Kuching ready to welcome cycle enthusiasts - TCEB's virtual expo adds up - TTR Weekly

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Kuching ready to welcome cycle enthusiasts - TCEB's virtual expo adds up - TTR Weekly
VOL 44 • ISSUE 08 • 22-28 March 2021   NEWS FOR ASIA’S TRAVEL PLANNERS   NEWS UPDATES at www.ttrweekly.com

   Kuching ready to welcome
   cycle enthusiasts

TCEB’s virtual expo                       Airbnb tracks Thai               India Tourism
adds up                                   travels during Covid             reconnects in Asean
Kuching ready to welcome cycle enthusiasts - TCEB's virtual expo adds up - TTR Weekly
22-28 March 2021

   TCEB’s virtual expo
   adds up
   TCEB’s first ‘MICE virtual                noted: “Exhibitors at                     time of uncertainty                      that Thailand remains an
   expo gained the registra-                 TCEB’s Thailand MICE                      and separation. It was                   attractive and promising
   tions and fielded high-                   Virtual Expo appreciated                  important for all of us                  destination in our client’s
   content webinars to live                  the opportunity to                        in MICE to continue                      consciousness.”
   up to its billing                         connect with international                building relationships with
                                             buyers during this                        prospective clients so                         Watch on Youtube
   If numbers measure
   success, then Thailand
   Convention and Exhibition
   Bureau foray into virtual
   events was spot on target,
   having logged more
   than 7,700 registered
   participants at the
   inaugural Thailand MICE
   Virtual Expo held 24 to 25
       TCEB claimed an
   attendance of 178 buyers
   who networked online
   with 30 Thai exhibitors
   accounting for 580
   sessions in a post-event
   assessment. The event
   held eight industry
   webinars and eight
   cultural workshops on
   the sidelines. Overall
   registration reached
   7,755 from 33 countries
       TCEB president, Chiruit
   Isarangkun Na Ayuthaya,

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TTR Weekly is a controlled circulation newspaper for the travel industry specialising in Thailand and the Mekong region. Published every Wednesday, alternatively in
English, the publication is distributed free to travel agents. Available on subscription outside this qualifying category. Published by Ross Publishing Ltd.

Managing editor: Don Ross: donr@ttrweekly.com

EDITORIAL: news@rossttr.com                              MARKETING: sales@ttrweekly.com                                      PRODUCTION:
Editor: Don Ross                                         Content editor: Danai Stephen Ross                                  Creative director: Danai Stephen Ross
                                                         Publishing director: Lars Magnusson                                 Graphics: Suradej Chatsomsiri,
                                                                                                                                       Kamolapat Sriveriwan

                                    Ross Publishing Ltd. 92/347 Moo 2, Lak Hok, Muang, Pathumtanee 12000 Tel: 66(0) 896 882 289.
                                                         Email: ttrw@ttrweekly.com Website: www.ttrweekly.com
Kuching ready to welcome cycle enthusiasts - TCEB's virtual expo adds up - TTR Weekly
22-28 March 2021

