Kingdom of Denmark Strategy for the Arctic 2011- 2020 - Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands
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Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands: Kingdom of Denmark Strategy for the Arctic 2011– 2020 Photo.: Per Arnesen
Kingdom of Denmark Strategy for the Arctic 2011–2020 5 Table of content Preface 7 1. Introduction 9 1.1. A region is opening up 9 1.2. Joint strategy for the Arctic 10 2. A peaceful, secure and safe Arctic 13 2.1. Basis for peaceful cooperation with emphasis on the UN’s Convention on the Law of the Sea 13 2.2. Enhanced maritime safety 16 2.3. Exercising of sovereignty and surveillance 20 3. SELF-SUSTAINING GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT23 3.1. High standards for the exploitation of mineral resources 24 3.2 Exploitation of renewable energy potential 30 3.3. Sustainable exploitation of living resources 31 3.4. Stronger integration in international trade 33 3.5. Knowledge-based growth and development 35 3.6. Arctic cooperation on health and social coherence 40 4. Development with respect for the Arctic’s vulnerable climate, environment and nature 43 4.1. Improved understanding of the consequences of climate change in the Arctic 43 4.2. Protecting the environment and biodiversity 45 5. Close cooperation with our international partners49 5.1. Global solutions to global challenges 49 5.2. Enhanced regional cooperation 52 5.3. Bilateral safeguarding of the Kingdom´s interests 54 6. Implementation and follow-up57
Kingdom of Denmark Strategy for the Arctic 2011–2020 7 Preface The Kingdom of Denmark is centrally It is our common objective that the Arctic The Kingdom is already a vigorous and located in the Arctic. The three parts of and its current potential must be devel- important actor in the strategically vital the Realm – Denmark, Greenland and the oped to promote sustainable growth and international cooperation on the future of Faroe Islands – share a number of values social sustainability. This development the Arctic and in that connection attaches and interests and all have a responsibil- must take place firstly to the benefit of the great importance to creating transparency ity in and for the Arctic region. The Arctic inhabitants of the Arctic and go hand in in and understanding for cooperation. makes up an essential part of the com- hand in safeguarding the Arctic’s environ- mon cultural heritage, and is home to part ment. In the Kingdom’s strategy for the Arctic of the Kingdom’s population. 2011- 2020, the Government, the Govern- With new opportunities come new chal- ment of the Faroes and the Government The Kingdom and its populations have lenges. The Arctic has to be managed in- of Greenland have set out the most impor- over several hundred years developed ternationally on the basis of international tant opportunities and challenges as we modern and sustainable societies based principles of law to ensure a peaceful, see them today and in the near future. On on democratic principles. The develop- secure and collaborative Arctic. that basis we have defined our common ment has affected all sectors of society - political objectives for the Arctic. from education, health and research to the The purpose of this strategy is, on the environment, trade and shipping. At the basis of an already strong engagement in We will – through close cooperation in the same time, huge and sweeping changes the Arctic, to reinforce the foundation Kingdom and with our international part- are taking place today in the Arctic. Due to for appropriate cooperation on the many ners - work towards the common overall climate change and technological develop- new opportunities and challenges that goal of creating a peaceful, prosperous and ments, vast economic potential is becom- the Arctic is facing. sustainable future for the Arctic. ing more accessible. For the Government of Denmark For the Government of the Faroes For the Government of Greenland Lene Espersen Kaj Leo Holm Johannesen Kuupik Kleist
Kingdom of Denmark Strategy for the Arctic 2011–2020 9 1. Introduction 1.1. A region especially change the basis of the Arctic through the Suez Canal. Furthermore, cli- is opening up inhabitants’ lifestyles and the indigenous mate change could provide access to new One of the most significant global issues Arctic peoples’ culture. Moreover, the har- fishing grounds in the Arctic where rising over the past 10 years is the vast changes vesting of living resources plays a pivotal sea temperatures can pull fisheries to- in the Arctic region. The world has again role in the Arctic, and changes for example wards the North. Commercial opportunities turned its attention to the Arctic, this time in fish stock productivity and distribution in the Arctic are enormous, not least for the mainly because of the climate effects in is of great importance to the economy. Greenland, Faroese and Danish industries, the Arctic, the economic potential of the Glaciers in the Arctic and the Greenland ice which to a great extent already possess the region, and the geopolitical implications sheet increasingly contribute to the global skills that will be far more in demand with of changes in the Arctic. The political, eco- rise in sea levels, and changes and dynam- the development of the Arctic region. nomic and social development is already ics in Arctic systems are crucial to global underway, including the flourishing of climate trends. Thus, they are of particular Overall we can expect a multi-faceted advanced democratic societies, and the significance for the adaptation to climate boom in activities in the Arctic over the future of the Arctic will be radically differ- change on a global scale and thereby also coming decades. New opportunities and ent from the reality we know today. for the entire Kingdom. Increased eco- challenges must be handled proactively nomic activity and renewed geopolitical - with care, with long-term accountability Warming in the Arctic is occurring faster interest in the Arctic results in a number of and with respect for the Arctic societies, than anywhere else on the planet, and the key challenges to ensuring a stable, peace- the rights of Arctic indigenous peoples, the average temperature in the Arctic has sur- ful and secure region characterized by dia- passed all previous measurements in the logue, negotiation and cooperation. first decade of the 21st century. Sea ice has Facts about The ArCtic been shrinking, and the melting of Green- Climate change and technological develop- land’s ice sheet and other Arctic ice caps ments are also opening new possibilities for The Arctic covers more than a sixth of will contribute more and more to the rise in the Arctic. Among them is increased access the Earth’s total land mass plus the global sea levels. Climate change has major to the exploitation of oil, gas and minerals, Arctic Ocean which the Arctic coastal implications for the global, regional and lo- but also new shipping routes which can states border. Unlike Antarctica, which cal climatic and environmental conditions reduce costs and CO2 emissions by freight also has relatively low temperatures and requires decisive global action. between the continents. It is estimated year round, the Arctic region is popu- that the Arctic may contain up to 30% of lated by people, including more than The Arctic and the global community are the world’s undiscovered gas resources and 30 different indigenous peoples such presented with both new challenges and about 10% of undiscovered oil resources, as the Inuit who originate from the new opportunities. and that ships sailing between East Asia Thule culture. The Arctic has a unique and Western Europe could save more than wildlife, largely associated with the Climate change poses new challenges to 40% in transportation time and fuel costs sea, including marine mammals such the peoples of the Arctic and puts pressure by navigating the northern sea lanes north as seals, whales and walruses. on the natural environment. Warming will of Siberia rather than the southern route
