Key Changes to CAP Schemes in 2023

Page created by Clayton Dixon
Key Changes to CAP Schemes in 2023

Key Changes to CAP
Schemes in 2023
Many schemes run by the Department of Agriculture,
Food and the Marine are changing as part of the new
Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which comes into
effect 1 January 2023. We have outlined what you
need to know, and how and when to apply.

The draft plan is subject to the conclusion of the relevant national, legal and administrative processes.
Changes to CAP Schemes in 2023

Direct Payments Schemes
What is changing:
                              Basic Income            New Schemes:
Basic Payment                 Support for
Scheme (BPS)                  Sustainability
                                                      » Eco Scheme
                                                      » Complementary Redistributive Income
                              Complementary             Support for Sustainability (CRISS)
Young Farmer                  Income Support
Scheme (YFS)                  for Young Farmers       Application process
Cross compliance/
                                                      Apply for these schemes via
Greening                                     from mid-February 2023.
                                                      Deadline for applications is 15 May 2023.
Protein Aid continues with beans, peas,
lupins, soya eligible paid approx €583
per hectare and protein/cereal mix paid
approx. €292 per hectare.


 Scheme             Max Hectares          Estimated Rate      Paid per Hectare       BISS application
                                          National average
 BISS               -                                         1 Entitlement = 1 HA

 CRISS              30 HA                 €43

 ECO                -                     €70-€80

 Protein Aid        -                     €583/€292

 CISYF              50 HA                 €180

Basic Income Support for                        Entitlements: All Payment Entitlement (PE)
Sustainability (BISS)                           values will change in 2023 i.e. all values
                                                are converging to the national average,
Applicants Should Note:
                                                25% of direct payments will fund the Eco
The main income support will continue           scheme, 10% of direct payments will fund
to be based on Payment Entitlements.            the CRISS. Statement of Entitlements will
                                                issue in February/March 2023. The easiest
» You must have 1 eligible hectare to
                                                way to find out about your payments
  support each Payment Entitlement
                                                in 2023 is to visit our online calculator
» The number of Payment Entitlements            at https://cap-calculators.apps.rhos.
  you hold will remain the same        (or search for DAFM
                                                CAP calculator, as it is usually the first
» If you currently hold rented/leased
                                                result found). The sale of entitlements
  Payment Entitlements these will
                                                without land will not be subject to
  continue under your herd for the
                                                clawback in 2023 or 2024 and 20%
  duration of the lease
                                                clawback will apply from 2025-2027.
» Transfers of payment entitlements will
                                                New allocations of Payment Entitlements
  continue to operate as they do now
                                                From the National Reserve for two
Land eligibility: Parcels can have up to        categories of farmer: Young Farmer
50% of beneficial features (e.g. scrub, trees   (Aged no more than 40 years of age at
etc.) without it impacting the area eligible    any time during the calendar year when
                                                they apply) and New Farmer (farmers that
Agricultural Activity: Applicants may
                                                have set up as head of a holding for the
be asked what agricultural activity they
                                                first time in their lives and within the past 3
are carrying out (e.g. if a parcel of land
                                                years). Maximum allocation of 50 Payment
is significant distance from the holding,
                                                Entitlements at the national average.
commonage applicants, grassland with
no livestock)                                   Capping: BISS payments begin to be
                                                capped above €60,000 and the maximum
Active Farmer: You must be the person
                                                BISS payment will be €66,000. Capping
farming the land. The farming activities
                                                only applies to BISS, that is the payment
can include meeting a minimum stocking
                                                entitlement value only – other direct
rate 0.10 livestock unit per hectare (lu per
                                                payments schemes are not capped.
ha), producing crops, cutting hay/silage,
maintaining landscape features etc.
Changes to CAP Schemes in 2023

Eco Scheme                                Complementary Redistributive Income
Applicants Should Note:                   Support for Sustainability (CRISS)
» Payment is not linked to                Applicants Should Note:
  Payment Entitlements, but               » New scheme from 2023, known as
  is on eligible hectares                   front loading
» Farmer must deliver two agricultural    » Paid to all farmers on their first 30 hectares
  practices to qualify for Eco Scheme
  payment (see options in the box)        » Payment is not linked to Payment
                                            Entitlement values, but is on eligible
» Farmer can opt in/out on annual           hectares (max 30 hectares)
  basis, can change agricultural
  practices annually                      » Payment of approx. €43 per
                                            eligible hectare
» Payment of approx. €70-€80 per
  eligible hectare                        Complementary Income Support
                                          for Young Farmers (CIS-YF)
Eco Scheme Options
                                          Applicants Should Note:
1. Space for Nature*
                                          » No longer based on Payment Entitlements,
2. Extensive Livestock Production*          but on eligible hectares (max 50 hectares)
3. Limiting Chemical Nitrogen Usage
                                          » Applicants must be head of the
4. Planting of Native Trees/Hedgerows*      holding, solely or jointly, for the first
5. Use of a GPS controlled fertiliser       time or has set up such a holding
   spreader/sprayer                         during the five years preceding their
6. Soil sampling and appropriate liming
                                            application for the CIS-YF Scheme

