Kuoni Water Management Manual for Hotels
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Kuoni Water Management Manual for Hotels About this Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Table of Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Becoming a Kuoni Water Champion . . . . . 9 Contents Skills Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 1. Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2. Data Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3. Cost Benefit Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 4. Defining the Action Plan . . . . . . . . . . . 35 5. Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 6. Training Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 7. Creating Customer Awareness . . . . . . . . 51 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Annex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 I. References & Online Tools . . . . . . . 58 II. Sample Worksheets . . . . . . . . . . . 59 III. Average Water Consumption Figures . . . . . . . . . 79 IV. Rainwater Harvesting . . . . . . . . . . 79 V. Meter Installation Tips . . . . . . . . . 81 VI. Water Saving Technologies . . . . . . 84 VII. Improving Irrigation Systems . . . . 88 VIII. Detecting Leaks . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
4 This book is designed to help hotels and tourism It is recognised that economics is a strong driving about the Kuoni Group About GreenWater About this businesses that are interested in meeting consumer factor in many decision making processes, therefore Kuoni’s head office is located in Zurich, Switzerland, GreenWater is a Mombasa-based company primarily expectations and in contributing to a more sustainable the manual and associated tools have been designed to where Alfred Kuoni founded the company in 1906. Over dealing with issues regarding water management. It tourism by committing to improved water management enable the hotel’s facilities manager or water project the years Kuoni has developed into today’s global travel was founded in 2005 on the principles of promoting Book practices. This manual aims to provide an introduction to the business skills required to measure, monitor, manager to generate costs (both present and future) relating to water supply and consumption. Armed with services company, now employing around 13 000 people in almost 100 countries. In its European source markets appropriate, simple and sustainable water systems. GreenWater works throughout the public and private manage and reduce water consumption in hotels in these figures, it is possible to compare current costs the company has more than 160 of its own retail outlets sectors designing and constructing wastewater treat- order to have a more cost effective and environmentally with those resulting from improved water management and tour operating offices. Its global destination travel ment systems, implementing solid waste and water sound water management system. It was created as through a cost benefit analysis exercise. services business has several different types of offices: management systems and assisting sites to become part of Kuoni’s commitment to improving sustainable sales offices in the source markets, particularly in Asia more sustainable in terms of environmental, social and management throughout its supply chain. Upon suc- For further information on this book and the project, for group travel business; agency offices that look after economic actions. cessful completion of each step outlined in this manual, please contact: guests at the destinations; offices dedicated to buying participants should be well on their way to achieving the in and selling online-based destination services; and www.green-water.org award status of Kuoni Water Champion and to use this Kuoni Group offices specialising in MICE business (meetings, incen- award in any communication with their customers. Corporate Responsibility tives, conferences and events). Visa services provider Neue Hard 7 VFS Global (external consular services) runs a worldwide The book begins with an introduction and an explana- 8010 Zurich business through more than 800 offices spread across tion of the Kuoni Water Champion program. It is then Switzerland every continent. Overall, counting all business activities, split into seven sections based on a series of worksheets cr@kuoni.com Kuoni has more than 400 separate offices in almost 100 which should be completed in numerical order. The T +41 44 277 52 44 countries around the world. Kuoni has been committed sections are: Planning, Data Collection, Cost Benefit to a sustainable development of the tourism industry Analysis, Defining the Action Plan, Monitoring, Training www.kuoni.com for many years and strives to act as a good corporate Staff and Creating Customer Awareness. Reference citizen which takes into full account the current and materials are located in the Appendix and the user is future economic, social and environmental impacts of guided to those relevant for each particular task. A its business. memory stick accompanying the manual includes the worksheets in Excel format. It is recommended that www.kuoni.com the hotel’s facilities manager or the person in charge of implementing this project keep a master copy of the worksheet files and be responsible for updating them on a continual basis.
International tourist arrivals surpassed 1 billion for the A recent study by Tapper et al. (2011) found that on a per It is also the responsibility of tourism businesses to respect human Tourism and Water Scarcity in Kenya Intro- first time in history in 2012, and the UN World Tourism tourist basis, the tourism sector uses between one and rights, as outlined in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Organisation now predicts the number to increase by a half to two and a half times the daily amount of water Human Rights, and in this light to respect the right to water of local Kenya’s Vision 2030 strategy includes making Kenya one of the top ten desti- 3-4% in 2013. Tourism represents 30% of the world’s used by a local resident in the Mediterranean and Carib- communities in tourism destinations. This is not only a moral obliga- duction nations for long haul tourism. 