Kick-off webinar waterstof Frankrijk - Dinsdag, 23 maart 2021 - 11:00 - Nederland Wereldwijd

Page created by Johnnie Curry
Kick-off webinar waterstof Frankrijk - Dinsdag, 23 maart 2021 - 11:00 - Nederland Wereldwijd
Kick-off webinar waterstof Frankrijk
›   Dinsdag, 23 maart 2021 – 11:00
Kick-off webinar waterstof Frankrijk - Dinsdag, 23 maart 2021 - 11:00 - Nederland Wereldwijd
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Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland                                 2
23 maart 2021
Kick-off webinar waterstof Frankrijk - Dinsdag, 23 maart 2021 - 11:00 - Nederland Wereldwijd
Ontmoet onze sprekers

Ambassadeur Pieter de Gooijer                Afkenel Schipstra               Noé van Hulst                     Stefan Koreneef
    NL Ambassade in Frankrijk                      ENGIE         IPHE/Gasunie/International Energy Agency   NL Ambassade in Frankrijk

  Corka Scheeringa                Robert Jan van Vliet           Maret Reinders         Micky van Gemert            Joris Houtman
           RVO                           Sia Partners             NBSO Nantes                Sia Partners              NBSO Lyon

    Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland                                                                                       3
    23 maart 2021
Kick-off webinar waterstof Frankrijk - Dinsdag, 23 maart 2021 - 11:00 - Nederland Wereldwijd
Kick-off webinar waterstof Frankrijk

     >   Opening en welkom - Ambassadeur Pieter de Gooijer
     >   Economische netwerk Frankrijk - Stefan Koreneef (Innovatieraad, NL Ambassade in Frankrijk)
     >   Presentatie sectorstudie – Robert Jan van Vliet en Micky van Gemert (Sia Partners)
     >   Visie en de toekomstontwikkelingen - Noé van Hulst (Gasunie/International Energy Agency)
     >   Ervaringen bij zakendoen in Frankrijk - Afkenel Schipstra (ENGIE)
     >   Q&A - Interactieve sessie
     >   Ondersteuning vanuit overheid : handelsinstrumenten en programma’s - Corka Scheeringa (RVO)
     >   Nederland en waterstof in Frankrijk (NBSO Nantes)

Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland
23 maart 2021
Kick-off webinar waterstof Frankrijk - Dinsdag, 23 maart 2021 - 11:00 - Nederland Wereldwijd
March 2021

Hydrogen sector study
Hydrogen in France, developments and opportunities for the

Commissioned by
Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO)
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in France
Netherlands Business Support Office Lyon & Nantes
Kick-off webinar waterstof Frankrijk - Dinsdag, 23 maart 2021 - 11:00 - Nederland Wereldwijd
Recommendations and general advice for hydrogen sector development
in the Netherlands

                     For the public sector                                    For the private sector

1 • We see a need for the Netherlands to be part of the    1• A navigation/cartography of actors in France has been
 Franco-German cooperation                                 made for each hydrogen sector

2 • We see a need to improve the attractiveness of the     2• We see opportunities to develop innovation hubs
 business climate for foreign (electrolysis) OEMs in the   between Dutch and French companies in some sectors

                                                           3• We see an importance for innovative start-ups or smaller
3 • There is a need for stronger lobbying between          SMEs to receive financial assistance in scaling up their
 ministries with France and the Netherlands                innovations

4 • The Dutch subsidy climate should improve               4 A dashboard could be created listing innovative
                                                           (hydrogen) companies by sector

                confidential                                                                                             6
Kick-off webinar waterstof Frankrijk - Dinsdag, 23 maart 2021 - 11:00 - Nederland Wereldwijd
Cooperation opportunities for Dutch organisations

               1                     2                           3
    Apply to the regional     Direct company-to-    Apply to EU call for tenders
    and national call for    company cooperation      or subsidy programs

            confidential                                                           7
Kick-off webinar waterstof Frankrijk - Dinsdag, 23 maart 2021 - 11:00 - Nederland Wereldwijd
1       2         3

The national hydrogen strategy and the ADEME national call for tenders

        1. Decarbonate industry by creating a French
                                                                                 ADEME national call for tenders
                    electrolysis sector

      20 – 40% of total hydrogen consumption by 2030 is low-
                    carbon renewable hydrogen                                                          2. Technological bricks
                                                                   1. Territorial hydrogen
                                                                                                            and hydrogen
      6.5 GW of installed capacity of electrolysis by 2030                                                  demonstrators

                                                                    • Regional approach                  • Innovation work
    2. Develop heavy mobility with carbon-free hydrogen        •     Full hydrogen ecosystem       •    Focus on (sub)components
                                                                                                              and systems
       400 to 1000 in 2028             20k to 50k in 2028
                       800 to 2000 in 2028
                                                                    Open for submissions                 Open for submissions
                 Develop hydrogen use in rail, marine                  (2020-2022)                          (2020-2022)
                and air transport through pilot projects
            Save 6 Mt of CO2 emissions in 2030

     3. Support research, innovation and education to
                  promote tomorrow uses                               €275M dedicated                      €350M dedicated

