KENT BLOSSOM MUSIC FESTIVAL - SUMMER 2021 A Partnership Between Kent State University and The Cleveland Orchestra Celebrating 53 Years

Page created by Cheryl Stevens
KENT BLOSSOM MUSIC FESTIVAL - SUMMER 2021 A Partnership Between Kent State University and The Cleveland Orchestra Celebrating 53 Years
                                                                                                                                                                                     MUSIC FESTIVAL
                                                                                                                                                                                     SUMMER 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                     A Partnership Between Kent State University
                                                                                                                                                                                     and The Cleveland Orchestra
                                                                                                                                                                                     Celebrating 53 Years

                  | 330-672-2613

KENT BLOSSOM MUSIC FESTIVAL - SUMMER 2021 A Partnership Between Kent State University and The Cleveland Orchestra Celebrating 53 Years
53 SEASON                     RD                                                                        KENT BLOSSOM MUSIC FESTIVAL (KBMF) FACULTY
                                                                                                        KATHERINE BORMANN joined the first          BENNY KIM is an internationally known       STEPHEN ROSE begins his 20th season
                                                                                                        violin section of The Cleveland Orchestra   and acclaimed violinist. He received his    as a member of the KBMF faculty. He
                                                                                                        in 2011. She completed degrees at Rice      bachelor’s and master’s degrees from        was appointed principal second violin
                                                                                                        University and The Juilliard School,        the Juilliard School in 1986. Kim is a      of The Cleveland Orchestra in 2001
                                                                                                        studying with Kathleen Winkler, Joel        member of the Miami String Quartet.         and has been a member of the section
                                                                                                        Smirnoff and Ronald Copes.                                                              since 1997.
                                                                                                                                                    STANLEY KONOPKA has been a
                                                                                                        IVAN CHAN was the bronze medallist          member of The Cleveland Orchestra           FRANK ROSENWEIN* joined The
                                                                                                        of the 1990 International Violin            viola section since 1991 and was            Cleveland Orchestra as principal oboe
                                                                                                        Competition of Indianapolis and the         appointed assistant principal viola         at the beginning of the 2005-06 season.
                                                                                                        first violinist of the acclaimed Miami      in 1993. This is his 20th season at KBMF.   He was a scholarship student at KBMF
                                                                                                        String Quartet from 1995-2011. In 2003,                                                 in 1999.
                                                                                                                                                    JUNG-MIN AMY LEE^ joined The
KENT BLOSSOM MUSIC FESTIVAL ADMINISTRATION                                                              he was appointed chairman of the
                                                                                                        string division at the KBMF. Currently,     Cleveland Orchestra as associate          RICARDO SEPULVEDA^ is the director
                                                                                                        Chan serves as associate professor in       concertmaster in March 2008. Lee has      of the Kent Blossom Music Festival.
DIANE HELFERS PETRELLA, Dean,                         ANDREW PAA, Marketing Associate, Glauser          string chamber music at the Hong Kong       been affiliated with KBMF since 2009.     He holds two degrees from Kent State
College of the Arts (effective July 1, 2021)          School of Music & College of the Arts             Academy for Performing Arts.                                                          University where he studied chamber
                                                                                                                                                    SCOTT LEE is one of the most              music and performance under the
                                                                                                        WESLEY COLLINS joined The Cleveland         exciting and unique violists to emerge    tutelage of the Miro and Miami String
JOHN R. CRAWFORD-SPINELLI, Former Dean,               ALEX SWIGER, Box Office Manager, College of                                                   in recent years. He studied with Michael quartets. His primary teachers include
                                                                                                        Orchestra as principal viola with
College of the Arts (retired June 30, 2021)           the Arts                                          the start of the 2016-17 season. He         Tree at the Curtis Institute of Music     Sandy Yamamoto, Cathy Meng Robinson