60% of tourists to Kenya visit the coastal strip exports of services (US$ 1 trillion a year) and 45% of bean. In North African destinations between four to ten tion – rather this helps companies to identify and manage a range of beaches to experience the sun and sand beaches. Mombasa, Diani, Malindi the total services exports in developing countries. times as much water was used. Kenya and Sri Lanka were operational, financial and reputation risks (UNHRC, 2011). and Lamu are popular destinations. Many therefore see tourism as one of the sectors with shown to have about 18 to 20 times as much water used the greatest potential for contributing to sustainable per tourist. These latter high ratios reflect low water con- Consumers are also increasingly demanding that hotels and tourism However, Kenya’s National Development Plan recognises the country as water development and to achieving the Millennium Develop- sumption by local residents, which is generally due to business provide sustainable and environmentally friendly products. scarce whereby the water demand exceeds renewable freshwater sources. ment Goals (MDG). In particular, tourism business can poor provision of public water supplies. These statistics According to a study by the Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA), According to the Joint Monitoring Programme’s 2012 report, access to safe contribute to achieving MDG 7 “Ensuring Environmen- do not take into account unmonitored water extraction one in three travellers now believes that their vacation products should water supplies throughout Kenya is 59% and access to improved sanitation tal Sustainability” by complying with advanced norms methods by the tourism industry, such as boreholes have an environmental rating. In ABTA’s 2011 study, 19 per cent of is 32%. Water, sanitation and hygiene related illnesses and conditions are & standards such as ISO 14001 or Travelife certification, and wells, which can have an even greater impact. Golf consumers said they were willing to pay more for a product from a also the number one cause of hospitalisation in children under age five, with and by improving resource efficiency. tourism in particular has an enormous impact on water company with a better environmental and social record, a substantial diarrhea being the second-highest cause of death in children under five years withdrawals – an eighteen-hole golf course can consume increase from 2 per cent in 2010. of age (excluding neonatal death). However, despite its potential for positive contributions, more than 2.3 million litres a day, which corresponds to tourism can sometimes be at odds with sustainable the daily water needs of approximately 20,000 people. This book is targeted at hotels and tourism business that are interested Moreover, the Kenyan Ministry of Water has recently admitted that the development as a whole and with environmental in meeting consumer expectations and in contributing to a more Mombasa coast is one of the regions facing an acute water shortage with sustainability in particular. Current research indicates Such inequalities often lead to conflict between tourism sustainable tourism by committing to improved water management an estimated two million people not accessing piped water. The main water that the disproportionate use of fresh water by tourists businesses and local communities. A survey by the practices. This manual aims to provide an introduction to the busi- tanks for the North Coast of Mombasa, situated on the Nguu Tatu Hills are fed in developing country destinations is, in many cases, World Travel Market showed that 53% of hotel managers ness skills required to measure, monitor, manage and reduce water from the Mzima Springs (Tsavo West) and Sabaki River (Malindi). However, directly contributing to water scarcity, poverty and felt their business was already impacted by water short- consumption in hotels in order to have a more cost effective and due to the lack of water pressure from these distant sources and continual inequity, through the appropriation of public water ages (2007). In Zanzibar, for example, water scarcity has environmentally sound water management system. challenges with piping, the level of water fed into the tanks is insufficient supplies, overexploitation of aquifers, and lowering of led some hotel managers to employ security guards to to meet the needs of both the local communities and the tourist industry of groundwater tables. Furthermore, tourism business have protect water pipes following sabotage attempts by angry Mombasa. Without a sustainable water management the local population as been implicated in spreading diseases by contaminating locals, according to Tourism Concern (2011). well as tourism business will be hard hit. freshwater by saltwater and sewage (Tourism Concern, 2011).
9 Becoming a Kuoni Water Champion Corporate Responsibility at Kuoni 1. its employees; Kuoni has been striving for over ten years now to enhance the 2. sustainable supply chain management; positive impact of tourism on people and the environment and 3. sustainable products; simultaneously minimise its negative ramifications. Kuoni and its 4. human and labour rights; staff are convinced that the company can make a major contribu- 5. natural resources and climate change and tion to ensuring sustainable tourism development within its scope 6. governance and organisation. and the resources at its disposal. For each of these focus issues, a road map has been developed and Over these ten years, Kuoni has extensively integrated its Corporate specific goals have been defined, which are available on the Kuoni Responsibility activities into its overall business strategy. On the Group website. basis of the overall Group CR strategy for 2012-2014, the CR risk assessment and the subsequent definition of the materiality matrix, the focus issues for corporate responsibility within the Kuoni Group are: High Active management /High risk Human Rights hChild protection Sustainable hWorking conditions supply chain management Impact of Climate Change and regulations Natural Resources hWater scarcity hLoss of Employees biodiversity hOccupational Community Health&Safety engagement h Employee Engagement Governance / Social Organisation Sustainability topics of concern to stakeholders investments hAnti Corruption hGovernance and transparency Sustainable Cultural h Ethics/compliance Products Heritage hProduct Innovation h Customer satisfaction h Social Media Business case Low High Sustainability topics of relevance to Kuoni Kuoni’s degree of influence
10 11 Working The Kuoni Benefits to Achieving with our Water Management the Kuoni Water Suppliers Project Champion Award As seen in the above materiality matrix, Kuoni places great Within its Corporate Responsibility program, Kuoni aims to ensure Launched by Kuoni in collaboration with Green Water under the Kuoni Water Champion: importance on engaging with suppliers toward a collaborative and adequate access to precious water resources for all people at water- framework of the Water Management Project, the Water Cham- more sustainable tourism. The company has defined its minimal scarce destinations where conflicts arise between the requirements pion Award aims at recognising outstanding water management Voyager Beach Resort requirements towards its suppliers in the Kuoni Supplier Code of of the tourist sector and the needs of the local population. practices of hotels. Conduct, a policy document which requires suppliers to adhere to Profile: human and labour rights, compliance with local law and environ- Water scarcity was the focus of the Kuoni Stakeholder Dialogue Participation in the program can substantially reduce costs and Hotel along the northern coast of Mombasa, capacity of 504 PAX mental standards, non-discrimination, anti-corruption, work place in 2010, a formalised dialogue