10 Kingdom of Denmark Strategy for the Arctic 2011–2020 Arctic climate and the environment. The authorities. The Kingdom thus comprises management, climate policy, environmen- basis for the future of the Arctic is being significant political diversity and also ac- tal policy and preservation of its cultural created now, and the Kingdom must play a commodates cultural differences. heritage is a model of inspiration for many key role in the future international coopera- of the world’s indigenous peoples. This tion that lies ahead. The Kingdom’s Arctic strategy intends situation constitutes an essential element no change in the power-sharing that ex- in the Kingdom’s international efforts to ists between Denmark, the Faroe Islands promote indigenous rights and aspirations. 1.2. Joint strategy and Greenland, including responsibility for Denmark and Greenland will continue for the Arctic policy areas taken over and their funding. constructive cooperation to strengthen The Kingdom consists of three parts - Den- Regardless of these individual distinctions, indigenous peoples’ rights to control their mark, the Faroe Islands and Greenland the Kingdom has a common interest in own development and their own political, - and, by virtue of Greenland, is centrally addressing the challenges and utilising economic, social and cultural situation. located as a coastal state in the Arctic. the opportunities arising from the Arctic This involves specific rights and obliga- region’s rapidly changing conditions and It is a central goal of Greenland, the Faroe tions in the region. Today, both the Faroe growing interest from the world. One of the Islands and Denmark that decisions re- Islands and Greenland have extensive self- areas Greenland has taken over is mineral garding management and utilisation of re- government and the division of legislative resources. Decisions on development, sources and protection of the environment and administrative powers between the exploration and exploitation of resources are taken in accordance with international Kingdom’s three parts requires good coop- in Greenland are taken by the Greenland obligations, and are based on the best sci- eration and a joint strategy to meet the op- authorities. However, revenues from mineral entific advice that supports healthy, pro- portunities and challenges in the Arctic. activities will benefit both the Greenland ductive and self-sustaining communities. and Danish people, given that cf. Self-Gov- Based on good collaboration within the The Faroe Islands and Greenland have had ernment Act for Greenland there will be a re- Kingdom, policies and mechanisms must home rule since 1948 and 1979, respec- duction of the annual block grant in line with be organised in close cooperation with tively. Home rule arrangements have been possible revenues from mineral resources. other Arctic nations and other stakehold- continuously modernised, most recently ers with an interest in the Arctic. by the Takeover Act on Power of Matters A strategy for the Arctic region is first and and Fields of Responsibillity and the Act foremost a strategy for a development The premise of this strategy stems inter- on Faroes Foreign Policy Powers of 2005 that benefits the inhabitants of the Arctic nationally from the Arctic Council Declara- in the Faroe Islands and the Greenland - involving common interests relating to tions and the Ilulissat Declaration of 2008, Self-Government Act of 2009. Consider- for example international agreements, and in which the coastal states of the Arctic able parts of the separation of powers that regional and global issues. Such a develop- Ocean committed themselves politically to are central in an Arctic context are matters ment incorporates a fundamental respect giving negotiation and cooperation pride of that fall within the exclusive powers of for the Arctic peoples’ rights to utilise and place in handling disputes, challenges and the respective Faroese and the Greenland develop their own resources as well as opportunities in the Arctic, and thus hope- respect for the indigenous Arctic culture, fully once and for all dispelling the myth of traditions and lifestyles and the promotion a race to the North Pole. Terminology of their rights. Denmark and Greenland’s cooperation on Arctic indigenous peoples The Kingdom’s approach to security policy The strategy uses the terms “The dates back to 1973 when the Arctic Peo- in the Arctic is based on an overall goal of Kingdom” and “Danish Realm” for both ples’ Conference at Christiansborg Palace preventing conflicts and avoiding the mili- the formal relations between Den- in Copenhagen became a launching point tarization of the Arctic, and actively helping mark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands for the international organising of indig- to preserve the Arctic as a region charac- and in a broader and more informal enous peoples. terized by trust, cooperation and mutually sense. Naalakkersuisut is, pursuant beneficial partnerships. to the Self-Government Act of Green- Cooperation between Denmark and Green- land, the name of the Government of land helps in creating new opportunities for In an equal partnership between the three Greenland. the Arctic indigenous peoples. Greenland’s parts of the Danish Realm, the Kingdom will self-government model, natural resource work overall for:
Kingdom of Denmark Strategy for the Arctic 2011–2020 11 The Pacific Ocean USA Canada The Arctic Ocean Russia Greenland Iceland Finland Faroe Islands Atlantic Ocean Norway Sweden Great Britain Denmark Source: Kort- og Matrikelstyrelsen • A peaceful, secure and safe Arctic The Greenlandic-Danish report, “Arctic in a The purpose of this strategy is to focus • with self-sustaining growth and time of change”, of May 2008 and targets attention on the Kingdom’s strategic pri- development contained herein remains an important orities for future development in the Arctic • with respect for the Arctic’s fragile basis for the Kingdom’s various activities towards 2020. The aim is to strengthen climate, environment and nature in the Arctic. the Kingdom’s status as global player in • in close cooperation with our interna- the Arctic. tional partners.