7. Planting of a Break Crop               » Payment of approx €180 per
                                            eligible hectare
8. Planting of a Multi-Species Sward

* Enhanced option, can count as two
  agricultural practises

Other Area based schemes
Areas of Natural Constraints (ANC)          Straw Incorporation Measure (SIM)
Applicants Should Note:                     Applicants Should Note:

» Designation of ANC lands and payment      » Annual commitment to chop and
  rates are unchanged (rate depends on        incorporate straw from cereal crops of
  category and number of hectares)            between 5 and 40 hectare
» Minimum stocking rate reduced             » No changes to crops or rates i.e. €250
  from 0.15 to 0.10 livestock unit per        per ha for Barley, Wheat, Oats, Rye and
  forage hectare (still equivalent to 1       €150 per hectare for Oilseed Rape
» In most cases stocking rate from the      Agri-Climate Rural Environment
  previous year can be used, however if     Scheme (ACRES)
  a farmer wishes, they can use the         This brand new €1.5 billion flagship
  current year                              agri-climate rural environment scheme
» Where justified on environmental          will support and reward up to 50,000
  grounds, a lower stocking requirement     farmers who undertake actions on farmed
  may apply                                 land beneficial for the environment such
                                            as, protecting water quality, improving
» Previous years stocking rates available   soil fertility, protecting biodiversity,
  on                          adapting to climate change, mitigating
                                            carbon emissions, and reducing chemical
Organic Farming Scheme                      fertiliser usage. The scheme will have two
Multi-annual scheme will support an         approaches, ACRES General and ACRES
expansion of the area farmed organically    Co-Operation. An approved ACRES advisor
in Ireland towards the target of 7.5% of    is required to prepare your application and
Agriculture Area by 2027 with a budget of   farm plan. Payments will be a maximum
€256 million. Higher rates with support     of approximately €7,000 for participants
for conversion range from €300 per          in the general scheme and approximately
hectare for drystock farms to €800 per      €10,500 in the Co-operation projects.
hectare for horticulture with annual        Applications are open for Tranch 1 until
participation payments.                     mid-November 2022 and approved
                                            applications will have start date 1
                                            January 2023.
Changes to CAP Schemes in 2023

NEW CAP Livestock                                          » Payment will be for the use of High DBI
                                                             bulls via Artificial Insemination in the
Schemes for 2023                                             previous breeding season – so 2023
                                                             breeding season for 2024 and so on.
Sheep Improvement Scheme (SIS)
                                                           » Payment of €20 per calf
Applicants Should Note:
                                                           Suckler Carbon Efficiency Programme
Sheep Welfare                          Sheep Improvement   (SCEP)
Scheme                                 Scheme
                                                           Applicants Should Note:
» Applications will open in November 2022
                                                           Beef Data                     Suckler Carbon
» Payment increased from €10 to €12 per                    and Genomics                  Efficiency
                                                           Programme (BDGP)              Programme (SCEP)
  breeding ewe
                                                           » Applications will open in February/
» Applicants must choose two actions, one
                                                             March 2023
  from Category A and one from Category
  B depending on whether they have a                       » Payment of €225 per ha for first 15 ha,
  lowland or a hill flock (see options in box)               €180 per remaining ha based on the most
                                                             beneficial three-year average within the
» Reference number of breeding ewes
                                                             historical reference period (2016 – 2021),
  will be based on the most beneficial
                                                             with provision for those new or relatively
  three-year average within the historical
                                                             new to Sucklers
  reference years (2016-2021)
                                                           » Must be in Bord Bia Sustainable Beef and
Sheep Improvement Scheme Actions                             Lamb Assurance Scheme (SBLAS) at time
Lowland Flock             Hill Flock                         of application and remain in it
Category A                Category A
Lameness Control          Meal Feeding Lambs*              » Must calve down at least 50% of the
Minerals Post Mating      Minerals Post Mating               reference number of animals every
Parasite Control          Parasite Control                   year (starting in 2023) Suckler Carbon
Category B                Category B                         Efficiency Programme Actions
Genotyped Ram**           Genotyped Ram**
Scanning                  Scanning                         Suckler Carbon Efficiency Programme Actions
Flystrike Control         Minerals Lambs Pre Weaning*      (must do all)
* Hill flocks cannot choose both meal feeding of lambs    1. Replacement Strategy (80% calves from
   and mineral supplementation pre weaning                   4/5 star sire and 50% of Dams on holding
** All farmers must complete the Genotyped Ram action       must be 4/5 star in 2023)
    at least once during the scheme and farmers with
    over 150 ewes must complete this action twice          2. Weight Recording (at least 70% of
                                                              animals annually)
Dairy Beef Welfare Scheme                                  3. Genotyping (at least 70% of animals
                                                             annually, without repetition)
Applicants Should Note:
                                                           4. Data Recording (data on animal events,
» Intention is for the scheme to open for                    records and surveys)
  applications in 2024