process with approximately 30 improve efficiency. It is recognised that economics is a strong safety and hygiene and child protection. Kuoni suppliers agree to representatives and experts from external organizations such driving factor in many decision making processes, therefore the Initial Water Consumption report on their compliance and progress and allow their properties as the World Water Council, the United Nations Environment manual and associated tools have been designed to enable the 2,470 litres/bednight to be inspected by Kuoni upon request. In case of a breach of the Programme, as well as several internal representatives, meeting to hotel manager to generate cost benefit analysis resulting from terms and conditions of the Supplier Code of Conduct Kuoni is en- suggest concrete opportunities for action. improved water management. Having a Water Management Resulting Water Consumption titled to terminate any contract and cooperation with the supplier Program (WMP) in place is the only way these costs may be 1,890 litres/bednight with immediate effect and reserves the right to take any further quantified and represents a powerful tool for decision makers to legal action at its discretion. To this purpose Kuoni monitors the Kuoni Commits to Community implement water saving activities. sustainability performance of its core hotel partners biennially through an on-site check. These core hotels cover more than 35% of Action in Kenya Participants in the Kuoni Water Champion program have found, = 24% savings Kuoni’s leisure travel guests out of Europe. Kuoni has already supported a water preservation project in Kenya for example: initiated by the Baobab Trust, a local NGO. The project involved the A potential reduction in water consumption of 50,043m³ per h Improvement plan included: Kuoni aligns its monitoring process of core hotel partners with building of nine dams in the Vikwatani area, adjacent to Mombasa’s year could be achieved, with an equivalent value of nearly h Installation of multiple meters to establish where the internationally recognised system for sustainable tourism finest beaches, which both capture the area’s rainwater and slow 1 million KES (11,467 USD) per year. water is being used management, the Travelife Sustainability System, and shares data down the local soil erosion. The dams now provide over 7,000 Staff showers were utilising a far higher flow rate than neces- h h Leakages from aging and convoluted plumbing system fixed with other tour operators across Europe. The Travelife Sustain- people with free access to a reliable water supply. In addition, Kuoni sary. Replacing these fixtures at a cost of 100,000 KES (1,170 h Replacement of staff showers ability System invites hotels to conduct an online self-assessment has conducted intensive one-day training sessions with its partner USD) would result in savings of 460,000 KES (5,383 USD) h Training of staff on water saving which gives them an initial benchmark of their sustainability hotels on how to reduce water consumption and how waste water per year, with a payback period of 2-3 months. Water saved h Review of irrigation system performance. In a second step, an auditor trained by Travelife or can be treated. Through its Water Management Project (WMP) the amounted to 25,000 m3 per year, equivalent to nearly 10% of another recognised sustainability scheme carries out an audit to Kuoni Group aims to integrate the issue of water management into the hotel’s total water consumption. assess the social and environmental performance of the hotel. its operations and supply chain. Utilising groundwater as their primary water source for all h Hotels demonstrating excellent sustainability performance are activities including irrigation was costing a participant nearly awarded the Travelife Gold, Silver or Bronze label, enabling their 850,000 KES (9947 USD) per year. Treating and re-using their Kuoni Water Champion: achievement to be clearly communicated to customers. As a result of the Stakeholder Dialogue, four key areas for approach- wastewater for irrigation would slash this expenditure in half Pinewood Resort & Spa ing the topic of freshwater management have been identified, and result in 76,000 m3 less water pumped from the aquifer Kuoni values its relationships with sustainable hotels and namely promoting technical solutions and operational improve- every year. accommodation and aims to promote them with our customers by ments in hotels, creating standards in the supply chain, investment Profile: displaying the Travelife label in our catalogues and by highlighting in community projects to minimise adverse impacts of water In addition, committing to achieve Kuoni Water Champion sta- Hotel along the southern coast of Mombasa, capacity of 112 PAX hotels achieving sustainable water management practices through competition and communication to customers. Actions based on tus has various other benefits, which go beyond the bottom line. the Kuoni Water Champion Award as described below. these working streams would be first implemented in the pilot Participation in the program can help reduce the risk of conflict Initial Water Consumption destination - Kenya - which was selected based on a multicriteria with the local community and thereby help legitimise the 1,790 litres/bednight decision analysis. Criteria used included passenger volume and tourism business. It also increases staff engagement. According water scarcity statistics from the World Business Council for to Business in the Community, 75% of employees who believe Resulting Water Consumption Sustainable Development’s Global Water Tool among others. A their organization is focused on sustainable development show 1,110 litres/bednight workshop with key suppliers was subsequently held in Kenya to high levels of commitment. gauge actual supplier commitment and create a strategy for action, = 38% savings the result of which included the development of this manual and Generally, participating in the program can help you gain a the Kuoni Water Champion program. competitive edge and market your tourism business towards a more environmentally conscious consumer. And, as mentioned previously, this market segment is growing. A recent survey from Improvement plan included: the Institute of Tourism (Lucerne University of Applied Sciences h Installation of multiple meters to establish where and Arts) found that 22% of customers consider sustainability as water is being used one of their Top 3 deciding factors when choosing a hotel. Trip h Leakages from aging and convoluted plumbing system fixed Advisor found that 71% of customers will make eco-friendly travel h Training of staff on water saving choices in the coming year. Visitors want to know that their trip is not having a negative impact on the environment, and with the Kuoni Water Champion Award you can let them know what you are doing. The award is great publicity and can even help towards Ecotourism Kenya eco-ratings (the water resource category counts for approximately 15% of all points).
