Page created by Clara Nichols

Issue III - Spring • March 2021 - May 2021 • Purim & Pesach 5781/2021



In This Issue
    Rabbi                              FEATURED ARTICLES
    Aaron Flanzraich
    rabbi@bethsholom.net               4    Rabbi Aaron Flanzraich
    Cantor                             6    Cantor Eric Moses                    16   Jewish “Spring” Cleaning
    Eric Moses
                                       8    President                            17   Passover Observances
    Parnas                                  Abe Glowinsky
                                                                                 19   Lag Ba’Omer
    Jeff Green
    jeff@bethsholom.net                10   Executive Director                        Yom Hazikaron
                                            Stephanie Krasman
    Executive Director                                                           20   Yom Ha’atzmaut
    Stephanie Krasman                  12   Programs & Education
    stephanie@bethsholom.net                                                     20   My Rendezvous with Fate
                                            Alexa Abergel
                                                                                      Lisa Kaufman
    Director of Programs & Education
    Alexa Rubin Abergel                                                          22   Yom HaShoah

    Accounting Manager                 SHOLOM KIDS
    Tatjana Kacina
    tatjana@bethsholom.net             12   Say Cheese!
                                            SholomKids Photos
    Marketing & Communications
    Manager                            13   Purim Carnival
    Deborah Bhonkar
    deborah@bethsholom.net             14   Purim at Beth Sholom
    Special Events & Program Manager   15   Pesach Camp
    Jenn Ferman

    Accounting Analyst
    Athena Kay                         CHESED & COMMITTEES

    Membership Engagement & High
                                       5    One More Candle
    Holy Day Coordinator
    Victoria Mesihayev
                                       9    Annual General Meeting
                                       9    Nominations Committee
    Programs & Education Coordinator
    Fargana Sarmasova                  11   Kosher Food Bank
    fargana@bethsholom.net                  Michelle Berman & Margaret Lindzon

    Ritual & Bookings Coordinator      19   Yizkor Book Order Form
    Vered Yalinewitz
                                       22   Out of the Cold
    Office Administrator                    Rafi Aaron
    Marnie Packman

    Facilities Manager
    Jorge Hernandez

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Inspiration is a funny thing because you       where the Israelites leave Egypt and cross       of Eastern European Jews were fleeing
never know where it will lead you!             a miraculously parted Red sea. Franklin          persecution, violence and the horror of
                                               wanted the image of “…Moses standing             the Kishinev pogrom. Ginsburg read these
Turn over the American dollar bill and         on the shore, and extending his hand             words from the Torah:
we find what is called “The Great Seal”        over the sea, thereby causing the same
– a Bald Eagle above the Latin words “E        to overwhelm Pharaoh who is sitting in
Pluribus Unim”. In 1776, after declaring       an open chariot; a crown on his head and
independence from Britain, the Continental     a sword in his hand.” Around the image
Congress announced the call for a seal which   were these words: Rebellion To Tyrants Is
would be on official correspondences,          Obedience To God. The image of Moses
currency and government buildings. The         leading the Israelites over the Red Sea          Then Moses sang this song – and the
history of that seal tells us not only about   shows how powerful and how influential           Israelites - to the L-RD. They said: I will
America, but a great deal about the Jews,      the Exodus narrative is! Thomas Jefferson        sing to the L-RD, for He has triumphed
and the beautiful Holy Day of Passover that    loved Franklin’s submission so much that         gloriously.
we will soon be celebrating.                   he added it onto his family’s Coat of Arms.
                                               As fate would have it, Jefferson had Jewish
After the call went out, a number of           grandchildren.                                   This is the moment Benjamin Franklin
submissions were offered, each by                                                               sought to immortalize in this image for
Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and              One of the threats to our message is the         the Great Seal and Ginsburg wrote these
Thomas Jefferson. We will soon come to         very fact that we see, hear and experience       words:
know how each of these men had an              it so often. After all, any miracle seen over
inspired and deep relationship with the        and over again, ceases to be one. From an        “’Then Moses sang’...in this hour of
story of the Jews.                             early age, we have been hearing the story        happiness Moses’s heart overflows with
                                               of an Exodus from Egypt; of G-d’s will to        emotion and pours itself out in song. What
Thomas Jefferson was a graduate of Yale        have us free; of our people not being freed      he doesn’t know is that he is just at the
Divinity School (the pre-cursor to today’s     but redeemed to a purpose that would             beginning of his journey, he doesn’t yet
Yale University), where he learned Hebrew.     span thousands of years and millions of          know that his most difficult task is yet
This led him wanting Hebrew                            souls; and an unbreakable belief         ahead of him…”
to be the official language                            that we “were meant” to be here.
of the United States, which                            We hear, read, and celebrate this        This past year has been profoundly difficult,
is not surprising given the                            message over and over again to           and at times a shocking and frightening
fact that Yale’s Coat of Arms                          the point that it becomes so, …          one. But Pesach and Ginsburg’s words
is in Hebrew. Jefferson’s                              how would I put it, normal? But          remind us that the work of building our
submission for the “Great                              this year, as we gather around our       lives and the world around us is a continual
Seal” was an image of the                              Pesach Seders, I want to ask that        one. The vaccines shall come and the world
Israelites wandering the                               you see it with a fresh set of eyes.     will re-open. And while it may appear to us
Sinai desert, guided by the                            Because there is little that is normal   that the most difficult part is over perhaps
“Divine Cloud”, mentioned                              to be found in the story of our          it lays ahead of us. Like our ancestors, it will
in the Torah. His inspiration was in the       people. Remind yourself that just as it          be found in what we do with our renewed
idea that as the Israelites wandered before    gave inspiration to Adams, Jefferson and         freedom, our safety, and the gift of sharing
arriving to their Promised Land, so too did    Franklin, imagine what it could do for you       time with our family and friends. Passover,
the American Colonies. They would need         and your family! It is for this reason, the      and the countless people who have been
to be patient, trust in the righteousness of   ancient Rabbis commanded, that we recall         inspired by its story, tells us the answer is
their cause and know G-d would eventually      the Exodus from Egypt twice a day; in hope       found in living bravely. To bravely give. To
lead them to safety and peace.                 you could find the greatness in yourself!        bravely love and accept. To bravely make
                                                                                                the very most of the blessings we are
Ben Franklin’s submission                             A hundred years ago, the Ukrainian        surrounded with.
is even more connected                                Jew turned Zionist writer and poet
to our story. Many are the                            Asher Ginsburg (better known by           Chag Sameach!
stories of wandering people                           his pen name Ahad Ha’am) also
arriving to a new home                                thought about Moses, and the              Rabbi Aaron Flanzraich •
(the founding myths of                                story of the Jews. He pondered
Rome, Thebes, to name just                            the inspiration it has given to the
a few). But Franklin would                            past, and cast an eye to placing the
design a seal that captures                           story in the moment he was living
the penultimate moment                                in. It was the moment of Herzlian
of Pesach. The moment                                 Zionism; the moment millions