Other Schemes in the                           navigating a pathway to retirement. The
                                               financial support will contribute 50% of
CAP Strategic Plan                             such vouched costs, to a maximum of
                                               €1,500 per beneficiary, for each element.
On Farm Capital Investments
Scheme/TAMS                                    European Innovation Partnerships (EIPs)

The Targeted Agriculture Modernisation         Calls for proposed EIPs will begin in mid-
Scheme (TAMS) will continue for 3 years        2023, with support available for proposal
under the RDP, in tandem with the new On       development, and then implementation for
Farm Capital Investments Scheme under          successful projects. Selected proposals will
the CSP, with tranches opening regularly       allow a range of actors to come together
throughout this programme. Higher grant        to form Operational Groups to test and
rates payable for women farmers under the      develop innovative solutions to challenges
new On Farm Capital Investments scheme.        identified in the sector.

Producer Organisations and                     Knowledge Transfer Groups
Sectoral supports                              Beginning in 2024, this 3 year programme
» A sectoral intervention for producer         will support 19,000 farmers to participate
  organisations in the Fruit and vegetable     in facilitated knowledge transfer groups to
  sector will continue to support recognised   discuss a range of priority topics. KT Groups
  groups of producers to enable them to        formed based on local needs.
  concentrate supply and improve their
                                               Continuous Professional
  position in the value chain.
                                               Development for Advisors
» A new Early Stage support for Producer
                                               Support for high quality professional
  Organisations will open to support up to
                                               training for farm advisors is provided. Topics
  45 PO groups in the Beef, Sheep, Fruit and
                                               include climate change and sustainable
  Vegetable, Potato, Cereals and Amenity
                                               energy, air soil and water quality,
  sectors with up to €33,000 available to
                                               biodiversity conservation, organic farming,
  help groups to move towards becoming
                                               carbon farming and the adoption of new
  recognised producer organisations.
                                               technologies and best practice.
Collaborative Farming Grant                    LEADER Programme
This intervention will provide financial
                                               The Department of Rural and Community
support towards the professional costs
                                               Development (DRCD) will continue to
incurred during the establishment of a
                                               administer the LEADER programme to
Registered Farm Partnership. It will also
                                               support rural communities with a financial
provide financial support to professional
                                               allocation of €180 million for the period.
costs, such as legal, taxation and advisory
for older farmers, which will assist farmers
Calendar of schemes opening dates and contact details:
Scheme                                            Open               Contact details

Fruit & vegetable producer organisations          Sep ‘22  

Continuous Professional Development             Via portal in
(CPD) for Advisers                            September 2022         057-8674491
ACRES Tranche 1 (General and Co-op)               Oct ‘22

ACRES training                                    Oct ‘22  

Organic Farming Scheme                            Oct ‘22
Sheep Improvement Scheme                          Nov ‘22

LEADER                                     Process begins late ‘22

On Farm Capital Investment Scheme                          
                                                  Jan ‘23
(Tranche 1)                                                          053 9163425
Early stage support for                                    
                                                  Jan ‘23
producer organisations                                               057-8674454
Basic Income Support for Sustainability           Feb ‘23  
Eco-scheme                                        Feb ‘23
Areas of Natural Constraints                      Feb ‘23
Complementary Redistributive Income
                                                  Feb ‘23  
Support for Sustainability (CRISS)
Young Farmer                                      Feb ‘23
Trading of entitlements                           Feb ‘23  
Protein Aid                                       Feb ‘23
Straw Incorporation Measure                       Feb ‘23
Suckler Carbon Efficiency Programme              March ‘23

European Innovation Partnerships (EIPs)           May ‘23  

Knowledge transfer                                June ‘23

Collaborative Farming Grant                       Aug ‘23  

Dairy Beef Welfare scheme                          2024
                                                                     057 86774422

                                                        More information is available at
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