12 | sk ills m ap 13 10 Steps to Become a Kuoni Water Champion ✓ C ommit to a long-term engagement on sustainable water management together with Kuoni urchase and install water meters in strategic locations in order to ✓P define water consumption throughout the hotel (e.g. laundry, kitchen, pool, gardens/lawns, guest rooms, staff rooms, spa, etc.) ✓ C ollect basic water consumption data and complete simple calculations through the worksheets detailed within this manual og water consumption over a period of a few weeks and analyse ✓L consumption per guest night Skills Map ✓ I mplement water saving practices (technical solutions, staff training, etc.) n, yo u w il l: in g th is sect io Af te r co m pl et Sect io n ter management in e steps involved for a successful wa ✓ Continue logging consumption data and calculate savings achieved 1. Planning • Have an understanding of th your hotel in your hotel le to fo rm a wa te r management team ement program • Be ab ter manag ow th e sk ills re quired to run a wa ✓ Report on your success and action plan to Kuoni • Kn r is supplied from • Know where wate d in what quantities several meters ata 2. D ere an d ho w water is used an ion by using Collection • Kn ow wh po rta nc e of log gi ng water consumpt • Know the im ✓ C ommit to ‘access to water’ (or improved quality of water) throughout the ho sts tel property ar e associated with th e current system ms co ut your water syste related community project • Know wh at st sa vin gs are ac hievable througho ec tiv e re pl ac em ents • Know what wate r and co fix tu re s ca n wo rk as cost-eff ost Benefit of which plumbi ng 3. C • Have an overview Analysis for outdated sy ste m s r treatment system ✓ Demonstrate an increased level of guest awareness and participation th e be ne fit s of installing a wate • Be familiar wi th targets for your rig ht wa te r co ns umption reduction to choose the • Understand how e efining the hieved in what tim 4. D business ovements can be ac ✓ Show off your Kuoni Water Champion Award! Action Plan • Have an overview of wh at kin ds of im pr is frame ion in the long-term ng to m on ito r yo ur water consumpt continui • Understand why t 5. Monitoring key to su cc es sfu l water managemen ining session on yo ur ho te l wo ul d benefit from a tra ents in •K now which departm 6. Training Staff water man ag em en t eady available ing resources are alr • Know what train anagement with m un ica te yo ur su stainable water m of how to com •H ave an overview projects reating 7. C wa te r-rela te d local community clients clien ts in Customer how to include your • Gather ideas on Awareness
1 Planning Which stakeholders and em- ployees in the hotel are involved in effective water management? What are their roles and re- sponsibilities? How can they best prepare for their individ- ual tasks? This section provides information on how to plan and prepare for a successful water management in your hotel.
16 17 The first step in planning is to form a water management team. grounds keeping, kitchen and accounting departments) and A commitment to water reduction begins at the top, so ensure ensure they are involved in all the planning stages. Certain the management team fully supports this project. Establish individuals must be identified for certain key roles as detailed a committee with representatives from each of your work below: areas (e.g., management, housekeeping, maintenance, laundry, Person Role Experience Required Managing director understand program objectives, define must be able to motivate staff and timings and expected results approve changes/spending Hotel manager co-ordinate collection of data, plan attention to detail with data received, necessary training analytical thinking to formulate action plan Technical/ Maintenance manager data collection, placement of meters, good numeracy, ability to complete physical measurements, etc. worksheets (hard or soft copy) and cost-benefit calculations Accounts budget spending on water saving devices, budget planning provide bednight figures Head of housekeeping & laundry data collection, target setting, monitoring none Head of kitchen data collection, target setting, monitoring none Head of grounds keeping data collection, target setting, monitoring none One person must be designated as responsible for leading All staff should be encouraged to give feedback about their the project. In most cases, this would be the hotel or technical opinions on problem areas and possible solutions. They can also manager and should be referred to as the “Water Manager”. The suggest areas where improvements may be made and opportuni- water manager must be familiar with the manual and all its ties exist for engaging the local community. By the end of the associated materials (such as the worksheets, training, suppliers meeting, the team should be defined with each individual’s roles guide, etc.) so they are in a position to explain this to the rest of and responsibilities in the program clearly assigned. Potential the team. It is not necessary for everyone to read the manual, targets should be discussed, a timeframe for these activities but they should all be aware of what is available and what can be agreed upon and the next meeting scheduled. achieved with it. The water team must then relay this information on to their The Water Manager must set up an initial meeting with the respective departments so that staff throughout the hotel is potential water team members (listed above) to give a back- informed about the project. It is recommended that some follow ground introduction to the project. They should emphasise the up action, however small, be required from all members of the benefits of the project (cost savings, environmental stewardship, water team so that they leave the initial meeting with a task. This guest satisfaction, award winning, etc.). The manual and its tools will ensure that the WMP stays fresh in people’s minds and that can then be introduced so that all the team are clear about the they really start to think about options and possibilities as they type of action required from them (data collection, monitoring, move around their daily activities. Changing behaviour does not identifying gaps in training. etc.). happen within a single meeting – it needs continual reinforce- ment, deliverables and support.
18 2 Data Collection What you don’t measure, you can’t manage. This section out- lines the importance of meas- uring your baseline water con- sumption on a regular basis and guides the user on how to find out the hotel’s full water cost, while seeing where water con- sumption is the highest.