                                                                                                        previously served as a member of the        and at The Juilliard School with Paul     and Ivan Chan.
KENT MCWILLIAMS, Director and Professor,              SAMUEL ROBERT, Recording Engineer and             viola section of the Boston Symphony        Newbauer. Lee is a member of the
Glauser School of Music                               Live Stream Director, Glauser School of Music     Orchestra beginning in 2012 and was         Miami String Quartet.                     JONATHAN SHERWIN joined The
                                                                                                        a member of the Atlanta Symphony                                                      Cleveland Orchestra bassoon section
                                                                                                                                                    DANIEL MCKELWAY is assistant              in 1997. Mr. Sherwin holds degrees
RICARDO SEPULVEDA, Director and Assistant             BRYON BLACK II, Administrative Support, Glauser   Orchestra 2008-2012.                        principal clarinetist of The Cleveland    from the Eastman School of Music and
Professor, Kent Blossom Music Festival                School of Music                                   ALAN DEMATTIA* joined the horn              Orchestra. He has been a member           Northwestern University.
                                                                                                        section of The Cleveland Orchestra in       of the KBMF faculty since 1996 and
TAHIRA HABEEB, Administrative Clerk, Glauser                                                            1984. DeMattia earned a Bachelor of         was named chair of the clarinet           JESSICA SINDELL joined The Cleveland
                                                                                                        Music Education degree as a horn major      studio in 2007. He also has served as     Orchestra in Oct. 2018 as assistant
School of Music                                                                                                                                     principal clarinetist of the Grand Rapids principal flute. A graduate of the
                                                                                                        at Kent State University and a Master of
                                                                                                        Music degree at the Cleveland Institute     Symphony.                                 Eastman School, this is her 3rd season
KENT BLOSSOM: ART, MUSIC AND THEATRE                                                                    of Music.                                   SPENCER MYER is rapidly establishing
                                                                                                                                                                                              on the KBMF faculty.
                                                                                                        STEPHEN GEBER joined The Cleveland          himself as one of the most outstanding JOSHUA SMITH* joined The Cleveland
Since the inauguration of Blossom Music Center as the summer home of The Cleveland Orchestra                                                        pianists of today. He's been associated Orchestra as principal flutist in 1990 and
                                                                                                        Orchestra as principal cellist at the
in 1968, Kent State University has participated in helping to develop Blossom’s role as a center for    beginning of the 1973-74 season and         with KBMF since 2008.                     has regularly appears as soloist with
professional training in the visual and performing arts.                                                retired in 2003. He was a faculty                                                     the orchestra. A graduate of the Curtis
                                                                                                                                                    PETER OTTO currently holds the            Institute of Music, he has been a KBMF
                                                                                                        member and head of the cello                position of first associate concertmaster faculty member in past seasons.
Advanced training programs in art and music were established in 1968, and a similar program             department at the Cleveland Institute of    of The Cleveland Orchestra. Previous to
                                                                                                        Music and currently teaches at KBMF.        his engagement in Cleveland, he served BARRICK STEES has been assistant
was created in theatre the following year. Participants in the three Kent Blossom programs divide
                                                                                                        MARGARET GRIEBLING-HAIGH is a               as assistant concertmaster of the Saint principal bassoon of The Cleveland
their time between the university’s residential campus in Kent, Ohio, and special performing/                                                       Louis Symphony.                           Orchestra since 2001. Stees teaches
                                                                                                        self-taught composer who is proud to be
presentation facilities at Blossom Music Center, as well as occasional performances at other select     a member of a family that includes three                                              at the Cleveland Institute of Music
                                                                                                                                                    VINAY PARAMESWARAN joined                 and has taught at Michigan State
locations in Northeast Ohio. In 1971, Porthouse Theatre was opened on university property adjacent      generations of composers. She has won       The Cleveland Orchestra as assistant
                                                                                                        many awards for her compositions and                                                  University and the Interlochen Center