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It’s Groundhog Day Again!
One of my favourite movies is Groundhog           Hashem. In truth, if people only davened        greets everyone after a long day at work.
Day. It’s about a cynical television              to praise G-d, they likely wouldn’t daven       Shul life also lends itself to gathering and
weatherman (Bill Murray) covering                 at all. The rabbinic premise is that human      greeting our regulars at Beth Sholom. On
the annual Groundhog Day event in                 beings are inherently self-absorbed and         any given day our esteemed President
Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, who                   needy. The Amidah (also known as the            “Abey” (Glowinsky) or “Big G” (Goldenberg)
becomes trapped in a time loop forcing            shemona esrei) is built upon 19 different       are similarly welcomed upon their arrival
him to relive February 2nd repeatedly.            blessings. What is noteworthy is that in        at shul.
(Sound like your daily schedule yet?)             the 13 middle brachot, we ask for things.
Groundhog Day is derived from the                 The Rabbis in the Talmudic era instituted       As our 2021 reality sequel to “Groundhog
Pennsylvania Dutch superstition that if           the regular prayer routine as we know it        Day” seems to continue with no imminent
a groundhog emerging from its burrow              today that includes shacharit, mincha and       end in sight, I encourage you to connect
on this day sees its shadow due to clear          maariv. However, it is considered a Torah       with your synagogue community remotely
weather, it will retreat to its den and winter    obligation to pray at least once per day.                      by Zoom and YouTube Live.
will persist for six more weeks; but if it does                                                                  If you are a regular davenor,
not see its shadow because of cloudiness,         In our community, prayer and attending                         you may find yourself
spring will arrive early. Given the alternate     a minyan serve another purpose as well.                        juxtaposed between two
reality we are living in, a little Groundhog      In addition to all of                                          distinct areas of prayer –
Day superstition may be what is in order.
After all, it seems like day after day is the
                                                  the above, it brings
                                                  likeminded         people    “...connect with                  kevah and kavanah. The
                                                                                                                 first is to recite a prayer out
same. The COVID numbers are up, the
vaccinations are down, and Trump is being
                                                  together and creates
                                                  new,        meaningful      your synagogue                     of mindless obligation with
                                                                                                                 little regard for the words.
impeached…again!                                  relationships.
                                                  by      Zoom,
                                                                       which       community...”                 The second is to recite a
                                                                                                                 prayer with great intent
This concept of sameness is not exclusive to      admittedly is not ideal,                                       for what you are saying. In
Bill Murray in the movie, and his repeated        our minyans encourage                                          practice, you need both – a
attempts to “get it right” so that he will        an important communal feeling that we           daily dose of routine combined with a
not have to relive February 2nd over and          are all part of something much larger. The      meaningful recitation of the words.
over again. In truth, it is an area which         power of reciting ancient prayers (which
has troubled Jews engaged in prayer for           may often feel long and irrelevant), along      The tremendous lay leadership of our
hundreds of years. If you are a regular                             with others, provides a       synagogue, professional staff, Rabbi
davenor, the words of the daily recitation                          much stronger feeling         Flanzraich and I are here for you every step
of the Amidah, Aleinu, Ashrei, Shema don’t                          of     connection.    The     of this long journey. As we have often said,
change from service to service. As a result,                        synagogue is an important     Beth Sholom is a large synagogue with
davening is one of the                                              link between our past, our    a warm, family feeling where “everybody
most difficult mitzvot.
How is it possible            “The synagogue                       present and our future.
                                                                   I believe most of our
                                                                                                  knows your name.” We are always open to
                                                                                                  exploring new ways we can meaningfully
to get motivated to
recite prayers which           is an important                     congregants would agree,
                                                                   otherwise they would no
                                                                                                  bring synagogue life into your home
                                                                                                  during these dark winter months. If we
seem overly repetitive
and mundane? In the                     link ...”                  longer choose to belong to
                                                                   a synagogue.
                                                                                                  can help you in any way, please don’t
                                                                                                  hesitate to reach out anytime. After all,
spirit of answering the                                                                           our synagogue community is only as vital
question, I want to                                               The camaraderie of shul         as our members. While we are missing the
provide you with some background about            often reminds me of “Cheers”, one of my         critical ingredient of being together, you
prayer and why we pray at all.                    favourite television shows from the 1980s.      can rest assured that this really longwinded
                                                  The show is set in a bar named Cheers           “Cantor’s repetition of the Amidah” will
According to Jewish law (halacha),                Beacon Hill in Boston, Massachusetts,           one day end.
everyone is obligated to pray since our           where a group of locals meet to drink, relax,
sages considered it essential to ask G-d for      and socialize. The show’s main theme song
mercy, kindness and assistance. Nobody            lends its refrain “Where Everybody Knows
is exempt, except for a person during             Your Name” as the show’s catchphrase.
aninut (the period of time between the            Anyone familiar with the show will
death of a loved one and his/her burial).         recognize the warmth of the entire bar
The point of davening is to connect with          calling out “Norm” as he walks in and           Cantor Eric Moses •

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ABE GLOWINSKY                                                                                                                                                                                                     BETH SHOLOM COMMUNITY

PRESIDENT                                                                                                                                         ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING
As we approach spring and with it, Passover,      early meetings was the Unsung Heroes            meaningfully to the warmth of our daily
                                                                                                                                                           This year, our Annual General Meeting will take place on
I’m reminded of the ritual of reciting Yizkor,
which we do four times annually. One of
                                                  Breakfast, which was intended to honour
                                                  Minyanairres that went out of their way to
                                                                                                  Minyan.                                                             Tuesday, June 8, 2021 at 7:30 pm.
these four recitations falls on the last day      attend our Minyan regularly ensuring those      Since the “reboot” of the Beth Sholom
of Passover. While we, at Beth Sholom             who were saying Kaddish had (at least) the      Minyan, our reputation of being the shul
never had any issues getting a Minyan for         requisite ten people. This, as you know, is a   that could not guarantee an evening
Yizkor, saying Kaddish at other times in          mitzvah and we wanted to recognize these        minyan became one that was a warm,