20 21 In order to be able to observe monthly variation, the user should Comparing baseline figures (Worksheets 1-7) with industry “best first establish the baseline consumption and develop a good practice” figures (these are available in Annex III) will allow the understanding of “normal” figures. Once this is in place, any user to gauge how much improvement may be possible, allow changes to these figures can be detected and explained. For for cost benefit calculations, guide decision making and help instance, if the user is familiar with the water consumption pat- formulate your action plan. You will be guided through these tern, a sudden increase in consumption of 20% may be readily tasks in the following sections. explained as, for example, resulting from additional irrigation The worksheets in this chapter have been designed as a step-by- during the dry season. Data will allow the user to measure results step process to generate your baseline figures. They should be and gauge the effectiveness of any water saving plan. filled out in numerical order as follows: NO Sheet Title Use this sheet to….. data you will need time needed How to calculate per How much does one 1 Per capita calculate volume of water used for monthly water consumption from 2hrs capita water consump- cubic meter of water tion (Worksheet 1) cost? (Worksheet 2) consumption one bednight and how this varies borehole, municipal, rainwater and water from month to month tanker sources, monthly bednight figures 2 Base water calculate the actual cost of one cubic local water costs (water rates, tankers, 2hrs cost meter of water from different sources rainwater infrastructure cost and (groundwater, municipal, tanker, collection potential), pump power The “Water consumption per capita” figure represents how Water can be sourced from a number of different locations rainwater, treated water) requirement, groundwater treatment and much water is required for one guest for a 24hr period. To and this can be factored into Worksheet 2 to allow the user to maintenance costs calculate this, water usage and bed night data are required (the determine the average cost of their current supply. The worksheet 3 Hot water cost calculate your heating costs for one capacity, installation costs and running 1hr total amount of water used will vary depending on the number will calculate the average cost per cubic meter of water (cost/m3). litre of water from different sources costs of all water heating devices of guests). Your water supply can come from a variety of sources This is based on the proportion of water used from each source (solar, electric, boiler) such as a borehole, water tanker, rainwater harvesting or the (automatically defined by the inputs in Worksheet 1 “Per capita municipal supply. Data on water usage from these sources can be consumption”) combined with the costs associated with each 4 Laundry cost calculate the unit cost of washing one laundry washer, dryer and presser power 2hrs taken from a variety of sources such as: particular source. item of laundry such as a bed sheet & water ratings and purchase costs, or towel monthly laundry logs, detergent and h meter readings from the municipal supply labour costs (or the monthly bills), Water sources may comprise one or more of the following: 5 Flow rate record & calculate flow rates from this is a physical measurement, so it can 1hr h meter readings from a borehole, h groundwater measurement different parts of the hotel (such as be collected directly h meters around the site, h municipal water (via pipeline) showers, sinks, etc.) h estimations based on tank volumes h water tankers (bowsers/trucks) (filling/emptying frequency), h rainwater harvesting 6 Water balance compile your water budget, factoring water volumes used in different areas of 2.5hrs h receipts for payments made to water tankers, h treated wastewater in water consumed in different hotel (sub-metering) water licenses & fees. departments using measurements or estimations If you have no data available related to water consumption at 7 Towel re-use monitor with housekeeping staff this is a record sheet so data can be 0.5hr intro, your site, it is essential to install meters on your supply and record sheets number of towels re-used throughout collected directly 0.5hr distribution lines. To achieve a maximum benefit, the meters one week and calculate % re-use compiling should be placed on the distribution lines to different depart- ments (kitchen, laundry, swimming pool, irrigation, guest rooms, etc.) on both hot and cold water supply (See Annex V for guidance on meter installation). It is beneficial to have readings over a long period of time so that any daily variables (such as filling a swimming pool, a burst pipeline, etc.) will be averaged and consumption can be cor- related with bednights. Therefore, you should be able to provide bednight data for the same time period for which you collect water consumption data. This can be done on a monthly or Completing a worksheet may require the user to consult various The automatic results provided in the worksheet will guide yearly basis – obviously the more data you can collect the better. data sheets, perform measurements, collect information and the user to the next worksheet or will be used for cost-benefit complete calculations. The worksheets may be found in Excel analyses. For example, the user takes the results from Worksheet format in the memory stick located inside the back cover of this 4 (Laundry Cost) and Worksheet 7 (Towel re-use record sheet) to book. The user may print them and fill them in manually (such complete a cost-benefit calculation (see Section 3). Suggestions as for Worksheet 7: Towel re-use record sheets) or complete them for the Action Plan (see Section 4) may also be provided. electronically. It is strongly advised that the electronic version be used wherever possible, as many final figures and calculations Annex II contains worked examples of the worksheets based on will be automatically filled in. The user should only fill in the a hypothetical hotel called “Silver Palms”. These examples may blue boxes. Using the electronic version of the worksheets will be used as guidance on how the worksheets should be completed also facilitate changing variables (such as when comparing and interpreted. prices). Initially, there may be some data which is unavailable, therefore average figures have been provided. These should be refined as soon as possible with site specific data to ensure correct results.
22 23 There are different factors which affect the cost, quality and sustainability of each of these sources: Initial cost On-going cost Quality Sustainability groundwater low to medium medium good to poor depending quantity may be affected (including on area, coastal ground- by nearby boreholes (new treatment, salt water is often “hard” and developments), quality may damage etc.) high in salts be affected by septic tanks etc., over-extraction causes saltwater contamination (coastal locations) municipal minimal high generally good (depending may be affected by nearby on municipal treatment) developments (loss of pressure, continuity of supply), dry season shortages, overuse may affect downstream users water tankers none very high unknown - dependent on emergency only source rainwater medium to minimal excellent, providing clean excellent, although more harvesting high (maintenance of collection & storage unpredictable as rainfall gutters, cleaning patterns vary. of collection surfaces) treated waste- high low to medium suitable for irrigation excellent, no untreated water depending on providing good wastewater disposed of into type of system management ground, represents a large proportion of usable water. The user can add details