to the original Blossom grounds, and in 1975, Eells Art Gallery was constructed near Blossom’s                                                      conductor with the 2017-18 season. A      for the Arts.
                                                                                                        has received numerous commissions           native of the San Francisco Bay Area,
main gate.                                                                                              throughout the United States.               Parameswaran holds degrees from           DANNA SUNDET^ is associate
Each summer, the Kent Blossom arts programs (organized within the university’s College of the           MARY KAY FINK joined The Cleveland          Brown University and the Curtis Institute professor of oboe at Kent State
                                                                                                        Orchestra flute section in 1990 and         of Music.                                 University and is the director of the
Arts) bring together some 200 young professionals in art, music and theatre, and a resident faculty     serves as principal piccolo. She holds                                                John Mack Oboe Camp. Sundet serves
                                                                                                                                                    JOANNA PATTERSON^ joined The              as artistic coordinator of KBMF and is
of 70 (including Kent State faculty, members of The Cleveland Orchestra and major international         degrees from the Oberlin Conservatory       Cleveland Orchestra viola section in
                                                                                                        and The Juilliard School.                                                             principal oboe of The Erie Philharmonic.
artists). Through the production of more than 100 exhibitions, concerts, performances and                                                           2006. A Cleveland Institute of Music
lectures, their creative experiences are shared with an audience of nearly 20,000 each year.            SCOTT HAIGH served as principal             alumni, she is on the Kent State          RICHARD WEISS* is first assistant
                                                                                                        bassist of La Orquesta Sinfónica del        University Music faculty and member of principal cellist of The Cleveland
                                                                                                        Estado de Mexico and spent one              the Omni String Quartet.                  Orchestra. Weiss was a KBMF
                                                                                                        season with the Milwaukee Symphony                                                    scholarship student in 1972 and
KENT BLOSSOM MUSIC FESTIVAL                                                                             Orchestra before joining The Cleveland
                                                                                                                                                    JEFFREY RATHBUN* serves as assistant has been a member of its faculty
                                                                                                                                                    principal oboe of The Cleveland           since 1985.
                                                                                                        Orchestra in 1978. This is Haigh’s 25th     Orchestra. This season will be his 19th
In the five decades of Kent Blossom Music Festival’s service to the national and local community,       year with KBMF.                             on the faculty of KBMF. Rathbun was       ROBERT WOOLFREY joined the clarinet
over 2,543 talented young musicians have been afforded the opportunity to hone their skills.                                                        a scholarship student at KBMF in 1985     section of The Cleveland Orchestra in
                                                                                                        DAVID ALAN HARRELL*, cello, has
                                                                                                        been a member of The Cleveland              and 1986.                                 November 2008. Woolfrey studied with
Each summer, advanced young artists from around the globe gather together with principal                                                                                                      David Shifrin at Yale University where
                                                                                                        Orchestra since 1995. He was a              CATHY MENG ROBINSON is a founding he received a master’s degree in music.
members of The Cleveland Orchestra, the critically acclaimed Miami String Quartet and major guest       scholarship student at KBMF in 1991         member of the Miami String Quartet.       This will be his 8th season at KBMF.
artists for five weeks of intensive chamber music study and performance at the professional level.      and 1992.                                   She received her bachelor’s degree from
A unique program is specifically designed for these students, who are at the threshold of their         RICHARD HAWKINS is the associate            the Curtis Institute of Music where she   AFENDI YUSUF joined The Cleveland
professional careers, to interact with world-renowned mentors in a training environment.                clarinet professor at Oberlin               studied with Ivan Galamian and David      Orchestra as principal clarinet in 2017.
                                                                                                        Conservatory. Hawkins earned his            Cerone. She received her master’s from Mr. Yusuf holds degrees from Ontario's
Since its founding in 1968 by George Szell and Louis Lane, the success of Kent Blossom Music            B.M. and M.M. from the University of        the San Francisco Conservatory where      Wilfrid Laurier University, the Glenn
                                                                                                        Michigan, Ann Arbor.                        she studied with Isadore Tinkleman.       Gould School in Toronto, and Colburn