      Create 50.000 to 150.000 direct and indirect jobs in
               confidential                                                                                                      8
Kick-off webinar waterstof Frankrijk - Dinsdag, 23 maart 2021 - 11:00 - Nederland Wereldwijd
1   2       3
The regions and the hydrogen regional development agencies

                                                                     Roadmap under

         confidential   Sector focus per region is limited: please read the full report for comprehensive information per region           9
1      2        3

                         Key opportunities for company-to-company cooperation
                            Subsector                                French context                                         Type of opportunity                              Example of cooperation*

                                                   France has an important ecosystem of players                 NL can benefit from France’s expertise
                           Electrolysis            positioned on electrolysis                                   on large scale electrolysis
High priority

                                                  No leading French road vehicle OEMS focusing                  France could benefit from Dutch
                           Road mobility
                                                  on hydrogen heavy vehicles                                    expertise on hydrogen heavy vehicles

                           Marine mobility        Large seafront with many specialized ports and a              Collaborations between ports and (sub-
                                                  focus on maritime mobility in the hydrogen                    component supplier) ship OEMs could
                                                  strategy                                                      be explored
 Medium - low priority

                           Large-scale            The first national salt cavity storage pilot in the           Sharing of expertise and experience
                                                  Hypster project.                                              through e.g. R&D partnerships

                                                  Gas network injection is developing through                   Collaborations on the topics of grid
                                                  many pilot projects led by various players                    mixing and engineering of hydrogen –
                                                                                                                gas pipelines

                                            confidential   *The companies listed serve as an example of the type of companies that could take part in an opportunity. This is by no means an exhaustive       10
1     2          3

European programs and mechanisms for hydrogen cooperation
   French players have fully understood the role of the EU and are active in European funding windows. This
  relationship is even stronger for the French regions, which support their players in their dealings with funding
  windows, develop relationships with other European regions (S3 Platform) and support players in their projects

        EU hydrogen subsidies
                                                                                       A way to:

        Hydrogen IPCEI                                                    1. Find French (international)
                                                                                hydrogen actors
                                                                          2. Access the French Market
        Franco-German cooperation

             confidential                                                                                            11
Visie en de toekomstontwikkelingen

›   Noé van Hulst

Ervaringen bij zakendoen in Frankrijk

›   Afkenel Schipstra

Q&A - Interactieve sessie

Ondersteuning vanuit overheid:
handelsinstrumenten en programma's

›   Corka Scheeringa

Hoe kunnen we u helpen bij zakendoen in Frankrijk?

Kennis & Informatie      Netwerk & Contacten      Belangen behartiging     Financiering
Benut onze kennis        Vind nieuwe contacten,   Samenwerken aan          Vind financiering die
van de lokale situatie   partners en afnemers     kansen en oplossingen.   past bij uw ambities.
en markt, trends en      via ons internationale
kansen.                  netwerk.

Nederland en Waterstof in Frankrijk

›   Maret Reinders


Economische netwerk in Frankrijk
                                                                           NL Ambassade

Wij ondersteunen met:

•   Het vinden van zakelijke kansen
•   Het verstrekken van marktinformatie
•   Matchmaking en het vinden van zakenpartners
•   Handelsmissies en beurzen (NL Paviljoen), online of onsite
•   Faciliteren van contacten met lokale overheden en organisaties

                                                                               NBSO Lyon

Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland                                          18
23 maart 2021
Evenementen waterstof in Frankrijk
  › 29 april – Webinar Hydrogen and Mobility        ›   12-15 oktober – Pollutec (Lyon)
     Mobiliteit (Rai Automotive Industry NL             Circulair economie
     & CARA – een franse cluster voor mobiliteit)
                                                    ›   27-28 oktober – HyVolution (Parijs)
    ›   25 mei – Forum Hydrogen, Webinar series         Energie, industrie, mobiliteit
        Waterstof financiering
                                                    ›   8-9 december – Energaïa (Montpellier)
    ›   8-11 juni – Seanergy (Nantes)                   Duurzame energie
        Offshore wind en waterstof
                                                    ›   TBC – Matchmaking missie NMT Rotterdam
    ›   24 juni – Forum Hydrogen, Webinar series        Maritiem
        Waterstof nieuwe oplossingen

    ›   29-30 sept. – Forum Hydrogen (Belfort)

Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland                                                           19
23 maart 2021
Evenementen waterstof in Frankrijk
  › TBC – Matchmaking havens (in NL en FR)

    ›   1-3 februari – Euromaritime (Marseille)

    ›   Q2 – Matchmaking Mobiliteit
        Mobiliteit (Rai Automotive Industry NL, franse
        organisaties SMILE & ID4Car)

    ›   Juni TBC – Seanergy (Nantes)
        Offshore wind en H2

    ›   Oktober TBC – Euronaval (Parijs)

Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland                   20
23 maart 2021
>   RVO

                                         >   NL Ambassade in Frankrijk

            Dank u voor uw               >   NBSO Lyon

                                         >   NBSO Nantes

                                         >   Sia Partners
Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland                                      21
23 maart 2021
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