Photo: Polfoto
Kingdom of Denmark Strategy for the Arctic 2011–2020 13 2. A peaceful, secure and safe Arctic • I nternational law and established forums of cooperation provide a sound basis for conflict resolution and constructive cooperation in the development of the Arctic. The Kingdom must help in shaping the future of cooperation on joint challenges and new opportunities in the Arctic. • Maritime safety is a fundamental priority. The extreme Arctic conditions require preventive measures including training and ship safety, as well as regional cooperation on search and rescue. • The Danish Armed Forces undertake important tasks in the Arctic including the enforce- ment of sovereignty, and attach in this respect great importance to confidence building and cooperation with Arctic partner countries. Climate change and rising global demand 2.1. Basis for peaceful that the Arctic faces, Denmark and Green- for oil and gas have resulted in a sharp rise cooperation and with emphasis land arranged a conference in Ilulissat in in international interest in the Arctic, and on the UN’s Convention on the May 2008 for the five coastal states of the the coastal states of the Arctic Ocean have Law of the Sea Arctic Ocean. Its aim was to confirm the increased their endeavours to ensure their The growing international interest in the responsibility of the five coastal states for rights to the greater part of the as yet un- Arctic has led to increased focus on legal managing the development of the Arctic. explored Arctic subsoil. At the same time, controls in the area. However, the Arctic is The conference resulted in the Ilulissat the prospect is that for a large part of the not a legal vacuum. The Arctic has been Declaration in which the five coastal states year, it will be possible to navigate both inhabited for thousands of years, in con- of the Arctic Ocean undertook to enshrine the Northeast Passage and the Northwest trast to the Antarctic which is uninhabited. close cooperation in developing the Arctic Passage. The rising strategic interest and Regions in the Arctic under national juris- into international law. The five coastal activity in the Arctic region necessitates a diction are governed by the coastal states states’ cooperation covers areas such as continued prioritising of a well-functioning legislation. The Arctic is also subject to a sea rescue, continental shelf claims and international legal framework for peaceful number of international laws, in particular environmental protection. cooperation, a special need for enhanced the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea maritime safety, and persistent focus on in1982 (UNCLOS), which contains detailed Even though the existing regulation in maintaining the Arctic as a region charac- regulation of for example navigational international law, particularly the UN Con- terised by peace and cooperation. rights and management of resources. vention on the Law of the Sea, lays a solid In recognition of the significant changes foundation for coastal states’ cooperation
14 Kingdom of Denmark Strategy for the Arctic 2011–2020 on the development of the Arctic, there part of the Convention is an expression decision made by the convention partners may be a continuous need for more de- of customary law and therefore binding in 2008, as long as preliminary information tailed regulating of certain sectors. An ex- on countries not party to the Convention. is submitted to CLCS before the deadline ample is the agreement on search and res- Moreover, the United States, by Presiden- expires. cue adopted at the Arctic Council Foreign tial Directive of 9 January 2009 specially Ministers’ Meeting in May 2011 in Nuuk. approved the Convention as a means of To document the claim on the continental resolving border issues concerning the shelf the Danish Realm has launched a The UN Convention on the Law of the continental shelf in the Arctic. continental shelf project that is based Sea 1982 is the global international legal in the Ministry of Science, Technology instrument in relation to the sea around Under the UN’s Convention on the Law of and Innovation and is run in cooperation the Arctic, in that the Convention defines the Sea, coastal states have the right to with the Government of the Faroes and states’ rights and responsibilities in rela- create an exclusive economic zone. In this the Government of Greenland, the Prime tion to their use of the oceans. Denmark zone, the coastal state has exclusive right Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Foreign ratified the Law of the Sea Convention on to explore and exploit natural resources Affairs, and the Ministry of Finance. The behalf of the Kingdom on 16 November of the sea as well as the seabed and its project includes the participation of the 2004 and to date the Convention has been subsoil, and any other economic exploita- Danish, Faroese and Greenland authorities ratified by 161 states. Of the five coastal tion. The coastal state may also exercise and scientific institutions, and is charged states of the Arctic Ocean, only the U.S. environmental jurisdiction in the zone. The with identifying areas where the rights to is not (yet) a party to UNCLOS, though exclusive economic zone can extend to a new seabed claims can be made, and to maximum of 200 nautical miles (approx. collect, interpret and document the data 370 km). Denmark and Greenland have an necessary to submit a claim to the CLCS. Ilulissat Declaration exclusive economic zone while an exclusive The Kingdom has submitted documenta- economic zone has not yet been declared tion to the CLCS for claims relating to two The Ilulissat Declaration is a landmark in the Faroese fisheries territory. areas near the Faroe Islands and by 2014 political declaration on the Arctic’s plans to submit documentation on three future. It was adopted in Ilulissat, Under article 76 of the UN’s Convention areas near Greenland, including an area Greenland on 28 May 2008 by min- on the Law of the Sea, a coastal state has north of Greenland which, among others, isters from the five coastal states of the possibility of extending its continental covers the North Pole. the Arctic Ocean - Denmark / Green- shelf beyond 200 nautical miles if within land, Canada, Norway, Russia and the 10 years of the Convention coming into The budget for the continental shelf pro- U.S. The Ilulissat Declaration sends force for the state concerned, it can docu- ject until 2014 is app. DKK 350 million a strong political signal that the five ment to the Commission on the Limits spread over 12 years. The actual work coastal states will act responsibly of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) estab- of the project is a collaboration between concerning future development in lished pursuant to the Convention, that Jarðfeingi (Faroe Directorate of Geology the Arctic Ocean. The states have a a number of scientific criteria are met. and Energy), the Danish Maritime Safety political commitment to resolving dis- The coastal state will then have the right Administration, DTU Space (Institute for putes and overlapping claims through to living and non-living resources on and Space Research and Technology), National