of their rainwater harvesting and/or preferentially treated or softened water in more sensitive areas such wastewater treatment system to the worksheet if these are already as the laundry or the kitchen. However, the areas which still utilize in place, but where they do not exist, a hypothetical system can saline water will incur costs resulting from the reduced life spans be added to compare unit costs with other sources and identify of machinery, fixtures and fittings and/or increased maintenance to how this influences overall costs. Worksheet 10 allows the user to clear calcification. Hot water boilers are particularly prone to damage consider more details of the wastewater treatment system (actual as salt is more readily deposited at higher temperatures. Thus, or hypothetical) such as cost benefit and water savings. although many hotels initially regard groundwater as a virtually free resource, the associated costs are much higher than expected. This may be a strong argument for changing the source and/or reducing overall consumption. Direct vs. Indirect Costs of Water Additionally, if you are connected to a sewer, you will be charged for every cubic meter you discharge. As it is not practical to measure this volume, most companies will charge you a flat rate of 75% of The true cost of water is a function of direct and indirect costs. Direct your municipal bill. Treating wastewater on site and utilizing it for costs relate to the tangible costs of obtaining water such as water irrigation may demonstrate a significant saving of costs on sewerage, bills, electricity for pumping and water tariffs imposed by the supplier. in addition to reduced costs of obtaining water. This is explained in Worksheet 10 (Cost Benefit Analysis Wastewater Treatment System). Indirect costs relate to secondary costs which may not always be obvious or easy to quantify. The case in point may be shown by the In summary utilization of groundwater which is often high in salts. These salts are Direct costs include: water bills (municipal and groundwater), sometimes removed with a reverse osmosis system which involves borehole rates, installation costs (construction and materials). an initial purchase cost as well as ongoing costs of electricity and Indirect costs include: water treatment (reverse osmosis, softener), filter replacement. Water softeners are also used to reduce water maintenance, salt damage, fitting replacement, machinery “hardness” which again have a purchase and running cost. As these replacement systems are usually limited in capacity, a hotel will often use the
24 x x x x x x | 25 How much does How high are your hot water cost? your laundry costs? (Worksheet 3) (Worksheet 4) Hot water costs can be twenty times higher than cold water costs. Laundries are often high users of water and have high associated Therefore, there is a huge cost savings associated with reducing energy costs. Reducing the volume of laundry will have a direct the volumes of hot water. Once you complete this worksheet, you impact on these costs and also result in water savings. will determine the overall cost of your hot water and be able to gauge whether the installation cost of solar hot water heaters is Worksheet 4 explains the method to quantify the unit price for worthwhile. washing one bed sheet and one towel. Where you do not have all data available, average values have been provided. Most informa- The calculations for Worksheet 3 are based on the cost for tion required can be collected from: heating water in different locations. Heating sources in hotels include solar panels, electric heaters and boilers. It is often not h the product specification stickers (usually located on the back possible to work out the exact amount of hot water generated, as of the machine) these heating sources are usually decentralised, numerous and h record sheets from laundry staff with type and amount of located close to their point of use. Therefore, it is best to analyse loads washed, one heating unit (per type of hearing source) to generate sample h verbal explanation from laundry staff on load per machine, figures that may then be applied to other similar areas through- typical quantities, cycle durations, washing method (e.g., out the hotel. It may be possible to run a controlled test on site whether sheets are line dried, tumble dried and/or pressed), to determine the time taken to heat a certain volume of water etc. for each of these sources. You will need to know the following h records from detergent suppliers regarding quantities and information to complete the worksheet for boilers and electric current prices heaters: h average man-hours and salaries of laundry staff h Volume of water heated per day (usually determined by multiplying tank volume by the number of heating cycles run The cost of laundering items will also be dependent on their per day) drying method. You need to specify if the towels and bed sheets h Fuel required (in litres) and cost of 1 litre of fuel, or are tumble dried and/or pressed to allow for all relevant costs. h Power rating of the appliance (in kilowatts) and time required This may be done simply by entering a “yes” or “no” in the dry- to heat the full volume of the tank (in hours) ing and pressing machine sections of Worksheet 4. You are then required to fill in details on purchase costs of the appliances, This calculation represents a simplified snapshot of what is their average lifetimes, power usage (defined as “running elec- usually a complex system. It is the responsibility of the water tricity” in Rows “o” and “s” on the worksheet), load capacity and manager to identify how best to apply the calculations to give the times for tumblers and pressing time, if applicable. If laundry most accurate figures. It should also be appreciated that many items are line dried you will enter “no” to both questions. heating systems do not operate on 100% efficiency. Whilst this factor is not included on the worksheet, the user may see what effect greater efficiency has on the cost by reducing time for Consider that…. heating or increased volume of water heated. This may give a positive argument for overhauling or replacing machinery. Drying laundry often constitutes 30 -50% of the total cost. Can this be reduced? Tropical locations often represent an ideal climate for line drying items (outside of the rainy season). Even if this means increasing the number of items in circulation (to allow for the longer turnaround time), this may prove to be far cheaper than continuing with power hungry dryers. Figure 2 Product specification sticker showing “running power” and “inbuilt heating unit”. These figures should be input in Rows g and h in Worksheet 4, respectively. Figure 3 Some machines only detail the total power consumption. In such a situation, you can estimate that 20% of the total power will be required for running power (Row g) and 80% for heating (Row h)