                                                                                                                                                      NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE
the year had presented problems for us            exceptional members.                            friendly, and welcoming congregation.
in getting a Minyan. Unfortunately, many                                                                                   It is no surprise
congregations throughout the world, and           Recently, we celebrated our 10th                                         that over time, as
even in our very own city, are unable to          annual Unsung Heroes Event, where                                        our new found
consistently form a Minyan, which presents        we honoured Nathan Rapoport                                              reputation grew
a problem for mourners looking to say             and Allan Cheskes. Nathan has                                            by word of mouth,    The Nominations Committee has begun its work for the 2021 – 2023 term, beginning this June.
Kaddish for a loved one whom has passed.          been a long-time member of Beth                                          new      mourners
                                                  Sholom Synagogue with a deep                                             and faces arrived
I recall many years ago, Beth Sholom had          commitment to our services. His                                          at our doors. At      If you would like to put your name forward for a two-year position on the Board of Governors,
trouble attracting a Minyan to say Kaddish        warmth, sense of humour, and                                             first, they came
in the afternoons. I was                                           penchant        to                                      to say Kaddish for                         please email the Chair of the Nominations committee,
drawn to the Minyan after                                          comfort the newly                                       loved ones due to                    Abe Glowinsky at abe.glowinsky@incredibleclothing.com.
my mother passed away                                              bereaved have made him         the synagogues convenient location, on
in 2008. While davening                                            an invaluable member to        their way downtown; but inevitably, many
daily was a new experience
for me, I was somewhat
                                                                   our daily Minyan. Allan is
                                                                   not only a regular to our
                                                                                                  of those new faces became members of
                                                                                                  our synagogue and found a home, which
                                                                                                                                                       The nominations period closes Thursday, April 29, 2021.
frustrated by the lack                                             daily services but also        they attribute to the camaraderie they
of     participation     and                                       a past president of the        discovered in the Minyan. We have evolved
our somewhat frequent                                              shul. He also created an       from humble beginnings into a staple in
inability to form a Minyan.
In the following months,
a few of the “regulars” decided to form a
committee and launch initiatives to ensure
                                                                   amazing program, called
                                                                   “The Jewish Influence on
                                                  American Music”, which began in person
                                                  and pivoted to an online forum. The
                                                                                                  the culture of the shul. This is a badge of
                                                                                                  honour for Beth Sholom Synagogue.

                                                                                                  Our Minyan community continues to
                                                                                                                                                                             YASHER KOACH
that we had a Minyan every evening. And           program, which runs approximately twice         grow and grow, and each new member            Yasher Koach to our Executive Director, Stephanie Krasman, on being nominated to serve
thus was born the Minyan Committee. In            each month, consistently has more than          is welcomed with open arms and warm
those early days, we called, cajoled, offered     one hundred viewers per session from all        smiles. I have great pride in what we have      on the NAASE (North American Association of Synagogue Executives) Board of
incentives (like free High Holy Day seats),       over North America. He has also been active     accomplished in only ten short years,         Governors for the 2021 – 2023 term. NAASE is a Jewish membership organization serving
had a “Prayer-O-Plan” program, and even           in our Out of the Cold program, especially      how we have come together during the
auctioned trips to Israel. Slowly but surely,     its Art Show, which was conceived by Allan      extremely challenging times in 2020-2021,         the professional needs of executives of Conservative synagogues across North America.
we revived Beth Sholom’s Minyan and               and Bayla’s daughter, Melanie. Additionally,    and the bright direction we will enjoy led
we have never looked back. Today, albeit          Allan sits on several committees at             by our past and future Unsung Heroes.
virtually, we attract 25-45 “Minyanairres” at     the synagogue. Nathan and Allan are
every service.                                    appreciated and inspiring additions to our      Abe Glowinsky •

                                                                                                                                                                      MEMBERSHIP POOL
                                                  list of honourees.
One of the best ideas borne out of our            Each of these individuals added

                                                 Past Unsung Heroes include:
2011                        2013                          2015                        2017                        2019
                                                                                                                                                Renew your membership by Friday, March 26, 2021 so that your
Jack Bouganim               Sheila Kirshenblatt           Gordon Krofchick            Don Epstein                 Michael Gangel                name can be entered into the Membership 2021 Contribution Pool.
Jonason Glanc               Jerry Goldenberg              Marshall Folk               Alan Zelunka                Ari Levyz”l                                                                                                And
Albert Hechtz”l                                                                                                   Dr. Michael Weinstockz”l                                                                                       th
                                                                                                                                                On Thursday, April 1, 2021, the clergy will select one Household at          mem e lucky
2012                        2014                          2016                        2018                                                      random to receive FREE Membership for 2021.                                       ber i
Zoltan Freemanz”l           Barry Fleisherz”l             Sterling Spears             Bayla Cheskes                                                                                                                                     s...
Avron Shorez”l              Oscar Gruberz”l               Dr. Jeffrey Weinberg        Lisa Richman
                                                                                      Lorynne Schreiber                                         *Members of the Board of Governors are not eligible to win.

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STEPHANIE KRASMAN                                                                                                                               ‫חסד‬KHesed/
                                                                                                                                                    • CHE·SED                                                                      BETH SHOLOM CHESED PROGRAMS

                                                                                                                                                                            KOSHER FOOD BANK
                                                                                                                                                    loving kindness the

                                                                                                                                                      attribute of grace,
                                                                                                                                                        benevolence, or

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      MARGARET LINDZON & MICHELLE BERMAN
MEMBER OF VALOR                                                                                                                                  Chag Purim Samayach! We continue to meet         the buying event and spoke with media. We      clients have come to look forward to these
This month (Nisan) shall be for you the          ‘member engagement’ as a key part of her         I had so many one-on-one coffee dates          the food insecurity needs of our                          are very grateful recipients.         special bags filled with additional non-
chief of the months, the first it shall be for   portfolio. Victoria and I will work together     with students that caffeine ran through my     clients on a weekly basis. It is very                                                                        perishable food items every
                                                                                                                                                 rewarding to know that a year                             Additionally, Beth Tzedec                          year.
you of the months of the year, the month of      to create strategies and initiatives that will   veins! We brought small groups of students
                                                                                                                                                 into this pandemic we continue                            Congregation, UJA Genesis,
spring. On the 14th day of the spring months,    hopefully make our members know how              together with like-interests and micro-        to operate despite the many                               and Apex Kosher Catering                           As we celebrate Purim,
being the month of your deliverance from         much we care!                                    communities were born.                         challenges facing us.                                     have come together to provide                      Passover, and life events, we
bondage. And this day shall be for you a                                                                                                                                                                   warm meals to our clients for                      hope that you will consider
day of commemoration: you shall celebrate        You will recognize many of the little            These strategies, tweaked somewhat for         We are extremely grateful to                              three consecutive Wednesday                        donating to the Kosher Food
it as a feast throughout your generations,       things we have done in the past, and will        synagogue life, can be implemented in the      the many congregants and                                  mornings in February.       We                     Bank so that we may continue
as a commandment forever, for on this very       continue to do: such as mailing birthday         context of our work. When members feel         community members who have                                appreciate their efforts on                        to service our clients.
day your hosts left Egypt. Today you have        and anniversary cards; sending flowers or        passionate about their community, that         donated monies and food to our                            behalf of our clients and their
become a nation. (Exodus, chapter 12)            a plant to those in hospital or recovering                        they have an important        fund. Over the Chanukah season                            outreach at this time of need. We     Happy Purim!
                                                 from illness; recognizing Jewish life-cycle                       place in it, and peers        we received donations from                                also received a large donation
                                                                                                                                                 many families to honour the season. We           of adult and youth face masks from UJA,        Maraget Lindzon & Michelle Berman
The exodus of the Israelites from Egypt was      milestones in our quarterly bulletins;                            they connect with – this
                                                                                                                                                 were also recipients of a large donation of      which we were able to to distribute during     Co-Chairs, Beth Sholom Kosher Food Bank.
no doubt a rebirth, a revival or renewal of      gifting baby baskets to our new parents;                          too deepens member            food items from Freeman Real                                    December and January.
life. The month of Nisan, in Israel, at least    and giving our                                                     engagement.                  Estate Ltd., Brokerage. COVID-
(there was SNOW last year in Toronto             emerging adults
into May!) – is spring time. Everything is       gifts of Judaica             “...members feel                     Although I fear we are not
                                                                                                                                                 19 gathering restrictions
                                                                                                                                                 prevented them from giving
                                                                                                                                                                                                               We extend a warm thank you
                                                                                                                                                                                                               to the teachers and students
a bloom, fresh, and new. There is wonder,        on becoming                                                       yet close to a time when      away their annual turkey                                      at The Beth Sholom First
and hope – what will this new year bring?        Bnei Mitzvah.               passionate about                      we can get together for       donation. In response, they
                                                                                                                                                 generously donated non-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Their annual
                                                                                                                   a coffee, I do have many
So too, for Beth Sholom, this time of
year brings renewal – although one of a
                                                 While for now,
                                                 we cannot be
                                                                           their community,...”                    personal and meaningful
                                                                                                                   conversations on the
                                                                                                                                                 perishable food items to our
                                                                                                                                                 food bank and holiday meals
                                                                                                                                                                                                               tradition     of    providing
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Mishloach Manot for our
                                                                                                                                                 to other organizations. Rabbi                                 clients in hand decorated
different kind: membership renewal! Every        together        in                                                phone with members.
                                                                                                                                                 Flanzraich and David Krieger participated in     bags is a wonderful gift to our clients. Our
household that renews by March 26th has          our building, we must find creative ways         Which will have to do for now. But just
the chance to win free membership for the        of honouring our members. Later in this          like with the melting snow and the slow