Festival has been illustrated by the many professional affiliations of its alumni. Instrumental                                                                                               Conservatory in Los Angeles.
                                                                                                        JOELA JONES* has been principal             KEITH ROBINSON is a founding
alumni have become members of such well-known and award-winning chamber groups as the                                                               member of the Miami String Quartet
                                                                                                        keyboard of The Cleveland Orchestra
Emerson, Borromeo, Miami, Audubon and Telegraph string quartets and the Bohem Woodwind                  since 1972. In addition to serving on       and has been active as a chamber          * Alumni of the Kent Blossom
Quintet. In addition, alumni have become principal and section members of the New York, Boston,         the faculty of KBMF since 1989, Jones       musician, recitalist and soloist since       Music Festival
                                                                                                        is chair of the keyboard division and       his graduation from the Curtis Institute
Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles, Berlin, Baltimore and San Francisco orchestras.                                                                 of Music.                                 ^ Kent State University Faculty
                                                                                                        was a KBMF scholarship student in
Currently, 19 Kent Blossom Music Festival alumni perform with The Cleveland Orchestra.                  1968 and 1969.
SUPPORT KENT BLOSSOM MUSIC FESTIVAL!                                                                         KENT BLOSSOM ART INTENSIVES
If you would like to support KBMF, please complete the form below and enclose your donation or               Kent Blossom Art Intensives (KBAI) have a rich history as a pioneering and immersive visual art
check made payable to Kent State University Foundation/Kent Blossom Music Festival. Or make your             experience for its participants. Each summer, the program offers two-week studio experiences
tax-deductible gift on your credit card by filling in the appropriate information. All Contributions after   similar to an artist residency for students and individual artists under the direction of Kent State
June 15, 2021, will be listed in the 2022 Kent Blossom Music Festival Program.                               faculty, alongside visiting artists, designers and craftspersons. Works created by the participants are
                                                                                                             exhibited in galleries on the Kent Campus.
These endowments continue to assist our students each summer;                                                Since the inception of the program in 1968, the School of Art has hosted an exciting and impressive
please consider a donation!                                                                                  array of visiting artists who lead workshops, demonstrations, critical conversations with
                                                                                                             participants and give public lectures on their art. KBAI alternates between these disciplines:
Kent Blossom Music Endowment                                 Peggy Daugherty Shaffer Endowment               ceramics, drawing, glass, jewelry/metals/enameling, painting, print media and photography,
                                                                                                             sculpture and expanded media, and textiles. For more information about Kent Blossom Art
John Mack Endowment                                          Maurice Sharp Endowment
                                                                                                             Intensives, visit
Joseph Gingold Endowment                                     Richard D. Worthing Memorial Scholarship for
Louis Lane Endowment                                         Kent Blossom Music
Bernhard Goldschmidt Endowment
                                                                                                             PORTHOUSE THEATRE
For more information, please contact Kent Blossom Music Festival at 330-672-2613.                            Each summer, Porthouse Theatre, originally known as Kent Blossom Theatre, offers a professional
                                                                                                             season produced by major directors and designers together with members of Actors’ Equity and
                                                                                                             advanced students selected through nationwide auditions. Through this format, the 500-seat
I support great chamber music!                                                                               theatre, owned and operated by Kent State University’s School of Theatre and Dance on the Blossom
                                                                                                             Music Center grounds, provides summer theatrical entertainment for Northeast Ohio and serves as a
                                                                                                             national center for professional theatre training. For more information, call 330-672-3884.
                                                                                                             SPECIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
                                                                                                             Congratulations to John R. Crawford-Spinelli, Ed.D., Dean of the College of the Arts, on his recent
State                       ZIP                                                                              retirement. We are extremely grateful for his support of Kent Blossom Music Festival and wish him all the
Phone 		                                                                                                     best in this next adventure!