negotiation. The five countries also under the seabed beyond 200 nautical Survey and Cadastre and the Geological confirmed that they will strengthen miles, subject to an obligation to make Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS). their cooperation in important areas. payments or contributions to the Interna- Jarðfeingi, together with GEUS, is project This applies to both broad coopera- tional Seabed Authority pursuant to Con- manager for the Faroese Continental Shelf tion that in particular takes place in vention Article 82. Project (half funded by the Faroe Islands) the Arctic Council and the UN’s Inter- while GEUS is the project manager for the national Maritime Organization (IMO), The Kingdom thus has a deadline of 16 Greenland part where the Bureau of Min- and to the practical everyday coop- December 2014 to submit data and other erals and Petroleum in Nuuk and ASIAQ eration on issues such as search and material to the CLCS as a basis for the (Greenland’s Survey) take part. rescue, environmental protection and extension of the continental shelf beyond navigational safety. 200 nautical miles. The time limit can how- The continental shelf project is very much ever be exceeded in special cases under a an example of a project that is feasible
Kingdom of Denmark Strategy for the Arctic 2011–2020 15 due to all parties’, including both the Faroe solved boundary issues beyond 200 nau- • T he Kingdom will work for peaceful co- Islands and Greenland’s, willingness and tical miles. As highlighted in the Ilulissat operation between the coastal states of ability to cooperate and the will to achieve Declaration, unresolved boundary issues the Arctic Ocean in accordance with the the project’s targets. Furthermore, the pro- in the Arctic will be resolved in accordance Ilulissat Declaration. ject is an example of how different institu- with international law. tions can cooperate across the Kingdom • T he Kingdom will advance concrete in- and benefit from one another. The con- Besides maritime boundary issues, the ternational legal regulation of the Arctic tinental shelf project also has exemplary Kingdom has an unresolved issue relating in areas where needed. research cooperation with other countries, to the sovereignty of Hans Island (Hans Ø) such as the Swedish Polar Research Sec- as both the Kingdom and Canada claim • T he Kingdom will seek to resolve out- retariat with which it has carried out many sovereignty over the island. In September standing unresolved boundary issues data collection expeditions with the Swed- 2005, Denmark/Greenland and Canada and actively work to reduce the process- ish ice-breaker Oden. The project also has made a joint statement on Hans Island, ing time of the Commission on the Limits fruitful research-based cooperation with and frequent consultations on the island of the Continental Shelf and thereby en- Canada and Russia. are in progress. Pending a permanent solu- sure greater assurance of coastal states’ tion to the issue, the dispute will be han- continental shelf claims in the Arctic. The Kingdom’s claims on the continental dled professionally as would be expected shelf will in some areas overlap with other between two neighbouring countries and • T he Kingdom will continue work on the country’s continental shelf claims. There close allies. Continental Shelf Project in order to is close collaboration with other coastal promote its claim pursuant to the UN’s states in the Arctic Ocean to solve unre- Convention on the Law of the Sea. The Continental Shelf Project in practice Since 2006 the Danish Realm has con- in common is that in addition to the col- ducted a series of expeditions in the lection of data relevant to the continental Arctic Ocean as part of the continental shelf project, emphasis is also placed on shelf project. A factor common to the scientific output and follow-up research expeditions is close cooperation with in other fields. Thus, ice cores have been other countries. Canada, Russia and the collected, ice thickness measured, sam- U.S. have also been conducting scien- ples of DNA and bacteria collected, geol- tific studies in the Arctic Ocean these ogy, oceanography, plankton ecology all years in preparation for an extension studied, and the accumulation of mercury of their respective continental shelves. measured. All collections are conducted in The expeditions “LORITA” (2006), “LOM- cooperation with Danish, Greenland, Swed- BAG” and “LOMGRAV” (2009), for exam- ish and American research institutions and ple, were based on Canadian logistics. have led to increased knowledge of the LOMROG I and II expeditions in 2007 Arctic Ocean’s plate tectonics, palaeocli- and 2009 were carried out with the matology, physical oceanography and eco- Swedish icebreaker Oden, in coopera- systems. Further expeditions are planned tion with Sweden and Canada. In 2007, under the auspices of the Continental the expedition was for a period sup- Shelf Project in 2011 and / or 2012. ported by a Russian nuclear icebreaker. Another factor these expeditions have Source: Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation /
16 Kingdom of Denmark Strategy for the Arctic 2011–2020 Photo: Greenland Tourism 2.2. Enhanced Meanwhile, prices of raw materials and not is a global industry, this means that in- maritime safety least a long-term expectation of a shortage ternationally high safety standards must Navigation in the Arctic is increasing, in- of oil and natural gas have led to increased be established for ships navigating in the cluding in the waters around Greenland trade in the exploration and exploitation of Arctic. Furthermore, in terms of shipping and the Faroe Islands. Less ice coverage, natural resources. The melting of sea ice policy, it is important that the Kingdom is especially in the summer months, has led in the summer also allows for new ship- working to promote shipping in the Arctic to a significant growth in maritime traffic, ping routes through the Northeast and the under high standards where international including cruise ships to areas of Green- Northwest Passage which could ultimately regulation ensures that ships are compet- land which until a few years ago were not yield significant savings in transportation ing within a uniform framework. possible to navigate. In 2010, 43 cruise time by the maritime transport of goods ships berthed in Greenland ports, com- between Europe and Asia. It is believed that Because of the extreme conditions in pared with 32 in 2009. Furthermore, ship- the waters around Greenland and the Faroe sparsely populated Arctic regions, preven- ping trade in Faroese waters has increased Islands will experience a significant increase tion of marine vessel accidents is crucial in considerably. Shipping in Faroese waters in maritime traffic in the coming years. the Arctic. Regardless of climate changes, has risen by 5-6 times from 2008-2010 it will still be necessary to take account of and 40-50 sizeable cruise ships now call at The increasing maritime activity is closely ice, low temperatures, extreme weather Faroese ports each year. linked with economic development in the and the risk of grounding. It is therefore Arctic. For the sake of the fragile environ- vital that ships are built and equipped so Shipping operators are exploring new areas ment in the Arctic, it is important to build they can operate under these conditions. still further north as ice conditions permit. sustainable growth. For shipping, which Despite increasing intensity, marine traffic
