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Acta Medica Mediterranea, 2017, 33: 777 KETOGENIC DIET AS ANTIEPILEPTIC THERAPY: NEUROTRASMISSION EFFECTS AGATA MALTESE1, MARGHERITA SALERNO2, PALMIRA ROMANO3, ANNACLAUDIA RICCIARDI3, TERESA DI FILIPPO, GABRIELE TRIPI4,5 1 Department of Psychological, Pedagogical and Educational Sciences, University of Palermo, Italy - 2Sciences for Mother and Child Health Promotion, University of Palermo, Italy- 3Clinic of Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry, Department of Mental Health and Physical and Preventive Medicine; Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Italy - 4Department PROSAMI, University of Palermo, Italy -5Childhood Psychiatric Service for Neurodevelopmental Disorders, CH Chinon, France ABSTRACT The Ketogenic diet (KD) presents many effects on neurostrasmitters pathways. KD may act on potassium channels sensitive to ATP (KATP), inhibiting rapamycin pathway in mammalians or glutamatergic synaptic transmission or mediated by peptide hormones. Keywords: ketogenic diet, epilepsy, cholesterol, free fatty acids. DOI: 10.19193/0393-6384_2017_5_114 Received April 30, 2017; Accepted May 20, 2017 Neurotransmission alteration There is in fact evidence of high levels of GABA in the liquor of patients responding to the The Ketogenic diet (KD) presents many ketogenic diet. However, it is believed that the effects on neurostrasmitters pathways. GABA produced in this way does not act at the All of the ketone bodies are converted to level of GABA-A postsynaptic receptors - on which acetyl-CoA and enter the Krebs cycle through the anticonvulsant drugs act instead - but on other types pathway of the citrate synthase. This results in the of GABA receptor. Ketone bodies are not the only consumption of oxalacetate which is necessary for energy substrate that grows during the diet. the transamination of aspartate glutamate by aspar- Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) - which tic transaminase (AST). There is thus a buildup of account for more than 90% of total calories - may glutamate that becomes more readily available for have an anticonvulsant action directly. Some of synthesis of GABA by the glutamic acid dextaloxy- them can quickly inhibit the sodium dependent lase (GAD) enzyme. Although the relationship voltage channels and the L-type calcium channels, between expression of GAD and GABA levels decreasing the excitability of the neuronal mem- depends on numerous parameters and is not entirely brane. In addition, some PUFAs act on the mito- clear, the increase in GABA, the main inhibitory chondrial level by stimulating the activity of a neurotransmitter, seems to be one of the anti-con- decoupling protein (UCP). It acts by decreasing the vulsant mechanisms of ketosis. protonic gradient through the internal mitochondrial
778 Agata Maltese, Margherita Salerno et Al membrane necessary for the operation of the com- base of epileptic disease and the onset of crises, plex V (ATP synthase) for the transformation of from which the need for various clinical approach- ADP into ATP. This reduces the formation of ATP es. It goes without saying that the therapeutic suc- and potential energy Is dissipated in the form of cess of the ketogenic diet is not a single result, but heat. This also decreases the input of calcium ions of multiple fundamental mechanisms that are paral- into the mitochondria and the production of reactive lel and sometimes synergistic among themselves(46- oxygen species (ROS), resulting in a neuroprotec- 70) . tive effect. In fact, the ROSs that are produced dur- Moreover, another relevant mechanism of KD ing the dramatic bioenergy changes accompanying on neurotrasmitters can be identified in the inhibi- epileptic seizures are among the major or lower the tion of rapamycin pathway in mammalians. This epileptogenic threshold(1-45). pathway has a pathophysiological role in a variety KD has a dual effect: anticonvulsant - as in of epilepsy syndromes and animal models of animal models it is able to interrupt paroxysmal epileptic seizures. The Mammalian target of neuronal discharge; Antiepileptic - due to the prop- rapamycin is a serine-threonine protein kinase, erty of lowering the epileptogenic threshold. The characterized as intracellular integrator of metabol- latter property of modifying the prognosis of ic signals. This pathway responds indirectly to a epileptic disease is suggested by the fact that many variety of metabolic inputs including the insulin diet-treated patients are also free from crisis even receptor, fasting, ATP/adenosine monophosphate years after its interruption. In addition to PUFAs, (AMP) ratio, and hypoglycemia. In turn, this path- ketone bodies are able to protect neurons from way regulates protein translation, lipid biosynthesis, oxidative stress induced by hydrogen peroxide and autophagy, and mitochondrial biogenesis. decrease ROS production by mitochondria. The Mammalian target of rapamycin pathway proteins antiradical effect is peculiar, therefore, of the keto- localize to synapses and inhibition of the mam- genic diet, and there are no antiepileptic drugs with malian target of rapamycin with rapamycin impairs the same properties. Other action level is represent- late-phase long-term potentiation and long-term ed by potassium channels sensitive to ATP (KATP). depression. However, excessive activity of this In addition to the pancreas, where they regu- pathway is pathological and leads to human disor- late insulin secretion, these channels are also pre- ders including tuberous sclerosis complex, Cowden sent on the neuronal and glial membranes in some syndrome, and some forms of cancer(71-80). encephalic areas including hippocampus, hypothal- Moreover, also the inhibition of glutamatergic amus, nigra substance and vagus nerve nucleus. In synaptic transmission may be identified as long- particular, the parsiluted nigra substrate (SNPR) standing effect of KD. Ketones contribute to the appears to play a role in the subcortical modulation anti-seizure effect of the diet, then the degree of of epileptic seizure propagation. According to some seizure control might correlate with the serum experimental studies, ketone bodies are able to ketone concentration while on KD. Many reports block repetitive SNPR neurons by inhibition of showed better seizure control with higher serum β- KATP channels. KATPs are also present on the hydroxybutyrate levels, but most other clinical internal mitochondrial membrane and their modula- reports found no or only a transient correlation tion by ketone bodies reduces the formation of between serum β-hydroxybutyrate or acetoacetate KATP channels. ROS. Alternative to KATP would concentrations and seizure control. Similarly, some be another type of potassium channel involved in animal studies have found a correlation between the antiepileptic action of ketone bodies: the K2p serum β-hydroxybutyrate levels and seizure con- that seems to be best to represent the physiological trol, and others have not. Together, the clinical stud- link between neuronal excitability and metabolic ies and animal data indicate that the relationship activity as its regulatory activity on membrane between ketones and seizure control is unclear. potential is most influenced by various parameters Finally a new hypothesized mechanism for such as pH, temperature, osmolality, intracranial KD effects on cerebral neurotrasmitters pathways pressure. K2p is also activated by the PUFAs. The involves peptide hormones. In general, several above hypotheses do not represent the only mode of peripheral peptides produced in the gut and associ- action of the ketogenic diet, as there are certainly ated tis- sues have been suggested to link changes other misconceptions or studies. This is well corre- in body metabolism with central nervous system lated with the complexity of the alterations at the functions and, thus, may be critical regu- lators in
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