This year, one of my goals is to focus on
                                                 edition of the Kol Sholom, you will notice
                                                 a new section recognizing membership
                                                 milestones – members who have been
                                                                                                  budding of spring, I am hopeful that on our
                                                                                                  horizon we will be able to sit over a cup of
                                                                                                                                                                                HOW YOU CAN HELP!
member engagement. Every member                  part of our community for 10 years, 20
brings such value to our                         years, 30 years, and so on. Additionally, this   Stephanie Krasman •                                                                                                    MONETARY DONATIONS
community, a richness and a                      past Chanukah, we created personalized                                                                                                                                  Monetary donations allow us to continue providing the staple items
diversity of interests, thoughts,                gift baskets of goodies delivered to                                                                                                                                    weekly to our community. Donations can be made online at www.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         bethsholom.net or by contacting the synagogue office.
and ideas. Whether someone                       every new member household. And at Tu
comes a few times a year, or                                           B’Shvat our very own
participates on a very regular                                         Jewish      Education
basis – everyone has much          “Every member                       Dream            Team;                                                                                                                            KOSHER NON-PERISHABLE FOOD ITEMS
to offer. The leadership, the                                          Alexa and Fargana,                                                                                                                                Our Food Bank is always in need of Kosher non-perishable food items.
clergy, and the office staff       brings such                         delivered 100 boxes                                                                                                                               Most needed items are; tuna, canned veggies and fruit, tomato sauce,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         dry pasta, macaroni & cheese, cereal and soup mix.
strive to create a community,                                          of seedlings and
a place where every voice
counts and matters.
                                   value to our                        creative art projects
                                                                       to our young families.

Simply      put,     member
                                   community,...”                     Member engagement
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         CENTERPEICE DONATIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Add an element of chesed to your next simcha. Consider creating a
engagement is the “ongoing                                            is not only about                                                                                                                                  centerpeice filled with items that can be donated to the Kosher Food
interaction between a member and an              showering you with gifts and recognition!                                                                 KOSHER
organization in exchange for meaningful          It is also about community building, and
value”.                                          relationship building – two sides of the                                                                FOOD BANK
                                                 same coin. I draw on my previous years of                                                                                                                               GUEST GIFT DONATIONS
We want our members to feel Valued.              professional work experience on campus                                                                                                                                  Add an element of chesed to your next simcha. Consider creating a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         centerpeice filled with items that can be donated to the Kosher Food
Important. Celebrated.                           with Hillel of Greater Toronto. We used
                                                 specific strategies to build meaningful
Beth Sholom’s position of Membership             relationships; active listening techniques
Coordinator, newly filled by Victoria
Mesihayev, has expanded to include
                                                 and gentle inquiry to encourage
                                                 conversation and sharing. Over the years
                                                                                                                                                                            TOGETHER WE ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE!
                                                                                                                                                                    Donate at www.bethsholom.net or contact info@bethsholom.net to get details on how to make your donation.
10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          11

As the Purim and Pesach season                  this time. Rather than looking longingly        are still physically separated, I am mentally
approaches, I reflect on a year that has        towards what once was, I look back and          preparing for this new time. A time of
been so life changing in so many ways.          see a real lack of gratitude. In fact, we       gathering and caring and simcha. An
We reflect on a year that has been full of      took so many of our freedoms- to gather,        exodus from our current reality.
challenges, and also many opportunities         to celebrate, to pray, to work, to learn- for
for learning and growth. Personally, this       granted. And despite our feelings of loss,      In the meantime, I invite our families
season marks one year as a mother to            I know better than to think that our best       to familiarize themselves with our
my beautiful son, James, and despite our        times are behind us. In fact, I know that the   programming        calendar    at     www.
current circumstances, I am counting my         best days lie ahead. Not only will we once      BethSholom.net. We offer a variety of
blessings. That said, many families are         again gather to embrace the beauties of         weekly virtual learning programs for adults,
experiencing great difficulty and sadness       Jewish life, we will do so with new found       memorable online holiday programs for
right now- schools are closed, many have        gratitude.                                      youth and families, even an exciting virtual
lost their jobs, there are no extracurricular                                                   camp. And of course, SholomLearning
activities, and even our SholomLearning         So in a world where Jewish holidays may         is also open for the business of Jewish
Hebrew School, a gathering hub for so           have been a second (or third) thought           learning, be it in-person, online, or
many Sholom Kids, has moved entirely            in the minds of many, I believe that we         outdoors (however and when it is safe).
online. I know that many are grieving the       are in for a whole new time of Jewish
loss of the pre-COVID life we were living       enthusiasm. Our community is craving            Wishing our families a happy Purim and a
one year ago.                                   social interaction, craving togetherness,       meaningful and kosher Pesach.
                                                and yearning for greater collective
However, as Purim and Pesach arrive,            meaning. The solitude of the computer           I miss you all!
I choose to take a different approach           screen is losing its panache, and while our
and to adopt a new outlook. So much of          Zoom programming has been consistently          Alexa Abergel •
Pesach is about valuing our freedom, and        great, it can never replace our face-to-face
so I choose to lean into those values at        shared experiences. Know that while we


12                                                                                                                                              13