Email 		                                                                                                     Please join us in welcoming Diane Helfers Petrella, D.M.A., to the College of the Arts as Dean beginning
                                                                                                             July 1, 2021. We look forward to working with her as we continue our unique educational parternship with
              $25          $50       $75         $100         Other $                                        The Cleveland Orchestra.
                                                                                                             We gratefully acknowledge our 2021 media sponsor, Their support of KBMF and
I have enclosed a check for $                                                                                classical music in Northeast Ohio is invaluable.
                                                                                                             We are extremely grateful for the Kulas Foundation’s continued support of Kent Blossom Music Festival.
                                                                                                             The Kulas Visiting Guest Artist Series, established in 2013, provides educational and performance
Please direct my gift to
                                                                                                             opportunities to the future generation of classical musicians and ensures KBMF’s ability to present
                                                                                                             outstanding music in Northeast Ohio.
Charge my           Visa          MasterCard            Discover        $
                                                                                                             Thank you, our patrons and guests, for your joining us!
Card No. 		                                                                                                  We missed you last season and we're so pleased to see all of you again live
Cardholder Name 		                                                                                           and in person this summer. Your support and friendship are irreplaceable.
Expiration Date                       Card Verification*

*Visa and MasterCard only: please include the last 3 digits on the back of your card.

Thank you for your help and support of the arts!