26 27 How to measure Determining the How much do visitors tap flow rates water balance re-use their towels? (Worksheet 5) (Worksheet 6) (Worksheet 7) To determine tap flow rates, you will need to physically measure This worksheet considers where water is used throughout the ho- Towel re-use programs have been promoted for a the water coming from a number of taps. You should do this tel and is a vital tool in understanding where and how your water number of years and most hotels have a system of from five different locations per type of tap (i.e., shower cubicles is used. Once you have a good idea of these figures, you will be encouraging their guests to hang up towels which in five different rooms) in order to get a good average. Record better placed to assess: What is normal? What can be improved? do not need washing. Before encouraging a towel which locations are measured so that you can test the same taps What changes have shown success? You will only be able to use re-use program, it is necessary to know how much at different times of the day. Also note if the taps are low flow this worksheet and benefit from it if you have placed meters the guests are currently participating in the program models or standard. strategically so that consumption to different areas of the hotel (if at all). This worksheet allows the user to monitor and/or from different sources may be recorded. For example, you this on a weekly basis so it should be completed at the Measurements (five from each) are needed from the following: may have a meter on your borehole, which will allow a com- start of the study period (for pre-existing programs) parison of the proportion of borehole vs. municipal water, or and then every month to check progress. Completing h guest bathroom showers you may have a meter on the irrigation line which will show the the worksheet will help management determine if h guest bathroom sinks proportion of this usage as compared with the total. See Annex V the program needs re-emphasizing through training h staff washroom showers for an explanation on how to place meters for maximum benefit of staff (Section 6) or guest sensitization (Section 7). h staff washroom sinks and how they should be properly read. h irrigation lines (tapstands, hydrants or other) Having a towel re-use program that is functioning Consumption may be estimated in areas which are not metered. properly is an easy and tangible way of channelling Typical figures are listed in the Annex III and can be compared saved funds towards a community water project and Follow these steps to gauge the flow rates: with calculations generated in the worksheet. An allowance has getting customers involved in the local community been made for bathtubs (guests only) if these are installed. These as well. See how you can encourage your guests to 1) Turn on the shower or sink taps at full flow do not include flow rate as they are based on water volume only, increase their participation in towel re-use programs (i.e., both the hot and the cold taps should be fully open). as are the toilets. General information regarding irrigation is in Section 7. 2) P lace a suitable container (5L is generally appropriate, listed in Annex VII. although a smaller container may be necessary for the sink) under the flow and measure how much time it takes to fill Familiarisation with actual volumes and comparison with with water. estimated and best practice volumes will allow the water How to explain the work 3) If the flow is not steady, repeat the measurement three times manager to quickly see where discrepancies occur. Using this and calculate the average time needed to fill the container. information will determine the course and content of the sheet to housekeeping staff Action Plan, described in Section 3. Discrepancies are red flags You may use the following text to introduce Worksheet 7 It is important to note that the frequency of use of staff facilities and could indicate leakages (see Annex VIII for information of to the housekeeping staff. Consult the worked example is often higher and therefore increases wear and tear. This often detecting leaks), poor water usage (see Section 6 Training Staff in Annex II for further explanation. results in fixtures becoming modified to avoid continual repair, for remedies) or an inefficient irrigation system (see Annex VII), which may result in high flow rates (for example, where shower for example. It is the water manager’s role to identify these red “Guests are told about water scarcity and informed heads are removed). A cost benefit analysis (see Section 3) can flags. about the limited water supply in Kenya. Washing a be beneficial in determining if such modifications should be towel or sheet requires about 10 litres of water and costs avoided. between 30–40 KES (0.35–0.45 USD). This hotel has a towel re-use program in place but how many guests Consider that…. really follow this? This brief study captures how many of these visitors actually do re-use their towels. Please Consider that…. The “estimate” column reflects a snapshot of an average month, make a note of the necessary numbers as you do your whilst the “measured” column reflects the actual volume used. If rounds every day for one week, it will take no more than Acceptable flow rates for taps should not be in excess of 6 liters per the difference between the two is greater than can be attributable a couple of minutes to complete. minute. Showerheads should not have a higher flow rate than 10 by variable guest numbers and/or irrigation requirement, the water liters per minute. If your figures are higher, you may be wasting a lot manager should investigate possible reasons for this. Please enter your name in the table and add the number of water. Worksheet 9 (Cost Benefit Analysis Plumbing Fixtures) will of guests you have cleaned for and how many towels you help you to identify the savings you can make. Bear in mind that flow found hung up (i.e. you didn't take them for washing). If rates may vary throughout the day depending on other users and you are aware that the guests are leaving the same day distance from supply tank. then please exclude these numbers from the record, as all the laundry is washed at that time.”
28 3 Cost Benefit Analysis This section presents three cost benefit analyses – related to laundry, plumbing fixtures and wastewater treatment systems – available in this manual and accompanying memory stick. Completing these worksheets enables the project manager to have strong arguments for lev- eraging change within the hotel.
30 31 A cost benefit analysis (CBA) considers the money Cost benefit calculations can be applied to any area of saved through implementing a particular measure hotel operations and should be completed as a matter of compared with the cost of putting that measure in place. course prior to any purchasing decisions. This manual The savings can result from reduced bills, less regular considers three water-related CBA calculations as maintenance, lower running costs and extended lifespan follows: of appliances (amongst others) and are expressed per unit of time. Implementation cost refers to material 1. costs savings associated with a towel re-use program purchases, training costs and anything else needed 2. cost savings from replacing inefficient plumbing to get the new system working. These figures are then fixtures compared to generate a payback period, i.e. how long the 3. cost-benefit assessment of installing a wastewater system takes to pay for itself. treatment system Implementation Costs Payback period = Savings Arguments for convincing The CBA allows the water manager to produce a convinc- management ing argument for change within their establishment. Armed with such figures, it is possible to demonstrate a Completing the three worksheets in this section generates purely economic advantage to implementing a particu- a number of figures that allows the user to quantify the lar device, system or technique. cost-benefit of various options (for the existing situation or proposed action). This represents a critical step in decision A soundly calculated CBA may be the reason a sugges- making as numbers often speak louder than words. Consider tion achieves reality where budget constraints may hold the difference in presentation to your manager of the more emphasis than environmental matters. The CBA following: can also take into account the less tangible benefits of a water reduction system, such as the improved supply “I think we should replace our guest showerheads of water to a community further down the pipeline, or with low