 PU R I M @
                                                                                                                                                                                                     STOP E ON’ T FORGE T
                                                                                                                                                                                                   SATURD ATING CH TO
                                                                                                                                                                                                         AY, MA       A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                RCH 27 METZ ON
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      AT 10:3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              0 AM   .
                                                                                                                        This year, Pesach begins on Saturday night, March 27, 2021
                                                                                                                        and continues until Sunday, April 4, 2021.
                                                         This year Purim takes place on
                                                                                                                        What is the purpose of Passover?              What is the proper
                                                         Friday, February 26, 2021.                                     Passover is one of the most important         greeting for
                                                                                                                        religious festivals in the Jewish calendar.   Passover?
                Join us                                                                                                 Jews celebrate the Feast of Passover          You can say “Chag

                   , F  e  b  r uary 25                                                                                 (Pesach in Hebrew) to commemorate the         Sameach,” which
               at 5:00 p
                               m                             DID YOU KNOW...
                                                   Purim takes place on the 14th day of the Hebrew month Adar. Did
                                                                                                                        liberation of the Children of Israel who
                                                                                                                        were led out of Egypt by Moses.
                                                                                                                                                                      translates to “Happy
                                                                                                                                                                      Festival” and is the
                                                                                                                                                                      Hebrew equivalent of
                   F i r s t M   egillah           you know Adar is also a “leap month”? Every 4 years, there are two                                                 “Happy Holidays.” To
          for My                                   months of Adar. When this happens we celebrate Purim on the          What are the six items on a
                                                                                                                                                                      make this Passover
                                                                                                                        Seder plate?
                     and                                               14th of the second Adar.
                                                                                                                        The seder plate holds at least six of
                                                                                                                                                                      greeting specific, you can
                                 or the
                                                                                                                                                                      throw the word “Pesach”
                  3 0   p  m   f                                                                                        the ritual items that are talked about
            at 6:
                                                                                                                                                                      in the middle of that

                           e g i l l a h reading                                                                        during the Seder: the shankbone, karpas,      phrase — “Chag Pesach
                  al M                                                                                                  chazeret, charoset, maror, and the egg.

How to
make a
1. Fill one of the cups about 1/4 full
   with dried beans or anything
   else you have on hand that will
   make noise when shaken.
2. Attach the popsicle stick to
   one cup with hot glue, and then
   join two cups together with
   hot glue and so on.
3. Decorate the cups with
   electrical tape and stickers.
4. Enjoy making lots of noise on
14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       15
PASSOVER 5781/2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         PASSOVER 5781/2021

This year, Passover begins on the evening of Saturday, March 27th. In preparation for the holiday, your house and any other establishments you own or rent (including cars and boats),
that will be entered into or used during the holiday, must be completely free of any forbidden Passover items, like chametz. Other properties you rent or own, if they are not going
                                                                                                                                                                                                           PASSOVER OBSERVANCES
to be used during the holiday, must be locked up and included in your Sale of Chametz. You cannot own any Chametz during Passover.
A form can be submitted online to sell your chametz. This form must be submitted before 9:00 am on Thursday, March 25, 2021.                                                                 PASSOVER 5781/2021
We hope that the following guide is helpful as you prepare for Passover.
                                                                                                                                                                                             SCHEDULE OF SERVICES                                                            SALE OF CHAMETZ
If you have any questions regarding Passover, not answered here, please contact the synagogue office at info@bethsholom.net or 416.783.6103.

                                                                                                                                                                                             Friday, March 26
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            PASSOVER 5781/2021
                             ‫ חמץ‬- Chametz                                                                                  ‫ קיטניות‬- Kitniyot                                               Chametz must be burned before                                12:20 pm
Chametz is simply defined as any food that’s made of grain (rye, wheat, barley,                   In addition to chametz, Ashkenazic Jews should not eat foods in this category.                                                                                                This form must be filled online.
oats or spelt) and water that have been allowed to ferment and “rise.”                            This includes rice, legumes, corn, beans, peas and peanuts.                                Saturday, March 27 ∙ Erev Pesach (1st Seder)
                                                                                                                                                                                             Shacharit			                                                  9:30 am      There are four ways we fulfill the Biblical mitzvah of ridding
                   WHAT IS PERMITTED?                                                                                WHAT IS FORBIDDEN?                                                      No chametz may be eaten after morning Seudah
                                                                                                                                                                                             No Mincha services
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           10:30 am      ourselves of chametz before Passover. We clean our homes.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         We burn any remaining crumbs. We verbally declare that
                                                                                                     No Chametz whatsoever is allowed during Passover, starting from 10:30 am on
 Although it may seem like all the delicious foods are forbidden, foodies                                                                                                                    Candlelighting                                                8:30 pm
 can still enjoy many treats. For example, any unopened packages of: pure
                                                                                                     March 27 and ending on the evening of April 4. Chametz is simply defined as                                                                                         any chametz in our possession is worthless and no longer
                                                                                                     any food that’s made of grain (rye, wheat, barley, oats or spelt) and water that                                                                                    owned by us. To ensure that there is no question about our
 natural coffee, pure granulated sugar, pure tea (not including herbal
 teas), non-iodized salt, black pepper, fresh vegetables (except peas
                                                                                                            have been allowed to ferment and “rise.” One may not eat any anything            Sunday, March 28 ∙ Pesach - 1st Day (2nd Seder)                             intent to remove chametz from our possession, we sell our
 or beans) can still be eaten on Passover. Frozen fruits are acceptable
                                                                                                            that is or may have come into contact with Chametz during the holiday            Shacharit			                                                  9:00 am
                                                                                                            of Passover, not even a crumb! Bread, cereal, cake, cookies, even beer are       No Mincha services                                                         chametz to non-Jews who may own leavened products on
 as long as other ingredients were not added.
                                                                                                            all examples of Chametz, but you should pay close attention for any food         Candlelighting                                           after 8:30 pm     Passover. Canned goods and liquor and other foods too
 You can enjoy the following items, as long as it has been certified
                                                                                                            that contains grain or grain derivatives as some food may have come into                                                                                     valuable to throw out, may be sold in this way.
                                                                                                            contact with Chametz.
 “Kosher for Passover” by a competent Rabbinical authority.: matzah,                                                                                                                         Monday, March 29 ∙ Pesach - 2nd Day
 matzah meal, matzah farfel, cake meal, Passover noodles, candies,
 cakes and cookies, beverages (including fruit juices), canned and
                                                                                                            Any utensils (pots, pans and the like) that came into contact with Chametz       First Day of the Omer                                                       You have to do the cleaning, burning and nullification
                                                                                                            cannot be used unless they are properly Koshered. Please see below for           Synagogue office will be closed                                             yourselves. We can assist you in the sale of chametz. If
 processed foods, milk, butter, cheese, margarine, jams, jellies,
                                                                                                            how to Kasher your utensils.
 vinegar, wines, liquors, liqueurs, gelatin, relishes, salad and cooking                                                                                                                     Shacharit				                                                 9:30 am      you are unable to personally arrange to sell your chametz,
 oil, shortening and dried and canned fruits.                                                                                                                                                Yom Tov ends				                                              8:26 pm      please send this form to the synagogue office no later than
                                                                                                            Ashkenazic Jews are also forbidden to eat foods in the category of
                                                                                                                                                                                             Ma’ariv                                                       8:35 pm      Thursday, March 25 at 9:00 a.m.
                                                                                                            “Kitniyot”. These include rice, maize, millet, legumes, corn, beans, peas and
 Kosher for Passover labels must have a reliable heksher or rabbinical
                                                                                                            peanuts. Sephardic Jews are not prohibited from “Kitniyot” and may eat
 signature. This also applies to products produced in Israel. Laundry
                                                                                                            these foods during Passover.                                                     Tuesday, March 30 ∙ Chol Hamoed - 3rd Day
                                                                               for Passover
 detergents and aluminum foil certified kosher require no special                                                                                                                                                                                                        I, 				                                                (on behalf of my entire
 Pesach heksher.                                                                                                                                                                             Shacharit	                                                    8:00 am
                                                                                                             Forbidden foods also include, vinegar, any alcohol or beverage that             Mincha	                                                       6:00 pm      family), transfer authority to sell all chametz, mixtures and
                                                                                                             contains or came into contact with chametz, rice, cereals, coffee containing                                                                                objects containing chametz to Rabbi Aaron Flanzraich of
                                                                                                     cereals, biscuits, cakes etc.                                                                                                                                       Beth Sholom Synagogue in Toronto, Ontario. As my agent, he
                                                                                                                                                                                             Wednesday, March 31 ∙ Chol Hamoed - 4th Day
KASHERING UTENSILS                                                                                                                                                                           Shacharit	                                                    8:00 am      should arrange for this sale prior to March 26th. I have placed
                                                                                                                                                                                             Mincha	                                                       6:00 pm      my chametz and mixtures and objects containing chametz
Generally, for Passover, most households have a separate          thoroughly and leaving unused for 24 hours. Lastly         POTS & PANS: Any of your everyday metal pots and                                                                                            in specially designated storage areas within my home,
set of all kitchen utensils set aside exclusively for Passover.   rinse the silverware with boiling water and you’re         pans used for cooking only (not baking), can be Kashered
However, contrary to popular belief, you can use your             ready to go.                                               by thoroughly scrubbing them and leaving them unused
                                                                                                                                                                                             Thursday, April 1 ∙ Chol Hamoed - 5th Day                                   which is at: (Please list addresses of all home or other premises owned or rented by you.)
                                                                                                                                                                                             Shacharit	                                                    8:00 am
everyday utensils and dishes as long as they are made                                                                        in boiling water for 24 hours.
Kosher for Passover. Check it out below and see how you           GLASSWARE: If you’d like to use your glassware             Your everyday baking utensils such as stoneware,
                                                                                                                                                                                             Mincha	                                                       6:00 pm
can Kasher your kitchen for Passover!                             during Passover, you can Kasher it by washing it           ceramics, enamelware, bone china, porcelain and
                                                                  thoroughly, leaving unused for 24 hours, and then
SILVERWARE & FLATWARE: If you would like to                       soaking in water for 72 hours, keep changing the
                                                                                                                             plastic cannot be Kashered for Passover.                        Friday, April 2 ∙ Chol Hamoed - 6th Day (Good Friday)
                                                                                                                                                                                             Shacharit	                                                    8:00 am
use your silverware on Passover, it must be made                  water each 24 hour.
                                                                                                                                                                                             Mincha	                                                       6:45 pm
entirely of metal and must be Kashered by scrubbing                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Signature:
                                                                                                                                                                                             Candle lighting                                               7:28 pm