Airbnb tracks Thai
travels during Covid
Meaningful vacations with family         majority of respondents are willing    travel as the pandemic continues
and friends to define Thai domestic      to spend THB5,000 to 15,000 on         to limit mass travel. We believe
travel in 2021: Airbnb.                  travel this year, with respondents     that Thais’ strong desire to connect
                                         aged 55+ comprising the largest        with their loved ones in affordable,
Thais want to reconnect with family      group willing to spend more than       family-friendly destinations will
and friends, enjoy short getaways,       THB50,000.                             serve as a driving force for domestic
and seek affordable and safe travel         Quick getaways and nature           tourism recovery, especially with
in places close to nature this 2021,     retreats are likely to gain traction   key travel moments like Songkran
according to Airbnb’s Meaningful         this year. When polled about           on the horizon. Travel is resilient
Travel Trends Survey 2021.               the ideal duration for their next      and will bounce back, and we are
   Compiled in cooperation with the                                             dedicated to supporting Thailand’s
global data analytics firm YouGov,                                              domestic and international tourism
the survey explores the travel                                                  recovery in the long term,” said
preferences and behaviours of Thais                                             Airbnb general manager Southeast
during 2021 during the ongoing                                                  Asia, Hong Kong and Taiwan,
COVID-19 pandemic.*                                                             Amanpreet Bajaj.
   Travel with immediate family                                                    Last year, an Oxford Economics
emerged as the top reason for                                                   report, titled The Economic Impact of
domestic travel amongst Thais.                                                  Airbnb in Thailand, found that Airbnb
The pandemic appears to have
strengthened the ties of families,
with 68% of all respondents saying
they felt more connected with their
families while staying at home and
less connected to their friends.
This was reflected in their choice of
travel companions, with almost half
(47%) saying they plan to travel with
immediate family for their first trip,
followed by couple vacations, solo
vacations and then group vacations
with friends.
   Thais are also seeking affordable
and safe travel options that make
them feel at home. Respondents
ranked affordability as the top
consideration that will shape            domestic trip, 74% of respondents      remained a valuable pillar of the
their choice of travel destinations      indicated they were keen to travel     local economy in 2019, contributing
and accommodations this year.            between one to three nights. They      THB43.7 billion to Thailand’s gross
Promotions and discounts on              also sought domestic destinations      domestic product (GDP) and
accommodation were vital factors         that were close to nature and          supporting over 113,300 local
along with reasonable travel fares.      with good weather. Sustainable         jobs in Thailand alone. The report
   Accommodation options that            travel is another priority, with 73%   highlighted how Airbnb could play a
provide personal touches and a           saying they often consider the         key role to rejuvenate Thai tourism,
sense of feeling at home came in         environment and sustainability         support local communities and create
a close second, followed by health       when choosing destinations and         tens of thousands of local jobs.
and safety considerations (Covid-19      accommodations.                           *Airbnb and YouGov surveyed
situation on the ground, local health       “2021 will see a shift toward       a total of 2037 Thais between 4-8
and safety protocols etc.). The          more meaningful and purposeful         February 2021.
Kuching ready to welcome cycle enthusiasts - TCEB's virtual expo adds up - TTR Weekly
22-28 March 2021

Kuching gets ready to
welcome cyclists
As we prepare for travel to reopen,      up close.                                   Beaches
Sarawak ticks all the boxes for the        For newcomers to the cycling            • Jay Blakeney, a Retired Canadian
post-Covid era with trending green       holiday craze, Kuching is the perfect       Forest Engineer and avid
tours, nature and family travel.                                                     outdoors-man, shares seven
                                                                                     unique routes on Sarawak’s back
Travel to Kuching, the capital of                                                    roads and beaches.
Sarawak State, Malaysia, is closed                                                 • Ah Pek Biker – Old Dog Rides
to international travellers, but                                                     Again
educated guesses suggest it only                                                   • Check out this blog to read about
                                                                                     his exciting cycling adventures
                                                                                     around the world, including
                                                                                     Kuching. It also has a lot of useful
                                                                                     information about taking bikes
                                         starting point to introduce a family        on planes (which airlines charge
                                         to easy and pain-free cycling               and which ones don’t) and tips
                                         routes and tours. You can explore           such as tools not to be carried in
                                         scenic routes at your own pace or           hand luggage.
                                         in a group led by an experienced
                                         guide. Both options are available            For a finely tuned cycle holiday
                                         in Kuching. If you are feeling a little   led by a professional cycle tour
                                         apprehensive at the thought of            company, check out the companies
                                         riding a bike in a Malaysian city,        below.
                                         fret not because Sarawakians are          - Paradesa Borneo, Wayang Street,
                                         the most considerate drivers in           93000 Kuching, Sarawak.
                                         Malaysia. Start on the riverside          Phone: 082-238801
                                         boulevard and then explore the            Email: info@paradesaborneo.com
                                         lanes leading from the river to              Paradesa Borneo offers various
months away from reopening as            Chinatown or cross the river to           local cycling day tours as well as
vaccination programmes around the        explore Malay villages.                   multi-day tours, which can be
world begin to make an impact.              Here is a list of tour operators       between three to 15 days
   Surveys that monitor the latest       offering a range of guided tours.
trends in trip bookings favour           Check them out and start early            - Semadang Adventure
green experiences, nature and            preparing for the day when family         1st Floor, Batu Kawah New
family adventure in the post-Covid       holidays to Malaysia and particularly     Township, Jalan Batu Kawah, 93250
era. That could be good news for         Sarawak are back on track.                Kuching, Sarawak
Kuching’s cycle tour companies that                                                Phone: 010-63096899; 013-
are suffering almost zero business       Cycling resources penned                  8042118
at present.                                                                        Email: info@semadangkayak.com
   Cycling tours of the ‘Land of         by fellow cyclists
the Hornbills’ are promoted on                                                        In addition to mountain biking,
the state’s tourism website www.         • Bikemap, Bikemap is an online           Semadang Adventure also features
sarawaktourism.com highlighting            platform where cyclists from            kayaking, caving and bamboo
curated rides to heritage sites,           all around the world share              rafting adventures while also
quaint, rural villages alongside           their cycling routes. Currently,        offering mixed packages such as the
dense jungles, mighty rivers and           there are more than 60 routes           Semadang Kayaking & Mountain
mountains often shrouded in mist.          in Kuching, with another 17 in          Biking expedition.
   A cycling tour’s slow pace is ideal     places like Miri and Sibu.                 For the full report visit https://
for visitors to witness Sarawak’s        • 7 Routes to Ride on Western             sarawaktourism.com/story/a-
unique wildlife, nature and culture        Sarawak’s Back Roads and                bicycle-travellers-guide-to-kuching/
Kuching ready to welcome cycle enthusiasts - TCEB's virtual expo adds up - TTR Weekly
22-28 March 2021
Kuching ready to welcome cycle enthusiasts - TCEB's virtual expo adds up - TTR Weekly
22-28 March 2021