flow models because they save water” the reduced carbon emissions from less water heating. Whilst this last point is not covered within the context VERSUS of this manual, it is valid to say that reducing your water footprint will achieve cost savings with the added incen- “If we install low flow showerheads tive of environmental and social benefits (even if these we will save 1 million KES (11,662 USD) per year can’t be quantified). Therefore, with the correct figures on our water and power bills, in hand, the water manager is in a very strong position and we’ll also save 50,000 m3 of water to suggest change. which is nearly 10% of our current total” NO Sheet Title Use this sheet to….. data you will need time needed 8 Laundry Cost-Benefit assess the potential data from Worksheets 0.5hrs savings of a towel 1, 4 & 7 or bed sheet re-use program 9 Plumbing fixtures assess the potential data from Worksheets 2hrs Cost-Benefit savings from modified 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 and plumbing fixtures Annex VI 10 Wastewater treatment establish the cost of construction and 0.5hrs (plus external plant Cost-Benefit treating 1m3 of waste running costs of consultation on water and how much existing or proposed system design) this saves you on an system, data from annual basis Worksheets 1, 2 & 6 As the cost benefit is closely associated with measured re-measure flows and double check laundry figures. Any flow rates from Worksheet 5 and figures from Worksheet mistakes made in the data can have ramifications in the 4, it is a valuable exercise to recheck these figures to final results and distort the CBA. ensure absolute accuracy. This means it is essential to
32 33 Cost Benefit Cost Benefit Analysis Cost Benefit Analysis Analysis for Laundry for Plumbing Fixtures Wastewater Treatment (Worksheet 8) (Worksheet 9) System (Worksheet 10) Using data from previous worksheets, this calculation will iden- This sheet calculates how much water could be saved by regulat- Where no sewerage network exists, it is necessary to take steps to tify cost savings associated with reducing the number of towels or ing plumbing fixtures such as taps, showerheads and toilets. As ensure your wastewater is not contaminating the environment. bed sheets that a guest uses during their stay. Laundries operate usage varies throughout the hotel in terms of frequency and This can occur when water which has not undergone sufficient differently between hotels, but most record every wash completed duration, guest and staff fixtures are considered separately. Water treatment is discharged into soak pits, streams, the sea, lakes, etc. (in kilograms) and what it comprises. This is important informa- saving devices will result in a saving of both water (see Worksheet and then causes pollution in the receiving body. This is particu- tion and should be collected if not already done so. 9, Column E) and money (see Worksheet 9, Column F) for those larly problematic for groundwater, as there may be extraction fixtures which are using more than the optimal amount of water wells close by whose water quality is compromised. In Kenya, Providing you know how many towels or sheets comprise a full (industry recommended averages are found in Annex III). For fix- site managers are now required to install a system which has load, you can relate this to number of items per day. Where this tures which utilize hot water, savings will be significantly higher sufficient capability to clean the wastewater to an acceptable level information is already being recorded it may also be logged in a due to the cost of heating water (see Worksheet 3). It is assumed (set by the local regulators) prior to discharge to the environment. spreadsheet that will allow for a more rapid calculation of daily that guests will have hot water for their showers, but the user must The traditional system of using a septic tank and soak pit is and monthly totals. If not, it will be necessary to go through the indicate if employees also have hot water for their showers (insert insufficient to achieve this level. logs and add up all the values. Data required is: “yes” or “no” in the blue box in column A). If you are currently operating a wastewater treatment system, h weight of bath towels laundered per month The user then decides which type of fittings they would like to Worksheet 10 allows you to calculate the cost of treating one cubic h weight of pool towels laundered per month purchase to replace current fixtures. Some suitable fittings with meter of this water. If you are considering installing a system, you h weight of bed sheets laundered per month typical prices for the Mombasa coast are shown in Annex VI. will need to have an idea of type, size and design of the system h weight of total items laundered per month The savings are then compared with the installation costs of new you would be interested in. Wastewater treatment systems come fittings to generate the cost benefit analysis. This is displayed as in many shapes and sizes, some of which are relatively high-tech the payback period, which represents the time it takes for the and fairly compact (often underground) and others which utilize installation cost to be absorbed by the savings. natural processes through constructed wetlands and reed beds, requiring more land but utilizing a more simple technology. All Extrapolating average The user can then assess which option to follow up on based on types of systems should produce water of a quality that is within annual figures the water savings, cost savings and payback period for each of the the so-called “discharge to environment” levels providing they are areas studied (guest rooms, staff facilities, etc.). designed, constructed and operated correctly. Information on dif- If it is not possible to obtain data for the whole year, then using data ferent types of system can be reviewed at http://www.sswm.info/ from a few months will suffice to give a reasonable approximation for category/implementation-tools/wastewater-treatment. Biological the average annual value. Simply extrapolate the values as follows: additives are sometimes used to improve water quality, but these are often not sufficient on their own, they have a relatively high Weight of items laundered on-going cost and their availability cannot be guaranteed in the for time period logged x 12 months long term. Extrapolated total = Number of months the Treated wastewater may be used for irrigation providing its qual- data was logged for ity is within certain guidelines (consult your local regulations). Based on the quantity of irrigation water required, Worksheet 10 So, if you had logged 5,000 kilograms of bath towels laundered over displays the water and cost savings associated with utilizing this three months, you would extrapolate the value of 20,000 kilograms source of water. As it is common for irrigation needs to constitute of bath towels laundered for the year. more than half of a hotel’s water consumption, this represents an extremely effective method of reducing total consumption. The worksheet incorporates existing towel re-use programs that will have been quantified by Worksheet 7. The user then specifies the improved re-use value to see the savings achieved. Encouraging guests to hang up their towels is an easy way to engage them in water saving. They can do something achievable, which also results in significant, tangible cost savings for the hotel. Improved re-use will only be effective if all staff and guests are aware of the program, in particular if guests are verbally informed of the program and have clear signs and information in their rooms. More information on communicating a towel re-use program is explained in Section 6 and Section 7.
You can also read