CLEANING THE KITCHEN                                                                                                                                                                         Saturday, April 3 ∙ Pesach - 7th Day
                                                                                                                                                                                             Shacharit	                                                    9:30 am
STOVE: As this is the heart of the kitchen, the stove             temperature for one hour. The broiler can only be          water on the entire surface. Your counters should be            No Mincha services
must be taken apart and thoroughly scrubbed. Bibs                 koshered with a torch. Covering your oven racks is         thoroughly cleaned and covered.                                 Candlelighting                                           after 8:32 pm
under each burner should be thoroughly cleaned as                 recommended.                                                                                                                                                                                         The link to fill and submit this form can be found at
well. Once done, leave each burner on its highest                                                                            REFRIGERATOR: Remove all shelves, drawers,                                                                                                https://www.bethsholom.net/form/sale-of-chametz-
heat for about 15-20 minutes. Gas stoves should be                MICROWAVE: This one’s pretty easy. Clean your              and food not allowed on Passover, and clean very                Sunday, April 4 ∙ Pesach - 8th Day                                                      passover-5781/2021.html
left on high for about one hour.                                  microwave thoroughly (underneath the revolving             thoroughly. Same goes for the freezer (and that fridge          Shacharit	                                                    9:30 am
                                                                  glass plate too…). Once done, place a glass bowl of        in the basement)! Don’t forget to clean behind the              Yizkor approximately                                         10:30 am
OVEN: Self-cleaning ovens may go through their                    water inside the microwave. Turn the microwave on to       fridge and dust those coils.                                    Yom Tov ends                                                  8:33 pm
programmed cleaning cycle as it is sufficiently hot               full power and leave on until water vapors cover the                                                                       Ma’ariv                                                       8:45 pm
enough to Kasher the metal parts, including your                  inside services.                                           FOOD PROCESSORS: You may use your food
oven racks. If your oven does not have a self-cleaning                                                                       processor as long as it is thoroughly cleaned (including
option, you may Kasher your oven by first cleaning all
parts very thoroughly and either bringing a flame of
                                                                  SINK: Unfortunately, non-metal sinks cannot be
                                                                  koshered. You may use new plastic tubs for dairy and
                                                                                                                             the motor) and the plastic bowl unit is replaced.
                                                                                                                                                                                            This year the Omer (‫העומר‬            ‫)ספירת‬, will begin on Monday, March 29, 2021.
a propane torch into contact with all metal surfaces              meat respectively. If you do have a metal sink, you can                                                                   Sefirat Ha’Omer (‫ )ספירת העומר‬or, the counting of the Omer, counts seven weeks (49 days) commencing on
or you may turn your oven on to the highest possible              kasher it by cleaning it thoroughly and pouring boiling                                                                   the second night of Passover, Sunday, March 28, (16th of Nisan) and culminating on Shavuot, the evening of
                                                                                                                                                          PLEASE NOTE…                      Sunday, May 16, (5th of Sivan). This marks the countdown that joins Passover with Shavuot. The blessing for
                  If your child requires specific non-pesach foods (such as formula) and there are no other kosher for passover substitutes, your child may eat the items with kitniyot
                                                                                                                                                                                            the countdown can be found in your Haggadah.
               (such as soy bean derivatives, see above for more information about kitniyot). Pet foods are not permitted. Please consult Rabbi Flanzraich and your doctor regarding
                                                             medications. Those with kitniyot are permissible. When Kosher for Passover substitutes are availble, they should be used.
16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    17

                                                                                                               Lag Ba’Omer
                                                                                      This year Lag Ba’Omer will take place on Friday April 30.
                                                                  Lag Ba’Omer is a festive day on the Jewish calendar celebrating the anniversary of the passing of
                                                                   the great sage and mystic Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, author of the Zohar. It also commemorates
                                                                     another event - in the weeks between Passover and Shavuot, a plague raged amongst the
                                                                              disciples of the great sage Rabbi Akiva. On Lag Ba’Omer the dying ceased.