Kingdom of Denmark Strategy for the Arctic 2011–2020 17 will still be spread over a vast geographi- marine vessels require support in the form changing climatic conditions and altered cal area far from ports. Therefore, ships of a sound infrastructure. The Government distribution of sea ice in Greenland wa- should first and foremost use their own of Greenland has focused on this chal- ters, the navigational pattern of ships has rescue equipment if an accident should lenge with the establishment in 2009 of changed dramatically. Combined with occur, until the resources offered by the a Transportation Commission and in the the growth of cruise ship activity and oil authorities responsible in the area can be coming years will address requirements in exploration, there is a need for intensified deployed to assist. Therefore, preventive this area, based on the recommendations ice and weather warning alerts further measures must be set in place that allow in the commission’s report in 2011. north in both West and East Greenland. It for the continued and increased navigation will therefore be a priority that the existing in the Arctic, while at the same time effec- Updating nautical charts will be an im- Ice Services be adapted to the increased tively preventing and minimising marine portant factor under the auspices of the requirements for observation, forecast- accidents and mitigating damage to the Danish Realm. In the future, ships will ing and dissemination of ice conditions in environment and nature. increasingly use electronic nautical charts Greenland waters. and make use of satellite-based naviga- It is important to implement preventive tion systems such as GPS which impose Furthermore, enhanced surveillance of safety measures, not least for the cruise stricter requirements on the accuracy of maritime traffic in the Arctic will contribute ships that sail with many passengers, and charts. In particular, a thorough knowledge to improved prevention of accidents and often with limited local knowledge. Here, of water depth is necessary to navigate coordination of the rescue efforts. It also experience shows that other cruise ships safely at sea. In 2009 an agreement was provides greater opportunity to intervene in the vicinity are crucial to saving lives. The made between the Minister of Environ- before an accident can occur. Currently, Kingdom is working to promote coopera- ment and the Government of Greenland ships sailing to Greenland must report to tion on maritime safety in all key forums, about a renewal of the nautical charts for the so-called GREENPOS reporting system, particularly in the International Maritime Greenland, which means that the charts which requires ships in Greenland waters Organisation (IMO), where binding rules for for most of Southwest Greenland (from to continuously report their position to the navigation in the Arctic are drawn up, but Cape Farewell to Uummannaq) - the busi- Greenland Command. Larger ships already also through enhanced cooperation in the est Greenland waters - will be corrected send their positions via the satellite-based Arctic Council. and digitized no later than 2018. Due LRIT (Long Range Identification and Track- to the vast sea areas, large areas of the ing) system. Surveillance is expected to be To increase the safety of ships navigating Greenland waters will be unsurveyed be- improved, for example by using new tech- in Arctic waters, Denmark has introduced yond 2018 while still greater areas become nology with satellite reception of ships’ AIS improved port State control of cruise ships accessible to shipping as the ice melts. signals (Automatic Identification System) planning to sail to Greenland. Moreover, For reasons of safety at sea the Kingdom as almost all larger ships are equipped other countries have been urged to do the will furthermore continue to prioritize the with AIS. same when these ships enter their ports work of the International Hydrographic before sailing to the Arctic. Furthermore, the Organization (IHO), such as in the regional The Faroese Maritime Authority follows Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs commission on the Arctic which was es- international developments and handles has entered into an agreement with the tablished in 2010. Faroese interests in the IMO because of Government of Greenland (Naalakkersuisut) its status as an associate member of on the establishment of a liaison committee Similarly maritime safety is supported by IMO. With the introduction of AIS and in order to ensure that a high safety level of ensuring the availability of reliable informa- LRIT, which are based on IMO mandatory navigation in Greenland waters is sustained tion on weather, sea conditions and ice. requirements, it has been possible to im- and developed, whether this takes the form The Greenland Ice Services at the Danish prove the monitoring of foreign and Faro- of international shipping or in the form of Meteorological Institute was established ese vessels in Faroese waters. In addition domestic navigation to and from Greenland in 1959 as one result of the shipwreck of to this, cooperation has been established ports. The liaison committee will prepare a M / S “Hans Hedtoft”. The Service’s main between Denmark, Greenland, the Faroe joint plan in 2011 to ensure this. task so far has been to map the ice con- Islands, Norway and Britain for the mutual ditions in the Cape Farewell area for the exchange of AIS data in the North Atlantic Increased maritime traffic also places safe navigation of cargo ships between region. greater demands on infrastructure as Greenland and Denmark. Because of
18 Kingdom of Denmark Strategy for the Arctic 2011–2020 Over a number of years, both the Faroe which could come to the rescue if a the unique challenges of security, the Islands and Greenland have entirely or in maritime incident occurs. The Kingdom Kingdom will consider implementing part been responsible for the monitoring of will work in the Arctic Council to gather non-discriminatory regional safety and the marine environment and pollution con- knowledge of cruise lines’ own safety environmental rules for navigation in trol in territorial waters. Furthermore, the standards for navigation in order to pro- the Arctic in consultation with the other Faroe Islands has responsibility for search mote “best practices” for the navigation Arctic states and taking into account in- and rescue services. In light of increased of cruise ships in the Arctic, and also ternational law, including the Convention activity in the region further knowledge consider the need for increased focus on the Law of the Sea provisions regard- and exchange of findings and cooperation on port State control prior to cruise ing navigation in ice covered waters. will be needed to solve these tasks. ships sailing to the Arctic. • T he Kingdom will work to strengthen • T he Kingdom will promote cooperation • T he Kingdom will continue preparing cooperation with neighbouring coun- with other Arctic states and other key new nautical charts for Greenland to tries on monitoring, search and rescue, countries with significant maritime avoid maritime accidents in Greenland such as supporting the implementation interests in major marine policy issues waters and to support mineral resource of the joint Arctic cooperation agree- concerning the Arctic, such as maritime activities. The Kingdom will support ment on strengthening coordination safety. Cooperation with other Arctic the surveying of the Greenland waters and data-sharing in relation to search states must support a sustainable and cooperation with other coastal and rescue, entered into under the aus- maritime growth, for example by es- states of the Arctic Ocean within the pices of the Arctic Council in May 2011. tablishing a better knowledge base on Arctic Hydrographic Commission. Mari- navigation in the Arctic. time safety must also be supported • G iven the clear correlation between the by ensuring the availability of reliable rise of maritime activity and economic • T he Kingdom will reinforce concrete information on weather, sea and ice in development in the Arctic, efforts will be preventive measures to improve safety collaboration with other Arctic states, strengthened to involve Greenland citi- of navigation in the Arctic. In particular better information about navigation in zens in tasks within areas of maritime this involves endeavours, in coopera- Greenland waters and the tightening safety, such as surveying, buoying, and tion with the other Arctic States, for up of port State control of ships sailing search and rescue at sea, perhaps by adoption by the IMO of a mandatory to the Arctic, and finally working for the establishing a voluntary coastal rescue Polar Code to ensure high safety levels international dissemination hereof. service. in Greenland waters, regardless of the ships’ nationality and for a requirement • T he Kingdom will work to introduce • T he Kingdom will examine the need that crews have the requisite skills for binding global rules and standards for for the establishment of new shipping navigation in Arctic waters. navigation in the Arctic and it is a high routes, and implement this to the ex- priority to reach agreement on a global tent it promotes maritime safety and • T o work for the inclusion of require- regulation of shipping via the IMO, cf. marine protection. For example, there is ments in the polar code under IMO Ilulissat Declaration. Should it prove that particular need to establish recognized auspices that cruise ships coordinate agreement on global rules cannot be routes in Faroese waters for both cruise their navigations with the emergency reached, and in view of the especially ships, tankers and other vessels with services, including other cruise ships, vulnerable Arctic environment and respect to safety and the environment. Navigation in Greenland There are many different maritime ac- also an increasing activity of vessels used with fishing vessels, passenger transport, tivities in Greenland waters. In particu- for oil exploration and marine studies, just supply of Greenland towns, etc.. lar, cruise tourism has increased mark- as the shipping of minerals with bulk car- edly: From 15,654 passengers in 2004 riers is expected to rise significantly. Ad- to 30,271 passengers in 2010. There is ditionally, there is considerable local traffic
Kingdom of Denmark Strategy for the Arctic 2011–2020 19 The new shipping lanes The continued melting of ice in the over 40% compared to the route via the with 41,000 tons of iron ore concentrate Arctic Ocean is expected over a 10 to Suez Canal. Furthermore, the opening of from Kirkenes in northern Norway to 20 year period to result in the open- these alternative routes means that the China was around 30% shorter than if the ing (at least during parts of the year) military and commercial shipping will no ship had used the traditional route via of the Northwest Passage over North longer be dependent on passage through the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean America and the Northeast Passage the political unstable Middle East nor the and took place in close cooperation with over Russia. The economic benefits of piracy-infested routes through the South the Norwegian Tschudi Shipping Com- these new routes are potentially sig- China Sea, the Malacca Straits and the pany and the Russian authorities. In Au- nificant. The opening of the Northwest Gulf of Aden. gust 2008, the Danish cable ship “Peter Passage will reduce the distance from Faber”, assisted by Canadian pilots, sailed Seattle to Rotterdam by almost 25% Danish pioneers: In September 2010, the as the first commercial vessel through compared to the route via the Panama heavy ice class bulk carrier, “Nordic Bar- the Northwest Passage thus saving 15 Canal. The possibility of navigating the ents”, of the Danish shipping company, days on its voyage from Japan to New- Northern Sea Route via the Northeast Nordic Bulk Carriers, sailed via the Arctic foundland in order to lay cables between Passage will reduce the distance be- and the Northeast Passage to Asia as the Greenland and Canada. tween Rotterdam and Yokohama by first cargo ship ever to do so. The voyage, Northwest Passage Northern Sea Route Source: Hugo Ahlenius, UNEP/GRID-Arendal
20 Kingdom of Denmark Strategy for the Arctic 2011–2020 The Polar Code The Polar Code will supplement the navigation and navigation in uninhabited the International Maritime Organisation international maritime safety and envi- areas to allow for Arctic conditions. The (IMO) and the rules are expected to come ronmental conventions which already Polar Code must also allow for the chang- into force in 2013-2014. apply in the Arctic with additional rules ing requiretments imposed by geography on rescue equipment, fire fighting, ice and seasons. The work is taking place at Agreement on aeronautical and maritime search and rescue in the Arctic Council and preparedness in Greenland At its meeting of foreign ministers in the event of an accident, it is possible to overall responsibility for the SAR response May 2011, the Arctic Council adopted receive rapid assistance from neighbouring in Greenland. The daily operational man- a mutual agreement on Search and countries’ emergency services. The Ministry agement is handled by the Greenland Rescue (SAR), which aims to strengthen of Economic and Business Affairs, Ministry Command, the Air Rescue Service and the coordination of rescue efforts, so in of Transport and Ministry of Justice have Chief of Police office in Greenland. 