                                                        You may also donate online by visiting
PO BOX 5190
KENT OH 44242-0001

Flute                           Violin                             The Kent Blossom Music Festival gratefully acknowledges        MRS. PEGGY DAUGHERTY
                                                                   all foundations, individuals and corporations for their        SHAFFER'S annual
Cierra Hall                     Erin Kim                                                                                          investment in the program,
                                Cleveland Institute of Music       generous contributions. This list reflects donations
Manhattan School of Music                                                                                                         as well as the scholarship
                                Tallahassee, Florida               received from May 31, 2019, through June 15, 2021.
Randallstown, Maryland                                                                                                            that she has endowed
                                Javed Wong                                                                                        to support the program,
Sophia Jean                                                        The Kent Blossom Music Festival                                represent her investment in
                                Mannes College of Music
Northwestern University                                            Legacy Program for Planned Giving                              the future success of the Kent
                                New York, New York
Lakeland, Florida                                                                                                                 Blossom Music Festival and
                                Laura McLaughlin                   Dr. Susan H. Conrad and Mr. Robert Allen Conrad                the Young Artist participants.
                                Kent State University              Dr. Wilbert N. Hubin                                           We cannot thank her enough
Oboe                            Kent, Ohio                         Mrs. Peggy Daugherty Shaffer                                   for her constant and
                                Sarah Becker                       FORTISSIMO ($5,000 AND MORE)                                   steadfast support.
Julia Simpson
Rice University                 Cleveland State University         Kulas Foundation
                                Grafton, Ohio                      Dr. Susan H. Conrad and Mr. Robert Allen Conrad
Oconomowoc, Winsconsin                                             Mrs. Stephen T. Griebling                                      MR. JIM F. WILLIAMS,
Virginia Kao*                                                      Dr. Wilbert N. Hubin                                           a long-time supporter
Cleveland Institute of Music    Viola                              CRESCENDO ($1,000 - $4,999)                                    and patron of the Kent
Jersey City, New Jersey                                            Janet E. Dix, Ph.D. and Mr. David E. Dix                       Blossom Music Festival, has
                                Thomas Matthews
                                                                   Ms. Barbara J. Feldmann                                        established The John and
                                University of Colorado
                                                                   Dr. Sanford Earl Marovitz and Mrs. Eleonora D. Marovitz        Marian Williams Audience
                                Colorado Springs, Colorado
Clarinet                                                           Nancy E. Mitchell, Ph.D.                                       Development Memorial Fund
                                Alyssa Warcup                      Jeanna Pisegna                                                 to attract a new audience
Paige Stafford*                 Cleveland Institute of Music                                                                      to the Kent Blossom Music
                                                                   Theresa Dye Schoettler
Ohio Northern University        Geneva,Illinois                    Mr. Larry T. Shaffer and Mrs. Peggy Daugherty Shaffer          Festival. Williams celebrates
Jamestown, New York                                                Dr. Saroj Sutaria                                              the legacy of his parents by
                                                                   Mr. Jim F. Williams                                            establishing this fund. The
Jonathan Harrity                Cello                                                                                             fund will cover the cost of the
                                                                   Michelle Worthing
Syracuse University                                                                                                               ticket price for anyone 18 and
Clarkston, Michigan             Bryan Ping                         SFORZANDO ($500 - $999)                                        under. Williams understands
                                Boston University                  Kent Blossom Friends of The Cleveland Orchestra                the importance of investing
                                San Diego, California              Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. and Suellen R. DeMattia                   in the next generation of
Bassoon                         Eleanor Lee                        Dr. John W. Lozier                                             chamber music fans, and he
                                Cleveland Institute of Music       Richard Weiss and Joela Jones                                  is sponsoring this program
Seo Young Min                                                                                                                     for the sixth time this year.
Northwestern University         Cleveland, Ohio                    MOLTO ($250 - $499)
                                                                                                                                  We are grateful to him for
Seoul, South Korea                                                 Network for Good
                                                                                                                                  his efforts to bring the next
                                                                   Ms. Wanda Gulley
Madeleine Tung                  *denotes returning Young Artists                                                                  generation of chamber music
Yale University                                                    ESPRESSIVO ($100 - $249)                                       lovers to the Kent Blossom
Wilmette, Illinois                                                 Mr. Nelson Burns                                               Music Festival this season.
                                                                   Dr. David R. Ewbank and Mrs. Roberta Ewbank
                                                                   Ms. Margaret Griebling-Haigh
Horn                                                               Mr. and Mrs. Allan H. and Roseanne C. Henderson
                                                                   Ms. Jodi Kanter                                             Media
Sean Brennan*
University of Oregon
                                                                   Dr. and Mr. Carol S. and Frederick J. Maier               Sponsor:
                                                                   Helen M. Savage, Ph.D. and Dr. Michael Savage
Camas Valley, Oregon                                               Ms. Nancy E. Shaver
                                                                   Dr. and Mr. Karen A. and W. Craig Wilde
                                                                   Mrs. Germaine A. Williams                                 Presenting Sponsor:
Piano                                                              Mr. and Mrs. Wendell L. and Mary L. Webster
Amber Scherer                                                      DOLCE ($20 - $99)
Oberlin Conservatory of Music
Winnetka, Illinois
Yun Cao
                                                                   LuEtt J. Hanson, Ph.D.
                                                                   Mr. Kendall L. Millett
                                                                   Ms. Rebecca Solano Hay
Cleveland State University                                         Dr. Jeffrey H. Wattles
Hudson, Ohio
FACULTY CONCERT SERIES                                                                   FACULTY CONCERT SERIES
                  Wednesday, July 28, 7:30 p.m.                                                            Wednesday, July 14, 7:30 p.m.
                             Members of                                                                              Paul Huang, violin
                       The Cleveland Orchestra                                                                      Helen Huang, piano
   This evening’s concert is dedicated to John R. Crawford-Spinelli in                                               Kulas Visiting Artists
 recognition of his exceptional support of Kent Blossom Music Festival.

                                   Program                                                                                   Program
SET 1:                                                    SET 1:                        Sonata for Violin and Piano in F Major, MWV Q7              Felix Mendelssohn
  Joela Jones, accordion                                  Joela                           Allegro                                                         (1809 - 1847)
  Richard Weiss, cello                                                                    Andante
  Yun-Ting Lee, violin                                                                    Presto
  Maximilian Dimoff, bass

Passacaglia Duo for Violin and Cello                               Handel-Halvorsen     Sonata for Violin and Piano (1963)                             John Corigliano
after Handel’s Suite No. 7 in G Minor for Harpsichord     (1685 - 1759) (1864 - 1935)     Allegro                                                            (b. 1938)
                                                                                          Andantino (with simplicity)
“Nessun Dorma” from Turandot                                       Giacomo Puccini        Lento (quasi recitativo)
                                                                        (1858 - 1924)     Allegro
                                                                   arr. Jones/Weiss