                                                                  YIZKOR BOOK ORDER FORM
                                                                   Each year we publish a Yizkor Book on Shavuot which contains the Yizkor service and the names of our deceased loved
                                                                   ones. This book is used four times a year (Shavuot, Yom Kippur, Shemini Atzeret and Pesach). Each year we open the
                                                                   book to our community and encourage them to include the names of their remembered loved ones.

                                                                   NAMES ARE NOT AUTOMATICALLY RENEWED
                                                                            FROM YEAR TO YEAR.
         F + B Kosher Passover Menu                                    ALL NAMES MUST BE RECEIVED BY FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 2021 AT 12:00 PM.

                                                                                 For more information and to submit your form, please visit our website

           For the seder, and for the week during Passover                                                                                                         ISRAEL’S MEMORIAL DAY
         Order online at https://fbkosher.com/passover

       Delivery or Pickup available on Friday, March 26, 2021.
     Deadline to order is midnight on Saturday, March 20, 2021.
                                                                                  YOM HAZIKARON
                                                                                This year Yom HaZikaron will be commemorated on Wednesday, April 14, 2021.

                       Menu coming soon!                          Yom HaZikaron is Israel’s Official Memorial Day for her fallen soldiers and victims of terrorism. Falling either in late April or early May
                                                                    every year, Yom HaZikaron is an especially solemn time and marked by ceremonies and moments of silence across the country.

18                                                                                                                                                                                                         19
Happy 73 Birthday Israel!              rd                                                                                                                                                                                  BETH SHOLOM COMMUNITY

Yom Ha’atzmaut (‫)יום העצמאות‬, otherwise known as Israeli Independence                                                                                                                            MY RENDEZVOUS WITH FATE
Day, is Israel’s birthday! David Ben-Gurion, the first Prime Minister of Israel,        !‫עצמאות שמח‬
publicly read the Declaration of Independence of Israel on May 14, 1948.
                                                                                          Yom Ha’atzm                  ‫יום ה‬                                                                                                                                     LISA KAUFMAN
That date is translated to 5 Iyar 5708. Therefore, we celebrate Yom DID YOU KNO                   aut Sameach                                 continued...                                  would normally make a person think....why       I was proud, ecstatic, overwhelmed,
                                                                    Ha’atzmaut”      W  : Is ra el’s birthday
Ha’atzmaut on the 5th of Iyar (unless it’s Shabbat) every year!                 It’s transl                   is called “Yo                                                                 should I trust this man? Why is he doing        shocked, thrilled, felt extremely privileged,
                                                                                                            ated to Indep           m
                                                                                                                         endence Day
                                                                                                                                                                                            all of this? What does he want? But I never     thankful and very, very honored.
                                                                                                                                              Not to be deterred , Edward set out to        had that feeling with Edward. We shared
CHECK OUT SOME MORE                                                                                                                           try to find the Pels family. His search let
                                                                                                                                              him to Joods Monument – a website with
                                                                                                                                                                                            pictures and stories. Our time together was
                                                                                                                                                                                            like old friends catching up. He had the day
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            As I stepped back from the house, 77 years
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            from when it was destroyed, this is what
COOL FACTS ABOUT                                                                                                                              information and details about Dutch
                                                                                                                                              Jews and their families murdered in the
                                                                                                                                                                                            planned, wanting David and I to see some
                                                                                                                                                                                            special places around the city.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            the sign said:

ISRAEL:                                                                                                                                       Holocaust. Edward                                                                             TEL. 55058 M.PELS. TEL. 55058
                                                                                                                                              found a “Marcus Pels”                                        As the day got underway,
• An Israeli company has developed the                                                                                                        on that site. Edward                                         Edward showed us a few           Depot for ice salt
world’s first jellyfish repellent.                                                                                                            learned that Marcus’                                         of the facades he had
                                                                                                                                              wife and two children                                        done and some lettering          Wholesale for all ice necessities
• Israel is one of only nine countries in the                                                                                                 had survived, but                                            he had found, in addition
world that can launch its own satellites into                                                                                                 their names were not                                         to his ongoing research to       There it was: a piece of my family’s history
space.                                                                                                                                        listed due to privacy                                        uncover and restore these        back where it belonged.
                                                                                                                                              restrictions. Now that                                       lost pieces of Jewish and
• Israel has more books translated than any                                                                                                   Edward knew there                                            Dutch history. As we walked      I have spent years of my life searching
other country in the world.                                                                                                                   were survivors, he                                           through Amsterdam, we            for something, for someone to connect
                                                                                                                                              hoped one of them                                            turned the corner, to what       with. I wondered how it was possible, that
• Israeli bank notes have braille markings on                                                                                                 might still be alive. Coincidentally, years   I knew at that moment, was my mother’s          out of so many of my family members,
them.                                                                                                                                         before, my mother had posted on this very     street. Never could I have imagined what        that none survived. Then, this happened.
                                                                                                                                              site. Edward, found her name and tried to     was about to happen....I looked ahead and       It wasn’t what I had been looking for. It
• Israel is the only country to revive an unspoken                                                                                            reach her through email, but that email       saw a crowd of people around her home. I        was not a person, or a photograph. But it
language, Hebrew, as its national tongue.                                                                                                     never reached her.                            learned they were the restorers; members        was something, and for that I am grateful.
                                                                                                                                                                                            of Edward’s organization. There were also       I know now they were murdered, but not
                                                                                                                                              Edward Schenk is not a man who gives          photographers, and reporters.                   erased. I finally found the details I had been
                                                                                                                                              up! His colleague made an unlikely                                                            searching for.
                                                                                                                                              connection: he remembered reading              On that day, August 26, 2019, they were all
  BETH SHOLOM COMMUNITY                                                                                                                       “163256: A MEMOIR OF RESISTANCE”              waiting for me, as I took part in restoring     Lisa Kaufman •
                                                                                                                                              authored by a Dutch survivor named            the original advertising on 108 Nieuwe