2.3. EXERCising of sovereignty The long-term political agreement on The range of tasks of the Arctic Response and surveillance defence (Danish Defence agreement Force is for defined periods and in de- The Arctic is and must be a region char- 2010-2014) involves a stronger focus on fined areas anticipated to strengthen the acterized by peace and cooperation. Even the tasks of the Danish Armed Forces in armed forces’ enforcement of sovereignty though the working relationship of the the Arctic. The agreement includes four and surveillance, for instance through Arctic Ocean’s coastal states is close, overriding initiatives that must be viewed military exercises. The force could also be there will be a continuing need to enforce in light of climate change and increased deployed in other situations such as in as- the Kingdom’s sovereignty, especially in activity that would foreseeably result in an sistance to the Greenlandic society. light of the anticipated increase in activity increase of tasks for the armed forces. in the region. While the Kingdom’s area in Thirdly, a risk analysis of the maritime en- the Arctic is covered by the NATO treaty Firstly, the Armed Forces North Atlantic vironment in and around Greenland is to be Article 5 regarding collective defence, the command structure will be streamlined by conducted in the light of an anticipated ex- enforcement of sovereignty is fundamen- the amalgamation of the Greenland Com- pansion of traffic and activity in the Arctic. tally a responsibility of the Realm’s central mand and the Faroe Command into a joint authorities. Enforcement of sovereignty service Arctic Command. Fourthly, towards 2014 a comprehensive is exercised by the armed forces through analysis of the armed force’s future tasks a visible presence in the region where sur- Secondly, the ability of the armed forces in the Arctic is to be carried out, including veillance is central to the task. In addition, to conduct operations in the Arctic en- opportunities and potential for closer coop- the armed forces play an important role in vironment will be strengthened through eration with partner countries in the Arctic the provision of a range of more civilian- the establishment of an Arctic Response concerning surveillance and the like. In this related duties. Within the entire spectrum Force. The response force would not be connection it is to be examined whether of tasks, the Kingdom attaches great im- established permanently, but designated the Thule Air Base may play a larger role in portance to confidence building and coop- from existing armed forces and emer- regard to the tasks performed in and around eration with Arctic partner countries. gency preparedness units with Arctic Greenland by the Danish Armed Forces in capacity or the potential to develop one. cooperation with other partner countries.
Kingdom of Denmark Strategy for the Arctic 2011–2020 21 The Danish Defence aspires, as other public the Faroe Islands with regard to the tive initiatives between countries in institutions, to reflect the surrounding com- enforcement of sovereignty and surveil- the Arctic. The Kingdom will stress the munity. Indeed, it is a Danish-Greenland lance. The North Atlantic command potential for increased cooperation on hope that citizens of Greenland can be in- structure is to be streamlined by the surveillance. creasingly involved in the tasks of the armed establishment of an Arctic Command forces and with that, participate in a wide and an Arctic Response Force is to be • T he possibilities to enhance coop- range of training opportunities, whether designated from existing units. eration in regard to the armed force’s they be basic training, civil/military special- tasks will be looked into, including the ist and management training programs or • T he Kingdom will reinforce confidence- involvement of Greenland’s citizens in customized further education at all levels. building in cooperation with other Arctic the handling of key tasks of the armed The armed forces will thereby also greatly states to maintain the Arctic as a region forces in the Arctic. The possibilities for benefit from Greenland local knowledge. characterized by cooperation and good targeted information and recruitment neighbourliness, just as the Kingdom campaigns and the establishment of • T he armed forces must be visibly will continue to play an active role in customized courses will be studied. present in and around Greenland and creating and promoting new collabora- Key tasks of the armed forces in the Arctic Enforcement of state sovereignty is a portation route and to the utilisation of fundamental task of the armed forces marine resources. in all parts of the Kingdom. Sovereignty enforcement is the primary task of the Climate change in recent years, in particu- Danish Armed Forces in the Arctic and lar the melting of ice masses, has resulted the level of presence in the area is deter- in an increase in the navigable areas and mined accordingly. Units from the army, the commercial activities that follow in navy and air force carry out tasks in the Greenland in the summer from mid-May Arctic. They undertake surveillance and to mid-October and this trend looks set to Challenger CL-604 patrol aircraft enforcement of sovereignty of Green- continue. In winter, there has not been a land and Faroese territorial waters corresponding change of activities in the and air space, as well as the Greenland area. How this development will affect the exclusive economic zone and the fish- armed forces’ tasks is analysed as part of ing zones to ensure that no systematic the Defence Agreement 2010-2014. violations of territory can take place. Likewise, the Sirius Patrol oversees the The armed forces adapts its deployment National Park in Northeast Greenland of vessels, aircraft and other capacities in and enforces sovereignty there. accordance with the distinct difference in seasonal activity. Because of the enor- Off shore patrol vessel and patrol vessel As part of its presence, the armed mous dimensions of the Arctic, interna- forces is building a habitual picture of tional cooperation is an important element activities in the waters around Green- in resolving the armed forces’ tasks in the land and the Faroe Islands. The armed Arctic. forces presence and overview of activi- ties in the Arctic establishes a basis for solving many other tasks , including providing assistance to the Greenland community. Activities in the Arctic are largely related to the ocean as a trans- Sledge patrol
Photo: Ivars Silis og Nukissiorfiit / Grønlands Energiforsyningsselskab
Kingdom of Denmark Strategy for the Arctic 2011–2020 23 3. Self-sustaining growth and development •M ineral resources shall be exploited under the highest international standards of safety, health, environment, preparedness and response, and transparency with high returns for society. • The use of renewable energy sources must be increased significantly. • Living resources, including fish, shellfish and marine mammals shall be harvested in a sus- tainable manner based on sound science. • New opportunities in the Arctic must be exploited in close cooperation with industry, and an optimal regulatory framework will be created for exports and investments. • The Kingdom’s Arctic research will be at the global forefront, and research and training efforts must support the development of industry and society in the Arctic. • The Kingdom will promote Arctic cooperation on health and social sustainability, including research and best practices in areas of shared challenges. It will be an overriding political priority for developments and the restructuring of which are the areas specifically addressed