Introduction and Allegro for Cello and Accordion (1939)               Mátyás Seiber     Sonata for Violin Solo No. 3 in D Minor,                         Eugène Ysaÿe
                                                                      (1905 - 1960)     "Ballade", Op. 27/3 (1922)                                        (1858 - 1931)

Three Pieces for Cello and Accordion                               Ennio Morricone
  Cinema Paradiso | The Mission | Gabriel’s Oboe                       (1928 - 2020)    Sonata for Violin and Piano in A Major, FWV 8                     César Franck
                                                                   arr. Jones/Weiss       Allegretto ben moderato                                         (1822 - 1890)
Four Pieces                                                          Astor Piazzolla      Recitativo - Fantasia. Ben moderato - molto lento
  Milonga del Angel | Tanti Anni Prima                                  (1921 - 1992)     Allegretto poco mosso
  Oblivion | Libertango                                            arr. Jones/Weiss

SET 2:
  Jeffrey Rathbun & Corbin Stair, oboes
  Daniel McKelway & Robert Woolfrey, clarinets
  Barrick Stees & Gareth Thomas, bassoons
  Michael Mayhew & Alan DeMattia, horns
                                                                                                                    Presenting Sponsor:
Serenade for Wind Instruments in C Minor, K. 388          Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  Allegro                                                             (1756 - 1791)
  Menuetto in canone

Ludwig Recital Hall           Glauser School of Music          Kent State University    Ludwig Recital Hall             Glauser School of Music   Kent State University
FACULTY CONCERT SERIES                                                            FACULTY CONCERT SERIES
                    Wednesday, July 21, 7:30 p.m.                                                         Friday, July 23, 7:30 p.m.
                              Demarre McGill, flute                                                           Miami String Quartet
                              Rodolfo Leone, piano                                                      Benny Kim & Cathy Meng Robinson, violins
                                                                                                                    Scott Lee, viola
                               Kulas Visiting Artists                                                            Keith Robinson, cello

                                    Program                                                                            Program
Fanmi Imèn for flute and piano                                Valerie Coleman     String Quartet No. 30 in E Flat Major ("Joke"),              Franz Joseph Haydn
                                                                      (b. 1970)   Op. 33/2, H. 3/38                                                   (1732 - 1809)
                                                                                    Allegro Moderato
Sonata for Flute and Piano, Op. 23 (1987)                  Lowell Liebermann        Scherzo: Allegro
  I. Lento                                                           (b. 1961)      Largo e sostenuto
  II. Presto energico                                                               Finale: Presto

Still Songs                                                 William Grant Still   String Quartet No. 2 (1925)                                      Erwin Schulhoff
   I. Bayou Home                                                  (1895 - 1978)     Allegro Agitato                                                  (1894 - 1942)
   II. If You Should Go                                                             Tema con Variazioni
   III. Song For The Lonely                                                         Allegro gajo
                                                                                    Finale: Andante quasi introduzione, Allegro molto

Sonata for Flute and Piano (2003)                              Yuko Uebayashi
  I. Lento - Allegro moderato                                        (b. 1958)    String Quartet No. 10 in E Flat Major, B. 92 (Op. 51)            Antonín Dvořák
  II. Presto                                                                        Allegro ma non troppo                                            (1841 - 1904)
  III. Calmato                                                                      Dumka (Elegia). Andante con moto
  IV. Allegro                                                                       Romanza. Andante con moto
                                                                                    Finale. Allegro assai

                               Presenting Sponsor:                                                             Presenting Sponsor:

                                                                                                               Michelle Worthing

Ludwig Recital Hall             Glauser School of Music   Kent State University   Ludwig Recital Hall             Glauser School of Music     Kent State University
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