MY RENDEZVOUS WITH FATE                                                                                                                       Michael Englishman, and that the name
                                                                                                                                              Marcus Pels was mentioned in the memoir.
                                                                                                                                              When the author, Michael, married, it was
                                                                                                                                                                                            Kerkstraat. The crowd was waiting for ME
                                                                                                                                                                                            to put back on the wall what was taken
                                                                                                                                                                                            from our family by the Nazis. Working with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Post Script: This story, our story, has now
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            been featured in three newspapers in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Holland. As a result of these publications,
                                                                                                                                              he and his wife who adopted my mother         the restorers, I had a hand in undoing          we have found new family members. Sadly,
  LISA KAUFMAN                                                                                                                                and my uncle! Wasting no                                  history. I just CANNOT describe     due to COVID, our trip to Holland for my
                                                                                                                                              time, Edward bought the                                   the feeling that came over          family to see the restoration, and to meet
                                                                                                                                              book, located the publisher,                              me. In restoring the original       our “new” family has been postponed. But
I am reminded of the difference between the       worked to erase all evidence of Jewish       A phone number was also visible, and           who then put him in contact                               advertising for my grandparents’    we will get there. And it will be another
things that exist, and the things that we see.    businesses. They did this by scraping, and   what looked to be a name: M. Pels. After       with my mother Katy! The very                             business, we honoured a man         wonderful addition to our story.
They are, as I would come to learn, not always    painting over signage and lettering of       considerable investigation, Edward found       same Keetie, the daughter of                              I never knew. Now, he has the
the same.                                         family-owned businesses. Many decades        that a “Marcus Pels” used to be the director   the owner of the business!                                memorial he rightly deserves.
                                                  after the war, a local man by the name of    of this business. Not only was this Marcus’
In 2015, on a family trip to Amsterdam, we        Edward Schenk, who restores pre-war facade
                                                                                               business address, but Marcus’ home             June 25, 2019 was our 30th                                 As I painted my grandfather’s
went to visit the location where my mother        advertising on buildings, noticed some odd
had grown up. We went to see what her life        lettering on the front of an old building.   address as well! He lived there with his       wedding anniversary. I will                               name back on his home, the
was like before she came to Canada, and to        He was biking past 108 Nieuwe Kerkstraat,    wife, Hendrika; their daughter, Keetie; and    never forget that day because                             tears poured down my face
show our children this important part of their    and with a keen eye, discovered a subtle     son, Philip.                                   first – it is our anniversary,                            and my hands were shaking.
history. My family stood in front of the house.   advertisement on the wall between the                                                       and second – it was the day                               We Face Timed with my mother
We looked at the frontage. We took pictures.      basement and the ground floor. He stopped,                                                  my mother, Katy, received an                              and father, and our children. To
We studied its shape and form, and yet we         and with further investigation he could                                                     email that would take us on an incredible     this day, I don’t know how to describe the
saw none of what once existed there. While        faintly read:                                                                               journey. Two months after receiving the       feeling that I was able to bring back to life
we did see the house, the most valuable                                                                                                       email from Edward, my husband David and       the sign on my grandfather’s business. I
details we could not see.                         “GROSSIER IN ALLE IJS BENOODIGDHEDEN”                                                       I were on a business trip to Holland. We      thanked everyone from the bottom of my
                                                                                                                                              met Edward, who while a stranger to us,       heart, who was involved in making that
During the Second World War and the Nazi          (Wholesale for all ice necessities)
occupation of the Netherlands, the Nazis                                                                                      ...continued    nonetheless, felt like family. Human nature   moment a reality. I had rewritten history.

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    21
BETH SHOLOM CHESED PROGRAMS                                                                                   ‫חסד‬KHesed/
                                                                                                                      • CHE·SED
                                                                                                                                                                          BETH SHOLOM COMMUNITY

                                                                                                                      loving kindness the
                                                                                                                        attribute of grace,
                                                                                                                          benevolence, or

As you know due to COVID-19 we are unable      and go up to a plexiglass window where          a deadly opioid overdose crisis ripping
to operate our Out of the Cold Shelter         they are asked a series of questions and        through our city, province and country.

                                                                                                                                              In every bulletin, we also include
from Beth Sholom Synagogue. This could         to provide contact information. Then they       From January to September of 2020 there
not have come at a worse time as there         have their temperatures checked. Guests         were 353 overdose deaths in Toronto. This
are historic numbers                                          are ushered into a seating       is a 65% increase in deaths over the same
of people sleeping on                                         area where they can warm         period from 2019. All of the staff work in
Toronto’s streets. In order
to continue serving those
we have assisted for so
                                                              up, have a hot chocolate,
                                                              use the washrooms, or
                                                              charge their phones.
                                                                                               harm reduction which means they have
                                                                                               experience in owering the number of
                                                                                                                                              family news like:
many years, we needed to                                      Then they are invited
find a temporary home o                                       into the dining area.                            On Sunday January 10th
help those experiencing
homelessness. We were
fortunate to form a
                                                              Last year we would
                                                              have had 10 people
                                                              eating at an 8 ft
                                                                                                               we began bringing meals
                                                                                                               to encampments. We have
                                                                                                               a number of volunteer
                                                                                                                                              • Mazel tovs for births, bar & bat mitzvahs,
partnership with Rev.
James Keenan of Saint Luke’s United
                                                              table. This year two
                                               people sit at opposite ends of a 12
                                                                                                               drivers who pick up the
                                                                                                               dinners from Saint Luke’s        engagements, and marriages;
Church who has allowed us to work out of       ft table.                                                       before     our    program
his church in the downtown east.
                                               Meals are served in individual
                                                                                                               begins, and deliver them.
                                                                                                               Two drivers go to each
                                                                                                                                              • Milestone anniversaries & birthdays;
We opened the Out of the Cold Meal
Program at Saint Luke’s United Church on
                                               containers. There is minimal contact
                                               with the guests which is very hard on
                                                                                                               encampment. One driver
                                                                                               returns to Saint Luke’s with the meals that    • Bereavements;
Sunday, December 13, 2020. The Program         the volunteers, as we are used to this          were not needed. We are currently serving
operates on Sunday and Wednesday nights
from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. and its last evening
                                               interaction. All volunteers wear PPE
                                               including: masks, shields, gowns and
                                                                                               six encampments.
                                                                                                                                              • Names of our new members;
                                                                                                                                              • Membership milestones; and
will be on Wednesday, April 28, 2021. The      gloves. The tables, chairs and washrooms        Many things have changed for our Out of
Wednesday night meal is                                         are disinfected after each     the Cold, but our desire to help those we
provided by Holy Blossom                                        use.                           have served for some 22 years remains
Out of the Cold, and they
have been wonderful to                                          The City of Toronto no
                                                                                               steadfast. I want to thank the entire Beth
                                                                                               Sholom family for its continued support of     • Names of our donors.
work with.                                                      longer provides us with        the program.
                                                                staff. We are blessed that
Most of you would not                                           we have found wonderful        Rafi Aaron •
recognize our new Out of
the Cold. To begin with,
social distancing, health
                                                                front-line organizations
                                                                who have partnered with
                                                                us and who provide staff
                                                                                                                                              Due to privacy reasons, we do not include
protocols and limits on the
number of individuals in the building at any
                                                                for the program. These
                                               include: Street Health, Ontario Aboriginal                                                     the above details in our online bulletin.
                                                                                                                                              You can view these details in our printed
one time have changed how we operate.          AIDS HIV Strategy, and Sanctuary. We have
Guests enter the church one at a time          also hired one individual. There is currently

                                                                                                               LEST WE FORGET
                                                                                                                                              version of the bulletin.

This year Yom Hashoah (‫השואה‬
                              YOM HASHOAH ‫)יום‬, will be commemorated on Thursday, April 8, 2021.
Yom Hashoah (‫)יום השואה‬, also known as Holocaust Rememberance Day, was                          Light your memorial candle on
established by the Government of Israel to be observed yearly on the 27th of                    Wednesday evening, April 7
Nisan to commemorate the Holocaust and its victims.                                                 at sundown, 7:50 pm.

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