists from LLNL and the Laboratory for Laser                 distances, according to the research team.
                                                                               Energetics describe how a laser-plasma system can be              Read more

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Scientists at Lawrence Livermore determine that heating
                                                                                 For the first time, LLNL scientists identify all the        N95 respirators up to 75 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes
                                                                                 subtypes of healthy cartilage in a healthy joint and        deactivates a surrogate coronavirus without compromising
                                                                                 conduct a 1:1 assessment of molecular changes               the device’s fit and its ability to filter airborne particles.
                                                                                 associated with joint injury in these subpopulations
                                                                                                                                             Read more
                                                                                 of cells, pointing the way toward the development of
                                                                                 effective methods for cartilage repair and regeneration.
                                                                                 Read more                                                   PEOPLE
                                                                                 Scientists at LLNL collaborate with the Princeton           Gen. John W. “Jay” Raymond, chief of Space Operations
                                                                                 Plasma Physics Laboratory to design a novel X-ray           for the United States Space Force, visits the Laboratory for
                                                                                 crystal spectrometer, named HiRAXS, to provide high-        briefings and tours.
                                                                                 resolution measurements of a challenging feature of         Read more
                                                                                 high energy density matter produced by National Ignition
                                                                                 Facility experiments.                                       Two scientists from LLNL are recipients of the 2021
                                                                                 Read more                                                   Department of Energy’s Office of Science Early Career
  Inspired by the way plants absorb and distribute water
                                                                                                                                             Research Program award. Andrea Schmidt and Xue
  and nutrients, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
                                                                                 A team of scientists from the Lab, the University           Zheng are among 83 scientists nationwide selected for
  researchers develop a groundbreaking method for
                                                                                 of Texas at Austin and General Atomics conducts             the recognition.
  transporting liquids and gases using 3D-printed lattice                        experimental measurements of hot electron production        Read more
  design and capillary action phenomena. Illustration by                         using a short-pulse, high-contrast laser on cone and
  Jacob Long/LLNL.                                                               planar targets. Increasing the coupling into high-energy    Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Colin Kahl and
                                                                                 electrons in these interactions is crucial for developing   Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy and
                                                                                 applications from laser-plasma interactions.                Force and Development Eric Ridge visit the Laboratory for
                                                                                 Read more                                                   briefings and tours.
 “Porous media — like sponges or paper or                                                                                                    Read more
                                                                                 Research by an LLNL physicist and a host of
fabrics — generally tend to have disordered                                      collaborators sheds new light on one of the major           Rachelle Jeppson is selected as the chief financial officer
 microstructure and are therefore difficult to                                   challenges to realizing the promise and potential of        (CFO) for LLNL. As CFO, Jeppson oversees the Lab’s
                                                                                 quantum computing — error correction.                       $2.6 billion annual budget and provides management
  describe analytically and computationally.                                     Read more                                                   and leadership for a large staff of financial professionals
   Cellular fluidics allows you to, in a sense,                                                                                              covering accounting, budget and financial analysis.
                                                                                 LLNL researchers develop 3D-printed micro-architected       Read more
  create an ordered ‘sponge,’ where liquids                                      structures capable of containing and flowing fluids to
   and gases travel exactly where you want                                       create extensive and controlled contacts between liquids    Over the three weeks of the Data Science Challenge,
                                  them to go.”                                   and gases.                                                  students from the University of California, Merced
                                                                                 Read more                                                   collaborate online with mentors at LLNL to tackle a real-
                                                                                                                                             world challenge problem: using machine learning to
                             – LLNL staff scientist Nikola Dudukovic                                                                         identify potentially hazardous asteroids that could pose an
                                                                                 Lawrence Livermore and Sandia National Laboratories
                                                                                 continue to collaborate on diagnostic advancements on       existential threat to humanity.
                                                                                 the nation’s premier high-energy density facilities.        Read more
                                                                                 Read more

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Four aspiring machinists officially join an exclusive club —    The African American Body of Laboratory Employees
                                                                                LLNL’s Machinist Apprenticeship Program — by signing            celebrates Juneteenth with keynote speaker Aziza
                                                                                their apprenticeship agreements during an indenturing           Shepherd.
                                                                                ceremony at the Lab.                                            Read more
                                                                                Read moe
                                                                                                                                                In honor of Pride Month, each year the Livermore Pride
                                                                                Engineer Bill Pitz earns a lifetime distinguished               employee resource group brings forward speakers
                                                                                achievement award from the Department of Energy’s               and forums of interest to PRIDE members to provide
                                                                                Vehicle Technologies Office for his significant contributions   opportunities to further the culture of inclusion at work
                                                                                to the field of chemical kinetics. Pitz, along with retiree     for all Lab employees.
                                                                                Charles Westbrook, produced a chemical kinetic study of         Read more
                                                                                fuel additives for engine knock in spark ignition engines,
                                                                                a feat that earned them the 1991 Horning Award from the
                                                                                Society of Automotive Engineers.
                                                                                Read more                                                       OPERATIONS
First Lt. Jaida Sinclair and Capt. Ashley Oerlemans
Zepeda serve in the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps                            LLNL joins in the celebration of the U.S. Army birthday
(ROTC) together and recently became part of the same                            on June 14. LLNL is proud to have several Army                  The Lab’s new telecommuting policy and accompanying
Army reserves unit.                                                             reservists as part of the workforce. Lab employees First        website is now available to employees.
                                                                                Lt. Jaida Sinclair and Capt. Ashley Oerlemans Zepeda,           Read more
                                                                                who have been friends for 10 years, are featured.
                                                                                Read more                                                       The Lab extends its blanket telecommuting agreement,
                                                                                                                                                which allows employees to work from home without a
              “Service is a family tradition. My
                                                                                Laboratory health physicist Brooke Buddemeier is                formal agreement, through the end of September 2021.
       grandfather on my dad’s side was part                                    re-elected for a third term to the National Council on          Read more
     of the Stoottroepen, an infantry regiment                                  Radiation Protection and Measurements.
                                                                                Read more                                                       In a virtual all-hands meeting attended by nearly 4,400
          composed of members of the Dutch
                                                                                                                                                employees, Lab Director Kim Budil lays the groundwork
     Resistance during WWII. My grandfather                                     The Global Security Principal Directorate holds an all-         for a new flexible part-time telecommuting policy,
         on my mom’s side served in both the                                    hands meeting and its biannual Gold Awards ceremony             allowing employees to return to the workplace under a
                                                                                to recognize outstanding contributions and one-time             hybrid approach, incorporating both telework and on-site
      Korean and Vietnam Wars. My dad was                                                                                                       work.
                                                                                achievements that are above and beyond the demands
      a U.S. military police officer, and I have                                of normal job performance.                                      Read more
      multiple cousins that have served in the                                  Read more
                                                                                                                                                Department of Energy Secretary Jennifer M. Granholm
                            U.S. Army as well.”                                                                                                 participates in a special “virtual visit” to the Lab, hosting
                                                                                The Weapons and Complex Integration Principal
                                                                                Directorate holds its annual Gold Awards ceremony               a virtual town hall meeting for all Laboratory and NNSA
                                        – Ashley Oerlemans Zepeda               to recognize outstanding contributions and one-time             Livermore Field Office employees.
                                                                                achievements in support of the Laboratory’s national            Read more
                                                                                security missions.
                                                                                Read more

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