the Kingdom and particularly in Greenland industry. Integration into the new opportu- in this chapter. This concerns a number over the next ten years to seize the many nities in the Arctic will place great demands of strategic priorities for the Kingdom in opportunities in the Arctic to create more on the populations’ adaptability and mobil- relation to economic and societal develop- growth and development. The huge eco- ity. It will also be a significant challenge for ment in the Arctic, but also other impor- nomic potential in the Arctic must be real- Greenland to develop policies which, apart tant areas such as enhanced economic ized while appreciating its human impact, from the goal of social and societal-related development and diversification of the i.e. the economic and social integration sustainability, deal with the prospect of economy. This applies i.a. to the develop- of the population and with sensitivity to significant foreign labour migration. ment of the tourist industry and bolstering environmental concerns, thereby creating the overall development with adequate a healthy, productive and self-sustaining There is a close correlation between on the infrastructure. community. Greenland is already a fast- one hand realising the potential of natural changing society and peoples in the Arctic, resources, new trade and investment op- Today, tourism, second only to fisheries, including the Greenlanders, may have to portunities, and enhanced research and is the most important export industry in adapt to even more extensive changes in education contributions while on the other Greenland, and the tourist industry has the future due to climate change, societal promoting health and social sustainability, potential for growth in the future. This ap-
24 Kingdom of Denmark Strategy for the Arctic 2011–2020 plies both to land-based tourism and the Infrastructure is a key element in the de- are important components of high-end cruise-liner business. Among the benefits velopment of the Greenland society and technology, including green energy tech- of the latter is that even small towns and to ensure long term sustainable develop- nologies. villages along the coast can be involved in ment, the Government of Greenland set up tourism. The land-based tourism gener- a transportation commission in 2009 for The mineral resources sector in Greenland ates by far the greatest revenue but is cur- the socio-economic analysis of the entire has significantly matured over the last rently dependent on only a few markets, infrastructure in Greenland. The Commis- 10-15 years as a result of a long-term and primarily the Danish. Therefore Greenland’s sion’s recommendations of April 2011 will deliberate strategy. After the adoption by Tourist Board is working on the develop- form an important element in future policy Parliament Act No. 7 of 7 December 2009 ment of a new national brand that more decisions on the evolution of Greenland in- on mineral resources and activities of rel- clearly defines Greenland as an adventure frastructure. This will include decisions on evance hereto, the mineral resources sec- destination focusing on sustainable tour- the location of ports and airports. These tor was fully taken over by the Greenland ism and which to a greater extent appeals projects will be costly and therefore private Self-Government on 1 January 2010 and to the global market. funding is seen as a possibility, just as min- is a key element to building growth indus- ing projects located near urban areas could tries and a self-sustaining economy. In be included in potential funding of larger 2008, Greenland had already adopted the Geological Survey local infrastructure projects. Parliament Act No. 6 of 5 December 2008 of Denmark and on Greenland’s Mineral Resources Fund, Greenland GEUS which is inspired by the Norwegian model 3.1. High standards so that oil and gas revenues also benefit The Geological Survey of Denmark and for the exploitation future generations. Greenland (GEUS) is responsible for of mineral resources the scientific exploration of the geo- Studies from the U.S. Geological Survey, The vision is to exploit mineral resources logical survey of Denmark and Green- among others, estimate that there may be in the Arctic under the best international land, including their respective shelf enormous, as yet unproven oil and gas re- practices, and in continued close coop- areas. GEUS will conduct research at sources in the Arctic, just as previously ma- eration with relevant authorities of the the highest international level on is- jor discoveries were made of gas especially Danish Realm and international partners. sues of importance to the exploitation (in Russia) but also oil (in Alaska). Specifi- Greenland and the Faroe Islands shall be and protection of Denmark and Green- cally, it is estimated that the Arctic may attractive areas for exploration, and the land’s geological natural resources. contain up to 30% of the world’s undiscov- management of mineral resources must GEUS also carries out mapping, moni- ered gas resources and approx. 10% of the be competent and efficient in ensuring toring, data collection, data manage- oil resources. Approximately 97% of oil and that such mineral resources are explored ment and the presentation of these gas resources are believed to lie within the and exploited under the highest standards issues. GEUS provides geological Arctic States’ exclusive economic zones, of safety, health, environment, emergency advice to public authorities on nature, and are thereby allocated. preparedness and transparency. The min- environment, climate, energy and min- eral resource industry must be developed eral resource related questions and In Greenland’s case, it is estimated that while strongly taking into consideration participates in the authority’s regula- 31 billion barrels of oil and gas off the the fragile Arctic environment so it con- tory work within these areas. GEUS coast of Northeast Greenland and 17 bil- tributes to sound economic development, is a national geological data centre lion barrels of oil and gas in areas west including the creation of new jobs and and in that capacity makes data and of Greenland and east of Canada could a maximum return to society. Mineral knowledge available to the authorities, be discovered, though the probability resource activities will also be carried educational institutions, businesses is greater for discoveries in Northeast out with sufficient preparedness that and individuals. GEUS’s tasks in rela- Greenland. Greenland is also rich in the public is kept from harm (based on tion to Greenland are generally defined mineral deposits, including zinc, cop- the polluter-pays-principle) and that the in the Self-Government Act and are per, nickel, gold, diamonds and platinum Kingdom’s international obligations can described in the Mineral Resources Act group metals, and has substantial depos- be met in case of major unscheduled inci- for Greenland. its of so-called critical metals, including dents. This should be a model for resource rare earth elements, several of which exploitation across the whole of the Arctic.
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