India Tourism
reconnects in Asean
India Tourism Reconnects webinars       Kumaran, Ambassador of India             industry will bounce back, she
and networking sessions build con-      to the Philippines, presented the        noted.
fidence among stakeholders as they      opening remarks, identifying the            The final event in the series, 18
prepare to reopen travel.               huge fascination and admiration for      March, focused on tourism to India
                                                                                                  from Singapore,
The India Tourism office, Singapore,                                                              reaching out to travel
organised a series of Webinars,                                                                   trade stakeholders.
India Tourism Reconnects for a B2B                                                                H.E. Shri P. Kumaran,
audience in the key ASEAN markets                                                                 High Commissioner
of The Philippines, Malaysia and                                                                  of India to Singapore,
Singapore.                                                                                        elaborated on
   The events reached out to                                                                      the potential and
stakeholders in key markets                                                                       opportunities that
and initiating conversations and                                                                  could be tapped to
discussions once the reopening                                                                    attract discerning
of markets gets underway.                                                                         Singaporean
                                                                                 travellers once the tourism traffic
                                                                                    During each of the webinars,
                                                                                 India Tourism Singapore recognised
                                                                                 that while normal international
                                                                                 travel had still to resume, there had
                                                                                 been an upswing in the confidence
                                                                                 of domestic travellers in India over
                                                                                 the last few months and several
                                                                                 destinations had once more seen a
                                                                                 high volume of domestic tourists.
                                                                                    Presentations were also given
                                                                                 by representatives of Indian luxury
                                                                                 hotel groups such as The Taj and
                                                                                 the Oberoi, as well as the Indian
                                                                                 Association of Tour Operators on
Participation involved the respective   Indian culture, food as well as the      the various steps taken by the
Indian Missions, India Tourism          holistic Indian way of healthcare,       tourism industry in India during the
and the private stakeholders            including Ayurveda and Yoga.             pandemic and their preparations for
representing specific tourism               More than 60 members of the          receiving foreign tourists once the
products.                               Malaysian travel trade interacted        borders reopen.
    Following the webinars, 17          with around 17 sellers from India           Over 300 virtual meetings
seller-participants from India,         during the second virtual B2B and        convened between Indian
which included state tourism            webinar session on 16 March 2021.        and foreign tour operators
departments, leading Indian hotels      The Deputy High Commissioner             and stakeholders during the
and destination management              of India to Malaysia, Archana Nair       series prompting participating
companies, interacted with the local    stated that the timely initiative of     organisations to express confidence
trade in one-to-one B2B sessions.       the webinar would serve to attract       that the webinars had successfully
    The series kick-started with the    Malaysian visitors to India as and       reconnected stakeholders and taken
first webinar cum B2B session for       when travel resumes. As the world        business relationships forward.
the Philippines travel industry,        emerges from the pandemic, there
11 March. H.E. Shri Shambhu S.          is a definite optimism that the travel      http://www.incredibleindia.org/
Kuching ready to welcome cycle enthusiasts - TCEB's virtual expo adds up - TTR Weekly
Kuching ready to welcome cycle enthusiasts - TCEB's virtual expo adds up - TTR Weekly
22-28 March 2021

                   The Best Tropical
                        Karst Island
                       in the World

                      Naturally Inspired: Langkawi
Kuching ready to welcome cycle enthusiasts - TCEB's virtual expo adds up - TTR Weekly Kuching ready to welcome cycle enthusiasts - TCEB's virtual expo adds up - TTR Weekly
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